

The Kuban Host.png




没有结果 是一个 苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟 的可释放国家,无法通过常规手段扮演。

它可以通过波兰的决议出现,前提是波兰已经完成了完成西俄志愿军使命国策。 Once the Complete the Bermontian Mission focus is completed by Poland, the decision to form the Host is added and if it controls or owns the Soviet cores in the Caucasus. If the decision is taken, the Kuban Host will obtain 5 cores upon release (克里米亚、克拉斯诺达尔、斯塔夫罗波尔、索契和达吉斯坦). And in additional, it gains 15 units with 8 cavalry battalions.

当DLC (unrecognized string "gd" for Template:Icon)开启时,德国可以通过君主主义国策组中的

库班军团也可以通过游戏规则中的“苏维埃联盟完全解体”出现,in which case it will hold the states of Krasnodar, Stavropol, and Sochi.

Historical background

The republic was proclaimed by the Kuban Rada on 28 January 1918 and declared its independence on 16 February. It included the entire territory of the former Kuban Oblast of the Russian Empire. During its brief independence, it unsuccessfully sought union with the Ukrainian People's Republic. The Kuban People's Republic was de facto occupied by the forces of Anton Denikin on 6 November 1919, before being fully occupied and annexed by the Soviets in the spring of 1920.

Both Soviet and later contemporary Russian historians viewed the decision of the Kuban People's Republic to break with the White Movement as a deceitful "back-stabbing" at a critical moment during the Russian Civil War. The act is perceived as one of the important contributions to the ultimate Bolshevik victory.

Some Ukrainian historians argue that the Kuban People's Republic was an attempt by the Kuban Cossacks to unite with Ukraine, citing the shifting alliances of the Rada. The last premier of the Republic, Vasil Ivanis, argued that had Pavlo Skoropadsky acted more decisively, and sent a UNR division led by General Natiev to the Kuban, Ukraine would have become the main nexus of the Anti-Bolshevik movement. Ivanis states that with the aid of the Central Powers they could have easily reclaimed all of Russia, given that Aleksander Kolchak would have acted in the same time frame in the East.

National focus

Generic national focus tree.

没有结果, lacking a unique national focus tree, uses the generic national focus tree instead.


  • 重视陆军 提供陆军经验和陆军相关研究项目的加成。
  • 重视空军 提供空军经验,建立空军基地,并提供空军相关研究项目的加成。
  • 重视海军 提供海军经验,建造海军船坞,并提供海军相关研究项目的加成。
  • 重视工业 建造民用工厂和军用工厂(即使建筑槽位已满)并提供额外的科研槽。
  • 重视政治 提供国家政治走向的选择。


Kuban Host starts the game with 2 Research slots. Kuban starts with 1 military factory, 22 oil, 17 tungsten and 32 chromium.


Kuban Host will be released as a Non-aligned nation that holds elections every 4 years.

Kuban Host has the following political parties:

Political party Ideology Popularity Party leader Country name Is ruling?
Kuban Rada 民主主义 Democratic 30% Unidentified Leader Kuban People's Republic No
The Kuban People’s Bolshevik Union 共产主义 Communist 20% Unidentified Leader Kuban-Black Sea Soviet Republic No
Kuban-Black Sea Military Revolutionary Committee 法西斯主义 Fascist 20% Ivanis Vasily Nikolaevich Almighty Kuban Host No
Ataman of the Kuban Host 中立主义 Non-Aligned 30% Ivanis Vasily Nikolaevich Kuban National Republic No

Strategies and guides

Strategy 以下内容是众多玩家之一给出的库班军团游玩策略。记好咯,每局游戏情状都不尽相同,对其他玩家来说或有小异之处。

Overview of the Kuban Host nation

Kuban Host can only be played with Ironman turned off, although being the only playable nation without any existing cores makes up for a challenge upon the Soviet lands.

Country creation

In order to play as early as Kuban Host, is to play as Poland. Without having to turn on historical ai, because that would prevent Kuban Host being formed early in the first place. Thus, it is more assuring if Germany starts onto a plunging German civil war compared to the 1939 scenario as Germany enters the war with the Allies in the moment when declares war with Poland. In the early scenario, the player has to rush down with the "Assemble the Regency Council" Branch to make way to the "The Cossack-King" sub-branch. Otherwise, if the German Reich goes historical then the player has to seek an alliance with them should they secure their western borders. Finally, take "Complete the Bermontian Mission" focus, and should the German Reich help with the Soviet problem, make sure to occupy the Caucasus under the Polish command.

Console switch as Kuban Host, to finally play as them. As released as a puppet, Kuban Host has the following cores that Poland has under control (Crimea, Krasnodar, Stavropol, Sochi and Dagestan). Unfortunately, Kuban Host has no advisor of any kind, with a notable exception of ideology boosters and the Illusive Gentleman advisor. In a matter of technology, Kuban Host also inherits whatever Poland has from the start, if the player wishes to remain to play as Poland a little longer just to have their technologies passable for the state, Kuban Host gets them altogether.

Re-Establishing the Kuban Host

Defeating the rest of the Soviet Union, will not be easy on its own. Console wise it is simple enough. Console core the 5 cores of Kuban Host for a really early release. But for an interesting challenge rather join the Axis to gain protection from the Germans, and build an army as fast as possible to hold the ground against the Soviets. Declare war on them and subsequently annex them.