
第20行: 第20行:
== 工业建筑 ==
== 工业建筑 ==
 和州属建筑类似, 工业建筑同样建造在省份当中,然而他们共享一定数目的[[#槽位|槽位]]。 这可能是最重要的一类建筑了,因为它包含 提供[[生产|产 ]]的工厂。
 和州属建筑类似, 工业建筑同样建造在省份当中,然而他们共享一定数目的[[#槽位|槽位]]。 这可能是最重要的一类建筑了,因为它包含 了国家[[生产| 产]] 必备 的工厂。

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2020年8月21日 (五) 22:56的版本

建筑 是通过民用工厂建造在 地区省份中的固定资产。



名称 花费 最大等级 效果
Infrastructure.png 基础设施 3000 10 提高 补给 和输出补给的能力,提高陆军速度战略资源 开采量随着每一等级增长10%,提高建造速度shared buildings
Air base.png 空军基地 1250 10 空军单位的基地和进行维修的地方,每一级可以容纳 200 单位的飞机。
Anti-air (building).png 防空炮 2500 5 对来犯的空军单位造成伤害并且削减轰炸带来的损失,但仅限于执行攻击任务的飞机而非地区内所有的飞机。这意味着对建筑和港口进行的战略轰炸、战术轰炸和海军轰炸中防空炮可以造成伤害,而仅仅是从上空飞过并不能造成伤害。
Radar station.png 雷达站 3375 6 (取决于科技等级) 探测敌军尤其是空军,同样也可以探测到船只。


和州属建筑类似, 工业建筑同样建造在省份当中,然而他们共享一定数目的槽位。 这可能是最重要的一类建筑了,因为它包含了国家生产必备的工厂。

名称 基础花费 最大等级 效果
Civilian factory.png 民用工厂 10800 20 Produces consumer goods and constructions, or can be used for trade. Base output is 5 (per day).
Military factory.png 军用工厂 7200 20 Produces equipment (includes weapons, planes, vehicles). Base output is 4.5 (per day).
Synthetic refinery.png 炼油厂 14500 3 Produces fuel 48-168 and 橡胶1-5 (Depends on Technology).
Fuel silo.png 储油罐 5000 3 Stores fuel (+100 000 per silo).
Rocket site.png 火箭基地 6400 2 Produces (and can launch) one rocket per day. Rockets are also known as guided missiles.
Nuclear reactor.png 核反应堆 30000 1 Produces nuclear bombs.


工业建筑的建造速度取决于其所在省份的基础设施级别。建造速度要乘以 :[math]\displaystyle{ 1 + (\text{本省基础建设等级} \times (\text{Max Infrastructure Construction Cost Effect} \div \text{最大基础设施等级})) }[/math]

此处的INFRA_MAX_CONSTRUCTION_COST_EFFECT(即上述公式Max Infrastructure Construction Cost Effect)默认为1,而最大基础设施等级默认为10。

所以在5级基础设施省份就乘以1.5。 这个加成是在科技,顾问和国家精神等加成之后再参与计算的,这就使每1级基础设施的加成比内阁里的战争实业家(加10%对军工,船厂和储油罐)要高。这个加成是在科技,顾问和国家精神等加成之后再参与计算的,这就使每1级基础设施的加成比内阁里的战争实业家(加10%对军工,船厂和储油罐)要高。这将鼓励玩家把工业集中在高基建的省份,当然玩家要是把工业都集中在某几个省份,就会被工业的易伤性困扰到。

通常仅仅为了加成化身基建狂魔是不赚的。 当某省份有很多空建筑槽;当玩家计划建造民用工厂,炼油厂或核反应堆(因为他们比较贵嘛),基础建设就成为一个相对不错的主意。甚至对1936剧本的美国也是如此,因为她的开局经济法案对工厂建设惩罚太大,对基建却没有惩罚。

基础建设对建造速度的加成是有边际效应的。在理想状态下,基建从0级升到1级就要建5民工或3军工才能回本 ,1升2要6军工或4民工 ,9到10级甚至要16军工或11民工 。此处列出计算公式: [math]\displaystyle{ \text{所需工业产出}=3000\times\left(1+\text{本省基建等级}\right)\cdot\left(1+\frac{\text{本省基建等级}}{10}\right) }[/math]



It is possible to deconstruct shared buildings from the state tab by hovering over the building icon and pressing the X that appears in the lower right corner of the icon. During wartime, each state can only deconstruct one building per 30 days.


Each state has a category, which then decides the base number of shared slots. Various technologies give percentage bonuses to how many slots a state can have. Various National Focuses may give additional bonus slots. The total number of slots is capped at 25.

Building slots.
Category Default number of slots Name in source files Example State
Megalopolis Region 12 megalopolis Greater London Area
Metropolis Region 10 metropolis New England
Dense Urban Region 8 large_city Southern Ontario
Urban Region 6 city Svealand
Sparse Urban Region 5 large_town Nebraska
Developed Rural Region 4 town Sardinia
Rural Region 2 rural Crete
Pastoral Region 1 pastoral Hejaz
Small Island 1 small_island Iwo Jima
Enclave 0 enclave Gibraltar
Tiny Island 0 tiny_island Midway Island
Wasteland 0 wasteland Libyan Desert


These buildings are built on a province level.

! 名称 花费 最大等级 效果
Land fort.png要塞 500 + (500 * Existing Local Land Fort Level) 10 Inflicts an attack penalty of -15% for each fort level on the attacker in combat. Attacking from multiple directions will reduce forts effect.
Coastal fort.png海岸要塞 500 + (500 * Existing Local Coastal Fort Level) 10 Inflicts an attack penalty of -15% for each fort level on the attacker in naval invasion combat.


Civilian factories make all the improvements to a territory and are necessary to build any of the constructions listed under the “Constructions” tab. All nations start with a certain number of civilian factories and a percentage will be used for consumer goods, depending on the economy law and national spirits that are currently in place.

Civilian factories that are not used to produce consumer goods can be used for trade or to complete or repair the construction queued in the “Constructions” tab. It's possible to increase the number of civilian factories by building more, but this is limited by the number of Shared buildingsshared buildings slots available in each state.


Depending on economic laws and national spirits, a number of civilian factories will be occupied by producing consumer goods and are unavailable for construction or trade. This number is computed as a percentage of the total number of factories, rounding upwards. Factories are counted even when they are damaged and can't produce anything.

Consumer Goods.png Universal Country Specific
-10% 澳大利亚的国旗 澳大利亚 national spirit Invest in VictoryInvest in Victory (from focus Squash the Squander Bugs)
+10% Total MobilizationTotal Mobilization as economy law 加拿大的国旗 加拿大 national spirit Great DepressionGreat Depression (from focus Canada Wheat Board)
+15% 澳大利亚的国旗 澳大利亚 national spirit Great DepressionGreat Depression (from focus National Security Act)
+20% War EconomyWar Economy as economy law 澳大利亚的国旗 澳大利亚 national spirit Great DepressionAustralia#Great Depression (present at start)
+25% Partial MobilizationPartial Mobilization as economy law 加拿大的国旗 加拿大 national spirit Great DepressionDominion of Canada#Great Depression (present at start)
+30% Early MobilizationEarly Mobilization as economy law 美利坚合众国的国旗 美利坚合众国 national spirit The Great DepressionThe Great Depression (present at start)
+35% Civilian EconomyCivilian Economy as economy law IsolationIsolation as economy law (美利坚合众国的国旗 美利坚合众国 only, from focus Prepare Intervention)
+50% Undisturbed IsolationUndisturbed Isolation as economy law (美利坚合众国的国旗 美利坚合众国 only)

南非的国旗 南非 can gain -3% consumer goods at Total MobilizationTotal Mobilization with its spirits, but will not gain additional factories by this.


Suppose the civilian economy law is enabled (requiring 30% of civilian and military factories dedicated to consumer goods) and no other modifiers apply. A country has 50 military factories, 50 civilian ones and 20 Dockyards. It will then have30 (civilian) factories dedicated to consumer goods.


The Factory Output of each civilian factory employed in construction is 5 per day. Construction Speed modifies the output for the building of all constructions.

Construction Speed.png Universal Country Specific
+15% Free TradeFree Trade as trade law
+5% Limited ExportsLimited Exports as trade law
−10% Service by RequirementService by Requirement as conscription law
−30% All Adults ServeAll Adults Serve as conscription law
−40% Scraping the BarrelScraping the Barrel as conscription law

There are also modifiers which only affect a single type of building. These are, primarily, the political advisors (Captain of Industry, Fortification Engineer, Quartermaster General and War Industrialist) but can also be one of many other national spirits activated by national focuses or events.


The return on investment of building an additional Civilian Factory will depend on the Construction Speed bonus as well the Economy Law currently in place, or expected in the future. The higher the Construction Speed bonus is, the more Output will be done by the newly built Civilian Factory and the faster it will accumulate an Output equal to its cost, 10800. This variable is the time, in days, required to recover the cost of building the factory, or payback time. The Economy Law will dictate what ratio of Civilian Factories are used for Consumer Goods and Output/Trade. The higher this ratio is, the longer the payback time of the newly built Civilian Factory will be. The payback time of a new Civilian Factory is given by the following formula:

[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Payback Time} = \frac{10800}{5 \cdot (1 + \text{Construction Speed Bonus}) \cdot \left(1 - \frac{\text{Consumer Goods Factories}}{100}\right)} }[/math]

The construction speed modifiers range between -70% and +65% and except for the lowest two modifiers, they all have multiple combinations to be achieved. In fact, there are 320 possible combinations of variables affecting Civilian Factory construction speed outside of national spirits and unique laws.

最小值 0% 最大值
Undisturbed Isolation 8000 2400 2087
Isolation 5539 2216 1773
Civilian Economy 4115 2058 1524
Early Mobilization 2743 1920 1239
Partial Mobilization 2250 1800 1091
War Economy 2218 1695 1027
Total Mobilization 2000 1600 970

Minimal Construction Speed is -70% for Undisturbed Isolation and goes up to -20% with Partial Mobilization. Maximum Speed is 15% for Undisturbed Isolation and 65% with Partial Mobilization. All Values are rounded up to full days.

Additionally, because it's possible to assign up to 15 Civilian Factories (when available) to the construction of a new Civilian Factory, the number of days it will take to build a new one is given by the following formula:

[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Build Time} = \frac{10800}{\#\text{Factories} \cdot 5 \cdot \left(1 + \frac{\text{SpeedBonus}}{100}\right)} }[/math]


Civilian Factories can be converted into Military Factories for 4000 and Military Factories can be converted into Civilian Factories for 9000. These base cost is modified by several national spirits and political advisors. To convert a factory simply click on the corresponding state, and hover over the factory that shall be converted. The game will ask for confirmation. After confirmation the conversion now appears in the construction tab, just like any other building project.


Each building level has 100 HP. They may get damaged by port strikes (naval bases), land combat (infrastructure, forts), resistance (factories), strategic bombing, or explicit events (like the Soviet Union's decision to move factories to the Urals). Nuclear bombs can destroy multiple or all levels of a building at once, for details see Nuclear_bomb#Effects.

The damage from land combat (against infrastructure) and strategic bombing gets scaled by the building's damage factor (air base and radar: 0.5, anti-air: 0.1, 1 otherwise) and the squared ratio of the currently undamaged building levels to the maximum level. For example, a level-3 anti-air building (maximum level 5) where one level is already partially damaged only receives [math]\displaystyle{ \left(2/5\right)^2 * 0.1 = 1.6% }[/math] of incoming damage from strategic bombing. A single military factory in a state (or in other words a level-1 military factory) receives [math]\displaystyle{ \left(1/20\right)^2 = 0.25% }[/math] while 15 military factories receive [math]\displaystyle{ \left(15/20\right)^2 = 56.25% }[/math]. High-level factories and infrastructure will generally get damaged much more quickly from these two damage sources than lower levels.

State anti-air tooltip showing different bombing damage reductions for factories and other buildings.

Anti-air provides damage resistance from bomber-type attacks (port strikes and strategic bombing) depending on the level of anti-air in the containing state and researched anti-air technologies. Dispersed Industry provides an alternative source of damage resistance but only for factories and not stacking with anti-air. The maximum of the two is used for factories.

All damaged buildings appear in the construction list. The speed of factories assigned to a repair line gets a bonus of +100% plus any Factory Repair Speed bonuses (e.g. from Construction technologies and Construction Repair continuous focus). Even when no factories are assigned, the speed of the line is 0.3[1].

The resulting daily repair progress is [math]\displaystyle{ \text{median}(1%, \text{speed} / \text{building cost} * 100%, 100%) }[/math], rounded to the nearest full percent. So when assigning no factories, repairs will still progress by 1% per day. Assigning just a few factories to repair an expensive building may also produce just 1% progress per day, effectively wasting the factory output.

hoi4de:Construction hoi4es:Construction hoi4fr:Construction hoi4pl:Construction hoi4pt:Construction hoi4ru:Construction

  1. This is not increased by the Construction Repair continuous focus forum:1251943