Interservice rivalry

Interservice Rivalry - Balanced icon
Interservice Rivalry - Balanced

This is a 民族精神 of Japan in the 唤醒勇虎Waking the Tiger DLC. The spirit starts as "balanced" but can be affected by the Interservice Rivalry (IR) decisions. The decisions are comprised of four pairs of mutually exclusive decisions, with any pair offering to either favour the navy or the army, giving a national spirit for the decision and changing the balance of the Interservice Rivalry national spirit.

National Spirit Mechanics

The national spirit uses a 5 step scale of Army dominant to Navy Dominant. While a balanced rivalry has no effect, strengthening either branch of service results in modifiers to factory output and construction speed with "branch strengthened" and further modifiers to research and planning speed with "branch dominant".

Interservice Rivalry Status Dockyard/
Other effects
Idea jap interservice rivalry army dominant.png Army dominant -20%/+10% -20%/+10% Land doctrine research speed +5%
Naval doctrine research speed -10%
Naval research speed -10%
Idea jap interservice rivalry army strengthened.png Army strengthened -10%/+5% -10%/+5% -
Idea jap interservice rivalry balanced.png Balanced - - -
Idea jap interservice rivalry navy strengthened.png Navy strengthened +5%/-5% +10%/-10% -
Idea jap interservice rivalry navy dominant.png Navy dominant +10%/-5% +20%/-20% Naval doctrine research speed +5%
Planning speed -10%
Land doctrince research speed -10%


Each decision is mutually exclusive with its counterpart, so the effects are mutually exclusive as well. It costs 50 政治点数PP to take a decision and after each decision comes a 180 day cooldown before the next one can be taken. However, there is no strict order in which any decision can be taken. Furthermore, a decision taken affects the Interservice Rivalry national spirit, taking it one step towards the last choice. So, a "balanced" rivalry becomes "army strengthened" after the first pro army choice and becomes "balanced" again when choosing the navy next.

Decision generic tank.pngPrioritize Steel for Guns - get +2 军用工厂 MIC in 2 random states

Decision generic naval.pngPrioritize Steel for Guns - get +2 海军船坞 NIC in 2 random states

Decision generic tank.pngPrioritize Army Aircraft Construction - -10% Production cost.png production cost for CAS and tactical bombers

Decision generic naval.pngPrioritize Navy Aircraft Construction - -20% Production cost.png production cost for carrier fighters, carrier CAS, carrier naval bombers and naval bombers

Decision generic tank.pngInstitute Indiscriminate Conscription - +2% 人力 recruitable population

Decision generic naval.pngGrant Draft Exemptions - +5%军用工厂 MIC and 海军船坞dockyard output

Decision generic tank.pngForm Raiding Regiments - +5% attack and defense for special forces

Decision generic naval.pngForm Special Air Landing Forces - +2% special forces multiplier


The Interservice Rivalry (IR) national spirit functions very similarly to a focus tree branch and should be considered as one for the japanese build up. While individual decisions and their respective bonuses must be considered, the IR national spirit and its effects also do play a role. If engaging in a landlocked conflict early on, like against China or the Soviet Union, it is advantageous for Japan to first choose an army favouring decision(s). This gives both the national spirit bonus for the decision itself as well as the added bonus from army strengthened or army dominant national spirit. As in the later game, Japan will almost inevitably confront the allies, it needs to favour the navy in later decisions. A "navy strengthened" or "dominant" national spirit can give Japan an edge in the naval buildup between 1938 and 1942 before confronting the Royal Navy and the US navy. Since not all IR decisions are created equal in terms of the benefits they offer, especially given their interaction with Japan's national focuses, they can be discussed as follows:

Pritoritize Steel for Army/Navy: very much comparable in terms of the benefits. Depending on Japans buildup strategy, either one makes sense. With the early war against China or the SU looming, steel for guns comes out slightly on top.

Prioritize Army/Navy Aircraft construction: hands down, navy is the winner here. The reason for this is that CV aircraft are actually cheaper than their land based coutnerparts, the bonus affects more types of aircraft, all of which are vital to Japan. The final reason being the Zero NF and Mitsubishi designer. Combining the designer, the 1940 fighter NF and this national spirit makes the IJN air arm a force to be reckoned with.

Indiscriminate Conscription/Draft exemptions: Recruitable population can become an issue as japanese land forces tend to cover extensive territories. However, this can be mitigated by using colonial troops after pupetting China. The factory output increase through draft exemptions benefits both branches of service and, together with the existing game mechanics' substitutes for recruitable population increase, makes it come out on top.

Raiding Regiments/Air Landing forces: Despite Japan getting an increase of special forces by national focus already, the meagre +5% attack/defense increase for special forces does not look appealing in comparion. This can be chosen either way, but the favour navy decision looks better.