


Support Companies research tree.png


1Aluminum 2Steel
Support Equipment.png



Production cost.png建造花费:





单位 1936 (基础值) 1939 1942 1945
工兵连 +5 堑壕
地形 加成
+2 堑壕
+10% 要塞地形攻击与防御
+2 堑壕
+10% 河流地形攻击与防御
+2 堑壕
+10% 城市地形攻击与防御
侦查连 +1 到 +2 侦查
大约 +10% 速度,取决于侦察连种类与地形
+2 侦查 +2 侦查 +2 侦查
宪兵队 +20% 镇压加成 +10% 镇压加成 +10% 镇压加成 +10% 镇压加成
维修连 +5% 可靠性
+5% 缴获装备比例
+5% 可靠性
+5% 缴获装备比例
+5% 可靠性
+5% 缴获装备比例
+5% 可靠性
+5% 缴获装备比例
野战医院 +20% 伤兵复原
−10% 经验值损失
+10% 伤兵复原
−10% 经验值损失
+10% 伤兵复原
−10% 经验值损失
+10% 伤兵复原
−10% 经验值损失
后勤连 −10% 补给使用
-5% 燃油使用
−10% 补给使用
-5% 燃油使用
−10% 补给使用
-5% 燃油使用
−10% 补给使用
-5% 燃油使用
通信连 +20% 主动性 +12% 主动性 +12% 主动性 +12% 主动性

注意加成百分比为相乘的百分比而不是相加。例如,对于基础值80%,加以20%的加成,结果应为 96% ( = 80 * 1.2) 而不是 100%。



  • 这些防空单位无法对抗战略轰炸机(战略轰炸机飞行高度过高),所以向卫戍部队添加防空单位不能保护工业设施免遭战略轰炸。
  • 至少在1.3版本时,开发人员报道说师下辖防空单位可以击落战斗机,但这通常需要很多防空炮才能做到(视频中的例子动用了数个营,而不仅仅是一个支援连)。当然,如果你没有战斗机的话,尽可能向前线的每一个师中添加防空单位可能是你唯一的选择。
    • 注解:开发人员说防空单位能击落战斗机的视频是“Together for Victory feature stream”Youtube
  • 需要提及的是牵引式防空炮单位同事拥有一定的(说得过去的)反装甲能力。例如,二级牵引式防空炮有足够的穿甲能力对抗一级中型坦克的装甲。但是,自行防空炮并不具备相应的反装甲能力。鉴于生产防空炮不需要Tungsten钨,对一些小国来说,这可能成为一个可选择的廉价的反坦克方式。
  • 牵引式防空炮或自行防空炮单位可以减少敌方空优对所属师造成的损失。[原文:Having towed or self-propelled AA in a division reduces the malus that enemy air superiority inflicts.]

工兵连: 工兵连可以为所属师提供:

  • 在森林、沼泽与河流地形下的移动速度加成;
  • 在森林、丛林、丘陵、沼泽、河流和要塞地形下的固定比例防御加成;
  • 堑壕上限加成;
  • 登陆作战中的固定比例攻击加成(可与海军陆战队加成叠加);
  • 所属师防御力与对人员杀伤加成(但是与步兵连相比比较微弱)。



  • 侦察连在大多数地形中提供大约10%移动速度加成(由不同的侦察连种类决定)。此速度加成并不随侦察连科技的升级而提升。通常侦察连提供的移动速度加成可以让步兵部队速度从 4 km/h 提升至 4.4 km/h,或将摩托化师/轻型坦克师的速度从 12 km/h 提升至 13.2 km/h。还可以考虑配合不同种类(甚至是改进后的)车辆将师移动速度提升过某个特定值以超过特定敌军速度或直接超过撤退的敌军以将其部队成建制击溃。但不同玩家对不同的师是否编制侦察连或侦察连种类的选择需要根据具体情况而定。举例来说,对用于渗透或包抄的师 [exploitation and envelopment divisions]来说,侦察连提供的移动速度加成即使值得的提升,但对用于主力进攻或突破关键点的师 [assault and breakthrough divisions]来说移动速度加成就不那么重要了(但对于这些师来说战斗中的战术加成可能会在高强度的战斗中显得尤为重要)。具体的移动速度加成可见下表:
地形 骑兵侦察分队 摩托化侦察连 轻型装甲侦察连 装甲侦察连
河流 +10% 速度 +10% 速度 +10% 速度 +10% 速度
森林 +5% 速度 +5% 速度 +5% 速度 +10% 速度
丘陵 +10% 速度 +10% 速度 +10% 速度 +10% 速度
山地 +10% 速度 +10% 速度 +5% 速度 +10% 速度
平原 +5% 速度 +15% 速度 +15% 速度 +10% 速度
丛林 +10% 速度 +5% 速度 +5% 速度 +10% 速度
沼泽 +10% 速度 +10% 速度 +10% 速度 +10% 速度
沙漠 +5% 速度 +20% 速度 +15% 速度 +10% 速度
  • 编制侦察连有助于反制敌方战术。拥有侦察优势的一方会首先获得大致相当于5指挥官技能点数的加成。这会直接加成至指挥官的技能等级,提升指挥官在可选战术列表中选择成功反制敌方的战术的总体几率。每一级侦察连科技的升级都会提供额外的侦察点数。评估侦察连重要性要考虑的要素主要包括:双方的可选战术列表,一支军队在作战时战术的潜在重要性,以及敌军指挥官的技能等级。参与同一场战斗的多个师的侦察点数叠加计算的具体机制尚未得知。


Military Police (MP): This support company is not intended for the front lines, or any combat really. It provides a percentage increase to the division's Suppression statistic. Suppression counters partisans operating in a region, preventing them from damaging industry. Best when combined with cavalry, motorized, armored cars, and light tanks, which have better suppression than infantry battalions. While they can simply be added to a garrison division, most prefer to create a division template specifically for MPs. Military Police can be used as an extra Infantry battalion if the need arises, however they give a large hit to ORG and it is better to use Support Artillery, Support Rocket Artillery or Engineers to increase division statistics.


Maintenance (MAIN): Maintenance companies increase the Reliability statistic of all equipment in a division, thus significantly reducing the amount of equipment lost due to attrition. Unfortunately the division designer's Reliability stat doesn't seem to work, even with only a single battalion. As a result, all calculations for this company must be done outside the game.

  • The effect is initially rather weak, as it only provides a 5% bonus. This means that (land) equipment with 80% reliability will get boosted to 84% (80 * 1.05). However, this bonus increases by an additional 5% per level (for 10%, 15%, and 20%, respectively). This allows reliability improvements to equipment that normally cannot be upgraded. Mechanized are the most significant, but also motorized, all of the towed weapons, and support equipment. It benefits infantry equipment too, but infantry equipment is easy to produce and starts at 90% reliability, rather than the usual 80%. Waiting until Maintenance Company II before considering using it isn't a bad idea.
  • For equipment that can be upgraded, such as tanks, it means putting upgrade points into reliability is less necessary, unless it drops below 80% (or let it drop lower and focus on maintaining 80% reliability after the bonus). That can potentially save a lot of XP. Of course, that would require all tanks of that design to have a maintenance company.
  • As of 1.5, Maintenance companies can also capture equipment from enemy divisions (equal to their reliability boost) that would otherwise be destroyed.


Field Hospital (HOS): These provide two bonuses. First, with the 1936 hospital, 20% of the losses in combat get returned to the Manpower pool rather than being lost forever. Second, 10% less XP is lost from combat losses. Upgrading the field hospitals increases both of these bonuses. The more combat a division sees over time, the greater the overall benefit from a field hospital. Conversely, they are a waste in a division unlikely to see sustained combat or likely to be eliminated if engaged in combat, such as some security, garrison, or coastal defense divisions.

  • From the manpower perspective, bigger is better. Each field hospital, being percentage-based, will simply save more lives in a large division than in a small one.
  • From an XP perspective, however, each soldier is worth more XP in a smaller division. So, it can be worth adding them to a small number of elite divisions. These could be things like marine or paratroop divisions, etc. Another possibility might be a regular infantry division that has already gained a high experience level on its own. By creating a duplicate template, a field hospital can be added to some divisions but not to otherwise identical ones, to help those high XP divisions keep their XP. The higher a division's XP gets, the more the average will be reduced by casualties (since replacements are always green). Deploying new divisions that have a field hospital while they are still green is a complete waste from the XP perspective. Therefore, you have more incentive to train new divisions up to regular before deployment when using field hospitals.


Logistics (LOG): These provide a flat 10% reduction in supply consumption and a 5% reduction in fuel usage, which improves with upgrades. Since it's percentage based, they will provide the most benefit in the most supply-hungry divisions. Since artillery uses a lot of supplies, divisions with multiple artillery of any type (line/support/self-propelled) are the first place to look. Just open the division designer and compare the Supply Use stat before and after adding the company, then decide if it's worth it. Most large divisions are potential candidates. For infantry, keep in mind that when fighting in places with high infrastructure, where months of fighting can go by without units running low on supply, a logistics company provides no benefit. Creating a separate infantry division template specifically for low-supply areas is an option. Other divisions can use that support slot for more combat-related purposes.


Signal (SIG):

Chance to join combat

Signal companies provide the Initiative stat, which speeds up joining combat in progress from reserves, as well as planning speed. In general these are most useful for troops in frequent front-line combat, or for reserves in critical positions where rapid reinforcement is needed. Used in the right place, these can be great.

  • One example is if a division in top of the reserves has a Signal Company, the division will be more likely to fill the hole in the front line faster. Without a Signal Company, the base chance to reinforce a battle (assuming that there is available width in the battlefield) is 2% every hour. This means there is a 50% chance that a division will have reinforced the battle within 35 hours. If the Radio technology has been researched, this increases to 7% chance to reinforce every hour, and there is then a 50% chance that the division will have reinforced the battle within 10 hours. The 1936 Signal Company increase Initiative by 20%, and every following upgrade adds 12% Initiative. However, the game modifies the Initiative by 0.25, meaning that 20% Initiative adds 5% to the reinforcement chance - thus, there is a 12% chance for the division to reinforce every hour. So a division with a 1936 Signal Company will have a 50% chance to reinforce a battle within 6 hours.
  • Signal Companies add the full Initiative value to increase planning speed. Given that the base planning speed is 2% per day, a 1936 Signal Company will add 20% to the 2% daily planning, and thus save 4 days to reach the standard 50 % bonus (II:5 days; III: 7 days; IV: 8 days). Whether this bonus expedites preparation of invasions or paradrops is unconfirmed.