





委内瑞拉的国旗 委内瑞拉(Venezuela),是南美北部的一个中等体型的国家。其西边是 哥伦比亚的国旗 哥伦比亚,南边是 巴西的国旗 巴西,东边与 联合王国的国旗 联合王国的英属圭亚那(British Guiana)接壤。委内瑞拉还与 荷兰的国旗 荷兰和隔海相望。委内瑞拉北部是山脉,南部是平原和丛林。


Generic national focus tree.

委内瑞拉的国旗 委内瑞拉没有独特的国策树,而是使用通用国策树。


  • 重视陆军 提供陆军经验和陆军相关研究项目的加成。
  • 重视空军 提供空军经验,建立空军基地,并提供空军相关研究项目的加成。
  • 重视海军 提供海军经验,建造海军船坞,并提供海军相关研究项目的加成。
  • 重视工业 建造民用工厂和军用工厂(即使建筑槽位已满)并提供额外的科研槽。
  • 重视政治 提供国家政治走向的选择。


Venezuela starts with 2 research slots.

Army technology Naval technology Air technology Electronics & Industry
  • Basic Infantry Eq.
  • Towed Artillery
  • None
  • Interwar Fighter
  • None
  • None
  • None
  • None


Venezuela, in 1936 is a 法西斯主义Fascist nation with no elections.

Venezuela has the following political parties:

Political party Ideology Popularity Party leader Country name Is ruling?
Copei 民主主义 Democratic 5% Generic Federal Republic of Venezuela No
Partido Comunista de Venezuela 共产主义 Communist 15% Juan Bautista Fuenmayor Leftist International Venezuela No
Consejo de Ministros 法西斯主义 Fascist 80% Eleazar López Contreras Venezuela Yes
Acción Democrática 中立主义 Non-Aligned 0% Generic Bolivarian Venezuela No




Venezuela is guaranteed by the 美利坚合众国的国旗 美利坚合众国 via Monroe Doctrine.

Staff and designer

Political advisors
顾问 类型 效果 花费
Manuel Diaz Rodriguez War Industrialist
  • Military Factory construction speed: +10%
  • Dockyard construction speed: +10%
150 pp
Romulo Gallegos Freire Popular Figurehead
  • Stability: +15%
150 pp
Isidoro Ruiz Tuerro Quartermaster General
  • Air Base construction Speed +15%
  • Naval Base construction Speed: +15%
  • Rocket Site construction Speed +15%
  • Radar Station construction Speed +15%
  • Nuclear Reactor construction Speed: +15%
150 pp
Manuel Diaz Rodriguez Communist Revolutionary
  • Communism Support: +0.1%
150 pp
Romulo Betancourt Democratic Reformer
  • Daily Democracy Support: +0.1
150 pp
Adolfo Melgarejo Fascist Demagogue
  • Daily Fascism Support: +0.1%
150 pp
Tank designers
Designer 类型 Effect Cost
Armor Company Tank Designer
  • Armor Research Time: -10.0%
  • Armor: Reliability: +5.0%
150 pp
Ship designers
Designer 类型 Effect Cost
Naval Company Ship designer
  • Naval Research Time: -10.0%
150 pp
Aircraft designers
Designer 类型 Effect Cost
Light Air Company Light aircraft
  • Air Research Time: -10.0%
  • Fighter: Agility: +10.0%
  • Fighter: Max Speed: +10.0%
  • Carrier Fighter: Agility: +10.0%
  • Carrier Fighter: Max Speed: +10.0%
150 pp
Medium Air Company Medium aircraft
  • Air Research Time: -10.0%
  • Heavy Fighter: Reliability: +20.0%
  • Tactical Bomber: Reliability: +20.0%
150 pp
Heavy Air Company Heavy aircraft
  • Air Research Time: -10.0%
  • Strategic Bomber: Strategic Bombing: +10.0%
150 pp
Naval Air Company Naval aircraft
  • Air Research Time: -10.0%
  • Naval Bomber: Operational Range: +10.0%
  • Naval Bomber: Naval Attack: +10.0%
  • CV Naval Bomber: Operational Range: +10.0%
  • CV Naval Bomber: Naval Attack: +10.0%
150 pp
Materiel designers
Designer 类型 Effect Cost
Artillery Company Artillery designer
  • Artillery Research Time: -10.0%
150 pp
Small Arms Company 步兵装备 designer
  • Weapons and Equipment Research Time: -10.0%
150 pp
Motorization Company Motorized Equipment designer
  • Motorization Research Time: -10.0%
150 pp
Industrial concern
Designer 类型 Effect Cost
Industrial Company Industrial Concern
  • Industrial Research Time: -10.0%
150 pp
Designer 类型 Effect Cost
Carlos Garcia Mendoza Military Theorist
  • Land Doctrine Research Time: -7.0%
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.05
150 pp
Antonio Casas Gonzalez Naval Theorist
  • Naval Doctrine Research Time: -7.0%
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.05
150 pp
José Polares Pavon Air Warfare Theorist
  • Air Doctrine Research Time: -7.0%
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.05
150 pp



征兵法案 经济法案 贸易法案
Volunteer only.png 志愿兵役制
  • 1.5% 适役人口
Civilian economy.png 民用经济
  • 35% 生活消费品工厂
  • –30% 军用工厂建造速度
  • –30% 民用工厂建造速度
  • +30% 军转民消耗
  • +30% 民转军消耗
  • -40% 石油转换燃油效率
  • -25% 燃油容量
Export focus.png 重视出口
  • 50% 可出口资源
  • +5% 科研速度
  • +10% 工厂/海军船坞产出
  • +10% 建造速度
  • +20% 泄露给他国的民政情报
  • +10% 泄露给他国的海军情报

Industry and resources

Type No.
Aluminum.png Aluminium 0
Chromium.png Chromium 0
Oil.png Oil 155
Rubber.png Rubber 0
Steel.png Steel 0
Tungsten.png Tungsten 0
Type No.
民用工厂 Civilian factory 7
军用工厂 Military factory 1
海军船坞 Naval dockyard 0
Venezuela has 5 civilian factories and 1 military factory in Miranda and 2 civilian factories in Zulia. It has 2 building slots in Zulia and 1 in Bolivar.
Venezuela has the largest amount of oil in Latin America with 98 in Zulia and 57 in Miranda.


Venezuela has a small military.

Type No.
Infantry cropped.png Infantry 1
Cavalry cropped.png Cavalry 1
Motorized cropped.png Motorized infantry 0
Light tank cropped.png Light tank 0
Marine cropped.png Marine 0
Mountain cropped.png Mountaineer 0
Paratroop cropped.png Paratrooper 0
Army experience.png Total divisions 2
Type No.
Destroyer.png Destroyer 0
Light Cruiser.png Light cruiser 0
Heavy Cruiser.png Heavy cruiser 0
Battlecruiser.png Battlecruiser 0
Battleship.png Battleship 0
Submarine.png Submarine 0
Carrier.png Carrier 0
Convoy.png Convoy 0
Navy experience.png Total ships 0
Air force
Type No.
CAS.png Close air support 0
Fighter c.png Fighter 0
Heavy fighter.png Heavy fighter 0
Naval bomber.png Naval bomber 0
Tactical bomber.png Tactical bomber 0
Strategic bomber.png Strategic bomber 0
Transport air.png Transport 0
Air experience.png Total planes 0
Their infantry has 6 units and their cavalry has 4 units.
They do not have a navy.
Air force
They have no airforce.

