










Capitulation and defeat

The War Summary screen shows progress towards the surrender limit for each individual nation involved in the conflict.

Capitulation occurs when a country at war loses control of more victory points of its owned core territory than its surrender limit. The limit is 80% by default but war support below 50% will decrease it by up to -30% and some national ideas can affect it too, most notably France's Disjointed Government national spirit (-50%). The surrender limit can usually not go below 10%, the only exception being Japan when losing Okinawa and Iwo Jima, having less than 40 ships, and getting hit by two nuclear bombs.

When a country crosses the surrender limit, it capitulates to the country that dealt the highest war score (see below) against them. If an enemy holds the capital, they get a 50% bonus and an extra 150 war score for the purpose of this selection. The capitulating country loses control of all owned provinces contiguous with its capital and all its troops there. If any allied troops were present, they will have to escape through the now enemy-controlled land.

Capitulation does not necessarily mean instant defeat for a country. If the country is fighting alongside major allies, the war will not be over until they are defeated. Countries will not surrender less than seven days after the war started even when capitulated, to give them time to join a faction for this purpose. Conversely, minor nations may be forced to surrender after all their major allies capitulate even though they themselves did not fall. This can be prevented by leaving the faction before all majors capitulate.



  • 占领
    • 夺取敌人控制的省份:0.2×(1+0.2×<胜利点>)。例如一个正常省份的价值为0.2,而柏林(50胜利点)的价值为2.2。如果一个省多次被占领和夺回,则每次都会获得战争分数。
    • 战斗:进行至少持续48小时的战斗,其价值为3×(1+0.2×<胜利点>)。防守成功方获得总战争分数的30%,进攻失败者仅获得20%。例如,如果苏联进攻柏林并输掉了战斗,它将获得3×(1+0.2×50)×20%=6.6战争得分,而德国获得3×(1+0.2×50)×30%=9.9。而一个未能成功守卫普通省份的国家只能获得3×1×30%×20%=0.18的战争得分。该分数是独立的,是对上述实际控制省份的战争分数的补充。如果是有多个国家参加战斗的任何一方,则该方的得分将根据每个国家所造成的实际损害按比例分配。
  • 轰炸:战略轰炸任务或使用核弹对敌方建筑物造成的每点伤害都价值0.05战争得分(或每摧毁1幢建筑物获得5战争得分)。该分数的上限是1000分,每个月递减10分。
  • 击沉敌方船只:击沉船只每1000人力获得0.2战争分数,船只每1000生产成本获得0.4战争分数。
  • 伤亡:在与敌国作战时失去自己的人力则可以从每1000伤亡中获得0.1战争分数。如果国家放弃抵抗,则所获得的分数减半。








Send Volunteers menu

派遣陆军师或空军联队作为志愿军,是一个国家派遣军队介入其他国家的战争而又不参加该战争本身的一种方式。在重大战争爆发之前的几年中,这是获得经验的好方法,而且对于一个国家而言无需外交干预就可以影响战争的结果。玩家还可以使用志愿军在战斗条件下对部队编制进行现场测试。志愿军的提供和加强由派遣国而不是接受国控制,并且派遣志愿军也可以增加世界紧张度。 一个国家在和平状态下只能向国外派遣志愿军。派遣志愿军的能力受到意识形态世界紧张度的限制。只有法西斯主义者可以随时随地这样做,而在其他国家,尤其是在民主国家,这一举动则相当受限。不过法国有能力较早地派遣志愿军。 为了派遣志愿师,首先必须组建一支集团军。这支集团军可以被分配一个陆军上将,他也可以赢得经验和特质。然后,通过“派遣志愿军”的外交行动将它们派遣出去。军队到达后,将为玩家创建一个新的军队战场,并自动向其中添加志愿军。即使其他国家有相同来源的志愿军,也不能将军队转移到这些特别战场或从这些特别战场转移。志愿军需要两个星期才能到达接收国或返回派遣国。如果他们的派遣国陷入战争,或者接受国的国家获得和平,他们将返回派遣国。志愿军返回时会携带95%的设备。其余的会遗失在运输途中或留在接受国家。玩家还可以解散志愿师,这将会把人力和设备退还给派遣国,但需要成立一个新的师并对其进行训练,以取代被解散的师。 志愿军可以部署的师的数量是每20个师中有1个师可以派遣(因此有19个或更少的陆军师则无法派遣志愿军)。例如,176个现役师就可以派遣8个志愿师,而181个师则意味着9个师可以被部署为志愿军。请注意,只有1个营的师和拥有25个营的师是等价的。至少有20个1个步兵营的的师也可以派出1个志愿师。派遣国必须自始至终至少有30个师来维持派遣志愿军。此外,接受家或地区中每20个省可以划分为一个战区。 志愿者的空军联队也受到类似的限制。但是,它们是通过空军界面直接部署到目的地国家/地区的空军基地的,然后玩家可以正常设置他们的任务。


Sending Expeditionary Forces is a way to hand over troops to allies in war. It is useful if the player doesn’t want to control them, or if AI wants to fight in a theatre and thinks the receiving player will do a better job. They can be handed over and returned at any time. Disbanding an expeditionary division has the effect of returning it. AI will often ship them as well if it has convoys available.

Expeditionary Forces get their equipment and manpower from their home country, not the recipient. The recipient has full control of them until returned. War score for occupation by an Expeditionary Force goes to the country controlling them, while war score for casualties goes to the home country (the one providing the Expeditionary Force). Their ongoing supply however is supplied by the controlling country, this means you can use expeditionaries to offload supply pressure if their supply situation is better than yours. (in a theoretical case if germany has lost its convoys but italy haven't, germany can give italy the control of the africa corps to use their functioning supply)

Expeditionary Force divisions can gain experience but their template may not be modified by the receiving country. Players receiving Expeditionary Forces may wish to provide Lend-Lease shipments to the home country of equipment types that it may use to supply the Expeditionary Forces.

炮手就位 You may request Expeditionary Forces by creating an empty army for Expeditionary Forces using the button below the empty portrait for creating new armies on the bottom of the screen. You need to create an order for the army (e.g. a front line) for the AI to consider to accept your request.

Divisions that are provided by Nation A to Nation B retain Nation A's bonuses from Nation A's national bonus provided by Nation A's military staff. Military staff includes military high command and Army chiefs of staff. Nation B's military staff bonuses are not applied to Nation A's expeditionary forces loaned to Nation B.

Some other open topics for investigation and testing are how the army experience generated by the Expeditionary Force in combat or in military exercises is allocated, and confirming the manpower and equipment effects of template changes by the home country.

War goal

Justify War Goal menu

A war goal is needed to declare war. A war goal is usually a conquest of a desired state.

Justifying a war goal costs political power, increases world tension and usually takes between 6-9 months to complete. When a country has a war goal, it can start a war against the target country. Countries succeeding in their war goals get an advantage in peace conferences. There are several national focus that will give countries historical war goals. However, ahistorical war goals are also possible, such as Sweden restoring its historical borders. The target state of the wargoal can be claimed at a discount at the peace conference. It is also possible to declare a Border war.

Factions Strength resume

At the end of game, beside individual scores, is the Factions ranking. This is derived from various statistics such as manpower, naval, air and ground forces, industrial power, terrain points, research, war progress, casualties, etc. Basically, it describes which faction has won the game.


Besides the national focus, war goal justification will require one or multiple conditions to be met before it can even begin. The conditions will be different depending on the ideology (Communism, Democracy, Fascism or Non-aligned) as well as the faction (Allies, Axis, Commintern, others) and the World TensionWorld Tension level.

Communism icon.

Communists have virtually no restriction on justifying war goals.

Democracy icon.

Democracies are very limited in how they can begin wars, to simulate the influence of popular opinion during the time period. These limitations are lifted if a country becomes fascist or communist.

  • Cannot start a war against another democracy.
  • Cannot justify against a nation that has not increased the world tension.

Communism icon.

Fascists have virtually no restriction on justifying war goals. If a fascist country is already at war with a major power, they can justify a new wargoal 80% faster than normal.

Ideological effect

All ideologies have one or multiple effect on the cost of war goal justification or enactment at the peace conference.

Communism icon.

  • 是Can force government.
  • 30% cost reduction when puppeting other countries.

Democracy icon.

  • NoCannot send volunteers.
  • NoCannot puppet another country.
  • NoCannot occupy a country without war (captured neutral territory will be returned).
  • 25% cost increase of Taking States.
  • 50% cost increase of Annexing country.

Fascism icon.

  • NoCannot force government.
  • 是Can occupy a country without war.

Neutrality icon.

  • NoCannot force government.
  • NoCannot send volunteers.
  • 是Can puppet another country.

Political power cost

It's necessary to spend a certain amount of political power to start justification of a war goal.

The base cost is xx, then the following modifications can apply:

  • -90% When justifying war goal against a major power at war.

Once the justification is ongoing, It will also be necessary to spend 0.2 political power per day on the war goal justification to complete it in the minimum number of days. Any deficiency in political power will stall the war goal justification.

Territorial control

Province control

Control of a province changes when the first division of a country at war with the current controller enters the province while no defenders are present. This usually happens after the attackers won a battle or because the province was undefended to begin with. Divisions may enter from a neighboring land province, via paradrop, or naval invasion. Control of the state (Factories and resources) is tied to the "capital" province, usually the highest VP province within the state. There exists a capital province for states with no victory points, but which is impossible to know without prior knowledge. Control can potentially pass to any eligible country subject to the following rules. A country is eligible if it is at war with the original province controller and has given military access to the division's country, either explicitly or by being in the same faction.

The claim of an eligible country can be categorized with descending strength:

  • owns the state the province is in
  • has a core claim on the state
  • has a generic claim on the state

The country with the strongest claim gains control. Ties between multiple countries with the same kind of claim are broken as follows:

  • if the division's country is among them and it controls more neighboring provinces than any other tied country, it gains control
  • otherwise the candidate with the largest civilian industry gains control

If no eligible country has a claim:

  • the eligible country controlling the most neighboring provinces gains control (ties are broken by civilian industrial size)
  • otherwise the division's country gains control

In all cases except the neighborhood rule, control passes to the master if the selected country is a subject.

State control

When an owner loses control of a state completely (i.e. when losing the last province) and the new controller controls an adjacent state as well, they gain full control of the state. Otherwise the surrounding states' controllers are checked for co-belligerent faction members of the new controller. If any are found, the state gets handed over to the one with the largest industry, with a slight bonus towards the faction leader.

Members of the same faction can explicitly pass control of states among each other with the diplomatic actions "Give control of state" and "Ask for control of state". AI allies will generally only agree to this if they consider their own share of controlled states large enough and the share of the other country not too large.

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