
第31行: 第31行:
[[File:NF tree Finland.jpg|alt=|thumb|600px|芬兰国策树]]
[[File:NF tree Finland.jpg|alt=|thumb|600px|芬兰国策树]]
{{flag|Finland}} 在 {{icon|aat|1}}以力御暴扩展包中获得了独特国策树。未启用该扩展包时, 丹麦 将使用[[通用国 树]]
{{flag|Finland}} 在 {{icon|aat|1}}以力御暴扩展包中获得了独特国策树。未启用该扩展包时, 芬蘭 将使用 減短版的獨特國
{{#lst:Finnish national focus tree|branches desc}}
{{#lst:Finnish national focus tree|branches desc}}

2024年3月8日 (五) 23:13的版本






芬兰的国旗 芬兰(Finland),是斯堪的那维亚半岛的一个非主要国家。其北邻 挪威的国旗 挪威,西邻 瑞典的国旗 瑞典,东邻 苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟。芬兰的工业基础很弱小,核心人口为367万,面对苏联历史上的巨大压力,其生存空间面临巨大挑战。




芬兰的国旗 芬兰瑞典的国旗 瑞典的一个大型而又文化独立的地区,最早于12世纪初出现。在1809年的芬兰战争之后,芬兰被俄罗斯占领。在1917年布尔什维克革命和俄罗斯内部动荡之后,芬兰再次宣布独立。在1918年短暂但极富破坏性的内战之后,芬兰被正式承认为独立国家。

经过20年的独立,芬兰于1939年受到 苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟的袭击,导致了1939-1940年的冬季战争。千方百计,人数众多,装备不足的芬兰军队最终击退苏联的进攻,直到1940年的大规模攻势最终迫使该国为和平而停战。芬兰丧失了大约12.5%的领土(相当于游戏中的萨拉(Salla)和维普里(Viipuri)地区),但作为一个独立国家得以幸存,这与波罗的海国家早些时候并入苏联不同。

1941年,芬兰与纳粹德国一起发动了对苏联的战争(在苏联轰炸机袭击了纳粹轰炸机轰炸列宁格勒的芬兰军用飞机场之后),最初称这场战争为“夏季战争”。显然,巴巴罗萨计划(Barbarossa)失败后,它被更名为一场“持续战争”。在上述战争中,芬兰作为 德意志国的国旗 德意志国意大利的国旗 意大利的盟友,除了重新占领故有领土外,还入侵了东部的卡累利阿(Karelia)(相当于游戏中的奥涅加(Onega)和奥洛涅茨(Olonets)地区)。但是芬兰在冬季战争中失利了,尽管受到德国的压力,芬兰仍拒绝攻击列宁格勒或切断通往摩尔曼斯克的铁路,并与德国分开进行战争。

对东部的卡累利阿的征服和看似无法阻挡的国防军使芬兰法西斯主义政党IKL(“Isänmaallinen Kansanliike”)中的许多人梦想着建立一个“大芬兰”("Greater Finland"),甚至涵盖了整个斯堪的纳维亚半岛和波罗的海国家。

1944年,苏联的反攻攻势超出了轴心国军队的入侵力量,迫使芬兰人撤退,但芬兰军队在塔利-伊汉塔拉(Tali-ihantala),维萨尔米-艾拉帕(Vuosalmi-äyräpää)和维堡(Vyborg)战役中成功制止了苏联的进攻。芬兰于1945年初与苏联签署了停战协定,这使它成为德国沦陷前最后一个投降的欧洲轴心国,在拉普兰战争(Lapland War)中将其余的德国人从芬兰土地驱逐出去之后,第二次世界大战对于芬兰来说终于结束了。1947年,芬兰与其他同盟国国家签署了和平条约。






File:NF tree Finland.jpg

芬兰的国旗 芬兰以力御暴以力御暴以力御暴扩展包中获得了独特国策树。未启用该扩展包时,芬蘭将使用減短版的獨特國策樹。 Finnish national focus tree


Finland begins with few technologies, largely confined to contemporary infantry equipment and two support companies. Finland also begins with 3 research slots available; two more can be unlocked through the National Focus tree.

Technology 1936
Army Technology Naval Technology Air Technology Electronics & Industry
  • M/39 Ukko-Pekka Infantry Eq. I
  • Engineer Company I
  • Recon Company I
  • Towed Artillery I
  • Väinämöinen Class Light Cruiser I
  • Vetehinen Class Submarine I
  • None
  • None
  • None
  • None
  • None


Finland in 1936 finds itself holding tenuous territory out in the center between the Comintern and the Axis. With no established ideology, however, this leaves plenty of room to maneuver in response to shifting world events. Finland's government faces elections every 3 years.

With the 唤醒勇虎 Waking the Tiger expansion, Finland has a special Decision to form the 北欧联盟的国旗 北欧联盟 which is shared with the other nations that make up the League.

National spirits

Finland starts with one National Spirit:

Sisu icon
  • Division Recovery Rate: +25%
  • Division Attrition: −10%
  • Division Attack on core territory: +20%
  • Division Defense on core territory: +20%
Sisu is the uniquely Finnish expression for the resilience of the nation's people. Finland has faced harsh odds and will do so again.


The nation starts with the following laws:

征兵法案 经济法案 贸易法案
Limited conscription.png 有限征兵
  • 2.5% 适役人口
Civilian economy.png 民用经济
  • 35% 生活消费品工厂
  • –30% 军用工厂建造速度
  • –30% 民用工厂建造速度
  • +30% 军转民消耗
  • +30% 民转军消耗
  • -40% 石油转换燃油效率
  • -25% 燃油容量
Export focus.png 重视出口
  • 50% 可出口资源
  • +5% 科研速度
  • +10% 工厂/海军船坞产出
  • +10% 建造速度
  • +20% 泄露给他国的民政情报
  • +10% 泄露给他国的海军情报

Ruling party

中立主义 Maalaisliitto (Non-Aligned)

Centrism is a form of government which wants to achieve common sense solutions that appropriately address current and future needs, that support the public trust and serve the common good with consideration of risk and capacity in context of these needs.


  • No Can’t impose its ideology on other countries
  • No Can’t puppet countries in a peace conference
  • Ideology drift defense: -30%

World tension limits

  • Generate war goal : 50%
  • Join faction: 40%
  • Lend-lease: 40%
  • Send volunteers: 40%
  • Guarantee: 40%

Political parties

Political Party Ideology Popularity Party Leader Country Name Is Ruling?
Maalaisliitto 中立主义 Non-Aligned 79% Kyösti Kallio Finland Yes
Suomen Sosialidemokraatinen Puolue 民主主义 Democratic 10% Risto Heikki Ryti Republic of Finland No
Suomen Kommunistinen Puolue 共产主义 Communist 1% Aimo Aaltonen Peoples Republic of Finland No
Isänmaallinen Kansanliike 法西斯主义 Fascist 10% Vilho Annala Greater Finland No

Staff and designers

These are choices of advisors and design companies for Finland. Unless otherwise noted choices for designers are restricted to generics like "Armor Company" or "Industrial Concern".

Political Advisors
Advisor Type Effect Cost (政治点数)
Antti Hackzell Silent Workhorse
  • Political Power Gain: +15%
Åke Henrik Gartz Captain of Industry
  • Civilian Factory construction speed: +10 %
  • Infrastructure construction speed: +10 %
  • Refinery construction speed: +10 %
Ralf Törngren Ideological Crusader
  • Same ideology monthly opinion: +100%
Onni A. Hiltunen Democratic Reformer
  • Daily Democracy Support: +0.10
Otto Ville Kuusinen Communist Revolutionary
  • Daily Communism Support: +0.10
Bruno Salmiala Fascist Demagogue
  • Daily Fascism Support: +0.10
Ship Designers
Designer Type Effect Cost(政治点数)
Crichton-Vulcan OY Ship Designer
  • Naval Research Time: -10%
Aircraft Designers
Designer Type Effect Cost(政治点数)
Valtion Ientokonetehdas Light Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Time: -10%
  • Fighter:
    • Agility: +10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
  • Carrier Fighter:
    • Agility: +10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
Designer Type Effect Cost(政治点数)
Akseli Anttila Military Theorist
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.05 daily
  • Land Doctrine Research Time: -7%
Väinö Valve Naval Theorist
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.05 daily
  • Naval Doctrine Research Time: -7%


Finland begins with very low natural resources and over half of those are being exported, leaving just 6 units of steel and 1 unit of chromium for military use.

Oil.pngOil Rubber.png Rubber Steel.pngSteel Aluminum.pngAluminium Tungsten.pngTungsten Chromium.pngChromium
0 0 13 0 0 2


Finland has a small industrial base to start with and virtually all of it is concentrated around the capital.

Factories 1936
3 Military Factories
1 Naval Dockyard
7 Civilian Factory


In 1936, Finland starts with 17 infantry divisions, with 7 of them at Trained experience made up of 3 infantry battalions with a support engineer company and 10 of them at Regular experience made up of 6 infantry battalions with a support engineer company, 1 Cavalry division at Trained experience of 2 battalions with a support recon company, along with 2 Heavy Cruiser I and 4 Submarine I docked in Helsinki. Remaining recruitable Manpowermanpower is at 115 at the 1936 starting date. All the land divisions are suffering from significant equipment shortages.


17 Infantry.pngInfantry Divisions 1 Cavalry.pngCavalry Division

Manpower.png Manpower Used: 87.85K


2 Heavy Cruiser.png Heavy Cruisers I 4 Submarine.png Submarines I

Total: 6 Ships

Manpower.png Manpower Used: 3.80k

Air Force

Finland has no airplanes built nor any technologies to build them in 1936.

Military Staff

These are the Military Staff candidates for appointment in Finland.

Chief of Army
Candidate Type I Type II Effects Cost (政治点数)
Lauri Malmberg Army Drill (Expert)
  • Division training time: -10%
Hugo Österman Army Offense (Expert)
  • Division Attack: +10%
Carl G. Mannerheim Army Defense (Genius)
  • Division Defense: +15%
Chief of Navy
Candidate Type I Type II Effects Cost (政治点数)
Olavi Arho Commerce Raiding (Expert)
  • Commerce Raiding Efficiency: +15%
Eero Rahola Decisive Battle (Expert)
  • Capital Ship Attack: +15%
  • Capital Ship Armor: +15%
  • Screen Attack: +15%
  • Screen Defense: +15%
Chief of Airforce
Candidate Type I Type II Effects Cost (政治点数)
Jarl Lundqvist All-Weather (Expert)
  • Bad Weather Penalty: -20%
Olavi Sarko Ground Support (Expert)
  • Air Superiority: +10%
Military High Command
Candidate Type I Type II Effects Cost (政治点数)
Karl Oesch Army Regrouping (Genius)
  • Division Recovery Rate +12 %
Valio Porvari Air Superiority (Expert)
  • Air Superiority Attack: +3%
  • Air Superiority Defense: +3%
  • Air Superiority Agility: +3%
Lauri Tiainen Commando (Expert)
  • Special Forces Attack/Defense: +15%
Harald Öhquist Army Regrouping (Expert)
  • Division Recovery Rate +8 %

Strategies and Guides

Finland is one of the harder minors to play, but the potential for a great nation is there, the nation has good military advisors and generals, in addition, the national spirit of Sisu makes Finnish units hard-hitting in combat. If the player knows what they are doing, they can beat the Soviets 1 vs 1. If the player wants to play a longer campaign it is recommended to go for either fascist, or the communist ideology, the democratic or non-alinged paths are poor options, because Finland has a tiny industrial base and very limited manpower, as at the start of the game Finland is at limited conscription, with about 88 thousand manpower. Having 88 thousand manpower means it is almost impossible to defend against any kind of aggression, since the player will be getting more only after they are at war.

The following is just one strategy, but I have found out it works quite well in singleplayer at least. The strategy will contain a lot of small details and it might be required to find ones inner Sisu in order to finish reading this guide. If any DLC mechanics are used, they will be mentioned as: TFV (Together for Victory), DOD (Death or Dishonor) and WTT (Waking the Tiger), and the name or function of the mechanic. The dates mentioned are not a must, they are just a guideline of when the player should have certain things done, but if they have a few hundred hours of the game under their belt they can start making their own decisions, this is just “a very specific overall guide”.

Going fascist and making Suur-Suomi (Greater Finland), reality

Facist path is the best option for a tiny nation such as Finland. This option will mostly likely mean a war with the Soviets, but as they are going to attack Finland anyway, it doesn`t matter. If historical focus is on and Germany does the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, the player can expect the Soviet invasion about 6 to 12 months after Soviets get the claims, but it can vary a lot.

The player should start by doing the national focuses from “Political Effort” to “Militarism” and getting a facist advisor right after the first focus. At the start the player's production should be focused on building infantry equipment and convoys. It is recommended to delete most of the dockyards, as the player will accumulate later when invading other nations, since they are going to need the building slots. It is also possible to start building warships after the player has gained more dockyards, and beat the Soviet Baltic Fleet, but it is not too useful, since the Soviet AI doesnt't do naval invasions against the player and the player doesn't really have the capability to do naval invasions themselves.

Construction can be started by building a few civilian factories before going for military ones, or start to build military factories straight away. After this they should just build military factories until there is enough of them (I'll focus on this later), and then start building forts. For reseach the player should get (before June 1939), all the following techs that are not ahead of time, Fighter I (VL Myrsky), all the infantry weapon upgrades and Infantry weapons II (Suomi KP/-31), all anti-tank and artillery upgrades, motorized and the following support companies and their upgrades; engineer, maintanance, field hospital and logistics company, all engineering and industrial techs (not the radar, synthetic oil & rubber and conversion techs), but radio and as much from the land doctrine tree “Superior Firepower” as possible. Its is recommended to always have research on the doctrine going. It is also recommended to go for “Dispersed Industry”, “Dispersed Support” and “Shock and Awe” techs and their respective branches.

After finishing “Militarism” the player should go for industrial focuses and get the free research slot and the civilian factories, after that the player should take “Military Youth” and after that the “Army Effort” and “Doctrine Effort” focuses. And when it can be taken, the “Extra Research Slot II”, it is also important to for the player to have completed the focus “Ideological Fanaticism” before the war with the Soviets, since it grants a bonus to defence on core territory.

The player can expect the facists to take power somewhere in the beginning of 1937, if the player has the facist advisor and has completed the focus “Nationalism Focus”. Next advisors should be the “Silent Workhorse” and “Military Theorist”, in the order that the player chooses. Army XP is going to be important, but there is also a lot of uses for that extra political power. When the facists take power through a coup, (Dont do the civil war, it is not useful), the player should have about 120 free political power (PP) ready, and then start the justifications on first Sweden and then Norway. If the player thinks they can invade Denmark with less or the same effort, they should take it over Norway, but it should take no more time than invading Norway. Going to war with the Allies over Norway or Denmark is a bad option, because oil and rubber need to be bought from somewhere when the player is at war with the Soviets. If the player gets lucky, they will get both Sweden and Norway/Denmark before the allies can quarentee them, but, if not, Sweden will do, it will just take more to produce all the equipment they'll need. Before going to war with the Swedes, remember to garrison the ports of Vaasa, Turku, Helsinki and Åland, since the Swedish AI loves to navally invade them. Manpower should not be wasted when fighting agaisnt the other Nordic countries, as it's going to be needed later.

A quick note about manpower here; it is really important to always have manpower mobilizing, since the player is going to need a lot of it (about 560k to 620k to be precise), and the order of focuses and the choosing order of the laws should reflect this. The player should even go as far as to cause world tension to get for example the “Service By Requirement”, conscription law, this can be done, for example by justifying war on the USA, but the player should in no situation declare wars. Before the war with the Soviets the player should also have the following military high command, Carl G. Mannerheim, Karl Oesch, Valio Porvari and Harald Öhquist.

The production (June 1939), should resemble the following, 10-15 factories on Infantry Equipment, 5-7 on Support Equipment, 15-20 on Artillery, 2-3 on Anti-tank, 1-2 on Motorized and the rest on building fighters + if the player has the DLC WTT, they can build some transports for use later. The division that is best suited for a defensive war like this with the finnish national spirits and leaders looks like the following, 20 infantry battalions, 5 artillery batallions, combat-width of 55. As support there should be; an Anti-Tank, Engineer Corp, Field Hospital, Maintainence, and a Logistics company. The player should recruit 24 of these, and give them to one of their 2 starting generals, if they have the DLC WTT they should recruit a new field marshal and give them the defensive traits. If not, just promote General Nenonen and use him as the field marshal. The player can also use the historical finnish commander-in-chief C.G.E. Mannerheim as the field marshal (I just wonder why it took paradox 2 years to put him in as the highest base defence leader in the game). Recruiting 24 of these units will cost the following; 590k Manpower, 4400 Artillery, 600 AT, 50k Infantry Equipment, 700 Motorized and 2500 Support Equipment. The high combat width of the division is because of the Finnish national spirit of Sisu that gives +20% defense on core territory, 20% is more when taken from 55 width divisions, compared to for example, 40 width divisions.

The player should start building forts and start doing the continuous focus “Construction Effort”, in early 1939 or when Germany starts doing the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact national focus. Build level 3 forts in all provinces, and level 4 forts in provinces that are connected to 3 Soviet provinces. After that the player can build whatever they want. Units can be put like the following, 4 on the Karelian Isthmus, the rest (20), with a frontline order on the rest of the border, 2 in the provinces connected to the 3 Soviet provinces. Once the Soviets invade, the player needs to pay attention to where their units are getting constantly attacked and shuffle so the frontline division can recover its organisation at some time, this is because of the high combat-width, there can most likely be only 1 division defending in battle (and for some reason its always the same division), though there is 2 in the province. If the player has the DLC WTT, they can stop building regular equipment after the war begins, since they are going to capture more than enough from the Soviets. Because of this fact, the conscription law should be raised as high as possible after the war begins, to gain more manpower to build more divisions for the invasion of the USSR. When the war starts the continuous focus should be changed to “Construction Repair”, because the soviets will try to bomb the built bunkers to the ground.

Now they just have to wait and let the Soviets endlessly attack the Finnish defensive line (yes it is this strategy again.) Until they reach 2 to 3 million casualties, wait, then after that the player can start attacking, hopefully with air superiority, and with those transports assigned to dropping supplies into the states of Onega, Olonets and Murmansk, because the supply there is bad to, say the least. It is also possible to build tank divisions from the thousands of tanks the player is going to capture during the defensive phase. Should the player lose a part of the defensive line, they should try to retake it before the Soviets can funnel troops in there, after a week for example. It can not really be taken back because of the forts and this might cause the entire line to collapse to provinces where there's no forts. The player should try to encircle as many Soviet divisions as possible when they advance into Onega and Murmansk. The city of Leningrad can be taken when the player thinks it is time, but its recommended to take it after the player has 28-30 divsions with the template mentioned above. Soviets will start constantly attacking to take back the city, so the player should have enough divisions to shuffle and defend. After this, the Soviets should be so crippled the player can, by carefully advancing, take advantage of the rivers and other easy to defend locations to wear down the Soviet forces, take Moscow and other cities to make the Soviets capitulate. After gaining the soviet industrial base it should be fairly easy to make Finland the only superpower on the planet. All the manpower problems the player might experience after removing the Soviets can be fixed by having the DLC TVF and releasing for example, Ukraine, to milk manpower off them.


Northern Light.jpg
Northern Light
As a Scandinavian country form your own faction, and have Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland in it.