主要国家 |
次要国家 |
加拿大自治领 澳大利亚 新西兰 南非 英属印度 捷克斯洛伐克 匈牙利王国 罗马尼亚王国 南斯拉夫 中华民国 中共 满洲国 桂系 滇系 晋系 西北三马 新疆 墨西哥 荷兰 西班牙 葡萄牙 保加利亚 希腊王国 土耳其 立陶宛 拉脱维亚 爱沙尼亚 波兰 |
其它国家 |
无编辑摘要 |
(→National spirits: 显然Nationalist不是民族主义者而战KMT支持者) |
第78行: | 第78行: | ||
<section begin="national_spirit" /> | <section begin="national_spirit" /> | ||
{{box wrapper}} | {{box wrapper}} | ||
{{Effectbox|共产主义崛起|共产 | {{Effectbox|共产主义崛起|共产 党 和 国 民 党 之间的紧张关系存在于国家的各个角落。如果共产党支持率过高,他们将控制国家政权。|file=FRA scw intervention republicans focus | ||
|modifiers= | |modifiers= | ||
}} | }} |
中华民国(China),是一个位于东亚的地区性大国。虽然它不是七大主要国家之一,但由于它领导着抗日民族统一战线,使它最终总是成为一个大国。它北面与 日本及其傀儡国 蒙古国和 满洲国接壤,西部与 西藏相邻,西南与 英属印度接壤。中华民国在收回其核心领土后也可能与 联合王国, 葡萄牙和 法国接壤。 由于中国被军阀割裂,中国的大部分核心领土都属于军阀集团,南部有 滇系集团和 桂系集团,西北部有 新疆集团,北部有 西北三马集团和 没有结果集团。它还与北部的 中共接壤,两国都在围绕中国内战展开活动。
1928年,在北伐战争结束后,蒋介石在名义上统一了“国民党”(又称中国国民党),开始了工业化和现代化建设。然而,共和国仍然充满了冲突,因为国民党政府竭力控制军阀( 没有结果, 滇系, 桂系, 西北三马和 新疆)集团的存;在与新生的 中共进行内战等等。
1931年9月18日, 日本的关东军在后来被称为“九一八事变”中,以侵略中国东北为借口,发动迅速占领中国东北的行动,并于1932年建立了傀儡国 满洲国。接下来的几年里,一段相对和平的时期接踵而至,直到1937年卢沟桥事变后, 日本的全面入侵打破了和平。国民党和共产党放下敌对的行动,组成了抗日民族统一战线。第二次中日战争一直持续到1945年,继广岛和长崎原子弹爆炸和苏联进攻 满洲国的关东军之后,日本宣布无条件投降。然而,中国内战几乎立即重新爆发,主要敌对行动从1946年持续到1950年,当时共产党军队控制了中国大陆,中华民国退却到台湾。时至今日,战争虽已停止,但和平条约从未签署,中华人民共和国和中华民国都声称是全中国唯一合法的政府。
中华民国在 唤醒猛虎 DLC中获得了一个独特的国策树。在没有该DLC的情况下,中国将使用通用国策树。
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中国一开始只有伟大的战争时代的技术,只有两个研究时段。它还可以从国家重点中再获得三个名额:“扩大中国科学院”、“化学研究所”和“农村学校”。虽然第一个额外的研究时段很容易获得,但其余两个时段需要相当大的努力才能解锁,尤其是“农村学校”的一个,它至少需要8个重点(而且可能更多,因为这些重点中的大多数都会inflation ,只有完成其他重点才能降低通胀)。
陆军技术 | 海军技术 | 航空技术 | 电子与工业 |
Doctrines | |||
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China in 1936 is a fractured and weakened nation, plagued by intra-KMT struggles, warlordism and an ever-present threat of a communist takeover. Aside from Nationalist China itself, several Chinese warlords (specifically 滇系, the 桂系, 晋系, 西北三马 and 新疆) also control parts of China, dividing up the country into several smaller mutually hostile factions. China starts in an uneasy truce with 中共, while 日本 is to its north preparing for war and is likely to invade by mid-1937. Another diplomatic problem China has is one of its national spirits, "Communist Uprisings", which, if communist support rises high enough, will cause a random state to switch over to Communist China's control. This is a highly deleterious national spirit as the loss of a state means loss of resources, factories and manpower among other crippling penalties.
With the Waking the Tiger expansion, China no longer starts with "Communist Uprisings"; instead it has to contend with the Chinese Power Struggle mechanic, in which the communists and the warlords are able to use political power to contest leadership over China after completing certain national focuses. Communist China is also able to infiltrate and stage uprisings in Chinese states and seize control of them. In addition, China begins with additional, crippling National Spirits that severely reduce its overall combat effectiveness across the board. These require time-consuming military and bureaucratic reform, through both National Focuses and Decisions, to remove.
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China starts with two national spirits in the base game:
在 唤醒勇虎DLC启动的情况下,中国开局不会有共产主义崛起的民族精神,但会保留德国军事顾问团的民族精神。 此外,还会增加如下民族精神:
China starts off as a non-aligned nation, but pursuing its national Focus tree far enough will eventually cause a gradual shift towards democracy.
Despotism is a form of government in which a single person rules with absolute power.
Political Party | Ideology | Popularity | Party Leader | Is Ruling? | Nation Name |
国民党 | 中立 | 100% | 蒋介石 | 是 | 中国 |
中国民主同盟 | 民主主义 | 0% | 翁文灏 | 否 | 中华民国 |
中国共产党 | 共产主义 | 0% | 张国焘 | 否 | 中华人民民国 |
蓝衣社 | 法西斯主义 | 0% | 汪精卫 | 否 | 改组国民政府 |
These are choices of advisors and design companies for China.
Designer | Type | Effect | Cost () |
Sino-German Technical Mission | Heavy Tank Designer |
One of the following must be true:
At peace with 德意志国 |
150 |
Morozov Design Bureau | Mobile Tank Designer |
Has completed focus Hire Soviet Designer |
150 |
Concern | Type | Effect | Cost () |
Mining Commission |
Has completed focus Mining Commission |
0 | |
Anshan Steel Works | Industrial Concern |
Controls Liaotung |
150 |
Western Refinery | Refining Concern |
Controls Liaotung |
150 |
Sino-Soviet Resource Survey | Refining Concern |
Controls Urumqi |
150 |
Shanghai Electronics | Electronics Concern |
Controls Shanghai |
150 |
Theorist | Type | Effect | Cost () |
Bo Yibo | Military Theorist |
150 |
Fang Zeyi | Air Warfare Theorist |
150 |
Huang Shen | Naval Theorist |
150 |
Claire Lee Chennault | Air Warfare Theorist |
Has completed focus Hire Chennault |
75 |
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征兵法案 | 经济法案 | 贸易法案 |
Type | No. | |
Aluminum | 0 | |
Chromium | 0 | |
Oil | 2 | |
Rubber | 0 | |
Steel | 35 | |
Tungsten | 9 |
Type | No. | |
Civilian factory | 20 | |
Military factory | 11 | |
Naval dockyard | 1 |
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In 1936, China starts with a sizable but under-equipped army, and is supplemented with a small navy and air force. Overall, it has a total manpower of 3.06M, of which 276.00K is tied up in the army, 11.90K in the navy and 2.60K in the air force, leaving 2.78M available for recruitment.
Type | No. | |
Infantry | 52 | |
Cavalry | 5 | |
Total divisions | 57 |
Type | No. | |
Destroyer | 2 | |
Light cruiser | 7 | |
Total ships | 9 |
Type | No. | |
Fighter | 100 | |
Tactical bomber | 15 | |
Total planes | 115 |
The army in 1936 starts with 52 infantry divisions, with 28 of them made up of 4 infantry battalions and 24 of them made up of 6 infantry battalions, and 5 cavalry divisions each of 4 battalions.
Examples of alternative division template names for the National Revolutionary Army include:
Name | Type | Effect | Cost () |
Wang Shu-ming | Ground Support (Expert) |
150 |
Zhou Zhirou | Old Guard |
150 |
Claire Lee Chennault | Ground Support (Expert) |
Requires focus Hire Chennault |
75 |
China starts off right in the middle of the Century of Humiliation and is still laboring and suffering from its effects, with corruption and incompetence hampering its governmental, military and industrial performance. In addition to that, China is also threatened by 日本 and will most likely only have around a year to prepare before war breaks out.
Thus, China will have to focus heavily on industrial build-up in order to allow it to properly equip and outfit its military to defend against Japan. Taking "Unified Industrial Planning" first is arguably the best choice for national Focuses, since "Expand the Academica Sinica" is available immediately after, which unlocks an additional research slot, allowing you to put more effort into both Industrial and Electrical research. The National Focus "Invite Foreign Investors" grants two civilian factories (which cannot get damaged) and if you can conquer the 晋系 clique, the "Taiyuan Arsenal" and "Develop the Hanyan Arsenal" will grant additional military factories..
China also suffers from the Nation Spirit "Army Corruption", applies an immense -50% penalty to all division attack and defense, making China's military very ineffective in combat. This makes China's military so weak in fact, that when taking into account Japan's division templates this means that a force of comparable Chinese units might still lose a battle even when outnumbering the Japanese. You are essentially sending your men into a fight they are not likely to win and the only military strategy that China is capable of pulling off at this stage, given its incompetent leadership, is sending in its disorganized units en masse and relying on its massive army to win the day. Significant casualties are to be expected for your soldiers and it may very well be that China's rivers will have to run red with the blood of their sacrifice if China is to have any hope of an independent future.
But there is, however, hope. Even though China's units cannot match Japan's in battle, it is possible to compensate for that by bringing in a bigger stick to the fight. That bigger stick is Artillery; Artillery is quite affordable for China and grants a significant increase to both Divison Soft Attack and Hard Attack. If you place enough Artillery in a single division, you can actually increase its firepower to the point where, even with the penalty, you are able to hold your own against Japan through raw numbers alone. As such, mass-producing and equipping your units with Line Artillery can give your army units the necessary bite to allow them to more easily compete with Japanese units until the Army Corruption national spirit can be removed. In addition to regular Artillery, adding in Anti-Tank and Anti-Air artillery can also be very helpful for dealing with Japanese Tanks, Trucks and Planes, evening the odds in battle.
"Military Affairs Commission" should be taken early on to start down on the path to removing Army Corruption.
Guard China's coast closely! If enough firepower is provided and effort is given, China is capable of holding off a Japanese attack from Manchuria but Japan has an Ace in the hole to undermine that and achieve victory. That Ace in the hole is Naval invasions; if China manages to significantly slow down or even halt the Japanese advance into China from Manchuria, Japan is very likely to attempt to launch a naval invasion to open up a second front and overwhelm China by overextending its weak military.
To prevent this from happening, make sure to station at least 3-4 garrison divisions (again, with Artillery to even the odds) at every port on China's coast to prevent Japan from gaining a foothold to open up a second front. You should also have a handful of "reserve garrison" units at the ready to reinforce any port that is under attack. If Japan attacks a port and the battle is not going well, move the reserve units in to assist the garrison units in holding off the attack. If Japan manages to defeat the garrison and capture a port then unless you manage to retake it quickly enough, this can potentially spell disaster as while China is capable of holding off Japan on one front, a second front will very likely be too much for China's weakened military to handle as they will likely no be able to field enough units quickly enough to mount a workable defense.
China's low starting stability reduces political power gain as well as factory output, which are both very important for China in the coming years. Being at war with less than 50% stability can also cause negative events to occur. Therefore, increasing China's stability is a top priority. Fortunately, this is one of the easier problems to solve, with several options at China's disposal:
The biggest barrier to winning the war against Japan, this national spirit applies a nasty -50% penalty to all division attack and defense. The "Army Reform" national focus will grant access to decisions to reduce and eventually remove the national spirit altogether but this requires a large amount of Army XP, which is difficult to acquire when not at war. Historical Japan will trigger the Marco Polo Bridge Incident as its 8th focus, so China should make sure this focus is completed by then or at least soon after.
At significant political power cost, a decent amount of army experience can be gained by sending an attache to one of the sides of the Spanish Civil war. This may speed up the process of getting rid of army corruption.
China starts with just two research slots and few researched technologies. Expand the Academia Sinica is a good early focus for the extra research slot, but additional research slots will take longer. Early research should focus on industry and infantry, as China starts with a huge surplus of manpower but an underdeveloped industry.
The Nine Power Treaty prevents China from switching away from the Free Trade law, which will generally result in many civilian factories being traded away for China's steel needs. Removing the Treaty requires progressing through one of the diplomatic focus branches. The German or Soviet branches are the fastest way to accomplish this, with a total of 7 focuses being required. Note that these two paths typically require improved relations with the chosen nation over that provided by focuses, as well as the Motorized tech which may take more than the length of two focuses to research.
Removing the Nine Powers treaty may not be an urgent concern however. If one is able to conquer the 桂系, its plentiful resources will allow China to more easily satisfy its own resource needs and can make it more valuable to export these for a large number of civilian factories which one can turn around and use to import what one needs over land such as from the USSR. This can be used to massively supplement your own factories. In addition, the research and production boosts make free trade a very valuable law as long as you are exporting as much as you are importing.
China starts with Low Inflation, a deleterious national spirit that reduces factory output and the number of civilian factories available for construction, and its effects will progressively worsen if any national focus that increases inflation is completed:
If China reaches a state of Economic Collapse, any remaining focuses that increase inflation will be locked. To remove its effects, focuses that reduce inflation must be completed. In fact, it is prudent to alternate between focuses that increase inflation and focuses that reduce inflation so as to mitigate the negative effects of inflation. However, since there are only a limited number of focuses that reduce inflation, it is important to complete the focus Forced Loans, which will unlock a decision, re-enactable once every 90 days, that reduces inflation by one level at the cost of 100 Political Power, -3% Stability and -3% War Support.
A choice must be made about whether or not to go down the welfare national focus tree. This will increase one's war support but will also raise inflation. Increasing one's war support may also be done rather cheaply through propaganda without increasing inflation. However, without going down this tree, China can only get 4 total research spots. This may not be a major concern as China both may not need to research many technologies (naval and radar and perhaps tank and air technology with licensed production) and can make up for its technological inferiority with massive numerical superiority. Not going down this path also frees up time to focus on the other national focuses. It may be best to first prosecute the war with Japan to a close and then start working one's way down the Welfare branch while at peace, making it less likely for the Inflation to cause problems while at war.
One strategy is to go down the national focus tree to the focus “Subjugate the Warlords” (through Three Principles of the People, Nationalism and Prioritize the Interior). This makes China send an ultimatum to 晋系, 新疆, 桂系, 滇系 and 西北三马. You will easily overpower them with your superior power, as long as you fight the ones that don’t submit one by one. You can then attack 中共 through the focus Anti-Communism which gives you a war goal on them. Once you have done this, taking on 日本 will be a lot easier due to your new might, as you now control a lot more of your core territory.
主要国家 |
次要国家 |
加拿大自治领 澳大利亚 新西兰 南非 英属印度 捷克斯洛伐克 匈牙利王国 罗马尼亚王国 南斯拉夫 中华民国 中共 满洲国 桂系 滇系 晋系 西北三马 新疆 墨西哥 荷兰 西班牙 葡萄牙 保加利亚 希腊王国 土耳其 立陶宛 拉脱维亚 爱沙尼亚 波兰 |
其它国家 |
欧洲 |
阿尔巴尼亚 奥地利 比利时 保加利亚 捷克斯洛伐克 丹麦 爱沙尼亚 芬兰 法国 德意志国 希腊王国 匈牙利王国 爱尔兰 意大利 拉脱维亚 立陶宛 卢森堡 荷兰 挪威 波兰 葡萄牙 西班牙 罗马尼亚王国 斯洛伐克 苏维埃联盟 瑞典 瑞士 土耳其 联合王国 南斯拉夫 |
北美 |
加拿大自治领 哥斯达黎加 古巴 多米尼加共和国 萨尔瓦多 危地马拉 海地 洪都拉斯 墨西哥 尼加拉瓜 巴拿马 美利坚合众国 |
南美 |
亚洲 |
阿富汗 不丹 英属马来亚 英属印度 中华民国 中共 桂系 伊朗 伊拉克 日本 满洲国 蒙古国 蒙古 尼泊尔 阿曼 菲律宾 沙特阿拉伯 晋系 暹罗 新疆 唐努图瓦 西藏 西北三马 也门 滇系 |
非洲 |
大洋洲 |