仅在启用Poland: United and Ready或寸步不退时可用。
波兰 在免费DLC Poland: United and Ready中获得了独特国策树。该国策树在 寸步不退DLC中得到了扩展。当特定DLC未启用时,只有部分国策树可用。
- 四年计划分支
- 给予 波兰工厂、科研槽、铁路、基建,同时也可拖延并最终消除农民大罢工的威胁。
- 发展波兰造船业/在但泽戒严分支
- 镇压但泽或将出海口转移到
Module:State/List does not have state: [格丁尼亚],获得船坞及海军科技加成,以此提高波兰海军实力。
- 准备下一场战争分支
- 这条线提供陆军和空军科技加成,同时允许改进外国装备设计商,使其无需消耗生活消费品工厂。
- 东部计划/西部计划分支
- 完成四月宪法分支
- 历史国策,波兰将冒着内战风险,维持政府中萨纳齐亚左右两派之间的平衡。
- 萨纳齐亚左派分支
- 该分支上部向萨纳齐亚左派让步,同时激怒右派;中间部分使波兰完全倒向萨纳齐亚左派,同时禁用右派或城堡派国策;下部成立波罗的海联盟,并成立走向 民主主义。
- 萨纳齐亚右派分支
- 该分支上部向萨纳齐亚右派让步,同时激怒左派;中间部分使波兰完全倒向萨纳齐亚右派,同时禁用左派或城堡派国策;下部成立波罗的海联盟,并成立走向 法西斯主义。
- 城堡派分支
- 该分支的上部将同时安抚萨纳齐亚左派和右派,保证 中立派的支持度。中间部分的国策会使城堡派维持政府首脑地位,从而移除选择萨纳齐亚左派或右派国策的可能性。该分支的下部国策即便在选择其他两条路线的上部国策时也可以进行,允许波兰与同盟国结盟,并可请求与 立陶宛或 罗马尼亚王国缔结盟约
- 恢复波兰众议院分支
- This branch allows Poland to choose either 民主主义, 法西斯主义 or 共产主义 ideologies.该分支仅限 寸步不退DLC未启用时才能使用
- 组织农民大罢工分支
- This allows Poland to side with the Peasant Revolt and either go 民主主义 or 共产主义 after a civil war. The 共产主义 path gives Poland the choice to align with the 苏维埃联盟 or go independent. If Poland chooses to go 民主主义, it has the choice to join the Allies or form a new faction with 法国. It also allows Poland to gain colonial holdings in 利比里亚 or Madagascar.
- 重建摄政议会线
- This branch allows Poland to form a 君主派 and elect a King.
- 哈布斯堡家族分支
- This elects Karl Albrecht I as King of Poland and allowing him to become a field marshal. It creates a with 捷克斯洛伐克 with the possibility of annexation and coring. It installs Otto von Habsburg as King of 匈牙利王国 giving Poland a choice to make an alliance. It also gives cores and a war goal to several 德意志国 states.
- 霍亨索伦家族/波兰-立陶宛联邦的宣传者分支
- This elects either Michał II of Romania or Friedrich Christian as King of Poland. The Hohenzollern side allows Poland to create a with 罗马尼亚王国 and 匈牙利王国 with the possibility of creating the 波兰-罗马尼亚王国. The Commonwealth side mirrors several focuses from the Lithuanian national focus tree and allows Poland to form the 波兰-立陶宛联邦
- 罗曼诺夫家族分支
- This secret sub-branch is only available if the player elects "Anastasia Romanov" as King of Poland through events. It gives war goals against the 苏维埃联盟 and 南斯拉夫. It also allows the creation of the Slavic Union formable nation.
- 哥萨克国王分支
- This elects Pavel Bermondt-Avalov as King of Poland, allows him to become a field marshal and switches the ruling party to 法西斯主义. It gives war goals for the Baltic and Slovakian States and gives the player the choice between getting claims on and going to war with 德意志国 or becoming its Reichsprotectorate for claims on the 苏维埃联盟. Completing "Complete the Bermontian Mission" focus allows the creation of the 顿河军团 and the 库班军团 as independent nations or puppets of Poland.
- 民族主义宪法线
- The 法西斯主义 branch allows Poland to become a Reichsprotectorate of 德意志国 and give them land for a chance to gain territory in a future war with the 苏维埃联盟 and it may allow Poland to declare a war for independence. Part of this side is shared with 哥萨克国王分支. The player may also chose for Poland to be independent of 德意志国 and make its own faction with other 长枪党 nations.
- 海间理念线
- The Międzymorze branch of the tree allows Poland to ally 芬兰, 丹麦, 瑞典, 挪威, 爱沙尼亚, 拉脱维亚, 立陶宛, 捷克斯洛伐克, 奥地利, 匈牙利王国, 南斯拉夫, 希腊王国 or 土耳其, and 意大利.
- 人事已尽,天命难违线
- These focuses allow Poland to continue the war effort even if it has capitulated with off map factories and manpower increases. It is available if the 炮手就位 DLC is enabled.
- 拓展波兰情报部门分支
- These focuses allow the expansion of the Polish intelligence agency. It is available if the 抵抗运动 DLC is enabled. If the 炮手就位 DLC is disabled, this sub-branch is still available as a separate branch.
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国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 | 描述 |
四年计划 | 无 | 波兰:
我们必须有计划地扩建我国基础设施,以同当下及未来的工业发展规模相匹配。 |
整合铁路干线 | 波兰:
波兰: | 由于波兰曾被三个大国所瓜分,所以我们各地的铁路网相距甚远且互不相连。如果我们想要实现波兰工业的集中发展,就必须将这些四散的铁路干线加以整合! |
农业改革 | 波兰:
农民罢工迫在眉睫。食品价格在全国疯涨,不平衡的工业体系和缺乏效能的政府使得波兰最贫穷的人缺乏帮助,这导致了农民的极大不安。但是,只要有足够的投入和改革,我们应该能够完全满足农民的需求。 |
国防基金 | 波兰: | 波兰获得民族精神持续720日: | 无论公民个人还是国家整体,都必须为我们日益增长的工业投注基金,以应对将来潜在的威胁。 |
波兰中央防御 | 波兰: | 波兰获得民族精神持续720日: | 波兰缺乏抵御无数边境威胁所需的装备。扩张国防部的职能将使我军装备更加精良,抗击任何试图蹂躏波兰领土的敌人。 |
发展上西里西亚 | 波兰: | 波兰: | 尽管西里西亚仅有小部分地区为我国控制,但它的工业价值却十分巨大。作为我国工业化程度最高的地区之一,西里西亚只需进行少量投资,即可继续支持整个国家的长远工业化发展。 |
投资东波兰 | 波兰: | 波兰: | 东部既贫瘠又荒凉,无论是俄罗斯还是波兰国家都从未留心过这个地区。若要对此投资,我们可以找到很多理想的工厂位置,也能为工人提供就业岗位。 |
波兰数学流派 | 波兰: | 波兰:
数学几乎是一切技术领域的核心。而在波兰,从利沃夫到华沙,各数学流派正蓬勃发展。我们必须利用好这个波兰在思想上的黄金时代,予其所需,将国家打造为科技的强国! |
中部地区战略 | 波兰: | 波兰: | 将工业集中于远离边境的中部地区,我们不仅能够提高生产效率,同时也能使其免遭任何潜在侵略者的破坏。 |
投资旧波兰工业区 | 波兰: | 波兰: | 我们不仅要对凯尔采、斯卡日斯科、拉多姆、斯塔拉霍维采和奥斯特罗维茨等地的老旧工业园区进行现代化改造,同时也要兴建新工业区以增强工业实力。
前议会波兰工业现代化 | 波兰: | 波兰: | 会议波兰地区坐拥冠绝全波兰的发展潜力,曾是我国最强大、最团结的地区。通过对华沙这样的主要城市进行现代化改造,我们将有望使会议波兰地区转变为我国的工业心脏。 |
华沙铁路枢纽 | 波兰: | 波兰: | 华沙是重要的交通货运枢纽,为避免其出现拥堵,对铁路的管理需要受到额外重视。 |
新兴波兰工业 | 波兰: | 波兰: | 随着此前从德国人手中收回了西部领土,我们现在必须进一步发展格丁尼亚等城市中欣欣向荣的工业,使其不久后能在规模上与华沙相媲美。 |
扩建克拉科夫工业 | 波兰: | 波兰: | 作为波兰的旧都,尽管早已摆脱了奥地利帝国的束缚,但克拉科夫的城市建设却依旧停留在过去,缺乏与那些西方名城相匹敌的现代工业。通过投资,我们将令克拉科夫重焕新生。 |
加利西亚工业现代化 | 波兰: | 波兰: | 正如克拉科夫,加利西亚也曾是奥地利人手中不受重视的宝地。不过既然此地已经重回波兰的怀抱,我们或许可以增加对当地的投资,进一步推动我国亟需的现代化进程。 |
扩大卡托维兹资源开发 | 波兰:
波兰: | 尽管面积相对较小,上西里西亚仍然蕴藏有丰富的钢铁和铝资源。虽说控制整个西里西亚不太现实,但我们必须从现在开始就全力挖掘上西里西亚的工业潜力。 |
扩张华沙大学 | 波兰: | 波兰:
波兰举国最伟大的头脑多集中于华沙大学,他们不仅从事着教学工作,同时也为波兰的科研发展添砖加瓦。投资扩建这所大学就能为更多的杰出之士提供机会,为强大的波兰国家锦上添花! |
民族主义教育 | 波兰: | Poland 获得民族精神:
无数年轻人在全国各地的大学就读,而这是将我们共同为之奋斗的波兰梦融入他们心中的绝佳机会。应该鼓励年轻人成为爱国者与战士,以此铸就波兰梦的坚不可摧堡垒! |
废除种族隔离坐席制 | 波兰:
尽管在教育中保留着坐席隔离糟粕,但波兰仍然是不同种族、文化和信仰的人们交融共生的典范。如果大家都认同波兰公民身份,那理应自由地来往相处与交流思想。种族隔离是我国教育事业中虽小但切实存在的阻碍,必须予以废除。 |
原子物理研究院 | 波兰: | 波兰:
我们定要成为首个驾驭核裂变毁灭之力的国家。 |
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Naval branch of the Polish national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 | 描述 | Description |
发展波兰造船业 | 波兰:
波兰: | 但泽被纳粹党的卑鄙政权夺走,已经无可救药,波兰的贸易必须想方设法打破纳粹对我们经济的有效封锁。我们可能永远无法收复格但斯克,但也许我们可以把格丁尼亚变成一个伟大的海港,在宏伟程度上与格但斯克相媲美。 | |
在但泽戒严 | Poland:
波兰: | 从官方的角度来说,但泽是波兰保护下的自由城市,但近来,这座城市已落入纳粹控制,成为阿道夫-希特勒名副其实的傀儡。我们北方边境上的这个瑕疵只会阻碍波兰的贸易,我们必须重新控制这座城市,否则就有可能被德国人攻陷。 | |
吸引波兰人来格丁尼亚 | 波兰:
波兰: | 一个伟大的海港需要伟大的人来经营,有无数波兰人在等待就业机会。通过鼓励向格丁尼亚移民,我们可以继续我们的海港发展计划。 | |
研究英国舰艇设计 | 波兰: | 波兰:
几十年来,英国海军一直是波兰的盟友,但近来,英国的绥靖政策使波兰岌岌可危,没有朋友可以依靠。也许通过学习英国人的设计,我们将能够开始生产同样高效和宏伟的舰船。 | |
扩建格丁尼亚海港 | 波兰:
波兰: | 现在,格丁尼亚已经发展成为一座可以与但泽相媲美的伟大贸易城市,剩下的就是正式开放城市贸易,我们的经济将再次由我们自己控制! | |
清除纳粹党 | 波兰:
我们已经在格但斯克民众中赢得了足够的支持,我们可以正式清除城市中的纳粹分子,为波兰夺回这座城市! | |
整合格但斯克工业 | 波兰: | 波兰: | 几十年来,格但斯克一直与我国其他地区分离,但现在不会了!通过将格但斯克纳入我们的管理,我们将能够重新控制我们的出口和进口! | |
发展格但斯克造船业 | 波兰: | 波兰: | 现在,格但斯克再次处于我们的控制之下,我们可以向它提供它迫切需要的海军投资,以开始建设波兰所需的强大的波罗的海海军! | |
恢复海军现代化 | 波兰: | 波兰:
既然我们已经重新控制了我们的海岸线,我们就可以恢复我们海军的现代化。在我们的工业投入到任何事情之前,研究海战的方法将带来胜利。 | |
扩建北部铁路 | 波兰:
波兰: | 波兰的所有货物都必须通过北方进出,但那里的基础设施却远远达不到应有的水平。必须为北方提供适当的铁路基础设施。
| |
“奥尔泽乌”号潜艇 | 波兰: | 波兰:
如果我们想与德国的 U 型潜艇竞争,我们就必须设计和销售波兰的原创潜艇。 | |
巡洋舰舰队 | 波兰: | 波兰:
要实现我们的海上存在计划,需要越来越多的大型舰船。 | |
适度的现代化改造 | 波兰: | 波兰:
我们是一个小经济体,海岸线狭小,因此我们海军的现代化必须适度。驱逐舰是保卫海岸线的一种廉价而高效的方式,我们必须投入使用。 | |
龙的雄心 | 波兰: | 波兰:
迄今为止,波兰海军在努力实现现代化的过程中一直是谦虚和渺小的,但不会再有更多了。一条波兰巨龙将乘风破浪,当它像猛兽一样在地平线上崛起时,德国人和俄罗斯人都会为它的怒吼而颤抖! | |
波罗的海守护者 | 波兰: | 波兰:
任何人不得通过我们的封锁线,任何人不得在波兰或其盟国的海岸登陆。波罗的海属于波兰,不属于任何其他国家。 | |
商贸攻击战术 | 波兰: | 波兰:
没有潜艇的海军是不完整的。我们需要像其他舰队一样,为实现最佳杀伤力而组织潜艇。 |
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Army/airforce branch of the Polish national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
Focus | Prerequisites | Effects | Description |
Prepare For The Next War | None | Poland:
The Great War may only have been the first of its kind. We must prepare for what must surely be an ever-changing battlefield. |
New Military Academy | Poland: | Poland:
Our high command lays barren and empty, but this leaves a golden opportunity to plant the seeds for the future; ensuring that future generals are loyal to our nation and highly educated in the art of war. By funding military academies across the nation, we will ensure that any new Polish officers are of a higher caliber than any of their predecessors. |
Standardization Of Equipment | Poland: | Poland:
By standardizing the equipment of our soldiers we set the foundation for a modern supply apparatus. |
Army Modernization | Poland: | Poland:
Modern arms for modern men! |
Modernizing The Cavalry | Poland: | Poland:
While the cavalry still has a role to play, we need new metal mounts for it to compete on the modern battlefield. |
Attract Foreign Motor Companies | Poland: | Poland:
While some would insist that the original Polish designs of LRL are where the future of Polish motorized equipment lies, the question remains why should we reinvent the wheel when we can merely realign it? Foreign motor companies have mastered the art of making materials cheaper, faster, and harder so it would seem prudent to invite them to design equipment for us! |
Study Foreign Tanks | Poland: | Poland:
These "tanks" will be a central part of todays armed conflicts, and we must make sure to keep pace with our neighbors, by any means necessary. |
Adaptive Designs | Poland: | Poland:
Maintaining our licence for foreign designers is coming to be of great expense to the state, but perhaps there are ways we can repurpose our military designs to be of use in the private sector. By distributing a portion of our materials to the wealthy, we may mitigate the cost of maintaining the expense of employing these foreign design companies. |
Anti-Tank Guns | Poland: | Poland:
Any enemy is sure to deploy tanks against us. We must be prepared to give them a warm welcome. |
Cruiser Tank Experiments | Poland: | Poland:
With the basics of tank design in place, we are now ready to start forging our own path in the tangled field of mechanized design.
Anti-Blitz Vehicles | Poland: | Poland gets the 民族精神: | Our enemies would seek to overrun us with overwhelming waves of armored divisions. We are unlikely to be able to match enemy tanks, but we can however invest in weaponry designed specifically to break vehicles at great expense to the enemy. |
Artillery Modernization | Poland: | Poland:
We must not neglect to improve and modernize the support our soldiers require for effective deployment. |
Air Base Expansion | Poland: | Poland:
Airbases are as essential to air support as air support is to modern warfare. |
Air Innovations | Poland: | Poland:
There is still much to be done in the field of aerial strategy and tactics. |
Fighter Modernization | Poland: | Poland:
The mainstay of any air force, our fighters must not be made obsolete. As the rest of our air force improves, so must they. |
Naval Bomber Experiments | Poland: | Poland:
Air supremacy is as important at sea as over land. Specialized aircraft developed for the purpose of naval warfare is a way to achieve that aim. |
Heavy Fighter Concept | Poland: | Poland:
Should we be forced to go on the offensive, we need a new kind of fighter that can operate at length inside hostile borders. |
Medium Bomber Focus | Poland: | Poland:
An extension of the precision bombing philosophy adapted for extended range to be used in support roles. |
Light Bomber Focus | Poland: | Poland:
The value of using dive bombers for close air support should not be underestimated. |
Air Modernizations Program | Poland: | Poland:
Aviation theory is just as important as technology. New stratagems for our pilots are still waiting to be discovered.
Rocket Development | Poland: | Poland:
Speed is the attribute on which all other aerial attributes rely. Rocket and jet engines could theoretically allow us to pass all previous limits. |
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Border defense sub-branch of the Polish national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
Focus | Prerequisites | Effects | Description |
Plan East | Poland:
Poland: | We have been in and out of military conflict with the Russians for centuries and we can safely assume that Iosif Stalin will, like his predecessors will attempt an invasion of Poland. They must not succeed this time, plans must be drawn to ensure Poland’s decisive victory over Soviet Union! |
Fortification of Ukraine | Poland:
Lwów (91) 满足下列条件将会跳过该国策:
Poland: | The east is underdeveloped and agrarian, and Polish Ukraine remains a soft spot in Poland’s south primed for an invasion. Some basic fortifications must be constructed along the border if we are to keep our nation safe! |
Supply the Rail Nexus | Poland:
The railways in Eastern Poland are in a sorry state, not nearly comparable to Poland’s central region. A war with the Soviet Union would be won or lost with the control of supply, and a decent supply chain to our own men would be a great place to begin. |
Fortification of the North | Poland:
The north side of Eastern Poland is little but a series of dense forests with scarcely a trace of civilization among them. This cannot continue to be so in the event of an invasion; these forests must be transformed into a shield against Bolshevism! |
The Belorussian Army | Poland:
There are ample independent military groups willing to fight against the Soviet Union within Belarus, all that we need do is grant them official recognition and offer them military leadership. |
Eastern Conscripts | Poland:
Poland gets the 民族精神 for 365 days: | Many in Eastern Poland sooner identify themselves as Ukrainian or Belorussian than Polish, but they must be convinced to fight nevertheless! While we may find few who would fight for Poland, there are countless among them who would eagerly pick up a rifle against the Soviets! |
The Ruthenian Army | Poland:
Among Poles and Ukrainians alike, anti-Soviet sentiment is palpable in the East. With funding and military leadership, these paramilitarists would be great additions to our armies. |
Local Eastern Plans | Poland:
Often our own military staff can be trusted to devise plans amongst themselves, but in a war like this, direct intervention on a small scale is necessary. Every inch of ground matters, and we must apply our expertise to the smallest of conflicts if we are to halt Soviet imperialism! |
Complete Plan East | Poland:
Poland: | The Polish military high command are satisfied that adequate plans have been drawn for the inevitable conflict with the Soviet and the time for Plan East has come to an end. |
Sabotage Polish Industry | Poland: | Poland:
Our enemies have far stronger armies than ours and in greater number. While it would be nice to entertain the idea that we shan’t lose ground, the truth is we are unlikely to hold out forever. By rigging our factories and railways with explosives, we may however be able to render them useless to our enemies in the event of an occupation.
Plan West | Poland:
Poland: | The Axis are breathing down our neck. Though some within the government believe our relationship with Adolf Hitler to be cordial, we know that the Germans cannot be trusted and extensive plans in the west are necessary to securing Poland’s future. |
Local Western Plans | Poland:
There are key strategic regions all along the Polish-German border. Drafting comprehensive plans on a purely local level and executing them at the right time is as necessary for the continued survival of the Polish state as our grander battle plans. |
Sudeten Mountaineers | Poland:
The Sudetenland is an insecure border, but it also provides a unique defensive position. By training men who have mastered mountain warfare, we will be able to outmaneuver the Germans in the lofty peaks of Zaolzie! |
Invest in Anti-Air | Poland:
We are unlikely to be capable of outproducing the Germans in the air, however we need not outnumber them when we can instead invest heavily in constructing anti-air weaponry on the ground. With Bofors in every state, German pilots won’t get far before meeting our guns. |
The Prussian Guard | Poland:
Our border with Prussia is woefully undefended. All of our investments in the Prussian fortifications will mean nothing without soldiers manning the forts. |
The Prussian Line | Poland:
Poland: | East Prussia is a key invasion point for the Germans, and a great gap in our current defences. By expanding out fortline along the Prussian border, our armies will be more capable of defending our nation from the threat to our north. |
Expand Poznan Forts | Poland:
Poland: | Poznan is already home to a plethora of bunkers and key defensive structures, but there is much room for improvement. Poznan is the first line of defence against the enemy and must be defended, regardless of the cost. |
Silesia Fortified Area | Poland:
Poland: | More forts constructed in the south will secure additional defenses. |
Hel Fortified Area | Poland:
By fortifying key areas we make ourselves less vulnerable, should war again come to our shores and borders. |
Complete Plan West | Poland:
Poland: | The Polish military high command are satisfied that adequate plans have been drawn for the inevitable conflict with the Germans and the time for Plan West has come to an end. |
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Historical branch of the Polish national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
Focus | Prerequisites | Effects | Description |
Complete the April Constitution | Poland: | Poland:
This piece of legislation was passed by the Sejm in 1935 to ensure the continued peace and stability of the Polish state. The constitution grants almost total powers to the President, granting him supremacy over the Sejm and Senate.
This piece of legislation was passed by the Sejm in 1935 to ensure the continued peace and stability of the Polish state. The constitution grants almost total powers to the President, granting him supremacy over the Sejm and Senate.
This piece of legislation was passed by the Sejm in 1935 to ensure the continued peace and stability of the Polish state. The constitution grants almost total powers to the President, granting him supremacy over the Sejm and Senate.
Moderate Sanation Right Opposition
The right-wing of the government is largely composed of powerful military staff united behind Edward Rydz-Śmigły. Currently, the Sanation Right are growing a little agitated and are taking Mościcki's orders as more advice than actual commands.
Supporters of reform, the Sanation Left believe that Walery Sławek is the true successor to the previous dictator, Józef Piłsudski. Currently, the Sanation Left are building power in the Dictatorship and is capable of disrupting our day-to-day political operations in the civilian sector.
The April Constitution is a series of reforms designed to centralize Poland into a more centralized authoritarian regime under the President. The Sanation government is legitimized by this legislation, but still there are those who long for the old system. The April Constitution must be completed and amended to further the powers of Ignacy Mościcki and centralize the Polish state! |
Polish Militarism | Poland: | Poland:
Polish Militarism
This piece of legislation was passed by the Sejm in 1935 to ensure the continued peace and stability of the Polish state. The constitution grants almost total powers to the President, granting him supremacy over the Sejm and Senate.
This piece of legislation was passed by the Sejm in 1935 to ensure the continued peace and stability of the Polish state. The constitution grants almost total powers to the President, granting him supremacy over the Sejm and Senate.
Previous wars may have bowed us, but we are not defeated. We shall rise again, by the bravery of our soldiers and the cunning of our officers. |
Consolidate the Sanation Government | Poland: | Poland:
This piece of legislation was passed by the Sejm in 1935 to ensure the continued peace and stability of the Polish state. The constitution grants almost total powers to the President, granting him supremacy over the Sejm and Senate.
This piece of legislation was passed by the Sejm in 1935 to ensure the continued peace and stability of the Polish state. The constitution grants almost total powers to the President, granting him supremacy over the Sejm and Senate.
Since the death of Józef Piłsudski, the Sanation government has been fragmented and disorganized. The government has split into three branches: The Castle, the Sanation Left, and the Sanation Right. It’s uncertain if the Castle can maintain control of the dictatorship, but the government must leave this state of indecision soon if it is to have any hope of withstanding the oncoming storm of war. |
File:Ambox outdated info.png | 这部分内容可能已不适合当前版本,最后更新于1.11。 |
Sanation Left sub-branch of the Polish national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
Focus | Prerequisites | Effects | Description |
The Sanation Left | Poland:
Supporters of reform, the Sanation Left believe that Walery Sławek is the true successor to the previous dictator, Józef Piłsudski. Currently, the Sanation Left is very powerful and has the power to bring our civilian sector to a grinding halt should they desire it.
Supporters of reform, the Sanation Left believe that Walery Sławek is the true successor to the previous dictator, Józef Piłsudski. Currently, the Sanation Left are building power in the Dictatorship and is capable of disrupting our day-to-day political operations in the civilian sector.
Supporters of reform, the Sanation Left believe that Walery Sławek is the true successor to the previous dictator, Józef Piłsudski. Currently, the Sanation Left is a very marginal threat to the Dictatorship and is in no position to threaten the stability of the regime.
Moderate Sanation Right Opposition
The right-wing of the government is largely composed of powerful military staff united behind Edward Rydz-Śmigły. Currently, the Sanation Right are growing a little agitated and are taking Mościcki's orders as more advice than actual commands.
High Sanation Right Opposition
The right-wing of the government is largely composed of powerful military staff united behind Edward Rydz-Śmigły. Currently, the Sanation Right believe the Dictatorship is attempting to undermine the authority of the military and are using their positions in military high-command to disrupt the Polish army.
Very High Sanation Right Opposition
The right-wing of the government is largely composed of powerful military staff united behind Edward Rydz-Śmigły. Currently, the Sanation Right are preparing for a coup on the Polish government. Their power over the military makes them the real power in the dictatorship and if concessions are not made soon, the Right could tear Poland apart.
Loyal to Walery Sławek, the Sanation Left represents those who feel Sławek is the true successor to Piłsudski and seek accommodation with the opposition, rather than ostracising them from government entirely as the Right and Castle would. Though cooperation with them will likely upset the Sanation Right, the leftists hold internal power that we need to build a competent cabinet of ministers. |
Modus Vivendi | Poland:
Supporters of reform, the Sanation Left believe that Walery Sławek is the true successor to the previous dictator, Józef Piłsudski. Currently, the Sanation Left is very powerful and has the power to bring our civilian sector to a grinding halt should they desire it.
Supporters of reform, the Sanation Left believe that Walery Sławek is the true successor to the previous dictator, Józef Piłsudski. Currently, the Sanation Left are building power in the Dictatorship and is capable of disrupting our day-to-day political operations in the civilian sector.
Supporters of reform, the Sanation Left believe that Walery Sławek is the true successor to the previous dictator, Józef Piłsudski. Currently, the Sanation Left is a very marginal threat to the Dictatorship and is in no position to threaten the stability of the regime.
Moderate Sanation Right Opposition
The right-wing of the government is largely composed of powerful military staff united behind Edward Rydz-Śmigły. Currently, the Sanation Right are growing a little agitated and are taking Mościcki's orders as more advice than actual commands.
High Sanation Right Opposition
The right-wing of the government is largely composed of powerful military staff united behind Edward Rydz-Śmigły. Currently, the Sanation Right believe the Dictatorship is attempting to undermine the authority of the military and are using their positions in military high-command to disrupt the Polish army.
Very High Sanation Right Opposition
The right-wing of the government is largely composed of powerful military staff united behind Edward Rydz-Śmigły. Currently, the Sanation Right are preparing for a coup on the Polish government. Their power over the military makes them the real power in the dictatorship and if concessions are not made soon, the Right could tear Poland apart.
The Sanation Left seeks accommodation with the opposition within our state; granting them seats of power within the government. With members of the opposition given proper representation, they may no longer seek to oppose the Dictatorship. |
The Legion of Merit | Poland:
Supporters of reform, the Sanation Left believe that Walery Sławek is the true successor to the previous dictator, Józef Piłsudski. Currently, the Sanation Left is very powerful and has the power to bring our civilian sector to a grinding halt should they desire it.
Supporters of reform, the Sanation Left believe that Walery Sławek is the true successor to the previous dictator, Józef Piłsudski. Currently, the Sanation Left are building power in the Dictatorship and is capable of disrupting our day-to-day political operations in the civilian sector.
Supporters of reform, the Sanation Left believe that Walery Sławek is the true successor to the previous dictator, Józef Piłsudski. Currently, the Sanation Left is a very marginal threat to the Dictatorship and is in no position to threaten the stability of the regime.
Moderate Sanation Right Opposition
The right-wing of the government is largely composed of powerful military staff united behind Edward Rydz-Śmigły. Currently, the Sanation Right are growing a little agitated and are taking Mościcki's orders as more advice than actual commands.
High Sanation Right Opposition
The right-wing of the government is largely composed of powerful military staff united behind Edward Rydz-Śmigły. Currently, the Sanation Right believe the Dictatorship is attempting to undermine the authority of the military and are using their positions in military high-command to disrupt the Polish army.
Very High Sanation Right Opposition
The right-wing of the government is largely composed of powerful military staff united behind Edward Rydz-Śmigły. Currently, the Sanation Right are preparing for a coup on the Polish government. Their power over the military makes them the real power in the dictatorship and if concessions are not made soon, the Right could tear Poland apart.
gets the 民族精神: The Legion of Merit
A conception of Walery Sławek, the Legion of Merit would award a privileged position to any citizens of the republic who have proven themselves to be of outstanding benefit to the state. The award would guarantee the individual a position in the senate, and any individual invited to the Legion would certainly have little reason to grow disgruntled with the regime.
A conception of Walery Sławek, the Legion of Merit would award a privileged position to any citizens of the republic who have proven themselves to be of outstanding benefit to the state. The award would guarantee the individual a position in the senate, and any individual invited to the Legion would certainly have little reason to grow disgruntled with the regime. |
Draft a New Constitution | Poland:
Supporters of reform, the Sanation Left believe that Walery Sławek is the true successor to the previous dictator, Józef Piłsudski. Currently, the Sanation Left is very powerful and has the power to bring our civilian sector to a grinding halt should they desire it.
Supporters of reform, the Sanation Left believe that Walery Sławek is the true successor to the previous dictator, Józef Piłsudski. Currently, the Sanation Left are building power in the Dictatorship and is capable of disrupting our day-to-day political operations in the civilian sector.
Supporters of reform, the Sanation Left believe that Walery Sławek is the true successor to the previous dictator, Józef Piłsudski. Currently, the Sanation Left is a very marginal threat to the Dictatorship and is in no position to threaten the stability of the regime.
Moderate Sanation Right Opposition
The right-wing of the government is largely composed of powerful military staff united behind Edward Rydz-Śmigły. Currently, the Sanation Right are growing a little agitated and are taking Mościcki's orders as more advice than actual commands.
High Sanation Right Opposition
The right-wing of the government is largely composed of powerful military staff united behind Edward Rydz-Śmigły. Currently, the Sanation Right believe the Dictatorship is attempting to undermine the authority of the military and are using their positions in military high-command to disrupt the Polish army.
Very High Sanation Right Opposition
The right-wing of the government is largely composed of powerful military staff united behind Edward Rydz-Śmigły. Currently, the Sanation Right are preparing for a coup on the Polish government. Their power over the military makes them the real power in the dictatorship and if concessions are not made soon, the Right could tear Poland apart.
It has long been Sławek’s ambition to amend the constitution of Poland, and given the right to do so may grant us more direct control over the Polish state and further improve the April Constitution. |
The Left Chairman | Poland: | Poland:
Moderate Sanation Right Opposition
The right-wing of the government is largely composed of powerful military staff united behind Edward Rydz-Śmigły. Currently, the Sanation Right are growing a little agitated and are taking Mościcki's orders as more advice than actual commands.
High Sanation Right Opposition
The right-wing of the government is largely composed of powerful military staff united behind Edward Rydz-Śmigły. Currently, the Sanation Right believe the Dictatorship is attempting to undermine the authority of the military and are using their positions in military high-command to disrupt the Polish army.
Very High Sanation Right Opposition
The right-wing of the government is largely composed of powerful military staff united behind Edward Rydz-Śmigły. Currently, the Sanation Right are preparing for a coup on the Polish government. Their power over the military makes them the real power in the dictatorship and if concessions are not made soon, the Right could tear Poland apart.
The Sanations Left and Right are fundamentally incompatible ideologically. While we may be able to benefit from reforms proposed by the Right, it is the Left who has the best interests of Poland at heart and perhaps by granting them greater powers, we may sideline the Right entirely… |
Common Organization of Society | Poland: | Poland:
Long the ambition of Walery Sławek, Poland has reorganized its societal structure to grant greater autonomy to local communities, while the President maintains absolute control on a national level.
Sławek has long had the ambition to replace the BBWR with a power structure he calls the “Common Organization of Society”. This structure would uniquely grant great local autonomy to Poland’s states and townships, while centralizing the government in a strong authoritarian regime ready to interfere in local governance in times of war. With the Left in power, Sławek may at last fulfill his ambition. |
A New King in the Castle | Poland:
The Left have grown so influential and powerful within the Dictatorship that Mościcki’s title of President seems entirely symbolic at best. All that remains is to make it official and disband all traces of the Castle from government, bringing Sławek to the lofty peak of power in the state. |
Baltic Security | Poland:
Although we have relied on the West for support, the constant concessions made to the Germans makes us doubtful that the Allies would defend us in the event of an invasion. Perhaps by protecting our fellows in Eastern Europe ourselves, we may be able to maintain some peace. |
Protect Czechoslovakia | Poland:
It has become apparent that Adolf Hitler has his own plan for the fate of Czechoslovakia; one which will leave the Czechoslovakians without their independence. This tide of imperialism must be halted. |
The Baltic Alliance | Poland:
The Balts are undoubtedly next on the chopping block after the fall of Poland, so it is prudent that the three nations set aside their disdain for the Polish state and stand with us against our mutual enemies on both sides of our collective borders.
Romanian Alliance | Poland: | Poland:
We have held a longstanding alliance with the Romanians, an alliance between the seas, and while historically this has meant very little, it is time that we extend a formal invitation to the Romanians to join our faction and bring the Intermarium ambition to fruition. |
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Sanation Right sub-branch of the Polish national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
Focus | Prerequisites | Effects | Description |
The Sanation Right | Poland:
Supporters of reform, the Sanation Left believe that Walery Sławek is the true successor to the previous dictator, Józef Piłsudski. Currently, the Sanation Left are building power in the Dictatorship and is capable of disrupting our day-to-day political operations in the civilian sector.
Supporters of reform, the Sanation Left believe that Walery Sławek is the true successor to the previous dictator, Józef Piłsudski. Currently, the Sanation Left is very powerful and has the power to bring our civilian sector to a grinding halt should they desire it.
Supporters of reform, the Sanation Left believe that Walery Sławek is the true successor to the previous dictator, Józef Piłsudski. Currently, the Sanation Left are on the brink of attempting to coup the government. Tired of continued marginalization, there is no knowing what Sławek will do.
High Sanation Right Opposition
The right-wing of the government is largely composed of powerful military staff united behind Edward Rydz-Śmigły. Currently, the Sanation Right believe the Dictatorship is attempting to undermine the authority of the military and are using their positions in military high-command to disrupt the Polish army.
Moderate Sanation Right Opposition
The right-wing of the government is largely composed of powerful military staff united behind Edward Rydz-Śmigły. Currently, the Sanation Right are growing a little agitated and are taking Mościcki's orders as more advice than actual commands.
The right-wing of the government is largely composed of powerful military staff united behind Edward Rydz-Śmigły. Currently, the Sanation Right are satisfied with the government and are of very little threat to the regime.
Followers of Edward Rydz-Śmigły, the Sanation Right is primarily composed of generals and high ranking military staff. The military powerhouse of the Sanation government, the Right are in prime position to take control of the government, but granting powers and concessions to them may ensure their continued loyalty and potential incorporation into the Castle. |
Codify the Camp of National Unity | Poland:
Supporters of reform, the Sanation Left believe that Walery Sławek is the true successor to the previous dictator, Józef Piłsudski. Currently, the Sanation Left are building power in the Dictatorship and is capable of disrupting our day-to-day political operations in the civilian sector.
Supporters of reform, the Sanation Left believe that Walery Sławek is the true successor to the previous dictator, Józef Piłsudski. Currently, the Sanation Left is very powerful and has the power to bring our civilian sector to a grinding halt should they desire it.
Supporters of reform, the Sanation Left believe that Walery Sławek is the true successor to the previous dictator, Józef Piłsudski. Currently, the Sanation Left are on the brink of attempting to coup the government. Tired of continued marginalization, there is no knowing what Sławek will do.
High Sanation Right Opposition
The right-wing of the government is largely composed of powerful military staff united behind Edward Rydz-Śmigły. Currently, the Sanation Right believe the Dictatorship is attempting to undermine the authority of the military and are using their positions in military high-command to disrupt the Polish army.
Moderate Sanation Right Opposition
The right-wing of the government is largely composed of powerful military staff united behind Edward Rydz-Śmigły. Currently, the Sanation Right are growing a little agitated and are taking Mościcki's orders as more advice than actual commands.
The right-wing of the government is largely composed of powerful military staff united behind Edward Rydz-Śmigły. Currently, the Sanation Right are satisfied with the government and are of very little threat to the regime.
The Camp of National Unity represents the joint interests of the Sanation Right and the Castle, and thus far the policies and goals of the group have been vague. However, we may amend the April Constitution to lock our values of nationalism, law and order, and anti-communism into the foundation of our republic. |
Department for Home Defence | Poland:
Poland has long lacked the home defence it needs to defend against the enemies on either side of our borders. By establishing the Department for Home Defence, we will master the methods of war necessary to defend our state. |
Support Right-Wing Paramilitarism | Poland:
Supporters of reform, the Sanation Left believe that Walery Sławek is the true successor to the previous dictator, Józef Piłsudski. Currently, the Sanation Left are building power in the Dictatorship and is capable of disrupting our day-to-day political operations in the civilian sector.
Supporters of reform, the Sanation Left believe that Walery Sławek is the true successor to the previous dictator, Józef Piłsudski. Currently, the Sanation Left is very powerful and has the power to bring our civilian sector to a grinding halt should they desire it.
Supporters of reform, the Sanation Left believe that Walery Sławek is the true successor to the previous dictator, Józef Piłsudski. Currently, the Sanation Left are on the brink of attempting to coup the government. Tired of continued marginalization, there is no knowing what Sławek will do.
High Sanation Right Opposition
The right-wing of the government is largely composed of powerful military staff united behind Edward Rydz-Śmigły. Currently, the Sanation Right believe the Dictatorship is attempting to undermine the authority of the military and are using their positions in military high-command to disrupt the Polish army.
Moderate Sanation Right Opposition
The right-wing of the government is largely composed of powerful military staff united behind Edward Rydz-Śmigły. Currently, the Sanation Right are growing a little agitated and are taking Mościcki's orders as more advice than actual commands.
The right-wing of the government is largely composed of powerful military staff united behind Edward Rydz-Śmigły. Currently, the Sanation Right are satisfied with the government and are of very little threat to the regime.
Związek Młodej Polski
The Military Youth of Poland is an organization founded by Edward Rydz-Śmigły and operated by influential Falangist, Jerzy Rutkowski. Though the organization officially exists to establish a military youth, the program effectively instills fascist ideals into the malleable minds of young men.
The Falangists of Poland’s political landscape have often been described as fanatical, fascist, and even comparable with the Nazis, but their rhetoric is appealing to Polish patriots, and Jerzy Rutkowski proposes establishing a paramilitary composed of youthful volunteers ready to fight and die for Polish independence. |
Second Man of the State | Poland: | Poland:
Supporters of reform, the Sanation Left believe that Walery Sławek is the true successor to the previous dictator, Józef Piłsudski. Currently, the Sanation Left are building power in the Dictatorship and is capable of disrupting our day-to-day political operations in the civilian sector.
Supporters of reform, the Sanation Left believe that Walery Sławek is the true successor to the previous dictator, Józef Piłsudski. Currently, the Sanation Left is very powerful and has the power to bring our civilian sector to a grinding halt should they desire it.
Supporters of reform, the Sanation Left believe that Walery Sławek is the true successor to the previous dictator, Józef Piłsudski. Currently, the Sanation Left are on the brink of attempting to coup the government. Tired of continued marginalization, there is no knowing what Sławek will do.
The Sanation Left has been sufficiently sidelined and now, Śmigły and Mościcki are able to completely oust the Left of all influence in the government. Śmigły shall be made the “second man”, meaning that in times of war, Mościcki must surrender his seat as President to the Sanation Right and the military. |
Triumph of OZN | Poland:
Though the agreement is that Mościcki surrenders his seat in times of war, it is clear that the threats on our border are more than we can stand against and war is on the horizon. With Śmigły in total control of the nation, our military and civilian governments will be one and we will be ready to fight whomever threatens Polish sovereignty. |
Polish Revanchism | Poland: | Poland gets the 民族精神: | Few nations have lost so much in so little time. If there is any justice, we will regain it, one way or another. |
Pan-Slavic Revanchism | Poland: | Poland modifies the 民族精神 Polish Revanchism to: | The Pan-Slavic movement thus far has been little more than a useful tool for the Russians to claim hegemony over all Slavs, but it has also been useful in uniting disparate Slavic peoples into united states like Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia. Why then should Poland be any exception? Should Poland not also capitalise on this wave of Pan-Slavism? |
Annex Czechoslovakia | Poland: | Poland: | The Czechoslovak state has proven incapable of defending itself, caving and cowering under Western protection. It is time we took the Czechs and Slovaks into the protection of the Polish military. |
The Old Borders | Poland: | Poland:
In centuries past, the Slavs occupied regions now considered to be Germanic; Pomerania, Silesia, and Prussia. German imperialism has been a blight on the Polish state and adjacent Slavic peoples for centuries, and it is time that we correct the mistakes of history and reclaim what is rightfully ours.
Ultimatum to the Baltic States | Poland: | If:
If: |
With Lithuania dealt with, all that remains is to bring the northmost former Commonwealth members into our growing Empire. With nations so small and armies so weak, we doubt the Balts will be able to refuse our ultimatum. |
From Sea to Sea | Poland: | Poland gains claims on the following states:
The Commonwealth is much more than merely a union of Poland and Lithuania; it is a glorious empire shimmering from sea to sea; Poland to Crimea. |
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The Castle sub-branch of the Polish national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
Focus | Prerequisites | Effects | Description |
The Castle | Poland:
Supporters of reform, the Sanation Left believe that Walery Sławek is the true successor to the previous dictator, Józef Piłsudski. Currently, the Sanation Left is very powerful and has the power to bring our civilian sector to a grinding halt should they desire it.
Supporters of reform, the Sanation Left believe that Walery Sławek is the true successor to the previous dictator, Józef Piłsudski. Currently, the Sanation Left are building power in the Dictatorship and is capable of disrupting our day-to-day political operations in the civilian sector.
Supporters of reform, the Sanation Left believe that Walery Sławek is the true successor to the previous dictator, Józef Piłsudski. Currently, the Sanation Left is a very marginal threat to the Dictatorship and is in no position to threaten the stability of the regime.
High Sanation Right Opposition
The right-wing of the government is largely composed of powerful military staff united behind Edward Rydz-Śmigły. Currently, the Sanation Right believe the Dictatorship is attempting to undermine the authority of the military and are using their positions in military high-command to disrupt the Polish army.
Moderate Sanation Right Opposition
The right-wing of the government is largely composed of powerful military staff united behind Edward Rydz-Śmigły. Currently, the Sanation Right are growing a little agitated and are taking Mościcki's orders as more advice than actual commands.
The right-wing of the government is largely composed of powerful military staff united behind Edward Rydz-Śmigły. Currently, the Sanation Right are satisfied with the government and are of very little threat to the regime.
The Castle represents the governors ruling from Warsaw Castle under the leadership of Ignacy Mościcki. Staunch supporters of the status quo, giving support to the government in the Castle will keep the nation stable and prevent the Sanations left and right from having the necessary footing to instigate a coup. |
Support the Chemical Industry | Poland:
Supporters of reform, the Sanation Left believe that Walery Sławek is the true successor to the previous dictator, Józef Piłsudski. Currently, the Sanation Left is very powerful and has the power to bring our civilian sector to a grinding halt should they desire it.
Supporters of reform, the Sanation Left believe that Walery Sławek is the true successor to the previous dictator, Józef Piłsudski. Currently, the Sanation Left are building power in the Dictatorship and is capable of disrupting our day-to-day political operations in the civilian sector.
Supporters of reform, the Sanation Left believe that Walery Sławek is the true successor to the previous dictator, Józef Piłsudski. Currently, the Sanation Left is a very marginal threat to the Dictatorship and is in no position to threaten the stability of the regime.
High Sanation Right Opposition
The right-wing of the government is largely composed of powerful military staff united behind Edward Rydz-Śmigły. Currently, the Sanation Right believe the Dictatorship is attempting to undermine the authority of the military and are using their positions in military high-command to disrupt the Polish army.
Moderate Sanation Right Opposition
The right-wing of the government is largely composed of powerful military staff united behind Edward Rydz-Śmigły. Currently, the Sanation Right are growing a little agitated and are taking Mościcki's orders as more advice than actual commands.
The right-wing of the government is largely composed of powerful military staff united behind Edward Rydz-Śmigły. Currently, the Sanation Right are satisfied with the government and are of very little threat to the regime.
Before the days of the Sanation government, Ignacy Mościcki was an intellectual and a chemist. Now, at the head of the Polish state, Mościcki stands in a position where he may support the chemical industry and the study thereof. |
Eliminate Socialist Parties | Poland:
Supporters of reform, the Sanation Left believe that Walery Sławek is the true successor to the previous dictator, Józef Piłsudski. Currently, the Sanation Left is very powerful and has the power to bring our civilian sector to a grinding halt should they desire it.
Supporters of reform, the Sanation Left believe that Walery Sławek is the true successor to the previous dictator, Józef Piłsudski. Currently, the Sanation Left are building power in the Dictatorship and is capable of disrupting our day-to-day political operations in the civilian sector.
Supporters of reform, the Sanation Left believe that Walery Sławek is the true successor to the previous dictator, Józef Piłsudski. Currently, the Sanation Left is a very marginal threat to the Dictatorship and is in no position to threaten the stability of the regime.
High Sanation Right Opposition
The right-wing of the government is largely composed of powerful military staff united behind Edward Rydz-Śmigły. Currently, the Sanation Right believe the Dictatorship is attempting to undermine the authority of the military and are using their positions in military high-command to disrupt the Polish army.
Moderate Sanation Right Opposition
The right-wing of the government is largely composed of powerful military staff united behind Edward Rydz-Śmigły. Currently, the Sanation Right are growing a little agitated and are taking Mościcki's orders as more advice than actual commands.
The right-wing of the government is largely composed of powerful military staff united behind Edward Rydz-Śmigły. Currently, the Sanation Right are satisfied with the government and are of very little threat to the regime.
Socialism is an ideology rapidly taking hold of the world, but it is fundamentally incompatible with the ideals of the Castle government. The left oppose us in both the form of agrarian and social-democrat parties, and in the traitorous communist parties. Socialism of all forms must not be accepted and all social parties must be banned for the sake of the continued stability and security of the Polish state. |
Dissolve the Sejm | Poland:
Supporters of reform, the Sanation Left believe that Walery Sławek is the true successor to the previous dictator, Józef Piłsudski. Currently, the Sanation Left is very powerful and has the power to bring our civilian sector to a grinding halt should they desire it.
Supporters of reform, the Sanation Left believe that Walery Sławek is the true successor to the previous dictator, Józef Piłsudski. Currently, the Sanation Left are building power in the Dictatorship and is capable of disrupting our day-to-day political operations in the civilian sector.
Supporters of reform, the Sanation Left believe that Walery Sławek is the true successor to the previous dictator, Józef Piłsudski. Currently, the Sanation Left is a very marginal threat to the Dictatorship and is in no position to threaten the stability of the regime.
High Sanation Right Opposition
The right-wing of the government is largely composed of powerful military staff united behind Edward Rydz-Śmigły. Currently, the Sanation Right believe the Dictatorship is attempting to undermine the authority of the military and are using their positions in military high-command to disrupt the Polish army.
Moderate Sanation Right Opposition
The right-wing of the government is largely composed of powerful military staff united behind Edward Rydz-Śmigły. Currently, the Sanation Right are growing a little agitated and are taking Mościcki's orders as more advice than actual commands.
The right-wing of the government is largely composed of powerful military staff united behind Edward Rydz-Śmigły. Currently, the Sanation Right are satisfied with the government and are of very little threat to the regime.
The Sejm has continued to exist under the Sanation government as a mere token of the democracy Poland once embraced. The time has come however to strip the Sejm of all powers and grant all power to the Senate and the Senators of the Castle. |
Maintain the Dictatorship | Poland:
The Sanations Left and Right no longer possess the power to be a real threat to the government and all that remains is to officially dissolve them and maintain the leadership of Ignacy Mościcki and guide Poland into a new brighter future. |
Align with the West | Poland:
Has completed focus Draw Closer To Britain |
Poland: | The British, French, and other western powers have long been stalwart defenders of Polish sovereignty so we would do well to keep our nation aligned with them. |
Demand Lithuanian Annexation | Poland:
If: | With the German anschluss of Austria, it’s become evident that old unions can be restored if one merely asks for it with some aggression. Perhaps we may suggest that the Lithuanians would be much safer if they lived in a larger more powerful state… Poland, for example. |
Lithuanian Ultimatum | Poland:
Wilno (784): Is NOT owned by Poland or a subject |
立陶宛 gets event Poland Asks for Peace | For years, we have officially been in a state of war with the Lithuanians though nobody has taken aggressive action since the annexation of Vilnius. With Germany storming across the continent taking what it desires with the mere threat of war, perhaps we may do the same for Lithuania; demanding an end to these hostilities for the sake of both our nations. |
Lithuanian Alliance | Poland: | Poland:
We have made peace with our former enemies to the north, but now we must learn how to move forward together as friends. Our enemies and allies are common, so it is only natural that the Lithuanians be aligned with the same powers as us. |
Join the Allies | Poland:
The future of Poland exists in the hands of our old allies in the West. Though we are already affiliated with the Allies, officially joining them shall affirm our commitment to the West, and hopefully the West’s commitment to Poland in turn.
Romanian Bridgehead Strategy | Poland: | Poland:
Should the fighting turn against us, we must have plans in place for effective regrouping and retaliation in concert with our friends and allies. |
Restore the Sejm Branch
File:Ambox outdated info.png | 这部分内容可能已不适合当前版本,最后更新于1.11。 |
Available only with the No Step Back DLC disabled.
Political realignment branch of the Polish national focus tree without the 寸步不退 DLC.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
Focus | Prerequisites | Effects | Description |
Restore the Sejm | Poland: | Poland:
Implementing the April Constitution was clearly a mistake in need of rapid correction. Power must be returned to the Sejm, and from there we must decide the future of our nation through democratic means. |
Internationalism | Poland: | Poland gets the 民族精神: | The enemies of our enemies can be our friends. |
Liberalism | Poland: | Poland gets the 民族精神 for 720 days: | We will not stoop to the level of despots and dictators. Never forget that a state serves its people, and not the opposite. |
Draw Closer To Britain | Poland:
The British have committed to protect our independence in the face of aggressors. We need to make the necessary gestures of appreciation. |
Intervention Focus | Poland: | Poland:
If we value freedom, we need to safeguard it not only for us, but for nations everywhere. If this means war, so be it! |
Volunteer Corps | Poland: | Poland gets the 民族精神: | Freedom cannot be enforced by the unwilling, or it would become a travesty. Those who take arms for liberty by choice must be given the means to do so, however. |
Authoritarianism | Poland: | Poland gets the 民族精神 for 720 days: | Democracy is a weak solution to tough problems. If power is to be wielded with force, it must be freed from the shackles of consensus. |
Paramilitarism | Poland: | Poland gets the 民族精神: | Military principles have applications outside the military arena. With every part of society trained in these disciplines, every citizen will be able to take up arms at a moment's notice. |
Go Right | Poland: | Poland gets the 民族精神 for 720 days: | Strength is the only quality worth pursuing. Our neighbors have embraced this truth, and so must we. |
Military Youth | Poland: | Poland gets the 民族精神:
Military Youth
Recruitable Population 2.00% |
Enrolling our young in organizations promoting discipline and national ideology will breed a loyal generation of future recruits.
Seek Accommodation With Germany | Poland: | Poland:
Why should we fight, when we are more alike than different? |
Go Left | Poland: | Poland gets the 民族精神 for 720 days: | Only by uniting our people can we prevail against the foes that threaten to consume us. |
Seek Accommodation With USSR | Poland:
The USSR want war as little as we do. Perhaps there is a way to reconcile our history without bloodshed. |
Political Commissars | Poland: | Poland gets the 民族精神: | In order to maintain control of the military, political officers will be appointed to ensure military adherence to the party policies. |
File:Ambox outdated info.png | 这部分内容可能已不适合当前版本,最后更新于1.11。 |
只适用于DLC寸步不退激活时。 |
Democratic/Communist branch of the Polish national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
Focus | Prerequisites | Effects | Description |
Organize the Peasant's Strike | Poland:
Poland is divided by the blood of peasants. All across the Polish countryside, the peasants are becoming radicalized by malicious governmental neglect. Ignacy Mościcki is inevitably going to drive the strikes to violence, so we must prepare the proletariat to rise against their oppressors. |
Invite the Front Morges | Poland:
Our revolt will get nowhere without the support of at least some of the military. While most remain loyal to one of the three wings of the Sanation, the Front Morges are interested in restoring democracy to poland and may be amicable to collaboration with us to this end. |
Raise the Black Madonna | Poland:
Poland: | The Black Madonna is a sacred portrait of the Blessed Virgin popular amongst Poland’s lower classes as the protectress of Poland and her lower classes. By adopting the Black Madonna as the symbol of our movement, our people will know that the Blessed Virgin is on our side, when the time comes. |
Reassemble the Sejm | Poland:
With democratic practices reestablished in Poland, it is time we reinvited the Sejmiks who were cast out by the Sanation back to the government. |
Empower the Morges | Poland:
The Front Morges have proven themselves to be an ally to democracy and nothing we have achieved until now would have been possible without their support. Perhaps these generals have earned the right to head their own branch of the military.
Ease Sanationist Tensions | Poland:
Many members of the Front Morges hold high ranking military positions within the Sanation, and perhaps we may sway them to use their political capital to curb government crackdowns on the strike, buying us vital time to grow our movement within Poland. |
Arm Peasant Militia | Poland:
Poland: | The Polish peasantry will liberate themselves from their oppressors through one way only and that way is by taking up arms and fighting the bourgeoisie. By using the political capital of the Front Morges to steal equipment from the Sanation, we will begin the war with fully trained and armed peasantry. |
State National Council | Poland:
Poland: | The Sanationists have the April Constitution to codify their beliefs, and it is far past time that we do the same. The State National Council will be established to bring together socialist politicians from across Poland to rectify the reactionary laws of the Sanation. |
The Leftist Sejm | Poland:
Poland: | While the Polish People’s Party is preferable to the Sanation, social democrats lack the backbone to do the radical reforms necessary to truly liberate the proletariat of Poland. It is only through the direct leadership of the Communist Party that the Polish people may break their chains for good. |
Communal Governance | Poland:
Poland: | The Peasant’s War, though necessary, wreaked havoc and devastation on our countryside. Now is the time for rebuilding and establishing local communal governments in our rural communities will heal the scars of war.
Elect a PSL Leader | Poland: | Poland:
Though the Communists are vying for power in our government, the military supports the PSL. If we solidify our leadership now, the KPP would be powerless to take control of the government. |
Invest in Peasant Communities | Poland: | Poland:
The peasants fought for us with the promise that we would improve life in the countryside, and we intend to fulfil that promise. Proper rail and infrastructure networks will ensure that no-one is left behind. |
Assemble a Leftist Cabinet | Poland: | Poland:
The KPP is a party of revolutionaries ready to take the drastic action necessary to bring socialism to Poland. While some of those who were loyal to the Sanation have since changed their allegiances, we cannot trust them to fill our cabinet and they must be replaced with our revolutionary comrades. |
The Polish Path to Socialism | Poland:
Since its foundation in 1918, the Polish Communist Party has been subject to Bolshevization, and by now many of its members are little more than Stalin’s lackeys. However, Maria Koszutska and a number of other prominent KPP members seek to remove Stalinist elements from the party and turn Poland against Moscow. |
Surrender the East | Poland: | Poland: | The USSR sees Eastern Poland as rightful parts of Ukraine and Belarus, which the USSR claims to represent. Perhaps by ceding these territories to the Soviets, we may become allies.
Establish a Socialist Economy | Poland: | Poland gets the 民族精神: | In a capitalist economy, capital exists to serve the elite. With socialists now in government, we must repurpose the economy to serve the needs of the peasants who bled for this revolution. |
Lower-Class Education | Poland: | Poland gets the 民族精神:
Peasant Class Education
For too long access to education has been gatekept by wealth and privilege, but under socialism, one’s personal possession of capital becomes irrelevant to the education system. |
Abolish Discriminatory Recruitment | Poland:
Poland gets the 民族精神: | Polish Catholics are disproportionately overrepresented in our armed forces due to the policies of the Sanation. Moving forward, we shall give any patriot or socialist willing to turn his gun against fascism. |
The Committee of National Liberation | Poland: | Poland gets the 民族精神: | We are in a precarious position trapped between Germany and Russia, subject to their imperialistic machinations. With the establishment of the Committee of National Liberation, all besieged Poles will have a central authority to organize resistance activities. |
Armia Ludowa | Poland:
We cannot outgun foreign imperialists, but we can organize leftist militants who are willing to die in the struggle regardless. By establishing the Armia Ludowa as the military arm of our party, we will ensure to always have an army loyal to the ambitions of our socialist revolution!
The Dąbrowszczacy | Poland:
The Dąbrowszczacy
There are international brigades of Polish volunteer forces fighting for socialist and democratic movements worldwide, and with a socialist government now in control of Poland, we are able to bring the support of the Polish state behind these brave volunteers.
There are international brigades of Polish volunteer forces fighting for socialist and democratic movements worldwide, and with a socialist government now in control of Poland, we are able to bring the support of the Polish state behind these brave volunteers. |
The Polish Soviet Socialist Republic | Poland:
Poland is among the most industrialized and independently powerful of the USSR member-states, so it is only natural that we enjoy a higher degree of autonomy.
Poland is among the most industrialized and independently powerful of the USSR member-states, so it is only natural that we enjoy a higher degree of autonomy. |
Soviet Industrial Investments | Poland:
An advantage of joining the USSR is our entrance into a powerful union of states is we now have an industrial powerhouse enriching our nation with investments. Though a portion of our industry is devoted to the betterment of the USSR, the industrial investments we receive in reciprocity greatly increases our manufacturing capacity. |
Pressure for the West | Poland:
The exact borders between Poland and Germany were a subject of debate in the decades following the Great War. In this debate, the Germans retained most of their industrial centers, leaving Poland with little resembling an industry. With the East surrendered to the Soviet Union, these territories must be replaced with Silesia and Pommerania. |
Soviet Military Staff | Poland:
With the establishment of the Second Polish Republic, many leftist Polish generals fled to the USSR to continue to fight for the world revolution. Now, with a Soviet-aligned government in power, these brave exiles may return home.
Independence | Poland: | Poland:
We have been exploited by the Soviet Union for long enough! The time is ripe that Polish revolutionaries take up arms once again and fight for their right to rule themselves! |
The Greater Polish SSR | Poland: | 苏维埃联盟:
We have by now proven ourselves useful to the USSR and it would be prudent to request that control of Eastern Poland be returned to our nation, with some compensation for the great services we have provided for the revolution. |
Anti-Imperialism | Poland: | Poland gets the 民族精神: | Opposing imperialistic war is a commendable principle to hold, but it is not enough to merely denounce imperial warfare, a world revolution necessitates the opposition of imperialism itself! |
Morges Pact | Poland:
Is in Faction with 法国 |
With democracy restored in Poland, the ambitions of the Front Morges are almost complete. All that remains is to strengthen our relationship with France and restore the Franco-Polish alliance. |
Preserve Bourgeoisie Democracy | Poland:
While the goal of the KPP is ultimately to spread socialism worldwide, in these dark times, rising global fascism makes it imperative that we fight alongside capitalists to preserve bourgeois democracy. Only in a world free of fascism do the material conditions facilitate a global socialist revolution.
The Anti-Capitalist Revolution | Poland:
It is evident that most, if not all, capitalist countries are perfectly content with merely pointing the fascists in another direction when they plan their expansion. When given the choice, the Bourgeois will always, ultimately, choose to oppress the proletariat. As such we can not trust them and we need to be prepared to take the fight to them. |
Anti-Fascist Military | Poland:
Although a socialist government leaves Poles somewhat divided, our alignment with the West gives us a shared goal across the political spectrum, and that is our fierce opposition to fascism and German imperialism. With support and propaganda, our army will be strong and united in the face of rising global fascism. |
Press For Liberia | Poland: | 利比里亚 gets event Poland Offers Protectorate Status | In 1932, the Polish and Liberian governments agreed to place Liberia under Poland’s custody. The Americans see our presence in Liberia as an insult, but the nation is vulnerable and in dire need of Polish protection. |
Enforce Baltic Socialism | Poland:
If: | The will of the Baltic people is suppressed by dictators, capitalists, and fascists. If the workers are ever to free themselves, it must be done with direct Polish intervention. |
Franco-Polish Economic Pact | Poland:
Poland: | With relations between France and Poland strengthened, we may ensure mutual economic aid in times of war.
Reopen the Polish Colonial League | Poland: | Poland:
Ambitions of intercontinental Polish presence ended with the failure of Poland to acquire Palestine, but with our new close connections with the West and a socialist government, we stand in a position to use our capital to liberate the workers of the colonies from European colonizers under new Polish administration. |
Support Colonial Workers Strikes | Poland:
The workers in the European colonies suffer and struggle, chafing under the weight of their overlords to maintain an empire which gives them nothing. These workers lack the material conditions necessary to liberate themselves, and if we are to truly bring about a global revolution, we must arm the oppressed against their colonial elite. |
Purchase Madagascar | Poland: | Poland:
Madagascar is an alien landscape, full of flora and fauna unfamiliar to Poles. Although many would see this as making the island inhospitable to Poles, some could see it as an opportunity to live somewhere entirely new. The size of the island and the potential raw resources there makes it an ideal destination to host a Polish government in exile, should it ever come to that. |
Preserve Baltic Independence | Poland:
Although the Baltic governments are largely undemocratic and capitalistic, they face threats from East and West all the same as we do, and it is preferable that we maintain their bourgeois dictatorships than see them fall to the imperialistic ambitions of Germany and Russia. |
Dismantle Capitalist Empires | Poland:
Poland: | Capitalism is the natural enemy of socialism and now that the revolution has triumphed in Poland, we must use our position as a means to dismantle capitalistic imperialism worldwide, starting with the utter dismantlement of all colonial empires.
Invite Romania to the Pact | Poland: | Poland:
A Franco-Polish alliance alone is not enough to withstand the full force of the Axis powers. We must expand our alliance between the seas. |
Commonwealth of Socialist Republics | Poland:
Although any ambitions of restoring Poland-Lithuania would be antithetical to the goals of our revolution, it cannot be denied that Poland, Lithuania, and the many former member states of the Commonwealth have a shared history and shared enemies. In light of our mutual struggles, a new Commonwealth is necessary; one which prioritizes the safety and liberation of its workers under socialism. |
Dismantle Fascist Empires | Poland:
Poland: | Fascism is a blight on the world. They appropriate the language of class struggle to turn the proletariat against their comrades across the border. They are the sworn enemies of the KPP and must be swiftly disposed of. |
Dismantle the Soviet Empire | Poland: | Poland: | The Soviet Union calls itself a federation of independent republics, but it is little more than the Russian Empire with a sheen of red paint. Like all empires, it is the enemy of Poland. |
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只适用于DLC寸步不退激活时。 |
Monarchist branch of the Polish national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
Focus | Prerequisites | Effects | Description |
Assemble the Regency Council | Poland: | Poland:
The Act of the 5th of November was a promise made by the Central Powers to release a free and independent Polish Kingdom out of the ashes of the Russian Empire. The resulting regency failed to find a monarch before surrendering all powers to Piłsudski, but with the Sanationists unable to form a stable government, perhaps it is time we reestablish the regency to find Poland her rightful King. |
Fulfil the 5th of November Act | Poland: | Poland:
With the regency council reassembled, it is time to open the doors to any and all royal applicants seeking to claim the Polish throne. |
Seek an Alliance with the Kaiser | Poland:
If 德意志国 is faction leader:
The Kingdom of Poland owes its existence to the Act of the 5th of November, a declaration made by the Kaiser of Germany, promising to carve out a new Polish kingdom from the Russian-occupied Congress Poland. It is unknown what the Kaiser’s plans for Poland are yet, but perhaps a gentle reminder of the German Empire’s declaration could plant the seeds for an unlikely alliance. |
File:Ambox outdated info.png | 这部分内容可能已不适合当前版本,最后更新于1.11。 |
只适用于DLC寸步不退激活时。 |
Habsburg monarchist sub-branch of the Polish national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
Focus | Prerequisites | Effects | Description |
The Habsburg | Poland: | Poland: | Karl Albrecht von Habsburg is a Polish patriot and fortunately happens to be a royal. Perhaps we should invite him to take up the throne he was groomed for since birth. |
Restore the Diet of Galicia | Poland: | Poland:
The Diet of Galicia and Lodomeria represented Habsburg rule over Poland, and now that a Habsburg sits on our throne, it seems only right that the diet be restored as the Diet of Poland. |
The Soldier King | Poland: | Poland:
Our King longs to fight for his country on the front lines, but as our ruler we cannot allow him to be placed in such mortal danger. Perhaps by granting him a position as a field marshal, he may serve as a unifying symbol to our nation in crisis while satisfying his hunger for combat. |
Support Monarchism in Czechoslovakia | Poland: | If 捷克斯洛伐克 exists:
Habsburg rule over Czechoslovakia is quickly fading into a distant memory, but now with a Habsburg on our throne and the Polish identity standing strong, we are in a position to promote the West-Slavic identity and press the Habsburg claim on Bohemia. |
Institute Royal Hussars | Poland:
Has capitulated |
The winged hussars were among Poland’s most famous soldiers, and though the age of hussar combat is long since over, the practice of cavalry combat remains strong in Poland and needs only a little support to become the envy of the world. |
Arm Habsburg Militants | Poland:
There are those in Czechoslovakia who long for the return of absolute hereditary rule over the lives, and all we need do is give them arms and they will promote the Habsburg cause with force! |
The King of Bohemia | Poland:
捷克斯洛伐克: gets event Karl Albrecht I Supporters Demand Abdication
Monarchist sentiment is high in Czechoslovakia; all we need do is press our claim on the Bohemian throne and the Czech government will no-doubt fold to our demands. |
Unite With Bohemia | Poland: | If 捷克斯洛伐克 exists and is AI:
Otherwise if 捷克斯洛伐克 exists and is not AI: |
With our King on the throne of both Poland and Bohemia, all we need do is unite the internal administration of Poland and Bohemia and the dream of West Slavia will be achieved. |
The King's Guard | Poland:
Has capitulated |
The King has ambitions of military leadership, and who better for him to lead than his own personal royal guard? |
Royal Officer Corps | Poland: | Poland gets the 民族精神:
Royal Officer Corps
As a King and a general, Karl Albrecht stands as a shining example of all that a Polish gentleman should be. Perhaps all of our officers should be trained in the art of war as our King has; in the trenches.
As a King and a general, Karl Albrecht stands as a shining example of all that a Polish gentleman should be. Perhaps all of our officers should be trained in the art of war as our King has; in the trenches.
Press the Habsburg Claim | Poland:
匈牙利王国: Otto von Habsburg is the current country leader |
If 匈牙利王国 exists and is not Vojvodina:
Hungary has been too long without a King, and the Archduke Otto von Habsburg remains without a throne to call his own. We must press our relative’s claim on the throne and secure Habsburg rule in Europe! |
Trust in the West | Poland:
Though the Habsburgs of Austria fought against the western powers in the Great War, Poland is a friend to the West. We must trust that our allies overseas will continue to help us, as they have so many times in the past. |
A Habsburg Alliance | Poland: | If 匈牙利王国 is a faction leader:
Habsburgs sit on the thrones of Poland and Hungary, perhaps it is time we formalised our familial ties into an alliance. |
Join Czech Industry | Poland: | Poland:
The industries of Bohemia and Poland are disconnected and incohesive, we must work to rectify this to make the most out of our now united nations. |
Unite the Railways | Poland: | Poland: | Passing supplies through the Sudeten mountains is a costly and inefficient affair. We must join key areas of our railways if we are to defend the entirety of our new nation. |
Join the Czech Military | Poland: | Poland:
Our military industries are separated and lack a united cause, we must assess and integrate the Czech industrial complex into the Polish armed forces. |
Reclaim West Slavia | Poland: | Poland:
Kashubians, Polabians, and Sorbians too are West-Slavic people and yet so many of them remain outside of our borders and beyond our influence. If we are to be the protectors of the West Slavic people, we must protect all West Slavic People. |
File:Ambox outdated info.png | 这部分内容可能已不适合当前版本,最后更新于1.11。 |
只适用于DLC寸步不退激活时。 |
Hohenzollern/Commonwealth monarchist sub-branch of the Polish national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
Focus | Prerequisites | Effects | Description |
The Hohenzollern | Poland: | Poland:
The Germans envisioned a Hohenzollern to rule the new Kingdom of Poland, and our close diplomatic ties to Romania makes the Romanian royal family the ideal candidates to be Poland’s king. |
The Commonwealth Claimant | Poland: | Poland: | There are a number of those who lay claim in equal part to Poland and Lithuania, and it would be tremendously helpful in every Pole’s ambition to restore the Commonwealth if we did so under the rulership of a King capable of claiming divine right over both. |
Restoration of the Royal Sejm | Poland: | Poland:
In the old days of the Polish Kingdom, the Sejm were loyal servants of the public and the crown. With the restoration of the Sejm and destruction of the Second Republic, we must ensure that all Sejmiks are loyal to the crown and will not seek to return Poland to Sanation rule. |
Seek Internal Romanian Support | Poland:
The King of Romania is driving the country to the brink of destruction with his overspending and corruption. It is unfortunate, but King Michael may have no choice but to collaborate with his father’s detractors to secure Romania’s continued survival. |
Establish Royal Guards | Poland: | Poland:
With a monarch now seated on the throne, it is vital that we find only the most elite among the ranks of the Lithuanian army to be charged with the personal protection of our beloved monarch.
Support Monarchism in Lithuania | Poland:
Just like Poland, Lithuania was meant to elect herself a new King. Unlike Poland however, the fair election was declared illegitimate by the Germans, but we can provide the Lithuanians with the strong ruler they were promised; someone who would defend Lithuania from German imperialism. |
Arm Monarchist Militants | Poland:
We know there are those across our borders who wish to see Ignacy Mościcki bring order and prosperity to their nation as he has for us! We must be willing to arm these monarchist militants so that they may fight to bring their rightful monarch to their throne. |
The Kingdom of Lithuania | Poland:
Otherwise: |
The time is ripe; the Lithuanian populace has been stirred up against Antanas Smetona and monarchist supporters stand ready to issue their demands to the government. With Polish support, they will see Ignacy Mościcki as their ruler appointed by God. |
King Michael's Coup | Poland:
Otherwise: |
The time has come for King Michael to usurp the current Romanian government and see himself crowned King, as is his birthright. Once allies, Poland and Romania shall now be united as one. |
Merge the Internal Governments | Poland: | If 罗马尼亚王国 exists and is an AI:
Otherwise if 罗马尼亚王国 exists and is not AI:
Poland gains cores on all 罗马尼亚王国 states. |
Although Poland and Romania now have the same monarch at the head of their government, they still remain separated by their internal governments. We must offer Romanian locals representatives in the Sejm, and merge all other Romanian administrations with their Polish equivalent.
Institute a Royal Dictatorship | Poland:
Poland: | The Sejm holds executive rights to veto any decision made by the King, and though this has served us well thus far, the world is changing and we cannot allow bureaucracy to stand in the way of our King’s divine right to rule. |
Demand Slovakia | Poland:
Czechoslovakia is weak and her territory the envy of her neighbours. If the Germans can take the Sudeten merely by asking, can we not take Slovakia all the same? |
Restore Poland-Hungary | Poland: | If:
Otherwise: |
Centuries ago, the crowns of Poland and Hungary were united, and dominance of Eastern Europe was secured for the nation. Now, with Transylvania and Nytria in Polish control, the only thing preventing us from reclaiming the legacy of Poland-Hungary is the continued existence of Hungary itself. |
Appoint a Pro-Allied Government | Poland:
Many Sejmiks already are in favour of continuing Poland’s alignment with the West, and by promoting these representatives to higher ranks in governance, we make ourselves more openly amicable to the cause of the Allies. |
Join the Allies | Poland:
With the thrones of Poland and Romania now united, we must shift our diplomatic focus back towards our allies in the West.
Restore the Commonwealth | Poland:
A nation has already formed the Commonwealth. |
If 立陶宛 exists and is an AI:
Otherwise if 罗马尼亚王国 exists and is not AI:
Complete the decision Re-form the Commonwealth
Poland gains cores on all 立陶宛 states. |
With Ignacy Mościcki as King of both Poland and Lithuania, all that remains is to once again merge the Seimas with the Sejm and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth will be born anew. |
Claim Livonia | Poland:
Poland: | Among the Baltic nations there is an unbreakable sense of brotherhood and camaraderie, and now that we have a King on our throne, we stand to claim that sense of brotherhood as our divine right. |
Seize East Prussia | Poland:
*Ermland-Masuren (5): Is a core of Poland
Eastern Prussia is home to countless Lithuanian and Polish minorities, and it is time that these men were united with their comrades in the Commonwealth. |
Claim Greater Lithuania | Poland: | Poland:
The Lithuania we know today is a mere shadow of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania that came before her. The Commonwealth describes more than just a union of Poland and Lithuania, it is a union of Poles, Lithuanians, Ukrainians, and Belorussians. |
The Greater Commonwealth | Poland:
The ambitions for the Commonwealth go far beyond the mere historical borders of the long-gone Kingdom. The Commonwealth in the hearts of Poles is a great imperial power, a multicultural empire which shines from sea-to-sea!
Expand Lithuanian Shipyards | Poland:
With Poland under our control, we have been gifted with the opportunity to vastly expand our naval capacity and compete for dominance in the Baltic Sea. |
Polish-Lithuanian Railways | Poland:
Travel between the union must be a trivial matter if Poland and Lithuania are to be truly united. By joining our railways, we shall greatly improve our supply chains and industrial capacity. |
Merge the Arms Industries | Poland: | Poland:
Polish and Lithuanian weapons manufacturers have been producing arms separately for decades now, but now that our nations are one, we have the opportunity to specialise our industries and create collaboration between Polish and Lithuanian factories. |
Merge the Civilian Industries | Poland: | Lithuania:
With our nations now united, it makes little sense for Lithuania to build only for Lithuania and Poland only for Poland. Our industries must become one for the betterment of the nation. |
Push Through Ruthenia | Poland:
The railway networks of Ukraine and Belarus have been woefully neglected, but these territories are as much a part of the Commonwealth as any other. We must invest in the Eastern rails if we are to push right through the Soviets and reclaim that which is ours.
Warsaw to Crimea Railways | Poland: | Poland:
In our ambition to rule from sea-to-sea it is vital that each territory we take become a fully integrated part of our nation. Our natural borders stretch from North-to-South, East-to-West, and this ambition to link Crimea with our rail will solidify our grasp on the region. |
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只适用于DLC寸步不退激活时。 |
"Romanov" monarchist sub-branch of the Polish national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
Focus | Prerequisites | Effects | Description |
The Romanov | Poland: | Poland: | Though an unlikely candidate, the young lady calling herself Anastasia Romanov claims that the last monarch of Poland was Tsar Nicholas II and as such, her claim to Poland is mandated by God. |
Invite Exiled Nobility | Poland: | Poland:
Though many Russian nobles refuse to acknowledge the rightful heritage of our King Anastasia, inviting them back with the promise of noble titles may entice them to change their position and acknowledge her as the one living true born daughter of Tsar Nicholas II. |
Pan-Slavic Revanchism | Poland: | Poland gets the 民族精神: | The Pan-Slavic movement thus far has been little more than a useful tool for the Russians to claim hegemony over all Slavs, but it has also been useful in uniting disparate Slavic peoples into united states like Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia. Why then should Poland be any exception? Should Poland not also capitalise on this wave of Pan-Slavism? |
Demand Yugoslav Subjugation | Poland:
All States:
If: | If our desire for Pan-Slavic unification is ever to be realized, we must not neglect the South Slavs. Though national borders and great mountains stand between us, we are Slavs all the same. |
Claim Russia | Poland:
Control all 苏维埃联盟 |
Poland: | King Anastasia Romanov is the last living heir of Tsar Nicholas II, and as such her claim to the Russian throne is not only legitimate, it is God’s will. With Russian nobles supporting her claim, Anastasia stands ready to reclaim her birthright as Empress of Russia. |
Proclaim Slavic Unity | Poland: | Poland:
With all Russian and Polish territory under our control, we stand to achieve what no Tsar has achieved before us. With the consent and approval of both Russians and Poles, we can proclaim the unification of the Slavic peoples. |
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只适用于DLC寸步不退激活时。 |
Bermontian Monarchist sub-branch of the Polish national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
Focus | Prerequisites | Effects | Description |
The Cossack-King | Poland: | Poland:
In 1918, the Prince, Cossack, and Warlord Pavel Bermondt-Avalov was instructed to fight for the Whites in Russia, but instead turned the Bermontian armies against Lithuania and Latvia. Although unpopular and non-Catholic, Bermondt has the support of the Germans and the prospect of a White Russian army at his back. |
Restore the Bermontians | Poland:
The West Russian Volunteer Army was a force headed by Pavel Bermondt Avalov who sought to restore monarchism and order in Russia’s westerly territories. Although Poland is now Pavel’s primary concern, the destruction of Russian communism is still the Bermontian mission and all White Russians should see it as their duty to fight for the Bermontian Army! |
Demand Lithuania | Poland:
If 立陶宛 is not at war:
Otherwise: |
Last time, the Bermontians proved unable to annex Lithuania, but now with the Polish army at his back, Pavel stands in a position of such power he may well intimidate the Lithuanians into handing themselves over on a silver platter. A King does not grovel and beg for his Kingdom, he takes it as is his right. |
Demand Slovakia | Poland:
Czechoslovakia is weak and her territory the envy of her neighbours. If the Germans can take the Sudeten merely by asking, can we not take Slovakia all the same? |
Governorate of Livonia | Poland:
Poland: | When Pavel invaded Lithuania and Latvia all those years ago, he stood in a position to reclaim the Governorate of Livonia as his own personal fiefdom. Now, Latvia is weak and the might of Poland is at Pavel’s back, there is little stopping the restoration of the Livonian Governorate. |
Assert Western Claims | Poland:
The borders of Poland seem to coincidentally leave out many of her former territories that have since become great industrial centers. It would be useful for the Bermontian cause if they were to be retaken into Polish control. |
Seek German Alignment | Poland:
Is in Faction with 德意志国 |
An admirer of Adolf Hitler and a National Socialist, Pavel has made himself a known ally of the fascist powers of the world, and all that remains is to approach the fascists and see if they would welcome a Poland under Bermontian control into their Axis. |
Demand Pomerania | Poland:
德意志国 gets event Poland Demands East Germany! | Pomerania was once part of the Polish state and now it remains in German hands. Though few would believe we have a chance, we must cast the die and take what is ours. |
Assert Eastern Claims | Poland:
The Commonwealth includes many parts of the former Russian Empire, and no-doubt, Pavel would be seen as a traitor if he were to annex them. However, the Russian Empire is no more and it is Pavel’s duty as a White to secure former Russian territories from the Soviets. |
Complete the Bermontian Mission | Poland: | Poland: | Our mission to fight alongside the Whites and reclaim Russia for the Tsar were squashed by our failed invasion of Lithuania, but now we have a mighty Commonwealth of nations under our command. We must take to our mounts and burn the USSR to ashes! |
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只适用于DLC寸步不退激活时。 |
Fascist branch of the Polish national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
Focus | Prerequisites | Effects | Description |
A Nationalist Constitution | Poland: | Poland:
The April Constitution has yet failed to solidify the Polish identity, but some members of the National Democrat Party and Falangist Party have offered their support in amending the constitution to place the identity of our nation above all else.
The April Constitution has yet failed to solidify the Polish identity, but some members of the National Democrat Party and Falangist Party have offered their support in amending the constitution to place the identity of our nation above all else. |
Integrate the Endecja | Poland:
While the Siódemki branch of the National-Democratic party are at the negotiating table for forming a coalition with the Sanacja, the majority of the party still remains opposed. By inviting key members of the Endecja into government, we may yet be able to form a government united under Polish Nationalism. |
Consolidate the Constitutions | Poland:
The Sanacja support the April Constitution, while the Endecja wish to replace it with their own. With our parties now in collaboration, we cannot afford any more confusion and we must agree to consolidate these competing visions for the future of the Polish Republic. |
Integrate the Falanga | Poland:
Poland: | ONR-Falanga is a violent and disruptive organization, but increasing nationalism within the government may entice the Falangists to unite with us for the future of Poland. |
Empower Falangist Militants | Poland:
Poland gets the 民族精神:
Związek Młodej Polski
The Military Youth of Poland is an organization founded by Edward Rydz-Śmigły and operated by influential Falangist, Jerzy Rutkowski. Though the organization officially exists to establish a military youth, the program effectively instills fascist ideals into the malleable minds of young men.
Among the Falangists there are a number of paramilitary organizations arming themselves to fight the inevitable battle with the Communists. With government support, these enthusiasts would thrive into a formidable armed wing of the Falangist party.
Sideline the Sanacja | Poland:
Falanga and Endecja have grown influential enough in the Polish government that if the two were to collaborate more closely, the Sanationists may lose significant political capital and leave themselves vulnerable to a coup... |
Reopen National Elections | Poland:
It is the goal of the Endecja to restore democracy in Poland while simultaneously ensuring the government serves the interests of Polish nationalism. We must reopen elections, but in such a way where unpatriotic parties cannot be on the ballot. |
The Warsaw Riot | Poland:
The Sanacja will never agree to transfer power peacefully transfer power to the Falangists, but Falangist influence is growing far beyond the Sanacja’s control. One violent demonstration in Warsaw may be all it takes to place the Falanga in direct control of the nation. |
The Beck-Ribbentrop Pact | Poland:
Is in Faction with 德意志国 |
德意志国 gets event The Beck-Ribbentrop Pact
It’s no secret that the Germans thirst for the annexation of Gdansk and other former German territories, but perhaps this does not have to come through bloody conflict. Perhaps Józef Beck may be able to create a diplomatic solution to the contention on our border. |
Reassert Silesian Claims | Poland:
The fate of Silesia was a point of great contention during the early days of the Polish Republic, and the government at the time agreed to concede the majority of Silesia and settle for the relatively small Upper Silesia. A strong government would have made no such concession and our claim must be asserted.
Divide Lithuania | Poland:
德意志国 Gets event Poland Seeks to Divide Lithuania | We seek Commonwealth restoration, the Germans seek Memel, perhaps we may be able to come to a mutual agreement and issue a joint-ultimatum to the Lithuanians. |
German Military Staff | Poland: | Poland gets the 民族精神: | Our German “partners” are keeping their military secrets quite close to their chest, but perhaps by inviting them to manage some of our internal military affairs, they will be left with no choice but to leak some military secrets to us. |
Konfederacja Narodu | Poland: | Poland gets the 民族精神:
Konfederacja Narodu
The Konfederacja Narodu is a small group of Polish nationalists who oppose any German efforts to occupy Poland. Perhaps by announcing our interests in opposing to the Germans, these militants may be aligned with our cause.
The Konfederacja Narodu is a small group of Polish nationalists who oppose any German efforts to occupy Poland. Perhaps by announcing our interests in opposing to the Germans, these militants may be aligned with our cause. |
Volksdeutscher Selbstschutz | Poland:
Poland gets the 民族精神:
Volksdeutscher Selbstschutz
Poland has a sizeable German minority, and though the Germans would seek to use these young men against us, our current state of collaboration with Germany may make German communities in Poland more amicable to our cause.
Poland has a sizeable German minority, and though the Germans would seek to use these young men against us, our current state of collaboration with Germany may make German communities in Poland more amicable to our cause. |
Uderzeniowe Bataliony Kadrowe | Poland: | Poland gets the 民族精神: | Specially trained shock battalions, the Uderzeniowe Bataliony Kadrowe are an armed wing of the Konfederacja Narodu ready to die to keep Warsaw out of enemy hands.
Request Autonomous Status | Poland:
德意志国 gets event Poland Requests Autonomy | We are chafing under the weight of German influence, we must request greater industrial autonomy if we are to have any future at all. |
Reach Out to the Underground State | Poland:
Conscription from among the cells of the Polish Underground State will greatly improve out troops' combat ability against our oppressors.
The Polish Underground State is operating in secrecy behind closed doors. By reaching out to them and granting them our support, we may one day hope to overrun our former masters. |
Decide Post-War Borders | Poland: | Poland:
The Germans have taken significant territories from us, and our efforts in supporting the war cannot be disputed. We have kowtowed long enough, it is time we demand some compensation for what we surrendered. |
Declare Independence | Poland: | Poland: | The Germans have been a useful tool in ending the threat of the Soviet Union but now is our time to turn on those who seek to see Poland in chains. The time has come to strike at the Reich. |
Assert Eastern Claims | Poland: | Poland:
The Commonwealth includes many parts of the former Russian Empire, and no-doubt, Pavel would be seen as a traitor if he were to annex them. However, the Russian Empire is no more and it is Pavel’s duty as a White to secure former Russian territories from the Soviets.
Promote a Polish Upper Class | Poland: | Poland gets the 民族精神:
All-Polish Upper Class
As a young nation recently freed, many Poles occupy only the lower economic strata of society. Our nation can not endure if we do not create an elite class that is trained almost from birth to administer the country. |
Seize Foreign Enterprise | Poland: | Poland gets the 民族精神: | While foreign investors have been quite useful for us, the enterprises they established would be much better placed in Polish hands. This will upset the original owners, but this is a necessary act of patriotism. |
Support Global Falangism | Poland:
We are not alone in our struggle for bringing Falangism to our nation. There are volunteers across Poland who seek to support Falangist movements worldwide, and the state should support these individuals. |
Demand Lithuania | Poland:
If 立陶宛 is not at war:
Otherwise: |
The Lithuanian government is fractured, weak, and characterised by poor economic and military leadership. The Polish state is incomplete without its subjects, and perhaps by merely demanding it, the Lithuanians will agree to unification. |
The National Commonwealth | Poland:
A nation has already formed the Commonwealth |
Poland: | The old Commonwealth was an Empire of Poles presiding over great lands and peoples. With Lithuania in our hands, the Polish Empire is reborn once more!
State Catholicism | Poland: | Poland:
State Catholicism
The Catholic identity is intrinsic to Falangist ideology, and as such, Church and State must be one and the same.
The Catholic identity is intrinsic to Falangist ideology, and as such, Church and State must be one and the same. |
Support Anti-Germans Abroad | Poland:
The Baltic States are our brothers in this struggle against Bolshevism and Nazism. Though they are scattered, pitiful, and weak, with a strong Polish government at their back, we may yet be able to whip these states into functional war machines.
The Baltic States are our brothers in this struggle against Bolshevism and Nazism. Though they are scattered, pitiful, and weak, with a strong Polish government at their back, we may yet be able to whip these states into functional war machines.
The Baltic States are our brothers in this struggle against Bolshevism and Nazism. Though they are scattered, pitiful, and weak, with a strong Polish government at their back, we may yet be able to whip these states into functional war machines.
The Baltic States are our brothers in this struggle against Bolshevism and Nazism. Though they are scattered, pitiful, and weak, with a strong Polish government at their back, we may yet be able to whip these states into functional war machines. |
Integrate Pomerania | Poland:
The Slavic Kashubian people see the entirety of Pomerania as the rightful borders of their nation, and many Poles too see it as rightful Polish territory. With the lands now in our hands, all we need do is integrate it within our government and Eastern Germany will become Western Poland. |
Prepare the German Line | Poland:
The border against Germany is the most vulnerable part of our nation. If we are to keep Warsaw out of German hands, we must meet them directly at the border and laugh as they attempt to break our will. |
Anti-Blitzkrieg Tactics | Poland: | Poland:
The Germans seek to overrun our nation with quick and overwhelming force, but perhaps this war machine is a mere glass cannon. Men can be forced to face danger without retreat, and a tank is only formidable if we do not prepare for it.
The Germans seek to overrun our nation with quick and overwhelming force, but perhaps this war machine is a mere glass cannon. Men can be forced to face danger without retreat, and a tank is only formidable if we do not prepare for it.
Radicalize Polish Militants in Germany | Poland: | Poland gets the 民族精神: | There are Polish minorities all across Germany just prime for radicalization. Perhaps if we reveal to them the designs Germany has for Poland, they would be stirred up into militancy primed for alignment with our cause. |
Falangist International | Poland:
Is in Faction with 西班牙 |
Standing against Nazism and Italian Fascism places us in a vulnerable position, but we must seek allies in our struggle against the Germans. Perhaps by presenting Falangism as an alternative, we may form an alliance of like-minded nations. |
Invite the Baltics | Poland:
As majority Catholic nations at risk of Bolshevik invasion, the Baltics are natural allies to the Falangist cause and must be protected. |
Invite the Lowlands | Poland: | Poland:
Though Falangism is on the political fringes in the Benelux, a moderate investment of time and resources could see them become mainstream enough to make an alliance with those countries feasible. |
Support American Falangists | Poland:
The Americas are full of Falangist movements, mainly across the Latin American countries. Expanding our alliance into the Americas is necessary not only to secure Falangist interests worldwide, but protect our fellows from American influence. |
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Międzymorze branch of the Polish national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
Focus | Prerequisites | Effects | Description |
The Between The Seas Concept | Poland:
Poland: | Józef Piłsudski had an ambition for an alliance of nations spanning between the seas; Poles, Romanians, former Commonwealth members, and even Italians working together to ensure their mutual continued survival, without giving an inch on their sovereignty. Now, we stand in a position to fulfill Piłsudski’s daring vision. By reaching out to Romania, we will make the first step in making the Intermarium a reality! |
The North Sea | Poland: | Poland:
Before we can even begin to consider swaying the neutral powers in the North to join our alliance, we must lay the groundwork on the global diplomatic stage. We must make the northern powers aware of our eagerness to cooperate, and send Józef Beck and his silver tongue to the Nordic countries to convince them of the many benefits of aligning themselves with the Międzymorze. |
Finno-Polish Pact | Poland:
芬兰 gets event Gets event Poland Invites Us to the Międzymorze Poland:
The Fins are in a similar position to us; stuck on the border with the Soviets who want nothing more than to see their nation subjugated once again into an empire. This makes Finland the ideal candidate for an initial Międzymorze expansion into the Nordic countries. |
Invite Denmark | Poland:
丹麦 gets event Gets event Poland Invites Us to the Międzymorze | Though a minor power, the Danes control the straits of Denmark, a key strategic region in the Baltic. By aligning the Danish with our faction, we will secure access into and out of the Baltic. The Danes must merely be trusted to survive. |
Invite Sweden | Poland:
瑞典 gets event Gets event Poland Invites Us to the Międzymorze | The Swedes have had an intriguing concept of neutrality in these times of growing conflict. Perhaps we may be able to sway their foreign ministers that the Intermarium is the most neutral of all alliances in the world and that this mutual offer of defence is their best chance to deter direct intervention from the world’s powers.
Invite Norway | Poland:
挪威 gets event Gets event Poland Invites Us to the Międzymorze | It is no secret that the Germans have ambitions and designs for Norway, and already there are men within their nation ready to collaborate with these foreign invaders. By extending an invitation to the Intermarium, we are offering the Norwegians the unique opportunity to resist German aggression without bending to them. |
Alliance With the Baltic States | Poland:
One can never have enough friends. |
Treaty With Lithuania | Poland: | Poland: | Old grudges need to stay in the past. Every friend is needed in the dark times ahead. |
The Mediterranean | Poland:
Between Poland and the Mediterranean is a herd of lambs with wolves at their back. Yugoslavia, Austria, even Greece and Turkey are prey to the predatory powers in the West. We must make all powers in the Balkans and beyond aware of our desire to protect their sovereignty and the safety of their people, only then can we extend official offers of protection to them and extend the Intermarium. |
Defend Czechoslovakia | Poland:
捷克斯洛伐克 gets event Gets event Poland Invites Us to the Międzymorze Poland:
The Czechs and Slovaks are as brothers to Poland, and it is not only in our best interest to protect them, it is our moral imperative.
Austro-Hungarian Alliance | Poland:
If 奥地利 is fully independent, exists, is not in a faction and is not at war with Poland:
If 匈牙利王国 is fully independent, exists, is not in a faction and is not at war with Poland:
Though the Austro-Hungarians once entrapped the Polish people in their empire, they now stand in the crosshairs of the Germans, all the same as us. Collaboration seems all but inevitable for them, but perhaps if we offer them another option, they will avoid the impulse to hand the keys to their kingdom over to Adolf Hitler. |
Protect Yugoslavia | Poland:
南斯拉夫 gets event Gets event Poland Invites Us to the Międzymorze Poland:
Yugoslavia is in a sorry state, and they are prime target for invasion by almost all of their neighbours. We must invite them to the Międzymorze for protection from threats both inside and outside their borders. |
Invite Greece | Poland:
希腊王国 gets event Gets event Poland Invites Us to the Międzymorze Poland:
The tension between Greece and Turkey remains strong, and with a potential Italian invasion on the horizon, the Greeks could no-doubt benefit from our protection. |
Control the Bosporus | Poland:
土耳其 gets event Gets event Poland Invites Us to the Międzymorze Poland:
The Romanian alliance is utterly meaningless if we are powerless to move armies and navies through the Bosporus strait. Turkey is of vital strategic interest to our nation and they must be convinced to cooperate. |
Italian Alliance | Poland: | 意大利 gets event Gets event Poland Invites Us to the Międzymorze | The Italian government have made it no secret that they are an enemy to the ideals of self-determination that the Międzymorze represents, but with appropriate changes to both the Polish and Italian internal governments, we may be able to align them with our vision for the future of Europe. |
File:Ambox outdated info.png | 这部分内容可能已不适合当前版本,最后更新于1.11。 |
只适用于DLC炮手就位激活时。 |
Resistance branch of the Polish national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
Focus | Prerequisites | Effects | Description |
Prepare for the Inevitable | Poland: | Poland:
We have held out for as long as we can, but with what we have lost, it is time to admit defeat. Poland is gone, but the Polish spirit lives on, and she remains on the prowl even in exile. With enough support from our allies, we shall be capable of fielding an army of exiles, supporting our comrades still resisting occupation back home, and filling our enemy’s ranks with men and women loyal to Poland. |
Foreign Air Support | Poland: | Poland:
With our the assistance from our allies, we may yet be able to field a powerful Polish airforce. Purchasing factories and equipment is merely the beginning of the Polish airforce in exile! |
Foreign Army Support | Poland: | Poland:
With refugees coming from Poland to serve in our ranks every day, we need only provide them with a rifle and they will be prepared to charge up any mountain for the promise of home. All we need do is request further control of our allies’ industry. |
Aces in Exile | Poland: | Poland:
The enemy may have taken our homeland, but our finest pilots still yet fill the air and inspire our men to keep pressiong home!
The enemy may have taken our homeland, but our finest pilots still yet fill the air and inspire our men to keep pressing home! |
Foreign Naval Support | Poland: | Poland:
What little is left of our navy is in a sorry state. Although we may never be able to restore it to its former glory, support from our sponsors may yet give Polish sailors the means to assist our friends on the sea. |
Resistance Industries | Poland: | Poland:
Although the homeland is lost, we still need a strong industrial base with which to expand Polish intelligence and develop any ground we reclaim from the enemy. |
Exile Industries | Poland: | Poland:
With home becoming a distant memory, we need to work towards preparing for our return with further developments to our exile production base. |
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只适用于DLC抵抗运动激活时。 |
Intelligence sub-branch of the Polish national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
Focus | Prerequisites | Effects | Description |
Expand Polish Intelligence | Poland:
With the homeland lost, Poland may only hope to regain its independence through supporting resistance movements and infesting its enemies with covert operatives.
With our armies shattered, defeated, and forced underground, Poland is forced to carry on the struggle from the shadows. We must prioritize rapid expansion of Polish intelligence if there is even to be the faintest hope of returning home. |
W imieniu Polski Podziemnej | Poland: | Poland:
All throughout Poland there are whispers of rebellion and freedom. In our churches and in the underground, brave and patriotic Poles seek to restore an independent Polish state and with the right provocation and equipment, we may see Warsaw liberate herself! |
The Long Push Home | Poland: | Poland gets the 民族精神 for 365 days: | The uprising was a success! All that remains now is to hold out long enough for help to arrive. With a populace who have witnessed the absolute horror and brutality of enemy occupation, the Polish army will fight with the vigor of men forty times their number again! This time: we will not fall! |
The Cyclometer | Poland: | Poland:
With this invention, the ciphers of the Germans will become plain as clear text. No secrets will be kept from us. |
The Bombe | Poland: | Poland:
The "Cryptologic Bombe" is a development of the Cyclometer, and allows us to decipher the progressively more advanced versions of the German Enigma cipher. |
通用 | 通用 • 持续性国策 |
基础版本 | 法国 • 德意志国 • 意大利 • 日本 • 苏维埃联盟 • 联合王国 • 美利坚合众国 |
United and Ready | 波兰 |
共赴胜利 | 澳大利亚 • 英属印度 • 加拿大自治领 • 新西兰 • 南非 |
玉碎瓦全 | 捷克斯洛伐克 • 匈牙利王国 • 罗马尼亚王国 • 南斯拉夫 |
唤醒猛虎 | 中华民国 • 中共 • 满洲国 • 军阀 |
炮手就位 | 墨西哥 • 荷兰 |
抵抗运动 | 自由法国 • 维希法国 • 葡萄牙 • 西班牙国 • 西班牙共和国 |
博湾纷争 | 保加利亚 • 希腊 • 土耳其 |
寸步不退 | 苏维埃联盟(重制)• 波兰(重制)• 爱沙尼亚 • 拉脱维亚 • 立陶宛 |
唯有浴血 | 意大利(重制)• 埃塞俄比亚 • 瑞士 • 非洲之角诸国 |
以力御暴 | 丹麦 • 芬兰 • 冰岛 • 挪威 • 瑞典 |