
(重定向自Brazilian national focus tree

<Brazilian national focus tree/scriptoutput>

巴西的国旗 巴西忠诚试炼忠诚试炼 DLC中获得了独特的 国策树. 没有DLC时, 将使用 通用国策树 替代.

第二次共产主义革命分支扩大革命子分支结束紧急状态分支废除国家安全法子分支浪漫化帝国历史子分支国家安全法庭分支国家现代化子分支保护我们的边境子分支睦邻政策子分支统治美洲子分支咖啡危机的后果忠诚试炼共享军事国策树分支File:NF tree Brazil.jpgNF tree Brazil.jpg



共产主义共产主义 通过内战推翻了现政府。然后,巴西可以决定谁将领导这个国家,要么是与 苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟 结盟的路易斯·卡洛斯·普雷斯泰斯(Luís Carlos Prestes),要么是坎加索土匪的领导人兰皮昂(Lampião),要么是民族解放联盟委员会(The Council of Aliança Nacional Libertadora),以避免个人崇拜。
本分支允许巴西加入共产国际或创建拉丁美洲社会主义合作社(Latin American Socialist Cooperative)。它可能会使 共产主义共产主义 在南美洲其他地区传播。它也可能获得整个南美洲的核心,并建立拉丁美洲社会主义共和国联盟(Union of Latin American Socialist Republics)。
此国策启动 民主主义民主主义中立主义君主主义 路线,并消除 紧急状态 紧急状态
民主主义民主主义 的道路要么中央集权或联邦化,要么与军方妥协或合作。它允许志愿军参加对外战争,并邀请一些 民主主义民主主义 国家的外国军事工业组织。
中立主义君主主义 分支可以支持彼得罗波利斯(Petrópolis)的佩德罗·德·阿尔坎塔拉(Pedro de Alcântara)或瓦索拉斯(Vassouras)的奥尔良-布拉干扎家族(Orléans-Braganza)的佩德罗·恩里克(Pedro Henrique)为巴西国王。巴西将能够与 葡萄牙的国旗 葡萄牙 王位统一,要求其殖民地,并建立巴西帝国或巴西和葡萄牙帝国。
历史分支将热图利奥·瓦加斯(Getúlio Vargas)任命为巴西领导人。这就建立了新国家体制(Estado Novo),它终止民主,以建立巴西的工业和经济。
法西斯主义法西斯主义 子分支的国家现代化(Estado Moderno)会使巴西整合运动(Integralists)掌权,使瓦加斯成为其领导人。巴西可能会罢免瓦加斯,让普拉尼奥·萨尔加多(Plínio Salgado)担任国家领导人。
这一共同的 中立主义中立主义 焦点为巴西开启了外交关系之路。
选择这一部分可以让巴西与 美利坚合众国的国旗 美利坚合众国 和西半球其他国家合作。这将导致其他南美国家决定是否与巴西合并,建立南美洲合众国。它只允许走 民主主义民主主义中立主义中立主义 道路。
选择这一地区可以让巴西通过征服统一南美洲。它还允许与 德意志国的国旗 德意志国意大利的国旗 意大利 提供工业和军事支持。它只允许走 法西斯主义法西斯主义中立主义中立主义 道路。
工业分支允许巴西处理坎加索(Cangaço)问题,移除被忽视的地区的地区修正,并将首都从里约热内卢(Rio de Janiero)迁至巴西利亚(Brasília)。


Second Intentona Comunista Branch


XXX branch of the Brazilian national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.

Focus Prerequisites Effects
Focus por workers of iberia.png
Second Intentona Comunista
Our first attempt at overthrowing the bourgeoisie state of Getúlio Vargas has failed. If we do not rebound quickly, any chance of a second revolution attempt will be extinguished in the new wave of anti-leftist legislation he is passing. We must rekindle the fires of revolution, before that happens.
Brazil: Brazil:
State of Emergency icon
State of Emergency
A state of emergency was declared in November 1935 when the communists launched a coup that threatened to spiral into full scale civil war. Although the coup was thwarted, the President is yet to end the state of emergency. Many across the political spectrum now worry that the regime will continue to use the emergency powers to quell any further dissent.
Focus SOV military purge.png
Infiltrate the Military
Although the high ranking members of the military remain averse to our ideology, many of the lower ranking officers are itching for an opportunity to oust their superiors. If we were to infiltrate their ranks, we could sway them to our cause.
  • Requires the following:
    • Second Intentona ComunistaSecond Intentona Comunista
  • More than 30% support for 共产主义PCB
  • Has not completed focus Launch the RevolutionLaunch the Revolution
  • A higher proportion of the military will join the communists during the upcoming civil war when this focus is taken.
  • Gain Base 稳定度稳定度 +5.00%
File:Focus SWE refuge for revolutionaries.png
Radicalize the Proletariat
Our last attempt at seizing power fell short largely due to us not having enough coordinated support from the workers. We must spread our message to them and ensure their utmost loyalty to us.
  • Requires the following:
    • Second Intentona ComunistaSecond Intentona Comunista
Radicalized Proletariat icon
Radicalized Proletariat
Communist ideas have taken root within the working class of Brazil. We are skirting a thin line between pleasing them, and not displeasing the Military.
File:Focus BRA free prestes.png
Free Prestes from Prison
Luís Carlos Prestes has been at the forefront of radical Brazilian politics for a number of years now. With the failure of the first intentona comunista however, he has been arrested along with the leadership of the movement. If we are to have any hope of victory, we must free our leaders from the clutches of Getúlio Vargas.
Brazil: Brazil:
  • Change in popularity of 共产主义共产主义: 10.00%
  • During the upcoming communist revolution, receive 2 extra divisions of communist militia.
  • Upon successful overthrow of the current government, pro-苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟 Partido Communista advisors will become available.
Focus spr masters of our own fate.png
Revive the Aliança Nacional Libertadora
Although the Aliança Nacional Libertadora failed to overthrow the authoritarian regime of Getúlio Vargas, it still holds sway over millions of Brazilians who hope for real change. We must reinvigorate the movement before that hope is completely snuffed out.
Brazil: Brazil:
  • Change in popularity of 共产主义共产主义: 5.00%
  • Gain Base 稳定度稳定度: +5.00%
  • During the upcoming communist revolution, receive 2 extra divisions of communist militia.

File:Focus BRA seek soviet support.png
Seek Soviet Support
If we are to succeed and turn our country into the communist society that our people deserve, we are going to need support from the outside.[SOV.GetNameDefCap] has helped us before, it seems only right that we ask their support once more to ensure our success.
Brazil: Brazil:
Aid Brazilian Communists icon
Aid Brazilian Communists
  • Lend-lease tension limit: -30.0%
  • Max volunteer force divisions: +3
  • Divisions required for sending volunteer force: -100%
  • Gets event The Soviet Union Agrees to Support Us!
  • Focus SOV builder of the red army.png
    Launch the Revolution
    The time has come. We will make right what we failed to do in 1935 during the Intentona Comunista. We must rise up against Getúlio Vargas and his oppressive government.

    Alternative Descriptions

    Game File Description
    The time has come. We will make right what we failed to do in 1935 during the Intentona Comunista. We must rise up against [BRA.GetLeader] and his oppressive government

    • Set variable BRA_total_anti_com_size to the value of the party popularity of 民主主义民主主义
    • Increase variable BRA_total_anti_com_size by the value the party popularity of 法西斯主义法西斯主义
    • Increase variable BRA_total_anti_com_size by the value the party popularity of 中立主义中立主义
    • If:
    • Create Guarda Vermelha division template
    • Set variable BRA_cw_militia_divs to 6
    • If:
      • Has completed focus (unrecognized id "revive the aliança nacional libertadora" in TAG "bra" for Template:Focus)
      • Increase variable BRA_cw_militia_divs by 2
    • If:
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Has completed focus (unrecognized id "sway the cangaço to our cause" in TAG "bra" for Template:Focus)
      • Create Cangaço division template
      • Lampião becomes a general
    • If:
      • Popularity of 共产主义共产主义 is less than 60%
      • Launches the Communist Revolution in Brazil. The number of divisions we will get depends on how high the support for Partido Comunista Brasileiro is.

    This will lead to a Communist Civil War against the Democratic Party!

      • Hidden effect:
        • Capital moves to 巴伊亚Bahia [499]
        • Start a 民主主义民主主义 civil war. Size based on BRA_total_anti_com_size size
    Radio Nacional icon
    Radio Nacional
    • 稳定度稳定度: +5.00%
    • 研究速度:+4.00%
    • Ideology drift defense: +30.0%
    With the establishment of a national radio station, the government now has a direct method of communicating with the public. We can use this to either ensure they get the most objective, up-to-date information, or simply the information we want them to know.
        • Scripted Effect: BRA_communist_cw_transfer_chars
        • Gets event Brazilian Communist Revolution
    • 否则如果:
      • Popularity of 共产主义共产主义 is more than 60%
        • Politics will change:
          • 共产主义PCB becomes the ruling party
          • Public elections will not be held.
      • Gets event Communist Coup in Brazil
    • 巴伊亚Bahia [499]:
      • Create Brazilian unit based on the Guarda Vermelha template
    • If:
      • Has completed focus (unrecognized id "sway the cangaço to our cause" in TAG "bra" for Template:Focus)
      • 巴伊亚Bahia [499]:
        • Create Brazilian based on the Cangaço template
    • Remove the national spirit State of Emergency State of Emergency
    • Hidden effect:
    Radio Nacional icon
    Radio Nacional
    • 稳定度稳定度: +5.00%
    • 研究速度:+4.00%
    • Ideology drift defense: +30.0%
    With the establishment of a national radio station, the government now has a direct method of communicating with the public. We can use this to either ensure they get the most objective, up-to-date information, or simply the information we want them to know.
      • Random country:
        • Original country is 巴西的国旗 巴西
        • Create National Militia division template
        • 里约热内卢Rio de Janeiro [500]:
          • Create unit based on the National Militia template
    File:Focus BRA deal with the cangaco.png
    Sway the Cangaço to our Cause
    The Cangaço have fought for years against the various regimes that have held sway over the nation. Although hardly Marxists, these bandits do have strong support from the rural peasantry for redistributing local wealth. Perhaps we can bring them and their experience into our revolutionary movement?
    • Requires the following:
      • (unrecognized id "revive the aliança nacional libertadora" in TAG "bra" for Template:Focus)
    • None of:
      • Has completed focus (unrecognized id "deal with the cangaço" in TAG "bra" for Template:Focus)
    • 陆军经验陆军经验 +50
    • Remove Legacy of the Cangaço decisions, preventing us from clamping down on the Cangaço in effected states!
    • Gain 3 units of Cangaço Militia units when civil war is triggered or government becomes 共产主义共产主义
    Focus chi mission to the soviet union.png
    Align with Moscow
    A few of our party members has had the privilege to visit Moscow. Upon their return to us they have been speaking highly of the Soviet way of running a country. We should consider aligning ourselves more closely to the Soviet Union.

    Alternative Names

    Game file name
    Align with [SOU.Capital.GetCapitalVictoryPointName]
    A few of our party members has had the privilege to visit [SOU.Capital.GetCapitalVictoryPointName]. Upon their return to us they have been speaking highly of the [SOU.GetAdjective] way of running a country. We should consider aligning ourselves more closely to [SOU.GetNameDef].

    Brazil: Brazil:
    File:Focus ICE embrace the workers revolution.png
    Prevent a Personality Cult
    A communist society is not to be run by a few individuals. While there certainly are countries that manage this, we fear that it will only be a question of time before those countries become naught but personality cults. In the interest of preventing this fate from befalling us we should have the ANL council taking control of the countriy's political affairs.
    • Requires the following:
      • Launch the RevolutionLaunch the Revolution
      • (unrecognized id "revive the aliança nacional libertadora" in TAG "bra" for Template:Focus)
    • Mutually Exclusive Mutually exclusive with:
      • Align with MoscowAlign with Moscow
      • (unrecognized id "cangaço coup" in TAG "bra" for Template:Focus)
    • Is not in a civil war

    File:Focus BRA deal with the cangaco.png
    Cangaço Coup
    Despite the promises of the revolution, the leadership of the movement are indecisive and caught up in dogmatic debates over the appropriate doctrines to adhere to. With greater support than ever among the people, it is time for the Cangaço to take command of the nation and to cut through the corruption at its heart once and for all.
    • Requires the following:
      • Launch the RevolutionLaunch the Revolution
    • Requires the following:
      • (unrecognized id "sway the cangaço to our cause" in TAG "bra" for Template:Focus)
    • Mutually Exclusive Mutually exclusive with:
    • Is not in a civil war
    File:Focus BRA purchase soviet equipment.png
    Soviet Economic Aid
    After years of being managed by leaders with different ideas than ours, our economy is not where we would like it to be. To speed up the process of recovering it to a desirable state we should consider seeking aid from other countries of similar mindset to ours.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    File:Focus BRA purchase soviet equipment.png
    Purchase Soviet Equipment
    Our army currently has a great need of equipment. To grow said army ever larger we would like to have the possibility to buy equipment at a favorable price from a trusted ally. With some negotiations we should be able to secure a deal with [SOV.GetNameDef].
    Brazil: Brazil:
    Focus generic license production.png
    License Agreements with the Soviet Union
    Our research is lagging behind the major powers. Building the capacity to catch up will take a long time, but until then, we might work towards getting permission to produce equipment from the Soviet Union in the Second Brazilian Republic. Considering the costs of such a deal we should try to negotiate a slight discount.

    Game File Description
    Our research is lagging behind the major powers. Building the capacity to catch up will take a long time, but until then, we might work towards getting permission to produce equipment from [SOV.GetNameDef] in [BRA.GetNameDef]. Considering the costs of such a deal we should try to negotiate a slight discount.

    Brazil: Brazil:
    • 苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟 Gets event Brazil Seeks License Production Deal
    • They are more likely to accept if they have a High opinion of us!
    Focus generic combined arms.png
    Invite Soviet Arms Industry
    We have a strong military industry in the Second Brazilian Republic but recently we have been looking for ways to bolster it's strength even further. Interest to set up operations in the Second Brazilian Republic has been expressed by some of the Soviet Military Industrial Organizations, we should consider inviting them.

    Alternative Descriptions

    Game File Description
    We have a strong military industry in [BRA.GetNameDef] but recently we have been looking for ways to bolster it's strength even further. Interest to set up operations in [BRA.GetNameDef] has been expressed by some of the [SOV.GetAdjective] Military Industrial Organizations, we should consider inviting them.

    • Requires one of the following:
      • Purchase Soviet EquipmentPurchase Soviet Equipment
      • License Agreements with the Soviet UnionLicense Agreements with the Soviet Union
    • 苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟: 关系关系 of Brazil at least 50
    • Random owned controlled cored state that:
    • If the DLC 以力御暴以力御暴 is enabled
      • Invites Foreign Military Industrial Organization:
        • Rubin Design Bureau (Raiding Fleet)
        • Rubin Design Bureau Gain +3 Sizes
        • MiG Design Bureau (Light Aircraft Designer)
        • MiG Design Bureau Gain +3 Sizes
        • GAZ (Automotive Manufacturer)
        • GAZ Gain +3 Sizes
    • Otherwise:
      • Custom effect tooltip: Available as Design Company:
      • Rubin Design Bureau (Raiding Fleet Designer)
        • Naval 研究速度:+15%
        • Carrier:
          • Surface Visibility: -10%
          • Max Speed: +10%
        • Capital Ships:
          • Surface Visibility: -10%
          • Max Speed: +10%
          • Heavy Attack: -10%
        • Screens:
          • Surface Visibility: -10%
          • Max Speed: +10%
        • Submarine:
          • Sub Visibility: -10%
          • Surface Visibility: -10%
          • Max Speed: +10%
      • MiG Design Bureau (Light Aircraft Designer)
        • Air 研究速度:+15%
        • Fighter:
          • Agility: +10%
          • Max Speed: +10%
        • Carrier Fighter:
          • Agility: +10%
          • Max Speed: +10%
      • GAZ (Motorization Equipment Designer)
        • Motorization 研究速度:+15%
        • Motorized Rocket Artillery 研究速度:+50%

    Focus ETH peacekeeping forces.png
    International Brigades
    Wars are raging in the world around us and though we do not play an active part in them, as good comrades it is our duty to send help to those who need when it is within our power to do so. It would serve us no good to join wars recklessly, for now we should aim to send volunteers.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    International Brigades icon
    International Brigades
    • Send volunteers tension limit: -20.0%
    • Max volunteer force divisions: +3
    • Division required for sending volunteer force: -25.0%
    Wars are raging in the world around us and though we do not play an active part in them, as good comrades it is our duty to send help to those who need when it is within our power to do so. It would serve us no good to join wars recklessly, for now we should aim to send volunteers.
    File:Focus BRA kgbrazil.png
    Form the EICI
    Intelligence and information on our foes is a critical component of our abilities to defend our country and interests when needed. Establishing a powerful agency might take time but we do have the support of foreign ideologically aligned agencies to help us in this endeavor.

    Alternative Names

    Cangaço name
    Rede Coiteiros

    Has Inteligence Agency name
    Soviet Intelligence Cooperation

    Has Inteligence Agency description
    Intelligence and information on our foes is a critical component of our abilities to defend our country and interests when needed. Our Agency has been putting in a lot of work as of late but it could become even better if we recruited some experienced Soviet operatives to our cause

    No 抵抗运动抵抗运动 name
    Fortifying the Information Front
    Intelligence and information on our foes is a critical component of our abilities to defend our country and interests when needed. We should prioritize to stay on top of our technological needs both for gathering intelligence on our enemy as well as keeping them from our sensitive information.

    Brazil: Brazil:
    • If the DLC 抵抗运动抵抗运动 is enabled
      • Create an Intelligence Agency if not created
      • Robert Ivanov becomes an operative
      • Nadiya Morozova becomes an operative
    • 否则如果:
      • the DLC 抵抗运动抵抗运动 is enabled
      • Has created an Intelligence Agency
        • Robert Ivanov becomes an operative
        • Nadiya Morozova becomes an operative
    • Otherwise:
      • 2x +100% Research bonus for: Electronics
    • If:
    File:Focus BRA sway the neighbors.png
    Sway the Neighbors
    We must use all means necessary to raise class consciousness among our neighbors and support them in throwing off the shackles of bourgeois oppression.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    • If the DLC 抵抗运动抵抗运动 is not enabled
      • Unlock Sway the Neighbors decisions to promote communism in South American nations.
      • Set country flag BRA_sway_the_neighbors_no_lar
    • Otherwise:
    Sway the Neighbors Intelligence Campaign icon
    Sway the Neighbors Intelligence Campaign
    Operative slots: +1
      • Julieta Soria becomes an operative
    Focus generic socialist science.png
    The People's University of Brazil
    To build a strong country we need an advanced educational system giving us easy access to the greatest and most brilliant minds in Second Brazilian Republic. Getting involved early secures influence to control the fields of study at the institution. Dedicating the University to the people is but a way to make sure that in the coming years these intellectuals will happily stay and help our cause.

    Alternative Descriptions

    Game File Description
    To build a strong country we need an advanced educational system giving us easy access to the greatest and most brilliant minds in [BRA.GetName]. Getting involved early secures influence to control the fields of study at the institution. Dedicating the University to the people is but a way to make sure that in the coming years these intellectuals will happily stay and help our cause.

    Brazil: Brazil:
    • Gain 1 research slot
    Goal generic soviet construction.png
    Nationalization of Industry
    Our civilian industry has yet to be nationalized. In the hands of private owners who seek profit over meeting the needs of our people and country, the efficiency is suffering greatly. For the benefit of all people in the Second Brazilian Republic we need to nationalize and expand our industry.

    Alternative Descriptions

    Game File Description
    Our civilian industry has yet to be nationalized. In the hands of private owners who seek profit over meeting the needs of our people and country, the efficiency is suffering greatly. For the benefit of all people in [BRA.GetNameDef] we need to nationalize and expand our industry.

    Brazil: Brazil:
    • Random owned controlled state:

    Focus ITA corpo volontari della liberta.png
    Rapid Industrialization
    The investments we made into our civilian industry appears to have been very rewarding, for our workers and country alike. Perhaps we should consider making similar investments into our domestic military industry.
    • Requires the following:
      • Nationalization of IndustryNationalization of Industry
    • Random owned fully controlled state:
    • Random owned fully controlled state:
    File:Focus BRA state atheism.png
    An Atheist State
    To make sure our people's minds are not filled with undesired thoughts we must ensure that no such propaganda can be spread anywhere. The old fashioned ways of the Brazilian theologians and what they preach stand in stark contrast to what we wish from our people. We must not enable this any longer!
    Brazil: Brazil gets the national spirit:
    An Atheist State icon
    An Atheist State
    As a state focused on scientific progress we cannot spend our time courting the clergy. The administration of a country and the religion of it's people is not meant to mix, and we intend to keep it that way.
    File:Focus BRA socialist theologians.png
    Embrace Socialist Aligned Theologians
    A new movement among the clergy is beginning to take root in South America. Clergy are advocating for socialist aligned policies that would lift the most needy of our people from poverty once and for all. Perhaps we should embrace these radical theologians rather than anger the faithful proletariat who support them.
    • Requires the following:
      • Rapid IndustrializationRapid Industrialization
    • Mutually Exclusive Mutually exclusive with:
    Brazil Gets the national spirit:
    Collaboration with the Church icon
    Collaboration with the Church
    The church is of vital importance to many Brazilians. By consulting with them on policies, we can gain their mass support for our administration.
    File:Focus ARG women in industry.png
    Proletarian Equality
    The old bourgeois order, in all its guises, must be torn down. To this end, women and minorities in Brazil have long been overlooked by the state and it is time we addressed their historical grievances. We must also encourage them to utilize their abilities for the development of our proletarian republic.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    Proletarian Equality icon
    Proletarian Equality
    The old bourgeois order, in all its guises, must be torn down. To this end, women and minorities in Brazil have long been overlooked by the state and it is time we addressed their historical grievances. We must also encourage them to utilize their abilities for the development of our proletarian republic.
    • Unlock Olga Benário Prestes as a unit leader
    Focus prc agrarian socialism.png
    Collectivization of Agriculture
    Our agricultural industry is rather fragmented and does not work as efficiently as it could. By collectivizing the industry and handing it to the workers as a collective themselves to handle the needed reforms we could remedy this issue and many more.
    • Requires the following:
      • Nationalization of IndustryNationalization of Industry
    Brazil gets the national spirit:
    Collectivized Agriculture icon
    Collectivized Agriculture
    By collectivizing our agricultural industry we have increased it's efficiency and bolstered the communist ideology amongst our people.

    File:Focus generic railroad.png
    Collectivization of Transport
    Our transport system has seen better days and is in dire need of reorganization to allow us to utilize it more efficiently for our needs. Collectivizing the transport system would give the power to the workers to introduce these well needed reforms in the way they best see fit.
    • Requires the following:
      • Collectivization of AgricultureCollectivization of Agriculture
    • 30 units of Brazilian Train is added to the national Stockpile
    • 1x 100% Research bonus for: Trains and Railways
    • Gets the national spirit:
    Collectivized Mass Transit icon
    Collectivized Mass Transit
    Divisions speed: +10.00%

    Expand the Revolution Sub-branch


    XXX branch of the Brazilian national focus tree.
    Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.

    Focus Prerequisites Effects
    Focus SOV builder of the red army.png
    Expand the Revolution
    The revolution we brought to the Second Brazilian Republic has been most appreciated by our people. Now that we have stabilized our internal affairs it is time for us to think bigger and look beyond our own borders.

    Alternative Descriptions

    Game File Description
    The revolution we brought to [BRA.GetNameDef] has been most appreciated by our people. Now that we have stabilized our internal affairs it is time for us to think bigger and look beyond our own borders.

    Brazil: Brazil Gets the national spirit for 1460 day(s):
    Expanding the Revolution icon
    Expanding the Revolution
    • 适役人口适役人口 Factor: 5%
    • Supply Consumption: -25.0%
    • Division Attack: +10.0%
    The revolution has been brought to Brazil and we must now look beyond our own borders. The time has come for us to spread the revolution for the sake of our comrades outside of Brazil.
    Focus generic join comintern.png
    Join the Comintern
    For too long now have the Second Brazilian Republic stood outside the Comintern, yet relied upon it's support. It is high time that we properly seek to join!

    Alternative Descriptions

    Game File Description
    For too long now have [BRA.GetNameDef] stood outside the Comintern, yet relied upon it's support. It is high time that we properly seek to join!

    File:Focus BRA create faction.png
    The Latin American Socialist Cooperative
    There are many others who share our ideas of what the communist society should be like. It is due time that we open up to cooperate with these nations so that we, together, may take a stand for our cause!
    • Requires the following:
      • Expand the RevolutionExpand the Revolution
    • Mutually Exclusive Mutually exclusive with:
      • Join the CominternJoin the Comintern

    • Set the rule: 是 Can Create Factions
    • Create Faction: The Latin American Socialist Cooperative
    Focus generic anti fascist diplomacy.png
    Smash South American Fascism
    There are nations on the South American continent that the revolution has yet to reach. The proletariat in some of these nations are still subject to great oppression under fascist rulers. We cannot let this be, we must liberate our fellow workers!
    Brazil: Brazil:
    Focus ETH freedom at gunpoint.png
    Oust the Empires
    Some nations in our vicinity have yet to be granted their rightful independence. Still there are Empires out there that claim control over these territories. Colonialism and Imperialism belong in the past and it is long overdue that we make that very clear to those Empires.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    • Unlocks the South American Anti-Colonialism decisions to liberate the colonies in South America.
    • Scripted Effect: BRA_setup_colonized_countries_to_liberate_array:
    • For each scope loop:
      • Array: Global countries
      • If:
        • Does not exist
        • Any state:
          • Is a core of prev
          • Is in South America
          • Owner:
            • Not in faction with Brazil
            • Is not Brazil
            • Is not in array BRA.anti_colonialist_countries_to_liberate
    • Add to array BRA.anti_colonialist_countries_to_liberate
    File:Focus BRA ulasr.png
    Establish ULASR
    Our revolutionary movement continues to erode the structures of bourgeois society across the continent. It is clear that we are no longer a movement of Brazilians, we are a movement of South Americans and it is time our political structures better represented that change.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    • Brazil will be known as the Union of Latin American Socialist Republics
    • Every state:
      • Is in South America
        • State is now a core of Brazil
    File:Focus BRA jaguar diplomacy.png
    Jaguar Diplomacy
    China has recently used one of their native animals as a diplomatic gift. Despite ideological differences, it seems a successful method of smoothing over fraught relations with foreign governments. Perhaps we could use the same technique to dissuade the great powers from interfering in our own affairs.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    • Unlock Jaguar Diplomacy decisions to placate the great powers who are opposed to Communism in South America by establishing non-aggression pacts with them.
    Focus generic strike at democracy2.png
    End South American Capitalism
    Bourgeois democracy and capitalism continue to erode the rights and living conditions of many South Americans. We must do all we can to liberate our comrades across the continent from their oppressors.
    Brazil: Brazil:

    End the State of Emergency Branch


    XXX branch of the Brazilian national focus tree.
    Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.

    Focus Prerequisites Effects
    File:Focus BRA end the state of emergency.png
    End the State of Emergency
    The once heroic Getúlio Vargas now stands as the greatest threat to Brazilian democracy. His desire for power and opportunistic tendencies have allowed him to all but suspend the rights we fought to secure. All who value freedom must oppose this dangerous state of emergency.

    Alternative Descriptions

    Game File Description
    The once heroic [BRA.GetLeader] now stands as the greatest threat to [BRA.GetAdjective] democracy. His desire for power and opportunistic tendencies have allowed him to all but suspend the rights we fought to secure. All who value freedom must oppose this dangerous state of emergency.

    • Mutually Exclusive Mutually exclusive with:
      • Second Intentona ComunistaSecond Intentona Comunista
      • (unrecognized id "tribunal de segurança nacional" in TAG "bra" for Template:Focus)

    Repeal the National Security Laws Sub-branch


    XXX branch of the Brazilian national focus tree.
    Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.

    Focus Prerequisites Effects
    File:Focus BRA repeale national security law.png
    Repeal the National Security Laws
    The threat of another opportunistic president undermining our democracy will be ever present unless we repeal the national security laws that Getúlio Vargas used during the state of emergency.
    • Requires the following:
    • Mutually Exclusive Mutually exclusive with:
      • Romanticize Imperial HistoryRomanticize Imperial History
    • Hidden effect:
      • Armando de Sales Oliveira:
      • Current country leader retires
    • Current country leader retires
    • Armando de Sales Oliveira Becomes a member of the 民主主义民主主义 party.
    • The 民主主义民主主义 party will now be called União Democrática Brasileira
    File:Focus BRA greater federalism.png
    Greater Federalism
    The centralization of political power is incompatible with our democratic values. We must break the stranglehold of the political elite in Rio de Janeiro and bring power back to the states of the republic.

    Alternative Descriptions

    Game File Description
    The centralization of political power is incompatible with our democratic values. We must break the stranglehold of the political elite in [ROOT.Capital.GetCapitalVictoryPointName] and bring power back to the states of the republic.

    Brazil: Brazil gets the national spirit:
    Embracing Federalism icon
    Embracing Federalism
    The centralization of political power is incompatible with our democratic values. We must break the stranglehold of the political elite in Rio de Janeiro and bring power back to the states of the republic.
    File:Focus BRA national guard.png
    Implement a National Guard
    The military continues to cast a shadow over the nation’s politics, ever threatening to terminate democracy if it displeases them. To counter their influence, we shall introduce a new national guard, loyal to the National Congress.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    • Creates division template known as Guarda Nacional and recruits 6 units in the capital.
    • Add technology: Military Police I if not researched
    • Otherwise:
    File:Focus NOR broken gun policies.png
    End the Military Interference
    With the establishment of our national guard, we finally have the ability to curtail the influence of the military establishment, bringing our armed forces under the supervision of the civilian government at last.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    File:Focus BRA democratic socialism.png
    Open up Political Discourse
    With the influence of the military establishment over the National Congress curtailed, the potential for another dictatorship has diminished. Now it is time we enshrined better protections for free speech and encouraged greater political participation from our citizens.
    Brazil: Brazil:

    File:Focus BRA us of south america.png
    The United States of Brazil
    While we have done a great deal under the 1934 constitution to promote political and economic equality, we remain limited by many of its provisions. It is now in the interest of the nation to shed this lack-luster constitution in favor of one akin to our friends in the United States of America.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    Defense of Freedom icon
    Defense of Freedom
    • Division Recovery Rate: +5.0%
    • Ideology drift defense: +10.0%
    • Compliance Growth Speed: +5%
    The ideals of freedom and democracy are the foundations from which our republic is built upon. We shall do anything to defend those values at home and abroad if necessary.
    File:Focus BRA nationalize banks.png
    Nationalize the Banks
    Our economy has yet to recover from the Great Depression, leaving many of our citizens in poverty. It is time we shifted the burden of economic recovery from the depression’s victims, and on to its perpetrators operating the banks.
    Brazil: Brazil gets the national spirit:
    Nationalized Banks icon
    Nationalized Banks
    • Consumer Goods Factories factor: -10.0%
    • 稳定度稳定度: +5.00%
    By nationalizing the banks we can increase control over the supply of money within the economy and redirect it from shareholder pockets and into the hands of workers.
    File:Focus generic population growth.png
    Implement Article 138
    Article 138 of the 1934 constitution stated that the government should aid families with many offspring. This vague article would apply to most families, meaning any aid would incur significant costs. However, by implementing basic welfare systems for such families, we could lift millions from poverty in a generation.
    Brazil: Brazil gets the national spirit:
    Article 138 icon
    Article 138
    Article 138 of the 1934 constitution stated that the government should aid families with many offspring. This vague article would apply to most families, meaning any aid would incur significant costs. However, by implementing basic welfare systems for such families, we could lift millions from poverty in a generation.
    File:Focus BRA university of sao paulo.png
    Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
    Technology is rapidly changing the way we live our lives, from the way we work to the way wars are fought. It is of the utmost importance for the continued prosperity and security of our nation that we invest in the research and development of new technologies.

    Alternative Names

    Game file name
    Federal University of [ROOT.Capital.GetCapitalVictoryPointName]

    Brazil: Brazil:
    • Gain 1 Research Slot
    File:Focus BRA centralization.png
    Promote Centralization
    The Second Brazilian Republic is a nation of many cultures spread across a vast territory. If we don’t do more to unite the diverse states of the nation, we run the risk of fragmentation or even military incursions from our neighbors. Only through a strong central government can we hope to protect our people and democracy.

    Alternative Descriptions

    Game File Description
    [ROOT.GetNameDefCap] is a nation of many cultures spread across a vast territory. If we don’t do more to unite the diverse states of the nation, we run the risk of fragmentation or even military incursions from our neighbors. Only through a strong central government can we hope to protect our people and democracy.

    Brazil: Brazil gets the national spirit:
    Presidential Republic icon
    Presidential Republic
    • 政治点数政治点数 Gain: +10%
    • Consumer Goods Factories factor: 5.0%
    • 稳定度稳定度: -10.00%
    • Ideology drift defense: +10.0%
    The nation needs strong, decisive leadership that can unite the people and defend our borders. To do so, we are concentrating political authority in the President of the Republic, although we must ensure strong checks and balances are in place to prevent another Vargas attempting to seize power.

    File:Focus BRA reach out to military dem.png
    Reach Out to the Military Establishment
    It is too idealistic to pursue a policy course that displeases or weakens the military establishment. Our only hope is to find common ground and cooperate with them for the greater good of the nation. Should we fail, what rights we have will be once more extinguished.
    Brazil: Brazil gets the national spirit:
    Courting the Military icon
    Courting the Military
    We can not maintain our grip on power without the established influence and resources of the military. At least for the time being, we must try to keep them on our side.
    File:Focus BRA pro business taxes.png
    Pro-Business Taxation
    There is no shortage of international corporations who would benefit from paying less tax than they currently do. By setting favorable taxation policies for such companies, we can entice them to move to the Second Brazilian Republic, benefiting our economy.

    Alternative Descriptions

    Game File Description
    There is no shortage of international corporations who would benefit from paying less tax than they currently do. By setting favorable taxation policies for such companies, we can entice them to move to [ROOT.GetNameDef], benefiting our economy.

    Brazil: Brazil gets the national spirit:
    Burgeoning Tax Haven icon
    Burgeoning Tax Haven
    • Consumer Goods Factories factor: 10.0%
    • 稳定度稳定度: -5.00%
    • Construction Speed: +15.00%
    • 工厂产出工厂产出: +10.00%
    Low taxation for corporations and a number of loopholes have led to an increase in the number of multi-national corporations moving to Brazil. It's better that we get some tax revenue out of them rather than none after all.
    Focus por concordat.png
    Collaborate with the Church
    The Catholic Church retains extensive influence over our politics despite the separation of church and state being established for decades. This stems from the sheer number of devout catholics who make up the majority of the electorate. If we could gain the favor of the church, we might be able to gain mass support for our policies.
    Brazil: Brazil gets the national spirit:
    Collaboration with the Church icon
    Collaboration with the Church
    The church is of vital importance to many Brazilians. By consulting with them on policies, we can gain their mass support for our administration.
    File:Focus BRA ban communist party.png
    Ban the Communist Party
    The communist movement, despite the failure of their 1935 insurrection attempt, continues to spook the military and business owners of the nation. Perhaps by clamping down on the movement, we can gain greater support from the military for our own policies.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    • Hidden effect:
      • Set temporary variable ban_ideology_var to the value of the party popularity of 共产主义共产主义
      • Multiply temporary variable ban_ideology_var by −1
      • Add party popularity of 共产主义共产主义 by ban_ideology_var
      • Multiply temporary variable ban_ideology_var by 0.66
      • Set country flag banned_communism_flag
    • Change in popularity of Communism: by the negative value of the party popularity of 共产主义共产主义.
    • Gain base 稳定度稳定度 by -66% of the value of the party popularity of 共产主义共产主义
    • Stability decrease will scale with the popularity of the communist party!
    Focus generic military mission.png
    Ministerial Posts for Generals
    By offering positions in the Council of Ministers to influential military officers, we can reduce their anxieties over the decisions of the government by allowing them to play a part in them. This should reduce their suspicions of our motives and prevent the need for more bloodshed.
    Brazil: Brazil:

    File:Focus BRA third republic.png
    Order and Progress
    With stability finally restored to the nation and the threat of a military coup diminished, we have an opportunity to enact a more robust constitution that allows for strong checks and balances, but allows the Council of Ministers to act decisively when necessary.
    • Requires the following:
      • Ministerial Posts for GeneralsMinisterial Posts for Generals
    • More Factories than 25
    • More than 70% 稳定度稳定度
    Order and Progress icon
    Order and Progress
    • 适役人口适役人口 Factor: 2%
    • Division Attack on core territory: +5.0%
    • Division Defense on core territory: +5.0%
    Through careful political maneuvering, we have managed to greater a stronger and increasingly unified republic. Upon this foundation we shall continue to safeguard the citizens of our great nation.
    File:Focus generic workers.png
    Address Labor Disputes
    The previous government was rightly concerned with the threat of communism, but did little to deal with the underlying issues that caused people to turn to radicalism. We shall not make that same mistake and will take a more active role in dealing with labor disputes.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    • Gets event Addressing Labor Disputes
    • Event allows choice between:
    Pro-Labor Policies icon
    Pro-Labor Policies
    • Consumer Goods Factories factor: 6.0%
    • War Penalty 稳定度稳定度 Modifier: +15.00%
    • Production Efficiency Retention: +10.00%
  • Or:
  • Goal generic national unity.png
    Combat Separatism
    Whenever the nation faces political turmoil, people with grievances outside the capital begin pursuing separatist agendas that threaten to tear Brazil apart. We must do more to promote a shared Brazilian identity across the nation.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    File:Focus BRA international crisis.png
    The International Crisis
    The world is increasingly unstable as tensions between the great powers rise and old border disputes come to the forefront of foreign affairs once more. We must act cautiously but also reach out to other democratic nations in the region for our mutual security.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    The International Crisis icon
    The International Crisis
    • Join faction tension limit: -50.0%
    • Send volunteers tension limit: -50.0%
    • Max volunteer force divisions: +3
    • Air volunteer cap: +2
    The world is increasingly unstable as tensions between the great powers rise and old border disputes come to the forefront of foreign affairs once more. We must act cautiously but also reach out to other democratic nations in the region for our mutual security.
    • Set the rule: 是 Can send volunteer forces
    File:Focus generic american investments.png
    Invite Foreign Corporations
    The time has come to open the doors to foreign capital. We shall do so by creating incentives for foreign companies to set up operations in Brazil, which will in turn reduce unemployment and increase tax revenue.

    DLC 以力御暴以力御暴 is enabled

    • Unlock Invite Foreign Corporations to Brazil decisions, allowing us to invite Military Industrial Organizations to Brazil from 联合王国的国旗 联合王国, 美利坚合众国的国旗 美利坚合众国, 法国的国旗 法国 or 瑞典的国旗 瑞典
    • Gain 1 military factory or dockyard per MIO invited to Brazil.
    • We will only be able to invite 1 MIO from each country!
    • Choice of 4 from the following:

    Focus SWI issue war bonds.png
    War Bonds
    We can not rule out being dragged into conflict militarily or via supporting other nations economically, as such we should begin a program of selling war bonds to finance our rearmament.
    Brazil: Brazil gets the national spirit:
    War Bonds icon
    War Bonds
    We can not rule out being dragged into conflict militarily or via supporting other nations economically, as such we should begin a program of selling war bonds to finance our rearmament.

    Romanticize Imperial History Sub-branch


    XXX branch of the Brazilian national focus tree.
    Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.

    Focus Prerequisites Effects
    Focus por reclaim crown jewel.png
    Romanticize Imperial History
    There is no shortage of disgruntled politicians, business leaders or citizens who, for one reason or another, wish to see the end of this failed republic. Perhaps by unifying around our imperial history and past glory, we can unite them all into one cohesive movement.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    Imperial Sentiments icon
    Imperial Sentiments
    There is no shortage of people with grievances against the government of Brazil. By rekindling imperial sentiments and nostalgia, we shall unite these dis-part factions into one cohesive force.
    File:Focus BRA pedro de alcantara.png
    Support Pedro de Alcântara's Claim
    Pedro de Alcântara was once the leader of the exiled Imperial House of Brazil, before renouncing all claims to the throne so that he could wed Countess Elisabeth Dobržensk. With the restoration movement gaining traction, he now claims that his renunciation was illegitimate, and that he is the rightful heir to the throne.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    Dom Pedro de Alcântara icon
    Dom Pedro de Alcântara
    • Divisons Speed: +2.00%
    • Air Accidents Chance: +5.0%
    • Daily Support for 中立主义中立主义: +0.02
    File:Focus BRA pedro henrique.png
    Support Pedro Henrique's Claim
    Our attempts at creating a movement to disrupt the political status quo has led to calls for a resurrection of our imperial history through the return of the imperial royal family. Many are now rallying around the head of the exiled Imperial House of Brazil, Pedro Henrique, as the rightful ruler of the nation.
    • Requires the following:
      • Romanticize Imperial HistoryRomanticize Imperial History
    • Mutually Exclusive Mutually exclusive with:
      • (unrecognized id "support pedro de alcântara's claim" in TAG "bra" for Template:Focus)
    Dom Pedro Henrique icon
    Dom Pedro Henrique
    • 贸易法案花费:-10%
    • 经济法案花费:-10%
    • Daily Support for 中立主义中立主义: +0.02
    File:Focus BRA cafe com leite politics.png
    Café Com Leite Politics
    The once powerful coffee barons who controlled Brazilian politics for decades were swept from power during the 1930 revolution. Many retain a great deal of economic influence and could be coaxed into supporting our imperial restoration movement in exchange for political concessions.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    • Hidden effect:
      • Retire current country leader
    • Arlindo Veiga dos Santos becomes the leader for the 民主主义民主主义 party.
    File:Focus BRA constitutional monarchy.png
    Constitutional Monarchy Compromise
    With the imperial restoration movement gaining traction and support for the current regime waning, calls for a compromise solution to stabilize the nation are increasing. The most prominent suggestion is to establish a figurehead constitutional monarchy, while retaining political power in the National Congress.
    • Requires the following:
      • (unrecognized id "café com leite politics" in TAG "bra" for Template:Focus)
    • More than 30% Support for 中立主义AIPB
    Dom Pedro Henrique icon
    Dom Pedro Henrique
    • 贸易法案花费:-10%
    • 经济法案花费:-10%
    • Daily Support for 中立主义中立主义: +0.02
  • 否则如果:
  • Dom Pedro de Alcântara icon
    Dom Pedro de Alcântara
    • Divisons Speed: +2.00%
    • Air Accidents Chance: +5.0%
    • Daily Support for 中立主义中立主义: +0.02
  • Will be known as the Kingdom of Brazil
  • 政治点数政治点数: +120
  • Hidden effect:
    • Gets event Brazil Crowns New Monarch

  • Goal generic military deal.png
    Bribe the Military
    The military elite are fickle in their loyalties and paranoid over the threat of communism, both domestic and foreign. We shall use this to our advantage by bribing them with an increased military budget in exchange for supporting our reign.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    Focus research.png
    Establish Royal College of Rio de Janeiro
    The Emperor has recently taken a keen interest in the academic standing of our nation and as such has decreed the establishment of a new Royal College in the capital to promote greater domestic technological innovation.

    Alternative Names

    Game file name
    Establish Royal College of [ROOT.Capital.GetCapitalVictoryPointName]

    • Requires the following:
      • Bribe the MilitaryBribe the Military
    • Gain 1 Research Slot
    Focus generic strike at democracy2.png
    Undermine the National Congress
    Our most influential supporters are not content with this constitutional monarchy compromise. They are growing impatient and want to see the monarch use their new found influence to overrule the National Congress by appointing a new Council of Ministers.
    Brazil: Brazil gets the national spirit for 365 day(s):
    Undermine Democracy icon
    Undermine Democracy
    Our most influential supporters are not content with this constitutional monarchy compromise. They are growing impatient and want to see the monarch use their new found influence to overrule the National Congress by appointing a new Council of Ministers.
    File:Focus BRA utilize security law.png
    Utilize the National Security Law
    Despite the feeble resistance offered by members of the National Congress, our new Council of Ministers have successfully established themselves as the legitimate government of the nation. Now, they shall use the national security laws, enacted by the Getúlio Vargas regime, to assert absolute authority over political affairs.
    • Requires the following:
      • Undermine the National CongressUndermine the National Congress
    • More than 50% Support for 中立主义AIPB
    • Politics will change:
    Unwilling Subjects icon
    Unwilling Subjects
    With monarchy increasingly taking over the political system of the nation once more, the people have grown uncomfortable and frustrated with being subjects to an autocrat once more.
    Focus generic monarchy 2.png
    Issue Royal Titles
    As we begin to retake control of our rightful domain, the burden of controlling the diverse regions is becoming a burden for our dear monarch. He has therefore proclaimed that new landed royal titles shall be issued to those deemed trustworthy, to aid in the governance of the kingdom.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    • Unlock Eurico Gaspar Dutra as a political advisor:
    • Every employed army leader:
      • If not has, Gains Politically Connected
        • Leader Experience Gain: −10.0%
        • Promotion Cost: −50.0%

    File:Focus generic coffee.png
    Restore the Coffee Barons
    The so-called ‘Coffee Barons’ were instrumental in helping us gain enough support to restore the monarchy. Now we shall reward them by bringing them into government to oversee the reconstruction of the economy.
    • Requires the following:
      • Issue Royal TitlesIssue Royal Titles
    • 政治点数政治点数: +100
    • Unlock advisor:
      • Geremia Lunardelli (Coffee King):
      • Construction Speed: +10.00%
    Focus por the kingdom reunited.png
    United Kingdoms of Brazil and Portugal
    The restoration of the Imperial House of Brazil has rekindled monarchist sentiments in Portugal too. Perhaps we should use this as an opportunity to unify our nations under a single monarch once more. After all, both nations stand to benefit from one anothers resources and expertise.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    • Request unification of 葡萄牙的国旗 葡萄牙 and 巴西的国旗 巴西. If 葡萄牙的国旗 葡萄牙 accepts, they will become a subject of Brazil. However, they may offer an alternative or reject the proposal.
    • 葡萄牙的国旗 葡萄牙 gets event Brazil Proposes Unification
    File:Focus BRA empire of brazil.png
    Re-establish the Empire of Brazil
    With power securely in the hands of the monarch and their appointed ministers, it is time we restored the nation to its former glory. The first step to doing so shall be the restoration of the Empire of Brazil and a return to the traditional values with which it was built.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    • Hidden effect:
      • Remove cosmetic tag
    • If:
    • Otherwise:
      • will be known as the Empire of Brazil
    • Current country leader gains:
    Focus SOV penal battalions.png
    Batalhões de Presos
    Many in the armed forces are unenthused at the prospect of fighting for a monarchy that has been in exile for decades. Since utilizing the national security laws however, we have created a glut of prisoners who could be put to use in penal battalions, reinforcing our demoralized conventional forces.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    • Creates division template known as Batalhões de Presos which utilizes penal battalions. Also recruits 6 units in the capital.
    File:Focus BRA amazon colonization.png
    Restart Amazonian Colonization
    The Amazon is rich with resources and land, ripe for exploitation. To stimulate the economy and create an incentive for our soldiers to fight, we should offer those who join the military an opportunity to acquire such lands after an appropriate length of service.
    • Requires the following:
      • (unrecognized id "batalhões de presos" in TAG "bra" for Template:Focus)
    • Unlocks the Military Settlements in the Amazon decisions to develop the Amazonian states.

    File:Focus generic attack uruguay.png
    Cisplatine Revanchism
    The shame of the Cisplatine war hangs over the Imperial House even a century after the costly war ended. Reasserting our claim to the lands of Uruguay would go a long way to rekindling pride among our subjects and reminding the world that we are not the same decrepit nation we once were.
    • 乌拉圭的国旗 乌拉圭: 必须满足下列条件之一:
      • Does not exist
      • Is a subject of Brazil
    Focus por luso tropicalism.png
    Demand Portuguese Colonies
    The modern nation of Portugal is but a husk of a once great empire. While the world is caught up in chaos elsewhere, we should engage in gunboat diplomacy and persuade the Portuguese government to hand over their overseas territories to us.
    • 葡萄牙的国旗 葡萄牙: 必须满足下列条件之一:
        • Does not exist
        • Is a subject of Brazil
    • 葡萄牙的国旗 葡萄牙: gets event Brazil Demands Overseas Territories
    Focus generic attack portugal.png
    Demand Total Portuguese Submission
    The lands of Brazil are governed by illegitimate powers, for only our Emperor has the god given right to rule over them. We shall demand the surrender of all their lands to us, or we shall take them by force if necessary.
    • Requires the following:
    • Mutually Exclusive Mutually exclusive with:
      • Demand Portuguese ColoniesDemand Portuguese Colonies
    • Any other country:
      • Original country is 葡萄牙的国旗 葡萄牙
      • Exists
      • 必须满足下列条件之一:
        • Is fully independent
        • Is a subject of Brazil

    • 葡萄牙的国旗 葡萄牙: 必须满足下列条件之一:
        • Does not exist
        • Is a subject of Brazil
    • 葡萄牙的国旗 葡萄牙 gets event The Brazilian Ultimatum
    File:Focus generic attack bolivia.png
    Rekindle the Acre War
    Although the Acre region is now under our control, we could use the historical border conflicts there as an excuse to carve up more of Bolivia. This could give us access to a great wealth of untapped natural resources, supplying our industry for decades to come.
    • Requires one of the following:
    • Any other country:
    File:Focus BRA restore brazilian honor.png
    Restoring Brazilian Honor
    While many of our subjects were skeptical over the return of the monarchy, the majority are now satisfied with the results. With our borders expanded, our economy mended and the natural hierarchy of society reinforced, we can finally say that Brazilian honor has been restored.
    • Requires one of the following:

    Focus generic africa factory.png
    Expand Colonial Empire
    With our recent expansion overseas, we now have a foothold from which we can expand our dominion into Africa. While most of the continent remains under the dominion of the European great powers, there are many resource rich regions ripe for the taking.
    • Requires one of the following:
    • Any other country:
      • Capital state: Is in Africa
      • Is fully independent
    • Every other country:
      • Capital state: Is in Africa
      • Is fully independent

    Tribunal de Segurança Nacional Branch


    XXX branch of the Brazilian national focus tree.
    Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.

    Focus Prerequisites Effects
    File:Focus BRA tribunal.png
    Tribunal de Segurança Nacional
    While the National Liberation Alliance failed in overthrowing our government, their members continue to walk the streets, plotting and recruiting for another opportunity to undermine the state. Such criminals will be tried and sentenced more efficiently with the establishment of military courts for the duration of the state of emergency.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    State of Emergency icon
    State of Emergency
    A state of emergency was declared in November 1935 when the communists launched a coup that threatened to spiral into full scale civil war. Although the coup was thwarted, the President is yet to end the state of emergency. Many across the political spectrum now worry that the regime will continue to use the emergency powers to quell any further dissent.
    Focus generic military dictatorship.png
    Ensure Military Support
    Maintaining the support of the military is vital for the longevity of our regime. With a few promises between the state and leading officers, surely they can be won over to our cause.
    • Requires the following:
      • (unrecognized id "tribunal de segurança nacional" in TAG "bra" for Template:Focus)
    • 需要满足下列所有条件:
    State of Emergency icon
    State of Emergency
    A state of emergency was declared in November 1935 when the communists launched a coup that threatened to spiral into full scale civil war. Although the coup was thwarted, the President is yet to end the state of emergency. Many across the political spectrum now worry that the regime will continue to use the emergency powers to quell any further dissent.
    File:Focus BRA work with the integralists.png
    Work With the Integralists
    The Integralist movement's goals are largely in line with our own, therefore it may be prudent to gain their support to bolster our regime against any further communist insurrections. With their paramilitary forces and deep rooted nationalism, they will be the vanguard of the counter revolution.
    • Requires the following:
      • (unrecognized id "tribunal de segurança nacional" in TAG "bra" for Template:Focus)
    • 需要满足下列所有条件:
    State of Emergency icon
    State of Emergency
    A state of emergency was declared in November 1935 when the communists launched a coup that threatened to spiral into full scale civil war. Although the coup was thwarted, the President is yet to end the state of emergency. Many across the political spectrum now worry that the regime will continue to use the emergency powers to quell any further dissent.
    File:Focus BRA cohen plan.png
    The Cohen Plan
    With elections on the horizon and our support among the electorate waning, we need to ensure the continuation of our regime by other means. By forging plans for another communist coup, we can reinvigorate support for ourselves whilst suspending the elections for the sake of national security.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    File:Focus BRA estado novo.png
    Estado Novo
    After years of sitting on the edge of a civil war, we can finally break through the years of political deadlock and build a new state based upon peace, justice and work. In the meantime, we shall continue to root out those who oppose the new arrangement before they sow more dissent.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    • Hidden effect:
      • Every country:
        • Any owned state:
          • 必须满足下列条件之一:
            • Is in South America
            • Is in North America
              • Gets event Brazil Enters State of Emergency
      • Retire the current country leader
      • Getúlio Vargas becomes leader of the 中立主义中立主义 party.
    • Politics will change:
      • 中立主义Military becomes the ruling party
      • Public elections will not be held
    • Hidden effect:
      • The current country leader retires
    • Remove the national spirit State of Emergency State of Emergency
    • Gets the national spirit:
    Estado Novo icon
    Estado Novo
    After years of sitting on the edge of a civil war, we can finally break through the years of political deadlock and build a new state based upon peace, justice and work. In the meantime, we shall continue to root out those who oppose the new arrangement before they sow more dissent.

    File:Focus BRA the polaca.png
    The Polaca
    While there are few left who have the capacity to mount a serious threat to our regime, it would increase our legitimacy if we drafted a new constitution which outlines the powers of the president. Perhaps we can look to the recently enacted Polish constitution for inspiration.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    Estado Novo icon
    Estado Novo
    After years of sitting on the edge of a civil war, we can finally break through the years of political deadlock and build a new state based upon peace, justice and work. In the meantime, we shall continue to root out those who oppose the new arrangement before they sow more dissent.
    File:Focus BRA ban communist party.png
    Ban Political Parties
    Political parties have proven to be nothing more than tools for division and disruption. By banning and eliminating them, we can curtail the ability of radicals to organize against us.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    Estado Novo icon
    Estado Novo
    After years of sitting on the edge of a civil war, we can finally break through the years of political deadlock and build a new state based upon peace, justice and work. In the meantime, we shall continue to root out those who oppose the new arrangement before they sow more dissent.
    File:Focus generic improve the administration.png
    Establish DASP
    The machinery of state that allows our government's policies to be implemented has become antiquated and stale. We shall establish the Departamento Administrativo do Serviço Público (DASP) to help us more effectively govern the nation and maintain economic efficiency.
    • Requires the following:
    • More Factories than 25
    Brazil gets the national spirit:
    Departamento Administrativo do Serviço Público icon
    Departamento Administrativo do Serviço Público
    DASP has been established to aid the government in maintaining a well functioning regime and economy by consolidating and reorganizing the various predecessor departments into one, cohesive, modern one.
    File:Focus BRA decree number 37.png
    Decree Number 37
    The previous regime was riddled with corruption and domestic squabbles due to some states having an out of proportion influence over national politics. We should therefore crack down on any expressions of regionalism and concentrate power in the national government.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    File:Focus generic hydroelectric energy.png
    Federal Employment Plan
    Mass unemployment will lead to continued radicalism and violence. To prevent this, we shall expand the opportunities for employment by creating state run industries and new infrastructure projects.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    Estado Novo icon
    Estado Novo
    After years of sitting on the edge of a civil war, we can finally break through the years of political deadlock and build a new state based upon peace, justice and work. In the meantime, we shall continue to root out those who oppose the new arrangement before they sow more dissent.

    Goal generic military sphere.png
    Reward Army Loyalty
    The army has been indispensable in not only our ascent to power, but also in maintaining our grip on it. It is time we rewarded our allies for that loyalty with an increased allocation of resources for army infrastructure projects.
    Brazil: Brazil gets the national spirit for 730 day(s):
    Rewarding Army Loyalty icon
    Rewarding Army Loyalty
    Focus generic military mission.png
    Depose Getúlio Vargas
    Getúlio Vargas has become a liability. While he is a skillful politician, there is only so much the people will tolerate from one man. If we are to avoid slipping back into destitution, we need to oust him and replace him with a more palatable leader from the army.

    Alternative Names

    Game file name
    Depose [ROOT.GetLeader]
    [ROOT.GetLeader] has become a liability. While he is a skillful politician, there is only so much the people will tolerate from one man. If we are to avoid slipping back into destitution, we need to oust him and replace him with a more palatable leader from the army.

    • Requires the following:
      • Reward Army LoyaltyReward Army Loyalty
    • Has more than 70% 稳定度稳定度
    • Eurico Gaspar Dutra Becomes leader of the 中立主义中立主义 party.
      • War Industrialist
      • Gets promoted to Field Marshal
    • Hidden effect:
      • current country leader retires
    File:Focus BRA support sugar barons.png
    Support the Sugar Barons
    The global appetite for sugar has continued to expand for decades, leading to a class of wealthy landowners in Brazil who grow the crop to become known as the ‘Sugar Barons.’ We should attempt to win them over by shutting down calls for land reform among the peasantry.
    • Requires one of the following:
      • Reward Army LoyaltyReward Army Loyalty
      • Re-invigorate the NavyRe-invigorate the Navy
    • Mutually Exclusive Mutually exclusive with:
    • Current country leader gains:
      • Sugar King
      • Consumer Goods Factories factor: -5.0%
      • 稳定度稳定度: -5.00%
    • Random owned controlled state:
    File:Focus BRA father of the poor.png
    Father of the Poor
    Brazilians living in the rural areas of the nation have been forgotten about by decades of politicians. By investing in such areas, we can increase employment and infrastructure whilst also gaining the support of this large demographic.
    • Requires one of the following:
      • Reward Army LoyaltyReward Army Loyalty
      • Re-invigorate the NavyRe-invigorate the Navy
    • Mutually Exclusive Mutually exclusive with:
    • Current country leader gains:
    • Every owned controlled state:
      • 必须满足下列条件之一:
      • Add 1 建筑槽
    File:Focus generic workers.png
    Consolidate Labor Laws
    Our labor laws offer little protection for workers, which inevitably leads to disagreements with business owners and ultimately strikes. At such a perilous time, we can not afford such strikes or the risk of Bolshevik infiltration. We will therefore consolidate our laws and find a balance between the workers and the capitalists.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    Estado Novo icon
    Estado Novo
    • Consumer Goods Factories factor: -5.0%
    • 稳定度稳定度: +3.0%
    • Construction Speed: +10.0%
    After years of sitting on the edge of a civil war, we can finally break through the years of political deadlock and build a new state based upon peace, justice and work. In the meantime, we shall continue to root out those who oppose the new arrangement before they sow more dissent.
    Estado Moderno icon
    Estado Moderno
    • Consumer Goods Factories factor: -5.0%
    • 稳定度稳定度: +3.0%
    • Construction Speed: +10.0%
    Estado Moderno

    File:Focus generic industrialists.png
    Support Industrialists
    While there are more workers than capitalists among our population, the latter control significantly more of its wealth and resources. We should enact policies that curtail workers rights and allow the industrialists to operate more efficiently for the betterment of the economy as a whole.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    • Random owned controlled cored state that:
      • 需要满足下列所有条件:
      • 需要满足下列所有条件:
    File:Focus generic attack uruguay.png
    The Uruguay Ultimatum
    Uruguay should have been incorporated into Second Brazilian Republic long ago, but our ancestors failed to do so. It is time we corrected this historical mistake and unite our people behind a common cause.

    Alternative Descriptions

    Game File Description
    [URG.GetNameDefCap] should have been incorporated into [BRA.GetName] long ago, but our ancestors failed to do so. It is time we corrected this historical mistake and unite our people behind a common cause.

    Brazil: Brazil:
    File:Focus BRA autarky.png
    Brazilian Autarky
    Economic turmoil following the Wall Street Crash rippled across the globe and destroyed our economy. From the consumption of coffee to the production of steel, we must become self-sufficient in all things and insulate ourselves from any future foreign crisis.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    Estado Novo icon
    Estado Novo
    After years of sitting on the edge of a civil war, we can finally break through the years of political deadlock and build a new state based upon peace, justice and work. In the meantime, we shall continue to root out those who oppose the new arrangement before they sow more dissent.
    Estado Moderno icon
    Estado Moderno
    Estado Moderno
    File:Focus ICE state corporatism.png
    Embrace Corporatism
    Disputes between labor and capitalists has undermined the Brazilian economy for too long. To combat this, we shall usher in a new economic model based on the corporatist policies seen in many of the more successful European nations in recent years.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    Estado Novo icon
    Estado Novo
    After years of sitting on the edge of a civil war, we can finally break through the years of political deadlock and build a new state based upon peace, justice and work. In the meantime, we shall continue to root out those who oppose the new arrangement before they sow more dissent.
    Estado Moderno icon
    Estado Moderno
    Estado Moderno
    File:Focus BRA department of propaganda.png
    Departamento de Propaganda
    The recent decade of political turmoil shows all too well what can happen when the government and the people are not aligned in their views. To prevent any further turmoil, we shall establish a department of propaganda to nudge the people into alignment with our policies.
    Brazil: Brazil gets the national spirit:
    Departamento de Propaganda icon
    Departamento de Propaganda
    In such precarious times, we must ensure that the public are receiving only the information they need to continue their work and supporting the government.

    Focus SWI embrace rote drei.png
    Departamento de Ordem Política e Social
    Propaganda and coercion are insufficient to deter the most devoted radicals or foreign agents from carrying out activities that are harmful to the state. We therefore need a new secret police force to investigate such threats.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    • If the DLC 抵抗运动抵抗运动 is enabled
      • Create an Intelligence Agency
      • Apply the Upgrade Passive defense to your Intelligence Agency.
    • Otherwise:
    Departamento de Ordem Política e Social icon
    Departamento de Ordem Política e Social
    • Encryption: +5%
    • Decryption: +5%
    Focus research.png
    University of São Paulo
    The University of São Paulo was only recently established, yet the benefits of it are already being felt throughout the Brazilian economy. We should capitalize on this by investing more into this burgeoning institution.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    • Gain 1 Research Slot.

    Estado Moderno Sub-branch


    XXX branch of the Brazilian national focus tree.
    Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.

    Focus Prerequisites Effects
    File:Focus BRA estado moderno.png
    Estado Moderno
    With our domestic foes scattered and defeated, the time has come to wipe away the old political arrangement and to declare a modern state, one capable of ensuring long term peace and stability for the people of Second Brazilian Republic.

    Alternative Descriptions

    Game File Description
    With our domestic foes scattered and defeated, the time has come to wipe away the old political arrangement and to declare a modern state, one capable of ensuring long term peace and stability for the people of [BRA.GetName].

    Estado Moderno icon
    Estado Moderno
    Daily 法西斯主义法西斯主义 Support: +20
    Estado Moderno
    File:Focus BRA anaue.png
    Our movement has adopted a phrase of the Tupi people, 'Anauê', as a war cry. The phrase has come to encapsulate the brotherhood of the members and their unyielding loyalty to the protection of our nation. Anauê!
    Brazil: Brazil:
    Anauê icon
    • Division Attack on core territory: +10.0%
    • Division Defense on core territory: +10.0%
    The indigenous greeting Anauê has taken on a new life as the rallying cry of the integralist movement. Chanted in the streets by the green uniformed members of the party, it instills pride in those of a nationalist persuasion and anxiety in their opposition.
    • Unlock decsions to recruit Integralist militia divisions in states after completing rallies there.
    • Recruits a new general with the Militia Officer trait:
      • Militia Defense +5%
      • Militia Speed +5%
      • Militia Organization +5%
    • Hidden effect:
      • Create Integralist Militia division template
    File:Focus BRA reject cosmopolitanism.png
    Reject Cosmopolitanism
    The recent trend towards cosmopolitanism is nothing more than a trojan horse for communist interference in our great nation. We are Brazilian, and we must defend our culture and ideals before they are destroyed.
    • Requires the following:
    Estado Moderno icon
    Estado Moderno
    Estado Moderno
    Focus SOV womens fascist movement.png
    Departamento Feminino
    There are countless women who are as patriotic and faithful as their husbands and fathers. We should give them the opportunity to take part in our movement and work together for the restoration of Brazil greatness.
    • Requires the following:
    Estado Moderno icon
    Estado Moderno
    Estado Moderno
    File:Focus BRA estado novo.png
    In Vargas We Trust
    Getúlio Vargas has proven himself to be a capable politician who can weather the storms of leadership. Furthermore, he has proven himself to be a wise leader through his adoption of our party policies. Many in the party now believe he is destined to raise the nation to ever greater heights.
    Brazil: Brazil:

    File:Focus BRA defense of the fatherland.png
    For the Fatherland
    Getúlio Vargas has been a useful political ally, but he cares only for power and is not a true Integralist. With our wide support across the nation, we should make a move to oust the President and install a true believer such as Plínio Salgado in office.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    File:Focus BRA brazil integral.png
    Brazil Integral
    It has taken years to reach this moment, but we have finally solidified our hold on the nation and rid ourselves of the last vestiges of the decrepit old republican ways.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    Goal generic navy cruiser.png
    Re-invigorate the Navy
    The officers of the navy have long supported the Integralist movement, even when it was unpopular among the public to do so. For their long term support, we shall increase funding so they may begin the process of reinvigorating the aging fleet.
    • Requires the following:
    • Any owned state:
      • Is coastal
    Rewarding Navy Loyalty icon
    Rewarding Navy Loyalty
  • 海军经验海军经验 +20
  • File:Focus BRA ethical internationalism.png
    Ethical Internationalism
    Even the greatest of nations can not create and supply all things to their people. In order to secure peace and prosperity for our people, we should build our foreign policy on mutually beneficial economic partnerships with like minded nations.
    Brazil: Brazil gets the national spirit for 1460 day(s):
    Ethical Internationalism icon
    Ethical Internationalism
    Ethical Internationalism

    Secure Our Borders Sub-branch


    XXX branch of the Brazilian national focus tree.
    Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.

    Focus Prerequisites Effects
    File:Focus BRA secure our borders.png
    Secure Our Borders
    We are surrounded by adversaries beyond our borders who wish to isolate and destroy our great nation. With the domestic situation under control, it is time we turned our attention to foreign affairs and began making maneuvers to ensure our national security.
    Brazil: Brazil gets the national spirit for 1460 day(s):
    Secure Our Borders icon
    Secure Our Borders
    • Division Defense on core territory: +10.0%
    • Justify 战争目标战争目标 time on us: +30.0%
    Secure Our Borders

    Good Neighbor Policy Sub-branch


    XXX branch of the Brazilian national focus tree.
    Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.

    Focus Prerequisites Effects
    File:Focus BRA good neighbor policy.png
    Good Neighbor Policy
    Franklin Roosevelt’s ‘good neighbor policy’ remains influential in the Western hemisphere. We should embrace this policy and strive to cooperate with the nations of the Americas rather than interfering in one another's affairs.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    • 政治点数政治点数 +100
    • Every other country:
      • Capital state:
        • Is in South America
      • Is at peace with Brazil
      • Gets event Brazilian Good Neighbor Policy
      • Gains Good Neighbor Policy (关系关系 of Brazil +25)
    Focus generic anti fascist diplomacy.png
    No Fascism in South America
    With our taken stance being outspokenly against fascism, it is high time to act upon the current dangers, and secure our continent from the vile ideology. No, the Second Brazilian Republic is not your colony!

    Alternative Descriptions

    Game File Description
    With our taken stance being outspokenly against fascism, it is high time to act upon the current dangers, and secure our continent from the vile ideology. No, [BRA.GetNameDef] is not your colony!

    Brazil: Brazil:
    Focus chi mission to the us.png
    The Washington Accords
    In exchange for American military guarantees, we will gear our economy towards the production of war equipment to support them in the defense of our shared values.

    Alternative Names

    Game file name
    The [USA.Capital.GetCapitalVictoryPointName] Accords

    Washington Accords icon
    Washington Accords
    The Washington Accords
    File:Focus BRA cobras fumantes.png
    Cobras Fumantes
    Many said it was more likely for a snake to smoke a pipe than for our forces to actually reach the front lines. Now our enemies fear the tenacity and expertise of the soldiers who have adopted the title as a badge of honor.
    File:Focus generic air bases.png
    Construct Parnamirim Airport
    Thanks to our newfound cooperation with the US, they have offered to build up air-bases in our country using largely their own funds, in exchange for us allowing the use of the airport for the US Navy, the US Army, as well as the RAF, for flying between South America and West Africa.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    • If:
    • If:
    • If:
      • 北里奥格兰德Rio Grande do Norte [498]:
        • Has more than 2 free (unrecognized string "Building Slots" for Template:Icon) for (unrecognized string "Air Bases" for Template:Icon)
      • 北里奥格兰德Rio Grande do Norte [498]:
      • 否则如果:
      • 北里奥格兰德Rio Grande do Norte [498]:
        • Has more than 1 free (unrecognized string "Building Slots" for Template:Icon) for (unrecognized string "Air Bases" for Template:Icon)
      • 北里奥格兰德Rio Grande do Norte [498]:
      • 否则如果:
      • 北里奥格兰德Rio Grande do Norte [498]:
        • Has more than 1 free (unrecognized string "Building Slots" for Template:Icon) for (unrecognized string "Air Bases" for Template:Icon)
      • 北里奥格兰德Rio Grande do Norte [498]:
    • 2x 50% Research bonus for: Aircraft
    File:Focus BRA senta a pua.png
    Senta a Púa!
    Our pilots seem to have developed a war cry recently, allowing them to funnel their unmatched ferocity and dedication to victory into one phrase. Senta a Púa!
    Brazil: Brazil:
    File:Focus BRA rio protocol.png
    Potenji River Conference
    It has taken great effort to prepare our economy for war, but the time has come for us to join our American allies and fully commit to the defense of the western hemisphere, even if that requires dealing with threats across the globe.
    • Requires the following:
      • The Washington AccordsThe Washington Accords
    • Is fully independent
    • 美利坚合众国的国旗 美利坚合众国: 必须满足下列条件之一:
      • At war
      • Is in faction

    Goal tfv generic tech sharing.png
    American-Brazilian Technology Exchange
    We have extensively improved our nation's technological expertise in recent years, however we have much to learn from our friends in the United States. Perhaps we can encourage them to share their knowledge in exchange for our own.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    • 美利坚合众国的国旗 美利坚合众国 Gets event Brazil Suggests Technology Sharing
    • If 美利坚合众国的国旗 美利坚合众国 agrees to the proposal:
      • Brazil joins US-Brazil Technology Exchange Program research sharing group.
    File:Focus BRA for the fatherland.png
    Increase Defense Spending
    The world has been set ablaze, and no country can any longer consider themselves safe. Thus, we should increase our spending on the defense of the nation. Be it on the factories that produce our weapons, or the construction of new fortifications, we will secure Brazilian sovereignty even if it is the last thing we do!
    • Requires the following:
    • Any country:
      • At war
      • Is not in a civil war
    Increased Defense Spending icon
    Increased Defense Spending
    The world has been set ablaze, and no country can any longer consider themselves safe. Thus, we should increase our spending on the defense of the nation. Be it on the factories that produce our weapons, or the construction of new fortifications, we will secure Brazilian sovereignty even if it is the last thing we do!
    File:Focus BRA disrupt bolivar.png
    Disrupt Operation Bolivar
    The nations of the old world have long interfered in the affairs of South America. Where once they sent soldiers and gunships, now they send intelligence operatives. We can no longer turn a blind eye to such activities and must hunt down any such operatives within our borders.
    • Requires the following:
    • Any country:
      • Original country is 德意志国的国旗 德意志国
      • Current ruling party is not the same as Brazil
    • Has created an Intelligence Agency
    Counter Intelligence Funding icon
    Counter Intelligence Funding
    • Subversive activities cost: -30%
    • Encryption: +20.00%
    • Decryption: +10.00%
    • Operative slots: +1
    Foreign Intelligence services have acted with impunity here for too long. With our new funding, we shall ensure nothing occurs on our without our prior knowledge.
    Disrupted Operation Bolivar icon
    Disrupted Operation Bolivar
    • Encryption: +2.00
    • Encryption: +25.00%
    • Decryption: +25.00%
  • 德意志国的国旗 德意志国 gets eventOperation Bolivar Disrupted in Brazil
    • Gains Disrupted Operation Bolivar (关系关系 of Brazil -25)

  • File:Focus BRA north and south america.png
    Reach Out to Our Neighbors
    We have long been isolated from our neighbors by virtue of being the only Portuguese speaking nation on the continent. Perhaps it is time we reach out and attempt to establish better relations with them, rather than treating them with suspicion.
    Brazil: Brazil
    • Set the rule(s): 是 Can Create Factions
    • Create faction: Organization of American States
    Focus generic little entente.png
    South American Joint Military Exercises
    Our continent is diverse in both people and geography. By carrying out joint military exercises with our neighbors, our people stand to gain insight not only into how one another fights, but also how they live.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    • If:
    • Every country:
      • In faction with Brazil
        • Capital state:
          • Is in South America
          • Is a core of the previous country
        • Every army leader:
          • One of 6 options will happen:
            • If does not have, 10% chance of Gains Ranger:
              • Forest:
                • Movement: +5.0%
                • Attack: +10.0%
                • Defense: +10.0%
            • If does not have, 10% chance of Gains Jungle Rat:
              • Jungle:
                • Movement: +5.0%
                • Attack: +10.0%
                • Defense: +10.0%
            • If does not have, 10% chance of Gains Mountaineer:
              • Mountain:
                • Movement: +5.0%
                • Attack: +10.0%
                • Defense: +10.0%
            • If does not have, 10% chance of Gains Hill Fighter:
              • Hills:
                • Movement: +5.0%
                • Attack: +10.0%
                • Defense: +10.0%
            • If does not have, 10% chance of Gains Desert Fox:
              • Desert:
                • Movement: +5.0%
                • Attack: +10.0%
                • Defense: +10.0%
            • 50% chance of Nothing happens
    Goal tfv generic tech sharing.png
    Latin American Research Council
    It is no secret that our industries and universities across Latin America do not have access to the same levels of funding as many of our rivals. By collaborating through a joint research institute however, we can avoid duplication of effort and improve the pace of innovation across our region.
    • Requires the following:
      • South American Joint Military ExercisesSouth American Joint Military Exercises
    • Mutually Exclusive Mutually exclusive with:
      • American-Brazilian Technology ExchangeAmerican-Brazilian Technology Exchange
    • Is in faction
    • 必须满足下列条件之一:
    • Every other country:
      • Is in faction with Brazil
        • Capital state:
          • Is in South America
          • Is a core of the previous country
            • Gets event event Brazil Suggests Technology Sharing
    • If faction members in South America agree to join:
      • Brazil joins Latin American Research Council research sharing group.
    File:Focus BRA us of brazil.png
    The United States of South America
    Our nation has become a beacon of freedom, enticing all who share our values to come here in hopes of a fresh start. We should embrace this diversity and make clear our aspirations for the future by establishing ourselves as the United States of South America.
    • Requires one of the following:
      • American-Brazilian Technology ExchangeAmerican-Brazilian Technology Exchange
      • Latin American Research CouncilLatin American Research Council
    • 必须满足下列条件之一:
    • Is in faction
    • Any other country:
      • Is in faction with Brazil
      • Capital state:
        • Is in South America
    • will be known as the United States of South America
    • Unlock The United States of South America decisions to invite 民主主义民主主义 or 中立主义中立主义 faction members in South America to merge with Brazil.
    Focus generic manpower.png
    Legião Estrangeira
    Second Brazilian Republic has become a refuge for foreigners during these troubled times. There is no shortage among them of men who would be willing to lay down their life in defense of our shared values. We should give them the opportunity to do so by recruiting them into a foreign legion.

    Alternative Descriptions

    Game File Description
    [ROOT.GetName] has become a refuge for foreigners during these troubled times. There is no shortage among them of men who would be willing to lay down their life in defense of our shared values. We should give them the opportunity to do so by recruiting them into a foreign legion.

    Brazil: Brazil:
    • Create template Legião Estrangeira and deploy 3 units of it to the Capital.

    Goal generic war with comintern.png
    No Communism in South America
    The communists cannot be trusted, as we noticed with the attempted revolution in 1935, which we justly put down. To ensure the future of our nation, we must see to it that any close-by foreign subversives are dealt with, sooner rather than later!
    Brazil: Brazil

    Domination of the Americas Sub-branch


    XXX branch of the Brazilian national focus tree.
    Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.

    Focus Prerequisites Effects
    Focus por recover latin america.png
    Domination of the Americas
    We shall never be fully secure with so many adversaries on our doorstep. The only path to Brazilian salvation is for us to become the undisputed power of the region.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    • Hidden effect:
      • Every other country:
        • Any controlled state:
          • 必须满足下列条件之一:
            • Is in North America
            • Is in South America
              • Gets event Brazil Engages in Aggressive Foreign Policy
    • Gets the national spirit for 720 day(s):
    Towards Domination of the Americas icon
    Towards Domination of the Americas
    Domination of the Americas
    Focus chi mission to germany.png
    Establish Berlin Accords
    The United States has long interfered in the affairs of other nations in the Americas. By aligning ourselves with The German Reich, we may gain a strategic deterrence to future American interference in our own affairs.
    • Requires the following:
      • Domination of the AmericasDomination of the Americas
    • Is not in faction
    • 德意志国的国旗 德意志国:

    File:Focus BRA expand bolivar.png
    Expand Operation Bolívar
    The Germans have been carrying out a large-scale intelligence operation in South America, both monitoring economic and political activity. We have been asked to aid them in expanding the operation in exchange for increased intelligence cooperation.
    • Requires one of the following:
      • Establish Berlin AccordsEstablish Berlin Accords
      • Establish Rome AccordsEstablish Rome Accords
    • Is in faction with 德意志国的国旗 德意志国
    Operation Bolivar icon
    Operation Bolivar
    • Operative slots: +1
    The Germans have been carrying out a large-scale intelligence operation in South America, both monitoring economic and political activity. We have been asked to aid them in expanding the operation in exchange for increased intelligence cooperation.
    • Maximilian Vogel becomes an operative.
    File:Focus BRA acquire german tanks.png
    Acquire German Tanks
    Thanks to us siding with the Germans, we can now more readily acquire not only blueprints and details for the research and manufacturing of tanks similar to Germany's Panzers, but we can also easily purchase such vehicles from them. The Smouldering Cobras shall spread fear in the hearts of our enemies!
    Brazil: Brazil:
    Foreign Licenses (Armor) icon
    Foreign Licenses (Armor)
    • License purchase cost: -30%
    • Armor License purchase cost: -40%
  • If the DLC 寸步不退寸步不退 is enabled
    • Add technology: Basic Medium Tank Chassis if not researched
    • Create Panzer IV Ausf. A Medium Tank variant on gaining technology Basic Medium Tank Chassis
    • Gain 200 德意志国的国旗 德意志国 Panzer IV Ausf. A - Medium Tanks
  • File:Focus BRA german submarine development.png
    German Submarine Development Program
    Aligning with the Germans has allowed for us to make use of their technology for departments in which we have previously struggled to modernize ourselves, and one of those areas is in the field of submarine warfare. We shall make use of our newfound allies, and control the Cape Verde Plain!
    Brazil: Brazil:
    • 海军经验海军经验: +15
    • 1x 75% Research bonus for: Submarine Operations Doctrines
    • 1x 50% Research bonus for: Submarine models
    • Random owned controlled cored coastal state:
      • Does not have the dynamic modifier Neglected State
    • If the DLC 炮手就位炮手就位 is enabled
      • Add technology: Cruiser Submarine Hull if not researched
      • Create Lobo do Mar Class Submarine variant based on Cruiser Submarine
      • Add a production line of Lobo do Mar Class
      • Add a production line of Lobo do Mar Class
    • If the DLC 炮手就位炮手就位 is enabled
      • Has Cruiser Submarine Hull technology researched
        • Create Lobo do Mar Class Submarine variant based on Cruiser Submarine
        • Add a production line of Lobo do Mar Class
        • Add a production line of Lobo do Mar Class

    Focus ger reichskommisariats.png
    South Atlantic Domination
    For too long, the Atlantic Ocean has been dominated by the American and British Navies. Through our collaboration with the German, we are ready to oust them and take control of the Atlantic for ourselves.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    • 北里奥格兰德Rio Grande do Norte [498]:
    • Gain claims on islands in the South Atlantic Ocean that are not owned by Brazil or Germany
    • Gain 10 German Type IIA Early Submarines.
    • Hidden effect:
      • 德意志国的国旗 德意志国:
        • 10x create ship with Submarine Hull
      • If:
        • 福克兰群岛Falkland Islands [299]:
          • 需要满足下列所有条件:
            • is owned by Brazil
            • is owned by 德意志国的国旗 德意志国
              • Gets claim on 福克兰群岛Falkland Islands [299]
      • If:
        • 南乔治亚South Georgia [720]:
          • 需要满足下列所有条件:
            • is owned by Brazil
            • is owned by 德意志国的国旗 德意志国
              • Gets claim on 南乔治亚South Georgia [720]
      • If:
        • 圣赫勒拿Saint Helena [704]:
          • 需要满足下列所有条件:
            • is owned by Brazil
            • is owned by 德意志国的国旗 德意志国
              • Gets claim on 圣赫勒拿Saint Helena [704]
      • If:
        • 阿森松Ascension [703]:
          • 需要满足下列所有条件:
            • is owned by Brazil
            • is owned by 德意志国的国旗 德意志国
              • Gets claim on 阿森松Ascension [703]
      • If:
        • 佛得角Cape Verde [702]:
          • 需要满足下列所有条件:
            • is owned by Brazil
            • is owned by 德意志国的国旗 德意志国
              • Gets claim on 佛得角Cape Verde [702]
      • If:
        • 特立尼达Trinidad [691]:
          • 需要满足下列所有条件:
            • is owned by Brazil
            • is owned by 德意志国的国旗 德意志国
              • Gets claim on 特立尼达Trinidad [691]
      • If:
        • 向风群岛Windward Islands [692]:
          • 需要满足下列所有条件:
            • is owned by Brazil
            • is owned by 德意志国的国旗 德意志国
              • Gets claim on 向风群岛Windward Islands [692]
      • If:
        • 法属加勒比French Caribbean [694]:
          • 需要满足下列所有条件:
            • is owned by Brazil
            • is owned by 德意志国的国旗 德意志国
              • Gets claim on 法属加勒比French Caribbean [694]
      • If:
        • 背风群岛Leeward Islands [308]:
          • 需要满足下列所有条件:
            • is owned by Brazil
            • is owned by 德意志国的国旗 德意志国
              • Gets claim on 背风群岛Leeward Islands [308]
      • If:
        • 库拉索Curaçao [695]:
          • 需要满足下列所有条件:
            • is owned by Brazil
            • is owned by 德意志国的国旗 德意志国
              • Gets claim on 库拉索Curaçao [695]
      • If:
        • 加那利群岛Islas Canarias [178]:
          • 需要满足下列所有条件:
            • is owned by Brazil
            • is owned by 德意志国的国旗 德意志国
              • Gets claim on 加那利群岛Islas Canarias [178]
    • Every employed navy leader:
      • Character flag SMB_naval_academy_boost is not set
        • Gains Sea Wolf
          • Submarine Attack: +20.00%
    File:Focus BRA defense of the fatherland.png
    Defense of the Fatherland
    Our ambitions far exceed our own currently standing borders, but even though that is the case, we must make absolutely sure that no-one can threaten our home territories. Viva o Brasil!
    • Requires the following:
      • Domination of the AmericasDomination of the Americas
    Focus befriend italy.png
    Establish Rome Accords
    We have long had strong connections with Italy due to the historic migration from there to [BRA.GetName]. As the world begins to change and our governments become more aligned, it makes sense to formalize a partnership between our nations.
    • Requires the following:
      • Domination of the AmericasDomination of the Americas
    • Is not in a faction
    • 意大利的国旗 意大利:

    Focus ITA redirect alfa romeo production.png
    Cooperation with Italian Car Industry
    Our motor industry is in its infancy, meanwhile our friends in Italy have a large and successful motor industry. Perhaps it is time we approached them for advice on improving our fledgling companies.
    • Requires one of the following:
      • Establish Rome AccordsEstablish Rome Accords
      • Establish Berlin AccordsEstablish Berlin Accords
    • 意大利的国旗 意大利:
    • Is in faction with 意大利的国旗 意大利
    • 2x 75% Research bonus for: Truck and Mechanized models
    • 200 units of 意大利的国旗 意大利 Truck is added to the national Stockpile
    File:Focus BRA italian aircraft development.png
    Italian Aircraft Development Program
    Aligning with the Italians has allowed for us to make use of their technology for departments in which we have previously struggled to modernize ourselves, and one of those areas is in the field of aircraft. Using Italian technology, we shall rule the skies of South America!
    • Requires the following:
      • Cooperation with Italian Car IndustryCooperation with Italian Car Industry
    • 意大利的国旗 意大利:
      • Exists
    • Is at peace with 意大利的国旗 意大利
    • Is in faction with 意大利的国旗 意大利
    • 空军经验空军经验: +15
    • If the DLC 以力御暴以力御暴 is enabled
      • Available as Military Industrial Organization:
        • Fiat Aviazione (Range Focused Aircraft Designer)
        • Fiat Aviazione Gain +2 Sizes
    • Otherwise:
    Foreign Licenses (Air) icon
    Foreign Licenses (Air)
    • License purchase cost: -30%
    • Air License purchase cost: -40%
    • 2x 50% research bonus for: Light aircraft and Medium aircraft
  • If the DLC 唯有浴血唯有浴血 is enabled
    • 200 units of 意大利的国旗 意大利 Basic Small Airframe is added to the national Stockpile
  • Otherwise:
    • 200 units of 意大利的国旗 意大利 Fighter I is added to the national Stockpile
  • Random owned controlled cored state that:

  • File:Focus BRA joint italian motor development.png
    Joint Italian Motor Development
    We should make an effort to not only acquire Italian expertise regarding the development and manufacturing of state of the art motor vehicles, but we should also place an order and request immediate shipment of Italian trucks.
    • Requires the following:
      • Cooperation with Italian Car IndustryCooperation with Italian Car Industry
    • 意大利的国旗 意大利:
      • Exists
    • None of:
    • Is at peace with 意大利的国旗 意大利
    • Is in faction with 意大利的国旗 意大利
    Focus ITA ministry of italian africa.png
    The Italian-Brazilian Partition of Africa
    As the old empires crumble, a new scramble for Africa is emerging. Through our special relationship with Italy, we have an opportunity to carve out a piece of the continent for ourselves.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    • Every state:
      • 必须满足下列条件之一:
          • In region West Africa (226)
          • In region Sub-Saharan Africa (140)
        • 需要满足下列所有条件:
            • Is not owned by Brazil
            • Is not owned by 意大利的国旗 意大利
            • State owner: Is not in faction with Brazil
              • Claim gained by Brazil
    • 4.00K units of 意大利的国旗 意大利 步兵装备 is added to the national Stockpile
    • Random employed army leader:
      • Doesn't have trait Ranger
        • Gains Ranger
          • Forest:
            • Movement: +5.0%
            • Attack: +10.0%
            • Defense: +10.0%
    • Random employed army leader:
      • Doesn't have trait Ranger
        • Gains Ranger
          • Forest:
            • Movement: +5.0%
            • Attack: +10.0%
            • Defense: +10.0%
    • Random employed army leader:
      • Doesn't have trait Ranger
        • Gains Ranger
          • Forest:
            • Movement: +5.0%
            • Attack: +10.0%
            • Defense: +10.0%
    File:Focus BRA form mercosul.png
    Form Mercosul
    South America has long been under the influence of powers beyond it such as the United States or the European empires. But if the nations of the continent come together as a single economic and political block, none would dare interfere on our continent again.
    • Requires the following:
      • Domination of the AmericasDomination of the Americas
    • Is not in a faction
    • Set the rule(s): 是 Can Create Factions
    • Create faction: Mercosul
    • Unlock decisions to invite other South American nations to join Mercosul
    File:Focus generic attack the guyanas.png
    The Guyana Crisis
    With the eyes of the European powers elsewhere on the globe, we have an opportunity to force their hand into transferring their territories in the Guianas to us, or face another front in their war.
    • Requires the following:
      • Domination of the AmericasDomination of the Americas
    • Every other country:
      • Any owned state:
        • State is in the Region Guiana (280)
        • 需要满足下列所有条件:
          • Is not in faction with Brazil
          • Capital state: Is not in South America
          • Is at peace with Brazil
            • Gets event Brazil Demands Territory in Guianas
    File:Focus generic attack bolivia.png
    Securing the Amazon
    The Amazon rainforest is intrinsically Brazilian. The fact that Bolivia continues to occupy parts of it can no longer be tolerated.
    • 玻利维亚的国旗 玻利维亚: 必须满足下列条件之一:
      • Is in faction with Brazil
      • Does not exist
      • Is a subject of Brazil

    File:Focus generic attack paraguay.png
    Intervention in Paraguay
    The Republic of Paraguay has grown too unstable and unpredictable. For the sake of our own national security, we must intervene in their national affairs and stabilize their government.

    Alternative Descriptions

    Game File Description
    [PAR.GetNameDefCap] has grown too unstable and unpredictable. For the sake of our own national security, we must intervene in their national affairs and stabilize their government.

    • 巴拉圭的国旗 巴拉圭: 必须满足下列条件之一:
      • Is in faction with Brazil
      • Does not exist
      • Is a subject of Brazil
    • 巴拉圭的国旗 巴拉圭 gets event Brazil Issues Ultimatum
    File:Focus generic attack chile.png
    Pre-emptive Strike
    While the Chilean remains behind their mountains, our western flank will never be fully secure. As such, we must liquidate the Chilean state and integrate its territory into our own.
    • 智利的国旗 智利:
      • 必须满足下列条件之一:
      • Is in faction with Brazil
      • Does not exist
      • Is a subject of Brazil
    File:Focus generic attack argentina.png
    Provoke Argentina
    It is clear that Argentina wishes to isolate and destroy us, but if we act too hastily in preventing them from doing so, we may suffer the wrath of the [USA.GetName]. Instead, we shall provoke the Argentineans into firing first and we shall finally have vengence for the Cisalpine war!
    • 阿根廷的国旗 阿根廷:
      • 必须满足下列条件之一:
      • Is in faction with Brazil
      • Does not exist
      • Is a subject of Brazil
    • 阿根廷的国旗 阿根廷 gets event Suspicious Activity in Brazil
    Goal generic attack allies.png
    The Panama Push
    If we are to secure the continent for ourselves, we must act rapidly and overwhelm our enemies before they can respond.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    The Panama Push icon
    The Panama Push
    • Divisions speed: +10.00%
    • Division Attack: +10.00%
    If we are to secure the continent for ourselves, we must act rapidly and overwhelm our enemies before they can respond.
    File:Focus generic south america.png
    América do Sul
    South America has fallen under our domain through the strength and courage of our people. Now we must begin the difficult task of unifying the continent under our rule and culture.
    • Requires one of the following:
      • South Atlantic DominationSouth Atlantic Domination
      • The Italian-Brazilian Partition of AfricaThe Italian-Brazilian Partition of Africa
      • The Panama PushThe Panama Push
    • Any state:
      • Is in South America
      • Is not a core of Brazil
    • Will be known as America do Sul
    • Unlock decisions to gain cores on owned territory in South America

    Aftermath of the Coffee Crisis


    Industrial branch of the Brazilian national focus tree.
    Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.

    Focus Prerequisites Effects
    File:Focus BRA coffee crisis.png
    Aftermath of the Coffee Crisis
    The Great Depression ruined the Brazilian economy due to over reliance on exports, primarily coffee. While efforts have been made to repair the economy, it falls to us to finish the job. We shall reinvigorate our industries and become the economic powerhouse of the continent.
    None Brazil:
    Undiversified Economy icon
    Undiversified Economy
    Over reliance on coffee exports left the Brazilian economy crippled when the great depression hit and the nations of the world stopped purchasing the addictive stimulant. Any government will have to diversify the economy into new areas if the nation is to thrive.
    • Available as Industrial Concern:
    • Departamento Nacional do Café (Industrial Concern):
    • Industrial 研究速度:+10%
    File:Focus SWE radiotjanst.png
    Radio Nacional
    Many nations are beginning to establish national broadcasting institutions to provide factual content and entertainment to the masses over the air waves. We shall avoid being left behind in such endeavors by founding our own Radio Nacional.
    Brazil: Brazil gets the national spirit:
    Radio Nacional icon
    Radio Nacional
    • 稳定度稳定度: +5.00%
    • 研究速度:+4.00%
    • Ideology drift defense: +30.0%
    With the establishment of a national radio station, the government now has a direct method of communicating with the public. We can use this to either ensure they get the most objective, up-to-date information, or simply the information we want them to know.
    • If not researched, Add technology: Radio
    Focus ETH adopt the lira.png
    If we wish to get people back to work and our exports flowing once more, we need to kick start some growth in the economy. We shall do so by creating new industries and making it easier for people to access financial services.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    Undiversified Economy icon
    Undiversified Economy
    Over reliance on coffee exports left the Brazilian economy crippled when the great depression hit and the nations of the world stopped purchasing the addictive stimulant. Any government will have to diversify the economy into new areas if the nation is to thrive.
    • 2x 40% Research bonus for: Electronics
    File:Focus BRA deal with the cangaco.png
    Deal With the Cangaço
    The Cangaço are nothing more than bandits who have been a thorn in our side for far too long. It’s time we expelled the thorn from the north, once and for all.
    • Requires the following:
    • Has not completed focus (unrecognized id "sway the cangaço to our cause" in TAG "bra" for Template:Focus)
    • Unlock Deal With the Cangaço decisions to eliminate the Cangaço in effected states.
    File:Focus generic resource extraction.png
    Promote Resource Extraction
    Our nation has been blessed with abundant natural resources. To promote greater economic growth and independence, we shall invest in modern extraction equipment for our industries.
    • Requires one of the following:
    • Every owned state:
      • Is controlled by Brazil
      • 必须满足下列条件之一:
        • Has the dynamic modifier Neglected State
        • Has the dynamic modifier Growing State
      • Add 1 建筑槽建筑槽 building slot
      • Modify Neglected State/Growing State by:
        • Local Available Resources: +10.00%
    • 2x 75% Research bonus for: Excavation Technologies

    File:Focus BRA national steel company.png
    Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional
    Steel has become a crucial resource in a multitude of industries, but our domestic production of it is insufficient to satiate demand. We shall therefore establish a state owned national steel company with cutting edge machinery, rather than importing it from overseas.
    • Requires one of the following:
    File:Focus generic railroad.png
    Invest in Railways
    Trains remain the most economical method the mass transportation of people and goods over great distances. We should therefore invest in expanding and modernizing our rail network, as well as developing trains of our own.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    • Every owned state:
      • Is controlled by Brazil
      • 必须满足下列条件之一:
        • Has the dynamic modifier Neglected State
        • Has the dynamic modifier Growing State
          • Add 1 建筑槽建筑槽
          • Modify Neglected State/Growing State by:
        • Local Construction Speed: +10.00%
        • Local Factories: +10.0%
    • 1x 50% Research bonus for: Train and Railways
    • gets the national spirit for 730 day(s):
    Railway Investment icon
    Railway Investment
    Trains remain the most economical method the mass transportation of people and goods over great distances. We should therefore invest in expanding and modernizing our rail network, as well as developing trains of our own.
    • If:
      • 亚马逊Amazonas [495]:
        • Is owned and controlled by Brazil
          • 亚马逊Amazonas [495]: Add 1  补给中心补给中心 on a province in the state.
      • Build a level 1  铁路铁路 from 马托格罗索Mato Grosso [280] to 亚马逊Amazonas [495]
    File:Focus generic stockpile fuel.png
    National Petroleum Council
    From the tractors in the fields to the battleships defending our shores, oil has become the lifeblood of modern machines. Being reliant on such a crucial resource is a threat to our national security. To alleviate this risk, we shall establish a national petroleum council to oversee the discovery and extraction of domestic oil.
    • Requires the following:
    • 巴伊亚Bahia [499]: Owned and controlled by Brazil
    • 巴伊亚Bahia [499]:
      • Add 1 建筑槽
      • Add production of 16 OilOil
      • Max Factories in State: +20.00%
      • Local Available Resources: +20.00%
    • 1x 25% Research bonus for: Synthetic resources
    Focus POL develop polish shipbuilding.png
    Invest in Ports
    We have made great progress in supplying the needs of our economy domestically to such an extent that we can look to exports once more as a means of promoting economic growth. To do so, we shall need to invest in the nation’s major ports.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    • Every owned state:
      • Is controlled by Brazil
      • 必须满足下列条件之一:
        • Has the dynamic modifier Neglected State
        • Has the dynamic modifier Growing State
      • Is coastal
          • Add 1 建筑槽建筑槽
          • Modify Neglected State/Growing State by:
        • Local Construction Speed: +10.00%
        • Local Factories: +10.0%
    • Gets the national spirit for 730 day (s):
    Port Investment icon
    Port Investment
    We have made great progress in supplying the needs of our economy domestically to such an extent that we can look to exports once more as a means of promoting economic growth. To do so, we shall need to invest in the nation’s major ports.
    File:Focus ARG reach out to the great powers.png
    Reach out to the Great Powers
    One of the options that we have in order to help our economic situation grow is to reach out to the Great Powers of the world and take out loans to speed up our recovery. We should be careful though, as we do not want to be in more debt than we started with.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    • Unlocks International Loan decisions. If target nations accept, Brazil gains:

    File:Focus SWE bicycle.png
    Establish Caloi Factory
    The escalating tensions across the world have made it difficult to import bicycles and parts from Europe and North America. With our abundant access to rubber and steel, perhaps we should establish our own bicycle factory and incorporate their use into the military.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    File:Focus BRA rubber war.png
    Batalha da Borracha
    The Second Brazilian Republic once dominated the global supply of rubber, until the British created vast plantations of their own across their empire. With their supply lines under threat, the world once again looks to us to supply them with the precious resource.

    Alternative Descriptions

    Game File Description
    [BRA.GetNameDefCap] once dominated the global supply of rubber, until the [ENG.GetAdjective] created vast plantations of their own across their empire. With their supply lines under threat, the world once again looks to us to supply them with the precious resource.

    Brazil: Brazil:
    • Every owned state:
      • 必须满足下列条件之一:
        • Is 马拉尼昂Maranhão [497]
        • Is 亚马逊Amazonas [495]
      • Add 1 建筑槽建筑槽
      • Add production of 20 橡胶橡胶
      • Max Factories in State: +20.00%
      • Local Available Resources: +20.00%
    File:Focus generic road investment.png
    Invest in Road infrastructure
    Cars and trucks are becoming increasingly important to economic development. However, our road networks are not developed enough to support the mass adoption of vehicles on a national scale. We therefore need to invest in a massive highway construction program before our economy becomes throttled.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    • Every owned state:
      • Is controlled by Brazil
      • 必须满足下列条件之一:
        • Has the dynamic modifier Neglected State
        • Has the dynamic modifier Growing State
          • Add 1 建筑槽建筑槽
          • Modify Neglected State/Growing State by:
        • Local Construction Speed: +10.00%
        • Local Factories: +10.0%
    • Gets the national spirit for 730 day(s):
    Road Investment icon
    Road Investment
    Cars and trucks are becoming increasingly important to economic development. However, our road networks are not developed enough to support the mass adoption of vehicles on a national scale. We therefore need to invest in a massive highway construction program before our economy becomes throttled.
    File:Focus BRA fabrica national de motores.png
    Fábrica Nacional de Motores
    Motor vehicles are complex machines that therefore cost a great deal of money to import. This has the potential to hold back our economic growth in the long run. The best way of preventing this is by developing our own domestically produced vehicles.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    • If the DLC 以力御暴以力御暴 is enabled
      • If:
        • Has not completed focus Invest in the Motor IndustriesInvest in the Motor Industries
          • Available as Military Industrial Organization:
            • Fábrica Nacional de Motores (Automotive Manufaturer)
            • Fábrica Nacional de Motores Gain +3 Sizes
    • Otherwise:
      • 2x +75 Research bonus for: Synthetic resources
    Focus research.png
    National Technology Fund
    Although our industry and military have vastly expanded in recent years, it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain technological parity with our foreign adversaries. To counter this, we shall establish a national fund to invest in emerging technologies.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    • Gain 1 Research Slot.

    File:Focus SWE lynx armored car.png
    Expand Fordlandia
    The Ford Motor Company invested in establishing a settlement in the Amazon that could act as an industrial base for the production of rubber. The project has stuttered in recent years due to economic turmoil, but perhaps now is the time to restart the project.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    • 帕拉Pará [938]:
      • Add production of 10 橡胶橡胶
      • Add 1 建筑槽
      • Add 1 胜利点胜利点 to 帕拉Pará [938] (province 2035)
    • Hidden effect:
      • Rename province (2035) to Fordlandia
    • If the DLC 以力御暴以力御暴 is enabled
      • Available as Military Industrial Organization:
      • Ford Motor Company (Automotive Manufaturer)
      • Ford Motor Company Gain +2 Sizes
    • Otherwise:
      • 1x +75 Research bonus for: Truck
    File:Focus BRA banco do brasil.png
    Banco do Brasil
    The benefits of a central bank issuing and controlling the supply of currency to the economy has been made abundantly clear since the great depression. Banco do Brazil has acted as such for a long time, but it is time we formalized the arrangement.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    Undiversified Economy icon
    Undiversified Economy
    Over reliance on coffee exports left the Brazilian economy crippled when the great depression hit and the nations of the world stopped purchasing the addictive stimulant. Any government will have to diversify the economy into new areas if the nation is to thrive.
    • Available as Industrial Concern:
    • Banco do Brasil (Central Bank):
      • Consumer Goods Factories factor: −15.0%
    File:Focus generic agricultural subsidies.png
    Federal Development
    Economic development must be spread out across the nation so that all may reap the rewards of their hard work. We therefore need to diversify not only the commodities of our industries, but their locations too.

    Alternative Names

    中立主义Monarchist name
    Imperial Development

    共产主义共产主义 name
    Wealth Redistribution

    法西斯主义法西斯主义 name
    Land Reform

    Brazil: Brazil:
    • Every owned state:
      • Is controlled by Brazil
      • 必须满足下列条件之一:
        • Has the dynamic modifier Neglected State
        • Has the dynamic modifier Growing State
          • Add 1 建筑槽建筑槽
          • Modify Neglected State/Growing State by:
        • Local Construction Speed: +10.00%
        • Local Factories: +10.0%
        • Max Factories in State: +10.00%
        • Local Available Resources: +10.00%
    File:Focus BRA new capital.png
    Establish a New Capital
    Our current capital is too distant from the remote regions of the country and this leads to resentment and separatism. To have the best of both worlds, we shall establish a new capital in the heart of the nation, more accessible to all.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    • The new capital will be named Brasília
    • Moves capital to 戈亚斯Goiás [505]
    • 戈亚斯Goiás [505]:
      • Add 10 胜利点胜利点 戈亚斯Goiás [505] (province 8140)
      • Gets the dynamic modifier:
        • New Capital Construction:
      • Add 1  补给中心补给中心 Supply Hub in a province in the state.
      • Build a level 1  铁路铁路 from 米纳斯吉拉斯Minas Gerais [496] to 戈亚斯Goiás [505]
    • Hidden effect:
      • Rename province (8140) to Brasília
    File:Focus BRA growth.png
    Financial Stimulation
    We have laid the foundations of a strong economy in recent years with the establishment of new industries and infrastructure projects. To maintain growth, we need only to pull the levers of the central bank and national industries.
    Brazil: Brazil:
    • Unlocks Decision: Invest in Brazil
    • Decisions allow increasing the Local Construction Speed, Max Factories and Local Available Resources in rural states by 20%

    File:Focus generic promote SA immigration.png
    Promote Immigration
    Second Brazilian Republic is a diverse nation with people whose ancestry stretches across the globe. With our economy growing once more and an abundance of resources waiting to be tapped, it’s time we encourage more people to move here and call themselves Brazilian too.

    Alternative Descriptions

    Game File Description
    [BRA.GetName] is a diverse nation with people whose ancestry stretches across the globe. With our economy growing once more and an abundance of resources waiting to be tapped, it’s time we encourage more people to move here and call themselves [BRA.GetAdjective] too.

    • Requires the following:
      • DesenvolvimentoDesenvolvimento
    • Set country flag JUNO_promote_immigration_flag
    • Unlock Promote Immigration to South America decisions to improve states.
    Goal generic construct civ factory.png
    Stimulate the Economy
    Domestic production of goods remains insufficient, leading to money flowing out of the nation to purchase imports. We must curtail this by expanding our own industries.
    • Requires the following:
      • DesenvolvimentoDesenvolvimento
    • Random owned controlled cored state that:
    • 2x 40% Research bonus for: Industry
    Goal generic construct mil factory.png
    Domestic Arms Industry
    The international situation is looking increasingly tense, which has led to the great arms producing nations of the world limiting their exports of equipment. We need to rapidly develop our own arms industry if we want to keep our military at full strength.
    • Requires the following:
      • Stimulate the EconomyStimulate the Economy
    Focus secret rearmament.png
    War Production
    The fires of war are spreading fast around the globe. Should they come to our lands, we must be able to rapidly switch our industries from producing cars and toasters, to tanks and bombs.
    • Requires the following:
      • Domestic Arms IndustryDomestic Arms Industry
    Undiversified Economy icon
    Undiversified Economy
    Over reliance on coffee exports left the Brazilian economy crippled when the great depression hit and the nations of the world stopped purchasing the addictive stimulant. Any government will have to diversify the economy into new areas if the nation is to thrive.

    Trial of Allegiance Shared Military Branches

    For the shared Military branch of the Brazilian focus tree, see Trial of Allegiance shared military national focus tree branches