

As a part of the Arms Against Tyranny expansion, Military Industrial Organizations (MIOs) were introduced. They replace the base game design companies, instead a new trait tree for each company is present. Industrial concerns remain unchanged. MIOs can be used to research equipment faster, confer bonuses onto equipment, and be attached onto a production line of equipment. MIOs can be leveled up using funds. Funds can be gained by researching tech, producing equipment, and certain national focuses. Once a MIO has been leveled up, it gains a trait point, which can be spent in the trait tree provide bonuses to equipment or to the MIO. Some traits are mutually exclusive, allowing for players to build their MIOs to fit with their playstyle. When a MIO has been leveled up enough, it can be assigned a policy, providing further bonuses. With these changes, players are able to use multiple MIOs of the same type (tanks, navy, planes, materials) instead of being locked into one of each type as without AAT.

MIOs broadly follow the same categories as the design companies present in the base game, with designers of the same type sharing a trait tree. Certain traits are exclusive to individual MIOs, and can be unlocked via National Focuses. Some nations have MIOs that are exclusive to them.

Armor companies

Medium Tank Designer

Applies to All Medium Tank Equipment

Starting bonuses

  • Bonuses for production lines: Production output +5%
  • MIO Research Bonus: +10%

Possible upgrades

  • Power Traverse: Breakthrough +5%
  • All-Round Copula: Breakthrough +5%
  • Simplified Turret Design: Production output +5%
  • Specialist Shells: Hard Attack +5%
  • Improved Gun Mettalurgy: Piercing +5%
  • Advanced Shells: Piercing +5%
  • Armor Steel-Working: Production output +5%
  • Improved Suspension: Reliability +5%

Mutually exclusive

  • Spaced Armor: Armor +5% or Crew Survival Layout: Defense +5% or Sloped Side Armor: Breakthrough +5%
  • Truck Engines: Reliability +5% or Aircraft Engines: Max Speed +5%

Unique nation upgrades

Soviet Union - Astrov Design Bureau

  • Merge Plant No, 174: Max Speed +5% unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
  • Merge Plant No. 112: Production output +5% unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
  • Merge Ural Heavy Machine Building Plant: Soft Attack +5% unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations

United Kingdom - Vickers-Armstrong

  • Expanded Turret Capacity: Reliability +5%, Armor +5%, Breakthrough +5%
  • Expanded Production Facilities: Production efficiency cap +10%, Production efficiency gain +10%

United States - Chrysler

  • Strict Design Specifications: Reliability +10%
  • Expanded Production Facilities: Production output cost -10%, Production output +5%

Army Ordnance Department

  • Periscope Sights: Breakthrough +10%, Defense +5%
  • Mass Production of Armor: Production efficiency cap +5%, Production efficiency gain +10%

Fast Tank Designer

Applies to All Tank Equipment

Starting bonuses

  • Bonuses for equipment variants: Armor -5%, Reliability -5%, Max Speed +10%
  • MIO Research Bonus: +5%

Possible upgrades

  • Improved Boogies: Max Speed +2%, Reliability +5%
  • Sloping Armor: Defense +5%
  • Quality Assurance Routines: Reliability +5%, Production cost.png Production Cost +5%
  • Improved Ventilation: Defense +5%
  • Enlarged Breech: Soft Attack +5%
  • Streamlined Production: Production efficiency cap +5%
  • Improved Tracks and Suspension: Breakthrough +5%, Max Speed +5%
  • Gunner Sight Improvements: Breakthrough +5%, Defense +5%

Mutually exclusive

  • Engine Optimization: Max Speed +5% or Reduced Fuel Usage: Fuel Usage -5%
  • Lighter Materials: Production resource penalty -10% or Armor Hardening Process: Armor +5%

Unique nation upgrades

Soviet Union - Morozov Design Bureau

  • Merge Plant No, 174: Max Speed +5% unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
  • Merge Plant No. 112: Production output +5% unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
  • Merge Ural Heavy Machine Building Plant: Soft Attack +5% unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations

United States - Tank Destroyer Board applies all bonuses only to Destroyer variants

  • Starting bonuses - Reliability +5%, Hard Attack +5%, Piercing +5%
  • Enlarged Breech: Hard Attack +5%, Piercing +10% replaces trait Enlarged Breech

Standardized Production

Applies to All Light and Medium Tank Equipment

Starting bonuses

  • Bonuses for equipment variants: Armor -5%,Defense -5%, Production cost.png Production Cost -3%
  • MIO Research Bonus: +10%

Possible upgrades

  • Simplified Suspension: Reliability +5%
  • Crew Ergonomics: Max Speed +2%, Defense +2%
  • Defensive Equipment: Soft Attack +2%, Defense +2%
  • Standardized Components: Production efficiency gain +15%, Production resource need -15%
  • Improved Tracks: Reliability +5%, Max Speed +5%
  • Command Upgrades: Breakthrough +5%
  • Long-Barelled Guns: Piercing +5%, Hard Attack +5%
  • Improved Tooling: Production efficiency cap +10%

Mutually exclusive

  • Mass Production: Production output cost -5%, Production efficiency gain +10% or Quality Improvements: Armor +10%, Defense +10%
  • Anti-Tank Specialization: Armor +5%, Hard Attack +5% or Infantry Support Tanks: Soft Attack +5%, Production output cost -2%

Unique nation upgrades

German Reich - Daimler Benz

  • Hotrolled Armor: Production efficiency cap +5%, Production efficiency gain +5%
  • Multilayer Armour: Armor +10%

Italy - Fiat

  • New Industralization Program: Production output +10%, MIO Research Bonus: +10% unlocked by focus

Infantry Tank Designer

Applies to All Tank Equipment

Starting bonuses

  • Bonuses for equipment variants: Armor +5% Max Speed -10%
  • MIO Research Bonus: +5%

Possible upgrades

  • Light Tank Improvements: Soft Attack +5%, Hard Attack +5%, Armor +5% only for Light Tanks
  • Medium Tank Improvements: Soft Attack +5%, Hard Attack +5%, Armor +5% only for Medium Tanks
  • Heavy Tank Improvements: Soft Attack +2%, Hard Attack +5%, Armor +5% only for Heavy Tanks
  • Production Division: Production efficiency gain +15%
  • Standardized Turrets: Soft Attack +5%, Defense +5%, Production output cost -3%
  • Improved Wheel Protection: Reliability +5%, Defense +10% only for Light Tanks
  • Gun Improvements: Hard Attack +5%, Piercing +10% only for Medium and Heavy Tanks
  • Modular Construction: Production efficiency cap +10%, Production efficiency gain +10%

Mutually exclusive

  • Speed Improvements: Max Speed +10%, Breakthrough +10% or Improved Protection: Armor +10%, Defense +10%
  • Light Tank Specialization: Production output cost -5% or Medium Tank Specialization: Production output cost -5% or Heavy Tank Specialization: Production output cost -5% only for specified tank category

Unique nation upgrades

Soviet Union - OKMO

  • Merge Plant No, 174: Max Speed +5% unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
  • Merge Plant No. 112: Production output +5% unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
  • Merge Ural Heavy Machine Building Plant: Soft Attack +5% unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations

France - Renault

  • Automitrailleuses: Max Speed +10%, Armor -5% only for Medium Tanks
  • B1 bis Suspensoin: Max Speed +5%, Breakthrough +10% only for Heavy Tanks

Heavy Tank Designer

Applies to All Heavy Tank Equipment

Starting bonuses

  • Bonuses for equipment variants: Armor +5%, Reliability: -10%
  • MIO Research Bonus: +10%

Possible upgrades

  • Wide Tracks: Reliability +5%
  • One-Piece Hull Side Coverings: Production efficiency cap:+5%
  • Fully Cast Turret: Armor +5%, Defense +5%
  • Simplified Transmission System: Production efficiency cap:+5%, Production efficiency gain:+5%
  • Sloping Armor: Armor +5%, Defense +5%
  • Fire Extinguishers: Reliability +5%, Breakthrough +2%
  • Improved Engine Output: Max Speed +5%, Fuel Usage -5%

Mutually exclusive

  • Commander Cupola: Armor +5%, Defense +5% or Simplified Layout: Production efficiency gain +5%, Production resource penalty -10%
  • Improved Crew Ergonomics: Breakthrough +5% or Reinforced Construction: Armor +5%
  • High-Explosive Shells: Soft Attack +5%, Hard Attack +3% or APCR/HVAP Shells: Piercing +5%, Hard Attack +5%

Unique nation upgrades

Soviet Union - Kirov

  • Merge Plant No, 174: Max Speed +5% unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
  • Merge Plant No. 112: Production output +5% unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
  • Merge Ural Heavy Machine Building Plant: Soft Attack +5% unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations

Tank Refurbishment Plant

Hybrid Tank/Materiel Equipment MIO

Applies to All Tank Equipment

Starting bonuses

  • Bonuses for production lines: Production conversion speed +15%, Production output cost -5%
  • MIO Research Bonus: +10%

Possible upgrades

  • Enemy Tank Reffiting: Production conversion speed +15%, Production output cost -3%
  • Efficient Scrap Recycling: Hardness -6%, Production resource need -20%
  • High Volume Smelter: Production output +6%
  • High-Powered Engine Production: Max Speed +10%
  • Heavy Duty Machine Tools: Max Speed +10%, Production efficiency gain +5%, Production efficiency cap +5%
  • Multi-Plant Cooperation: Production efficiency gain +8%
  • Standardized Secondary Armament: Breakthrough +5%
  • Mass Small Arms Ammunition Production: Production output cost -5% for Armor and Support Equipment
  • Plant Tech Exchange: MIO Research Bonus: +6%
  • 24H Rotation Shifts: Production output +6% for Armor, Support Equipment, Train and Railway Artillery
  • Dual Plant Main Armament Production: Soft Attack +5%, Reliability -5%, Production efficiency gain +5%
  • Long Distance Train Escort: Armor +6%, Air Attack +10% only for Train
  • Barrels of Hell: Production output +10% only for Railroad Artillery

Unique nation upgrades

Soviet Union - Mytishchy Machine Building Plant

  • Merge Plant No, 174: Max Speed +5% unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
  • Merge Plant No. 112: Production output +5% unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
  • Merge Ural Heavy Machine Building Plant: Soft Attack +5% unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations

Naval Companies

Battle Line Ship Builders

Applies to All Battleship and All Cruiser Ships

Starting bonuses

  • Production output +5%
  • MIO Research Bonus: +10%

Possible upgrades

  • Anti-Air Layout Trait: Anti-air +5%
  • Secondary Battery Layout: Light Attack +5%
  • Primary Battery Layout: Heavy Attack +5% only for Capital Ships
  • Gyro-Stabilized Mounts: Anti-air +5%, Light Attack +5%
  • Hardened Critical Components: Incoming Torpedo critical chance -5%
  • Secondary Fire Director Control: Anti-air +5%, Light battery hit chance +5%
  • Combat information Center: HP +10%

Mutually exclusive

  • External Armor Belt: Armor +5% or Internal Armor Belt: Armor +15%, Production cost.png Production Cost +5%
  • Super-Heavy Shells: Heavy Attack +5%, Heavy Piercing +5% or Semi-Armor-Piercing Shells: Light Attack +5%, Light Piercing +5% or High Velocity Guns: Light Piercing +10%, Heavy Piercing +10%, Production cost.png Production Cost +5%
  • Advanced Hydrodynamic Design: Max Speed +5% or Advanced Armor Design: Armor +5%

Unique nation upgrades

Italy - CRDA

  • New Industrialization Program: Production output +10%, MIO Research Bonus: +10% unlocked by focus

Soviet Union - Nevskoye Design Bureau

  • Merge Plant No. 370: Production output cost -5%, Minelaying +10%, 1x research bonus for Mine Warfare Technologies only for Cruiser Ships, unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
  • Merge Plant No. 5: Production output cost -10% only for Cruiser Ships, unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations

United Kingdom - Cammell Laird

  • Flared Bow: Weather Penalty -10%
  • Super Charges: Heavy Piercing +5%, Light Piercing +5% only for Capital Ships

Raiding Fleet

Applies to All Capital Ships, Screens and Submarines

Starting bonuses

  • Surface Visibility -5%
  • MIO Research Bonus: +10%

Possible upgrades

  • Diesel Powerplants: Fuel Usage -5%
  • High Speed Operation Stores: Max Speed +5%, Minelaying +5%
  • Raiding Capital Ships: Surface Visibility -5%, Heavy Attack +5% only for Capital Ships
  • Raiding Cruisers: Surface Visibility -5% only for Cruisers
  • Raiding Submarines: Surface Visibility -5%, Sub Visibility -5% only for Submarines
  • Long Range Engagement Ethos: Surface Visibility -5%, Heavy Attack +5% only for Capital Ships
  • Large Torpedo Banks: Torpedo Attack +5%
  • Raider Escort Requirements: Max Range +5%, Max Speed +5% only for Screens
  • Unescorted Raider Requirements: Light Attack +5% only for Capital Ships
  • Mass-Produced Raiders: Production output +5%

Mutually exclusive

  • Long Range Raiding: Max Range +5%, Fuel Usage +5% or High Speed Raiding: Max Speed +5%, Fuel Usage +5%
  • High-Quality Optics: Surface detection +5% or Spotting Tops: Surface Visibility -5% only for Capital Ships and Screens

Unique nation upgrades

Italy - Cantiere Navale di Ancona

  • New Industrialization Program: Production output +10%, MIO Research Bonus: +10% unlocked by focus

Soviet Union - Rubin Design Bureau

  • Merge Plant No. 370: Production output cost -5%, Minelaying +10%, 1x research bonus for Mine Warfare Technologies only for Cruiser, Destroyer and Submarines, unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
  • Mutually exclusive
    • Merge Plant No. 190: Production output cost -10% only for Submarines, unlocked by focus
    • Merge Plant No. 363: Production output cost -10% only for Destroyers, unlocked by focus

Escort Fleet

Applies to All Screens

Starting bonuses

  • Screens: Production output +5%
  • MIO Research Bonus: +10%

Possible upgrades

  • Submarine Hunters: Sub detection +5%, Depth charges +5%
  • Fleet Escorts: Anti-air +5%, Light Attack +5%
  • High-Speed Mine-Hunting Equipment: Sub detection +5%, Minesweeping +5%
  • Anti-air Layout Trait: Anti-air +5%
  • Gyro-Stabilized Mounts: Anti-air +5%, Light Attack +5%
  • Advanced Hadrodynamic Design: Max Speed +5%
  • Improved Anti-Air Gun Mounting: Anti-air +5%
  • Mass Production: Production output +5%
  • Improved Light Gun Mounting: Anti-air +5%, Light Attack +5%

Mutually exclusive

  • Anti-Air Ships:Anti-air +5% or Escort In Force: Light Attack +5%

Unique nation upgrades

Italy - Odero-Terni-Orlando

  • New Industrialization Program: Production output +10%, MIO Research Bonus: +10% unlocked by focus

Task Force Ship Builders

Applies to All Carrier, Cruiser and Destroyer Ships

Starting bonuses

  • HP +5%
  • MIO Research Bonus: +10%

Possible upgrades

  • Secondary Fire Director Control: Anti-air +5%, Light Battery hit chance +5% only for Screens and Carriers
  • Primary Fire Director Control: Heavy Attack +5% only for Cruiser Ships
  • Flight Deck Edge AA Mounts: Anti-air +5% only for Carrier Ships
  • Splinter Protection: Armor +5% only for Carrier and Cruiser Ships
  • Gyro-Stabilized Mounts: Anti-air +5%, Light Attack +5%
  • Advanced Fitting Works: Production output +5%
  • Carrier Flight Operations Center: HP Production output +10%

Mutually exclusive

  • Long-Range Cruising: Max Range +5%, Fuel Usage +5% or High Speed Cruising: Max Speed +5%, Fuel Usage +5%
  • Rapid Fire Guns: Anti-air +5%, Light Attack +5% or High Velocity Guns: Heavy Piercing +5% only for Cruiser Ships
  • Transom Stern: Max Speed +5%, Fuel Usage -5% or Underway Replenishment Equipment: Max Range +5%, Fuel Usage -5%

Unique nation upgrades

United Kingdom - Harland & Wolff

  • Semi-Armor-Piercing Shells: Light Attack +5%, Light Piercing +5%
  • Flared Bow: Weather Penalty -10%

Refurbishment Repair Manufacturer

Applies to All Capital Ships and Cruisers

Starting bonuses

  • Capital Ships, Screens and Submarines HP +3%
  • MIO Research Bonus: +6%

Possible upgrades

  • Heavy Armored Hull: Armor +3%
  • Foam Fire Extinguishers: Reliability +3%
  • Bulkhead Shoring Procedure: Reliability +1%, Armor +2%
  • Advanced Scanners: Sub detection +5%,Surface detection +5%
  • Isolated Firemains: Torpedo damage reduction +3%
  • Counter Flooding Systems: Incoming Torpedo critical chance -5%
  • High Powered Steering: Reliability +1%, Armor +2%
  • Flooding Boundries: HP +3%
  • High-Velocity Guns: Heavy Piercing +3% only for Capital Ships
  • Protected Pumps: HP +5%
  • Anti-Torpedo Bulge: Incoming Torpedo critical chance -5%, Torpedo damage reduction +8%

Mutually exclusive

  • Capital Destroyer Shells: Heavy Piercing +5%, Heavy Attack +10%, Max Range -15%, Max Speed -8% only for Capital Ships


  • Deck Guns: Anti-air +6%


  • All-Purpose Defense Systems: Anti-air +3%, Armor +3%, Light Attack +3%, Max Range -5%, Max Speed -4% only for Capital Ships

Unique nation upgrades

Italy - Navalmeccanica

  • New Industrialization Program: Production output +10%, MIO Research Bonus: +10% unlocked by focus

Soviet Union - Sevastopol Marine Plant

  • Merge Mariupol Plant: Production output cost -5%, Minelaying +10%, 1x research bonus for Mine Warfare Technologies only for Cruiser Ships, unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
  • Merge Plant No. 200: Production output cost -10% only for Cruiser Ships, unlocked by focus

Black Sea Fleet Designer

Applies to All Capital Ships, Screens and Submarines

Starting bonuses

  • Anti-air +2%, Armor +2%, HP +2%, Max Range -15%
  • MIO Research Bonus: +5%

Possible upgrades

  • Submarine Hunters: Sub detection +5%, Patrol Efficiency +5%
  • Anti-Air Defense: Anti-air +6% only for Capital Ships and Screens
  • State Sponsored Growth: Funds Gain +10%
  • Efficient Patroling Scheme: Patrol Efficiency +10%, Max Range -5%
  • Advenced Sub-Scanners: Sub detection +5% only for Capital Ships and Screens
  • Heavy Guns: Heavy Attack +5% only for Capital Ships and Screens
  • Advanced Periscope: Sub Visibility -3%, Surface detection +3% only for Submarines
  • High-Atlitude Catapult: Surface detection +4%, Sub detection +4%
  • Armor-Piercing Guns: Light Piercing +5% only for Capital Ships and Screens
  • Piercing Rounds: Heavy Piercing +5% only for Capital Ships
  • Base Defense: Anti-air +6%, Max Range -10%, Armor +5% only for Capital Ships and Screens
  • Brass-Case Reloader: Light Attack +6% only for Capital Ships and Screens
  • Deck Guns: Anti-air +6% only for Capital Ships
  • State Subsidizing: Design Team Assign Cost +15%, Requirement for Size Up -25%

Mutually exclusive

  • State Sponsored Research: MIO Research Bonus: +10% or 24h Shifts: Production output +5%

Unique nation upgrades

Soviet Union - Black Sea Shipyard

  • Merge Mariupol Plant: Production output cost -5%, Minelaying +10%, 1x research bonus for Mine Warfare Technologies only for Cruiser, Destroyer and Submarines, unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
  • Mutually exclusive
  • Merge Plant No, 340: Production output cost -10% only for Submarines, unlocked by focus
  • Merge Leninskaya Kuznitsa Plant: Production output cost -10% only for Destroyers, unlocked by focus

Submarine Designer

Applies to All Submarines

Starting bonuses

  • Sub Visibility -5%
  • MIO Research Bonus: +10%

Possible upgrades

  • Experimental Anechoic Tiles: Surface Visibility -5%, Sub Visibility -5%, Production cost.png Production Cost +3%
  • Improved Torpedo Detonators: Torpedo Attack +5%
  • Simplified Presuure Hull Design: Production output +10%

Mutually exclusive

  • Highly Efficient Diesel-Electric Propulsion Systems: Max Range +6% or Open-Cycle Propulsion: Max Speed +5%
  • Long Range Raiding vs Decalin Fueled Torpedo
  • Long Range Raiding: Sub Visibility -3%, Max Speed -1%
    • Efficient Fuel Engines: Max Range +5%
    • Advanced Periscope: Surface detection +3%
    • Emergency Main Ballast Tank Blow: HP +6%, Max Speed +1%
    • Radar Warning Reciever: Surface detection -3%, Sub Visibility -5%
    • Crash-Dive Flood Tanks: HP +8%, Sub Visibility -1%
  • Decalin Fueled Torpedo: Torpedo Attack +5%
    • High-Powered Engines: Sub Visibility +2%, Max Speed +5%
    • Submarine Mass Production: Production output +7%
    • Advanced Sonar: Surface detection +6%, Sub Visibility +2%
    • Deck Guns: HP +8%
    • Large Torpedo Banks: Torpedo Attack +5%
    • High-Capacity Mine Storage: Minelaying +20%

Unique nation upgrades

Italy - Cantieri Navali Tosi

  • New Industrialization Program: Production output +10%, MIO Research Bonus: +10% unlocked by focus

Plane Companies

Light Aircraft Designer

Applies to Fighter and Carrier Fighter

Starting bonuses

  • Agility +5%, Max Speed +5%, Air Attack +5%
  • MIO Research Bonus: +5%

Possible upgrades

  • Expanded Production Facilities: Production efficiency gain +5%
  • Liquid-Cooled Engines: Max Speed +5%, Agility +5%
  • Advanced Aerodynamics: Max Speed +5%, Agility +5%
  • Fixed Tailwheels: Reliability +5%
  • Maritime Duties: Range +5%, Naval Attack +5%
  • Ongoing Develomental Upgrades: Production efficiency gain +5%, MIO Research Bonus: +5%
  • Fuselage Ordinance Rack: Max Speed +5%, Agility +5%
  • Removable Wings: Reliability +5%, Production efficiency gain +5%
  • Flexible Design: Range +5%, Air Defense +5%, Air Attack +2%, Ground Attack +2% requires trait Multi-Purpose Aircraft
  • Fighter Expertise: Range +5%, Max Speed +5%, Air Attack +5% requires trait Fighter Specialization
  • Close Air Support Expertise: Ground Attack +5%, Range +5%, Air Defense +5% requires trait Close Air Support Specialization

Mutually exclusive

  • Heavier Frame: Air Attack +5%, Ground Attack +5%, Naval Attack +5%, Air Defense +5% or Maximum Wing Loads: Max Speed +5%, Agility +5% or Gun Pods: Ground Attack +10%, Agility -3%, Air Attack +5%
  • Multi-Purpose Aircraft: Air Attack +5%, Ground Attack +5%, Naval attack +5% or Fighter Specialization: Air Attack +5%, Agility +3%, Max Speed +5% or Close Air Support Specialization: Ground Attack +5%, Air Defense +5%

Unique nation upgrades

German Reich - Messerschmitt

  • Maintenance First Design: Reliability +5%, Production efficiency gain +5%
  • Fuselage-Based Weapons: Air Attack +5%, Agility +5%

Italy - Macchi

  • New Industrialization Program: Production output +10%, MIO Research Bonus: +10% unlocked by focus

Soviet Union - MiG Design Bureau

  • Merge Plant No. 28: Production output cost -5% unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
  • Merge Plant No. 150: Agility +5% unlocked by focus, add production of 3Aluminumin Moscow, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
  • Merge VEF Plant: Air Defense +10%, Surface detection +15%, Sub detection +15%, 1x 100% Research bonus for RADAR Technology unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations

High Agility Fighter Designer

Applies to All Fighter and Carrier Fighter

Starting bonuses

  • Agility +10%, Range -10%
  • MIO Research Bonus: +5%

Possible upgrades

  • Bigger Engines: Max Speed +5%
  • Cantilever Wing Structure: Air Defense +5%, Agility +5%
  • Minimum Weapon Requirements: Air Attack +5%
  • Shortened Wings: Reliability +5%, Agility +5%
  • High Octane Fuels: Max Speed +10%, Fuel Usage +10%
  • Fuel Injection Engines: Max Speed +5%, Agility +5%
  • Stiffened Wings: Max Speed +5%, Agility +5%

Mutually exclusive

  • Fabric Skin: Production resource penalty +5%, Production output +5%, Agility +5% or Metal Skin: Air Defense +10%, Max Speed +5%
  • Interceptor: Air Attack +5% or Gunboat: Ground Attack +10%
  • Subsidiary Suppliers: Production efficiency cap +10%, Production efficiency gain +5% or Fighter Interceptors: Range +10%, Air Attack +5%

Unique nation upgrades

United Kingdom - Supermarine

  • Seaplane Origins: Sub detection +5%, Surface detection +5%, Naval Targeting +10%
  • Eliptical Wings: Air Defense +10%
  • Supercharger: Air Defense +10%

Range Focused Aircraft Designer

Applies to All Small, Carrier and Medium Planes Starting bonuses

  • Range +10%
  • MIO Research Bonus: +5%

Possible upgrades

  • Large Rudders and Flaps: Agility +5% only for Medium Planes
  • Variable Dihedral: Range +10%, Reliability +10% only for Medium Planes
  • High Capacity Ammunition: Air Attack +10%
  • Improved Air Frame Strength: Range +10% only for Medium Planes
  • Advanced Production Techniques: Reliability +10%, Production output +10% requires researched Advanced Machine Tools
  • Low Drag Wings: Range +10%, Max Speed +10%
  • Strafing Techniques: Ground Attack +10%
  • Long Range Modifications: Range +10%
  • Anti-Interception Tactics: Max Speed +10% only for Medium Planes
  • High Explosive Payload: Ground Attack +10%, Strat. Bombing +15% only for Medium Planes
  • Long Range Fighters: Range +15%, Agility +15% olny for Fighter and Carrier Fighter Planes
  • Heavy Fighters: Air Attack +15%, Range +10% only for Medium Planes
  • Tactical Bombers: Strat. Bombing +15%, Range +10% only for Medium Planes
  • Extra Cargo Doors: Production output +10% only for Transport Plane
  • Glider Hook Modifications: Range +10% only for Transport Plane

Unique nation upgrades

Italy - Fiat Aviazione

  • New Industrialization Program: Production output +10%, MIO Research Bonus: +10% unlocked by focus
  • High Altitude Fighter Development: Agility +5%, Air Attack +3% only for Small and Carrier Planes

United States - North American Aviation

  • Outsourced Engines: Agility +5%, Max Speed +5% only if United States is in faction with United Kingdom
  • Light Aircraft Developement: Agility +5%, Ground Attack +5%, Air Attack +2%

CAS Aircraft Designer

Applies to Close Air Support and Carrier Close Air Support

Starting bonuses

  • Ground Attack +5%, Max Speed -3%
  • MIO Research Bonus: +5%

Possible upgrades

  • Selectional Construction: Production efficiency gain +5%
  • Canopies and Firewalls: Air Defense +5%, Reliability +5%
  • Low Altitude Attacks: Air Defese +5%
  • HEAT Bombs: Ground Attack +5%
  • Putomatic Pull-Out: Ground Attack +5%, Reliability +5%
  • Heavily Armed Aircraft: Air Attack +5%, Ground Attack +5%
  • Integrated Armor Designs: Air Defense +5%
  • Air Brakes: Ground Attack +5%
  • Wingborne Fuel Tanks: Range +5%
  • Cluster Bombs: Ground Attack +5%

Mutually exclusive

  • Gull Wings: Ground Attack +10% or Reinforced Wings: Ground attack +3%, Air Attack +3%, Air Defense +3%
  • Bombs: Ground Attack +10% or Rockets: Ground Attack +5%, Agility +5%

Unique nation upgrades

German Reich - Junkers

  • Psychological Warfare: Fuel Usage -5%

Italy - Caproni

  • New Industrialization Program: Production output +10%, MIO Research Bonus: +10% unlocked by focus

Naval Aircraft Designer

Applies to Naval Bomber, Carrier Fighter, Carrier Close Air Support and Carrier Naval Bomber

Starting bonuses

  • Production output +5%
  • MIO Research Bonus: +10%

Possible upgrades

  • Navigation Equipment: Reliability +5%
  • Reinforced Fuselage: Reliability +5%, Air Defense +5%
  • Air-Cooled Engines: Reliability +5%, Air Defense +5%
  • High-Speed Torpedo Release: Surface detection +5% only Naval Bomber and Carrier Naval Bomber
  • Multi-Stage Super Charger: Agility +5%, Max Speed +5% only for Carrier Fighter
  • Water injection: Fuel Usage -5%, Max Speed +5% only Carrier Fighter
  • High-Capacity Ammunition Stores: Air Attack +5%
  • Larger Bomb Loads: Ground Attack +5%
  • Advanced Materials: Production output cost -10%, Production resource need +10%

Mutually exclusive

  • Patrol Fuel Tanks: Range +5% or Internal Torpedo Mountings: Max Speed +5% only for Naval and Carrier Bombers
  • Agility Wing Design: Range +5%, Agility +5% or Strength Wing Design: Range +5%, Air Defense +5%

Unique nation upgrades


  • New Industrialization Program: Production output +10%, MIO Research Bonus: +10% unlocked by focus

Soviet Union - Yakolev Design Bureau

  • Merge Plant No. 28: Production output cost -5% unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
  • Merge Plant No. 150: Agility +5% unlocked by focus, add production of 3Aluminumin Moscow, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
  • Merge VEF Plant: Air Defense +10%, Surface detection +15%, Sub detection +15%, 1x 100% Research bonus for RADAR Technology unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations

United States - Grumman

  • Smooth Finish: Agility +5%, Max Speed +5%
  • Jet Fighter Design: Max Speed +10% requires researched Jet Engines

Heavy Aircraft Designer

Applies to Strategic Bombers and Naval Patrol Bomber

Starting bonuses

  • Strat. Bombing +5%, Agility -5%
  • MIO Research Bonus: +10%

Possible upgrades

  • Reinforced Frames: Air Defense +5%
  • Extended Rear Fuselage: Strat. Bombing +5%, Naval Attack +5%
  • Standardized Alloys: Production efficiency gain +5%, Production resource penalty -10% affects Transport Planes too
  • Pressurized Cockpit: Range +5%
  • Transport Conversions: Production output +10% only for Transport Plane
  • Drop-Hammer Alloy Straining: Air Defense +5%, Reliability +5%
  • Cockpit-Controlled Remote Gun Turrets: Air Attack +5%
  • Advanced Turbochargers: Agility +5%

Mutually exclusive

  • Auto-Levelled Bombsights: Strat. Bombing +5% or Air-Deployed Sonobuoys: Sub detection +5%, Surface detection +5%
  • Refined Secondary Aluminium: Production output +5%, Production resource need -15% or High-Quality Aluminium Alloys: Agility +5%, Reliability +5%
  • Flying Fortress: Air Defense +15%, Range +15%, Agility -5%, Fuel usage +5% or Advanced Instruments: Strat. Bombing +5%, Naval Targeting +5%

Unique nation upgrades

Italy - Piaggio

  • New Industrialization Program: Production output +10%, MIO Research Bonus: +10% unlocked by focus

Soviet Union - Tupolev Design Bureau

  • Gas Tank Protection: Air Defense +5%, Reliability +3%
  • Lightened Reduction Gear: Fuel Usage -5%, Reliability +3%
  • Merge Plant No. 28: Production output cost -5% unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
  • Merge Plant No. 150: Agility +5% unlocked by focus, add production of 3Aluminumin Moscow, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
  • Merge VEF Plant: Air Defense +10%, Surface detection +15%, Sub detection +15%, 1x 100% Research bonus for RADAR Technology unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations

United States - Boeing

  • Superfortress: Air Defense +10%, Range +10%, Agility -5%, Fuel usage +5%

Multi-Role Tactical Aircraft

Applies to All Medium Planes

Starting bonuses

  • Surface detection +5%, Ground Attack +5%
  • MIO Research Bonus: +5%

Possible upgrades

  • Narrow Build: Air Defense +5%, Production efficiency gain +5%
  • Mixed Material Construction: Production efficiency gain +5%
  • Skip Bombing: Naval Attack +3%
  • Multi-Role Transport: Production efficiency gain +5%, Production efficiency cap +10% only for Transport Plane
  • Refined Engines: Max Speed +5%
  • Extra Machine Guns: Ground Attack +10%, Production cost.png Production Cost +5%
  • High-Frequency Direction Finding: Sub detection +5%, Naval Attack +3%
  • Streamlines Fuselage: Air Defense +5%, Max Speed +5%

Mutually exclusive

  • Twin-Tail: Agility +5% or Reinforced Wing Braces: Ground Attack +5%
  • Expanded Cockpit: Ground Attack +5%, Strat. Bombing +5% or Air Defense +5%
  • Adaptable Build: Range +5%, Production output +5% or Heavy Fighter Specialization: Range +5%, Air Attack +5%, Air Defense +5% or Tactical Bomber Specialization: Range +5%, Ground Attack +5%, Air Defense +5%

Unique nation upgrades

Italy - IMAM

  • New Industrialization Program: Production output +10%, MIO Research Bonus: +10% unlocked by focus

Soviet Union - Ilyushin Design Bureau

  • Merge Plant No. 28: Production output cost -5% unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
  • Merge Plant No. 150: Agility +5% unlocked by focus, add production of 3Aluminumin Moscow, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
  • Merge VEF Plant: Air Defense +10%, Surface detection +15%, Sub detection +15%, 1x 100% Research bonus for RADAR Technology unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations

United States - Lockheed

  • Mechanized Production: Production efficiency cap +5% only for All Medium Planes

Multi-Role Aircraft Designer

Applies to All Small and Carrier Planes and Medium Planes

Starting bonuses

  • Ground Attack +2%, Naval Attack +2%, Air Attack +2%, Air Defense +2%
  • MIO Research Bonus: +5%

Possible upgrades

  • Armored Cockpit: Air Defense +5%, Reliability +5%
  • Escort Designs: Range +5%
  • Upgraded Engines: Max Speed +5%, Agility +5%
  • Not Enough Guns, Never Enough Guns: Air Attack +5%, Ground Attack +5%
  • Lenghtened Wings: Range +5%, Air Attack +5%
  • Bubble Cannopy: Air Defense +5%

Mutually exclusive

  • Fighter Specialization: Air Attack +5%, Agility +5% or Bomber Specialization: Ground Attack +3%, Naval Attack +3%, Naval Targeting +3%
  • Light Airframe or Medium Airframe
    • Light Airframe: Production efficiency gain +5%, MIO Research Bonus: +5% only for All Small and Carrier Planes
      • unlocks traits
        • Hardened Frames: Air Defense +5% only for All Small and Carrier Planes
        • Belly Shackles: Ground Attack +5%, Naval Attack +5% only for All Small and Carrier Planes
        • Oversized Propeller: Max Speed +5% only for All Small and Carrier Planes
    • Medium Airframe: Production efficiency gain +5%, MIO Research Bonus: +5% only for Medium Planes
      • unlocks traits
        • Variable Pitch Propellers: Max Speed: +5%, Agility +5% only for medium Planes
        • Upgraded Anti-Air Weapons: Air Attack +5% only for Medium Planes
        • Reinforced Wing Hardpoints: Ground Attack +5%, Naval Attack +5%, Strat. Bombing +5% only for Medium Planes
        • Transport Duties: Production output +10% only for Transport Plane

Unique nation upgrades

Italy - Savoia-Marchetti

  • New Industrialization Program: Production output +10%, MIO Research Bonus: +10% unlocked by focus
  • Air Race Pedigree: Max Speed +5%, Range +15% only for Medium Planes
  • Special Aerotorpedoes Unit: Naval Attack +15% only for Medium Planes
  • Remote Operated: Reliability +10%, Production output cost -10% only for All Small and Carrier planes, unlocked by Experimental Rockets research

General Aircraft Designer

Applies to All Small, Carrier, Medium and Large Planes

Starting bonuses

  • Production output +3%
  • MIO Research Bonus: +10%

Possible upgrades

  • Conservative Designs: Reliability +5%
  • Fighter Aircraft Specialists: Range +5% only for Fighter, Heavy Fighter and Scout Planes
  • Bomber Aircraft Specialists: Range +5% only for CAS, Tactical Bomber and Strategic Bomber
  • Naval Aircraft Specialists: Range +5% only for Naval Bomber, All Carrier Aircraft and Naval Patrol Bomber
  • Fighter Aircraft Production: Production output +5% only for Fighter, Heavy Fighter and Scout Planes
  • Bomber Aircraft Production: Production output +5% only for CAS, Tactical Bomber and Strategic Bomber
  • Naval Aircraft Production: Production output +5% only for Naval Bomber, All Carrier Aircraft and Naval Patrol Bomber

Mutually exclusive

  • High Speed Design: Max Speed +5% or Agility Wing Design: Agility +5% only for Fighter, Heavy Fighter and Scout Planes
  • Bomb Trucks: Air Defense +3% or Fast Bombers: Max Speed +5% only for CAS, Tactical Bomber and Strategic Bomber
  • Naval Strike: Naval Targeting +5% or Naval Air Patrol: Surface detection +5%, Agility +5% only for Naval Bomber, All Carrier Aircraft and Naval Patrol Bomber

Material Companies

Infantry Weapons Manufacturer

Applies to 步兵装备

Starting bonuses

  • Production Efiiciency Cap +3%, Soft Attack +3%
  • MIO Research Bonus: +10%

Possible upgrades

  • Drum Pattern Sights: Defense +3%
  • Reinforced Stocks: Soft Attack +2%, Reliability +3%
  • Heavy Anti-Tank Ammunition: Hard Attack +10%, Piercing +25%
  • Quality Materials: Reliability +5%
  • Advanced Barrel Forging: Production efiiciency gain +3%
  • Mass Rifle Production: Production efficiency cap +3%, Production output cost -3%, Design Team Assign Cost -30%
  • Medium Machine Guns Production: Breakthrough +5%, Production cost.png Production Cost +8%
  • Anti-Vehicle Land Mines: Defense +4%, Hard Attack +3%, Production cost.png Production Cost +5%

Mutually exclusive

  • Bolt-Action Rifles: Soft Attack -3%, Production efficiency gain +5% or Semi-Auto Rifles: Soft Attack +3%, Breakthrough +3%, Production efficiency gain -5%
  • Vehicle Mounted Capabilities: Breakthrough +6%, Production cost.png Production Cost +5% or Improved Rifle Recoil: Breakthrough +2%
  • Improved Small Arms Bullet Design: Soft Attack +5%, Breakthrough +3% or Armor-Piercing Rounds: Piercing +25%, Hard Attack +5%

Unique nation upgrades

Italy - Beretta

  • New Industrialization Program: Production output +10%, MIO Research Bonus: +10% unlocked by focus

Soviet Union - Tula Arms Plant

  • Merge Plant No. 622: Production output cost -10% unlocked by focus
  • Merge NKMZ Plant: Production efficiency cap +10% unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
  • Merge Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Plant: Production output +10% unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations

United Kingdom - RSAF Enfield

  • STEN Submachine Guns: Reliability +5%, Soft Attack +3%, Piercing +5%
  • PIAT: Hard Attack +5%, Defense +5%, Breakthrough +10% replaces trait Anti-Vehicle Land Mines

Automotive Manufacturer

Applies to Truck, Mechanized and Motorized Rocket Artillery

Starting bonuses

  • MIO Research Bonus: +10%

Possible upgrades

  • Side-Mounted Medium Machine Guns: Breakthrough +3%
  • All Wheel Drive: Breakthrough +3% only for Truck and Motorized Rocket Artillery
  • Armored Pulpit Mount: Hardness +5%
  • Bulletproof panels: Hardness +5% only for Mechanized
  • Light Flame Projectors: Breakthrough +3% only for Mechanized
  • Land Mine Racks: Defense +6%, Max Speed -2%

Mutually exclusive

  • Composite Cargo Bed: Reliability -7%, Production cost.png Production Cost -5% or Steel Cargo Bed: Reliability +5%, Production resource need +2% only for Truck and Motorized Rocket Artillery
  • Open Chassi: Defense -2%, Production cost.png Production Cost -3% or Closed Chassi: Armor +5% only for Mechanized
  • Attached Wood Gas Generator: Fuel Usage -5% or High-Powered Engine: Fuel Usage +5%, Max Speed +5% only for Truck and Motorized Rocket Artillery
  • Advanced Artillery Racks or Heavy Mounted Machine Gun or Mounted Light Anti-Tank Gun
    • Advanced Artillery Racks: Soft Attack +3%, Production cost.png Production Cost +6% only for Motorized Rocket Artillery
    • Heavy Mounted Machine Gun: Breakthrough +4%, Production cost.png Production Cost +1% only for Mechanized and Truck
    • Mounted Light Anti-Tank Gun: Piercing +10%, Hard Attack +2% only for Mechanized

Unique nation upgrades

Italy - Lancia

  • New Industrialization Program: Production output +10%, MIO Research Bonus: +10% unlocked by focus

Italy - Officine Mecchaniche - MIO Research Bonus: +10%

  • New Ricostruzione Industriale (Motorized) :Production output +10%, MIO Research Bonus: +5% only for Truck and Motorized Rocket Artillery, unlocked by focus
  • New Ricostruzione Industriale (Mechanized): Production output +10%, MIO Research Bonus: +5% only for Mechanized, unlocked by focus
  • New Ricostruzione Industriale (Trains): Production output +10%, MIO Research Bonus: +5% only for Train, unlocked by focus

Soviet Union - GAZ

  • Merge Automobile Tool Plant: Production output cost -10% unlocked by focus
  • Merge NKMZ Plant: Production efficiency cap +10% unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
  • Merge Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Plant: Production output +10% unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations

Artillery Manufacturer

Applies to Towed Artillery, Towed Anti-Tank, Towed Anti-Air and Towed Rocket Artillery

Starting bonuses

  • Production output cost -3%
  • MIO Research Bonus: +10%

Possible upgrades

  • Rapid Fire: Soft Attack +10%, Hard Attack +4%, Air Attack +4% only for Towed Anti-Tank and Towed Anti-Air
  • Advanced Barrel Forging: Production efficiency gain +5%
  • Big Guns: Soft Attack +2%, Production cost.png Production Cost +3% only for Towed Artillery and Towed Rocked Artillery
  • Hydraulic Recoil System: Reliability +5%
  • Sliding Beach Block: Soft Attack +3%, Breakthough +3%
  • Gun Mass Production: Production efficiency gain +3%, Production efficiency cap +3%, Design Team Assign Cost -15%
  • Super Charges: Production efficiency gain +3%, Production efficiency cap +3%, Design Team Assign Cost -15% only for Towed Artillery and Towed Rocked Artillery
  • Light Weight Barrels: Production output cost -3%, Breakthrough +6%, Defense +10%

Mutually exclusive

  • Mobile Limbers: Breakthrough +10% or Stable Platforms: Defense +3%
  • Improved Direct Fire Targeting or Advanced Anti-Air Targeting or Advanced Trajectory Calculations
    • Improved Direct Fire Targeting: Piercing +5%, Hard Attack +5% only Towed Anti-Tank
    • Advanced Anti-Air Targeting: Air Attack +7% only for Towed Anit-Air
    • Advanced Trajectory Calculations: Hard Attack +100%, Breakthrough +5% only for Towed Artillery and Towed Rocket Artillery

Unique nation upgrades

Italy - Breda

  • New Industrialization Program: Production output +10%, MIO Research Bonus: +10% unlocked by focus

Soviet Union - Grabin Design Bureau

  • Merge Plant No. 172: Production output cost -10% unlocked by focus
  • Merge NKMZ Plant: Production efficiency cap +10% unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
  • Merge Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Plant: Production output +10% unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations

Support Equipment Manufacturer

Applies to Infantry and Support Equipment

Starting bonuses

  • MIO Research Bonus: +10%

Possible upgrades

  • Material Recycling:Production resource need -15% only for Support Equipment
  • Private Scientist Program: MIO Research Bonus: +5%
  • Anti-Tank Rifle: Piercing +10% only for 步兵装备
  • Private Tenders: Funds Gain +10%
  • Pontoons: Max Speed +5%, Production cost.png Production Cost +3.5% only for 步兵装备
  • Mass Production: Production efficiency gain +5% only for Support Equipment
  • Small Sidearms: Defense +2% only for 步兵装备

Mutually exclusive

  • Scrap Melting: Reliability -10%, Production resource need -10% or High-Quality Material Blend: Production efficiency cap +5%, Production resource need +10% only for Support Equipment
  • Research Program: MIO Research Bonus: +6% or Efficient Scale-up: Production output +5% only for Support Equipment
  • Light Mortar: Breakthrough +5%, Soft Attack +2%, Production cost.png Production Cost +6% or Single-Shot Man-Portable Anti-Tank System: Hard Attack +10%, Production cost.png Production Cost +5% only for 步兵装备

Unique nation upgrades

Italy - Beretta

  • New Industrialization Program: Production output +10%, MIO Research Bonus: +10% unlocked by focus

Standardized Production

Applies to Armored Car

Starting bonuses

  • Armor +5%, Defense +5%, Production cost.png Production Cost -5%
  • MIO Research Bonus: +5%

Possible upgrades

  • Simplified Suspension: Reliability +5%
  • Crew Ergonomics: Max Speed +2%, Defense +2%
  • Defensive Equipment: Soft Attack +2%, Defense +2%
  • Standardized Components: Production efficiency gain +15%, Production resource need -15%
  • Reinforce Wheels: Reliability +5%, Max Speed +5%
  • Command Upgrades: Breakthrough +5%
  • Long-Barreles Guns: Piercing +5%, Hard Attack +5%
  • Improved Tooling: Production efficiency cap +10%

Mutually exclusive

  • Mass Production: Production output cost -5%, Production Efficiency gain +10% or Quality Improvements: Armor +10%, Defense +10%
  • Heavy Anti-Tank Gun: Armor +5%, Hard Attack +5% or Officer Support Car: Soft Attack +5%, Production cost.png Production Cost -3%

Tank Refurbishment Plant

Hybrid Tank/Materiel Equipment MIO

Applies to All Tank Equipment

Starting bonuses

  • Bonuses for production lines: Production conversion speed +15%, Production output cost -5%
  • MIO Research Bonus: +10%

Possible upgrades

  • Enemy Tank Reffiting: Production conversion speed +15%, Production output cost -3%
  • Efficient Scrap Recycling: Hardness -6%, Production resource need -20%
  • High Volume Smelter: Production output +6%
  • High-Powered Engine Production: Max Speed +10%
  • Heavy Duty Machine Tools: Max Speed +10%, Production efficiency gain +5%, Production efficiency cap +5%
  • Multi-Plant Cooperation: Production efficiency gain +8%
  • Standardized Secondary Armament: Breakthrough +5%
  • Mass Small Arms Ammunition Production: Production output cost -5% for Armor and Support Equipment
  • Plant Tech Exchange: MIO Research Bonus: +6%
  • 24H Rotation Shifts: Production output +6% for Armor, Support Equipment, Train and Railway Artillery
  • Dual Plant Main Armament Production: Soft Attack +5%, Reliability -5%, Production efficiency gain +5%
  • Long Distance Train Escort: Armor +6%, Air Attack +10% only for Train
  • Barrels of Hell: Production output +10% only for Railroad Artillery

Unique nation upgrades

Soviet Union - Mytishchy Machine Building Plant

  • Merge Plant No, 174: Max Speed +5% unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
  • Merge Plant No. 112: Production output +5% unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations
  • Merge Ural Heavy Machine Building Plant: Soft Attack +5% unlocked by focus, when complete will no longer be available in other organizations

MIO leveling

Research cost and Production cost is used to calculate MIO funds that it gains when it is used.

Funds obtained from production lines are NDefines.NIndustrialOrganisation.FUNDS_FROM_MANUFACTURER_PER_IC_PER_DAY = 0.1 per IC per day, maximum NDefines.NIndustrialOrganisation.MAX_FUNDS_FROM_MANUFACTURER_PER_DAY = 100.
Funds earned from research are NDefines.NIndustrialOrganisation.FUNDS_FOR_RESEARCH_COMPLETION_PER_RESEARCH_COST = 500 multiplied by the cost of research. 1 research cost = 100 days. A research with a base cost of 100 days would earn 500 funds, one with a base cost of 150 days would earn 750 funds, one with a base cost of 90 days would earn 450 funds, etc.

Amount of MIO funds required to increase size.
MIO level Funds required to level up Cumulative funds
0 800 800
1 1047 1847
2 1420 3267
3 1909 5176
4 2512 7688
5 3212 10900
6 4014 14914
7 4912 19826
8 5919 25745
9 7002 32747
10 8152 40899
11 9457 50356
12 10812 61168
13 12301 73469
14 13762 87231
15 15417 102648
16 17095 119743

Each MIO level grants 1 trait point.

The funds required to level up for each level is equal to:


As of v1.14.3 the defines are:




MIO_SIZE = The current level of the MIO

MIO policies

At level 6, Policies are unlocked. Not all types of MIO have access to all types of policy, but there are some common polices that all MIOs get access to. Only one policy can be active at a time per company, can be switched out every 180 days

Common Policies

Icon Policy Effect
File:Mio policy ruthless contracts.png Ruthless Contracts
  • Funds Gain: +10%
File:Mio policy assembly line optimisers.png Assembly Line Optimisers
File:Mio policy vertical integration.png Vertical Integration
  • All MIO equipment:
    • Production resources need: -10%
    • Production resource penalty: +10%
File:Mio policy mechanical genius.png Mechanical genius
  • All MIO equipment:
    • Reliability: +10%
File:Mio policy experimental development teams.png Experimental Development Team
  • MIO research bonus: +20%
Idea eng spirit of the industrial revolution.png Permanent Industrial Revolution
"Only for 挪威的国旗 挪威"
  • MIO research bonus: +10%
  • All MIO equipment:
    • Production resource need: -10%

Tanks MIO Policies

Icon Policy Effect
File:Mio policy welding specialists.png Armor Welding Specialists
  • All MIO equipment:
    • Armor: +5%
File:Mio policy casting specialists.png Casting Specialists
  • All MIO equipment:
    • Hardness: +2%
File:Mio policy heavy gantry cranes land.png Heavy Gantry Cranes
File:Mio policy factory applied camouflage.png Factory Applied Camuflage
  • All MIO equipment:
    • Defense: +2%
    • Breakthrough: +2%
File:Mio policy cutting corners.png Cutting Corners
  • All MIO equipment:
    • 生产花费生产花费: -10%
    • Reliability: -5%
    • Soft Attack: -5%
    • Hard Attack: -5%
    • Armor: -5%

Ship MIO Policies

Icon Policy Effect
File:Mio policy welding specialists.png Welding Specialists
  • All MIO equipment:
    • Production output cost: -5%
File:Mio policy space efficient design.png Space Efficient Design
  • All MIO equipment:
    • Max Range: +25%
  • Carrier:
    • Deck Size: +1
File:Mio policy stable platforms.png Stable Gunnery Platforms
  • All MIO equipment:
    • Light Battery hit chance: +10%
    • Heavy Battery hit chance: +10%
File:Mio policy great sea keeping.png Great Sea Keeping
  • All MIO equipment:
    • Weather Penalty: -50%
File:Mio policy coastal battlefleet.png Coastal Battlefleet

Planes MIO Policies

Icon Policy Effect
File:Mio policy perfect finish.png Perfect Finnish
File:Mio policy heavy gantry cranes air.png Heavy Gantry Cranes
File:Mio policy propulsion experimenters.png Propulsion Experimenters
  • MIO research bonus: +20%
File:Mio policy wind tunnel pioneers.png Wind Tunnel Pioneers
  • All MIO equipment:
    • Agility: +5%
File:Mio policy modular assembly.png Modular Assembly
  • All MIO equipment:
    • Production output cost: -5%
