主要国家 |
次要国家 |
加拿大自治领 澳大利亚 新西兰 南非 英属印度 捷克斯洛伐克 匈牙利王国 罗马尼亚王国 南斯拉夫 中华民国 中共 满洲国 桂系 滇系 晋系 西北三马 新疆 墨西哥 荷兰 西班牙 葡萄牙 保加利亚 希腊王国 土耳其 立陶宛 拉脱维亚 爱沙尼亚 波兰 |
其它国家 |
小 (文本替换 - 替换“分类:Countries with unique National Focus trees”为“分类:有独特国策树的国家”) |
Julius Monkey(讨论 | 贡献) (→相关成就) |
第233行: | 第233行: | ||
* Manchukuo starts off very weak economically, and it is required that Manchukuo focus on Industry and Electronic research early on alongside the associated National Focuses. | * Manchukuo starts off very weak economically, and it is required that Manchukuo focus on Industry and Electronic research early on alongside the associated National Focuses. | ||
== | == 成就 == | ||
{| width="100%" | {| width="100%" | ||
|{{Iconbox|大清万岁|作为满洲国,复辟大清。|en=Hail to the Qing|image=Hail to the Qing.png}} | |{{Iconbox|大清万岁|作为满洲国,复辟大清。|en=Hail to the Qing|image=Hail to the Qing.png}} |
满洲国(Manchukuo),是 日本侵略中国华北,东北后,于满洲地区(中国东北)拥立的傀儡政权,因此一般称之为伪满洲国。满洲国开局工业贫瘠,资源有限,但人口达到了可观的3535万。满洲国是由清朝的末代皇帝,亦是中华清帝国的最后一个皇帝爱新觉罗•溥仪所统治,拥有着重夺1911年失去的龙椅,并在恢复已经崩塌的清帝国的野心。
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陆军科技 | 海军科技 | 空军科技 | 电子学&工程学 |
陆军科技 | 海军科技 | 空军科技 | 电子学&工程学 |
军事理论 | |||
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除了日本之外,仅有 蒙古国这一日本的傀儡、伪满的邻国与满洲国结盟。
During the 1936 and the 1939 start dates, Manchukuo is a puppet of Japan. With Together for Victory enabled, it is an integrated puppet, and with Death or Dishonor enabled, it is a Reichskommissariat. With Waking the Tiger enabled, it is an Imperial Protectorate.
Other than Japan, only 蒙古国, another puppet of Japan, neighbors and is allied with Manchukuo.
政党 | 意识形态 | 支持率 | 政党领袖 | 是否执政 | 国名 |
满洲国协和会 | 法西斯主义 | 80% | 爱新觉罗·溥仪 | 是 | 满洲国(作为日本附属国)、大清(独立时) |
中立主义 | 中立主义 | 20% | 爱新觉罗·溥仪 | 否 | 大清 |
民主主义 | 民主主义 | 0% | 随机领袖 | 否 | 满洲共和国 |
共产主义 | 共产主义 | 0% | 随机领袖 | 否 | 满洲自由民主人民共和国 |
因为法西斯主义执政时没有选举,无论是1936还是1939剧本开局时,都由信奉法西斯主义的爱新觉罗 · 溥仪作为满洲国的国家元首。
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征兵法案 | 经济法案 | 贸易法案 |
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1 Military Factory军用工厂 |
0 Naval Dockyards海军船坞 |
1 Civilian Factory民用工厂 |
1 Military Factories军用工厂 |
3 Naval Dockyards海军船坞 |
5 Civilian Factory民用工厂 |
满洲国的自然资源并不丰富,有且仅有38单位的钢铁和10单位的铝。不过这足以维持基础步兵装备和步兵装备 I 的生产,同时也可以生产一定量的支援装备和飞机。但若想有效生产其他高级装备,就必须通过外贸获取战略资源。不幸的是,满洲国的宗主国日本资源奇缺,经常会以很少的民用工厂来换取满洲国的资源(一个厂子最多换80资源),这更加剧了玩家资源紧张的局面。
石油 | 橡胶 | 钢铁 | 铝 | 钨 | 铬 |
0 | 0 | 38 | 10 | 0 | 0 |
石油 | 橡胶 | 钢铁 | 铝 | 钨 | 铬 |
0 | 0 | 45 | 12 | 0 | 0 |
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1936年时满洲国实际上处于很不稳定的状态,1931年日本人扶植溥仪建立了伪满洲国政权,这个成立只有五年的政府不断地遭受人民的质疑,大部分人认为溥仪政府缺乏合法性(正统性)并拒绝支持该政府。在游戏中,这种表现被具化为民族精神低正统性,给满洲国带来了区区 2% 的 stability 和 0% 的 war support,是整个游戏中最低的。
不仅仅如此,如果玩家扮演的溥仪希望获得一个独立自主的未来,那么他就必须通过反抗来挣脱枷锁,宣称自己拥有的天命。他必须攻破 中华民国的首都——南京,摧毁盘踞在延安的 中共,征服全国各地的军阀,并宣称大清复辟,登九五至尊。唯有如此,溥仪才能真正受命于天。
Puyi's Revenge: The Return of the Qing Dynasty (Assertiveness)
Manchukuo in 1936 finds itself in a rather precarious situation as, being that the country was initially founded in 1931 and has therefore only existed for 5 years, many people still see Manchukuo as an artifical construct with little legitimacy and therefore commands little support from its population. In-game, this is represented by Manchukuo starting off with the National Spirit Low Legitimitacy, granting them an abysmal stability of 2% and a war support of 0%, the lowest of any nation in the game.
Not only that, but if Puyi wishes to have a future that does not involve being at the mercy of the Japanese, he will have to prove his divine right to the Mandate of Heaven by throwing off the Japanese yoke, deposing the 中华民国 in Nanjing, crushing the 中共 in Yan'an and subduing the Warlords across China before proclaiming the restoration of the Qing Dynasty that is his birthright.
That is a very ambitious goal to be aiming for, but if Puyi can pull it off, future Chinese historians will probably come to write of him as "the emperor that restored unity to China in its darkest hour" for years to come.
溥仪——甚至整个满洲国——向胜利前进的道路或许是光荣的,但一定充满了艰辛与挑战。如果溥仪想克服这些困难来重登九五之位,那么摆在他面前的第一个问题就是 土匪泛滥。这个问题一天不解决,法外分子、匪徒、罪犯、共产党游击队就一天不停歇地计划着定期破坏我们的工厂和基础设施。鉴于满洲国工业基础极其薄弱,这将是一个十分令人头痛的问题。完成国策“安抚农村”将解锁一系列或安抚或剿灭土匪的决议。如果满洲国决定安抚土匪,那么需要在指定省份部署足够的军队利用180天时间去平息匪患。这种处理方式虽然较慢但是允许玩家通过决议招募这些土匪进入军队。如果满洲国采取激进措施剿匪,那么只需要颁布决议(需要500步兵装备和1000人力)就可以立即消灭匪患,但是这么做会导致无法招募土匪进入军队。
Glorious though it may be, the path to victory for Puyi, and by extension, Manchukuo, is littered with challenges and hardships to overcome in order to prove his right to the throne, the first of which Manchukuo has to deal right from the start is the problem with Banditry. As long as this problem persists, outlaws, criminals and communist partisans will periodically launch raids against state property, causing damage to factories, infrastructure and the like, which can pose a major problem considering that Manchukuo's starting industrial base is very limited to begin with. Taking the national focus Pacify the Countryside will unlock a set of decisions that allows Manchukuo to either hunt down or pacify the bandits. If Manchukuo elects to pacify the bandits, they will have to station enough units in the chosen province and maintain control for 180 days to neutralize the bandits. This is slower but unlocks a set of decisions to recruit the bandits into the army afterward. If Manchukuo on the other hand, decides to hunt down the bandits, they just need to take the decision (which will cost 500 Infantry Equipment and 1000 Manpower) which will remove the bandits instantly, although this will prevent you from recruiting them later.
After that the country has been reasonably stabilized, Manchukuo can get on with the business if building up a proper industrial base as they sorely need one if they wish to restore the Qing Dynasty. Successfully rooting out the bandits will allow Manchukuo to take the National Focuses Invite Japanese Settlers and Collective Farms which will both add more Population, Building Slots and Civilian Factories to Manchukuo, something they sorely lack. These can be coupled with the National Focuses Expand the Textile Industry and Invite Foreign Investors along with manual construction to build up a satisfactory industrial base. While this is all ongoing, it is also worth keeping an eye on what Japan is up to in terms of National Focuses. One branch of their National Focus tree; specifically, The Manchurian Project and all Focuses after it, allow Japan to improve the industrial base of Manchukuo, so it might just be wise to stay loyal and obedient until Japan has managed to complete all focuses in The Manchurian Project branch as Manchukuo has nothing else but benefits to gain from them.
In order to start down the path to reforming the Qing Dynasty, the National Focus Assertiveness must be taken. This will unlock a series of National Focuses that will allow Manchukuo to gradually become more autonomous under Japan, with the ultimate goal of declaring independence from them.
But Imperial Japan is not going to surrender control over their Manchurian possessions peacefully, and with that in mind, an expansion of the Imperial Army will be necessary, as once Manchukuo declares independence, this will start a war of independence with Japan, which can be expected to have fielded as many as around 100-150 divisions, ready to subjugate its rebellious subject. In addition to that, in order to restore the Qing Dynasty, Manchukuo will have to depose 中华民国, which can be expected to have somewhere around 70-120 divisions, and will also not give up without a fight. As such, Manchukuo will have to expand its military in order to stand a chance against its opponents. Since Manchukuo does not have the manpower of its main enemies, they will likely have to focus on quality over quantity in terms of land units.
Infantry is cheap and easy to produce but it pays greatly to also introduce specialized units to augment the army's fighting capability. Cavalry units can be of notable use as they are 1.6 times as fast as regular infantry at the cost of only being slightly more expensive in terms of supply use and equipment, which can make them useful as cheap rapid-response units to intercept and delay enemy units while other units make their way over to assist in the defense.
Artillery is a very valuable addition to Manchukuo's arsenal as 中华民国 usually employs only Infantry along with some occasional Cavalry units so artillery can allow Manchukuo to deal extra high damage to the Chinese units to conserve on its limited manpower reserves. Beware that artillery is rather expensive to produce in the early game given your lack of resources so it is best to first use support artillery (as it requires fewer guns, albeit at the cost of power) and only upgrade to line artillery (which is more powerful but requires more guns) once the player has secured the means to produce artillery reliably.
In addition to the base artillery, once the sufficient industry and resources have been acquired, Manchukuo can further improve on its fighting capabilities by diversifying its arsenal and introducing Anti-Tank Artillery and Anti-Air Artillery to the fray, granting them some means to effectively deal with tanks, trucks and planes which can be a very valuable asset to have when facing 日本 in a war of independence. Manchukuo should aim to deploy somewhere around 70-80 units minimum in order to have a chance of facing Japan and Nationalist China.
One National Focus in particular that Manchukuo can take advantage of when preparing to rebel against Japan is Purge the General Affairs Council, as it unlocks a repeatable decision to seize equipment from Japan. Once Manchukuo declares independence from Japan, a certain amount of equipment will be transferred from Japan to Manchukuo and all Japanese divisions will suffer a temporary Resource shortage in Manchuria penalty to attack and defense against Manchukuoan divisions, with the amount of equipment transferred and the duration and severity of the penalty increasing the more times the decision has been taken.
While the player is building up their industry and military they should also keep an eye on what 日本 is up to as this strategy relies on waiting for Japan to attack China and then waiting until Japan is firmly into China before betraying them as a well-timed betrayal can potentially allow Manchukuo to fell both countries in one fell swoop. One should ideally wait until Japan has forced China to around 50% surrender progress, as by that point, Japan's forces will be deep in Central China, far away from Manchukuo and betraying them at that point could allow Manchukuo to quickly conquer the Western parts of China before Japan is able to react properly, which could cause many Japanese divisions to end up caught and trapped between the Manchurian and Chinese forces and destroyed.
Once the war against Japan begins, Manchukuo should aim to rapidly conquer the Korean Peninsula and secure the coastline of Northern China as Japan is very likely to attempt to use the same strategy against Manchukuo as they would against Nationalist China; i.e. launching Naval Invasions and transferring troops across the South China Sea to open up new fronts. Whenever Manchukuo manages to conquer factories, these should immediately be put to use in expanding and improving the Manchu military to better oppose the Japanese. In addition to manufacturing new equipment to field new divisions, one could also improve their fighting capabilities by improving existing divisions and creating new division templates to improve combat performance and (once resources allow it) the Manchurian military can be further enhanced by manufacturing airplanes to field an airforce as achieving air superiority can be a very useful benefit when trying to conquer China as Manchukuo.
It is also worth noting that Manchukuo will remain at war with Nationalist China if they were at war when declaring independence, and therefore will have to defeat them as well. Once Japan has been expelled from the Chinese Mainland, a few months later an event will fire allowing Manchukuo to make peace with Japan, with Japan agreeing to cede all possessions in mainland China to Manchukuo (or any other Chinese nation that triggers the event). Accepting the offer will end the war with Japan, and if Nationalist China hasn't been defeated already, Manchukuo can now focus on taking them down.
Once the Nationalists and Communists have been taken care of, Aisin Gioro Puyi now finds himself ruling over a country divided by warlordism, and in order to restore the Qing Dynasty and reclaim his position as Emperor of China, he must unite China once again by conquering the Warlords ( 晋系, 西北三马, 滇系 and 桂系, as not only do these Warlords unlawfully occupy Chinese territory and have the ability to steal more of it through border wars, each warlord can also reform itself into a new 中华民国 or 中共 through their National Focus Tree and contest the Qing dynasty's claim to the rulership of all of China.
Luckily, Manchukuo's National Focus tree contains all the necessary tools for uniting China. The National Focuses Reclaim the Empire and Assert Our Authority serve to grant Manchukuo cores on all Chinese states and a wargoal against all Chinese warlords and the later National Focus One China Policy will grant wargoals against all other Chinese nations. Once Manchukuo has successfully gained control of all Chinese states, they can take the National Focus Reclaim the Mandate of Heaven and officially proclaim the restoration of the Qing dynasty, thus restoring Aisin Gioro Puyi's rightful title of the Xuantong Emperor.
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主要国家 |
次要国家 |
加拿大自治领 澳大利亚 新西兰 南非 英属印度 捷克斯洛伐克 匈牙利王国 罗马尼亚王国 南斯拉夫 中华民国 中共 满洲国 桂系 滇系 晋系 西北三马 新疆 墨西哥 荷兰 西班牙 葡萄牙 保加利亚 希腊王国 土耳其 立陶宛 拉脱维亚 爱沙尼亚 波兰 |
其它国家 |
欧洲 |
阿尔巴尼亚 奥地利 比利时 保加利亚 捷克斯洛伐克 丹麦 爱沙尼亚 芬兰 法国 德意志国 希腊王国 匈牙利王国 爱尔兰 意大利 拉脱维亚 立陶宛 卢森堡 荷兰 挪威 波兰 葡萄牙 西班牙 罗马尼亚王国 斯洛伐克 苏维埃联盟 瑞典 瑞士 土耳其 联合王国 南斯拉夫 |
北美 |
加拿大自治领 哥斯达黎加 古巴 多米尼加共和国 萨尔瓦多 危地马拉 海地 洪都拉斯 墨西哥 尼加拉瓜 巴拿马 美利坚合众国 |
南美 |
亚洲 |
阿富汗 不丹 英属马来亚 英属印度 中华民国 中共 桂系 伊朗 伊拉克 日本 满洲国 蒙古国 蒙古 尼泊尔 阿曼 菲律宾 沙特阿拉伯 晋系 暹罗 新疆 唐努图瓦 西藏 西北三马 也门 滇系 |
非洲 |
大洋洲 |