主要国家 |
次要国家 |
加拿大自治领 澳大利亚 新西兰 南非 英属印度 捷克斯洛伐克 匈牙利王国 罗马尼亚王国 南斯拉夫 中华民国 中共 满洲国 桂系 滇系 晋系 西北三马 新疆 墨西哥 荷兰 西班牙 葡萄牙 保加利亚 希腊王国 土耳其 立陶宛 拉脱维亚 爱沙尼亚 波兰 |
其它国家 |
日本(Japan),是太平洋战场中轴心国的领导者。有人认为,第二次世界大战实际上是由日本入侵 中华民国开始的,首先是占领了满洲并建立了他们的 满洲国政权。1937年,马可波罗大桥(译者注:Marco Polo Bridge,中国称卢沟桥事变,即七七事变)事件后,日本向中国宣战,开始了第二次中日战争(Second Sino-Japanese War),日本入侵并征服了华东大部分地区,并在此过程中建立了其他伪政权,包括 蒙古国以及“中华民国改组国民政府”(Reorganized National Government of the Republic of China,即汪伪政权)。在入侵中国后,日本也开始向东南亚进攻,入侵并征服了 英属马来亚和 荷属东印度(印度尼西亚),获得了其丰富的资源,然后准备入侵 英属印度。
1945年8月6日, 美利坚合众国在广岛(Hiroshima)投下了一枚原子弹,夷平了整座城市。根据雅尔塔协议(Yalta agreements),8月8日傍晚, 苏维埃联盟对日本宣战,并于8月9日午夜过后不久,袭击了 满洲国和 蒙古国。仅仅几个小时后,美国人在长崎(Nagasaki)投下了第二枚原子弹。这些事件彻底震撼和迫使裕仁天皇(Emperor Hirohito)介入并迫使六大巨头商定结束战争的条件,这是盟军在波茨坦会议(Potsdam Conference)上决定的。经过数天的幕后谈判,在销毁由苏联伞兵捕获的满洲731部队(Unit 731 in Manchuria)生化武器库存的失败尝试和关东军(Kwantung Army)的崩溃后,8月15日,裕仁天皇通过广播向全国发表讲话,宣布日本投降。投降书的签字仪式于9月2日在美国海军战舰密苏里号(USS Missouri,BB-63)上举行。
日本位于亚洲的远东地区,它主要由四个主要岛屿组成:九州(Kyushu),四国(Shikoku),本州(Honshu)和北海道(Hokkaido)。日本还拥有朝鲜半岛(Korean peninsular),天津(Tianjin)南萨哈林岛(South Sakhalin)以及太平洋中的许多战略性岛屿,包括:台湾(Taiwan),冲绳(Okinawa),塞班岛(Saipan),关岛(Guam)和硫磺岛(Iwo Jima)。日本还控制了 满洲国和 蒙古国的地区。
日本本土以山脉为主,几乎遍布全国。它有几个主要城市,分别是东京(Tokyo),广岛(Hiroshima)和长崎(Nagasaki)。 日本主要城市周围都有平原。日本直接通过萨哈林岛和朝鲜北部边境以及 满洲国的北部边境与 苏维埃联盟接壤。他们还通过天津及其傀儡国 蒙古国与 中华民国接壤。日本本土四面环海,西面是日本海,南面是东海,东面则是太平洋。
在1868年明治维新(Meiji Restoration)期间日本统一之后,日本帝国(Japanese Empire)经历了一个快速的西化和工业化时期,其目标是使日本成为与其他西方国家同等的强国。日本以其工业力量,通过侵略邻国来弥补本土资源的匮乏,例如始于1895年对朝鲜的入侵,1894-1895年的第一次中日战争(First Sino-Japanese War),日本占领了台湾。继此之后,日本又在1904-1905年抗日战争中赢得了日俄战争(Russo-Japanese War),巩固了自己作为世界大国之一和第一个获得这一地位的非欧洲国家的地位。1902年,日本与英国结盟,在第一次世界大战中加入了协约国,征服了德国在太平洋和中国的殖民地。
在大萧条期间,日本政府变得越来越军国主义,并于1931年征服了满洲,从而造就了 满洲国傀儡国的成立。1933年,日本进一步占领中国领土,导致了更多的傀儡国,例如 蒙古国。日本政府已经开始宣布一场“亚洲是亚洲人的亚洲”的运动,在这场运动中,他们或多或少的意思是“亚洲是日本人的亚洲”,并发生了一系列的“解放”战争,实际上这是对土地和资源的进一步争夺。
但是,日本政府仍然不满意,并以牺牲一切为代价的方式,寻求进一步扩大日本在东亚及其“大东亚共荣圈”("Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere")的统治。日本为征服亚洲制定了无数计划,其中一些计划是入侵东亚大陆,并将 中华民国分裂为一些忠诚的傀儡国,另一些计划则是入侵 英属印度,其他则涉及入侵印度尼西亚(Indonesia)和印度支那(Indochina)的欧洲国家殖民地。甚至更甚的计划要求入侵苏联,以夺取其西伯利亚的丰富资源,财富和广大领土,另一项计划涉及对准了 澳大利亚和 新西兰,而日本最大的野心便是入侵 美利坚合众国,以确保日本的资源和工业控制权,并推翻美国政府,以便日本称霸太平洋地区,从而成为一个洲际大国。
The Japanese national focus tree can be divided into 7 branches:
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陆军科技 | 海军科技 | 空军科技 | 电子&工业 |
学说 | |||
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With the 唤醒勇虎 expansion enabled, Japan starts with an additional national spirit:
With the 炮手就位 expansion enabled, Japan starts with an additional national spirit:
傀儡国:开局时日本拥有两个傀儡国(附庸国) 满洲国和 蒙古国. Both of these countries are located in Northern China and are quite lackluster in terms of industry and military.
党名 | 政治思想 | 支持率 | 政党领导人 | 国名 | 是否执政 |
大政翼赞会 | 法西斯 | 100% | 裕仁 | 日本 | 是 |
日本共产党 | 共产主义 | 0% | 德田球一 | 日本人民共和国 | 否 |
立宪民政党 | 民主主义 | 0% | 片山哲 | 日本国 | 否 |
中立 | 中立 | 0% | 随机 | 日本幕府 | 否 |
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Resource-wise, Japan finds itself in much the same place as Germany. While Japan has access to a satisfactory amount of chromium, tungsten, and steel, it suffers from a shortage of aluminum, and an extreme shortage of oil and rubber. Japan's shortage of oil and rubber at the game's beginning mostly shoehorns the Japanese player into the historical bog of an infantry army. Even a complete annexation of China will not solve Japan's problems, as China has more or less the same resource pool as Japan has. While the Japanese player can trade with the United States in the early game for oil, this ties up civilian factories, and the United States has an early focus to embargo Japan (which they will be likely to pursue with historical focus turned on).
Japan is in luck, however, as all the rubber and oil are a short boat ride and a war with the Allies away. Specifically, the largest supplies of rubber and oil in the game can be found in French Indochina, British Malaysia, and the Dutch East Indies. While Japan won't have complete control of these resources until they reach a peace conference with France, Britain, or the Netherlands, the available resources are more than abundant enough to fuel the construction of planes, ships, tanks, as well as any motorized designs Japan might have for the duration of the war. If the Japanese player does not desire war with the Allies, they will have access to the first technology allowing synthetic oil refineries in 1936, which opens up options for medium-scale production of aforementioned planes, ships, and tanks, without conquest. One thing to keep in mind when taking this route is that synthetic oil refineries are extremely expensive and time-consuming to construct, eating away time that could be used to build up other military and civilian factories with which to build up a force to take all the resources Japan could ever require to fulfill its dreams of Pacific domination.
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征兵法案 | 经济法案 | 贸易法案 |
19 Military Factories军用工厂 |
15 Naval Dockyard海军船坞 |
25 Civilian Factories民用工厂 |
31 Military Factories军用工厂 |
21 Naval Dockyard海军船坞 |
48 Civilian Factories民用工厂 |
石油 |
橡胶 |
钢铁 |
铝 |
钨 |
铬 |
4 | 0 | 94 | 7 | 47 | 88 |
石油 |
橡胶 |
钢铁 |
铝 |
钨 |
铬 |
4 | 0 | 108 | 7 | 47 | 88 |
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名称 | 型号 | 科技年份 |
94式 | 摩托化装备 | 1936 |
1式 Ho-Ki | 机械化装备 I | 1940 |
1式 Ho-Ha | 机械化装备 II | 1942 |
4式 Ka-Tsu | 机械化装备 III | 1944 |
名称 | 型号 | 科技年份 | 变体 TD / SPA / AAA |
Ko-Gata | 一战坦克 | 1918 | |
94式 | 轻型坦克 I | 1934 | |
Ha-Go | 轻型坦克 II | 1936 | 无 / Ke-Nu / Ko-Hi AA |
Ke-Ni | 轻型坦克 III | 1941 | Ho-Ru / Ku-Se / Ta-Se |
Chi-Ha | 中型坦克 I | 1939 | Ho-Ni I / Ho-I / 无 |
Chi-Nu | 中型坦克 II | 1941 | Ho-Ni II / Ho-Ro / 无 |
Chi-Ri | 中型坦克 III | 1943 | Na-To / Ha-To / 无 |
95式 | 重型坦克 I | 1934 | Ka-To / Ji-Ro / 无 |
Iwakuro | 重型坦克 II | 1941 | Ho-Ri / Ho-Chi / 无 |
O-I | 重型坦克 III | 1943 | |
2064式 | 超重型坦克 | 1943 | |
61式 | 现代坦克 | 1945 |
日本开局时拥有一些升级完成的1级船舶。赤城号航空母舰和长门号战列舰两条船拥有相当多的升级点数。日本开局时也拥有3条 II 级的金刚级战列舰和两条 II 级的最上级重巡洋舰。同时有1条苍龙级航空母舰、1条金刚级战列舰、1条最上级重巡洋舰以及3条驱逐舰和4艘潜艇在建。日本开局的海军科技较先进,同时日本还可以从国策中获取国家精神“长枪鱼雷”,这使得日本鱼雷射程比任何国家都要长。
Japan starts with several upgraded tier I ship classes. The Akagi carrier and Nagato battleship in particular have an especially high number of upgrade points. Japan also starts with 3 Kongo-class battleships which are tier II and 2 Mogami-class heavy cruisers that are also tier II. Under construction are 1 Soryu-class carrier, 1 Kongo-class battleship and 1 Mogami-class heavy cruiser along with 3 destroyers and 4 submarines. Japan starts with comparably high naval technology. Japan can also acquire Long Lance torpedoes from a national focus, which gives their torpedoes a longer range than any other nation.
名称 | 型号 | 科技年份 |
峰风级 | 驱逐舰 I | 1922 |
朝潮级 | 驱逐舰 II | 1936 |
秋月级 | 驱逐舰 III | 1940 |
岛风级 | 驱逐舰 IV | 1944 |
天龙级 | 轻巡洋舰 I | 1922 |
最上级轻巡洋舰 | 轻巡洋舰 II | 1936 |
阿贺野级 | 轻巡洋舰 III | 1940 |
吾妻级 | 轻巡洋舰 IV | 1944 |
古鹰级 | 重巡洋舰 I | 1922 |
最上级重巡洋舰 | 重巡洋舰 II | 1936 |
利根级 | 重巡洋舰 III | 1940 |
伊吹级 | 重巡洋舰 IV | 1944 |
天城级 | 战列巡洋舰 I | 1922 |
B-65大型巡洋舰 | 战列巡洋舰 II | 1940 |
扶桑级 | 战列舰 I | 1922 |
金刚级 | 战列舰 II | 1936 |
Tajima Class 疑为田岛级 | 战列舰 III | 1940 |
石见级 | 战列舰 IV | 1944 |
大和级 | 超重巡洋舰 I | 1936 |
超大和级 | 超重巡洋舰II | 1944 |
加贺级 | 航空母舰 I | 1922 |
苍龙级 | 航空母舰 II | 1936 |
翔鹤级 | 航空母舰 III | 1940 |
大凤级 | 航空母舰 IV | 1944 |
RO-35级,亦称K6 型 | 潜艇 I | 1922 |
Kaidai VI Class 疑为伊-168型 | 潜艇 II | 1936 |
Ko/Otsu/Hei-Gata Class 巡潜丙型改潜艇 | 潜艇 III | 1940 |
Sen-Toku Class 特殊潜水艇 | 潜艇 IV | 1944 |
327 近距支援机 |
339 战斗机 |
102 海军轰炸机 |
54 战术轰炸机 |
科技年份 | 近距离空中支援(海军改进型) | 战斗机(海军改进型) | 海军轰炸机 (海军改进型) | 重型战斗机 | 战术轰炸机 | 战略轰炸机 |
1933 | Type 91 (A4N) | G3M Rikko | ||||
1936 | Ki-32 (D1A2) | Ki-27 (A5M) | G3M1 (B5N) | Ki-38 | Ki-21 | Ki-20 |
1940 | Ki-51 (D3A) | Ki-43 Hayabusa (A6M Zero-sen) | G4M (B6N) | Ki-45 Toryu | Ki-48 | Ki-49 Donryu |
1944 | Ki-66 (D4Y Suisei) | Ki-84 Hayate (A7M Reppu) | P1Y Ginga (B7A) | Ki-102 | Ki-67 | G8N Renzan |
喷气引擎科技 | ||||||
1945 | Kikka | Jet Tac Bomber I | ||||
1950 | J7W Shidden-Kai | Jet Tac Bomber II | Jet Strat Bomber I |
These are the Military Staff candidates for appointment of Imperial Japan.
日本 The Empire of Japan is by far the strongest nation in East Asia when it comes to military strength and has plenty of options for expanding its sphere of influence. That being said, Japan suffers from a chronic lack of resources, given the size of its military and will, as it realized in real life, become very dependent on trade to fuel its war machine unless the problem is properly addressed. Japan is also not a very popular nation globally—the 联合王国, the 美利坚合众国 and the 苏维埃联盟 all have national focuses that enable them to go to war with Japan and the Together for Victory DLC will also turn 澳大利亚 and 新西兰 into possible enemies.
Japan's national focus tree contains many helpful perks and boosts that can greatly assist in early-game endeavors. The National Focus New Naval Estimates gives 4 naval dockyards while "Spiritual Mobilization" and "Warrior Traditions" raise the recruitable population by a noticeable margin.
Japan starts the game with a total of 59 factories (19 military, 25 civilian and 15 naval dockyards) which is comparable to most of the other major nations and this gives Japan the biggest industrial capacity in East Asia.
The Imperial Japanese army consists of a rather colorful mix of units, ranging from Regular to Green in experience and with varying levels of equipment. Many of the division templates are also somewhat questionable when it comes to composition. A lot of rearming and reorganizing will be needed in order to bring up the military to par with the other major powers.
The Imperial Japanese Navy is the third-largest navy in the world and the largest one in East Asia. Because Japan is an island nation and also controls a large matrix of smaller islands throughout the pacific ocean, the navy will be vital to ensure that the Japanese Empire remains properly connected and that supply lines remain open. As such, Japan will need to build up its naval dockyard capacity in order to allow it to expand its naval force and replace lost ships.
Once the initial buildup is completed there are several paths for Japan to take:
Located to Japan's Southwest, 中华民国 presents a relatively early conquest goal for Japan. The Japanese national focus tree contains the necessary focuses to grant a war goal against China very early on in the game and this makes China a perfectly logical conquest option in the early game. When taking on China, the Japanese player must be aware of two crucial facts: first, China has the second highest (highest after unification) starting core population in the game and this grants it a near-bottomless manpower supply. As such, a war of attrition is not an option for Japan as Japan will run out of manpower long before China. Instead, the recommended path is for Japan to strike fast and strike hard, using equipment such as artillery and either heavy fighters or tanks to deal maximum damage to the Chinese forces. Second, it is recommended that the player strike China from multiple directions by opening new fronts through naval invasions. Once the war starts, two possible option for additional strikes would be a naval invasion of the Qingdao peninsula followed by a rush inland to cut off supply line to Beijing or an invasion of Southern China to capture a large portion of China's resources.
Once China falls, the player is left with two options: Annexation or Puppeting. Annexing China will grant Japan a good amount of build slots for construction (which is mostly useless as you have enough construction slots in your capital and way better infrastructure) as well as providing a boost to Japan's resource pool but an immense penalty will be applied to the local recruitable population, greatly reducing available manpower.
If the Japanese player elects to puppet China and has the Together For Victory DLC enabled, then they will be able to fully exploit China's immense manpower pool by recruiting colonial divisions or by requesting forces from China at any point, as China will retain full access to its manpower pool as a Japanese puppet. If the player elects this path, they should only fully annex coastal states, and perhaps even all states except Sichuan (which is the highest population state). China should still be left with enough manpower. Annexing the state of Hainan is highly recommended as this state can serve as a staging area for the Japanese Navy when fighting in Southern Asia.
With 1.9 alongside La Resistance, the Sino-Japanese War can easily turn into a meat grinder for Japan. You want to end the war as quickly as possible as garrison requirement will wear you down by attrition. You can set up collaboration government via espionage beforehand to make things easier and give you an alternative to puppeting China. Be sure to complete Develop Chinese Resources focus first before allowing the collaboration government to form or you will lose out on its bonuses. You can form the Collaboration Government with either Nationalist China or Communist China. Using Communist China as collaboration government might be a preferable option given their better national spirits and conscription laws but you will need more garrison during the time you are completing the focus as the compliance will only form in their starting area. Keep in mind that just like normal puppets, collaboration government will not give you access to their docks and the collaboration puppet will immediately form over all their core territory you possess during their formation which including Dalian, East Hebei, and Taiwan.
Just south of Japan lies Indonesia and Indochina. These territories are very valuable for Japan as they contain large amounts of rubber as well as a moderate amount of oil, both which Japan sorely needs for tanks, trucks, planes and ships for its military.
Unfortunately for Japan, these territories are controlled by European colonial nations (the 荷属东印度 and 英属马来亚) and as such Japan will likely not be able to achieve full control of these areas until later in the game unless the player can somehow force through a peace treaty. Still, simply occupying the areas will be enough to extract the resources needed. As far as enemy opposition is concerned, the colonial nations are usually not very well defended so Japan's starting military power alone should be sufficient to capture the colonies if one acts fast enough. Invading the colonies will likely involve a lot of naval invasions or paratrooper drops (depending on personal preference) as well maintaining naval superiority around the islands.
Once the colonies are occupied, a good course of action would be to fortify the coast and station troops in the area to repel enemy attempts at retaking the areas. This is where puppet troops can come in handy, recruiting colonial troops or, if the division templates are good enough, requesting forces from puppets can allow the player to station puppet troops to garrison occupied areas for reducing resistance and repelling or at least delaying enemy incursions.
In La Resistance it is possible to form Collaboration Government on both Malaya and Dutch East Indies using espionage and it might be well worth the effort as your puppets will form immediately once they capitulated without the need of subduing the rest of the Allies. Likewise, be sure to complete Exploit the Southern Resource Area focus first before allowing the collaboration government to form or you will lose its bonuses, though this is only possible in the Fascist path.
Japan's national focus tree also contains focuses to aid in this path, allowing Japan to turn 暹罗 into a puppet as well as pressuring 法国 to give up Indochina.
Alternatively it's possible to justify on Dutch East Indies or Netherlands in the beginning and temporarily join Axis to take out Netherlands before they can join Allies.
确保中国战场稳固后,可以向 英属印度推进,这样拥有两个人力大国作为傀儡可以大幅减少本国人力损失。与 中华民国不同的是,印度是 联合王国的殖民地,这会卷入与同盟国的战争中。鉴于印度和中国都人多枪少,推荐双线入侵;一个是取道 滇系和{flag|暹罗}},同时海军入侵锡兰岛;另一条是取道喜马拉雅山脉直插印度腹地。不要给装备落后的印军喘息机会,但要提防盟军援助,这些可不是容易啃的骨头。
Beyond India (the 英属印度) lies the fifth biggest oil producer in the world - 伊朗. Capturing it will secure twice as much oil as the 荷属东印度, providing for Japan's medium-term oil needs as it expands in the Pacific.
Though small and non-aligned, Iran's border with India is very short and very mountainous, making the invasion surprisingly tough (but still a matter of weeks).
Iran also give you access to the 苏维埃联盟. If the 德意志国 are already close to Stalingrad, an invasion via Armenia could roll up the entire front. If not, you could blitz straight to Stalingrad or even Moscow while the bulk of Soviet forces are tied up in the West (which will collapse when half the front is deployed to deal with your invasion). You can end the war by Christmas.
在征服东南亚后,日本可以入侵 澳大利亚与 新西兰。此南下将极大的拓宽日本的海洋实力与并移除盟军在南太平洋的军事存在。两国都是欧洲列强的附属国,科技发达却人力短缺,进攻方式须权变: 若卷入战争,因远征军故而本土空虚,宜速攻克之,否则强敌援至,不易登陆;If they choose to sever ties and become independent, however (via Together For Victory), then they will be less inclined to send their troops elsewhere and may therefore be able to mount a more solid defense. In addition to that, going down the national focus trees can lead to Australia and/or New Zealand joining the Axis or Comintern and Australia can even form a faction with the USA, puppet/annex New Zealand and attack Japan.
主要国家 |
次要国家 |
加拿大自治领 澳大利亚 新西兰 南非 英属印度 捷克斯洛伐克 匈牙利王国 罗马尼亚王国 南斯拉夫 中华民国 中共 满洲国 桂系 滇系 晋系 西北三马 新疆 墨西哥 荷兰 西班牙 葡萄牙 保加利亚 希腊王国 土耳其 立陶宛 拉脱维亚 爱沙尼亚 波兰 |
其它国家 |
欧洲 |
阿尔巴尼亚 奥地利 比利时 保加利亚 捷克斯洛伐克 丹麦 爱沙尼亚 芬兰 法国 德意志国 希腊王国 匈牙利王国 爱尔兰 意大利 拉脱维亚 立陶宛 卢森堡 荷兰 挪威 波兰 葡萄牙 西班牙 罗马尼亚王国 斯洛伐克 苏维埃联盟 瑞典 瑞士 土耳其 联合王国 南斯拉夫 |
北美 |
加拿大自治领 哥斯达黎加 古巴 多米尼加共和国 萨尔瓦多 危地马拉 海地 洪都拉斯 墨西哥 尼加拉瓜 巴拿马 美利坚合众国 |
南美 |
亚洲 |
阿富汗 不丹 英属马来亚 英属印度 中华民国 中共 桂系 伊朗 伊拉克 日本 满洲国 蒙古国 蒙古 尼泊尔 阿曼 菲律宾 沙特阿拉伯 晋系 暹罗 新疆 唐努图瓦 西藏 西北三马 也门 滇系 |
非洲 |
大洋洲 |