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Infantry research tree.png




图标(通用) 科技 年份 基础花费 先决条件 描述 统计
Basic Infantry equipment 基础步兵装备 1918 自动解锁 第一次世界大战中的发展的初级步兵装备。
2 Steel.png
Basic Infantry equipment
防御: 20.0 突破: 2.0
对人员杀伤: 3.0 对装甲杀伤: 0.5
最大速度:4.0 km/h 穿甲深度:1.0
可靠性:90.0% Production cost.png 建造花费:0.43

Infantry.png 步兵
人力:1000 训练时间: 90
恢复速度0.30 补给速度:0.07
镇压能力:1.5 组织度: 60
HP:25.0 运输重量:0.5
Infantry Equipment I 步兵装备 I 1936 127天 需要基础步兵装备科技 个人和部队使用的步兵武器,以及士兵所需的其他装备
2 Steel.png
Infantry Equipment I
防御:22.0 突破:3.0
对人员杀伤:6.0 对装甲杀伤:1.0
最大速度:4.0 km/h 穿甲深度:4.0
可靠性: 90.0% Production cost.png 建造花费:0.5
Improved Infantry Equipment I 改良步兵装备 I 1938 127天 需要步兵装备 I科技 步兵适用的单位或重武器,亦涵括其他所需杂项装备;武器采用更先进型号,装备也更专业。
Cavalry.png Motorized.png Mechanized.png
对人员杀伤: +5%
Infantry.png Marine.png Mountaineers.png Paratroop.png Bicycle Battalion.png
对人员杀伤: +5%
Infantry Equipment II 步兵装备 II 1939 170天 需要改良步兵装备 I科技 个人和部队使用的步兵武器,以及士兵所需的其他装备。更现代化的增加了大量的冲锋枪和反坦克步枪。
3 Steel.png
Infantry Equipment II
防御:28.0 突破:4.0
对人员杀伤:9.0 对装甲杀伤: 1.5
最大速度:4.0 km/h 穿甲深度:5.0
可靠性: 90.0% Production cost.png 建造花费:0.58
Improved Infantry Equipment II 改良步兵装备 II 1940 170天 需要步兵装备 II科技 步兵适用的单位或重武器,亦涵括其他所需杂项装备;武器采用更先进型号,装备也更专业。
Cavalry.png Motorized.png Mechanized.png
对人员杀伤: +5%
Infantry.png Marine.png Mountaineers.png Paratroop.png Bicycle Battalion.png
对人员杀伤: +5%
Infantry Anti-Tank I 反坦克步枪 I 1942 127天 需要步兵装备 II科技 给我方步兵单位装备反坦克步枪能让他们对抗轻型装甲车辆的同时也保证不丧失机动力。
Infantry.png Marine.png Mountaineers.png Paratroop.png Motorized.png Mechanized.png Bicycle Battalion.png
对装甲杀伤: +25%
穿甲深度: +100%
Infantry Anti-Tank II 反坦克步枪 II 1943 127天 需要反坦克步枪 I科技 为使步兵有效对抗更重型的装甲车辆,必须制造更小型的空心装药武器。
Infantry.png Marine.png Mountaineers.png Paratroop.png Motorized.png Mechanized.png Bicycle Battalion.png
对装甲杀伤: +25%
穿甲深度: +100%
Infantry Equipment III 步兵装备 III 1942 170天 需要改良步兵装备 II科技 个人和部队使用的步兵武器,以及士兵所需的其他装备。更现代化的增加了大量的冲锋枪和反坦克步枪。
4 Steel.png
Infantry Equipment III
防御:34.0 突破: 5.0
对人员杀伤:12.0 对装甲杀伤: 2.0
最大速度:4.0 km/h 穿甲深度: 10.0
可靠性:80.0% Production cost.png 建造花费: 0.69
Improved Infantry Equipment III 改良步兵装备 III 1944 127天 需要步兵装备 III科技 步兵适用的单位或重武器,亦涵括其他所需杂项装备;包含突击步枪和反坦克火箭筒等先进武器;将原本小范围列装的武器普及。
Cavalry.png Motorized.png Mechanized.png
对人员杀伤: +10%
Infantry.png Marine.png Mountaineers.png Paratroop.png Bicycle Battalion.png
对人员杀伤: +5%



图标(通用) 科技 年份 基础话费 先决条件 描述 统计
Support Weapons I 支援武器 I 1918 127天 自动武器变得更轻便,冲锋枪亦已经被证明有效;手持式支援武器应当继续发展。
Infantry.png Motorized.png Mechanized.png
防御: +5%
突破: +5%
防御: +2%
突破: +2%
Mountaineers.png Paratroop.png Marine.png
防御: +3%
突破: +3%
Support Weapons II 支援武器 II 1938 127天 需要支援武器 I科技 结合轻、重机枪两方面特点开发出的自动武器使我方士兵能多样化地进行使用。
Infantry.png Motorized.png Mechanized.png
防御: +5%
突破: +5%
防御: +2%
突破: +2%
Mountaineers.png Paratroop.png Marine.png
防御: +3%
突破: +3%
Support Weapons III 支援武器 I


1940 127天 需要支援武器 II科技 在保持、提高机枪可靠性同时亦可尝试提高其射速,以确保弹幕源源不绝,杀伤骇人。
Infantry.png Motorized.png Mechanized.png
防御: +5%
突破: +5%
防御: +2%
突破: +2%
Mountaineers.png Paratroop.png Marine.png
防御: +3%
突破: +3%
Support Weapons IV 支援武器 IV 1942 127天 需要支援武器 III科技 随着突击步枪的推广应用,发展能在任何环境下被任何兵种使用的可靠自动武器对现代军队已是一项当务之急。
Infantry.png Motorized.png Mechanized.png
防御: +5%
突破: +5%
防御: +2%
突破: +2%
Mountaineers.png Paratroop.png Marine.png
防御: +3%
突破: +3%


夜视仪使士兵即使在黑暗中也能看得到,抵消了部队夜间战斗时所受到的 -50% 惩罚中的一部分,并且在与那些没有这种装备的敌人拥有优势。

图标(通用) 科技 年份 基础花费 先决条件 描述 统计
Night Vision I 夜视仪 I 1943 212天 敌不见我,我可见敌是夜战的关键。红外线科技上的发明让我军得以列装夜视装备到部队,数量虽然有限。
陆战夜战攻击: +10%
Night Vision II 夜视仪 II 1946 170天 需要夜视仪 I科技 早期红外瞄准镜虽意图供狙击手使用,但视野范围有限。随着便携性与视野范围同步改善,夜视装置将供更多部队夜战使用。
陆战夜战攻击: +15%




图标(通用) 科技 年份 基础


先决条件 描述 统计
Motorized 摩托化装备 1936 170天 摩托化是陆军机械化的第一步。民用卡车可以很容易地被用来运输士兵、牵引火炮以及输送装备和补给。这极大地提高了步兵的战略机动能力,使其不再依赖于步行。
1 Rubber.png 1 Steel.png
装甲率: 10.0% 最大速度: 12.0 km/h
可靠性: 80.0% 燃油消耗: 1.2
Production cost.png 生产花费: 2.50

Motorized.png 摩托化步兵
人力: 1200 训练时间: 90
恢复速度: 0.30 补给使用: 0.11
镇压: 2.2 组织度: 60
HP: 25.0 运输重量: 0.7
Motorized Rocket Artillery 自行火箭炮 1939 127 天 需要摩托化装备科技 多管火箭炮可以更迅速地将炮火送到目标地点,但比起传统火炮其准确度更低,装弹时间更长。通常被装备在卡车上发动攻击,在敌人发动还击前转移地点。
1 Rubber.png 1 Steel.png
Motorized Rocket Artillery
防御: 15.0 突破: 12.0
对人员杀伤: 36.0 对装甲杀伤: 1.0
穿甲深度: 2.0 可靠性: 80.0%
燃油使用: 0.1 建造花费: 12.0

Motorized rocket brigade.png自行火箭炮
人力: 500 训练时间: 120
恢复速度: 0.10 补给使用: 0.28
HP: 0.6 运输重量: 0.5
Mechanized Equipment I 机械化装备 I 1940 170 天 需要摩托化装备科技 机械化步兵是装备有装甲运兵车和步兵战车用于运输和战斗的步兵部队。机械化步兵与摩托化步兵的区别在于这些装甲车辆比起摩托化步兵的软面皮轮车辆(卡车或吉普等)一定程度上为步兵提供了免于敌方火力的保护。
2 Steel.png 1 Rubber.png
Mechanized Equipment I
防御: 26.0 突破: 4.0
装甲率: 60.0% 最大速度: 8.0 km/h
装甲厚度: 10.0 穿甲深度: 11.0
可靠性: 80.0% 燃油使用: 2.4
Production cost.png 建造花费: 8.00

Motorized.png Motorized artillery.png Motorized anti-tank.png Motorized anti-air.png Motorized rocket artillery.png
装甲率: +100%
Mechanized Equipment II 机械化装备 II 1942 170 天 需要机械化装备 I科技 机械化步兵是装备有装甲运兵车和步兵战车用于运输和战斗的步兵部队。机械化步兵与摩托化步兵的区别在于这些装甲车辆比起摩托化步兵的软面皮轮车辆(卡车或吉普等)一定程度上为步兵提供了免于敌方火力的保护。
3 Steel.png 1 Rubber.png
Mechanized Equipment II
防御: 30.0 突破: 5.0
装甲率: 70.0% 最大速度: 10.0 km/h
装甲厚度: 15.0 穿甲深度: 16.0
可靠性: 80.0% 燃油使用: 2.4
Production cost.png建造花费: 10.00
Mechanized Equipment III 机械化装备 III 1944 255 天 需要机械化装备 II科技 机械化步兵是装备有装甲运兵车和步兵战车用于运输和战斗的步兵部队。机械化步兵与摩托化步兵的区别在于这些装甲车辆比起摩托化步兵的软面皮轮车辆(卡车或吉普等)一定程度上为步兵提供了免于敌方火力的保护。
4 Steel.png 1 Rubber.png
Mechanized Equipment III
防御: 34.0 突破: 6.0
装甲率: 80.0% 最大速度: 12.0 km/h
装甲厚度: 20.0 穿甲深度: 21.0
可靠性: 80.0% 燃油使用: 2.4
Production cost.png 建造花费: 12.00

对人员杀伤: +15%
对装甲杀伤: +15%
Basic Amphibious Tractor Basic Amphibious Tractor
1941 170 days Mechanized Equipment I Amphibious Tractors, or Amtracs, allow Marines to be landed on a beach under armored protection. However, this comes at the cost of poor fuel efficiency.
2 Steel.png 1 Rubber.png
Basic Amphibious Tractor
Defense: 26.0 Breakthrough: 4.0
Hardness: 60.0% Max Speed: 7.0 km/h
Armor: 10.0 Piercing: 11.0
Reliability: 80.0% Fuel Usage: 4.0
Production cost.png Production Cost: 8.00

Amtrac.png Amtrac Batallion
Manpower: 1200 Training time: 120
Recovery Rate: 0.30 Soft Attack: 0.1
Hard Attack: 0.5 Supply use: 0.18
Suppression: 1.0 Organization: 60
HP: 30.0 Weight: 1.0
Improved Amphibious Tractor Improved Amphibious Tractor
1943 170 days Basic Amphibious Tractor These Amtracs feature several improvements over the base version, such as rear loading ramp for easier unloading on the beach.
3 Steel.png 1 Rubber.png
Improved Amphibious Tractor
Defense: 30.0 Breakthrough: 5.0
Hardness: 70.0% Max Speed: 10.0 km/h
Armor: 15.0 Piercing: 16.0
Reliability: 80.0% Fuel Usage: 4.0
Production cost.png Production Cost: 10.00
Interwar Armored Car Interwar Armored Car
1936 170 days Motorized Where previous armored cars were simply commercial models with thin steel plating, this model was designed from the ground up to carry armor and light armament.
2 Steel.png
Interwar Armored Car
Defense: 2.0 Breakthrough: 12.0
Hardness: 65.0% Soft Attack: 6.0
Hard Attack: 2.0 Max Speed: 9.0 km/h
Armor: 3.0 Piercing: 6.0
Reliability: 80.0% Fuel Usage: 0.8
Production cost.png Production Cost: 4.00

Armored Car.png Armored Car
Manpower: 500 Training time: 180
Recovery Rate: 0.30 Supply use: 0.14
Suppression: 2.5 Organization: 10
HP: 2.0 Weight: 0.8
Basic Armored Car Basic Armored Car
1940 170 days Interwar Armored Car An improved internal layout and additional ammunition storage creates a more effective armored car.
2 Steel.png
Basic Armored Car
Defense: 3.0 Breakthrough: 16.0
Hardness: 65.0% Soft Attack: 13.0
Hard Attack: 4.0 Max Speed: 12.0 km/h
Armor: 10.0 Piercing: 8.0
Reliability: 80.0% Fuel Usage: 1.8
Production cost.png Production Cost: 6.00
Improved Armored Car Improved Armored Car
1942 170 days Basic Armored Car Changes on the battlefield require a much heavier armament and thicker armor to defeat enemy light untis and survive to report back.
2 Steel.png 1 Tungsten.png
Improved Armored Car
Defense: 5.0 Breakthrough: 28.0
Hardness: 70.0% Soft Attack: 16.0
Hard Attack: 8.0 Max Speed: 15.0 km/h
Armor: 20.0 Piercing: 36.0
Reliability: 80.0% Fuel Usage: 1.8
Production cost.png Production Cost: 8.00
Anti-Tank Armored Car Anti-Tank Armored Car
1942 85 days Improved Armored Car Our light mechanized units will come into contact with enemy tank forces at some point. Developing a special anti-tank variant would give them a fighting chance.
2 Steel.png 1 Tungsten.png
Anti-Tank Armored Car
Defense: 6.0 Breakthrough: 28.0
Hardness: 70.0% Soft Attack: 12.0
Hard Attack: 14.0 Reconnaissance: 1.0
Max Speed: 16.0 km/h Armor: 20.0
Piercing: 62.0 Reliability: 80.0%
Fuel Usage: 1.8 Production cost.png Production Cost: 9.00

Special forces

In addition to regular, motorized, and mechanized infantry, there are three specialized infantry types (Marines, Mountaineers, and Paratroopers) that are useful in specific situations. They require standard infantry equipment.

These three types of specialized infantry types are known as Special Forces or SF (not to be confused with the army doctrine Superior Firepower). Special Forces have a Battalion cap for each country. This cap is the greater of either 24 battalions or 5% of your total battalions (excluding SF battalions) making up the rest of your divisions. Divisions cannot be changed, trained, given a different template or have their template adjusted if that would result in exceeding the SF cap. To increase the 24 SF battalion cap, you would have to exceed the 480 non-SF battalion breakeven point by 20 for each additional SF battalion. For example, you would need 500 non-SF battalions for 25 SF battalions, 520 non-SF battalions for 26 SF battalions, 540 non-SF battalions for 27 SF battalions, etc.


Marines are specialized infantry trained to engage in wet terrain and perform amphibious invasions. They receive +30.0% attack in marshes, +40.0% attack when fighting over rivers, and +50.0% attack when engaging enemies during amphibious landings. Marine Divisions are very effective when supported by Engineer Companies.

Icon (generic) Technology Year Base cost Prerequisites Description Statistics
Marines I Marines I 1936 170 days Troops specializing in amphibious warfare are growing ever more indispensable. Improvised methods and equipment become things of the past as our naval infantry is supported by specialized landing craft and training.
Marine.png Marines
Manpower: 1000 Training time: 120
Recovery Rate: 0.40 Breakthrough: 0.3
Supply use: 0.06 Suppression: 1.0
Organization: 70 HP: 20.0
Weight: 0.5
Marines II Marines II 1939 127 days Marines I Amphibious warfare requires constant innovation. Improved logistical support and portable harbors can enable our marines to perform landings that may otherwise have been impossible.
Soft attack: +5%
Organization: +5
Marines III Marines III 1943 170 days Marines II Marines can be more than just amphibious infantry. In the future, our marine corps will be among the most disciplined and organized special forces.
Organization: +5


Mountaineers are specialized infantry that excel in maneuvering through and engaging in rough terrain. They receive +10.0% movement, +20.0% attack, and +5.0% defense in hills and +20.0% movement, 35.0% attack, and 10.0% defense in mountains.

Icon (generic) Technology Year Base cost Prerequisites Description Statistics
Mountain infantry I Mountain Infantry I 1936 170 days Combat in mountain ranges exposes troops to many perils, but sometimes cannot be avoided. We can minimize these risks by providing our soldiers with specialized training for this environment.
Mountaineers.png Mountaineers
Manpower: 1000 Training time: 120
Recovery Rate: 0.40 Breakthrough: 0.3
Supply use: 0.07 Suppression: 1.0
Organization: 70 HP: 20.0
Weight: 0.5
Mountain Infantry II Mountain Infantry II 1939 127 days Mountain Infantry I Going beyond survival, our forces can be trained to use mountains to their advantage. With light equipment and mule transports, they can maneuver in this terrain better than other infantry.
Soft attack: +5%
Organization: +5
Mountain Infantry III Mountain Infantry III 1943 170 days Mountain Infantry II Preparing for the most arduous mountain missions in high altitudes and low temperatures will require extraordinary training and discipline from our mountain troops.
Organization: +5


While they take longer to train and only have slightly better stats than normal Infantry, Paratroopers are the only type of unit that can be paradropped into the field, which they do via transport plane. This allows them to perform operations behind enemy lines and in locations where other units cannot easily reach. The AI will use paratroopers in battle, but never uses them for paradrops.

Icon (generic) Technology Year Base cost Prerequisites Description Statistics
Paratroopers I Paratroopers I 1936 170 days By incorporating airborne forces into our army, we can make forced entries and position key troops in previously inaccessible areas, allowing for new tactical opportunities.
Paratroop.png Paratroopers
Manpower: 1000 Training time: 150
Recovery Rate: 0.40 Supply use: 0.06
Suppression: 1.0 Organization: 70
HP: 22.0 Weight: 0.5
Paratroopers II Paratroopers II 1939 127 days Paratroopers I Transitioning from small operations with only a few paratroopers to larger airborne divisions paves way for massive airborne landings, taking these forces beyond a novelty to a natural part of warfare.
Soft attack: +5%
Organization: +5
Paratroopers III Paratroopers III 1943 170 days Paratroops II Learning to adapt paradrop operations according to weather, standardizing equipment such as jump boots and extended specialized training will minimize the confusion and risks involved in these dangerous missions.
Organization: +5

Special Forces Concentration

Special forces (marines, mountaineers, paratroopers) are trained and equipped for conditions that ordinary soldiers aren’t expected to excel in. The first tech will give them a boost to acclimatization speed. Afterwards, the tree splits. One option is to train your special forces harder, to improve their skills and their ability to fight for longer before having to be resupplied. The other option is to expand the special forces training programs to accept more recruits. Your special forces will be more numerous, but come with more drag and not quite as high speed. In the end though, they will still be elite forces and will be able to develop training to make them even more skilled in fighting in the harshest of conditions. Note: The maximum quantity of special forces is capped at 24 battalions or 5% of your fielded regular battalions (this limit can be increased by unlocking the Expanded Special Forces Program technology).

Special Forces research tree
Special Forces screen.png
Icon (generic) Technology Year Base cost Prerequisites Description Statistics
Special Forces Special Forces 1938 170 days Unconventional fighting requires specialist training. We need to ensure that our troops are prepared and able to adapt to harsh conditions.
Marines Mountaineers Paratroopers
Hot Acclimatization gain factor: +5% Cold Acclimatization gain factor: +5%
Advanced Special Forces Training Advanced Special Forces Training 1940 170 days Special Forces With extensive training, we can ensure that our special forces will be able to perform above and beyond that of normal men. Mutually exclusive with Expanded Special Forces Program.
Marines Mountaineers Paratroopers
Division Training Time: +10%
Defense: +5%
Organization: +5
Extreme Environment Training Extreme Environment Training 1942 170 days Advanced Special Forces Training We need to be able to fight in the harshest of environments. With the right training and equipment, our troops will be able to fight in the most extreme conditions.
Marines Mountaineers Paratroopers
Division Training Time: +10% Supply Grace: +48 hr
Hot Acclimatization gain factor: +50% Cold Acclimatization gain factor: +50%
Expanded Special Forces Program Expanded Special Forces Program 1940 170 days Special Forces Special forces are able to perform missions that ordinary soldiers can not. We need to expand the training program to get more of our soldiers qualified. Mutually exclusive with Advanced Special Forces Training.
Marines Mountaineers Paratroopers
Capacity Multiplier: +5% Division Training Time: -10%
Survival Training Survival Training 1942 170 days Expanded Special Forces Program Our special forces will often fight behind enemy lines and in short supply. We need to train them to endure harsh weather and fight with limited supplies.
Marines Mountaineers Paratroopers
Hot Acclimatization gain factor: +20% Cold Acclimatization gain factor: +20%
Out of Supply: -10%
Elite Forces Elite Forces 1944 170 days Survival Training Only the best of the best will become special forces. The soldiers that make it through the training will be stronger. faster, and fight harder than anyone else.
Marines Mountaineers Paratroopers
Hot Acclimatization gain factor: +20% Cold Acclimatization gain factor: +20%
Supply Grace: +48 hr
Soft Attack: +5% Organization: +5

hoi4fr:Technologie d'infanterie