苏维埃联盟作为1936开局的七个主要国家之一,拥有独特的国策树。在1.11.x版本的免费更新中,苏联国策树得到了内容重制,并在寸步不退DLC中得到了扩展。在该DLC中,加入了君主主义/法西斯主义分支,以及一条 布哈林主义非历史分支。
- 重视基建/重工业线
- 工业国策树允许国家在大战前和大战后实施和改进 五年计划,加强基础设施建设,扩大工业规模和资源开发,获得科研加成,最终建立经互会。
- 跨过北极的航班线
- 空军国策线允许对 苏维埃空军进行改革,获得科研加成和空军经验。
- 扩建红海军线
- 海军国策线将增加海岸防御基础设施建设,允许对 红海军进行改革,获得科研加成和海军经验。
- 建立
国防工业人民委员部 线 - 这部分陆军国策将添加民族精神 国防工业,并随着玩家继续点国策给予对火炮和坦克的加成。
- 军事工程学院分支
- 该分支将在战略防御位置建设堡垒,并将工业转移到乌拉尔山脉。
- 强化动员计划线
- 这部分陆军国策将为 红军提供增益,同时给予步兵师的加成。
- 马克思-列宁主义道路
- 国策树中所有 共产主义线的开端。
- 中间派分支
- 左翼反对派分支
- 争取党员支持分支
- 强化工会分支
- 右翼反对派分支
- 这一分支将使 布哈林通过一场内战,或在刺杀斯大林后政变上台,并重启新经济政策(N.E.P.)。该分支是唯一可以避免内战爆发的非历史国策分支。
- 处理国内事务分支
- 这一分支将通过增加各种宣传活动来处理国内政治事务。
- 共产国际分支
- 这一分支将允许支援 苏维埃联盟的东方盟友,与他们发展关系,缔结盟约,和其他欧洲主要国家一道对东欧、中东和远东国家进行政治外交影响。
- 重开缙绅会议分支
- 这一内战后分支将允许弗拉基米尔三世加冕为沙皇,从而使罗曼诺夫王朝在 俄罗斯帝国复辟。它还可能建立一个以
康斯坦丁·罗扎耶夫斯基 为领导人的法西斯主义政府,并使沙皇变为傀儡头目。另一种选择是成为一个神权政体,创建 第三罗马,由大主教梅莱修斯担任国家元首,迫使弗拉基米尔三世逊位。
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Industrial branch of the Soviet national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
图标 | 国策 | 前提条件 | 效果 | 描述 |
重视基建 | 无
Not enough building slots for 基础设施 |
Soviet Union is vast but mostly empty. We must ensure the ability to transport goods and equipment across the width of the country quickly. | ||
Heavy Industry | 无 | While our industrialization projects continue to gain speed, the time has come to shift towards a bigger emphasis on heavy industry in preparation for producing more war material. | ||
Finish the Five Year Plan |
The second Five Year Plan prioritizes the development of heavy industry. The Soviet Union must develop quickly in order to match the Capitalist and Fascist powers of the West.
| |||
Improve Railway Network |
Our First Five year plan proved to be too successful. The massive expansion in heavy industry has left the Soviet Union in a much stronger position to defend herself but the soviet railway network has hit some critical bottlenecks. The People's Commissariat of Railways (NKPS) has an ambitious plan to close these bottlenecks and ensure that we can defend the motherland. | ||
Third Five Year Plan |
While peace lasts, we must drive our industrialization further and faster to meet the needs of our people and our military.
| |
Increase State Reserves |
Our growing industry hungers for more and more resources. We can not always ensure that the growth in resource production keeps pace, and must build up reserves where we can. | |
Reorganize the PC of Heavy Industry |
Our previous shift towards heavy industry has caused some inefficiencies in the administration to become apparent. We must ensure that the right people are put in the right places to make operations run smoothly again. | |
Industrial Modernization |
Western countries are rapidly implementing new production methods and introducing new technologies. We can not be content with merely keeping pace with them - we must overtake them! | |
Shift To Armaments Production |
Five Year Plan
Effective Change:
New Project for National Industrialization
Effective Change:
War is brewing. We do not know who will strike first, but sooner or later we will find ourselves under attack. We must prepare for it now, to be ready when the time comes. | |
Optimize Production Lines | Shift To Armaments Production
Other countries have successfully implemented "Fordism" in their factories to maximize production. We must learn from their example.
| |
Steel Casting Industry |
Our metalurgic industries have been at the forefront of our industrial growth, but they can be pushed even further with the adoption of new production methods. | |
Synthetic Rubber |
The day will come when we can no longer rely on the import of foreign rubber. When that day comes, we must be prepared to meet our rubber needs with domestic production. | |
Oil Production |
The next logical step in our industral development as well as in our military modernization is to increase motorization. This will require huge stocks of lubricants and fuel. Thankfully, we posess ample reserves of oil that can be used for this if we develop the necessary industries. | |
Restoration and Development |
Restoration and Development
Now that the war has ended, we can return to developing our industries in peace and improve the life of our people.
Now that the war has ended, we can return to developing our industries in peace and improve the life of our people. | |
Fourth Five Year Plan (Communist name) |
It will still take some time before the disruptions of the war have been fully made good, but by setting the right goals, we can already gain some productivity gains.
| |
Found the COMECON |
There are undergoing measures taken by The COMECON. |
The war has shown that we need to improve our cooperation and the economic development of our friends and partners. To that end, we will form an organization to coordinate trade and economic development between our nations. | |
The Common Economic Space Initiative |
There are undergoing measures taken by The Common Economic Space.
Common Economic Space
There are undergoing measures taken by The Common Economic Space. |
Growing our economy is easier if we had access to new markets for our goods and to gain the resources our economy needs with fewer barriers to trade. We should form an organisation to promote this. | |
National Specialists |
Our economic development must primarily be driven by people familiar with the state it is in. Foreigners would take a long time to gain that knowledge, and, perhaps even worse - would take it with them when they leave. | ||
Foreign Experts | There are many foreign experts who could teach us a lot about how to improve our economy. Thankfully, many of them are capitalists and can therefore be bought. | |||
Eastern Development |
The areas of the Far East beyond the Ural mountains offer vast, untapped resources and wide areas for industrial development. We must ensure that they are prepared to power bigger projects.
| |
Develop the Urals |
The biggest threat against our nation will probably come from a nation in Europe. By developing the areas beyond the Ural mountains, we will create a reserve of industrial capacity that even the longest-ranged bomber will find difficult to reach. | |
The USSR Academy of Sciences (Communist name) |
To remain competitive in the the fields of applied sciences, we must also be on the forefront of the theoretical sciences. We already have a well-established academy of sciences, but with some additional funding, it would provide us with a truly world-class research infrastructure. | ||
National Academies of Sciences |
Modelling after our own Academy of Sciences, our partner nations should also be encouraged to establish similar institutes in order to boost their own research capabilities. | ||
No Time For Peace |
No matter how much we might wish for it, there is little hope for a lasting peace. New weapons and technologies will make war even more devastating than before, and, sadly, we must invest our hard-earned resources to ensure that we can keep pace with our enemies. |
No matter how much we might wish for it, there is little hope for a lasting peace. New weapons and technologies will make war even more devastating than before, and, sadly, we must invest our hard-earned resources to ensure that we can keep pace with our enemies. | ||
Transformation of Nature |
Transformation of Nature
With our scientific community pushing the borders of what was previously thought possible, even the largest, most invasive projects are becoming feasible. |
With our scientific community pushing the borders of what was previously thought possible, even the largest, most invasive projects are becoming feasible. |
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Airforce branch of the Soviet national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
图标 | 国策 | 前提条件 | 效果 | 描述 |
Transpolar Flights | None |
Our bravest pilots are just beginning to prove that daring routes across the arctic are possible. By using unexpected shortcuts like these in our planning of aerial warfare, we will be able to surprise the enemy. | |
Expand the Aircraft Industry |
In the wars to come, our air force will have to secure the skies against enemies equipped with the most modern equipment. We must ensure that they not only have comparable planes, but also that they have enough of them. | |
Modernize Aircraft Facilities |
The best plane in the world will soon become useless if it has to take off from bumpy runways and be maintained in leaky sheds. To ensure the best possible performance, we must also have the best possible infrastructure. | ||
Merge Aircraft Plants |
While competition between designers creates a natural incentive to constantly improve, it also saps resources on duplicate efforts that we can ill-afford. We should merge our design bureaus to eliminate this waste. | ||
Found the Jet Institute |
The current piston engines can only be pushed so far. Future planes will have to rely on new methods of propulsion. We should found an institute to do research into jet engines to ensure that we will not be overtaken by foreign developments.
| ||
Foster Flying Clubs |
New pilots are expensive to train if they have never seen a plane before they start training. But many young people are fascinated by flying, and with some support, could grow into very capable pilots that could pick up the finer points of air combat very quickly if they already know the basics of piloting an aircraft. | ||
Women in Aviation |
In the past, backwards elements in society have declared flying to be a man's field. However, women around the world have ignored this and have shown that they are every bit as good as their male colleagues. We should encourage our women to try their hand at flying, to select the most capable pilots among them. | |
Raskova's Aviation Group (Communist name) |
Marina Raskova has proven herself an extremely capable navigator and pilot. With our resources stretched thin in the current war, we can't afford to let someone as experienced as her sit by the sidelines. We should give her the resources to raise a number of aviation units to support the struggle. (Communist description) | ||
Expand Aviation Institutes |
The biggest bottleneck to increasing the size of our air force is our capacity for pilot training. By expanding our pilot schools, we will lay the foundation for a bigger and more competent air force. | ||
Increase Aircraft Production |
There has been an overemphasis on safety lately, which has started to negatively affect the production numbers of new airplanes. We could save a significant amount of resources by eliminating the most excessive safety systems, while still maintaining a very safe and capable air force.
| ||
Intensify Pilot Training Program |
To be competitve, our Air Force must be able to fly and fight in all circumstances. The best way to achieve this is to train our pilots to the very highest standard. What we might lack in numbers or technical sophistication we will make up with sheer skill. | ||
Ground Support |
The primary mission of our air force must be the support of our ground forces. This fundamental fact must inform every decision made. | ||
Long Range Aircraft |
Technology has advanced to the point where our bombers can reach every point in the enemy's homeland and can destroy their capacity for making war in short order. The army exists primarily to hold the line until this is accomplished. | ||
The Modern War In the Skies |
Aerial Warfare has come a long way since the days of biplanes duelling over the trenches. Today, it is industrial in nature, with a high operational tempo to maintain pressure on the enemy around the clock. We must acknowledge this fact and plan accordingly.
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Naval branch of the Soviet national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
图标 | 国策 | 前提条件 | 效果 | 描述 |
Expand the Red Fleet (Communist name) |
None |
The Red Fleet is pathetically weak compared to the navies of the imperialist powers. We must make its expansion a national priority! (Communist description) | |
Reinforce Western Naval Bases |
The Baltic Fleet is very exposed in its bases. We should invest some resources into protecting its anchorages and improve its repair capacities. | ||
Reinforce Northern Naval Bases | Despite being located north of the Arctic circle, Murmansk is ironically our only port that remains ice-free the entire year and has access to the open oceans. We should develop it further to allow better access to the rest of the world. | |||
Reinforce Southern Naval Bases |
The Black Sea might look like a secondary theater. But if we lose control over it, we will open up our entire southern territories up to enemy invasion, as happened in the Crimean War. We must not let this happen again, and should strengthen the naval bases in the region. | |
Reinforce Eastern Naval Bases | Even after the humiliation of 1905, the Japanese have not stopped making noises about encroaching on our territories. We must be ready for war against them, and that means strengthening our naval bases in the region.
| |||
Expand Shipbuilding Plants |
Our geography forces us to have widely spread out shipyards to support our various fleets. Any attempt at increasing our shipbuilding capacity therefore has to be spread out as well. | ||
Merge Naval Plants |
Naval construction and ship design is a time-consuming process, in which excessive competition is simply inefficient. We should merge our design bureaus to eliminate this waste of effort. | ||
PC of the USSR Navy (Communist name) |
With our Navy becoming more modern and more capable, it is time to recognize it as a combat arm that is equal to the Army in importance. The first step is to allow the Navy to form an administration separate from the Army. | ||
Surface Warfare |
Capital ships require a significant investment of time and resources, and often end up being obsolete before they are even finished building. Smaller vessels can be built much faster and consequently can keep pace with technological developments much easier. We should focus on developing our light forces as the primary arm of naval warfare. | ||
Offensive Maritime Strategy |
We can not afford to sit back and wait for the enemy to come to us. We must take the initiative and attack the enemy wherever we can.
| |
Submarine Warfare |
Submarines offer significant advantages in naval combat. A well-designed modern submarine is practically undetectable before it fires its torpedoes, potentially crippling a capital ship many times its size and cost. We should focus on devloping these vessels as the main offensive power of our navy. | ||
Long Range Raiders |
With the distance from our naval bases to the main shipping lanes, our current submarines will find difficult to reach the rich hunting grounds. We should develop longer-ranged submarines to ensure we can attack our enemies where it hurts the most. | ||
An Oceangoing Navy |
Although the Union encompasses a greater land area than any nation on the planet, the oceans of the world are yet to be ruled by our ships. Heavily armored battleships will be a part of our future ocean going fleet. | |
Mine Warfare |
Mine Warfare
It is uneconomic to try and defend our entire coastline with ships. By laying minefields in strategic locations we can deter or at least damage any enemy fleet trying to close to our coasts. |
It is uneconomic to try and defend our entire coastline with ships. By laying minefields in strategic locations we can deter or at least damage any enemy fleet trying to close to our coasts. | ||
Advanced Maneuvers |
Having large and modern ships is pointless if their crews have no idea of how to use them. We must institute regular, large-scale naval exercises to train our crews and officers in modern naval warfare.
| ||
Expand the Morskaya Aviatsiya |
Airplanes have already changed the nature of land warfare dramatically. In the future, they will pose significant dangers to even the most modern surface ships. We should ensure that we will always have a modern naval aviation arm to support our other vessels. | ||
Naval Infantry |
While we have no intention to invade hostile shores in imperialistic endeavours, a force of dedicated naval infantry can be very useful to raid enemy shore installations and threaten the enemy's coastline. (Communist description)
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Armored army branch of the Soviet national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
图标 | 国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 | 描述 |
Found the PCDI |
None |
Our Armaments industry has grown very large, and now requires a dedicated government office to coordinate if it is to grow even further. We shall establish the People's Commissariat of Defense Industry. (Communist description) | |
PC of Mechanical Engineering |
Our industry has become capable of creating increasingly large and complex machine tools and other heavy machines, to the point where it would be justified to form a separate government entity to coordinate these projects. | ||
Superior War Machines |
Tanks and armored vehicles have developed significantly over the past decade. With a large armaments industry to produce and supply them, we can create superior vehicles and employ them in mass against the enemy. | ||
Soviet Artillery |
Today's wars are won through the scientific application of firepower in the right spots. We will focus our efforts on developing not just better guns, but also how to employ them in as effective a manner as possible.
Today's wars are won through the scientific application of firepower in the right spots. We will focus our efforts on developing not just better guns, but also how to employ them in as effective a manner as possible.
Today's wars are won through the scientific application of firepower in the right spots. We will focus our efforts on developing not just better guns, but also how to employ them in as effective a manner as possible. | ||
PC of Mortar Armament |
The humble mortar is quickly becoming the main form of indirect fire support for our units. We must therefore endeavour to produce as many mortars of all sizes as possible, and form a government agency whose only purpose is to do just that.
| ||
The Means to Wage War |
While the planes, guns and tanks in the army often attract the highest attention and look best on parades, the common soldier cares a lot more about the quality of his rifle and the comfortability of his boots. We have to acknowledge that these things are at least as important to waging war as any fighter plane or heavy howitzer. | ||
Development of Tankograd |
Our country stretches over vast distances, which make it impractical to ship sub-components from factory to factory. We should instead integrate our tank factories vertically - steel goes in on one end, finished tanks come out the other end. | ||
Merge Tank and Materiel Plants |
Tanks and artillery is probably the best suited for mass-production, making use of economy of scale. We should therefore force a consolidation of tank and material producers to capitalize on this. |
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Defensive sub-branch of the Soviet national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
图标 | 国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 | 描述 |
Military Engineering University |
While many are proclaiming the end of trench warfare following the development of the tank and airplane, it is clear that military engineering still has a place on the modern battlefield. We should form an institute to study modern methods of constructing modern field fortifications. | ||
Leningrad Polytechnical Institute (Standard name) |
As our foremost engineering school, the Leningrad Polytechnical Institute has long provided our country with engineers and industrial designers. We should expand it further to ensure that we will always have the best people available to fill any new positions in our growing industries. (Standard description) (?) As our foremost engineering school, the [195.city name] Polytechnical Institute has long provided our country with engineers and industrial designers. We should expand it further to ensure that we will always have the best people available to fill any new positions in our growing industries. | ||
Soviet Atomic Bomb Project (Communist name) |
We know that scientists in other countries are hard at work to develop methods to turn the most fundamental forces in the universe into a new form of weapon. While we are behind, we can use their work to advance our own, and ensure the parity of destruction remains.
We know that scientists in other countries are hard at work to develop methods to turn the most fundamental forces in the universe into a new form of weapon. While we are behind, we can use their work to advance our own, and ensure the parity of destruction remains. |
We know that scientists in other countries are hard at work to develop methods to turn the most fundamental forces in the universe into a new form of weapon. While we are behind, we can use their work to advance our own, and ensure the parity of destruction remains. | ||
Move Industry To the Urals |
War has come to us, and the homeland is under threat. While our forces will fight to the last bullet without giving a foot of ground, we can not ensure that this will be enough, given the forces arrayed against us. We must evacuate factories to safety before they are overrun. | |
The Road of Life |
With several of our cities threatened and under siege, we must focus on getting the fighting forces in those places the support they need to hold out, whatever the cost may be.
| |
The Molotov Line (Centre-Communist name) |
The recent changes to the political geography of Europe have moved our western border quite a bit further west. Any old fortification plans are outdated. We must create a new line along our new borders to slow down any enemy attack until we can mobilize our forces for a counter-attack. | |
Improve the Stalin Line (Communist name) |
Our western border is far too long to fortify in its entirety. But we can build a set of fortifications that funnels any enemy attack into predictable areas, where we can easily counter-attack them with massed forces. | |
The Defense of Moscow | The enemy is standing on the gates of Moscow. This is the place to make our stand and throw them into retreat and into defeat, like we did with Napoleon! | |||
Impregnable Forts |
Soviet engineering is now able to create truely fearsome fortifications, easily capable of standing up to even the heaviest bombardment and nearly impossible to take in an assault. With extensive stocks of ammunition and supplies, these forts would hold out against enemy attack for years, if necessary. (Communist description) | ||
Protect the White Sea - Baltic Canal | The canal between the Baltic Sea and the White Sea is a marvel of modern engineering and can not be allowed to fall into enemy hands.
| |||
Far East Fortification | Ever since the war with Japan in 1905, we have kept a weary eye on the region. It is no secret that elements of the Japanese military look at our far-eastern holdings with unashamed greed. We must prepare for a confrontation in that region, and have to take steps to slow down any enemy attack to gain time to deploy forces from western Russia into the region. |
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Infantry army branch of the Soviet national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
图标 | 国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 | 描述 |
Strengthen the Mobilization Plan | None |
Our biggest military advantage has always been the vastness of our country and the amount of people living in it. But when it comes to getting soldiers to the front, these two things can work against each other. We have to continuously improve and update our mobilization plans to ensure that in the event of war, we can concentrate our forces quickly. | |
Restore Cossack Units |
In the hour of need, the motherland does not ask details about who wants to serve to defend it. Anyone willing to bear arms against the invader is welcome, and will be employed to the best of their abilities. | ||
Cohesion First |
The last thing we need in this situation is to reduce our standards. Anyone who wants to serve in the military is welcome - but they will serve in existing units, and trained to proper military standards. | ||
Rehabilitated Military |
It is clear now that the close watch we have kept on the military was perhaps a little overly zealous. While perfectly justified in peacetime, during the war we should let the professional make judgements based on the military situation, not based on political considerations. It is time to rein in the political officers a bit and give the commanders more latitude on how to run things. (Communist description) | ||
Military Reorganization |
Military Reorganization
The Red/Russian/Imperial Army is undergoing a huge reorganization, which requires disrupting the existing formations to some extent for a hopefully short period of time. (Name of the army will change by Ideology)
Our attempts to build a large mechanized army were noble, but more than we could afford. To win this war, we will have to focus on the arms that have carried Russian armies to victory for centuries: the Infantry and the Artillery. This will necessarily require us to disrupt the existing formations to a degree.
| ||
Desperate Measures |
In this desperate situation, we must take measures we had previously thought impossible. Anything that can be done to stem the invasion must be done. |
In this desperate situation, we must take measures we had previously thought impossible. Anything that can be done to stem the invasion must be done. | ||
An Adaptable Army |
This war is stretching across several climate zones and many varied terrains. We must be able to fight in every terrain and no matter the weather if we want to win this war. | ||
Lessons of War |
Whatever plans we had before the war have largely not survived contact with the enemy. We must be open to the lessons this war is teaching us, and not stick to outdated dogma. Only then can we stop our retreat and start to go back on the offensive. | |
Penal Battalions | During the retreats, many otherwise capable soldiers have shamed themselves by retreating before the position was lost, or by otherwise acting against the good conduct of our army. But in this situation, simply imprisoning or executing them would deprive us of very capable fighters. We should form special units in which these people can redeem themselves through combat. | |||
Organization of the Partisans |
Central Headquarters of the Partisan Movement
After being overrun, many soldiers left behind enemy lines choose to continue the fight instead of humiliating captivity. Together with the peasants and workers of the occupied territories, they have continued the fight against the invader. We must send them support so they can tie down even more enemy units.
Central Headquarters of the Partisan Movement
After being overrun, many soldiers left behind enemy lines choose to continue the fight instead of humiliating captivity. Together with the peasants and workers of the occupied territories, they have continued the fight against the invader. We must send them support so they can tie down even more enemy units.
After being overrun, many soldiers left behind enemy lines choose to continue the fight instead of humiliating captivity. Together with the peasants and workers of the occupied territories, they have continued the fight against the invader. We must send them support so they can tie down even more enemy units.
| ||
We must make it clear to every single citizen that spies and enemy agents are present everywhere, and that any idle talk can give the enemy a crucial piece of information that gives them an advantage.
We must make it clear to every single citizen that spies and enemy agents are present everywhere, and that any idle talk can give the enemy a crucial piece of information that gives them an advantage.
We must make it clear to every single citizen that spies and enemy agents are present everywhere, and that any idle talk can give the enemy a crucial piece of information that gives them an advantage. | ||
Barrier Troops |
Battle is often chaotic, and it is understandable that sometimes soldiers lose contact with higher headquarters. We should institute units well behind the front who collect these stragglers and point them back towards the fighting - and arrest any who betray their comrades by trying to avoid their duty. | ||
Experts in Camouflage |
To achieve and maintain the element of surprise, we must make absolutely sure that the enemy does not spot our troop positions or movements until it is too late. Every soldier must be trained in the art of camouflage. | ||
Keep Commissars Organization |
Has completed focus: Depoliticize the Military |
Politicized Military
Military commissars often hold fervent ideological speeches and political discussions among the ranks, but in many cases they also engage in excessive administration, overzealous scrutiny of military officers, and even obstruction of the orders of unit commanders. |
Even in our new organisation, there is a need for people to ensure that the army remains absolutely loyal to the government. If the soldiers lose their trust in the government, we will lose this war and we will lose it quickly. | |
Adjoined Battle Priests |
Battle Priests in the Army
Taking on the role of Batle Priests within our military units, the clergy is now in charge of keeping morale high among the ranks, and making sure that the troops know that the Church, and God, are on our side. |
With its power and influence recently increasing in the country, the time may have come to allow the Church to become involved in military matters. Taking on the role of Battle Priests within our military units, the clergy will make sure that the troops know that God is on our side, which will potentially increase morale and make the common soldier fight more fervently for their country.
| |
Military Political Advisors |
Has completed focus: Depoliticize the Military |
Military Political Advisors
While we shouldn't let poltical considerations dictate military decisions, we slilil have to ensure that these political considerations are accounted for when the decision is reached. |
Our war is not merely a contest between nations about resources. it is a contest of political systems. While we shouldn't let political considerations dictate military decisions, we still have to ensure that these political considerations are accounted for when the decision is reached. | |
The Glory of the Red Army (Communist name) |
We have successfully held out against the enemy onslaught. Now is the time to go on the offensive, and carry the war back to where it came! | ||
The Glory of the Imperial Army |
We have successfully held out against the enemy onslaught. Now is the time to go on the offensive, and carry the war back to where it came! |
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Communist branch of the Soviet national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
图标 | 国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 | 描述 |
The Path of Marxism Leninism |
The infallible teachings of Marx, Engels and Lenin have lifted our nation from deepest backwardness to technological and industrial equality. It would be the deepest folly to change direction now. The invincible banner of the worker's liberation marches ever onwards! |
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Stalinist sub-branch of the Soviet national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
图标 | 国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 | 描述 |
The Centre |
The Politburo
Comrade Stalin has been the greatest fighter for our nation. We should leave the future of the revolution in his more than capable hands. | ||
Socialism in One Country |
The Politburo
Effective Change:
While world revolution remains our ultimate goal - and is indeed scientifically proven to be inevitable - we must first secure Socialism in our country, lest the worker's liberation in other parts of the globe be delayed because we were defeated. | ||
The Stalin Constitution |
The constitution of 1924 was a good attempt at organizing a state following the Civil War, but it has served its purpose. A new constitution is needed. Primarily, we much acknowledge the tireless work of Comrade Stalin in keeping the Union strong and safe and whose genius and wisdom has been instrumental in leading the cause of communism forward. | ||
The Zinovyevite Terrorist Center |
The assassination of Comrade Kirov in 1934 shows that there are members of the party who are clearly plotting against Comrade Stalin and the Union as a whole. We have obtained confessions from several co-conspirators, implicating several more people. This Zinovyevite plot - no doubt organised by Trotsky or western agents, possibly working together - must be cut out, like a cancer, before it spreads. | ||
Secure the Administration |
With the shock of the confessions of the terrorist Zinovyev and his allies, we must ask questions about the loyalties of other members of the party. It is imperative that we know where each member of the Politbureau stands.
| ||
The Collectivization Process |
While a lot of work remains to be done, and though it has been badly misshandled in some regions, the process of collectivizing the farms in the Soviet Union is almost complete, and will soon yield increased production from the agricultural sector. | ||
The Anti-Soviet Trotskyist Center |
Our investigation into the Zinovyevite plot has revealed that there is a large network of anti-soviet terrorists in our administration. Some members are not even fully aware of who they are helping! This conspiracy must be rooted out, and drastic measures may have to be taken to achieve this. | |
The Workers' Dictatorship |
All power in our Union must ultimately rest with the workers. We can not afford to splinter into factionalism, and must therefore ensure that the will of the workers is always expressed in the decisions of the Politbureau. | ||
Centralization and Discipline |
Modify the national spirit The Politburo with: |
In this time of uncertainty, the people look to the Politbureau for stability and guidance. We must ensure that this organ of decision making is not only supportive of, but united behind, the decisions of Comrade Stalin. | ||
War Economy |
It is clear that the capitalist and reactionary nations on our borders are planning to strike in our moment of weakness. The sooner we shift our economy to a war footing, the better.
| ||
The Military Conspiracy |
The Trotskist plot in our country has reached the military. We now have evidence that leading Generals and even Marshalls have conspired with foreign intelligence services to overthrow the government! We can not allow officers whose loyalties are even mildly suspect to remain in positions where they can weaken our military even further. | |
Behead the Snake |
It has become absolutely clear that the Union will not be safe until the threat of a Trotskist coup is fully banished. While it would be good to put Trotsky on trial to expose his anti-soviet activities, we do not have that luxury. Our only option is to assassinate him, to deprive the plot against the government of its leader and prime instigator. | |
The Bloc of Rights and Trotskyites |
At last, we have reached the very heart of the conspiracy in our midst. Nikolai Bukharin was in fact a member of the Trotskist-Zinovievite bloc, and was most likely the leader of the people inside the government who attempted to execute a counter-revolution. We now have irrefutable proof of this, and in one last trial, we can expose these facts to the light. | |
Stalin's Cult of Personality |
Following the exposure of the shocking plot against the Union, it is obvious that it was only Comrade Stalin's clear-sighted leadership that prevented a descent into civil war or worse. Every single Soviet citizen, and indeed every member of the global working class, owes Comrade Stalin eternal gratitude for his tireless work in defending the revolution. | |
They will Know Fear |
Our enemies have learned to fear the Red Army and the Soviet people. We have withstood the initial onslaught and it is time to fight back. We need to develop fearsome new war machines capable of breaking through even the most fortified enemy defensive lines. Such war machines must drive terror to the very heart of the enemy by merely being named...
| ||
Freedom of Debate - Unity of Action |
The complexities of governing a country and steering it on the right path are many, and so alternatives must be able to be discussed openly. Once a decision is reached, however, it is the duty of every member of the politbureau and indeed the entire party to support that decision without reservation. | ||
The Construction of Communism |
The Construction of Communism will come with its own challenges and obstacles. With the Politbureau standing united behind Comrade Stalin, we can take the first steps to build Communism. | ||
Inheritor of the Mantle of Lenin | Comrade Stalin has always been Lenin's closest companion and most trusted disciple. As the most faithful follower of Lenin's teachings, it is only natural that he should inherit the heavy duty of guiding the nation towards Communism as well as preparing for the inevitable global worker's revolution. | |||
The Faithful Servant of Lenin |
Lenin left us with the biggest task in world history: To build a society in which all people are truly equal, a society without oppression or suffering or material want. There can be no better man to execute that vision than Comrade Stalin, who was with Lenin every step of the way and who now stands ready to deliver the promise that was made in the revolution. | ||
Brilliant Genius |
Unquestionably the most brilliant man alive, Comrade Stalin will guide our nation to new heights of scientific development and will drive the progress of all humanity forwards in leaps and bounds.
| ||
Leader of the Party and the People |
Comrade Stalin has performed his heavy tasks with dilligence and skill, and enjoys the unreserved and undivided support of both the party and the people. Any hint of vanity or self-adulation is foreign to him; he is perhaps the most humble person alive. | ||
Ban Excessive Hero Worship |
There has been a trend of publishing fanciful and wildly exaggerated accounts of Comrade Stalin's private life and his childhood. However well-intentioned, these accounts are counter-revolutionary and seek to establish a cult of heroism in the minds of the Soviet people, and seeks to replace a vigorous study of the theories of Comrade Stalin with mere blind idolatry. | ||
Great Commander |
The accomplishments of Comrade Stalin in military theory and leadership are too many to list. While the traitor Trotsky may have founded the Red Army, it was Comrade Stalin who turned it into an effective force to defend the accomplishments of the working class. | ||
Architect of Communism |
Comrade Stalin's unwavering commitment to the ideals of the revolution have enabled him to see the challenges of building Socialism in One Country. With the work towards building Socialism well underway, he can turn towards the next big step: how to move from Socialism to full Communism. | ||
Father of Nations |
Our Union is a great family of many different people, and every family needs a head. Comrade Stalin is that head, who ensures that its many children are educated in Socialist thought and who guides our efforts towards a bright future. Where he must be stern, he is stern, but he is always guided by a sense of justice and fairness. |
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Trotskyist sub-branch of the Soviet national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
图标 | 国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 | 描述 |
The Left Opposition |
It is clear that the Soviet Union has deviated from its promised path. Now there is even talk of building Socialism in one country, abandoning the workers of the world to their fate instead standing in solidarity with them. If Comrade Stalin won't act, others certainly will. | ||
The Fourth International |
The Civil War has started |
The Stalinist puppets in the so-called Third International have proven themselves to be utterly incapable of carrying the revolution forward. Their vision of Communism has little to do with the theories written down by Marx and Lenin, and instead perverts the dream of a democratically controlled worker's state into a dystopian nightmare. What we need is a new International that will defend the revolution! | |
Bring Old Trotskyists Back |
In the early years of the revolution, there have been many heated debates between various factions inside the party. Some people who were not quite on the party line, like Karl Radek and Yevgeny Preobrazhensky, were even expelled over minor disagreements. Perhaps a gesture of contrition from these long-serving party members could be enough to bring them back into the fold. | |
The Committee in Exile |
We can never be sure who Stalin's mad gaze will fall on next. We must prepare clandestine routes and safehouses to smuggle people out of the country if we find out that some of our supporters are targetted by another purge. | ||
Organize the Wreckers |
Should Stalin and his henchmen decide to make a fight of it, instead of doing what would be best for the revolution and resign, we must be ready to fight. In such a desperate situation, even sabotage against the property of the people must be considered. We must ensure that it is targeted where it is required, and doesn't destroy the great accomplishments of the Soviet workers.
| ||
Eliminate the Right |
Factionalism within the party was always a problem, and with the opposition more vocal, the differences of opinion makes the party less efficient. Properly managed, though, difference of opinion can in the long run be turned into a strength rather than a weakness. |
There are a factions inside the party that are utterly incompatible with each other. If we are to take over the government and steer the revolution back on track, we can not afford to be distracted by their meddling. But if 'Comrade' Stalin is looking for internal enemies to fight, we could implicate some people for him to take a look at... | ||
Integrate Smirnov's Bloc |
We have a handful of old Trotskyist, who have been arrested recently and put in prison for their opposition to Stalinist oppression. With a few well-chosen words to the right ears, we could see them released and sent into exile, where they can organize while being safe from Political Paranoia. They won't forget who helped them escape. | |
Approach Tukhachevsky |
Mikhail Tukhachevsky is without a doubt one of our greatest military thinkers. While his theories of fast-moving combined arms units striking deep into the enemy rear are not without their critics, he still enjoys the support of some very capable Generals. If we can convince him to support our cause, he would be an invaluable asset. | |
Approach Primakov |
Vitaly Primakov is one of our premier cavalry commanders, and his support would be very valuable in trying to secure the country. | |
Funds for the Cause |
Generous donations from foreign individuals and organisations help fund our revolution. |
Having Lev Trotsky and others based abroad can certainly work to our advantage. We should organize socialist fundraising events around the world, and secretly try to convince governments to support us with arms at the same time.
| ||
Ignite the Flames |
*Popular support for an uprising increases by +1.5%
The time has come. Let us raise the banners against the tyrant. The revolution will begin anew! | |
Vanguard of the True Revolution | Let the world hear of our revolution. We shall make a call to all the revolutionaries around the world to flock to our banners. Together we can beat Stalin. Together we can carry the revolution to victory. | |||
Remove the Counter-Revolutionaries |
There are many others who harboured resentments against Stalin. While we are still consolidating our rule, we must not allow these people to start forming counter-revultionary cells, lest we have another civil war on our hands in short order. | ||
The Permanent Revolution |
Marxist theory teaches that the revolution is inevitable if the circumstances are right. However, the circumstances are clearly not right, or not right everywhere. We must not grow complacent and wait for a world revolution that may be centuries away. Workers and peasants around the world are suffering right now, today, and their liberation can not wait. | ||
A Global Class Struggle |
The fight to liberate the working class must be definition be a global struggle. As long as there is even one country supporting the capitalist system, the revolution isn't safe. Once the workers around the world realize that the revolution is once again on the march, they will flock to our banner and support us in our endeavours.
| ||
The Onslaught on Colonialism |
Imperialism and colonial exploitation are vital parts of late-stage capitalism. Holding millions of people in servitude does, however, provide us with a gigantic revolutionary potential that we can easily exploit. The oppressed masses in the colonial empires yearn to breath free - and we will break their chains. | ||
Carry the Revolution East |
The brutal exploitation of the African colonies has left those societies unable to develop to the level where the revolution can easily succeed. This is not the case with the more developed societies in Asia, where a large revolutionary potential exists and waits to be unleashed. | ||
The End of the Imperialist Era |
Perhaps the most naked expression of imperialism lies in the so-called Monroe-Doctrine, with which one single country declares two entire continents their exclusive territory. This will not stand. The revolution will find a foothold in the Americas, and the workers of the western Hemisphere will at long last breathe free. | ||
Long Live the Workers' Government |
Long live the worker’s government. The Ruling Elite has been removed from power. The workers once more rule the country. |
Now that we have started the long road towards the true liberation of the working class, we must not fall to the temptation of replacing one government of the elite with another. The government of our union must always be a true government of the workers, by the workers, and for the workers. | ||
Builder of the Red Army |
Whatever it may have become in the meantime, the Red Army will always be the brainchild of Lev Trotsky. It is time for him to return to his former position, and led a new and re-invigorated Red Army into battle.
| |
Reigniting the Revolutionary Spirit |
Years of Stalinist rule have dulled the revolutionary zeal of our people. Our workers were told that the revolution would happen - eventually. We know that this is not the case - in the current global level of development, the revolution must be ignited in other countries that are not as far developed. And we will ignite it. | ||
Depoliticize the Military |
The primary purpose of the military is to protect the working class. Our soldiers are, to a large extent, already members of the working class, and therefore don't need someone to watch over them. Even more important is that the Red Army focuses on its primary mission, and is not allowed to play at politics. | ||
Strengthen the Heavy Industry |
The heavy industry is the heart of our economy. If we want to ensure that the revolution not just survives, but thrives, we must further strengthen this sector. | ||
System Decentralization |
Stalin centralized not just the party, but the entire country on himself. This is clearly a counter-revolutionary approach, taking power away from the workers and putting it into the hands of a corrupt elite. We need to reverse this direction, and allow the workers to decide their own fate again. | ||
All Power To the Soviets |
The Local Soviets
The regional and the local Soviets have had some authority restored. This means that they can more easily take decisions in matters that are urgent to them, at the cost of some political control by the politburo. |
The revolution started with a simple idea - that the people should be allowed to decide their own destiny, by forming councils of workers, soldiers, peasants. Only later was this system changed back towards a system where unelected bureaucrats made decisions from far away. When these decisions inevitably backfired, it was usually the workers who were punished. No more!
| ||
Regional Development |
Rather than having a small number of centralized plants and leaving the rest of the country to starve, we must ensure that the development of industry is spread across the entire union. | ||
Autonomous Soviet Republics |
Power has been moved away from the politburo in general and the Secretary in particular, and back to the party itself. The Local Soviets
The regional and the local Soviets have had some authority restored. This means that they can more easily take decisions in matters that are urgent to them, at the cost of some political control by the politburo. |
In the years following the revolution, Stalinists have worked hard to remove regional identities and to suppress workers' self-determination in some regions of the union. The counter-revolutionary character of these actions is self-evident. If the workers in some Soviet republics wish for a greater degree of autonomy, we should grant it without hesitation. | ||
International Union of Soviet Republics |
Factionalism within the party was always a problem, and with the opposition more vocal, the differences of opinion makes the party less efficient. Properly managed, though, difference of opinion can in the long run be turned into a strength rather than a weakness. |
The greatest possible betrayal of our revolution was the idea that socialism could - or indeed should - be built in one country. Either all workers in all countries will together achieve socialism, or none of them will. While the revolution is in different stages in different countries, we will share our resources to ensure that it moves forward in all allied countries in which the workers control the government. |
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Bukharinist sub-branch of the Soviet national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
图标 | 国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 | 描述 |
Gain Support from Party Members |
Some of Stalin's puppets are so mainly because they are afraid. We should convince them that our plan will succeed, and that they can be heroes without really having to do much heavy lifting. There are ways... | ||
Cooperation Against Stalin |
Effective Change:
Factionalism within the party was always a problem, and with the opposition more vocal, the differences of opinion makes the party less efficient. Properly managed, though, difference of opinion can in the long run be turned into a strength rather than a weakness. |
Whatever our differences, at this stage in the struggle we must be united in our opposition against Stalin. | ||
Align the Zinovyevites |
Factionalism within the party was always a problem, and with the opposition more vocal, the differences of opinion makes the party less efficient. Properly managed, though, difference of opinion can in the long run be turned into a strength rather than a weakness. |
Grigory Zinovyev once sided with Stalin against Trotsky. Immediately afterwards, Stalin betrayed him and removed him from any position of power. He won't have forgotten that slight, and if we give Grigory Zinovyev the opportunity for revenge, he will take it. | ||
Liberate Ryutin |
Comrade Ryutin has never hesitated to call out the many flaws and shortcomings of Stalin. It is perhaps unsurprising that Stalin decided to make an example of him. Now however, we should pull some strings to move him abroad until Stalin is removed, so that he can help us run the country after Stalin is gone. | ||
Return Democracy to the Party |
Factionalism within the party was always a problem, and with the opposition more vocal, the differences of opinion makes the party less efficient. Properly managed, though, difference of opinion can in the long run be turned into a strength rather than a weakness.
There was a point during the revolution when we could not afford to get bogged down in endless discussions about the best way forward. But the times have changed, and the time has come to fulfill the promise of democracy in all aspects of life made to the workers. This also means that we can now allow people back into the party whose well-intentioned criticism was once seen as sabotage.
| ||
Sway the Railway Workers | A revolution needs supplies. We must win over the railway workers to our cause. That will give us the opportunity to prepare and hide supply depots around our operational base. | |||
Infiltrate the NKVD |
The rank and file of the NKVD are the ones who carry out Stalin's dirty work, and often act as his loyal servants. But even a wall has cracks. We should ensure that as many as possible of them work for us instead, feeding the tyrant incorrect information. | ||
Military Support |
Gaining the support from within the armed forces can be valuable, even if it means risking Stalin's informers getting wind of our plot. Hopefully it will be too late for him anyway when that happens. | ||
Divert Attention Towards the Military |
If Stalin believes that the armed forces are unhappy with him, he will attack them instead of us. And in the end, the armed forces will be unhappy with him... |
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Civil war support sub-branch of the Soviet national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
图标 | 国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 | 描述 |
Strengthen the Trade Unions |
Under the leadership of Stalin, the trade unions were perverted from a tool to represent the workers against management to a tool of management to direct the workers. While this may seem like one of his lesser crimes, it completely turned the idea of democratic self-leadership of the workers on its head and effectively prevented the workers from reaping the benefits of the revolution. | ||
The People's Revolution |
If the revolution is to endure, it must suffuse every aspect of society. Only if the entire people considers itself part and carrier of the revolution can it endure the many threats it faces. | ||
The Supreme Soviet |
Having a single person represent an entire country is inherently undemocratic and therefore counter-revolutionary. Instead, we will do away with such cultish behavior, and declare that our union will forever be represented by the collective will of the people, assembled in the Supreme Soviet. |
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只适用于DLC寸步不退激活时。 |
Trotskyist/Bukharinist shared sub-branch of the Soviet national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
图标 | 国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 | 描述 |
The Right Opposition |
Stalin's paranoid leadership is destroying the country. His shift to massed collectivizing and harsh industrialization even more so. Something must be done, and soon. The ones who can lead this country to glory, heal the wounds caused by mismanagement, and restore the economy, are the members of the Right opposition, led by Bukharin. | ||
The Need for Policy Changes |
It has become exceedingly clear that the country is headed in the wrong direction. Stalin and his allies have tried too much, too fast. We must walk before we can run. We should bring back Comrade Sokolnikov, who has done great work during the early years of the Soviet Union, to get us back on track. | |
Eliminate the Left |
Factionalism within the party was always a problem, and with the opposition more vocal, the differences of opinion makes the party less efficient. Properly managed, though, difference of opinion can in the long run be turned into a strength rather than a weakness. |
While our primary opponent is Stalin, we must acknowledge that there are many in the party who are just biding their time and who will undermine our efforts to take control of the country with their incessant arguing. With Stalin getting increasingly paranoid about our actions, an opportunity presents itself to kill two birds with one stone. | ||
Organize Uprisings in the Country |
It is clear that we won't be able to remove Stalin from power without an armed struggle of some kind. By keeping Stalin's attention away from our preparations, we can ensure that they proceed uninterrupted. | ||
Undermine Stalin's Authority | The only thing keeping Stalin in power is people's fear of him and what he can do. We can't quite remove people's fears just yet, but we can reduce Stalin's ability to hurt others. If things go very well, we might even isolate him to a degree where he is once again just one man.
| |||
Clandestine Cells |
Stalinists see wreckers, spies and saboteurs everywhere. They have done this for so long that most people no longer believe them when they call wolf. We can use this to form cells in major industrial works to engage in acts of sabotage in the event that Stalin contests our takeover. | ||
Plan for the Coup |
This powerstruggle does not have to explode into open violence. If we play our cards right, and put the right people into the right positions, we might be able to freeze Stalin out of power and then remove him. | |
Reverse the Collectivization Process |
Having secured support from the farmers, we can better support our armies. Factionalism within the party was always a problem, and with the opposition more vocal, the differences of opinion makes the party less efficient. Properly managed, though, difference of opinion can in the long run be turned into a strength rather than a weakness. |
The collectivizations have been an unmitigated catastrophe, creating poverty and famines in areas that were once the breadbasket of the nation. They must urgently be reversed. | ||
Concessions to Foreign Powers | It is deeply humiliating that we should be asked to beg for foreign assistance in our struggle to save the country, but Stalins tyranny and paranoia have forced our hands. | |||
Covert Support for Spanish POUM |
In Spain, the counter-revolution is in full swing. Fascists and reactionary forces are supporting the Spanish Nationalists. While the Spanish Republicans have plenty of zeal, this is unfortunately not a substitute for guns and ammo, nor is it a substitute for having a well-developed political consciousness. We can provide all three.
| |
The Socialist Bulwark |
We stand side by side with our Spanish comrades. In an example of international solidarity, their struggle is our struggle, and our struggle is theirs. Together, we will form two socialist revolutionary centers at the opposite ends of Europe. | |
Dissent in the Party |
We need to push Stalin in several fronts to undermine his control of the party. One angle of approach is to publish a number of critical articles and essays in party newspapers, demanding reform and pointing out flaws in his decisions. While Stalin will find this very unsettling, this will also improve our standing with various opposition groups. | |
Coup d'etat |
The hour has come to take charge of the country. If all goes well, we will strike fast and take out the biggest obstacles in a bloodless coup. If things don't go well, we will have to fight for our country. | |
The Enemies of the State |
There are still a handful of party members who have not fully accepted our rule. We will need to make an example of them to keep the rest in line. | ||
The Power of the Peasantry | While Marxist orthodoxy puts the revolutionary potential in the industrial workers, in our country, it is obvious that it is the peasants that form the bulk of it. We need to educate the millions of farmers and develop their class consciousness, so that they will be eager to defend the revolution when it is under attack.
| |||
Curtailment of the Collective Farms |
The massive collective farms are a typical case of bureaucratic Stalinist gigantism. They alienate the peasant from the product of his work and effectively turn him into an industrial worker on the fields. At the same time, production has dropped significantly and the disruption of food production has already led to catastrophe. We urgently need to reverse this folly. | ||
Administrative Reforms |
Stalin valued loyalty over anything. Consequently, the people working in our administration don't show a lot of initiative or independent thinking that could get them into trouble. We need to instill these values in them, or replace them with people who have them. | ||
A New Theory of Revolution |
The Marxist theory of revolution was accurate in the 19th century, but the realities of the 20th century require a revision of the theory. It is not always the most developed nations in which the revolution starts, and therefore we must adjust our approach. | ||
Back to the NEP |
Before we can build a Socialist society, we must create the fundamentals and further develop our economy. In the early years of the Revolution, we instituted the New Economic Policy, which allowed free market mechanics to grow the economy. This policy was quickly reversed, long before it could bear fruit. Now that we are back in charge, we can restart this aborted process towards a better society. | ||
Planned Economy |
While it has its flaws, it is obvious that the NEP has also had a number of successes. We are still a long way away from being able to switch to a full Socialist society, but we can now proceed towards planning our economy in a more formal manner. In particular, we should create an economic policy that takes the abilities of our partners and allies into account and creates a more inter-dependent economy.
| ||
Paced Industrialization |
While Stalin's singular focus on heavy industry has led to a significant underdevelopment in many sectors, we can't ignore this sector in our own planning. In order to allow other sectors to modernize and mechanize, we have to have the industrial base to support it. | ||
A Sustainable Economy |
The shift towards the New Economic Policy has come with a marked shift towards producing consumer goods, at the cost of a slower overall speed of industrialization. If we are to be competitive in the long term, we need to shift the economy towards a more sustainable model. | |
The Trade Union as Labor Organizer |
Under Capitalism, labor unions exist to ensure basic human rights for the workers and to fend off the exploitation from the factory owners. This is obviously no longer needed in the new system, and therefore the role of the Labor Union must shift towards organizing labor for the purpose of optimizing production. | |
Incorporate Local Organizations |
The local organisations often have a better understanding of the problems the workers face than the people in the capital. We should de-emphasize the role of ministers and other senior party members, and give more power to the locals. | ||
International Revolutionary Marxism |
The Third International fell to Stalinist totalitarianism and is probably beyond saving. We need to offer the communist parties of the world a new way to coordinate and cooperate.
| ||
For the Common Good |
For the Common Good
Every decision made by our allies is aimed at taking a step forward towards the common good. Thus, we must support these decisions and make sure to follow the guidelines presented to us, even if our sacrifices are not met by an immediate improvement. |
The governing principle of any decisions made by our allies has to be to do the most good whenever possible. Even if at first, sacrifices are not met by an immediate improvement, it must be made clear that in the long run this does the most good. | ||
Victory Over Devastation |
The collective efforts of our people have enabled us to move forward from the destruction caused by the civil war. The speed with which the country rebuilt will forever stand as a monument to the skills and dedication of our workers. | ||
Socialist Humanism |
Politicized Military
Military commissars often hold fervent ideological speeches and political discussions among the ranks, but in many cases they also engage in excessive administration, overzealous scrutiny of military officers, and even obstruction of the orders of unit commanders.
Military Political Advisors
While we shouldn't let poltical considerations dictate military decisions, we slilil have to ensure that these political considerations are accounted for when the decision is reached. |
There are some Marxist theorists who believe that humans don't have any agency in their own fates and that their lives are completely determined by material factors. This is obviously wrong and indeed shows a bourgeois view on the working class. People are more than just a set of organs, and we should treat them as such. | ||
The Enemies of the People | The forces of reaction are still out there, plotting for the day that they can undo everything we have achieved. We and our allies must be forever vigilant against this threat, and prepare for the eventuality that we will have to fight to defend the revolution. | |||
Proclaim Soviet Hegemony |
Soviet Hegemony
Our system of government has proven itself superior to all others. We must use this opportunity to spread our ideas, enlightening those oppressed by other systems, as well as those who have been fortunate enough to have been included in the union. |
It is clear that the Soviet system of government, the soviet economy, and the soviet society, are vastly superior in every apsect to the systems that came before. While these outdated systems endure in other parts of the world, there will always be people willing to contest them, and we should utilize them. |
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Internal politics sub-branch of the Soviet national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
图标 | 国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 | 描述 |
Addressing Internal Affairs | While the revolution still has many enemies around the world, and many millions of workers still long to be liberated, we must not forget to turn our eyes towards the many issues awaiting us at home. | |||
NKVD Primacy |
NKVD, The People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs was a law enforcement agency of the Soviet Union that directly executed the rule of power of the All Union Communist Party. It was also tasked with protection of Soviet borders and espionage, which included political assassinations abroad, influencing foreign governments and enforcing Stalinist policy within communist movements in other countries. |
Until we can be sure that all enemies of the state are accounted for, we must continue to rely on the NKVD to protect the revolution. | ||
The New Soviet Woman | The political revolution brought freedom to millions of people in our Union, first among them the millions of women who are no longer confined to just being wifes and mothers, but who can now also stand as fully equal in the workplace as well. | |||
Expand the Agitprop |
To reach the millions of workers throughout our Union, we must speak their language. We must make our arguments simple and easily understandable, so that they remain in the memory of the common citizen. We should further expand our efforts in this area. | ||
Positive Heroism |
While all accomplishments by members of the working class are shared by all members of the working class, we can still point to individuals as examples that others should emulate.
| ||
Revive the Stakhanovite Movement |
Cruel exploitation drives the worker in capitalist countries to push themselves harder and produce more for those who own the factories. In our country, workers like Alexey Stakhanov drive themselves further because they know that every extra brick laid, every extra ton of coal mined, every extra rivet put in place helps build a world in which the workers are free from exploitation forever. |
Cruel exploitation drives the worker in capitalist countries to push themselves harder and produce more for those who own the factories. In our country, workers like Alexey Stakhanov drive themselves further because they know that every extra brick laid, every extra ton of coal mined, every extra rivet put in place helps build a world in which the workers are free from exploitation forever. | ||
War Heroes |
Russians have always been able and willing to perform deeds of extreme bravery in the cause of defeating any invader of the motherland. While we are united in our struggle against the enemy, we should not pretend that there aren't some soldiers in our military who have gone far beyond the call of duty. |
Russians have always been able and willing to perform deeds of extreme bravery in the cause of defeating any invader of the motherland. While we are united in our struggle against the enemy, we should not pretend that there aren't some soldiers in our military who have gone far beyond the call of duty. | ||
Collectivist Propaganda |
Collectivist Propaganda
The many challenges facing us never face any citizen alone. All our struggles are shared struggles, consequently, all our achievements are shared achievements.
The many challenges facing us never face any citizen alone. All our struggles are shared struggles, consequently, all our achievements are shared achievements. | ||
Socialist Emulation | *Requires the following: |
Under the capitalist system, workers must compete with one another in order to win their daily bread, while the factory owners profit from any improvements the workers make that leads to increased productivity. This is wasteful and inhumane. A socialist system will allow those who are not yet the best the support they need to develop their abilities by learning from those who excell. |
Under the capitalist system, workers must compete with one another in order to win their daily bread, while the factory owners profit from any improvements the workers make that leads to increased productivity. This is wasteful and inhumane. A socialist system will allow those who are not yet the best the support they need to develop their abilities by learning from those who excell. | |
Socialist Realism |
Socialist Emulation
Under the capitalist system, workers must compete with one another in order to win their daily bread, while the factory owners profit from any improvements the workers make that leads to increased productivity. This is wasteful and inhumane. A socialist system will allow those who are not yet the best the support they need to develop their abilities by learning from those who excell. |
The road towards a bright Socialist future is long and often windy. Some people might even lose hope in that this goal can ever be achieved. We must show them exactly what they are working towards, by promoting an art style that shows what life in a socialist country would actually be like.
| ||
Patriarch of All Russia |
While there is little reason for backwards superstition in an enlightened, Communist society, we must also acknowledge that many people have found strength and comfort in their faith during difficult times. Building a new kind of society is not short on difficulties, and so perhaps we should allow these religious institutions to continue to function, so long as they remain loyal to the state. | ||
The Komsomol |
We are not building Socialism for the adults of today, we are building it for the children and the generations not yet born. They must be taught how to improve and build on the achievements we make, so that they can complete the work that we have started.
We are not building Socialism for the adults of today, we are building it for the children and the generations not yet born. They must be taught how to improve and build on the achievements we will make, so that they can complete the work that we have started. We should form a special youth organisation that not only educates them but that also teaches them how to be good, communist members of society. |
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External politics sub-branch of the Soviet national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
图标 | 国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 | 描述 |
The Comintern | The struggle for the worker's liberation is not limited to any country; it is a global struggle. We must extend aid to comrades in any of the nations of the world, and fight the forces of reaction and counter-revolution wherever they may be found. | |||
Development Aid For Eastern Allies |
Development Aid For Eastern Allies
For centuries, western Imperialism and Colonialism have brutally exploited the countries in Asia. A modest investment from us would enable our allies in Asia to resist further capitalist encroachment that much more effectively
For centuries, western Imperialism and Colonialism have brutally exploited the countries in Asia. A modest investment from us would enable our allies in Asia to resist further capitalist encroachment that much more effectively. | |
War Measures in the East |
War Measures in the East
The global struggle against fascism and other counter-revolutionary ideologies will certainly reach Asia before too long. We must make it clear to our allies that in desperate times, desperate measures might be needed. |
The global struggle against fascism and other counter-revolutionary ideologies will certainly reach Asia before too long. We must make it clear to our allies that in desperate times, desperate measures might be needed. | ||
Annex Tannu Tuva |
While it hardly matters economically, for political reasons we should formally annex the People's Republic of Tannu Tuva as an autonomous oblast within the Soviet Union. | ||
Fortify Mongolian Border | While the Japanese hardliners have their eyes on China at the moment, we can not rule out that they might wish to expand their gains by attacking us. We should ensure that our Mongolian Allies don't turn into an open flank.
| |||
Send Military Advisors To Spain |
Military Advisors in Spain
Our comrades in Spain, after winning a democratic election, now face a reactionary counter-revolution. We must support them lest their defeat encourages fascists in other countries.
Soviet Military Advisors
Military advisors and other skilled military personnel have arrived from the Soviet Union to support us in our fight against fascism and the reactionary counter-revolution.
Soviet Military Advisors
Military advisors and other skilled military personnel have arrived from the Soviet Union to support us in our fight against fascism and the reactionary counter-revolution. |
Our comrades in Spain, after winning a democratic election, now face a reactionary counter-revolution. We must support them lest their defeat encourages fascists in other countries. | |
Policy of Collective Security |
While they are capitalist and often reactionary, the democratic governments across Europe know that the fascists consider them weak and degenerate. If war comes, they would be the first to fall before the full fury of fascism is turned against the home of the revolution. Those politicians far-sighted enough to recognize this should know that they will find a sympathetic ear in Moscow. | ||
Anti-Fascist Policies |
There can be no peaceful co-existence with the fascists. We should reach out to any allies we can find and prepare for the inevitable confrontation. | ||
Seek a Defense Pact With the Allies |
While there have been informal contacts with the western democracies, little concrete and legally binding has been agreed upon. It is time to put ink on paper and declare to the world that the western democracies are willing to form a Combined Front with us against fascist expansion. | |
The Khakimov Proposal |
Soviet Consul General Karim Khakimov is redoubling efforts to develop a warmer Soviet-Arabian relationship. A Soviet Muslim from Tatar descent, Khakimov earned Ibn Saud's respect and friendship when he drove his personal car through gunfire from Jeddah to the sultan's residence in the desert to deliver a formal note recognizing him as the King of the Hijaz and the Sultan of Nejd in February 1926. Ever since then, this man has been the main promoter of Soviet-Arabian relations. A true Soviet Lawrence of Arabia.
Comrade Khakimov has worked tirelessly to improve our standing with the government of Saudi Arabia. Some experts speculate that the region is home to a great amount of natural resources, which the capitalists are no doubt eager to exploit. We should continue to build a relationship of mutual trust in order to keep Saudi Arabia out of any hostile bloc and allow us first rights on any resources discovered.
| ||
Eradicate Western Fascism |
Face Western Fascism
We can not wait until the fascist regimes in western Europe deign to attack us at the moment of their choosing. The best way to deal with fascists is to hit first, and to hit hard. |
We can not wait until the fascist regimes in western Europe deign to attack us at the moment of their choosing. The best way to deal with fascists is to hit first, and to hit hard. | ||
Policy of Individual Security |
We have few friends in the world, and a lot of enemies. We should not be overly concerned with who we make deals with - either they or us will break those deals anyway, once they have served their purpose. | ||
Anti-Capitalist Policies | *Requires the following:
Anti-Capitalist Campaign
Capitalists cannot be trusted. When given the choice, the Bourgeoisie will always choose to oppress the proletariat. We must be prepared to take the fight to them. |
It is evident that most, if not all, capitalist countries are perfectly content with merely pointing the fascists in another direction when they plan their expansion. When given the choice, the Bourgeois will always, ultimately, choose to oppress the proletariat. As such we can not trust them and we need to be prepared to take the fight to them. | |
Approach Germany |
As agreed in our trade pact with the Soviet Union, they are sending us raw materials such as grain, cotton, oil, metal ores and rubber. |
There is no reason why we shouldn't be able to come to accomodation with Germany. We won't be able to peacefully coexist with them forever, of course, but the Germans won't attack us while the western Allies still exist in their back - and we should encourage the Germans to deal with them first. | |
Liberation of the European Proletariat |
Liberation of the European Proletariat
Liberation of the European Proletariat |
The spineless bourgeois governments in western Europe have shown utterly unwilling to stand up to fascism. In the great struggle between fascism and communism that is to come, they won't play a role. The workers in those countries, however, are willing to fight with us against the scourge of fascism. We just have to give them governments that are willing to fight.
| ||
Recover Alaska |
The sale of Alaska to the Americans was a betrayal of the Russian people by their leadership. It is well past time that this betrayal is reversed, and the land recovered. The population would be much happier as part of our union than being part of the exploitative system that they currently live under. | ||
The Fight For the Pacific |
No matter our strength on land, we will have to cross water to get to grips with our enemies in the Pacific region. We must therefore develop our coastal infrastructure and ship-building industry before we can wage effective war in that area of the world. | ||
Baltic Security |
Communist pressure has made communism very popular, and the country is susceptible to align with other Communist.
Democratic pressure has made democracy very popular, and the country is susceptible to align with other Democrats.
The fate of the countries around the Baltic Sea is closely linked with ours. We can not allow a hostile government at our borders. | |
Respect Baltic Self-Determination |
Every people should be allowed to decide their own affairs in a democratic way. Of course, in many of the bourgeois democracies in the west, this process is immediately perverted by large amounts of money. We will ensure that the workers of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have fair representation in their governments. | |
Claims in Baltic |
Every people should be allowed to decide their own affairs in a democratic way. Of course, in many of the bourgeois democracies in the west, this process is immediately perverted by large amounts of money. We will ensure that the workers of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have fair representation in their governments.
| |
Secure Leningrad (Standard name) |
Communist pressure
Our current border with Finland is far too close to Leningrad for comfort. A surprise attack from Finland could reach the city in a few hours. The location also makes it very easy to blockade our Baltic Fleet. This is an unacceptable state of affairs, and we must make this clear to the Finnish government. (Standard description) (?) Our current border with Finland is far too close to [195.GetName] for comfort. A surprise attack from Finland could reach the city in a few hours. The location also makes it very easy to blockade our Baltic Fleet. This is an unacceptable state of affairs, and we must make this clear to the Finnish government. | |
Control Scandinavia |
Communist pressure
The last remaining threat to our northern border are the governments on the Scandinavian peninsula. We must impress on them the fact that peaceful coexistence requires mutual trust, and we can not trust a government whose ideology does not align with ours. | ||
Claims on Poland |
Poland holds territories that have been Russian for centuries, splitting Ukraine and Belarus between our nations. This is an unacceptable state of affairs. They may have bested us in 1921, but we should remind them that times have changed. | |
Demand Eastern Poland |
At the end of the great war, the Curzon line was established and agreed upon as Poland's eastern border. That line runs some 200 kilometers west of Polands current border. We should remind them of this basic historical fact and ensure that the border is where it should be. | ||
Offer Poland Protection |
Poland and the Polish people have suffered many deprivations and humiliations over the centuries. It is an open secret that the Germans want the territories given to Poland after the Great War back, and are willing to use violence to get them. We should offer the Polish government our protection, so long as they are willing to discuss the issue of our shared border.
| ||
Claim on Bessarabia |
In 1918, the Romanians shamelessly capitalized on our internal troubles and annexed Bessarabia. It is time to remind them that they hold land that legally belongs to us, and if they are unwilling to restore the correct borders, we will force them out through military means. | |
Demand Balkan Submission |
Communist pressure
Past experiences have shown that the countries around us will exploit any weakness that we show. With war brewing in Europe, we can ill afford to have neighbours with questionable allegiences. The countries in the Balkans and in Asia minor will have to choose whether they want to stand with us or against us. | ||
Seek Balkan Cooperation |
Communist pressure
The countries of Balkan peninsula and in Asia minor can make powerful allies, if we can get them to align their ideological views more closely with our own. | ||
Middle East Diplomacy |
*If current ruling party is 共产主义:
Communist pressure has made communism very popular, and the country is susceptible to align with other Communist.
Democratic pressure has made democracy very popular, and the country is susceptible to align with other Democrats.
There are many opportunities to enhance our standing on the Arabian peninsula and in Asia. The great game with the British is about to take another turn. | |
The Southern Thrust |
Our southern border is a wide open flank from which enemies can exploit any weakness. We can not tolerate this, nor can we wait for peaceful change in the region.
| |
Support Afghan Communism (Communist name) |
Afghanistan is where proud nations are humbled. A military operation in the country would be costly at best and might not even succeed. We have a few contacts in Afghanistan who wish to establish a government that is ideologically closer aligned to us. We should support this endeavour. | |
Preemptive Invasion of Iran |
The government of Iran can not be trusted to support us should war come, nor can we fully trust them not to enter a war against us. Rather than wait and see, we should force the issue and clear up the situation. | ||
The Threat from the Land of the Rising Sun |
Soviet Support in China
The Soviet government is supporting China in our war against the Japanese, expecting to develop closer ties with us while also influencing our politics.
Russian Support in China
The Russian government is supporting China in our war against the Japanese, expecting to develop closer ties with us while also influencing our politics.
Russian Support in China
The Russian government is supporting China in our war against the Japanese, expecting to develop closer ties with us while also influencing our politics.
Russian Support in China
The Russian government is supporting China in our war against the Japanese, expecting to develop closer ties with us while also influencing our politics. |
It is clear that Japan wishes to dominate China. Once they have accomplished this, they will no doubt turn north to take the vast resources in Siberia. As long as they are busy in China, they will prefer not to move against us, and so we should ensure that the war in China last until we are ready to contest the Japanese. | |
The Gobi Gambit |
While the conflict between Japan and China is heating up, there is an opportunity for us to seize the area around the Gobi desert, to give us a say in the future of China and a seat at the table. | ||
Two Red Flags |
While the revolution has not quite succeeded in China, this is not unexpected. The country does not yet have the kind of industrialized society necessary for a proper socialist revolution. Still, the communist party represents the best chance for the Chinese people to achieve a communist future.
| |
Support the Kuomintang |
The Chinese communists are militarily weak and have no industrial base from which to build a bigger army. It is clear that the Kuomintang are the best suited to control China and create the kind of bourgeois society necessary as a precondition for a successful communist revolution. | |
Intervention In China |
The situation in China has deteriorated to the point where it is becoming a threat to our security. We must intervene and place a reliabale government in the region. | ||
Prepare a War With Japan |
Before we strike against Japan, we must ensure that there are no surprises waiting for us, and intensify our reconnaisance efforts.
Before we strike against Japan, we must ensure that there are no surprises waiting for us, and intensify our reconnaisance efforts. | ||
End the Khalkhin Gol Conflict |
It is time to bring the war to the Japanese and avenge the many wrongs they have caused us.
Soviet-Japanese Reckoning
It is time to bring the war to the Japanese and avenge the many wrongs they have caused us.
The border conflict with Japan has gone on long enough. If we can't trust a Japanese government to respect a recognized border, then we will have to replace that government. | ||
Recover the Kuril Islands |
It is time to bring the war to the Japanese and avenge the many wrongs they have caused us.
Soviet-Japanese Reckoning
It is time to bring the war to the Japanese and avenge the many wrongs they have caused us. |
The Kuril islands were lost after the disaster of 1905. If we strike fast and hard, we can recover them and present Japan with a situation where escalating the conflict is not worth it for them.
| ||
Reconcile Japan |
The main threat against us is going to come from Europe. We should remove any outstanding issues we have with Japan to enable us to focus on our western borders and not have to fear a stab in the back. | ||
Spheres of Influence In China | The last remaining point of contention between us is the situation in China. Our own interests in the region are limited, and if we can buy Japanese support with an agreement about spheres of interest, then we should do so without hesitation. | |||
Soviet-Japanese Pact Against USA |
Soviet-Japanese Anti-USA Pact
Together, we will remove United States from the world stage! |
The Japanese will want further expansion to fuel their growing economy. It is in our best interest to point that expansion as far away from us as possible, and also gain the support of a strong naval power. Together, we can remove the United States from the world stage! |
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只适用于DLC寸步不退激活时。 |
Monarchist/fascist civil war branch of the Soviet national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
图标 | 国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 | 描述 |
Beaten, but not Defeated |
It is clear that the Communists have led our once-proud country down a treacherous path. Sooner or later, the countries at our borders will sense the weakness inherent in the regime, and pounce. If we are to save our beloved motherland, we must remove the Communists from power! | |
Unification of the Exiles |
After the revolution and the civil war, many people preferred exile over the so-called justice of the new regime. They are still out there, dreaming of the day when Russia will once again be free. What that Russia's political system looks like is secondary to them. Before we can create the government the country needs, we will first have to take power, and we can do that better together. | |
The Women's Fascist Movement |
While the role of the woman is, naturally, in providing her husband with a comfortable home to rest in and a family to fight for, many men have forgotten what duty they owe to their country and their people. A few dedicated women can, perhaps, be utilized to remind their husbands what is at stake, and encourage them to do what needs to be done. | |
The True Tsars |
The True Tsars
The Tsar is the legitimate leader of Russia. Rallying behind the Tsar, rather than another indivual or ideology, allows us to attract more supporters to our cause. |
The Russian people have always needed a strong leader, or they will drift further and further apart, until brother fights against brother and sons fights against their fathers. But the Tsars of old were ill-suited for their role, weak and indecisive. In the future, we will need a Tsar that can live up to the heavy burden placed on him. | |
National Unification |
If we are to survive the wars to come, we can not allow ourselves to be disunited. Whatever different political views we may hold, ultimately, we are all Russians.
| |
Embrace the Black Hundreds |
Back in the old days, before the chaos of the Revolution, there were groups of men who believed. They believed in a strong Russia, a united Russia, a Russia that would not be afraid of itself. They were called the Black Hundreds. While their surviving members are now spread across many different countries, they still believe. And we can find them and bring them back. | |
Covert Operations |
The communists are prone to distrust and infighting. If we play the game right, we might be able to get them to devour each other. | ||
Muster the Old Guard |
There are still many who once fought for Tsar and country. They have grown older and softer, but the experience that war teaches is irreplacable. If we can reach them, they would form an experienced core for a new army when the time comes to reclaim the country. | |
The Fascist Youth Union |
Rather than looking to the past, we must look to the future, to the young and to modern technology. The young Fascists burn with a desire to see Russia restored to its former glory. What they lack in experience they will more than make up for in sheer zeal. | |
Approach Semyonov |
Grigory Semyonov has taken up a position as advisor in Manchukuo. With the cause growing stronger by the hour, we should convince him to return. His first task would be to organize a grand cavalry host for the new Russian Empire.
| ||
Organize the Wreckers |
The Soviets are already expecting a lot of sabotage from spies and class enemies. The security theater in even the smallest steel mill has ironically frustrated many workers, and so we could easily find some people who would try and get back at the petty tyrants of their factory if we gave them the means to do so. | ||
Tolkachi |
There exists in the Soviet economy a certain type of person, whose job it is to ensure that the numbers in the production plan match the numbers the industry can actually provide. If we can convince these people to work for us, we could give the Soviets one number and the factory managers another number, and move the difference in production to a place where it can be stored until the time comes. | |
South Manchuria Railway | The Japanese South Manchuria Railway Company is a state in the state in Manchukuo. With their support, we should be able to prepare the supply network we need for the upcoming struggle. | |||
The Eyes Fear... |
The task ahead of us is not an easy one. We have to take on a government that had decades to entrench itself, and which will be supported by a significant percentage of the population. But we know what needs to be done, all we have left to do is do it. | |
...The Hands Do |
The hour has come. We must commit ourselves to this sacred task: to remove the Soviet system of government from our Motherland. So that our children may one day be free from the spectre of Communism.
| |
Call for Aid |
The struggle against Communism in Russia is part of a greater struggle against Communism everywhere. But a victory against Communism in Russia would be a death blow to the world-wide communist movement, and so there are many countries that would be eager to help us. | ||
Request Imperial Protection | Desperate times demand desperate measures. If the only way to defeat communism is to bow to Hirohito, so be it. The time will come when Russia is an Empire of it's own. But for now, we need the help of another one. | |||
Sabotage Behind Enemy Lines |
Decades of Communist mismanagement have left a great many people angry and disillusioned with the Communist government. Where the Communists still cling to power, we can use these people to hasten their defeat. | ||
Aristocratic Investments |
There are still many of the former Russian nobility strewn across the world, a good number of them in possession of considerable wealth. Some of that wealth could be made available for us to buy weapons and equipment. | ||
Consolidate Power |
The war that has torn our nation asunder has now been won. We must strengthen our position, and methodically eliminate those who dared oppose us. |
The war that has torn our nation asunder has now been won. We must strengthen our position, and methodically eliminate those who dared oppose us.
| ||
Offer Autonomy To Former Soviet Republics |
We had to accept some losses of Imperial territory to achieve our goals, but everyone must realize that these areas are truly part of the Imperial Russian sphere. But as they did help us retake the empire, we should offer them some autonomy to show our gratitude. | |
Bring the Breakaways Back to the Fold |
Having won back the majority of the country, we must now deal with the breakaway countries. Surely they can't expect us to accept the loss of Russian Imperial territory for ever? | ||
Rebuild the Nation |
Our war-ravaged country must now be rebuilt. With propaganda campaigns we can ensure every man, woman, and child makes their contribution to the rebuilding effort. | ||
Restore the Glory of the Motherland |
Under our new leadership, we will ensure Russia becomes more glorious than ever before! We will commence a great program of construction of every kind, and make our nation the envy of the Western world! | ||
Article 124 |
It is possible that in the pursuit of Marxist-Leninist ideals we have been... overly zealous in persecuting religion. Perhaps it still has a role to play in Soviet society. Our new constitution will contain an article guaranteeing freedom of religion for all Soviet citizens. (Communist description)
| ||
Reopen Novodevichi | The Church has long been denied the ability to train new priests. In order to revitalize the Church, we must create a place where it can educate the next generation of priests and monks. The old convent of Novodevichi seems like an obvious choice. | |||
Rebuild the Savior Cathedral |
In 1931, the garish Cathedral of Christ the Savior was blown up to make room for a grand "Palace of the Soviets". As the specter of war looms over Europe, it is unlikely we shall have the resources to construct this behemoth. Restoring the old Cathedral would be a suitable olive branch to the religious portions of our population. (Communist description) In 1931, the beautiful Cathedral of Christ the Savior was blown up to make room for a garish "Palace of the Soviets". Why, precisely, a society supposedly built upon the idea of equality would need a Palace is left as an open question. Now that we have returned to power, we should revert this terrible crime and begin reconstruction of the Cathedral. (Non-Communist description) |
In 1931, the garish Cathedral of Christ the Savior was blown up to make room for a grand "Palace of the Soviets". As the specter of war looms over Europe, it is unlikely we shall have the resources to construct this behemoth. Restoring the old Cathedral would be a suitable olive branch to the religious portions of our population. (Communist description) | ||
The Synod |
The New Old Church
With the Seminar in Novodevichi reopened, they should be encouraged to hold a Synod to discuss what matters of faith have appeared since they last were allowed to hold such an assembly. | ||
Reformalize the Role of the Patriarchate |
The New Old Church
Since the first steps were made with Article 124, the position of the Church in our Union has come a long way. It is clear it cannot be removed from Soviet society - so perhaps we should embrace it and once again accord it a central place in the Soviet Worker's life. (Communist description) | ||
The Declaration |
In his famous 'Declaration' of 1927, Patriarch Sergius swore loyalty to the Soviet Union, in spite of religious differences between church and state. Perhaps it is time we allow a more public role of the various Metropolitans who supported this declaration. (Communist description)
| ||
Return of the ROCOR |
The Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia is comprised of those exiles who, rather than abandon their beliefs and principles, elected exile after the Russian Civil War. Now, with the defeat of the communist government who forced their expatriation, the time has finally come to welcome them back home and reinstate them. |
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只适用于DLC寸步不退激活时。 |
Monarchist/fascist post civil war sub-branch of the Soviet national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
图标 | 国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 | 描述 |
Reconvene the Zemsky Sobor |
Romanov Spirit
In ages past, the Russian people would assemble in a form of parliament, called the Zemsky Sobor, to discuss matters and decide issues. Until we have decided on what path to take our country on, we should let the people decide what concerns them all. | ||
Romanov Reconstruction |
Romanov Reconstruction
At last our nation once more has a Tsar to lead it. Two decades after the persecution of the last rightful rulers of our country, it is now time to embrace our governing dynasty once more, and to do away with minor impediments to the execution of our Tsar's will.
Uncertain Counter-Revolution
At last our nation once more has a Tsar to lead it. Two decades after the persecution of the last rightful rulers of our country, it is now time to embrace our governing dynasty once more, and to do away with minor impediments to the execution of our Tsar's will. | ||
Reinstitute the Mestnichestvo |
Honest Serfdom
Back in the day, the oldest and most distinguished families ran the affairs of state. This ensured that the Elite was loyal to the state that they ran, and that each new generation would be raised to the exacting standards of the old. We should re-instute this system to secure our new regime. | ||
The Iron Wall of Russian Resolve |
The Tsar envisions the construction of legions of monstrous weapons of war that would dwarf existing tanks and have no equal on the battlefield. The Russian people are unconquered; it is unconquerable! These machines will be the embodiment of that resolve, and upon them shall break every army that is thrown at us. |
The Tsar envisions the construction of legions of monstrous weapons of war that would dwarf existing tanks and have no equal on the battlefield. The Russian people are unconquered; it is unconquerable! These machines will be the embodiment of that resolve, and upon them shall break every army that is thrown at us. | ||
Capital of the Tsars |
St. Petersburg has throughout history been the capital of our proud nation. Now, with the Winter Palace once more occupied by a Romanov, it is time the official capital is once again relocated to this magnificent city, and that all effort be dedicated to heightening its splendor.
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Westward Bound |
Much of our western possessions were lost with the collapse of our empire, caused by the revolution. The time has come to build up our infrastructure in preparation for reclaiming our rightful possessions. | ||
Reforge the Triple Entente |
Our old enemies in central Europe must be contained. An alliance once existed for this purpose, though our ignominious withdrawal from the Great War spelled its end. Now is the time to reforge those ties. | ||
My Brother's Keeper | The old Romanov Dynasty had dynastic ties to many other noble families. Some of them still hold power, some of them have lost their thrones. Now that we have restored our own monarchy, we should make sure that the right rulers are put in place in these other countries as well. | |||
Our Slavic Commitments |
We once were the protectors of all Slavs, even entering the Great War to defend our weaker Slavic brethren. It is time we once more bear this mantle, and lend our military might to their defense. |
We once were the protectors of all Slavs, even entering the Great War to defend our weaker Slavic brethren. It is time we once more bear this mantle, and lend our military might to their defense. | ||
The Old Enemy |
For years, Sweden was a thorn in the Empire’s side. They have again and again attacked Russia and tried to create coalitions against us. Tsar Peter I first began pushing them back, beating them at Poltava. In 1809 we again defeated them, and one would think that made them know their place. But they've kept trying to contest our interests in the Baltic region. It is time to once and for all squash this tiny nation.
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Secure Finland |
The Grand Duchy of Finland has guarded our northern borders for over a century, until it broke away in the civil war. The day has come to reunite Finland with the motherland. | ||
Secure the Baltics |
The Baltic region has long been an integral part of Russia. They broke away in a moment of national weakness, and must be recovered as soon as possible. | ||
Panslavic Nationalism | Russia has long been the biggest and oldest brother in our Slavic family. If there is one lesson that we should have learned a long time ago is that the Slavs will always be attacked, bullied, and oppressed unless we stick together. | |||
The Fate of Romania |
Romania has a substantial Slavic minority, and blocks our land access to the Slavic peoples in the Balkans. To solve both problems in one stroke, Romanian independence must come to an end, by military might, if necessary. | ||
Church Candidates (Non-Aligned name) |
The New Old Church
The Church has requested permission to send their own candidates to future elections in the Zemsky Sobor. In recognition of the important role the Patriarchate plays in Russian society, we have decided to accept, paving the way to a possibility of a true merger of the will of God and the will of our ruler. (Non-Aligned description)
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The Rightful Heir to the Empire | While the old Byzantine Empire is long gone, someone still needs to protect the pilgrims to the Holy Land. It is clear that the British and the French are not up to the task, so it should clearly fall to us. | |||
The Third Rome |
With our role as protectors of the Holy Places secure, we are the indisputable defenders of the faith. It is only valid that we should style ourselves accordingly. After the Fall of Constantinople, Moscow has become, without a doubt, the Third Rome. | ||
Vengeance for the Yoke | Many centuries ago the Mongols launched their brutal invasion of the Russian lands. They remain the only people who could ever be said to have truly conquered Russia. They may seem weak now, but we must make sure that they never return to their former strength so that we may never again feel the Tatar Yoke. | |||
Pacify the Rim |
We can not allow a repeat of the war of 1905, when our far-eastern holdings were attacked and found woefully unprepared for the onslaught. We need to invest in the local infrastructure, to be able to quickly shift troops around if the need arises. | |
Rebuild the Far Eastern Fleet |
If we are to secure our Far Eastern interests, much less go on the offensive, we must drastically expand our shipbuilding and repair capacity in this region.
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Modernize the Far Eastern Fleet |
Tsushima taught us we cannot rely on weight of numbers. To truly carry the day in a naval engagement we require well-trained crews and flawless, modern warships for them to sail. The new fleet we construct must be able to contend with that of our technologically-advanced adversaries in the Pacific. |
Tsushima taught us we cannot rely on weight of numbers. To truly carry the day in a naval engagement we require well-trained crews and flawless, modern warships for them to sail. The new fleet we construct must be able to contend with that of our technologically-advanced adversaries in the Pacific. | ||
Memories of 1905 |
The war of 1905 is still a black mark in our people's collective memory. We must exploit this, and exhort the workers in a monumental effort to create a new fleet with which we may dominate the Pacific - and fan the flames of their hatred so that they will call for its use to exact our vengeance against our old enemies. | ||
The Lonely Island (Independent name) |
The time has come for us to redress the affront which the Japanese perpetrated upon us in 1905. This time, there shall be nothing stopping us from ruling the Sea of Japan and bringing them to their knees! (Independent description) | ||
An Empire in the Pacific |
As our Empire begins to stretch across the Pacific, so too must our ship design follow suit, to be able to exercise our power and influence across these vast swathes of ocean. | ||
The Berlin-Moscow Axis |
With our new government now firmly installed after the German and Italian models, we should reach out to mend former relations with our western neighbors. If we focus on the views we share, we might well establish a strong and lasting alliance between ourselves and German Reich.
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Japanese Overtures |
Now that our western flank has been secured, we must see to our eastern one. The Japanese have much in common with the Germans, and more in common with our own new government than they might want to admit. Let us inquire what the Germans think of extending an invitation to them. | ||
Dismantle the Zemsky Sobor |
Tsar Vladimir I
Uncertain Counter-Revolution
The Zemsky Sobor has served its purpose. Too much democracy can be a dangerous thing, as was shown in 1917. We should not repeat the mistakes of the past. | ||
Russian Corporate State |
The future of Russia lies not in class conflict, but rather in class co-operation. To this end the state shall establish national unions to reconcile the interests off labor and capital, and through these regulate production. | ||
Eastern Expansion |
Russia's Future lies in the East. After we have tamed Siberia, it is only fitting that we should endeavor to gain even more land and resources here. | ||
Into Central Asia | Conquest of Central Asia will bring us into a position to threaten India, while also netting us access to the Persian Gulf. The strategic necessity is clear, and ours is an empire that will not find its graveyard here.
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The Last Break Southward | A final series of conquests will finally secure the remainder of Western Asia and the Bosporus, allowing us to wrest control from India with our flank secure. We will at long last obtain undisputed access to the seas, from the nearby Mediterranean all the way to the Indian Ocean. | |||
Intervention in the Americas |
The many small nations of the Caribbean and of Latin America at large have long been plagued by unstable governments. It is time we flex our political muscle and 'encourage' their domestic political evolution into a direction of strength and stability. Once they develop likeminded governments to our own, they will be offered a place in our growing military alliance. | ||
Restore the Old Eastern Empire | There once was a time where our glorious empire stretched across the rim of the Pacific, pushing deep into the Americas. Ill-considered decisions since then have traded these possessions for short-term monetary gains. But under our leadership, Russia may once more reclaim its American possessions. We will simply have to make their current owners withdraw from them. |
通用 | 通用 • 持续性国策 |
基础版本 | 法国 • 德意志国 • 意大利 • 日本 • 苏维埃联盟 • 联合王国 • 美利坚合众国 |
United and Ready | 波兰 |
共赴胜利 | 澳大利亚 • 英属印度 • 加拿大自治领 • 新西兰 • 南非 |
玉碎瓦全 | 捷克斯洛伐克 • 匈牙利王国 • 罗马尼亚王国 • 南斯拉夫 |
唤醒猛虎 | 中华民国 • 中共 • 满洲国 • 军阀 |
炮手就位 | 墨西哥 • 荷兰 |
抵抗运动 | 自由法国 • 维希法国 • 葡萄牙 • 西班牙国 • 西班牙共和国 |
博湾纷争 | 保加利亚 • 希腊 • 土耳其 |
寸步不退 | 苏维埃联盟(重制)• 波兰(重制)• 爱沙尼亚 • 拉脱维亚 • 立陶宛 |
唯有浴血 | 意大利(重制)• 埃塞俄比亚 • 瑞士 • 非洲之角诸国 |
以力御暴 | 丹麦 • 芬兰 • 冰岛 • 挪威 • 瑞典 |