作战计划(Battle plan)是一種能帮助玩家看到他们的部队会如何前进攻重要的工具, 可以让AI控制玩家的部队并授予其计划加成操纵部队并不一定要用计划来执行,但使用它能帮助玩家减少微操以及增加游戏流畅性。
如果有需要的话, 在一个集团军内的不同部队可以被分配至不同的作战计划. 在这種情况下,玩家将需要手动把部队分配至各作战计划中, 否则部队将会被规划到第一条划出的计划。
举个例子,如果你要大举入侵意大利的话,你可以在对方忙于在南方作战时的空档创造一个由北部攻击的作战计划,作战的目的是联合南方的军队摧毁敌方军队。玩家可以设置并在合适的时候分批激活一个或更多的登陆/空降以及陆军攻击计划。一些计划也许是计划被同时激活,也可能分批连续激活。 如果要激活特定的计划,只需SHIFT+左键点击该计划就能激活。玩家也能在计划激活前或激活后改变该计划的性质,玩家可以借此吧集团军内不同部分的部队分配到不同的任务中以配合整体计划,就像在二战中不同的陆军军队执行不同的任务一样。你可以选择不用这些功能,但在某些你要同时或分批激活的时刻这些功能是很有用的。
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各種戰鬥計劃可以在 戰鬥計劃工具欄 看到,要使用戰鬥工具欄祇要在以經在一個集團軍或其控制之下的部隊就能看到。
詳細請見 Hotkeys#Battleplan_hotkeys.
玩家可以選則戰鬥計劃是被 小心懂慎地, 平衡地 或 激進地 執行
一個海軍入侵計劃可分配最高的軍隊數量由 海軍入侵上限影響。入侵上限由海軍科技中的“運輸”分支影響。海軍入侵上限的基礎值是0 ,這意味著玩家需要先研究'運輸船'科技才能把部隊分配到海軍入侵命令。
年份 | 科技 | |
1922 | +10 | 運輸船 |
1940 | +40 | 登陸艇 |
1944 | +100 | 先進登陸艇 |
當超過入侵上限數量的部隊被分配至一個海軍入侵命令時將不會有部隊被分配至該命令,顯示入侵命令的箭頭會出現但會顯示“無運輸部隊”和“0運輸船”,被分配到此命令的軍隊旁會出現一個! 紅色驚嘆號以顯示他們沒被分配至任何命令。
海軍入侵需要時間準備,準備時間由運輸科技和部隊輸量決定。如果玩家擁有第一級的運輸科技(運輸船), 一個部隊將會花上7天去準備而10個部隊將花費70天,而擁有登陸艇科技(1940)將能把準備時間減半。
重量 | 0.1 | 0.5 | 0.7 | 1.0 | 1.2 | 1.5 | 1.7 |
營 |
The actual value of naval intel efficiency of a seazone can be seen in the seazone property window, that you get when you click a seazone. You have to hover with the mouse over the naval supremacy bar. Alternatively you can see it, when you hover with your mouse over a seazone in the strategic navy map mode (accessible with the F2 button).
The naval intel efficiency of a seazone is calculated from the intel you have from nations you are at war with and that have ships in that seazone. If you are not at war, you have 100% naval intel efficiency everywhere. If you are at war with one country, you have 100% naval intel efficiency in all seazones in which this country has no ships assigned (the value Enemy supremacy is 0). In the seazones in which the country has ships assigned (Enemy supremacy > 0), the naval intel efficiency is the intel you have of that country. If you are at war with more countries, and more than one of these countries have ships in one seazone, the naval intel efficiency, is weighted towards the country that has more naval supremacy in that seazone.
With the DLC La Résistance, the intel you have of a country, can be seen in the intel ledger of that country. When you hover with the mouse over the naval section of the intel ledger, you see how the navy intel is calculated.
There are several factors that contribute to naval intel efficiency. The naval intel efficiency against a specific enemy country, expressed as a percentage between 0 and 100, is the sum of each of the following factors:
Common factors on naval intel efficiency: (With and without La Résistance)
- Enemy Ideology (Democratic: 20%, Non aligned: 20%, Communist: 12.5%, Fascist: 10%)
- Enemy Trade law (Free trade: 20%, Export focus: 10%, Limited exports: 5%, Closed economy: 0%)
- Radar coverage (Radars that cover any seazone with enemy ships on missions, can provide up to 20% naval intel efficiency. Naval intel gathered per radar is only one value per country, not per seazone. Naval intel about the UK gathered per radar that covers the english channel can provide naval intel efficiency for a naval invasion in the Mediterranean Sea.)
- Fighting the enemy navy (Naval intel gained from naval battles decays by around -0.2%/week.)
Factors on naval intel efficiency only with the DLC La Résistance:
- Spy networks (up to 40%)
- Operations (Infiltrate navy 10%)
- Decrypted enemy ciphers (passive bonus 10% and 30 days bonus 50%)
- Intel from faction members (30% of the intel difference)
- Captured enemy operatives.
The Naval Department upgrade to Intelligence agency boosts the naval intel efficiency by +25% of its total value, i.e. it is multiplied by 1.25.
Factors on naval intel efficiency only without the DLC La Résistance:
- Own Decryption level and enemy Encryption level
Own Decryption level 0 1 2 3 Enemy Encryption level 0 0% 30% 45% 60% 1 0% 15% 22.5% 30% 2 0% 10% 15% 20% 3 0% 7.5% 11.25% 15%
Example with the DLC La Résistance:
As illustrated by the picture opposite: Democratic ideology (20%), Export Focus trade law (10%), Radar coverage (16.9%) and Spy network (5.5%) adding up to 52.4%, then multiplied by 1.25 from the Naval Department, give the total naval intel efficiency of 65.5% against this particular instance of UK.
Example without the DLC La Résistance:
If you don't use the DLC La Résistance and want to naval invade a fascist country (10%) that has closed economy (0%) and has researched Encryption level 3 and you have Decryption Level 3 (15%) and have no radars that cover any enemy territory: You get a naval intel efficiency of 25% and need to fight their navy to be able to get over the needed 30% naval intel efficiency.
Strategies if it's not possible to get 30% naval intel efficiency:
If there is nothing that contributes to naval supremacy in a seazone (Enemy supremacy is 0), you get naval intel efficiency 100%. A strategy is to finish planning of a naval invasion, send your ships out to get naval supremacy and start the invasion, even if you do not have enough naval intel efficiency. If the enemy is changing orders of fleets you might get 100% naval intel efficiency for a moment. That short moment is sufficient to start the naval invasion.
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制海權的獲得會因艦隊執行的任務,在該海域里的效度,艦隊船隻數量和船隻體型而變化. 一個海域的制海權是該海域里所有特遣舰队執行任務所獲得的執海權總和.
任務 | 給出的制海權 |
巡邏 | 100% |
打击舰队 | 100% |
海軍入侵支援 | 100% |
襲擊運輸船 | 50% |
運輸船護航 | 50% |
佈雷 | 30% |
掃雷 | 30% |
海軍演習 | 0% |
待機 (可選則在港口還是公海) | 0% |
體型更大的船(如戰列艦) 會供獻更多的制海權.比如說意大利有一艘早期的戰列艦 '安德烈亞·多裏亞號'在執行打擊艦隊的任務,這艘船將會提供356 的制海權值,而一艘早期的薑黃酮級驅逐艦將會提供 117 的制海權值. 每艘船的制海權值一此方法計算:
- 一艘船的制海權值 = 100.0 + 0.005 * 船隻建造費用+ 0.05 * 船隻所需人力
特遣舰队將不會攻擊 正在執行不供獻制海權任務的艦隊.
制空權 和 佈雷 會給制海權提供加成. 來自制空權最大的加成是以艦隊船數+100%,即每艘艦船將會被當作兩艘來計算.不過玩家若要獲得這中加成的話,就需要在足夠多的飛機飛行范圍能覆蓋該海域以及達到100%的制空權.
發起海軍入侵祇需要制海權在執行入侵時占優就行了,即使在執行后失去了足夠的制海權,海軍入侵也會照樣執行. 祇要入侵計劃計劃好了,玩家擁有占優勢的制海權和足夠海上情報,就能發動海軍入侵.
Fortunately, you can get around this broken game mechanic by, well, breaking it further. When your para drop order appears on the Air map screen (same place where you assign Air Superiority and Ground Support missions), left-click the order's circular icon (probably looks blank), then right-click reassign your order to an air zone whose central node is closer to your airfield (this will usually, but not always, be the air zone your airfield is located in).
和海軍入侵需要運輸機一樣,空降計劃需要運輸機才能被執行. 和其他游戲内的飛機相反,一個運輸機并不代表一架運輸機,而是一群被需要用來運輸部隊的飛機群.
The amount of transport planes required depends on the weight of the divisions to be transported. Paratroopers battalions weigh 0.5 and paratroop support companies 0.1. One transport plane has a carrying capacity of 2.0, and so could carry a division of 4 para battalions, or 3 para battalions with several support companies. If the air drop order planes total too little carrying capacity for the paratroops assigned, the transports will make several trips to ferry the paratroops, exposing them to more enemy attacks and causing the troops to arrive in separate waves.
Divisions need to be in a province with an airfield with transport planes in order to be able to execute the paradrop.
A Front Line is the starting point of attacks into enemy territory. A player can either assign a whole country's border as a front line by clicking on the border or a player can assign a part of a country's border as a front line by holding the right mouse button and dragging the mouse over the provinces the player wants to belong to the front line deployment area. The AI will then move all the divisions into the position that the commander assigns to that front line. They are assigned either by having them selected when the front line button is clicked or added later by selecting them and Control-Clicking on that line. A player can also create several unconnected front lines and assign divisions between them, which may be particularly useful for a field marshal who may command an unlimited amount of divisions conducting various operations in different locations around the world. Divisions that are stationed at a front line that borders a non-ally will receive a planning bonus for their pre-attack preparation time. Front lines can only be positioned at a border, and the front line of battle between opposing forces counts as a border for this purpose.
An Offensive Line is a line that a player draws through enemy provinces that contain objectives for the assigned army units to move to and capture. From a front line, or from another offensive line, a player can draw one or several offensive lines or arrows that tell the AI how the player wants the selected plan's divisions to advance from the front line. The width and arc of the offensive line can be adjusted as described on the tooltip. If the mouse cursor is dragged over the offensive line or arrow the game will show the exact visualisation of how the AI will advance the divisions, step for step. ALT for edit mode and TAB to shift the arrow's base can be useful to direct the main effort.
The order to execute battle plans is given with the button above the commander portrait, along with a tooltip that provides information and advice from the staff regarding the battle plan. The AI then executes the battle plan until the troops reach their offensive line which has then become the new front line. If that front line has offensive line orders beyond it then the execute button has to be pressed again to resume the advance from the new front line. Pausing to rest, resupply, refit, regroup, and coordinate further plans was common between phases of a major offensive. This is also a good time to detach troops to consolidate control over occupied territory, which usually involves smaller divisions that specialize in discouraging unrest. The Garrison Area battle plan order is one used in such a situation.
只适用于DLC共赴胜利激活时。 |
The spearhead order starts from a front line and can be used alongside or instead of the Offensive Line within an army. Unlike the normal battle plan that spreads out to cover its flanks and adjusts to circumstances, spearheads advance in a narrow path one province wide to their objective, exactly as it was when first defined. This makes them suitable for blitzkrieg-style armored penetrations that can capture a specific goal or work with another spearhead pincer to encircle enemy cities or armies in pockets, sealed in a ring of steel by the mobile and regular infantry divisions following behind. Encircled armies can thus be annihilated, as routed divisions which lack friendly territory to retreat to are destroyed.
Spearhead (shortcut 'SHIFT + X') may be used only through territory past the attacking army's front line or territory assigned to a naval invasion (tanks rolling off the landing craft into battle). Spearheads follow the exact paths traced on the map by right-clicking and dragging the mouse through successive provinces. This may enable the attacking forces to plan a path that bypasses forts, cities, or other undesirable terrain in order to maintain their momentum.
玩家能劃出一條防守綫,AI將會用和前綫機制相同的機制移動到目的地, 如果防綫被突破被分配到該命令的部隊將會嘗試重奪該省份.不像被分配到前綫命令的部隊,被分配到防守綫的部隊不會獲得計劃加成,但常時間駐扎在一個省份的部隊將獲得防守加成.
區域防衛是指一個令集團軍防守一個區域而不是前綫的作戰計劃.這能幫助玩家防備空降兵和鎮壓抵抗(抵抗運動前的版本)。 單位會分散在不同位置而不是集中在某個區域,請注意這個做戰計劃并不適用于前綫地區.如果被防守省份其中任何一個地區被敵方占領,AI將自動從其他被防守的省份調兵過來試圖重奪該地.
- 防守胜利點
- 防守港口
- 防守海岸
- 防守機場
- 降低抵抗(開啓抵抗運動DLC的玩家不適用)
- 防守要塞
The player can choose which of these he wishes to guard and the UI will tell the player how many divisions the AI considers necessary to satisfy the command. The garrison area order triples the limit of units under a commander to 72 without incurring a debuff. Reducing resistance is best accomplished with an army of security divisions. 2-6 Cavalry battalions plus Military Police make effective security divisions, and require only minimum weapons and training.
A very different type of garrison division is a static division intended for positional defense - its purpose is not to do damage but to entrench and hold as long as possible against enemy attack to provide time for relief to arrive. ORG, DEF, and entrenchment are important, as is piercing enemy armor. This division can be trained infantry with basic weapons, Engineers for defense, and a battalion or company of AA guns (which help against air attack, can pierce light armor, and don't need tungsten to make) or AT guns. It will be fighting alone, so combat width is not important.
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微操與戰鬥計劃; 支援攻擊
單位在完成玩家下的命令后.如果在此之前被分配到一個做戰機劃的話AI會控制單位繼續進行做戰機劃. 一旦戰鬥開始,玩家能用CTRL鍵+右鍵(或CNTRL鍵+ALT鍵+右鍵)點擊顯視戰鬥的圖表來讓未進入戰鬥的單位支援戰鬥(戰鬥支援中的單位會以藍色的進攻鍵頭表現),玩家可以以此來讓其他單位輔助進攻而不會移動,在AI控制的戰鬥計劃下也會出現支援攻擊.
玩家能看見其盟友的作戰計劃(在屏幕右下方能調整). 這能在聯機時幫助玩家配合隊友,在單人游玩時也能讓玩家大致明白AI在干啥.
政治 | 意识形态 • 阵营 • 国策 • 内阁 • 政府 • 傀儡国 • 外交 • 全球紧张度 • 内战 • 占领区 • 情报机构 • 权力平衡 |
生产 | 贸易 • 生产 • 建设 • 装备 • 燃料 • 军工机构 • 国际市场 |
科研与科技 | 科研 • 步兵科技 • 辅助部队(支援连)科技 • 装甲车辆科技 • 火炮科技 • 陆军学说 • 特种部队学说 • 海军科技 • 海军学说 • 空军科技 • 空军学说 • 工程学科技 • 工业科技 |
军事与战争 | 战争 • 和平会议 • 陆军单位 • 陆战 • 编制设计 • 坦克设计 • 陆军计划 • 集团军 • 指挥官 • 作战计划 • 战术 • 海军单位 • 舰艇设计 • 海战 • 空军单位 • 飞机设计 • 空战 • 经验 • 军官团 • 损耗与事故 • 后勤 • 人力 • 核弹 |
地图 | 地图 • 省份 • 地形 • 气候 • 地区 |
事件与决议 | 事件 • 决议 |
- ↑ For an example of this, see Zwirbaum's battle plan tutorial on Youtube