
(Perkinchen移动页面Attrition and accidents损耗与事故
第1行: 第1行:
'''Attrition''' is the loss of [[equipment]] — not [[manpower]] — during the course of a war when fighting on the offensive. While only land units suffer from attrition, air units may suffer '''accidents''', especially when moving in harsh [[weather]], resulting in loss of equipment.
在战争中,损耗是[[ 装备]] 的非战斗损失,而非[[manpower|人力]] 的损失。陆军单位会在训练和进攻中遭受损耗;而空军单位和海军单位会遭受事故,尤其是在恶劣天气。

== Causes ==
== 原因 ==
* [[Training|演习]]:固定 {{red|6%}} 损耗。<ref name="defines">See in {{path|defines}}</ref>
* [[Terrain|地形]]: 至多 {{red|50%}}损耗。
* [[Weather|天气]]: 至多 {{red|70%}} 损耗 ,最多 {{red|+60%}}空军事故率。
* [[Resistance|抵抗度]]: 至多 {{red|25%}} 损耗。
* 缺乏 [[supply|补给]]: 至多 {{red|30%}} 损耗。<ref name=defines />
== 组织度的损失 ==
* [[Training]]: {{red|6%}} attrition.<ref name=defines>See in {{path|defines}}</ref>
不论是否处于战斗中,损耗都会导致一支部队每小时损失 <code><abbr title="ATTRITION_DAMAGE_ORG">0.1</abbr> * 损耗</code> 的组织度。
* [[Terrain]]: Up to {{red|50%}} attrition.
* [[Weather]]: Up to {{red|70%}} attrition and {{red|+60%}} rate of air accidents.
* [[Resistance]]: Up to {{red|25%}} attrition.
* Out of [[supply]]: Up to {{red|30%}} attrition.<ref name=defines />

== Organization loss ==
失去补给时,部队组织度每小时还会根据失去补给的时长受到至多<code><abbr title="OUT_OF_SUPPLY_MORALE">0.3</abbr></code>的损失,在<code><abbr title="MAX_OUT_OF_SUPPLY_DAYS">30</abbr></code>日后达到顶峰。
== 装备的损失 ==
A division loses <code><abbr title="ATTRITION_DAMAGE_ORG">0.1</abbr> * attrition</code> organization per hour from attrition both in combat and out of combat.
=== 陆军单位 ===
对于陆军单位, 每一种装备平均每小时遭受的损失(equipment loss per hour)是
<math>\text{每小时装备损失} = 0.1 \cdot \text{损耗} \cdot 0.5 \cdot \max(1, \lfloor\text{装备数量} \cdot 0.1 \cdot (1 - \text{可靠性})\rfloor)</math><ref>the 0.1's respectively are the [[defines]] <code>ATTRITION_EQUIPMENT_LOSS_CHANCE</code> and <code>ATTRITION_EQUIPMENT_PER_TYPE_LOSS_CHANCE</code>.</ref>
当<math>\text{可靠性} =< 100\% - \frac{20}{装备数量}</math>时,每日的装备损失量: <math> \text{每日装备损失} = 1.2 \cdot \text{损耗} \cdot \lfloor\text{装备数量} \cdot 0.1 \cdot (1 - \text{可靠性})\rfloor</math>;
当<math>\text{可靠性}> 100\% - \frac{20}{装备数量}</math>时, 每日的装备损失为常数,称为基础损耗损失, <math>\text{每日装备损失} = 1.2 \cdot \text{损耗}</math>. 
可见,可靠性存在在一个阈值:<math> 100\% - \frac{20}{装备总数}</math>,当可靠性小于这个阈值时,可靠性越大,装备损失越少;若大于这个阈值,可靠性不再发挥作用。为了最小化装备损耗,让{{green|装备的可靠性大于 <math>1 - \frac{20}{\text{装备数量}}</math> }}就可以了。

When out of supply, the division also suffers from an extra organization loss of <abbr title="OUT_OF_SUPPLY_MORALE">0.3</abbr> per hour scaled by out of supply progress, reaching full in <abbr title="MAX_OUT_OF_SUPPLY_DAYS">30</abbr> days.
这个表格列出了常见装备数和控制损耗在指定水平所需要的可靠性。表格列头“1”表示<math>max(1, \lfloor\text{装备数量} \cdot 0.1 \cdot (1 - \text{可靠性})\rfloor)=1</math> ,是最低损耗;“2”表示<math>max(1, \lfloor\text{装备数量} \cdot 0.1 \cdot (1 - \text{可靠性})\rfloor)=2</math> ;以此类推。这个表是为了展示,对于数量为几百的装备,个位数的可靠性差距会导致成倍的损耗差距。因此,对于使用昂贵装备(比如坦克)的大编制部队,通过改装增加装备的可靠性和配备维修支援连很重要。

== Equipment loss ==
{| class="wikitable" style="float:right; margin-left:2em"
! 装备数量
Higher reliability reduces equipment loss from attrition. 
! 1
! 2
! 3
| 12 || >=0% || ||
| 24 || >16.6% || >=0% ||
| 36 || >44.4% || >16.6% || >=0%
| 50 || >60% || >40% || >20%
| 100 || >80% || >70% || >60%
| 200 || >90% || >85% || >80%
* 若损耗为100%、可靠性为0%, 则每天都会有12%的装备损失掉。
* 当可靠性为80%,(假设装备总数大于50且库存充足),100天的持续训练(这足够将1级训练为2或3级)将会损失14.4%的装备。
* 基础损耗损失对装备量小的装备影响很大,因为在可靠性超过阈值的情况下,装备数越小意味着损失率越大。比如说炮火支援连(12门)和重自行防空炮营(8辆)。例如,若损耗为100%,则炮火支援连每天都会损失10%,重自行防空炮营则为15%。
* 值得注意的是,火炮的可靠性为50%,而火箭炮为80%。为固定值。
* As an example, a unit with 100 items of one kind with 80% reliability loses a maximum of 2 (i.e. average 1) items per attrition event. At 80.1% reliability or 199 items, the maximum becomes 1 (i.e. average 0.5), cutting the attrition in half. For equipment with reliability above the highest threshold (i.e. maximum 1), the attrition formula simplifies to <math>\text{daily attrition rate} = 1.2 \cdot \text{attrition}</math>.

=== Land units ===
<math>\text{事故概率} = 0.1\% \cdot \left( 100\% - \text{可靠性} \right)</math>
For land units, the average rate of equipment loss per hour for each type is

<math>\text{equipment lost per hour} = 0.5 \cdot \text{attrition} \cdot P(\text{loss}) \cdot \max\{1, \text{number of equipment} \cdot P(\text{per type loss}) \cdot (1 - \text{reliability} )\}</math>

where P(loss) and P(per type loss) are respectively <code>ATTRITION_EQUIPMENT_LOSS_CHANCE</code> (0.1) and <code>ATTRITION_EQUIPMENT_PER_TYPE_LOSS_CHANCE</code> (0.1) sourced from [[defines]].
While aircraft do not suffer from attrition, they have a chance (NAir.ACCIDENT_CHANCE_BASE = 5%) of accidents. This gets modified by 0.5 (NAir.ACCIDENT_CHANCE_BALANCE_MULT), their reliability, weather and other modifers . Every game hour, all air bases are checked for accidents. ''At most one'' accident can happen per hour per airbase, but multiple planes could be destroyed in it. The accident can affect a random portion of the wing between 0% and 100%, but only 0.5% (NAir.ACCIDENT_EFFECT_MULT) of that actually gets destroyed. Frequently the effect will be less than one plane, especially for small wings, these fractional parts are accumulated on the country level and added to the next accident effect.

To be specific, when <math>\text{reliability} < 100\% - \frac{10}{\text{number of equipment}}, \frac{\text{equipment lost per day}}{\text{number of equipment}} = 12\% \cdot \text{attrition} \cdot (100\% - \text{reliability})</math>; otherwise for high reliability equipment a base attrition applies regardless of the number of equipment: <math>\text{equipment lost per day} = 1.2 \cdot \text{attrition}</math>.
<math>\text{accident chance} = 5\% \cdot \left( 100\% - \text{reliability} \right) \cdot 0.5</math>

So for 100% attrition and 0% reliability, about 12% of equipment will be lost per day. At 80% reliability, 100 days of training (enough to go from Green to Trained, or halfway from Trained to Regular) will cost about 14.4% of equipment.
<math>\varnothing \text{accident effect} = 50\% \cdot 0.5\% =  0.25\%</math>

Note that a loss is calculated for each type of equipment independently so the total losses of all equipment scale with the number of equipment types. This will happen if your divisions use captured equipment or several variants of the same equipment class. Also, the base attrition is relatively large for units using equipment in small quantity, e.g. support artillery company (12 artillery) and heavy self-propelled anti-air battalion (8 armor).
<math>\varnothing \text{Aircraft lost per hour per airbase} = 5\% \cdot \left( 100\% - \text{reliability} \right) \cdot 0.5 \cdot 0.25\%</math>

To minimize equipment loss from attrition, it is enough to keep reliability of variant equipment types above <math>1 - \frac{10}{\text{number of equipment}}</math> . This means 0% for 10 or under, 16.7% for 12 pieces, 58% for 24 pieces, 80% for 50 pieces, 95% for 200 pieces and so on. Therefore increasing reliability through variant equipment and using maintenance companies matters the most in large divisions using expensive equipments, like tanks. Also note that normal artillery has 50% reliability while rocket artillery has 80% reliability.
Assuming a reliability of 80% would lead to an average aircraft lost per hour per airbase of 0.00125% of one wing. 0.03% per day and 10.68% per year.

=== Air units ===
Assuming a reliability of 40% would lead to an average aircraft lost per hour per airbase of 0.00375% of one wing. 0.09% per day and 32.04% per year.
While aircraft do not suffer from attrition, they have a chance of accidents when taking off/landing. This is

<math>\text{accident chance} = 0.1\% \cdot \left( 100\% - \text{reliability} \right)</math>
Assuming a reliability of 0% would lead to an average aircraft lost per hour per airbase of 0.00625% of one wing. 0.15% per day and 53.4% per year.

or equal to 1% attrition for land units. Carrier-based aircraft suffer twice the accident rate. It can quickly turn into a major issue, chewing down through the pool of accessible planes regardless of how well the air combat goes.
Carrier-based aircraft suffer twice the accident rate. Due to how low the losses from accidents are when compared to actual combat, it's preferable to disregard reliability in favor of attack stats in most situations.

=== Naval units ===
=== 海军单位===
Ships do not suffer from attrition, but the reliability corresponds with probability of getting critically hit by enemy attack.
Ships do not suffer from attrition, but the reliability corresponds with probability of getting critically hit by enemy attack. During training and ({{icon|mtg|1}}) when operating in mined waters during war, accidents may happen.

== Methods to reduce equipment loss ==
== 减少装备损失的方法==
There are several ways to reduce the effects of equipment loss. One way is to improve reliability by attaching a Maintenance Company to a division or creating new variants of equipment, such as tanks, ships, or planes, with increased reliability. [[Commander]]s with the Winter Specialist trait will give the army they are assigned to a {{green|-50.00%}} Winter Attrition modifier and the People's Army technology down the Mass Mobilization path of the [[Land_doctrine#Mass_Assault|Mass Assault]] [[land doctrine]] tree will reduce attrition for all land units by {{green|-10.0%}}.
有几种减少装备损失的方法。一个方法是给师配备一个维修支援连来提高可靠性,或者生产提高可靠性的改进型坦克,舰艇或飞机。带有冬季技能(Winter Specialist)的[[Commander|指挥官]] 将会给他指挥的军队减少 {{green|50.00%}} 的冬季损耗,[[land doctrine|陆军学说]]里,人海突击([[Land_doctrine#Mass_Assault|Mass Assault]]  )学说树中的大规模动员(Mass Mobilization)下的人民军队(People's Army)可以为所有地面单位减少{{green|10.0%}} 的损耗。

=== Custom difficulty settings ===
=== 定制难度设置===
Adjusting the strength slider of a major country prior to a game will reduce the amount of attrition that that country's units will receive. However, doing so disables [[achievements]].

== Footnotes ==
== 脚注==
<references />

[[Category:Game concepts]]
[[ 分类:Game concepts]]
[[en:Attrition and accidents]]

[[hoi4de:Attrition and accidents]]
[[hoi4de:Attrition and accidents]]

2023年9月14日 (四) 10:53的最新版本




不论是否处于战斗中,损耗都会导致一支部队每小时损失 0.1 * 损耗 的组织度。






对于陆军单位, 每一种装备平均每小时遭受的损失(equipment loss per hour)是

[math]\displaystyle{ \text{每小时装备损失} = 0.1 \cdot \text{损耗} \cdot 0.5 \cdot \max(1, \lfloor\text{装备数量} \cdot 0.1 \cdot (1 - \text{可靠性})\rfloor) }[/math][2]


[math]\displaystyle{ \text{可靠性} =\lt 100\% - \frac{20}{装备数量} }[/math]时,每日的装备损失量: [math]\displaystyle{ \text{每日装备损失} = 1.2 \cdot \text{损耗} \cdot \lfloor\text{装备数量} \cdot 0.1 \cdot (1 - \text{可靠性})\rfloor }[/math];

[math]\displaystyle{ \text{可靠性}\gt 100\% - \frac{20}{装备数量} }[/math]时, 每日的装备损失为常数,称为基础损耗损失, [math]\displaystyle{ \text{每日装备损失} = 1.2 \cdot \text{损耗} }[/math].

可见,可靠性存在在一个阈值:[math]\displaystyle{ 100\% - \frac{20}{装备总数} }[/math],当可靠性小于这个阈值时,可靠性越大,装备损失越少;若大于这个阈值,可靠性不再发挥作用。为了最小化装备损耗,让装备的可靠性大于 [math]\displaystyle{ 1 - \frac{20}{\text{装备数量}} }[/math] 就可以了。

这个表格列出了常见装备数和控制损耗在指定水平所需要的可靠性。表格列头“1”表示[math]\displaystyle{ max(1, \lfloor\text{装备数量} \cdot 0.1 \cdot (1 - \text{可靠性})\rfloor)=1 }[/math],是最低损耗;“2”表示[math]\displaystyle{ max(1, \lfloor\text{装备数量} \cdot 0.1 \cdot (1 - \text{可靠性})\rfloor)=2 }[/math];以此类推。这个表是为了展示,对于数量为几百的装备,个位数的可靠性差距会导致成倍的损耗差距。因此,对于使用昂贵装备(比如坦克)的大编制部队,通过改装增加装备的可靠性和配备维修支援连很重要。

装备数量 1 2 3
12 >=0%
24 >16.6% >=0%
36 >44.4% >16.6% >=0%
50 >60% >40% >20%
100 >80% >70% >60%
200 >90% >85% >80%


  • 若损耗为100%、可靠性为0%, 则每天都会有12%的装备损失掉。
  • 当可靠性为80%,(假设装备总数大于50且库存充足),100天的持续训练(这足够将1级训练为2或3级)将会损失14.4%的装备。
  • 基础损耗损失对装备量小的装备影响很大,因为在可靠性超过阈值的情况下,装备数越小意味着损失率越大。比如说炮火支援连(12门)和重自行防空炮营(8辆)。例如,若损耗为100%,则炮火支援连每天都会损失10%,重自行防空炮营则为15%。
  • 值得注意的是,火炮的可靠性为50%,而火箭炮为80%。为固定值。
  • As an example, a unit with 100 items of one kind with 80% reliability loses a maximum of 2 (i.e. average 1) items per attrition event. At 80.1% reliability or 199 items, the maximum becomes 1 (i.e. average 0.5), cutting the attrition in half. For equipment with reliability above the highest threshold (i.e. maximum 1), the attrition formula simplifies to [math]\displaystyle{ \text{daily attrition rate} = 1.2 \cdot \text{attrition} }[/math].



[math]\displaystyle{ \text{事故概率} = 0.1\% \cdot \left( 100\% - \text{可靠性} \right) }[/math]


While aircraft do not suffer from attrition, they have a chance (NAir.ACCIDENT_CHANCE_BASE = 5%) of accidents. This gets modified by 0.5 (NAir.ACCIDENT_CHANCE_BALANCE_MULT), their reliability, weather and other modifers . Every game hour, all air bases are checked for accidents. At most one accident can happen per hour per airbase, but multiple planes could be destroyed in it. The accident can affect a random portion of the wing between 0% and 100%, but only 0.5% (NAir.ACCIDENT_EFFECT_MULT) of that actually gets destroyed. Frequently the effect will be less than one plane, especially for small wings, these fractional parts are accumulated on the country level and added to the next accident effect.

[math]\displaystyle{ \text{accident chance} = 5\% \cdot \left( 100\% - \text{reliability} \right) \cdot 0.5 }[/math]

[math]\displaystyle{ \varnothing \text{accident effect} = 50\% \cdot 0.5\% = 0.25\% }[/math]

[math]\displaystyle{ \varnothing \text{Aircraft lost per hour per airbase} = 5\% \cdot \left( 100\% - \text{reliability} \right) \cdot 0.5 \cdot 0.25\% }[/math]

Assuming a reliability of 80% would lead to an average aircraft lost per hour per airbase of 0.00125% of one wing. 0.03% per day and 10.68% per year.

Assuming a reliability of 40% would lead to an average aircraft lost per hour per airbase of 0.00375% of one wing. 0.09% per day and 32.04% per year.

Assuming a reliability of 0% would lead to an average aircraft lost per hour per airbase of 0.00625% of one wing. 0.15% per day and 53.4% per year.

Carrier-based aircraft suffer twice the accident rate. Due to how low the losses from accidents are when compared to actual combat, it's preferable to disregard reliability in favor of attack stats in most situations.


舰艇本身并不会因损耗而损失,但是会降低可靠性,使得因敌方攻击可能导致严重受损。 Ships do not suffer from attrition, but the reliability corresponds with probability of getting critically hit by enemy attack. During training and (炮手就位炮手就位) when operating in mined waters during war, accidents may happen.


有几种减少装备损失的方法。一个方法是给师配备一个维修支援连来提高可靠性,或者生产提高可靠性的改进型坦克,舰艇或飞机。带有冬季技能(Winter Specialist)的指挥官将会给他指挥的军队减少 50.00%的冬季损耗,陆军学说里,人海突击(Mass Assault )学说树中的大规模动员(Mass Mobilization)下的人民军队(People's Army)可以为所有地面单位减少10.0%的损耗。




  1. 1.0 1.1 See in /Hearts of Iron IV/common/defines/00_defines.lua

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