
(文本替换 - 替换“One of the following must be true:”为“必须满足下列条件之一:”)
第6行: 第6行:

'''{{flag|西班牙国}}(Nationalist Spain)''',是历史上在西班牙内战中击败{{flag | Republican Spain}}之后于1939年上台的。它位于西南欧的伊比利亚地区。
'''{{ 国旗|西班牙国}}(Nationalist Spain)''',是历史上在西班牙内战中击败{{ 国旗|Republican Spain}}之后于1939年上台的。它位于西南欧的伊比利亚地区。

 西班牙位于欧洲西南部,其大部分土地位于伊比利亚半岛上。在20世纪30年代,西班牙还拥有巴利阿里群岛(Balearic Islands),非洲的领土和群岛。 非洲,即现代摩洛哥的里 约热内卢 地区(Rio de Oro),西撒哈拉(Western Sahara),赤道几内亚(Equatorial Guinea)和西北非沿岸的加那利群岛(Canary Islands),均由 西班牙 拥有和控制。
 西班牙位于欧洲西南部,其大部分土地位于伊比利亚半岛上。在20世纪30年代,西班牙还拥有巴利阿里群岛(Balearic Islands), 和一部分处于 非洲的领土和群岛。 西班牙她的 非洲 部分 ,即现代摩洛哥的里 奥德奥罗 地区(Rio de Oro),西撒哈拉(Western Sahara),赤道几内亚(Equatorial Guinea)和西北非沿岸的加那利群岛(Canary Islands),均由 拥有和控制。

 西班牙多以山脉和丘陵为主,西班牙 大陆 部分 非常不平坦,其中有45%被梅塞塔高原(即中央卡斯蒂利亚高原)覆盖。高原有许多丘陵,山脉和高地。西班牙拥有许多重要的山脉,包括南部的贝蒂科斯山脉,中部的伊比利亚山脉和中央山脉,以及西北和东北的坎塔布里亚山脉和比利牛斯山脉;还有肥沃的安达卢西亚平原和其他盆地。西班牙也有许多大型的沿海平原,和海湾。直布罗陀海峡将欧洲的西班牙与非洲殖民地(特别是摩洛哥)分隔,最近的点仅相距13公里。最后要说的是,西班牙拥有1500多条河流,其中大部分是小河流。其重要的河流是杜罗河,埃布罗河和瓜达尔基维尔河。

 西班牙与邻国 {{flag|Portugal}}拥有很长的边境线,后者构成了伊比利亚半岛的其余部分。其北部与 {{flag|France}}接壤,高耸的比利牛斯山脉成为两国之间的自然边界。在南部,西班牙还与 {{flag|United Kingdom}}控制的直布罗陀(Gibraltar)接壤。
 西班牙与邻国 {{ 国旗|Portugal}}拥有很长的边境线,后者构成了伊比利亚半岛的其余部分。其北部与 {{ 国旗|France}}接壤,高耸的比利牛斯山脉成为两国之间的自然边界。在南部,西班牙还与 {{ 国旗|United Kingdom}}控制的直布罗陀(Gibraltar)接壤。


{{flag|西班牙国}}在内战中战胜了 {{flag|Republican Spain}}}之后,弗朗西斯科·佛朗哥(Francisco Franco)建立了长达36年的独裁统治。
{{ 国旗|西班牙国}}在内战中战胜了 {{ 国旗|Republican Spain}}之后,弗朗西斯科·佛朗哥(Francisco Franco)建立了长达36年的独裁统治。


 第二次世界大战结束后,西班牙因“自给自足”的经济 导致他们 陷入了严重的经济萧条。直到20世纪50年代,西班牙实施了改革,西班牙放弃了自给自足的经济制度,最终使西班牙出现大规模的经济增长,一直持续到1970年代中期,仅次于日本,被称为“西班牙奇迹”。1947年的《继承法》使西班牙再次成为法律上的王国,但将佛朗哥任命为国家元首,有权选择西班牙国王及其继任者,从而巩固了他的权威。
 第二次世界大战结束后,西班牙因“自给自足”的经济 陷入了严重的经济萧条。直到20世纪50年代,西班牙实施了改革,西班牙放弃了自给自足的经济制度,最终使西班牙出现大规模的经济增长,一直持续到1970年代中期,仅次于日本,被称为“西班牙奇迹”。1947年的《继承法》使西班牙再次成为法律上的王国,但将佛朗哥任命为国家元首,有权选择西班牙国王及其继任者,从而巩固了他的权威。

 在冷战期间,西班牙与 {{flag|United States}}结盟,加入了北约(NATO)并与苏联相抗衡。
 在冷战期间,西班牙与 {{ 国旗|United States}}结盟,加入了北约(NATO)并与苏联相抗衡。

 佛朗哥于1975年去世,享年82岁。他在死前恢复了君主制,这使他的继任国王胡安·卡洛斯一世(Juan Carlos I)领导了西班牙向民主的过渡。
 佛朗哥于1975年去世,享年82岁。他在死前恢复了君主制,这使他的继任国王胡安·卡洛斯一世(Juan Carlos I)领导了西班牙向民主的过渡。

Nationalist Spain has the *The End of the Spanish Civil War* event.
西班牙国有着特殊的事件:* 西班牙内战结束了*
* Civil War has started
* 西班牙内战已经开始
* {{flag|Republican Spain}} has Capitulated
* {{ 国旗|Republican Spain}} 已经投降。
* 删除*Brigada Legionario*(步兵旅)模板并删除从此模板创建的所有单位。

* Delete *Brigada Legionario* template and remove all units created from this template.
[[File:NF tree Spain Nationalist.jpg|thumbnail|600px|西班牙国国策树。]]

{{ 国旗| 西班牙国}}在 {{icon|lar}} [[抵抗运动]] DLC中获得了一个独特的国策树。在没有该DLC的情况下,西班牙国将使用[[通用国策树]]。
[[File:NF tree Spain Nationalist.jpg|thumbnail|600px|Nationalist Spanish National Focus Tree.]]
{{main|Nationalist Spanish national focus tree}} 
{{flag|Nationalist Spain}}在 {{icon|lar}} [[抵抗运动]] DLC中获得了一个独特的国策树。在没有该DLC的情况下,西班牙国将使用[[通用国策树]]。
{{#lst:Nationalist Spanish national focus tree|branches desc}}
{{#lst:Nationalist Spanish national focus tree|branches desc}}

== 科技==
*Nationalist Spain begins with the same researched technologies as {{flag|Republican Spain}} before the Civil War.

*西班牙国在内战开始时与{{国旗|Republican Spain}}拥有同样的已研究科技。
*Nationalist Spain starts the game very hostile towards {{flag|Republican Spain}}, which is obvious considering they are at war.
== 外交==
*During and after the war, Spain has a good relationship with Germany and Italy mostly because of the volunteers they normally send.
* 西班牙国在开始游戏时对{{ 国旗|Republican Spain}} 怀有敌意,考虑到他们在战争状态中,这是很明显的。
*After the war, Spain remains mostly neutral and most of its relationships are based on ideological differences.
* 在内战中和内战结束后,西班牙国会因为意大利和德意志的志愿军而与其拥有一个良好的关系。
* 在内战后,西班牙国大多保持中立,其国家关系大多建立在意识形态分歧的基础上。

=== 同盟===
*Nationalist Spain begins without any alliances and if you have historical AI focuses on they will stay that way.
* 西班牙国在开始没有任何阵营,如果你选择了历史国策,她会一直保持这种方式。

== 政治==
Without {{icon|lar|1}}, Nationalist Spain does not have National Spirits.<br>
若没有{{icon|lar|1}} ,西班牙国不会拥有民族精神<br>
With {{icon|lar|1}}, before the Spanish Civil War, Spain will have the following national spirits:
若拥有{{icon|lar|1}} ,在西班牙内战之前,西班牙国会有以下这些民族精神。
<section begin=national_spirit/>
<section begin=national_spirit/>
{{box wrapper}}
{{box wrapper}}
{{Effectbox|Carlism|In 1830 King Ferdinand VII promulgated the Pragmatic Sanction and made his daughter, the future Isabella II, heir presumptive. This act removed his brother Infante Carlos from the line of succession, and so, upon the King's death, supporters of Infante Carlos ignited a series of civil wars, uniting under the banner of Carlism and fighting for the reinstatement of the Salic line of succession.</br>
{{Effectbox| 卡洛斯主义| 费迪南德七世国王在1830年发布了国事诏书,将其女儿(未来的伊莎贝拉二世)立为储君。国王的弟弟卡洛斯亲王因此从继承顺位中除名。在国王去世后,卡洛斯亲王的支持者发动了一系列内战,团结在卡洛斯主义的旗帜下为复效萨利克继承法而奋斗。</br>
A century later, the Carlist movement is still very much alive, and its militas, called Requetés, train unceasingly in preparation for the time where they will once more be needed to defend Christianity and champion the return of the rightful King.
|file=Spa carlism
|file=Spa carlism
|modifiers=*Weekly {{icon|Stability|1}}: {{red|-0.30%}}
|modifiers=* 每周{{icon|Stability| 稳定度}}: {{red|-0.30%}}
*Division Attack: {{red|-10.0%}}
* 单位攻击:{{red|-10.0%}}
*Division Defense: {{red|-10.0%}}
* 单位防御:{{red|-10.0%}}
*Daily Support for {{icon|Unaligned|1}}: {{green|+0.05}}
*{{icon|Unaligned| 中立派}} 每日新增支持率:{{green|+0.05}}
{{Effectbox|Military Disloyalty|The failed "Sanjurjada" military coup attempt in 1932 still casts it shadow over the Spanish military to this day. In the aftermath, various disloyal military commanders, among them the coup's leader José Sanjurjo, fled to exile in Portugal and continue their plotting even now.</br>
{{Effectbox| 不忠诚的军队| 西班牙军队至今仍笼罩在1932年圣胡尔霍政变的阴影之下。包括政变领导者何塞·圣胡尔霍在内的多名不忠的军官在政变失败后流亡葡萄牙,直到现在还在继续谋划着他们的阴谋。</br> 圣胡尔霍的失败没有让那些有异心的军官们退缩,甚至在西班牙国内也有很多人希望重建君主制,或是强势的法西斯独裁统治。政府对军队内部事宜的过度干预可能会引爆另一场动乱——一场比上次更猛烈、更血腥的动乱。
Even this failure has not discouraged disloyal officers, however, as even within Spain itself many desire to see a return to a Monarchy, or even a strong Fascist dictatorship. Too strong meddling by the government in the internal affairs of the military may well spark yet another uprising; far more violent and bloody than the last.
|modifiers=*Military Leader Cost: {{red|+100.0%}}
|modifiers=* 指挥官花费: {{red|+100.0%}}
*{{red|Cannot train units, disband units,<br/> or edit unit templates.}}
*{{red| 无法训练部队、<br/>解散部队或编辑部队模板<br/>}}
{{Effectbox|Political Violence|The Spanish political scene is one of increasing polarization and violence. Only two years have elapsed since the last big uprising, the Asturias Miners' Strike, and the current political climate appears to have all the makings of a new, far larger and far less localized uprising. It seems unlikely that the upcoming elections will put an end to this downward spiral of societal unrest.
{{Effectbox| 政治暴力| 西班牙的政治舞台是一个两极日益分化和暴力的舞台。距离上一次大规模起义——阿斯图里亚斯矿工罢工仅仅过去了两年,而当前的政治气候似乎具备了发起一场新的、规模更大、范围更广的起义的所有条件。即将到来的选举似乎不太可能终止这场社会动荡的恶性循环。
|file=Spr political violence
|file=Spr political violence
|modifiers=*{{icon|Stability|1}}: {{red|-15.00%}}
|modifiers=*{{icon|Stability| 稳定度}} {{red|-15.00%}}
*Cannot Assign Ministers & Laws: {{red|Yes}}
* 无法分配内阁成员或修改法律: {{red| }}
{{Effectbox|National Strikes|The country finds itself seemingly in the grips of the starting stages of a workers' revolution; strike upon strike paralyze the industry and daily life as workers demand less work and more pay, and poor tenant farmers increasingly appropriate farmland while the government turns a blind eye.
{{Effectbox| 全国罢工| 这个国家似乎正处于工人革命的起步阶段。一次又一次的罢工使工业和日常生活陷入瘫痪,因为工人要求更少的工作和更高的工资,贫穷的佃农越来越多地侵占农田,而政府却视而不见。
|file=FRA factory strikes
|file=FRA factory strikes
|modifiers=*{{icon|Stability|1}}: {{red|-10.00%}}
|modifiers=*{{icon|Stability| 稳定度}}: {{red|-10.00%}}
*Construction Speed: {{red|-10.00%}}
* 建筑速度:{{red|-10.00%}}
*Factory Output: {{red|-10.00%}}
* 工厂产出:{{red|-10.00%}}
*Dockyard Output: {{red|-10.00%}}
* 海军船坞产出:{{red|-10.00%}}
{{end box wrapper}}
{{end box wrapper}}

When the Spanish Civil War begins, all of the National Spirits except [[File:Spa carlism.png|20px|link=Nationalist_Spain#Carlism|Carlism]] [[Nationalist_Spain#Carlism|Carlism]] is removed and Nationalist Spain will obtain the following national spirit:
当西班牙内战开始时,所有的民族精神都会被移除。 [[File:Spa carlism.png|20px|link=Nationalist_Spain#Carlism| 卡洛斯主义]] [[Nationalist_Spain#Carlism| 卡洛斯主义]] 将会被移除而西班牙国将会获得下列民族精神。:
{{box wrapper}}
{{box wrapper}}

{{Effectbox|Death Before Surrender|file=Spr nationalist remnants
{{Effectbox| 宁死不屈|file=Spr nationalist remnants
*Surrender Limit: {{green|+100.00%}}
* 投降界限:{{green|+100.00%}}
*Minimum Surrender Limit: {{green|+15.00%}}
{{end box wrapper}}
{{end box wrapper}}
If the player follows the {{flag|Carlist Spain|Carlist}} path, the National Spirit [[File:Spa carlism.png|20px|link=Nationalist_Spain#Carlism|Carlism]] [[Nationalist_Spain#Carlism|Carlism]] will be replaced by:
如果玩家选择了{{ 国旗|Carlist Spain|Carlist}} 分支,西班牙国[[File:Spa carlism.png|20px|link=Nationalist_Spain#Carlism| 卡洛斯主义]] [[Nationalist_Spain#Carlism| 卡洛斯]] 会回归:
{{box wrapper}}
{{box wrapper}}
{{Effectbox|Disjointed Carlist Juntas|file=Spa disjointed carlist juntas|
{{Effectbox| 混乱的卡洛斯军政府|file=Spa disjointed carlist juntas|
*Weekly {{icon|Stability|1}}: {{red|-0.50%}}
* 每周{{icon|Stability| 稳定度}}: {{red|-0.50%}}
*Division Attack: {{red|-10.0%}}
* 单位攻击:{{red|-10.0%}}
*Division Defense: {{red|-10.0%}}
* 单位防御 {{red|-10.0%}}
{{end box wrapper}}
{{end box wrapper}}

When the Spanish Civil War ends, Nationalist Spain may obtain the following national spirit:
{{Effectbox|Recovering From Civil War|file=FRA matignon agreements|Spain is currently focused on rebuilding the country and less willing to join a faction.
{{Effectbox| 从内战中恢复|file=FRA matignon agreements| 西班牙现在专注于重建国家,并不想加入某个势力。
*Consumer Goods Factories: '''+10%'''
* 生活消费品工厂: '''+10%'''
*Construction Speed: {{red|-10.00%}}
* 建造速度: {{red|-10.00%}}
*Factory Output: {{red|-20.00%}}
* 工厂产出:{{red|-20.00%}}
*Dockyard Output: {{red|-20.00%}}
* 海军船坞产出{{red|-20.00%}}
*Join Faction Tension Limit: {{red|+50.0%}}
* 加入阵营的紧张度限制:{{red|+50.0%}}
第143行: 第141行:
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Political Party !! Ideology !! Popularity !! Party Leader !! Is Ruling?
! Political Party !! 意识形态 !! 支持率 !! 党派领袖 !! 游戏开始时的执政党
| <span style="color: blue;">'''Unión Republicana'''</span> || Democratic || 0% || Diego Martínez Barrio || No
| <span style="color: blue;">'''Unión Republicana'''</span> || 民主主义 || 0% || 迭戈·马丁内斯·巴里奥 || 不是
| <span style="color: red;">Partido Comunista de España</span> || Communist || 0% || José Díaz || No
| <span style="color: red;"> 西班牙共产党</span> || 共产主义 || 0% || 何塞·迪亚斯 || 不是
| <span style="color: orange;">Falange Española de las JONS</span> || Fascist || 60% || José Antonio Primo De Rivera || No
| <span style="color: orange;">Falange Española de las JONS</span> || 法西斯主义 || 60% || 何塞·安东尼奥·普里莫·德里维拉 || 不是
| <span style="color: grey;">Junta Militar</span> || Non-Aligned || 40% || José Sanjurjo || Yes
| <span style="color: grey;"> 国民军政府</span> || 中立主义 || 40% || 何塞·圣胡尔霍 ||

=== 初始法案===

===Staff and designers===
=== 内阁成员===
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ style="width: 55em; text-align: left;" | {{nowrap|Political Advisors}}
|+ style="width: 55em; text-align: left;" | {{nowrap| 政治顾问}}
! Advisor !! Type !! Effect !! Cost ({{Icon|Political Power}})
! 顾问 !! 类型 !! 效果 !! 花费 ({{Icon|Political Power}})
| José Antonio Girón  || Industrial Falangist ||
| José Antonio Girón  || Industrial Falangist ||
* Daily Fascism Support: {{green|+0.05}}
* Daily Fascism Support: {{green|+0.05}}
* Infrastructure construction speed: {{green|+10.00%}}
* Infrastructure construction speed: {{green|+10.00%}}
* Civilian Factory construction speed: {{green|+10.00%}}
* 民用工厂建设速度:{{green|+10.00%}}
* Refinery construction speed: {{green|+10.00%}}
* Refinery construction speed: {{green|+10.00%}}
<small>Has ''not'' completed focus '''No Compromise on Carlist Ideals'''<br/>
<small>Has ''not'' completed focus '''No Compromise on Carlist Ideals'''<br/>
Is ''not'' {{flag|Republican Spain}}</small>
Is ''not'' {{ 国旗|Republican Spain}}</small>
| Manuel Hedilla  || Syndicalist Falangist ||
| Manuel Hedilla  || Syndicalist Falangist ||
* Consumer Goods Factories: '''-5%'''
* 生活消费品工厂:'''-5%'''
* Daily Fascism Support: {{green|+0.10}}
* Daily Fascism Support: {{green|+0.10}}
<small>Has ''not'' completed focus '''No Compromise on Carlist Ideals'''<br/>
<small>Has ''not'' completed focus '''No Compromise on Carlist Ideals'''<br/>
Has ''not'' completed focus '''Banish the Party Leaders'''<br/>
Has ''not'' completed focus '''Banish the Party Leaders'''<br/>
Is ''not'' {{flag|Republican Spain}}</small>
Is ''not'' {{ 国旗|Republican Spain}}</small>
第187行: 第185行:
Does ''not'' have political advisor '''Ramón Serrano Suñer'''<br/>
Does ''not'' have political advisor '''Ramón Serrano Suñer'''<br/>
Has completed focus '''Banish the Party Leaders'''<br/>
Has completed focus '''Banish the Party Leaders'''<br/>
Is ''not'' {{flag|Republican Spain}}</small>
Is ''not'' {{ 国旗|Republican Spain}}</small>
第194行: 第192行:
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{green|+0.10}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{green|+0.10}}
<small>Has ''not'' completed focus '''Eliminate the Carlists'''<br/>
<small>Has ''not'' completed focus '''Eliminate the Carlists'''<br/>
Is ''not'' {{flag|Republican Spain}}</small>
Is ''not'' {{ 国旗|Republican Spain}}</small>
第211行: 第209行:
<small>Has ''not'' completed focus '''No Compromise on Carlist Ideals'''<br/>
<small>Has ''not'' completed focus '''No Compromise on Carlist Ideals'''<br/>
Does ''not'' have political advisor '''Raimundo Fernández-Cuesta'''<br/>
Does ''not'' have political advisor '''Raimundo Fernández-Cuesta'''<br/>
Is ''not'' {{flag|Republican Spain}}</small>
Is ''not'' {{ 国旗|Republican Spain}}</small>
第218行: 第216行:
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{green|+0.05}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{green|+0.05}}
<small>Has completed focus '''Supremacy of the Communion'''<br/>
<small>Has completed focus '''Supremacy of the Communion'''<br/>
Is ''not'' {{flag|Republican Spain}}</small>
Is ''not'' {{ 国旗|Republican Spain}}</small>
第225行: 第223行:
* Daily Fascism Support: {{green|+0.10}}
* Daily Fascism Support: {{green|+0.10}}
<small>Has completed focus '''Primo De Rivera Prisoner Exchange'''<br/>
<small>Has completed focus '''Primo De Rivera Prisoner Exchange'''<br/>
Is ''not'' {{flag|Republican Spain}}</small>
Is ''not'' {{ 国旗|Republican Spain}}</small>
第236行: 第234行:
<small>Has ''not'' completed focus '''Masters of Our Own Fate'''<br/>
<small>Has ''not'' completed focus '''Masters of Our Own Fate'''<br/>
Has ''not'' completed focus '''Communists in the Government'''<br/>
Has ''not'' completed focus '''Communists in the Government'''<br/>
Is ''not'' {{flag|Nationalist Spain}}</small>
Is ''not'' {{ 国旗|Nationalist Spain}}</small>
第243行: 第241行:
<small>Has ''not'' completed focus '''Masters of Our Own Fate'''<br/>
<small>Has ''not'' completed focus '''Masters of Our Own Fate'''<br/>
Has ''not'' completed focus '''Communists in the Government'''<br/>
Has ''not'' completed focus '''Communists in the Government'''<br/>
Is ''not'' {{flag|Nationalist Spain}}</small>
Is ''not'' {{ 国旗|Nationalist Spain}}</small>
第250行: 第248行:
* War Support: {{green|+10.00%}}
* War Support: {{green|+10.00%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{green|+0.05}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{green|+0.05}}
<small>One of the following must be true:
<small> 必须满足下列条件之一:
*Has completed focus '''Demand Ministerial Positions'''
*Has completed focus '''Demand Ministerial Positions'''
*Has completed focus '''Communists in the Government'''<br/>
*Has completed focus '''Communists in the Government'''<br/>
Has ''not'' completed focus '''Masters of Our Own Fate'''<br/>
Has ''not'' completed focus '''Masters of Our Own Fate'''<br/>
Is ''not'' {{flag|Nationalist Spain}}</small>
Is ''not'' {{ 国旗|Nationalist Spain}}</small>
第262行: 第260行:
<small>Has ''not'' completed focus '''Masters of Our Own Fate'''<br/>
<small>Has ''not'' completed focus '''Masters of Our Own Fate'''<br/>
Has ''not'' completed focus '''Communists in the Government'''<br/>
Has ''not'' completed focus '''Communists in the Government'''<br/>
Is ''not'' {{flag|Nationalist Spain}}</small>
Is ''not'' {{ 国旗|Nationalist Spain}}</small>
| Juan Negrín || Gran Carabinero || 
| Juan Negrín || Gran Carabinero || 
* Recruitable Population: '''0.50%'''
* Recruitable Population: '''0.50%'''
* Consumer Goods Factories: '''-2%'''
* 生活消费品工厂:'''-2%'''
* Stability: {{green|+5.00%}}
* Stability: {{green|+5.00%}}
<small>Has ''not'' completed focus '''Masters of Our Own Fate'''<br/>
<small>Has ''not'' completed focus '''Masters of Our Own Fate'''<br/>
Has ''not'' completed focus '''Communists in the Government'''<br/>
Has ''not'' completed focus '''Communists in the Government'''<br/>
Is ''not'' {{flag|Nationalist Spain}}</small>
Is ''not'' {{ 国旗|Nationalist Spain}}</small>
第279行: 第277行:
<small>Has ''not'' completed focus '''Masters of Our Own Fate'''<br/>
<small>Has ''not'' completed focus '''Masters of Our Own Fate'''<br/>
Has ''not'' completed focus '''Communists in the Government'''<br/>
Has ''not'' completed focus '''Communists in the Government'''<br/>
Is ''not'' {{flag|Nationalist Spain}}</small>
Is ''not'' {{ 国旗|Nationalist Spain}}</small>
| Jesús Hernández Tomás || Education Reformer || 
| Jesús Hernández Tomás || Education Reformer || 
* Research Speed: {{green|+5.00%}}
* 研究速度:{{green|+5.00%}}
<small>One of the following must be true:
<small> 必须满足下列条件之一:
*Has completed focus '''Demand Ministerial Positions'''
*Has completed focus '''Demand Ministerial Positions'''
*Has completed focus '''New Leadership'''<br/>
*Has completed focus '''New Leadership'''<br/>
Has ''not'' completed focus '''Crush the Revolution'''<br/>
Has ''not'' completed focus '''Crush the Revolution'''<br/>
Is ''not'' {{flag|Nationalist Spain}}</small>
Is ''not'' {{ 国旗|Nationalist Spain}}</small>
第296行: 第294行:
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{green|+0.05}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{green|+0.05}}
<small>Has ''not'' completed focus '''Crush the Revolution'''<br/>
<small>Has ''not'' completed focus '''Crush the Revolution'''<br/>
Is ''not'' {{flag|Nationalist Spain}}</small>
Is ''not'' {{ 国旗|Nationalist Spain}}</small>
| Juan López Sánchez  || Captain of Industry ||
| Juan López Sánchez  || Captain of Industry ||
* Infrastructure construction speed: {{green|+10.00%}}
* Infrastructure construction speed: {{green|+10.00%}}
* Civilian Factory construction speed: {{green|+10.00%}}
* 民用工厂建设速度:{{green|+10.00%}}
* Refinery construction speed: {{green|+10.00%}}
* Refinery construction speed: {{green|+10.00%}}
<small>Has ''not'' completed focus '''Crush the Revolution'''<br/>
<small>Has ''not'' completed focus '''Crush the Revolution'''<br/>
Is ''not'' {{flag|Nationalist Spain}}</small>
Is ''not'' {{ 国旗|Nationalist Spain}}</small>
第312行: 第310行:
* Fuel Silo Construction Speed: {{green|+10.00%}}
* Fuel Silo Construction Speed: {{green|+10.00%}}
<small>Has ''not'' completed focus '''Crush the Revolution'''<br/>
<small>Has ''not'' completed focus '''Crush the Revolution'''<br/>
Is ''not'' {{flag|Nationalist Spain}}</small>
Is ''not'' {{ 国旗|Nationalist Spain}}</small>

== 经济状况==
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
第324行: 第322行:
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
| [[File:Oil.png]] '''Oil''' || [[File:Rubber.png]] '''Rubber''' || [[File:Steel.png]] '''Steel''' || [[File:Aluminum.png]] '''Aluminum''' || [[File:Tungsten.png]] '''Tungsten''' || [[File:Chromium.png]] '''Chromium'''
| [[File:Oil.png]] ''' 石油''' || [[File:Rubber.png]] ''' 橡胶''' ||[[File:Steel.png]] ''' ''' || [[File:Aluminum.png]] ''' ''' || [[File:Tungsten.png]] ''' ''' || [[File:Chromium.png]] ''' '''
| 0(0) || 0(0) || 68(34) || 2(1) || 6(3) || 0(0)
| 0(0) || 0(0) || 68(34) || 2(1) || 6(3) || 0(0)
''<small>*These numbers represent the available resources for production at start of the game. In the bracket are the complete numbers including those lost for [[Trade|trading]].</small>''
''<small>* 这些数字代表游戏开始时可用的生产资源。括号中是完整的数字,包括因[[Trade| 交易]]. 而损失的数字。</small>''

== 军事情况==

=== 陆军===

'''Total:''' 0 Divisions
''' 整体师情况:0个单位'''

[[File:Manpower.png]] '''Manpower Used:''' 00.00K
[[File:Manpower.png]] ''' 已经使用的人力:''' 00.00K

{|  class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
{|  class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ style="width: 55em; text-align: left;" | {{nowrap|Tank units list}}
|+ style="width: 55em; text-align: left;" | {{nowrap| 坦克型号表}}
! Name !! Type !! Techyear
! 名称 !! 类型 !! 科技年份
| Trubia A4 || Great War Tank || 1918
| 特鲁维亚 A4 || 一战坦克 || 1918
| Trubia Naval || Light Tank I || 1934
| 特鲁维亚 哈弗 || 轻型坦克 I || 1934
| Verdeja 1 || Light Tank II || 1936
| 瓦尔德加 1 || 轻型坦克 II || 1936
| Verdeja 2 || Light Tank III || 1941
| 瓦尔德加 2 || 轻型坦克 III || 1941
| M. Tank I || Medium Tank I || 1939
| 中型坦克 I || 中型坦克 I || 1939
| M. Tank II || Medium Tank II || 1941
| 中型坦克 II
| 中型坦克 II || 1941
| M. Tank III || Medium Tank III || 1943
| 中型坦克 III
| 中型坦克 III || 1943
| H. Tank I || Heavy Tank I || 1934
| 重型坦克 I || 重型坦克 I || 1934
| H. Tank II || Heavy Tank II || 1941
| 重型坦克 II || 重型坦克 II || 1941
| H. Tank III || Heavy Tank III || 1943
| 重型坦克 III || 重型坦克 III || 1943
| SH. Tank || Super Heavy Tank || 1943
| 超重型坦克 || 超重型坦克 || 1943
| Mod. Tank || MBT || 1945
| 现代坦克 || 现代坦克 || 1945

第392行: 第392行:
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ style="width: 55em; text-align: left;" | {{nowrap|Aircraft Types}}
|+ style="width: 55em; text-align: left;" | {{nowrap|Aircraft Types}}
! Tech Year !! Close Air Support (Carrier Variant) !! Fighter (Carrier Variant) !! Naval Bomber (Carrier Variant) !! Heavy Fighter !! Tactical Bomber !! Strategic Bomber
! 科技年份 !! 近距支援机(上舰版本) !! 轻型战斗机(上舰版本) !! 海军轰炸机(上舰版本) !! 重型战斗机 !! 战术轰炸机 !! 战略轰炸机
| '''1933''' || || Fighter || || || Bomber ||
| '''1933''' || || 战斗机 || || || 轰炸机 ||
| '''1936''' || CAS I || Fighter I || NAV I || Heavy Fighter I || Tac Bomber I || Strat Bomber I
| '''1936''' || CAS I || 战斗机 I || NAV I || Heavy Fighter I || Tac Bomber I || Strat Bomber I
| '''1940''' || CAS II || HA-1112 || NAV II || Heavy Fighter II || Tac Bomber II || Strat Bomber II
| '''1940''' || CAS II || 西航 HA-1112 || NAV II || Heavy Fighter II || Tac Bomber II || Strat Bomber II
| '''1944''' || CAS III || Fighter III  || NAV III || Heavy Fighter III || Tac Bomber III || Strat Bomber III
| '''1944''' || CAS III || Fighter III  || NAV III || Heavy Fighter III || Tac Bomber III || Strat Bomber III
第410行: 第410行:

== Strategies and Guides ==
== Strategies and Guides ==
To win the Civil War against {{flag|Republican Spain}} first focus on occupying Bilbao in the north and then create a front line with all your remaining divisions with Republican Spain and slowly push them back using the help of the Germans and Italians.
To win the Civil War against {{ 国旗|Republican Spain}} first focus on occupying Bilbao in the north and then create a front line with all your remaining divisions with Republican Spain and slowly push them back using the help of the Germans and Italians.

After you win the Civil War focus on rebuilding your economy until early 1939. After that, focus entirely on your military. Build tons of military factories and train a lot of divisions.
After you win the Civil War focus on rebuilding your economy until early 1939. After that, focus entirely on your military. Build tons of military factories and train a lot of divisions.
第440行: 第440行:

[[Category:Countries with unique National Focus trees]]
[[ 分类: 有独特国策树的国家]]

{{Country navbox|Countries without strategy guides}}
{{Country navbox|Countries without strategy guides}}

2024年5月14日 (二) 13:34的最新版本


Nationalist Spain.png




西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国(Nationalist Spain),是历史上在西班牙内战中击败西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国之后于1939年上台的。它位于西南欧的伊比利亚地区。


西班牙位于欧洲西南部,其大部分土地位于伊比利亚半岛上。在20世纪30年代,西班牙还拥有巴利阿里群岛(Balearic Islands),和一部分处于非洲的领土和群岛。西班牙她的非洲部分,即现代摩洛哥的里奥德奥罗地区(Rio de Oro),西撒哈拉(Western Sahara),赤道几内亚(Equatorial Guinea)和西北非沿岸的加那利群岛(Canary Islands),均由其拥有和控制。


西班牙与邻国 葡萄牙的国旗 葡萄牙拥有很长的边境线,后者构成了伊比利亚半岛的其余部分。其北部与 法国的国旗 法国接壤,高耸的比利牛斯山脉成为两国之间的自然边界。在南部,西班牙还与 联合王国的国旗 联合王国控制的直布罗陀(Gibraltar)接壤。



西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国在内战中战胜了 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国之后,弗朗西斯科·佛朗哥(Francisco Franco)建立了长达36年的独裁统治。



在冷战期间,西班牙与 美利坚合众国的国旗 美利坚合众国结盟,加入了北约(NATO)并与苏联相抗衡。

佛朗哥于1975年去世,享年82岁。他在死前恢复了君主制,这使他的继任国王胡安·卡洛斯一世(Juan Carlos I)领导了西班牙向民主的过渡。


西班牙国有着特殊的事件:*西班牙内战结束了*。 条件:


  • 删除*Brigada Legionario*(步兵旅)模板并删除从此模板创建的所有单位。



西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国抵抗运动 抵抗运动 DLC中获得了一个独特的国策树。在没有该DLC的情况下,西班牙国将使用通用国策树

The Nationalist Spanish national focus tree can be divided into 11 sections. 1 pre civil war branch leading into 3 main branches and 2 shared branches. A post civil war sub-branch can be split from each of these Branches:

This pre Spanish Civil War branch gives Spain popularity to the 法西斯主义法西斯主义 and 中立主义中立主义 parties, 政治点数政治点数, garrison control over various Spanish states, and various divisions during the Spanish Civil War. Unlike the 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国 Republican Spanish national focus tree, these focuses take 28 or 35 days rather than 70 days.
没有结果The Phalanx Ascendant Branch
This branch allows the 没有结果 to take power, increase 稳定度稳定度, create minor uprisings against 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国, gain a research slot and gain 民用工厂Civilian and 军用工厂Military factories. This path will force the 卡洛斯派西班牙的国旗 卡洛斯派西班牙 to declare war making another faction to fight against in the civil war.
The National-Syndicalist State Sub-branch
Once the Spanish Civil War is over, this sub-branch allows 没有结果 to expand its navy, gain a research slot, gain factories and give army bonuses in recruitable population and training time. It recreates the Spanish Empire with war goals against 葡萄牙的国旗 葡萄牙 and its colonies, 联合王国的国旗 联合王国, 法国的国旗 法国, 意大利的国旗 意大利, The 美利坚合众国的国旗 美利坚合众国, former Spanish Colonies and 巴西的国旗 巴西.
没有结果西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国The Corpo Truppe Volontarie/The Condor Legion Branch
This branch is shared between the 没有结果 and the 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国. It allows 意大利的国旗 意大利 and 德意志国的国旗 德意志国 to send more volunteers to aid in the civil war. It also gives forts on the 法国的国旗 法国 border, stability, political power and research bonuses.
The National And Popular Army of Spain/Join the Axis/National Recovery sub-branch
Once the Spanish Civil War is over, it gives the 没有结果 and the 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国 research bonuses for the army, factories, infrastructure, reduces the effects of the "Recovering From Civil War" national spirit and gives national recovery bonuses.
西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国Unify the Nationalist Front Branch
This branch focuses on aligning the 法西斯主义Falangist and 中立主义Carlist factions under the leadership of Francisco Franco as 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国. It gives stability and war support, and combat bonuses. It will also bypass an impending 卡洛斯派西班牙的国旗 卡洛斯派西班牙 revolt. There is also a focus that allows 葡萄牙的国旗 葡萄牙 to send more volunteers which leads to two focuses that can only be done once the Spanish Civil War is over. These two focuses allow Spain to ally 葡萄牙的国旗 葡萄牙 and create the Latin Bloc which also allies with 维希法国的国旗 维希法国, 意大利的国旗 意大利 and other Iberian countries if they are available.
Join the Allies/Adopt the 26 Points Sub-branch
Once the Spanish Civil War is over, it allows 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国 to join the 联合王国的国旗 联合王国 or 美利坚合众国的国旗 美利坚合众国 faction, which gives naval bonuses, factories, boosts national recovery and removes the "Recovering From Civil War" national spirit. It adds a research slot. The Adopt the 26 Points sub-branch leads to a section that is shared with 卡洛斯派西班牙的国旗 卡洛斯派西班牙. The 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国 exclusive section allows Francisco Franco to become dictator for life and leads to focuses that allows the sending of volunteers and wargoals against 法国的国旗 法国 and the 联合王国的国旗 联合王国.
西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国卡洛斯派西班牙的国旗 卡洛斯派西班牙Utilize the Intellectuals Branch
This branch is shared between the 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国 and the 卡洛斯派西班牙的国旗 卡洛斯派西班牙. It gives a research slot.
Restore the Monarchy Sub-branch
These focuses can only be selected after the Spanish Civil War is over. If the 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国 take this branch, Alfonso XIII becomes leader of the 中立主义中立主义 party. If the 卡洛斯派西班牙的国旗 卡洛斯派西班牙 take this branch, it fulfills the choice made in the Settle the Succession Question focus and creates the Kingdom of Spain. Jaime IV replaces Alfonso XIII if the focus is not taken by February 28, 1941. The rest of the branch gives air buildings and forts on naval bases. These focuses must be taken by 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国 in order to unlock the wargoal for Gibraltar and West Africa. 卡洛斯派西班牙的国旗 卡洛斯派西班牙 cannot take the focuses following these.
卡洛斯派西班牙的国旗 卡洛斯派西班牙Supremacy of the Communion Branch
This branch allows the 卡洛斯派西班牙的国旗 卡洛斯派西班牙 to prepare insurrections in the civil war, gain army bonuses, gain air and army research bonuses and civilian factories. This path will force the 没有结果 to declare war making another faction to fight against in the civil war.
Settle the Succession Question Sub-branch
After the Spanish Civil War, this sub-branch allows 卡洛斯派西班牙的国旗 卡洛斯派西班牙 to chose between Alfonso XIII or Javier I as King of Spain. Jaime IV replaces Alfonso XIII if the focus is not taken by February 28, 1941. It also gives naval research bonuses, a research slot and war goals against the 联合王国的国旗 联合王国, the 荷兰的国旗 荷兰, 比利时的国旗 比利时, 卢森堡的国旗 卢森堡, the 美利坚合众国的国旗 美利坚合众国, 古巴的国旗 古巴 and the 菲律宾的国旗 菲律宾. If France has Alphonse I as King, they may decide to become a Spanish Puppet. Otherwise, Spain gets a wargoal. 葡萄牙的国旗 葡萄牙 may also chose to be annexed and cored by Spain or give wargoals.



  • 西班牙国在开始游戏时对西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国怀有敌意,考虑到他们在战争状态中,这是很明显的。
  • 在内战中和内战结束后,西班牙国会因为意大利和德意志的志愿军而与其拥有一个良好的关系。
  • 在内战后,西班牙国大多保持中立,其国家关系大多建立在意识形态分歧的基础上。


  • 西班牙国在开始没有任何阵营,如果你选择了历史国策,她会一直保持这种方式。




卡洛斯主义 icon
  • 每周稳定度稳定度: -0.30%
  • 单位攻击:-10.0%
  • 单位防御:-10.0%
  • 中立主义中立派每日新增支持率:+0.05


不忠诚的军队 icon
  • 指挥官花费: +100.0%
  • 无法训练部队、
政治暴力 icon
  • 稳定度稳定度-15.00%
  • 无法分配内阁成员或修改法律:
全国罢工 icon
  • 稳定度稳定度: -10.00%
  • 建筑速度:-10.00%
  • 工厂产出:-10.00%
  • 海军船坞产出:-10.00%

当西班牙内战开始时,所有的民族精神都会被移除。 卡洛斯主义 卡洛斯主义将会被移除而西班牙国将会获得下列民族精神。:

宁死不屈 icon
  • 投降界限:+100.00%
  • M最低投降界限:+15.00%

如果玩家选择了卡洛斯派西班牙的国旗 卡洛斯派西班牙分支,西班牙国卡洛斯主义 卡洛斯会回归:

混乱的卡洛斯军政府 icon
  • 每周稳定度稳定度: -0.50%
  • 单位攻击:-10.0%
  • 单位防御 -10.0%


从内战中恢复 icon
  • 生活消费品工厂: +10%
  • 建造速度: -10.00%
  • 工厂产出:-20.00%
  • 海军船坞产出-20.00%
  • 加入阵营的紧张度限制:+50.0%


中立主义 Junta Militar

  • Impact of declaring war on World Tension: –75%
  • Impact of joining factions on World Tension: –90%
  • No Cannot impose its ideology on other countries
  • No Cannot send volunteers
  • 是 Can puppet other countries
  • No Cannot boost support of this ideology
  • No Can prepare collaboration goverments
  • Ideology drift defence: –30%
  • Civilian intelligence to others: +20%
  • Army intelligence to others: +10%
  • Navy intelligence to others: +20%
  • Airforce intelligence to others: +10%

Political Parties

Political Party 意识形态 支持率 党派领袖 游戏开始时的执政党
Unión Republicana 民主主义 0% 迭戈·马丁内斯·巴里奥 不是
西班牙共产党 共产主义 0% 何塞·迪亚斯 不是
Falange Española de las JONS 法西斯主义 60% 何塞·安东尼奥·普里莫·德里维拉 不是
国民军政府 中立主义 40% 何塞·圣胡尔霍


征兵法案 经济法案 贸易法案
Volunteer only.png 志愿兵役制
  • 1.5% 适役人口
Civilian economy.png 民用经济
  • 35% 生活消费品工厂
  • –30% 军用工厂建造速度
  • –30% 民用工厂建造速度
  • +30% 军转民消耗
  • +30% 民转军消耗
  • -40% 石油转换燃油效率
  • -25% 燃油容量
Export focus.png 重视出口
  • 50% 可出口资源
  • +5% 科研速度
  • +10% 工厂/海军船坞产出
  • +10% 建造速度
  • +20% 泄露给他国的民政情报
  • +10% 泄露给他国的海军情报


顾问 类型 效果 花费 (政治点数)
José Antonio Girón Industrial Falangist
  • Daily Fascism Support: +0.05
  • Infrastructure construction speed: +10.00%
  • 民用工厂建设速度:+10.00%
  • Refinery construction speed: +10.00%

Has not completed focus No Compromise on Carlist Ideals
Is not 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国

Manuel Hedilla Syndicalist Falangist
  • 生活消费品工厂:-5%
  • Daily Fascism Support: +0.10

Has not completed focus No Compromise on Carlist Ideals
Has not completed focus Banish the Party Leaders
Is not 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国

Raimundo Fernández-Cuesta Loyal Falangist
  • Political Power Gain: +5%
  • Daily Fascism Support: +0.10

Has not completed focus No Compromise on Carlist Ideals
Does not have political advisor Ramón Serrano Suñer
Has completed focus Banish the Party Leaders
Is not 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国

Tomás Domínguez Arévalo Lifelong Carlist
  • Stability: +10.00%
  • Daily Support for Unaligned: +0.10

Has not completed focus Eliminate the Carlists
Is not 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国

Diego Hidalgo y Durán War Industrialist
  • Military Factory Construction Speed: +10.00%
  • Dockyard Construction Speed: +10.00%
  • Fuel Silo Construction Speed: +10.00%

Has not completed focus The Phalanx Ascendant
Has not completed focus Supremacy of the Communion
Has not completed focus Regional Defense Council of Aragon
Has not completed focus The Anti-Fascist Worker's Revolution

Ramón Serrano Suñer Silent Workhorse
  • Political Power Gain: +15%

Has not completed focus No Compromise on Carlist Ideals
Does not have political advisor Raimundo Fernández-Cuesta
Is not 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国

Luis Hernando de Larramendi Traditionalist Theorist
  • Political Power Gain: +15%
  • Daily Support for Unaligned: +0.05

Has completed focus Supremacy of the Communion
Is not 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国

José Antonio Primo de Rivera Falangist Figurehead
  • Political Power Gain: +10%
  • Daily Fascism Support: +0.10

Has completed focus Primo De Rivera Prisoner Exchange
Is not 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国

Augusto Barcia Trelles Leftist Freemason
  • Same ideology monthly opinion: +25.00%
  • Civilian Intelligence: +10%
  • Army Intelligence: +10%
  • Navy Intelligence: +10%
  • Air Intelligence: +10%

Has not completed focus Masters of Our Own Fate
Has not completed focus Communists in the Government
Is not 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国

Francisco Largo Caballero Silent Workhorse
  • Political Power Gain: +15%

Has not completed focus Masters of Our Own Fate
Has not completed focus Communists in the Government
Is not 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国

Dolores Ibárruri La Pasionaria
  • Stability: +10.00%
  • War Support: +10.00%
  • Daily Communism Support: +0.05


  • Has completed focus Demand Ministerial Positions
  • Has completed focus Communists in the Government

Has not completed focus Masters of Our Own Fate
Is not 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国

Diego Martínez Barrio Backroom Backstabber
  • Political Power Gain: +5%
  • Ideology drift defense +15.0%

Has not completed focus Masters of Our Own Fate
Has not completed focus Communists in the Government
Is not 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国

Juan Negrín Gran Carabinero
  • Recruitable Population: 0.50%
  • 生活消费品工厂:-2%
  • Stability: +5.00%

Has not completed focus Masters of Our Own Fate
Has not completed focus Communists in the Government
Is not 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国

Indalecio Prieto Voice of Restraint
  • Stability: +10.00%
  • Daily Democracy Support: +0.05

Has not completed focus Masters of Our Own Fate
Has not completed focus Communists in the Government
Is not 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国

Jesús Hernández Tomás Education Reformer
  • 研究速度:+5.00%


  • Has completed focus Demand Ministerial Positions
  • Has completed focus New Leadership

Has not completed focus Crush the Revolution
Is not 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国

Federica Montseny Social Revolutionary
  • Political Power Gain: +10%
  • War Support: +10.00%
  • Daily Support for Unaligned: +0.05

Has not completed focus Crush the Revolution
Is not 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国

Juan López Sánchez Captain of Industry
  • Infrastructure construction speed: +10.00%
  • 民用工厂建设速度:+10.00%
  • Refinery construction speed: +10.00%

Has not completed focus Crush the Revolution
Is not 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国

Juan García Oliver War Industrialist
  • Military Factory Construction Speed: +10.00%
  • Dockyard Construction Speed: +10.00%
  • Fuel Silo Construction Speed: +10.00%

Has not completed focus Crush the Revolution
Is not 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国



Unregular 军用工厂 Military Factories Unregular 海军船坞 Naval Dockyard Unregular 民用工厂 Civilian Factories
Oil.png 石油 Rubber.png 橡胶 Steel.png Aluminum.png Tungsten.png Chromium.png
0(0) 0(0) 68(34) 2(1) 6(3) 0(0)





Manpower.png 已经使用的人力: 00.00K

名称 类型 科技年份
特鲁维亚 A4 一战坦克 1918
特鲁维亚 哈弗 轻型坦克 I型 1934
瓦尔德加 1 轻型坦克 II型 1936
瓦尔德加 2 轻型坦克 III型 1941
中型坦克 I型 中型坦克 I型 1939
中型坦克 II型 中型坦克 II型 1941
中型坦克 III型 中型坦克 III型 1943
重型坦克 I型 重型坦克 I型 1934
重型坦克 II型 重型坦克 II型 1941
重型坦克 III型 重型坦克 III型 1943
超重型坦克 超重型坦克 1943
现代坦克 现代坦克 1945


UnregularGrand Battlefleet.png Battleships UnregularCapital Ship Raiders.png Light Cruisers UnregularFloating Fortress.png Destroyers UnregularSubmarine Operations.png Submarines

Total: Depends on the civil war.

Manpower.png Manpower Used: Unregular

Air Force

UnregularAir Skirmish.png Fighters UnregularNaval Strike Tactics.png Naval Bombers

Total: Depends on the civil war.

Manpower.png Manpower Used: Unregular

Aircraft Types
科技年份 近距支援机(上舰版本) 轻型战斗机(上舰版本) 海军轰炸机(上舰版本) 重型战斗机 战术轰炸机 战略轰炸机
1933 战斗机 轰炸机
1936 CAS I 战斗机 I型 NAV I Heavy Fighter I Tac Bomber I Strat Bomber I
1940 CAS II 西航 HA-1112 NAV II Heavy Fighter II Tac Bomber II Strat Bomber II
1944 CAS III Fighter III NAV III Heavy Fighter III Tac Bomber III Strat Bomber III
Jet Engine Technology
1945 Jet Fighter I Jet Tac Bomber I
1950 Jet Fighter II Jet Tac Bomber II Jet Strat Bomber I

Strategies and Guides

To win the Civil War against 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国 first focus on occupying Bilbao in the north and then create a front line with all your remaining divisions with Republican Spain and slowly push them back using the help of the Germans and Italians.

After you win the Civil War focus on rebuilding your economy until early 1939. After that, focus entirely on your military. Build tons of military factories and train a lot of divisions.

When World War II breaks out, make sure you have at least 6 well-trained, 40 width divisions to send to the Axis as volunteers. The trick to send more volunteers than the maximum allowed is very simple: Send volunteers to more than one country because the maximum cap of volunteers only applies to a single country and not an alliance.

But if you are someone who likes challenges and you want to get the "Nobody expects..." achievement, try to research light tanks 2 ASAP and then use all the army xp you get to improve the tanks' speed. There is another way which is based on paratroopers, and you are going to need A LOT of trashy fighters.

You can also wait for Germany and Italy to declare war on France. By 1939-40 you should be able to join the Axis who automatically will ask you to join the war against the Allies. France has a lot of troops stationed at the German and Italian border and will not be ready for a quick thrust from the south. Train a bunch of 20+ width divisions with artillery (about 24-48), and some horse or mechanized divisions as well. Spread out your infantry across the French border and focus your mobilized troops on the Northwestern side of the Pyrenees. When you join the Axis-faction, quickly join the war and make a massive offensive. The French troops will be busy fighting with your infantry, while your mobilized troops head for Paris. Make sure to spread out your mobilized troops, so they'll be harder to catch. Paris will most likely be undefended and France will capitulate giving you most of the French territory and the "Nobody expects..." achievement.

Now that you are ready to beat down the communist threat just go out and make Generalissimo proud!


Nobody expects....jpg
Nobody expects...
As Nationalist Spain in Axis manage to take Paris before the Germans.
One King, Two Crowns.png
One King, Two Crowns
As Kingdom of Spain, own all Spanish and French cores.
Our Chief Weapon is Surprise....png
Our Chief Weapon is Surprise...
As Spain, have 5 spies and stage 5 coups.
We Will Rock You.png
We Will Rock You
As Spain, own Gibraltar.