
(重定向自Generic events

This is a list of all generic events (from /Hearts of Iron IV/events/Generic.txt).

id 1 - 10


[From.GetName] Is Influencing Our Politics

Event trigger.png The below description is one of several available for this event.
For a long time the [From.GetAdjective] government has sought to align the path of our countries, and has expressed a great interest in [Root.GetAdjective] politics. Recently this intensified when [From.GetRulingParty] started pushing their [From.GetRulingIdeology] propaganda with a number of speeches and reading material distributed to the [Root.GetAdjective] people. \n\nNow even a number of politicians and other officials are being swayed by the [From.GetAdjective] propaganda, and have started advocating for [From.GetRulingIdeologyNoun] in [Root.GetName].

For a long time the [From.GetAdjective] government has sought to align the path of our countries, and has often tried to meddle in [Root.GetName]'s politics. Recently this has intensified, as [From.GetRulingParty] started pushing their [From.GetRulingIdeology] propaganda with no respect for [Root.GetAdjective] political traditions. A number of speeches and other [From.GetRulingIdeology] material is already being distributed to the [Root.GetAdjective] people. It seems that even a number of politicians and other officials are being swayed by the [From.GetAdjective] propaganda and have begun advocating for [From.GetRulingIdeologyNoun] in [Root.GetName].

  • None
  • British focuses:
  • German focuses:
  • Italian focuses:
  • Any focuses that apply ideology drift to another country.

Option conditions

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: Our Nation and Target Nation have Unknown Ideology similar ideologies

Event button.png
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: Our Nation and Target Nation have Unknown Ideology different ideologies

Event button.png
How dare they!
  • None


[From.GetName] seeks to join the [Root.GetFactionName]

Event trigger.png The below description is one of several available for this event.
In the face of increasing threats to liberty and democratic values, the [alliance_applicant.GetAdjective] look to us as the defenders of freedom. They now wish to be admitted into our alliance, both to enjoy our protection and to stand with us against the forces that would threaten democracy.

Our plight to overturn the current world order has not escaped the notice of like-minded nations. The [alliance_applicant.GetAdjective] recognize that their best chance to carve out a prosperous future for themselves is to align with us in the coming conflict, and they have therefore offered to formally join us against our enemies.

[alliance_applicant.GetNameDefCap] has recognized that she must band together with fellow socialist republics to strengthen the place of Communism in the world. Accepting our leading role in the international plight of the worker, the [alliance_applicant.GetAdjective] now request to formally enter into an alliance with us.

As the current upheavals in international politics continue to reverberate through the world, the [alliance_applicant.GetAdjective] have deemed us to be their greatest chance of surviving these tumultuous times. They therefore request to be admitted into our alliance, so that we may weather the coming storm together.

  • None
  • French focus:
Goal generic alliance.png "Little Entente"
  • Hungarian focuses:
  • Romanian focuses:
  • Yugoslavian focuses:

Immediate effects
  • Our Nation is designated as alliance_inviter
  • Target Nation is designated as alliance_applicant

Event button.png
We are better off without them.

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: Our Nation and Target Nation are 民主主义 Democratic

Event button.png
All who stand for liberty and democracy may stand with us.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: Our Nation and Target Nation are 法西斯主义 Fascist

Event button.png
The world belongs to all who are strong!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: Our Nation and Target Nation are 共产主义 Communist

Event button.png
If we stand together, the revolution cannot but prevail.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: Our Nation and Target Nation have Unknown Ideology different ideologies

Event button.png
And weather it, we shall!
  • None

Effects after selecting any option

Event trigger.png The below is true for every option except the rejection option:


[alliance_inviter.GetName] welcomes us to the [alliance_inviter.GetFactionName]

[alliance_inviter.GetName] has decided to accept our request to join the [alliance_inviter.GetFactionName]. Henceforth we shall stand or fall together.

  • None

Option conditions

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: Our Nation and Target Nation are 民主主义 Democratic

Event button.png
Together we shall defend democracy.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: Our Nation and Target Nation are 法西斯主义 Fascist

Event button.png
None can stand against us!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: Our Nation and Target Nation are 共产主义 Communist

Event button.png
The workers' plight could not ask for finer champions!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: Our Nation and Target Nation have Unknown Ideology different ideologies

Event button.png
We shall set our differences aside, for now.
  • None

[alliance_inviter.GetName] denies request to join the [alliance_inviter.GetFactionName]

[alliance_inviter.GetName] has decided to reject our request to join the [alliance_inviter.GetFactionName]. We will have to make do without their help.

  • None

Option conditions

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: Our Nation and Target Nation are 民主主义 Democratic

Event button.png
They call themselves defenders of liberty?
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: Our Nation and Target Nation are 法西斯主义 Fascist

Event button.png
Then we will crush them, too!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: Our Nation and Target Nation are 共产主义 Communist

Event button.png
Their revolution is corrupt!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: Our Nation and Target Nation have Unknown Ideology different ideologies

Event button.png
Our differences were too great.
  • None


[From.GetName] invites [Root.GetName] to the [From.GetFactionName]

Event trigger.png The below description is one of several available for this event.
With a suspicious eye on recent developments in world politics, [alliance_inviter.GetNameDef] extends us their hand of friendship, offering us their protection and urging us to stand with them in defence of the principles of liberty and democracy. As a member of the [alliance_inviter.GetFactionName], our people's freedom may well be safeguarded.

Recognizing that sometimes even the strong need allies, the [alliance_inviter.GetAdjective] have invited us to join the [alliance_inviter.GetFactionName]. If we choose to accept, this may well provide ample opportunity for us to find our place in the sun.

Our ideological allies in [alliance_inviter.GetNameDef] have made note of our valuable contributions to the workers' cause, and this morning we received an invitation us to join the [alliance_inviter.GetFactionName]. Standing together with other socialist republics, we could spread the revolution with renewed strength.

It appears the [alliance_inviter.GetAdjective] consider us to be of strategic interest to them, and that they deem it more profitable that we work together than that we should let ourselves be divided by our ideological differences. This morning, the [alliance_inviter.GetAdjective] Ambassador delivered an invitation for us to become a member state of the [alliance_inviter.GetFactionName].

  • None
  • German focus:
Goal generic improve relations.png "Befriend Turkey"
  • Hungarian focuses:
Goal generic major alliance.png "Alliance With Italy"
Goal generic major alliance.png "An Unlikely Alliance"
  • Yugoslavian focuses:
Goal generic alliance.png "Invite Albania"
Goal generic alliance.png "Invite Bulgaria"

Immediate effects
  • Our Nation is designated as alliance_applicant
  • Target Nation is designated as alliance_inviter

Event button.png
We are better off without them.

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: Our Nation and Target Nation are 民主主义 Democratic

Event button.png
We will make our stand with them.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: Our Nation and Target Nation are 法西斯主义 Fascist

Event button.png
We only need a few thousand dead...
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: Our Nation and Target Nation are 共产主义 Communist

Event button.png
We will fight alongside our comrades!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: Our Nation and Target Nation have Unknown Ideology different ideologies

Event button.png
It is the profitable choice.
  • is 中华民国的国旗 中华民国 and 唤醒勇虎 Waking the Tiger ** CHI_set_ally_strat_on_current_leader = yes

Effects after selecting any option

Event trigger.png The below is true for every option except the rejection option:


[alliance_applicant.GetName] accepts invitation to the [alliance_inviter.GetFactionName]

[alliance_applicant.GetName] has decided to accept our offer to join the [alliance_inviter.GetFactionName]. Henceforth we shall stand or fall together.

  • None

Option conditions

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: Our Nation and Target Nation are 民主主义 Democratic

Event button.png
Together we shall defend democracy.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: Our Nation and Target Nation are 法西斯主义 Fascist

Event button.png
None can stand against us!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: Our Nation and Target Nation are 共产主义 Communist

Event button.png
The workers' plight could not ask for finer champions!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: Our Nation and Target Nation have Unknown Ideology different ideologies

Event button.png
We shall set our differences aside, for now.
  • None

[alliance_applicant.GetName] rejects offer to join the [alliance_inviter.GetFactionName]

[alliance_applicant.GetName] has decided to reject our offer to join the [alliance_inviter.GetFactionName]. We will have to make do without their help.

  • None

Option conditions

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: Our Nation and Target Nation are 民主主义 Democratic

Event button.png
Our help is not wanted.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: Our Nation and Target Nation are 法西斯主义 Fascist

Event button.png
Then we will crush them, too!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: Our Nation and Target Nation are 共产主义 Communist

Event button.png
Their revolution is corrupt!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: Our Nation and Target Nation have Unknown Ideology different ideologies

Event button.png
Our differences were too great.
  • None


Masters of the Atom

We have used the world's first nuclear weapon, firmly placing us in the lead of the current arms race. Our immense efforts have paid off, and for now the world will have no choice but to marvel at our power. They might some day match us, but we have ensured they will never outmatch us.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event button.png
"Pound our enemies into dust!"
  • gain +10% 战争支持度 War Support
  • remove idea Racing for the Bomb
  • All other countries with country_flag Racing for the Bomb


In the Shadow of Others

Others have used the world's first nuclear weapon, placing them firmly in the lead of the current arms race. Despite our best efforts, we are left with no defense and no means of retaliation. Utterly outmatched, we have no choice but to redouble our efforts and bridge the gap before they can unleash much more of this devastation.

  • None

event "Masters of the Atom"

Event button.png
"The program must get all we can spare."
  • remove idea race_for_the_bomb
  • remove country flag race_for_the_bomb
  • add idea race_for_the_bomb_outclassed for 360 days
  • lose -10% 稳定度 stability


Powerful Friends

Our allies have used the world's first nuclear weapon, firmly placing our alliance in the lead of the current arms race. Though we have been outmatched, the weapon is mastered by our ally, ensuring our ability to retaliate should any enemy master the atom, themselves.

  • None

event "Masters of the Atom"

Event button.png
"An acceptable outcome."
  • remove idea race_for_the_bomb
  • remove country flag race_for_the_bomb
  • gain +5 战争支持度 war support

id 11 - 20


Civil War Ends

The war that has torn our nation has at last ended. We may now begin the task of unifying the people, and of repairing the destruction.

  • None

Event button.png
"Together, we will work for a better future!"
  • clear country_flag ideology_civil_war


[From.GetAdjective] Attempts to Sabotage Suez

Military intelligence indicates the [From.GetAdjective] intend to use large-scale demolitions and blockships to sabotage the Suez Canal. If we wish to stop them, we do not have much time.

  • None

Event button.png
"We cannot allow this!"
  • None


[From.GetAdjective] Attempts to Sabotage Panama

Military intelligence indicates the [From.GetAdjective] intend to use large-scale demolitions and blockships to sabotage the Panama Canal. If we wish to stop them, we do not have much time.

  • None

Event button.png
"We cannot allow this!"
  • None


[From.GetName] Issues Diplomatic Protest

[From.GetAdjective] envoys have lodged a strong diplomatic protest with our government regarding the presence of our attachés in nations they are currently in a military conflict with. They demand the immediate recall of our military mission.

  • None

Event button.png
"It is a reasonable request."
Event button.png
"Our attachés will be sent where we please."
  • {country} gets the event "[From.GetName] Maintains Attaché"
  • lose -5 to -75 政治点数 political power depending on strength ratio and opinion
  • lose -0.025 to -0.075 稳定度 stability depending on government Ideology
  • set country_flag rejected_withdrawing_attache for 90 days
  • set country_flag rejected_withdrawing_attache@FROM for 365 days
  • clear country_flag object_attache_going_on


[From.GetName] Recalls Attaché

In response to our demands, [From.GetNameDef] has withdrawn their military mission to our enemies.

  • None

event "[From.GetName] Issues Diplomatic Protest"

Event button.png
  • None


[From.GetName] Maintains Attaché"

In spite of our demands, [From.GetNameDef] has refused to withdraw their military mission to our enemies, stating that "we have no business interfering with internal [From.GetAdjective] affairs".

  • None

event "[From.GetName] Issues Diplomatic Protest"

Event button.png
"We will see about that."
  • None


[From.GetName] Falls Ill

n [From.GetHerHis] service to [From.From.GetNameDef], it seems [From.GetRank] [From.GetName] has pushed [From.GetHerselfHimself] too far. As a result of the bad climate in their operational area, the [From.GetRank] has now fallen ill, and will likely need some time to recover. Until [From.GetSheHe] gets well, [From.GetSheHe] will not be performing at [From.GetHerHis] usual level.

  • None

Immediate effects
  • [From.GetName] gets flag recently_sick for 180 days

Event button.png
  • None


[From.GetName] Wounded

In bringing the battle to a successful conclusion, it seems [From.GetRank] [From.GetName] put [From.GetHerselfHimself] at a bit too much risk while leading [From.GetHerHis] men. [From.GetSheHeCap] has been wounded, and it will likely take some time for the wounds to fully heal, until which time the [From.GetRank] will not be performing at [From.GetHerHis] usual level.

  • None

Event button.png
  • None


[From.GetName] Sends Industrial Support

[From.GetNameDefCap] has informed us that they support our cause, and will provide us with a certain measure of industrial aid to strengthen our position against our common enemies.

  • None

Event button.png
  • None


[From.GetNameDefCap] Demands Our Submission

Event trigger.png The below description is one of several available for this event.
We received a delegation today expressing [From.GetLeader]'s interest in extending the relations between our countries and taking steps to unite the [Root.GetAdjective] people together with [From.GetNameDef]. Agreeing to [From.GetLeader]'s proposal would make [Root.GetNameDef] a moderately autonomous puppet of [From.GetNameDef] and our government will be reorganized into something more in line with [From.GetLeader]'s vision.\n\nThe question remains, is [Root.GetAdjective] independence more important than our friendship with [From.GetNameDef]?

A message arrived from [From.GetNameDef] today demanding that [Root.GetLeader] recognizes [From.GetLeader] as head of state and that our nation should be reorganized into something more in line with the [From.GetAdjective] government's vision for [Root.GetNameDef]. Accepting would make us a puppet of [From.GetNameDef].\n\nThough we would rather not surrender our independence to our enemies across the border, there's a definite element of threat in their message that would lead us to believe that if we do not meet [From.GetLeader]'s demands, we will soon find ourselves in a state of war with [From.GetNameDef].

  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Opinion < 150
Event button.png
"Submit to their demands."

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Opinion >= 150
Event button.png
I, for one, welcome our new [From.GetAdjective] overlords.

Event button.png
"Absolutely not!"

id 21 - 30


[From.GetNameDefCap] Submits

The [From.GetAdjective] government has agreed to abandon their independence and become a puppet state of [Root.GetNameDef]. We are sure this will lead to greatness and advance [Root.GetAdjective] interest in the region.

  • None

event "[From.GetNameDefCap] Demands Our Submission"

Event button.png
  • [From.GetNameDefCap] becomes a puppet
  • ROOT is faction leader
    • [From.GetNameDefCap] joins faction


[From.GetNameDefCap] Defiant!

Diplomats from [From.GetNameDef] arrived today to announce that they decline our offer to unite [From.GetNameDef] with [Root.GetNameDef]. Disappointing as it may be, the option to bring [From.GetNameDef] to heel by force remains a valid and tempting option.

  • None

event "[From.GetNameDefCap] Demands Our Submission"

Event button.png
  • ROOT creates wargoal puppet on [From.GetNameDefCap]


[From.GetNameDefCap] Demands Control of [demanded_prov_target.GetName]

We have received a hostile delegation from [From.GetNameDef] today, claiming ownership of the entirety of the [demanded_prov_target.GetName] state. [From.GetLeader] demands that we return the territory immediately or war will be inevitable. They claim that [demanded_prov_target.Owner.GetAdjective] ownership of the region is illegitimate and that [demanded_prov_target.GetName] is an integral part of the [From.GetAdjective] state.\n\nShould we accept their demands, [demanded_prov_target.GetName] will be ceded to [From.GetNameDef] but we shall maintain any cores or claims we have over the region. Should we refuse, war between our nations seems inevitable.

  • None

Event button.png
We have no choice.
Event button.png
[demanded_prov_target.GetName] will remain [Root.GetAdjective]!


[demanded_prov_target.GetName] Ceded!

[From.GetNameDefCap] has decided to accept our rightful claim of [demanded_prov_target.GetName] and has ceded the region to [Root.GetNameDef].\nWith this matter dealt with in such an expedient and courteous manner, we are certain that the peace between [Root.GetNameDef] and [From.GetNameDef] shall continue in perpetuity.

  • None

event "[From.GetNameDefCap] Demands Control of [demanded_prov_target.GetName]"

Event button.png
  • ROOT gets state transferred from [From.GetNameDefCap]


[From.GetNameDefCap] Defiant!

[From.GetNameDefCap] has refused our demands and now we must decide whether or not to fulfill our promise to invade. Failing to carry out our word will greatly damage public perception of [Root.GetLeader] and the legitimacy of the [Root.GetAdjective] government.

  • None

event "[From.GetNameDefCap] Demands Control of [demanded_prov_target.GetName]"

Event button.png
"One way or another, [demanded_prov_target.GetName] will be ours."
  • ROOT gets wargoal annex_everything on FROM