意大利作为1936年开局时的七个主要国家之一,拥有独特国策树,并在 唯有浴血扩展包中得到重做和补充。
- 埃塞俄比亚战争后勤线
- 这条线会提升殖民地的基础设施与工业,并在殖民地创建单位。
- 意大利高速公路线
- 这条线提升意大利本土的工业实力,以及一个科研槽,并发展亚平宁半岛的南/北部。
- 陆军为主线
- 这条线强化意大利的陆军,并为意大利的民族精神皇家陆军/意大利陆军提供加成。
- 空军改革线
- 这条线注重提升意大利的空军实力,并为意大利的民族精神皇家空军/意大利空军提供加成。
- 海军力量投射线
- 这条线注重提升意大利的海军实力,并为意大利的民族精神皇家海军/意大利海军提供加成。
- 在阿比西尼亚的惨败/稳步推进/在埃塞俄比亚的苦战线
- 政治主线的走向取决于意军在第二次意埃战争中的表现。它将给予一个免费的情报机构,并使维克托·埃马努埃莱三世加冕为 埃塞俄比亚皇帝。
- 团结反对派分支
- If the 2nd Italo-Ethiopian War has gone terribly, this allows Italy to follow the path of 共产主义 or 民主主义 via civil war. It allows the choice of the north or the south as the base of operations in the civil war.
- 人民阵线分支
- The 共产主义 sub-branch allows the joining of the Soviet faction or creating an independent faction with other Communist countries not in any factions and the formation of the Italian National Union. It also gives an extra research slot.
- 立足共识/铲除黑手党分支
- This sub-branch is shared with the 共产主义 and 民主主义 sub-branch. It handles the Military and the Mafia and may give advisors from other political factions
- 意式社会主义分支
- The 民主主义 sub-branch allows Italy to join the Allies or create a new faction with close European Democracies. It also gives an extra research slot.
- 埃塞俄比亚问题分支
- This sub-branch reevaluates Italy's colonial holdings, either giving them independence or making them puppets. It annexes 阿尔巴尼亚 and may give Italy units from each of its African puppets.
- 领袖崇拜分支
- 法西斯主义历史分支将使墨索里尼在政府中集中权力,启用更多角色加成。
- 大众文化部/治安民兵分支
- 法西斯主义通用分支将升级情报机构和黑衫军。
- 迈向大意大利分支
- 这一分支将允许成立 大意大利并给予地中海和非洲地区的宣称。
- 削弱领袖分支
- This starts the alternate 法西斯主义 and Monarchist sub-branches and overthrows Mussolini.
- 废黜墨索里尼分支
- This allows either Italo Balbo or Dino Grandi to become the leader of the 法西斯主义 party and gives bonuses depending on who's in power.
- 寻求英国军事合作/寻求法国军事合作分支
- This is the shared sub-branch between the alternate 法西斯主义 and Monarchist sub-branches. It allows the cooperation with 联合王国 and 法国 and proclaims the Italian Empire
- 意大利君主制分支
- The Monarchist sub-branch makes Vittorio Emmanuele III or Umberto II as the head of the nation and either forms Italy into a Constitutional Monarchy with either the King or the Prime Minister in power or gives the King absolute power. It also requests support from the Pope and gives bonuses from that.
- 我们的海分支
- The sub-branch allows the creation of the File:Imperium Romanum.png 罗马, cores on former Roman Imperial territory and gives military bonuses as well as alliances with Iberian or South American Nations.
- 教廷重生分支
- This sub-branch gives power to Pope Pius XI or Pope Pius XII and creates the 教宗国. It demands the state of Palestine from its owner and launches a crusade against non-Catholic European nations. It also allows the Pope to create the File:Imperium Romanum.png 罗马
- 外交事务分支
- This sub-branch is only available if Italy followed the 法西斯主义 or Monarchist sub-branches. It gives Italy various ways to handle foreign nations, whether or not to ally with the other European Majors, 希腊王国, 土耳其, 日本 and the Iberian nations. It may demand 阿尔巴尼亚 annexation or give 奥地利 a guarantee against 德意志国 Anschluss. It may also demand territory from 瑞士.
- The Italian Social Republic Branch
- If Italy enters in a civil war via the National Balance of Power Mechanic, it may chose the 法西斯主义 side. This will make Italy into a puppet of a major.
- The Italian Liberation War Branch
- If Italy enters in a civil war via the National Balance of Power Mechanic, it may chose the opposing side. It has the decision of becoming 共产主义 or Monarchist. This will make Italy into a puppet of a major. It is only available if the DLC 唯有浴血 is enabled.
Colonial Industry branch of the Italian national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 |
意大利: | |
意大利: | 意大利:
| |
File:Focus generic develop ethiopia.png
冥顽不化的埃塞俄比亚人一直蔑视羞辱我们,如今他们终于归降了。我们会开发他们的故乡,并让他们知道我们进军这里是为了他们的利益。 |
意大利: | 意大利:
File:Focus generic develop libya.png
开发利比亚 Libya is our closest colony, and the one with the highest potential. Before we can begin to reap the full rewards of our long and hard work in pacifying the area, we must improve its infrastructure. |
意大利: | 意大利:
File:Focus generic develop eritrea.png
开发厄立特里亚 Eritrea is our oldest colony on the African continent, and easily one of the most valuable. With its excellent strategic position, it can easily be built up to becoming a cornerstone of our colonial empire. |
意大利: | 意大利:
File:Focus generic develop somaliland.png
开发索马里兰 At first glance, the region on the Horn of Africa does not seem to hold much economic or strategic potential. But with a few well-placed investments, we can turn the area into a springboard for further advances into the Indian Ocean. |
意大利: | 意大利: |
| |
File:Focus generic improve roads.png
巴尔博沿海公路 The roads in Libya are abysmal. Even near the coast, the road network is simply unbefitting a modern country. There is much work to be done to improve this, including a large highway along the coast. Alternative Names Defy the Duce name |
意大利: | 意大利: |
意大利: | |
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意大利: | 意大利:
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File:Focus generic railroad.png
Libyan Railway Investments into the Libyan road network are certainly valuable, but for large scale movement of troops, resources, and supplies, a modern rail network is indispensable. |
意大利: | 意大利:
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意大利: | 意大利:
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Comandante Diavolo During our conquest of Eritrea and in our war in Ethiopia, we have often been bedeviled by the speed and tenacity of the native horsemen. Having struggled against them, we stand to gain much if we can get them to come over to our side, and an enterprising young officer might be able to become our very own 'Devil Commander'. |
意大利: | 意大利:
Hardened Irregular Bands
Taking Advantage of the native warriors we stand to gain much from their battle experience and geographical knowledge.
File:Ambox outdated info.png | 这部分内容可能已不适合当前版本,最后更新于1.12。 |
Mainland Industry branch of the Italian national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 |
意大利: | |
意大利: | 意大利:
Ricostruzione Industriale
Effective change:
Our efforts to save our domestic industries after the Great Depression have proven to be successful. By investin in Italy's industrial capacity even further our productivity will soon rival those of the major powers.
| |
意大利: | 意大利:
Ricostruzione Industriale
Effective change:
Our efforts to save our domestic industries after the Great Depression have proven to be successful. By investing in Italy's industrial capacity even further our productivity will soon rival those of the major powers.
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意大利: | 意大利:
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意大利: | 意大利:
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意大利: | 意大利:
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意大利: | 意大利:
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意大利: | Italy gets the 民族精神 for 730 days: | |
File:Focus generic hydroelectric energy.png
Investments in Edison Italy boasted the very first powerplant in Europe, and has always been on the forefront of technology. With an investment in the Edison company, we can ensure that we remain in the lead. |
意大利: | 意大利:
Our efforts to save our domestic industries after the Great Depression have proven to be successful. By investing in Italy's industrial capacity even further our productivity will soon rival those of the major powers.
| |
意大利: | 意大利:
Our efforts to save our domestic industries after the Great Depression have proven to be successful. By investing in Italy's industrial capacity even further our productivity will soon rival those of the major powers.
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意大利: | 意大利:
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Italy: | 意大利:
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意大利: | 意大利: | |
Redirect Alfa Romeo Production For decades, Italian sports cars have been at the absolute pinnacle of technology. But with the clouds of war closing in, everyone in Italy must do their part. We can not afford to retain pointless luxuries, and the machines of the Alfa Romeo plants may be better used for military purposes. |
意大利: | 意大利:
意大利: | 意大利:
Our Domestic military complex has fallen behind our rivals in both productivity and technology. We must strengthen Italy's military industries if we want our forces to be successful on the battlefields.
| |
意大利: | 意大利:
Military Industry
Effective change:
Our Domestic military complex has fallen behind our rivals in both productivity and technology. We must strengthen Italy's military industries if we want our forces to be successful on the battlefields.
| |
意大利: | 意大利:
File:Ambox outdated info.png | 这部分内容可能已不适合当前版本,最后更新于1.12。 |
Army branch of the Italian national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 |
无 | 意大利: | |
意大利: | 意大利:
| |
Vallo Alpino del Littorio Our land borders are almost entirely covered by the Alps. While those mountains are a formidable obstacle in their own right, we have learned in the last war that they are not entirely impenetrable. Constructing a series of fortifications will help us hold the line against any enemy land invasion. |
意大利: | 意大利:
意大利: | 意大利:
Regio Esercito/Esercito Italiano
Effective change:
The Italian army fought in the first World War and was on the victorious side, but has not been able to keep up with the military modernization. By adapting to modern times we will strengthen the army and be ever-victorious.
| |
A Bandit's War The old ways of waging war should have died in the trenches on the Isonzo. Some of our old generals still believe that modern war can be won by throwing masses of soldiers into the meatgrinder. We know better now: modern war is won by fast maneuvers and flexible organizations that can react quickly. We must prepare our army for this kind of war. |
意大利: | 意大利:
Regio Esercito/Esercito Italiano
Effective change:
The Italian army fought in the first World War and was on the victorious side, but has not been able to keep up with the military modernization. By adapting to modern times we will strengthen the army and be ever-victorious.
Mobility and mechanization are the future of warfare. We must invest heavily in modernizing our army for it to be successful on today's battlefields.
Mobility and mechanization are the future of warfare. We must invest heavily in modernizing our army for it to be successful on today's battlefields.
Moschettieri del Duce The Duce has, for his own protection, a unit of elite marksmen under his command. While the Duce's safety is, of course, of the highest priority, these exemplary soldiers could also be used to train our regular forces better, improving their effectiveness on the field. Alternative Names Defy the Duce name |
意大利: | 意大利:
Regio Esercito/Esercito Italiano
Effective change:
The Italian army fought in the first World War and was on the victorious side, but has not been able to keep up with the military modernization. By adapting to modern times we will strengthen the army and be ever-victorious.
意大利: | 意大利:
Regio Esercito/Esercito Italiano
Effective change:
The Italian army fought in the first World War and was on the victorious side, but has not been able to keep up with the military modernization. By adapting to modern times we will strengthen the army and be ever-victorious.
| |
意大利: | 意大利:
Regio Esercito/Esercito Italiano
Effective change:
The Italian army fought in the first World War and was on the victorious side, but has not been able to keep up with the military modernization. By adapting to modern times we will strengthen the army and be ever-victorious.
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File:Focus generic tankette.png
Italian Tankettes While other countries might develop ever larger and ever heavier tanks in search of the super-tank that will render all other tanks obsolete, we know that the best tank is a tank that is actually on the field. A tank must be fast enough to go wherever it is needed in time, and it really only needs armor heavy enough to withstand rifles. Sucha vehicle would be cheap and quick to produce. |
意大利: | 意大利:
Military Industry
Effective change:
Our Domestic military complex has fallen behind our rivals in both productivity and technology. We must strengthen Italy's military industries if we want our forces to be successful on the battlefields.
意大利: | 意大利:
Regio Esercito/Esercito Italiano
Effective change:
The Italian army fought in the first World War and was on the victorious side, but has not been able to keep up with the military modernization. By adapting to modern times we will strengthen the army and be ever-victorious.
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Divisioni Alpine Our memory of the Great War will forever include the brutal fighting in the high alps. If we ever have to defend our country against a foreign invasion again, it will certainly come from the north, and require more fighting in inhospitable mountains. We must have soldiers capable of fighting effectively in that terrain. |
意大利: | 意大利:
Regio Esercito/Esercito Italiano
Effective change:
The Italian army fought in the first World War and was on the victorious side, but has not been able to keep up with the military modernization. By adapting to modern times we will strengthen the army and be ever-victorious.
Fanti dell'Aria The bloody stalemate of the Isonzo Front during the Great War forced us into frontal assaults against a well-prepared enemy. The only way to accomplish a breakthrough was by crossing no-mans-land and taking the enemy trench. Modern planes can carry a group of soldiers quickly, far into the enemy's rear areas. Landing by parachute they can take strategic objectives to destabilize the enemy front-line. |
意大利: | 意大利:
Regio Esercito/Esercito Italiano
Effective change:
The Italian army fought in the first World War and was on the victorious side, but has not been able to keep up with the military modernization. By adapting to modern times we will strengthen the army and be ever-victorious.
File:Focus generic self propelled gun.png
Self-Propelled Guns The tank may have revolutionized warfare, but in many ways the self-propelled gun the is the most valuable vehicle on the battlefield. The fire support offered by comparatively cheap and simple vehicles is invaluable when it comes to fighting through fortifications or against enemy tanks. |
Our Domestic military complex has fallen behind our rivals in both productivity and technology. We must strengthen Italy's military industries if we want our forces to be successful on the battlefields.
End Fiat-Andsaldo Duopoly Our mechanical and motorized engineering sector has long been dominated by two companies: Fiat and Ansaldo. While these two companies are absolutely world-class engineering firms, it has somewhat stiffled growth as no competitors can survive in the market. We will have to break this duopoly if we want to have a healthy engineering sector in the long term. |
Military Industry
Effective change:
Our Domestic military complex has fallen behind our rivals in both productivity and technology. We must strengthen Italy's military industries if we want our forces to be successful on the battlefields.
The Italian army fought in the first World War and was on the victorious side, but has not been able to keep up with the military modernization. By adapting to modern times we will strengthen the army and be ever-victorious.
Modernize Ansaldo Facilities The economic downturn following the Great War plunged Ansaldo into such financial difficulties that they have largely been unable to properly modernize their factories. Only their elevated status has saved them from bankruptcy. If we wish for Ansaldo to remain such a core part of our mechanical engineering sector, we must ensure that they are using modern machines and techniques. |
Our Domestic military complex has fallen behind our rivals in both productivity and technology. We must strengthen Italy's military industries if we want our forces to be successful on the battlefields.
The Italian army fought in the first World War and was on the victorious side, but has not been able to keep up with the military modernization. By adapting to modern times we will strengthen the army and be ever-victorious.
意大利: | 意大利:
Our Domestic military complex has fallen behind our rivals in both productivity and technology. We must strengthen Italy's military industries if we want our forces to be successful on the battlefields.
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Carica di Isbuscenskij Some say that the days of the horse and the rider on the battlefield are over. That the role of cavalry has been taken over by tanks and airplanes. But they are wrong - a horse does not need fuel, it does not need a groundcrew, it requires no spare parts except a new horseshoe every now and then. This gives cavalry a clear advantage even on the modern battlefield. |
意大利: | 意大利:
Regio Esercito/Esercito Italiano
Effective change:
The Italian army fought in the first World War and was on the victorious side, but has not been able to keep up with the military modernization. By adapting to modern times we will strengthen the army and be ever-victorious.
File:Ambox outdated info.png | 这部分内容可能已不适合当前版本,最后更新于1.12。 |
Airforce branch of the Italian national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 |
无 | 意大利:
| |
Città dell'Aria Our research efforts have long been spread across many different areas around the country. This has made things quite inefficient. We should combine our research efforts and found a 'Sky City', in which scientists and engineers from many different fields of study can work together to build new generations of planes. |
意大利: | 意大利:
Expand Rome Flying School With the growing complexity of modern planes comes an increased risk of accidents if pilots are insufficiently trained. We must ensure that our flying schools keep pace with technical developments in terms of training quality as well as keeping pace with the demand of new pilots caused by growing our military. |
意大利: | 意大利:
Regia Aeronautica/Aeronautica Italiana
Effective change:
The Newest branch of the Italian armed forces and was one of the greatest air forces in the world when it was formed, but has been lagging behind recently. By investing in our air force it can once again become the envy of the world.
Reggiane's Exports The Reggiane company has developed a series of quite capable fighter planes that have caught the attention of foreign militaries seeking to modernize their airforce. If we should allow them to export their planes, the experience gained from modifying the base design to different specifications would no doubt be quite valuable for our own development projects. |
意大利: | 意大利:
Our efforts to save our domestic industries after the Great Depression have proven to be successful. By investing in Italy's industrial capacity even further our productivity will soon rival those of the major powers.
Superaereo The days of small groups of planes flying here and there are long gone. A modern air campaign is in many ways similar in complexity to any land-based undertaking. As such, we need a specialized planning staff to coordinate our various squadrons so they can act together to accomplish their missions. |
意大利: | 意大利:
Regia Aeronautica/Aeronautica Italiana
Effective change:
The Newest branch of the Italian armed forces and was one of the greatest air forces in the world when it was formed, but has been lagging behind recently. By investing in our air force it can once again become the envy of the world.
Diving Bombers The topic of Close Air Support has gained considerable importance in military circles. While planes have long been used to drop bombs, it appears that several countries have started to develop specialized planes that can place a bomb with unmatched accuracy by diving from high altitude. While our industry could no doubt produce such a plane in time, there are other countries that have designs for this very purpose. |
意大利: | 意大利: |
意大利: | 意大利:
Military Industry
Effective change:
Our Domestic military complex has fallen behind our rivals in both productivity and technology. We must strengthen Italy's military industries if we want our forces to be successful on the battlefields.
Our efforts to save our domestic industries after the Great Depression have proven to be successful. By investing in Italy's industrial capacity even further our productivity will soon rival those of the major powers.
The Newest branch of the Italian armed forces and was one of the greatest air forces in the world when it was formed, but has been lagging behind recently. By investing in our air force it can once again become the envy of the world.
| |
意大利: | 意大利:
Military Industry
Effective change:
Our Domestic military complex has fallen behind our rivals in both productivity and technology. We must strengthen Italy's military industries if we want our forces to be successful on the battlefields.
Our efforts to save our domestic industries after the Great Depression have proven to be successful. By investing in Italy's industrial capacity even further our productivity will soon rival those of the major powers.
The Newest branch of the Italian armed forces and was one of the greatest air forces in the world when it was formed, but has been lagging behind recently. By investing in our air force it can once again become the envy of the world.
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Regia Aeronautica/Aeronautica Italiana
Effective change:
The Newest branch of the Italian armed forces and was one of the greatest air forces in the world when it was formed, but has been lagging behind recently. By investing in our air force it can once again become the envy of the world.
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File:Focus generic long range aircraft.png
Long Range Aircraft Enemy bases, industries and supply lines are often well behind the front lines. We need to develop and improve our long-range aircraft so that they can reach and hit these vital targets. |
意大利: | 意大利:
Regia Aeronautica/Aeronautica Italiana
Effective change:
The Newest branch of the Italian armed forces and was one of the greatest air forces in the world when it was formed, but has been lagging behind recently. By investing in our air force it can once again become the envy of the world.
意大利: | 意大利: | |
意大利: | 意大利: | |
File:Focus generic multi role aircraft.png
Multi-Role Aircraft By developing airframes capable of performing different roles in combat we can achieve a significant reduction in production costs and crew training time. We will put our engineers to work on designing these kind of versatile airframes immediately. |
意大利: | 意大利:
Our Domestic military complex has fallen behind our rivals in both productivity and technology. We must strengthen Italy's military industries if we want our forces to be successful on the battlefields.
The Newest branch of the Italian armed forces and was one of the greatest air forces in the world when it was formed, but has been lagging behind recently. By investing in our air force it can once again become the envy of the world.
Regia Aeronautica/Aeronautica Italiana
Effective change:
The Newest branch of the Italian armed forces and was one of the greatest air forces in the world when it was formed, but has been lagging behind recently. By investing in our air force it can once again become the envy of the world.
File:Ambox outdated info.png | 这部分内容可能已不适合当前版本,最后更新于1.12。 |
Naval branch of the Italian national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 |
无 | 意大利: | |
File:Focus generic torpedo production.png
Intensify Torpedo Manufacturing Italian torpedoes are among the most reliable in the world. Fiume was the birthplace of the torpedo, and with the factory there and the Silurificio Italiano plant at Naples, we have a good foundation on which to further expand our use of this deadly naval weapon. |
意大利: | 意大利:
Regia Marina/Marina Italiana
Effective change:
Only by securing naval dominance in the Mediterranean can we secure the shores of Italy, but to do this we must invest heavily in modernizing the navy.
意大利: | 意大利: | |
意大利: | 意大利:
Only by securing naval dominance in the Mediterranean can we secure the shores of Italy, but to do this we must invest heavily in modernizing the navy.
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意大利: | 意大利:
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意大利: | 意大利: | |
意大利: | 意大利:
Regia Marina/Marina Italiana
Effective change:
Only by securing naval dominance in the Mediterranean can we secure the shores of Italy, but to do this we must invest heavily in modernizing the navy.
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File:Focus generic stockpile fuel.png
Stockpile Fuel Oil is the blood that runs in the veins of our ships, without which the fleet would be render inactive. With Italy lacking substantial domestic oil supplies, it is vital to build oil storage tanks and fill them, to sustain our forces even if future conflicts cut us off from imports. |
意大利: | 意大利:
Stockpiling Fuel
Having a large reserve of fuel will keep our military running for longer.
Forza Navale Speciale The capacity to make amphibious landings is likely to prove invaluable to any conflict in the Mediterranean. By setting up a Special Naval Force, trained and equipped for amphibious operations, we will be able to project power from the sea at any point of the long Mediterranean coastline. |
意大利: | 意大利:
Regia Marina/Marina Italiana
Effective change:
Only by securing naval dominance in the Mediterranean can we secure the shores of Italy, but to do this we must invest heavily in modernizing the navy.
Naval-Air Coordination Up until now the air force high command has followed its own doctrine and not coordinated well with the navy. This has limited the Regia Marina’s capacity to undertake effective reconnaissance. By developing a joint naval-air doctrine and streamlining communications between naval and air units, our ships will be better able to find and strike the enemy. |
意大利: | 意大利:
Regia Marina/Marina Italiana
Effective change:
Only by securing naval dominance in the Mediterranean can we secure the shores of Italy, but to do this we must invest heavily in modernizing the navy.
Decima Flottiglia MAS Teseo Tesei and Elios Toschi of the Genio Navale have designed a self-propelled torpedo that can be used to infiltrate enemy ports – by funding the development of this and other unique weapons, and training a special operations unit to use them, we may be able to achieve dramatic, unexpected victories over our enemies. |
意大利: | 意大利:
Regia Marina/Marina Italiana
Effective change:
Only by securing naval dominance in the Mediterranean can we secure the shores of Italy, but to do this we must invest heavily in modernizing the navy.
Incrociatori Leggeri Fast and powerful enough to take on other light cruisers and sweep destroyers before them, but cheap enough to build in numbers, light cruisers are important in protecting our sea lanes, and in taking the fight to enemy convoys. By building on our experience with the Condottieri, Montecuccoli and Garibaldi classes, we can create a cruiser force to dominate the seas between Europe and Africa. |
意大利: | 意大利:
Military Industry
Effective change:
Our Domestic military complex has fallen behind our rivals in both productivity and technology. We must strengthen Italy's military industries if we want our forces to be successful on the battlefields.
Our efforts to save our domestic industries after the Great Depression have proven to be successful. By investing in Italy's industrial capacity even further our productivity will soon rival those of the major powers.
Only by securing naval dominance in the Mediterranean can we secure the shores of Italy, but to do this we must invest heavily in modernizing the navy.
意大利: | 意大利:
Military Industry
Effective change:
Our Domestic military complex has fallen behind our rivals in both productivity and technology. We must strengthen Italy's military industries if we want our forces to be successful on the battlefields.
Our efforts to save our domestic industries after the Great Depression have proven to be successful. By investing in Italy's industrial capacity even further our productivity will soon rival those of the major powers.
Only by securing naval dominance in the Mediterranean can we secure the shores of Italy, but to do this we must invest heavily in modernizing the navy.
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Expand Naval Intelligence Italian signals intelligence has run on a small budget for many years, relying on the considerable talents of Giorgio Verità Poeta and Luigi Donini, but this will only go so far. By providing them with more staff, and enlisting new talents like Lieutenant Eliso Porto, we will stand a better chance of cracking enemies' codes and discovering the location of their forces. |
意大利: | Italy
Only by securing naval dominance in the Mediterranean can we secure the shores of Italy, but to do this we must invest heavily in modernizing the navy.
Cooperation Programs Our robust shipbuilding and armaments industry has a recent history of building warships for other nations, like Greece’s Hydra class destroyers, or assisting with design, such as that provided to the USSR for their Project 7 ships. Seeking out similar opportunities could help further develop our industrial base for the trials that lie ahead. |
意大利: | 意大利:
Exporting warships to other nations has strengthened our industrial capabilities.
Cruiser Submarines To attack the sea lanes of enemies that lie outside the Mediterranean, we need long-range submarines that can roam the oceans. Providing further support to our extensive post-WW1 submarine program, based largely on the work of engineers Cavallini and Bernardis, will help us achieve this goal. |
File:Focus generic midget submarines.png
Midget Submarines The clear waters of the Mediterranean are dangerous for larger submarines. Building small, short-range, low-visibility boats can enhance their chances at surviving in a Mediterranean environment, and give us the force we need to patrol important choke-points like the Sicilian Channel. |
意大利: | 意大利:
Cacciatorpediniere di Scorta One of the Regia Marina’s core tasks is to protect the sea lanes between Italy, North Africa, and our Mediterranean Islands. By building small destroyers focused on antisubmarine warfare and training the crews effectively, we will be better able to maintain the flow of supplies to our forces overseas. Alternative Descriptions Rejected Monarchy description |
意大利: | 意大利:
Only by securing naval dominance in the Mediterranean can we secure the shores of Italy, but to do this we must invest heavily in modernizing the navy.
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意大利: | 意大利:
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Proper Carriers Innovative designers like Luigi Gagnotto have produced fleet carrier designs throughout the last decade. Using this expertise, along with the existing hull of the fast liner Roma (but with new, more powerful engines), we can get an operational carrier more quickly than building from the keel up. |
File:Focus generic refit civilian ships.png
Refit Civilian Ships While proper fleet carriers are far more capable, if we want carriers quickly corners need to be cut. By converting existing passenger liners like Rex and Conte di Savoia we can get air cover for our fleet quickly. |
意大利: | 意大利:
Military Industry
Effective change:
Our Domestic military complex has fallen behind our rivals in both productivity and technology. We must strengthen Italy's military industries if we want our forces to be successful on the battlefields.
意大利: | 意大利:
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Political branch of the Italian national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 |
在阿比西尼亚的惨败 Our invasion of Ethiopia has turned into a disaster. Once again, we are faced with the shameful display of an Italian army failing to overcome an Ethiopian one. Like our forefathers at Adwa, we have been beaten. We can only guess what a defeat of this magnitude means for the future of the fascist system in Italy. |
The DLC 唯有浴血 is enabled Italy:
Italy |
File:Focus generic attack ethiopia.png
稳步推进 We have been making steady progress in Ethiopia, without overextending our lines or exposing our forces to Ethiopian counter-attacks. While victory has not yet been achieved, it is only a matter of time. |
意大利: |
意大利: | |
File:Focus generic secret service agency.png
Servizio Informazioni Militare Our military requires accurate information to plan its operations. For this, we need a central organization that gathers and analyses this information, as well as take offensive actions against select targets if necessary. |
Our intelligence agency will help to deter foreign espionage attacks against us, as well as to increase our own international ambitions.
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Devalue the Lire The war has been a lot more costly than we would have liked. Our economy struggles under the after-effects. Devaluing our currency will make our products more competitive on the international market, but will make the life of the average Italian a little harder - a necessary sacrifice that they will happily make. |
意大利: | 意大利: |
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意大利: | If:
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Victor Emmanuel III
The "Soldier King" reminds the Italians of their recent victories in the Great War. His presence and their loyalty to him is a great source of unity for the people.
Victor Emmanuel III
The "Soldier King" reminds the Italians of their recent victories in the Great War. His presence and their loyalty to him is a great source of unity for the people.
File:Ambox outdated info.png | 这部分内容可能已不适合当前版本,最后更新于1.12。 |
只适用于DLC唯有浴血激活时。 |
Anti-Fascist sub-branch of the Italian national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 |
Italian Anti-Fascist Civil War has happened. |
意大利: | |
Italian Anti-Fascist Civil War has happened. |
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Italian Anti-Fascist Civil War has happened. |
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Liberate Gramsci Our comrade, the Marxist philosopher Antonio Gramsci, has been kept in prison by the fascist government for more than ten years and now his health is rapidly deteriorating. We must organize a clandestine operation to free him and save his life, for he will surely become a key actor in our workers' revolution. |
意大利: | 意大利:
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意大利: | 意大利: | |
File:Focus generic railway gun.png
Seize Old Equipment There is a large amount of old military equipment stored in various armories across the country. Despite its age, seizing this equipment and distributing it to our forces will go a long way toward winning the war. |
意大利: | 意大利:
意大利: | 意大利:
Cleansing the military from royalist elements that could have threatened our new republic has caused us to lose experienced leadership.
File:Ambox outdated info.png | 这部分内容可能已不适合当前版本,最后更新于1.12。 |
Communist sub-branch of the Italian national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 |
意大利: | 意大利:
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意大利: | 意大利:
Revolutionary women from different political formations have proposed to form women's defense groups for active participation and mobilization of forces in all classes and social strata in the event of war.
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意大利: | 意大利:
The Italian army fought in the first World War and was on the victorious side, but has not been able to keep up with the military modernization. By adapting to modern times we will strengthen the army and be ever-victorious.
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意大利: | |
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意大利: | 意大利:
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意大利: | 意大利:
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Any other country:
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意大利: | 意大利: | |
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The Fight Against Stalinism Unfortunately, capitalism and fascism are not the only enemies we must face, the followers of the Stalinist doctrine see our government and our country as a threat to their interests, and are willing to destroy us by any means necessary. We can't wait idly for them to attack, we must be the ones to strike first! |
意大利: | 意大利:
Unfortunately, capitalism and fascism are not the only enemies we must face, the followers of the Stalinist doctrine see our government and our country as a threat to their interests, and are willing to destroy us by any means necessary. We can't wait idly for them to attack, we must be the ones to strike first!
Regio Esercito/Esercito Italiano
Effective change:
The Italian army fought in the first World War and was on the victorious side, but has not been able to keep up with the military modernization. By adapting to modern times we will strengthen the army and be ever-victorious.
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Military Industry
Effective change:
Our Domestic military complex has fallen behind our rivals in both productivity and technology. We must strengthen Italy's military industries if we want our forces to be successful on the battlefields.
Servizio Informazioni Militare
Our intelligence agency will help to deter foreign espionage attacks against us, as well as to increase our own international ambitions.
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意大利: | 意大利:
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意大利: | 意大利:
Our efforts to save our domestic industries after the Great Depression have proven to be successful. By investing in Italy's industrial capacity even further our productivity will soon rival those of the major powers.
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New Ricostruzione Industriale The Instituto per la Ricostruzione Industriale has so far played an important role in the rescue, restructuring and financing of bankrupt banks and private companies. With some readjustments, we will make sure that it continues to work without the fascist tinges of the past. |
意大利: | 意大利:
Our efforts to save our domestic industries after the Great Depression have proven to be successful. By investing in Italy's industrial capacity even further our productivity will soon rival those of the major powers.
Our Domestic military complex has fallen behind our rivals in both productivity and technology. We must strengthen Italy's military industries if we want our forces to be successful on the battlefields.
意大利: | 意大利:
File:Ambox outdated info.png | 这部分内容可能已不适合当前版本,最后更新于1.12。 |
只适用于DLC唯有浴血激活时。 |
Communist/Democratic shared sub-branch of the Italian national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 |
意大利: | 意大利:
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意大利: | 意大利:
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意大利: | 意大利:
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File:Focus generic tank air support.png
Army Modernization Our armed forces could benefit from new equipment and training techniques that allow them to keep up with the armies and doctrines of other great powers. |
意大利: | 意大利:
File:Ambox outdated info.png | 这部分内容可能已不适合当前版本,最后更新于1.12。 |
只适用于DLC唯有浴血激活时。 |
Democratic sub-branch of the Italian national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 |
意大利: | 意大利:
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意大利: | Italy
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File:Focus generic conspiracy.png
Mafia abroad The influence of mafia families with whom we have agreements is growing not only in Italy, but also abroad. We must send agents associated with them to the great capitalist powers where their businesses can prosper in the service of our interests. |
意大利: | 意大利: |
意大利: | 意大利:
Military Industry
Effective change:
Our Domestic military complex has fallen behind our rivals in both productivity and technology. We must strengthen Italy's military industries if we want our forces to be successful on the battlefields.
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意大利: | 意大利:
Our Domestic military complex has fallen behind our rivals in both productivity and technology. We must strengthen Italy's military industries if we want our forces to be successful on the battlefields.
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意大利: | |
意大利: | 意大利:
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意大利: | 意大利: | |
意大利: | 意大利: | |
File:Focus generic italy propaganda.png
European Democracies We must continue with our policies of solidarity and cooperation between the democratic European countries. Through diplomacy we can form a powerful alliance capable of facing any other. |
意大利: | 意大利:
意大利: | |
意大利: | 意大利:
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意大利: | 意大利:
The Italian army fought in the first World War and was on the victorious side, but has not been able to keep up with the military modernization. By adapting to modern times we will strengthen the army and be ever-victorious.
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意大利: | 意大利:
Anti-Fascist Fervor
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意大利: | 意大利:
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意大利: | 意大利:
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意大利: | 意大利:
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意大利: | 意大利:
gets the 民族精神: We shall organize volunteer units to fight alongside our comrades in the Spanish Republic as part of the International Brigades in the Spanish civil war.
File:Ambox outdated info.png | 这部分内容可能已不适合当前版本,最后更新于1.12。 |
只适用于DLC唯有浴血激活时。 |
Colonial reevaluation sub-branch of the Italian national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 |
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Abolish the Colonies We will develop and present a revolutionary plan to abolish colony status for any region of Italy. For the first time in the history of our country, the local citizens of the affected regions will have the opportunity to decide their fate. It is up to us to make them see the benefits of becoming a legitimate province of the Italian state. |
意大利: | 意大利:
意大利: | 意大利:
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意大利: | 意大利:
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意大利: | 意大利:
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File:Focus generic befriend albania.png
Negotiations with Albania The history of Albania has been strongly influenced by Italy during the last decades. Now that we have left the authoritarian fascist regime behind, we should propose to the Albanian government to strengthen the ties between our nations and even the possibility of integrating the Albanian administration into ours, formally uniting both countries. |
阿尔巴尼亚 does not exist |
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意大利: | 意大利:
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File:Focus generic africa defense.png
The Fight Overseas The time has come to strengthen defenses and prepare logistics to support major military campaigns on the African continent. We will develop specialized training techniques for our troops and navies so that they can perform optimally in the many difficult conditions they will encounter. |
意大利: | 意大利:
Regio Esercito/Esercito Italiano
Effective change:
The Italian army fought in the first World War and was on the victorious side, but has not been able to keep up with the military modernization. By adapting to modern times we will strengthen the army and be ever-victorious.
Regia Marina/Marina Italiana
Effective change:
Only by securing naval dominance in the Mediterranean can we secure the shores of Italy, but to do this we must invest heavily in modernizing the navy.
The Italian army fought in the first World War and was on the victorious side, but has not been able to keep up with the military modernization. By adapting to modern times we will strengthen the army and be ever-victorious.
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File:Focus generic africa liberation.png
Liberate the workers of Africa The time has come to liberate the African people once and for all from the various governments that oppress them! |
The Italian army fought in the first World War and was on the victorious side, but has not been able to keep up with the military modernization. By adapting to modern times we will strengthen the army and be ever-victorious.
File:Ambox outdated info.png | 这部分内容可能已不适合当前版本,最后更新于1.12。 |
Mussolini sub-branch of the Italian national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 |
领袖崇拜 Benito Mussolini, Conqueror of Africa, Avenger of Adwa, is without a doubt the most important Italian statesman since the days of the Roman Emperors. He is the absolute pinnacle of masculinity, entirely without fear. We should ensure that every Italian knows that they should forever strife to become as similar to Mussolini as humanly possible. |
意大利: | 意大利: |
意大利: | 意大利:
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意大利: | 意大利: | |
意大利: | 意大利: | |
To Live as a Lion The Italian people were not made to be sheep. They are not meant to sit quietly and contend in the second row of history. They were made to seize their own destiny! Benito Mussolini is the man who will make them do that, and remind them that it is better to live one day as a lion than to live a hundred years as a sheep. |
意大利: | 意大利:
La Battaglia del Grano A country can not be considered truly great if it depends on other countries to feed it. Italy must be independent in basic foodstuffs if we want to be taken seriously. For this purpose, we must fight, and fight as hard as we might fight any other battle. Only through victory in the Battle for Grain can we hope for victory in war. |
Italy gets the 民族精神 for 730 days:
Battaglia del Grano
To be truly independent, we cannot rely on foreign powers for our food supply but must become agriculturally self-sufficient. The Battle for Grains will see us become self-reliant and our might grow only even further.
File:Focus generic land reclamation.png
La Battaglia per la Terra The foundation of a strong fascist society is the land itself and the people who work it. There are still many areas in Italy where we can gain useful land by draining swamps and irrigating farmland. |
意大利: | 意大利:
Battaglia per la Terra
Our Battle for Land will drain miles of marshes and create farmland. It will also provide new job opportunities and foreign governments have already been impressed by the unbreakable spirit of the Italian people.
File:Focus generic population growth.png
La Battaglia per le Nascite If we wish to take our rightful place in the world, we must have the military strength to take it by force. For this, we must have soldiers. It is not enough for a couple to have one or two children - before we can win wars, we must win the Battle of Births. |
In order for Italy to truly flourish we need more soldiers. In order to get more soldiers, we need a larger population. In order to get a larger population, we need mothers. What mothers need is for us to win the Battle for Births.
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意大利: | 意大利:
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意大利: | 意大利:
Regio Esercito/Esercito Italiano
Effective change:
The Italian army fought in the first World War and was on the victorious side, but has not been able to keep up with the military modernization. By adapting to modern times we will strengthen the army and be ever-victorious.
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taly: | 意大利:
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Mussolini/Alternative Fascist shared sub-branch of the Italian national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 |
File:Focus generic italy propaganda.png
大众文化部 Our people must always have access to accurate information. During wartime, hostile agents can easily spread misinformation, and we must counter this by giving our people the actually true version of events. |
意大利: |
Believe, Obey, Fight Our party was founded on simple principles. First, that to seize power one must believe that it is possible. Second, that to seize power one must obey the people who are in charge. Third, that to seize power one must fight. And seizing power is the only true purpose of any political movement worthy of the name. |
Regio Esercito/Esercito Italiano
Effective change:
The Italian army fought in the first World War and was on the victorious side, but has not been able to keep up with the military modernization. By adapting to modern times we will strengthen the army and be ever-victorious.
Either the DLCs 抵抗运动 or 唤醒勇虎 are enabled Italy: |
Servizio Informazioni Militare
Our intelligence agency will help to deter foreign espionage attacks against us, as well as to increase our own international ambitions.
Banda Carità
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File:Focus generic national security.png
Banda Koch Modern war is often an affair of entire peoples at war. this means that the frontline is no longer the only place where combat happens. We must also be ready to secure our lines of communication through the use of combat troops. |
The DLC 抵抗运动 is enabled Italy: |
Servizio Informazioni Militare
Our intelligence agency will help to deter foreign espionage attacks against us, as well as to increase our own international ambitions.
Camicie Nere
The Blackshirts have sworn a personal oath to [ITA.GetLeader], making them more reliable and loyal than the rest of the Army. Giving them more authority and responsibility will only strengthen our reign.
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Camicie Nere
The Blackshirts have sworn a personal oath to [ITA.GetLeader], making them more reliable and loyal than the rest of the Army. Giving them more authority and responsibility will only strengthen our reign.
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Camicie Nere
The Blackshirts have sworn a personal oath to [ITA.GetLeader], making them more reliable and loyal than the rest of the Army. Giving them more authority and responsibility will only strengthen our reign.
File:Ambox outdated info.png | 这部分内容可能已不适合当前版本,最后更新于1.12。 |
Greater Italy branch of the Italian national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 |
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意大利: | 意大利:
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意大利: | 意大利:
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意大利: | 意大利:
Regio Esercito/Esercito Italiano
Effective change:
The Italian army fought in the first World War and was on the victorious side, but has not been able to keep up with the military modernization. By adapting to modern times we will strengthen the army and be ever-victorious.
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意大利: | 意大利:
Regio Esercito/Esercito Italiano
Effective change:
The Italian army fought in the first World War and was on the victorious side, but has not been able to keep up with the military modernization. By adapting to modern times we will strengthen the army and be ever-victorious.
The Newest branch of the Italian armed forces and was one of the greatest air forces in the world when it was formed, but has been lagging behind recently. By investing in our air force it can once again become the envy of the world.
Only by securing naval dominance in the Mediterranean can we secure the shores of Italy, but to do this we must invest heavily in modernizing the navy.
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意大利: | 意大利: | |
File:Focus generic mediterranean sea focus.png
Masters of the Mediterranean A state's power is proportional to its maritime position. It is time to claim total control of the Mediterranean, as it is the right of the Italian people to dominate the ancient sea that was the cradle of our civilization. |
意大利: | 意大利:
File:Ambox outdated info.png | 这部分内容可能已不适合当前版本,最后更新于1.12。 |
只适用于DLC唯有浴血激活时。 |
Anti-Mussolini sub-branch of the Italian national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 |
意大利: | 意大利:
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意大利: | 意大利: | |
Convene the Grand Council We must convene the Grand Council of Fascism to discuss what to do about Mussolini. His latest foray into Ethiopia and unwillingness to share power or responsibility has left many questioning his capabilities as a leader. He has served his country well and is the very face of fascism, but it might be time for new leadership… |
意大利: | 意大利: |
File:Ambox outdated info.png | 这部分内容可能已不适合当前版本,最后更新于1.12。 |
只适用于DLC唯有浴血激活时。 |
Alternative Fascist sub-branch of the Italian national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 |
废黜墨索里尼 The time has come to oust Mussolini from power! He has proven himself to be an incompetent leader that has dragged our beloved Italy through many unnecessary hardships and tested its resilience well past the breaking point. While his shadow might loom large over us for some time to come, Italy and its people will prevail! |
gets the 民族精神: The Shadow of Mussolini
Even though he has been ousted from power, the shadow of Mussolini is hard to escape as it still looms large over Italian politics.
Italo Balbo We need a capable military leader to guide us through the turbulent times that lie ahead. Italo Balbo is not only a military leader, he’s also an aviation hero that has undertaken several diplomatic missions and has governed our Libyan possessions quite effectively. Surely he will improve the meager state our military is in and bring glory to Italy! |
Reorganize Regio Esercito With new leadership comes new insights. It is clear to anyone that actually bothers to look that our triumphant army certainly has areas in which it could still improve. With the recently freed resources, we should invest in more training and reorganize the armed forces so that nothing can stand in their way! |
Prioritizing the Military
By diverting funds and resources from elsewhere we will be able to focus on our armed forces. While certain areas will suffer from this in the short time, we stand to gain more in the long term.
Regio Esercito/Esercito Italiano
Effective change:
The Italian army fought in the first World War and was on the victorious side, but has not been able to keep up with the military modernization. By adapting to modern times we will strengthen the army and be ever-victorious.
意大利: | 意大利:
Prioritizing the Military
By diverting funds and resources from elsewhere we will be able to focus on our armed forces. While certain areas will suffer from this in the short time, we stand to gain more in the long term.
Regia Aeronautica/Aeronautica Italiana
Effective change:
The Newest branch of the Italian armed forces and was one of the greatest air forces in the world when it was formed, but has been lagging behind recently. By investing in our air force it can once again become the envy of the world.
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File:Focus generic armored air support.png
Expand the Compagnie Auto Avio Sahariane The Auto-Saharan Companies in Libya have proven to be quite effective when combined with their own reconnaissances aircrafts. Expanding on this design should make our forces even more formidable and put the fear of God in our enemies! |
意大利: | 意大利:
Regia Aeronautica/Aeronautica Italiana
Effective change:
The Newest branch of the Italian armed forces and was one of the greatest air forces in the world when it was formed, but has been lagging behind recently. By investing in our air force it can once again become the envy of the world.
Regio Esercito/Esercito Italiano
Effective change:
The Italian army fought in the first World War and was on the victorious side, but has not been able to keep up with the military modernization. By adapting to modern times we will strengthen the army and be ever-victorious.
File:Focus generic tank air support.png
Combined Land and Air Warfare Having the Regia Aeronautica assist the Regio Esercito has demonstrated the capabilities the Italian military possesses, but there is still room for advancements! Deepening this cooperation would devastate our foes on the battlefield and bring eternal glory to Italy! |
Regia Aeronautica/Aeronautica Italiana
Effective change:
The Newest branch of the Italian armed forces and was one of the greatest air forces in the world when it was formed, but has been lagging behind recently. By investing in our air force it can once again become the envy of the world.
The Italian army fought in the first World War and was on the victorious side, but has not been able to keep up with the military modernization. By adapting to modern times we will strengthen the army and be ever-victorious.
File:Focus generic develop libya.png
The Fourth Shore Libya is often referred to as Italy’s Fourth Shore and is an integral part of our nation’s future. It is the closest colony and one of the most valuable since it serves as a link to the rest of the African continent. By investing resources here, we are securing our overseas holdings and stand to gain amply in the future. |
意大利: | 意大利:
意大利: | |
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Novus Ordo The fate of Italy is tightly bound to Libya, and therefore we need to integrate it even further into our realm. This could be accomplished by offering a ‘special citizenship’ to any Libyan willing to fight for us, and in doing so securing our control of the Mediterranean and North Africa. |
意大利: | 意大利:
Our efforts to save our domestic industries after the Great Depression have proven to be successful. By investing in Italy's industrial capacity even further our productivity will soon rival those of the major powers.
Military Industry
Effective change:
Our Domestic military complex has fallen behind our rivals in both productivity and technology. We must strengthen Italy's military industries if we want our forces to be successful on the battlefields.
The Italian army fought in the first World War and was on the victorious side, but has not been able to keep up with the military modernization. By adapting to modern times we will strengthen the army and be ever-victorious.
意大利: | 意大利:
Ricostruzione Industriale
Effective change:
Our efforts to save our domestic industries after the Great Depression have proven to be successful. By investing in Italy's industrial capacity even further our productivity will soon rival those of the major powers.
Military Industry
Effective change:
Our Domestic military complex has fallen behind our rivals in both productivity and technology. We must strengthen Italy's military industries if we want our forces to be successful on the battlefields.
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意大利: | 意大利: | |
File:Focus generic conspiracy.png
Purge the Party Whispers have reached our ears that some would like nothing more than to see the old regime re-installed. Even though Mussolini was ousted and removed from power, his shadow is ever-present throughout the government and in the minds of the people. We must make a show of force and purge the party from elements that are not truly loyal to us but remain devoted to the old Duce. |
意大利: | 意大利:
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File:Focus generic fascist propaganda.png
Divino Duce What has become apparent is the influence one single person can have over a country and its people. Maybe that is something we can use and adapt. By utilizing our state channels we can promote our new Duce as a strong and capable leader that can unite Italy. We will give the people someone larger than life to believe in - someone divine to put their faith in! |
意大利: | 意大利:
Divino Duce
With a strong cult of personality around Benito Mussolini, the Italian people will never waiver or break the ir loyalty to their Duce. They will endure any hardship that is thrown upon them with ease and never surrender.
File:Focus generic fascist troops.png
Gain the Blackshirt's Loyalty The Blackshirts have long held a special place within fascism in Italy, and if we want to arouse a sense of inspiration in the populace we would do well to gain the loyalty of the organization. They would be most useful in spreading the divine perception of the glorious new Duce throughout the armed forces - and beyond. |
Divino Duce
With a strong cult of personality around Benito Mussolini, the Italian people will never waiver or break the ir loyalty to their Duce. They will endure any hardship that is thrown upon them with ease and never surrender.
Italian Hegemony
As the birthplace of Fascism, our purpose is clear; to become its protector and to spread it far and wide. We will instill a sense of duty and loyalty to the fascist system in every people who come under our hegemony.
| |
File:Focus generic spread fascism.png
Spreading the Eagle's Wings All around us other ideologies are crumbling and failing. It would seem that only fascism has withstood the onslaught of these turbulent events with resilience and even thrived. It is our duty to bring this stability to other nations as well; to bring them a beacon of light in these dark times! |
意大利: | 意大利:
Italian Hegemony
As the birthplace of Fascism, our purpose is clear; to become its protector and to spread it far and wide. We will instill a sense of duty and loyalty to the fascist system in every people who come under our hegemony.
Italian Hegemony With a war-torn world all around us, we must inspire and unite all the different nations and cultures under our hegemony, to show them how fascism and Italy benefits them. We have to lead the way for a brighter future! Alternative Descriptions Game file description |
Italian Hegemony
As the birthplace of Fascism, our purpose is clear; to become its protector and to spread it far and wide. We will instill a sense of duty and loyalty to the fascist system in every people who come under our hegemony.
Italian Hegemony
Unite under Italy's hegemony we are the protectors of fascism, acting like a bastion of truth and enlightenment. No one and nothing shall stand in our way!
Dino Grandi We need someone that is diplomatically savvy and who’s not afraid to reorganize old institutions if we are to prosper. Dino Grandi has served as foreign minister and reformed the diplomatic classes, opening them up to other people besides the nobles. He won’t shy away from making the necessary reforms and pushing Italy into a new and bright future! |
意大利: | 意大利:
| |
| |
意大利: | 意大利:
Our efforts to save our domestic industries after the Great Depression have proven to be successful. By investing in Italy's industrial capacity even further our productivity will soon rival those of the major powers.
| |
意大利: | 意大利:
Our efforts to save our domestic industries after the Great Depression have proven to be successful. By investing in Italy's industrial capacity even further our productivity will soon rival those of the major powers.
Military Industry
Effective change:
Our Domestic military complex has fallen behind our rivals in both productivity and technology. We must strengthen Italy's military industries if we want our forces to be successful on the battlefields.
| |
Expand Corporatism Corporatism is a fundamental idea of fascism and is something we should implement in all of our newly acquired territories to the furthest extent possible. To do this though, we would have to rely on the local elites and talents and open the door for advancement in the fascist hierarchy. This is an easy way to instill loyalty and efficiency in our new dominion. |
意大利: | 意大利:
Our efforts to save our domestic industries after the Great Depression have proven to be successful. By investing in Italy's industrial capacity even further our productivity will soon rival those of the major powers.
Our Domestic military complex has fallen behind our rivals in both productivity and technology. We must strengthen Italy's military industries if we want our forces to be successful on the battlefields.
File:Ambox outdated info.png | 这部分内容可能已不适合当前版本,最后更新于1.12。 |
只适用于DLC唯有浴血激活时。 |
Alternative Fascist/Monarchist sub-branch of the Italian national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 |
意大利: | 联合王国:
| |
Is in Faction with 联合王国 |
| |
意大利: | 法国:
| |
Is in Faction with 法国 |
| |
Every other major country:
Impero Italiano
The proclamation of the Italian Empire has emboldened our troops and legitimized our claims in Africa.
File:Ambox outdated info.png | 这部分内容可能已不适合当前版本,最后更新于1.12。 |
只适用于DLC唯有浴血激活时。 |
Monarchist sub-branch of the Italian national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 |
| |
意大利: | 意大利:
Our efforts to save our domestic industries after the Great Depression have proven to be successful. By investing in Italy's industrial capacity even further our productivity will soon rival those of the major powers.
Our Domestic military complex has fallen behind our rivals in both productivity and technology. We must strengthen Italy's military industries if we want our forces to be successful on the battlefields.
| |
意大利: | 意大利:
Ricostruzione Industriale
Effective change:
Our efforts to save our domestic industries after the Great Depression have proven to be successful. By investing in Italy's industrial capacity even further our productivity will soon rival those of the major powers.
| |
意大利: | 意大利: | |
File:Focus generic railway gun.png
Mobilize the Railway Guns Desperate situations call for desperate measures, the time has come to put our old railway guns back into operation. |
The DLCs 唯有浴血 and 寸步不退 are enabled Italy: |
Military Industry
Effective change:
Our Domestic military complex has fallen behind our rivals in both productivity and technology. We must strengthen Italy's military industries if we want our forces to be successful on the battlefields.
意大利: | 意大利:
| |
意大利: | 意大利:
Nuclear Research
We are pioneering the development of atomic energy, and will soon enough be the greatest military power in the world.
| |
意大利: | 意大利:
Reforming the political system will rejuvenate and stabilize our nation.
| |
Christian Democracy The Christian Democratic Party is a conservative center political organization, led by Alcide de Gasperi, which has managed to win popular support by uniting Christian ideals with the idea of freedom. We should allow them to form a government as long as they remain loyal to the monarchy. |
意大利: | 意大利:
The "Soldier King" remind the Italians of their recent victories in the Great War. His presence and their loyalty to him is a great source of unity for the people.
意大利: | 意大利:
| |
意大利: | 意大利: | |
意大利: | 意大利:
Reforming the political system will rejuvenate and stabilize our nation.
| |
意大利: | 意大利:
| |
Reforming the political system will rejuvenate and stabilize our nation.
| |
| |
File:Focus generic fascist troops.png
Utilize the Blackshirts Although the Blackshirts have historically been loyal to the fascist regime and the Duce, if we show them that their organization has room to thrive in this new regime we could maybe use them for our own interests. After all, is there really that much of a difference between the two regimes? |
意大利: | 意大利: |
The Italian army fought in the first World War and was on the victorious side, but has not been able to keep up with the military modernization. By adapting to modern times we will strengthen the army and be ever-victorious.
| |
意大利: | 意大利:
| |
The Italian army fought in the first World War and was on the victorious side, but has not been able to keep up with the military modernization. By adapting to modern times we will strengthen the army and be ever-victorious.
| |
The Pope still exerts much influence over the Italian people and with his approval and support we will be able to sway many hearts and feelings toward our cause.
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File:Focus generic vatican agents.png
Agents of the Church The Church has countless representatives throughout the world, if we succeed on getting the Vatican on our side we could have new agents at our disposal, with a perfect cover as envoys of the Church, who will improve our intelligence networks. |
意大利: | 意大利:
The Pope still exerts much influence over the Italian people and with his approval and support we will be able to sway many hearts and feelings toward our cause.
File:Focus generic pope.png
Strengthen the Papacy It is clear that the influence of the Pope in Italian society is really strong. The only way to maintain national stability is to empower the Church within the Kingdom of Italy. |
The Pope still exerts much influence over the Italian people and with his approval and support we will be able to sway many hearts and feelings toward our cause.
Setting course
The kingdom of Italy is ready to fulfill its destiny. Greatness and glory await the proud Italian people, it is time to decide how to move forward.
File:Ambox outdated info.png | 这部分内容可能已不适合当前版本,最后更新于1.12。 |
Roman Empire sub-branch of the Italian national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 |
| |
意大利: | 意大利:
The Italian army fought in the first World War and was on the victorious side, but has not been able to keep up with the military modernization. By adapting to modern times we will strengthen the army and be ever-victorious.
| |
File:Focus generic fascist troops.png
The Italian Legions Our armed forces may not have risen to the occasion in the recent past, but now that the Italian people are prouder than ever of our Roman heritage, we must impose new doctrines on our armed forces to ensure that our legions are as fearsome today as they were thousands of years ago. |
意大利: | 意大利:
Regio Esercito/Esercito Italiano
Effective change:
The Italian army fought in the first World War and was on the victorious side, but has not been able to keep up with the military modernization. By adapting to modern times we will strengthen the army and be ever-victorious.
File:Focus generic spread fascism.png
条条大路通罗马 Roman legions were famous in the past for their speed and efficiency in building roads and the infrastructure their armies needed to operate. Thousands of years later, logistics and supply lines are even more important when waging war. |
Ricostruzione Industriale
Effective change:
Our efforts to save our domestic industries after the Great Depression have proven to be successful. By investing in Italy's industrial capacity even further our productivity will soon rival those of the major powers.
The Italian army fought in the first World War and was on the victorious side, but has not been able to keep up with the military modernization. By adapting to modern times we will strengthen the army and be ever-victorious.
File:Focus generic long range aircraft.png
The King of the Skies Unlike our Roman ancestors, our armed forces need to dominate the skies in order to operate optimally on land and sea. Italian aircraft are already famous for their versatility and quality, but the time has come for our aeronautical engineers to step up and develop a true flying fortress. |
Military Industry
Effective change:
Our Domestic military complex has fallen behind our rivals in both productivity and technology. We must strengthen Italy's military industries if we want our forces to be successful on the battlefields.
Military Industry
Effective change:
Our Domestic military complex has fallen behind our rivals in both productivity and technology. We must strengthen Italy's military industries if we want our forces to be successful on the battlefields.
| |
Military Industry
Effective change:
Our Domestic military complex has fallen behind our rivals in both productivity and technology. We must strengthen Italy's military industries if we want our forces to be successful on the battlefields.
| |
意大利: | 意大利:
| |
File:Focus generic free iberia.png
Iberian Protection The Iberian nations have enjoyed relative security in the recent past, but it is clear that right now they would not be able to defend themselves against the great enemy powers on their own. We must offer them our protection before it is too late. |
意大利: | Every country that is:
Every Country that:
File:Ambox outdated info.png | 这部分内容可能已不适合当前版本,最后更新于1.12。 |
只适用于DLC唯有浴血激活时。 |
Papal State sub-branch of the Italian national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 |
File:Focus generic vatican state.png
教廷重生 圣座击败了国王,教权战胜了王权,教廷之治降临意大利。如今正是意大利民族与教会理念并肩共行之时。 |
With the Papacy reborn and in control over Italy, people are flocking to his Holiness for guidance and support.
取代 教宗支持
With the Papacy reborn and in control over Italy, people are flocking to his Holiness for guidance and support.
取代 教宗支持 |
With the Papacy reborn and in control over Italy, people are flocking to his Holiness for guidance and support.
| |
Regio Esercito/Esercito Italiano
Effective change:
The Italian army fought in the first World War and was on the victorious side, but has not been able to keep up with the military modernization. By adapting to modern times we will strengthen the army and be ever-victorious.
| |
意大利: | 意大利:
Military Industry
Effective change:
Our Domestic military complex has fallen behind our rivals in both productivity and technology. We must strengthen Italy's military industries if we want our forces to be successful on the battlefields.
| |
意大利: | 意大利:
| |
意大利: | 意大利:
| |
File:Focus generic catholic dominion.png
天主教之治 With the ascension of the Papacy as a major power to be reckoned with once again, it is time for us to reach out to all faithful Christians and act as the hand that guides the people, just as the shepherd guides his flock and protects them from evil. It is the mandate of God! |
意大利: | 意大利:
Catholic Dominion
With the ascension of the Papacy as a major world power, it is up to us to enact the will of God and like a shepherd that guides his flock, protect faithful Christians from evil.
Catholic Dominion
With the ascension of the Papacy as a major world power, it is up to us to enact the will of God and like a shepherd that guides his flock, protect faithful Christians from evil.
File:Ambox outdated info.png | 这部分内容可能已不适合当前版本,最后更新于1.12。 |
Foreign politics sub-branch of the Italian national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 |
| |
Balkan Ambition It is time to expand the Italian borders east towards Slovenia and, more importantly, the Dalmatian coast. We will emphasize on the Venetian cultural heritage of Dalmatia and make the world see how the Venetian government was not only beneficial to the Dalmatians in the past, but also very much accepted by them. |
File:Focus generic balkan diplomacy.png
Potential Allies in the Balkans In order to control the Balkans, we do not need to subjugate and dominate all the nations in the region. It is time to use diplomacy to secure beneficial allies in the Balkans, and then subjugate the rest. |
意大利: | 南斯拉夫, 罗马尼亚王国 and 保加利亚:
Fascist pressure has made fascism very popular, and the country is susceptible to align with other fascists.
Democratic pressure has made democracy very popular, and the country is susceptible to align with other democrats.
Communist pressure has made communism very popular, and the country is susceptible to align with other communists.
Authoritarian pressure has led to new-found respect for those whith strong governments and noble royal houses, and the country is susceptible to align with other authoritarian governments.
Albania (44) is fully controlled by Italy or any Italian Subject |
If 阿尔巴尼亚 is not at war:
Victor Emmanuel III
The "Soldier King" reminds the Italians of their recent victories in the Great War. His presence and their loyalty to him is a great source of unity for the people.
Victor Emmanuel III
The "Soldier King" reminds the Italians of their recent victories in the Great War. His presence and their loyalty to him is a great source of unity for the people.
| |
意大利: | 意大利:
| |
Support Albanian Irredentism We must try to legitimize Italian rule over Albania. Supporting Albanian irredentism in the Kosovo and Epirus regions, and even further, will surely win us significant public support from the local population and provide us with an opportunity to further expand our sphere of influence. |
意大利: | 意大利:
Every state that is claimed or is a core of 阿尔巴尼亚 and is fully controlled by Italy:
The following effects will be applied if 阿尔巴尼亚 is a Subject of Italy:
Fascist pressure has made fascism very popular, and the country is susceptible to align with other fascists.
Democratic pressure has made democracy very popular, and the country is susceptible to align with other democrats.
Communist pressure has made communism very popular, and the country is susceptible to align with other communists.
Albanian Fascist Militia
Alternative Names Monarchia d'Italia name We will create a new wing of the Italian Blackshirts in Albania, making sure to recruit not only Italian colonists in the country but also Albanian volunteers. |
意大利: | 意大利:
Guarantee Austrian Independence We cannot tolerate German interference in Austria, as it represents a great threat to the Italian nation and the balance of power in Europe. We will guarantee the independence of Austria and we will oppose any diplomatic maneuvers that Germany intends to use to influence the country. |
意大利: |
Negotiate Italian Claims Our opposition to Germany has put us in a position of power over the former Entente nations, who are desperately seeking a break between the Italian and German regimes. We must exploit this situation to our advantage and reclaim the colonial possessions that were denied us after the Great War. |
Otherwise if 联合王国 owns British Somaliland (269) and Garissa (903):
Otherwise if 法国 owns French Somaliland (268):
Otherwise if 联合王国 owns Socotra (906):
Otherwise if 法国 owns
Otherwise if 联合王国 owns Malta (116):
| |
意大利: | 意大利: | |
意大利: | 意大利: | |
意大利: | |
德意志国:Gains Pact of Steel (关系 of Italy: +30) Italy:
Our relationship with Nazi Germany is troubled by ideological differences and conflicting aims; Il Duce is extremely wary of German ambitions in Austria and the Balkans. However, realities do change...
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Italy gets the 民族精神:
| |
意大利: | 意大利:
| |
意大利: | 意大利:
| |
意大利: | 德意志国:
| |
Request Control of French Territories Take land from Vichy France. With the German Conquest of Paris and a new government formed in France, it is time for us to claim our rightful piece of Southern Europe. Germany has expanded heavily in the north, and it is only fair that we are granted a slice of our own. |
意大利: | If a 法西斯主义 法国 owns Savoy (735):
If a 法西斯主义 法国 owns Corsica (1):
德意志国 gets event Italy Demands Vichy Teritory |
| |
意大利: | 意大利:
| |
意大利: | 意大利:
For Italy to reach its full potential and might, we have to expand to our natural borders and unify all the territories that rightfully belong to the Italian people!
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War with France France... yet another reactionary democracy of the west who, at every moment seeks to hinder the advance and have often endangered the very existence of the Italian people. We go to battle for the good of Italy and the future of the Empire. Alternative Names Game file name |
意大利: |
Demand Ticino The mountainous state of Switzerland harbors many different ethnicities, but among them are the Italians, who are mostly located in the southern cantons of the country such as Ticino. In order to secure a grand Italian state, we must ensure that all of our people can live within one country. |
瑞士 gets event Italian Leader Demands Ticino |
意大利: | 意大利:
| |
希腊王国: | |
希腊王国 does not exist |
Fascist pressure has made fascism very popular, and the country is susceptible to align with other fascists.
Democratic pressure has made democracy very popular, and the country is susceptible to align with other democrats.
Communist pressure has made communism very popular, and the country is susceptible to align with other communists.
| |
Claims on Turkey The 1915 treaty of London promised Italy Turkish lands in Anatolia in exchange for the Western powers gains in the Levant. They took their due, claiming that they were merely League of Nations mandates, while Italy was denied. The new Italy is much stronger than the old and we will force the Turks to keep the British promises. |
意大利: |
意大利: | 土耳其:
Fascist pressure has made fascism very popular, and the country is susceptible to align with other fascists.
Democratic pressure has made democracy very popular, and the country is susceptible to align with other democrats.
Communist pressure has made communism very popular, and the country is susceptible to align with other communists.
| |
}} |
Aviazione Legionaria
Securing Air Superiority is vital for any army to gain the upper hand and push the enemy back.
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Random other country that is originally 西班牙 and is 法西斯主义:
Fascist pressure has made fascism very popular, and the country is susceptible to align with other fascists.
| |
意大利: | Random other country that owns Islas Baleares (177) | |
意大利: | 葡萄牙:
Fascist pressure has made fascism very popular, and the country is susceptible to align with other fascists.
Democratic pressure has made democracy very popular, and the country is susceptible to align with other democrats.
Communist pressure has made communism very popular, and the country is susceptible to align with other communists.
The Italian Social Republic Branch
File:Ambox outdated info.png | 这部分内容可能已不适合当前版本,最后更新于1.12。 |
Italian Social Republic Civil War branch of the Italian national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 |
The Italian Social Republic The royalists and other anti-fascist elements in Italy have treacherously risen up against our regime. We have reformed our party into an anti-monarchist Republican Fascist Party and created the Italian Social Republic, a new incarnation of the Italian fascist state. We will resist the enemy attack and reunify our land! |
Guardia Nazionale Repubblicana Given the role that the Royal Carabinieri played in the attempt to overthrow the fascist regime, we shall immediately replace this armed force. We already have a plan to reconstitute the Blackshirts and establish a Republican National Guard to carry out police and military functions. |
Republica Sociale Italiana:
Republica Sociale Italiana:
File:Focus generic fascist troops.png
Integrate Polizia dell'Africa Italiana We must integrate our colonial police while these units remain loyal to Italy and our regime. The partisans will no doubt attempt to get a hold on these troops soon... |
Republica Sociale Italiana:
Republica Sociale Italiana:
Republica Sociale Italiana:
Republica Sociale Italiana:
Our specialized units are hindering the movements of the partisans, making it harder for them to strike behind the front lines.
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Republica Sociale Italiana:
Republica Sociale Italiana:
Bolstering our capabilities behind the front lines will secure the path forward to victory
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Republica Sociale Italiana:
Republica Sociale Italiana:
The Italian army fought in the first World War and was on the victorious side, but has not been able to keep up with the military modernization. By adapting to modern times we will strengthen the army and be ever-victorious.
Regio Esercito/Esercito Italiano
The Italian army fought in the first World War and was on the victorious side, but has not been able to keep up with the military modernization. By adapting to modern times we will strengthen the army and be ever-victorious.
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File:Republica Sociale Italiana.png 意大利社会共和国:
File:Republica Sociale Italiana.png 意大利社会共和国:
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File:Republica Sociale Italiana.png 意大利社会共和国: | Republica Sociale Italiana:
Regio Esercito/Esercito Italiano
The Italian army fought in the first World War and was on the victorious side, but has not been able to keep up with the military modernization. By adapting to modern times we will strengthen the army and be ever-victorious.
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File:Republica Sociale Italiana.png 意大利社会共和国:
File:Republica Sociale Italiana.png 意大利社会共和国:
The Italian Liberation War Branch
File:Ambox outdated info.png | 这部分内容可能已不适合当前版本,最后更新于1.12。 |
只适用于DLC唯有浴血激活时。 |
Regno del Sud Civil War branch of the Italian national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 |
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File:Regno del Sud.png 南方王国政权:
File:Regno del Sud.png 南方王国政权:
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File:Regno del Sud.png 南方王国政权:
File:Regno del Sud.png 南方王国政权:
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File:Regno del Sud.png 南方王国政权:
File:Regno del Sud.png 南方王国政权:
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File:Regno del Sud.png 南方王国政权:
File:Regno del Sud.png 南方王国政权:
Our small partisan units are hitting the enemy hard behind the front lines, demoralizing them and boosting the resistance in the local population.
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File:Regno del Sud.png 南方王国政权:
File:Regno del Sud.png 南方王国政权:
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File:Regno del Sud.png 南方王国政权:
File:Regno del Sud.png 南方王国政权: | |
File:Regno del Sud.png 南方王国政权: | File:Regno del Sud.png 南方王国政权:
| |
File:Regno del Sud.png 南方王国政权:
File:Regno del Sud.png 南方王国政权:
Liberation or Death!
The final push to liberate Italy from tyranny has begun; there is no turning back now!
| |
File:Regno del Sud.png 南方王国政权:
File:Regno del Sud.png 南方王国政权:
通用 | 通用 • 持续性国策 |
基础版本 | 法国 • 德意志国 • 意大利 • 日本 • 苏维埃联盟 • 联合王国 • 美利坚合众国 |
United and Ready | 波兰 |
共赴胜利 | 澳大利亚 • 英属印度 • 加拿大自治领 • 新西兰 • 南非 |
玉碎瓦全 | 捷克斯洛伐克 • 匈牙利王国 • 罗马尼亚王国 • 南斯拉夫 |
唤醒猛虎 | 中华民国 • 中共 • 满洲国 • 军阀 |
炮手就位 | 墨西哥 • 荷兰 |
抵抗运动 | 自由法国 • 维希法国 • 葡萄牙 • 西班牙国 • 西班牙共和国 |
博湾纷争 | 保加利亚 • 希腊 • 土耳其 |
寸步不退 | 苏维埃联盟(重制)• 波兰(重制)• 爱沙尼亚 • 拉脱维亚 • 立陶宛 |
唯有浴血 | 意大利(重制)• 埃塞俄比亚 • 瑞士 • 非洲之角诸国 |
以力御暴 | 丹麦 • 芬兰 • 冰岛 • 挪威 • 瑞典 |