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(重定向自Polish events

This is a list of all 波兰的国旗 波兰's events (from /Hearts of Iron IV/events/Poland.txt).


Eastward Expansion

Having been forced to cede Gdansk to the Germans, we are now locked in a vise between two empires threatening our sovereignty. As we're losing territory in the west, not being able to trust the Allies to protect us from German aggression, we could consider aligning with the German ambitions and reclaim portions of our old Commonwealth now absorbed into the Soviet Union. We will be easy prey if we remain neutral, and have fought too hard to see another partition of Poland.

  • None

Event button.png
It's time to turn the Axis from a threat to an ally.
  • Gain the idea Generic fascism drift bonus.png Fascist Influence:
    • 法西斯主义 +85 Acceptance of fascist diplomacy
    • 法西斯主义 +0.1 Daily fascism support
  • Gain a claim on the states:
    • Vinnytsia (198)
    • Khmelnytskyi (199)
    • Zhytomyr (201)
Event button.png
Working diplomatically with the Soviet is preferable.
  • Gain opinion modifier towards 苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟:
    • Increase in opinionOpinion.png 关系 +15


Soviet Union Demands the East

Having reasserted their claims on our eastern territories, the Soviet Union has now put pressure on us to cede this land to them, suggesting that this is the only way to avoid another invasion and possible annexation or partition.

Ordinarily, giving in to such threats easily would be out of the question, but the Soviet Union is far from our only concern. If we agree to their demands, we may have less to worry about on the eastern front, although it would also position the eastern front significantly further to the west.

  • None

Event button.png
Give up the east peacefully.
Event button.png
Poland will not surrender without a fight!


Poland Cedes the East

After we put pressure Poland to give in to our rightful claims on its eastern territories, they have agreed to cede what we demanded without further conflict. However, we can probably abandon any hopes of forming a stronger bond with the nation in the future. Having given us our due, they seem to hope we'll have as little contact as possible.

  • None

Event button.png
As long as they recognize our claim, there is no problem.
  • Gain ownership of the state if it is owned and controlled by 波兰的国旗 波兰:
    • Stanisławów (89)
    • Lwów (91)
    • Wołyn (93)
    • Polesie (94)
    • Nowogródek (95)
    • Wilejka (96)
    • Białystok (97)
    • Wilno (748)


Poland Refuses to Cede the East

Despite our effort to resolve the dispute with Poland peacefully, they have refused to cede their eastern territories and forced us into a position where the only option for claiming them is through war. Clearly, this troublesome country won't avoid a partition even when they are given the chance.

  • None

Event button.png
Do they think they can stand against us?
  • Gain a 战争目标 conquest CB against 波兰的国旗 波兰:
    • Stanisławów (89)
    • Lwów (91)
    • Wołyn (93)
    • Polesie (94)
    • Nowogródek (95)
    • Wilejka (96)
    • Białystok (97)
    • Wilno (748)


Soviet Union Offers Protection

After the Soviet Union claimed their right to eastern Poland, we assumed another attack as impending. However, a recent offer from the Soviets indicate otherwise. Apparently, provided we cede the claimed territory, they are willing to let us join them in an alliance. Furthermore, they promise that in the event of a war with Germany, we will be compensated for the loss by being granted new land in the west.

While this may be a better offer than we expected, we can't know if this supposed future war will ever be pursued. Perhaps the Soviet Union is only looking for an easy land grab and forcing us into their sphere of influence. Nevertheless, it may be the best protection we can count on.

  • None

Event button.png
We must accept now, before it's too late.
Event button.png
Poland Is Not Yet Lost!


Poland Accepts Protection

Offering to take Poland under our wing and guide them to future conquest in the west in exchange for territory in the east turned out to be a successful approach. Being promised a share of Germany in case of a successful war and our protection, they agreed to cede their eastern territories peacefully.

  • None

Event button.png
An ally against Germany is much preferable to another partition.
  • Gain ownership of the state if it is owned by 波兰的国旗 波兰:
    • Stanisławów (89)
    • Lwów (91)
    • Wołyn (93)
    • Polesie (94)
    • Nowogródek (95)
    • Wilejka (96)
    • Białystok (97)
    • Wilno (748)
  • 波兰的国旗 波兰:
    • Set country flag POL_accepted_soviet_protection
    • Gains a claim on the states:
      • Ostpreussen (5)
      • Hinterpommern (63)
      • Niederschlesien (66)
      • Oberschlesien (67)
      • Ostmark (68)


Poland Refuses Protection

Despite making the most generous offer we possibly could, attempting an agreement where Poland would cede its eastern territory for a promise of a future share of Germany, [From.GetLeader] has rejected our diplomatic efforts. Poland has chosen the hard path, for us, but even more so for themselves.

  • None

Event button.png
What cannot be bought must be seized.
  • Gain a 战争目标 conquest CB against 波兰的国旗 波兰:
    • Stanisławów (89)
    • Lwów (91)
    • Wołyn (93)
    • Polesie (94)
    • Nowogródek (95)
    • Wilno (96)


Poland Granted Eastern Germany

As previously agreed upon, after the annexation of eastern Germany territories by the Soviet Union, some of these will be come under Polish control as recompense for the past transfer of eastern Poland to the Soviet Union.

  • Can fire only once
  • Is 波兰的国旗 波兰
    • Country flag POL_accepted_soviet_protection is set
  • 苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟 owns either:
    • Ostpreussen (5)
    • Hinterpommern (63)
    • Niederschlesien (66)
    • Oberschlesien (67)
    • Ostmark (68)
  • 1 days

Immediate effects
  • Clear country flag POL_accepted_soviet_protection

Event button.png
A shift to the west was the best we could hope for, under the circumstances.
  • Gain ownership of the state if it is owned by 苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟:
    • Ostpreussen (5)
    • Hinterpommern (63)
    • Niederschlesien (66)
    • Oberschlesien (67)
    • Ostmark (68)


Poland Granted Eastern Germany

As previously agreed upon, after the annexation of eastern Germany territories by the Soviet Union, some of these will be come under Polish control as recompense for the past transfer of eastern Poland to the Soviet Union.

  • None

Event button.png
The situation seems resolved to our mutual satisfaction.


[From.GetName] Joins the [Root.GetFactionName]!

Acknowledging the need for unity against the threats surrounding our countries on every side, [From.GetLeader] today announced to the world that [From.GetName] has entered a treaty with [Root.GetName] for the sake of our mutual safety.

  • None

Event button.png
[Root.GetName] and [From.GetName] today stands as brothers.
  • None


[From.GetName] Refuses to Join [Root.GetFactionName]

In a foolish act of imagined self-preservation, [From.GetLeader] today announced that [From.GetName] will refrain from any diplomatic action that may be seen as threatening to their powerful neighbors. It has therefore declined our request that they join the [Root.GetFactionName].

  • None

Event button.png
The only safety is standing together.
  • Gain a 战争目标 puppet CB against Target Nation


Wojtek Never Drops A Crate

Private Wojtek has proven himself a uniquely valuable member of our supply lines. Even during the heat of combat, small arms fire brushing the hair on his head, arms and legs, he did not drop a single crate of munitions. This brave soldier ensured our artillery could keep firing, and was thereby instrumental in defeating the enemy. As a result of this it has been decided that Wojtek should be promoted.

触发条件 平均触发时间
  • 1 days

Event button.png
May we all take inspiration from his bravery.
  • Set country flag POL_vojtek_commander
  • Gain the military leader Wojtek (Bearer of Artillery.png Bearer of Artillery)
    • +15% Artillery attack