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(Katyusha233移动页面Soviet Union苏联

2020年8月15日 (六) 21:25的版本


Soviet Union.png


Communist, Stalinist

Comintern (Leader)

The Soviet Union (officially “Union of Soviet Socialist Republics” or “USSR”) is a major country and the leader of the Comintern faction. It is rich in both natural and human resources and has decent technology. It controls almost the entire northern third of Asia as well as the eastern edges of Europe.


The Soviet Union is a massive country, stretching from the barren wastelands of Kamchatka to the warm, fertile fields of Ukraine. Much of the north and east is forest, with polar regions of Siberia marshlands and plains. There is little mountains or hills besides the Caucasus and Ural ranges. The south is primarily plains, with a few urban provinces dispersed throughout the country.


主条目:Soviet events

National focus

Soviet national focus tree.

苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟, as one of the seven major powers, has a unique national focus tree.


  • 重视基建/重工业:工业国策树允许国家在大战前和大战后实施和改进Idea SOV third five year plan.png 五年计划,加强基础设施建设,扩大工业规模和资源开发,获得科研加成,最终建立经互会。
  • 跨过北极的航班线:空军国策线允许对Soviet Airforce 苏维埃空军进行改革,获得科研加成和空军经验。
  • 扩建红海军线:海军国策线将增加海岸防御基础设施建设,允许对The Red Fleet 红海军进行改革,获得科研加成和海军经验。
  • 建立国防工业人民委员部PCDI:这部分陆军国策将添加民族精神Defense Industry 国防工业,并随着玩家继续点国策给予对火炮和坦克的加成。
  • 军事工程学院:该分支将在战略防御位置建设堡垒,并将工业转移到乌拉尔山脉。
  • 强化动员计划线:这部分陆军国策将为The Red Army 红军提供增益,同时给予步兵师的加成。
马克思-列宁主义道路:国策树中所有 共产主义共产主义线的开端。
  • 中间派:史实斯大林主义道路。维持斯大林的SOV paranoia text icon.png偏执度平衡,启动大清洗机制,调整民族精神The Politburo 政治局的效果,逐步加强其个人威望和国家实力。
  • 左翼反对派:使托洛茨基通过内战上台,可以在国外煽动 共产主义共产主义起义,并在苏联内部释放国家以提升整体工业实力。
  • 争取党员支持:左派与右派共享,将允许获得其他派别顾问的支持。
  • 强化工会:左派与右派共享,将允许最高苏维埃成为 共产主义共产主义政党的领导者。
  • 右翼反对派:使布哈林通过内战或政变上台,并重启新经济政策,发展同民主国家关系与科学技术事业。该分支是唯一可以避免内战爆发的非历史路线。
  • 处理国内事务:通过增加各种宣传活动来处理国内政治事务。
  • 共产国际:援建 苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟的东方盟友,与他们发展关系,缔结盟约;和其他欧洲主要国家一道对东欧、中东和远东国家进行政治外交影响。
败而不馁:准备第二次俄国内战,废除 共产主义共产主义体制。
  • 重开缙绅会议:内战后,使弗拉基米尔三世加冕为中立主义沙皇,复辟罗曼诺夫王朝。此后,可以继续加强俄罗斯帝国的国旗 俄罗斯帝国的权威,建立以康斯坦丁·罗扎耶夫斯基为首的法西斯主义法西斯主义政府,或另行加冕大主教梅莱修斯为沙皇,创建 第三罗马的国旗 第三罗马


Army Technology Naval Technology 炮手就位 Air Technology Electronics & Industry
  • SVT-38/40 (Infantry Eq. I)
  • ZIS-5 (Motorized)
  • Mountain Infantry I
  • Paratroopers I
  • Engineer Company I
  • Recon Company I
  • Military Police I
  • T-26 (Light Tank I)
  • M1936 76 mm (Towed Artillery I)
  • M1939 37 mm AA (Towed Anti-Air I)
  • 1936 Destroyer Hull
    • B-1 Depth Charge Rack (Depth Charges I)
  • Early Cruiser Hull
  • Early Heavy Ship Hull
  • 1936 Submarine Hull
    • Triple 450mm TTs (Torpedo I)
  • 130mm/50 B13 Ptn 1936 (Light Battery II)
  • 180mm/60 B-1-K 1931 (Medium Battery I)
  • 130mm/55 Pattern 1913 (Light Cruiser Battery I)
  • 305mm/52 Pattern 1907 (Heavy Battery I)
  • 120mm/50 Pattern 1905 (Secondary Battery I)
  • Contact Mine
    • Minelaying Submarine
  • Transport Ship
  • Polikarpov I-16 (Fighter I)
  • Ilyushin Il-4 (Naval Bomber I)
  • Ilyushin DB-3 (Interwar Bomber)
  • Petlyakov Pe-8 (Strategic Bomber I)
  • Fuel Storage
  • Fuel Refining I
  • None
Without Man the Guns
  • Orfey Class (Destroyer I)
  • Krasniy Krym Class (Light Cruiser I)
    • Upgraded Leningrad & Minsk Class
  • Krasniy Kavkaz Class (Heavy Cruiser I)
  • Borodino Class (Battlecruiser I)
  • Marat Class (Battleship I)
  • Series V Shchuka (Submarine II)
    • Upgraded Series IX Srednyaya
  • Transport Ship

Research and production

These are the choices of design companies and theorists for the 苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟.

Tank designers
Designer Type Effect Cost (政治点数)
Morozov Design Bureau Mobile Tank Designer
  • Armor Research Speed: +15 %
  • Armor:
  • Max Speed: +5 %
  • Reliability: +10 %

By selecting this Design Company it will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.

Astrov Design Bureau Medium Tank Designer
  • Armor Research Speed: +15 %
  • Armor:
  • Reliability: +5 %
  • Soft attack: +5 %

By selecting this Design Company it will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.

OKMO Heavy Tank Designer
  • Armor Research Speed: +15 %
  • Armor:
  • Armor: +5 %
  • Hard attack: +5 %

By selecting this Design Company it will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.

Ship designers
Designer Type Effect Cost (政治点数)
Nevskoye Design Bureau Ship Designer
  • Naval Research Speed: +15 %
Aircraft designers
Designer Type Effect Cost (政治点数)
MiG Design Bureau Light aircraft designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15 %


  • Agility: +10 %
  • Max Speed: +10 %

Carrier Fighter:

  • Agility: +10 %
  • Max Speed: +10 %

By selecting this Design Company it will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.

Ilyushin Design Bureau Medium aircraft designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15 %
  • Heavy Fighter: Reliability: +20 %
  • Tactical Bomber: Reliability: +20 %

By selecting this Design Company it will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.

Tupolev Design Bureau Heavy aircraft designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15 %
  • Strategic Bomber: Strategic Bombing: +10 %

By selecting this Design Company it will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.

Yakovlev Design Bureau Naval aircraft designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15 %

Naval Bomber:

  • Range: +10 %
  • Naval Attack: +10 %

CV Naval Bomber:

  • Range: +10 %
  • Naval Attack: +10 %

Carrier Fighter:

  • Range: +10 %
  • Agility: +10 %

Carrier CAS:

  • Range: +10 %
  • Naval Attack: +10 %

By selecting this Design Company it will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.

Materiel designers
Designer Type Effect Cost (政治点数)
GAZ Motorized Equipment Designer
  • Motorization Research Speed: +15 %
  • Motorized Rocket Artillery Research Speed: +50 %
Tula Arms Plant Infantry Equipment Designer
  • Weapons and Equipment Research Speed: +15 %
Grabin Design Bureau Artillery Equipment Designer
  • Artillery Research Speed: +15 %
Industrial concerns
Designer Type Effect Cost (政治点数)
Stalingrad Tractor Factory Industrial Concern
  • Industrial Research Speed: +15 %
Leningrad Industrial Institute Electronics Concern
  • Electronics Research Speed: +15 %
Theorist Type Conditions ( Purged?, etc ) + Effects Cost (政治点数)
Georgy Zhukov Mass Assault Expert 是Not: Purged by: Trotsky

NoHas completed focus Positive Heroism

  • Army Experience Gain: +0.05 daily
  • Mass Assault Doctrine: +15 %
Sergey Gorshkov Naval Theorist 是Not: Purged by: Trotsky
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.05 daily
  • Naval Doctrine Research Speed: +10 %
Sergei Rudenko Close Air Support Proponent 是Not: Purged by: Trotsky
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.05 daily
  • Battlefield Support Doctrine: +15 %
Mikhail Tukhachevsky Mass Assault Expert 是Not: Purged by Stalin
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.05 daily
  • Mass Assault Doctrine: +15 %
Vladimir Tributs Grand Fleet Proponent
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.05 daily
  • Fleet in Being Doctrine: +15 %
Alexander Golovanov Air Warfare Theorist
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.05 daily
  • Air Doctrine Research Speed: +10 %
Boris Shaposhnikov Military Theorist
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.05 daily
  • Land Doctrine Research Speed: +10 %
Sergei Korolev Rocket Scientist
  • Rocket Research Speed: +15 %
Igor Kurchatov Nuclear Scientist
  • Nuclear Research Speed: +15 %


National spirits

Trotskyite Plot? icon
Trotskyite Plot?
  • Stability: −20%
Paranoia and pathological distrust stemming from old power struggles impact the leadership of this nation.
Home of the Revolution icon
Home of the Revolution
  • Ideology drift defense: +50%
  • Yes.png Can create factions
Comrades, with the defeat of the vile Trotskyite counter revolutionaries we were able to focus on defending the revolution. Our goal, our hope, our slogan is Socialism in One Country. We will build a bountiful socialist utopia here in the Soviet Union and the rest of the world will inevitably embrace it.


As the premier communist nation in 1936, the Soviet Union is the head of the Comintern, consisting of 唐努图瓦的国旗 唐努图瓦 and 蒙古的国旗 蒙古. 中共的国旗 中共, 新疆的国旗 新疆 and 巴拉圭的国旗 巴拉圭 are the only other countries that have a favorable view.

Should 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国 prevail in the Spanish Civil War, it may be amenable to joining, as would a communist-aligned 法国的国旗 法国.

If Leon Trotsky becomes leader of the USSR and Permanent Revolution and NKVD Primacy are taken, then the USSR can start Communist civil wars in countries without having to spend any Political Power.

Political parties

Political party Ideology Popularity Party leader Country name Is ruling?
All-Union Communist Party 共产主义 Communist 88% Joseph Stalin Soviet Union Yes
Trudoviks 民主主义 Democratic 10% Alexander Fyodorovich Kerensky Russian Federation No
RFP 法西斯主义 Fascist 2% Konstantin Rodzaevsky Russian Empire No
Non-Aligned 中立主义 Non-Aligned 0% Random leader Russia No


A brief summary of the state of the nations economy in 1936.


征兵法案 经济法案 贸易法案
Volunteer only.png 志愿兵役制
  • 1.5% 适役人口
Civilian economy.png 民用经济
  • 35% 生活消费品工厂
  • –30% 军用工厂建造速度
  • –30% 民用工厂建造速度
  • +30% 军转民消耗
  • +30% 民转军消耗
  • -40% 石油转换燃油效率
  • -25% 燃油容量
Export focus.png 重视出口
  • 50% 可出口资源
  • +5% 科研速度
  • +10% 工厂/海军船坞产出
  • +10% 建造速度
  • +20% 泄露给他国的民政情报
  • +10% 泄露给他国的海军情报


Factories 1936
32 Military Factories
6 Naval Dockyards
40 Civilian Factories


Total resources 1936
193 0 543 133 67 353

These numbers represent the available resources, depending on trade law a certain amount may be traded away.


1936 Scenario The player starts the game with 1.25M in manpower available and the monthly gain for manpower is 2.95k. The player starts with the Volunteer Only conscription law, providing 1.50% of the player's core population as manpower, totaling 2.42M. 1.13M of this manpower at game start is tied up in the army, 30.68k in the air force and 33.25k in the navy. The Soviet Union has a population of 161.43 million.


Army 1936 Scenario

91Infantry.pngInfantry Divisions 11Light tank.pngLight Tank Divisions 1Motorized.pngMotorized Division 22Cavalry.pngCavalry Division 13Mountaineers.pngMountaineer Division

1936 Scenario: The player begins the game with 91 Infantry divisions, of which 18 are Reserve NKVD Divisions with Military Police. Additionally, the player has 22 Cavalry divisions, 13 Mountaineer divisions, 11 light tank divisions and 1 Motorized Infantry division. The player begins the game producing Infantry Equipment I at 36.19/day with 7 factories; Support Equipment 1 at 1.29/day on 2 factories; Towed Artillery at 5.17/week on 1 factory; Light Tank I at 6.78/week on 3 factories; and Motorized at 3.04/day on 3 factories. However, Motorized units lack rubber and have a penalty to production speed. The player has 14 additional military factories that can be allotted to production. The army is fairly average in the beginning, but the Soviet doctrine tree gives them a higher reinforce chance as well as either Large Front Operations or People's Army. It is up to the player upon reaching those decision points as to which line to pursue.

Examples of alternative division template names for the Soviet Union include:

  • Mountaineers - Gornostrelkovaya Diviziya
  • Marines - Morskaya Pekhota
  • Paratroopers - Vozdushno-Desantnaya Diviziya
  • Motorized - Motostrelkovaya Diviziya
  • Mechanized - Mekhanizirovanaya Diviziya
  • Armor - Tankovaya Diviziya or Tankovyj Korpus
Motorized units list
Name Type Techyear
ZIS-5 Motorized 1936
BTR M1941 Mechanized I 1940
BTR M1943 Mechanized II 1942
BTR-152 Mechanized III 1944
Tank units list
Name Type Techyear Variants TD / SPA / AAA
T-18 Great War Tank 1918
T-26 Light Tank I 1934 SU-37 / SU-76-26 / ZSU-12.7
BT-7 Light Tank II 1936 SU-45 / SU-76-7 / ZSU-12.2
T-60 Light Tank III 1941 ZiS-30 / SU-76-26 / ZSU-37
A-32 Medium Tank I 1939 SU-85-32 / SU-76-32 / ZSU-37-32
T-34 Medium Tank II 1941 SU-85 / SU-122 / ZSU-37-34
T-44 Medium Tank III 1943 SU-100 / SU-152-44 / ZSU-57-44
T-35 Heavy Tank I 1934 SMK / SU-14 / ZSU-12.7-4
KV-1 Heavy Tank II 1941 SU-100-Y / SU-152 / ZSU-37-Y
IS Heavy Tank III 1943 ISU-122 / ISU-152 / ISU-57-2
IS-7 Super Heavy Tank 1943 ISU-130 / ISU-203 / ISU-57-4
T-54 MBT 1945 SU-122-54 / SU-152-54 / ZSU-57-2


Without Man the Guns

Capital ships 1936 Scenario
3 Battleships
Screens and Submarines 1936 Scenario
Light Cruiser.png
4 Light Cruisers
17 Destroyers
43 Submarines

1936 Scenario: The player starts the game with only 3 Battleships, 4 Light Cruisers, 17 Destroyers and 43 Submarines. For production, the player only has 6 naval dockyards to begin with. The players dockyards are initially producing 4 Leningrad & Minsk Class 1936 Destroyers and 31 Series IX Srednyaya Submarines, the latter across four separate production lines. While the player can cancel these productions, the first of the four destroyers is set to be completed by April 19th, 1936 and two of the Submarine lines are set to complete another sub by February 8th, 1936, so to avoid any loss of time and production, simply finish these in production before canceling or changing the lines to a different ship class. Naval technology at game start in 1936 includes all of the early ship classes except for carriers, but only one 1936 ship class. The Soviets also start with the Naval Doctrine Fleet in Being, providing +10 organization to Battleships, Battlecruisers, and Heavy Cruisers.

Ship classes of the Red Fleet without Man the Guns
Type Class Amount In Production Tech
BB Marat Class 3 Battleship I
BC Borodino Class Battlecruiser I
CA Krasniy Kavkaz Class Heavy Cruiser I
CL Krasniy Krym Class 4 Light Cruiser I
DD Leningrad & Minsk Class 4 Destroyer I*
DD Orfey Class 17 Destroyer I
SS O/P/R Class 21 Submarine I*
SS Series IX Srednyaya 31 Submarine II*
SS Series V Shchuka Submarine II
SS Series I Debakrist Submarine I*
SS AG Class 43 Submarine I
Convoy 38
* marks a variant with increased base stats to symbolize ships that are not modern enough to warrant a full 1936 tech level but too modern to fit into the1922 tech level.

Man the Guns 炮手就位

Capital ships 1936 Scenario
3 Battleships
Screens and Submarines 1936 Scenario
Light Cruiser.png
5 Light Cruisers
18 Destroyers
59 Submarines

1936 Scenario: The player starts the game with only 3 Battleships, 5 Light Cruisers, 18 Destroyers and 59 Submarines. For production, the player only has 6 naval dockyards to begin with. The players dockyards are initially producing 4 Leningrad & Minsk Class 1936 Destroyers, 2 Kirov Class Early Heavy Cruisers, and 35 Submarines of various types, the latter across four separate production lines. While the player can cancel these productions, the first of the four destroyers is set to be completed by May 8th, 1936 and two of the Submarine lines are set to complete another sub by February 1st, 1936, so to avoid any loss of time and production, simply finish these in production before canceling or changing the lines to a different ship class. The Soviets also start with the Naval Doctrine Fleet in Being, providing +10 organization to Battleships, Battlecruisers, and Heavy Cruisers.

Ship classes of the Red Fleet 炮手就位
Name Type Count Production Techyear Design note
BB Marat Class 3 Early Heavy Ship Hull 2xBB I battery, 1xAA I, BB Armor I, 1xSecondary I
CA Kirov Class 2 Early Cruiser Hull Plane catapult, 2xCA I battery, 2xAA I, Armor I
CL Marti Class 1 Early Cruiser Hull Minelayer, 1xCL I battery, 1xAA I
CL Chervona Ukraina Class 3 Early Cruiser Hull Minelayer, 2xCL I battery, 1x AA I, 1xTT I
CL Komintern Class* 1 Early Cruiser Hull Minelayer, 2x CL I battery
DD Leningrad & Minsk Class 4 1936 Destroyer Hull 1xDC I, 1xDD II battery, 1xAA I, 1xTT I
DD Bug Class 1 Early Destroyer Hull 2xMinelayer, 1xDD I battery
DD Fidonisi Class* 6 Early Destroyer Hull 2xTT I, 1xDC I, 1xDD I battery
DD Orfey Class* 11 Early Destroyer Hull 2xTT I, 1xDD I battery
SS Series IX Srednyaya 5 1936 Submarine Hull 1xTT II
SS Series II Leninets 9 1936 Submarine Hull 1xTT I, Minelayer
SS Series X Shchuka 24 Early Submarine Hull 1xTT II
SS Series V Shchuka* 37 6 Early Submarine Hull 1xTT II
SS Series I Debakrist 8 Early Submarine Hull 2xTT I
SS AG Class* 5 Early Submarine Hull 1xTT I
Convoy 38
* marks a variant as "obsolescent".

Air force

Air Force 1936 Scenario
Air Skirmish.png
658 Fighters
Naval Strike Tactics.png
108 Naval Bombers
240 Tactical Bombers
Strategic Destruction.png
72 Strategic Bombers

1936 Scenario: The player begins in 1936 with 0 Close Air Support, 658 Fighters, 108 Naval Bombers, 0 Heavy Fighters, 240 Tactical Bombers, 72 Strategic Bombers and 0 Transport Planes. However, more than half of the fighter fleet are I-15s, with fewer than 200 I-16s in service. For production, the Soviet Union is only producing fighters with a single factory for 3.14/month and strategic bombers for 1.23/month on a single factory. The player lacks rubber, which reduces production speed. Obtaining rubber via trade should be one of the player's first priorities. For technology, the Soviets begin with 1936 Fighters, Naval Bombers and Strategic Bombers. Tactical Bombers are outdated 1933 models. The player lacks the technology for Heavy Fighters and Close Air Support. The player does not begin with any air doctrine in 1936 and has full choice over any of the three branches.

Military staff

These are the Military Staff candidates for appointment of the Soviet Union.

Chief of Army
Candidate Type I Type II Effects + Conditions ( Purged? ) Cost (政治点数)
Semyon Timoshenko Army Reformer (Expert)
  • Army Experience Gain: +10 %

是Not: Purged by Stalin

Kliment Voroshilov Army Drill (Specialist)
  • Division training time: -5 %

是Not: Purged by Stalin

Alexander Yegorov Army Defense (Expert)
  • Division Defense: +10 %

是Not: Purged by Stalin

Vasily Blücher Army Maneuver (Expert)
  • Division speed: +10 %

是Not: Purged by Stalin

Chief of Navy
Candidate Type I Type II Effects + Conditions ( Purged? ) Cost (政治点数)
Mikhail Frinovsky Commerce Raiding (Specialist)
  • Convoy Raiding Efficiency: +10 %

是Not: Purged by Stalin

Nikolay Kuznetsov Naval Reformer (Expert)
  • Naval Experience Gain: +10 %

是Not: Purged by Stalin

Ivan Yumashev Decisive Battle (Expert)
  • Capital Ship Attack: +10 %
  • Capital Ship Armor: +10 %
  • Screen Attack: +10 %
  • Screen Defense: +10 %

是Not: Purged by Stalin

Pyotr Smirnov Naval Aviation (Specialist)
  • Naval Air Attacks from Carriers: +3 %
  • Naval Air Targeting from Carriers: +3 %
  • Naval Air Agility from Carriers: +4 %

是Not: Purged by Stalin

Chief of the Air force
Candidate Type I Type II Effects + Conditions ( Purged? ) Cost (政治点数)
Alexander Novikov Air Reformer (Genius)
  • Air Experience Gain: +15 %

是Not: Purged by Stalin

Konstatin Vershinin Ground Support (Expert)
  • Air Superiority: +10 %

是Not: Purged by Stalin

Yakov Smushkevich Air Safety (Expert)
  • Air Accidents Chance: -10 %

是Not: Purged by Stalin

Pavel Rychagov All-Weather (Expert)
  • Bad Weather Penalty: -20 %

是Not: Purged by Stalin

Military High Command
Candidate Type I Type II Conditions ( Purged?, etc ) + Effects Cost (政治点数)
Pavel Zhigarev Airborne Assault (Specialist)

是Not: Purged by: Trotsky

  • Paradrop Attack: +1 %
  • Paradrop Defense: +3 %
  • Paradrop Agility: +3 %
Stepan Krasovsky Air Combat Training (Expert)

是Not: Purged by: Trotsky

  • Ace generation chance: +10 %
Ivan Konev Concealment (Expert)

是Not: Purged by: Trotsky
是Konev is not supporting a civil war against the Soviet Union

  • Enemy Air Support: -10 %
Arseniy Golovko Amphibious Assault (Expert)

是Not: Purged by: Trotsky

  • Amphibious invasion speed: +10 %
Konstatin Rokossovsky Armor (Genius)

是Not: Purged by: Stalin
NoHas completed focus Positive Heroism

  • Armor Division Attack: +15 %
  • Armor Division Defense: +15 %
Aleksandr Vasilevsky Army Regrouping (Expert)

是Not: Purged by: Stalin

  • Division Recovery Rate: +8 %
Vladimir Kasatonov Submarines (Expert)

是Not: Purged by Stalin

  • Submarine Attack: +15 %
  • Submarine Defense: +10 %
Sergei Khudyakov Close Air Support (Expert)

是Not: Purged by Stalin

  • Close Air Support Attack: +3 %
  • Close Air Support Defense: +3 %
  • Close Air Support Agility: +3 %
Gorday Levchenko Capital Ships (Expert)

是Not: Purged by Stalin

  • Capital Ship Attack: +10 %
  • Capital Ship Armor: +10 %

Strategies and Guides

Roll out the red carpet for Trotsky

Joseph Stalin's "Socialism in One Country" has failed; the rapid industrialization policies of the 1920s and 1930s led to two massive famines in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan in 1921-1922 and 1932-1933, resulting in a great loss of lives and Stalin's political violence have cost the lives of many people. This calls for a reform of the government, one that will be put into effect by one Leon Trotsky, a former Soviet politician who, after a failed power struggle with Stalin, was exiled to 墨西哥的国旗 墨西哥. But Trotsky still commands notable support within the Soviet government and unless these secret supporters are purged out, Trotsky will eventually make a comeback and kill Stalin to reclaim his position as the General Secretary of the All-Union Communist Party, a position he was supposed to fulfill as per the late Vladimir Lenin's wishes.

In order to get Trotsky into power, when starting out as the Soviet Union in the 1936 bookmark, the player must not pick the National Focus The Great Purge at all, as picking it will lead to the Soviet leadership being purged of its old guard and being filled with pro-stalinists which will eventually lead to Trotsky being assassinated. If the Great Purge isn't carried out however, at some point in 1938, a series of events will start triggering, starting with "The Fourth International" and finally ending with "Trotsky returns to the Soviet Union" and "Trotsykist Coup". The last one of these events, the "Trotskyist Coup", will result in Stalin being killed and replaced by Leon Trotsky and a minor civil war will break out. This civil war should be relatively easy to win and once won, the player will now have access to Leon Trotsky, who grants access to a particularly devious strategy for playing as the Soviet Union.

Leon Trotsky possesses a leadership trait named "Permanent Revolutionary" which grants a -30% reduction to Foreign Subversive Activities cost. If the National Focus "Permanent Revolution" is taken, this bonus will be increased to a -50% price discount. In addition to that, completing said National Focus will unlock the National Focus "NKVD Primacy" and its follow-up "NKVD Divisions". These National Focuses will give a national spirit with the same name that also grants a -50% reduction to Foreign Subversive Activities cost.

While that alone may not sound very surprising, what is surprising is that the two price discounts from Trotsky's trait and national spirit will stack, giving a -100% discount to Foreign Subversive Activities Cost. What this means is that the Soviet Union will, once both of these bonuses have been acquired, possess the ability to start communist civil wars in other countries with no political power cost or time delay. When opening up the diplomacy view for a country, simply click the button "Stage a Coup", choose a state to start the coup in and the civil war will immediately fire.

The ability to start communist civil wars on-demand opens up the possibility for a very unorthodox strategy for playing as the Soviet Union; rather than declaring wars of aggression and puppeting countries to spread communism, one can simply use the following steps to expand their dominion;

  • Use the diplomacy action "Boost Party Popularity" to increase popular support for Communism in a given country
  • Once the popular support is high enough, start a Communist civil war in said country
  • Invite the rebels into the Comintern
  • Join the civil war in defense of the rebels
  • Defeat the loyalist government, allowing the rebels to take over the country, landing a new member into the Comintern

The communist countries created from staged coups will gain control of all the territory owned by the country they originated from but with one major twist; since they are created as splinter nations through a script, they will not inherit the national focus tree of the original country if it had one. Instead, the new communist country will use the Generic National Focus tree, which essentially means that they will more or less become quasi-puppets of the Soviet Union as the Generic National Focus Tree causes them to become loyal faction members with no further aspirations than to serve their faction leader, in this case the Soviet Union, as the Generic National Focus Tree does not contain any National Focuses that would allow them to take aggressive actions against other nations by themselves, while simultaneously they will gladly join any war that they are called into, allowing the Soviet Union to more or less dictate their foreign policy.

This allows the Soviet Union to pull off some really cheeky geopolitical maneuvers. One example would be using the above schema to convert 波兰的国旗 波兰 and 法国的国旗 法国 to Communism. Since the newly-created Communist nations will use the Generic National Focus Tree, they will not do anything out of the ordinary and will, for all intents and purposes function like quasi-puppets. This will cause 德意志国的国旗 德意志国 to end up sandwiched between two Communist countries that are both members of the Comintern and thus host Soviet troops and if Germany declares war on either one, they will end up in a two-front war as the Soviet Union can join the war and, as the faction leader, call in the other Communist countries to join the fight.

Heck, the Soviets could even try targeting the Germans next with a communist missionary conversion by increasing communist support high enough and staging a coup. Since there is no time delay between staging the coup and the civil war breaking out, the coup can be initiated at any time and since there are two Comintern members bordering Germany, the Soviets can easily invade Germany to support the communist takeover.

Another similar (albeit more challenging) maneuver would be to systematically dismantle the Allies by starting civil wars in the 联合王国的国旗 联合王国 and all of its dominions. If communist support is high enough, any targeted country will lose a large chunk of its territory, industry and military to a rebellious country that is hostile to it and can be invited into the Comintern by the Soviet Union and used by them as a staging ground for landing troops into the target country.

If the Soviets (after a couple of vodka shots) are feeling particularly daring, they could even attempt to target the 美利坚合众国的国旗 美利坚合众国 by increasing communist support high enough and staging a coup. The United States has a rather weak starting military for a country of its size industry-wise and so should be very susceptible to a Soviet-backed coup attempt. This is a very risky strategy, as attacking the United States in any way, (whether that be directly or indirectly) will allow them to quickly get rid of the National Spirit " The Great Depression ", thus allowing them to mobilize their economy and bring their military-industrial might to bear on any opponents. But if the Soviets can pull off a successful communist coup and convert the United States to Communism, they will now have an ally that is unrivaled in terms of industrial strength and could easily facilitate a global conquest from this point.

Middle East

Once you have increased the amount of political power you have, you could set your sights on the middle east. as long as you can justify a war a year or so before the Germans attack you, you should be good. The middle eastern countries have very little power and are unlikely to have an alliance. you have two options for an attack.

Naval Invasion

You could build naval power and convoys and leave the ports in southern Russia in the Black Sea. from here you can invade and have the element of surprise. However, you will probably not have the time or the resources to do this, so if you don't here is the obvious strategy.

Land Invasion

If you want to do it the good old regular Russian way, get together about 15 divisions on the border and invade using a lot of cavalry and air support. Do not, NOT!!! charge them with low amounts of tanks and artillery, supply lines will be a toll. So, take it quickly.


The Revolution Triumphant.jpg
The Revolution Triumphant
Have Germany as a puppet of Soviet.

hoi4fr:Soviet_Union hoi4ru:Soviet_Union