
Katty von Keksburg讨论 | 贡献2021年2月5日 (五) 04:55的版本





保加利亚的国旗 保加利亚(Bulgaria),是欧洲巴尔干半岛的一个小国。在北部,它与 罗马尼亚王国的国旗 罗马尼亚王国接壤。其南部是 希腊王国的国旗 希腊王国土耳其的国旗 土耳其。向西于 南斯拉夫的国旗 南斯拉夫相邻。保加利亚的西部是山区,东部是森林和平原。


作为第一次世界大战中被击败的核心力量国家之一,保加利亚王国受《纳伊条约》的约束,使领土上有许多保加利亚人的地区,特别是马其顿(Macedonia),色雷斯(Thrace)和杜布鲁贾(Dobrudja),分别被割让给 南斯拉夫的国旗 南斯拉夫希腊王国的国旗 希腊王国罗马尼亚王国的国旗 罗马尼亚王国。 保加利亚被迫支付巨额赔款,并限制其常备军,这样的限制在《凡尔赛合约》上针对的是 德意志国的国旗 德意志国,《特里亚农条约》上则是 匈牙利王国的国旗 匈牙利王国。到20世纪30年代,沙皇鲍里斯三世(Tsar Boris III)与议会和总理一起统治了保加利亚数十年。

在第二次世界大战的前几个月,鲍里斯三世和他的政府宣布保加利亚保持中立,但轴心国不断施加的压力和承诺将色雷斯归还给保加利亚,导致该国于1941年3月加入了轴心国。鲍里斯三世不愿参与冲突(也许是由于该国在第一次战争中遭受的巨大创伤),但欢迎第一次世界大战后失去的领土重新回到保加利亚。但是,到1941年12月,保加利亚只是对 联合王国的国旗 联合王国美利坚合众国的国旗 美利坚合众国发起象征性的战争。保加利亚陆军没有参加轴心国对 苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟的入侵,尽管保加利亚皇家海军在黑海与红海军进行了小规模冲突。在鲍里斯三世领导下的保加利亚以其一贯但微妙的对德国要求的蔑视而著称,特别是关于几乎不存在销毁保加利亚犹太人口的行动(马其顿,色雷斯和杜布鲁贾除外),以及保加利亚缺乏参与轴心国的战争贡献,后者极大地激怒了希特勒。 鲍里斯本人据说通过给予犹太人工作岗位来建设保加利亚的基础设施而拯救了该国的许多犹太人,从而免除了他们在中欧集中营中等待和数百万其他犹太人一样的命运。

1943年,鲍里斯三世突然去世(保加利亚政府中的一些人怀疑德国人毒死了他),留下了他六岁的儿子西美昂二世(Simeon II)作为沙皇和摄政王。1944年9月,罗马尼亚叛逃到盟军,苏维埃军队在保加利亚边境集结,保加利亚陷入政治动荡。政府未能与盟国达成和平,而由于苏联要求从保加利亚驱逐德军的要求得不到回应,苏联对保加利亚宣战并入侵,而几乎同时发生的左翼起义推翻了君主制。到月底,该国已完全由苏联控制,王室已逃离该国。但是,保加利亚本身在很大程度上免于战争的摧残,这与欧洲其他大多数国家不同,它甚至被赋予了南部杜布鲁贾(Dobrudja)从而扩大了其领土,因此是战后唯一在其增加了领土面积的轴心国。


主条目:Bulgarian events

Because Bulgaria is currently a generic nation, It has a very little amount of events. The current events deal with Romania and Yugoslavia giving land to the Bulgarians.


Bulgarian national focus tree.

保加利亚的国旗 保加利亚 gets a unique national focus tree as part of the Battle for the Bosporus expansion. Without the expansion, Bulgaria utilizes the Generic national focus tree.


这条线将提升 保加利亚的国旗 保加利亚的工业和军事能力。
  • 改善道路系统分支
这一分支允许 保加利亚的国旗 保加利亚独立自主或与外部势力合作来发展工业能力。
  • 乔治·本科夫斯基航空修理厂/协商保加利亚军备重整分支
这一分支允许 保加利亚的国旗 保加利亚升级其陆、空军并启用可随国策Prussia of the Balkans focus 巴尔干的普鲁士加强的制造商.
  • 黑海舰队分支
这一分支将使 保加利亚的国旗 保加利亚获得海军科技进步。
  • 巴尔干的普鲁士/博斯普鲁斯的主宰分支
这些国策将给予 保加利亚的国旗 保加利亚一个强劲的民族精神和博斯普鲁斯区域的防御设施,并使其得到对亚得里亚海、爱琴海和黑海沿岸国家的战争目标战争目标
政治线将允许操纵 保加利亚的国旗 保加利亚境内的派系忠诚,并给予或夺取沙皇鲍里斯三世的政府权力。
  • 任命共产党阁僚分支
共产主义共产主义分支允许向西班牙内战派遣志愿军、向 苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟要求援助、与 南斯拉夫的国旗 南斯拉夫交好并建立保加利亚人民共和国。
  • 完全女性选举权分支
这项国策由 共产主义共产主义民主主义民主主义分支共享。它将依据所选分支给予对应意识形态支持率更大的增长。
  • 民主政治原则分支
民主主义民主主义分支允许与沙皇合作或废黜制度,并与 希腊王国的国旗 希腊王国交好。
  • 取缔极右翼组织/规制化准军事组织分支
这一分支由 民主主义民主主义中立主义君主主义分支共享,能够操纵国家内部派系变化。
  • 自由贸易政策分支
  • 沙皇陛下的政权/任命右翼阁僚分支
这一分支由 中立主义君主主义法西斯主义法西斯主义共享,可以增加沙皇鲍里斯三世的权力或将其废黜。该分支也将寻求来自 德意志国的国旗 德意志国意大利的国旗 意大利的国际援助。
  • 追随斯大林主义/巴尔干社会主义共和国联邦/巴尔干邦联分支
这一分支允许 保加利亚的国旗 保加利亚加入共产国际、创立一个独立的 共产主义共产主义阵营、或一个 民主主义民主主义的邦联。保加利亚将要求吞并其他巴尔干国家来建立 巴尔干合众联邦的国旗 巴尔干合众联邦
  • 亲近英国分支
这一分支允许 保加利亚的国旗 保加利亚加入同盟国,请求 联合王国的国旗 联合王国从盟国手中转交保加利亚自古以来的领土,并保障其他巴尔干国家的独立。
  • 裁决巴尔干诸国命运/加入三国同盟条约分支
这一分支允许 保加利亚的国旗 保加利亚创建大保加利亚联邦阵营或加入轴心国。保加利亚将可能建立 保加利亚第三帝国的国旗 保加利亚第三帝国.


Bulgaria starts with 3 research slots.

Army technology Naval technology Air technology Electronics & Industry
  • Infantry Eq. I
  • Engineer Company I
  • Motorized I
  • None
  • None
  • None
  • None
  • None
  • None


In 1936, Bulgaria is a non-aligned nation with no elections.

Bulgaria has the following political parties:

Political party Ideology Popularity Party leader Country name Is ruling?
United People's Progressive Party 民主主义 Democratic 5% Nikola Petkov Republic of Bulgaria No
Bulgarian Communist Party 共产主义 Communist 0% Georgi Dimitrov People's Republic of Bulgaria No
The Union of Bulgarian National Legions 法西斯主义 Fascist 35% Hristo Lukov Legionnaires Bulgaria No
Tsar Boris Loyalists 中立主义 Non-Aligned 60% Boris III Bulgaria Yes


Bulgaria starts with three national spirits with the 博湾纷争博湾纷争 expansion enabled. Otherwise it starts with none.

Second National Catastrophe icon
Second National Catastrophe
  • 稳定度稳定度: -10.00%
  • Weekly 稳定度稳定度: -0.30%
  • 战争支持度战争支持度: -10.00%
  • Will be removed if Greater Bulgaria is restored:
  • Has full control of Sofia, Plovdiv, Moesia, Burgas, Southern Serbia, Macedonia, Central Macedonia, Thrace, Dobrudja.
Following our defeat in the Great War, the Treaty of Neuilly-sur-Seine forced us to cede vast territories that now belong to Yugoslavia, Greece, and Romania, and until recently the League of Nations required us to prioritize the payments of large sums of war reparations, crippling our economy and inevitably increasing the debt of our country. The national spirit has never really recovered from this blow, so it is no wonder why this treaty is popularly known in Bulgaria as the Second National Catastrophe...
Army Restrictions icon
Army Restrictions
  • Factory Output: -25.00%
  • Factory Output: -25.00%
  • Cannot increase conscription law
    or declare wars.
  • Cannot train units, disband units,
    or edit unit templates.
  • Cannot produce Armor, Aircraft or
Another consequence of the Treaty of Neuilly-sur-Seine are the severe restrictions imposed on our army, not only do they prohibit compulsory military service, limit the amount of troops and officers in our forces and prevent us from maintaining any advanced equipment, they also prohibit any military maneuvers or campaign planning and even stipulate the number of rifles we can use.
IMRO icon
The constant fratricidal crimes committed by the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization have seriously damaged our international relations and led in 1934 to the military crackdown of the IMRO stronghold in Petrich, dealing a critical blow to the organization and forcing most of their leaders to flee abroad. However, some revolutionary cells are still active in Bulgaria, and most of our diplomatic relations remain in a poor state.


In 1936, Bulgaria has no diplomatic relations however, several focus trees of neighboring nations have focuses relating to Bulgaria. 捷克斯洛伐克的国旗 捷克斯洛伐克, if forming an entente of their own, can get a war goal. 罗马尼亚王国的国旗 罗马尼亚王国 may puppet or annex depending on Bulgaria's choice. 南斯拉夫的国旗 南斯拉夫 may annex Bulgaria if they take the Western focus while if they chose the communist path, they may ask for an alliance. 意大利的国旗 意大利 may ally and influence Bulgaria to fascism while 德意志国的国旗 德意志国 may give Bulgaria Romanian, Greek or Yugoslav land.


Political advisors
Advisor Type Effect Cost
Konstantin Muraviev Compassionate Gentleman
  • Improve Relations Opinion: +15.00%
150 pp
Dobri Bozhilov Captain of Industry 150 pp
Georgi Ivanov Kyoseivanov Backroom Backstabber
  • Political Power Gain: +5.0
  • Ideology drift defense: +15.0%
150 pp
Vasil Petrov Kolarov Communist Revolutionary
  • Communism Support: +0.1%
150 pp
Nikola Dimitrov Petkov Democratic Reformer
  • Daily Democracy Support: +0.1
150 pp
Aleksandur Tsankov Fascist Demagogue
  • Daily Fascism Support: +0.1%
150 pp
Tank designers
Designer Type Effect Cost
Armor Company Tank Designer
  • Armor Research Time: -10.0%
  • Armor: Reliability: +5.0%
  • Armor: Soft Attack: +5.0%
150 pp
Ship designers
Designer Type Effect Cost
Naval Company Ship Designer
  • Naval Research Time: -10.0%
150 pp
Aircraft designers
Designer Type Effect Cost
DAR Light aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Time: -10.0%
  • Fighter: Agility: +10.0%
  • Fighter: Max Speed: +10.0%
  • Carrier Fighter: Agility: +10.0%
  • Carrier Fighter: Max Speed: +10.0%
150 pp
Medium Air Company Medium aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Time: -10.0%
  • Heavy Fighter: Reliability: +20.0%
  • Tactical Bomber: Reliability: +20.0%
150 pp
Heavy Air Company Heavy aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Time: -10.0%
  • Strategic Bomber: Strategic Bombing: +10.0%
150 pp
Naval Air Company Naval aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Time: -10.0%
  • Naval Bomber: Operational Range: +10.0%
  • Naval Bomber: Naval Attack: +10.0%
  • CV Naval Bomber: Operational Range: +10.0%
  • CV Naval Bomber: Naval Attack: +10.0%
150 pp
Materiel designers
Designer Type Effect Cost
Small Arms Company Infantry Equipment designer
  • Weapons and Equipment Research Time: -10.0%
150 pp
Motorization Company Motorized Equipment designer
  • Motorization Research Time: -10.0%
150 pp
Artillery Company Artillery designer
  • Artillery Research Time: -10.0%
150 pp
Industrial concern
Designer Type Effect Cost
Industrial Company' Industrial Concern
  • Industrial Research Time: -10.0%
150 pp
Designer Type Effect Cost
Kiril Stanchev Military Theorist
  • Land Doctrine Research Time: -7.0%
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.05
150 pp
Ivan Gaidimitirv Air Warfare Theorist
  • Air Doctrine Research Time: -7.0%
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.05
150 pp
Georgi Petsov Naval Theorist
  • Naval Doctrine Research Time: -7.0%
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.05
150 pp


Industrially and resourcefully, Bulgaria is weak compared to neighboring countries.


征兵法案 经济法案 贸易法案
Limited conscription.png 有限征兵
  • 2.5% 适役人口
Civilian economy.png 民用经济
  • 35% 生活消费品工厂
  • –30% 军用工厂建造速度
  • –30% 民用工厂建造速度
  • +30% 军转民消耗
  • +30% 民转军消耗
  • -40% 石油转换燃油效率
  • -25% 燃油容量
Export focus.png 重视出口
  • 50% 可出口资源
  • +5% 科研速度
  • +10% 工厂/海军船坞产出
  • +10% 建造速度
  • +20% 泄露给他国的民政情报
  • +10% 泄露给他国的海军情报

Industry and resources

Type No.
Aluminum.png Aluminium 2
Chromium.png Chromium 0
Oil.png Oil 0
Rubber.png Rubber 0
Steel.png Steel 0
Tungsten.png Tungsten 0
Type No.
民用工厂 Civilian factory 10
军用工厂 Military factory 3
海军船坞 Naval dockyard 0
Sofia has 6 civilian factories, Burgas has 2 civilian factories and Plovdiv has 2 civilian factories and 3 military factories.
Bulgaria has only 2 aluminum in its capital state, Sofia.


A short description of the status of the nation's armed forces.

Type No.
Infantry cropped.png Infantry 10
Cavalry cropped.png Cavalry 2
Motorized cropped.png Motorized infantry 0
Light tank cropped.png Light tank 0
Marine cropped.png Marine 0
Mountain cropped.png Mountaineer 0
Paratroop cropped.png Paratrooper 0
Army experience.png Total divisions 12
Type No.
Destroyer.png Destroyer 0
Light Cruiser.png Light cruiser 0
Heavy Cruiser.png Heavy cruiser 0
Battlecruiser.png Battlecruiser 0
Battleship.png Battleship 0
Submarine.png Submarine 0
Carrier.png Carrier 0
Convoy.png Convoy 0
Navy experience.png Total ships 0
Air force
Type No.
CAS.png Close air support 0
Fighter c.png Fighter 48
Heavy fighter.png Heavy fighter 0
Naval bomber.png Naval bomber 0
Tactical bomber.png Tactical bomber 0
Strategic bomber.png Strategic bomber 0
Transport air.png Transport 0
Air experience.png Total planes 48
Bulgaria's Army consists of infantry with 9 units and an engineering company and cavalry with 4 cavalry units and 2 motorized.
Infantry equipment list
Name Type Techyear
Mannlicher M95 Basic Eq. 1918
Karabiner 98k Weapons I 1936
ZK-383 Weapons II 1939
Schmeisser MP41 Weapons III 1942
Bulgaria has no navy.
Air force
Bulgaria has 48 interwar fighters.


You will want to invade Greece as they are your weakest neighbour so turn Facist or Communist and justify upon them (facism is advised as the Axis are bordering you and are potentially more useful allies and the manpower gained from militarism is a good buff). Do not puppet Greece as Italy can get a war goal on them and it would take a large naval buildup to challenge the Italian Navy not to mentiom that Italy would call in Germany providing they are both Facist and Germany would be very difficult to hold off. If the world tension is low enough or ww2 has started justify on Turkey. You should navally invade as the Bosporus straits are difficult to cross. After this you could invade Yugoslavia although you may want to be quick because they tend to join the Axis or Allies. You could potentially invade Romania but they may join the Axis so go in at your own risk. After this you could join the Allies, Axis or Comintern and potentially change the course of ww2. The choice is yours.


Balkan Problem Solved.png
Balkan Problem Solved
As Communist Bulgaria, form the United Balkan Federation and own all Balkan states as cores.
I Captured the Bosporus and All I Got Was This Lousy Achievement.png
I Captured the Bosporus and All I Got Was This Lousy Achievement
As Greece or Bulgaria, own both sides of the Bosporus. As Turkey, subjugate both Greece & Bulgaria.
Master Puppeteer.png
Master Puppeteer
As Bulgaria, complete the focus The Fate of the Balkans while having 5 or more Balkan puppets.
Now This is Getting Childish.png
Now This is Getting Childish
As Yugoslavia or Bulgaria, be at war while both countries are ruled by a child.
Prussia of the Balkans.png
Prussia of the Balkans
As Bulgaria capitulate Turkey while also controlling the rest of the Balkans, including Greece.