
傻狗本狗~讨论 | 贡献2020年8月18日 (二) 22:59的版本 →‎核心


地区State)是《钢铁雄心4》的主要地理单位。一个州地区由一组省份组成。反过来,supply areaStrategic Region国家的领土由一组地区组成。




领土所有权在地区一级确定。对一个地区的资源和整个地区范围内的建设的控制,是确定一个地区的控制者的标准。这意味着控制胜利点最多的国家是一个地区的控制者。地区中的每个省份值 0.1 胜利点,但是某些省份(通常是城市)还有另外的胜利点。这些城市都已命名并在地图上标有小方块( 1-15 胜利点,圆圈( 20-40 胜利点)或星星(首都为 3-50 胜利点),当鼠标悬停在上方时,通过工具提示栏会显示它们的附加胜利点。抵抗力量也在相应的地区级别上计算。


地区可以是核心地区,或是殖民地地区。核心被认为是该国不可分割的一部分,所拥有的人口可以充分服兵役。在殖民地国家,国家对人力的惩罚为 -98% ,并且可用建筑槽位只有核心地区的一半。各国可以像其他己方核心地区一样,在一半的时间和花费一半的政治点数中为外国拥有的己方核心地区进行正当化战争目标。此外,在确定一个国家是否投降时,只有核心地区的胜利点才算在内。当一个国家控制一个非核心地区时,该地区将产生抵抗

不像其他Paradox的游戏,国家通常没有办法获得地区的核心。如果解放/归还一个其他国家的领土,则可能会失去地区的核心。但是,某些针对特定国家/地区的事件和国策,例如德意志国的国旗 德意志国Anschluss事件,或是中美洲国家墨西哥的国旗 墨西哥的决议,都将被授予某些地区的核心。 但是,自 抵抗运动抵抗运动 以来,该规则还有一个例外,没有结果能够在充分遵守Global Defense Council国策的前提下将任何国家的地区作为自己的核心。



Construction can be divided into three categories: state buildings, shared buildings and province buildings.

State buildings

State buildings are state-wide and every state may get the same maximum level of a certain building.

Infrastructure, airbases, anti-air and radar stations belong to this category.

Shared buildings

Shared buildings are also state-wide, but the amount that can be built is limited to the number of free slots. Once all slots are occupied, no more shared buildings can be built.

Factories, dockyards, synthetic refineries, fuel silos, rocket sites, and nuclear reactors belong to this category

Province buildings

Province buildings are built per-province, their maximum levels depend on the type of building.

Naval bases and forts belong to this category.


Resources for production are generated at the state level. The majority controller will have a certain amount of the resources of a state added to their resource pool depending on their occupation policy.


A state's total population is shown in its info panel. The tooltip contains its recruitable population and cap (first line), civilian population and cap (second line) and monthly growth numbers.

The population in a state is tracked by five numbers.

The total population is the population the state starts with; it is shown on the state's info panel. Monthly population growth is based on it and the total never declines. The game's duration usually spans less than a generation, so all inhabitants that could enter military service are already born at the start of the game.

The recruitable population is available for the controlling country to use in military service. Recruitable population gets reduced as manpower is used in the military, not just after taking casualties.

The recruitable population cap is a fraction of the total population that limits the recruitable population. For how the fraction is calculated, see recruitable population.

The civilian population is the portion of the population that is not available for military service.

The civilian population cap is a fraction of the total population that limits the civilian population. It is the total population minus the recruitable population cap.

Changes in the effective recruitable population ratio can cause one of the two population counts to overflow. In this case population is transferred to the other population type. For example, if a country raises its recruitment law, the civilian population cap will go down over time (according to the mobilization speed), which causes some civilian population to be transferred to recruitable population. Conversely, if a state is captured by a country that does not have a core on it, the recruitable ratio will be massively reduced and might cause recruitable population to transfer back to civilian population.


The state's total population grows by +0.125% at the start of every month. The increase in population is distributed between recruitable and the civilian population by the recruitable ratio. Both increases are always at least one person respectively.



The effects of occupation, including resistance, are computed at the state level.


The monthly population growth of a state is NCountry.POPULATION_YEARLY_GROWTH_BASE/12 * (1+<global_monthly_population modifier of controller country>) * <state's current total population>.

hoi4de:State hoi4es:State hoi4fr:State hoi4pl:State hoi4pt:State hoi4ru:State