意大利是位於南歐的主要國家。在遊戲開局的1936年,其強大的海軍可稱為國之重器,坐擁地中海中央的位置使其有機會控制整個地中海。然而,僅堪一用的陸軍規模和捉襟見肘的殖民帝國使其難以獨自與 聯合王國、 法國等老牌列強爭霸,兩個大國都在地中海沿岸維持着其龐大的殖民地。
因而在歷史中,意大利支持 德意志國,使軸心國能夠爭奪地中海和北非的控制權。如果成功實現這一目標,同盟國將不得不失去騷擾軸心國軟肋的據點,並使軸心國能夠確保地中海的安全,將注意力集中在其他戰區。
意大利位於歐洲南部,由亞平寧半島和西面的西西里島和撒丁島組成。它還佔領着扎達爾 [163]和十二群島 [164]的領土,在非洲的利比亞,厄立特里亞和索馬里擁有殖民地。意大利本土的地形主要是由丘陵組成,在崎嶇的中央山脈的東西兩側有一些沿海平原。其地理模塊可分為北部的阿爾卑斯山區,組成主要陸地面積的亞平寧山脈以及南部和西西里島的平原。意大利與西北方的 法國,北方的 瑞士和 奧地利和東方的 南斯拉夫接壤,其東部被亞得里亞海所環繞,南部和西部被地中海所環繞。意大利在地中海中心的地理位置使意大利成為該地區的主導力量。
在1918年第一次世界大戰結束時,意大利是勝利的協約國中的成員。為了換取領土擴張的要求,意大利選擇支持法國和英國。隨着戰爭的結束,意大利曾預計,其承諾的回報將與意大利在阿爾卑斯山的損失相稱。但是在1919年的巴黎和會上,三個主要大國(美國,英國和法國)大都放棄了對較少盟國的承諾:意大利僅獲得了南蒂羅爾和的里雅斯特省,而英國和法國則將殖民地劃分了。他們將達爾馬提亞的領土移交給了新成立的 南斯拉夫。長期以來,意大利一直認為是意大利的地區,例如科西嘉(Corsica),薩沃伊(Savoy),尼斯(Nice)和突尼斯等(Tunisia),仍受 法國控制,而在那裏的原德國殖民地大部分分配給了 聯合王國。這種看似背叛的行為激怒了整個意大利,今天被視為促成意大利法西斯主義崛起的因素之一。
在此後, 意大利征服了 埃塞俄比亞和 阿爾巴尼亞,在隨後參加第二次世界大戰。儘管與 德意志國簽訂了《鋼鐵條約》,但意大利直到1940年6月才加入戰爭,並計劃通過擊敗 法國(科西嘉,薩沃伊和尼斯)來獲得盟國所應有的地位與份額。在隨後的1941年,意大利同德國和匈牙利一起入侵了 南斯拉夫,並成功征服併吞並了達爾馬提亞沿海的大部分地區以及南斯拉夫的其他一些內陸地區。
除了這些成功之外,意大利的戰爭貢獻便不盡如人意。在法國投降之前,意大利無法在法國取得重大收穫,然後在1940年晚些時候,在 希臘王國戰役中遭受慘敗。後來,意大利為入侵英國控制的埃及投入了15萬士兵,面對英國僅有3500士兵的防禦,在佔領了50英里的領土之後,由於後勤問題被迫放棄計劃。不久之後,他們在羅盤行動(Operation Compass)中遭到理查德·奧康納的追擊,意大利軍隊被迫返回利比亞,並最終被同盟國驅逐出非洲。其物資被破壞或收繳,大量士兵和人員被俘虜,遭受了巨大損失。隨後,同盟國於1943年夏天對意大利發動了登陸戰,墨索里尼的政府隨之瓦解。
被新任命的彼得羅·巴多格里奧元帥與同盟國簽署了停戰協定,但大部分地區很快被德國人佔領,德國人在墨索里尼的領導下(意大利社會共和國,Italian Social Republic)在意大利北部建立了偽政府,首都設在位於米蘭和威尼斯之間的小鎮薩洛。巴多格里奧和國王在沒有下達任何命令的情況下逃到了意大利南部的布林迪西。1945年春季戰爭結束前不久,王室政府繼續控制南部,對德國宣戰,並宣佈自己是合法的意大利政府。這引發了短暫但具有破壞性的內戰。但意大利最終將從戰爭中恢復過來,並且與法國,西德和低地國家一起成為 歐洲聯盟的創始成員之一。但是,除所有非洲殖民地外,意大利將伊斯特拉地區(Istria)和達爾馬提亞的扎達爾市(Zadar)割讓給了南斯拉夫。
Italy's national focus tree.
- 埃塞俄比亞戰爭後勤線
- 這條線會提升殖民地的基礎設施與工業,並在殖民地創建單位。
- 意大利高速公路線
- 這條線提升意大利本土的工業實力,以及一個科研槽,並發展亞平寧半島的南/北部。
- 陸軍為主線
- 這條線強化意大利的陸軍,並為意大利的民族精神皇家陸軍/意大利陸軍提供加成。
- 空軍改革線
- 這條線注重提升意大利的空軍實力,並為意大利的民族精神皇家空軍/意大利空軍提供加成。
- 海軍力量投射線
- 這條線注重提升意大利的海軍實力,並為意大利的民族精神皇家海軍/意大利海軍提供加成。
- 在阿比西尼亞的慘敗/穩步推進/在埃塞俄比亞的苦戰線
- 政治主線的走向取決於意軍在第二次意埃戰爭中的表現。它將給予一個免費的情報機構,並使維克托·埃馬努埃萊三世加冕為 埃塞俄比亞皇帝。
- If the 2nd Italo-Ethiopian War has gone terribly, this allows Italy to follow the path of 共產主義 or 民主主義 via civil war. It allows the choice of the north or the south as the base of operations in the civil war.
- The 共產主義 sub-branch allows the joining of the Soviet faction or creating an independent faction with other Communist countries not in any factions and the formation of the Italian National Union. It also gives an extra research slot.
- This sub-branch is shared with the 共產主義 and 民主主義 sub-branch. It handles the Military and the Mafia and may give advisors from other political factions
- The 民主主義 sub-branch allows Italy to join the Allies or create a new faction with close European Democracies. It also gives an extra research slot.
- This sub-branch reevaluates Italy's colonial holdings, either giving them independence or making them puppets. It annexes 阿爾巴尼亞 and may give Italy units from each of its African puppets.
- 法西斯主義歷史分支將使墨索里尼在政府中集中權力,啟用更多角色加成。
- 法西斯主義通用分支將升級情報機構和黑衫軍。
- 這一分支將允許成立 大意大利並給予地中海和非洲地區的宣稱。
- This starts the alternate 法西斯主義 and Monarchist sub-branches and overthrows Mussolini.
- This allows either Italo Balbo or Dino Grandi to become the leader of the 法西斯主義 party and gives bonuses depending on who's in power.
- This is the shared sub-branch between the alternate 法西斯主義 and Monarchist sub-branches. It allows the cooperation with 聯合王國 and 法國 and proclaims the Italian Empire
- The Monarchist sub-branch makes Vittorio Emmanuele III or Umberto II as the head of the nation and either forms Italy into a Constitutional Monarchy with either the King or the Prime Minister in power or gives the King absolute power. It also requests support from the Pope and gives bonuses from that.
- The sub-branch allows the creation of the File:Imperium Romanum.png 羅馬, cores on former Roman Imperial territory and gives military bonuses as well as alliances with Iberian or South American Nations.
- This sub-branch gives power to Pope Pius XI or Pope Pius XII and creates the 教宗國. It demands the state of Palestine from its owner and launches a crusade against non-Catholic European nations. It also allows the Pope to create the File:Imperium Romanum.png 羅馬
- This sub-branch is only available if Italy followed the 法西斯主義 or Monarchist sub-branches. It gives Italy various ways to handle foreign nations, whether or not to ally with the other European Majors, 希臘王國, 土耳其, 日本 and the Iberian nations. It may demand 阿爾巴尼亞 annexation or give 奧地利 a guarantee against 德意志國 Anschluss. It may also demand territory from 瑞士.
- The Italian Social Republic Branch
- If Italy enters in a civil war via the National Balance of Power Mechanic, it may chose the 法西斯主義 side. This will make Italy into a puppet of a major.
- The Italian Liberation War Branch
- If Italy enters in a civil war via the National Balance of Power Mechanic, it may chose the opposing side. It has the decision of becoming 共產主義 or Monarchist. This will make Italy into a puppet of a major. It is only available if the DLC 唯有浴血 is enabled.
陸軍科技 |
海軍科技 |
空軍科技 |
- 支援武器 II (1939)
- 初級步兵裝備
- 早期卡車
- 戰間期裝甲車
- 山地步兵 I
- 支援裝備
- 民用火車
- 戰間期坦克開發
- 火炮
- 防空炮
- 戰間期型火炮 (1939)
- 反坦克炮 (1939)
- 1936 驅逐艦船體
- 1936 巡洋艦船體
- 1936 重型戰艦船體
- 1936 潛艇船體
- 基礎輕型炮組
- 基礎中型炮組
- 基礎重型炮組
- 基礎魚雷
- 運輸船
- 觸髮式水雷
- 布雷潛艇
未啟用 炮手就位DLC時:
- Destroyer I
- Light Cruiser I
- Heavy Cruiser I
- Battlecruiser I
- Battleship II
- Submarine I
- 運輸船
- 基礎小型機身
- 基礎中型機身
- 炸彈
- 輕機槍
- 重機槍 (1939)
- 空射魚雷
- 飛機結構
- 引擎 II
- 燃料儲存
- 先進機床(1939)
- 密集型工業 III (1939)
- 建築技術 III (1939)
- 無線電偵測 (1939)
- 基礎計算機 (1939)
未啟用 抵抗運動DLC時:
- Encryption - Polyalphabetical Ciphers (1939)
- Decryption - Frequency Analysis (1939)
- 存在艦隊
- 作戰艦隊集中運用 (1939)
- 潛艇行動 (1939)
Tank designers
Cost ()
Tank Designer
- Armor Research Speed: +15%
- Armor: Reliability: +5%
By selecting this Design Company it will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.
Ship designers
Cost ()
Ship Designer
- Naval Research Speed: +15%
Aircraft designers
Cost ()
Light Aircraft Designer
- Air Research Speed: +15%
- Fighter:
- Agility: +10%
- Max Speed: +10%
- Carrier Fighter:
- Agility: +10%
- Max Speed: +10%
By selecting this Design Company it will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.
Medium Aircraft Designer
- Air Research Speed: +15%
- Heavy Fighter: Reliability: +20%
- Tactical Bomber: Reliability: +20%
By selecting this Design Company it will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.
Naval Aircraft Designer
- Air Research Speed: +15%
- Naval Bomber:
- Range: +10%
- Naval Attack: +10%
- CV Naval Bomber:
- Range: +10%
- Naval Attack: +10%
- Carrier Fighter:
- Range: +10%
- Agility: +10%
- Carrier CAS:
- Range: +10%
- Naval Attack: +10%
By selecting this Design Company it will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.
Heavy Aircraft Designer
- Air Research Speed: +15%
- Strategic Bomber: Strategic Bombing: +10%
By selecting this Design Company it will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.
Materiel designers
Cost ()
Infantry Equipment Designer
- Weapons and Equipment Research Speed: +15%
Motorized Equipment Designer
- Motorization Research Speed: +15%
Artillery Designer
- Artillery Research Speed: +15%
Industrial concerns
Cost ()
Industrial Concern
- Industrial Research Speed: +15%
Conditions + effects
Cost ()
Giovanni Messe
Mobile Warfare Expert
- Army Experience Gain: +0.05
- Mobile Warfare Doctrine: +15%
Rodolfo Graziani
Grand Battleplan Expert
- Army Experience Gain: +0.05
- Grand Battleplan Doctrine: +15%
Giuseppe Fioravanzo
Grand Fleet Proponent
- Naval Experience Gain: +0.05
- Fleet in Being Doctrine: +15%
Angelo Iachino
Naval Theorist
- Naval Experience Gain: +0.05
- Naval Doctrine Research Speed: +10%
Amedeo Mecozzi
Assault Aviation
- Air Experience Gain: +0.05
- Operational Integrity Doctrine: +15%
Renato Sandalli
Air Warfare Theorist
- Air Experience Gain: +0.05
- Air Doctrine Research Speed: +10%
Gaetano Crocco
Rocket Scientist
- Rocket Research Speed: +15%
Tank variants list
型號 |
底盤 |
定位 |
主要武器 |
炮塔 |
懸掛 |
裝甲(等級) |
引擎(等級) |
Cataphract Mortis 需要 Modern Musculus
超重型 |
超重型坦克 |
超重型加農炮 |
三乘員炮塔 |
扭力杆 |
Welded (12) |
汽油引擎(16) |
Armor Skirts, Small Cannon, Additional Machineguns, Wet Ammunition Storage
Il Duce 需要 Capo Supremo
超重型 |
超重型坦克 |
超重型加農炮 |
三乘員炮塔 |
扭力杆 |
鉚接裝甲(6) |
汽油引擎(16) |
Armor Skirts, Small Cannon x2, Improved Radio
The Hand of God 需要 A Time for War
超重型 |
超重型自走炮 |
Improved Rocket Launcher |
三乘員炮塔 |
扭力杆 |
鉚接裝甲(6) |
汽油引擎(10) |
Armor Skirts, Small Cannon x2, Extra Ammunition Storage
P43 需要 Ferrea Mole Ferreo Cuore
Advanced Heavy |
重型坦克 |
Improved Heavy Cannon |
Heavy Three Man |
扭力杆 |
Welded (10) |
柴油引擎(8) |
M16/43 需要 Ferrea Mole Ferreo Cuore
Advanced Medium |
中型坦克 |
Improved Heavy Cannon |
中型雙成員炮塔 |
Torsion |
鉚接裝甲(3) |
汽油引擎(6) |
Semovente da 149/40 需要 Ferrea Mole Ferreo Cuore
Advanced Medium |
中型自走炮 |
Medium Howitzer |
Medium Fixed |
扭力杆 |
鉚接裝甲(1) |
汽油引擎(5) |
Semovente da 75/46 需要 Ferrea Mole Ferreo Cuore
Advanced Medium |
中型自行反坦克炮 |
Basic Heavy Cannon |
Medium Fixed |
扭力杆 |
鉚接裝甲(7) |
柴油引擎(4) |
Basic Radio
P26/40 需要 either End Fiat-Ansaldo Duopoly or Modernize Ansaldo Facilities
Improved Heavy |
重型坦克 |
Basic Heavy Cannon |
Heavy Two Man |
扭力杆 |
鉚接裝甲(6) |
柴油引擎(6) |
Basic Radio
M15/42 需要 either End Fiat-Ansaldo Duopoly or Modernize Ansaldo Facilities
Improved Medium |
中型坦克 |
Improved Medium Cannon |
中型雙成員炮塔 |
扭力杆 |
鉚接裝甲(5) |
汽油引擎(4) |
Additional Machineguns, Basic Radio
M14/41 需要 either End Fiat-Ansaldo Duopoly or Modernize Ansaldo Facilities
Improved Medium |
中型坦克 |
Medium Cannon |
中型雙成員炮塔 |
扭力杆 |
鉚接裝甲(3) |
柴油引擎(3) |
Additional Machineguns, Basic Radio
Semovente da 20/70 Quadruplo 需要 either End Fiat-Ansaldo Duopoly or Modernize Ansaldo Facilities
Improved Medium |
中型自行防空火炮 |
Basic Anti-Air Gun |
中型雙成員炮塔 |
扭力杆 |
鉚接裝甲(4) |
汽油引擎(4) |
Semovente da 105/25 需要 either End Fiat-Ansaldo Duopoly or Modernize Ansaldo Facilities
Improved Medium |
中型自走炮 |
Improved Medium Howitzer |
Medium Fixed |
扭力杆 |
Welded (6) |
汽油引擎(4) |
Basic Radio, Additional Machineguns
Semovente da 75/34 需要 End Fiat-Ansaldo Duopoly or Modernize Ansaldo Facilities
Improved Medium |
中型自行反坦克炮 |
Basic High-Velocity Cannon |
Medium Fixed |
扭力杆 |
鉚接裝甲(4) |
汽油引擎(4) |
Basic Radio
M11/39 需要 Self-Propelled Guns, also available in 1939 start
Basic Medium |
中型坦克 |
Basic High-Velocity Cannon |
Medium Fixed |
扭力杆 |
鉚接裝甲(3) |
柴油引擎(2) |
Heavy Machine Gun
M13/40 需要 Self-Propelled Guns
Basic Medium |
中型坦克 |
Medium Cannon |
中型雙成員炮塔 |
扭力杆 |
鉚接裝甲(3) |
柴油引擎(2) |
Additional Machineguns, Basic Radio
Semovente da 75/18 需要 Self-Propelled Guns
Basic Medium |
中型自走炮 |
Close Support Gun |
Medium Fixed |
扭力杆 |
鉚接裝甲(4) |
汽油引擎(3) |
Basic Radio
Semovente da 90/53 需要 Self-Propelled Guns
Basic Medium |
中型自行反坦克炮 |
Improved High-Velocity Cannon |
Medium Fixed |
扭力杆 |
鉚接裝甲(3) |
汽油引擎(3) |
Semovente L40 da 47/32 需要 Italian Tankettes
Improved Light |
輕型自行反坦克炮 |
Medium Cannon |
輕型固定式炮塔 |
扭力杆 |
鉚接裝甲(4) |
汽油引擎(2) |
L6/40 需要 Italian Tankettes, also available in 1939 start
Improved Light |
輕型坦克 |
Automatic Cannon |
輕型單成員炮塔 |
扭力杆 |
鉚接裝甲(4) |
汽油引擎(2) |
L3 cc 需要 Italian Tankettes
Basic Light |
輕型自行反坦克炮 |
Basic High-Velocity Cannon |
輕型固定式炮塔 |
扭力杆 |
鉚接裝甲(1) |
汽油引擎(1) |
L3/35 |
Basic Light |
輕型坦克 |
Heavy Machine Gun |
輕型固定式炮塔 |
扭力杆 |
鉚接裝甲(1) |
汽油引擎(1) |
Fiat 3000B Obsolete
Inter-War Light |
輕型坦克 |
Small Cannon |
輕型單成員炮塔 |
扭力杆 |
鉚接裝甲(2) |
汽油引擎(1) |
Fiat 3000 Obsolete
Inter-War Light |
輕型坦克 |
Heavy Machine Gun |
輕型單成員炮塔 |
扭力杆 |
鉚接裝甲(2) |
汽油引擎(1) |
類型 |
1918 |
1936 |
1939 |
1940 |
1942 |
步兵裝備 |
卡爾卡諾 M91 |
卡爾卡諾 M38 |
MAB-38 |
FNAB-43 |
摩托化裝備 |
菲亞特 626 |
機械化裝備 |
菲亞特 2800 |
菲亞特 727 |
布瑞達 61
裝甲車 |
AB611 |
AB40 |
AS.42 (AS.42 47/32) |
裝甲科技(未啟用 時)
科技年份 |
輕型 (TD/SPG/AA) |
中型 (TD/SPG/AA) |
現代 (TD/SPG/AA) |
重型 (TD/SPG/AA) |
超重型 (TD/SPG/AA)
1918 |
菲亞特 3000 |
1934 |
L3 (L3 cc / N/A / N/A) |
P75 |
1936 |
L6 (Semovente 47/32 / N/A / N/A) |
1939 |
M11/39 |
1941 |
L8 |
M16 (Semovente 75/34 / Semovente 75/18 / N/A) |
P26 (N/A / Semovente da 149/40 / N/A) |
1943 |
M20/43 (Semovente M41M 90/53 / Semovente M42L 105/25 / Semovente M15/42) |
P43 |
Il Duce
1945 |
P45 |
科技年份 |
防空炮 |
火炮 |
1934 |
75/27火炮 |
1936 |
布雷達35型 |
1939 |
35型149/40火炮 |
1940 |
斯科蒂54倍口徑37mm高射炮 |
47mm 32型火炮
1942 |
35型210/22榴彈炮 |
1943 |
90mm 53倍口徑高射炮 |
75mm 46型火炮
海軍科技(未啟用 時)
類型 |
1922 |
1936 |
1940 |
驅逐艦 |
Curtatone Class |
Soldati Class |
Ciclone Class |
Medaglie d'Oro Class
輕型巡洋艦 |
Taranto Class |
Duca Degli Abruzzi Class |
Capitani Romani Class |
San Marco Class
重型巡洋艦 |
Trento Class |
San Giorgio Class |
Pisa Class |
Garibaldi Class
戰列巡洋艦 |
Caracciolo Class |
Principe Amedeo Class |
戰列艦 |
Conte di Cavour Class |
Caio Duilio Class |
Littorio Class |
Impero Class
超重型戰列艦 |
Regina Margherita Class |
Regina Elena Class
航空母艦 |
Giuseppe Miraglia Class |
Falco Class |
Aquila Class |
Sparviero Class
潛艇 |
馬梅利級 |
Perla Class |
Marconi Class |
Pietro Calvi Class
海軍科技(未啟用 時)
科技年份 |
近距支援機(艦載) |
戰鬥機(艦載) |
海軍轟炸機(艦載) |
重型戰鬥機 |
戰術轟炸機 |
戰略轟炸機 |
1933 |
CR.32 (ICR.32) |
Ca.101 |
1936 |
Ba.65 (Ba.65bis) |
C.200 Saetta (IC.200) |
SM.79 Sparviero (SM.79-II Sparviero) |
Ro.57 |
BR.20 Cicogna |
P.50 |
1940 |
Ba.88 Lince (Re.2001G/H Falco II) |
C.202 Folgore (IC.202) |
SM.84 (SM.84-II) |
Ro.58 |
Z.1007bis Alcione |
P.108 |
1944 |
Ba.201 (Ba.201bis) |
G.55 Centauro (G.55S Centauro) |
(SM.89) (SM.89-II) |
SM.92 |
Z.1018 Leone |
P.133 |
Jet Engine Technology
1945 |
Re.2007 |
1950 |
Re.2008 |
- 正當化戰爭目標所需時間:−5%
- 民主主義外交的接納度:−10
- 共產主義外交的接納度:−10
- 法西斯主義外交的接納度:+10
- AI修正:專注進攻:+50%
- 民用工廠建造速度:+5.00%
- 飛機設計商花費:-15%
- 坦克設計商花費:-15%
- 海軍設計商花費:-15%
- 工業企業花費:-35%
- 軍需品設計花費:-15%
- 裝甲研究速度:-15%
- 武器和裝備研究速度:-15%
- 火炮研究速度:-15%
- 空軍研究速度:-15%
- 海軍研究速度:-15%
- 生產效率上限:-10.00%
- 生產效率增長:-5.00%
- 基礎生產效率:-5.00%
- 工廠產出:-10.00%
- 陸軍師速度:-10.00%
- 陸軍組織度:-10.0%
- 移動中組織度損失:+15.0%
- 塹壕上限:+10.00%
- 陸軍學說花費:+10.00%
- 王牌機師產生的概率:+10.00%
- 對海任務效率:-10%
- 空軍事故概率:+5.0%
- 夜間行動懲罰:+15.00%
- 空軍惡劣天氣懲罰:+15.00%
- 戰鬥中空優加成:+5.0%
- 空軍學說花費:+10.00%
- 艦隊協同性:-5%
- 對海探測:-10%
- 索敵速度:-10%
- 屏衛效率:+5.0%
- 與艦隊榮耀並肩作戰時攻擊力:+10.00%
- 海軍學說花費:+10.00%
當意大利擁有國王時,上述三個民族精神分別叫做 皇家陸軍、皇家空軍 與 皇家海軍。當意大利未擁有國王時,上述三個民族精神分別叫做 意大利陸軍、意大利空軍 與 意大利海軍
當 炮手就位擴展包啟用時,意大利開局時擁有如下民族精神:
意大利開局是與 埃塞俄比亞處於戰爭, 這將是在遊戲開局(1936)第一個月所需要關注的點. 意大利的技術和軍隊數量優勢或多或少保證了他們將贏得戰爭,除非玩家下場干涉。新的運輸機制使加強這個戰區變得不那麼麻煩,之後調回部隊也不那麼麻煩。在1936年開局時,意大利沒有盟友,但是監管 阿爾巴尼亞,並可以選擇與 德意志國並肩作戰並加入軸心國 ,也可以組建與 西班牙國的同盟,或者聯合 法國如果他們的政體轉為法西斯政體.
意大利是一個最早的 法西斯國家並且理所當然的實行法西斯主義統治 .意大利的政黨和他們的執政黨在1936年與1939年開局時一致,由貝尼托·墨索里尼的超人氣政黨(76%)意大利國家法西斯党進行統治,意大利人民黨擁有22%的支持率緊隨其後,意大利共產黨有着較低的2%的支持率 .
Party name
Country name
Partito Popolare Italiano
22.00% |
Ferruccio Parri |
Republican Italy |
Partito Comunista Italiano
2.00% |
Palmiro Togliatti |
Italian Union |
Partito Nazionale Fascista
76.00% |
Benito Mussolini |
Italy |
Partito Nazionale Monarchico
0.00% |
Victor Emmanuel III |
Kingdom of Italy |
意大利在 民主主義時能夠決議成立 歐洲聯盟,在 法西斯主義時成立 沒有結果。這兩個決議互不衝突,即可以通過羅馬成立歐洲聯盟,反之亦然,以此獲得大量核心
徵兵法案 |
經濟法案 |
- 25% 生活消費品工廠
- +10% 軍用工廠建造速度
- −10% 軍轉民消耗
- −10% 民轉軍消耗
- -10% 石油轉換燃油效率
- 25% 可出口資源
- +1% 科研速度
- +5% 工廠/海軍船塢產出
- +5% 建造速度
- +10% 泄露給他國的民政情報
- +5% 泄露給他國的海軍情報
Italy's industry is quite modest compared to other major powers, at just 50 factories, which is a bit below that of the other European major powers. The country's limited production and construction power will seriously undermine its war effort if not dealt with swiftly.
Factories 1936
19 Military Factories
11 Naval Dockyard
20 Civilian Factories
Total resources 1936
These numbers represent the available resources, depending on trade law a certain amount may be traded away.
Italy has 39 divisions in 1936. Of these:
- Two are Reggimento di Cavalleria with 4x cavalry and no support.
- Five are Divisione Alpina with 6x mountaineers, engineers, support artillery, and high reinforcement priority.
- Five are Divisione Coloniale with 6x infantry, no support, and low reinforcement priority.
- Three are Divisione Celere with 4x cavalry, 2x motorized infantry, 1x light tank, and high reinforcement priority.
- The remaining 24 are Divisione di Fanteria with 6x infantry and engineers.
The land borders of Italy's core territory (France, Switzerland, Austria - later German Reich - and Yugoslavia) are all mountains or hills (except for the city of Nice), and naval invasions will be necessary to control the Mediterranean, so a mix of mountaineers and marines is recommended for special forces expansion.
In terms of technology, Italy's support weapons, armor and artillery are rather outdated, the only special forces available are mountain infantry, and the only support companies available are engineers. Extensive modernization and research will be needed.
Motorized units list
Year |
Name |
1936 |
Fiat 626 |
Motorized I
1940 |
Fiat 2800 |
Mechanized I
1942 |
Fiat 727 |
Mechanized II
1944 |
Breda 61 |
Mechanized III
Tank units list
Name |
類型 |
Techyear |
Tank Destroyer / SP-Artillery / Armored AA Variants
Fiat 3000 |
Great War Tank |
1918 |
L3 |
Light Tank I |
1934 |
L3 cc (TD)
L6 |
Light Tank II |
1936 |
Semovente 47/32 (TD)
L8 |
Light Tank III |
1941 |
Fiat M11/39 |
Medium Tank I |
1939 |
M16 Sahariano |
Medium Tank II |
1941 |
Semovente 75/34 (TD) / Semovente M 41 75/18 (SPA)
M20/43 |
Medium Tank III |
1943 |
Semovente M41M 90/53 / Semovente M42L 105/25 / Semovente M15/42
P75 |
Heavy Tank I |
1934 |
P26 |
Heavy Tank II |
1941 |
Semovente da 149/40 (SPA)
P43 |
Heavy Tank III |
1943 |
Il Duce |
Super Heavy Tank |
1943 |
P45 |
1945 |
Examples of alternative division template names for Italy include:
- Mountaineers - Divisione Alpina
- Marines - Divisione Marine
- Paratroopers - Divisione Paracadutisti
- Motorized - Divisione Motorizzata
- Mechanized - Divisione Meccanizzata
- Armor - Divisione Corazzata
Capital ships 1936
2 Battleships
8 Heavy Cruisers
Screens and submarines 1936
11 Light Cruisers
80 Destroyers
51 Submarines
The Regia Marina is sizeable, with access to significant amounts of modern naval technology - Italy possesses all of the 1936 hulls, batteries and armor setups. The one exception is the complete lack of carriers, but given the time necessary to spin up such a project, it may well not seem worth investing in. Most of the existing ships are older models, but there are four battleships anticipating 1940-1941 completion dates, a nearly-completed Montecuccoli Class cruiser and two almost half-complete Duca degli Abruzzi Class cruisers, two half-complete Maestrale Class destroyers, and a half-complete Calvi Class submarine in production. Completing these any time soon will require a bigger investment in Italian dockyard capacity.
Naval units list
Name |
類型 |
Count |
Production |
Techyear |
Design note
Curatone Class* |
Destroyer |
49 |
1922 |
DD battery I, AA I, TT I
Navigatori Class* |
Minelayer (DD) |
17 |
1922 |
Curatone + DC I and mines
Maestrale Class |
Destroyer |
14 |
2 |
1922 |
Curatone + DC I
Taranto Class* |
Minelayer (CL) |
2 |
1922 |
CL I, TT I, mines
Giussano Class* |
Light Cruiser |
6 |
1922 |
2xCL II batteries, TT I, scout plane I, AA II, no armor
Montecuccoli Class |
Light Cruiser |
3 |
1 |
1936 |
AA I + II, 2xCL II batteries, scout plane I, TT I, no armor
Duca degli Abruzzi Class |
Light Cruiser |
2 |
1936 |
2xAA, TT I, scout plane, armor I, 2xCL II batteries
San Giorgio Class* |
Heavy Cruiser |
1 |
1918 |
CA I battery, 2xAA I, TT I, 2xSecondary I, Armor II
Trento Class* |
Heavy Cruiser |
2 |
1922 |
2xCA I batteries, 2x AA I, scout plane I, Armor I
Zara Class* |
Heavy Cruiser |
4 |
1922 |
Trento with Armor II
Bolzano Class |
Heavy Cruiser |
1 |
1922 |
Same as Trento
Mameli Class* |
Submarine |
17 |
1922 |
1xTT I
Bandiera Class* |
Submarine |
11 |
1922 |
2xTT I
Sirena Class* |
Submarine |
21 |
1936 |
1xTT I
Calvi Class |
Submarine |
2 |
1 |
1936 |
2xTT I
Andrea Doria Class* |
Battleship |
2 |
1922 |
2xBB I batteries, 2xAA I, 2xSecondary I, BB Armor I
Conte Di Cavour Class |
Battleship |
2 |
1922 |
2xBB I batteries, AA I, scout plane I, 2xSecondary II, BB Armor I
Littorio Class |
Battleship |
2 |
1936 |
2xBB II batteries, 2xAA I, scout plane II, 2xSecondary II, BB Armor I
* marks a variant as "obsolescent".
The Regia Marina is rather sizable, it is however not very modern. The only 1936 naval tech that Italy possesses is the Caio Duilio battleship, though it does possess upgraded versions of the 1922 heavy cruiser, light cruiser, destroyer, and submarine. Italy also has several ships under construction. 2 Caio Duilio Class battleships that are about 20% finished. A Montecuccoli class light cruiser that is almost finished along with two Maestrale Class destroyers and a Sirena Class submarine.
Naval units list
Name |
類型 |
- Curtatone Class
- Maestrale Class (+3 all categories)
Destroyer I |
Soldati Class |
Destroyer II |
Ciclone Class |
Destroyer III |
Medaglie d'Oro Class |
Destroyer IV |
- Taranto Class
- Montecuccoli Class (+3 all categories)
Light Cruiser I |
Duca degli Abruzzi Class |
Light Cruiser II |
Capitani Romani Class |
Light Cruiser III |
San Marco Class |
Light Cruiser IV |
- Trento Class
- Zara Class (+2 all stats)
Heavy Cruiser I |
San Giorgio Class |
Heavy Cruiser II |
Pisa Class |
Heavy Cruiser III |
Garibaldi Class |
Heavy Cruiser IV |
Caracciolo Class |
Battlecruiser I |
Principe Amadeo Class |
Battlecruiser II |
Conte Di Cavour Class |
Battleship I |
Caio Duilio Class |
Battleship II |
Littorio Class |
Battleship III |
Impero Class |
Battleship IV |
Regina Margherita Class |
Super Heavy Battleship I |
Regina Elena Class |
Super Heavy Battleship II |
Giusseppe Miraglia Class |
Carrier I |
Falco Class |
Carrier II |
Aquila Class |
Carrier III |
Sparviero Class |
Carrier IV |
- Mameli Class
- Sirena Class (+2 all categories)
Submarine I |
Perla Class |
Submarine II |
Marconi Class |
Submarine III |
Pietro Calvi Class |
Submarine IV |
Aircraft 1936
48 Close Air Support
300 Fighters
72 Naval Bombers
288 Tactical Bombers
Upgrading the interwar fighters and bombers to at least 1936 level is a priority for the air force, as is simply expanding the country's contingent of fighters to a size that can achieve air superiority over the home land and sea regions to fend off strategic bombing and port strike missions.(The Allies (AI) can easily send over 1000 bombers and fighters respectively to Italy.) If carriers are to be built, naval variants of fighters, naval bombers, and perhaps close air support will also be needed as a priority, otherwise the carriers are useless.
Light airframe list
Name |
類型 |
Tech year |
Carrier variant
Fiat CR.32 |
Interwar Fighter |
1933 |
Macchi C.200 Saetta |
Fighter I |
1936 |
Macchi IC.200 Saetta
Macchi C.202 Folgore |
Fighter II |
1940 |
Macchi IC.202
Fiat G.55 Centauro |
Fighter III |
1944 |
Fiat G.55S Centauro
Reggiane Re.2007 |
Jet Fighter I |
1945 |
Reggiane Re.2008 |
Jet Fighter II |
1950 |
Breda Ba.65 |
1936 |
Breda Ba.65bis
Breda Ba.88 Lince |
1940 |
Reggiane Re.2001G/H Falco II
Breda Ba.201 |
1944 |
Breda Ba.201bis
Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 Sparviero |
Naval Bomber I |
1936 |
Savoia-Marchetti SM.79-II Sparviero
Savoia-Marchetti SM.84 |
Naval Bomber II |
1940 |
Savoia-Marchetti SM.84-II
Savoia-Marchetti SM.89 |
Naval Bomber III |
1944 |
Savoia-Marchetti SM.89-II
Medium airframe list
Name |
類型 |
Tech year
Caproni Ca.101 |
Interwar Bomber |
Fiat BR.20 Cicogna |
Tactical Bomber I |
Cant Z.1007bis Alcione |
Tactical Bomber II |
Cant Z.1018 Leone |
Tactical Bomber III |
(No name) |
Jet Tactical Bomber I |
(No name) |
Jet Tactical Bomber II |
IMAM Ro.57 |
Heavy Fighter I |
IMAM Ro.58 |
Heavy Fighter II |
Savoia-Marchetti SM.92 |
Heavy Fighter III |
Heavy airframe list
Name |
類型 |
Piaggio P.50 |
Stategic Bomber I |
Piaggio P.108 |
戰略轟炸機 II型 |
Piaggio P.133 |
Stategic Bomber III |
(No name) |
Jet Stategic Bomber I |
Italy's high command picks are an underwhelming lot, only the air force attracts any candidates above "Specialist" level with one exception for a Naval Expert in Military High Command. Army command tends towards the defensive, Navy command trends in the direction of capital ships, only the Air Force command picks exhibit a degree of intense specialization.
Chief of Army
Type I
Type II
Effects + Conditions
Cost ()
Pietro Badoglio
Army Morale
- Division Recovery Rate: +4 %
Ugo Cavallero
Army Maneuver
Emilio De Bono
Army Defense
Chief of Navy
Type I
Type II
Effects + Conditions
Cost ()
Domenico Cavagnari
Commerce Raiding
- Convoy Raiding Efficiency: +10 %
Arturo Riccardi
Naval Aviation
- Naval Air Attacks from Carriers: +3 %
- Naval Air Targeting from Carriers: +3 %
- Naval Air Agility from Carriers: +4 %
Inigo Campioni
Decisive Battle
- Capital Ship Attack: +5 %
- Capital Ship Armor: +5 %
- Screen Attack: +5 %
- Screen Defense: +5 %
Chief of Airforce
Type I
Type II
Effects + Conditions
Cost ()
Italo Balbo
- Bad Weather Penalty: -20 %
Rino Corso Fougier
Air Combat Training
- Ace generation chance: +5 %
Francesco Pricolo
Air Reformer
- Air Experience Gain: +7.5 %
Military High Command
Type I
Type II
Effects + Conditions
Cost ()
Mario Roatta
Army Regrouping
- Division Recovery Rate: +4 %
Vittorio Ambrosio
- Motorized Attack: +5 %
- Motorized Defense: +5 %
- Cavalry Attack: +5 %
- Cavalry Defense: +5 %
- Mechanized Attack: +5 %
- Mechanized Defense: +5 %
Alfredo Guzzoni
- Infantry Division Attack: +5 %
- Infantry Division Defense: +10 %
Ettore Muti
Tactical Bombing
Marziale Cerutti
Air Combat Training
- Ace generation chance: +10 %
Silvio Scaroni
Bomber Interception
- Interception attack: +3 %
- Interception defense: +3 %
- Interception agility: +3 %
Alberto da Zara
- Submarine Detection: +10 %
Carlo Bergamini
Capital Ships
- Capital Ship Attack: +10 %
- Capital Ship Armor: +10 %
Luigi Mascherpa
Naval Air Defense
Italy is an interesting country to play despite being the weakest of every starting Majors. It is unique in that it is the only nation that starts off at war with another nation in 1936, that being 埃塞俄比亞. Taking Ethiopia isn't a problem, but the war provides an easy early-game source of military experience for reformatting the Italian army divisions. Timing the end of the war is also important. End it too early and you likely will not be able to earn much experience for your generals and field marshals. End it too late and the war might just drain a large chunk of your manpower and/or equipment and the Spanish civil war might just start and end before you can finish the "Support Nationalist Spain" national focus. While the Ethiopian war and Spanish civil war is ongoing, build up your military and industry, you will need them later.
After Ethiopia, Italy can decide not only the fate of the Allies, but also the Axis. In order for Italy to disrupt 德意志國 (If Italy is going the "Italy first" route), all Italy has to do in the beginning is to invade 奧地利 before Anschluss and then attack 南斯拉夫 (causing 捷克斯洛伐克 to join as well) and then take Czechoslovakia after war with Yugoslavia. This can be difficult to pull off if Czechoslovakia fortifies, but successfully pulling it off will allow you to steal a lot of the low-hanging fruit that is normally meant for Germany, weakening them. Ironically, despite declaring war and making puppets from Austria, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, this will still generate less world tension than what Germany can produce historically from taking aggressive action against said nations.
From here, Italy can choose to expand its alliance by creating further puppets from 匈牙利王國, 羅馬尼亞王國 and 土耳其. One has to watch the world tension, however, as if it rises to 25% or higher, the allies (France and the UK) will start guaranteeing nations you target, which can easily lead to nasty war with both nations. A war with both the French and British at this stage is likely going to be too much for Italy to handle, even with skilled play, so be careful.
That being said, sometimes Italy can take refuge in audacity. If world tension is below 80% and 法國 hasn't joined the Allies yet through a focus, Italy could complete the national focus "Go After France" (or justify a wargoal on a nation when world tension is over 25%, causing France to guarantee them) and strike them directly. France has a respectable military but Italy can relatively easily build up its own military to match them through superior units, though this might require stretching Italy's manpower pool somewhat. Be mindful, however, of the fact that France's military industry is horribly sloppy, at just 6 Military factories although, France's national focus tree can expand this quite a bit. If Italy builds up its military and industry (the faster the better), attacks France and manages to encircle and destroy enough units to cripple the French military, Italy could conceivably defeat France before 1940, allowing them to more than double their industrial potential if they annex France, or acquire a nice source of manpower if they puppet them.
From here, the path to supremacy lies open; Italy can either choose to strike at Germany or the United Kingdom and once those two are gone, the rest of Europe is within your reach. Only the 蘇維埃聯盟 could theoretically present a threat to you anymore and that will most likely only become a factor towards the late game. Conquer enough land and you might just find yourself surpassing even Mussolini's wildest dreams and be able to restore the File:Imperium Romanum.png 羅馬.
If playing the more historical Axis alignment its worth noting that Italy is unique among the Axis of being within striking distance of the Middle East with its valuable and abundant Oil supplies. Using its North African holdings as a launching point and its ability to protect supply convoys through the Central and Eastern Mediterranean Italy is able to quickly seize not just the Suez but the entirety of the Allies Middle eastern territory. Just be sure to grab it all or else Vichy France will spawn and cut you off from further eastern expansion.
Once this is done you are at your leisure to fabricate and push eastwards grabbing more Oil than you could possibly use from the weak Iraq and Iran. At this point you are then free to advance further into the British Raj and/or open up more fronts with the Soviet menace.
A solid, relatively simple strategy is to switch your military doctrine to "Superior Firepower" and place Support and Line Artillery (both Normal, Anti-Tank, and Anti-Air versions) in all of your divisions. Coupled with Fighters (for air supremacy), Close-Air-Support planes (to assist your ground divisions) and Field Hospitals (to conserve manpower, if resources permit) you should be able to both attack and defend against most enemy units without too much of a hassle. Once you can obtain a reliable source of fuel and enough factories to support it, you can also start fielding various kinds of Tanks (supported by Motorized/Mechanized Infantry) to further augment your breakthrough capabilities, allowing you to break stalemates and attempt to encircle enemy units for destruction.
Guard Italy's coast closely! Italy is a peninsular nation and has a very long coastline which, when dealing with a naval enemy like Britain, is a disaster waiting to happen if not properly addressed. To prevent any enemies from pulling a D-Day of their own on italy, it pays off to construct Coastal forts on all naval bases and station units there to man them to repulse invasions. Keep a set of reserve units stationed close by as well, so that if any enemies try to land next to the coastal forts and then assault them overland (to avoid the "amphibious assault" penalty), the reserve units can be brought in to encircle the invading units and contain the enemy incursion away from any naval bases and either destroy them or starve them into defeat.
As for your naval units, Italy is a peninsular nation so maintaining naval supremacy in the Mediterranean will go a long way to protecting against possible naval invasions (something an AI-controlled Italy often falls victim to). In the early game, when naval dockyards are in limited supply, a decent early-game fleet would be a mixture of torpedo-equipped destroyers and gun-carrying light cruisers (both with added armor), with some heavy cruisers added here and there as resources permit. These ships are decently powerful while also being decently expendable and replaceable. In theory, the light and heavy cruisers should engage and destroy enemy screening ships, allowing the destroyers to attack and destroy enemy capital ships once the screen ships are down. Once you acquire more naval dockyards, this combo can be further augmented with the addition of more heavy cruisers and even battleships for heavier ordnance. The Mediterranean sea is small enough that Naval Bombers operating from airfields in coastal states should have enough range to cover most sea zones, allowing you to support your navy. This also makes Aircraft Carrier battleships somewhat redundant early on.
When it comes to dealing with enemy submarines, one could set up specialized "scout fleets" consisting of destroyers optimized for detecting submarines and ordered to "Do not engage". These scout fleets can scour the Mediterranean for submarines and if they find any, they will alert the actual attack fleets, allowing them to make their way over and attack the enemy submarines, damaging and hopefully destroying them. If Italy wants to further assist their navy, they could build ships (destroyers and cruisers) outfitted with minelayers and extensively mine the Mediterranean sea. Mines will cause enemy ships to suffer a speed penalty, making them move slower, which hampers everything from responding to and engaging your fleets, disengaging, and retreating from battles and fleeing from bad situations. Having enough friendly minefields around can allow the Italian navy to do a lot more risky/audacious maneuvers and get away with it, allowing them to punch above their weight against bigger enemies like the British Royal Navy and the French navy.
To avoid issues with fuel, Italy could invest in building fuel silos in peacetime and importing Oil to fill them up. If you manage to puppet 羅馬尼亞王國 or any other nation that has a decent Oil reserve, you can import Oil at a discount. Once war does break out and fuel becomes harder to import, this can be remedied by occupying and/or annexing states that produce Oil. Alternatively, if conquering and/or importing Oil is not an available option, constructing synthetic fuel refineries can help address this. Just make sure to also protect these installations from enemy aggression as both fuel silos and oil refineries can be bombed by hostile planes and captured by enemy troops, so be careful.
Italy is uniquely versatile for a major power in that it can relatively freely decide what ideology to follow. None of the national focuses in Italy's focus tree explicitly require Italy to be of a given ideology and Italy has free access to all three political advisers (Democratic, Fascist and Communist), making it perfectly possible to switch ideology, join the appropriate faction and profit off of it.
Examples of this include: turning Communist, allying the 蘇維埃聯盟 through the Comintern and then backstabbing Germany if they decide to carry out Operation Barbarossa and invade the Soviets. For extra effectiveness, Italy can also (once communist) boost communist party popularity in France until they flip to communism (since they start out with a significant communist minority and will likely gain more through events). This will cause France to not join the Allies and if Germany, attacks them, they will likely instead join the Comintern, granting you an additional ally to work with, at the expense of Germany.
Alternatively, turning Democratic, joining the Allies, guaranteeing nations like 波蘭, 捷克斯洛伐克 etc, to hamstring Germany's expansion or trick them into a defensive war, defeat the Germans (for bonus points, let the Germans beat up the French and British a fair bit before you finish them off), puppet Germany or annex their territory to gain access to their industry and resources, then build up your military, leave the Allies and use your national focus tree to generate a war goal against France or Britain at your leisure, and attack and conquer them as well. Once you no longer need it, you can again switch ideologies to either fascism or communism and continue expanding from there.
For maximum switcheroo value, Italy could theoretically drift to democracy, undermine and conquer 德意志國, then prepare for and conquer 法國 and 聯合王國 through its national focus tree, then drift back to facism to conquer the Low Countries ( 荷蘭, 比利時 and 盧森堡).
From there, Italy could either;
- A. Stay fascist and continue its rampage throughout Europe and North Africa until they are in a position to form the File:Imperium Romanum.png 羅馬, or.
- B. Drift back to democracy once again and form the 歐洲聯盟, granting them cores on all of the aforementioned countries sans Britain.
Duce Nuked'em 毀滅公爵 扮演法西斯意大利,在洛杉磯投下核彈。
At least they run on time! 至少它們準點了! 扮演法西斯意大利,在所有核心地區擁有最大等級鐵路。
Holy, Roman, and an Empire 神聖、羅馬且帝國 扮演教皇,重建羅馬。
Pizza Time! 披薩時間! 扮演意大利,佔領紐約、芝加哥和夏威夷。
Collect all the Romes 收藏全部羅馬 扮演意大利,控制三個羅馬的首都。
Nothing personal, Adolf 並非個人恩怨,阿道夫 扮演意大利,在德奧合併之前取得奧地利,永遠不與法西斯德國結盟。
Not today 今天不行 扮演共產主義意大利, 救出安東尼奧·葛蘭西並讓他成為意大利的領導人,成立意大利國家聯盟。
Stalin, how many guns does he have? 斯大林,他有幾桿槍? 扮演教皇,使蘇聯投降。