(未显示10个用户的49个中间版本) |
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| {{version|1.9}} | | {{version|1.9}} |
| {{country | | {{country |
| |Capital = 柏林 | | |Capital = {{地区|64}},{{胜利点|6521}} |
| |Government = 法西斯 政体,民族社会 主义 | | |Government = {{图标|法西斯主义| 法西斯主义}} |
| |Faction = 轴心国(领 袖 ) | | |Faction = 轴心国(领 导者 ) |
| }} | | }} |
| '''{{flag|German Reich}}(German Reich)''',是继第一次世界大战后于1918/19年11月革命中被摧毁的大德意志帝国(德意志第二帝国)的继承者。所谓的魏玛共和国(Weimar Republic)一直保留着德意志国的名字,直到1945年为止。随着纳粹党(Nazi party)于1933年上台,该国变成了由[[Adolf Hitler|阿道夫•希特勒]](Adolf Hitler)领导的独裁国家。它是欧洲战场的主要[[Axis Power|轴心国力量]]。从历史上看,德意志国于1939年9月1日进攻波兰,从而引发了第二次世界大战。德意志国于1945年5月4日至5月9日投降,结束了第二次世界大战的欧洲战场。 | | '''{{ 国旗|German Reich}}(German Reich)''',是继第一次世界大战后于1918/19年11月革命中被摧毁的大德意志帝国(德意志第二帝国)的继承者。所谓的魏玛共和国(Weimar Republic)一直保留着德意志国的名字,直到1945年为止。随着纳粹党(Nazi party)于1933年上台,该国变成了由[[Adolf Hitler|阿道夫•希特勒]](Adolf Hitler)领导的独裁国家。它是欧洲战场的主要[[Axis Power|轴心国力量]]。从历史上看,德意志国于1939年9月1日进攻波兰,从而引发了第二次世界大战。德意志国于1945年5月4日至5月9日投降,结束了第二次世界大战的欧洲战场。 |
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| 1936年,纳粹党几乎已经牢牢掌握了权力,几乎没有面对有组织的国内抵抗,并为该国为下一次战争做准备。 | | 1936年,纳粹党几乎已经牢牢掌握了权力,几乎没有面对有组织的国内抵抗,并为该国为下一次战争做准备。 |
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| | ==背景== |
| | {{#lsth:剧本|德意志国}} |
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| ==地理== | | ==地理== |
| 在1936年, {{flag|German Reich}}是欧洲最强大的国家之一 ,横跨西欧和中欧的部分地区 ,从莱茵河到西里西亚 (Silesia) ,从 北海和 波罗的海到阿尔卑斯山。从北部沿顺时针方向,德国依次与 {{flag|Denmark}}, {{flag|Poland}}, {{flag|Czechoslovakia}}, {{flag|Austria}}, {{flag|Switzerland}}, {{flag|法国}}, {{flag|卢森堡}}, {{flag|比利时}}和 {{flag|荷兰}}接壤。 另 外,东普鲁士 的领土从 波罗的海 向北延伸到 东 北的 {{flag|立陶宛}}, 在东面,南面和西 面与 {{flag|波兰}}相邻 。 | | 在1936年, {{ 国旗|German Reich}} 尽管遭到了一战的削弱,却仍 是欧洲最强大的国家之一,从莱茵河到西里西亚,从波罗的海到阿尔卑斯山 脉 。从北部沿顺时针方向,德国 本土 依次与 {{ 国旗|Denmark}}, {{ 国旗|Poland}}, {{ 国旗|Czechoslovakia}}, {{ 国旗|Austria}}, {{ 国旗|Switzerland}}, {{ 国旗|法国}}, {{ 国旗|卢森堡}}, {{ 国旗|比利时}}和 {{ 国旗|荷兰}}接壤。 此 外,东普鲁士 北临 波罗的海 , 东 邻 {{ 国旗|立陶宛}}, 其余两 面与 {{ 国旗|波兰}}相邻。 |
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| 在1936年剧本中,莱茵兰地区(Rhineland)和摩泽兰地区(Moselland)是非军事区,德意志国直到完成莱茵兰的国策之前,或者在完成国策之前参与战争之前,都无法将部队移入该地区。
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| 德国的海岸线主要由平原和东弗里斯兰(East Frisian)的沼泽组成,它们共同构成了北欧平原(North European Plain)的一部分。德国大部分内陆森林茂密,最著名的是阿尔萨斯边境附近的黑森林(Black Forest)地区。山麓地区主导着捷克斯洛伐克边境。与瑞士和奥地利的南部边界有些山区,尽管战前德国边界内实际上没有多少阿尔卑斯领土。康斯坦茨湖(Lake Constance,又称博登湖)是与瑞士北部边境的一部分。莱茵河和多瑙河分别部分地流经德国,直达北海和黑海,而易北河,奥得河和威悉河均流经德国,在汉堡(Hamburg),斯德丁(Stettin)和不来梅(Bremen)几个主要港口汇入大海。基尔运河横穿德国石勒苏益格-荷尔斯泰因州(Schleswig-Holstein),连接了北海和波罗的海,使德国和其盟国的船只可以绕过丹麦。
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| 德国有许多大城市,而大多数德国的[[地区]]至少拥有一个主要城市。从战略的角度来看,首都柏林(Berlin)以及法兰克福(Frankfurt)和慕尼黑(Munich)是最重要的城市,西北部莱茵兰-鲁尔区的大型城市带也是重要的,高度工业化的地区。德国最大的海军基地位于威廉港(Wilhelmshaven)和基尔(Kiel),该国的基础设施水平普遍较高。
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| ==历史背景==
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| 18世纪初普鲁士崛起,根据1815年维也纳会议,组成了德意志邦联(Deutscher Bund),1848年德国各地爆发革命,普鲁士首相奥托·爱德华·利奥波德·冯·俾斯麦(Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck)领导了艰苦卓绝的军事和外交斗争,使得普鲁士在1866年的“七星期战争”(“Seven week war”)中击败奥地利,次年建立北德意志联邦,1871年统一的德意志帝国(Deutsches Kaiserreich)建立。德意志完成了以普鲁士为主体的统一。
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| 1914年德国挑起第一次世界大战,1918年因战败而宣告崩溃。1919年2月德意志建立魏玛共和国(Weimar Republic)。1933年希特勒上台实行独裁统治。德国于1939年发动第二次世界大战。在同盟国打击下,1945年5月8日德国战败投降。
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| 德军于1939年9月1日对波兰展开入侵,后协同苏军迅速占领波兰全境,英国及法国向德国宣战,第二次世界大战就此展开。随着战争进行,德国及其盟国迅速控制欧洲大陆及北非,但迫使英国投降或停战的计划未能成功。1941年6月22日,德国违反《苏德互不侵犯条约》并入侵苏联。日本发动珍珠港偷袭迫使德国最终向美国宣战。德国于1942年6月28日—1942年9月13日—1943年2月19日的蓝色行动(德语:Fall Blau,即齐格菲行动)遭受失败而由东线战场撤退。德国的盟国意大利于1943年9月投降,迫使德国须防御意大利战线。诺曼底战役后增加了西线战场,同盟国军队进一步进入德国领土。1945年4月25日红军攻入柏林城,4月30日红军完全占领柏林城区,当天下午希特勒自杀,当时柏林城防区司令打算向苏军进攻柏林部队的统帅做出有条件的投降,但因苏军进攻柏林的部队的统帅拒绝投降未果,最终几经交涉和斗争之后于5月2日在红军占领柏林之后对苏军统帅无条件投降,5月8日,德国正式宣布无条件投降 。
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| 战后 , 根据雅尔塔协定 和 波茨坦协定 ,德国 分别由美、英、法、苏四国占领,并由四国组 成 盟 国 管制委员会接管德国最高权力。柏林市也划分成4个占领区。1948年6月 , 美、英、 法 三国占领 区 合并 。 翌年5月23日,合并 后 的西部占领区成立了德意志联邦共和 国 (The Federal Republic of Germany)。同年10月7日 , 东部的苏占 区 成立了德意志民主共和国(German Democratic Republic),德国从此正式分裂为两个主权国家 。 | | 在1936年剧本中 , 莱茵兰 和 摩泽兰是非军事区 ,德 意志 国 直到完 成 进军莱茵兰的 国 策或卷入某场战争 , 都无 法 将部队移入该地 区。 如果再军事化 后 在与敌 国 对峙时退缩 , 那么该区域将恢复非军事 区。 |
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| 1989年民主 德国 局势发生了急剧变化。自同年5月起 ,大 批公民出走联邦德国。10月初 , 许多城市相继爆发了规模不等的示威游行 , 要求放宽出国旅行 和 新闻媒介 的 限制等。10月18日,民主 德国 总统埃里希·昂纳克(Erich Honecker)宣布辞职。11月9日 , “柏林墙”开放。11月28日 , 联邦 德国 总理赫尔穆特·科尔(Helmut Kohl)提出关于两个德 国 实现统一 的 十点计划。
| | 德国 北部的海岸线主要是平原和东弗里斯兰的沼泽 ,大 部分内陆森林茂密 , 山麓地区主导着捷克斯洛伐克边境 , 与瑞士 和 奥地利 的 南部边界也有部分山区。基尔运河横穿 德国 石勒苏益格-荷尔斯泰因州 , 连接了北海和波罗的海 , 这样 德国 和其盟 国的 船只可以绕过丹麦而自由往来两海 |
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| 1989年东欧剧变 , 包括东 德 在内 的 各国共产党政权纷纷垮台;在四强同意下,1990年东德 和西 德终 于 达成两德统一 。
| | 德国有许多大城市 , 而大多数 德 国 的[[地区]]至少拥有一个主要城市。从战略的角度来看,首都柏林以及法兰克福 和 慕尼黑等最为重要, 西 北部的莱茵兰-鲁尔区是主要工业区,最大的海军基地位 于 威廉港和基尔。全国基础设施水平普遍较高 。 |
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| ==事件== | | ==事件== |
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| ==国策树== | | ==国策树== |
| [[File:NF tree Germany.jpg|thumb|600px|German national focus tree.]] | | [[File:NF tree Germany.jpg|thumb|600px| 德国国策树]] |
| {{main|德意志国国策树}} | | {{main|德意志国国策树}} |
| {{flag|德意志国}}作为七个主要国家之一,拥有独特的国策树。 | | {{ 国旗|德意志国}}作为七个主要国家之一,拥有独特的国策树。 |
| {{#lst:German national focus tree|branches desc}} | | {{#lst:German national focus tree|branches desc}} |
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| == Technology == | | == 科技 == |
| {{SVersion|1.9}} | | {{SVersion|1.9}} |
| {| class="wikitable" | | {| class="wikitable" |
| |- | | |- |
| ! Army Technology || Naval Technology || Air Technology || Electronics & Industry | | ! 陆军科技 || 海军科技 || 空军科技 || 电子与工业科技 |
| |- style="vertical-align: top;" | | |- style="vertical-align: top;" |
| | | | | |
| * Infantry Eq. I | | * 步兵装备I |
| * Motorized | | * 摩托化步兵 |
| * Armored Car I | | * 装甲车I |
| * Mountain Infantry I | | * 山地步兵师I |
| * Support Equipment | | * 支援装备 |
| * Engineer Company I | | * 工程连I |
| * Recon Company I | | * 侦察连I |
| * Light Tank II | | * 轻型坦克II |
| * Heavy Tank I | | * 重型坦克I |
| * Towed Artillery I | | * 牵引式火炮I |
| * Towed Anti-Air I | | * 牵引式防空炮I |
| || | | || |
| * 1936 Destroyer Hull / Destroyer II (without MtG) | | * 1936 型驱逐舰船体/ 驱逐舰II ( 无涡轮发动机主机) |
| **Passive Sonar | | ** 被动型声呐 |
| **Basic Depth Charges | | ** 基础型深水炸弹 |
| * 1936 Cruiser Hull / Light Cruiser II (without MtG) | | * 1936 型巡洋舰船体/ 轻型巡洋舰II ( 无涡轮发动机主机) |
| * Heavy Cruiser I (without MtG) | | * 重型巡洋舰I ( 无涡轮发动机主机) |
| ** Upgraded Deutschland Class (without MtG) | | ** 升级版德意志级重型巡洋舰 ( 无涡轮发动机主机) |
| * Basic Cruiser Armor Scheme / Heavy Cruiser II (without MtG) | | * 基础巡洋舰装甲系统 / 重型巡洋舰II ( 无涡轮发动机主机) |
| * 1936 Heavy Ship Hull / Battleship II (without MtG) | | * 1936 型重型船体/ 战列舰II ( 无涡轮发动机主机) |
| ** Battlecruiser I (without MtG) | | ** 战列巡洋舰I ( 无涡轮发动机主机) |
| * 1936 Submarine Hull / Submarine II (without MtG) | | * 1936 型潜艇船体/ 潜艇II ( 无涡轮发动机主机) |
| * Improved Ship Torpedo Launcher | | * 改良型鱼雷发射器 |
| * Basic Light Battery | | * 基础轻型炮组 |
| * Basic Medium Battery | | * 基础中型炮组 |
| * Basic Heavy Battery | | * 基础重型炮组 |
| * Turreted Secondary Battery | | * 旋转式副炮组 |
| * Transport Ship | | * 运输船 |
| * Contact Mine | | * 接触式水雷 |
| * Minelaying Submarine | | * 布雷潜艇 |
| || | | || |
| * Close Air Support I | | * 近距离空中支援I |
| * Fighter I | | * 战斗机I |
| * Naval Bomber I | | * 海上轰炸机I |
| * Tactical Bomber I | | * 战术轰炸机I |
| * Strategic Bomber I | | * 战略轰炸机I |
| || | | || |
| * Fuel Refining I | | * 燃料精炼I |
| * Synthetic Oil Experiments | | * 合成油试验 |
| |- | | |- |
| ! colspan="4" | Doctrines | | ! colspan="4" | 主张 |
| |- | | |- |
| | | | | |
| * [[Mobile Warfare]] | | * [[Mobile Warfare|运动战]] |
| | | | | |
| * [[Trade Interdiction]] | | * [[Trade Interdiction|贸易封锁]] |
| | | | | |
| * [[Battlefield Support]] | | * [[Battlefield Support|战场支援]] |
| |} | | |} |
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| ==Politics== | | == 政治== |
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| ===National spirit=== | | === 民族精神=== |
| {{SVersion|1.9}}
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| <section begin=national_spirit/> | | <section begin=national_spirit/> |
| {{box wrapper|{{Effectbox|苦涩的失败者|上次大战失败的苦涩支配了这个国家|modifiers=*意识形态变化抵 抗: {{green|+50%}} | | 德国在基础游戏中开局有两个民族精神: |
| *[[file:yes.png|x22px]]可以创建阵营}} | | {{box wrapper| |
| {{Effectbox|总参谋部|The German General staff was responsible for the continuous study of all aspects of war, including the drawing up and reviewing of plans for mobilization or campaign. This contributed to a higher level of Organization in the army.|modifiers=* 陆军 组织度: {{green|+5%}} | | {{ 效果框|苦涩的失败者|file=Bitter Loser|上次 世界 大战 中 失败的苦涩支配了这个国家 的政治。|modifiers=*意识形态变化抵 制力度:{{ 绿字|+50%}} |
| *计划速度: {{green|+25%}}}} | | *[[file:yes.png|x22px]] 可以创建阵营}} |
| {{Effectbox|[[MEFO Bills]]|file=Idea ger mefo bills| 梅福 劵were promissory notes created by Hjalmar Schacht to enable the government to fund rearmament, acting through the balance sheet entity Metallurgische Forschungsgesellschaft to hide this rearmament from French and British eyes. These bills must be extended for six-month periods, or their recipients will have to be paid when they fall due. | | {{ 效果框|总参谋部|file=General Staff|德军总参谋部对战争中各个方面负责,包括对动员及作战进行规划、决策和计划复盘等,大大提高了军队的组织度水平。|modifiers=* 部队 组织度 :{{ 绿字|+5%}} |
| |modifiers=*[[File:Consumer Goods.png|x22px]][[Consumer Goods Factories]]: '''-5%''' | | *计划速度 :{{ 绿字|+25%}} |
| *Daily {{icon|Political Power|1}} Cost: {{red|+0.20}} | | }} |
| *[[File:Military factory.png|22px]]Military factory construction speed: {{green|+25.00%}} | | }} |
| *{{icon|Air Base|1}} construction speed: {{green|+25.00%}} | | |
| *{{icon|Naval Base|1}} construction speed: {{green|+25.00%}} | | 启用 {{icon|wtt|1}}扩展包时,德国开局有一个额外的民族精神: |
| *[[File:Naval dockyard.png|22px]]Naval dockyard construction speed: {{green|+25.00%}} | | {{box wrapper| |
| *{{icon|Land Fort|1}} construction speed: {{green|+25.00%}} | | {{效果框|[[ 梅福券]]|file=Idea ger mefo bills|梅福 券是亚尔马·沙赫特为政府重整军备筹资而启用的票据。它透过“冶金研究公司”的账目名义运作,将重整军备的事实藏在英法的眼皮底下。这些票据须被延期六个月,否则到期时将不得不偿付票据持有人。 |
| *{{icon|Coastal Fort|1}} construction speed: {{green|+25.00%}} | | |modifiers=*[[File:Consumer Goods.png|x22px]][[ 生活消费品工厂]] :'''-5%''' |
| *{{icon|Anti Air Building|Anti Air}} construction speed: {{green|+25.00%}} | | * 每日{{ 图标| 政治点数|1}} 花费:{{ 红字|+0.20}} |
| *{{icon|Refinery|1}} construction speed: {{green|+15.00%}} | | *[[File:Military factory.png|22px]] 军用工厂建造速度:{{ 绿字|+25.00%}} |
| *[[File:Fuel silo.png|22px]][[Fuel Silo]] construction speed: {{green|+25.00%}} | | *{{ 图标|Air Base|1}} 建造速度:{{ 绿字|+25.00%}} |
| *{{icon|Radar Station|1}} construction speed: {{green|+25.00%}} | | *{{ 图标|Naval Base|1}} 建造速度:{{ 绿字|+25.00%}} |
| |indent=1
| | *[[File:Naval dockyard.png|22px]] 海军船坞建造速度:{{ 绿字|+25.00%}} |
| | *{{ 图标|Land Fort|1}} 建造速度:{{ 绿字|+25.00%}} |
| | *{{ 图标|Coastal Fort|1}} 建造速度:{{ 绿字|+25.00%}} |
| | *{{ 图标|Anti Air Building|1}} 建造速度:{{ 绿字|+25.00%}} |
| | *{{ 图标|Refinery|1}} 建造速度:{{ 绿字|+15.00%}} |
| | *{{图标|Fuel silo|1}}建造速度:{{ 绿字|+25.00%}} |
| | *{{ 图标|Radar Station|1}} 建造速度:{{ 绿字|+25.00%}} |
| }} | | }} |
| }} | | }} |
| <section end=national_spirit/> | | <section end=national_spirit/> |
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| ===Diplomacy=== | | === 外交=== |
| {{SVersion|1.9}} | | {{SVersion|1.9}} |
| As a Fascist country, the {{flag|German Reich}} begins with slightly negative relationships with most of the world. In Europe, only {{flag|Italy}} has positive relations with the German Reich. The Treaty of Versailles demilitarized Germany's border with {{flag|Belgium}}, {{flag|Luxembourg}}, and part of the {{flag|Netherlands}} and {{flag|France}}. The German Reich is the leader of the Axis at the start of the game but has no allies yet at the beginning of the grand campaign. Following the 1.5 patch, Germany is able to form the German Empire through national focus, and the Greater German Reich or Holy Roman Empire through decisions.
| | 作为法西斯国家,当你选择以{{ 国旗|German Reich}} 开局时世界的绝大部分国家对你有着轻微的消极关系。在欧洲,只有 {{ 国旗|Italy}} 与德国有积极关系。凡尔赛条约使德国与{{ 国旗|Belgium}} 、{{ 国旗|Luxembourg}} 和{{ 国旗|Netherlands}} 的一部分及{{ 国旗|France}} 的边界非军事化。德国在游戏开始时是轴心国阵营的领袖,但在大战开始时还没有盟友。在1.5 补丁之后,德国能够通过国家重点建立德意志帝国,通过决策建立大德意志帝国或神圣罗马帝国。 |
| |
| ===Political parties===
| | {{#lsth: 政党| 德意志国}} |
| {{SVersion|1.9}} | |
| {| class="wikitable"
| |
| |-
| |
| ! Political Party !! Ideology !! Popularity !! Party Leader !! Country Name !! Is Ruling?
| |
| |-
| |
| | <span style="color: Black
| |
| ;">'''Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei'''</span> || {{Icon|fascism}} Fascist || 60% || Adolf Hitler / Heinrich Himmler (if the SS takes control of Germany or after taking Berlin in the Civil War) / Hermann Göring (if Hitler dies after the Sudeten Crisis) / Karl Donitz (if Hitler dies after the Sudeten Crisis) || German Reich || Yes
| |
| |-
| |
| | <span style="color: red;">Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands</span> || {{Icon|communism}} Communist || 20% || Wilhelm Pieck || Socialist Republic of Germany || No
| |
| |-
| |
| | <span style="color: blue;">Zentrum</span> || {{Icon|democracy}} Democratic || 20% || Konrad Adenauer || German Republic || No
| |
| |-
| |
| | <span style="color: grey;">Non-Aligned / Deutschnationale Volkspartei (if Revive the Kaiserreich/Re-establish Free Elections is chosen) / Militarregierung (at the start of the German Civil War)</span> || {{Icon|neutrality}} Non-Aligned || 0% || Generic (If "Oppose Hitler" Focus has not been chosen) / August von Mackensen (If "Oppose Hitler" HAS been chosen) / Wilhelm II (If "Return of the Kaiser" has been chosen) / Wilhelm III (If "Return of the Kaiser" has been chosen but Germany backs down or Wilhelm II dies after he becomes leader of Germany) || German Military Junta (Mackensen) / German Empire(Random Leader/Wilhelm II/Wilhelm III) || No
| |
| |-
| |
| |}
| |
| |
| ===Political leaders=== | | === 领袖=== |
| {{SVersion|1.9}}
| | {{#lsth: 领袖| 德意志国}} |
| {{#lst:Political Parties and Leaders|germany}} | |
| |
| ===Ideology=== | | === 意识形态=== |
| {{SVersion|1.9}} | | {{SVersion|1.9}} |
| {{icon|Fascism|width=32px}} '''Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (Fascist)''' | | {{ 图标| 法西斯主义|width=32px}} 国家社会主义德意志工人党(法西斯主义) |
| {{plainlist|indent=1| | | {{plainlist|indent=1| |
| * {{icon|no}} Can force government of another country to adopt the same ideology. | | * {{ 图标|no}} 可以强迫他国政府接受本国意识形态 |
| * {{icon|yes}} Can send volunteer forces | | * {{ 图标| √}} 可以派遣志愿军 |
| * Justify war goal time when at war with a major: {{green|-80%}} | | * 与主要国家交战时正当化战争借口所需时间:{{ 绿字|-80%}} |
| }} | | }} |
| |
| === Staff and designers === | | === 政府和制造商 === |
| {{SVersion|1.9}} | | {{SVersion|1.9}} |
| These are choices of ministers and design companies for the German Reich.
| | 这里是德意志国能选择的政府工作人员及设计商。 |
| {| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" | | {| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" |
| |+ style="width: 30em; text-align: left;" |Political Advisors | | |+ style="width: 30em; text-align: left;" | 政治顾问 |
| !Advisor | | ! 顾问 |
| !Type | | ! 类型 |
| !Effect | | ! 效果 |
| !Cost ({{icon|political power}}) | | ! 花费 ({{icon|political power}}) |
| |- | | |- |
| |Albert Speer | | | 阿尔伯特·施佩尔 |
| |Armaments Organizer | | | 军备组织者 |
| | | | | |
| * Civilian to Military Factory conversion cost: {{green|-20 %}} | | * 民转军消耗: {{green|-20 %}} |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Ernst Thälmann | | | 恩斯特·台尔曼 |
| |Communist Revolutionary | | | 共产主义革命者 |
| | | | | |
| * Daily Communism Support: {{green|+0.10}} | | * 每日共产主义支持度: {{green|+0.10}} |
| *{{icon|yes}} is NOT '''Supervised State''' | | *{{icon|yes}} 不处于''' 监督状态''' |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Fritz Todt | | | 弗里茨·托德 |
| |Fortification Engineer | | | 筑垒工程师 |
| | | | | |
| * Land Fort construction speed: {{green|+20 %}} | | * 陆上堡垒建造速度: {{green|+20 %}} |
| * Coastal Fort construction speed: {{green|+20 %}} | | * 海上堡垒建造速度: {{green|+20 %}} |
| * Anti Air construction speed: {{green|+20 %}} | | * 防空建筑建造速度: {{green|+20 %}} |
| *{{icon|yes}} has completed focus '''Westwall''' | | *{{icon|yes}} 已完成国策西墙 |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Heinrich Himmler | | | 海因里希·希姆莱 |
| |Prince of Terror | | | 恐怖的巨头 |
| | | | | |
| * Non-Core manpower: {{green|+2.00%}} | | * 非核心地区人力: {{green|+2.00%}} |
| * Foreign subversive activities efficiency: {{green|-30 %}} | | * 外国颠覆活动效率: {{green|-30 %}} |
| * Damage to Garrisons: {{green|-25 %}} | | * 对驻军伤害: {{green|-25 %}} |
| <small>Having Himmler in your cabinet will allow the recruitment of '''''foreign SS divisions'''''</small> | | * <small> 在你的内阁中任命希姆莱将会允许招募''' 外籍党卫军师'''</small> |
| *{{icon|yes}} one of the following must be true: | | |
| Current ruling party is '''Fascist'''
| | *{{icon|yes}} 必须满足下列任一条件: |
| Reinstated Nazi Leadership
| | 现在的执政党为''' 法西斯主义''' |
| | |
| | 纳粹重获领导权 |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Hjalmar Schacht | | | 亚尔马·沙赫特 |
| |Captain of Industry | | | 工业领袖 |
| | | | | |
| * Civilian Factory construction Speed {{green|+10 %}} | | * 民用工厂建造速度:{{green|+10 %}} |
| * Infrastructure construction Speed {{green|+10 %}} | | * 基础设施建造速度:{{green|+10 %}} |
| * Refinery construction Speed {{green|+10 %}} | | * 石油精炼厂建造速度:{{green|+10 %}} |
| *{{icon|yes}} has completed focus '''Four Year Plan''' | | *{{icon|yes}} 已完成国策''' 四年计划''' |
| *{{icon|no}} has completed focus '''Demand Sudetenland''' | | *{{icon|no}} 已完成国策''' 索取苏台德''' |
| | align="center" |75 | | | align="center" |75 |
| |- | | |- |
| |J.von Ribbentrop | | | 约阿希姆·冯·里宾特洛甫 |
| |Backroom Backstabber | | | 密谋的暗害者 |
| | | | | |
| * Political Power Gain: {{green|+5 %}} | | * 每日政治点数获得: {{green|+5 %}} |
| * Ideology drift defense: {{green|+15 %}} | | * 意识形态变化抵制力度: {{green|+15 %}} |
| *{{icon|yes}} one of the following must be true: | | *{{icon|yes}} 必须满足下列条件之一: |
| Current ruling party is '''Fascist'''
| | 当前执政党是''' 法西斯主义''' |
| Reinstated Nazi Leadership
| | |
| | 纳粹重获领导权 |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Joseph Goebbels | | | 约瑟夫·戈培尔 |
| |Fascist Demagogue | | | 法西斯煽动者 |
| Propaganda Master
| | 宣传大师 |
| | | | | |
| * Daily Fascism Support: {{green|+0.10 }} | | * 每日法西斯支持率: {{green|+0.10 }} |
| * War Support: {{green|+10 %}} | | * 战争支持度: {{green|+10 %}} |
| *{{icon|yes}} Current ruling party is '''Fascist''' | | *{{icon|yes}} 当前执政党为''' 法西斯主义''' |
| *{{icon|yes}} Is not '''Supervised State''' | | *{{icon|yes}} 不处于''' 监督状态''' |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |- | | |- |
| |K. von Neurath | | | 康斯坦丁·冯·纽赖特 |
| |Smooth-Talking Charmer | | | 花言巧语者 |
| | | | | |
| * Trade deal option factor: {{green|+10 %}} | | * 贸易带来的友好度加成{{green|+10 %}} |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Kurt Schumacher | | | 库尔特·舒马赫 |
| |Democratic Reformer | | | 民主改革者 |
| | | | | |
| * Daily Democracy Support: {{green|+0.10 }} | | * 每日民主支持率: {{green|+0.10 }} |
| *{{icon|yes}} Is not '''Supervised State''' | | *{{icon|yes}} 不处于''' 监督状态''' |
| *{{icon|yes}} has completed focus '''Re-establish Free Elections''' | | *{{icon|yes}} 已完成国策''' 恢复自由选举''' |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Martin Bormann | | | 马丁·鲍曼 |
| |Silent Workhorse | | | 沉默的实干家 |
| | | | | |
| * Political Power Gain: {{green|+15 %}} | | * 政执点数获取: {{green|+15 %}} |
| *{{icon|yes}} one of the following must be true: | | *{{icon|yes}} 必须满足下列条件之一: |
| Current ruling party is '''Fascist'''
| | 当前执政党为''' 法西斯主义''' |
| Reinstated Nazi Leadership
| | |
| | 纳粹重获领导权 |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Rudolf Hess | | | 鲁道夫·赫斯 |
| |Silent Workhorse | | | 沉默的实干家 |
| | | | | |
| * Political Power Gain: {{green|+15 %}} | | * 政执点数获取: {{green|+15 %}} |
| *{{icon|yes}}'''''Not:''''' ''Rudolf Hess has undertaken his famous flight'' | | *{{icon|yes}}''''' 必须为否:''''' '' 鲁道夫·赫斯进行了他著名的飞行'' |
| *{{icon|yes}} one of the following must be true: | | *{{icon|yes}} 必须满足以下条件之一: |
| Current ruling party is '''Fascist'''
| | 当前执政党为''' 法西斯主义''' |
| Reinstated Nazi Leadership
| | |
| | 纳粹重获领导权 |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Wilhelm Canaris | | | 威廉·卡纳里斯 |
| |Illusive Gentleman | | | 诡谲的绅士 |
| | | | | |
| *Agency upgrade time: {{green|-15 %}} | | * 间谍升级研发所需时间: {{green|-15 %}} |
| *Operatives slots: {{green|+1}} | | * 行动槽: {{green|+1}} |
| *{{icon|yes}} has created an Intelligence Agency | | *{{icon|yes}} 已建立情报机构 |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Alfred Hugenberg | | | 阿尔弗雷德·胡根堡 |
| |Monarchist Media Mogul | | | 君主制宣传大亨 |
| | | | | |
| *Daily Support for Unaligned: '''+0.10''' | | * 每日中立支持度: {{Green|+0.10}} |
| *{{icon|yes}} has completed Focus '''Revive the Kaiserreich''' | | *{{icon|yes}} 已完成国策''' 重建帝国''' |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Hans Oster | | | 汉斯·奥斯特 |
| |Anti-fascist Agent | | | 反法西斯特工 |
| | | | | |
| *Stability {{green|+10%}} | | * 稳定度{{green|+10%}} |
| *Daily Fascism Support: '''-0.02''' | | * 每日法西斯支持度: '''-0.02''' |
| *{{icon|yes}} has completed focus '''Oppose Hitler''' | | *{{icon|yes}} 已完成国策''' 反对希特勒''' |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Theodor Heuss | | | 西奥多•赫斯 |
| |Liberal Journalist | | | 自由派记者 |
| | | | | |
| *Political Power Gain: {{green|+5%}} | | * 政治点数获取: {{green|+5%}} |
| *Daily Democracy Support: '''+0.02''' | | * 每日民主支持度: '''+0.02''' |
| *{{icon|yes}} has completed focus '''Re-establish Free Elections''' | | *{{icon|yes}} 已完成国策''' 重启民主选举''' |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Julius Leber | | | 尤利乌斯·莱伯 |
| |Connected Citizen | | | 民意代表 |
| | | | | |
| *Political Power Gain: {{green|+5%}} | | * 政治点数获取: {{green|+5%}} |
| *Stability {{green|+5%}}' | | * 稳定度 {{green|+5%}}' |
| *{{icon|yes}} has completed focus '''Re-establish Free Elections''' | | *{{icon|yes}} 已完成国策''' 重启民主选举''' |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Carl Friedrich Goerdeler | | | 卡尔·弗里德里希·戈德勒 |
| |Economist | | | 经济学家 |
| | | | | |
| *Production Efficiency Cap: {{green|+5%}} | | * 生产效率上限: {{green|+5%}} |
| *{{icon|yes}} has completed focus '''Revive the Kaiserreich''' | | *{{icon|yes}} 已完成国策''' 重建帝国''' |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Walther Funk | | | 瓦尔特·芬克 |
| |War Industrialist | | | 战争实业家 |
| | | | | |
| * Military Factory construction speed: {{green|+10 %}} | | * 军用工厂建造速度: {{green|+10 %}} |
| * Dockyard construction speed: {{green|+10 %}} | | * 海军船坞建造速度: {{green|+10 %}} |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |} | | |} |
| {| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" | | {| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" |
| |+ style="width: 30em; text-align: left;" |Tank Designers | | |+ style="width: 30em; text-align: left;" | 坦克设计商 |
| !Designer | | ! 设计商 |
| !Type | | ! 类型 |
| !Effect | | ! 效果 |
| !Cost ({{icon|political power}}) | | ! 花费({{icon|political power}}) |
| |- | | |- |
| |Porsche | | | 波尔舍(保时捷) |
| |Heavy Tank Designer | | | 重型坦克设计商 |
| | | | | |
| * Armor Research Speed: {{green|+15.0%}} | | * 装甲车辆研究速度: {{green|+15.0%}} |
| * '''''Armor:''''' | | * ''''' 装甲车辆:''''' |
| * Armor: {{green|+5 %}} | | * 护甲:{{green|+5 %}} |
| * Hard attack: {{green|+5 %}} | | * 硬攻击:{{green|+5 %}} |
| <small>By selecting this '''''Design Company''''' they will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.</small> | | <small> 在选择此''''' 设计公司''''' 之后,他们将长期影响所有在他们被雇佣期间研究的装备的属性。</small> |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |- | | |- |
| |MAN | | |MAN |
| |Medium Tank Designer | | | 中型坦克设计商 |
| | | | | |
| * Armor Research Speed: {{green|+15.0%}} | | * 装甲车辆研究速度: {{green|+15.0%}} |
| * '''''Armor:''''' | | * ''''' 装甲车辆:''''' |
| * Reliability: {{green|+5 %}} | | * 可靠性:{{green|+5 %}} |
| * Soft attack: {{green|+5 %}} | | * 软攻击:{{green|+5 %}} |
| <small>By selecting this '''''Design Company''''' they will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.</small> | | <small> 在选择此''''' 设计公司''''' 之后,他们将长期影响所有在他们被雇佣期间研究的装备的属性。</small> |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Henschel | | | 亨舍尔 |
| |Mobile Tank Designer | | | 机动型坦克设计商 |
| | | | | |
| * Armor Research Speed: {{green|+15.0%}} | | * 装甲车辆研究速度:{{green|+15.0%}} |
| * '''''Armor:''''' | | * ''''' 装甲车辆:''''' |
| * Max Speed: {{green|+5 %}} | | * 最大速度:{{green|+5 %}} |
| * Reliability: {{green|+10 %}} | | * 可靠性:{{green|+10 %}} |
| <small>By selecting this '''''Design Company''''' they will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.</small> | | <small> 在选择此''''' 设计公司''''' 之后,他们将长期影响所有在他们被雇佣期间研究的装备的属性。</small> |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |} | | |} |
| {| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" | | {| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" |
| |+ style="width: 30em; text-align: left;" |Ship Designers | | |+ style="width: 30em; text-align: left;" | 船只设计商 |
| !Designer | | ! 设计商 |
| !Type | | ! 类型 |
| !Effect | | ! 效果 |
| !Cost ({{icon|political power}}) | | ! 花费({{icon|political power}}) |
| |- | | |- |
| |Germaniawerft | | | 日耳曼尼亚造船厂 |
| |Atlantic Fleet Designer | | | 大西洋舰艇设计商 |
| | | | | |
| * Naval Research Speed: {{green|+15.0%}} | | * 军舰研究速度: {{green|+15.0%}} |
| * '''''Carrier:''''' | | * '''''Carrier:''''' |
| **Armor: {{green|+50 %}} | | **Armor: {{green|+50 %}} |
第372行: |
第357行: |
| ** Armor: {{green|+10 %}} | | ** Armor: {{green|+10 %}} |
| ** Heavy Attack: {{green|+10 %}} (without {{Icon|MtG}}: Naval Firepower: {{green|+10 %}} | | ** Heavy Attack: {{green|+10 %}} (without {{Icon|MtG}}: Naval Firepower: {{green|+10 %}} |
| <small>By selecting this '''''Design Company''''' they will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.</small> | | <small> 在选择此''''' 设计公司''''' 之后,他们将长期影响所有在他们被雇佣期间研究的装备的属性。</small> |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Blohm & Voss | | | 布洛姆-福斯 |
| |Raiding Fleet Designer | | | 突击舰艇设计商 |
| | | | | |
| * Naval Research Speed: {{green|+15.0%}} | | * 军舰研究速度: {{green|+15.0%}} |
| * '''''Carrier:''''' | | * '''''Carrier:''''' |
| ** Surface Visibility: {{green|-10 %}} | | ** Surface Visibility: {{green|-10 %}} |
第394行: |
第379行: |
| ** Surface Visibility: {{green|-10 %}} | | ** Surface Visibility: {{green|-10 %}} |
| ** Max Speed: {{green|+10 %}} | | ** Max Speed: {{green|+10 %}} |
| <small>By selecting this '''''Design Company''''' they will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.</small> | | <small> 在选择此''''' 设计公司''''' 之后,他们将长期影响所有在他们被雇佣期间研究的装备的属性。</small> |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |} | | |} |
| {| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" | | {| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" |
| |+ style="width: 30em; text-align: left;" |Aircraft Designers | | |+ style="width: 30em; text-align: left;" | 飞机设计商 |
| !Designer | | ! 设计商 |
| !Type | | ! 类型 |
| !Effect | | ! 效果 |
| !Cost ({{icon|political power}}) | | ! 花费({{icon|political power}}) |
| |- | | |- |
| |Messerschmitt | | | 梅塞施密特 |
| |Light Aircraft Designer | | | 轻型飞机设计商 |
| | | | | |
| * Air Research Time: Speed: {{green|+15.0%}} | | * 飞机研究速度: {{green|+15.0%}} |
| * '''''Fighter:''''' | | * ''''' 战斗机:''''' |
| ** Agility: {{green|+10 %}} | | ** 灵活度: {{green|+10 %}} |
| ** Max Speed: {{green|+10 %}} | | ** 最大速度: {{green|+10 %}} |
| * '''''Carrier Fighter:''''' | | * ''''' 舰载战斗机:''''' |
| ** Agility: {{green|+10 %}} | | ** 灵活度: {{green|+10 %}} |
| ** Max Speed: {{green|+10 %}} | | ** 最大速度: {{green|+10 %}} |
| <small>By selecting this '''''Design Company''''' they will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.</small> | | <small> 在选择此''''' 设计公司''''' 之后,他们将长期影响所有在他们被雇佣期间研究的装备的属性。</small> |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Focke Wulf | | | 福克-沃尔夫 |
| |Medium Aircraft Designer | | | 中型飞机设计商 |
| | | | | |
| * Air Research Time: Speed: {{green|+15.0%}} | | * 飞机研究速度: {{green|+15.0%}} |
| * '''''Heavy Fighter:''''' Reliability: {{green|+20 %}} | | * ''''' 重型战斗机:''''' 可靠度: {{green|+20 %}} |
| * '''''Tactical Bomber:''''' Reliability: {{green|+20 %}} | | * ''''' 战术轰炸机:''''' 可靠度: {{green|+20 %}} |
| <small>By selecting this '''''Design Company''''' they will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.</small> | | <small> 在选择此''''' 设计公司''''' 之后,他们将长期影响所有在他们被雇佣期间研究的装备的属性。</small> |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Heinkel | | | 亨克尔 |
| |Heavy Aircraft Designer | | | 重型飞机设计商 |
| | | | | |
| * Air Research Time: Speed: {{green|+15.0%}} | | * 飞机研究速度: {{green|+15.0%}} |
| * '''''Strategic Bomber:''''' Strategic Bombing: {{green|+10 %}} | | * ''''' 战略轰炸:''''' 战略轰炸: {{green|+10 %}} |
| <small>By selecting this '''''Design Company''''' they will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.</small> | | <small> 在选择此''''' 设计公司''''' 之后,他们将长期影响所有在他们被雇佣期间研究的装备的属性。</small> |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Dornier | | | 道尼尔 |
| |Naval Aircraft Designer | | | 海军用飞机设计商 |
| | | | | |
| * Air Research Speed: {{green|+15.0%}} | | * 飞机研究速度: {{green|+15.0%}} |
| * '''''Naval Bomber:''''' | | * ''''' 海军轰炸机:''''' |
| ** Range: {{green|+10 %}} | | ** Range: {{green|+10 %}} |
| ** Naval Attack: {{green|+10 %}} | | ** Naval Attack: {{green|+10 %}} |
第451行: |
第436行: |
| ** Naval Attack: {{green|+10 %}} | | ** Naval Attack: {{green|+10 %}} |
| |
| <small>By selecting this '''''Design Company''''' they will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.</small> | | <small> 在选择此''''' 设计公司''''' 之后,他们将长期影响所有在他们被雇佣期间研究的装备的属性。</small> |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Junkers | | | 容克 |
| |CAS Designer | | | 近距离空中支援机设计商 |
| | | | | |
| * Air Research Speed: {{green|+15.0%}} | | * Air 研究速度:{{green|+15.0%}} |
| * '''''Close Air Support:''''' | | * '''''Close Air Support:''''' |
| ** Ground Attack: {{green|+10 %}} | | ** Ground Attack: {{green|+10 %}} |
第464行: |
第449行: |
| ** Ground Attack: {{green|+10 %}} | | ** Ground Attack: {{green|+10 %}} |
| ** Reliability: {{green|+10 %}} | | ** Reliability: {{green|+10 %}} |
| <small>By selecting this '''''Design Company''''' they will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.</small> | | <small> 在选择此''''' 设计公司''''' 之后,他们将长期影响所有在他们被雇佣期间研究的装备的属性。</small> |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |} | | |} |
| {| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" | | {| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" |
| |+ style="width: 30em; text-align: left;" |Materiel Designers | | |+ style="width: 30em; text-align: left;" | 装备设计商 |
| !Designer | | ! 设计商 |
| !Type | | ! 类型 |
| !Effect | | ! 效果 |
| !Cost ({{icon|political power}}) | | ! 花费({{icon|political power}}) |
| |- | | |- |
| |Opel | | | 欧宝 |
| |Motorized Equipment Designer | | | 摩托化装备设计商 |
| | | | | |
| * Motorization Research Speed: {{green|+15.0%}} | | * Motorization 研究速度:{{green|+15.0%}} |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Mauser | | | 毛瑟 |
| |Infantry Equipment Designer | | | 步兵装备设计商 |
| | | | | |
| * Small Arms Research Speed: {{green|+15.0%}} | | * Small Arms 研究速度:{{green|+15.0%}} |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Rheinmetall | | | 莱茵金属 |
| |Artillery Equipment Designer | | | 火炮设计商 |
| | | | | |
| * Artillery Research Speed: {{green|+15.0%}} | | * Artillery 研究速度:{{green|+15.0%}} |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |} | | |} |
| {| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" | | {| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" |
| |+ style="width: 30em; text-align: left;" |Industrial Concern | | |+ style="width: 30em; text-align: left;" | 工业企业 |
| !Designer | | ! 设计商 |
| !Type | | ! 类型 |
| !Effect | | ! 效果 |
| !Cost ({{icon|political power}}) | | ! 花费({{icon|political power}}) |
| |- | | |- |
| |Krupp | | | 克虏伯 |
| |Industrial Concern | | | 工业企业 |
| | | | | |
| * Industrial Research Speed: {{green|+15.0%}} | | * Industrial 研究速度:{{green|+15.0%}} |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Siemens | | | 西门子 |
| |Electronics Concern | | | 电气化企业 |
| | | | | |
| * Electronics ResearchSpeed: {{green|+15.0%}} | | * Electronics ResearchSpeed: {{green|+15.0%}} |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |- | | |- |
| |IG Farben | | |IG 法本 |
| |Refining Concern | | | 石油精炼企业 |
| | | | | |
| * Industrial Research Speed: {{green|+5.0%}} | | * Industrial 研究速度:{{green|+5.0%}} |
| * Synthetic resources Research Speed: {{green|+15.0%}} | | * Synthetic resources 研究速度:{{green|+15.0%}} |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |} | | |} |
| {| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" | | {| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" |
| |+ style="width: 30em; text-align: left;" |Theorists | | |+ style="width: 30em; text-align: left;" | 理论家 |
| !Theorist | | ! 理论家 |
| !Type | | ! 类型 |
| !Effect | | ! 效果 |
| !Cost ({{icon|political power}}) | | ! 花费({{icon|political power}}) |
| |- | | |- |
| |Alfred Saalwächter | | | 阿尔弗雷德·扎尔韦希特尔 |
| |Submarine Specialist | | | 潜艇专家 |
| | | | | |
| * Naval Experience Gain: {{green|+0.05}} ''daily'' | | * Naval Experience Gain: {{green|+0.05}} ''daily'' |
第532行: |
第517行: |
| | align="center" |250 | | | align="center" |250 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Erich von Manstein | | | 埃里希·冯·曼施坦因 |
| |Mobile Warfare Expert | | | 运动战专家 |
| | | | | |
| * Army Experience Gain: {{green|+0.05}} ''daily'' | | * Army Experience Gain: {{green|+0.05}} ''daily'' |
| * Mobile Warfare Doctrine Research Speed: {{green|+15.0%}} | | * Mobile Warfare Doctrine 研究速度:{{green|+15.0%}} |
| | align="center" |250 | | | align="center" |250 |
| |- | | |- |
| |W. von Richthofen | | | 沃尔弗拉姆·冯·里希特霍芬 |
| |Close Air Support Proponent | | | 近距离空中支援提倡者 |
| | | | | |
| * Air Experience Gain: {{green|+0.05}} ''daily'' | | * Air Experience Gain: {{green|+0.05}} ''daily'' |
| * Battlefield Support Doctrine Research Speed: {{green|+15.0%}} | | * Battlefield Support Doctrine 研究速度:{{green|+15.0%}} |
| | align="center" |250 | | | align="center" |250 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Heinz Guderian | | | 海因茨·古德里安 |
| |Blitzkrieg Theorist | | | 闪电战创始人 |
| | | | | |
| * Army Experience Gain: {{green|+0.05}} ''daily'' | | * Army Experience Gain: {{green|+0.05}} ''daily'' |
| * Land Doctrine Research Speed: {{green|+10.0%}} | | * Land Doctrine 研究速度:{{green|+10.0%}} |
| * '''''Armor:''''' Max Speed: {{green|+10 %}} | | * '''''Armor:''''' Max Speed: {{green|+10 %}} |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Ernst Udet | | | 恩斯特·乌德特 |
| |Dive bomber | | | 俯冲轰炸专家 |
| | | | | |
| * Air Experience Gain: {{green|+0.05}} ''daily'' | | * Air Experience Gain: {{green|+0.05}} ''daily'' |
| * Air Doctrine Research Speed: {{green|+10.0%}} | | * Air Doctrine 研究速度:{{green|+10.0%}} |
| * '''''Close Air Support:''''' Ground Attack: {{green|+10 %}} | | * '''''Close Air Support:''''' Ground Attack: {{green|+10 %}} |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Otto Cillax | | | 奥托·塞利亚斯 |
| |Naval Theorist | | | 海军理论家 |
| | | | | |
| * Naval Experience Gain: {{green|+0.05}} ''daily'' | | * Naval Experience Gain: {{green|+0.05}} ''daily'' |
| * Naval Doctrine Research Speed: {{green|+10.0%}} | | * Naval Doctrine 研究速度:{{green|+10.0%}} |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Walther Wever | | | 瓦尔特·韦佛 |
| |Air Warfare Theorist | | | 空战理论家 |
| | | | | |
| * Air Experience Gain: {{green|+0.05}} ''daily'' | | * Air Experience Gain: {{green|+0.05}} ''daily'' |
| * Air Doctrine Research Speed: {{green|+10.0%}} | | * Air Doctrine 研究速度:{{green|+10.0%}} |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Werner Heisenberg | | | 维尔纳·海森堡 |
| |Nuclear Scientist | | | 核物理学家 |
| | | | | |
| * Nuclear Research Speed: {{green|+15.0%}} | | * Nuclear 研究速度:{{green|+15.0%}} |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Wernher von Braun | | | 沃纳·冯·布劳恩 |
| |Rocket Scientist | | | 火箭科学家 |
| | | | | |
| * Rocket Research Speed: {{green|+15.0%}} | | * Rocket 研究速度:{{green|+15.0%}} |
| | align="center" |150 | | | align="center" |150 |
| |
| |} | | |} |
| |
| ==Economy== | | == 经济== |
| {{SVersion|1.9}}
| |
| ===Laws===
| |
| {{SVersion|1.9}} | | {{SVersion|1.9}} |
| | ===法案=== |
| | '''1936''' |
| {{Law | | {{Law |
| | conscript = Limited Conscription | | | conscript = Limited Conscription |
| | economy = Partial Mobilization | | | economy = Partial Mobilization |
| | | trade = Limited Exports |
| | }} |
| | '''1939''' |
| | {{Law |
| | | conscript = Extensive Conscription |
| | | economy = War Economy |
| | trade = Limited Exports | | | trade = Limited Exports |
| }} | | }} |
| |
| ===Industry=== | | === 工业=== |
| {{SVersion|1.9}} | | {{SVersion|1.9}} |
| {| class="wikitable" <!-- If copying this table and removing/adding new columns, make sure the percentages are recalculated (100%/# of columns) or it will look wonky. Originals on user:xiziz --> | | {| class="wikitable" <!-- If copying this table and removing/adding new columns, make sure the percentages are recalculated (100%/# of columns) or it will look wonky. Originals on user:xiziz --> |
| |+ Factories 1936 | | |+ |
| | |- style="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;" |
| | | style="width: 18%" | [[File:Time.png|24px]]<br>'''剧本''' |
| | | style="width: 16%" | {{icon|Military factory}}<br>{{nowrap|'''军用工厂'''}} |
| | | style="width: 16%" | {{icon|Naval dockyard}}<br>{{nowrap|'''海军船坞'''}} |
| | | style="width: 16%" | {{icon|Civilian factory}}<br>{{nowrap|'''民用工厂'''}} |
| | | style="width: 16%" | {{icon|Fuel Silo}}<br>{{nowrap|'''储油罐'''}} |
| | | style="width: 18%" | {{icon|Synthetic Refinery}}<br>{{nowrap|'''合成炼油厂'''}} |
| | |- style="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;" |
| | | style="width: 18%" | 1936 |
| | | style="width: 16%" | 28 |
| | | style="width: 16%" | 10 |
| | | style="width: 16%" | 32 ({{red|-9}}) |
| | | style="width: 16%" | 2 |
| | | style="width: 18%" | 0 |
| |- style="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;" | | |- style="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;" |
| | style="width: 33%" | {{icon|Military factory}}<br>{{nowrap|28 Military Factories}} | | | style="width: 18%" | 1939 |
| | style="width: 34%" | {{icon|Naval dockyard}}<br>{{nowrap|10 Naval Dockyard}} | | | style="width: 16%" | 66 |
| | style="width: 33%" | {{icon|Civilian factory}}<br>{{nowrap|32 Civilian Factories}} | | | style="width: 16%" | 13 |
| |}
| | | style="width: 16%" | 74 ({{red|-16}}) |
| | | style="width: 16%" | 2 |
| | | style="width: 18%" | 4 |
| | |} |
| | ''<small>{{red| 红色}} 数字指必要生活消费品工厂数量,基于经济法案及军用和民用工厂总数计算得出。</small>'' |
| | |
| The German industrial capacity is formidable. Germany possesses the largest military production capacity out of all European countries and its civilian industry is on par with the other European major countries. The only thing Germany lacks is a sizable naval production capacity, something that eventually needs to be addressed in order to challenge the navies of other countries. | | The German industrial capacity is formidable. Germany possesses the largest military production capacity out of all European countries and its civilian industry is on par with the other European major countries. The only thing Germany lacks is a sizable naval production capacity, something that eventually needs to be addressed in order to challenge the navies of other countries. |
| |
| ===Resources=== | | === 资源=== |
| {{SVersion|1.9}} | | {{SVersion|1.9}} |
| {| class="wikitable" <!-- If copying this table and removing/adding new columns, make sure the percentages are recalculated (100%/# of columns) or it will look wonky. Originals on user:xiziz --> | | {| class="wikitable" <!-- If copying this table and removing/adding new columns, make sure the percentages are recalculated (100%/# of columns) or it will look wonky. Originals on user:xiziz --> |
| |+ Total resources 1936 | | |+ |
| |- style="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;" | | |- style="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;" |
| | style="width: 16%" | [[File:Oil.png]]<br>Oil | | | style="width: 15%" | [[File:Time.png|24px]]<br>'''剧本''' |
| | style="width: 17%" | [[File:Aluminum.png]]<br>Aluminum | | | style="width: 14%" | {{icon|oil}}<br>'''石油''' |
| | style="width: 17%" | [[File:Rubber.png]]<br>Rubber | | | style="width: 14%" | {{icon|aluminum}}<br>'''铝''' |
| | style="width: 17%" | [[File:Tungsten.png]]<br>Tungsten | | | style="width: 14%" | {{icon|rubber}}<br>'''橡胶''' |
| | style="width: 17%" | [[File:Steel.png]]<br>Steel | | | style="width: 14%" | {{icon|tungsten}}<br>'''钨''' |
| | style="width: 16%" | [[File:Chromium.png]]<br>Chromium | | | style="width: 14%" | {{icon|steel}}<br>'''钢铁''' |
| | | style="width: 15%" | {{icon|chromium}}<br>'''铬''' |
| |- style="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;" | | |- style="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;" |
| | style="width: 16%" | 3 | | | style="width: 15%" | 1936 |
| | style="width: 17%" | 137 | | | style="width: 14%" | 3 ({{red|-1}}) |
| | style="width: 17%" | 0 | | | style="width: 14%" | 137 ({{red|-34}}) |
| | style="width: 17%" | 5 | | | style="width: 14%" | 0 |
| | style="width: 17%" | 412 | | | style="width: 14%" | 5 ({{red|-1}}) |
| | style="width: 16%" | 5 | | | style="width: 14%" | 412 ({{red|-103}}) |
| |}
| | | style="width: 15%" | 5 ({{red|-1}}) |
| {| class="wikitable" <!-- If copying this table and removing/adding new columns, make sure the percentages are recalculated (100%/# of columns) or it will look wonky. Originals on user:xiziz --> | |
| |+ Total resources 1939
| |
| |- style="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;"
| |
| |- style="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;"
| |
| | style="width: 16%" | [[File:Oil.png]]<br>Oil | |
| | style="width: 17%" | [[File:Aluminum.png]]<br>Aluminum | |
| | style="width: 17%" | [[File:Rubber.png]]<br>Rubber | |
| | style="width: 17%" | [[File:Tungsten.png]]<br>Tungsten | |
| | style="width: 17%" | [[File:Steel.png]]<br>Steel
| |
| | style="width: 16%" | [[File:Chromium.png]]<br>Chromium
| |
| |- style="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;" | | |- style="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;" |
| | style="width: 16%" | 7 | | | style="width: 15%" | 1939 |
| | style="width: 17%" | 139 | | | style="width: 14%" | 7 ({{red|-2}}) |
| | style="width: 17%" | 12 | | | style="width: 14%" | 139 ({{red|-35}}) |
| | style="width: 17%" | 6 | | | style="width: 14%" | 12 ({{red|-3}}) |
| | style="width: 17%" | 433 | | | style="width: 14%" | 6 ({{red|-2}}) |
| | style="width: 16%" | 6 | | | style="width: 14%" | 433 ({{red|-108}}) |
| | | style="width: 15%" | 6 ({{red|-2}}) |
| |} | | |} |
| ''<small>These numbers represent the available resources, depending on trade law a certain amount may be traded away.</small>'' | | ''<small>{{red|红色}}数字指由于贸易法案,用于出口的资源额。</small>'' |
| |
| As far as resources are concerned, Germany falls a little short compared to the United Kingdom and France. While Germany has access to a large amount of steel and a good amount of aluminum, they have a severe shortage of everything else and can easily become dependent on foreign import to fuel their military apparatus. Luckily, the Rubber and Oil shortage can be at least partially mitigated with synthetic resource refineries while metals (Tungsten and Chromium) can be secured throughout Europe.
| | 就资源而言,德国与英国和法国相比略显不足。虽然德国拥有大量的钢铁和铝,但其他的一切都严重短缺,很依赖外国进口燃油为其装备提供燃料。幸运的是,合成资源精炼厂至少可以部分地缓解橡胶和石油短缺,而金属(钨和铬)可以在通过在欧洲的贸易得到保障。 |
| |
| ==Military== | | === 陆军=== |
| {{SVersion|1.9}}
| | ''1936 年剧本:'' |
| | |
| ===Army===
| |
| ''1936 scenario:'' | |
| {| class="wikitable" | | {| class="wikitable" |
| |- | | |- |
| | [[file:NATO infantry.png]]24 Infantry Divisions || [[File:NATO motorized.png]]1 Motorized Division || [[File:NATO mountain.png]] 1 Mountain Divisions|| [[file:NATO cavalry.png]]1 Cavalry Division || [[File:NATO light tank.png]] 3 Light Tank Divisions | | | [[file:NATO infantry.png]]24 步兵师 ||[[File:NATO motorized.png]]1 摩托化步兵师 ||[[File:NATO mountain.png]] 1 山地师||[[file:NATO cavalry.png]]1 骑兵师 ||[[File:NATO light tank.png]] 3 轻型坦克师 |
| |} | | |} |
| '''Total:''' 30 Divisions | [[File:Manpower.png]] '''Manpower Used:''' 269.60K | | ''' 共计:''' 30 个师 | [[File:Manpower.png]] 所用人力''':''' 269.60K |
| |
| In 1936, {{flag|German Reich}}'s Wehrmacht is relatively small compared to the armies of the other major powers. However, quality is its strength, the Wehrmacht is well trained, with all divisions being regulars and thus receiving 25% bonuses in combat. The Wehrmacht is also well equipped, with no equipment shortages, large infantry divisions (a width of 18), and support artillery and engineers. Most importantly, it has a highly elite mobile segment, with 3 light tank Panzer divisions and one motorized SS division. The Panzers are mostly light tank 1, but light tank 2 is already researched and in production for upgrades. This 4 division unit can be dangerous if deployed effectively to punching through enemy lines on plains and then aggressively encircling enemies.
| | 在1936年,{{ 国旗|German Reich}} 国防军比其他主要国家的军队规模小。然而,质量即力量,国防军训练有素,所有师都是正规的,因此在战斗中获得25% 的增强国防军装备精良齐全,有较大宽度的步兵师(宽度为18),还有支援炮兵连和工程连。最重要的是,它有一支相当精锐的机动部队,有3个轻型坦克装甲师和1个党卫军机动步兵师。装甲师主要装备轻型坦克1型,但轻型坦克2型已经研发完成并已开始生产以供替换升级。这4个师的部队如果能被有效地部署在平原上冲破敌人的防线并积极包围敌人,那么它们对敌人而言就很危险。 |
| |
| Thus, there is no need to wait for slow rearmament in single player. The player can easily crush the UK (through a surprise invasion) or France with its starting army with the right strategy. Even in peacetime, the elite mobile divisions can be sent as volunteers to Spain or Japan for extremely decisive impacts. Neither Republican Spain nor China will usually have countermeasures against aggressive encirclement by Panzers, that being said, ending the wars too quickly may have negative strategic effects due to rocketing world tension.
| | 因此,在单人游戏中不需要等待缓慢的重整军备。玩家可以通过正确的战略轻松击败英国(通过一次出人意料的入侵法国)。即使在和平时期,精英机动化步兵师也可以作为志愿军被派往西班牙或日本从而对战局造成决定性影响。无论是{{国旗|Republican Spain}}还是{{国旗|china}}通常都无法对装甲师的包围采取反制措施,同时需要要提到的,过快结束战争导致世界紧张度的急剧上升可能会产生消极的战略影响。 |
| |
| |
| Examples of alternative division template names for German Reich include:
| | |
| * Mountaineers - ''Gebirgs-Division'' | | 德意志国的替代师模板名称示例包括:Examples of alternative division template names for German Reich include: |
| * Marines - ''Marine-Division'' or ''Marine-Korps'' | | * 山地师- ''Gebirgs-Division'' |
| * Paratroopers - ''Flieger-Division'' or ''Fallschirmjäger-Division'' (after 1943) | | * 海军陆战队- ''Marine-Division'' 或 ''Marine-Korps'' |
| * Motorized - ''Motorisierte-Division'' | | * 伞兵师- ''Flieger-Division'' 或 ''Fallschirmjäger-Division'' (1943年后) |
| * Mechanized - ''Panzergrenadier-Division'' | | * 摩托化步兵师- ''Motorisierte-Division'' |
| * Armor - ''Panzer-Division'' | | * 机械化步兵师- ''Panzergrenadier-Division'' |
| | * 装甲师- ''Panzer-Division'' |
| |
| {| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" | | {| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" |
| |+ style="width: 55em; text-align: left;" | {{nowrap|Motorized units list}} | | |+ style="width: 55em; text-align: left;" | {{nowrap| 摩托化单位装备表}} |
| ! Name !! Type !! Techyear | | ! Name !! 类型 !! 科技年份 |
| |- | | |- |
| | Opel Blitz || Motorized I || 1936 | | | 欧宝“闪电” || 摩托化装备I || 1936 |
| |- | | |- |
| | Sd.Kfz. 11 || Mechanized I || 1940 | | | Sd.Kfz. 11 (特种机动车辆11) || 机械化装备I || 1940 |
| |- | | |- |
| | Sd.Kfz. 251 || Mechanized II || 1942 | | | Sd.Kfz. 251 (特种机动车辆251) || 机械化装备II || 1942 |
| |- | | |- |
| | Sd.Kfz. 251/20 || Mechanized III || 1944 | | | Sd.Kfz. 251/20 (特种机动车辆251/20) || 机械化装备III || 1944 |
| |} | | |} |
| |
| {| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" | | {| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" |
| |+ style="width: 55em; text-align: left;" | {{nowrap|Tank units list}} | | |+ style="width: 55em; text-align: left;" | {{nowrap| 坦克装备表}} |
| ! Name !! Type !! Techyear !! Variants TD / SPA / AAA | | ! Name !! 类型 !! Techyear !! 衍生型坦克歼击车/ 自行火炮/''自行高炮'' |
| |- | | |- |
| | Leichttraktor || Great War Tank || 1918 || | | | Leichttraktor || Great War Tank || 1918 || |
第718行: |
第718行: |
| |} | | |} |
| |
| ===Navy=== | | === 海军=== |
| {{Sversion|1.9}} | | {{Sversion|1.9}} |
| {| <!-- If copying this table and removing/adding new columns, make sure the percentages are recalculated (100%/# of columns) or it will look wonky. Originals on user:xiziz --> | | |
| | {| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 300px; float:left; margin-right: 40px;" |
| | |+ style="color:black;"| 海军 |
| | ! width=1% class="unsortable" | !! width=80% | 类型 !! width=15% | # 1936 !! | # 1939 |
| | |- |
| | | [[File:Battleship.png|24px]] || 战列舰 || 2 || 4 |
| | |- |
| | | [[File:Heavy Cruiser.png|24px]] || 重巡洋舰 || 2 || 4 |
| | |- |
| | | [[File:Light Cruiser.png|24px]] || 轻巡洋舰 || 8 || 8 |
| | |- |
| | | [[File:Destroyer.png|24px]] || 驱逐舰 || 12 || 32 |
| | |- |
| | | [[File:Submarine.png|24px]] || 潜艇 || 14 || 58 |
| | |- |
| | ! [[File:Navy experience.png|21px]] !! style="text-align: left;" | 总舰只数 !! style="text-align: left;" | 38 ||106 |
| |- | | |- |
| |
| | ! [[File:manpower.png|24px]] !! style="text-align: left;" | 使用人力 !! style="text-align: left;" | 21k || 49.37k |
| {| class="wikitable" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;"
| |
| |+ Capital ships 1936
| |
| |- style="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;"
| |
| | style="width: 50%;" | [[File:Battleship.png]]<br>{{nowrap|2 Battleships}}
| |
| | style="width: 50%;" | [[File:Heavy Cruiser.png]]<br>{{nowrap|2 Heavy Cruisers}}
| |
| |}
| |
| {| class="wikitable" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;"
| |
| |+ Screens and Submarines 1936
| |
| |- style="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;" | |
| | style="width: 33%;" | [[File:Light Cruiser.png]]<br>{{nowrap|8 Light Cruisers}}
| |
| | style="width: 34%;" | [[File:Destroyer.png]]<br>{{nowrap|12 Destroyers}}
| |
| | style="width: 33%;" | [[File:Submarine.png]]<br>{{nowrap|14 Submarines}} | |
| |}
| |
| |} | | |} |
| |
| '''Total:''' 38 Ships || [[File:Manpower.png]] '''Manpower Used:''' 21K
| | {{clear}} |
| |
| The Kriegsmarine ("War Navy") is small and outdated in 1936, and without serious rearmament efforts, it won't stand a chance against the Royal Navy due to a lack of modern capital ships and air power. However, it can be rebuilt in the time available into an effective fighting force, especially if operating under the protection of the Luftwaffe.
| | 在1936年,Kriegsmarine( “战争海军”) 的规模很小,并且已经过时了,如果不科学地重新武装,它将没有机会对抗皇家海军,因为它缺乏现代主力舰和空中力量。然而,在时间允许的情况下,它可以重建成一支有效的战斗部队,特别是在德国空军的保护下。 |
| |
| Historically, the Third Reich had begun to implement a massive shipbuilding programme known as Plan Z that called for no fewer than ten modern battleships (including the Scharnhorst and Bismarck classes), four aircraft carriers (including the unfinished Graf Zeppelin) and three battlecruisers (the planned O-class) to lead a large fighting force of surface raiders capable of both operating far out into the Atlantic against convoys and fighting pitched fleet battles in the North Sea against the Royal Navy, but efforts stalled as resources and yards were diverted to more critical material following the outbreak of war.
| | 根据历史,德意志第三帝国在当时已经开始实施一个被称为Z计划的大规模造船计划,在这个计划中,不少于10艘现代战列舰( 包括沙恩霍斯特和俾斯麦级) 、四艘航空母舰( 包括未完成的“齐柏林飞艇”) 和三艘战列巡洋舰( 计划中的o级) 将领导一支由水面突袭舰组成的大型作战部队,这支舰队既能在大西洋深处打击护航舰队,又能在北海与皇家海军展开激烈的舰队战斗。但随着战争的爆发和不断进行,有限的资源被用在更关键的地方,计划陷入停滞。 |
| |
| Production shifted almost entirely to U-boats in a bid to cut Britain off from the resources of the Commonwealth and USA through unrestricted submarine warfare, and by the end of the war, the Kriegsmarine was overwhelmingly comprised of U-boats, many of very advanced design that heavily influenced post-War Allied submarines after the fall of the Third Reich. The player can choose either of these directions through the small naval branch of Germany's national focus tree, although Plan Z will take some more time to execute than the construction of a submarine raiding fleet.
| | 德国在战时的船坞几乎全部用来生产U型潜艇,目的是通过无限制的潜艇战切断英国与英联邦和美国的资源联系。到战争结束时,德国的海军中绝大多数都是U型潜艇,其中许多设计非常先进,在第三帝国灭亡后深刻影响了战后盟军的潜艇设计。玩家可以在国策树中的小型海军分支中选择执行Z计划或者重点建造潜艇,需要注意完成Z计划比建造潜艇突袭舰队所花时间更长。 |
| |
| Germany starts with some technological advantages in naval design, including 1936 designs for light cruisers, destroyers and submarines, and in 1936 has eight Type IIA U-boats and four Type 1934-class destroyers under construction, as well as the famous ''Admiral Graf Spee'' "pocket battleship" (heavy cruiser) about to leave the drydock. Two Scharnhorst-class tiers II battleships are under construction as well. It has two manufacturers to choose from - Germaniawerft and Blohm & Voss - which respectively confer bonuses for capital ships and raiding fleets.
| | 德国在海军设计上拥有一些技术优势,开局时已拥有1936年的轻型巡洋舰、驱逐舰和潜艇的科技,在1936年有8艘IIA型U型潜艇和4艘1934级驱逐舰在建,著名的格拉夫·斯佩海军上将号“袖囊战列舰”( 重型巡洋舰) 即将建造完成,两艘沙恩霍斯级II级战列舰也在建造中。我们有两家制造商可供选择——日耳曼尼亚和布洛姆- 福斯——它们分别为主力舰和突袭舰队提供加成。 |
| |
| {| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" | | {| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed sortable" style="width: 300px; float:left; margin-right: 100px;" |
| |+ style="width: 55em; text-align: left;" | {{nowrap|Naval units list}} | | |+ style="width: 46em; text-align:left;" | 海军上将 |
| ! Name !! Type !! Techyear | | ! width=94% | Name |
| | ! width=1% |[[File:Commander skill.png|15px]]Skill |
| | ! width=1% |[[File:Trait attack.png]]ATK |
| | ! width=1% |[[File:Trait defense.png]]DEF |
| | ! width=1% |[[File:Trait maneuvering.png]]MNV |
| | ! width=1% |[[File:Trait coordination.png]]COR |
| | ! width=1% class="unsortable" | Traits |
| |- | | |- |
| | Type 23 || Destroyer I || 1922 | | |[[File:Portrait_Germany_Alfred_Saalwachter.png|72px]] 阿尔弗雷德·扎尔韦希特尔 |
| | |4 |
| | |4 |
| | |2 |
| | |3 |
| | |4 |
| | |{{iconify|Old Guard}} {{iconify|Bold}} |
| |- | | |- |
| | Zerstörer 1934 || Destroyer II || 1936 | | |[[File:Portrait_Germany_Erich_Raeder.png|72px]] 埃里希·雷德尔 |
| | |4 |
| | |3 |
| | |4 |
| | |3 |
| | |3 |
| | |{{iconify|Battleship Adherent}} {{iconify|Naval Lineage}} |
| |- | | |- |
| | Narvik Class || Destroyer III || 1940 | | |[[File:Portrait_Germany_Gunter_Lutjens.png|72px]] 君特·吕特延斯 |
| | |3 |
| | |4 |
| | |1 |
| | |1 |
| | |4 |
| | |{{iconify|Gentlemanly}} {{iconify|Career Officer}} {{iconify|Superior Tactician}} |
| |- | | |- |
| | Zerstörer 1944 || Destroyer IV || 1944 | | |[[File:Portrait_Germany_Hermann_Boehm.png|72px]] 赫尔曼·伯姆 |
| | |4 |
| | |3 |
| | |4 |
| | |4 |
| | |2 |
| | |{{iconify|Craven}} {{iconify|Superior Tactician}} |
| |- | | |- |
| | Emden Class || Light Cruiser I || 1922 | | |[[File:Portrait_Germany_Karl_Donitz.png|72px]] 卡尔·邓尼茨 |
| | |5 |
| | |5 |
| | |3 |
| | |3 |
| | |5 |
| | |{{iconify|Career Officer}} {{iconify|Sea Wolf}} |
| |- | | |- |
| | Leipzig Class || Light Cruiser II || 1936 | | |[[File:Portrait_Germany_Wilhelm_Marschall.png|72px]] 威廉·马沙尔 |
| | |4 |
| | |4 |
| | |2 |
| | |3 |
| | |4 |
| | |{{iconify|Old Guard}} {{iconify|Bold}} |
| | |} |
| | |
| | {{clear}} |
| | |
| | {| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" |
| | |+ style="width: 55em; text-align: left;" | {{nowrap|Naval units list}} |
| | ! 类型 !! Class !! Hull !! Engine !! {{hover|How many ships of this class are active|# 1936}} !! {{hover|How many ships of this class are in production|[[File:Production cost (naval).png|18px]] 1936}} !! # 1939 !! [[File:Production cost (naval).png|18px]] 1939 !! Design note |
| |- | | |- |
| | M Class || Light Cruiser III || 1940 | | |CV || Graf Zeppelin^|| 1936 Carrier || Carrier II || || || || 1 || 3x Hangar Space, Anti-Air I, Secondary Battery I |
| |- | | |- |
| | Q Class || Light Cruiser IV || 1944 | | |BB || Bismarck^ || 1936 Heavy Ship || Heavy II || || || || 2 || 2x Heavy Battery III, 2x Anti-Air I, Fire Control I, 2x Secondary Battery II, Battleship Armor II, Floatplane Catapult I |
| |- | | |- |
| | Blücher Class || Heavy Cruiser I || 1922 | | |BB || Scharnhorst || 1936 Heavy Ship || Heavy II || || 2 || 2 || || 2x Heavy Battery II, 2x Anti-Air I, 2x Secondary Battery I, Battleship Armor I |
| |- | | |- |
| | Hipper Class || Heavy Cruiser II || 1936 | | |BB || Deutschland* || Pre-Dreadnought || Heavy I || 2 || || 2 || || Heavy Battery I, 2x Anti-Air I, Secondary Battery I, Battleship Armor I |
| |- | | |- |
| | Prinz Eugen Class || Heavy Cruiser III || 1940 | | |CA || Deutschland || Panzerschiff || Cruiser I || 2 || 1 || 3 || || Heavy Battery II, 2x Anti-Air I, Secondary Battery I, Cruiser Armor I, Floatplane Catapult I, Torpedo Launcher I |
| |- | | |- |
| | P Class || Heavy Cruiser IV || 1944 | | |CA || Admiral Hipper || 1936 Cruiser || Cruiser I || || 1 || 1 || 4 || 2x Heavy Cruiser Battery II, 2x Anti-Air I, Cruiser Armor II, Torpedo Launcher I, Floatplane Catapult I |
| |- | | |- |
| | Yorck Class || Battlecruiser I || 1922 | | |CL || Leipzig || 1936 Cruiser || Cruiser I || 2 || || 2 || || 2x Light Cruiser Battery I, 2x Anti-Air I, Cruiser Armor I, Torpedo Launcher I, Floatplane Catapult I |
| |- | | |- |
| | O Class || Battlecruiser II || 1940 | | |CL || Bremse* || Early Cruiser || Cruiser I || 2 || || 2 || || Light Battery I, 2x Anti-Air I, 2x Minelaying Rails |
| |- | | |- |
| | Deutschland Class || Battleship I || 1922 | | |CL || Emden* || Early Cruiser || Cruiser I || 1 || || 1 || || 2x Light Cruiser Battery I, Cruiser Armor I, Torpedo Launcher I |
| |- | | |- |
| | Scharnhorst Class || Battleship II || 1936 | | |CL || Königsberg* || Early Cruiser || Cruiser I || 3 || || 3 || || 2x Light Cruiser Battery I, Anti-Air I, Cruiser Armor I, Torpedo Launcher I, Minelaying Rails |
| |- | | |- |
| | Bismarck Class || Battleship III || 1940 | | |DD || Zerstörer 1936^ || 1936 Destroyer || Light II || || || 5 || 1 || Light Battery II, Anti-Air I, Torpedo Launcher I, Depth Charge I |
| |- | | |- |
| | Hindenburg Class || Battleship IV || 1944 | | |DD || Zerstörer 1934A || 1936 Destroyer || Light II || || 12 || 12 || || Light Battery II, Anti-Air I, 2x Torpedo Launcher I, Depth Charge I |
| |- | | |- |
| | Schlachtschiff H41 || Super Heavy Battleship I || 1936 | | |DD || Zerstörer 1934* || 1936 Destroyer || Light II || || 4 || 4 || || Light Battery II, Anti-Air I, 2x Torpedo Launcher I, Minelaying Rails |
| |- | | |- |
| | Schlachtschiff H44 || Super Heavy Battleship II || 1944 | | |DD || Type 24* || Early Destroyer || Light I || 12 || || 11 || 6 || Light Battery I, Torpedo Launcher I, Minelaying Rails |
| |- | | |- |
| | Flugzeugdampfer I || Carrier I || 1922 | | |SS || Type VII || 1936 Submarine || Submarine I || || || 32 || 5 || Torpedo Tubes II |
| |- | | |- |
| | Seydlitz Class || Carrier II || 1936 | | |SS || Type II* || Early Submarine || Submarine I || 14 || 8 || 26 || || Torpedo Tubes I |
| |- | | |- |
| | Graf Zeppelin Class || Carrier III || 1940 | | | colspan="9" | * marks a variant as "outdated". |
| | ^ marks a variant that is only available in the 1939 start. |
| | |
| | Ship type terminology: |
| | *CV - Carrier |
| | *BB - Battleship |
| | *CA - Heavy cruiser |
| | *CL - Light cruiser |
| | *DD - Destroyer |
| | *SS - Submarine |
| | |} |
| | |
| | {| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" |
| | |+ style="width: 55em; text-align: left;" | {{nowrap|Naval variants list (Without {{icon|MtG}} Man the Guns}} |
| | ! Class !! 类型 !! +Reliability !! +Torpedo !! +Gun !! +ASW !! +Armor !! +Anti-Air !! +Stealth !! +Engine |
| |- | | |- |
| | Europa Class || Carrier IV || 1944 | | |Deutschland || Heavy Cruiser I || 1 || || 2 || || 1 || || || 1 |
| |- | | |- |
| | UB III Type || Submarine I || 1922 | | |Königsberg* || Light Cruiser I || 2 || || 2 || || || 2 || || 2 |
| |- | | |- |
| | Type IIA || Submarine II || 1936 | | |Zerstörer 1936^ || Destroyer II || || 2 || || 2 || || 2 || || 2 |
| |- | | |- |
| | Type VIIC || Submarine III || 1940 | | |Type VIIA^ || Submarine II || 1 || 1 || || || || || 1 || 1 |
| |- | | |- |
| | Type XXI || Submarine IV || 1944 | | | colspan="10" | * marks a variant as "outdated". |
| | ^ marks a variant that is only available in the 1939 start. |
| |} | | |} |
| |
| ===Air force=== | | === 空军=== |
| {{Sversion|1.9}} | | {{Sversion|1.9}} |
| {| class="wikitable" <!-- If copying this table and removing/adding new columns, make sure the percentages are recalculated (100%/# of columns) or it will look wonky. Originals on user:xiziz --> | | {| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 300px; float:left; margin-right: 40px;" |
| |+ Aircraft 1936
| | |+ style="color:black;"| 空军 |
| |- style="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;"
| | ! width=1% class="unsortable" | !! width=80% | 类型 !! width=15% | # 1936 !! | # 1939 |
| | style="width: 20%;" | [[File:Close air support.png|40px]]<br>{{nowrap|80 Close Air Support}} | | |- |
| | style="width: 20%;" | [[File:Air Skirmish.png|40px]]<br>{{nowrap|280 Fighters}} | | | [[File:CAS.png|24px]] || 近距支援机 || 80 || 390 |
| | style="width: 20%;" | [[File:Naval Strike Tactics.png|40px]]<br>{{nowrap|72 Naval Bombers}} | | |- |
| | style="width: 20%;" | [[File:Bomber.png|40px]]<br>{{nowrap|480 Tactical Bombers}} | | | [[File:Fighter c.png|24px]] || 战斗机 || 280 || 1148 |
| | style="width: 20%;" | [[File:Massed Bomber Formations.png|40px]]<br>{{nowrap|4 Transport Planes}} | | |- |
| | | [[File:Naval bomber.png|24px]] || 海军轰炸机 || 72 || 162 |
| | |- |
| | | [[File:Heavy fighter.png|24px]] || 重型战斗机 || || 120 |
| | |- |
| | | [[File:Tactical bomber.png|24px]] || 战术轰炸机 || 480 || 1036 |
| | |- |
| | | [[File:Transport air.png|24px]] || 运输机 || 4 || 132 |
| | |- |
| | ! [[File:Air experience.png|21px]] !! style="text-align: left;" | 总飞机数 !! style="text-align: left;" | 916 || 2988 |
| | |- |
| | ! [[File:manpower.png|24px]] !! style="text-align: left;" | 使用人力 !! style="text-align: left;" | 28.16k || 90.80k |
| |} | | |} |
| |
| '''Total:''' 916 Planes | [[File:Manpower.png]] '''Manpower Used:''' 28.16K
| | {{clear}} |
| |
| The Luftwaffe in 1936 is smaller than the RAF, which is usually its main adversary, and the small fighter force is outdated. However, the German Reich does start with 1936 designs for all aircraft except carrier variants and heavy fighters, meaning that modern aircraft production can begin right away and research efforts can be diverted elsewhere.
| | 1936 年的德国空军的规模较其通常的主要对手——英国空军——小,并且使用的小型战斗机已经过时了。然而,德国的除舰载机和重型战斗机外的所有飞机的设计都始于1936年,这意味着现代飞机生产可以立即开始,研究重点可以转移到其他地方。 |
| |
| Historically, Germany focused on flexible medium bombers such as the He 111 that could provide tactical support, and also pioneered close-in air support with dive bombers such as the Ju 87 operating in concert with ground troops on the offensive. Germany's default air doctrine and unique advisors allow for the execution of very effective ground support operations.
| | 从历史上看,德国专注于灵活的中型轰炸机,如能够提供战术支援的He 111 轰炸机,同时也是近距离空中轰炸机的先驱,还率先使用如Ju 87 (又名“斯图卡”)的俯冲轰炸机提供近距离空中支援,与地面部队协同作战。德国默认的空袭原则和独特的顾问允许执行非常有效的地面支援行动。 |
| |
| The Luftwaffe was rapidly built into a modern air force in the late 1930s, playing a key role in German offensives in Poland, the Benelux, and France. After losing to the RAF in the Battle of Britain, the Luftwaffe would go on to play a vital role in early German victories on the Eastern Front, although the lack of strategic bombers to destroy Russian industry beyond the Urals ultimately contributed to the failure of Operation Barbarossa. German aerial innovation continued throughout the war, even after the tide had turned against the Axis, leading to the development of both the first operational jet fighter, the Me 262, and the V-2 rocket, the first long-range guided ballistic missile.
| | 20世纪30年代末,德国空军迅速发展成为现代空军,在德国对波兰、比荷卢和法国的进攻中发挥了关键作用。在英国战役中败给英国皇家空军后,尽管缺少摧毁乌拉尔以外俄罗斯工业的战略轰炸机最终导致了巴巴罗萨行动的失败,但仍然可以说德国空军在东线的早期胜利中发挥了重要作用。德国的空中创新在整个战争期间都在继续,甚至在轴心国颓势显现之后也是如此,而这造就了第一架作战喷气式战斗机Me 262 和第一枚远程弹道导弹V-2 火箭。 |
| |
| {| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" | | {| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" |
| |+ style="width: 55em; text-align: left;" | {{nowrap|Aircraft Types}} | | |+ style="width: 55em; text-align: left;" | {{nowrap| 飞机变体列表}} |
| ! Tech Year !! Close Air Support !! Fighter !! Naval Bomber !! Heavy Fighter !! Tactical Bomber !! Strategic Bomber | | ! 图标 !! 名称 !! 类型 !! # 1936 !! # 1939 !! +可靠性 !! +Attack !! +航程 !! +引擎 |
| |-
| |
| | '''1933''' || || He 51 || || || Do 23 ||
| |
| |-
| |
| | '''1936''' || Ju 87 || Bf 109 || Do 22 || Bf 110 || He 111 || Do 19
| |
| |- | | |- |
| | '''1940''' || Ju 87 G "Kanonenvogel" || Fw 190 || Ar 196 || Me 410 "Hornisse" || Ju 88 || He 177 "Greif" | | |[[File:GER_fighter1.png]]||Bf 109E^ || 战斗机 I型 || || 472 || 4 || 2 || 1 ||2 |
| |- | | |- |
| | '''1944''' || Ju 187 || Ta 152 || Fw 300 || Ju 388 || Ju 188 || Ta 400 | | |[[File:GER_light_plane_1.png]]||He 112^ || 战斗机 I型 || || || 2 || 1 || 1 || 0 |
| |- | | |- |
| | colspan="7" | '''<sup>Jet Engine Technology</sup>''' | | |[[File:GER_medium_plane_1.png]]||Do 17* || 战间期型轰炸机 || || 304 || 5 || 5 || 1 || 1 |
| |- | | |- |
| | '''1945''' || || Me 262 "Schwalbe" || || || Hs 132 || | | |[[File:GER_tactical_bomber1.png]]||Ju 86* || 战间期型轰炸机 || 40 || || 10 || 5 || 5 || 5 |
| |- | | |- |
| | '''1950''' || || Ho 229 || || || Ar 234 "Blitz" || H.XVIII | | | colspan="8" | * 已" 过时" 。 |
| | ^ 仅存在于1939年开局。 |
| |} | | |} |
| |
| === Military staff === | | === 军事顾问 === |
| {{Sversion|1.9}} | | {{Sversion|1.9}} |
| These are the Military Staff candidates for appointment of German Reich.
| |
| {| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" | | {| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" |
| |+ style="width: 30em; text-align: left;" |Chief of Army | | |+ style="width: 30em; text-align: left;" | 陆军部长 |
| !Candidate | | ! 顾问 |
| !Type I | | ! 职业 |
| !Type II | | ! 技能 |
| !Effects | | ! 效果 |
| !Cost ({{icon|political power}}) | | ! 条件 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Ludwig Beck | | |[[File:idea ludwig beck.png]]路德维希·贝克 |
| |Army Organization | | | 陆军组织 |
| |(Expert) | | | 大师 |
| | | | | |
| * Army Organization: {{green|+8 %}} | | * 陆军经验增长:每日 {{ 绿字|+0.30}} |
| | | * 陆军组织度:{{绿字|+8%}} |
| | align="center" |150 | | | {{图标|政治点数}} 100 {{图标| 指挥点数}} 20 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Wilhelm Keitel | | |[[File:idea wilhelm keitel.png]]威廉·凯特尔 |
| |Army Drill | | | 陆军演习 |
| |(Expert) | | | 大师 |
| | | | | |
| * Division training time: {{green|-10 %}} | | * 陆军经验增长:每日 {{ 绿字|+0.30}} |
| | | * 部队训练时间:{{绿字|−10%}} |
| | align="center" |150 | | | {{图标|政治点数}} 100 {{图标|指挥点数}} 20<br><small> |
| | {{图标| √}} 当前执政党属于 {{图标|法西斯主义|1}}</small></br> |
| |- | | |- |
| |Franz Halder | | |[[File:idea franz halder.png]]弗朗茨·哈尔德 |
| |Army Offense | | | 陆军进攻 |
| |(Expert) | | | 大师 |
| | | | | |
| * Division Attack: {{green|+10 %}} | | * 陆军经验增长:每日 {{ 绿字|+0.30}} |
| | | * 部队攻击:{{绿字|+10%}} |
| | align="center" |150 | | | {{图标|政治点数}} 100 {{图标| 指挥点数}} 20 |
| |- | | |- |
| |W. von Brauchitsch | | |[[File:idea walther von brauchitsch.png]]W ·冯·布劳希奇 |
| |Army Maneuver | | | 陆军机动 |
| |(Expert) | | | 大师 |
| | | | | |
| * Division speed: {{green|+10 %}} | | * 单位速度:{{ 绿字|+10%}} |
| Requires: '''''Army Innovations'''''
| | * 陆军经验增长:每日 {{绿字|+0.30}} |
| | align="center" |150 | | | {{图标|政治点数}} 100 {{图标|指挥点数}} 20<br><small> |
| | {{图标| √}} 已完成国策 [[德国国策树#陆军改革| 陆军改革]]。</small></br> |
| |} | | |} |
| | |
| {| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" | | {| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" |
| |+ style="width: 30em; text-align: left;" |Chief of Navy | | |+ style="width: 30em; text-align: left;" | 海军部长 |
| !Candidate | | ! 顾问 |
| !Type I | | ! 职业 |
| !Type II | | ! 技能 |
| !Effects | | ! 效果 |
| !Cost ({{icon|political power}}) | | ! 条件 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Erich Raeder | | |[[File:idea raeder.png]]埃里希·雷德尔 |
| |Decisive Battle | | | 舰队决战 |
| |(Expert) | | | 大师 |
| | | | | |
| * Capital Ship Attack: {{green|+10 %}} | | * 海军经验增长:每日 {{ 绿字|+0.30}} |
| | | * 主力舰、屏卫舰: |
| * Capital Ship Armor: {{green|+10 %}} | | ** 攻击:{{ 绿字|+10%}} |
| | | ** 装甲:{{ 绿字|+10%}} |
| * Screen Attack: {{green|+10 %}} | | | {{ 图标| 政治点数}} 100 {{图标| 指挥点数}} 20 |
| | |
| * Screen Defense: {{green|+10 %}}
| |
| | |
| | align="center" |150 | |
| |- | | |- |
| |Karl Dönitz | | |[[File:idea donitz.png]]卡尔·邓尼茨 |
| |Commerce Raiding | | | 贸易袭击 |
| |(Genius) | | | 奇才 |
| | | | | |
| * Convoy Raiding Efficiency: {{green|+20 %}} | | * 海军经验增长:每日 {{ 绿字|+0.40}} |
| | * 袭击运输船任务效率:{{绿字|+20%}} |
| | | {{图标|政治点数}} 200 {{图标|指挥点数}} 10 |
| | |} |
| |
| | align="center" |150
| |
| |}
| |
| {| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" | | {| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" |
| |+ style="width: 30em; text-align: left;" |Chief of Airforce | | |+ style="width: 30em; text-align: left;" | 空军部长 |
| !Candidate | | ! 顾问 |
| !Type I | | ! 职业 |
| !Type II | | ! 技能 |
| !Effects | | ! 效果 |
| !Cost ({{icon|political power}}) | | ! 条件 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Hermann Göring | | |[[File:idea goering.png]]赫尔曼·戈林 |
| |Ground Support | | | 对地支援 |
| |(Expert) | | | 大师 |
| | | | | |
| * Air Support: {{green|+10 %}} | | * 空军经验增长:每日 {{ 绿字|+0.30}} |
| | align="center" |150 | | * 夺取制空:{{绿字|+10%}} |
| | | {{图标| 政治点数}} 100 {{图标|指挥点数}} 20<br><small>{{图标|√}} 需要下列条件之一: |
| | 当前执政党属于 {{图标|法西斯主义|1}} |
| | <br>重组纳粹领导层</small></br> |
| |- | | |- |
| |Robert Ritter von Greim | | |[[File:idea ritter von greim.png]]里特尔·冯·格莱姆 |
| |All-Weather | | | 全天候作战 |
| |(Expert) | | | 大师 |
| | | | | |
| * Bad Weather Penalty: {{green|-20 %}} | | * 空军经验增长:每日 {{ 绿字|+0.30}} |
| Requires: '''''Army Innovations'''''
| | * 恶劣天气惩罚:{{绿字|−20%}} |
| | align="center" |150 | | | {{图标|政治点数}} 100 {{图标|指挥点数}} 20<br><small> |
| | {{图标| √}} 已完成国策 [[德国国策树#空军改革| 空军改革]]。</small></br> |
| |- | | |- |
| |Albert Kesselring | | |[[File:idea albert kesselring.png]]阿尔贝特·凯塞林 |
| |Air Reformer | | | 空军改革 |
| |(Expert) | | | 大师 |
| | | | | |
| * Air Experience Gain: {{green|+7.5 %}} | | * 陆军经验增长:每日 {{ 绿字|+0.30}} |
| | align="center" |150 | | * 空军经验增长:每日 {{绿字|+10%}} |
| | | {{图标|政治点数}} 100 {{图标| 指挥点数}} 20 |
| |} | | |} |
| | |
| {| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" | | {| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" |
| |+ style="width: 30em; text-align: left;" |Military High Command | | |+ style="width: 30em; text-align: left;" | 总司令 |
| !Candidate | | ! 顾问 |
| !Type I | | ! 职业 |
| !Type II | | ! 技能 |
| !Effects | | ! 效果 |
| !Cost ({{icon|political power}}) | | ! 条件 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Ferdinand Schörner | | |[[File:idea ferdinand schorner.png]]费迪南德·舍尔纳 |
| |Infantry | | | 步兵 |
| |(Expert) | | | 大师 |
| | | | | |
| * Infantry Division Attack: {{green|+10 %}} | | * 步兵部队: |
| * Infantry Division Defense: {{green|+15 %}} | | ** 攻击:{{ 绿字|+10%}} |
| | align="center" |150 | | ** 防御:{{ 绿字|+15%}} |
| | | {{图标| 政治点数}} 100 {{图标|指挥点数}} 20 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Erwin Rommel | | |[[File:idea erwin rommel.png]]埃尔温·隆美尔 |
| |Armor | | | 装甲 |
| |(Genius) | | | 奇才 |
| | | | | |
| * Armor Division Attack: {{green|+15 %}} | | * 装甲部队: |
| * Armor Division Defense: {{green|+15 %}} | | ** 攻击:{{ 绿字|+15%}} |
| Requires: '''''Army Innovations'''''
| | ** 防御:{{ 绿字|+15%}} |
| | align="center" |150 | | | {{图标|政治点数}} 200 {{图标|指挥点数}} 10<br><small> |
| | {{图标| √}} 已完成国策 [[德国国策树#陆军改革| 陆军改革]]。</small></br> |
| |- | | |- |
| |Gerd von Rundstedt | | |[[File:idea gerd von rundstedt.png]]格尔德·冯·伦德施泰特 |
| |Army Regrouping | | | 陆军重组 |
| |(Expert) | | | 大师 |
| | | | | |
| * Division Recovery Rate: {{green|+8 %}} | | * 部队组织度恢复:{{ 绿字|+8%}} |
| | align="center" |150 | | | {{图标| 政治点数}} 100 {{图标|指挥点数}} 20 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Werner von Fritsch | | |[[File:idea werner von fritsch.png]]威尔纳·冯·弗里奇 |
| |Army Logistics | | | 陆军后勤 |
| |(Expert) | | | 大师 |
| | | | | |
| * Division Attrition: {{green|-8 %}} | | * 部队损耗:{{ 绿字| −8%}} |
| | align="center" |150 | | | {{图标| 政治点数}} 100 {{图标|指挥点数}} 20 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Hugo Sperrle | | |[[File:idea hugo sperrle.png]]胡戈·施佩勒 |
| |Close Air Support | | | 密接支援 |
| |(Expert) | | | 大师 |
| | | | | |
| * Close air support attack: {{green|+3 %}} | | * '''近距支援机''': |
| * Close air support defense: {{green|+3 %}} | | ** 攻击:{{ 绿字|+3%}} |
| * Close air support agility: {{green|+3 %}} | | ** 防御:{{ 绿字|+3%}} |
| Requires: '''''Air Innovations'''''
| | ** 机动:{{ 绿字|+3%}} |
| | align="center" |150 | | | {{图标|政治点数}} 100 {{图标|指挥点数}} 20<br><small> |
| | {{图标| √}} 已完成国策 [[德国国策树#空军改革| 空军改革]]。</small></br> |
| |- | | |- |
| |Erhard Milch | | |[[File:idea erhard milch.png]]艾哈德·米尔希 |
| |Bomber Interception | | | 轰炸机拦截 |
| |(Expert) | | | 大师 |
| | | | | |
| * Interception attack: {{green|+3 %}} | | * 拦截: |
| * Interception defense: {{green|+3 %}} | | ** 攻击:{{ 绿字|+3%}} |
| * Interception agility: {{green|+3 %}} | | ** 防御:{{ 绿字|+3%}} |
| | align="center" |150 | | ** 机动:{{ 绿字|+3%}} |
| | | {{图标|政治点数}} 100 {{图标| 指挥点数}} 20 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Kurt Student | | |[[File:idea kurt student.png]]库尔特·斯图登特 |
| |Airborne Assault | | | 空降作战 |
| |(Expert) | | | 大师 |
| | | | | |
| * Paradrop attack: {{green|+2 %}} | | * 空降: |
| * Paradrop defense: {{green|+5 %}} | | ** 攻击:{{ 绿字|+2%}} |
| * Paradrop agility: {{green|+5 %}} | | ** 防御:{{ 绿字|+5%}} |
| | align="center" |150 | | ** 机动:{{ 绿字|+5%}} |
| | | {{图标|政治点数}} 100 {{图标| 指挥点数}} 20 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Erich Bey | | |[[File:idea erich bey.png]]埃里希·贝伊 |
| |Naval Air Defense | | | 海军对空防御 |
| |(Expert) | | | 大师 |
| | | | | |
| * Naval AA attack: {{green|+15 %}} | | * 海军对空攻击:{{ 绿字|+15%}} |
| | align="center" |150 | | | {{图标| 政治点数}} 100 {{图标|指挥点数}} 20 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Günther Lütjens | | |[[File:idea gunther lutjens.png]]君特·吕特延斯 |
| |Fleet Logistics | | | 舰队后勤 |
| |(Expert) | | | 大师 |
| | | | | |
| * Naval Max range factor: {{green|+10 %}} | | * 海军最大航程参数:{{ 绿字|+10%}} |
| | align="center" |150 | | | {{图标| 政治点数}} 100 {{图标|指挥点数}} 20 |
| |- | | |- |
| |Viktor Schütze | | |[[File:idea viktor schutze.png]]维克托·舒尔策 |
| |Anti-Submarine | | | 反潜作战 |
| |(Specialist) | | | 专家 |
| | | | | |
| * Submarine Detection: {{green|+10 %}} | | * 对潜探测:{{ 绿字|+10%}} |
| | align="center" |150 | | | {{图标| 政治点数}} 50 {{图标|指挥点数}} 30 |
| |} | | |} |
| |
| ==Strategies and guides== | | == 策略== |
| During 1936 a good construction strategy is to focus on improving infrastructure in states with lots of resources and factory slots, then building civilian factories in those states. Later in 1937 its wise to start shifting construction towards military factories (And dockyards if you intend to invade the UK after capitulating France). Militarily, the first priority should be to inflate your army manpower enough to reach the requirements of the "Anschluss" national focus as fast as possible. This focus will give you valuable Austrian factories, as well as some manpower, divisions and resources. One way to accomplish this is to only train infantry divisions as they are much cheaper and faster to produce than tank or motorized.
| | 在1936年剧本,一个好的战略是集中精力改善资源丰富、拥有大量工厂位置的地区的基础设施,然后在这些州建设民用工厂。1937年,明智的做法是开始将建设军工厂(如果你打算在法国投降后入侵英国,那么也要建设造船厂)。在军事上,首要任务应该是增加你的军队人数,以尽快达到“德奥合并”国家重点的要求。这一重点将为您提供宝贵的奥地利工厂,以及一些人力、部门和资源。实现这一点的一种方法是只训练步兵师,因为他们比坦克或机动化的生产成本低得多,速度也快得多。 |
| | | 从“四年计划”国策开始,同时关注其他国策,一旦达到“进军莱茵兰”、“索取苏台德/斯洛文尼亚需求”、“捷克斯洛伐克的命运”和其他扩张性的外交国策的要求,你就应该采取这些措施。(所以事实上你的第一个国策应该就是“进军莱茵兰”)德国正在与时间赛跑,在盟国工业发展超过你们之前占领它们。如果有足够的时间,盟国有足够的工厂和人力打败德国和意大利。因此,建议玩家在1939年结束前向法国、南斯拉夫、波兰和比荷卢三国宣战。 |
| Start with the "Four Year Plan" national focus and continue with the other industry focused focuses, as soon as the requirements for "Rhineland", "Anschluss", "Demand Sudetenland/Slovenia" and other diplomatic focuses are achieved you should take them. Germany is in a race against time to occupy Allied countries before they outgrow you industrially. Given enough time the Allied countries have enough factories and manpower to beat both Germany and Italy. Therefore it is recommended the player has declared war on France, Yugoslavia, Poland and/or the Benelux countries before 1939 is over.
| | 记住,派遣志愿者为民族主义的西班牙而战,以获得军事经验。 |
| | 德国在游戏初期到中期的大部分时间都缺乏燃料,因此必须记住,保证石油是战前建设的重要组成部分。在与盟国宣战后,你仍然可以与罗马尼亚和苏联进行贸易,而不必冒失去运输船的风险。除非绝对必要,否则避免与苏联进行贸易,因为你将来可能会与他们发生战争,你不想给他们更多的民用工厂。 |
| | 在与波兰的战争中,你有许多战略可供选择。 |
| | 然而,一种方法是用坦克和摩托化组建陆军,同时升级步兵编制,包括火炮和支援师,空军配备战斗机和近距离空中支援/ 战术轰炸机,而海军基本上被忽视,因为它在与法国、波兰和比荷卢三国的战争中不会有多大帮助。使用海军轰炸机和潜艇扰乱英国的航运和军队运输。这一战略在很大程度上遵循了德意志帝国的历史战略。 |
| | 另一个办法是集中力量建设强大的海军,特别是潜艇。而只生产少量的“精英”坦克师,让摩托化师成为你的“打击力量”。空中优势仍然非常重要,建议在战争爆发时至少部署1000架战斗机。战争开始时,使用潜艇在英吉利海峡击沉尽可能多的英国运输和贸易车队(然而英吉利海峡是浅海,对舰艇有+100%可见度的debuff,所以很容易被英国护航舰队拦截)。保持你的水面舰队停泊在港口内,直到法国投降、你认为水面舰队能与皇家海军匹敌时。 |
| |
| Remember to send volunteers to fight for Nationalist Spain to gain military experience.
| | ====== 另一思路 ====== |
| | 这里提供另一个早战思路。开局的政治点数用于制造南斯拉夫的战争借口,并按照“陆军改革”、“与苏联的条约”、“进军莱茵兰”、“德奥合并”然后工业线的顺序点国策。军事方面应该保证有足够的步兵师以填充战线,最为重要的是部署一些轻型坦克师。在战前把所有海军合并并在北海和英吉利海峡进行掩护登陆作战行动。把所有的装甲师调到威廉港准备执行登录法国的计划。当借口制造完毕时就可以开战了。因为法国和罗马尼亚、捷克斯洛伐克保证南斯拉夫独立所以前二者会被召唤进入战争。因为AI海军会有一定的反应时间,所以很容易拿到两地的制海权,此时立刻执行登陆计划并且快速占领加来、巴黎、奥尔良等重要城市。此时法国就应该投降了。接下来再回过头来解决南斯拉夫和罗马尼亚以及捷克。在解决完两者之前应该制造其他国家的宣称并宣战,此举是为了避免战后“偿付梅福券”的+20%生活消费品工厂的debuff。接下来就该怎么玩就怎么玩了。(进攻英国时也可以使用同进攻法国的方法)(注:在完成德奥合并的国策后也可以继续点索取苏台德以避免苏台德的堡垒拖慢节奏,还可以拿到苏台德的核心) |
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| Germany suffers from a lack of fuel for most the early to mid game so its important to keep in mind that fuel silos, refineries and trade are important parts of the pre-war buildup. After war is declared with the Allies you can still trade with Romania and the Soviet Union without risking losing your convoys. Avoid trading with the Soviet Union, unless absolutely necessary, since you will likely be at war with them in the future and you don't want to give them more civilian factories.
| | == 成就== |
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| In the buildup to the war with Poland you have many strategies to choose from.
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| However, one approach is to build up the army with tanks and motorized, while upgrading your infantry template to include artillery and support divisions, air force with fighters and Close Air Support/Tactical Bombers and leaving the navy largely ignored as it won't help much in your wars with France, Poland and the Benelux countries. Use naval bombers and submarines to disrupt UK shipping and troop transports. This strategy largely follows the historical strategy of the German Reich.
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| Another approach is to focus on a strong navy, particularly submarines. While only producing a small amount of "elite" tank divisions and letting motorized/motorized artillery divisions be your "punching force". Air superiority is still very important and it's recommended you have deployed a minimum of a 1000 fighters at the outbreak of the war. Use submarines to sink as much of UK transports and trade convoys in the English Channel at the start of the war. Keep your surface fleet in dock until you think it can match the Royal Navy, and France has surrendered.
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| ==Achievements== | |
| {| width=100% | | {| width=100% |
| |{{Iconbox|Don’t Die for Your Country|As Germany in a 1939 start, occupy all of Poland and France without taking more than 475 casualties.|extension=png}} | | |{{Iconbox| 莫为国死|扮演德国于1939年开始,占领整个波兰和法国却没有造成超过475人死亡。|en=Don’t Die for Your Country|image=Don’t Die for Your Country.png}} |
| |} | | |} |
| {| width=100% | | {| width=100% |
| |{{Iconbox|Monarchy is Back in Fashion|As Germany, Bring back the Kaiser and ensure that Italy is controlled by Victor Emmanuel by killing Mussolini.|extension=png}} | | |{{Iconbox| 复辟流行|扮演德国,请回凯撒,并且通过杀死墨索里尼确保意大利被维克托·伊曼纽尔控制。|en=Monarchy is Back in Fashion|image=Monarchy is Back in Fashion.png}} |
| |} | | |} |
| {| width=100% | | {| width=100% |
| |{{Iconbox|Operation Sea Lion|Control British mainland as Germany.|extension=jpg}} | | |{{Iconbox| 海狮行动|扮演德国控制英国本土|en=Operation Sea Lion|image=Operation Sealion.jpg}} |
| |} | | |} |
| {| width=100% | | {| width=100% |
| |{{Iconbox|Our Other Place in the Sun|As Imperial Germany, conquer a Caribbean island.|extension=png}} | | |{{Iconbox| 另一阳光下的地盘|扮演德意志帝国,征服了一个加勒比海岛屿。|en=Our Other Place in the Sun|image=Our Other Place in the Sun.png}} |
| |} | | |} |
| {|width=100% | | {|width=100% |
| |{{Iconbox|True Blitzkrieg|As Germany have both Poland and France surrender before January 1st 1940|extension=jpg}} | | |{{Iconbox| 真·闪电战|扮演德国使波兰和法国在1940年以前投降。|en=True Blitzkrieg|image=True Blitzkrieg.jpg}} |
| | |} |
| | {| width=100% |
| | |{{Iconbox|为何要为但泽而死?|作为德国,将法国转变为法西斯政权并占领丹泽,且没有与法国开战。|en=Why Die For Danzig?|image=Why Die For Danzig?.png}} |
| |} | | |} |
| {| width=100% | | {| width=100% |
| |{{Iconbox|Why Die For Danzig?|As Germany, turn France fascist and occupy Danzig without going to war with France.|extension=png}} | | |{{Iconbox| 唯有饮啤| 扮演德国,直接或通过阵营成员控制百威,青岛和健力士三个啤酒产地。|en=By Beer Alone|image=By Beer Alone.png}} |
| | |} |
| | {| width=100% |
| | |{{Iconbox|斯大林格勒没有什么好玩的|扮演德国,不占领斯大林格勒使苏联投降。|en=Not much fun in Stalingrad|image=Not much fun in Stalingrad.png}} |
| |} | | |} |
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| {{Country navbox|Countries without strategy guides}} | | {{Country navbox|Countries without strategy guides}} |
| [[Category:Countries with unique National Focus trees]] | | [[ 分类: 有独特国策树的国家]] |
| [[hoi4fr:German Reich]] | | [[en:German Reich]] |
| [[hoi4ru:German Reich]]
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