

British Malaya.png




英屬馬來亞的國旗 英屬馬來亞(British Malaya),是 聯合王國的國旗 聯合王國的一個自治領,位於東南亞的英聯邦的成員。其北部與 暹羅的國旗 暹羅接壤,南部與荷屬東印度的國旗 荷屬東印度相鄰。


該地區的第一個歐洲前哨站由荷蘭人在17世紀建立。 英國人在拿破崙戰爭期間佔領了這些地區,並於1824年與荷蘭簽署了一項條約,確認了對它們的控制,該條約將馬來亞與 荷屬東印度的國旗 荷屬東印度正式分開。最初僅限於新加坡和其他一些貿易中心,在19世紀後期,英國統治範圍擴大到整個半島。


日本的國旗 日本於1941年12月入侵馬來亞和新加坡。新加坡的迅速淪陷被認為是太平洋戰區英國最大的挫折之一,被稱為英國軍事上的「最嚴重的災難」 。 日本人的佔領一直持續到1945年8月戰爭結束為止。

戰後,馬來亞回到英國控制,但享有了更大的自治權。它於1957年獨立,並與新加坡(Singapore),英屬北婆羅洲(British North Borneo)和沙撈越(Sarawak)合併,於1963年成立馬來西亞。新加坡於1965年被馬來西亞踢除。



英屬馬來亞的國旗 英屬馬來亞使用通用國策樹。

其他的一些國策與馬來亞有關。 聯合王國的國旗 聯合王國的國策樹中的「設防東亞」分支,為新加坡地區增加了一些要塞和防空設施,同時略微降低了自治度。此外, 澳大利亞的國旗 澳大利亞具有兩個歷史悠久的歷史國策,可以使其要求 聯合王國的國旗 聯合王國控制馬來亞,從而使馬來亞(如果接受)成為澳大利亞的傀儡國,而不是 聯合王國的國旗 聯合王國傀儡國


British Malaya starts with 3 research slots, and can acquire 2 more from the generic focus tree.

Army Technology Naval Technology Air Technology Electronics & Industry
  • Infantry Eq. I
  • Motorized
  • Engineer Company I
  • Recon Company I
  • Great War Tank
  • Light Tank I
  • Towed Artillery
  • Towed Anti-Air I
  • 1936 Destroyer Hull
  • Early Cruiser Hull
  • Early Heavy Ship Hull
  • Deck Conversions
  • Early Submarine Hull
  • Naval Gunnery
  • Interwar Fighter
    • Interwar Carrier Fighter
  • Interwar Bomber
  • Close Air Support I
  • Naval Bomber I
    • Carrier Naval Bomber I
  • Electronic Mechanical Engineering
  • Radio
  • Radio Detection
  • None

British Malaya is not part of the Commonwealth technology sharing group, but will join the group automatically if it raises autonomy to Colony or higher.


As a Democratic country, British Malaya has a positive relationship with other Democratic countries (+20) and a slight negative relationship with everyone else (-10). British Malaya begins the game in the Allies. If the 共赴勝利 Together for Victory expansion has been activated, it starts as an integrated puppet of the United Kingdom with 500 autonomy points on the way to becoming a puppet.



Political parties

British Malaya starts as a 民主主義 Democratic nation. There are no elections.

Political Party Ideology Popularity Party Leader Country Name Is Ruling?
United Malays National Organisation 民主主義 Democratic 33.00% Shenton Thomas Republic of Malaysia Yes
Malayan Communist Party 共產主義 Communist 33.00% Lai Teck Malay People's Republic No
Panoceanic Unionists 法西斯主義 Fascist 0.00% Generic Malaysia No
Kesatuan Melayu Muda 中立主義 Non-Aligned 34.00% Ibrahim Hj Yaacob Republic of Malaysia No

Staff and designers

Political Advisors
Advisor Type Effect Cost (政治點數)
Communist Politician Communist Revolutionary
  • Daily Communism Support: +0.10
Democratic Politician Democratic Reformer
  • Daily Democracy Support: +0.10
Fascist Politician Fascist Demagogue
  • Daily Fascism Support: +0.10
Wallace Campbell Captain of Industry
  • Civilian Factory construction speed: +10%
  • Infrastructure construction speed: +10%
  • Refinery construction speed: +10%
Bernard Mundy Fortification Engineer
  • Land Fort construction speed: +20%
  • Coastal Fort construction speed: +20%
  • Anti Air construction speed: +20%
Hubert Cockburn War Industrialist
  • Military Factory construction speed: +10%
  • Dockyard construction speed: +10%
  • Fuel Silo construction speed: +10%
Tank Designers
Designer Type Effect Cost (政治點數)
Armor Company Tank Designer
  • Armor Research Speed: +15%
  • Armor: Reliability: +5%
Ship Designers
Designer Type Effect Cost (政治點數)
Naval Company Ship Designer
  • Naval Research Speed: +15%
Aircraft Designers
Designer Type Effect Cost (政治點數)
Light Air Company Light Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +10%
  • Fighter:
    • Agility: +10%
    • Max speed: +10%
  • Carrier Fighter:
    • Agility: +10%
    • Max speed: +10%
Medium Air Company Medium Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Heavy Fighter: Reliability: +20%
  • Tactical Bomber: Reliability: +20%
Heavy Air Company Heavy Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Strategic Bomber: Strategic Bombing: +10%
Naval Air Company Naval Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Naval Bomber:
    • Range: +10%
    • Naval Attack: +10%
  • CV Naval Bomber:
    • Range: +10%
    • Naval Attack: +10%
Materiel Designers
Designer Type Effect Cost (政治點數)
Motorization Company Motorized Equipment Designer
  • Motorization Research Speed: +15%
Small Arms Company Infantry Equipment Designer
  • Weapons and Equipment Research Speed: +15%
Artillery Company Artillery Designer
  • Artillery Research Speed: +15%
Industrial Concern
Concern Type Effect Cost (政治點數)
Industrial Company Industrial Concern
  • Industrial Research Speed: +15%
Electronics Company Electronics Concern
  • Electronics Research Speed: +15%
Theorist Type Effect Cost (政治點數)
George Tyrwhitt Air Warfare Theorist
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.05 daily
  • Air Doctrine Research Speed: +10%
William Murphy Naval Theorist
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.05 daily
  • Naval Doctrine Research Speed: +10%
Ian Smith Military Theorist
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.05 daily
  • Land Doctrine Research Speed: +10%



Malaya starts with the following laws:

徵兵法案 經濟法案 貿易法案
Volunteer only.png 志願兵役制
  • 1.5% 適役人口
Civilian economy.png 民用經濟
  • 35% 生活消費品工廠
  • –30% 軍用工廠建造速度
  • –30% 民用工廠建造速度
  • +30% 軍轉民消耗
  • +30% 民轉軍消耗
  • -40% 石油轉換燃油效率
  • -25% 燃油容量
Export focus.png 重視出口
  • 50% 可出口資源
  • +5% 科研速度
  • +10% 工廠/海軍船塢產出
  • +10% 建造速度
  • +20% 泄露給他國的民政情報
  • +10% 泄露給他國的海軍情報


Malaya is very rich in resources for a small country. It has the majority of the world's rubber, a great deal of tungsten, and moderate amounts of steel and oil.

Total resources 1936
16 20 497 246 26 0


British Malaya has virtually no industry in 1936.

Factories 1936
0 Military Factories
0 Naval Dockyard
1 Civilian Factory


At the start of the game, British Malaya is reliant on its colonial master for defense and does not have a navy and an air force. It does however have control over 2 small infantry divisions. Overall, it has a total Manpowermanpower of 56.86K with 6.00K in the army, leaving 50.86K available for recruitment.

Type No.
Infantry cropped.png Infantry 2
Army experience.png Total divisions 2
Type No.
Navy experience.png Total ships 0
Air force
Type No.
Air experience.png Total planes 0


The entirety of the military consists of 2 Malaya Infantry Brigades made up of 3 infantry battalions each.


British Malaya has no navy, but does possess 25 convoys.

Air force

British Malaya does not start with any aircraft.

Military staff

Chief of Army
Name Type Effect Cost (政治點數)
Zachary Roberts Army Offense (Specialist)
  • Division Attack: +5%
Colbert Churchill Army Defense (Specialist)
  • Division Defense: +5%
Chief of Navy
Name Type Effect Cost (政治點數)
James Grant Decisive Battle (Expert)
  • Capital Ship Attack: +10%
  • Capital Ship Armor: +10%
  • Screen Attack: +10%
  • Screen Defense: +10%
Alexander Napier Anti-Submarine (Expert)
  • Submarine Detection: +15%
Chief of Airforce
Name Type Effect Cost (政治點數)
Graham Collins Close Air Support (Expert)
  • Close air support attack: +3%
  • Close air support defense: +3%
  • Close air support agility: +3%
John Dundas All-Weather (Expert)
  • Bad Weather Penalty: -20%
Military High Command
Name Type Effect Cost (政治點數)
Edmund Seaton Artillery (Specialist)
  • Artillery Attack: +10%
  • Artillery Defense: +5%
Horatio Ragland Army Logistics (Expert)
  • Division Attrition: -8%
Martin Thesiger Fleet Logistics (Specialist)
  • Naval max range factor: +5%
Francis Plummer Air Combat Training (Expert)
  • Ace generation chance: +10%

Strategies and guides


Re-form the Thalassocracy

With the Waking the Tiger DLC enabled, British Malaya is arguably one of the most difficult nations to play as, due to it having the Generic Focus Tree and being an Integrated Puppet of the United Kingdom, there is not much room for the player to declare war on other countries. The player in this case has two choices. The first is to use the "Increase Autonomy" Continuous Focus to break free of the 聯合王國的國旗 聯合王國 and second is to ignite a civil war. The latter is recommended due to the former taking an excruciatingly long time to complete, and also prevents the player from using the focus tree for better rewards.

When starting the game, pick the "Political Effort" focus to get started. This focus, when complete after 70 days, grants the player an extra 120 political power, which when combined with the 70 pp accumulated, allows the player to pick a Political Advisor. Pick the Communist Revolutionary or the Fascist Demagogue. While there is already high support for 共產主義 Communism in the nation, it should be noted that going down the 法西斯主義 Fascist path is recommended if the player wishes to gain control of the 荷屬東印度的國旗 荷屬東印度 more quickly later in-game. While waiting for Stability to drop low enough and the popularity of Fascism to go high enough, it is essential that the player takes the "Industrial Effort" path for the focus tree and rush down the "Armament Effort" branch to accumulate as many Millitary Factories as possible for the civil war. The "Naval Effort" focus can also be completed if the player wants to undertake a naval invasion during the civil war. Research Marines and/or Paratroopers. Mountaineers are also a good template. Train around 2-3 divisons but DO NOT deploy them until the civl war has started. Allocate your civilian factory to build one military factory.

The player should note that the civil war should only be fired when the 2-3 divisions lined up for deployment have received sufficient weapons, the various decisions such as "Ensure Lower Army Command Loyalty", "Expand Civil/Military Support" have been taken. If the player is planning a naval invasion (which is recommended, as the player really cannot afford to allocate another military factory for transport planes), wait until at least one destroyer has been built in order to gain naval superiority for a naval invasion. Once you have 3 divisions queued up for deployment and one destroyer built, the civil war can be fired. The democratic side should be in North Borneo while the player controls Singapore, which is the reason why a naval invasion is required. The player can immediately deploy the 2-3 divisons they have stored up, and rush a naval invasion of North Borneo with the 1 divison they already have. The democratic supporters will be no match at all, due to the sheer difference in number of troops.

Once the civil war has ended, join the Axis if you are fascist. 德意志國的國旗 德意志國 will very likely accept you. Immediately justify on the Dutch East Indies once the civil war has ended. You need them to re-form the Majapahit Empire. Station half of your divisions in North Borneo on the border with the East Indies. You can also have a small naval invasion/paradrop on the western islands. Declare war immediately when possible. You will essentially be fighting against both the 荷蘭的國旗 荷蘭 and the East Indies. Germany will offer to help you in the war. Do not call them into war until after around 1-2 months of fighting. Germany will steamroll the Dutch easily on mainland Europe and the East Indies will capitulate with them as they are a puppet. At the peace conference, it is likely that you will not have enough war score to take all of the East Indies. Pass a few times until you get enough points to take all the islands. Once you have all the islands, you can proclaim the creation of the 大印度尼西亞邦聯的國旗 大印度尼西亞邦聯, or as its fascist name, the Majapahit Empire.


Rule Britannia.png
Rule Britannia
As any British Subject state, conquer all of Britain.

hoi4fr:Malaisie britannique