
第282行: 第282行:

== 成就 ==
== 成就 ==
{{Iconbox|Dracula’s Revenge|As Yugoslavia, establish the autonomous region of Transylvania and have it own all Romanian cores.|extension=png}}
{{Iconbox|Dracula’s Revenge|As Yugoslavia, establish the autonomous region of Transylvania and have it own all Romanian cores.|extension=png}}
{{Iconbox|Huge-oslavia|As Yugoslavia, occupy all your neighbouring countries (Austria, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Italy and Greece).|extension=png}}
{{Iconbox|Huge-oslavia|As Yugoslavia, occupy all your neighbouring countries (Austria, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Italy and Greece).|extension=png}}
第287行: 第288行:
{{Iconbox|Peter’s Pride|As Peter II of Yugoslavia, overthrow your uncle and become King.|extension=png}}
{{Iconbox|Peter’s Pride|As Peter II of Yugoslavia, overthrow your uncle and become King.|extension=png}}
{{Iconbox|The Balkan Powder Keg|As Yugoslavia, start the Second World War (i.e. be part of either the Axis or the Allies and at war with the other faction in a war you started).|extension=png}}
{{Iconbox|The Balkan Powder Keg|As Yugoslavia, start the Second World War (i.e. be part of either the Axis or the Allies and at war with the other faction in a war you started).|extension=png}}
{{Iconbox|Dracula’s Revenge|特兰西瓦尼亚拥有罗马尼亚的全部领土。|extension=png}}
{{Iconbox|Now This is Getting Childish|扮演南斯拉夫或保加利亚,使两个国家都被小孩统治时处于战争状态。|extension=png}}
{{Iconbox|Peter’s Pride|令南斯拉夫的彼得二世推翻其叔叔成为国王|extension=png}}
{{Iconbox|The Balkan Powder Keg|扮演南斯拉夫,发动第二次世界大战(即,加入同盟国或轴心国,向另一方发动战争)。|extension=png}}

[[Category:Countries with unique National Focus trees]]
[[Category:Countries with unique National Focus trees]]

2021年11月25日 (四) 00:03的版本




Authoritarian Regime


南斯拉夫的国旗 南斯拉夫(Yugoslavia) is a multinational regional power in the western Balkans.


When World War I ended, Serbia, a member of the victorious Entente, finally managed to fulfill its dream of incorporating all Slavic minorities of the now dissolved Austro-Hungarian Empire to one multinational Slavic entity. The country that was originally named 'Kingdom Of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs' later being renamed to 'Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes' then came to finally be named 'Yugoslavia' (roughly meaning 'Southern Slavic' in Serbian & Croatian).

During World War II, Yugoslavia sought to remain neutral in the conflict. However, the Italian invasion of 阿尔巴尼亚的国旗 阿尔巴尼亚 and 希腊王国的国旗 希腊王国 cut Yugoslavia off from any form of non-Axis support. Eventually, Yugoslavia bowed to the pressure from its neighbors and joined the Axis on March 25th, 1941. In response to that deal, a number of anti-German military officers staged a successful coup against the royal government and declared the treaty of entry to the Axis to be void. This greatly angered the German, Italian, and Hungarian governments, all three of which simultaneously invaded on April 6th, 1941 in a response of their own. Within 10 days the Yugoslavian forces surrendered. This rapid defeat was caused by both the poor state of the Royal Army and of the refusal of the Croat population to defend the hated Serb-dominated government. Much of Yugoslavia's territory was annexed by the three invading powers, as well by the Axis-allied 保加利亚的国旗 保加利亚. The remaining portion of the country was divided into two satellite states, a Croatian state led by the fascist organization Ustaše, and a Serbian state under German 'protection'.

Popular resistance to foreign occupation was fierce and would only grow as the war went on. The two main resistance groups were the monarchical, and predominately Serbian, Chetniks, and the Communist-led inter-ethnic partisans. By the end of 1944, the Chetniks had lost most of their support and the partisans were in ascendancy. By 1945, the Partisans had formed a new Communist Yugoslavian government led by Josip Broz Tito.

After the surrender of the Axis powers in 1945, Yugoslavia reoccupied all of its prewar territory, with the new addition of the Istrian province (except the city of Trieste) and Italian Dalmatia.




Yugoslavian national focus tree.

南斯拉夫的国旗 南斯拉夫, along with three other nations situated between 德意志国的国旗 德意志国 and the 苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟, gets a unique national focus tree as part of the Death or Dishonor expansion. Without the expansion, Yugoslavia utilizes the Generic national focus tree instead.




南斯拉夫的国旗 南斯拉夫 has most of the 1918 land technologies and early tank tech but is lacking in support. The country is also behind in many early naval and air technologies. Like most minor nations Yugoslavia has three research slots.

Army Technology Naval Technology 炮手就位 Air Technology Electronics
  • Puška M24 (Infantry Equipment I)
  • Mountain Infantry I
  • Engineer Company I
  • FT-17 (Great War Tank)
  • Towed Artillery I
  • Towed Anti-Air I
  • Towed Anti-Tank I
  • 1936 Destroyer Hull
    • Basic Depth Charges (Depth Charge I)
  • Early Cruiser Hull
  • 1936 Submarine Hull
  • 120mm/46 Skoda (Light Battery I)
  • 17 cm Cannon (Medium Battery I)
  • 14.5 cm Cannon (Light Cruiser Battery I)
  • 28 cm Cannon (Heavy Battery I)
  • Contact Mine
    • Minelaying Submarine
  • BH-33 (Interwar Fighter)
  • None
Land doctrine Naval doctrine Air doctrine Industrial
  • None
  • None
  • None
Navy technology without Man the Guns
  • Dubrovnik Class (Destroyer I)
  • Dalmacija Class (Light Cruiser I)
  • Hrabri Class (Submarine I)


Yugoslavia starts without any allies and is not part of any faction. Yugoslavia has a core (and claim) on the Italian-controlled state of Istria.

Yugoslavia, despite its apparent insignificance, does not go unnoticed by the greater powers. Yugoslavia is the target of the German National Focuses "Demand Slovenia" and "Fate of Yugoslavia". The former involves 德意志国的国旗 德意志国 either annexing Slovenia from Yugoslavia or starting a war to take it should Yugoslavia refuse to give it up while the latter involves Germany splitting up Yugoslavia into Croatia and Yugoslavia and annexing both, making one a puppet while annexing the other or puppeting both of them.

If 法国的国旗 法国 creates the French Entente Alliance via the National Focus "Little Entente", Yugoslavia is a potential member along with 捷克斯洛伐克的国旗 捷克斯洛伐克 and 罗马尼亚王国的国旗 罗马尼亚王国.


National Spirits

With the 玉碎瓦全 Death or Dishonor DLC enabled, Yugoslavia starts with Croatian Opposition, Macedonian Opposition, Slovene Nationalism, Serbian General Staff and Anti German Military. Otherwise, Yugoslavia only has Anti German Military.

Croatian Opposition icon
Croatian Opposition
  • Stability: -30%
The political representatives of Croatia have been pushing for a federal organization of the Kingdom. Unless their demands are met, they will continue to oppose every move by the central government. They might even launch an uprising if they believe the time is right.
Macedonian Opposition icon
Macedonian Opposition
  • Political Advisor Cost: +25%
  • Trade Laws Cost: +25%
  • Mobilization Laws Cost: +25%
  • Economy Cost: +25%
The Macedonians have not quite accepted their identity as Serbs and keep demanding special rights. Political support from Bulgaria no doubt plays a role.
Slovene Nationalism icon
Slovene Nationalism
  • Production efficiency.png Production efficiency growth: -10%
Slovenes have long since wanted their own state. Although they have accepted our rule, they are not particularly enthusiastic about it. Slovene industrialists rarely invest in local businesses and seem to prefer to spend their money abroad.
Serbian General Staff icon
Serbian General Staff
  • Military Leader Cost: +50%
  • Max planning: +10%
Anti-German Military icon
Anti-German Military
  • Ideology drift defense: +5%
Factions within the Yugoslavian Air Force are opposed to cooperating with Germany. They may attempt to overthrow the regime if the country opens their borders to or enters an alliance with the Third Reich.


征兵法案 经济法案 贸易法案
Volunteer only.png 志愿兵役制
  • 1.5% 适役人口
Civilian economy.png 民用经济
  • 35% 生活消费品工厂
  • –30% 军用工厂建造速度
  • –30% 民用工厂建造速度
  • +30% 军转民消耗
  • +30% 民转军消耗
  • -40% 石油转换燃油效率
  • -25% 燃油容量
Export focus.png 重视出口
  • 50% 可出口资源
  • +5% 科研速度
  • +10% 工厂/海军船坞产出
  • +10% 建造速度
  • +20% 泄露给他国的民政情报
  • +10% 泄露给他国的海军情报


With Death or Dishonor the Macedonian Opposition National Spirit increases the cost of all advisors by 25%.

Advisor Type Effect Cost
Ivo Lola Ribar Communist Revolutionary Daily Communism Support: +0.1 150 pp
Dimitrije Ljotić Fascist Demagogue Daily Fascism Support: +0.1 150 pp
Slobodan Jovanović Popular Figurehead Stability: +15% 150 pp
Ivan Ribar Captain of Industry Civilian Factory Construction Speed +10%, Infrastructure Construction Speed +10%, Refinery Construction Speed +10% 150 pp
Milovan Dilas Democratic Reformer Daily Democracy Support: +0.1 150 pp
Milan Nedić Prince of Terror Effect of partisans on us: -25%, Foreign subversive activities efficiency: -30%, Non-core Manpower: +2% 150 pp

Political parties

Yugoslavian politics in 1936 are led by the non-aligned Regency Council but the country has substantial Communist, Democratic, and Fascist parties as well.

Id. Party name Popularity Leader Ruling
Democratic Demokratska stranka 15.00% Milan Grol No
Communist Komunisticna partija Jugoslavije 15.00% Josip Broz Tito No
Fascist Jugoslovanska radikalna skupnost 10.00% Milan Stojadinovic No
Non-Aligned (Despotism) Regency Council 60.00% Prince Paul Yes



Oil Rubber Steel Aluminium Tungsten Chromium
0 0 4 124 0 124

Industrial Production

Yugoslavia in the 1936 start date has a moderate industrial base consisting of 3 Military Factories (in Serbia), 1 Naval Dockyard (in Dalmatia), and 14 Civilian Factories (4 in Serbia, 3 in Dalmatia & Croatia, 2 in Bosnia, 1 in Montenegro & Macedonia). Additionally it has 19 initial free slots.



Yugoslavia has a small and poorly equipped army. In 1936, it consists of 16 Infantry Divisions, 3 Cavalry Divisions, 2 Mountaineer Divisions, and a Light Tank Division. The Mountaineer division consists of three battalions and the Light Tank division consists of a single tank battalion plus three infantry battalions. Only one of the 16 infantry divisions is fully equipped and trained.

Infantry equipment list
Name Type Techyear
Mannlicher M95 Basic Eq. 1918
Puška M24 Weapons I 1936
EMP-35 Weapons II 1939
ZB vz.26 Weapons III 1942
Tank units list
Name Type Techyear Tank Destroyer / SP-Artillery / Armored AA Variants
FT-17 Great War Tank 1918
LT M34 Light Tank I 1934
LT M36 Light Tank II 1936
LT M41 Light Tank III 1941
ST M39 Medium Tank I 1939
ST M41 Medium Tank II 1941
M320 Medium Tank III 1943
TT M34 Heavy Tank I 1934
TT M41 Heavy Tank II 1941
TT M43 Heavy Tank III 1943
Kraljevic Marko Super Heavy Tank 1943
Igman MBT 1945


In 1936, the Yugoslavian Navy consists of 1 Light Cruiser, 1 Destroyer, and 4 Submarines of which the cruiser is outdated.

Air Force

In 1936, the Yugoslavian Air Force consists of 96 Interwar Fighters split into two air wings.

Aircraft Types
Tech Year Close Air Support (Carrier Variant) Fighter (Carrier Variant) Naval Bomber (Carrier Variant) Heavy Fighter Tactical Bomber Strategic Bomber
1933 BH-33 A-5
1936 R-100 IK-2 SIM-XIV-H IK-5 Zmaj C-17 Zmaj Q-12
1940 Ikarus Orkan IK-3 SIM-XIV-V R-313 G-2 R-522
1944 Ikarus Tajfun S-49 IK-19 NEMI R-1 T-155
Jet Engine Technology
1945 Jet Fighter I Jet Tac Bomber I
1950 Jet Fighter II Jet Tac Bomber II Jet Strat Bomber I

Strategies and guides

Yugoslavia is plagued with its national spirits, which isn't surprising since all the Balkan nations barring Albania have poor national spirits. With Bulgaria and Greece significantly weakened, and given the fact that Yugoslavia is guaranteed by 3 decently strong nations, it seems Yugoslavia is in a perfect position to expand.

Road To Titoism: All DLC, independent communism

Firstly, take the first three focuses on the Communist Branch. After that, the 4th focus requires 40% communist support, which will take time. Depending if the player picked "Form Peasants Council" before or after "Soviet Economic Aid", has or hasn't used Anti-Communist raids (decisions) or a Communist Revolutionary in the government, the difference of these modifiers may take from 2 focuses up to 4 focuses before you can pick "Abolish the Monarchy". While waiting to reach the 40% requirement, use the national focus in the meantime to expand the Yugoslavian manpower and industry. After completing "Abolish the Monarchy", take "Yugoslavian path to Communism" in adherence to Titoism. Then, the player should logically take "Form the Federal Republic" in order to remove all the negative spirits.

It is from this point that Yugoslavia is communist, has a decent industry, guaranteed by the Soviet Union and at least 16 infantry divisions nearly equipped (requires the player to disband the other unit types).

Early Titoism

If Yugoslavia turned communist early, immediately begin justifying a wargoal on Austria to weaken Germany. The national spirit buffs will help Yugoslavia with the war. After that, take Hungary to prevent them from joining the Axis. It is up to the player if it wants to annex the countries completely for resources or puppet to save manpower. The hard part comes to who you will invade. Declaring war on Greece will result in war with Romania, but without the French guarantee. Defeat Greece first before striking Romania. If the player done properly with its army, Yugoslavia will have every Balkan nation under its influence except for Bulgaria. Bulgaria's army restriction renders it defensive capability null to a Yugoslavian offensive. Just keep in mind that Italy will be close to war with Yugoslavia. If the player has puppeted Austria, Hungary and Northern Romania, Germany would be unable to attack the player from the north, leaving the Italian front a main focus. The Zara province won't be an issue due to its small supply maintenance, Albania would be guarded with a couple of divisions but no larger than 12 divisions. This would mean that the majority of the Yugoslavian army will be directed on the Istra border. With Soviet assist, it is unlikely that Italy would penetrate the Yugoslavian defense.



需注意阿尔巴尼亚的国旗 阿尔巴尼亚罗马尼亚王国的国旗 罗马尼亚王国不含在内


Dracula’s Revenge.png
Dracula’s Revenge
Now This is Getting Childish.png
Now This is Getting Childish
Peter’s Pride.png
Peter’s Pride
The Balkan Powder Keg.png
The Balkan Powder Keg