波兰,是中东欧国家,介于 德意志国和 苏维埃联盟两个大国之间,是二战期间欧洲第六强,开局领导人是伊格纳齐·莫希奇茨基。
波兰第二共和国(Second Polish Republic,波兰语:Druga Rzeczpospolita)是1936年欧洲第六强的国家,但它被两个超级大国——狂热纳粹统治下的 德意志国和 共产主义发源地的 苏维埃联盟所包围。很大程度上由于其有限的战略资源,波兰无法努力与邻国的激烈军备保持同步。在随后苏联与德国之间签订的《莫洛托夫—里宾特洛甫协定》,为两国索求波兰领土的要求铺平了道路,不久便爆发了战争。
通常意义上,第二次世界大战始于1939年9月1日,正是当天 德意志国入侵了 波兰。随后,由于同盟国的 联合王国和 法国都保证了波兰的独立,便向德国宣战,但是未对德国产生真正的压力。近100个法国师进入了德国,但被命令在没有多少部队驻守的齐格菲防线(Siegfried)的1公里外暂停军事行动,并撤回到马其诺防线的原始位置。在其后的8个月内,西线只爆发了小规模冲突和几乎虚幻的安静“静坐战”(“Phoney War”),盟军什么也没做。东线战争结束后,一名德国军官表示,假使英法对德国发动进攻,德国只能坚持几个星期。
10月6日,波兰军队的最后一个师在抵抗德苏军队一个月后投降,但波兰政府从未正式投降。的确,他们的抵抗是欧洲组织得最好的抵抗之一,包括学校等。波兰的斗争在西线继续进行,波兰的舰队和波兰的残余军队从 罗马尼亚王国绕道撤离到了法国,然后到了英国。
波兰的士兵在战争中发挥了关键作用,包括不列颠战役(Battle of Britain),纳尔维克战役(Battle of Narvik)和蒙特卡西诺战役(Battle of Monte Cassino)。但是,战后的“铁幕演说”(“Iron Curtain”)和同盟国与共产国际之间关于欧洲的势力划分,使得两大集团最终爆发了冷战,而波兰成为了苏联的卫星国,其真正的独立要到苏联解体后才能恢复。
- 主条目:波兰事件
- 主条目:波兰事件(寸步不退)
- 主条目:波兰国策树
波兰 在免费DLC Poland: United and Ready中获得了独特国策树。该国策树在 寸步不退DLC中得到了扩展。当特定DLC未启用时,只有部分国策树可用。
- 四年计划分支
- 给予 波兰工厂、科研槽、铁路、基建,同时也可拖延并最终消除农民大罢工的威胁。
- 发展波兰造船业/在但泽戒严分支
- 镇压但泽或将出海口转移到
Module:State/List does not have state: [格丁尼亚],获得船坞及海军科技加成,以此提高波兰海军实力。
- 准备下一场战争分支
- 这条线提供陆军和空军科技加成,同时允许改进外国装备设计商,使其无需消耗生活消费品工厂。
- 东部计划/西部计划分支
- 完成四月宪法分支
- 历史国策,波兰将冒着内战风险,维持政府中萨纳齐亚左右两派之间的平衡。
- 萨纳齐亚左派分支
- 该分支上部向萨纳齐亚左派让步,同时激怒右派;中间部分使波兰完全倒向萨纳齐亚左派,同时禁用右派或城堡派国策;下部成立波罗的海联盟,并成立走向 民主主义。
- 萨纳齐亚右派分支
- 该分支上部向萨纳齐亚右派让步,同时激怒左派;中间部分使波兰完全倒向萨纳齐亚右派,同时禁用左派或城堡派国策;下部成立波罗的海联盟,并成立走向 法西斯主义。
- 城堡派分支
- 该分支的上部将同时安抚萨纳齐亚左派和右派,保证 中立派的支持度。中间部分的国策会使城堡派维持政府首脑地位,从而移除选择萨纳齐亚左派或右派国策的可能性。该分支的下部国策即便在选择其他两条路线的上部国策时也可以进行,允许波兰与同盟国结盟,并可请求与 立陶宛或 罗马尼亚王国缔结盟约
- 恢复波兰众议院分支
- This branch allows Poland to choose either 民主主义, 法西斯主义 or 共产主义 ideologies.该分支仅限 寸步不退DLC未启用时才能使用
- 组织农民大罢工分支
- This allows Poland to side with the Peasant Revolt and either go 民主主义 or 共产主义 after a civil war. The 共产主义 path gives Poland the choice to align with the 苏维埃联盟 or go independent. If Poland chooses to go 民主主义, it has the choice to join the Allies or form a new faction with 法国. It also allows Poland to gain colonial holdings in 利比里亚 or Madagascar.
- 重建摄政议会线
- This branch allows Poland to form a 君主派 and elect a King.
- 哈布斯堡家族分支
- This elects Karl Albrecht I as King of Poland and allowing him to become a field marshal. It creates a with 捷克斯洛伐克 with the possibility of annexation and coring. It installs Otto von Habsburg as King of 匈牙利王国 giving Poland a choice to make an alliance. It also gives cores and a war goal to several 德意志国 states.
- 霍亨索伦家族/波兰-立陶宛联邦的宣传者分支
- This elects either Michał II of Romania or Friedrich Christian as King of Poland. The Hohenzollern side allows Poland to create a with 罗马尼亚王国 and 匈牙利王国 with the possibility of creating the 波兰-罗马尼亚王国. The Commonwealth side mirrors several focuses from the Lithuanian national focus tree and allows Poland to form the 波兰-立陶宛联邦
- 罗曼诺夫家族分支
- This secret sub-branch is only available if the player elects "Anastasia Romanov" as King of Poland through events. It gives war goals against the 苏维埃联盟 and 南斯拉夫. It also allows the creation of the Slavic Union formable nation.
- 哥萨克国王分支
- This elects Pavel Bermondt-Avalov as King of Poland, allows him to become a field marshal and switches the ruling party to 法西斯主义. It gives war goals for the Baltic and Slovakian States and gives the player the choice between getting claims on and going to war with 德意志国 or becoming its Reichsprotectorate for claims on the 苏维埃联盟. Completing "Complete the Bermontian Mission" focus allows the creation of the 顿河军团 and the 库班军团 as independent nations or puppets of Poland.
- 民族主义宪法线
- The 法西斯主义 branch allows Poland to become a Reichsprotectorate of 德意志国 and give them land for a chance to gain territory in a future war with the 苏维埃联盟 and it may allow Poland to declare a war for independence. Part of this side is shared with 哥萨克国王分支. The player may also chose for Poland to be independent of 德意志国 and make its own faction with other 长枪党 nations.
- 海间理念线
- The Międzymorze branch of the tree allows Poland to ally 芬兰, 丹麦, 瑞典, 挪威, 爱沙尼亚, 拉脱维亚, 立陶宛, 捷克斯洛伐克, 奥地利, 匈牙利王国, 南斯拉夫, 希腊王国 or 土耳其, and 意大利.
- 人事已尽,天命难违线
- These focuses allow Poland to continue the war effort even if it has capitulated with off map factories and manpower increases. It is available if the 炮手就位 DLC is enabled.
- 拓展波兰情报部门分支
- These focuses allow the expansion of the Polish intelligence agency. It is available if the 抵抗运动 DLC is enabled. If the 炮手就位 DLC is disabled, this sub-branch is still available as a separate branch.
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Poland starts with three research slots.
Army Technology | Naval Technology | Air Technology | Electronics & Industry |
Doctrines | |||
Air Technology without By Blood Alone |
Tank Technology without No Step Back |
Cosmetic names
Poland has many unique cosmetic names for its equipment, listed here.
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Poland starts as non-aligned, but with their unique focus tree can easily join any of the main ideologies or even try and remain neutral through the war by starting their own faction.
In the 1936 opening, Poland has to make a decision on what faction to join. In 1936, the Polish Army is stronger than the Wehrmacht so an preemptive attack can be considered especially if 法国 declares war after the reoccupation of the Rhine event. If Poland chooses to join the Allies it needs to be aware of the fact that the brunt of the German war effort will be placed on it. If Poland chooses to join the Axis it has the potential to destroy the USSR. If Poland decides to join the Comintern it will be able to knock out 德意志国 very early on and prevent the 苏维埃联盟 from claiming its eastern states. This course of action can be problematic if Poland joins the Axis and Germany takes the "Molotov Ribbentrop Pact" focus.
In 1936, Poland does not belong in any alliances but it can form an alliance with France via decision late 1938. By national focus, Poland can create its own faction called "Międzymorze" (mid-sea/between-seas, a reference to the Baltic and Black seas—at its height of power in the 16th to 17th centuries, Poland's borders stretched from the Baltic to the Black sea. Arguably, the idea of returning to that former glory is part of the national consciousness, especially in the newly re-instituted second republic of the early 20th century).
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以下民族精神仅在Poland: United and ReadyDLC启用时可用:
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征兵法案 | 经济法案 | 贸易法案 |
Political parties
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Military Factories |
Naval Dockyards |
Civilian Factories |
9 | 1 | 17 |
As well as 37 free slots. 9 Civilian Factories are available for construction duty.
Oil |
Rubber |
Steel |
Aluminum |
Tungsten |
Chromium |
5(2) | 0(0) | 51(19) | 11(2) | 0(0) | 0(0) |
*These numbers represent the available resources for production at start of the game. In the bracket are the complete numbers including those lost for trading.
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28Infantry Divisions | 2 Mountain Divisions | 10Cavalry Brigades |
The Polish Army (Wojsko Polskie) is based on large infantry divisions as well as small cavalry brigades.
- Infantry divisions are made of 9 infantry regiments + recon company.
- The mountain divisions of 9 mountain regiments + recon comp.
- Finally, the cavalry brigades are made of 3 cavalry regiments + recon comp.
Total: 30 Divisions + 10 brigades
The Polish Navy (Marynarka Wojenna) is almost nonexistent. It is best to ignore any Naval research unless going for a World Conquest or there is nothing left to do.
Total: 5 vessels | Manpower Used: 1.1k
Air Force
Type | No. | |
Close air support | 22 | |
Fighter | 162 |
Total: 184 planes | Manpower Used: 3.68k
The Polish Air Force (Siły Powietrzne) is weak and it would take a lot of time to upgrade, but it is definitely worth upgrading to try and wrest air control from the Germans in 1939..
该分支引向红线与非萨纳齐亚的蓝线。前者可联俄,并在后期要回最初割出去的领土;或者独立。后者可以重启波兰未敢设想的道路:从 利比里亚开始,开始在非洲的殖民野心。
At the beginning of the game you can choose whether to attach to the axis (fascism), the Comintern (communism) or to set up Międzymorze (historically the idea of Marshal Józef Piłsudski), you can also go to liberalism (I do not recommend). To have a chance to defend against Germany or the USSR, the first three national goals should be Strengthening the Polish State (you can give Tomisław Łupaszko - an increase in the experience of the army or Roman Dmowski - a fascist demagogue), Polish militarism and Polish revanchism (shortens the justification of the war goal and allows to do at 10% WT, 5% gives Rhino (if France declares war, we can attack them), so it will not be a long wait), annex Lithuania and re-create Commonwealth (this gives claims for the next purpose - Latvia and the western lands of the USSR (most of Ukraine, Belarus and Smolensk), and German Konigsberg and Mazury). After defeating Latvia, you can create / join an alliance, I recommend it. I recommend (if present) the Roman Pact (the conditions are immediately met (BBWR (an independent block of cooperation with the government (created by Marshal Józef Piłsudski) is at the beginning a ruling "party", and its over 60% support is slowly falling)) Romania, the USSR makes lend-lease, but we block it with our borders, we do not join their wars, we conquer smaller countries (if we fight Germany, we can summon them, but if the Allies fight them, we will crush them, but it requires going You can also join Osizy Zaolzie (received by Czechoslovakia in Poland during (won by Poland) the Poland-USSR war) after the annexation of Czechoslovakia, but then we have to agree to the domination of the Reich. If the Roman Pact (the best option) is then we join them and go into fascism (if we are preparing for civil war (50PP) (we have Dmowski) (WE DON'T START IT !!!) we can get "fascist assault divisions "(+ manpower)), in fascist focus we have another manpower bonus, improving relations with Germany, it is also worth faster division training. If Romanians develop a "Renewal of the Polish-Romanian Alliance" then joining it gives us a guarantee from Romania, but we also give it a guarantee and she gives it to Czechoslovakia, Greece and Turkey (i.e. if these countries are attacked Romania will fight on their side, and we guarantee Romania, so we will also fight (if we conquer the Baltic States, we can agree and attack the Reich after the annexation of Czechoslovakia).
Written in the Goggles translator.