
天津风不是天津的风讨论 | 贡献2024年5月11日 (六) 17:16的版本 (天津风不是天津的风移动页面Tank design坦克设计,覆盖重定向)

(In addition, 炮手就位炮手就位 is also required to design any amphibious tanks, using the drive or chassis.)

Armored vehicles now require many different technologies for different parts: armor technology for chassis, engines and armor, various artillery technology for guns, radio for radios, engineering for flamethrowers and dozer-blades, &c.

Where no technology or year is given, the module is already available when it is first possible to mount it.

Basics of design

Designing an armored vehicle is a balance of attack, speed, armor, reliability, cost, resources and more. Some may want a tank based on speed and power. Others may want an impenetrable steel block. But what matters is which modules and aspects you use to your advantage.

File:TEMP Example image Tank designer.png
Example image tank designer


Chassis type Chassis Year Base Speed (km/h) Reliability Armor 生产花费Production Cost (empty chassis) Resources
Steel Chromium
Light Tank Inter-War 1918 4.0 80.0% 5 1.00 1
Basic 1934 4.0 95.0% 10 1.25 1
Improved 1936 4.5 110.0% 15 1.60 1
Advanced 1941 5.0 130.0% 20 2.00 2
Amphibious Tank 1938 4.0 110.0% 15 4.50 1
Medium Tank Inter-War 1918 4.0 75.0% 25 2.50 1
Basic 1934 4.0 100.0% 35 2.50 1
Improved 1940 4.0 130.0% 45 3.20 1
Advanced 1943 4.5 160.0% 50 4.00 2
Heavy Tank Inter-War 1918 4.0 100.0% 30 10.00 1
Basic 1934 3.5 100.0% 35 10.00 1
Improved 1940 4.0 115.0% 55 10.00 1 1
Advanced 1943 4.0 130.0% 75 12.00 2 1
Super-Heavy Tank 1943 2.5 130.0% 85 24.00 3 2
Modern Tank 1945 4.5 160.0% 75 6.00 2 1

Main gun

A tank's weapon is one of its most distinguishing features in conjunction to all its others. In addition to providing most, if not all, the firepower of the vehicle, the main gun also determines which role(s) the design can fill. Anti-Air guns prevents the design from being used as a regular tank, while artillery weapons allow the design to fielded as a Tank or as Self-Propelled Artillery and high-velocity and most regular Cannons allow the choice between Tank or Tank Destroyer role.

Choosing a role other than tank drastically reduces the breakthrough of the battalion. Other than that, there are only minor differences in the base stats depending on the role chosen, other than the extra width of artillery. But depending on technology, doctrines and leaders, different roles may get very different bonuses.

Categories of main guns

The vehicle designer features a plethora of different main guns, but most fall into a few distinct categories:

'Regular' Cannons

Cannons are all-round weapons with good all-round stats for soft and hard attack, good piercing and a moderately low price. They are outperformed by a more specialised cannon for a given situation, but in turn outperform the specialised weapon in other areas, meaning they're never an awful choice.

They come in small, medium, heavy and super-heavy sizes, suitable for the various chassis. Like with the chassis, further research into the artillery tree will unlock improved and advanced cannons.

All but the small cannons enable a tank to fulfil the tank destroyer role, if chosen to be one.

Anti-infantry/howitzer cannons

Generally larger calibre and low velocity, these weapons are intended to fire large shells. Large shells, as per the square-cubed law, can carry proportionally more explosive filling for their width than smaller calibre shells. The low velocity allows the use of less robust shells with thinner walls, allowing even higher proportions of explosives for their caliber. As such, these weapons are ideal to destroy soft targets, but their low shell velocity dramatically inhibits their ability to engage other armored units.

This category includes weapons with high soft attack and little to no hard attack and piercing.

Like with Anti-tank weapons, and unlike cannons, the "Next level" of howitzer demands increasing chassis requirements. It starts off as capable of being mounted in small turrets, but the most advanced version requires a large turret or medium fixed superstructure to handle, and the intermediary howitzers need medium turret or light fixed superstructure to handle. This makes designing Self-Propelled (SP) artillery somewhat synergistic with the nature of this line of weapons.

All of these allow the SP artillery role.

Anti-tank cannons

High-velocity cannons use their increased shell velocity to more effectively pierce heavier armor. To achieve this, a gun is made longer, or more propellant is added; but as a consequence, the calibre of the weapon is smaller to keep recoil at a sustainable level. As such, the reduced shell size reduces the power of high-explosive shells, represented in-game by their low soft attack.

Similar to Anti-infantry cannons, these increase in size as they advance, meaning only a larger hull and turret can sustain them. If intended to be mounted on tank destroyers, this is of little issue, as a fixed superstructure can handle a larger gun on a smaller chassis.

These enables the SP TD role.

Anti-air guns

AA guns are anti-air weapons adapted to a tank chassis, giving the crew a mobile and armored platform to shoot down planes with. Sadly, the AA gun does not seem to be a fast-firing "Heavy machinegun", so they are ineffective against ground targets.

Mutually exclusive with any role except SP AA.

Fast-Firing ground-targeting weapons

For a period while tanks were still rare and the armored doctrine still immature, the idea of a tank to be armed as a mobile pillbox was considered. As such, they were armed only with machine guns, or the larger autocannon, and intended to mow down infantry, whilst other units capable of dealing with tanks dealt with opposing armor.

Machine guns are incredibly inexpensive if used as a main armament, but have low stats overall and minimal anti-armor ability.

Automatic cannons, which are somewhere between a large-calibre heavy machinegun or a small and rapid-fire cannon, have greatly increased (relative) anti-armor capability of machineguns whilst retain cost-effective soft attack, but still are inferior in hard attack compared with "true" cannons.


Flamethrowers spew flames at the enemy. Due to their nature, a tank must get impractically close to any target if it intends to hit anything with a flamethrower, but the nature of this weapon means it is effective when engaging immobile fortifications to burn-out dug-in units.

There is only one flamethrower module, which has absolutely no hard attack power and minimal soft attack.

Flamethrowers uniquely adapt to the size of the tank chassis, but this only affects the bonuses given as a flame tank company rather than its attack power.* (Citation needed)

Table of main guns

Category Gun Size Technology Year Speed (km/h) Reliability Soft attack Hard attack Piercing Breakthrough Air attack 生产花费Production Cost Resources Roles allowed
Steel Tungsten Chromium
Regular cannons (Basic) Small cannon Small Artillery 1934 -0.1 -10% 10 6 25 1.50 Tank
Improved 1936 -0.2 -10% 15 15 50 3.00
(Basic) Medium cannon Medium Artillery or Anti-Tank 1939 -0.2 -15% 20 15 60 +2 3.00 1 1 Tank Tank-destroyer
Improved Artillery 1942 -0.3 -15% 32 20 90 +4 4.00 2 1 1
Anti-tank 1941
Basic Heavy cannon Large AA or


1936 -0.3 -25% 20 20 90 6.00 2 1 1 Tank Tank-destroyer
Improved AA 1941 -0.4 -25% 25 35 125 7.00 2 2 1
Anti-tank 1940
Advanced AA or


1943 -0.5 -30% 30 40 170 8.00 3 3 1
Superheavy cannon BFG Superheavy Tank 1943 -0.6 -35% 35 45 225 12.50 5 2 Tank Tank-destroyer
Flamethrower Flamethrower Small Support Engineers 1939 -5% 5 0.50 Flame-tank
Fast-Firing Anti-Ground HMG Small 8 2 6 0.50 Tank
(Basic) Automatic cannon Small AA 1936 -0.1 -10% 15 5 20 1.50 Tank
Improved 1940 -0.1 -10% 20 7 35 2.00
Anti-Tank Basic High-velocity Small Anti-Tank 1936 -0.1 -5% 10 26 68 3.00 2 2 Tank Tank-destroyer
Improved Medium 1942 -0.3 -17.5% 20 35 125 5.00 2 2 1
Advanced Large 1943 -0.4 -20% 25 45 200 7.00 3 2 1
Anti-infantry Close support gun Small Artillery 1936 -0.2 -10% 25 5 10 4.00 1 Tank SP Artillery
(Basic) Medium howitzer Medium Artillery 1939 -0.3 -20% 35 1 20 -2 4.00 2 1 Tank SP Artillery
Improved 1941 -0.4 -20% 45 2 30 -2 5.50 3 1 1
(Basic) Rocket Launcher Medium Rocket 1940 -0.1 -10% 25 1 2 -4 4.00 1 2 SP Artillery
Improved 1943 -0.2 -10% 35 1 2 -4 5.00 1 2
Heavy howitzer Large Artillery 1943 -0.5 -30% 55 2 60 -4 7.00 3 1 1 Tank SP Artillery
Anti-air Basic Anti-air gun Small AA 1936 -10% 6 2 10 16 2.00 SP AA
Improved Small 1940 -10% 8 5 20 32 3.00 2 1
Advanced Medium 1943 -10% 10 5 30 43 4.00 3 1

Battalions level stats

Vehicles required per battalion of ...
Chassis type Tank Amphibious Tank destroyer Self-propelled




Flame tank
Light tank chassis 60 50 50 50 36 15
Amphibious tank chassis N/A 50 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Medium tank chassis 50 50 50 50 36 15
Heavy tank chassis 40 50 40 40 36 15
Super-heavy tank chassis 40 N/A 40 40 36 N/A
Modern tank chassis 50 N/A 50 50 36 N/A

Armored recon company uses 24 light tanks.

Supply use per battalion of ...
Chassis type Tank Amphibious Tank destroyer Self-propelled




Flame tank
Light tank chassis 0.22 0.42
Amphibious tank chassis N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Medium tank chassis 0.25 0.46
Heavy tank chassis 0.32 0.60
Super-heavy tank chassis 0.40 N/A 0.80 N/A
Modern tank chassis 0.25 N/A 0.50 N/A
Hardness of battalion of ...
Chassis type Tank or

tank destroyer

Amphibious Self-propelled

artillery or anti-air

Light tank chassis 80% 55% 50%
Amphibious tank chassis N/A 85% N/A
Medium tank chassis 85% 70% 65%
Heavy tank chassis 95% 80% 80%
Super-heavy tank chassis 100% N/A 90%
Modern tank chassis 95% N/A 85%

Recon and flame support companies do not affect hardness.

Breakthrough modfier for ...
Chassis type Tank Tank






Light tank chassis +15% −42% −42% −55% (No modifier)
Medium tank chassis −25% −25% −53%
Heavy tank chassis −35%
Super-heavy tank chassis −35% N/A
Modern tank chassis −53% N/A
Amphibious tank chassis N/A N/A N/A N/A (No modifier)

Company level stats

As support companies are only a fraction of the size of line battalions, they only apply a fraction of their stats to the division.

Attack Breakthrough Defence Armor
Armored recon −60% −60% −60% −60%
Light flametank −75%
Medium flametank −70%
Heavy flametank −62.5%

Note that these modifiers are added together with any other modifiers: E.g. having both of the "+25% soft attack to support companies"s from the Superior Firepower doctrine would change the soft attack of medium flametanks to −20.0%.

The hardness of a division is unaffected by the hardness of equipment used in its support companies.

Tank Role Bonus

File:Tank role bonus screen.png
Example for a bonus for Tank Roles

Certain researches give a bonus for Tank Roles.

These Upgrades stack. If you have researched the Advanced Artillery Upgrade (1943), your Self-propelled artillery will get +35% Soft attack.

Tank destroyer Self-propelled artillery Self-propelled anti-air Flame tank Amphibious
Anti-Tank Upgrade (1939) +15% Hard attack

+20% Piercing

Improved Anti-Tank Upgrade I (1941) +10% Hard attack

+5% Piercing

Improved Anti-Tank Upgrade II (1942) +5% Hard attack

+5% Piercing

Interwar Artillery (1936) +15% Soft attack
Improved Artillery Upgrade I (1940) +10% Soft attack
Improved Artillery Upgrade II (1941) +5% Soft attack
Advanced Artillery Upgrade (1943) +5% Soft attack
Engineer Company III (1942) +10% Attack on Urban

+10% Attack on Fort

Engineer Company IV (1945) +10% Attack on Urban

+10% Attack on Fort


Turrets are the main source of breakthrough. Do note that roles other than tank reduce breakthrough a lot.

To summarize:

  • A fixed super-structure allows a gun one size larger to be mounted, has the highest reliability, and provides some additional defense, but sacrifices breakthrough. Its cost is equivalent to a 2-man turret. An AA gun cannot be mounted in a fixed super-structure, since it cannot track the target or elevate the gun far enough to hit planes.
  • The 1-man turret is cheapest, but also has the smallest bonuses. Medium 1-man turrets also have a penalty to attack.
  • The 3-man turret is the most expensive and has a penalty to speed, but also has the best breakthrough. It's the option to choose if cost and speed don't matter.
  • The 2-man turret is intermediate in bonuses and cost, but compared to the 3-man turret it has no speed penalty, making it perhaps the best option for fast tanks, unless they also need to be very cheap.

The tradeoffs for super heavy turrets are similar.

Chassis Turret available
Amphibious Light to Medium
Modern Light to Heavy, Modern
Other (As expected)
Turret size Crew Gun size Speed (km/h) Reliability Attack Breakthrough Defense 生产花费Production cost Notes
Light Fixed super-structure Medium +20% −25% 3 0.75 Forbids AA role
1 Small 7 0.50
2 10 0.75
3 −0.25 14 1.00
Medium Fixed super-structure Large +20% −25% 3 1.50 Forbids AA role
1 Medium Soft and hard −25% 10 1.00
2 16 1.50
3 −0.25 20 2.00
Large Fixed super-structure BFG +20% −25% 3 5.00 Forbids AA role
2 Large 18 5.00
3 −0.25 22 5.50
Superheavy 3 BFG −0.2 −10% Hard −10% 24 10.00
4 −0.5 −25% 35 12.00
Modern Large 24 8.00

Special modules

Special modules come in three types: Extra turrets, radios and special modules.

Extra turrets enable the ability to mimick real-world inter-war designs.

Radios boost breakthrough and defense.

Special modules do a little bit of everything.

Module Year Breakthrough Defense 生产花费Production cost Notes
Basic radioBasic radio 1936 +15% +20% 0.50 Limit of one radio per vehicle
Improved radioImproved radio 1938 +25% +40% 1.50
Advanced radioAdvanced radio 1940 +40% +60% 2.50
Special module Technology Year Reliability Soft attack Piercing Armor Breakthrough Defense Entrenchment 生产花费Production cost Resources Notes
Chromium Tungsten
Additional Machineguns 1.0 2.0 0.50
Amphibious Drive Amphibious 1941 −15.0% 2.00 +10.0% Allows amphibous role, forbids any other role

Can only be mounted on light, medium and heavy chassis

Armor Skirts Armor 1936 2.0 3.0 0.50 Limit of one per vehicle
Auto Loader Artillery, AA or AT 1943 4.0 4.0 2.50 Limit of one per vehicle
Dozer Blade Support Engineer 1939 1 1.00 Limit of one per vehicle

The bonus applies to the whole division, even if only a single support company has tanks with this module[1]

Easy Maintenance Support Maintenance 1939 10.0% -5.0% Limit of one per vehicle
Extra Ammunition Storage −10.0% 2.0 4.0
Sloped Armor +25.0% +10.0% Limit of one per vehicle
Smoke Launchers 1.0 2.0 0.50
Squeeze-bore Adaptor Anti-tank 1939 +10.0% 1 Limit of one per vehicle
Stabilizer Computing 1940 5.0 2.00 Limit of one per vehicle
Wet Ammunition Storage 15.0% 1.00 Limit of one per vehicle
  1. For details, see this forum thread

Wet ammo storage and easy maintenance are good sources of extra reliability.

Conversely, extra ammo storage can convert extra reliability to more breakthrough.

Secondary turret Reliability Soft attack Hard attack Breakthrough 生产花费Production Cost
Small Cannon −10.0% 5.0 3.0 2.0 3.0
HMG 4.0 1.5

Secondary turrets have a limitation to how many can be mounted, based on the weight class of the chassis. Modern and amphibious chassis cannot mount any, light chassis can only mount 1 and medium can only mount 2. Heavy and super heavy are not limited, but there is a soft-cap of 4, because you only have 4 slots to mount them in.


Suspensions are the mechanical component of how the tank body would be kept above the ground and kept moving. Specifically, it determines how the suspension can handle terrain changes, and the complexity of such a component. Several inventors developed seperate and unique ways to accomplish this, with each having their own strengths and weaknesses. In-game, there are 4 "Main" suspension types for a tank: The simple Bogie, the reliable Torsion bar, the nimble Christie and the sturdy but difficult maintenance Interleaved.

Non-tracked suspensions are only available for Light chassis. They are very cheap, somewhat unreliable, and have low hardness; they will take increased damage from weapons effective against infantry (Conversely, this means they take less from anti-tank weapons).

Of the various tracked suspensions, Christie is a good source of speed, relative to a gasoline engine.

Module type Module Technology Year Max Speed (km/h) Reliability Hardness Breakthrough 生产花费Production Cost
Tracked Suspension Bogie Suspension 0.0
Christie Suspension +20.0% 1.0
Interleaved Roadwheels 4.0 2.0
Torsion Bar 15.0% 1.0
Non-tracked Suspension Half-track Suspension Mobile Infantry 1940 -10.0% -20.0% -5%
Wheeled Suspension Trucks 1936 -20.0% -30.0% -10%


The armor module of tanks describes the processes used during the construction of the tank. Riveted armor uses rivets to join armor plates; welds use welds, and cast armor casts the hull or turret of a tank as one piece. Each has its own strengths and drawbacks, represented in-game with the stats for effective armor (modifying armor value %), Production cost, and the base breakthrough and defense.

The armor investment (-)(+) modifies the armor value, and by extension the additional breakthrough value.

"Sloped armor" (Special module) can boost the armor value further, though it takes up a module slot, and marginally increases production cost.

Technology Year Armor Breakthrough Defense 生产花费Production Cost
Armor Type Cast Armor +50.0% 4.0 4.0 +20.0%
Riveted Armor +00.0% 2.0 2.0 -20.0%
Welded Armor Armor 1934 +30.0% 2.0 2.0
Special Module Sloped Armor +25.0% +10.0%


Gasoline engines give an extra boost to speed, though at higher opportunity cost than Christie suspension.

Diesel is a good source of extra reliability; combining it with Christie suspension is a decent compromise for many designs.

The other two engines are far more situational.

Technology Year Max speed Reliability Breakthrough Defense Fuel usage 生产花费Production cost
Diesel Engine 25% 2.0 1.0
Gas turbineGas turbine Jet enginesJet engines 1944 +0.5 km/h +25% −10% 4.0 3.0
Gasoline Engine +0.5 km/h +15% 2.0 1.0
Petrol-Electric Engine −50% 2.0 +15% 2.0 +15% 2.0 2.0 +15%

Additional engine power or armor

Finally, extra engine power or armor can be added to the design.

Armor and engine upgrades are a (-)(+) button with up to 20 levels. Engine upgrades improve speed at the cost of reliability and fuel usage. Armor upgrades improve armor/breakthrough at the cost of speed and reliability.

Higher levels require higher technology and increase resource cost.

Level Technology


Year Extra Resources

(in total)

Speed Reliability Breakthrough Armor Fuel use 生产花费Production Cost
Steel Chromium
Engine 1-4 +10.0%

per level


per level


per level


per level

5-9 I 1934
10-14 II 1936
15-18 III 1941
19-20 IV 1944
Armor 1-4 -5.0%

per level


per level


per level


per level


per level

5-9 I 1934 1
10-14 II 1936 1
15-18 III 1941 1
19-20 IV 1944 1

Complete list of all modules

The source for the Tank modules modifiers is the file "...\Steam\steamapps\common\Hearts of Iron IV\common\units\equipment\modules\00_tank_modules.txt"

Module type Module Max Speed (km/h) Reliability Soft attack Hard attack Piercing Hardness Armor Breakthrough Defense Air attack Fuel Capacity Fuel Usage Entrenchment 生产花费Production Cost Resources
Chromium Tungsten Steel
Small Armaments Basic Anti-Air Gun -10.0% 6.0 2.0 10.0 16.0 2.00
Improved Anti-Air Gun -10.0% 8.0 5.0 20.0 32.0 3.00 1 2
Automatic Cannon -0.1 -10.0% 15.0 5.0 20.0 1.50
Improved Automatic Cannon -0.1 -10.0% 20.0 7.0 35.0 2.00
Close Support Gun -0.2 -10.0% 25.0 5.0 12.0 4.00 1
Heavy Machine Gun 8.0 2.0 6.0 0.50
Basic High-Velocity Cannon -0.1 -5.0% 10.0 26.0 65.0 3.00 2 2
Small Cannon -0.15 -10.0% 10.0 6.0 25.0 1.50
Improved Small Cannon -0.2 -10.0% 15.0 15.0 50.0 3.00
Medium Armaments Improved High-Velocity Cannon -0.3 -17.5% 20.0 35.0 125.0 5.00 1 2 2
Medium Cannon -0.2 -15.0% 20.0 15.0 60.0 2.0 3.00 1 1
Improved Medium Cannon -0.3 -15.0% 32.0 20.0 90.0 4.0 4.00 1 1 2
Medium Howitzer -0.3 -20.0% 35.0 1.0 20.0 -2.0 4.00 1 2
Improved Medium Howitzer -0.4 -20.0% 45.0 2.0 30.0 -2.0 5.50 1 1 3
Rocket Launcher -0.1 -10.0% 25.0 1.0 2.0 -4.0 4.00 2 1
Improved Rocket Launcher -0.2 -10.0% 35.0 1.0 2.0 -4.0 5.00 2 1
Advanced Anti-Air Gun -10.0% 10.0 5.0 30.0 43.0 4.00 1 3
Heavy Armaments Basic Heavy Cannon -0.3 -25.0% 20.0 20.0 90.0 6.00 1 1 2
Improved Heavy Cannon -0.4 -25.0% 25.0 35.0 125.0 7.00 1 2 2
Advanced Heavy Cannon -0.5 -30.0% 30.0 40.0 170.0 8.00 1 3 3
Heavy Howitzer -0.5 -30.0% 55.0 2.0 60.0 -4.0% 7.00 1 1 3
Advanced High-Velocity Cannon -0.4 -20.0% 25.0 45.0 200.0 7.00 1 2 3
Super-Heavy Armaments Super-Heavy Cannon -0.6 -35.0% 35.0 45.0 225.0 12.50 2 5
Flamethrowers Flamethrower -5.0% 5.0 0.50
Light Turret Type Light Fixed Superstructure 20.0% -25.0% 3.0 0.75
One Man Turret 7.0 0.50
Two Man Turret 10.0 0.75
Three Man Turret -0.25 14.0 1.00
Medium Turret Type Medium Fixed Superstructure 20.0% -25.0% 3.0 1.50
One Man Turret -25.0% -25.0% 10.0 1.00
Two Man Turret 16.0 1.50
Three Man Turret -0.25 20.0 2.00
Heavy Turret Type Heavy Fixed Superstructure 20.0% -25.0% 3.0 5.00
Two Man Turret 18.0 5.00
Three Man Turret -0.25 22.0 5.50
Super-Heavy Turret Type Three Man Turret -0.2 -10.0% -10.0% 24.0 10.00
Four Man Turret -0.5 -25.0% 35.0 12.00
Modern Turret Type Modern Turret 24.0 8.00
Special Modules Additional Machineguns 2.0 2.0 0.50
Amphibious Drive -15.0% 2.00 +10.0%
Armor Skirts 2.0 3.0 0.50
Auto Loader 4.0 4.0 2.50
Dozer Blade 1 1.00
Easy Maintenance 10.0%
Fuel Drum -0.25 100.0 2.00
Extra Ammunition Storage -10.0% 2.0 4.0
Sloped Armor +20.0% +10.0%
Smoke Launchers 1.0 2.0 0.50
Squeeze-bore Adaptor +10.0% 1
Stabilizer 5.0 2.00
Wet Ammunition Storage 15.0% 1.00
Radio Basic Radio +15.0% +25.0% 0.50
Improved Radio +30.0% +45.0% 1.50
Advanced Radio +45.0% +65.0% 2.50
Secondary Turret Heavy Machine Gun -5.0% 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.00
Small Cannon -0.2 -10.0% 5.0 3.0 -5.0% 2.0 2.00
Tracked Suspension Bogie Suspension
Christie Suspension +20.0% 1.00
Interleaved Roadwheels -10.0% 4.0 1.00
Torsion Bar 10.0% 1.00
Non-tracked Suspension Half-track Suspension -10.0% -20.0% -5.0%
Wheeled Suspension -20.0% -30.0% -10.0%
Armor Type Cast Armor +50.0% 4.0 4.0 +20.0%
Riveted Armor 2.0 2.0 -20.0%
Welded Armor +40.0% 2.0 2.0
Engine Type Diesel Engine 25.0% 2.00 1.00
Gas Turbine +0.5 +25.0% -10.0% 4.00 3.00
Gasoline Engine +0.5 +15.0% 2.00 1.00
Petrol-Electric Engine -50.0% 2.0 +15.0% 2.0 +15.0% 2.00 2.00 +15.0%