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(傻狗本狗~移动页面Naval doctrine海军学说

2020年8月23日 (日) 22:41的版本

Naval doctrine is a technology group that allows a nation to specialize the way its navy conducts naval warfare. The doctrine tree consists of three exclusive branches that provide different bonuses.

Naval doctrine research tree
Naval doctrine research tree.png

Base time to research

Each individual doctrine research has a base time to research of 255 days. By spending 100 海军经验 Navy experience the research speed can be increased by 100%. All other research speed modifiers are added to this.
Research time example:
With the 100% research speed bonus from 100 海军经验 Navy experience spent,
and the 10% research speed bonus from Free Trade,
the resulting research time is:
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Research Time} = 255 / (1 + 100% + 10%) = 255 / 2.1 \approx 121 \text{ days} }[/math]

Doctrine branches

  • Fleet in Being: "A strong fleet focused around battleships means that we are a force to be reckoned with when deployed at sea."

This is the well-rounded general purpose set of naval doctrines that most substantial navies used. It enhances Search & Destroy for capital ships, submarine detection for screening ships, and bonuses for all classes, although subs seem least favored. This is the most powerful doctrine for surface action. It is the most efficient in responding to the escort needs of convoys and in anti-submarine warfare.

  • Trade Interdiction: "Against a stronger naval opponent we can focus on tying up their fleet and destroying supply lines to starve their war machine."

This is an offensive doctrine focusing on attacking enemy convoys with coordinated stealthy surface and submarine raiders that have superior abilities to find and destroy enemy shipping while evading enemy detection. Such stealthiness can also be valuable in normal combat or escaping from it, which is usually the best course. Submarines are made very dangerous to the enemy. The trade-off under this doctrine is that light cruisers and destroyers have mediocre anti-submarine warfare capabilities and weak escort efficiency bonuses, so vulnerable friendly shipping may require more effort to defend. Germany adopted the raiding strategy in its efforts in both world wars to strangle Great Britain by cutting off its shipping, but this can also be suitable for minors seeking a naval presence to strike enemy trade with moderate risk and expense.

  • Base Strike: "With a strong focus on carriers and their support, no enemy will be outside our reach, whether on land or at sea."

This is similar to the approach of Japan and the United States. It focuses on blue water navy carriers and their light cruiser and destroyer screens, with submarines also receiving decent bonuses for supporting carrier operations. There are no class-specific bonuses at all for battleships, battlecruisers or heavy cruisers, but if built they share the array of global bonuses under this doctrine. Having at least a few fast heavy cruisers that can keep pace with the carriers for bombardment and surface action is advisable, but it is possible to focus just on research and production of carriers, screens and carrier aircraft to make the best use of limited resources.

Some nations start the game with a pre-enabled naval doctrine:

Doctrine Countries
Base Strike.png Base Strike
Fleet In Being.png Fleet in Being
Trade Interdiction.png Trade Interdiction 德意志国的国旗 德意志国

Note: It's possible to change doctrine throughout the game, but all bonuses from the old doctrine are lost, as if completely abandoned, when starting research of a different doctrine tree.

Definitions and terminology

  • Capital ship attack Capital ship attack is a value that represents a capital ship's firepower or damage capability due to it's gun size, quantity, rate of fire, etc. This value adds a positive modifier to the "to hit" dice of a large friendly ship. The higher the number, the better. Reference naval combat details.
  • Submarine attack Submarine attack is a value that represents ??? (placeholder)
  • Submarine defense Submarine defense is a value that represents ??? (placeholder)
  • Sortie efficiency: Sortie (sorties are air missions launched from an aircraft carrier) efficiency represents the speed of refueling and rearming planes on a carrier during battle. A higher sortie efficiency rating results in greater numbers of carrier based planes (not land based) joining in a fight. Sortie efficiency typically starts at 50% (reference Defines NNavy BASE_CARRIER_SORTIE_EFFICIENCY = 0.5) meaning that only half of your carrier planes may fly at the same time. Sortie efficiency can be increased via Naval doctrines and by adding a Navy Carrier specialist (+10%), Navy Carrier expert (+15%), or Navy Carrier genius (+20%) to your military staff.

List of all doctrines

Fleet in Being

Fleet In Being icon

Fleet In Being

  • Battleship, Battlecruiser, Heavy Cruiser:
  • Light Cruiser, Destroyer:
  • Fleet: Naval minelaying efficiency +10%
Ships stay in port where they are safer and only engage enemies at opportune moments. The presence of our ships will make enemies more reluctant to take our ports.
Battlefleet Concentration icon

Battlefleet Concentration

  • Battleship, Battlecruiser, Heavy Cruiser:
Fleet: Strike Force Org loss +10%
Call in nearby ships as soon as an enemy vessel is spotted. Coordinated focused fire quickly render enemy ships useless. Hunt them down one by one.
Convoy Sailing icon

Convoy Sailing

Introducing compulsory convoy sailing will make it easier to spot enemy raids and respond in time. Safety in numbers is the way to go.
Submarine Operations icon

Submarine Operations

We do not need to engage the enemy fleet head on to win the war. Strike at their trade convoys before they can react and disappear below the surface again. You cannot fight what you cannot see.
Subsidiary Carrier Role icon

Subsidiary Carrier Role

Carriers support Battleships, improving their readiness in switching from defense to offense. The utility of the Carrier as both an eye in the sky and powerful quick strikeforce complement the slower Battleships well.
Convoy Escorts icon

Convoy Escorts

Fast surface ships as part of our convoys will allow us to spot enemy submarines and respond in time. Detection is they key to eliminating the submarine nuisance.
Undersea Blockade icon

Undersea Blockade

Submarines are the perfect tool for cutting of the enemy's inflow of important raw materials. We will cripple the enemy's production and win by starving them out.
Hunter Killer Groups icon

Hunter Killer Groups

Destroyers form groups to hunt down enemy submarines. The combined efforts of scouting and hunting specialists make a fantastic killing team.
Escort Carriers icon

Escort Carriers

The area covered by a Carrier's aircraft makes escorting trade convoys a much easier task. Securing the flow of resources is essential.
Convoy Interdiction icon

Convoy Interdiction

Improved coordination of our submarines will let them strike at trade convoys en route. Disrupting the enemy's supply lines will give us the strategic advantage.
Floating Fortress icon

Floating Fortress

With battleships on highest alert we will always be prepared to respond if the enemy dares threaten our waters. Any fleet needs a solid foundation and the power of the battleship is unparallelled.
Integrated Convoy Defense icon

Integrated Convoy Defense

Better navy and air coordination allow us to strike at enemies from miles away before they are near our trade convoys. This will drastically increase the effectiveness of convoy sailing.
Submarine Offensive icon

Submarine Offensive

Reaching the pinnacle of communication between our submarines allows them to go on the offensive. Let us destroy the enemy trade convoys faster than they can replace them.
Floating Airfield icon

Floating Airfield

Improved integration of Carriers into our fleet keeps us prepared to strike from both sea and air. It is key that we dominate the air wherever we go.
Grand Battlefleet icon

Grand Battlefleet

  • Battleship, battlecruiser, heavy cruiser:
  • Fleet: Naval AA attack +10%
  • Fleet: Naval minelaying efficiency +10%
  • Capital ship: attack +10%
  • Leadership training allow our commanders to keep calm in the heat of battle even when commanding immense fleets. Our fleet will crush any opposition head on.

    Trade Interdiction

    Trade Interdiction icon

    Trade Interdiction

    • Heavy Cruiser, Light Cruiser, Submarine:
    The sooner we spot the enemy ships, the sooner we can destroy them. Hit their trade convoys and escape before they have time to react.
    Raider Patrols icon

    Raider Patrols

    • Heavy Cruiser, Light Cruiser:
    Patrols of both fast and gun heavy ships leave the enemy trade convoys nowhere to hide.
    Not only submarines can hunt.
    Carrier Operations icon

    Carrier Operations

    Carriers will allow our pilots to strike at sea faster and easier than from our airbases on land. We will strike before they have time to react.
    Convoy Interdiction icon

    Convoy Interdiction

    Improved coordination of our submarines will let them strike at trade convoys en route. Disrupting the enemy's supply lines will give us the strategic advantage.
    Capital Ship Raiders icon

    Capital Ship Raiders

    • Fleet: Enemy fleet size penalty +10%
    • Battleship, battlecruiser:
    With our most powerful ships on the hunt for trade convoys, the enemy will no longer find safety in numbers. They are sitting ducks praying we will not find them.
    Convoy Sailing icon

    Convoy Sailing

    Introducing compulsory convoy sailing will make it easier to spot enemy raids and respond in time. Safety in numbers is the way to go.
    Unrestricted Submarine Warfare icon

    Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

    Let our submarines sink any vessel without warning, civilian or not. While some consider this a breach of the rules of war, there is no denying its effectiveness.
    Battlefleet Concentration icon

    Battlefleet Concentration

    • Battleship, battlecruiser, heavy cruiser:
    • Fleet: Strike Force Org loss -20%
    Call in nearby ships as soon as an enemy vessel is spotted. Coordinated focused fire quickly render enemy ships useless. Hunt them down one by one.
    Subsidiary Carrier Role icon

    Subsidiary Carrier Role

    Carriers support Battleships, improving their readiness in switching from defense to offense. The utility of the Carrier as both an eye in the sky and powerful quick strikeforce complement the slower Battleships well.
    Wolfpacks icon


    With our submarines organized into packs the coordination between them is greatly improved. Once an enemy is located our submarine lies in wait until the rest of the pack arrives. Attacking only when the odds are overwhelmingly in our favour.
    Floating Fortress icon

    Floating Fortress

    With battleships on highest alert we will always be prepared to respond if the enemy dares threaten our waters. Any fleet needs a solid foundation and the power of the battleship is unparallelled.
    Naval Air Operations icon

    Naval Air Operations

    Pilots trained to perform missions from carriers opens a new way for us to dominate the seas. Airplanes are an efficient way of thinning out the enemy fleet.
    Advanced Submarine Warfare icon

    Advanced Submarine Warfare

    A massive improvement on communication between our submarines lets them time attacks to perfection. When they finally see us it will be from a sinking ship.
    Floating Airfield icon

    Floating Airfield

    Improved integration of Carriers into our fleet keeps us prepared to strike from both sea and air. It is key that we dominate the air wherever we go.
    Combined Operations Raiding icon

    Combined Operations Raiding

    • Battlecruiser, Heavy Cruiser, Light Cruiser Submarine:
    Designating all resources to hunt for enemy trade convoys. Coordination between our main fleet and submarines makes our fleet ever alert. No ship will go unnoticed in our waters.

    Base Strike

    Base Strike icon

    Base Strike

    Striking at the enemy's ports will cripple their ability to rebuild their fleet. This will allow us to dominate the seas by sheer numbers.
    Convoy Escorts icon

    Convoy Escorts

    Fast surface ships as part of our convoys will allow us to spot enemy submarines and respond in time. Detection is they key to eliminating the submarine nuisance.
    Submarine Operations icon

    Submarine Operations

    We do not need to engage the enemy fleet head on to win the war. Strike at their trade convoys before they can react and disappear below the surface again. You cannot fight what you cannot see.
    Carrier Primacy icon

    Carrier Primacy

    Modern airplanes have greater range and precision than ordinary naval guns. Integrate carriers into our fleet and dominate the seas from the sky.
    Escort Patrols icon

    Escort Patrols

    Improving detection makes our convoy escorts far deadlier to submarines. With nowhere to hide they pose no real threat.
    Undersea Blockade icon

    Undersea Blockade

    Submarines are the perfect tool for cutting of the enemy's inflow of important raw materials. We will cripple the enemy's production and win by starving them out.
    Carrier Task Forces icon

    Carrier Task Forces

    • Carrier, light cruiser:
    Organized task forces with carriers and light cruisers ensures that the enemy will never catch us off guard.
    Convoy Sailing icon

    Convoy Sailing

    Introducing compulsory convoy sailing will make it easier to spot enemy raids and respond in time. Safety in numbers is the way to go.
    Convoy Interdiction icon

    Convoy Interdiction

    Improved coordination of our submarines will let them strike at trade convoys en route. Disrupting the enemy's supply lines will give us the strategic advantage.
    Floating Airfield icon

    Floating Airfield

    Improved integration of Carriers into our fleet keeps us prepared to strike from both sea and air. It is key that we dominate the air wherever we go.
    Integrated Convoy Defense icon

    Integrated Convoy Defense

    Better navy and air coordination allow us to strike at enemies from miles away before they are near our trade convoys. This will drastically increase the effectiveness of convoy sailing.
    Submarine Offensive icon

    Submarine Offensive

    Reaching the pinnacle of communication between our submarines allows them to go on the offensive. Let us destroy the enemy trade convoys faster than they can replace them.
    Massed Strikes icon

    Massed Strikes

    Pilots trained for carrier missions will allow even an overcrowded carrier to function smoothly, swarming the enemy and vastly improving their effectiveness in naval battles. A carrier needs to run like a well oiled machine where everyone knows their role.
    Floating Fortress icon

    Floating Fortress

    With battleships on highest alert we will always be prepared to respond if the enemy dares threaten our waters. Any fleet needs a solid foundation and the power of the battleship is unparallelled.
    Carrier Battlegroups icon

    Carrier Battlegroups

    • Carrier, light cruiser:
    Carriers are able to strike at the enemy from a greater distance than any naval cannon and with eyes in the sky we will never be caught off guard. Carriers in mass is a force to be reckoned with.

    Comparison table by unit

    Submarine (SS) stats
    Doctrine Organization Surface Detection Raiding Efficiency Attack HP%
    Fleet in Being +40 +25% +15%
    Trade Interdiction +50 +50% +50% +10% +20%
    Base Strike +40 +25% +15%
    Destroyer (DD) stats
    Doctrine Organization Surface Detection Sub Detection
    Fleet in Being +60 +10% +30%
    Trade Interdiction +10 +5%
    Base Strike +50 +25%
    Light Cruiser (CL) stats
    Doctrine Organization Surface Detection Sub Detection Surface Visibility Raiding Efficiency

    Fleet in Being +20 +10% +35%
    Trade Interdiction +30 +30% -10% 50%
    Base Strike +60 +25%
    Heavy Cruiser (CA) stats
    Doctrine Organization Surface Detection Raiding Coordination
    Fleet in Being +40
    Trade Interdiction +40 +30% +50%
    Base Strike
    Battlecruiser (BC) stats
    Doctrine Organization Surface Detection Surface Visibility Raiding Coordination
    Fleet in Being +40
    Trade Interdiction +40 +40% -20% +50%
    Base Strike
    Battleship (BB) stats
    Doctrine Organization Surface Detection Surface Visibility Raiding Coordination
    Fleet in Being +60
    Trade Interdiction +50 +25% -25% +50%
    Base Strike +20
    Carrier (CV) stats
    Doctrine Organization Naval Air Agility* Sortie Efficiency Carrier Overcrowding Sub Detection
    Fleet in Being +30 +30% +50%
    Trade Interdiction +60 +30%
    Base Strike +120 +10% +50% -20%
    • Applies only to airplanes based on carriers
    Other bonuses
    Doctrine Naval
    Port Strikes Naval AA Attack
    (All Ships)
    Capital ship
    Capital ship
    Org Loss
    Torpedo Reveal
    Enemy Fleet
    Size Penalty
    Fleet in Being +10% +10% +10% +20% +45% +20% -15%
    Trade Interdiction +20% +10% +15% +20% -25% +10%
    Base Strike +40% +50% +10% +30% -15%

    hoi4fr:Doctrine navale