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| [[分类:Countries with unique National Focus trees]] | | [[分类: 有独特国策树的国家]] |
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| {{Country navbox|Countries without strategy guides}} | | {{Country navbox|Countries without strategy guides}} |
| [[en:United Kingdom]] | | [[en:United Kingdom]] |
| [[fr:United Kingdom]] | | [[fr:United Kingdom]] |
首都:大伦敦区 [126], [6103]
联合王国(全称:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland),通称“联合王国”“英国”,“大不列颠”或简称为“不列颠”。是同盟国在第二次世界大战中的主要力量。
1939年,联合王国通过向 德意志国宣战,兑现了对 波兰的保证。在 法国沦陷后,联合王国是欧洲唯一的同盟国,直到 意大利入侵 希腊王国导致希腊人彻底倒向同盟国,并加入其中。到1941年德国入侵 苏维埃联盟,它是战争中的“三巨头”之一(联合王国,苏联和美国)。联合王国活跃于西欧,大西洋,地中海,非洲和东南亚地区。
联合王国位于西欧,由英格兰(England),威尔士(Wales),苏格兰(Soctland),北爱尔兰(Northern Ireland)和马恩岛(Man Island)组成。联合王国在世界各地也拥有许多海外领土和殖民地,其中包括非洲,纽芬兰(Newfoundland)和拉布拉多(Labrador)的大部分地区,并直接控制了直布罗陀(Gibraltar),马耳他(Malta)和苏伊士运河(Suez Canal)的战略要地以及 英属马来亚等战略资源丰富的殖民地。英国直接与 爱尔兰接壤,但与欧洲国家隔海相望。北海位于其东北,而英吉利海峡则将联合王国和欧洲大陆分开,联合王国的西面是大西洋。联合王国与西边的 加拿大自治领等海外领土隔海相望,在加拿大东部拥有纽芬兰,其西部与拉布拉多接壤。它还通过直布罗陀与 西班牙接壤,并通过非洲殖民地与 法国和 意大利的殖民地接壤。
英国是世界上第一个工业化国家,其殖民地在19世纪猛烈扩张。1801年合并爱尔兰,英国的正式名称成为大不列颠及爱尔兰联合王国(United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland)。对亚洲的侵略则继续扩大。大英帝国指由英国本土及其治下的自治领、殖民地、领地、托管地和保护国共同构成的大帝国,是有史以来领土面积最大的国家和最大的环球殖民帝国。帝国在19世纪初达到鼎盛,大约有4到5亿人口,占当时世界人口的四分之一;领土约3367万平方公里,占到了世界陆地总面积的四分之一。帝国继16世纪的西班牙王国之后,被称为“日不落帝国”。
19世纪中叶,英国发动两次侵略中国的鸦片战争,强占香港岛,参与镇压中国太平天国革命;镇压1857—1859年印度民族大起义,强化对印度的统治。1876年,保守党的B.迪斯累里(B. Disraeli)内阁为维多利亚女王加冕,使其成为印度女皇。此后英国又被称为大英帝国或英帝国(1947年印度独立,英国君主失去皇帝头衔)。此外,在伊朗、缅甸、南非、埃及、东非以及新西兰、澳大利亚等地也扩大侵略,还逐步对南美洲进行渗透,成为那里最大的投资者。1867年,加拿大成为英国第1个自治领地。
为对付德国,英国放弃19世纪奉行的“光辉孤立”外交政策,1907年以后,英、法、俄“三国协约”实际上形成。1914年8月,第一次世界大战爆发。1917年,英国最终击败德国的“无限制潜艇战”(Unlimited Submarine Warfare),维护了它的制海权。战争中英帝国参战人员阵亡总数达50万以上。大战以德国为首的同盟国的失败告终,也是美国的一大胜利。
1939年9月,德国进攻波兰,二战爆发,英国对德宣战。1940年4月丘吉尔(Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill)组成战时联合内阁。丘吉尔上台后,立即组织敦刻尔克(Dunkirk)撤退,把国民经济纳入战时轨道,并迅速扩充军备。1940年7—9月在德国发动的“不列颠空战”(Battle of Britain)中,英国空军有效地打击了敌人。1944年6月英美军队在法国诺曼底(Normandy)登陆,1945年5月8日德国投降。
British national focus tree.
- 密码炸弹/有限的军备重整线
- 这条线给予科研加成、工厂和一个额外的科研槽
- 该分支给予空军和海军科研加成,并提供一批空军基地和海军船坞
- 巩固不列颠帝国线
- 这条线以殖民地工业发展和关键领土防御为中心,最终目标是建立一个帝国联邦,以使联合王国吞并所有殖民地并获得这些地区的核心。
- 该分支中“强化东亚”一侧着重于亚洲殖民地发展,影响 中华民国并获得对 日本的战争目标。“英联邦关系”一侧着重于 英属印度自治领的发展、自治的推进或使其独立,并建立帝国联邦。
- 该分支着重于地中海殖民地的发展,威胁巴尔干国家和 土耳其,并获得对 意大利的战争目标。
- 平稳航行线
- 国策树中的 民主主义 线。联合王国将延续民主并维持现有的政府结构。
- 这条 民主主义线的分支着重于干涉(并傀儡)斯堪的纳维亚地区和比荷卢三国,保卫 伊拉克和 伊朗,并最终与 苏维埃联盟和 德意志国开战。
- 重新审视殖民政策线
- 这条线将重点放在去殖民化,实际上相当于解散大英帝国,保留一些殖民地作为傀儡,以换取在英国本土获得更多人力和工业,使英国集中精力处理欧洲事务。
- 这条 民主主义线的分支着重于让温斯顿·丘吉尔更早上台,终止绥靖政策,根除和平主义,动员国家备战,然后获得对石油出口国和造成世界紧张的欧洲主要国家的战争目标,并正当化对其他 民主主义国家的战争借口
- 调整航线线
- 该主线会通过将政府意识形态转变为 君主主义、法西斯主义或 共产主义 来改变英国政府结构。
- 共产主义分支将使英国成为共产主义国家,开启与 苏维埃联盟结盟的大门或组建自己的阵营并向欧洲国家传播 共产主义,最终目标是走向针对 德意志国和 美利坚合众国的战争并在其上建立傀儡政权。这一分支也将强制 联合王国在转为共产主义2年内完成去殖民化国策,否则将爆发内战。
陆军科技 |
海军科技 |
空军科技 |
- Rifle No.4 MkI (Infantry Eq. I)
- Austin K5 (Motorized)
- Engineer Company I
- Recon Company I
- Mark V (Great War Tank)
- Vickers Medium Mark II (Light Tank I)
- QF 18-pounder (Towed Artillery I)
- QF 3-inch 20 cwt (Towed Anti-Air I)
- 1936 Destroyer Hull
- Smoke Generators
- Type 124 ASDIC (Sonar I)
- Mk I DC Rails (Depth Charge I)
- 1936 Cruiser Hull
- C.IV H 7,000lb Cat. (Flight Facilities I)
- 4in Belt/2in Deck (Cruiser Armor II)
- Early Heavy Ship Hull
- 14.5in Belt/5.5in Deck (Battleship Armor II)
- 12in Belt/3in Deck (Battlecruiser Armor II)
- 1936 Carrier Hull
- Early Submarine Hull
- Triple 21 inch TT (Torpedo I)
- 4.7 in QF Mk IX (Light Battery II)
- 8 in Mk VII (Heavy Cruiser Battery II)
- 6 in BL Mk XXIII (Light Cruiser Battery II)
- 14 in Mk VII (Heavy Battery II)
- 46 cm Cannon (Super-heavy Battery)
- 6 in BL Mk XXII (Secondary Battery II)
- Contact Mines
- Transport Ships
- Two-pounder 'Pom-Pom' (Anti-Air II)
- Admiralty FCT Mk I (Fire Control I)
- Gloster Gladiator (Interwar Fighter)
- Hawker Nimrod (Interwar Carrier Fighter)
- Armstrong Whitworth Whitley (Interwar Bomber)
- Hawker Hector (Close Air Support I)
- Fairey Swordfish (Naval Bomber I)
- Blackburn Shark (Carrier Naval Bomber I)
- Electronic Mechanical Engineering
- Radio
- Radio Detection
- Fuel Storage
- Fuel Refining I
- Destroyer II
- Light Cruiser I
- Heavy Cruiser I
- Battlecruiser I
- Battleship I
- Submarine I
- Upgraded O/P/R Class
- Upgraded S Class
- Transport Ship
Decommissioning the O/P/R submarine is recommended since the Stealth and Engine upgrades just cancel each other out.
- Ideology drift defense: +50%
- Can create factions
- Recruitable Population Factor: -30%
Popular Figurehead
Stability: 15%
With the 炮手就位 expansion enabled, the United Kingdom starts with an additional national spirit:
注意: 当 苏格兰、 威尔士和 北爱尔兰存在时使用ENG_england修饰标签[1]:
意识形态 |
The United Kingdom maintained close ties with the Commonwealth countries of 加拿大自治领, 南非, 澳大利亚 and 新西兰. These countries were formerly part of the British Empire, but are now independent. They have their own governments, economies and armed forces and the UK player cannot control these unless they provide an expeditionary force to the UK. But they start the game as members of the Allies faction, led by the UK. Certain UK focus choices affect them (e.g., construction of factories).
NOTE: With the Together For Victory DLC, all the Commonwealth Realms are British subjects to various degrees.
Their colony of India has some local autonomy. It is represented in the game as a puppet called 英属印度. It is possible for the UK to release British Raj as an independent country. With the "Together For Victory" DLC active, it is represented as a Colony, more autonomous than a puppet.
The UK starts with with direct control over many colonies across the world. These include the strategic locations of Gibraltar and the Suez Canal and the rich colonies in Malaya Singapore.
The UK is leader of the faction called the Allies. The faction's starting members are the Commonwealth countries (Canada, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand) and the British Raj and British Malaya. It's the most powerful faction in the game in the start.
The UK has very friendly relations with France, but the latter isn't a member of the Allies in start, nor is the United States. France normally joins the faction early in the game, but it might not — its National Focuses could steer it elsewhere. The U.S. normally joins the Allies later, but it can also form its own faction.
Rule |
启用 |
可以无需战争目标向统一意识形态组的国家宣战 |
否 |
可以保障其他意识形态国家的独立 |
是 |
可以加入其它意识形态的阵营 |
是 |
可以创建阵营 |
是 |
通过保障独立来降低紧张度 |
是 |
可以傀儡国家 |
否 |
可以针对没有造成世界紧张度的国家正当化战争目标 |
否 |
1936年的联合王国可以简单地通过贸易获取除石油以外的所有资源。 有大量的地区用于建设新工厂。 许多资源是由运输船从大英帝国遥远的地方运来的,因此确保皇家海军在贸易路线上拥有优势对于确保这些资源进入不列颠非常重要。
征兵法案 |
经济法案 |
- 35% 生活消费品工厂
- –30% 军用工厂建造速度
- –30% 民用工厂建造速度
- +30% 军转民消耗
- +30% 民转军消耗
- -40% 石油转换燃油效率
- -25% 燃油容量
- 50% 可出口资源
- +5% 科研速度
- +10% 工厂/海军船坞产出
- +10% 建造速度
- +20% 泄露给他国的民政情报
- +10% 泄露给他国的海军情报
14 个军事工厂
19 个海军船坞
33 个民用工厂
These are the unique companies and individuals that are available for the British to use.
Political advisors
Advisor |
Type |
Effect |
Harry Pollitt |
Communist Revolutionary |
Country must be Communist
150 pp
John Beckett |
Fascist Demagogue |
- Daily Fascism Support: +0.1
Country must be Fascist
150 pp
Nevile Henderson |
Backroom Backstabber |
- Political Power Gain: +5.0
- Ideology drift defense: +15.0%
150 pp
Leslie Hore-Belisha |
Armaments Organizer |
- Civilian to Military conversion speed: +20.0%
150 pp
Clement Attlee |
Democratic Reformer |
- Daily Democracy Support: +0.1
Has not completed focus A Change in Course
150 pp
Philip Kerr |
Silent Workhorse |
- Political Power Gain: +15.0%
Country must be Democratic
Has not completed focus No Further Appeasement
150 pp
Maxwell Aitken |
War Industrialist |
- Military Factory Construction Speed: +10.0%
- Dockyard Construction Speed: +10.0%
- Fuel Silo Construction Speed: +10.0%
150 pp
Ernest Bevin |
Quartermaster General |
- Air Base construction speed: +15.0%
- Naval base construction speed: +15.0%
- Rocket Site construction speed: +15.0%
- Radar Station construction speed: +15.0%
- Nuclear Reactor construction speed: +15.0%
150 pp
George Orwell |
Socialist Novelist |
- War Support: +10.0%
- Communism Support: +0.1
Country must be Communist
150 pp
Sylvia Pankhurst |
Red Suffragette |
- Stability: -10.0%
- Recruitable Population: +2.00%
Country must be Communist
150 pp
Oswald Mosley |
Economic Reformer |
- Stability: +5.0%
- 生活消费品工厂:-5.00%
Country must be Non-Aligned
Has Completed Focus King's Party
150 pp
David Lloyd George |
Old Figurehead |
- Political Power Gain: +15.0%
Country must be Non-Aligned
Has Completed Focus King's Party
150 pp
Winston Churchill |
Royalist Bulldog |
- War Support: +10.0%
- Unaligned Support: +0.1
Country must be Non-Aligned
Has Completed Focus King's Party
150 pp
Mary Sophia Allen |
Princess of Terror |
- Effect of partisans on us: -25 %
- Foreign subversive activities efficiency: -30 %
- Non-Core manpower: +2.00%
Country must be Fascist
150 pp
Tank Designers
Designer |
Type |
Effect |
Vickers-Armstrong |
Tank Designer |
- Armor Research Speed: +15.0%
- Armor:
- Reliability: +5.0%
- Soft Attack: +5.0%
By selecting this Design Company it will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.
150 pp
Ship Designers
Designer |
Type |
Effect |
Cammell Laird |
Atlantic Fleet Designer |
- Naval Research Speed: +15.0%
- Carrier:
- Capital Ship:
- Armor: +10.0%
- Heavy Attack: +10.0%
By selecting this Design Company it will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.
150 pp
Harland & Wolff |
Pacific Fleet Designer |
- Naval Research Speed: +15.0%
- Carrier:
- Deck size: +25.0%
- Armor: -15.0%
- Max Range: +25.0%
- Capital Ship: Max Range: +25.0%
- Screen: Max Range: +25.0%
- Submarine: Max Range: +25.0%
By selecting this Design Company it will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.
150 pp
John Brown & Company |
Coastal Defense Fleet Designer |
- Naval Research Speed: +15.0%
- Carrier:
- Production Cost: -25.0%
- Deck size: -20.0%
- Max Range: -50.0%
- Capital Ship:
- Production Cost: -25.0%
- Armor: -20.0%
- Heavy Attack: -20.0%
- Max Range: -50.0%
- Screen:
- Production Cost: -25.0%
- Max Range: -50.0%
- Submarine:
- Production Cost: -25.0%
- Max Range: -50.0%
By selecting this Design Company it will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.
150 pp
Yarrow Shipbuilders |
Escort Fleet Designer |
- Naval Research Speed: +15.0%
- Screen:
- Max Range: +30.0%
- Sub detection: +10.0%
- Max Speed: +10.0%
- Production Cost: +10.0%
By selecting this Design Company it will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.
150 pp
Aircraft Designers
Designer |
Type |
Effect |
Avro |
Heavy Aircraft Designer |
- Air Research Speed: +15.0%
- Strategic Bomber: Strategic Bombing: +10.0%
By selecting this Design Company it will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.
150 pp
De Havilland |
Medium Aircraft Designer |
- Air Research Speed: +15.0%
- Heavy Fighter: Reliability: +20.0%
- Tactical Bomber: Reliability: +20.0%
By selecting this Design Company it will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.
150 pp
Fairey Aviation |
Naval Aircraft Designer |
- Air Research Speed: +15.0%
- Naval Bomber:
- Range: +10.0%
- Naval Attack: +10.0%
- CV Naval Bomber:
- Range: +10.0%
- Naval Attack: +10.0%
- Carrier Fighter:
- Range: +10.0%
- Agility: +10.0%
- Carrier CAS:
- Range: +10.0%
- Naval Attack: +10.0%
By selecting this Design Company it will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.
150 pp
Hawker Aircraft |
CAS Designer |
- Air Research Speed: +15.0%
- Close Air Support:
- Ground Attack: +10.0%
- Reliability: +10.0%
- Carrier CAS:
- Ground Attack: +10.0%
- Reliability: +10.0%
By selecting this Design Company it will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.
150 pp
Supermarine |
Light Aircraft Designer |
- Air Research Speed: +15.0%
- Fighter:
- Agility: +10.0%
- Max Speed: +10.0%
- Carrier Fighter:
- Agility: +10.0%
- Max Speed: +10.0%
By selecting this Design Company it will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.
150 pp
Materiel Designers
Designer |
Type |
Effect |
Royal Arsenal |
Artillery Designer |
- Artillery Research Speed: +15.0%
150 pp
RSAF Enfield |
Infantry Equipment Designer |
- Small Arms Research Speed: +15.0%
150 pp
Vauxhall |
Motorized Equipment Designer |
- Motorization Research Speed: +15.0%
150 pp
Industrial Concern
Designer |
Type |
Effect |
Industrial Concern |
- Industrial Research Speed: +15.0%
150 pp
English Electric |
Electronics Concern |
- Electronics Research Speed: +15.0%
150 pp
Designer |
Type |
Effect |
Bernard Montgomery |
Grand Battleplan Expert |
- Grand Battle Plan Doctrine: +15.0%
- Army Experience Gain: +0.05
Has not completed focus: Eliminate the Upper Class
250 pp
Harold Alexander |
Military Theorist |
- Land Doctrine Research Speed: +10.0%
- Army Experience Gain: +0.05
150 pp
James Somerville |
Grand Fleet Proponent |
- Fleet in Being Doctrine: +15.0%
- Naval Experience Gain: +0.05
Has not completed focus: Eliminate the Upper Class
250 pp
Tom Phillips |
Naval Theorist |
- Naval Doctrine Research Speed: +10.0%
- Naval Experience Gain: +0.05
150 pp
Hugh Dowding |
Air Warfare Theorist |
- Air Doctrine Research Speed: +10.0%
- Air Experience Gain: +0.05
150 pp
Arthur Harris |
Victory Through Airpower |
- Strategic Destruction Doctrine: +15.0%
- Air Experience Gain: +0.05
250 pp
James Chadwick |
Nuclear Scientist |
- Nuclear Research Speed: +15.0%
150 pp
Frank Whittle |
Rocket Scientist |
- Rocket Research Speed: +15.0%
150 pp
J.F.C. Fuller |
Blitzkrieg Theorist |
- Army Experience Gain: +0.05
- Land Doctrine Research Speed: +10.0%
- Armor: Max Speed: +10.0%
Country must be Fascist
联合王国一开始就拥有一支遍布全球的主导世界的舰队,以及一支规模可观的空军。 尽管如此,它的军队却因为帝国的疆域而捉襟见肘。 该国在游戏开始时拥有相当数量的人力,但如何使用它将是一个大问题。 考虑到帝国广阔的地域范围,应仔细规划人力; 新制造的舰船和飞机将需要部分人力。 如果爆发战争,军队的人力会不够用,但在1936年,这些对联合王国来说并不紧迫。
Type |
步兵 |
骑兵 |
轻型坦克 |
总陆军师 |
Type |
Destroyer |
Light cruiser |
Heavy cruiser |
Battlecruiser |
Battleship |
Submarine |
Carrier |
Total ships |
Type |
Close air support |
Fighter |
Naval bomber |
Tactical bomber |
Total planes |
- 陆军
- 英国陆军的大部分部队都集中在英格兰、威尔士和苏格兰,其余的则是在其殖民地的小型驻军部队。不列颠群岛拥有 16 个步兵师,其中 5 个是全兵力、正规质量的步兵师,每个师 9 个营。其余师的规模相似,但处于“训练有素”的水平并且设备短缺。 他们还有两个骑兵师和一个轻型坦克师。海外师是大约 20 个训练有素的步兵旅,由四个营组成,但都缺乏装备。当战争爆发时,联合王国军队将面临需要保卫的领土范围带来的巨大压力。你必须明智地决定如何使用其最初有限的师来保卫帝国和盟国。
Motorized units list
Name |
Type |
Motorized |
Motorized |
Bren Carrier |
Mechanized I |
Universal Carrier |
Mechanized II |
Churchill Kangaroo |
Mechanized III |
Tank units list
Name |
Type |
Techyear |
Variants TD / SPA / AAA
Mark V |
Great War Tank |
1918 |
Vickers II |
Light Tank I |
1934 |
Deacon / Birch / Vickers II AA
Matilda |
Light Tank II |
1936 |
Valiant / Pries / Matilda AA
Valentine |
Light Tank III |
1941 |
Archer / Bishop / Valentine AA
Crusader |
Medium Tank I |
1939 |
Cavalier / Centaur / Crusader AA
Cromwell |
Medium Tank II |
1941 |
Charioteer / Avenger / Cromwell AA
Comet |
Medium Tank III |
1943 |
AC IV / Sexton / Comet Marksman
Vickers |
Heavy Tank I |
1934 |
None / Gun Carrier Mk. I / None
Churchill |
Heavy Tank II |
1941 |
Churchill Gun Carrier / Churchill AVRE / Churchill AA
Black Prince |
Heavy Tank III |
1943 |
Hector / Black Prince AVRE / Black Prince Marksman
Tortoise |
Super Heavy Tank |
1943 |
Iron Duke / None / None
Centurion |
1945 |
Centurion Malkara / Centurion AVRE / Centurion Marksman
- 海军
- 1936年,皇家海军是全球最大的海军。联合王国开始有所有一级舰船技术和二级驱逐舰、巡洋舰和航母。 初期海军生产规模庞大:四艘利安德级轻巡洋舰、五艘与利安德相比装甲和火力均有所改进的城镇级轻巡洋舰、两艘 S 级早期潜艇、九艘 E/F/G/H 级驱逐舰 年底完工,还有皇家方舟号,这是舰队中的第一艘“现代”航空母舰。
Ship classes of the Royal Navy without Man the Guns
Type |
Class |
Amount |
In production |
CV |
Courageous Class |
4 |
Carrier I
BB |
Nelson Class |
2 |
Battleship I*
BB |
Queen Elizabeth Class |
5 |
Battleship I*
BB |
Revenge Class |
5 |
Battleship I
BC |
Admiral Class |
1 |
Battlecruiser I*
BC |
Renown Class |
2 |
Battlecruiser I
CA |
County Class |
13 |
Heavy Cruiser I*
CA |
Hawkins Class |
3 |
Heavy Cruiser I
CL |
Amphion Class |
2 |
3 |
Light Cruiser I*
CL |
Emerald Class |
7 |
Light Cruiser I*
CL |
C Class |
21 |
Light Cruiser I
DD |
G/H/I Class |
18 |
9 |
Destroyer II
DD |
A/B/C/D Class |
34 |
Destroyer I*
DD |
V/W Class |
76 |
Destroyer I
SS |
O/P/R Class |
21 |
Submarine I*
SS |
S Class |
9 |
2 |
Submarine I*
SS |
L Class |
12 |
Submarine I
Convoy |
800 |
* marks a variant with increased base stats to symbolize ships that are not modern enough to warrant a full 1936 tech level but too modern to fit into the1922 tech level.
Ship classes of the Royal Navy
Type |
Class |
Amount |
In production |
Tech |
Design notes
CV |
Courageous Class |
3 |
Deck Conversions |
Converted Battleship, 60 Deck Size
CV |
Eagle Class |
1 |
Deck Conversions |
Converted Battleship, 40 Deck Size
CV |
Hermes Class |
1 |
Deck Conversions |
Converted Cruiser, 20 Deck Size
CV |
Ark Royal Class |
1 |
1936 Carrier Hull |
60 Deck Size, Secondary Battery
BB |
G3 Class |
Early Heavy Ship Hull |
Extra Anti-Air
BB |
Nelson Class |
2 |
Early Heavy Ship Hull |
Heaviest weight of fire
BB |
Queen Elizabeth Class |
5 |
Early Heavy Ship Hull |
Scout planes, improved detection
BB |
Revenge Class |
5 |
Early Heavy Ship Hull |
Fastest battleship class
BC |
Admiral Class |
1 |
Early Heavy Ship Hull |
Similar to G3 Class
BC |
Renown Class |
2 |
Early Heavy Ship Hull |
Scout planes, less heavy attack
CA |
Hawkins Class |
3 |
Early Cruiser Hull |
Fastest heavy cruiser model
CA |
York Class |
Early Cruiser Hull |
Heaviest gun load of heavy cruisers
CA |
County Class |
13 |
Early Cruiser Hull |
Slowest, greatest visibility and durability of CAs
CL |
Adventure Class |
1 |
Early Cruiser Hull |
CL |
Danae Class |
8 |
Early Cruiser Hull |
Trades weight of fire for Org
CL |
Emerald Class |
5 |
Early Cruiser Hull |
Improved variant of C Class
CL |
C Class |
13 |
Early Cruiser Hull |
Baseline CL
CL |
Leander Class |
4 |
4 |
1936 Cruiser Hull |
Global improvement over Tier I cruisers
CL |
Town Class |
5 |
1936 Cruiser Hull |
Trades detection and speed for AA and light attack
DD |
S Class |
6 |
Early Destroyer Hull |
ASW focused early destroyer
DD |
A/B/C/D Class |
34 |
Early Destroyer Hull |
Improved ASW and anti-surface
DD |
V/W Class |
66 |
Early Destroyer Hull |
ASW and anti-air
DD |
E/F/G/H Class |
18 |
9 |
1936 Destroyer Hull |
Improved E/F/G/H, all-around combatant
SS |
O/P/R Class |
33 |
Early Submarine Hull |
Baseline submarine
SS |
S Class |
13 |
2 |
Early Submarine Hull |
Doubled torpedo count
Convoy |
800 |
- Air Force
- The United Kingdom's Royal Air Force (or R.A.F) by 1936 is the largest air force in the globe, with a number 30% larger than the USAAF, 50% than the Luftwaffe, and twice the size of the French Armée de l'air. There are 96 "Nimrods" and "Sharks" operating from the aircraft carriers.
Aircraft Types
Tech Year |
Close Air Support (Carrier Variant) |
Fighter (Carrier Variant) |
Naval Bomber (Carrier Variant) |
Heavy Fighter |
Tactical Bomber |
Strategic Bomber
1933 |
Gloster Gladiator (Hawker Nimrod) |
Armstrong Whitworth Whitley |
1936 |
Hawker Hector |
Hawker Hurricane (Sea Hurricane) |
Fairey Swordfish (Blackburn Shark) |
Bristol Blenheim |
Vickers Wellington |
Handley Page Halifax
1940 |
Hawker Typhoon |
Supermarine Spitfire (Fairey Fulmar) |
Fairey Albacore |
Bristol Beaufighter |
Bristol Beaufort |
Avro Lancaster
1944 |
Hawker Tempest |
Supermarine Spiteful (Hawker Sea Fury) |
Fairey Barracuda |
de Havilland Mosquito FB |
de Havilland Mosquito B |
Avro Lincoln
Jet Engine Technology
1945 |
Gloster Meteor |
de Havilland Venom |
1950 |
de Havilland Vampire |
English Electric Canberra |
Vickers Valiant
As the United Kingdom, put Edward VIII in power, ally Germany and fully control Paris.
Crush the Dream
As a Communist United Kingdom, crush the American Dream by puppeting the U.S.A.
Last for a Thousand Years
As the United Kingdom, accomplish the federation of the entire British Empire.
Nothing Wrong with our Bloody Ships
As the United Kingdom, have at least 9 battlecruisers.
One Empire
Unite the entire world under the British Empire.
The Empire Strikes Back
As Britain, declare war on one of your former subjects.
Turing Complete!
Fully decrypt all nations in the Axis.
William Wallis
As the United Kingdom, put Edward VIII in power, enforce an American monarchy, and have both it and Scotland as subjects.
- ↑ 脚本代码位于 /Hearts of Iron IV/events/MTG_Britain.txt