

Special forces doctrines introduced in 以力御暴以力御暴 DLC allow nations to further specialize usage of their special forces. Firstly, you need to research Moutain Infantry, Marines or Paratroopers to unlock their corresponding doctrine branches. Be aware, that you are limited to 1 branch specialization. Second branch specialization can be unlocked by most major nations in focus tree or using Diversify Elite Forces decision after 1.1.1940Time.

當non 以力御暴以力御暴 special forces technology,參見Special forces concentration

Cost to unlock

Mountaineers doctrine has a base cost of 60 陸軍經驗陸軍經驗 to be unlocked.
Marines doctrine has a base cost of 60 海軍經驗海軍經驗 to be unlocked.
Paratroopers doctrine has a base cost of 60 空軍經驗空軍經驗 to be unlocked.
This cost may be modified by spirits, advisors, and special bonuses from focuses, events, or decisions.

Doctrine trees

A strong military focus on regiments accustomed to adverse terrain will give us the edge in outmaneuvering and denying our opponents.
An elevated Marine Corps ensures that no enemy coastline will be safe. Our elite Marines excel at operating under fire in the most hostile situations.
Airborne assault is the future of warfare. Elevating the paratroopers brings us the perfect synergy between air power and ground assault.

List of all doctrines


This doctrine unlocks new support company - (unrecognized string "Rangers" for Template:Icon). They act as recon in your divisions.

Elevate the Mountaineers icon

Elevate the Mountaineers

  • All MountainMountaineers:
    • Supply Use -0.02
  • Special Forces:
    • Soft Attack +5%
    • Organization +5
  • Enables (unrecognized string "Rangers" for Template:Icon)
  • MountainMountaineer Special Forces Cap Contribution: -25%
Inhospitable environments and bitter conflicts attract the toughest soldiers to our elite forces. Enshrining their primacy in our doctrinal philosophy ensures we will continue to benefit from the recruitment of the very best.
⇐  二選一  ⇒
Cold Weather Specialists icon

Cold Weather Specialists

  • (unrecognized string "Rangers" for Template:Icon):
    • Cold acclimatization gain factor: +25%
    • SnowSnow:
      • Movement: +15%
      • Attack: +15%
      • Defense: +20%
Cold weather specialists are vital to our battlefield tactics. By formally recognizing these experts in our military constitution, we can free up resources and training to elevate them even further.
Rough Terrain Specialists icon

Rough Terrain Specialists

  • (unrecognized string "Rangers" for Template:Icon):
    • MountainMountain:
      • Movement: +10%
      • Attack: +20%
      • Defense: +10%
Specializing in infiltration and tactical awareness, we will benefit from accentuating the hostile environment training our Rangers receive.
Battlefield Intelligence icon

Battlefield Intelligence

Our elite regiments benefit from counter-intelligence and battlefield awareness second to none. Additional training is sure to benefit us further.
⇐  二選一  ⇒
Holding the Line icon

Holding the Line

Our elite forces must focus their efforts on holding the areas in which they specialize. A combination of ambush tactics and improved regimental organization ensure that our special forces present a significant defense-in-depth against invading forces.
Mountain Artillery icon

Mountain Artillery

Mountain Artillery regiments are specialized forces designed for the rapid long range support of our elite divisions, having trained and operated in difficult terrain. Their presence significantly enhances the combat capabilities of our special forces.
Combined Arms Training icon

Combined Arms Training

Though our elite regiments operate on a highly independent basis, augmenting their training regimen with a focus on combined arms operations increases their utility on the field.
⇐  二選一  ⇒
Backbone of the Armed Forces icon

Backbone of the Armed Forces

  • All MountainMountaineers:
    • Soft Attack: +10%
  • Special Forces Division training time: -20%
  • MountainMountaineers Special Forces Cap Contribution: -25%
The success of our elite special forces mandates a reorganization of our military philosophy around their presence.
Shared Instructors icon

Shared Instructors

  • Special forces Attack: +10%
  • Cold acclimatization gain factor: +10%
  • Hot acclimatization gain factor: +10%
  • Special Forces Capacity Multiplier: +20%
  • Special Forces Non-Combat Out of Supply: -10%
With the knowledge our mountain forces have acquired, it would be foolish not to put this to good use within the other branches of our special forces. We shall institute a programme of instructor rotation in the hope of improving our overall institutional knowledge.


This doctrine unlocks new support company - (unrecognized string "Pioneers" for Template:Icon). They act as engineers in your divisions.

Elevate the Marine Corps icon

Elevate the Marine Corps

  • All Special Forces:
    • Soft Attack: +5%
    • Organization: +5
  • Naval Invasion Capacity: +5
  • MarineMarine Special Forces Cap Contribution: -25%
  • Enables (unrecognized string "Pioneers" for Template:Icon)
The Marine Corps serves where no other dare go. From home shore to foreign clime, these experts excel at infiltration and amphibious combat. A wide reach and flexible philosophy should be made core to our military doctrine.
⇐  二選一  ⇒
Jungle Specialists icon

Jungle Specialists

  • (unrecognized string "Pioneers" for Template:Icon):
    • JungleJungle:
      • Movement: +10%
      • Attack: +15%
      • Defense: +10%
Adept at clearing dense terrain, these marines excel at large scale offensive operations and engineering in rough terrain.
Shore Parties icon

Shore Parties

Often first into the the breach at landings, shore parties are specialized groups of combat engineers with expertise in establishing a foothold under fire.
Gruelling Training Regimen icon

Gruelling Training Regimen

Nothing prepares a man for war, but our combat instructors assure us they can come close enough that only the most hardened recruits make it to where it counts.
⇐  二選一  ⇒
Marine Commandos icon

Marine Commandos

  • Enables (unrecognized string "Marine Commandos" for Template:Icon)
  • (unrecognized string "Marine Commandos" for Template:Icon) have the ability to exfiltrate from any coastal province
  • Cold acclimatization gain factor: +10%
  • Hot acclimatization gain factor: +10%
Our marines have proven their worth at extended operations behind enemy lines. It is time we took the step of cementing this practice in our doctrine, and organizing the troops around effective hit-and-run behaviour.
Expeditionary Units icon

Expeditionary Units

  • Air Superiority: +10%
  • Special Forces Capacity Multiplier: +10%
  • Naval Invasion Planning: +20%
Coordinated strikes benefit from improved inter-disciplinary planning and logistics. As our doctrinal philosophy advances, lending greater support to these task forces is sure to benefit us.
Demolition Experts icon

Demolition Experts

  • (unrecognized string "Marine Commandos" for Template:Icon):
    • Breakthrough: +15%
  • (unrecognized string "Marine Commandos" for Template:Icon) division will cause 1 level of damage to all strategic state buildings after any successful naval invasion.
Demolition is an art that we can put to good use. Sabotage might be a dirty tactic, but there's no denying its efficacy.
Blowtorch and Corkscrew icon

Blowtorch and Corkscrew

  • (unrecognized string "Pioneers" for Template:Icon) Battalion Modifier:
  • Special forces Attack: +10%
  • Shore Bombardment Bonus: +15%
The perfect combination of naval, air, and specialized land force can render any objective securable. This combined-arms approach to offensive warfare shall become the manifestation of our logistical prowess.
Mechanized Marine Corps icon

Mechanized Marine Corps

Available only with 炮手就位炮手就位
  • (unrecognized string "amtrac" for Template:Icon) Battalion:
    • Breakthrough: +10%
    • Soft Attack: +10%
    • Organization: +5
  • (unrecognized string "Pioneers" for Template:Icon) Battalion Modifier:
    • (unrecognized string "Amphibious Armor" for Template:Icon):
      • Breakthrough: +15%
  • Amphibious Landing Vehicles:
The ability to consolidate upon a successful landing can only be enhanced by equipping our vanguard appropriately. This requires a shift in our production strategy as well as doctrine.
Dedicated Training icon

Dedicated Training

Available only without 炮手就位炮手就位
  • Special forces Attack: +15%
Let us enhance our elite cadre of special forces, albeit at the expense of their wider applications.
Expeditionary Task Forces icon

Expeditionary Task Forces

By now, the clear importance of branch cooperation is impossible to overstate. Dedicating task force logistics to our operations truly makes us a force to be reckoned with.


This doctrine unlocks new support company - (unrecognized string "Airborne Light Armor" for Template:Icon).

Elevate the Paratroopers icon

Elevate the Paratroopers

  • Transport Planes:
    • Air Defense: +20%
  • Special Forces:
    • Soft Attack: +5%
    • Organization: +5
  • ParatroopParatrooper Special Forces Cap Contribution: -10%
There's nothing quite as terrifying as the skies going dark with the sight of a thousand troop-filled transport planes. Our doctrinal philosophy must take advantage of the shock and awe that the airborne instills.
⇐  二選一  ⇒
Reconnaissance and Sabotage icon

Reconnaissance and Sabotage

  • Enemy controlled states we Paradrop into will receive damage to (unrecognized string "mics" for Template:Icon), (unrecognized string "cics" for Template:Icon) and 基礎設施基礎設施.
    This effect can occur once per state every 30 days.
  • ParatroopParatrooper Special Forces Cap Contribution: -10%
The nature of our operations mandates that our airborne troops specialize in highly dispersed airdrops, allowing for significant sabotage to take place before the enemy are even aware of our presence.
Combat Insertion icon

Combat Insertion

  • Enemy divisions in states we Paradrop into will have their current Organization reduced.
    This effect can occur per state every 30 days.
  • ParatroopParatrooper Special Forces Cap Contribution: -10%
While dangerous, training our elite forces in direct forced entry techniques can give us significant combat advantages in combination with conventional assault.
Airborne Armor icon

Airborne Armor

  • Enables (unrecognized string "Airborne Light Armor" for Template:Icon)
Certain light tanks can be adapted for airborne drop via heavy glider. This novel method of combat insertion may be niche, but provides us with new opportunities.
⇐  二選一  ⇒
Airborne Signals icon

Airborne Signals

Nothing can compare to a perfect line of communication with our troops behind the lines. Training signal companies for airborne insertion will keep these critical communications going, even in the worst conditions.
Airborne Medical Detail icon

Airborne Medical Detail

The scale of our airborne operations has increased to such a degree that even essential medical equipment must be prepared for airborne insertion.
Enhanced Navigational Training icon

Enhanced Navigational Training

  • All ParatroopParatroopers:
    • Supply Use: -0.02
    • Organization +5
  • Cold acclimatization gain factor +10%
  • Hot acclimatization gain factor +10%
Even the best drop can go awry. We must ensure that our troops are trained well in improvised navigation.
Strategic Air Lift Corps icon

Strategic Air Lift Corps

  • ParatroopParatrooper Transport Space Factor: -50%
  • Special Forces Supply Grace: +24 Hours
Instituting the creation of a dedicated air lift administration means we can better outfit our cargo planes for the specific purpose of airborne insertion.
Best of the Best icon

Best of the Best

  • All ParatroopParatroopers:
    • Breakthrough: +15%
    • Soft Attack: +15%
  • Special Forces Division training time: +20%
Only the most battle-hardened veterans should be considered for our airborne battalions. While this may reduce our field of recruits, it is bound to pay dividends on the battlefield.
Backbone of the Armed Forces icon

Backbone of the Armed Forces

  • Special forces Attack: +10%
  • Special Forces Division training time: -10%
  • ParatroopParatrooper Special Forces Cap Contribution: -20%
Our armed forces will henceforth be built upon the skill and training of our airborne troops. The skies will darken at their coming, and our enemy shall know fear.
