主要国家 |
次要国家 |
加拿大自治领 澳大利亚 新西兰 南非 英属印度 捷克斯洛伐克 匈牙利王国 罗马尼亚王国 南斯拉夫 中华民国 中共 满洲国 桂系 滇系 晋系 西北三马 新疆 墨西哥 荷兰 西班牙 葡萄牙 保加利亚 希腊王国 土耳其 立陶宛 拉脱维亚 爱沙尼亚 波兰 |
其它国家 |
只适用于DLC唤醒猛虎激活时。 |
可成立国家 (Formable nations)不存在于任何一个开局,但可以被特定国家在满足一定条件后通过决议或国策成立
如果摩洛哥或其他北非国家能够征服伊比利亚半岛南部,他们将获得一个被称为 “摩尔人回归” 的决议,允许其重建灭亡已久的安达卢西亚和科尔多瓦哈里发国,在格拉纳达埃米尔国于1492年亡与伊比利亚双王之手后再次宣告摩尔人对伊比利亚的统治。
重建安达卢西亚后,这个国家将能够横扫伊斯兰世界,通过决议获得北非、中东、阿拉伯、安纳托利亚、波斯和高加索的核心,并最后宣告伍麦叶哈里发国(存在于661-750 AD)的回归。在奥斯曼哈里发于1922年被废除后再次将伊斯兰世界统一在一个哈里发的麾下。
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For too long, the Moors have been subjugated and abused by Latin powers. Now we have the ability to restore Al-Andalus and all the former territories of the Caliphate of Cordoba.
With Cordoba, the Emirate of Granada, and the majority of Southern Iberia under our control, we have the unique opportunity to restore the old Sultanate of Al-Andalus and proclaim all of its former territories as rightful parts of our state.
潜在需求 | 接受
Control the 西班牙 states:
Control the 葡萄牙 states:
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Long ago, the Moors of North Africa were united into a single sultanate; the Sultanate of Africa, an important branch of the Umayyad Caliphate. With Andalusia restored and all Moorish peoples now coexisting within our state, we are able to unify the Moorish identity.
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At the height of Moorish influence over the Mediterranean, the islands were home to many Islamic Emirates. With Sicily, Crete, and Cyprus now in Andalusian hands, we may once again restore these territories to their rightful Moorish overlords.
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At last, the holy cities of Baghdad, Mecca, and Jerusalem are united into a single state, With the heartlands of Arabia now in our hands, we may proclaim ourselves as being more than a union of Moors, but the Caliphate restored; homeland for all Islamic peoples and cultures.
法国 Arabia:
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Prior to Umayyad rulership of Arabia, the Rashids reigned sovereign over the Arab world and it was under their rulership that the Caliphate spread into Persia and Hindustan. By recreating this ancient conquest, we may reunite Persia and the mythical land of Hindustan with our state.
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The Caliphate was vast and spread its administration far beyond the Middle East and Iberia. Long ago, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Transoxiana all called the Caliphate their home, and it is time we restored what has been lost.
意识形态 | 国名 |
民主主义 | 安达卢西亚伊斯兰共和国 |
共产主义 | 安达卢西亚人民共和国 |
法西斯主义 | 科尔多瓦哈里发国 |
中立 | 安达卢西亚 |
统一阿拉伯世界的理想早已存在多年,但游戏中实际展示的阿拉伯是一战时期 联合王国和奥斯曼阿拉伯分离主义者达成的 麦克马洪-侯赛因通信 中的阿拉伯国家方案。
然而,该方案从未实现。相反,1916-1917年 法国和 联合王国达成了 赛克斯-皮科协定 ,并瓜分了阿拉伯世界大部,剩下的地区则由 沙特阿拉伯, 伊拉克, 也门 和 阿曼等国控制,创造了一个小国林立,虚弱不堪的阿拉伯世界。
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For too long have the Arabian states been divided by regional rivalries. Now that we have united the peninsula under our rule, we may at last announce the formation of a united Arabia!
The following countries are allowed to form Arabia, however, they cannot see the decision.
意识形态 | 国名 |
民主主义 | 阿拉伯联邦 |
共产主义 | 阿拉伯社会主义共和国 |
法西斯主义 | 阿拉伯帝国 |
中立 | 阿拉伯 |
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The old Austro-Hungarian lands have been conquered, and as their sole remaining successor state it depends on us to restore the Empire. Let us not tarry, and instead do so immediately.
潜在需求 | 接受
匈牙利国策树允许 匈牙利王国通过邀请奥托.冯.哈布斯堡并与 奥地利合并后重建奥匈帝国,并获得决议以在收复故土后获得核心,同时其国旗也会改变为奥匈帝国国旗。
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We have reconquered enough to be able to reintegrate the Imperial Austro-Hungarian lands into our Empire. Let us do so forthwith.
意识形态 | 国名 |
民主主义 | 多瑙河联邦 |
共产主义 | 自治邦联合会 |
法西斯主义 | 奥匈帝国 |
中立 | 奥地利-匈牙利 |
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Our previous declarations of regional solidarity and unified foreign policy can only be improved on now that we have the entire Baltics under our control. Integrating our former neighbors will provide increased security for all, in the face of the dangers in the West and the East.
潜在需求 | 接受
意识形态 | 国名 |
民主主义 | 波罗的海联邦 |
共产主义 | 波罗的海社会主义共和国 |
法西斯主义 | 波罗的海联合国 |
中立 | 波罗的海大会 |
拜占庭帝国可被 希腊王国成立,其代表了395年罗马分治后的帝国东半部分。在476年西罗马帝国崩溃后,东罗马帝国(后人称之为拜占庭帝国)仍然坚持了近1000年,直到1453年奥斯曼帝国攻破君士坦丁堡。尽管被称为东罗马帝国,但其主流文化为希腊而并非罗马帝国和西罗马帝国的拉丁文化。东罗马帝国早期仍然是拉丁文化为主,但由于意大利地区在查士丁尼再征服后就逐渐不再受帝国管辖,作为本土的希腊文化崛起并取代拉丁文化成为主流文化,在希拉克略皇帝之后官方语言也从拉丁文变为希腊文,对皇帝的称呼也改为了“巴西琉斯”。
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Having rid of our old territories of the Turkish yoke, we can now, with some propaganda, claim our nation is the successor of the very Empire the Turks ended five centuries ago. This heritage is sure to see our international prestige soar!
潜在需求 | 接受
在重建拜占庭之后, 希腊王国的国名将改为“拜占庭”,地图颜色也将改为帝国标志性的紫色,首都也会从雅典迁至伊斯坦布尔(在通过重建决议后会改名为“君士坦丁堡”) 。
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Italy has come under our control, and we should reintegrate it into the empire in a glorious ceremony!
潜在需求 | 接受
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The Levant has come under our control, and we should reintegrate it into the empire in a glorious ceremony!
潜在需求 | 接受 |
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Egypt and Tunis has come under our control, and we should reintegrate it into the empire in a glorious ceremony!
潜在需求 | 接受
Gain cores on:
意识形态 | 国名 |
民主主义 | 东罗马共和国 |
共产主义 | 拜占庭公社 |
法西斯主义 | 拜占庭帝国 |
中立 | 拜占庭 |
游戏中的中华帝国的历史原型便是建立于1636年,并于1644年灭亡了明朝的大清帝国,帝国的统治一直持续到1911-1912年的辛亥革命才宣告终结。中华帝国是 唤醒猛虎DLC中的一个特殊可成立国家,只能被 满洲国成立,并需要完成国策 天命攸归
满洲国需要先通过国策 重建帝国来获得中国地区所有核心,然后再消灭 中华民国, 桂系, 滇系, 西北三马, 晋系, 中共 和 新疆,并控制除澳门、香港、广州湾和台湾以外的所有中国领土,最后可通过国策 天命攸归 来成立中华帝国。
在成立后,满洲国会改名 中华帝国,地图颜色会变为深黄色,国旗也会变成大清的黄龙旗。国家领导人溥仪也会在数日后变更为身着皇帝服饰的形象,同时也会触发事件宣告大清帝国回归和溥仪的二次加冕。
如果玩家想要恢复历史上大清帝国极盛时的疆域,还可以选择国策 一个中国政策 来收复西藏,和国策 声索蒙古来寻求吞并 蒙古 和 唐努图瓦。除了这些,还可以更进一步从 苏维埃联盟手中收回海参崴(符拉迪沃斯托克)、哈博罗夫斯克、比罗比詹、庙街(尼古拉耶夫斯克)和阿穆尔。
意识形态 | 国名 |
民主主义 | 中华君主立宪国 |
共产主义 | 中华人民联合共和国 |
法西斯主义 | 中华帝国 |
中立 | 中华帝国 |
美利坚联盟国可通过 美利坚合众国的法西斯国策分支来成立, goes down the fascist branch of its national focus tree, the Boston Rebellion breaks out and the Loyalists carry out the national focus American_national_focus_tree#Honor_the_Confederacy and all of the decisions it unlocks before the Second American Civil War ends. American_national_focus_tree#Honor_the_Confederacy unlocks a set of decisions to "restore popular support for the new regime by connecting with the past", which in this case entails reforming the Confederacy from the First American Civil War, by doing things such as moving the capital to Richmond (the original confederate capital), "enshrining states' rights", "permitting confederate flags", "celebrating Montgomery Convention Day" and finally, rewriting the American constitution through the constitutional convention.
The nation will also appear (albeit named the 美利坚联盟国) in the civil war that occurs when following the communist branch of the American national focus tree.
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Some time after the end of the civil war, William Dudley Pelley will challenge Douglas MacArthur's government, giving the player the option to choose between keeping MacArthur in power, having William Dudley Pelley form a new government, asking Charles Lindbergh to step in, or, if 德意志国 went with the Oppose Hitler national focus and the Nazi government was overthrown, there is a 0,5% chance that the player will receive the option to install a "German-American architect" named Adam Hilt from Brownow, Arkansas (who looks "suspiciously familiar"), as the leader of the country.
Ideology | Country name |
Democratic | Confederacy of American States |
Communist | Confederacy of American Workers |
Fascist | Confederated States of America |
Non-Aligned | Loyalists / Confederation of America |
北美自治领可被 联合王国在 加拿大的基础上成立。联合王国需要先完成国策 “统一英语圈”,并且吞并 美利坚合众国所有领土,随后便可以获得决议 “创建范北美国家”。在通过该决议后,加拿大会获得所有美国的核心并更名为 “北美自治领”,同时还会获得一个新的国旗。如果联合王国在完成帝国联邦的同时拥有北美自治领作为傀儡国,联合王国将会获得北美自治领的所有核心,而不仅仅是加拿大的核心。
在真实历史中, 法国是该组织的真正创始人,由于其国家在二战中遭到毁灭性打击,经济停滞,人口锐减,同时其殖民帝国也逐渐崩塌。为了防止局势进一步恶化,法国曾于1956年向英国提议两国合并,建立一个法兰西-不列颠联邦来度过危机,但并未获成功。在求援英国无果后,法国转而和前轴心国成员德国、意大利以及低地三国共同建立了煤钢组织来渡过危机,该组织随后发展为今天的欧盟。
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Though the concept of a politically unified Europe has only gained any semblance of traction in the past few decades, our recent conquest of the most powerful continental European nations presents us with this unexpected reality, Perhaps a restructuring of the nation is required to take full advantage of the opportunities it offers us.
潜在需求 | 接受
意识形态 | 国名 |
民主主义 | 欧盟 |
共产主义 | 欧洲公社 |
法西斯主义 | 欧洲全球霸权 |
中立 | 欧洲联合王国 |
法兰西-不列颠联盟可在 法国向 德意志国投降并与 联合王国结盟时成立,在两国都同意之后,英国将会吞并法国并获得其所有核心,同时继承其军队和指挥官。
意识形态 | 国名 |
民主主义 | 法兰西-不列颠联盟 |
共产主义 | 欧洲人民联盟 |
法西斯主义 | 新诺曼帝国 |
中立 | 大不列颠 |
全球防御委员会可被阿拉贡地区防御委员会通过国策成立,属于 西班牙共和国安那其国策分支。
意识形态 | 国名 |
民主主义 | 西班牙 |
共产主义 | 西班牙共和国 |
法西斯主义 | 西班牙国 |
中立 | 全球防御委员会 |
该国是 哥伦比亚的放大版本,其建立于1819年西班牙殖民地新格拉纳达宣告独立之后,但该国并没能持续多久,1831年大哥伦比亚分裂,造就了游戏开局时的诸多国家,而 哥伦比亚作为正统继承人有权光复故土,重建大哥伦比亚。
大哥伦比亚可被这些国家成立: 哥伦比亚, 巴拿马, 厄瓜多尔, 委内瑞拉,和 秘鲁.
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Though the experiment of Gran Colombia was only short-lived a century ago, we have now once more succeeded in wresting control of its constituent territories. We may, once again, realize Bolivar's dream.
The following countries are allowed to form Gran Colombia, however, they cannot see the decision.
意识形态 | 国名 |
民主主义 | 大哥伦比亚 |
共产主义 | 红色哥伦比亚 |
法西斯主义 | 玻利瓦尔帝国 |
中立 | 新格拉纳达 |
为了使成立大德意志决议出现, 德意志国必须为 法西斯主义且控制法兰西岛, 法国必须不存在或停止抵抗。实际成立这个国家则需要控制列宁格勒 (195)和斯大林格勒 (217),此外所有德国省份必须被德国控制,这也就意味着盟军的一场登陆可能会打断玩家成立大德意志的进程——直到他们被赶出德国。
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Our enemies have been brought low before us, and our goals of expansion into the East have been accomplished. Now is the time to make the world understand the greatness of our nation, and to begin the transformation of our capital into something all can look to with pride.
潜在需求 | 接受
此外, 德意志国首都将会从“柏林”更名为“日耳曼尼亚”。
意识形态 | 国名 |
民主主义 | 德意志共和国 |
共产主义 | 德意志社会主义共和国 |
法西斯主义 | 大德意志 |
中立 | 德意志帝国 |
意识形态 | 国名 |
民主主义 | 匈牙利联邦共和国 |
社会主义 | 巴尔干社会主义联盟 |
法西斯主义 | 大匈牙利 |
中立 | 大匈牙利 |
作为一个统一的马来亚国家(就如历史上的满者伯夷帝国),大印度尼西亚联邦可被 英属马来亚 和 荷属东印度两国成立,两国都需要完全独立且在一个国家的统治下才能成立该国。
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Many centuries ago, a great empire stretched the Indonesian archipelago and dominated its trade. We have succeeded in expanding our borders to encompass the extent of this empire, and its recreation may well serve as a symbol of the region's unity.
潜在需求 | 接受
意识形态 | 国名 |
民主主义 | 大印度尼西亚联邦 |
共产主义 | 满者伯夷社会主义民主共和国 |
法西斯主义 | 满者伯夷帝国 |
中立 | 满者伯夷海权国 |
神圣罗马帝国(H.R.E)是一个历史上真实存在的可成立国家,其前身是《凡尔登条约》签订后形成的东法兰克王国,962年奥托一世被罗马教宗加冕为“罗马人的皇帝”,号称为西罗马帝国继承人,神圣罗马帝国就此建立。1806年,在拿破仑的逼迫下,弗朗茨二世宣布放弃神圣罗马帝国皇帝头衔,仅保留奥地利皇帝头衔,神圣罗马帝国正式灭亡。在游戏中,仅有 德意志国有权建立神圣罗马帝国,但这需要先通过国策转变意识形态为 中立,然后再通过一系列国策和事件来满足使成立神罗决议出现的条件。
第一步是转变意识形态,那么国策 “反对希特勒” 将会是必不可少的,此外不能触发兴登堡号飞艇坠毁的事件,可通过决议“航空安全条例”或者赌30%的概率来避免该事件。在赢得了德国内战之后,需要通过国策 “皇帝归来”来迎回威廉二世,此时 荷兰将会触发事件来选择是否让威廉二世回国,如果此时德国军队弱于荷兰,则威廉二世将被拒绝回国(玩家可通过内战后手动解散军队来满足这一条件,凭借德国的战争潜力可以快速恢复军队)。如果威廉二世被拒绝回国,德国将会触发事件,选择对荷兰开战或者让威廉三世登基。此时需要选择让威廉三世登基,然后通过国策 “阴影下的同盟”来解锁三个决议:修改继承顺序、规定女性可以继承皇位以及恢复英国贵族头衔。在修改了继承法后恢复英国贵族头衔将会触发事件,英国方面将举行一个纪念典礼,此时必须选择让维多利亚公主先去英国,随后的事件会让包括威廉三世在内的全部德国皇家成员死于兴登堡号飞艇空难,而维多利亚作为唯一皇位继承人将登基为女皇。在维多利亚当权后,成立神罗的决议将出现。
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The splendor of our Kaiserin knows no bounds, and neither do the borders of our nation. These have now grown to encompass the limits of the old Holy Roman Empire, and the nations in our way are no longer in a position to object to our policies, The Kaiserin has decreed that the current opportunity shall be seized, and that the nation shall embrace its role as the spiritual successor of the Holy Roman Empire. Aquila Elegit Iovis Omnia Vincit!
After controlling all the required territories, all these states become cores, and the flag is changed to the Imperial Banner of the Holy Roman Empire.
意识形态 | 国名 |
民主主义 | 罗马世俗联邦 |
共产主义 | 罗马社会主义共和国 |
法西斯主义 | 罗马民族主义国 |
中立 | 神圣罗马帝国 |
伊比利亚 represents a united Iberian peninsula, in a similar fashion to the Iberian Union the existed from 1580 to 1640. Unlike most other formable nations, Iberia is not formed through a decision but is instead created through national focuses. It can be formed by either 葡萄牙, 卡洛斯派西班牙 or 没有结果.
To form 伊比利亚 as 葡萄牙, you have to go Communist by doing the focus Workers of Iberia, Unite!, which will cause a civil war in 葡萄牙 and join 西班牙共和国 in the Spanish Civil War. Once the Spanish Civil War has ended, completing the focus The Iberian Socialist Union will allow 葡萄牙 to become 伊比利亚 and gain cores all Spanish cored states. 西班牙 will get an event to chose to be annexed.
To form 伊比利亚 as 卡洛斯派西班牙, win the Spanish Civil War and complete the focus Restore the Iberian Union. 葡萄牙 will then get an event where if it accepts, 卡洛斯派西班牙 will annex and gain cores on 葡萄牙. If it refuses, 卡洛斯派西班牙 will get a 战争目标
To form 伊比利亚 as
阿拉贡地区防御委员会, complete the focus Portuguese Anarchism to start a civil war in 葡萄牙 where 没有结果 joins the Anarchists. If 葡萄牙 is already in a civil war, 没有结果 will get a 战争目标 instead. Once 葡萄牙's is under Spanish control, they will become a puppet. Completing the focus Regional Defense Council of Iberia will annex 葡萄牙 and become Regional Defense Council of Iberia.
Ideology | Country name |
Democratic | United Republics of Iberia |
Communist | Iberian Socialist Union |
Fascist | Iberian Empire |
Non-Aligned | Iberia / Regional Defense Council of Iberia |
只适用于DLC炮手就位激活时。 |
帝国联邦 是一个只出现在炮手就位DLC里并且只能由 联合王国的国策树来成立的国家。帝国联邦是大英帝国的未来开始变得不确定时的19世纪末20世纪初,被提出的一项提议。根据帝国联邦的提议,大英帝国将被统一为一个单一的联邦制超级国家,以维护帝国及其在世界上的影响力。 但这没能实现,因为大萧条和两次世界大战的爆发所导致的社会、军事和经济压力,殖民地的自治得以维持,最终, 当各个自治领获得独立时,大英帝国崩溃了。最终, 美利坚合众国 取代了大英帝国成为世界第一超级大国。
帝国联邦的形成要经过游戏中最长的过程之一; 即使一个玩家想要全力以赴成立联邦,但在至少在游戏开始的前五年(大约在1941年左右),玩家还是别指望能够组成这个国家。 然而,尽管如此,帝国联盟有潜力(在其最大规模上)允许一个国家合并 联合王国, 美利坚合众国, 法国, 德意志国, 意大利, 没有结果, 比利时, 卢森堡, 加拿大, 南非, 英属印度, 澳大利亚, 和 新西兰,变成一个统一的超级国家,拥有这一面旗帜下的核心和一切, 这很容易成为迄今为止的最强大国家。
为了成立帝国联邦, 必须启用国策巩固帝国来踏上建立帝国联盟的道路。之后, 国策 英联邦关系可以通向成立帝国联邦的国策线。 这一国策线包含一系列通过增加工业和建筑槽来发展英国的自治领,同时由于投资而略微降低其自治水平的国策。
在这一国策线一个重要的国策印度自治 必须在帝国会议开始之前完成;否则 英属印度将永远不会同意会议的提案,包括组建帝国联邦的提议。 由于这一国策赋予了印度越来越大的自治权,为了尽快吞并印度,自治权最好是在帝国会议之前再授予。
Throughout this entire process, the United Kingdom must ensure that it maintains control over all of its dominions ( 加拿大, 南非, 英属印度, 澳大利亚 and 新西兰) as they are all required for the final focus. It doesn't matter if some dominions break away before the Imperial Conference begins, as they can be reconquered and re-puppeted. The UK simply needs to control all of the dominions while the two final focuses are carried out.
The first of the final two focuses in question is the Imperial Conference, which unlocks a series of decisions that allow the UK and the dominions to discuss matters concerning the whole British Empire. In order to successfully push through all of the proposals in the Imperial Conference, the player should save a minimum of 300 political power, and preferably 600-700 PP, in order to convince the dominions to accept the unification by improving relations (10 points times five dominions) and choosing to spend extra PP on each decision (up to additional PP per proposal). The British Raj must earlier have been satisfied by the Indian Autonomy focus in order to accept any proposals, regardless of diplomatic relations with the UK or extra PP spent.
"Discuss the Imperial Federation" must be the last decision taken. Only one decision can be debated at a time. The player will have two months (60 days) to carry out all five decisions; each decision resolves quickly.
Conference Decisions
Decision | Cost (PP) | Effect if successful (per agreeing dominion) |
Imperial Defense | 50 | +3% MIL and dockyard output (one year) |
Imperial Trade | 50 | UK: Trade relation with dominion +50 Dominion: +10 opinion of UK; change Trade Law to Free Trade (construction +15%, research +10%, factory/dockyard output +15%, resources to market 80%, civilian intel to others +40%, navy intel to others +20%) |
Imperial Economy | 50 | +3% CIV, MIL, and dockyard construction speed (one year) |
Appeasement | 50 | UK: +3% war support Dominion: +10% war support, +10 opinion of UK, -25 PP |
Form Imperial Federation | 100 | Agree to form Federation; -3 autonomy per day |
When taken, each decision triggers an event where the UK can choose to spend different amounts of Political Power to convince the dominions to agree to the proposals. In order to maximize the chances of success, it is recommended to pick the bottom-most choice (to push as hard as possible) and to also improve relations with the dominions beforehand, as their opinion of the UK determines how likely they are to agree. If a dominion agrees to the proposal, their opinion of the UK will increase, increasing the chances of them agreeing to the final decision; the more decisions that the dominions agree to, the more likely they are to accept the Imperial Federation. Benefits of the four 50-PP decisions accrue to each dominion that agrees, and stack for the UK. Thus, the effects on the UK could be 3%-15%. Odds of each dominion agreeing are shown in the table below. The four 50-PP decisions can be accepted only by some dominions with reduced value to the UK. The Federation decision must be accepted unanimously to have any effect. The odds of successful passage of the Federation proposal are thus the chance below for each of the five dominions multiplied together. The net probability of all five dominions agreeing lies between 3.1% in the worst case to 52.8% in the best.
Imperial Federation Decision Chance
Relations | "Hope" +0 PP | "Press" +25 PP | "Extensive" +50 PP |
< 0 | 50% | 67% | 75% |
0..24 | 56% | 71% | 79% |
25..49 | 61% | 76% | 82% |
50..74 | 66% | 80% | 85% |
75+ | 71% | 83% | 88% |
Once all four 50-PP-decisions have been resolved, the player can take the final Discuss Imperial Federation decision to actually propose the formation of the Imperial Federation. Once again, an event will fire giving the UK the opportunity to persuade the dominions to agree; the bottom-most +50 PP choice is again the one that results in the highest chance of dominions agreeing.
If all dominions agree to form the Federation, an event will fire that causes all dominions to begin to lose autonomy at a rate of 3,0 per day. Despite that, even when combined with the Suppress Subjects, it could still take around 4 years before the UK can reduce their autonomy to Integrated Puppet level. The process can be hastened by the usual means for reducing subject autonomy along with the Imperial Federation autonomy reduction. As each dominion reaches a lower autonomy level, additional PP must be spent to lower that dominion to the next level.
Once all of the dominions have been reduced to Integrated Puppet autonomy level, the player can take the final national focus Imperial Federation. Once that focus completes, the UK will annex all of its dominions, adopt a new name and flag, change its color to a deep red color and will gain cores on all of the dominion territory apart from the whole of India and Transvaal in South Africa. The UK will also inherit all military units and military leaders from its former dominions.
In addition to the core Federation, multiple possibilities for expanding the Empire exist:
First, if the 联合王国 defeats the 美利坚合众国 in a war through the national focus Unite Anglosphere and all American cores are owned and controlled by the UK, a decision called "Create Pan-North-American State" will appear and once chosen, all North American territories owned by the UK will be given to 加拿大, which will have its name changed to the "Dominion of North America", and gain cores on all US cores, including Alaska along with a new flag. After that is done, once the Imperial Federation is formed, the UK will also gain cores on all US core territory, greatly increasing both population, resource, and industrial capacity and expanding the Imperial Federation to an even greater size. For best results, one should complete the national focus Imperial Conference and carry out all decisions in it first, then annex the United States and give all of their territory to Canada, and then finally complete the national focus Imperial Federation after all that.
Second, if the 联合王国 is Fascist, then after the Imperial Federation is formed with the United States included, this opens up the curious fact of the United Kingdom being the only country that is allowed to form the 欧洲联盟 while fascist, allowing the Imperial Federation to be expanded to its greatest possible size. The Imperial Federation simply needs to conquer and annex the starting core states of the EU:s constituent countries (France, Germany, Italy, and the Low countries) to unlock the decision to integrate them. If then formed, this Imperial "Super" Federation (comprising the British Empire, the United States and the European Union territories) will have a combined core population of nearly half a billion people (or nearly 500 million people, around the same level as the core population of 英属印度 or 中华民国!).
Finally, if you get your dominions to form nations (such as 新西兰 forming 波利尼西亚联合王国 and 南非 forming 穆塔帕.) you can get cores on them as the Imperial Federation, thus if your dominions form nations and get cores on them, you can get cores on them through the Imperial Federation.
The Imperial Federation will thus have been founded, ensuring that the British Empire shall indeed endure the test of time and last a thousand years like Winston Churchill once said. Rule Britannia!!
Ideology | Country name |
Democratic | Commonwealth of Nations |
Communist | Commonwealth of Peoples |
Fascist | The Empire |
Non-Aligned | Imperial Federation |
The 法兰西-西班牙王国 is a Union between 法国 and 西班牙 that can be formed by 法国 if they go monarchist under the Legitimists and does the focus Unite the Crowns.
Ideology | Country name |
Democratic | Federal Republic of Franco-Spain |
Communist | Franco-Spanish People’s Republic |
Fascist | Franco-Spanish Empire |
Non-Aligned | Kingdom of Franco-Spain |
穆塔帕 is a formable nation that represents the native Kingdom of Mutapa that existed in southern Africa from 1430 until its disintegration in 1760. From a historical standpoint, 津巴布韦 would be the legitimate successor state but 穆塔帕 can be formed by 津巴布韦, 博茨瓦纳, 莫桑比克 or 南非.
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Having rid the southern parts of the continent from colonial influences, it is perhaps time to rally the people behind the concept of a powerful empire from our past. Multiple have existed in this region, and we only need a name to serve as a symbol.
潜在需求 | 接受
Upon formation, the country that formed Mutapa will change to a yellowish-brown color and gain cores on all listed territories. Out of all of the nations mentioned, 南非 has the greatest chances of forming 穆塔帕 due to its unique National Focus Tree available via the 共赴胜利 DLC.
Ideology | Country name |
Democratic | Mutapa |
Communist | Mutapa Socialist State |
Fascist | Great Zimbabwe |
Non-Aligned | Kingdom of Mutapa |
The 北欧联盟 is an extended version of 斯堪的纳维亚, representing a greater union of all the Nordic nations, including also 芬兰 and 冰岛.
The forming nation must be one of the Nordic countries ( 挪威, 丹麦, 瑞典, 芬兰, or 冰岛), and requires all aforementioned nations to be united under one banner.
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The Nordics have long felt a certain affinity to one another. Now that we control all lands once belonging to the Nordic constituent states, it is possible to bring that kinship to new heights.
The following country is allowed to form The Nordic League, however, they cannot see the decision.
Ideology | Country name |
Democratic | Nordic Council |
Communist | Nordic Socialist States |
Fascist | Nordic Empire |
Non-Aligned | Nordic League |
The 奥斯曼帝国 is a formable nation that represents the Turkish Empire that was formed in 1299 and dominated the Middle East and Arabia between the 14th and 20th centuries. It entered into a period of stagnation and decline from the mid-1700s onwards and finally collapsed because of their involvement in the First World War in 1918, being officially dissolved in 1922-1923 with 土耳其 being the successor state.
The 奥斯曼帝国 can be formed by 土耳其.
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Through force of arms we have managed to undo the losses we suffered as a result of our weakness in the Great War. To mark this historic occasion, nothing would serve better than proclaiming the restoration of the Ottoman Empire.
潜在需求 | 接受
Ideology | Country name |
Democratic | Ottoman Federation |
Communist | Ottoman Socialist Republic |
Fascist | Grand Ottoman Sovereignty |
Non-Aligned | Ottoman Empire |
中共 can form the 没有结果 by doing the focus Proclaim the People’s Republic.
Ideology | Country name |
Democratic | Republic of China |
Communist | People’s Republic of China |
Fascist | Chinese Empire |
Non-Aligned | China |
The Persian Empire (not to be confused with 伊朗 which, if fascist, will be named "New Persian Empire") represents a modern incarnation to the various Iranian imperial dynasties commonly referred to as "Persian Empires", existing intermittently in various forms from 550 BC to 1925.
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Our recent conquests have reached the extents of the Persian empire of old. With our region's rich history, how can we not take this opportunity to identify our realm as a continuation of the empires of yore?
潜在需求 | 接受
Ideology | Country name |
Democratic | Cyric Union |
Communist | Middle Eastern Socialist Republic |
Fascist | Persian Empire |
Non-Aligned | Persia |
The 波兰-立陶宛联邦 is a formable nation that represents the Commonwealth that existed from 1569 until 1795 when it was partitioned by Russia, Prussia, and the Austrian Empire. Only 波兰 and 立陶宛 can form the 波兰-立陶宛联邦.
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There is ample history between ourselves and Lithuania. Now that we are once again united through force of arms, perhaps it is time to revive the most glorious days of our past.
潜在需求 | 接受
Ideology | Country name |
Democratic | Polish-Lithuanian Federation |
Communist | Polish-Lithuanian Socialist Republic |
Fascist | Polish-Lithuanian Empire |
Non-Aligned | Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth |
Polynesia is a country that can be formed by any one of the Pacific island nations that are of Austronesian descent, allowing the peoples of the Pacific Ocean to be united under one power. In 1936, the required states are owned by 新西兰, The 美利坚合众国, 日本 and 法国. Somewhat uniquely, Polynesia can be formed if the forming nation is a puppet (dominion-level), meaning that it is possible for a nation to puppet one of the eligible nations and let it form Polynesia by giving it the requisite territories.
Out of all the eligible nations, 新西兰 has by far the best hopes for forming Polynesia, due to it having the highest population and a unique national focus tree (if playing with the Together For Victory DLC).
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With the islands of Hawai’i, Aotearoa, Tahiti, and Samoa under our control, we may be able to unite all Pacific peoples.
潜在需求 | 接受
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Ideology | Country name |
Democratic | Pacific Federation |
Communist | Socialist Union of Oceanic Peoples |
Fascist | Polynesian Empire |
Non-Aligned | United Kingdom of Polynesia |
Dominion | Dominion of Polynesia |
Formable by 暹罗, the 拉达那哥欣王国 represents a restoration of the territory controlled by Siam from 1782 until the 1932 revolution where the absolute monarchy was abandoned in favor of a constitutional monarchy.
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In recent years we have moved away from the traditional values our nation was originally founded upon. Now that we have reached the territorial extent from our glory days, perhaps it is time to embrace our history more tightly.
Ideology | Country name |
Democratic | Rattanakosin Federation |
Communist | Rattanakosin Socialist State |
Fascist | Rattanakosin Empire |
Non-Aligned | Rattanakosin Kingdom |
Representing Fascist 意大利's greatest ambition and perhaps the mightiest empire Europe has ever known, the File:Imperium Romanum.png 罗马 came into existence as part of a long process starting in 509 BC when the Roman Kingdom was replaced by the Roman Republic which would then proceed to conquer all of Italy, France, Greece, Iberia, the Low Countries as well as parts of Anatolia, and North Africa until 27 BC when the Roman Republic became the Roman Empire. After that, the Roman Empire went on to conquer all of England and Wales, Egypt, all of the Balkans, the rest of Anatolia, all of the Levant, a large chunk of Mesopotamia as well as pushing the Roman borders further and further into continental Central and Eastern Europe. The Roman Empire existed until 395 AD, when it was divided into the Eastern- and Western Roman Empire. The Western Roman Empire collapsed in 476 AD while the Eastern Roman Empire (Also known as 拜占庭帝国, which can be formed by 希腊王国) would go on to persist until its demise in 1453. The last remnants of the Byzantine Empire (and by extension the Roman Empire) were wiped out in 1461-1475.
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The idea of an Empire spanning the Mediterranean has in recent years been revived in the popular mind. Now, our military campaigns have exceeded the wildest dreams of even our most ardent supporters, and we find ourselves on the cusp of being able to realize these ambitions. Roma invicta!
潜在需求 | 接受
Middle East:
Once the decision "Realize Roman Ambitions" is enacted and the Roman Empire formed, 意大利 will change its name to "Imperium Romanum", change its color to a scarlet red and adopt a Roman imperial flag. Along with that, all the territories listed above will become Italian (Roman) cores. If Benito Mussolini is still in power when the New Roman Empire is formed, he will change his name to "Augustus Mussolini" and his portrait will change to a version of him wearing a golden laurel wreath.
Ideology | Country name |
Democratic | Res Publica Romana |
Communist | Communitas Proletariique Romani |
Fascist | Imperium Romanum |
Non-Aligned | Regnum Romanum |
斯堪的纳维亚 represents the medieval Kalmar Union, a state of union between Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, which existed from 1397-1523.
丹麦 is the historical founding nation, as the 瑞典 and 挪威 were subjects of Denmark (in personal union) during the era of the Kalmar Union, as seen most notably in Europa Universalis 4.
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With the conquest of all Scandinavian territories, it is time to restore the spirit of the Kalmar Union. All Scandinavia shall prosper under our rule.
潜在需求 | 接受
Upon doing so, such states become cores and the country gains a blue color.
Ideology | Country name |
Democratic | Scandinavia |
Communist | Scandinavian Socialist State |
Fascist | Scandinavian Empire |
Non-Aligned | Kingdom of Scandinavia |
The 美利坚联合王国 is a formable nation that can only be formed by a Monarchist (Non-Aligned) 联合王国 under a specific set of circumstances.
In order to form the United Kingdom of America, the United Kingdom must force through the marriage of Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson, empower the King's Party, complete the National Focus British national focus tree#Unite the Anglosphere and finally, conquer and own all of the starting core territory of the 美利坚合众国. This will unlock a decision to "Install an American Monarchy", which, when taken, will release the United States as a puppet of the United Kingdom, turn them Non-Aligned and install Wallis Simpson (now known as Queen Wallis I) as the ruler of the country, now named the "United Kingdom of America". In addition to that, the State of Maryland (which contains Washington D.C.) will be renamed to "Duchy of Wallington" and the capital city of Washington D.C. will be renamed to "Wallington".
The 葡萄牙及巴西联合王国 is a formable nation introduced in the La Résistance DLC that represents the short-lived United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves that existed from 1815 - 1825, although it had de facto dissolved by 1822.
It can be formed by 葡萄牙 through the focus The Kingdom Reunited after restoring monarchies to both 葡萄牙 and 巴西 via the Estado Novo focus path. Both countries must be Non-Aligned and at peace to be able to form it.
Once the nation has been formed, 葡萄牙 will annex 巴西 and give 葡萄牙 its cores. This can be obtained alongside the cores obtained through the Luso-Tropicalism focus, giving the country a total of 52 million core population.
The File:United Kingdom of the Netherlands.png 尼德兰联合王国 is a formable nation that represents the Kingdom of the United Netherlands that existed in 1819-1839. Its historical capitals were Amsterdam, The Hague and Brussels. The 荷兰 is the legitimate successor state and with the Man The Guns DLC it will have a branch of national focuses devoted to the reunification of the Low Countries.
The File:United Kingdom of the Netherlands.png 尼德兰联合王国 can be formed by the 荷兰, 比利时 and 卢森堡.
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The Treaty of London in 1839 disgracefully separated the North and South of the lowlands, after an all-too brief period of unity. Now, under our leadership, we can recreate those days, and take our intended place as the counterweight to France and Germany.
潜在需求 | 接受
The Dutch focus tree in 炮手就位 contains several focuses that assist in forming a united Netherlands, though the DLC does not unlock the above decision. The focus Revive the Buffer State Proposal can transfer all required territory to the Netherlands without conflict. Bring Socialism South grants puppet war goals on Belgium and Luxembourg, while The United Netherlands grants annexation war goals.
Upon formation, the country color changes to a dark shade of orange and all required states will be cored.
The focus Form the Benelux unlocks an alternative unification decision, with the only difference being the country name and flag.
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Global crises abound, and we are but small nations among the great. If we are to weather the coming storm, we must seek unification on all levels of government, even if this means abandoning our sovereignty.
接受 |
The 中美洲合众国 is a formable nation that represents the Federal Republic of Central America that was formed in 1823 following its independence from post-spanish Mexico and lasted until 1841 with an attempted revival in 1896-1898. Its historical capitals were Guatemala City and San Salvador. Technically speaking, 萨尔瓦多 is the legitimate successor state, being the last state to remain in the union before proclaiming itself independent in 1841.
The 中美洲合众国 can be formed by 危地马拉, 萨尔瓦多, 洪都拉斯, 尼加拉瓜, and 哥斯达黎加.
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The powerful state our nation was a constituent of a century ago had an all-too-brief life-span. Now that we have conquered the seccessionist states that caused its downfall, we can look towards reconstituting the federal republic, and begin projecting the power of a united Central America.
The following country is allowed to form the United States of Central America, however, they cannot see the decision.
Upon formation, the country color changes to a light shade of blue and all required states plus British Honduras (311) will be cored.
Ideology | Country name |
Democratic | United States of Central America |
Communist | Central American Socialist State |
Fascist | Central American Empire |
Non-Aligned | Federal Republic of Central America |
Currently, the following achievements require the formation of a formable nation :
Strictly speaking, these achievements do not require the formation of a formable nation but the process of achieving them is closely related to forming one.
主要国家 |
次要国家 |
加拿大自治领 澳大利亚 新西兰 南非 英属印度 捷克斯洛伐克 匈牙利王国 罗马尼亚王国 南斯拉夫 中华民国 中共 满洲国 桂系 滇系 晋系 西北三马 新疆 墨西哥 荷兰 西班牙 葡萄牙 保加利亚 希腊王国 土耳其 立陶宛 拉脱维亚 爱沙尼亚 波兰 |
其它国家 |
欧洲 |
阿尔巴尼亚 奥地利 比利时 保加利亚 捷克斯洛伐克 丹麦 爱沙尼亚 芬兰 法国 德意志国 希腊王国 匈牙利王国 爱尔兰 意大利 拉脱维亚 立陶宛 卢森堡 荷兰 挪威 波兰 葡萄牙 西班牙 罗马尼亚王国 斯洛伐克 苏维埃联盟 瑞典 瑞士 土耳其 联合王国 南斯拉夫 |
北美 |
加拿大自治领 哥斯达黎加 古巴 多米尼加共和国 萨尔瓦多 危地马拉 海地 洪都拉斯 墨西哥 尼加拉瓜 巴拿马 美利坚合众国 |
南美 |
亚洲 |
阿富汗 不丹 英属马来亚 英属印度 中华民国 中共 桂系 伊朗 伊拉克 日本 满洲国 蒙古国 蒙古 尼泊尔 阿曼 菲律宾 沙特阿拉伯 晋系 暹罗 新疆 唐努图瓦 西藏 西北三马 也门 滇系 |
非洲 |
大洋洲 |