由于海战是一个复杂的话题,因此分为多个章节进行讲述。 此页面充当枢纽,提供与海战有关的文章列表。
- 主条目:海军
A navy is a country's collective naval force. It is divided among task forces, fleets and theaters. 海军是一个国家的集中海上力量,它分为特遣舰队,分舰队和战区。
- 主条目:海军单位
Navies are fundamentally composed of ships. 一个海军从根本上由舰船组成。
- 主条目:Naval missions、海军任务
Naval warfare is primarily conducted through naval missions, which may be assigned to task forces. 海战主要是通过一个个海军任务进行的,海军任务通过分配特遣部队来执行。
- 主条目:Naval battle、海上战斗
When two opposing navies meet, a naval battle unfolds. 当两个敌对的海军相遇时,一场海战便展开了。
- 主条目:Naval technology、海军科技
Advances in naval technology can unlock more capable ship designs, or improve the performance of existing ships. 海军技术的进步可以解锁能力更强的舰船设计模板,或改善现有舰船的性能。
- 主条目:Naval doctrine、海军学说
Naval doctrines provide bonuses for specific forms of naval warfare. 海军学说给各种形式的海战提供增益。
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This section provides naval warfare strategies which have been tested in-game for effectiveness. Strategies are not limited to instructions; the reasoning behind each strategy is also given, with links to articles in which the relevant mechanics are explained. 本章节提供了已在游戏中进行过有效性测试的海军作战策略。 策略不仅限于提供建议; 并给出了每种策略背后的原因,且提供了来源文章的链接,其中解释了相关的机制。
Mines have powerful effects, and the AI currently pays little attention to mines. They will only perform minimal minesweeping efforts at most, regardless of how many mines there are. It is thereby possible to gain a strong naval advantage over the AI through extensive mining. The resulting naval supremacy can be useful for facilitating naval invasions, as well. 地雷具有强大的效果,并且目前AI很少关注地雷。 无论有多少枚地雷,他们至多只会进行最少的扫雷工作。 因此,通过广泛的执行布雷行动,就有可能获得超过AI的强大海军优势。 所得的制海权也可用于促进海军入侵。
Due to their stealth and low cost, submarines are well suited for minelaying. When equipped with minelaying tubes and given an engagement rule of 'Never engage', they can perform minelaying missions with near impunity. They remain vulnerable to naval bombers and may take some losses this way, but in practice the AI does not perform enough bombing of minelaying submarines to pose a problem for the player.
Some countries start the game with primitive submarines based upon the 'Early Submarine Hull'. Refitting these submarines as minelayers can be a good way to put them to use, as their low combat performance will not affect their ability to lay mines.
Strike force composition
Due to their relatively high fuel requirements, it is generally reasonable to assign capital ships to strike force missions so that they are only called to action when required.
To ensure that the capital ships are protected from torpedoes, it is prudent to have sufficient screen ships in the strike force to achieve full screening efficiency. While a minimum of three screen ships per capital ship are required for 100% efficiency, it can be beneficial to have even more screen ships than this, to ensure that screening efficiency remains high even if positioning is poor or a few screen ships are destroyed in battle.
It may be advantageous to have more than one strike force per fleet, as this will enable more than one enemy force to be intercepted by strike forces simultaneously.
Convoy escort composition
When deciding upon the composition of convoy escort task forces, it may be helpful to consider the following points:
- The AI uses the 'engage at medium risk' engagement rule for all of its convoy raiding task forces. Submarines with this engagement rule will tend to flee from a group of defending destroyers when the battle starts, regardless of how strong or weak the destroyers are.
- To minimise convoy losses, it is important for a fleet performing convoy escort to achieve 100% escort efficiency. Escort efficiency is a function of quantity of ships rather than quality; the weakest possible destroyer will contribute exactly as much escort efficiency as a battleship would.
- High screening efficiency is helpful for protecting convoys from torpedoes during battle. As with escort efficiency, screening efficiency is a function of quantity of ships rather than quality.
- It is difficult for the defending side to detect submarines during a naval battle, even when the defending ships are equipped with sonar.
- Depth charges are ineffective against undetected submarines.
Given the above points, it is viable to use extremely cheap destroyers (early hull, level 1 battery, level 1 engine; the weakest destroyer that may be designed) for convoy escort duty. Such destroyers lack sonar and depth charge equipment and are thereby not particularly well suited for anti-submarine warfare, but convoy raiding submarines will flee from them regardless. Such destroyers can be economically produced in high numbers, providing high escort efficiency and screening efficiency to minimise the damage done to convoys.
Under this scheme, the destruction of enemy submarines would be left to patrol and/or strike forces configured for anti-submarine warfare. Such forces could be deployed to regions in which convoys had recently been attacked by submarines. The attacking side is at a significant advantage when attacking submarines, as all defending submarines will be revealed for a period of time from the start of the battle (see the naval battle article for further details).
If more expensive destroyers with sonar and/or depth charges were used for convoy escort, such destroyers would inflict slightly greater losses upon attacking submarines on average than the cheap convoy escort destroyers described earlier. However, due to their higher cost, it would be more difficult to amass such destroyers in the numbers required to achieve high escort efficiency and (in particular) high screening efficiency for each battle, which could lead to greater convoy losses. The value of expensive sonar and depth charge equipment would also be reduced in this situation, due to the difficulty of detecting submarines while on the defending side of a battle.
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