



巴拿馬的國旗 巴拿馬(Panama),是中美洲的一個小國。這是一個被 美利堅合眾國的國旗 美利堅合眾國所屬的巴拿馬運河(United States)一分為二的國家。在西部巴拿馬與 哥斯達黎加的國旗 哥斯達黎加接壤,在東部與哥倫比亞的國旗 哥倫比亞相鄰。它的地形主要是叢林和平原地區。


Generic national focus tree.

巴拿馬的國旗 巴拿馬 沒有獨特的國策樹,而是使用通用國策樹。


  • 重視陸軍 提供陸軍經驗和陸軍相關研究項目的加成。
  • 重視空軍 提供空軍經驗,建立空軍基地,並提供空軍相關研究項目的加成。
  • 重視海軍 提供海軍經驗,建造海軍船塢,並提供海軍相關研究項目的加成。
  • 重視工業 建造民用工廠和軍用工廠(即使建築槽位已滿)並提供額外的科研槽。
  • 重視政治 提供國家政治走向的選擇。


Panama starts with 2 research slots.

Army technology Naval technology Air technology Electronics & Industry
  • Basic Eq.
  • None
  • None
  • None
  • None
  • None
  • None


Panama, in 1936, is completely controlled by the democratic party. Elections are every 4 years and the next one is in June 1936. Panama has the following political parties:

Political party Ideology Popularity Party leader Country name Is ruling?
Partido Liberal Doctrinario 民主主義 Democratic 100% Harmodio Arias Madrid Panama yes
Partido del Pueblo de Panamá 共產主義 Communist 0% Generic Free Panama Commune No
Fascist 法西斯主義 Fascist 0% Generic Patriotic Communal Panama No
Non-Aligned 中立主義 Non-Aligned 0% Generic Costas Hermanas No




In 1936, It is being guaranteed by the 美利堅合眾國的國旗 美利堅合眾國 via Monroe Doctrine. Panama may form 大哥倫比亞的國旗 大哥倫比亞 if it controls all of 哥倫比亞的國旗 哥倫比亞, 委內瑞拉的國旗 委內瑞拉, 厄瓜多爾的國旗 厄瓜多爾 and northern 秘魯的國旗 秘魯. It will gain cores on the above states plus the Panama Canal (685) and British Guyana (687).

Staff and Designer

Political Advisors
顧問 類型 效果 花費
Nicholas Ardito Barletta Compassionate Gentleman
  • Improve Relationship Opinion +15.00%
150 pp
Victor Pareja Armaments Organizer
  • Civilian to Military Factory Conversion Cost: -20.00%
150 pp
José Pezet Fortification Engineer 150 pp
Hector Sanches Communist Revolutionary
  • Communism Support: +0.1%
150 pp
Juan Deag Democratic Reformer
  • Daily Democracy Support: +0.1
150 pp
Diego Miedo Fascist Demagogue
  • Daily Fascism Support: +0.1%
150 pp
Tank Designers
Designer 類型 Effect Cost
Armor Company Tank Designer
  • Armor Research Time: -10.0%
  • Armor: Reliability: +5.0%
150 pp
Ship Designers
Designer 類型 Effect Cost
Naval Company Ship designer
  • Naval Research Time: -10.0%
150 pp
Aircraft Designers
Designer 類型 Effect Cost
Light Air Company Light aircraft
  • Air Research Time: -10.0%
  • Fighter: Agility: +10.0%
  • Fighter: Max Speed: +10.0%
  • Carrier Fighter: Agility: +10.0%
  • Carrier Fighter: Max Speed: +10.0%
150 pp
Medium Air Company Medium aircraft
  • Air Research Time: -10.0%
  • Heavy Fighter: Reliability: +20.0%
  • Tactical Bomber: Reliability: +20.0%
150 pp
Heavy Air Company Heavy aircraft
  • Air Research Time: -10.0%
  • Strategic Bomber: Strategic Bombing: +10.0%
150 pp
Naval Air Company Naval aircraft
  • Air Research Time: -10.0%
  • Naval Bomber: Operational Range: +10.0%
  • Naval Bomber: Naval Attack: +10.0%
  • CV Naval Bomber: Operational Range: +10.0%
  • CV Naval Bomber: Naval Attack: +10.0%
150 pp
Materiel Designers
Designer 類型 Effect Cost
Artillery Company Artillery designer
  • Artillery Research Time: -10.0%
150 pp
Small Arms Company 步兵裝備 designer
  • Weapons and Equipment Research Time: -10.0%
150 pp
Motorization Company Motorized Equipment designer
  • Motorization Research Time: -10.0%
150 pp
Industrial Concern
Designer 類型 Effect Cost
Industrial Company Industrial Concern
  • Industrial Research Time: -10.0%
150 pp
Designer 類型 Effect Cost
Enrique Jimenez Brin Military Theorist
  • Land Doctrine Research Time: -7.0%
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.05
150 pp
Marcos A. Gelabert Air Warfare Theorist
  • Air Doctrine Research Time: -7.0%
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.05
150 pp
Arturo Osborne Irragá Naval Theorist
  • Naval Doctrine Research Time: -7.0%
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.05
150 pp



徵兵法案 經濟法案 貿易法案
Volunteer only.png 志願兵役制
  • 1.5% 適役人口
Civilian economy.png 民用經濟
  • 35% 生活消費品工廠
  • –30% 軍用工廠建造速度
  • –30% 民用工廠建造速度
  • +30% 軍轉民消耗
  • +30% 民轉軍消耗
  • -40% 石油轉換燃油效率
  • -25% 燃油容量
Export focus.png 重視出口
  • 50% 可出口資源
  • +5% 科研速度
  • +10% 工廠/海軍船塢產出
  • +10% 建造速度
  • +20% 泄露給他國的民政情報
  • +10% 泄露給他國的海軍情報

Industry & Resources

Type No.
Aluminum.png Aluminium 0
Chromium.png Chromium 0
Oil.png Oil 1
Rubber.png Rubber 0
Steel.png Steel 0
Tungsten.png Tungsten 0
Type No.
民用工廠 Civilian factory 2
軍用工廠 Military factory 1
海軍船塢 Naval dockyard 0
Panama has one Military Factory and two civilian Factories.
Panama only has one Oil.


Panama starts out with no Military units

Type No.
Infantry cropped.png Infantry 0
Cavalry cropped.png Cavalry 0
Motorized cropped.png Motorized infantry 0
Light tank cropped.png Light tank 0
Marine cropped.png Marine 0
Mountain cropped.png Mountaineer 0
Paratroop cropped.png Paratrooper 0
Army experience.png Total divisions 0
Type No.
Destroyer.png Destroyer 0
Light Cruiser.png Light cruiser 0
Heavy Cruiser.png Heavy cruiser 0
Battlecruiser.png Battlecruiser 0
Battleship.png Battleship 0
Submarine.png Submarine 0
Carrier.png Carrier 0
Convoy.png Convoy 0
Navy experience.png Total ships 0
Air force
Type No.
CAS.png Close air support 0
Fighter c.png Fighter 0
Heavy fighter.png Heavy fighter 0
Naval bomber.png Naval bomber 0
Tactical bomber.png Tactical bomber 0
Strategic bomber.png Strategic bomber 0
Transport air.png Transport 0
Air experience.png Total planes 0
They do not have an army.
They do not have a navy.
Air force
They have no airforce.

Strategies and guides

Panama, arguably the weakest nation in the Americas, gets the decision to form 大哥倫比亞的國旗 大哥倫比亞. If one wishes to achieve greatness as the small, split in two nation of Panama, taking this decision will tremendously help and skyrocket her core population, from less than half a million to more than twenty million, turning it into the second most populated country in Latin America and putting it on par with nations like 西班牙的國旗 西班牙 (25 million, without accounting for civil war losses) or 羅馬尼亞王國的國旗 羅馬尼亞王國 (18 million). But how would one be supposed to take Panama there? Their starting manpower is laughable and only slightly higher than 不丹的國旗 不丹's manpower. It goes without saying that one will need some help in forming 大哥倫比亞的國旗 大哥倫比亞. It should also be noted that to make things easier, one should play on Historical AI Focuses mode so as to prevent the United States from enacting their Pax Americana in early 1937, thus blocking Panama from any attempts at expansion.

First of all, one should take Political Effort as their starting focus, and get the Fascist Politician as soon as possible: the clock is already ticking. One's next two purchases should be Free Trade and Limited Conscription, and then one should start saving up their political power. Also, one should build a port in the southernmost province of the left side of the country, and not trade for any resources just yet: Panama's lone civilian factory is desperately needed. One will need to research submarines and naval invasions, as well as planes and paratroopers. Getting better guns and artillery is also a good idea. Once the first focus is done, one should go for Naval Effort and start producing some convoys until the port construction is done, then start producing some submarines; it is worth noting that one single submarine should provide enough naval capacity for the following years, so switching back to convoy production early can be a good idea. One can then make their way into the Industrial foci. The order one takes them in does not really matter. One should have their first submarine ready by early-mid 1937.

Once Panama's politics switch to fascism, it should ready itself for the many wars she will face in the foreseeable future. One may start going down the Fascist route in the focus tree for the extra 7% recruitable population. By this point one should have two divisions of the default template. One should then justify a war goal on 哥斯達黎加的國旗 哥斯達黎加, and then on 尼加拉瓜的國旗 尼加拉瓜 as soon as possible; Costa Rica should have one division at most, and usually leaves her capital open for naval invasions. Puppet them: they will enable Panama to get one or two more divisions. Start justifying on 洪都拉斯的國旗 洪都拉斯, puppet Nicaragua, start justifying on 危地馬拉的國旗 危地馬拉, puppet Honduras, start justifying on 薩爾瓦多的國旗 薩爾瓦多, puppet Guatemala and puppet El Salvador. All of Central America needs to fall under Panama's control. 哥斯達黎加的國旗 哥斯達黎加, 尼加拉瓜的國旗 尼加拉瓜 and 洪都拉斯的國旗 洪都拉斯 should supply Panama with between one and three divisions each, depending on whether if they already went for the Democratic / Neutrality route in their focus tree or not. 危地馬拉的國旗 危地馬拉 and 薩爾瓦多的國旗 薩爾瓦多 should be Panama's main division providers, as they have the two highest populated states in Central America, and El Salvador will likely have already taken the +7% recruitable population from its focus tree.

By now you should be able to field an entire army of 24 multi-ethnical divisions. One shouldn't spend too much time taking pride of this however, as it is now time to move on to South America, with 厄瓜多爾的國旗 厄瓜多爾. One should also have a potent air force, with a healthy supply of Close Air Support and Fighters. Ecuador won't have many divisions, and one of them will likely be defending the Galapagos Islands; a naval invasion of mainland Ecuador should be sufficient, they won't be a match for Panama's army. One doesn't have to puppet them, and annexing them will provide Panama with some factories, which is always welcome.

The real challenge begins here: the invasion of 哥倫比亞的國旗 哥倫比亞. If one is to declare war on them, they will instantly deploy 20 divisions to counter one's offensives (from Ecuador and mainland Panama). If one can succesfully paradop into their victory points fast enough, one might be able to capitulate them quickly. Making them Panama's puppet might be a better idea, as their manpower will come in handy for one's last two conquests: 委內瑞拉的國旗 委內瑞拉 and 秘魯的國旗 秘魯. They will likely have a high amount of divisions (Peru in particular, able to reach as many as 70 divisions by 1941), making this an uphill battle to say the least. Rely on Panama's air supremacy and on paradrops / naval invasions, and one should be able to capitulate them, integrate Colombia if one make the choice to puppet them, and form 大哥倫比亞的國旗 大哥倫比亞 at last. By this point onwards, one does not need to rely on their puppets' manpower to field an army anymore.