The Sultanate of Aussa is a minor East African country. It is completely landlocked, bordered by 意大利's colony of Eritrea to the north, 法国's colony of Somaliland to the east, and 埃塞俄比亚 to the west and south.
Despite being neutral at the start of the game, the small sultanate will not last long, as Italy will demand its annexation if they are winning in Ethiopia.
Historical Background
National focus
没有结果 has a unique national focus tree which it shares with the other Ethiopian releasable nations.
As a non-aligned nation, Aussa has an overall positive opinion towards non-aligned countries, and slightly negative opinion towards democratic, communist and fascist countries.
Diplomatic Rules
Can force government of another country to adopt the same ideology.
Can puppet a country.
Aussa, like other countries in the region, may form the Horn of Africa.
Strategies and guides