主要國家 |
次要國家 |
加拿大自治領 澳大利亞 新西蘭 南非 英屬印度 捷克斯洛伐克 匈牙利王國 羅馬尼亞王國 南斯拉夫 中華民國 中共 滿洲國 桂系 滇系 晉系 西北三馬 新疆 墨西哥 荷蘭 西班牙 葡萄牙 保加利亞 希臘王國 土耳其 立陶宛 拉脫維亞 愛沙尼亞 波蘭 |
其它國家 |
土耳其地理位置優越,位於亞洲和歐洲的十字路口,土耳其與南部的 伊拉克,東部的 伊朗,西南的 法國,東北的 保加利亞和西部的 希臘王國以及 意大利接壤;同時土耳其同 聯合王國位於土耳其南部地中海沿岸的塞浦路斯島隔海相望。土耳其在北部的黑海,南部的地中海和西部的愛琴海均有海岸線。
奧斯曼帝國(Ottoman Empire)作為同盟國的一員參加了第一次世界大戰,並最終戰敗。1918年10月30日停戰後,戰勝的協約國試圖通過1920年的《色佛爾條約》(Traité de Sèvres)來削弱奧斯曼帝國的領土和國力,防止它再發動對外擴張的戰爭。
以凱末爾為領導的土耳其的民族主義者於安卡拉成立了土耳其大國民議會(Grand National Assembly of Turkey)。議會認為《色佛爾條約》損害土耳其人利益和主權,對之不予承認。在色雷斯及安納托利亞的土耳其軍民則發起反抗,並成立「護權協會」。
1922年,土耳其在對希臘的戰爭取得決定性勝利後,協約國同意廢除《色佛爾條約》,並於瑞士洛桑(Lausanne)重新展開和談。1923年7月24日,土耳其政府凱末爾與協約國簽訂《洛桑條約》(Treaty of Lausanne,全稱《協約和參戰各國對土耳其和約》),用來取代《色佛爾條約》。新的土耳其共和國則於1923年10月29日在該國新首都安卡拉(Ankara)正式宣布成立。
在二戰中,土耳其一直都是中立的,直到戰爭結束前幾個月,它加入了同盟國。在戰爭爆發之前,土耳其於1939年與 法國和 聯合王國簽署了互助條約。然而,德國入侵法國後,土耳其仍然保持中立。然而,在1941年6月,與其鄰近的 保加利亞加入了軸心國並允許 德意志國調動部隊入侵 南斯拉夫和 希臘王國後,使得土耳其與德國簽署了一項互不侵犯條約。土耳其是鉻鐵礦的重要出口國,鉻鐵礦是不鏽鋼和耐火磚生產中的關鍵成分,德國的鉻鐵礦供應有限,於是土耳其在雙方進行談判中的關鍵問題便是將鉻鐵礦出售給德國或盟國。
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- "共和國沉痛哀悼!"。
土耳其 gets a unique national focus tree as part of the Battle for the Bosporus expansion. Without the expansion, Turkey utilizes the Generic national focus tree.
The Turkish national focus tree can be divided into 2 branches The first can be divided into 3 sections with multiple sub-branches within:
The Montreux Convention Branch can be divided into 5 sections which pivot Turkey's internal politics.
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Turkey starts in 1936 with three research slots. It can gain two additional slots from its National focuses - Extra Research Slot and Extra Research Slot II.
Army technology | Naval technology | Air technology | Electronics & Industry |
Doctrines | |||
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Turkey starts with three national spirits with the 博灣紛爭 expansion enabled. Otherwise it starts with none.
政黨 | 意識形態 | 政黨領袖 | 支持率 | 國名 |
獨立黨 | 民主主義 | 傑拉勒·拜亞爾 | 6% | 土耳其共和國 |
土耳其共產黨 | 共產主義 | 謝菲克·許斯努 | 0% | 土耳其社會主義共和國 |
法西斯委員會 | 法西斯主義 | 雷傑普·佩克爾 | 0% | 土耳其帝國 |
共和人民黨 | 中立主義 | 穆斯塔法·凱末爾·阿塔圖爾克 | 94% | 土耳其 |
Leader | Ideology | Party | In power (1936) | Popularity | Unique portrait? | Leader trait |
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk | Non-Aligned/Despotism | Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP) | Yes | 94% | Yes | Father of the Turks
İsmet İnönü | Non-Aligned/Despotism | Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP) | No, can come to power via decision (Retire Ataturk) | --- | Yes | Millî Şef
Fevzi Çakmak | Non-Aligned/Conservatism | Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP) | No, can come to power via decision (Retire Ataturk) | --- | Yes | Mareşal
Celâl Bayar | Non-Aligned/Centrism or Democracy/Conservatism or Democracy | Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP) or Müstakil Grup | No, can come to power via decision (Retire Ataturk or Election Day) | 6% | Yes | Liberal Democratic Paragon
Adnan Menderes | Democracy/Conservatism | Demokrat Parti (DP) | No, can come to power via event (Election Day) | --- | Yes | Man of the Nation
Şevket Süreyya Aydemir | Non-Aligned/Marxism | Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP) | No, can come to power via decision (Retire Ataturk) or via completing focus "Halk ve Devlet" | --- | Yes | The Academic
Şefik Hüsnü | Communism/Marxism | Türkiye Komünist Partisi (TKP) | No, can come to power via completing focus "Lift the Türkiye Komünist Partisi's Exile" | 0% | Yes | Reluctant Stalinist
Mehmet Recep Peker | Fascist | Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP)/Faşist Konsey | No, can come to power via decision (Retire Ataturk) or via completing focus "Fatherland First!" | --- | Yes | The Statist
Kazım Orbay | Non-Aligned/Despotism | Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP) | No, can come to power via decision (Retire Ataturk or Coup) | --- | Yes | Celebrity Junta Leader
Refet Pasha | Non-Aligned/Monarchy | Geçici Hükümet | No, can come to power via event after completing focus "Purge the Officers" | --- | Yes | Crown Regent
Abdulmejid II | Non Aligned/Monarchism | Devlet-i Ebed-müddet | No, can come to Power via national focus "Return of the Sultan" | --- | Yes | Gentle Scholar
gains Caliph after completing focus "Reclaim the Fallen Empire"
Dürrüşehvar I | Non-Aligned/Monarchism | Devlet-i Ebed-müddet | No, can come to Power via national focus "Return of the Sultan" and via decision "Alter Royal Laws" after 1943 | --- | Yes | The First Ottoman Sultanta
gains Calipha after completing focus "Reclaim the Fallen Empire"
Mehmet Esat Paşa | Non-Aligned/Monarchism | Devlet-i Ebed-müddet | No, can come to Power via national focus "Return of the Sultan" after 1943 | --- | Yes | Crown Regent
These are the unique companies and individuals that are available for Turks to use.
Designer | Type | Effect | Cost |
Debt Council | Turkish Debt Council |
When the Ottoman Empire was finally confined to the history books, it left us a parting gift: its colossal debt. We owe a great deal of money and assets to the Western powers, but most humiliatingly of all our debt is not even managed here in our country. The Debt Council, in all its infinite wisdom, convenes in France. |
TPDA | Turkish Public Debt Administration |
Debt Council 2 icon Debt Council 2
{{{modifiers}}} At last, we have wrestles the reins away from the imperialists and can organize and manage our own debts from our capital city. The Debt Council is no more, now the privileged sharks will have no choice but to come to us when they seek restitution or capitulation. |
Koç Ticaret A.Ş. | Industrial Monopoly | 250 | |
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devlet Demiryolları | Linchpin of Infrastructure | 75 | |
Petrol Ofisi | Refining Concern | 75 | |
Kamil Tolon | Inventive Genius |
75 |
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The nation starts with the following laws:
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徵兵法案 | 經濟法案 | 貿易法案 |
Type | No. | |
Civilian factory | 11 (-5) | |
Military factory | 4 | |
Naval dockyard | 1 |
Numbers in red indicate the number of civilian factories required to produce consumer goods, based on economy laws and the total number of military and civilian factories, rounded up.
Type | No. | |
Oil | 0 | |
Aluminium | 0 | |
Rubber | 0 | |
Tungsten | 0 | |
Steel | 51 (-41) | |
Chromium | 274 (-219) |
Numbers in red indicate how many resources are reserved for export due to trade laws.
Type | No. | |
Infantry | 25 | |
Mountaineer | 3 | |
Cavalry | 2 | |
Light Tank | 1 | |
Total divisions | 31 |
Type | No. | |
Destroyer | 6 | |
Light cruiser | 2 | |
Battlecruiser | 1 | |
Submarine | 5 | |
Total ships | 14 |
Type | No. | |
Close air support | 16 | |
Fighter | 45 | |
Total planes | 61 |
Name | 類型 | Techyear |
Mauser 93 | Basic Eq. | 1918 |
M38 Kırıkkale | Weapons I | 1936 |
Sten MkII | Weapons II | 1939 |
ZB vz.26 | Weapons III | 1942 |
Name | Skill | ATK | DEF | PLN | LOG | Traits |
Fevzi Çakmak | 3 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | Old Guard Media Personality War Hero Desert Fox Logistics Wizard Defensive Doctrine |
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk | 4 | 5 | 3 | 5 | 2 | Brilliant Strategist Infantry Officer War Hero Trickster Desert Fox Hill Fighter Kemalist Champion |
Name | Skill | ATK | DEF | MNV | COR | Traits |
Mehmet Ali Ulgen | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 3 | Career Officer Gunnery Expert |
Sadik Altincan | 2 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 2 | Media Personality Bold |
Sukru Okan | 2 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2 | Media Personality Gentlemanly Kemalist Champion |
Ferdinando Umberto Filippo Adalberto | 4 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 3 | Career Officer Media Personality Gentlemanly Superior Tactician |
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These are the military staff candidates for appointment of Turkey.
Turkey begins in 1936 as a very powerful country compared to their neighbours. Due to the large military and medium-sized navy to their neighbors, following the Industrial branch of the default focus tree is imperative for a successful army. Construction technology is specifically important, so using your 3 research slots for the industrial technologies is a good idea. After building up your civilian factories, military factories should be constructed. Since Turkey normally does not join a faction, you have enough time to build up. Focus on Greece first since you two have unfinished business since 1922. You will get nice factories and resources from Greece, then focus on Iraq for oil, then Bulgaria and Yugoslavia if they aren't guaranteed and world tension is low, unless Germany or Italy attacked them first. You can join either the Axis, Allies or Comintern but the Axis faction is advised. You can get French and British colonies in Middle East and Saudi Arabia and Yemen you lost in World War One. Then you can finally reform the Ottoman Empire again, this will give you cores on Iraq, Libya, Tunisia, the Dodecanese, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine. You're a vengeful, powerful country now so it's all up to you how you proceed from after this.
主要國家 |
次要國家 |
加拿大自治領 澳大利亞 新西蘭 南非 英屬印度 捷克斯洛伐克 匈牙利王國 羅馬尼亞王國 南斯拉夫 中華民國 中共 滿洲國 桂系 滇系 晉系 西北三馬 新疆 墨西哥 荷蘭 西班牙 葡萄牙 保加利亞 希臘王國 土耳其 立陶宛 拉脫維亞 愛沙尼亞 波蘭 |
其它國家 |
歐洲 |
阿爾巴尼亞 奧地利 比利時 保加利亞 捷克斯洛伐克 丹麥 愛沙尼亞 芬蘭 法國 德意志國 希臘王國 匈牙利王國 愛爾蘭 意大利 拉脫維亞 立陶宛 盧森堡 荷蘭 挪威 波蘭 葡萄牙 西班牙 羅馬尼亞王國 斯洛伐克 蘇維埃聯盟 瑞典 瑞士 土耳其 聯合王國 南斯拉夫 |
北美 |
加拿大自治領 哥斯達黎加 古巴 多米尼加共和國 薩爾瓦多 危地馬拉 海地 洪都拉斯 墨西哥 尼加拉瓜 巴拿馬 美利堅合眾國 |
南美 |
亞洲 |
阿富汗 不丹 英屬馬來亞 英屬印度 中華民國 中共 桂系 伊朗 伊拉克 日本 滿洲國 蒙古國 蒙古 尼泊爾 阿曼 菲律賓 沙特阿拉伯 晉系 暹羅 新疆 唐努圖瓦 西藏 西北三馬 也門 滇系 |
非洲 |
大洋洲 |