





挪威的國旗 挪威(Norway),是北歐/斯堪的那維亞半島的一個非主要國家。它與 瑞典的國旗 瑞典+20)和 芬蘭的國旗 芬蘭-10)相鄰。


挪威位於北歐的斯堪的納維亞半島上。其地形以斯堪的納維亞山脈為主,這使挪威與鄰國 瑞典的國旗 瑞典想分隔。挪威擁有平原和森林地區,但大部分位於東南部和最北端。挪威首都奧斯陸(Oslo)是該地區唯一的城市。


挪威試圖在第二次世界大戰中保持中立(與所有其他北歐國家一樣),直到1940年4月9日, 德意志國的國旗 德意志國入侵 丹麥的國旗 丹麥挪威的國旗 挪威,作為威瑟堡行動(Operation Weserübung)的一部分。威瑟堡行動的目的是確保納粹德國海軍(Kriegsmarine)進入港口的安全,並確保瑞典鐵礦石到德國的安全運輸。1942年,德國在挪威建立了一個傀儡政權,稱為「吉斯林政權」(Quisling Regime/Nasjonal Regering),由法西斯主義的國家統一黨(Nasjonal Samling Party)主席維德孔·吉斯林(Vidkun Quisling)領導。

阿道夫·希特勒死後,弗倫斯堡政府(Flensburg Government,即鄧尼茨政府)制定了計劃,將德軍的殘餘部隊撤回挪威和丹麥,並將這些國家確定為國家的堡壘,也是對同盟國最後的防守。挪威一直被德國占領,直到1945年5月8日德國正式投降。


File:NF tree Norway.jpg

挪威的國旗 挪威以力御暴以力御暴以力御暴擴展包中獲得了獨特國策樹。未啟用該擴展包時,挪威將使用通用國策樹

A Resurgent Labor Movement Branch
This focus starts the 共產主義共產主義 branch of the focus tree.
  • Compromise with the NKP Sub-branch
The 共產主義Stalinist sub-branch befriends the 蘇維埃聯盟的國旗 蘇維埃聯盟 and helps in their war with 芬蘭的國旗 芬蘭
  • The Seeds of Revolution Sub-branch
The shared 共產主義共產主義 sub-branch launches a civil war, removes the King from the country and changes Norway's flag depending if the player goes Stalinist, Trotskyist or otherwise.
  • Prosecute the NKP Sub-branch
The alternative 共產主義共產主義 sub-branch goes against the 蘇維埃聯盟的國旗 蘇維埃聯盟 and defends 芬蘭的國旗 芬蘭 in the winter war.
  • Consolidate Power Sub-branch
The shared 共產主義共產主義 民主主義民主主義 sub-branch gives war goals against 瑞典的國旗 瑞典 and 丹麥的國旗 丹麥 in order to prepare for war against the 德意志國的國旗 德意志國. If Norway is democratic, the build relations with other democratic countries and creates the Nordic Council faction.
Vote of No Confidence Branch
The alternative 民主主義民主主義 branch builds an aggressive Norway to protect it from foreign threats and joins the Allies.
  • Weathering the Storm to Come Sub-branch
The shared 民主主義民主主義 sub-branch builds Norway's defenses and prepares it for war.
  • Replace Laake Sub-branch
This shared 民主主義民主主義 sub-branch arrests Vidkun Quisling, removes the possibility of a civil war from the 法西斯主義法西斯主義s and gives bonuses to military technology.
  • Forsvarets Intelligence Service/The King's No Sub-branches
This sub-branch requires the 炮手就位炮手就位 DLC. Forsvarets Intelligence ServiceForsvarets Intelligence Service requires 抵抗運動抵抗運動 and gives an intelligence agency. The focuses under The King's NoThe King's No prepares a government in exile after it gets capitulated and prepares it to retake Norway.
Continue Nygaardsvold's Government Branch
The historical 民主主義民主主義 branch cuts military industry in favor of civilian industry with the The Broken Gun The Broken Gun spirit.
The Stumbling Storting Branch
This focus starts the 法西斯主義法西斯主義 and 中立主義Monarchist branch of the focus tree.
  • Lurk in the Shadows Sub-branch
This seciton of the 法西斯主義法西斯主義 sub-branch manually builds fascist support in the country and asks for help from other fascist countries.
  • Quisling's Coup Sub-branch
This sub-branch is available under the Historical 民主主義民主主義 or the 法西斯主義法西斯主義 sub-branch. It starts a 法西斯主義法西斯主義 civil war and puts Vidkun Quisling. Norway can decide to reconquer old viking claims or remove Quisling and become a 傀儡國傀儡國 of the 德意志國的國旗 德意志國
  • Claims on Denmark/Claims on Sweden Sub-branch
The shared 法西斯主義法西斯主義 and 中立主義Monarchist expansion focuses demands territory from 瑞典的國旗 瑞典, 丹麥的國旗 丹麥, and the 蘇維埃聯盟的國旗 蘇維埃聯盟
  • The Royal Chamberlain's Overture Sub-branch
The 中立主義Monarchist path puts King Haakon VII into power with Peder Anker Wedel-Jarlsberg as his regent. It gives expansion opportunities and cores to some of the northern Atlantic Islands and states in the 蘇維埃聯盟的國旗 蘇維埃聯盟.
Start Rearmament Branch
The army branch gives bonuses to army technology and modifies the National Spirit The New Hæren The New Hæren.
Building an Independent Norway Branch
The industrial branch gives industrial bonuses and modifies the national spirit An Independent Norway An Independent Norway.
Hærens Flyvevaaben Branch
The airforce branch builds air bases, gives bonuses to airforce technology and modifies the national spirits Hærens Flyvevaaben Hærens Flyvevaaben or Luftforsvaret Luftforsvaret.
Sjøforsvaret Branch
The naval branch gives bonuses to the naval industry and modifies the national spirit Sjøforsvaret Sjøforsvaret.
Form the Nordic Council Branch
This is the shared branches for the five Nordic nations. When a Nordic country creates a faction with another, this branch allows any Nordic faction member to complete any focus.


Norway has some infantry and support techs but is lacking early artillery and tank techs. The nation does have a number of early air and naval techs.

Norway starts with 3 research slots.

Army Technology Naval Technology 炮手就位 Air Technology Electronics & Industry Doctrines
  • 步兵裝備 I型
  • 工兵連 I
  • Recon Company I
  • M.27 75 mm (Towed Artillery I)
  • Towed Anti-Air I
  • 1936 Destroyer Hull
  • Early Cruiser Hull
  • Early Submarine Hull
    • Torpedo Tubes I
  • Naval Gunnery
    • 76mm/40 Armstrong EOC (Light Battery I)
    • 14.5 cm Cannon (Light Cruiser Battery I)
    • 20.9 cm/44 EOC 1899 (Medium Battery I)
    • 28 cm Cannon (Heavy Battery I)
  • 20mm AA (Anti-air II)
  • Casemate Secondary Battery
    • 149.1mm/45 EOC Pt. FF (Secondary Battery I)
  • Contact Mine
    • Minelaying Submarine
  • F.F. 7 Hauk (Interwar Fighter)
  • Kjeller-Fokker C.V (Interwar Bomber)
  • None
  • None
Without Man the Guns
  • Draug Class (Destroyer I)
  • Norge Class (Heavy Cruiser I)
  • B Class (Submarine I)


Norway starts out as a socialist democracy. Elections are held every four years, with the next election in October of 1936.




Norway is part of no alliance at the beginning of the campaign. Because of its socialist government it has good relations with other democracies (+10) and socialist countries (+20). 德意志國的國旗 德意志國 has a focus that lets it increase fascist support in Norway, though the AI does not take this path with historical focus on. It rather takes Operation Weserübung. In addition, the 蘇維埃聯盟的國旗 蘇維埃聯盟 has the focus "Baltic Security" which gives a boost to communism in all Nordic countries, Norway included.

Political Parties

Id Party name Popularity Leader Country Name Ruling
民主主義 Democratic Arbeiderpartiet 96% Johan Nygaardsvold Norway Yes
法西斯主義 Fascist Nasjonal Samling 2% Vidkun Quisling Norgesveldet No
共產主義 Communist Norges Kommunistiske Parti 2% Adam Egede-Nissen Soviet State of Norway No
中立主義 Non-Aligned Venstre 0% Johan Ludwig Mowinckel Kingdom of Norway No

Staff and Designers

Political Advisors
Advisor Type Effect Cost (政治點數)
Trygve Halvdan Lie Popular Figurehead
  • Stability: +15%
Henry Wilhelm Kristiansen Communist Revolutionary
  • Daily Communism Support: +0.10
  • Gets event "Communism on the Rise" (if not Communist)
Adolf Indrebø Captain of Industry
  • Civilian Factory construction Speed +10%
  • Infrastructure construction Speed +10%
  • Refinery construction Speed +10%
Rolf Jørgen Fuglesang Fascist Demagogue
  • Daily Fascism Support: +0.10
  • Gets event "Fascism on the Rise" (if not Fascist)
Halvdan Koht Smooth-Talking Charmer
  • Trade deal option factor: +10%
Haakon Lie Democratic Reformer
  • Daily Democracy Support: +0.10
Tank Designers
Designer Type Effect Cost (政治點數)
Armor Company Tank Designer
  • Armor 研究速度:+15.0%
  • Armor:
  • Reliability: +5%

By selecting this Design Company they will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.

Ship Designers
Designer Type Effect Cost (政治點數)
Horten Naval Yard Shipe Designer
  • Naval 研究速度:+15.0%
Aircraft Designers
Designer Type Effect Cost (政治點數)
Kjeller Flyfabrikk Light Aircraft Designer
  • Air 研究速度:+15.0%
  • Fighter:
    • Agility: +10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
  • Carrier Fighter:
    • Agility: +10%
    • Max Speed: +10%

By selecting this Design Company they will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.

Medium Air Company Medium Aircraft Designer
  • Air 研究速度:+15.0%
  • Heavy Fighter: Reliability: +20%
  • Tactical Bomber: Reliability: +20%

By selecting this Design Company they will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.

Heavy Air Company Heavy Aircraft Designer
  • Air 研究速度:+15.0%
  • Strategic Bomber: Strategic Bombing: +10%

By selecting this Design Company they will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.

Marinens Flyvebaatfabrikk Naval Aircraft Designer
  • Air 研究速度:+15.0%
  • Naval Bomber:
    • Operational Range: +10%
    • Naval Attack: +10%
  • CV Naval Bomber:
    • Operational Range: +10%
    • Naval Attack: +10%
  • Carrier Fighter:
    • Operational Range: +10%
    • Agility: +10%
  • Carrier CAS:
    • Operational Range: +10%
    • Naval Attack: +10%

By selecting this Design Company they will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.

Materiel Designers
Designer Type Effect Cost (政治點數)
Hønefoss Karosserifabrikk Motorized Equipment Designer
  • Motorization 研究速度:+15.0%
Raufoss Ammunisjonsfabrikker 步兵裝備 Designer
  • Weapons and Equipment 研究速度:+15.0%
Kongsberg Våpenfabrikk Artillery Equipment Designer
  • Artillery 研究速度:+15.0%
Industrial Concern
Designer Type Effect Cost (政治點數)
Industrial Company Industrial Concern
  • Industrial 研究速度:+15.0%
Tandbergs Radiofabrikk Electronics Concern
  • Electronics 研究速度:+10.0%
Norsk Hydro Refining Concern
  • Industrial 研究速度:+5.0%
  • Synthetic Resources 研究速度:+10.0%
Theorist Type Effect Cost (政治點數)
Konrad Sundlo Military Theorist
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.05 daily
  • Land Doctrine 研究速度:+10.0%
Skule Storheil Naval Theorist
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.05 daily
  • Naval Doctrine 研究速度:+10.0%
Tryggve Gran Air Warfare Theorist
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.05 daily
  • Air Doctrine 研究速度:+10.0%



徵兵法案 經濟法案 貿易法案
Limited conscription.png 有限徵兵
  • 2.5% 適役人口
Civilian economy.png 民用經濟
  • 35% 生活消費品工廠
  • –30% 軍用工廠建造速度
  • –30% 民用工廠建造速度
  • +30% 軍轉民消耗
  • +30% 民轉軍消耗
  • -40% 石油轉換燃油效率
  • -25% 燃油容量
Export focus.png 重視出口
  • 50% 可出口資源
  • +5% 科研速度
  • +10% 工廠/海軍船塢產出
  • +10% 建造速度
  • +20% 泄露給他國的民政情報
  • +10% 泄露給他國的海軍情報

Industrial Capacity

Norway has spread its IC across 4 states, and has 5 open slots in 1936.

Factories 1936
2 Military Factories
1 Naval Dockyard
6 Civilian Factories


Total resources 1936
0 0 12 31 20 2

These numbers represent the available resources, depending on trade law a certain amount may be traded away.


Norway has a small starting army, and only 15.21k free manpower. The starting division templates are the 9-brigade "Infanteriet Divisjon" and the 6-brigade "Binær Divisjon", along with the 3-brigade "Dragonregiment" Cavalry division template. Since Norway is already on limited conscription it needs to go to war or change its ideology in order to raise the conscription law and field a larger army.

Type Total
Infantry cropped.png Infanteriet Divisjon 1
Infantry cropped.png Binær Divisjon 6
Cavalry cropped.png Dragonregiment 3
Motorized cropped.png Motorized 0
Light tank cropped.png Light tank 0
Type Total
Carrier.png Carrier 0
Battleship.png Battleship 0
Battlecruiser.png Battlecruiser 0
Heavy Cruiser.png Heavy Cruiser 4
Light Cruiser.png Light Cruiser 0
Destroyer.png Destroyer 5
Submarine.png Submarine 9
Air Force
Type Total
Fighter.png Fighter 0
Bomber.png Tactical Bomber 18
Close air support.png Close air support 0
Naval Strike Tactics.png Naval bomber 0
Motorized units list
Name 類型 Techyear
Motorized Motorized 1936
Stpv. I Mechanized I 1940
Stpv. II Mechanized II 1942
Stpv. III Mechanized III 1944
Tank units list
Name 類型 Techyear
Strv. FT-17 Great War Tank 1918
Strv. m/34 Light Tank I 1934
L-120 Light Tank II 1936
Strv. m/41 Light Tank III 1941
Pansv. m/39 Medium Tank I 1939
Pansv. m/41 Medium Tank II 1941
Pansv. m/43 Medium Tank III 1943
Stv. m/34 Heavy Tank I 1934
Stv. m/41 Heavy Tank II 1941
Stv. m/43 Heavy Tank III 1943
Tstv. m/44 Super Heavy Tank 1943
Mod. Tank MBT 1945

Military Staff

These are the Military Staff candidates for appointment in Norway.

Chief of Army
Candidate Type I Type II Effects Cost (政治點數)
Willhelm von Tangen Hansteen Army Organization (Expert)
  • Division Organization: +8%
Otto Ruge Army Offense (Expert)
  • Division Attack: +10%
Kristian Laake Army Defense (Expert)
  • Division Defense: +10%
Chief of Navy
Candidate Type I Type II Effects Cost (政治點數)
Edgar Otto Naval Aviation (Expert)
  • Naval Air Attacks from Carriers: +6%
  • Naval Air Targeting from Carriers: +7%
  • Naval Air Agility from Carriers: +8%
Henry Diesen Decisive Battle (Expert)
  • Capital Ship Attack: +10%
  • Capital Ship Armor: +10%
  • Screen Attack: +10%
  • Screen Defense: +10%
Chief of Airforce
Candidate Type I Type II Effects Cost (政治點數)
Hjalmar Riiser-Larsen All-Weather (Expert)
  • Bad Weather Penalty: -20%
Ole Reistad Air Reformer (Expert)
  • Air Experience Gain: +7.5%
Bjarne Øen Air Safety (Expert)
  • Air Accidents Chance: -10%
Military High Command
Candidate Type I Type II Effects Cost (政治點數)
Alfred Roscher-Lund Concealment (Genius)
  • Enemy Air Support: -15 %
Jacob von der Lippe Naval Aviation (Genius)
  • Naval Air Attacks from Carriers: +10%
  • Naval Air Targeting from Carriers: +12%
  • Naval Air Agility from Carriers: +15%
Birger Ljungberg Commando (Expert)
  • Special Forces Attack/Defense: +15%
Wilhelm von Tangen-Hansteen Infantry (Expert)
  • Infantry Division Attack: +10 %
  • Infantry Division Defense: +15 %


The best way to expand is to wait until Germany is fighting the Allies. Declare war on them then declare another war on another nation so they join the Axis keeping in mind to keep one neutral country between you and them to prevent a land invasion.


Northern Light.jpg
Northern Light
As a Scandinavian country form your own faction, and have Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland in it.
