联合王国作为七个主要国家之一,拥有独特的国策树。在拥有 炮手就位 扩展包时将增加2条新线,1条支线和7个额外的国策。
- 密码炸弹/有限的军备重整线
- 这条线给予科研加成、工厂和一个额外的科研槽
- 常规的军备重整分支
- 该分支给予空军和海军科研加成,并提供一批空军基地和海军船坞
- 巩固不列颠帝国线
- 这条线以殖民地工业发展和关键领土防御为中心,最终目标是建立一个帝国联邦,以使联合王国吞并所有殖民地并获得这些地区的核心。
- 鼓励殖民地精英分支
- 地中海堡垒分支
- 平稳航行线
- 国策树中的 民主主义 线。联合王国将延续民主并维持现有的政府结构。
- 本土防御分支
只适用于DLC炮手就位激活时。 |
- 重新审视殖民政策线
- 这条线将重点放在去殖民化,实际上相当于解散大英帝国,保留一些殖民地作为傀儡,以换取在英国本土获得更多人力和工业,使英国集中精力处理欧洲事务。
- 全球防卫分支
- 君主主义路线将使爱德华八世成为名副其实的君主,与 德意志国结盟,获得针对 意大利和 苏维埃联盟的战争目标。该路线也可以获得针对 美利坚合众国的战争目标,通过建立美国君主制恢复不列颠对北美的统治。
- 法西斯主义路线将目标放在与 德意志国以外的欧洲 法西斯主义国家结盟以对抗德国。天佑国王小支与君主主义路线共享,旨在重新征服获得独立的自治领并获得吞并 美利坚合众国的战争目标。
- 向工会妥协分支
- 共产主义分支将使英国成为共产主义国家,开启与 苏维埃联盟结盟的大门或组建自己的阵营并向欧洲国家传播 共产主义,最终目标是走向针对 德意志国和 美利坚合众国的战争并在其上建立傀儡政权。这一分支也将强制 联合王国在转为共产主义2年内完成去殖民化国策,否则将爆发内战。
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国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 | 描述 |
密码炸弹 | 联合王国:
波兰人正在开发一个名为“密码炸弹”的绝妙机器,它能够用来破译德国的恩尼格码密码机。我们可以提供资金,在布莱切利园中继续这项研究 。 |
有限的军备重整 | 没有前置国策
联合王国: | 最近从德国等国萌生的法西斯主义表明,我们这个时代可能并不和平,目前这种情况有可能会变得更糟,我们必须至少进行有限的军备重整。 |
空军防御 | 联合王国:
There is no question of where the enemy will be coming from; we must protect the coast with extensive anti-air batteries. |
雷达 | 联合王国: | 联合王国:
The ability to detect enemy bombers will be crucial to the war effort. We should spare no resources in further developing Radar technology and constructing a network of detection stations along the coasts. |
蒂泽德代表团 | 联合王国: | 美利坚合众国:
We have produced many breakthroughs in technology that we cannot fully exploit ourselves due to our lack of resources and industrial capacity. Henry Tizard would like to head a delegation to negotiate a technology sharing treaty with the USA. |
MAUD委员会 | 联合王国:
The 'Military Application of Uranium Detonation' committee is convinced that it is theoretically possible to construct a bomb of unbelievable power by employing uranium to achieve an uncontrolled nuclear fission reaction. However, we might not be able to develop this technology in time on our own. We should speak with the Americans. |
影子计划 | 联合王国: | 联合王国: | The Air Ministry has come up with a brilliant suggestion for easier conversion of civilian factories into military ones. With the appropriate grants and loans to various key companies, their factories can be extended and adapted in advance to make the transition to military applications much smoother. |
重视工业 | 联合王国: | 联合王国:
Focus all our political efforts on building up the civilian industry in a great leap forward. |
皇家兵工厂 | 联合王国:
联合王国: | The Royal Arsenal at Woolwich is woefully insufficient to produce all the munitions and small arms we need. We should establish many more factories around the country, preferably in relatively safe areas. |
秘密武器 | 联合王国: | 联合王国:
We now possess the knowledge and the infrastructure to focus on the development of various secret weapons projects that used to belong in the realm of science fiction. |
伯明翰轻武器公司 | 联合王国: | 联合王国获得民族精神: | The Royal Ordnance Factories are not producing enough small arms, but, like we did in the Great War, we could contract the Birmingham Small Arms Company and expand their capacity. |
增加科研槽 | 联合王国: | 联合王国:
Our industrial expansion and other recent advances might allow us to conduct more R&D in parallel. |
摩托化部队 | 联合王国: | 联合王国:
Recently the Army has been experimenting with fully motorized infantry units. As yet, they have not formed any fully motorized divisions, but with with right words to the Secretary of State for War this could soon be possible. |
皇家坦克团 | 联合王国: | 联合王国:
Britain invented the tank, and so the Royal Tank Regiment should be equipped with the world's best tanks, but this is not currently the case. The Special Vehicle Development Committee proposes to research and develop a modern design to keep Britain at the forefront of tank development. |
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国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 | Description |
常规军事重组 | 联合王国: | 联合王国获得民族精神: | It is starting to look like another Great War is inevitable. If it isn't Hitler it will be the Mikado, or even the Soviets... Public opinion has swung enough that we can initiate a program of general rearmament. |
重整空军军备 | 联合王国:
联合王国: | In any war with a continental enemy, the Royal Air Force will prove the key to victory. First, we must ensure that our airbases can support our rearmament plans! |
特种空勤团 | 联合王国: | 联合王国获得民族精神:
An officer by the name of David Stirling has come up with the idea that a small commando unit might be capable of harrassing the enemy behind their lines, causing tremendous damage. Naming them an 'Air Service' has the added benefit of causing the enemy to believe they have to defend against paratroopers, too. There may well be merit to this idea. |
重整海军军备 | 联合王国:
联合王国: | Though we tried to prevent a naval arms race with the Second London Naval Treaty, even the signatories are mostly ignoring it. The Royal Navy must never lose its global supremacy. We must always ensure that it remains the largest in the world. |
战斗机司令部 | 联合王国: | 联合王国:
Our first priority must be to control our own skies! It is hard to discern a more important area of military research than fighter development. |
轰炸机司令部 | 联合王国: | 联合王国:
Like Giulio Douhet always said;'The bomber will always get through!'. Advances in radar technology and anti-air defenses notwithstanding, we should prioritize the development of better bombers. |
沿海司令部 | 联合王国: | 联合王国:
Our industry is driven by resources shipped to Britain from many distant parts of the Empire. Our convoys are our lifeblood and must be protected by both the Royal Navy and the Royal Air Force. We should set up a special RAF formation to protect the approaches to our ports! |
飞机生产集团 | 联合王国: | United Kingdom 获得民族精神: | Aircraft production remains our highest priority. The London Aircraft Production Group (LAPG) should be created to manage and coordinate all available aircraft related production. |
喷气式飞机 | 联合王国: | 联合王国:
It seems almost certain that the jet engine will come to replace propeller engines on airplanes. The potential is enormous, and we must not allow Britain to lag behind in this crucial area of research. |
参谋长委员会 | 联合王国: | 联合王国: | We must empower the heads of the various service branches to conduct this war as they consider is best. The Combined Chiefs of Staff, formed initially in 1923, will now be given the means to coordinate operations across the globe, reporting directly to the War Cabinet. This will greatly streamline planning for military operations. |
重视驱逐舰 | 联合王国: | 联合王国:
Modern battleships are marvels, but we must not neglect the critical role of the humble destroyer in the protection of our convoys |
重视护航运输 | 联合王国: | 联合王国获得民族精神: | It cannot be stressed enough, our convoys are our lifeblood. We must do everything in our power to protect them and to replace lost tonnage quickly. |
反潜训练学校 | 联合王国: | 联合王国:
One of our advantages is the ability to draw upon a large pool of skilled officers with experience from the last war to train new crews. With ASW expert Commodore Gilbert Stephenson in charge, the establishment of a new anti-submarine training school at Tobermory will ensure our crews obtain the skills they need before embarking on Atlantic convoy duty and facing the U-boat menace. |
反潜战争 | 如果炮手就位DLC已启用
联合王国: |
The Atlantic is our lifeline, and we must ensure it remains clear from enemies that would prey on our vulnerable shipping, be it above the surface or below it. We shall focus on cutting-edge developments in the field of anti-submarine warfare, ensuring our escorts are equipped with the best weaponry and detection means that we can provide. |
两栖作战 | 联合王国: | 联合王国:
Ruling the waves is fine, but sometimes you need to get your feet wet. We must not neglect our ability to land invasion forces in hostile territory. |
不列颠统治海洋 | 联合王国: | 联合王国:
In the long shadow of the Royal Navy, other naval powers are forced to come up with innovative new doctrines to compensate. We must not grow complacent and rely solely on the quantity and quality of individual ships. |
重视航母 | 联合王国: | 联合王国:
There is an intense argument among naval theorists about the continued viability of the battleship. There are those who argue that modern air power will come to dominate naval power, and that the aircraft carrier will replace the battleship as the king of the oceans. |
重视战列舰 | 联合王国: | 联合王国:
While the theorists bicker about air supremacy or naval supremacy, no one wants the guns of a battleship pointing at their palace. Even if the carrier enthusiasts prove right in the end, battleships will still dominate the oceans for years to come. |
扩建修理码头 | 如果炮手就位DLC已启用
联合王国: |
获得民族精神: Though our navy is among the world's largest, we must also have the means to quickly repair our ships should they incur battle damage, or our enemies may wear us down through attrition. Expanding our repair yards would not only achieve this, but also enable us to refit some of our older models in a timely manner.
Though our navy is among the world's largest, we must also have the means to quickly repair our ships should they incur battle damage, or our enemies may wear us down through attrition. Expanding our repair yards would not only achieve this, but also enable us to refit some of our older models in a timely manner. |
前卫号 | 炮手就位DLC已启用
We must not be outnumbered by our enemies on the seas. We have a number of 15-inch guns still in storage that could be used to replace the time-consuming 16-inch guns required for our next planned battleships, which would greatly speed up construction of the class's lead ship: HMS Vanguard. |
反非接触性水雷委员会 | 炮手就位DLC已启用
联合王国: |
Our technical experts in mine warfare advise that new types of mines, activated by magnetic fields, sound and other means, are likely to play an important part in the next war. By appointing a special Admiralty Anti-Non-Contact Committee to research ways to sweep them now, we can help keep our ships safe, and perhaps even make some advances in our own mine technology in the process. |
确保帝国航线 | 联合王国: | 联合王国:
The cohesion of our colonial empire hinges on our ability to protect the merchant shipping that binds it together, and to project our force wherever it may be necessary. We have always relied upon a vast fleet of light cruisers to do this, and we must ensure we continue to have the necessary numbers of these ships to allow us to be everywhere at once.
The cohesion of our colonial empire hinges on our ability to protect the merchant shipping that binds it together, and to project our force wherever it may be necessary. We have always relied upon a vast fleet of light cruisers to do this, and we must ensure we continue to have the necessary numbers of these ships to allow us to be everywhere at once. |
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Colonial Development branch of the British national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 | Description |
巩固不列颠帝国 | 联合王国:
Our Empire is vast, and despite our power, weakly defended. To combat this we need to encourage Imperial Patriotism throughout the realm. |
Service Overseas | 联合王国: | 联合王国: | By rotating armed forces personnel to colonial stations and back home again they can learn about the conditions on different fronts, gain experience, and share it with their comrades back home. |
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国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 | Description |
鼓励殖民地精英 | 联合王国: | 联合王国获得民族精神: | Our vast, sprawling empire houses some of the greatest minds in the world, but its size prevents many of them from ever meeting. By encouraging them to work together on our most important projects, we can achieve results faster. |
强化东亚 | 联合王国:
Many of our old colonies in the east are threatened by civil wars and imperial ambitions of local countries. We must not neglect our remaining outposts, but continue to develop these regions to secure our global presence. |
滇缅公路 | 联合王国:
联合王国: | We should aid the Chinese in their struggle against Japan by constructing a road - and associated infrastructure - between Burma and China, where supplies can reach them overland, safe from Japanese predation. |
制裁日本 | 联合王国:
Is at war with 日本 |
日本: | The Japanese seem committed to creating their 'Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere'; under their hegemony, of course. The British Empire is the primary obstacle, together with the colonies of other Western powers. They must be denied access to the resources they need. |
新加坡战略 | 联合王国:
Singapore should remain our primary naval base in the East. Hong Kong may fall to the Japanese, but Singapore must remain impregnable until the Main Fleet can arrive to decisively defeat the enemy. |
岸防工事 | 联合王国:
The current defenses on Singapore Island are inadequate. We must focus our efforts on beefing up the fortifications! |
半岛战争 | 联合王国:
We should preempt and slow down an enemy coming down from the north through Malaya before they even reach Singapore. |
控制香港 | 联合王国:
The Singapore Strategy is obsolete. Our plan should be bolder and rely on a base much closer to Japan. With sufficient fortifications and facilities, Hong Kong will serve perfectly! |
岸防工事 | 联合王国:
Hong Kong will have to become a fortress city in order to withstand a sustained attack from mainland China. |
对空防御 | 联合王国:
We must expand and improve the anti-air emplacements in Hong Kong greatly. |
对日作战 | 联合王国:
Is at war with 日本 |
联合王国: | All other options are exhausted and the Japanese refuse to give up their expansionist ways. For the safety of the British Empire and the people of Asia, we must subdue the Japanese. |
影响中国 | 联合王国: | 中华民国:
民主主义 pressure has made democracy very popular, and the country is susceptible to align with other Democrats.
Although the Chinese nationalists have called themselves enemies of our colonial efforts, they are trapped between enemies with too few allies. If we reach out to them, they may be willing to shift their policies. |
英联邦关系 | 联合王国:
United by common allegiance to the Crown, the nations of the British Commonwealth are the first we can count on in the event of another global conflict. Securing our diplomatic administration there will be of the essence. |
开发印度 | 联合王国:
英属印度: | The state of our colonies in India remains controversial both abroad and at home, but whatever is in store for them, strengthening their industrial capacity is a priority at the present stage. |
印度独立 | 联合王国:
If DLC 共赴胜利 is enabled:
Japan is actively fomenting rebellion in India and has even formed a 'National Indian Army' composed of Indian recruits. The situation could grow dangerous if nothing is done to prevent it. We can either defeat Japan quickly, or promise the Indians independence in a few years. |
印度自治 | The DLC 炮手就位 is enabled
Rather than promise full independence, it is possible we may be able to weaken the Indian independence movements by giving them far-reaching autonomy, much like the other Dominions already enjoy.
Rather than promise full independence, it is possible we may be able to weaken the Indian independence movements by giving them far-reaching autonomy, much like the other Dominions already enjoy. |
英联邦航空训练计划 | 联合王国: | 联合王国:
Our military success hinges upon our mastery of the air, and therefore the skill of our air crews. We will embark upon the largest aviation training program the world has ever seen to ensure we have all the trained pilots and crews we require to master this new dimension of warfare.
Every Country that is a subject of the United Kingdom that is not 南非:
Our military success hinges upon our mastery of the air, and therefore the skill of our air crews. We will embark upon the largest aviation training program the world has ever seen to ensure we have all the trained pilots and crews we require to master this new dimension of warfare.
Our military success hinges upon our mastery of the air, and therefore the skill of our air crews. We will embark upon the largest aviation training program the world has ever seen to ensure we have all the trained pilots and crews we require to master this new dimension of warfare. |
开发加拿大 | 联合王国:
加拿大: | An investment in Canada's Industry and Shipyards will provide a boost to their economy and allow them to provide a greater contribution in the event of war. |
开发澳大利亚 | 联合王国:
澳大利亚: | An investment in Australia's Shipyards and Industry will provide a boost to their economy and allow them to provide a greater contribution in the event of war. |
开发新西兰 | 联合王国:
新西兰: | New Zealand retains a strong connection to our nation and has warned against the fascist threat. Their contribution in the event of war is certain, and we should aid them in preparing accordingly. |
开发南非 | 联合王国:
南非: | The political situation in South Africa is uncertain. We cannot fully trust that they will support our war effort, but by aiding them in strengthening their industry, we can hope to increase support for the British cause. |
召开帝国会议 | The DLC 炮手就位 is enabled
The last time the various government leaders of all our self-governing colonies and dominions met up to discuss matters of Imperial interest was in 1932. It is high time we hold another conference, especially if we want to strengthen the Empire in the immediate future. |
帝国联邦 | The DLC 炮手就位 is enabled
联合王国: |
联合王国: | Imperial Federation has long been toted as an alternative to self-governance. After a lengthy period of preparations, the time has now at last come to unify our government with those of our Dominions, and to retake our position as the world's pre-eminent superpower. Rule Britannia! |
Mediterranean Bastion Sub-branch
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Mediterranian colonial development sub-branch of the British national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 | Description |
Mediterranean Bastion | 联合王国: | United Kingdom gets the 民族精神:
The route through the Mediterranean is a vitally important shortcut to and from India. As such, it is of utmost importance to keep it open and in our hands. |
Fortify the Rock | 联合王国: | 联合王国: | As well as controlling the entrance to the Mediterranean, Gibraltar provides a strongly defended harbour from which ships can operate in both the Atlantic and the Mediterranean. As such, it is imperative that it is strongly guarded. |
Coerce Spain | 联合王国: | 西班牙 gets the National Spirit for 1095 days if United Kingdom is:
民主主义 pressure has made democracy very popular, and the country is susceptible to align with other Democrats.
Fascist pressure has made fascism very popular, and the country is susceptible to align with other fascists.
Authoritarian pressure has led to new-found respect with strong governments and noble royal houses, and the country is susceptible to align with other authoritarian governments.
The Spanish know better than most the power of the Royal Navy, but perhaps a reminder is in order... |
Protect Suez | 联合王国: | 联合王国: | Controlling the Suez channel is part of the means by which the British Empire retains its command of the sea. Losing this region would be disastrous. Measures must be taken to fortify it. |
Fortify Malta | 联合王国: | 联合王国: | Malta commands an excellent position in the central Mediterranean, a vital way station along our lifeline through Egypt and the Suez Canal to India and the Far East. Time spent fortifying it more strongly could never be wasted. |
Coerce Turkey | 联合王国: | 土耳其 gets the National Spirit for 1095 days if United Kingdom is:
民主主义 pressure has made democracy very popular, and the country is susceptible to align with other Democrats.
Fascist pressure has made fascism very popular, and the country is susceptible to align with other fascists.
Authoritarian pressure has led to new-found respect with strong governments and noble royal houses, and the country is susceptible to align with other authoritarian governments.
They don't have to love us, but Johnny Turkey should know enough to fear our battleships... |
Coerce Greece | 联合王国: | 希腊王国 gets the National Spirit for 1095 days if United Kingdom is:
民主主义 pressure has made democracy very popular, and the country is susceptible to align with other Democrats.
Fascist pressure has made fascism very popular, and the country is susceptible to align with other fascists.
Authoritarian pressure has led to new-found respect with strong governments and noble royal houses, and the country is susceptible to align with other authoritarian governments.
It is in our interests to have basing rights in Greece, and frankly the Greeks are in no position to refuse us. |
Balkan Strategy | 联合王国:
If 罗马尼亚王国, 南斯拉夫 or 希腊王国 and not in a faction with 法西斯主义 德意志国 or 意大利:
If DLC 玉碎瓦全 is enabled: United Kingdom gets event The Question of Yugoslavia |
Many of the nations in the Balkans are pro-British and see the same threat from central Europe as we do. If we seize the opportunity and support them early, we can secure their loyalty, although at the expense of angering their revengist neighbors. |
Sanction Italy | 联合王国:
Is at war with 意大利 |
Mussolini dreams of a new Roman Empire and, absurd as it may sound, might someday attack us to achieve his dream. We should do what we can to prevent this before it comes to war. |
War with Italy | 联合王国:
Is at war with 意大利 |
联合王国: | The Italians refuse to give up their plans for a new Empire and have proven willing to go to war in order to expand their borders. We must do what we can to eliminate this threat before it is too late. |
Revisit Colonial Policy branch
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只适用于DLC炮手就位激活时。 |
Colonial Independence branch of the British national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 | Description |
Revisit Colonial Policy | 联合王国: | 联合王国: | The times are changing. It is clear that independence movements will only continue to spring up across the empire, and in ever-stronger incarnations. If we do not wish to be forced into pouring increasingly vast resources into surpressing these movements, then we must acknowledge that our Empire has run its course, and now must be allowed to find its own path into the world. |
Guide the Colonies | 联合王国:
Fewer than 1 Subject nations |
联合王国: | Taking the first steps towards full independence, after long periods under our control, is not easy. Our Dominions require our aid in restructuring their government, so that they may function as well when completely independent as they do now, under our guidance. |
Towards Dominion Independence | 联合王国:
Having seen to the restructuring of the Dominion governments, we must now aid our dominions in taking the final steps towards cutting their official ties to Westminster. It is likely we will see a period of mass migration, as those who would rather continue to be a part of United Kingdom will immigrate. |
Foundations for an Indian State | 联合王国:
英属印度 is fully independent |
If it is to function as an independent state, we must see to increasing the industrialization of India, as well as drastically restructuring their government. The challenges of governing an entire subcontinent are, as we have found, not simple ones, and India must be prepared if it is to succeed. |
The Three-Nation Solution | 联合王国:
If 英属印度 fully controls:
Cultural and religious differences are extreme across the Indian subcontinent. Already, there are antagonizations between various groupings with different loyalties. Rather than lump them all in to a single state, perhaps the better solution would be to split the subcontinent up in a trio of states. Hindu India, Muslim Pakistan in the northwest, and Muslim Bangladesh in the northeast. |
Towards Indian Independence | 联合王国:
The time has come to set India on its path to independence. We will begin gradually transferring governmental tasks, increasing their autonomy in preparation for full independence. |
Withdraw from Contested Territories | 联合王国:
A number of territories across the globe, considered part of the British Overseas Territories, are claimed by neighbouring states. This causes diplomatic tensions, and so it may be better to reassess their status as under United Kingdom juristiction. |
Self-Government For the Mediterranean | 联合王国:
*Does not own Malta (116)
联合王国: | The nations in the Mediterranean are ready to receive extensive autonomy in preparation for full independence. This is likely to result in an influx of immigrants desiring to obtain British nationality before independence is formalized. |
Self-Government For Africa | 联合王国:
The nations in Africa are ready to receive extensive autonomy in preparation for full independence. This is likely to result in an influx of immigrants desiring to obtain British nationality before independence is formalized. |
Self-Government For the Middle East | 联合王国:
The nations in the Middle East are ready to receive extensive autonomy in preparation for full independence. This is likely to result in an influx of immigrants desiring to obtain British nationality before independence is formalized. |
Self-Government For the Americas | 联合王国:
联合王国: | The nations in the Americas are ready to receive extensive autonomy in preparation for full independence. This is likely to result in an influx of immigrants desiring to obtain British nationality before independence is formalized. |
Self-Government For Asia | 联合王国:
The nations in Asia are ready to receive extensive autonomy in preparation for full independence. This is likely to result in an influx of immigrants desiring to obtain British nationality before independence is formalized. |
Decolonization | 联合王国:
Fewer than 1 Subject nations |
It is the end of an era, but an end of our choosing. Rather than suffering the indignity of struggling in vain against the unstoppable rise of independence movements, we have held our heads high and, with pride, have guided those under our protection as far as we could. Now, all that remains is to cut our remaining ties and welcome our erstwhile dependents on the world scene as equals. |
Steady As She Goes Branch
File:Ambox outdated info.png | 这部分内容可能已不适合当前版本,最后更新于1.9。 |
民主主义 branch of the British national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 | Description |
Steady As She Goes | 联合王国: | United Kingdom gets the 民族精神 for 365 days:
The mounting crisis is precisely why we must remain true to our roots. We will continue the course that we have sailed in recent years, rather than make any drastic political changes that may cause internal instability when we can least afford it.
The mounting crisis is precisely why we must remain true to our roots. We will continue the course that we have sailed in recent years, rather than make any drastic political changes that may cause internal instability when we can least afford it. |
Global Defense Sub-branch
File:Ambox outdated info.png | 这部分内容可能已不适合当前版本,最后更新于1.9。 |
只适用于DLC炮手就位激活时。 |
Agressive 民主主义 sub-branch of the British national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 | Description |
Global Defense | 联合王国: | 联合王国:
Protecting the British people starts by preventing that which would threaten it from spreading in the first place. We must find the embers of conflict and put them out in the spot before they turn into a conflagration that spreads far and wide, burning us in our homes. |
Every Man Will Do His Duty | 联合王国: | 联合王国:
In the spirit of Nelson's famous words we must instill a sense of duty in the people. Whether they like it or not, the nation requires their service in the face of the coming crisis. |
Motion of No Confidence | 联合王国:
The current government has failed in its attempts to defuse the looming world crisis. Any further attempts to do so now are just signs of weakness. We require stronger leadership so that we may weather the coming storm. |
No Further Appeasement | 联合王国: | 联合王国: | Appeasement has failed, and to continue this policy now is folly. It is clear our enemies will not back down, and insist on demanding more and more. We must stop them now, before we give them even more advantages. |
Kickstart the War Industry | 联合王国: | 联合王国:
Time is of the essence, and we cannot wait for a natural growth of our war industry. We must make a large investment for the quick construction of additional factories, if we are to be ready for war. |
Secure the Oil Imports | 联合王国: | 联合王国: | We cannot rely on the fickle nature of trade agreements with foreign governments for our oil imports. Better yet to wrest control of the oil fields, so that we may maintain full control of them regardless of the political leadership in other nations. |
Maintaining Imperial Integrity | 联合王国:
The defense of our Empire begins with mastery of the seas and the loyalty of our Dominions. Other naval powers must be warned to not threaten our naval superiority, and at the same time we must exert increasing control over our subjects so that we are strong across the globe.
The defense of our Empire begins with mastery of the seas and the loyalty of our Dominions. Other naval powers must be warned to not threaten our naval superiority, and at the same time we must exert increasing control over our subjects so that we are strong across the globe. |
Enforce the Naval Treaties | 联合王国: | 联合王国:
It has come to our attention that certain powers have chosen to ignore the stipulations of the Washington Naval Treaty. This cannot be allowed to stand. If we are to maintain the advantage, and lest others get the same idea, we must strike quickly and make an example of those who would defy our will. |
Maintaining the Balance of Power | 联合王国: | 联合王国:
The strength of the Empire lies in the weakness and paralysis of Europe. If we are to be able to focus on global matters, we must ensure that Europe is too busy with its own affairs to look at ours. We will remain aloof of European affairs, except to act against any expansionist regimes that might threaten this delicate balance of power that we desire. |
Continental Intervention | 联合王国: | 联合王国: | It is clear that we will not be able to maintain the balance of power on the European continent without acting. We must crush the expansionist regimes that have cropped up recently, ensuring that we will never be faced with the threat of a unified Europe able to prepare an invasion of the British Isles without distractions. |
Home Defense Sub-branch
File:Ambox outdated info.png | 这部分内容可能已不适合当前版本,最后更新于1.9。 |
Defensive 民主主义 sub-branch of the British national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 | Description |
Home Defense | 联合王国: | 联合王国:
A vast empire is of no use if we cannot protect the British people. We should focus our efforts on keeping the British Isles safe. |
Secure Iraq | 联合王国:
伊拉克 does not exist |
联合王国: | We granted Iraq independence in 1932, but considering the current global situation, that might have been a mistake. Iraqi oil must never be allowed to reach our enemies... |
Secure Iran | 联合王国:
伊朗 does not exist |
联合王国: | Iran is not just rich in oil that must be denied our enemies; it is also the strategic nexus between India, the Middle East and the Soviet Union. |
Embargo the USSR | 联合王国:
Is at war with 苏维埃联盟 |
The Soviet Union is growing powerful and using British resources to fuel their military efforts. We should deprive them of access to our trade. |
War with the USSR | United Kingdom
Is at war with 苏维埃联盟 |
联合王国: | The threat of the Soviet Union continues to grow despite our objections. We cannot tolerate an aggressive Soviet Union and are left with no other choice than to go to war for a better tomorrow. |
Scandinavian Intervention | 联合王国: | 联合王国:
Scandinavia would have little strategic import if it were not for one thing; Swedish iron exports. We must put pressure on both Sweden and Norway in order to prevent this vital resource from reaching Germany. If they refuse, we might have to be prepared to invade... |
Swedish Intervention | 联合王国: | 联合王国: | Swedish movements against democracy have gained a worrying amount of influence. We cannot risk Swedish steel ending up as guns in the hands of our enemies. The Swedes shall remain free, but we need to secure a certain degree of influence over their country. |
Norwegian Intervention | 联合王国: | 联合王国: | Norwegian movements against democracy continue to gain ground. We should ensure that their politics stay aligned with our own interests, even if we need to use force. |
Danish Intervention | 联合王国: | 联合王国: | Danish support for the enemies of world peace have continued to grow. There is only one way to ensure they stay on our side. We should use Denmark to establish a strategic foothold in the region in case a land invasion in Europe becomes necessary. |
Prepare for the Inevitable | 联合王国: | United Kingdom gets the 民族精神:
Prepare for the Inevitable
It seems all but certain that our nation will be involved in yet another world conflict. We must increase our industrial expenditures to increase the rate of our rearmament.
It seems all but certain that our nation will be involved in yet another world conflict. We must increase our industrial expenditures to increase the rate of our rearmament. |
Benelux Intervention | 联合王国: | 联合王国:
The political environment in the Benelux Region is growing hostile towards us. We should send a clear warning that any enemy of democracy will not be tolerated and we are ready to use force if necessary. |
Secure Belgium | 联合王国: | 联合王国: | A warning was clearly not enough. If political tendencies continues as they have this far, Belgium will pose a direct threat to our waters. We must intervene and establish a strategic foothold on mainland Europe. |
Secure The Netherlands | 联合王国: | 联合王国: | Political movements in the Netherlands continues to support our enemies. The Netherlands will have to be subdued in order to ensure a free Europe. |
Issue Gasmasks | 联合王国:
联合王国: | The world is growing more dangerous every day. We should protect the civilian population from any poisonous gas attacks. Britain shall breathe easy. |
Military Training Act | 联合王国:
The Great War has left our people with an impression that they would not have to fight again. As the world grows dangerous, we must ensure that all capable young men receive basic military training. |
Embargo Germany | 联合王国:
Is at war with 德意志国 |
German rearmament is an insult and a great threat to world peace. We will not be supplying the resources they need to fuel their war machine. |
War with Germany | 联合王国:
Is at war with 德意志国 |
联合王国: | The Germans have left us with no other choice. For the sake of the free world and the future of our children. It is time for war. |
A Change in Course Branch
File:Ambox outdated info.png | 这部分内容可能已不适合当前版本,最后更新于1.9。 |
只适用于DLC炮手就位激活时。 |
Change in politics branch of the British national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 | Description |
A Change in Course | 联合王国: | United Kingdom gets the 民族精神 for 365 days: | As world tensions mount, it is clear our current political leadership is incapable of protecting the nation's interests. The time has come for a drastic departure from the politics of the last few decades. |
The King's Party | 联合王国: | 联合王国:
Now that the crisis is over and the government has fallen, the King's most ardent supporters may be able to form a government of their own, much more... amenable... to the King's wishes. This King's Party would consist of David Lloyd George, Winston Churchill, and Oswald Mosley, thereby reaching across political parties and aiding in repairing the unity of our nation.
Now that the crisis is over and the government has fallen, the King's most ardent supporters may be able to form a government of their own, much more... amenable... to the King's wishes. This King's Party would consist of David Lloyd George, Winston Churchill, and Oswald Mosley, thereby reaching across political parties and aiding in repairing the unity of our nation. |
Reassess Continental Commitments | 联合王国:
联合王国: | Though our recent political stance towards Europe has been to commit ourselves to our allies in the Great War, opposing a resurgent German Reich and a looming Soviet Union, political differences between ourselves and our old allies have become more notable. Perhaps the time has come to reconsider where our loyalties lie. |
Isolate the Mediterranean Threat | 联合王国:
The Italian navy threatens our shipping through the Mediterranean. We must begin a campaign of diplomatically isolating them to contain the threat. |
Alliance with Germany | 联合王国:
Is in faction with 德意志国 |
联合王国: | Our interests are aligned with the Germans - while they desire hegemony of the European continent, we desire a Europe that will not threaten the British Isles while we see to our global Empire. Perhaps an alliance, as per the King's wishes, would not be all that strange a cooperation. |
Non-Interference Treaty with Germany | 联合王国: | 德意志国:
Our Imperial ambitions rely on not having to worry about Europe. Perhaps this is easily achieved by giving the German Reich carte blanche in Europe, in return for continued peaceful relations and their promise to not interfere in matters that concern the British Empire. |
Take Out the Regia Marina | 联合王国: | 联合王国: | The time has come to take care of the threat in the Mediterranean. We will secure the shipping routes passing through the Suez, the lifeline of our Empire, by eliminating the navy that straddles it. |
Pre-Empt the Ideological Threat | 联合王国: | 联合王国: | The Empire is beset internally by those who think differently. We know these fifth columnists take their orders from Moscow, and so we may silence their voices by striking at the source of this evil. |
Expose the Belly of the Bear | 联合王国: | 联合王国:
伊朗: Gets event The United Kingdom Demands Compliance if it exists and not in a faction with the United Kingdom 阿富汗: Gets event The United Kingdom Demands Compliance if it exists and not in a faction with the United Kingdom |
Taking on the Soviets without any beachheads is an incredible challenge. We will demand passage through the countries of Iran and Afghanistan, and strike at the Soviets where they least expect it; overland and into their exposed belly. |
God Save the King | 联合王国:
联合王国: | Above all else stands our duty to the King and the Crown. A symbol of resistance and hope for the people, and of the unity of the Empire to our subjects and enemies, the King must be extolled within and feared without. We will make it so. |
Ceylon Forward Operating Base | 联合王国:
联合王国: | In preparation of the massive invasion that it will take to return the Crown's control over India, we must greatly expand the facilities on the island of Ceylon. |
Reclaim the Jewel in the Crown | 联合王国:
联合王国: | India's brief period of independence must now come to an end. Our forces are in position, ready to return the Crown's Jewel. |
Consolidate the British Isles | 联合王国:
联合王国: | The Irish continue to tote their silly notions of independence, and our tolerance is at an end. It is time we crush their resistance and bring the entire country back into the fold as an integral part of the United Kingdom. |
Appeal to Imperial Loyalists | 联合王国:
联合王国: | Despite the now-nominal independence of the Dominions, there are still many among their citizens who are loyal to the Crown. If we can reach out to them, we may be able to subvert the Dominions' governments prior to the invasions that will be necessary to regain control of them. |
Bring the Dominions Back into the Fold | 联合王国:
One of the following must be true
联合王国: | The board is set, and the pieces are in position. Now is the time to set our plan in motion and 'correct' the notion of independence present in the minds of the Dominions' leaders. |
Imperial Conscription | 联合王国: | United Kingdom Gains National Spirit:
We have long neglected the wealth of manpower our Empire provides. It is time we drastically improve conscription throughout the Empire, and ensure that we have an abundance of manpower to fight our war. All must do their duty to the Crown!
Every Subject of the United Kingdom gains National Spirit: |
We have long neglected the wealth of manpower our Empire provides. It is time we drastically improve conscription throughout the Empire, and ensure that we have an abundance of manpower to fight our war. All must do their duty to the Crown! |
Unite the Anglosphere | 联合王国: | If 联合王国: | The legacy of our Golden Age is one of our culture and language being present across the globe. Rather than suffer the indignity and thanklessness of these areas remaining independent, we must once again unify them under our rule. |
The Sun Never Sets | 联合王国: | 联合王国:
gets the 民族精神: The Sun Never Sets
It is said that the British Empire is so vast, the sun never sets on it. Its strength is the Royal Navy, securing the trade- and supply routes that connect it and are so vital to our prosperity. This navy must learn to traverse these enormous distances with all due haste, so that we may react swiftly to any threat, anywhere.
It is said that the British Empire is so vast, the sun never sets on it. Its strength is the Royal Navy, securing the trade- and supply routes that connect it and are so vital to our prosperity. This navy must learn to traverse these enormous distances with all due haste, so that we may react swiftly to any threat, anywhere. |
Pre-Empt the Strategic Threat | 联合王国:
Is at war with 日本 |
联合王国: | The Empire is beset externally by those who desire our wealth in resources. We know who and why, and so nothing prevents us from taking the fight to them before they pounce upon us in a moment of unfortunate weakness on our part. |
Organize the Blackshirts | 联合王国: | 联合王国:
The success of the British Union of Fascists depends on its public image. We can show our movement's spirit of unity and personal strength by holding militarily-inspired marches throughout the country. We will attract more followers, while also cowing the opposition into inaction. The eventual goal will be a march on Downing Street itself, calling for a change in leadership. |
The British Path to Fascism | 联合王国:
联合王国: | Our path to fascism will be our own, and we will not bend the knee to those on the continent who consider themselves our ideological superiors. The people remember the last war, and any cooperation with the regime existing in the German Reich would be sure to incur their wrath. |
Secure the Italian Alliance | 联合王国:
If 法国 is in faction with The United Kingdom and not at war:
Mussolini has a far more palatable approach to fascism, and has long been admired by Mosley. It is only natural that our two countries should engage in a closer relationship, mutually beneficial to both our peoples. |
Gibraltar for Spanish Support | 联合王国: | If DLC 抵抗运动 is not enabled:
If DLC 抵抗运动 is enabled:
Though long considered an integral part of our nation, perhaps it is worthwhile to arrange the return of Gibraltar to Spanish hands, in return for Franco's support for our cause. |
Pre-Empt Spanish Alignment | 联合王国:
If Any country: |
The risk exists that the Spanish will side with the Germans if we take any offensive action towards the latter. This cannot be allowed to happen - we must deal with this potential threat before we move on to the German Reich proper. |
Prevent a Continental Hegemony | 联合王国: | 联合王国: | It is clear that the German Reich has designs upon the entirety of the European continent. This cannot be allowed to come to pass. Together with our allies, we must take on the Germans before they pose too insurmountable of a challenge. |
Enact the Mosley Manifesto | 联合王国: | 联合王国:
gets the 民族精神:
In previous years, Mosley has prepared a manifesto for sweeping economic reforms to cure poverty. It is time to put the Leader's proposals into effect. |
Move to Secure the Dominions | 联合王国:
联合王国: | The Dominions eye our ideological shift with suspicious eyes. It is not unlikely that they will reconsider their ties to Westminster if we let them... And so we must not. Acting swiftly, we may be able to forcibly affect a change in government before diplomatic relations become too strained. |
Concessions to the Trade Unions Sub-branch
File:Ambox outdated info.png | 这部分内容可能已不适合当前版本,最后更新于1.9。 |
只适用于DLC炮手就位激活时。 |
Communist sub-branch of the British national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
国策 | 前置条件 | 效果 | Description |
Concessions to the Trade Unions | 联合王国: | 联合王国: | Our efforts to rearm are continuously marred by conflicts with the trade unions. We may well have a much smoother transition if we elect to cooperate with them, rather than continue to struggle against them. |
The Fate of the Royal Family | 联合王国:
The notion that one person is worth more than another, purely by birth, sickens us. The immense wealth the Royal Family continues to flaunt is a thorn in our eyes, and would undoubtedly be of much better use spent on rearmament and industrial expansion. Perhaps it is time we kill two birds with one stone... |
Eliminate the Upper Class | 联合王国:
The workers must rise up and break the oppression of the upper classes. We will deal with them, and seize their companies for the state. |
For the Good of the Revolution | 联合王国: | 联合王国:
All must be willing to make sacrifices in comfort for the good of the state. The British people will keep their heads high in the face of rationing, confident that it will ensure our eventual victory. |
The British Communist Alternative | 联合王国:
Rather than side with Moscow, we will start our own cooperation of communist states. The British are second to none on the world scene, and we will not bow to Moscow, not now, nor ever. |
Enforce Decolonization | 联合王国: | Every other country that is either:
Gets event United Kingdom Demands Decolonization |
Just as we have decolonized, so too must the other nations of the world. We will issue an ultimatum, and those who do not see the wisdom of our words will be made to see that wisdom, instead. |
Reach Out Across the Channel | 联合王国: | 联合王国: | Communism has spread in the countries just across the English Channel. We will reach out to them, and offer them a guiding and helping hand that is far closer than distant Moscow. |
Soviet Cooperation | 联合王国:
Is in Faction with 苏维埃联盟 |
If 苏维埃联盟 is not at war with 德意志国: | Though we have our differences, we also share an enemy. We shall propose an attack from both sides, squashing the Germans before they realize what has happened. |
The One True Revolution | 联合王国:
Is at war with 苏维埃联盟 |
联合王国: | No cooperation will ever be possible with Moscow. Corruption is rife in the Soviet Union, and the only hope is to cut out its heart and assume undisputed global leadership of the Worker's Cause. |
Follow Moscow | 联合王国:
联合王国: | In its roots, communism in Britain has always followed the orders of Moscow. To continue to do so now is not only logical, but also necessary. Between the Red Army and our Navy, we shall spread the word of Marx far and wide, and none can stop us. |
Tackle Fascism | 联合王国: | 联合王国:
Fascism is the prime threat to the Worker's Cause. We must focus on eliminating this blight from the face of Europe.
德意志国 Gains Tackle Fascism (关系 of United Kingdom -75) 意大利 Gains Tackle Fascism (关系 of United Kingdom -75) |
Fascism is the prime threat to the Worker's Cause. We must focus on eliminating this blight from the face of Europe. |
Preparing the Second Front | 联合王国: | 联合王国:
When the war begins, we must open a second front to aid our Soviet allies. Preparation for this must begin already now. |
Liberate the Home of Marx | 联合王国: | 联合王国: | The birthplace of Karl Marx has been infested by fascism, not only tainting his memory, but also serving as a perpetual insult to all of socialism. It is time to vanquish this evil force from the German land, liberating their populace from the false prophets that lead them. |
Tackle Capitalism | 联合王国: | 联合王国:
Capitalism is the archnemesis of the Worker's Cause, and we cannot sit idly by as it thrives, even an ocean away. We must prepare to take it on in its heartland. |
Bermuda Invasion Launch Point | 联合王国: | 联合王国: | An invasion of North America will not be an easy task. We must build up our possessions in Bermuda to be able to accomodate the invasion force for such a duration of time as is necessary, before it can then be sent to spread the Revolution directly to American shores. |
Crush the Dream | 联合王国: | 联合王国: | The Americans like to talk about their Dream; that anyone can 'make it' in America, if only they are willing to do so over the backs of their peers. We find this reprehensible; no man should be encouraged to prey on another for his own gain. We will liberate their people from these silly notions, crushing this dream so thoroughly that no trace of it remains. |
Socialist Science Pool | 联合王国:
United Kingdom and all countries in the same Faction as the 联合王国:
We must coordinate an exchange of technological knowledge so that all our allies may benefit from our advances, and so that we may benefit from theirs. This is the only way that the worker's struggle will succeed. |
Spirit of the Industrial Revolution | 联合王国: | United Kingdom gets the 民族精神: | The British Isles were the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution. In this spirit, we will show the world what liberated workers can achieve in a state-controlled economy. |
通用 | 通用 • 持续性国策 |
基础版本 | 法国 • 德意志国 • 意大利 • 日本 • 苏维埃联盟 • 联合王国 • 美利坚合众国 |
United and Ready | 波兰 |
共赴胜利 | 澳大利亚 • 英属印度 • 加拿大自治领 • 新西兰 • 南非 |
玉碎瓦全 | 捷克斯洛伐克 • 匈牙利王国 • 罗马尼亚王国 • 南斯拉夫 |
唤醒猛虎 | 中华民国 • 中共 • 满洲国 • 军阀 |
炮手就位 | 墨西哥 • 荷兰 |
抵抗运动 | 自由法国 • 维希法国 • 葡萄牙 • 西班牙国 • 西班牙共和国 |
博湾纷争 | 保加利亚 • 希腊 • 土耳其 |
寸步不退 | 苏维埃联盟(重制)• 波兰(重制)• 爱沙尼亚 • 拉脱维亚 • 立陶宛 |
唯有浴血 | 意大利(重制)• 埃塞俄比亚 • 瑞士 • 非洲之角诸国 |
以力御暴 | 丹麦 • 芬兰 • 冰岛 • 挪威 • 瑞典 |