
(merge from offical wiki)
第1行: 第1行:
'''Government''' is the political representation of what is happening in the player's country.
在游戏中,'''政府'''('''Government''' )界面列出了玩家所使用的国家的各项事务。

== Political power ==
== 政治点数 ==
{{icon|Political power}} Political power represents the amount of influence a country's leader has over domestic affairs. The maximum quantity that can be stored is 2000.<ref name=defines>See in {{path|defines}}</ref>
{{icon|Political power}} '''政治点数'''('''Political Power''')代表了国家领导人在国家各项事务中的影响力,该项点数最多可以储存'''2000'''点。<ref name="defines"> 请见 {{path|defines}}</ref>
=== 被动获得 ===
政治点数会以每天 {{Green|+2}} 的速率自动获得,该数值会受到游戏难度的影响,不同的游戏难度提供不同的修正,难度越高,获得的点数越少。<ref name=defines/

=== Passive generation ===
Political power is generated at a base rate of {{Green|+2}} per day on Regular difficulty.<ref name=defines/> The other difficulty levels add percentage bonuses and penalties, respectively.
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Difficulty !! Modifier
! 难度 !! 修正
|Civilian || {{green|+50%}}
| 平民 || {{green|+50%}}
|Recruit || {{green|+25%}}
| 征召 || {{green|+25%}}
|Regular || '''+0%'''
| 正常 || '''+0%'''
|Veteran || {{red|-10%}}
| 老兵 || {{red|-10%}}
|Elite || {{red|-15%}}
| 精英 || {{red|-15%}}

====Leaders with modifiers====
==== 拥有政治点数修正的领导人====
Certain leaders have a trait which gives their nation a bonus or negative to Political Power. For example:

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Leader !! Trait !! Country !! Modifiers
! 领导人 !! 特质 !! 国家 !! 修正
| 阿道夫.希特勒 || 独裁者 ||德意志国 || {{green|+25%}} 政治点数
| Adolf Hitler || Dictator ||German Reich || {{green|+25%}} Political power
| 托洛茨基 || 永远的革命 || 苏联 || {{red|−15%}} 政治点数、{{red|+15%}} 正当化战争目标时间、{{green| −30%}} 颠覆活动成本
| Leon Trotsky || Permanent Revolutionary || Soviet Union || {{red| −15%}} Political power, {{red|+15%}} Justify war goal time, {{green| −30%}} Subversive activities cost
| 爱德华VIII || 不成熟的帝国主义者 || 大不列颠(中立意识形态的联合王国)|| {{red| −30%}} 政治点数、{{green|+5%}} 稳定度、{{green| −25%}} 正当化战争目标时间
| Edward VIII || Inexperienced Imperialist || Great Britain (Non-Aligned UK) || {{red|−30%}} Political power, {{green|+5%}} Stability, {{green|−25%}} Justify war goal time
| 杰克.里克特 || 操作大师 || 德意志社会主义共和国 || {{green|+15%}} 政治点数
| Jake Richter || Master Maneuverer || [[East Germany]] || {{green|+15%}} Political power
| 维多利亚 || 人民的皇帝 || style="max-width:30em" | [[ 德意志第二帝国]] (中立意识形态,需要通过“要求恢复英国王室头衔”决议后使该角色上台,且需要启用 {{icon|wtt}} [[唤醒勇虎]] ) || {{green|+0.1%}} 每周稳定度变化、{{green|+5%}} 稳定度、{{green|+5%}} 战争支持度、{{green|+10%}} 核心领土防御力、{{green|+15%}} 政治点数
| Victoria || Kaiserin of the People || style="max-width:30em" | [[Germany]] (neutral ideology, via the "Request Restoration of British Titles" decision, requires {{icon|wtt}} [[Waking the Tiger]]) || {{green|+0.1%}} Weekly stability, {{green|+5%}} Stability, {{green|+5%}} War support, {{green|+10%}} Division defence on core territory, {{green |+15%}} Political power
| 墨索里尼
| 领袖
| 意大利
|{{green|+10%}} 政治点数

=== National focus ===
=== 国策 ===
{{main|National focus}}
{{main| 国策}}
National focuses were designed as replacements for the decisions in Hearts of Iron III. Only one national focus can be active at any given time, and each takes a certain number of days, usually 70 days. Focuses consume 1 political power a day. When completed, they provide benefits or initiate events. Major nations (and DLC expanded countries) have their own unique focus tree, while other countries share a generic one.
'''国策'''('''National focus''')取代了前作中的各项决议,每个国家一次只能选取一个国策,并需要花费一定时间来完成,大部份为'''70'''天,小部份为35天,为在完成后获得一定的效果(获得各项修正或触发事件)。[[国家|主要国家]]和波兰会使用独特的国策树,一些国家可通过DLC获得独特国策树,没有独特国策树的国家使用[[通用国策树]]。
=== 法律与顾问 ===
政治点数可以被用来聘请顾问和企业或者更改法律,通常每项花费为 {{icon|Political power}} {{red|150}} 政治点数,该项数值可能会受到民族精神、领导人特质、国策等的影响。

=== Ideas ===
=== 军官授勋 ===
{{main| 指挥官}}
Political power is spent to manage the government via [[ideas]]. These take the form of laws, ministers, and companies. Enacting or removing an idea costs political power, with adding an idea usually costing 150.
政治点数可以被用来获得新的指挥官来指挥集团军,该项花费受到已招募指挥官数量的影响。第一个指挥官花费为 {{icon|Political power}} {{red|5}} 政治点数,此后每个指挥官花费增加 {{icon|Political power}} {{red|5}} 政治点数,海军指挥官同理。

=== Commanders ===
在v11.0版本后, 新的指挥官将由玩家指定战地军官通过花费指挥点数得到,将不再通过花费政治点数的方式随机产生。政治点数可用于给取得特殊功绩(如占领重要城市、机场、补给中心等)的部队发放勋章, 使之获得突破、补给消耗、组织度等方面的加成.
Political power may be used to produce new commanders for use in commanding divisions. The cost scales with the amount of commanders the player already has, starting at a cost of 5 and increasing by 5 for each additional commander. Naval commanders are bought with the same system, and at the same rate as the field commanders.

=== Diplomacy ===
=== 外交 ===
{{main| 外交}}
Political Power is needed for several diplomatic interactions, including justifying war, guaranteeing independence, or improving relations.

Justifying for a province using the Conquest casus belli costs 50 political power, increasing by 5 if justifying on a country with the Neutral Foreign Policy national spirit. Each state added to the Conquest justification increases the cost by 10 political power. Justifying using the Retake core state casus belli costs 25 political power.
正当化战争理由的基础花费为 {{icon|Political power}} {{red|50}} 政治点数,如果拥有“外交中立”民族精神则会额外再加 {{red|5}} 点,每多正当化一个战争目标则需要多付出 {{red|10}} 点。另外,收复核心领土的战争理由基础花费为 {{red|25}} 点。

A guarantee of independence costs 25 political power and increases by that much for each subsequent guarantee (first justification is 25 political power, second justification is 50 political power, etc.).
保证独立基础花费为 {{icon|Political power}} {{red|25}} 点,此后每多保证一个国家独立会增加 {{red|25}} 点。即保障一个国家独立花费 {{red|25}} 点,第二个为 {{red|50}} 点,以此类推。

Improving relations is initiated at the cost of 10 political power, and costs a base rate of .2 political power per day for a country with a matching ideology. If the improving relations action is taken with the target being a separate ideology, the cost per day is 0.4 political power. For example, if {{flag|Germany}} was improving relations with fascist {{flag|Italy}} it would cost .2 political power per day, but improving relations with the democratic {{flag|United Kingdom}} would cost .4 political power per day.
改善关系需要一次性消耗 {{icon|Political power}} {{red|10}} 点政治点数,在开始改善关系后每天还会消耗点数,与相同[[意识形态]]国家为 {{red|0.2}} 点/天, 不同意识形态国家为 {{red|0.4}} 点/天。

=== Decisions ===
=== 决议 ===
Decisions act as a middle ground between [[national focuses]] and [[events]]. The outcomes vary between instantaneous or timed effects.
决议是介于[[ 国策]] [[ 事件]] 中的一种系统,可即时生效或花费一定时间生效。

The decisions tab is accessible by clicking the gavel icon in the top bar, or by pressing '''Shift+Q'''.
可通过快捷键 '''Shift+Q''' 进入决议界面。

== Ideology ==
== 意识形态 ==
{{main| 意识形态}}
The player's government type is defined by their country leader and their [[ideology]].
每个国家的政体以及其领导人都是由[[ 意识形态]] 来决定的。

== Elections ==
== 选举 ==
Elections occur in democracies and some non-aligned countries. The length of time between an election depends on the country, ranging from one to eight years between elections. The player can see when the next election will be under the politics or diplomacy tabs. Elections enable the player to change power to other ideologies without violence. If a party has above 50% popularity during an election, they will win it and become the new ruling party. Elections can also trigger some other [[Election events]].
选举只会在民主国家和少量中立意识形态国家发生,不同国家选举周期不同,从'''1'''年至'''8'''年不等。玩家可以在政治或外交界面看到下一次选举时间。选举能够让玩家在避免内战的情况下更换[[ 意识形态]] 。支持度超过50%的党派会赢得选举,有些选举还会触发选举事件。

== National spirit ==
== 民族精神 ==
{{main|National spirit}}
{{main| 民族精神}}
National spirits are special ideas which apply bonuses and/or maluses. These ideas can be gained through the nation's [[National focus|focus tree]] or via certain event chains.
民族精神能够提供独特的增益或减益,通常为每个国家独有。玩家和AI可通过[[ 国策]]、[[事件]]或[[决议]] 来获得或移除特定民族精神。

While many of these are nation specific there are also some which are more generic in nature and can apply to more than one nation (such as those in the generic focus tree).

== Stability ==
== 稳定度 ==
''Stability'' is expressed as a percentage from  0%<ref>See in [[Defines#NCountry|defines]]: MIN_STABILITY</ref> to 100%<ref>See in [[Defines#NCountry|defines]]: MAX_STABILITY</ref>, and represents the people's support for the current government. Stability has various effects. At high stability, the nation receives production bonuses. At low stability, various crises can ravage the nation. Details below.

Stability '''above''' 50%<ref>See in [[Defines#NCountry|defines]]: DEFAULT_STABILITY</ref> gives the following bonuses, which scale linearly from none at 50% to the full amount at 100%. At 100% stability, the bonuses are:
稳定度''' 高于'''50% 会带来增益,幅度取决于稳定度数值,在100% 稳定度时将会获得:

* {{green|+20%}} factory and dockyard output  
*{{green|+20%}}  军用工厂和船坞产出
* {{green|-5%}} consumer goods  
*{{green|-5%}}  生活消费品
* {{green|+10%}} political power gain
*{{green|+10%}} 政治点数

Stability '''below''' 50% gives the following penalties, which scale linearly from none at 50% to the full amount at 0%. At 0% stability, the penalties are:
稳定度''' 低于'''50% 会受到一定惩罚,其数值却决于稳定度数值,在0% 稳定度时将会获得:

* {{red|-50%}} factory and dockyard output  
* {{red|-50%}}  军用工厂和船坞产出
* {{red|-20%}} political power gain
* {{red|-20%}} 政治点数

Further, stability affects [[Resistance|resistance targets]] in occupied territories from '''0%''' at 100%{{icon|stability}} up to {{red|+20%}} at 0%{{icon|stability}}.
同时,稳定度还影响占领区[[Resistance| 抵抗目标]] ,在100% {{icon|stability}} 稳定度时为 {{green|0%}} ,在0% {{icon|stability}} 稳定度时为 {{red|+20%}}。

The effect of stability is rounded down to the nearest integer. For example, 81.6% stability results in the same bonus as 81.0% and both are displayed as 81%{{icon|stability}}. The game internally stores stability to a higher precision.
稳定度的数值会向下取整,如81.6% 稳定度的增益与81% 稳定度提供的增益相同,实际稳定度数值上会比现实稳定度更加精确。

If the player is at war, low stability may cause a [[Low_Stability_events#low_stability_selector_event.2C_hidden|crisis]] up to a [[Low_Stability_events#The_Conscription_Rebellion|civil war]].
在战争期间,低稳定度会带来[[Low_Stability_events#low_stability_selector_event.2C_hidden| 危机]] 甚至[[Low_Stability_events#The_Conscription_Rebellion| 内战]]

Being in wars adds a {{red|-30%}} modifier to stability.<ref>See in [[defines#NCountry|defines]]: BASE_STABILITY_WAR_FACTOR</ref> The At War penalty is reversed when all active wars end.
处于战时的国家会自动获得{{red|-30%}} 稳定度的修正,并在战争结束后移除。<ref> 请见 [[defines#NCountry|defines]]: BASE_STABILITY_WAR_FACTOR</ref> 

Some modifiers such as Japan's leader bonus Emporer Showa give permanent stability increase to the nation. Others decrease it, such as the At War modifier.<ref>Look for {{path|custom=1|stability_factor}} in game files.</ref> When such modifiers add to above 100%, stability is displayed as 100% and the bonus effects capped at 100%. It is also possible that the sum of stability modifiers result in less than 100% maximum stability for the nation. When stability is at max after modifiers, any additional one-time stability from events, decisions and some national foci are lost.<ref>Look for {{path|custom=1|add_stability}} in game files for one-time stability changes.</ref> Active permanent modifiers are listed in the in-game tooltip for stability. One-time changes are not otherwise recorded.
一些修正会给予永久稳定度加成,一些则提供减成,无论如何,即使提供的修正再多,稳定度数值也不会突破'''100%''',在100% 稳定度情况下,通过任何手段获得的稳定度加成都会被视为无效。此外,各项修正相加后低于100% 的情况也会存在。永久修正会在游戏的稳定度界面中显示,一次性修正则不会。

== War support ==
== 战争支持度 ==
''War support'' is expressed as a percentage from 0% to 100%, and represents the willingness of the population to endure the privations of war. Various laws and national focuses can only be enacted if war support is at a sufficient level.
'''战争支持度'''('''War Support''')是一个浮动于0%至100%的数值,代表了人民支持当前战争的意愿,一些法律和[[国策]]需要战争支持度达到特定数值才能选取。
战争支持度'''高于'''50% 会给予下列增益:  
*{{green|+30%}} 动员速度 
*{{green|+10%}} 核心领土攻击力
*{{green|+50%}} 指挥点数
战争支持度'''低于'''50% 会受到下列惩罚:
*{{red|-50%}} 动员速度 
*{{red|-95%}} 指挥点数
*{{red|-30%}} 投降界限
(以下为英文wiki机翻, 待订正)

War support '''above''' 50% will give up to the following benefits: 
* {{green|+30%}} mobilization speed 
* {{green|10%}} army attack and defense on core territory 
* {{green|+50%}} command power gain  

War support '''below''' 50% will give up to the following penalties:  
  稳定度的计算方法是在基本稳定度的基础上加上永久性的稳定度修改器。基本稳定度从0% 到100% 不等,可以通过各种事件、国家重点和决定(如改善工人条件)来修改。一旦达到100% ,它就不能再增加了(反之亦然)。
* {{red|-50%}} mobilization speed 
* {{red|-95%}} command power gain 
* {{red|-30%}} surrender limit
* may cause a [[Low_Stability_events#low_stability_selector_event.2C_hidden|crisis]] while at war

== Nation leaders ==
{{main|Political Parties and Leaders}}
Each Nation has a leader. This leader depends on which party is in power and the leader of said party. Most leaders are only flavor and have no effect on the game while some leaders have AI modifiers and/or certain bonuses and/or penalties.

== Footnotes ==
拥有 "受欢迎人物 "的统治者特质或政治顾问+15%(两者可叠加)。
== 国家领导人 ==
== 参考资料 ==


[[Category:Game concepts]]
[[ 分类:Game concepts]]


2023年8月6日 (日) 14:01的最新版本



政治点数 政治点数Political Power)代表了国家领导人在国家各项事务中的影响力,该项点数最多可以储存2000点。[1]


政治点数会以每天 +2 的速率自动获得,该数值会受到游戏难度的影响,不同的游戏难度提供不同的修正,难度越高,获得的点数越少。[1]

难度 修正
平民 +50%
征召 +25%
正常 +0%
老兵 -10%
精英 -15%



领导人 特质 国家 修正
阿道夫.希特勒 独裁者 德意志国 +25% 政治点数
托洛茨基 永远的革命 苏联 −15% 政治点数、+15% 正当化战争目标时间、−30% 颠覆活动成本
爱德华VIII 不成熟的帝国主义者 大不列颠(中立意识形态的联合王国) −30% 政治点数、+5% 稳定度、−25% 正当化战争目标时间
杰克.里克特 操作大师 德意志社会主义共和国 +15% 政治点数
维多利亚 人民的皇帝 德意志第二帝国(中立意识形态,需要通过“要求恢复英国王室头衔”决议后使该角色上台,且需要启用 唤醒勇虎 唤醒勇虎 +0.1% 每周稳定度变化、+5% 稳定度、+5% 战争支持度、+10% 核心领土防御力、+15% 政治点数
墨索里尼 领袖 意大利 +10% 政治点数



国策National focus)取代了前作中的各项决议,每个国家一次只能选取一个国策,并需要花费一定时间来完成,大部份为70天,小部份为35天,为在完成后获得一定的效果(获得各项修正或触发事件)。主要国家和波兰会使用独特的国策树,一些国家可通过DLC获得独特国策树,没有独特国策树的国家使用通用国策树



政治点数可以被用来聘请顾问和企业或者更改法律,通常每项花费为 政治点数 150 政治点数,该项数值可能会受到民族精神、领导人特质、国策等的影响。



政治点数可以被用来获得新的指挥官来指挥集团军,该项花费受到已招募指挥官数量的影响。第一个指挥官花费为 政治点数 5 政治点数,此后每个指挥官花费增加 政治点数 5 政治点数,海军指挥官同理。

在v11.0版本后, 新的指挥官将由玩家指定战地军官通过花费指挥点数得到,将不再通过花费政治点数的方式随机产生。政治点数可用于给取得特殊功绩(如占领重要城市、机场、补给中心等)的部队发放勋章, 使之获得突破、补给消耗、组织度等方面的加成.




正当化战争理由的基础花费为 政治点数 50 政治点数,如果拥有“外交中立”民族精神则会额外再加 5 点,每多正当化一个战争目标则需要多付出 10 点。另外,收复核心领土的战争理由基础花费为 25 点。

保证独立基础花费为 政治点数 25 点,此后每多保证一个国家独立会增加 25 点。即保障一个国家独立花费 25 点,第二个为 50 点,以此类推。

改善关系需要一次性消耗 政治点数 10 点政治点数,在开始改善关系后每天还会消耗点数,与相同意识形态国家为 0.2 点/天, 不同意识形态国家为 0.4 点/天。




可通过快捷键 Shift+Q 进入决议界面。













  • +20% 军用工厂和船坞产出
  • -5% 生活消费品
  • +10% 政治点数


  • -50% 军用工厂和船坞产出
  • -20% 政治点数

同时,稳定度还影响占领区抵抗目标,在100% 稳定度 稳定度时为 0%,在0% 稳定度 稳定度时为 +20%






战争支持度War Support)是一个浮动于0%至100%的数值,代表了人民支持当前战争的意愿,一些法律和国策需要战争支持度达到特定数值才能选取。

战争支持度高于50% 会给予下列增益:  

  • +30% 动员速度 
  • +10% 核心领土攻击力
  • +50% 指挥点数

战争支持度低于50% 会受到下列惩罚:

  • -50% 动员速度 
  • -95% 指挥点数
  • -30% 投降界限
  • 可能会在战时导致危机

(以下为英文wiki机翻, 待订正)









拥有 "受欢迎人物 "的统治者特质或政治顾问+15%(两者可叠加)。







  1. 1.0 1.1 请见 /Hearts of Iron IV/common/defines/00_defines.lua