
(文本替换 - 替换“{{flag|”为“{{国旗|”)
第6行: 第6行:
== 历史背景 ==
 随着1930年革命中的巴西旧共和国被推翻,被称为新(Estado Novo)的政治联盟上台。这主要是由于巴西对国外市场和贷款的依赖,加上咖啡价格暴跌,该国陷入了严重的衰退。随着巴西经济的稳定增长,这很快导致了南里奥格兰德州(Rio Grande do Sul)的民粹主义州长热图利奥·瓦加斯(Getúlio Vargas)的崛起,他的崛起在很大程度上依赖于非常多样化的支持者。
 随着1930年革命中的巴西旧共和国被推翻,被称为新 国家体制 (Estado Novo)的政治联盟上台。这主要是由于巴西对国外市场和贷款的依赖,加上咖啡价格暴跌,该国陷入了严重的衰退。随着巴西经济的稳定增长,这很快导致了南里奥格兰德州(Rio Grande do Sul)的民粹主义州长热图利奥·瓦加斯(Getúlio Vargas)的崛起,他的崛起在很大程度上依赖于非常多样化的支持者。

 在瓦加斯掌权后,他很快就面临着任何一个这样的多元化联盟所面临的问题,而“现代化”只是一个模糊的术语,将不同的群体保持在一起。在1930年至1934年间,瓦加斯发起了一系列改革,最能形容为调和他支持者的根本分歧的尝试,这一过程与贝尼托·墨索里尼(Benito Mussolini)的 {{国旗|意大利}}总体上可比。他还以沉重的关税提倡一种自力更生的民族主义,以“使我们的制造商,完美到用进口商品喂养自己变得不爱国的地步!”。
 在瓦加斯掌权后,他很快就面临着任何一个这样的多元化联盟所面临的问题,而“现代化”只是一个模糊的术语,将不同的群体保持在一起。在1930年至1934年间,瓦加斯发起了一系列改革,最能形容为调和他支持者的根本分歧的尝试,这一过程与贝尼托·墨索里尼(Benito Mussolini)的 {{国旗|意大利}}总体上可比。他还以沉重的关税提倡一种自力更生的民族主义,以“使我们的制造商,完美到用进口商品喂养自己变得不爱国的地步!”。
第18行: 第18行:
 在新国家(Estado Novo)执政期间,瓦加斯废除了政党,实行审查制度,建立了一支集权的警察部队,并在监狱中关押大批充斥着政治异见的人士,同时唤起了超越阶级并将人民束缚于国家的民族主义感。现在,特别是对整合主义者的压制,导致他们企图发动政变,以恢复1938年的选举和1934年的宪法。
 在新国家(Estado Novo)执政期间,瓦加斯废除了政党,实行审查制度,建立了一支集权的警察部队,并在监狱中关押大批充斥着政治异见的人士,同时唤起了超越阶级并将人民束缚于国家的民族主义感。现在,特别是对整合主义者的压制,导致他们企图发动政变,以恢复1938年的选举和1934年的宪法。

 巴西在第二次世界大战最初是对轴心国友好,一开始似乎瓦加斯政权已经进入轴心轨道,甚至是在宣布新国家(Estado Novo)成立之前。随着轴心国与巴西之间民用和军用贸易的增长, {{国旗|德意志国}}成为巴西可可和咖啡的第二大出口市场,最大的棉花出口市场,德国银行在巴西建立了三百家分支机构。在巴西,美国官员很快开始担心瓦加斯国际合作的方向。巴西于1937年驱逐了路易斯·卡洛斯·普雷斯斯特(Luís Carlos Prestes)的妻子,即革命的犹太德国人奥尔加·贝纳里奥·普雷斯斯特(Olga Benário Prestes),随后 {{国旗|德意志国}}正式向 {{国旗|日本}}和 {{国旗|意大利}}方面的轴心国发出了邀请。然而,瓦加斯拒绝了邀请,这种关系很快就变得冷淡了。
 巴西在第二次世界大战最初是对轴心国友好,一开始似乎瓦加斯政权已经进入轴心轨道,甚至是在宣布新国家 体制 (Estado Novo)成立之前。随着轴心国与巴西之间民用和军用贸易的增长, {{国旗|德意志国}}成为巴西可可和咖啡的第二大出口市场,最大的棉花出口市场,德国银行在巴西建立了三百家分支机构。在巴西,美国官员很快开始担心瓦加斯国际合作的方向。巴西于1937年驱逐了路易斯·卡洛斯·普雷斯斯特(Luís Carlos Prestes)的妻子,即革命的犹太德国人奥尔加·贝纳里奥·普雷斯斯特(Olga Benário Prestes),随后 {{国旗|德意志国}}正式向 {{国旗|日本}}和 {{国旗|意大利}}方面的轴心国发出了邀请。然而,瓦加斯拒绝了邀请,这种关系很快就变得冷淡了。

1940年代初期, {{国旗|美利坚合众国}}凭借其“睦邻政策”开始接触巴西。务实的瓦加斯最终支持盟军,主要是出于经济原因,盟军比轴心国更有价值,成为贸易伙伴,同时也换来了国家石油公司(Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional)的资助。最终,德国和意大利通过其不受限制的潜艇战击沉了巴西商船,导致巴西于1942年8月正式加入盟军,并正式向 {{国旗|德意志国}}和 {{国旗|意大利}}宣战。巴西最终于1944年下半年派遣了一支远征军,并在战争期间为盟国提供了稳定的橡胶供应。
1940年代初期, {{国旗|美利坚合众国}}凭借其“睦邻政策”开始接触巴西。务实的瓦加斯最终支持盟军,主要是出于经济原因,盟军比轴心国更有价值,成为贸易伙伴,同时也换来了国家石油公司(Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional)的资助。最终,德国和意大利通过其不受限制的潜艇战击沉了巴西商船,导致巴西于1942年8月正式加入盟军,并正式向 {{国旗|德意志国}}和 {{国旗|意大利}}宣战。巴西最终于1944年下半年派遣了一支远征军,并在战争期间为盟国提供了稳定的橡胶供应。
第24行: 第24行:
 同盟国的立场在国内并没有引起人们的注意,与自由主义势力战斗的专制独裁政权在很大程度上增加了巴西的反独裁情绪。为了解决这个问题,瓦加斯领导了一系列改革,承诺“战后新的自由时代”,其中包括对政治犯的大赦,总统选举和反对党的合法化。这种政治自由化导致了新国家(Estado Novo)的垮台,其规模之大足以招致瓦加斯在1945年10月29日宣布辞职,并在1945年总统大选后重返民主。最终,这导致了1946年巴西第四共和国的建立。然而这是一个不稳定的共和国,军方对平民政客施加了巨大压力,巴西第四共和国以1964年巴西政变和巴西军事政府的建立而告终。
 同盟国的立场在国内并没有引起人们的注意,与自由主义势力战斗的专制独裁政权在很大程度上增加了巴西的反独裁情绪。为了解决这个问题,瓦加斯领导了一系列改革,承诺“战后新的自由时代”,其中包括对政治犯的大赦,总统选举和反对党的合法化。这种政治自由化导致了新国家(Estado Novo)的垮台,其规模之大足以招致瓦加斯在1945年10月29日宣布辞职,并在1945年总统大选后重返民主。最终,这导致了1946年巴西第四共和国的建立。然而这是一个不稳定的共和国,军方对平民政客施加了巨大压力,巴西第四共和国以1964年巴西政变和巴西军事政府的建立而告终。

== 国策树 ==
[[File:NF tree Brazil.jpg|alt=|thumb|600px|Brazilian national focus tree.]]
巴西 在1936年开局没有任何民族精神。
{{main| 巴西 国策树}}

{{flag|Brazil}} gets a unique national focus tree as part of the {{icon|toa|1}} expansion. Without the expansion, Brazil utilizes the [[generic national focus tree]].
[[File:NF tree Generic.jpg|thumbnail|600px|Generic national focus tree.]]
{{#lst:Brazilian national focus tree|branches desc}}
{{main| 通用国策树}}

{{ 国旗| 巴西}} 使用[[通用国策树]],因为它是一个非主要国家。
== 民族精神 ==
{{#lst:Generic national focus tree|branches desc}}
{{SVersion|1.14}} <!--1.14.1-->
<section begin=national_spirit/>
When the DLC {{icon|TOA|1}} is enabled, {{flag|Brazil}} starts with the following national spirits:
{{box wrapper|

== 外交==
{{Effectbox|Legacy of the Naval Arms Race|file=MTG naval treaty adherent|While there are no formal treaties preventing the expansion of the Brazilian, Chilean or Argentinean navies, there has been an informal arrangement since the Great War that has prevented it. If any of the nations in the regions were to begin arming their fleets with new capital ships, a new arms race would be inevitable
*{{icon|Dockyard Output|1}}: {{green|-15.00%}}
*Carrier Max Cost: '''9500'''
*Cruiser Max Cost: '''5300'''
*Heavy Ship Max Cost: '''10000'''
*{{icon|nic|Dockyard}} construction speed: {{red|-40.00%}}
{{Effectbox|Separatist Sentiments|file=Chi war of resistance3|There are many across the nation who have grievances with the central government of Brazil or who resent having to support the less affluent states of the nation. In the past these sentiments have lead to short lived separatist movements breaking their states away from the nation. If we fail to stabalize the political situation soon, such movements may cause the fragmentation of Brazil.
*{{icon|stability|1}}: {{red|-10.00%}}
*{{icon|War Support|1}}: {{red|-10.00%}}
{{Effectbox|Monroe Doctrine|file=Idea generic usa conflict|The United States has long promised to protect the western hemisphere from outside interference by colonial powers, meaning any incursion into our territory would likely mean the USA would come to our aid. However, if our politics no longer align with that of the United States, we may find ourselves unprotected.
{{Effectbox|Undiversified Economy|file=The Great Depression|Over reliance on coffee exports left the Brazilian economy crippled when the great depression hit and the nations of the world stopped purchasing the addictive stimulant. Any government will have to diversify the economy into new areas if the nation is to thrive.
*{{icon|Production Efficiency Cap|1}}: {{red|-20.00%}}
*{{icon|Production Efficiency Growth|1}}: {{red|-20.00%}}
*{{icon|Factory Output|1}}: {{red|-20.00%}}
{{Effectbox|Weak Government|file=FRA scw intervention republicans focus|Revolutions and attempted coups over the years have weakened the authority of the Brazilian government. The situation is made worse by the 1934 constitution, an agreement forged from compromise and garners few supporters. Whatever the future of Brazil may be, it is certain that the current political arrangement is untenable.
*{{icon|Political Power|1}} Gain: {{red|-20%}}
*{{icon|Stability|1}}: {{red|-15.00%}}
*Daily {{icon|Command Power|1}} Gain Multiplier: {{red|-40%}}
*Daily Support for {{icon|Unaligned|1}}: {{green|+0.02}}
{{Effectbox|State of Emergency|file=Trotskyite Plot?|A state of emergency was declared in November 1935 when the communists launched a coup that threatened to spiral into full scale civil war. Although the coup was thwarted, the President is yet to end the state of emergency. Many across the political spectrum now worry that the regime will continue to use the emergency powers to quell any further dissent.
*{{icon|Stability|1}}: {{red|-5.00%}}
*Daily {{icon|Communism|1}} Support: {{green|+0.05}}

Brazil is not in any alliances or factions at either start. Like all countries in the Americas, it is guaranteed by the {{国旗|United States}}.
<section end=national_spirit/>

== 科技 ==

第53行: 第99行:
; Infantry
* Basic Infantry Equipment
*Basic Infantry Equipment
* Early Truck
; Support Battalions
;Support Battalions
* Engineer Company I
; Armor
*Engineer Company I
* Great War Tank
; Artillery
* Artillery I
* Anti-Air I
*Great War Tank
*Artillery I
*Anti-Air I
; Navy
*Early Destroyer Hull
*Early Destroyer Hull
*Early Cruiser Hull
*Early Cruiser Hull
第83行: 第122行:
*Minelaying Submarine
*Minelaying Submarine
; Air
*Interwar Fighter
*Interwar Fighter
; Engineering
* -
;Land doctrine
; Land doctrine
* -
;Naval doctrine
; Naval doctrine
* -
;Air doctrine
; Air doctrine
* -
; Industrial
* -

第118行: 第151行:
; Infantry
* Improved Infantry Equipment I
*Improved Infantry Equipment I
* Support Weapons I
*Support Weapons I
; Support Battalions
* Engineer Company I
;Support Battalions
; Armor
* Great War Tank
*Engineer Company I
; Artillery
* Interwar Artillery
* Anti-Air 
*Great War Tank
*Interwar Artillery
; Navy
*1936 Destroyer Hull
*1936 Destroyer Hull
*Early Cruiser Hull
*Early Cruiser Hull
第149行: 第174行:
*Minelaying Submarine
*Minelaying Submarine
; Air
*Interwar Fighter
*Interwar Fighter
; Engineering
* Radio Detection
*Radio Detection
* Computing Machine
*Computing Machine
;Land doctrine - Grand Battle Plan
; Land doctrine - Grand Battle Plan
* Grand Battle Plan
*Grand Battle Plan
; Naval doctrine - Fleet in Being
* Battlefleet Concentration
* Convoy Sailing
; Air doctrine - Strategic Destruction
* Air Superiority
;Naval doctrine - Fleet in Being
; Industrial
* Advanced Machine Tools
* Dispersed Industry II
* Construction II
* Improved Oil Processing

*Battlefleet Concentration
== Geography ==
*Convoy Sailing
{{flag|Brazil}} controls 31 states.
;Air doctrine - Strategic Destruction

*Air Superiority
=== Terrain ===
{| class = "wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ style = "width: 10em; text-align: left;" | Table
! [[State]]
! [[Province]]s
! class="unsortable" | [[Terrain]] (# prov)
! Region
| Acre
| style="text-align:center" | 3
| {{iconify|Jungle}} (3)
| data-sort-value=4 | [[Construction#Slot count|Pastoral]]
| Amapá
| style="text-align:center" | 2
| {{iconify|Jungle}} (2)
| data-sort-value=4 | [[Construction#Slot count|Pastoral]]
| Amazon
| style="text-align:center" | 1
| {{iconify|Jungle}} (1)
| data-sort-value=0 | [[Construction#Slot count|Wasteland]]
| Amazon
| style="text-align:center" | 2
| {{iconify|Jungle}} (2)
| data-sort-value=0 | [[Construction#Slot count|Wasteland]]
| Amazon
| style="text-align:center" | 4
| {{iconify|Jungle}} (4)
| data-sort-value=0 | [[Construction#Slot count|Wasteland]]
| Amazon
| style="text-align:center" | 2
| {{iconify|Jungle}} (2)
| data-sort-value=0 | [[Construction#Slot count|Wasteland]]
| Amazon
| style="text-align:center" | 1
| {{iconify|Jungle}} (1)
| data-sort-value=0 | [[Construction#Slot count|Wasteland]]
| Amazon
| style="text-align:center" | 1
| {{iconify|Jungle}} (1)
| data-sort-value=0 | [[Construction#Slot count|Wasteland]]
| Amazon
| style="text-align:center" | 3
| {{iconify|Jungle}} (3)
| data-sort-value=0 | [[Construction#Slot count|Wasteland]]
| Amazon
| style="text-align:center" | 1
| {{iconify|Jungle}} (1)
| data-sort-value=0 | [[Construction#Slot count|Wasteland]]
| Amazonas
| style="text-align:center" | 44
| {{iconify|Jungle}} (44)
| data-sort-value=4 | [[Construction#Slot count|Pastoral]]
| Bahia
| style="text-align:center" | 16
| {{iconify|Forest}} (5)<br>{{iconify|Hills}} (3)<br>{{iconify|Mountain}} (2)<br>{{iconify|Plains}} (6)
| data-sort-value=7 | [[Construction#Slot count|Sparse Urban]]
| Ceará
| style="text-align:center" | 4
| {{iconify|Hills}} (1)<br>{{iconify|Plains}} (3)
| data-sort-value=6 | [[Construction#Slot count|Developed Rural]]
| Espírito Santo
| style="text-align:center" | 3
| {{iconify|Forest}} (2)<br>{{iconify|Mountain}} (1)
| data-sort-value=6 | [[Construction#Slot count|Developed Rural]]
| Goiás
| style="text-align:center" | 6
| {{iconify|Forest}} (4)<br>{{iconify|Plains}} (2)
| data-sort-value=5 | [[Construction#Slot count|Rural]]
| Guaporé
| style="text-align:center" | 3
| {{iconify|Jungle}} (3)
| data-sort-value=4 | [[Construction#Slot count|Pastoral]]
| Maranhão
| style="text-align:center" | 5
| {{iconify|Forest}} (3)<br>{{iconify|Jungle}} (2)
| data-sort-value=4 | [[Construction#Slot count|Pastoral]]
| Mato Grosso
| style="text-align:center" | 8
| {{iconify|Forest}} (1)<br>{{iconify|Jungle}} (4)<br>{{iconify|Marsh}} (1)<br>{{iconify|Plains}} (2)
| data-sort-value=4 | [[Construction#Slot count|Pastoral]]
| Minas Gerais
| style="text-align:center" | 23
| {{iconify|Forest}} (7)<br>{{iconify|Hills}} (5)<br>{{iconify|Mountain}} (4)<br>{{iconify|Plains}} (7)
| data-sort-value=5 | [[Construction#Slot count|Rural]]
| Paraná
| style="text-align:center" | 7
| {{iconify|Forest}} (2)<br>{{iconify|Hills}} (3)<br>{{iconify|Mountain}} (2)
| data-sort-value=5 | [[Construction#Slot count|Rural]]
| Pará
| style="text-align:center" | 8
| {{iconify|Jungle}} (8)
| data-sort-value=4 | [[Construction#Slot count|Pastoral]]
| Pernambuco
| style="text-align:center" | 14
| {{iconify|Forest}} (2)<br>{{iconify|Hills}} (9)<br>{{iconify|Plains}} (3)
| data-sort-value=6 | [[Construction#Slot count|Developed Rural]]
| Piauí
| style="text-align:center" | 5
| {{iconify|Forest}} (1)<br>{{iconify|Hills}} (1)<br>{{iconify|Jungle}} (1)<br>{{iconify|Plains}} (2)
| data-sort-value=5 | [[Construction#Slot count|Rural]]
| Punta Porá
| style="text-align:center" | 3
| {{iconify|Forest}} (1)<br>{{iconify|Plains}} (2)
| data-sort-value=5 | [[Construction#Slot count|Rural]]
| Rio Branco
| style="text-align:center" | 3
| {{iconify|Jungle}} (3)
| data-sort-value=4 | [[Construction#Slot count|Pastoral]]
| Rio de Janeiro
| style="text-align:center" | 4
| {{iconify|Forest}} (3)<br>{{iconify|Urban}} (1)
| data-sort-value=9 | [[Construction#Slot count|Dense Urban]]
| Rio Grande do Norte
| style="text-align:center" | 3
| {{iconify|Plains}} (3)
| data-sort-value=6 | [[Construction#Slot count|Developed Rural]]
| Rio Grande do Sul
| style="text-align:center" | 13
| {{iconify|Forest}} (3)<br>{{iconify|Hills}} (2)<br>{{iconify|Mountain}} (1)<br>{{iconify|Plains}} (7)
| data-sort-value=6 | [[Construction#Slot count|Developed Rural]]
| Santa Catarina
| style="text-align:center" | 4
| {{iconify|Forest}} (1)<br>{{iconify|Hills}} (2)<br>{{iconify|Mountain}} (1)
| data-sort-value=5 | [[Construction#Slot count|Rural]]
| São Paulo
| style="text-align:center" | 14
| {{iconify|Forest}} (9)<br>{{iconify|Hills}} (1)<br>{{iconify|Mountain}} (3)<br>{{iconify|Urban}} (1)
| data-sort-value=8 | [[Construction#Slot count|Urban]]
| Tocantins
| style="text-align:center" | 4
| {{iconify|Forest}} (3)<br>{{iconify|Jungle}} (1)
| data-sort-value=5 | [[Construction#Slot count|Rural]]

*Advanced Machine Tools
=== Victory points ===
*Dispersed Industry II
{| class = "wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
*Construction II
|+ style = "width: 10em; text-align: left;" | Table
*Improved Oil Processing
! [[State]]
! City
! [[File:Victory point texticon.png]]
| Acre
| Rio Branco
| style="text-align:center" | 2
| Amapá
| Macapá
| style="text-align:center" | 2
| Amazonas
| Manaus
| style="text-align:center" | 1
| Bahia
| Salvador
| style="text-align:center" | 1
| Ceará
| Fortaleza
| style="text-align:center" | 2
| Espírito Santo
| Vitória
| style="text-align:center" | 5
| Goiás
| Goiânia
| style="text-align:center" | 3
| Guaporé
| Porto Velho
| style="text-align:center" | 2
| Maranhão
| São Luís
| style="text-align:center" | 2
| Mato Grosso
| Cuiabá
| style="text-align:center" | 2
| Minas Gerais
| Belo Horizonte
| style="text-align:center" | 3
| Paraná
| Curitiba
| style="text-align:center" | 2
| Pará
| Belém
| style="text-align:center" | 3
| Pernambuco
| Recife
| style="text-align:center" | 5
| Piauí
| Teresina
| style="text-align:center" | 1
| Punta Porá
| Campo Grande
| style="text-align:center" | 2
| Rio Branco
| Boa Vista
| style="text-align:center" | 1
| Rio de Janeiro
| Rio de Janeiro
| style="text-align:center" | 10
| Rio Grande do Norte
| Natal
| style="text-align:center" | 3
| Rio Grande do Sul
| Porto Alegre
| style="text-align:center" | 3
| Santa Catarina
| Florianópolis
| style="text-align:center" | 2
| Santa Catarina
| Joinville
| style="text-align:center" | 1
| São Paulo
| Santos
| style="text-align:center" | 1
| São Paulo
| São Paulo
| style="text-align:center" | 20
| Tocantins
| Palmas
| style="text-align:center" | 1

== 政治==
===Political Parties===
=== 政党===
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
!政党!!意识形态!!支持度!!政党领袖!!国名!!Is Ruling? 
!政党!!意识形态!!支持度!!政党领袖!!国名!!Is Ruling? 
第416行: 第711行:


== Economy ==
{{SVersion|1.12}} <!--1.12.14-->
{| class="wikitable"
=== Laws ===
|+Factories 1936
{{Law}} <!--1.12.14-->
|- style="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;"
''<small>*For 1936 and 1939 Laws are the same.</small>''
| style="width: 33%" |{{icon|Military factory}}<br>{{nowrap|3 Military Factories}}
| style="width: 34%" |{{icon|Naval dockyard}}<br>{{nowrap|2 Naval Dockyards}}
=== Industry ===
| style="width: 33%" |{{icon|Civilian factory}}<br>{{nowrap|18 Civilian Factories}}
Representing its industrial mobilization through Vargas' early years, Brazil has many factories, but very few dedicated to military purposes.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center"
! style="width: 10%" | [[File:Time.png|24px]]<br>'''Year'''
! style="width: 18%" | {{icon|Military factory}}<br>{{nowrap|'''Military Factories'''}}
! style="width: 18%" | {{icon|Naval dockyard}}<br>{{nowrap|'''Naval Dockyards'''}}
! style="width: 18%" | {{icon|Civilian factory}}<br>{{nowrap|'''Civilian Factories'''}}
! style="width: 18%" | {{icon|Fuel Silo}}<br>{{nowrap|'''Fuel Silos'''}}
! style="width: 18%" | {{icon|Building Slot}}<br>{{nowrap|'''Building Slots'''}}
| 1936
| 3
| 2
| 18 ({{red|-7}})
| 0
| 20
| 1939
| 4
| 5
| 19 ({{red|-7}})
| 0
| 31
''<small>*Numbers in {{red|red}} indicate the number of civilian factories required to produce consumer goods, based on economy laws and the total number of military and civilian factories, rounded up.</small>''

{| class="wikitable"
These factories give Brazil a head start compared to a lot of other nations in the area when building up their industry further, with the closest South American nation in industrial capacity being Argentina. If one however wishes to become a major world player, expansion of one's industry must be a priority from the very beginning, as the Brazilian industrial base is by no means comparable to that of the majors.
|+Factories 1939
|- style="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;"
| style="width: 33%" |{{icon|Military factory}}<br>{{nowrap|4 Military Factories}}
| style="width: 34%" |{{icon|Naval dockyard}}<br>{{nowrap|5 Naval Dockyards}}
| style="width: 33%" |{{icon|Civilian factory}}<br>{{nowrap|19 Civilian Factories}}
These factories give Brazil a head start compared to a lot of other nations in the area when building up their industry further, with the closest South American nation in industrial capacity being Argentina, with 12 civilian and 3 military factories. If one however wishes to become a major world player, expansion of one's industry must be a priority from the very beginning, as the Brazilian industrial base is by no means comparable to that of the majors.

=== 资源===
=== Resources ===
Brazil starts with very few resources, many of which are sent to the markets, and will need to import most resources if it wishes to become a greater power. However, most resources can be found in countries nearby if one wishes to go down a more aggressive path, with Venezuela containing an abundance of oil, Argentina and Bolivia a large supply of tungsten, and Chile controlling about half of South America's steel. Additionally, the European colonies just north of Brazil have a large abundance of Aluminium, with especially the British and French being valuable. If one wishes to go on without conquering, Brazil contains the following resources within its own borders:
Brazil starts with very few resources, many of which are sent to the markets, and will need to import most resources if it wishes to become a greater power. However, most resources can be found in countries nearby if one wishes to go down a more aggressive path, with Venezuela containing an abundance of oil, Argentina and Bolivia a large supply of tungsten, and Chile controlling about half of South America's steel. Additionally, the European colonies just north of Brazil have a large abundance of Aluminium, with especially the British and Dutch being valuable. If one wishes to go on without conquering, Brazil contains the following resources within its own borders:
{| class="wikitable"<!-- If copying this table and removing/adding new columns, make sure the percentages are recalculated (100%/# of columns) or it will look wonky. Originals on user:xiziz -->
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center"
|+Total resources 1936
|- style="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;"
| style="width: 16%" |[[File:Oil.png]]<br>Oil
! style="width: 9%" | [[File:Time.png|24px]]<br>'''Year'''
| style="width: 17%" |[[File:Rubber.png]]<br>Rubber
! style="width: 13%" | {{icon|oil}}<br>'''Oil'''
| style="width: 17%" |[[File:Steel.png]]<br>Steel
! style="width: 13%" | {{icon|aluminum}}<br>'''Aluminum'''
| style="width: 17%" |[[File:Aluminum.png]]<br>Aluminum
! style="width: 13%" | {{icon|rubber}}<br>'''Rubber'''
| style="width: 17%" |[[File:Tungsten.png]]<br>Tungsten
! style="width: 13%" | {{icon|tungsten}}<br>'''Tungsten'''
| style="width: 16%" |[[File:Chromium.png]]<br>Chromium
! style="width: 13%" | {{icon|steel}}<br>'''Steel'''
|- style="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;"
! style="width: 13%" | {{icon|chromium}}<br>'''Chromium'''
| style="width: 16%" |0
| style="width: 17%" |30
| 1936
| style="width: 17%" |4
| 0
| style="width: 17%" |4
| {{Hover|Base 4|4}} ({{red|-2}})
| style="width: 17%" |0
| {{Hover|Base 23|32}} ({{red|-16}})
| style="width: 16%" |0
| 0
| {{Hover|Base 3|4}} ({{red|-2}})
| 0
| 1939
| 0
| {{Hover|Base 4|4}} ({{red|-2}})
| {{Hover|Base 23|32}} ({{red|-16}})
| 0
| {{Hover|Base 3|4}} ({{red|-2}})
| 0
Representing its industrial mobilization through Vargas' early years, Brazil has many factories, but very few dedicated to military purposes.
''<small>*These numbers represent the available resources for production at start of the game. Numbers in {{red|red}} indicate how many resources are reserved for export due to trade laws.</small>''

== 军事==
== Military ==
The size of the Brazilian Army is rather small at the beginning, with only 7 divisions available at game start, two of them being cavalry. While this in itself could be enough to defeat some of the smaller nations in immediate proximity, it is advisable that Brazil build up their forces before attempting full scale war. Especially {{ 国旗|Uruguay}}, {{ 国旗|Paraguay}} and {{ 国旗|Bolivia}} provide easy targets in the early game. The navy is rather small, but big enough to challenge most of the other South American nations. It will however need a build up if it is to stand a chance against the major navies. Brazilian air capacity is rather limited, but once again perfectly on par with the other South American nations, thus giving it a regional edge during air warfare.
The size of the Brazilian Army is rather small at the beginning, with only 7 divisions available at game start, two of them being cavalry. While this in itself could be enough to defeat some of the smaller nations in immediate proximity, it is advisable that Brazil build up their forces before attempting full scale war. Especially {{flag|Uruguay}}, {{flag|Paraguay}} and {{flag|Bolivia}} provide easy targets in the early game. The navy is rather small, but big enough to challenge most of the other South American nations. It will however need a build up if it is to stand a chance against the major navies. Brazilian air capacity is rather limited, but once again perfectly on par with the other South American nations, thus giving it a regional edge during air warfare.

With a reserve pool of 547,530, Brazil starts in a favorable position to both expand its military, and wage small scale wars in the proximity, without having to worry too much about little manpower.
With a reserve pool of 547,530, Brazil starts in a favorable position to both expand its military, and wage small scale wars in the proximity, without having to worry too much about little manpower.

=== 陆军===
=== Army ===
''1936 scenario:''
''1936 scenario:''
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
|[[file:Infantry.png]]5 步兵师||[[file:Cavalry.png]]2 骑兵师
| [[file:Infantry.png]]5 Infantry Divisions || [[file:Cavalry.png]]2 Cavalry Divisions
''' 总计:''' 7 个师 | [[File:Manpower.png]] ''' 使用的人力:''' 57.50K
'''Total:''' 7 Divisions | [[File:Manpower.png]] '''Manpower Used:''' 57.50K

Two generals are available at game start:
Two generals are available at game start:

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Type
! Name
!{{Hover|Skill Level|Lv.}}
! {{Hover|Skill Level|Lv.}}
! {{Hover|Attack|Atk.}}
! {{Hover|Defence|Def.}}
! {{Hover|Planning|Pln.}}
! {{Hover|Logistics|Log.}}
! Traits 
|General||Mascarenhas de Morais||<center>4</center>||2||4||3||4||Jungle Rat
| General || Mascarenhas de Morais || <center>4</center> || 2 || 4 || 3 || 4 || Jungle Rat
|General||Eurico Gaspar Dutra||<center>3</center>||2||3||2||3||Ranger
| General || Eurico Gaspar Dutra || <center>3</center> || 2 || 3 || 2 || 3 || Ranger

第500行: 第817行:
It fought in Italy from September 1944 to May 1945, while the Brazilian Navy as well as the Air Force also acted in the Battle of the Atlantic from the middle of 1942 until the end of the war. During almost eight months of its campaign, fighting at Gothic Line and in the 1945 final offensive, the BEF managed to take 20,573 Axis prisoners, consisting of two generals, 892 officers, and 19,679 other ranks. Brazil was the only independent South American country to send ground troops to fight overseas, losing 948 men killed in action across all three services during the Second World War.
It fought in Italy from September 1944 to May 1945, while the Brazilian Navy as well as the Air Force also acted in the Battle of the Atlantic from the middle of 1942 until the end of the war. During almost eight months of its campaign, fighting at Gothic Line and in the 1945 final offensive, the BEF managed to take 20,573 Axis prisoners, consisting of two generals, 892 officers, and 19,679 other ranks. Brazil was the only independent South American country to send ground troops to fight overseas, losing 948 men killed in action across all three services during the Second World War.

=== 海军===
=== Navy ===
{|<!-- If copying this table and removing/adding new columns, make sure the percentages are recalculated (100%/# of columns) or it will look wonky. Originals on user:xiziz -->
{| class="wikitable" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;"
{| class="wikitable" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;"
|+1936 年时巴西海军主力舰
|+ Capital ships 1936
|- style="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;"
|- style="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;"
| style="width: 50%;" |[[File:Battleship.png]]<br>{{nowrap|2 战列舰}}
| style="width: 50%;" | [[File:Battleship.png]]<br>{{nowrap|2 Battleships}} 
{| class="wikitable" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;"
{| class="wikitable" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;"
|+1936 年时巴西海军护卫舰和潜艇
|+ Screens and Submarines 1936
|- style="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;"
|- style="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;"
| style="width: 33%;" |[[File:Light Cruiser.png]]<br>{{nowrap|2 轻巡洋舰}}
| style="width: 33%;" | [[File:Light Cruiser.png]]<br>{{nowrap|2 Light Cruisers}} 
| style="width: 34%;" |[[File:Destroyer.png]]<br>{{nowrap|8 驱逐舰}}
| style="width: 34%;" | [[File:Destroyer.png]]<br>{{nowrap|8 Destroyers}} 
| style="width: 33%;" |[[File:Submarine.png]]<br>{{nowrap|1 潜艇}}
| style="width: 33%;" | [[File:Submarine.png]]<br>{{nowrap|1 Submarine}}

''' 总计:''' 13 艘舰艇 ||[[File:Manpower.png]] ''' 海军使用人力:''' 11.40K
'''Total:''' 13 Ships || [[File:Manpower.png]] '''Manpower Used:''' 11.40K

One Admiral is available at game start:
One Admiral is available at game start:

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Type
! Name
!{{Hover|Skill Level|Lv.}}
! {{Hover|Skill Level|Lv.}}
! {{Hover|Attack|Atk.}}
! {{Hover|Defense|Def.}}
! {{Hover|Maneuver|Man.}}
! {{Hover|Coordination|Cor.}}
! Traits 
|Admiral||Augusto Rademaker||<center>3</center>||1||1||1||1||None
| Admiral || Augusto Rademaker || <center>3</center> || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || None

{|<!-- If copying this table and removing/adding new columns, make sure the percentages are recalculated (100%/# of columns) or it will look wonky. Originals on user:xiziz -->
{| class="wikitable" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;"
{| class="wikitable" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;"
|+1939 年时巴西海军主力舰
|+ Capital ships 1939
|- style="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;"
|- style="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;"
| style="width: 50%;" |[[File:Battleship.png]]<br>{{nowrap|2 战列舰}}
| style="width: 50%;" | [[File:Battleship.png]]<br>{{nowrap|2 Battleships}} 
{| class="wikitable" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;"
{| class="wikitable" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;"
|+1939 年时巴西海军护卫舰和潜艇
|+ Screens and Submarines 1939
|- style="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;"
|- style="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;"
| style="width: 33%;" |[[File:Light Cruiser.png]]<br>{{nowrap|2 轻巡洋舰}}
| style="width: 33%;" | [[File:Light Cruiser.png]]<br>{{nowrap|2 Light Cruisers}} 
| style="width: 34%;" |[[File:Destroyer.png]]<br>{{nowrap|8 驱逐舰}}
| style="width: 34%;" | [[File:Destroyer.png]]<br>{{nowrap|8 Destroyers}} 
| style="width: 33%;" |[[File:Submarine.png]]<br>{{nowrap|4 潜艇}}
| style="width: 33%;" | [[File:Submarine.png]]<br>{{nowrap|4 Submarine}}
''' 总计:''' 16 艘舰艇 ||[[File:Manpower.png]] ''' 海军使用人力:''' 16.00k
'''Total:''' 16 Ships || [[File:Manpower.png]] '''Manpower Used:''' 16.00K

=== 空军===
=== Air force ===
{| class="wikitable"<!-- If copying this table and removing/adding new columns, make sure the percentages are recalculated (100%/# of columns) or it will look wonky. Originals on user:xiziz -->
{| class="wikitable"
|+ 巴西空军于1936年
|+ Aircraft 1936
|- style="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;"
|- style="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;"
| style="width: 20%;" |[[File:Air Skirmish.png|40px]]<br>{{nowrap|24 战斗机}}
| style="width: 20%;" | [[File:Fighter c.png|40px]]<br>{{nowrap|24 Fighters}}
'''Total:''' 24 Planes

'''总计:''' 24 架飞机 ||[[File:Manpower.png]] ''' 海军使用人力:''' 480
[[File:Manpower.png]] '''Manpower used:''' 480

==Strategies and Guides==
== Strategies and guides ==
Brazil finds itself in a unique geographical location and can potentially change the course of the upcoming war should it choose to align itself with the Axis or Comintern.
Brazil finds itself in a unique geographical location and can potentially change the course of the upcoming war should it choose to align itself with the Axis or Comintern.

第576行: 第894行:
Should the player choose fascism, they will gain {{green|7%}} additional manpower and Brazil can ally itself with the Axis and open up a new front in South America, bringing the war closer to the United States and depriving it of the advantage of being protected by the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. 
Should the player choose fascism, they will gain {{green|7%}} additional manpower and Brazil can ally itself with the Axis and open up a new front in South America, bringing the war closer to the United States and depriving it of the advantage of being protected by the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. 

Should the player go for communism, Brazil could join the Comintern and, again, bring the worker's revolution into the Americas and deprive the USA of its geographical advantage. <!-- LR changes how this all works. Commenting out for now.
Should the player go for communism, Brazil could join the Comintern and, again, bring the worker's revolution into the Americas and deprive the USA of its geographical advantage.
Brazil could also be subversive. {{国旗|France}} has a dangerously high communist popularity in its government and a little popularity boosting might just be enough to push them over the edge. If France becomes communist, this can do anything from disrupting the formation of the Allies (France will not join Great Britain if it is communist) to landing a new member into the Comintern (France has a national focus path that works towards joining the Comintern) to potentially resulting in the formation of an additional communist faction (The Little Entente, which France can form if it doesn't join the Allies).
The {{国旗|United States}} and {{国旗|United Kingdom}} are also worth considering for boosting party popularity in, converting the United States to communism makes them less likely to join the Allies and they might even join the Comintern if they are attacked by a foreign power not part of said faction. The United Kingdom is a little less reliable but making them communist lessens the chance of war with them. -->

Early conquests are a race against time, as the United States guarantees the independence of all American countries. The USA however, will not act on its guarantee unless the aggressor is from outside the Americas. <!-- Seems like the focus they had to intervene is gone. --> Guarantees may be lost, allowing intervention: see reference for details. <ref>[[forum:26177641]]</ref> No matter how well entrenched the Brazilians are, holding off a full-power American military is a very hard task to do, the player's best bet is to hold off the US military long enough to drain their manpower reserve completely which is beyond tedious and grinding.
Early conquests are a race against time, as the United States guarantees the independence of all American countries. The USA however, will not act on its guarantee unless the aggressor is from outside the Americas. Guarantees may be lost, allowing intervention: see reference for details. No matter how well entrenched the Brazilians are, holding off a full-power American military is a very hard task to do, the player's best bet is to hold off the US military long enough to drain their manpower reserve completely which is beyond tedious and grinding.
As such, Brazil will have to secure enough resources and land to hold its own against the Americans before the United States gains the ability to act on its guarantees.
As such, Brazil will have to secure enough resources and land to hold its own against the Americans before the United States gains the ability to act on its guarantees.

A communist Brazil can invade and conquer neighboring South American countries to obtain resources with Venezuela containing an abundance of oil, Argentina and Bolivia a large supply of tungsten, and Chile controlling about half of South America's steel. Additionally, the European colonies just north of Brazil have a large abundance of Aluminium, with especially the British and French being valuable.
A communist Brazil can invade and conquer neighboring South American countries to obtain resources with Venezuela containing an abundance of oil, Argentina and Bolivia a large supply of tungsten, and Chile controlling about half of South America's steel. Additionally, the European colonies just north of Brazil have a large abundance of Aluminium, with especially the British and French being valuable.
Successfully conquering all of South America could yield Brazil enough resources and factories to make it a major power on par with the others and there is technically nothing stopping Brazil from continuing its advance into Central and North America, conquering the United States is a worthwhile achievement as the number of factories and resources the player can obtain this way cannot be understated. It is good to you as Brazil, to conquer Liberia, as it's in a good position to launch naval invasions to Europe.
Successfully conquering all of South America could yield Brazil enough resources and factories to make it a major power on par with the others and there is technically nothing stopping Brazil from continuing its advance into Central and North America, conquering the United States is a worthwhile achievement as the number of factories and resources the player can obtain this way cannot be understated. Securing Liberia early in the game will also be useful, since it is a good spot to launch naval invasions into Europe

Should the player successfully defeat every other nation in the Americas and conquer the whole continent, Brazil will likely at this point have become powerful enough to take its fate into its own hands and freely decide what to do next.
Should the player successfully defeat every other nation in the Americas and conquer the whole continent, Brazil will likely at this point have become powerful enough to take its fate into its own hands and freely decide what to do next.
Ambitious to say the least, Brazil could quite possibly betray its allies and launch a world conquest from here, although that may be dependent on what the rest of the world looks like by this point.
Ambitious to say the least, Brazil could quite possibly betray its allies and launch a world conquest from here, although that may be dependent on what the rest of the world looks like by this point. However, beware of Venezuela and Peru and it is advised to coup them to your targeted ideology or become fascist. This is done so there is no risk of them joining a fascist faction
== Achievements ==
{| width=100%
| {{Iconbox|Snakes on a plane|As Brazil, capture Rome with paratroopers.|extension=png}}
{| width=100%
| {{Iconbox|And the snake smoked|As Brazil, in the allies, capitulate Germany while controlling Berlin.|extension=png}}
{| width=100%
| {{Iconbox|Bad Ending - The whole world is now Brazil|Control every state in the world|extension=png}}
{| width=100%
| {{Iconbox|The Merry Band|As communist brazil ruled by Lampião, occupy Nottingham|extension=png}}
{| width=100%
| {{Iconbox|I'm Home!|As Brazil occupy every core of Portugal|extension=png}}
{| width=100%
| {{Iconbox|Cispaltine War 2, Electric Boogaloo|As Either Brazil or Argentina, be in a faction with Uruguay while at war with Brazil/Argentina|extension=png}}
{| width=100%
| {{Iconbox|Proactive Defense|As any communist South or central American country, occupy Washington D.C.|extension=png}}
{| width=100%
| {{Iconbox|Rumble in the Jungle|Own all Amazon states as any South American nation.|extension=png}}
{| width=100%
| {{Iconbox|URSAL|Be Communist and own all of South America|extension=png}}
== References ==

{{Country navbox|Countries}}
{{Country navbox}}
[[Category:Countries with unique National Focus trees]]
<references />
<references />

2024年4月2日 (二) 12:15的版本






巴西的国旗 巴西(Brazil),是位于南美洲的一个大国家,其地形以亚马逊河的丛林和森林为主。尽管它起初相对较弱,但它是南美最大,最强大的国家,它处于扩张并征服较弱邻国,从而统治南美洲的首要位置。两个剧本时间的巴西总人口为4032万。


随着1930年革命中的巴西旧共和国被推翻,被称为新国家体制(Estado Novo)的政治联盟上台。这主要是由于巴西对国外市场和贷款的依赖,加上咖啡价格暴跌,该国陷入了严重的衰退。随着巴西经济的稳定增长,这很快导致了南里奥格兰德州(Rio Grande do Sul)的民粹主义州长热图利奥·瓦加斯(Getúlio Vargas)的崛起,他的崛起在很大程度上依赖于非常多样化的支持者。

在瓦加斯掌权后,他很快就面临着任何一个这样的多元化联盟所面临的问题,而“现代化”只是一个模糊的术语,将不同的群体保持在一起。在1930年至1934年间,瓦加斯发起了一系列改革,最能形容为调和他支持者的根本分歧的尝试,这一过程与贝尼托·墨索里尼(Benito Mussolini)的 意大利的国旗 意大利总体上可比。他还以沉重的关税提倡一种自力更生的民族主义,以“使我们的制造商,完美到用进口商品喂养自己变得不爱国的地步!”。



在新国家(Estado Novo)执政期间,瓦加斯废除了政党,实行审查制度,建立了一支集权的警察部队,并在监狱中关押大批充斥着政治异见的人士,同时唤起了超越阶级并将人民束缚于国家的民族主义感。现在,特别是对整合主义者的压制,导致他们企图发动政变,以恢复1938年的选举和1934年的宪法。

巴西在第二次世界大战最初是对轴心国友好,一开始似乎瓦加斯政权已经进入轴心轨道,甚至是在宣布新国家体制(Estado Novo)成立之前。随着轴心国与巴西之间民用和军用贸易的增长, 德意志国的国旗 德意志国成为巴西可可和咖啡的第二大出口市场,最大的棉花出口市场,德国银行在巴西建立了三百家分支机构。在巴西,美国官员很快开始担心瓦加斯国际合作的方向。巴西于1937年驱逐了路易斯·卡洛斯·普雷斯斯特(Luís Carlos Prestes)的妻子,即革命的犹太德国人奥尔加·贝纳里奥·普雷斯斯特(Olga Benário Prestes),随后 德意志国的国旗 德意志国正式向 日本的国旗 日本意大利的国旗 意大利方面的轴心国发出了邀请。然而,瓦加斯拒绝了邀请,这种关系很快就变得冷淡了。

1940年代初期, 美利坚合众国的国旗 美利坚合众国凭借其“睦邻政策”开始接触巴西。务实的瓦加斯最终支持盟军,主要是出于经济原因,盟军比轴心国更有价值,成为贸易伙伴,同时也换来了国家石油公司(Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional)的资助。最终,德国和意大利通过其不受限制的潜艇战击沉了巴西商船,导致巴西于1942年8月正式加入盟军,并正式向 德意志国的国旗 德意志国意大利的国旗 意大利宣战。巴西最终于1944年下半年派遣了一支远征军,并在战争期间为盟国提供了稳定的橡胶供应。

同盟国的立场在国内并没有引起人们的注意,与自由主义势力战斗的专制独裁政权在很大程度上增加了巴西的反独裁情绪。为了解决这个问题,瓦加斯领导了一系列改革,承诺“战后新的自由时代”,其中包括对政治犯的大赦,总统选举和反对党的合法化。这种政治自由化导致了新国家(Estado Novo)的垮台,其规模之大足以招致瓦加斯在1945年10月29日宣布辞职,并在1945年总统大选后重返民主。最终,这导致了1946年巴西第四共和国的建立。然而这是一个不稳定的共和国,军方对平民政客施加了巨大压力,巴西第四共和国以1964年巴西政变和巴西军事政府的建立而告终。


Brazilian national focus tree.

巴西的国旗 巴西 gets a unique national focus tree as part of the 忠诚试炼忠诚试炼 expansion. Without the expansion, Brazil utilizes the generic national focus tree.


共产主义共产主义 通过内战推翻了现政府。然后,巴西可以决定谁将领导这个国家,要么是与 苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟 结盟的路易斯·卡洛斯·普雷斯泰斯(Luís Carlos Prestes),要么是坎加索土匪的领导人兰皮昂(Lampião),要么是民族解放联盟委员会(The Council of Aliança Nacional Libertadora),以避免个人崇拜。
本分支允许巴西加入共产国际或创建拉丁美洲社会主义合作社(Latin American Socialist Cooperative)。它可能会使 共产主义共产主义 在南美洲其他地区传播。它也可能获得整个南美洲的核心,并建立拉丁美洲社会主义共和国联盟(Union of Latin American Socialist Republics)。
此国策启动 民主主义民主主义中立主义君主主义 路线,并消除 紧急状态 紧急状态
民主主义民主主义 的道路要么中央集权或联邦化,要么与军方妥协或合作。它允许志愿军参加对外战争,并邀请一些 民主主义民主主义 国家的外国军事工业组织。
中立主义君主主义 分支可以支持彼得罗波利斯(Petrópolis)的佩德罗·德·阿尔坎塔拉(Pedro de Alcântara)或瓦索拉斯(Vassouras)的奥尔良-布拉干扎家族(Orléans-Braganza)的佩德罗·恩里克(Pedro Henrique)为巴西国王。巴西将能够与 葡萄牙的国旗 葡萄牙 王位统一,要求其殖民地,并建立巴西帝国或巴西和葡萄牙帝国。
历史分支将热图利奥·瓦加斯(Getúlio Vargas)任命为巴西领导人。这就建立了新国家体制(Estado Novo),它终止民主,以建立巴西的工业和经济。
法西斯主义法西斯主义 子分支的国家现代化(Estado Moderno)会使巴西整合运动(Integralists)掌权,使瓦加斯成为其领导人。巴西可能会罢免瓦加斯,让普拉尼奥·萨尔加多(Plínio Salgado)担任国家领导人。
这一共同的 中立主义中立主义 焦点为巴西开启了外交关系之路。
选择这一部分可以让巴西与 美利坚合众国的国旗 美利坚合众国 和西半球其他国家合作。这将导致其他南美国家决定是否与巴西合并,建立南美洲合众国。它只允许走 民主主义民主主义中立主义中立主义 道路。
选择这一地区可以让巴西通过征服统一南美洲。它还允许与 德意志国的国旗 德意志国意大利的国旗 意大利 提供工业和军事支持。它只允许走 法西斯主义法西斯主义中立主义中立主义 道路。
工业分支允许巴西处理坎加索(Cangaço)问题,移除被忽视的地区的地区修正,并将首都从里约热内卢(Rio de Janiero)迁至巴西利亚(Brasília)。



When the DLC 忠诚试炼忠诚试炼 is enabled, 巴西的国旗 巴西 starts with the following national spirits:

Legacy of the Naval Arms Race icon
Legacy of the Naval Arms Race
  • 海军船坞产出海军船坞产出: -15.00%
  • Carrier Max Cost: 9500
  • Cruiser Max Cost: 5300
  • Heavy Ship Max Cost: 10000
  • 海军船坞Dockyard construction speed: -40.00%
While there are no formal treaties preventing the expansion of the Brazilian, Chilean or Argentinean navies, there has been an informal arrangement since the Great War that has prevented it. If any of the nations in the regions were to begin arming their fleets with new capital ships, a new arms race would be inevitable
Separatist Sentiments icon
Separatist Sentiments
There are many across the nation who have grievances with the central government of Brazil or who resent having to support the less affluent states of the nation. In the past these sentiments have lead to short lived separatist movements breaking their states away from the nation. If we fail to stabalize the political situation soon, such movements may cause the fragmentation of Brazil.
Monroe Doctrine icon
Monroe Doctrine
The United States has long promised to protect the western hemisphere from outside interference by colonial powers, meaning any incursion into our territory would likely mean the USA would come to our aid. However, if our politics no longer align with that of the United States, we may find ourselves unprotected.
Undiversified Economy icon
Undiversified Economy
Over reliance on coffee exports left the Brazilian economy crippled when the great depression hit and the nations of the world stopped purchasing the addictive stimulant. Any government will have to diversify the economy into new areas if the nation is to thrive.
Weak Government icon
Weak Government
Revolutions and attempted coups over the years have weakened the authority of the Brazilian government. The situation is made worse by the 1934 constitution, an agreement forged from compromise and garners few supporters. Whatever the future of Brazil may be, it is certain that the current political arrangement is untenable.
State of Emergency icon
State of Emergency
A state of emergency was declared in November 1935 when the communists launched a coup that threatened to spiral into full scale civil war. Although the coup was thwarted, the President is yet to end the state of emergency. Many across the political spectrum now worry that the regime will continue to use the emergency powers to quell any further dissent.


Brazil starts with two research slots.

Latest Technologies Researched 1936
Army Technology Naval Technology Air Technology Electronics & Industry
  • Basic Infantry Equipment
  • Early Truck
Support Battalions
  • Engineer Company I
  • Great War Tank
  • Artillery I
  • Anti-Air I
  • Early Destroyer Hull
  • Early Cruiser Hull
  • Early Heavy Ship Hull
  • 1936 Submarine Hull
  • Basic Torpedo
  • Naval Gunnery
  • Casemate Secondary Battery
  • Transport Ship
  • Contact Mine
  • Minelaying Submarine
  • Interwar Fighter
  • CAS I
  • -
Land doctrine
  • -
Naval doctrine
  • -
Air doctrine
  • -
  • -
Latest Technologies Researched 1939
Army Technology Naval Technology Air Technology Electronics & Industry
  • Improved Infantry Equipment I
  • Support Weapons I
Support Battalions
  • Engineer Company I
  • Great War Tank
  • Interwar Artillery
  • Anti-Air
  • 1936 Destroyer Hull
  • Early Cruiser Hull
  • Early Heavy Ship Hull
  • 1936 Submarine Hull
  • Basic Torpedo
  • Naval Gunnery
  • Casemate Secondary Battery
  • Transport Ship
  • Contact Mine
  • Minelaying Submarine
  • Interwar Fighter
  • CAS I
  • Radio Detection
  • Computing Machine
Land doctrine - Grand Battle Plan
  • Grand Battle Plan
Naval doctrine - Fleet in Being
  • Battlefleet Concentration
  • Convoy Sailing
Air doctrine - Strategic Destruction
  • Air Superiority
  • Advanced Machine Tools
  • Dispersed Industry II
  • Construction II
  • Improved Oil Processing


巴西的国旗 巴西 controls 31 states.


State Provinces Terrain (# prov) Region
Acre 3 JungleJungle (3) Pastoral
Amapá 2 JungleJungle (2) Pastoral
Amazon 1 JungleJungle (1) Wasteland
Amazon 2 JungleJungle (2) Wasteland
Amazon 4 JungleJungle (4) Wasteland
Amazon 2 JungleJungle (2) Wasteland
Amazon 1 JungleJungle (1) Wasteland
Amazon 1 JungleJungle (1) Wasteland
Amazon 3 JungleJungle (3) Wasteland
Amazon 1 JungleJungle (1) Wasteland
Amazonas 44 JungleJungle (44) Pastoral
Bahia 16 ForestForest (5)
HillsHills (3)
MountainMountain (2)
PlainsPlains (6)
Sparse Urban
Ceará 4 HillsHills (1)
PlainsPlains (3)
Developed Rural
Espírito Santo 3 ForestForest (2)
MountainMountain (1)
Developed Rural
Goiás 6 ForestForest (4)
PlainsPlains (2)
Guaporé 3 JungleJungle (3) Pastoral
Maranhão 5 ForestForest (3)
JungleJungle (2)
Mato Grosso 8 ForestForest (1)
JungleJungle (4)
MarshMarsh (1)
PlainsPlains (2)
Minas Gerais 23 ForestForest (7)
HillsHills (5)
MountainMountain (4)
PlainsPlains (7)
Paraná 7 ForestForest (2)
HillsHills (3)
MountainMountain (2)
Pará 8 JungleJungle (8) Pastoral
Pernambuco 14 ForestForest (2)
HillsHills (9)
PlainsPlains (3)
Developed Rural
Piauí 5 ForestForest (1)
HillsHills (1)
JungleJungle (1)
PlainsPlains (2)
Punta Porá 3 ForestForest (1)
PlainsPlains (2)
Rio Branco 3 JungleJungle (3) Pastoral
Rio de Janeiro 4 ForestForest (3)
UrbanUrban (1)
Dense Urban
Rio Grande do Norte 3 PlainsPlains (3) Developed Rural
Rio Grande do Sul 13 ForestForest (3)
HillsHills (2)
MountainMountain (1)
PlainsPlains (7)
Developed Rural
Santa Catarina 4 ForestForest (1)
HillsHills (2)
MountainMountain (1)
São Paulo 14 ForestForest (9)
HillsHills (1)
MountainMountain (3)
UrbanUrban (1)
Tocantins 4 ForestForest (3)
JungleJungle (1)

Victory points

State City Victory point texticon.png
Acre Rio Branco 2
Amapá Macapá 2
Amazonas Manaus 1
Bahia Salvador 1
Ceará Fortaleza 2
Espírito Santo Vitória 5
Goiás Goiânia 3
Guaporé Porto Velho 2
Maranhão São Luís 2
Mato Grosso Cuiabá 2
Minas Gerais Belo Horizonte 3
Paraná Curitiba 2
Pará Belém 3
Pernambuco Recife 5
Piauí Teresina 1
Punta Porá Campo Grande 2
Rio Branco Boa Vista 1
Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro 10
Rio Grande do Norte Natal 3
Rio Grande do Sul Porto Alegre 3
Santa Catarina Florianópolis 2
Santa Catarina Joinville 1
São Paulo Santos 1
São Paulo São Paulo 20
Tocantins Palmas 1



政党 意识形态 支持度 政党领袖 国名 Is Ruling?
新国家体制 中立主义 中立主义 100% 热图利奥·瓦加斯 巴西 Yes
巴西统合运动党 法西斯主义 法西斯主义 0% 普利尼奥·萨尔加多 统合主义巴西 No
巴西共产党 共产主义 共产主义 0% 路易斯·卡洛斯·普列斯特斯 巴西社会主义共和国 No
巴西民主联盟 民主主义 民主主义 0% 阿曼多·萨莱斯 巴西第二共和国 No



Should the player wish to change the country's ideology, the National Focus tree is a good way to start as it has an option to change ideology. The process can be sped up by the appointment of Political Advisors. Available advisors are:

  • Raul Fernandes: Democratic Reformer - Daily Democracy Support: +0.1
  • Tarcisio Padilha: Fascist Demagogue - Daily Fascism Support: +0.1
  • Henry Berger: Communist Revolutionary - Daily Communist Support: +0.1

All three advisors cost 150 Political Power each to appoint.

With the appointment of each of these advisors, support for the Democratic União Democrática Nacional (UDN), the Fascist Ação Integralista Brasileira or for the Communist Partido Comunista Brasileiro (PCB) will steadily increase. The result of this will be to convert the country to a Democratic, Fascist or Communist country. Once this occurs, the diplomatic rules applied to Democratic, Fascist or Communist countries will also apply to Brazil. Depending on how the player handles this, various events will pop-up asking how to proceed with the ideological drift. Depending on what choices are made during these event choices, the player may end up in a civil war. In that case, the more political support the player builds up, the more of the nation's territory and troops will be under player control.


These are choices of ministers and design companies for Brazil.

Political Advisors
Advisor Type Effect Cost (政治点数)
Washington Luis Pereira Backroom Backstabber
  • Political Power Gain: +5%
  • Ideology drift defense: +15%
Osvaldo Aranha Compassionate Gentleman
  • Improve Relations Opinion: +15.00%
Afranio de Mello Franco Popular Figurehead
  • Stability: +15%
Henry Berger Communist Revolutionary
  • Daily Communist Support: +0.10
Raul Fernandes Democratic Reformer
  • Daily Democracy Support: +0.10
Tarcisio Padilha Fascist Demagogue
  • Daily Fascism Support: +0.10
Tank Designers
Designer Type Effect Cost (政治点数)
Armor Company Tank Designer
  • Armor Research Speed: +15%
  • Armor Reliability: +5%

By selecting this Design Company it will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.

Ship Designers
Designer Type Effect Cost (政治点数)
Naval Company Fleet Designer
  • Naval Research Speed: +15%

By selecting this Design Company it will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.

Aircraft Designers
Designer Type Effect Cost (政治点数)
Light Aircraft Company Light Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Fighter:
    • Agility: +10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
  • Carrier Fighter:
    • Agility: +10%
    • Max Speed: +10%

By selecting this Design Company it will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.

Medium Air Company Medium Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Heavy Fighter: Reliability: +20%
  • Tactical Bomber: Reliability: +20%

By selecting this Design Company it will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.

Heavy Air Company Heavy Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Strategic Bomber: Strategic Bombing: +10%

By selecting this Design Company it will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.

Naval Air Company Naval Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Naval Bomber:
    • Range: +10%
    • Naval Attack: +10%
  • CV Naval Bomber:
    • Range: +10%
    • Naval Attack: +10%

By selecting this Design Company it will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.

Materiel Designers
Designer Type Effect Cost (政治点数)
Artillery Company Artillery Designer
  • Artillery Research Speed: +15%
Small Arms Company Infantry Equipment Designer
  • Weapons and Equipment Research Speed: +15%
Motorization Company Motorization Equipment Designer
  • Motorization Research Speed: +15%
Industrial Concern
Designer Type Effect Cost (政治点数)
Industrial Company Industrial Concern
  • Industrial Research Speed: +15%
Electronics Company Electronics Concern
  • Electronics Research Speed: +15%
Theorist Type Effect Cost (政治点数)
Newton Cavalcanti Military Theorist
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.05 daily
  • Land Doctrine Research Speed: +10%
Eduardo Gomes Air Warfare Expert
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.05 daily
  • Air Doctrine Research Speed: +10%



征兵法案 经济法案 贸易法案
Volunteer only.png 志愿兵役制
  • 1.5% 适役人口
Civilian economy.png 民用经济
  • 35% 生活消费品工厂
  • –30% 军用工厂建造速度
  • –30% 民用工厂建造速度
  • +30% 军转民消耗
  • +30% 民转军消耗
  • -40% 石油转换燃油效率
  • -25% 燃油容量
Export focus.png 重视出口
  • 50% 可出口资源
  • +5% 科研速度
  • +10% 工厂/海军船坞产出
  • +10% 建造速度
  • +20% 泄露给他国的民政情报
  • +10% 泄露给他国的海军情报

*For 1936 and 1939 Laws are the same.


Representing its industrial mobilization through Vargas' early years, Brazil has many factories, but very few dedicated to military purposes.

Military Factories
Naval Dockyards
Civilian Factories
Fuel Silos
Building Slots
1936 3 2 18 (-7) 0 20
1939 4 5 19 (-7) 0 31

*Numbers in red indicate the number of civilian factories required to produce consumer goods, based on economy laws and the total number of military and civilian factories, rounded up.

These factories give Brazil a head start compared to a lot of other nations in the area when building up their industry further, with the closest South American nation in industrial capacity being Argentina. If one however wishes to become a major world player, expansion of one's industry must be a priority from the very beginning, as the Brazilian industrial base is by no means comparable to that of the majors.


Brazil starts with very few resources, many of which are sent to the markets, and will need to import most resources if it wishes to become a greater power. However, most resources can be found in countries nearby if one wishes to go down a more aggressive path, with Venezuela containing an abundance of oil, Argentina and Bolivia a large supply of tungsten, and Chile controlling about half of South America's steel. Additionally, the European colonies just north of Brazil have a large abundance of Aluminium, with especially the British and Dutch being valuable. If one wishes to go on without conquering, Brazil contains the following resources within its own borders:

1936 0 4 (-2) 32 (-16) 0 4 (-2) 0
1939 0 4 (-2) 32 (-16) 0 4 (-2) 0

*These numbers represent the available resources for production at start of the game. Numbers in red indicate how many resources are reserved for export due to trade laws.


The size of the Brazilian Army is rather small at the beginning, with only 7 divisions available at game start, two of them being cavalry. While this in itself could be enough to defeat some of the smaller nations in immediate proximity, it is advisable that Brazil build up their forces before attempting full scale war. Especially 乌拉圭的国旗 乌拉圭, 巴拉圭的国旗 巴拉圭 and 玻利维亚的国旗 玻利维亚 provide easy targets in the early game. The navy is rather small, but big enough to challenge most of the other South American nations. It will however need a build up if it is to stand a chance against the major navies. Brazilian air capacity is rather limited, but once again perfectly on par with the other South American nations, thus giving it a regional edge during air warfare.

With a reserve pool of 547,530, Brazil starts in a favorable position to both expand its military, and wage small scale wars in the proximity, without having to worry too much about little manpower.


1936 scenario:

Infantry.png5 Infantry Divisions Cavalry.png2 Cavalry Divisions

Total: 7 Divisions | Manpower.png Manpower Used: 57.50K

Two generals are available at game start:

Type Name Lv. Atk. Def. Pln. Log. Traits
General Mascarenhas de Morais
2 4 3 4 Jungle Rat
General Eurico Gaspar Dutra
2 3 2 3 Ranger

The Brazilian Expeditionary Force or BEF (Portuguese: Força Expedicionária Brasileira; FEB) consisted of about 25,700 men and women arranged by the army and air force to fight alongside the Allied forces in the Mediterranean Theater of World War II. This air–land force consisted of (replacements included): a complete Infantry Division, a Liaison flight, and a Fighter squadron.[1]

It fought in Italy from September 1944 to May 1945, while the Brazilian Navy as well as the Air Force also acted in the Battle of the Atlantic from the middle of 1942 until the end of the war. During almost eight months of its campaign, fighting at Gothic Line and in the 1945 final offensive, the BEF managed to take 20,573 Axis prisoners, consisting of two generals, 892 officers, and 19,679 other ranks. Brazil was the only independent South American country to send ground troops to fight overseas, losing 948 men killed in action across all three services during the Second World War.


Capital ships 1936
2 Battleships
Screens and Submarines 1936
Light Cruiser.png
2 Light Cruisers
8 Destroyers
1 Submarine

Total: 13 Ships || Manpower.png Manpower Used: 11.40K

One Admiral is available at game start:

Type Name Lv. Atk. Def. Man. Cor. Traits
Admiral Augusto Rademaker
1 1 1 1 None
Capital ships 1939
2 Battleships
Screens and Submarines 1939
Light Cruiser.png
2 Light Cruisers
8 Destroyers
4 Submarine

Total: 16 Ships || Manpower.png Manpower Used: 16.00K

Air force

Aircraft 1936
Fighter c.png
24 Fighters

Total: 24 Planes

Manpower.png Manpower used: 480

Strategies and guides

Strategy 以下内容是众多玩家之一给出的巴西游玩策略。记好咯,每局游戏情状都不尽相同,对其他玩家来说或有小异之处。

Brazil finds itself in a unique geographical location and can potentially change the course of the upcoming war should it choose to align itself with the Axis or Comintern.

At the start of the game, the player should focus on expanding Brazil's industry. Having a large industry is vital for any nation and Brazil is no exception. Military factories should come first as Brazil has far fewer of them compared to its much more robust civilian sector. While industrialization is underway, the Brazilian military should also be expanded. This, however, may not be an easy task as Brazil has very little resources on its territory which hampers military buildup. Brazil happens to possess 30 units of rubber which can make small-scale vehicle production possible while importing oil can allow Brazil to potentially field and maintain a motorized army, something that can easily be a decisive factor against countries lacking motorized equipment.

Once the player builds up enough political power to elect a government adviser, Brazil stands at a crossroads; Defensive or Aggressive focus? Should the player choose to be aggressive, then the next choice will be what ideology to pursue; 法西斯主义 Fascism or 共产主义 Communism? The choice is up to the player but the +7% manpower obtainable from Fascism is a thing worth taking into consideration.

Should the player choose fascism, they will gain 7% additional manpower and Brazil can ally itself with the Axis and open up a new front in South America, bringing the war closer to the United States and depriving it of the advantage of being protected by the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

Should the player go for communism, Brazil could join the Comintern and, again, bring the worker's revolution into the Americas and deprive the USA of its geographical advantage.

Early conquests are a race against time, as the United States guarantees the independence of all American countries. The USA however, will not act on its guarantee unless the aggressor is from outside the Americas. Guarantees may be lost, allowing intervention: see reference for details. No matter how well entrenched the Brazilians are, holding off a full-power American military is a very hard task to do, the player's best bet is to hold off the US military long enough to drain their manpower reserve completely which is beyond tedious and grinding. As such, Brazil will have to secure enough resources and land to hold its own against the Americans before the United States gains the ability to act on its guarantees.

A communist Brazil can invade and conquer neighboring South American countries to obtain resources with Venezuela containing an abundance of oil, Argentina and Bolivia a large supply of tungsten, and Chile controlling about half of South America's steel. Additionally, the European colonies just north of Brazil have a large abundance of Aluminium, with especially the British and French being valuable. Successfully conquering all of South America could yield Brazil enough resources and factories to make it a major power on par with the others and there is technically nothing stopping Brazil from continuing its advance into Central and North America, conquering the United States is a worthwhile achievement as the number of factories and resources the player can obtain this way cannot be understated. Securing Liberia early in the game will also be useful, since it is a good spot to launch naval invasions into Europe

Should the player successfully defeat every other nation in the Americas and conquer the whole continent, Brazil will likely at this point have become powerful enough to take its fate into its own hands and freely decide what to do next. Ambitious to say the least, Brazil could quite possibly betray its allies and launch a world conquest from here, although that may be dependent on what the rest of the world looks like by this point. However, beware of Venezuela and Peru and it is advised to coup them to your targeted ideology or become fascist. This is done so there is no risk of them joining a fascist faction


Snakes on a plane.png
Snakes on a plane
As Brazil, capture Rome with paratroopers.
File:And the snake smoked.png
And the snake smoked
As Brazil, in the allies, capitulate Germany while controlling Berlin.
File:Bad Ending - The whole world is now Brazil.png
Bad Ending - The whole world is now Brazil
Control every state in the world
File:The Merry Band.png
The Merry Band
As communist brazil ruled by Lampião, occupy Nottingham
File:I'm Home!.png
I'm Home!
As Brazil occupy every core of Portugal
File:Cispaltine War 2, Electric Boogaloo.png
Cispaltine War 2, Electric Boogaloo
As Either Brazil or Argentina, be in a faction with Uruguay while at war with Brazil/Argentina
File:Proactive Defense.png
Proactive Defense
As any communist South or central American country, occupy Washington D.C.
File:Rumble in the Jungle.png
Rumble in the Jungle
Own all Amazon states as any South American nation.
Be Communist and own all of South America
