
(文本替换 - 替换“{{flag|”为“{{国旗|”)
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[[分类:Countries with unique National Focus trees]]
[[分类: 有独特国策树的国家]]

2023年3月4日 (六) 23:16的版本


Republican Spain.png




西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国是位于伊比利亚半岛的小国,西邻 葡萄牙的国旗 葡萄牙,东北隔比利牛斯山脉与 法国的国旗 法国接壤,东、南面向地中海, 大西洋环于北部和西北部, 联合王国的国旗 联合王国凭借其在直布罗陀的殖民地嵌入西班牙本土南疆。在直布罗陀海峡对岸,西班牙共和国也通过西属非洲、里奥德奥罗和赤道几内亚等地与法国殖民地接壤。


西班牙位于欧洲西南部,其大部分土地位于伊比利亚半岛上。在20世纪30年代,西班牙还拥有巴利阿里群岛Balearic Islands和一部分处于非洲的领土。部分的非洲地区,即包括现在摩洛哥Marocco 掌控的 里奥德奥罗Rio de Oro 地区,西撒哈拉地区,赤道几内亚Equatorial Guinea 和西北非沿岸的加那利群岛Canary Islands的地区,均在其控制之下。

西班牙境内多山地与丘陵,土地十分不平坦, 其45%的土地被 梅塞塔高原Meseta Plateau (又名中央卡斯蒂利亚高原)所覆盖。高原地势十分,高原有许多丘陵,山脉和高地。西班牙拥有许多重要的山脉,包括南部的 贝蒂科斯山脉Béticas Mountains ,中部的 中央和伊比利亚山脉Central and Iberian Chain ,以及西北和东北的 坎塔布里亚山脉和比利牛斯山脉Cantabrian and Pyrenees Mountain ;还有肥沃的安达卢西亚平原和其他盆地。西班牙也有许多大型的沿海平原和海湾。直布罗陀海峡将欧洲的西班牙与非洲殖民地(特别是摩洛哥)分隔,最近仅相距13公里。最后要说的是,西班牙拥有1500多条河流,但大多数规模较小。其重要的河流是杜罗河,埃布罗河和瓜达尔基维尔河。

西班牙和它的邻居 葡萄牙的国旗 葡萄牙之间有一条很长的边境线,后者占据伊比利亚半岛的剩余部分。其北部与 法国的国旗 法国接壤,高耸的比利牛斯山脉是两国的自然边界,其南部贯穿了他们的非洲殖民地。西班牙本土也和 联合王国的国旗 联合王国所控制的直布罗陀接壤。

西班牙和多个海域相邻,例如地中海(Mediterranean Sea),直布罗陀海峡(Strait of Gibraltar),大西洋(Atlantic Ocean)和比斯开湾(Bay of Biscay)。



西班牙第二共和国是在阿方索十三世国王在市政选举后离开西班牙宣布的。在市政选举中,左翼候选人赢得了多数选票,西班牙民众庆祝第二共和国的成立,社会压力导致政治政权更迭,此时尼塞托·阿尔卡拉-萨莫拉成为总统。但左翼的胜利在1934年就终止了,当时西班牙右翼自治组织联合会的何塞·玛丽亚·吉尔·罗伯斯(José Maria Gil Robles)掌权,并开始清洗左翼军队。1936年,左翼联盟人民阵线的曼努埃尔·阿扎尼亚(Manuel Azaña)以微弱优势当选总统,军队中的右翼军官策划了一场发生在1936年7月的政变。1939年4月1日,共和政府流亡,最后一支共和军向部分由弗朗西斯科·弗朗哥将军领导的民族主义叛军投降,西班牙内战结束。




Republican Spanish National Focus Tree.

西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国抵抗运动抵抗运动扩展包中得到了独特的国策树。若未启用此扩展包,它将使用通用国策树代替。 西班牙共和国国国策树较为复杂,可分为12个区域,一条战前准备线导向3条主线和2个共享分支。主线和分支由内战前和内战后两部分组成,其中战后共产主义分支也亦有两种走向。

该分支在战前帮助西班牙共和建立对 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国的军事优势。相较于 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国的战前准备,这些国策耗时相对较长,所以玩家需尽可能延缓内战爆发直至所有国策完成(最后一个国策的完成将直接导致内战)。
File:阿拉贡地区防御委员会国旗.png 阿拉贡地区防御委员会Regional Defense Council of Aragon线
国策树的 无政府主义无政府主义线。该线可以激活增益性的Anarchist Society 无政府主义社会民族精神和独特的 Collectivized Society集体化社会经济法案和“委员会”政治顾问。这个分支也会在 葡萄牙的国旗 葡萄牙触发事件,或许会导致它被西班牙吞并,爆发使西班牙核心化葡萄牙所有核心领土的安那其起义。
  • 明日火炬手分支
当西班牙内战结束时,File:阿拉贡地区防御委员会国旗.png 阿拉贡地区防御委员会将着力于重振经济,并为即将到来的战争做好充足准备。这个分支会给予减少正当化战争目标时间的修正和在外国发动安那其主义革命的决策,并允许核心化高顺从度地区。


  • 协力重建分支
当西班牙内战结束时,西班牙可以使用Collective Recovery Efforts focus 协力重建 国策以进入战后分支。该分支的另外两个国策可以给予海军增益。
共产主义共产主义国策树的分为两个部分。独立的革命路线允许建立一个反对苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟共产主义共产主义联盟,并建立 没有结果。这使我们能够采取与 没有结果人尽其才分支共同的国策。斯大林主义的道路允许与 苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟结盟(指变成苏联的傀儡),并建立 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国。这将启用 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国西方的红色堡垒分支共享的国策。两条国策线共享一个增益工业小支。如果 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国采取Increase Arms Production focus Increase Arms Production可能会被 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国占据
  • 人尽其才分支
这个内战后的分支将帮助 Communist Spain.png 西班牙公社从西班牙内战中恢复,与除亚洲之外的 共产主义共产主义国家结盟,并获得针对所有欧洲 法西斯主义法西斯主义国家、 墨西哥的国旗 墨西哥苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟的战争目标。
  • 西方的红色堡垒分支
This post civil war sub-branch allows 没有结果 to try to increase its autonomy if it is a puppet of the 苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟, gain war goals on 葡萄牙的国旗 葡萄牙, 法国的国旗 法国 and all other nations who sent volunteers to the 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国 side. This sub-branch is also shared with 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国 if they take the Increase Arms Production focus Communists in the Government focus and may be done before the civil war is over this way.
Communist Spain.pngRepublican Spain.pngStrengthen the Euzko Gudarostea Branch
这条线由 Communist Spain.png 共产主义者Republican Spain.png 共和主义者共享。这条线将寻求 苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟在内战中给予帮助,作为回报,战后西班牙将成为苏联傀儡。这条线也会将激发 File:阿拉贡地区防御委员会国旗.png阿拉贡地区防御委员会成为内战第三方。
  • 苏联重建援助分支
This post civil war sub-branch further increases military development if the Spain is still in a faction with the 苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟.
Republican Spain.png保卫第二共和国线
这个民主主义民主主义分支允许西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国提高自身稳定度稳定度和军事实力,同时也可以法国的国旗 法国求援。西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国同时可以通过进行国策Oppose the Communists focus 反对共产主义者以从苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟的压迫下谋求自身独立并维护自身的民主主义民主主义制度。当然,西班牙也可以通过进行国策Communists in the Government focus 政府中的共产党人以过渡至共产主义共产主义并进行Increase Arms Production focus 增加武器生产西方的红色堡垒分支国策线中的 Communist Spain.png 共产主义分支。
  • 摆脱苏联控制/稳定国家/恢复高等教育分支
This post civil war branch allows 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国 to declare war for independence against the 苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟 with the aid of either the 民主主义民主主义 nations or 德意志国的国旗 德意志国 and 意大利的国旗 意大利. It also increases military capability and allows Spain to join in the war against the 法西斯主义法西斯主义 majors.



陆军科技 海军科技 空军科技 电子与工业科技
  • 步兵装备I
  • 山地步兵I
  • 工程连I
  • 侦察连I
  • 牵引式火炮I
  • 牵引式防空炮I
  • 1936 Destroyer Hull
    • Basic Depth Charges
  • 1936 Cruiser Hull
  • Early Heavy Ship Hull
  • 1936 Submarine Hull
    • Basic Torpedo
  • Basic Medium Battery
  • Casemate Secondary Battery
  • Transport Ship
  • Contact Mine
    • Minelaying Submarine
  • Interwar Fighter
  • Naval Bomber I
  • Interwar Bomber


在936年,西班牙第二共和国被日益棘手的内部分矛盾分裂。 因此,一场内战是不可避免的。而且玩家仅可作为西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国 中的一个进行游戏.。具体来说,倒计时将在1936年2月预定的国会选举之后开始,一旦倒计时归零,内战就会爆发。作为共和国玩家,乐趣无非就是尽可能地推迟内战,尽你所能地调集一切可能对抗其他对手。


若未启用 抵抗运动抵抗运动扩展包,西班牙国没有民族精神

若启用 抵抗运动抵抗运动扩展包,在西班牙内战之前,西班牙国会有以下民族精神。

卡洛斯主义 icon
  • 每周 稳定度稳定度-0.30%
  • 单位攻击:-10.0%
  • 单位防御:-10.0%
  • 中立主义中立派每日新增支持率:+0.05
不忠诚的军队 icon
  • 指挥官花费:+100.0%
  • 无法训练部队、解散部队


政治暴力 icon
  • 稳定度稳定度-15.00%
  • 无法分配内阁成员或修改法律:Yes
全国罢工 icon
  • 稳定度稳定度-10.00%
  • 建造速度:-10.00%
  • 工厂产出:-10.00%
  • 海军船坞产出:-10.00%


Death Before Surrender icon
Death Before Surrender
  • Surrender Limit: +100.00%
  • Minimum Surrender Limit: +15.00%
Disbanded Army icon
Disbanded Army
  • 单位攻击:-10.0%
  • 单位防御:-5.0%
  • 计划速度:-20.0%
  • Max planning: -20.0%
  • Maximum Command Power Increase: -50
  • Daily Command Power Gain Multiplier: -20%
The army has proven its disloyalty and has been disbanded by the government. Until we make the loyalty of our officers certain we must rely on people's militias rather than a professional army.


Anarchist Society icon
Anarchist Society
Weekly 稳定度稳定度-1.00%


Recovering From Civil War icon
Recovering From Civil War
  • 生活消费品工厂:+10%
  • 建造速度:-10.00%
  • 工厂产出:-20.00%
  • 海军船坞产出:-20.00%
  • Join Faction Tension Limit: +50.0%
Spain is currently focused on rebuilding the country and less willing to join a faction.


Republican Spain is a mostly neutral country, with all diplomacy values revolving around "Different Ideology", "Same Ideology" and "Same Ruling Party". They do not have any special relations with countries, but that will change quickly especially with the civil war.


民主主义 右翼自由共和党

规则 是否启用 原因
能无战争借口而向相同意识形态的国家宣战 意识形态为民主主义
能保证持不同意识形态的国家的独立 意识形态为民主主义
能创建阵营 无对应国家精神,需要通过国策获得对应国家精神。
能通过保证他国独立降低全球紧张度 意识形态为民主主义
能建立傀儡国 意识形态为民主主义
能对未使全球紧张度升高的国家正当化战争借口 意识形态为民主主义
能建立合作政府 意识形态为民主主义
  • No Can declare war on a country with the same ideology group without a war goal.
  • 是 Can guarantee other ideologies.
  • 是 Lowers World Tension with Guarantees.
  • No Can puppet a country.
  • No Can justify war goals against a country that have not generated world tension.
  • No Can create collaboration governments
  • Annex cost: +50.0%
  • Generate war goal tension limit: +100.0%
  • Join faction tension limit: +80.0%
  • Lend-lease tension limit: +50.0%
  • Send volunteers tension limit: +50.0%
  • Guarantee tension limit: +25.0%
  • Civilian intelligence to others: +20.0%
  • Army intelligence to others: +5.0%
  • Navy intelligence to others: +20.0%
  • Airforce intelligence to others: +5.0%



政党 Ideology 支持度 Party Leader 执政党
西班牙工人社会党 民主主义 40.97% 尼塞托·阿尔卡拉-萨莫拉

Niceto Alcalá-Zamora

西班牙共产党 共产主义 6.99% 何塞·迪亚斯 No
西班牙右翼自治组织联合会 法西斯主义 36.97% José María Gil-Robles No
正统派联盟 中立主义 0% Manuel Fal Conde No


Political Party Ideology Popularity Party Leader Is Ruling?
西班牙工人社会党 Democratic 50.00% Manuel Azaña Yes
西班牙共产党 Communist 39.00% José Díaz No
西班牙弗朗哥派自治组织联合会 Fascist 0.00% José Antonio Primo de Rivera No
全国劳工联盟/伊比利亚无政府主义联合会 Non-Aligned 11.00% Anarchist Commune No

Staff and designers

Political Advisors
Advisor Type Effect Cost (政治点数)
José Antonio Girón Industrial Falangist
  • Daily Fascism Support: +0.05
  • Infrastructure 建造速度:+10.00%
  • Civilian Factory 建造速度:+10.00%
  • Refinery 建造速度:+10.00%

Has not completed focus No Compromise on Carlist Ideals
Is not 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国

Manuel Hedilla Syndicalist Falangist
  • 生活消费品工厂:-5%
  • Daily Fascism Support: +0.10

Has not completed focus No Compromise on Carlist Ideals
Has not completed focus Banish the Party Leaders
Is not 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国

Raimundo Fernández-Cuesta Loyal Falangist
  • Political Power Gain: +5%
  • Daily Fascism Support: +0.10

Has not completed focus No Compromise on Carlist Ideals
Does not have political advisor Ramón Serrano Suñer
Has completed focus Banish the Party Leaders
Is not 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国

Tomás Domínguez Arévalo Lifelong Carlist
  • Stability: +10.00%
  • Daily Support for Unaligned: +0.10

Has not completed focus Eliminate the Carlists
Is not 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国

Diego Hidalgo y Durán War Industrialist
  • Military Factory 建造速度:+10.00%
  • Dockyard 建造速度:+10.00%
  • Fuel Silo 建造速度:+10.00%

Has not completed focus The Phalanx Ascendant
Has not completed focus Supremacy of the Communion
Has not completed focus Regional Defense Council of Aragon
Has not completed focus The Anti-Fascist Worker's Revolution

Ramón Serrano Suñer Silent Workhorse
  • Political Power Gain: +15%

Has not completed focus No Compromise on Carlist Ideals
Does not have political advisor Raimundo Fernández-Cuesta
Is not 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国

Luis Hernando de Larramendi Traditionalist Theorist
  • Political Power Gain: +15%
  • Daily Support for Unaligned: +0.05

Has completed focus Supremacy of the Communion
Is not 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国

José Antonio Primo de Rivera Falangist Figurehead
  • Political Power Gain: +10%
  • Daily Fascism Support: +0.10

Has completed focus Primo De Rivera Prisoner Exchange
Is not 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国

Augusto Barcia Trelles Leftist Freemason
  • Same ideology monthly opinion: +25.00%
  • Civilian Intelligence: +10%
  • Army Intelligence: +10%
  • Navy Intelligence: +10%
  • Air Intelligence: +10%

Has not completed focus Masters of Our Own Fate
Has not completed focus Communists in the Government
Is not 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国

Francisco Largo Caballero Silent Workhorse
  • Political Power Gain: +15%

Has not completed focus Masters of Our Own Fate
Has not completed focus Communists in the Government
Is not 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国

Dolores Ibárruri La Pasionaria
  • Stability: +10.00%
  • War Support: +10.00%
  • Daily Communism Support: +0.05

One of the following must be true:

  • Has completed focus Demand Ministerial Positions
  • Has completed focus Communists in the Government

Has not completed focus Masters of Our Own Fate
Is not 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国

Diego Martínez Barrio Backroom Backstabber
  • Political Power Gain: +5%
  • Ideology drift defense +15.0%

Has not completed focus Masters of Our Own Fate
Has not completed focus Communists in the Government
Is not 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国

Juan Negrín Gran Carabinero
  • Recruitable Population: 0.50%
  • 生活消费品工厂:-2%
  • Stability: +5.00%

Has not completed focus Masters of Our Own Fate
Has not completed focus Communists in the Government
Is not 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国

Indalecio Prieto Voice of Restraint
  • Stability: +10.00%
  • Daily Democracy Support: +0.05

Has not completed focus Masters of Our Own Fate
Has not completed focus Communists in the Government
Is not 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国

Jesús Hernández Tomás Education Reformer
  • Research Speed: +5.00%

One of the following must be true:

  • Has completed focus Demand Ministerial Positions
  • Has completed focus New Leadership

Has not completed focus Crush the Revolution
Is not 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国

Federica Montseny Social Revolutionary
  • Political Power Gain: +10%
  • War Support: +10.00%
  • Daily Support for Unaligned: +0.05

Has not completed focus Crush the Revolution
Is not 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国

Juan López Sánchez Captain of Industry
  • Infrastructure 建造速度:+10.00%
  • Civilian Factory 建造速度:+10.00%
  • Refinery 建造速度:+10.00%

Has not completed focus Crush the Revolution
Is not 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国

Juan García Oliver War Industrialist
  • Military Factory 建造速度:+10.00%
  • Dockyard 建造速度:+10.00%
  • Fuel Silo 建造速度:+10.00%

Has not completed focus Crush the Revolution
Is not 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国

Tank Designers
Designer Type Effect Cost (政治点数)
Armor Company Tank Designer
  • Armor Research Speed: +15%
  • Armor: Reliability: +5%
Ship Designers
Designer Type Effect Cost (政治点数)
SECN Atlantic Fleet Designer
  • Naval Research Speed: +15%
  • Carrier:
    • Armor: +50%
    • HP: +10%
  • Capital Ship:
    • Armor: +10%
    • Heavy Attack: +10%
Euskalduna Raiding Fleet Designer
  • Naval Research Speed: +15%
  • Carrier:
    • Surface Visibility: -10.0%
    • Max Speed: +10%
    • Deck size: -10%
  • Capital Ship:
    • Surface Visibility: -10.0%
    • Max Speed: +10%
    • Heavy Attack: -10%
  • Screen:
    • Surface Visibility: -10.0%
    • Max Speed: +10%
  • Submarine:
    • Sub Visibility: -10.0%
    • Surface Visibility: -10.0%
    • Max Speed: +10%

One of the following must be true:

  • The Spanish Civil War is not in progress
  • Controls País Vasco
Aircraft Designers
Designer Type Effect Cost (政治点数)
CASA Medium Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Heavy Fighter: Reliability: +20%
  • Tactical Bomber: Reliability: +20%

One of the following must be true:

  • The Spanish Civil War is not in progress
  • Controls Valencia
Hispano Aviación Light Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Fighter:
    • Agility: +10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
  • Carrier Fighter:
    • Agility: +10%
    • Max Speed: +10%

One of the following must be true:

  • The Spanish Civil War is not in progress
  • Controls Sevilla
Materiel Designers
Designer Type Effect Cost (政治点数)
Star Bonifacio Echeverria Infantry Equipment Designer
  • Weapons and Equipment Research Speed: +15%

One of the following must be true:

  • The Spanish Civil War is not in progress
  • Controls País Vasco
Esperanza y Cia Artillery Designer
  • Artillery Research Speed: +15%

One of the following must be true:

  • The Spanish Civil War is not in progress
  • Controls País Vasco
Llama-Gabilondo y Cia Support Equipment Designer
  • Support Unit Research Speed: +15%

One of the following must be true:

  • The Spanish Civil War is not in progress
  • Controls País Vasco
Hispano-Suiza Motorized Equipment Designer
  • Motorization Research Speed: +15%

One of the following must be true:

  • The Spanish Civil War is not in progress
  • Controls Cataluña
Industrial Concerns
Concern Type Effect Cost (政治点数)
Compañía Telefónica Nacional Electronics Concern
  • Electronics Research Speed: +15%

One of the following must be true:

  • The Spanish Civil War is not in progress
  • Controls Madrid
Industria de Guerra en Cataluña Construction Company
  • Infrastructure 建造速度:+10.00%

One of the following must be true:

  • The Spanish Civil War is not in progress
  • Controls Cataluña
Altos Hornos de Vizcaya Industrial Concern
  • Industrial Research Speed: +15%

One of the following must be true:

  • The Spanish Civil War is not in progress
  • Controls País Vasco
Campsa Refining Concern
  • Synthetic Resources Research Speed: +10%
  • Industrial Research Speed: +5%

One of the following must be true:

  • The Spanish Civil War is not in progress
  • Controls Madrid
Theorist Type Effect Cost (政治点数)
José Enrique Varela Military Theorist
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.05 daily
  • Land Doctrine Research Speed: +10%

Has not completed focus Eliminate the Carlists
Is not 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国

Nicolás Molero Military Theorist
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.05 daily
  • Land Doctrine Research Speed: +10%

Has not completed focus Masters of Our Own Fate
Has not completed focus Communists in the Government
Is not 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国




征兵法案 经济法案 贸易法案
Volunteer only.png 志愿兵役制
  • 1.5% 适役人口
Civilian economy.png 民用经济
  • 35% 生活消费品工厂
  • –30% 军用工厂建造速度
  • –30% 民用工厂建造速度
  • +30% 军转民消耗
  • +30% 民转军消耗
  • -40% 石油转换燃油效率
  • -25% 燃油容量
Export focus.png 重视出口
  • 50% 可出口资源
  • +5% 科研速度
  • +10% 工厂/海军船坞产出
  • +10% 建造速度
  • +20% 泄露给他国的民政情报
  • +10% 泄露给他国的海军情报


Type No.
Aluminum.png Aluminum 2
Chromium.png Chromium 0
Oil.png Oil 0
Rubber.png Rubber 0
Steel.png Steel 57
Tungsten.png Tungsten 53
Type No.
民用工厂 Civilian factory 16
军用工厂 Military factory 7
海军船坞 Naval dockyard 4
Republican Spain starts with a modest industrial base and its factories scattered throughout the entire country.
Republican Spain starts with a moderate amount of steel and tungsten and virtually nothing else. Note that some of its steel is located in Spanish Africa, an occupied state; as such, only a fraction of the steel is available for use at game start.


Republican Spain starts the game in 1936 with a relatively small army, a mid-sized navy, albeit outdated, and a small air force. As a result of the national spirit Military Disloyalty Military Disloyalty, the player cannot modify the military in any way until the civil war breaks out. Overall, it has a total manpower of 324.76K, of which 124.30K is tied up in the army, 17.67K in the navy, 1.74K in the air force, and 3.90K in garrison, leaving 198.72K available for recruitment.

Type No.
Infantry cropped.png Infantry 13
Cavalry cropped.png Cavalry 1
Mountain cropped.png Mountaineer 3
Army experience.png Total divisions 17
Type No.
Destroyer.png Destroyer 12
Light Cruiser.png Light cruiser 5
Battleship.png Battleship 2
Submarine.png Submarine 12
Navy experience.png Total ships 31
Air force
Type No.
Fighter c.png Fighter 60
Naval bomber.png Naval bomber 27
Air experience.png Total planes 87


Spain has 13 infantry divisions, with 10 of them made up of 8 infantry battalions, support artillery and engineer companies, and 3 of them made up of 4 infantry battalions and an engineer company. It also has 3 mountain divisions made up of 4 battalions and a support artillery company each, as well as 1 cavalry division made up of 12 battalions and a recon company.

Tank units list
Name Type Techyear
Trubia A4 Great War Tank 1918
Trubia Naval Light Tank I 1934
Verdeja 1 Light Tank II 1936
Verdeja 2 Light Tank III 1941
M. Tank I Medium Tank I 1939
M. Tank II Medium Tank II 1941
M. Tank III Medium Tank III 1943
H. Tank I Heavy Tank I 1934
H. Tank II Heavy Tank II 1941
H. Tank III Heavy Tank III 1943
SH. Tank Super Heavy Tank 1943
Mod. Tank MBT 1945


Spain has 2 España-class battleships, 3 Príncipe Alfonso-class light cruisers and 3 Alsedo-class destroyers docked in Galicia, 1 República-class light cruiser, 1 Méndez Núñes-class light cruiser, and 4 B class submarines docked in Sevilla, and 9 Churucca-class destroyers, 2 B class submarines and 6 C class submarines docked in Murcia.

Air force

Spain has 36 interwar fighters stationed in Madrid, 24 interwar fighters stationed in Sevilla, and 27 naval bombers I stationed in Murcia.

Aircraft Types
Tech Year Close Air Support (Carrier Variant) Fighter (Carrier Variant) Naval Bomber (Carrier Variant) Heavy Fighter Tactical Bomber Strategic Bomber
1933 Fighter Bomber
1936 CAS I Fighter I NAV I Heavy Fighter I Tac Bomber I Strat Bomber I
1940 CAS II HA-1112 NAV II Heavy Fighter II Tac Bomber II Strat Bomber II
1944 CAS III Fighter III NAV III Heavy Fighter III Tac Bomber III Strat Bomber III
Jet Engine Technology
1945 Jet Fighter I Jet Tac Bomber I
1950 Jet Fighter II Jet Tac Bomber II Jet Strat Bomber I

Military staff

Chief of Army
Name Type Effect Cost (政治点数)
Juan Yagüe Army Offense (Expert)
  • 单位攻击:+10.0%

Has not completed focus No Compromise on Carlist Ideals
Is not 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国

Rafael García Valiño Army Organization (Expert)
  • Division Organization: +8.0%

Has not completed focus Eliminate the Carlists
Is not 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国

Heli Rolando de Tella Army Defense (Expert)
  • 单位防御:+10.0%

Has not completed focus Eliminate the Carlists
Is not 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国

Miguel Ponte Army Drill (Expert)
  • Division training time: -10.0%

Has not completed focus No Compromise on Carlist Ideals
Is not 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国

Domènec Batet Army Morale (Expert)
  • Division Recovery Rate: +8.0%

Has not completed focus Masters of Our Own Fate
Has not completed focus Communists in the Government
Is not 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国

Etelvino Vega Army Defense (Expert)
  • 单位防御:+10.0%

One of the following must be true:

  • Has completed focus Demand Ministerial Positions
  • Has completed focus Communists in the Government

Has not completed focus Masters of Our Own Fate
Is not 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国

Máté Zalka Army Offense (Expert)
  • 单位攻击:+10.0%

Has completed focus Demand Ministerial Positions
Has not completed focus Crush the Revolution
Is not 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国

Chief of Navy
Name Type Effect Cost (政治点数)
Luis Carrero Blanco Decisive Battle (Expert)
  • Capital Ship Attack: +10.00%
  • Capital Ship Armor: +10.00%
  • Screen Attack: +10.00%
  • Screen Defense: +10.00%

Has not completed focus No Compromise on Carlist Ideals
Is not 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国

Luis González de Ubieta Screens (Expert)
  • Screen Attack: +10.00%
  • Screen Defense: +15.00%

Has not completed focus Masters of Our Own Fate
Has not completed focus Communists in the Government
Is not 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国

Chief of Airforce
Name Type Effect Cost (政治点数)
Joaquín García-Morato y Castaño Ground Support (Expert)
  • Air Superiority: +10.00%

Has not completed focus No Compromise on Carlist Ideals
Is not 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国

Ignacio Hidalgo de Cisneros Air Safety (Expert)
  • Air Accidents Chance: -10.0%

Has not completed focus Masters of Our Own Fate
Is not 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国

Andrés García La Calle Ground Support (Expert)
  • Air Superiority: +10.00%

Has not completed focus Masters of Our Own Fate
Is not 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国

Military High Command
Name Type Effect Cost (政治点数)
Emilio Mola Infantry (Expert)
  • Infantry 单位攻击:+10.0%
  • Infantry 单位防御:+15.0%

Has not completed focus Masters of Our Own Fate
Has not completed focus No Compromise on Carlist Ideals
Is not 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国

Wilhelm Ritter von Thoma Armor (Expert)
  • Armor 单位攻击:+10.0%
  • Armor 单位防御:+10.0%

Has completed focus The Condor Legion
Is not 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国

Enrique Cánovas Lacruz Army Logistics (Expert)
  • Division Attrition: -8.0%

Has not completed focus Masters of Our Own Fate
Is not 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国

Miguel Cabanellas Army Regrouping (Expert)
  • Division Recovery Rate: +8.0%

Has not completed focus Masters of Our Own Fate
Is not 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国

Toribio Martínez Cabrera Artillery (Expert)
  • Artillery Attack: +15.0%
  • Artillery Defense: +10.0%

Has not completed focus Masters of Our Own Fate
Has not completed focus Communists in the Government
Is not 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国

Francisco Ciutat de Miguel Infantry (Expert)
  • Infantry 单位攻击:+10.0%
  • Infantry 单位防御:+15.0%

One of the following must be true:

  • Has completed focus Demand Ministerial Positions
  • Has completed focus Communists in the Government

Has not completed focus Masters of Our Own Fate
Has not completed focus Oppose the Communists
Is not 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国

János Gálicz Army Logistics (Specialist)
  • Division Attrition: -4.0%

Has completed focus Demand Ministerial Positions
Has not completed focus Crush the Revolution
Is not 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国

Antonio Azarola y Gresillón Screens (Expert)
  • Screen Attack: +10.00%
  • Screen Defense: +15.00%

Has not completed focus Masters of Our Own Fate
Has not completed focus Communists in the Government
Is not 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国


Strategies and guides

Initial Setup

Reach "Disband the Army" ASAP while continuously firing decisions to delay the start of the civil war. The completion of this focus will severely weaken the Nationalists and give you more than a fighting chance to beat them.

Preserving the Republic

To be added in due time.

Alliance with the Soviets

To be added in due time.

Anarchism knows no borders

To be added in due time.



Our Chief Weapon is Surprise....png
Our Chief Weapon is Surprise...
The bell tolls for us.jpg
The bell tolls for us
We Will Rock You.png
We Will Rock You
Well, I Didn’t Vote for You.png
Well, I Didn’t Vote for You