主要國家 |
次要國家 |
加拿大自治領 澳大利亞 紐西蘭 南非 英屬印度 捷克斯洛伐克 匈牙利王國 羅馬尼亞王國 南斯拉夫 中華民國 中共 滿洲國 桂系 滇系 晉系 西北三馬 新疆 墨西哥 荷蘭 西班牙 葡萄牙 保加利亞 希臘王國 土耳其 立陶宛 拉脫維亞 愛沙尼亞 波蘭 |
其它國家 |
羅馬尼亞王國(Kingdom of Romania),是位於巴爾幹東北地區的國家。其鄰國 匈牙利王國已被《特里亞農條約》所限制, 南斯拉夫內部動盪極大, 保加利亞並未對其構成威脅。它的其他三個鄰居是 蘇維埃聯盟, 捷克斯洛伐克和友好的 波蘭。
儘管羅馬尼亞最初是巴爾幹地區最強大的國家,但它仍然受到來自西方和東方的生存威脅。 蘇維埃聯盟和 德意志國都將很快向羅馬尼亞索求領土。為了應對這些威脅,羅馬尼亞提供了許多選擇,其主要選擇是加入 蘇維埃聯盟, 德意志國和 聯合王國,或通過國策與 捷克斯洛伐克和 波蘭組成"Cordon Sanitaire"。
1918年,第一次世界大戰即將結束時,羅馬尼亞加入了勝利在望的協約國。為換取領土擴張的承諾,羅馬尼亞在1916年選擇支持 法國和 聯合王國。戰爭結束時,「三巨頭」國家( 美利堅合眾國, 法國和 聯合王國)基本上放棄了對小國的承諾。但是,羅馬尼亞憑藉著歷史和「民族自治」原則獲得了承諾的領土的很大一部分:特蘭西瓦尼亞(Transylvania),布科維納(Bukovina)和巴納特(Banat)的三分之二,再加上比薩拉比亞(Bessarabia)。比薩拉比亞先前於1917年宣布脫離俄羅斯帝國並於1918年與羅馬尼亞結盟,這將使羅馬尼亞成為一戰中獲取領土最多的國家。
為了保護這些領土,羅馬尼亞在1920年與 南斯拉夫和 捷克斯洛伐克一起組成小協約國,並與 波蘭組成單獨的聯盟——因與 捷克斯洛伐克發生領土衝突而導致波蘭未加入小協約國。
1939年4月 義大利入侵 阿爾巴尼亞之後,羅馬尼亞從 法國和 聯合王國獲得了獨立保證。當 德意志國入侵 波蘭後,英法決定不再考慮與 羅馬尼亞王國結盟,以利用其中立國的地位運送補給和戰略物資,但是,英法並不會提供部隊。最終,波蘭殘餘軍隊和政府從 羅馬尼亞王國撤離到了 法國,最終到達了 聯合王國。
在1940年6月 法國淪陷之後,羅馬尼亞不得不接受德國在歐洲大陸上的至高無上地位。1940年7月, 蘇維埃聯盟要求羅馬尼亞割讓羅馬尼亞北部的布科維納(Bukovina)和比薩拉比亞(Bessarabia)。1940年8月, 德意志國要求羅馬尼亞將特蘭西瓦尼亞北部(northern Transylvania)割讓給 匈牙利王國。同年9月,羅馬尼亞將多布羅加南部(southern Dobruja)割讓給 保加利亞,羅馬尼亞再次被迫接受。羅馬尼亞在1939年的領土有三分之一在1940年被割占,羅馬尼亞的人口從1990萬減少到1330萬,流失的人口中有一半是羅馬尼亞人。
作為對領土損失的賠償,卡羅爾二世國王獲得了希特勒的保證,但也使政府的聲望直線下降,進一步加強了法西斯主義派系,後者最終發動政變,將 羅馬尼亞王國轉變為法西斯獨裁統治——揚・安東內斯庫元帥(Marshal Antonscu)迫使卡羅爾二世國王退位。新政權堅定地將國家推向了軸心國,以恢復北部布科維納和比薩拉比亞為藉口,於1940年11月加入了軸心國,並於1941年6月同德國一起對 蘇維埃聯盟發動了戰爭。作為對特蘭西瓦尼亞北部損失的賠償,希特勒同意揚・安東內斯庫元帥可以占領德涅斯特河地區(Transnistria)。
羅馬尼亞王國的貢獻是巨大的,因為它為 德意志國提供了大量的石油,並為巴巴羅薩行動(Barbarossa)提供了超過100萬人的軍隊。到1944年,精英階層和民眾之間的不滿情緒加劇,導致米哈伊一世(Michael I)發動對揚・安東內斯庫元帥的政變,而 羅馬尼亞王國則轉投同盟國。之後, 羅馬尼亞王國與同盟國一同對 匈牙利王國和 捷克斯洛伐克作戰。戰爭結束後,羅馬尼亞又重新獲得了特蘭西瓦尼亞北部。1948年,米哈伊一世被迫退位, 羅馬尼亞王國成為 蘇維埃聯盟的傀儡國。
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羅馬尼亞王國以及位於 德意志國和 蘇維埃聯盟之間的其他三個國家,在 玉碎瓦全 DLC中獲得了一個獨特的國策樹。在沒有該DLC的情況下,羅馬尼亞王國將使用通用國策樹。
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Romania has most of the 1918 land techs and some early tank techs but is lacking in support. The country is also behind in most early naval and air techs. Like many smaller nations, Romania has three research slots.
陸軍科技 | 海軍科技 | 空軍科技 | 電子學與工業 |
Doctrines | |||
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Romania guarantees the independence of 捷克斯洛伐克, 土耳其 and 希臘王國 and is itself guaranteed by 法國 and 捷克斯洛伐克.
羅馬尼亞開局沒有任何同盟,也並未加入任何陣營。如果 法國建立了小協約國,羅馬尼亞會成為一個潛在的成員國。
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徵兵法案 | 經濟法案 | 貿易法案 |
顧問 | 類型 | 效果 | 花費 |
利葉 · 馬尼 | 民主改革家 |
150 |
格奧爾基 · 喬治烏-德治 | 共產主義革命家 |
需要完成任命親蘇維埃政府的國策 |
150 |
格奧爾基 · 阿爾傑沙努 | 沉默的實幹家 |
150 |
尼古拉 · 馬拉夏 | 工業領袖 | 150 | |
阿爾曼德 · 克利內斯庫 | 恐怖的巨頭 |
150 |
佩特魯 · 格羅薩 | 密謀的暗害者 |
150 |
米爾 · 斯特迪薩 | 法西斯煽動家 |
需要完成任命親軸心國政府的國策 |
150 |
ion Iancovescu | 詭譎的紳士 |
需要建立情報機構 |
150 |
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意識形態 | 政黨名稱 | 支持率 | 領導人 | 是否執政 | 國名 |
國家自由黨 | 60.00% | Gheorghe Tatarescu | 羅馬尼亞 | ||
羅馬尼亞共產黨 | 2.00% | Constantin Ion Parhon | 羅馬尼亞人民共和國 | ||
國家基督教黨 | 18.00% | Octavian Goga | 鐵衛羅馬尼亞 | ||
國家復興陣線 | 20.00% | Armand Calinescu | 羅馬尼亞王國 |
意識形態 | 政黨名稱 | 支持率 | 領導人 | 是否執政 | 國名 |
國家自由黨 | 20.00% | Gheorghe Tatarescu | 羅馬尼亞 | ||
羅馬尼亞共產黨 | 2.00% | Constantin Ion Parhon | 羅馬尼亞人民共和國 | ||
鐵衛團 | 35.00% | Ion Antonescu | 鐵衛羅馬尼亞 | ||
國家復興陣線 | 43.00% | Carol II | 羅馬尼亞王國 |
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7 軍用工廠 | 2 海軍船塢 | 11 民用工廠 |
石油 | 鋁 | 橡膠 | 鎢 | 鋼 | 鉻 |
70 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 0 |
7 軍用工廠 | 4 海軍船塢 | 15 民用工廠 |
石油 | 鋁 | 橡膠 | 鎢 | 鋼 | 鉻 |
75 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 21 | 0 |
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Name | 類型 | Techyear | Tank Destroyer / SP-Artillery / Armored AA Variants |
FT-17 | Great War Tank | 1918 | |
R-1 | Light Tank I | 1934 | VDC R35 / None / None |
R-2 | Light Tank II | 1936 | TACAM R-1 / None / None |
T-41 | Light Tank III | 1941 | TACAM T-38 / None / None |
T-39 | Medium Tank I | 1939 | TACAM T-60 / 122mm M-03 / 4x20mm TA |
R-3 | Medium Tank II | 1941 | TACAM R-2 / None / None |
R-43 | Medium Tank III | 1943 | |
Horca | Heavy Tank I | 1934 | |
Iancu | Heavy Tank II | 1941 | |
Maresal | Heavy Tank III | 1943 | None / None / Maresal 37mm TA |
Maresal Mare | Super Heavy Tank | 1943 | |
Mod. Tank | MBT | 1945 |
Here are some real life names the player can use for their upgrades, for people who are interested.
R-2 | TD | TACAM R-2 |
22Infantry Divisions | 4Cavalry Divisions | 4Mountaineer Divisions | 1Light Tank Division |
20Infantry Divisions | 4Cavalry Divisions | 5Mountaineer Divisions | 1Light Tank Division |
The Romanian Navy consists of 4 Destroyers.
The Romanian Navy consists of 4 Destroyers and 1 submarine.
The Romanian Air Force consists of 72 Interwar Fighters.
The Romanian Air Force consists of 96 Interwar Fighters, 78 Fighter 1's and 48 Tactical bombers.
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At first the player should start with the Political effort focus to gain some political power and hire the Fascist Demagogue minister that will provide the player with daily fascism support. The next step is to develop the player's civilian industry and to get an ""extra research slot through the industrial effort focus. After that, get Armament effort I, II, III as that will increase the amount of the player's military factories, which is also a great idea at the beginning. The next focus that is recommended is the Militarism focus which increases the player's Recruitable Population up to 5%.
Meanwhile, after the fascists come to power, the player might want to send some volunteers to Nationalist Spain to help them win the Spanish civil war (getting Madrid and Barcelona right after that is the fastest way) and get a strong axis ally in future. Also, one of the player's first steps, after the fascists come to power, is to justify a war goal against Bulgaria and grab it. Now it's also the time to join Axis. During the Bulgarian war the player should start justifying a war goal against Greece as well and after Bulgaria is done - grab Greece (Greece is rather weak and has a nice deposit of the needed steel to produce some equipment for the player's army).
If everything is done correctly (if the player selected the historical AI focus), by mid 1939, close to world war II, they will have the Bulgarian and Greece territories, adequate equipment, access to the Mediterranean sea and the opportunity to go war with Yugoslavia or Turkey to expand much faster.
Both in real history and in the game when controlled by AI, Romania ends up fighting in the war as 德意志國's eastern sidekick. But in this game, it is strong enough to be a world power in its own right, even without joining a faction. With Death and Dishonor, it is possible to go down this route as Non-Aligned, remaining a proper monarchy. Ideology is up to the player, and any pick will work with this guide, but it is assumed that the player will keep Romania non-aligned. Historical focuses are also assumed to be enabled.
部署的師應組成兩個集團軍,由Ion Antonescu元帥領導集團軍群。全軍部署在匈牙利邊境並劃定進攻態勢線。
The antics of King Carol II will be a major headache for the player in this first phase, and must be dealt with quickly, second in priority only to conquering the Balkans. Political power should be saved for better laws, advisors and eliminating opposition parties, so the player should take the industry hit every time the king is caught red-handed. However, the king does get a very useful trait with the second focus that allows choosing laws and advisors from the top and bottom rows with only 115 political power. The initial order of assigning laws and advisors should be:
Once these are assigned, the player should devote political power to increasing stability and war support, and removing all traces of democracy, fascism and communism from the country.
The first focus should be Institute Royal Dictatorship. This will put the king in charge and grant the player political power which should be used to pick the Industrial Concern. Following up, the next focus should be Revise the Constitution. Once that is finished, the king will have gotten his new trait and the player can change the conscription law. The Royal Foundation should be next, it will give the player another research slot. Balkans Dominance should then be picked, and it will open up the conquest/puppeting focuses. Whenever there is a choice, the player should go for annexation rather than puppeting, as the nations in the region have relatively low manpower and their industry would be far more helpful if under direct Romanian control. Still, at least one puppet is necessary for a proper defense against the Soviets.
By this point, the queued divisions should have been trained to a level where enough can be manually deployed to bring the fielded manpower up past 400K. The player should do so and then pick the Puppet Bulgaria focus. Almost always, the Bulgarians will give up their independence without a fight, but if they decide to fight, it should be easy to conquer them. The next focus should be Align Hungary. The Hungarians are much more likely to put up a fight, and it is quite rare that they submit willingly. They might offer a "friendship treaty", but the player must deny it if it happens. Regardless, most of the time the player will need to invade 匈牙利王國 and annex them. Since it should only be early 1937 by this point, the Hungarian army will offer little resistance, even to the under-strength Romanian divisions. At this point, there will not be enough trained divisions to bring the fielded manpower up past 500K, so the next focus should be Fortify the Borders. Also, fort construction should now begin.
Now, the player should be able to deploy enough divisions to reach 500K fielded manpower, so the next focus should be Split Czechoslovakia. Hitler may or may not agree to the split, but it is likely that he will. Once that is done, 斯洛伐克 will become a Romanian puppet and 德意志國 will annex Czechia. An unfortunate side effect is that 德意志國 is thus strengthened one year early. The next focus should be Divide Yugoslavia. The Yugoslavs are likely to refuse partition, and should then be invaded and annexed. If they submit, Romania will gain five new puppets in Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro. Immediately afterwards, Secure Greece should be done, followed by an invasion and annexation of 希臘王國.
There will not be enough manpower at this point to pick the 土耳其 focus, so the player should take the three Loyal Government focuses: His Majesty's Loyal Government, then Militarize the Sentinels, which will grant another 1% recruitable population, then All Parties Must End, which will put the king in his place and stop his negative events from firing again (it will also give him a +0.02 democracy boost modifier, so banning democracy prior to this to counter it is advisable). National Defense Industry should be the last focus taken while waiting for the new troops to train. Once all of these are finished, enough troops should be deployable to bring the fielded manpower to 750K and pick the Secure the Bosphorus focus.
Invading 土耳其 in November 1938 should be trickier than any other nation thus far. A puppet like 保加利亞 should be called into the war. One army should be placed on the Thracian border, while another army should be placed in the Aegean islands off the west coast of Anatolia. With luck, the army invading from Thrace can cross the Bosphorus and invade Anatolia before they are trapped in a bottleneck. The two armies can then meet and push to Ankara. With a sweep to the south-eastern victory points of Adana and Gaziantep, 土耳其 will capitulate, and can be fully annexed. However, Romania should not take the two provinces bordering the Soviets, as an extra front might be too much for the army to handle. Instead, they should be given to a puppet like 保加利亞. With the entire Balkans conquered, there will be no more manpower requirement on focuses, so the basic infantry division can now be edited to replace two infantry regiments with artillery ones. Also, support companies should also be added while removing the existing support artillery company.
The final step in the first phase should be entering a war with the 蘇維埃聯盟. This must be done as soon as possible as waiting too long might result in a German invasion of the USSR before Romania is itself ready to invade. To that end, the player should guarantee 芬蘭 as soon as world tension exceeds 50%. This will allow Romania to enter a defensive war against the USSR sooner than normal as they will usually start the Winter War in 1939. A faction should be created with Finland so that they don't sign a negotiated peace.
By the time war with the 蘇維埃聯盟 begins, Romania should have four armies. One army should be excluded from the army group and placed along the Anatolian coast, as the Soviets are not averse to naval invasions and the Romanian navy is no match for the Soviet Black Sea fleet. The other armies should be placed on the front-line in Moldova. 保加利亞 or whichever puppet was granted the eastern Anatolian provinces will place troops on that border, but no puppets should initially be called into the war. As the war begins, it might take a while for the enemy to begin mounting attacks, but they eventually will. 芬蘭 will be forced to capitulate sooner or later, but that is no issue. The player will simply have to hold the line long enough for the Red Army to exhaust its reserves of manpower and equipment. The Soviets will heavily bomb Romanian industry, but that cannot be prevented. The Romanian air force will have to defend the Eastern Balkans region to prevent the forts there from being destroyed. As the Soviets suffer casualties in the millions attacking the Romanian borders, the Romanian army should be no worse for the wear. The player should also begin building armored divisions once the infantry divisions are sufficiently up to strength. Those armored divisions should consist of 6 medium armor brigades and 4 motorized (later mechanized) brigades.
Once the Soviets have suffered about 2 million casualties, it will be time to mount an offensive. Waiting any longer would result in an early German invasion and relegate Romania to the role of a junior partner in the war. No doubt the Germans are already planning their offensive at this point, so the player will need to focus all efforts on a push North, to the Baltic sea (or states, if they're still independent). If it all goes well, 德意志國 will be cut off from Soviet lands, and they'll also be facing ~50 encircled Red Army divisions that they'll clean up for the player. At that point, it should be easy to push through the remaining Soviet troops and occupy the Russian heartlands. 日本 will likely invade and take Vladivostok, forcing a Soviet capitulation. During the peace treaty, the player should first take all Soviet border and coastal provinces, 蒙古 (if possible), then anything else. That will stop 德意志國 and 日本 from getting anything for themselves, and Romania will annex the entire USSR. Shortly after that, one of the best events in the game will fire.
At this point, Romania will have become an industrial and military great power. The newly acquired lands will mostly lie in ruins, but with the vast Soviet industry under the player's control, and taking the Construction Repair continuous focus, the new factories can be quickly put to work.
In the very likely event that the Allies have done poorly, 德意志國 will have been sitting on an occupied Western/Central Europe for quite a long time, building up its army to a ridiculous size (~400 divisions). As the player's army by this point would only be around 200 divisions, Romania would have no hope of facing the Axis alone ( 芬蘭 wouldn't help much either), offensively or even defensively. 德意志國 alone would still have more manpower and industry than Romania, so waiting to build up a stronger army is out of the question. Invading small countries would bring Romania into a war with the Allies, so what is there to do?
The answer lies east. As of Waking the Tiger, 日本 now forms its own faction rather than joining the Axis. They still have a focus wherein 日本, 德意志國 and 義大利 all guarantee each other, but this doesn't apply to their puppets. 日本 will have likely taken over 中華民國 and started fighting the Allies, but their army will be equal or weaker to Romania's, so they make for a prime next target. The key to defeating 日本 lies in occupying their Home Islands, which they do not defend nearly as well as they should. The player should start planning two naval invasions, each using a full army, one from Vladivostok and one from a newly built naval base a few provinces to the north, aiming towards Northern Honshu and Southern Hokkaido respectively (the second amphibious assault tech should be researched beforehand). The ramshackle Romanian Navy should be brought to Vladivostok as well. Every army not participating in the invasion should be preparing for an offensive against Japan's Chinese lands. Once everything is in place, war should be justified against 滿洲國.
When the war begins, the player should have the navy doing convoy escort on the Sea of 日本 and trigger the invasions. The IJN will likely intercept one of the invasions, but the other one will be able to land. With one army, it should be easy enough to push south to Nagasaki, and once that city is taken, 日本 will capitulate. During the peace treaty, the player should first annex 日本's puppets, as the Allies will prefer setting up democracies there to taking provinces directly. Then, the player should take 暹羅 (if they joined the war) and Indochina for their resources, after which Chinese lands should be prioritized.
Once the war is over, 中共 can be released as a puppet, and work should immediately begin on building infrastructure in their lands to make them an integrated puppet. At that level, their colonial troops will use Chinese manpower exclusively. All templates that the player is currently using should be copied as Chinese colonial templates, and all deployed divisions turned into these templates. That will mean that Romanians no longer have to serve in the army, and the conscription laws can be brought down to limited conscription, removing any debuffs from those laws. Also, the Chinese will have around 40 million men ready for duty, so immediately, 150 Chinese infantry divisions should be queued for training.
At this point, 德意志國 and 義大利 will have both used their "Influence Romania" focuses, which will boost fascism significantly, even if it was previously banned. Unfortunately, these national spirits are permanent, even if 義大利 and 德意志國 are destroyed. Unless the player wants to go fascist, the Democratic Crusader should be hired, or the Iron Guard will start a civil war when their support reaches 70%.
Once the player has around 500 divisions in the field, and 德意志國 has released Reichsprotekorates from its occupied countries, the time will have finally come to face the Axis, so war should be justified against 德意志國. Three full army groups should be placed on the German border. One army should defend the Syrian border (if Syria is held by 維希法國), another army should be in southern Anatolia ready to take the Dodecanese islands from the Italians, another army should be poised to take Zara and Albania, and yet another army defending the Italian border in Slovenia.
When the war begins, for the first few months the player should stay on the defensive. The relentless German attacks will cause them millions of casualties that they won't be able to recover and soon enough, most of their divisions will be under-strength. The three army groups on the German border should then go on the offensive, and 德意志國 will soon capitulate. Two of the army groups should then continue into 維希法國 while the other goes south to attack 義大利. The armies fighting the Italians so far should also begin an offensive. Finally, 西班牙國 will need to be invaded from France, and their capitulation will end the war.
It might be possible to actually take lands from 法國 in the peace conference. If that is the case, the player should take all French colonial holdings before anything else. The Allies will likely set up some small democracies, but the player should have enough warscore to take the lion's share of provinces.
羅馬尼亞如今已是一個稱霸歐亞非大陸的超級強權,且由於三個富有侵略性的陣營都被逐出遊戲,玩家理所當然可以宣稱勝利。然而,羅馬尼亞肯定有能力全面征服世界。有大量的資源可供支配,玩家現在可以使軍隊機械化,並建立世界級的艦隊。在剩下的國家中, 美利堅合眾國必將負隅頑抗,但以羅馬尼亞指揮下的中國人力之眾,羅馬尼亞可以確保其統治地位。當所有國家都被征服後, 中華民國也將被吞併。
File:Ambox outdated info.png | 這部分內容可能已不適合當前版本,最後更新於1.12。 |
主要國家 |
次要國家 |
加拿大自治領 澳大利亞 紐西蘭 南非 英屬印度 捷克斯洛伐克 匈牙利王國 羅馬尼亞王國 南斯拉夫 中華民國 中共 滿洲國 桂系 滇系 晉系 西北三馬 新疆 墨西哥 荷蘭 西班牙 葡萄牙 保加利亞 希臘王國 土耳其 立陶宛 拉脫維亞 愛沙尼亞 波蘭 |
其它國家 |
歐洲 |
阿爾巴尼亞 奧地利 比利時 保加利亞 捷克斯洛伐克 丹麥 愛沙尼亞 芬蘭 法國 德意志國 希臘王國 匈牙利王國 愛爾蘭 義大利 拉脫維亞 立陶宛 盧森堡 荷蘭 挪威 波蘭 葡萄牙 西班牙 羅馬尼亞王國 斯洛伐克 蘇維埃聯盟 瑞典 瑞士 土耳其 聯合王國 南斯拉夫 |
北美 |
加拿大自治領 哥斯大黎加 古巴 多米尼加共和國 薩爾瓦多 瓜地馬拉 海地 宏都拉斯 墨西哥 尼加拉瓜 巴拿馬 美利堅合眾國 |
南美 |
亞洲 |
阿富汗 不丹 英屬馬來亞 英屬印度 中華民國 中共 桂系 伊朗 伊拉克 日本 滿洲國 蒙古國 蒙古 尼泊爾 阿曼 菲律賓 沙烏地阿拉伯 晉系 暹羅 新疆 唐努圖瓦 西藏 西北三馬 葉門 滇系 |
非洲 |
大洋洲 |