



荷蘭的國旗 荷蘭(Netherlands),是西歐的一個小國。它與德意志國的國旗 德意志國比利時的國旗 比利時接壤,並與 法國的國旗 法國聯合王國的國旗 聯合王國在殖民地相鄰。它統治着一個相對較大的殖民帝國,在南美洲,加勒比海地區(Caribbean)和亞洲( 荷屬東印度的國旗 荷屬東印度)都有殖民地。從歷史上看,荷蘭人曾試圖在即將發生的世界大戰中保持中立,但德國已決定於1940年5月10日入侵荷蘭,以繞過法國的馬奇諾防線。與鄰國 比利時的國旗 比利時盧森堡的國旗 盧森堡一樣,荷蘭也為德國人所佔領,政府流亡倫敦繼續抵抗。荷蘭流亡政府此後再次在亞洲戰區作戰,以抵禦日軍對 荷屬東印度的國旗 荷屬東印度的入侵,但最終失敗,而荷蘭最大的殖民地在對軸心國宣戰後不久就淪陷了。







荷蘭的國旗 荷蘭炮手就位 炮手就位 DLC中獲得了一個獨特的國策樹。在沒有該DLC的情況下,荷蘭將使用通用國策樹


這條線可以加強荷蘭殖民地的工業能力並允許荷蘭在投降後將政府遷移至 荷屬東印度的國旗 荷屬東印度,並獲得針對 委內瑞拉的國旗 委內瑞拉的戰爭目標。
  • 撤銷軍事預算削減分支
這條線允許荷蘭選擇倒向 德意志國的國旗 德意志國還是 聯合王國的國旗 聯合王國,抑或是朝向中立之路前進。
  • 人民和祖國分支
法西斯主義法西斯主義分支允許荷蘭與 德意志國的國旗 德意志國結盟,用 荷屬東印度的國旗 荷屬東印度來安撫 日本的國旗 日本,或獲得針對荷蘭歷史殖民地與其他低地國家的戰爭目標。
  • 七省聯盟號兵變的遺產分支
共產主義共產主義分支允許荷蘭去殖民化,加入 蘇維埃聯盟的國旗 蘇維埃聯盟法國的國旗 法國的陣營,並獲得針對非共產主義主要國家及其他低地國家的戰爭目標。
  • 橙色至上!分支
中立主義君主主義分支將允許威廉明娜成為國家領袖,獲得 美利堅合眾國的國旗 美利堅合眾國保障獨立並從 德意志國的國旗 德意志國獲取部隊。
  • 「通過民主來團結」分支


陸軍科技 海軍科技 海軍科技
空軍科技 電子學與工業 學說
  • 約翰遜 M41(步兵裝備 II)
  • 海軍陸戰隊 I
  • 偵察連 I
  • 7.5cm M 02/04(牽引式火炮 I)
  • 防空炮 I
  • 驅逐艦 II
  • 輕巡洋艦 II
  • 重巡洋艦 I
  • 潛艇 I
  • 驅逐艦 I
    • 基礎深水炸彈
  • 巡洋艦 II
    • 基礎巡洋艦裝甲設計方案
  • 潛艇 II
  • 海軍艦炮
  • 炮廓式副炮
  • 運輸船
  • 觸髮式水雷
  • 布雷潛艇
  • 福克 D.XVII(戰間期型戰鬥機)
  • 福克 C.V D/E(戰間期型轟炸機)
  • 燃料精煉 I



荷蘭從1936年開始為一個民主國家,其每四年選舉一次,下一次選舉是1937年4月。1936年開始荷蘭的執政黨是由Hendrikus Colijn所領導的反革命黨。


政黨 意識形態 支持率 領袖 國家名 是執政黨?
反革命黨 (荷蘭反革命黨) 民主主義 民主主義 93% 亨德里克斯·科萊恩 荷蘭
荷蘭共產黨 (荷蘭共產黨) 共產主義 共產主義 3% 路易斯·代·葳瑟 荷蘭人民聯合省
國家社會主義運動 (荷蘭國家社會主義運動 ) 法西斯主義 法西斯主義 4% 安東·穆塞特 荷蘭帝國
荷蘭人民運動 (荷蘭人民運動) 中立主義 中立主義 0% 威廉·舍默爾霍恩 荷蘭王國

在 1939 年的開始日期中,所有政黨的支持率與 1936 年的開始日期相同。


威廉明娜 icon
超然中立 icon
  • 加入陣營的緊張度限制:+100.0%
  • 派遣志願軍的緊張度限制:+50.0%
  • 保障獨立的緊張度限制:+100.0%
心驚膽寒的一戰旁觀者 icon
  • 適役 人口人口修正:-50%
  • 工廠產出:-25.00%
  • 海軍船塢產出:-10.00%


危機歲月 icon


虛弱的政府 icon


作為一個保守的民主主義國家,荷蘭對其它保守民主國家都擁有(+20)的關係,如 比利時的國旗 比利時南非的國旗 南非,並對其它所有類型的民主國家擁有(+10)的關係。荷蘭對相同意識形態之外的所有國家都有一個輕微的負面關係(-10)。它擁有一個相對較大的殖民帝國,並以東印度群島作為傀儡。





顧問 類型 效果 花費
威廉·舍默霍恩 民主改革家 每日民主主義新增支持率: +0.1%


索爾·德·格羅特 共產主義革命家 每日共產主義新增支持率: +0.1%


安東·潘涅庫克 議會的共產黨人 政治點數: -30%
工廠產出: +10%
海軍船塢產出: +10%


沃爾拉文·范霍爾 抵抗組織的銀行家 生活消費品工廠: -10%
我們被敵人佔領地區的抵抗增長速度: +10%

停止抵抗 ,並且執政黨屬於民主主義中立主義)

雅各布·阿德里安·德·王爾德 溫和的反革命者 政治點數: +10%
穩定度: +5%


安東·德·科姆 殖民地共產黨人 非核心人力: +2%
每周人力: +250
每日共產主義新增支持率: +0.05

當前執政黨屬於共產主義 ,並且已完成去殖民化國策

揚·豪德里安 工業領袖 基礎設施建造速度: +10%
民用工廠建造速度: +10%
鐵路建造速度: +10%
合成煉油廠建造速度: +10%
阿德里安·迪希霍恩 戰爭實業家 軍用工廠建造速度: +10%
海軍船塢建造速度: +10%
儲油罐建造速度: +10%


伯恩哈德親王 無畏的冒險家 政治點數: +5%
空軍經驗增長: +3%
部隊組織度恢復: +10%
戰爭支持度: +5%


科內利斯·范赫爾克肯 恐怖的巨頭 非核心人力:+2%
外來顛覆活動效率: -30%
駐軍所受傷害: -25%


邁因奧特·羅斯特·范托寧根 法西斯煽動家 每日法西斯主義新增支持率: +0.1%


菲利普斯·維特爾特·范霍格蘭 詭譎的紳士 特工位: +1
情報機構升級時間: -15%
設計商 類型 效果 花費
裝甲車輛企業 坦克設計商 裝甲研究速度: +15%

裝甲科技: 可靠性: +5%

設計商 類型 效果 花費
NSM 阿姆斯特丹 襲擊艦設計商 海軍研究速度: +15%

      最大速度: +10%
      最大速度: +10%
      重型火炮攻擊: -10%
      最大速度: +10%
      最大速度: +10%

威爾頓·費諾德造船廠 大西洋艦隊設計商 海軍研究速度: +15%

      H P: +10%
      裝甲厚度: +10%
      重型火炮攻擊: +10%

設計商 類型 效果 花費
福克公司 輕型飛機設計商 空軍研究速度: +15%

      機動: +10%
      最大速度: +10%
      機動: +10%
      最大速度: +10%

科爾霍芬 中型飛機設計商 空軍研究速度: +15%

重型戰鬥機: 可靠性: +20%
戰術轟炸機: 可靠性: +20%
偵查機: 可靠性: +20%

設計商 類型 效果 花費
達夫公司 摩托化裝備設計商 摩托化研究速度: +15%

已完成 達夫國策

汗布雷格炮兵廠 步兵裝備設計商 武器和裝備研究速度: +15%


H. I. H. 西德里烏斯 火炮設計商 火炮研究速度: +15% 政治點數150
企業 類型 效果 花費
荷蘭皇家殼牌集團 工業企業 工業研究速度: +15%


飛利浦 電子企業 電子研究速度: +15


理論家 類型 效果 花費
霍德弗里德·范福爾斯特·托特·福爾斯特 軍事理論家 陸軍學說花費: -10% 政治點數100
約翰內斯·特奧多魯斯·菲爾斯特納 海軍理論家 空軍學說花費: -10% 政治點數100
馬里厄斯·賴馬克爾斯 空戰理論家 空軍學說花費: -10% 政治點數100


荷蘭開局時僅有少數工廠,擁有 Oil.png石油、Aluminum.png鋁和 Steel.png鋼幾種戰略資源。它通過印度尼西亞傀儡國間接控制着數量可觀的 Rubber.png橡膠以及一些 Aluminum.png鋁和 Oil.png石油。


徵兵法案 經濟法案 貿易法案
Volunteer only.png 志願兵役制
  • 1.5% 適役人口
Civilian economy.png 民用經濟
  • 35% 生活消費品工廠
  • –30% 軍用工廠建造速度
  • –30% 民用工廠建造速度
  • +30% 軍轉民消耗
  • +30% 民轉軍消耗
  • -40% 石油轉換燃油效率
  • -25% 燃油容量
Export focus.png 重視出口
  • 50% 可出口資源
  • +5% 科研速度
  • +10% 工廠/海軍船塢產出
  • +10% 建造速度
  • +20% 泄露給他國的民政情報
  • +10% 泄露給他國的海軍情報


種類 單位(傀儡擁有單位)
Aluminum.png 68 (36)
Chromium.png -
Oil.png 石油 40 (37)
Rubber.png 橡膠 0 (550)
Steel.png 鋼鐵 7
Tungsten.png -
種類 數量(傀儡擁有數量)
民用工廠 民用工廠 11(1)
軍用工廠 軍用工廠 4
海軍船塢 海軍船塢 3(1)

註:上述數字代表可用資源,根據貿易法案,一定數量的資源可能會被交易走。 同時,根據非核心區的佔領政策,將損失一定數量可用資源。




種類 數量
Infantry cropped.png 步兵 8
Army experience.png 陸軍總數 8
種類 數量
Destroyer.png 驅逐艦 8
Light Cruiser.png 輕巡洋艦 2
Heavy Cruiser.png 重巡洋艦 3
Submarine.png 潛艇 19
Convoy.png Convoy 32
Navy experience.png 艦船總數 32
海軍 炮手就位 炮手就位
種類 數量
Destroyer.png 驅逐艦 8
Light Cruiser.png 輕巡洋艦 3
Heavy Cruiser.png 重巡洋艦 3
Submarine.png 潛艇 20
Convoy.png Convoy 34
Navy experience.png 艦船總數 34
種類 數量
Fighter c.png 戰鬥機 12
Air experience.png 飛機總數 12
The Dutch landforce in 1936 consists of 8 divisions each consisting of 6,905 men out of 9,000 design strength.

Examples of alternative division template names for the Netherlands include:

  • Marines - Divisie Mariniers
  • Paratroopers - Luchtmobiele Divisie
  • Motorized - Gemotoriseerd Divisie
  • Mechanized - Gemechaniseerde Divisie
  • Armor - Pantserdivisie
Motorized units list
Name 類型 Techyear
DAF Trado Motorized I 1936
DAF Pantrado 1 Mechanized I 1940
DAF MC-139 Basic Amtrac 1941
DAF Pantrado 2 Mechanized II 1942
DAF MC-143 Improved Amtrac 1943
DAF Pantrado 3 Mechanized III 1944
Tank units list
Name 類型 Techyear
Great War Tank Great War Tank 1918
PVT-1 Light Tank I 1934
PVT-2 Light Tank II 1936
PVT-5 Light Tank III 1941
GVT-3 Medium Tank I 1939
GVT-4 Medium Tank II 1941
GVT-6 Medium Tank III 1943
ZT-I Heavy Tank I 1934
ZT-II Heavy Tank II 1941
ZT-III Heavy Tank III 1943
SH. Tank Super Heavy Tank 1943
MBT 1945
The Royal Dutch Navy starts in 1936 with its 32 ships divided between Europe and Asia. In Europe, there are 7 submarines, 2 heavy cruisers and a destroyer. In the East Indies, there are 12 submarines, 7 destroyers, 2 light cruisers, and a heavy cruiser. No ships are being built in 1936, but the Netherlands can build Tier II destroyers and light cruisers, in addition to tier I heavy cruisers and submarines.
Ship Clases
類型 Class Amount In Production Tech
CA Soerabaja 3 0 Heavy Cruiser I
CL Java Class 2 0 Light Cruiser I
DD Van Ghent Class 8 0 Destroyer I
SS K-XIV Class 12 0 Submarine I
SS K-III Class 7 0 Submarine I
Convoy 150 0
For 炮手就位 Man the Guns
The Royal Dutch Navy starts in 1936 with its 34 ships divided between Europe and Asia. In Europe, there are 8 submarines, 2 coastal defense ships and a destroyer. In the East Indies, there are 12 submarines, 7 destroyers, 3 light cruisers, and a coastal defense ship. No ships are being built in 1936, but the Netherlands can build Tier II submarines and cruisers, in addition to tier I destroyers.
Ship Clases
類型 Class Amount In Production Tech
CA Soerabaja 2 0 Coastal Defense Ship
CA Hertog Hendrik 1 0 Coastal Defense Ship
CL De Ruyter Class 1 0 Light Cruiser I
CL Java Class 2 0 Light Cruiser I
DD Van Ghent Class 4 0 Destroyer I
DD Van Galen Class 4 0 Destroyer I
SS K-XIV Class 5 0 Submarine II
SS O9 Class 10 0 Submarine I
SS K-III Class 5 0 Submarine I
Convoy 150 0
Air force
The Netherlands air forces consist of 12 inter-war fighters, based in Sulawesi which is part of their puppet in the East Indies.
Aircraft Types
Tech Year Close Air Support (Carrier Variant) Fighter (Carrier Variant) Naval Bomber (Carrier Variant) Heavy Fighter Tactical Bomber Strategic Bomber
1933 Fokker D.XVII Fokker C.V D/E
1936 A-12 Fokker D.XXI Fokker T.IVa Fokker G.1M Fokker T.V Pander F
1940 A-17 F.K. 58 Fokker T.VIII Fokker G.1W Fokker T.IX Pander M
1944 A-21 Fokker D.XXX Koolhoven F.K.65 Fokker G.XXIII Koolhoven F.K.71 Pander U
Jet Engine Technology
1945 Jet Fighter I Jet Tac Bomber I
1950 Jet Fighter I Jet Tac Bomber II Jet Strat Bomber I

Strategies and Guides

Treading the Narrow Path

This achievement requires you to not cave in to Germany and holding your European lands until 1945.Thou this achievement is very hard to get and only a little percent of players got it,you can easily get this achievement. Achievement requires you to not to cave to Germany,not caving to Britain.You will maintain the trade neutrality.Do theForm a new government and gate way to europe focuses.Use your political power to make trade influence of both Britain and Germany 50 and take the Maintain trade neutrality focus.While you use your political power to trade influence,you should take Abondon gold standard and Continue public works focuses.You should do Zuidersee Works focus as fast as possible.Don't do Obtain foreign investment focus because you will lose your colonies with Decolonisation focus.Once both Britain and Germany has 50 tarde influence take Maintain trade neutrality focus,then do Legacy of Zeven Providence Munity focus.Do the other comunist focuses.Do Bastion of true comunism and bring socialism south focus.Then do enemies on all fronts and Pre-empt western invertention.UK or France won't guarantee Belgium and Luxembourg.You can get them and form Benelux which will hive you United Netherlands achievement.Continue your way to Zuiderzee and wait until Germany declears on Poland.Once Germany is at war with Allies declear war on France and Germany will invite you to Axis.Don't leave the Axis and do the Zuiderzee focus(guard all of your coast line with small infantry divisions so focus won't be cancelled).Wait until 1945 and you will get the achievement.

Fascist Swamp Germans


The first task for the Dutch is to gun for a Fascist Demagogue, so it is advised the Political Effort national focus is picked first. Democratic nations are very limited in means to become fascist, and the Netherlands should become fascist as soon as possible in order to make optimal use of this strategy. Apart from that, their main aims will be to have one general-level (24 division) command of good infantry units and to build up a decent naval force. Once the main infantry force is done, territorials should be built in vast numbers. Due to the crippling manpower limitations, it may be best to train up all divisions as colonial brigades and then convert the main 24 divisions to your primary infantry template after manpower has been improved through conscription laws and the Fascist branch of your generic National Focus tree.

The Dutch navy is best of being a surface fleet intended to face off against any regional units of the Royal Navy in the Pacific to start with. Using light cruisers and battlecruisers is the optimal setup for this, preferably together with the Fleet in Being doctrines. One should be staying close enough to land to make carriers redundant.

The early game goals, other than militarisation, are a swift conquest of your rebellious neighbors in Belgium (which is the first reason for having that general-level command) and Luxembourg. The former is necessary, the latter is merely a nice little production boost and achievement-catcher. Both of these conquests should be finished before WW2 kicks off so that there is less risk from faction meddling in. That way there won't be any resistance in those lands during the real event. Assisting Japan against China could also help a lot.

Managing same-day declarations against both powers is quite tricky, due to the short duration of manufactured wargoals and the speed penalty on justifying a second wargoal simultaneously. Consider amassing enough political power to justify for 2-3 provinces on Belgium, then also on Luxembourg; the Belgian justification will have a speed penalty for multiple provinces and the Luxembourg justification for there already being an ongoing justification. It is possible through world tension management and luck to manage separate declarations on both without outside interference: if Japan has not forced China to capitulate (something it tends to struggle with in 1.4.x) and the Sudetenland crisis hasnt' been reached by Germany, then it may be possible to justify on both then declare on one or the other without hitting the world tension threshold needed for Britain to guarantee the second one.

Territorials should be stationed in the East Indies against the borders with Britain and Australia to fight alongside the territorials the East Indian puppet there already controls. This is also where the main fleet should be as well. It should be possible to relocate your home fleet (which will be unlikely to accomplish much against the British home fleet) to the East Indies by getting military access from Italy. You can also demand control over the East Indian forces if you so desire. Garrisoning Guyana could be a boon as well, as both British and French Guyana have truckloads of aluminium, and a staging point in the Caribbean area could be very useful late war. If one has the forces for it, the former-Belgian Congo can be used to cut Africa in half, possibly leading to a happy liberation of the poor, oppressed Boers in South Africa.



現在有三種主要的入侵戰略需要關注。 如果法國沒有延長馬其諾防線,那麼可以採取奪取巴黎的行動。不過,荷蘭人不可能單獨駐守整個法國,因此大部分需要移交給德國和意大利來管理。攻打圭亞那也是一個不錯的選擇,因為它不值得讓其他兩個大國部署大量部隊,而且根據皇家海軍的所作所為,您可以對加勒比海的各個島嶼發動海軍入侵。 印度尼西亞通常和其他兩個國家一樣容易開始,但為了妥善保護它,入侵澳大利亞和新西蘭是必要的。後者很容易做到,但前者由於其龐大的規模和相當穩定的增援部隊而變得非常困難。你駐紮在東方的龐大殖民部隊需要陷入困境並被消耗殆盡之前迅速佔領澳大利亞。由於荷蘭人口稀少,打消耗戰將是災難性的。



最終,由於漫長的海上補給和增援部隊不斷處於危險之中,關鍵資源和人力供應缺失,盟軍將被趕回英國和美國本土。蘇聯不僅面對西方軸心國,而且面對不再受到美國限制的日本,將表現得非常糟糕。現在你必須為最後的進攻和任何潛在的第三次世界大戰做好準備。儘管人力儲備仍然低得驚人,但由於非核心地區的乘數為0.02,他們將擁有不成比例的大工業能力。陸軍可以而且應該完全機械化,吞併的優先事項應該是擁有小的陸地邊界。 荷蘭將擁有最強的海軍力量,幾乎任何海岸線都應該在他們的控制範圍內,但你必須儘量減少與其他國家的正面接觸,因為他們有可能根本無法部署足夠的師來填補每個省份。


Allied Foothold

Siding with the Allies is the historical and most 'sensible' approach for the Netherlands given the political situation, but makes them a nice, soft and juicy target for both Germany and Japan. The Dutch will be lacking in both manpower and industrial capacity. You indirectly control plenty of rubber and other resources from Indonesia, but you can't do anything with it since both your industry and your manpower is too small. The starting navy is actually half-decent, but not a global power, so one should focus on either bothering Germany with it, or protecting the colonies against Japan. The starting army is both under-equipped and small.

1936-1939 buildup phase

Without good mobilisation policies, buildup will be slow and only a small number of projects can be completed before Germany and Japan invade. This means sacrifices will have to be made just to survive. The eastern part of the Netherlands will be sacrificed to the Germans, because the open plains are practically undefendable. Forming a compact defensive line around the province of Holland instead, using the rivers and landscape to its maximum advantage, will significantly improve their chances.

The Indonesian colonies can no longer be sacrificed to the Japanese by retreating all the colonial troops to the homeland because Indonesia is now a puppet and if they capitulate those forces are gone. (If you're really lucky though, Japan didn't even bother to invade Indonesia at all, which happens at times.) The entire industry should be focusing on basic infantry equipment, artillery and some small anti-tank. New military factories should be placed in Holland, Suriname, Guyana, or even Indonesia. Just not in the territory that will fall to the nazis.

The goal here is to dig in and holdout in Holland, until forces from the Allies come in to relieve the pressure. If Holland and Suriname are filled with factories, consider building forts. This is because, once again, it would only be helping the enemy to build factories in areas that can't be defended. You are probably going to run out of manpower pretty soon, it might be a good idea to disband your starting troops and replace them with Indonesian colonial divisions though you will have to transport your reinforcements from the other side of the planet. Be sure to leave some troops to defend your colony later on before the Japanese comes around knocking.

The biggest threat to you is the German Medium Tanks. Unupgraded basic AT guns will fail to penetrate Medium Tanks unless used in sufficiently large numbers which your industry probably won't allow at this stage, so you are going to have to at least research the first upgrade to the AT Guns which allows you to penetrate basic Medium Tanks with just AT Support divisions.

Don't bother with an airforce. The industrial capacity should be reserved for the land force and a small nation as the Netherlands won't be able to make a big difference anyway.

Turning the tide

Once Allied forces start arriving, one can start to think about liberating the mainland and even advancing into Germany alongside the Allies. By that time, industrial capacity will become less and less of a problem, but manpower will remain a major problem because of the small size of the Netherlands

Indonesian cannon fodder

As The Netherlands, you control a puppet with a large manpower pool: Indonesia, also called the Dutch Indies. Their industrial capacity is weak and their division template is primitive, but there is a way to use Indonesian manpower in combination with Dutch industry. As Indonesia is an Integrated Puppet, you can train a division from a colonial template, which will be filled with 0% from your manpower and 100% from the puppet (less if Indonesia promotes to a colony). But you can also duplicate this template and edit it, and it will still draw 100% manpower from your puppet. So add some more infantry, some artillery, maybe even a bit of armour to the duplicated template. To gain the required army experience, you will need to hire a military theorist early, or exercise your divisions a lot. With this strategy, you can field a 750 000 man army and stop the German attack right at the border instead of sacrificing 2/3 of the country.


Putting the Raid on the Medway to Shame.png
Putting the Raid on the Medway to Shame
扮演荷蘭,確保英國沒有主力艦艇(航空母艦, 戰列艦, 戰列巡洋艦, 和 重巡洋艦)。
Treading the Narrow Path.png
Treading the Narrow Path
United Netherlands.jpg
United Netherlands
