
(文本替换 - 替换“! Type !!”为“! 类型 !!”)
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  早在旧石器时代、中石器时代和新石器时代 ,阿根廷 就有了已知最早的人类活 痕迹。在欧洲殖民者登陆以前,这片地广人稀 上有着社会形态各异的文化,可分为三大类:原始的猎人和食物采集者,未掌握陶器制作技术,如最南端的塞尔克纳姆人和亚干人 进步的猎人和食物采集者 如中东部的普埃尔切人、克兰迪人 山地居民 ,以及 南部的特维尔切人,他们都被由智利扩张而至 马普切人征服 了。 科姆 和维奇人生活在北部 懂得制陶的农民 东北部的查鲁 人、米努阿内人和瓜拉尼人以刀耕火种的半定居方式生活;西北部 定居者迪亚吉塔人有着贸易文化 于1480年前后被印加帝国征服;托科诺特 科梅钦贡人居住于中部 中西部 瓦尔佩人以大羊驼为家畜,受到印加人 强烈影响
  直到1936年 ,阿根廷 一直处于政治 地。 政府腐败 革命 政变失败 ,以及 大萧条导致1930年 另一次政变建立 右翼政府 而政变领导 何塞·费利克斯·乌里比鲁(José Félix Uriburu)后来在1932年被诊断出患有胃癌,导致阿古斯丁·佩德罗·贾斯托(Agustín Pedro Justo)上台 贾斯托着手开始采取干预主义政策 以建立 根廷 经济 工业 基础设施。随着这些事态发展 政府对持不同政见者 政治动荡采取了严厉 态度

1502年,航海家亚美利哥·韦斯普奇一行成为首次抵达此地的欧洲人。西班牙航海家胡安·迪亚斯·德索利斯和塞巴斯蒂安·卡伯特分别于1516年和1526年到访。1536年,佩德罗·德门多萨在布宜诺斯艾利斯一带建立了小型定居点,后于1541年在土著居 的抵抗中放弃。进一步的殖民努力来自巴拉圭、秘鲁和智利。弗朗西斯科·德阿吉雷建立了圣地亚哥- 德尔埃斯特罗。隆德雷斯建于1558年,门多萨建于1561年,圣胡安建于1562年,圣米格尔- 德图库曼建于1565年,胡安·德·加雷于1573年建立了圣菲 同年赫罗尼莫·路易斯·德卡夫雷拉建立了科尔多瓦。1580年加雷南 ,重建了布宜诺斯艾利斯。1596年,圣路易斯始建。
==  族精神 ==
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<section begin=national_spirit/>
当 {{icon|TOA|1}}忠诚试炼扩展包启用时 {{flag|Argentina}}开局拥有 列民族精神:
{{box wrapper|

{{Effectbox|Legacy of the Naval Arms Race|file=MTG naval treaty adherent|While there are no formal treaties preventing the expansion of the Brazilian, Chilean or Argentinean navies, there has been an informal arrangement since the Great War that has prevented it. If any of the nations in the regions were to begin arming their fleets with new capital ships, a new arms race would be inevitable
*{{icon|Dockyard Output|1}}: {{green|-15.00%}}
*Carrier Max Cost: '''9500'''
*Cruiser Max Cost: '''5300'''
*Heavy Ship Max Cost: '''10000'''
*{{icon|nic|Dockyard}} construction speed: {{red|-40.00%}}

阿根廷取代总督辖区的过程开始了。在1810年的五月革命中,第一届国民大会取代了西斯内罗斯总督。新的布宜诺斯艾利斯 府由当地人组成。在独立战争期间的第一场冲突中,它粉碎了忠君者在科尔多瓦的反革命行动,但在东岸、上秘鲁和巴拉圭遭遇失败,这些地方后来成为独立国家。革命者分裂为敌对的集权派和联邦派,它们的争斗成了阿根廷独立初期的主题。1813年议会任命格瓦西奥·安东尼奥·德·波萨达斯为阿根廷首任最高指挥。1816年,图库曼议会通过了《独立宣言》。一年后,马丁·米格尔·古埃梅斯消灭了北方的忠君者。何塞·德·圣马丁将军跨越安第斯山脉,保卫了智利的独立。之后他的军队打下了西班牙在利马的据点,宣告了秘鲁的独立。1819年布宜诺斯艾利斯制定了的中央集权制宪法很快被联邦派废除。
{{Effectbox|Infamous Decade|file=Idea ARG infamous decade|The Infamous Decade was a period in Argentine history that began with the 1930 d'état against President Hipólito Yrigoyen. It was a time marked by two things. On one hand, significant rural exodus following the Great Depression and on the other hand, blatant electoral fraud to perpetuate conservative governments in power.
*{{icon|Stability|1}}: {{red|-10.00%}}
*{{icon|War Support|1}} {{red|-10.00%}}
* 治顾问花费:{{red|+25%}}
*Daily Support for {{icon|Unaligned|1}}: {{green|+0.02}}

1820年,集权派与联邦派之间的西佩达之战以最高指挥结束统治告终。1826年,布宜诺斯艾利斯制定了另一部中央集权宪法,并任命贝纳迪诺·里瓦达维亚为这个国家的首任总统。内陆省份很快起兵反抗,迫使他辞职并放弃宪法。两派间内战重燃。占了上风的联邦派于1831年建立了阿根廷邦联,由胡安·曼努埃尔·德·罗萨斯领导。他的 贸易 保护政策激怒了英、法等国和内陆省份,他的政权先后抵挡了法国封锁、邦联战争和英 联合封锁,避免了版图的进一步缩小,但在1852年,另一位强大的军事领袖胡斯托·何塞·德·乌尔基萨推翻他成为总统,并以1853年宪 确立了自由主义和联邦制。垄断地位遭到破坏的布宜诺斯艾利斯脱离邦联,直到1859年战败。
{{Effectbox|The Roca-Runciman Treaty|file=Idea ARG roca runciman treaty|The Roca-Runciman Agreement is a significant trade pact between Argentina and the United Kingdom signed in May 1033 that guaranteed Argentina with a fixed share in the British meat market. In exchange, Argentina agreed to restrictions with regard to trade and currency exchange, preserving the United Kingdom's commercial insterests in the country.
*Consumer Goods Factories factor: '''10.0%'''
*Resources to Market: '''+20%'''
* 贸易法 案花费:{{red|+10%}}
*经济 案花费:{{red|+10%}}
*{{icon|cic|1}} construction speed: {{green|+5.00%}}

{{Effectbox|Monroe Doctrine|file=Idea generic usa conflict|The United States has long promised to protect the western hemisphere from outside interference by colonial powers, meaning any incursion into our territory would likely mean the USA would come to our aid. However, if our politics no longer align with that of the United States, we may find ourselves unprotected.

从1880年上任的胡利奥·阿根蒂诺·罗卡开始,经济自由政策得到连续十届联邦政府的加强,政策激励下的欧洲入境移民潮重塑了阿根廷的政治、经济和文化的面貌。从1870年到1910年,移民潮和死亡率的降低使人口翻了五番;铁路里程从503公里陡增至31,104公里;小麦年出口从10万吨增至250万吨,海上冷冻船的应用促使牛肉年出口从2.5万吨增至36.5万吨,令阿根廷跻身于世界出口五强之列;归功于世俗的免费公共义务教育系统,识字率从22% 激增至65% ,比大多数拉美国家五十年后的水平还高。1908年,阿根廷成为世界第七经济大国,人均收入与德国比肩。布宜诺斯艾利斯也从“大农村”转身成为国际化的“南美巴黎”。
{{Effectbox|Political Corruption|file=Idea ARG political corruption modifier|For many years, Argentina has been plagued by fervent corruption within its government. Whilst it was though that by allowing the Concordancia to form, this might have lessened, fraudulant votes and voter intimidation have continued to be present.
*{{icon|Political Power|1}} Gain: {{green|+10%}}
*{{icon|War Support|1}}: {{red|-20.00%}}
*Construction Speed: {{red|-10.00%}}
*{{icon|production Efficiency Cap|1}}: {{red|-10.00%}}

<section end=national_spirit/>

第32行: 第66行:

{{ 国旗|阿根廷}}没有独特的国策树,而是使用通用国策树。
{{#lst:Generic national focus tree|branches desc}}
{{#lst:Generic national focus tree|branches desc}}

== 科技==
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
|+Latest Technologies Researched 1936
|+ 已研发,1936
!Army Technology
! 陆军
!Naval Technology
! 海军
!Air Technology
! 空军
!Electronics & Industry
; Infantry
; 步兵
* Basic Infantry Equipment
* ''毛瑟 M91''(初级步兵装备)
* Mountain Infantry 1
* 山地步兵 I
; Support Battalions
; 火炮
* -
* 牵引式火炮
; Armor
* 牵引式防空炮
* -
; Artillery
* Artillery I
; Navy
*Destroyer I
*Light Cruiser I
* 早期驱逐舰船体
*Heavy Cruiser I
*Battleship I
* 基础深水炸弹
*Submarine I
*Transport Ship
* 早期巡洋舰船体
; Air
* 基础巡洋舰装甲设计方案
*Interwar fighter
; Electrical
* 早期重型战舰船体
* -
* 早期潜艇船体
* 1936潜艇船体
* 基础鱼雷
* 海军舰炮
* 炮廓式副炮
* 运输船
* 触发式鱼雷
; Land Doctrine
; 空军
* -
*''FMA D.21''(战间期型战斗机)
* 近距支援机 I型
; Naval doctrine
* -
; Air doctrine
* -
; Industrial
* -

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
|+Latest Technologies Researched 1939
|+ 已研发,1939
!Army Technology
! 陆军
!Naval Technology
! 海军
!Air Technology
! 空军
!Electronics & Industry
! 工业
; Infantry
; 步兵
* Basic Infantry Equipment
* ''毛瑟 M91''(初级步兵装备)
* Improved Infantry Equipment
* ''毛瑟 M09''(步兵装备 I型)
* Support Weapons 1
* 改进步兵装备 I
; Support Battalions
* 山地步兵 I
* -
; Armor
* -
* 无线电
; Artillery
; 火炮
* Artillery I
* 牵引式火炮
* Interwar Artillery
* 战间期型火炮
* Anti-Air
* 牵引式防空炮
; Navy
*Destroyer I
*Destroyer II
*Light Cruiser I
*Light Cruiser II
*Heavy Cruiser I
*Battleship I
*Submarine I
* 早期巡洋舰船体
*Transport Ship
* 基础巡洋舰装甲设计方案
* 早期重型战舰船体
* 早期潜艇船体
* 1936潜艇船体
* 基础鱼雷
* 海军舰炮
* 基础轻型跑组
* 基础中型炮组
* 炮廓式副炮
* 运输船
* 触发式鱼雷
; Air
; 空军
* Interwar fighter
*''FMA D.21''(战间期型战斗机)
* 近距支援机 I
* 海军轰炸机 I
* Bomber I
*''FMA AeMB.1''(战间期型轰炸机)
; Electrical
; 电子工程
* Electronic Mechanical Engineering
* 电子机械工程
* Radio
* 无线电
* Radio Detection
* 无线电侦测
* Mechanical Computing
* 机械式计算机
* Computing Machine
* 基础计算机
; Land Doctrine - Grand Battle Plan
; 陆军学说 - 决战计划学说
* Trench Warfare
* 堑壕战
* Grand Battle Plan
* 决战计划
; Naval doctrine - Fleet in Being
; 海军学说 - 存在舰队学说
* Fleet in Being
* 存在舰队
* Battlefleet Concentration
* 作战舰队集中运用
* Convoy Sailing
* 运输船队航行
; Air doctrine - Strategic Destruction
; 空军学说 - 战略破坏学说
* Air Superiority
* 空中优势
; Industrial
; 工业
* Basic Machine Tools
* 基础机床
* Improved Machine Tools
* 改良机床
* Advanced Machine Tools
* 先进机床
* Dispersed Industry I
* 离散型工业 I
* Dispersed Industry II
* 离散型工业 II
* Construction I
* 建筑技术 I
* Construction II
* 建筑技术 II
* Synthetic Oil Experiments
* 燃料储存
* Oil Plant
* 合成石油实验
* Improved Oil Plant
* 石油加工
* 改进石油加工
{| class="wikitable"
*''卡塔马卡级''(驱逐舰 I型)
*''自由级''(轻巡洋舰 I型)
*''加里波第级''(重巡洋舰 I型)
*''里瓦达维亚级''(战列舰 I型)
*''圣菲级''(潜艇 I型)

* ''布宜诺斯艾利斯级''(驱逐舰 II型)
* ''阿根廷级''(轻巡洋舰 II型)
Like all the other states in South America the independence of Argentina is guaranteed by the {{flag|United States}}.
== 外交==
正如南美洲的其他改进,{{ 国旗|United States}} 保障阿根廷的独立。

Argentina also starts with claims on the Falkland Islands and the island of South Georgia, both territories held by the {{flag|United Kingdom}}.
阿根廷开局还会宣称福兰克群岛和南乔治亚岛,这些地区都由 {{ 国旗|United Kingdom}} 持有。

== 地理==
Argentina controls 6 states:
*Tucuman, Mendoza and Patagonia are rural regions mostly composed by mountains and deserts.
* 图库曼、门多萨和巴塔哥尼亚是乡村地区,主要由山地、丘陵和沙漠省份组成。
*Chaco Austral is a developed rural region all tiles are forest
* 南查科是一个发达乡村地区,所有省份都是森林。
*Mesopotamia is a sparse Urban region with forests on the north but it is mostly plains, except one tile which is a marsh.
* 美索不达米亚是稀疏城镇地区,北部省份是森林,大部分省份是平原,除了一个省份是沼泽。
*Pampas is a dense urban region with plains and hills, with a marsh tile on the north and an urban tile in Buenos Aires.
* 潘帕斯是密集城镇地区,有平原和丘陵,北部有沼泽,此外还有布宜诺斯艾利斯所在的城市省份。

=== Victory points ===
=== 胜利点 ===
Two main cities in Argentina are represented by 11 [[Province#Victory Point|victory points]]:
阿根廷的两个主要城市有 11 [[ 省份# 胜利点| 胜利点]]
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! City
! 城市
! State
! 地区
! [[File:Victory point texticon.png]]
! [[File:Victory point texticon.png]]
| Mar del Plata
| 马德普拉塔
| Pampa
| 潘帕斯
| style="text-align:center" | 1
| style="text-align:center" | 1
| Buenos Aires
| 布宜诺斯艾利斯
| Pampa
| 潘帕斯
| style="text-align:center" | 10
| style="text-align:center" | 10

== 政治==
=== 意识形态===
{{icon|Neutrality|width=32px}} '''Concordancia (Non-Aligned)'''
{{icon|Neutrality|width=32px}} ''' 国家团结党(中立主义)'''
* {{icon|no}} Can force government of another country to adopt the same ideology.
* {{icon|no}} 可以强迫别的国家政府接受己方意识形态。

===Political Parties===
=== 政党===
{| class="wikitable" style="float:left; width:49em; margin:10px; margin-left:0"
{| class="wikitable" style="float:left; width:75em; margin:10px; margin-left:0"
|+ <big>Political parties, 1936</big>
|+ <big> 政党,1936</big>
! {{hover|Ideology|Id.}} !! style="width:22.3em;" | Party name !!  style="width:1em;" | Popularity !!  style="width:11.9em;" | Leader !! style="width:1em;" | Ruling !! Traits
! {{hover| 意识形态|Id.}} !! style="width:9em;" | 政党名称 !!  style="width:1em;" |  支持率 !!  style="width:11.9em;" | 领导人 !!  统治 !! 特质 !! 国家名称
|  style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Democracy.png|link=Ideology#Democracy|Democracy/Social Democracy|28px]]
|  style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Democracy.png|link=Ideology#Democracy|Democracy/Social Democracy|28px]]
! <span style="color: blue; float:left;"> '''Unión Cívica Radical''' 
! <span style="color: blue; float:left;"> ''' 激进公民联盟''' 
| style="text-align: center;" | <span style="color: blue;"> '''5.00%''' || Marcelo T. de Alvear || style="text-align: center;" | No, but can came to power by coup. || ''No traits''
| style="text-align: center;" | <span style="color: blue;"> '''5.00%''' || 马塞洛·T·德阿尔维亚尔 || style="text-align: center;" | 不是,但可以通过政变上台 || '' 无特质'' || 阿根廷共和国
|  style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Communism.png|link=Ideology#Communism|Communism/Marxism|28px]] 
|  style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Communism.png|link=Ideology#Communism|Communism/Marxism|28px]] 
! <span style="color: red; float:left;"> '''Partido Comunista de la Argentina''' 
! <span style="color: red; float:left;"> ''' 阿根廷共产党''' 
|style="text-align: center;" | <span style="color: red;"> '''12.00%''' || Fanny Jabcovsky || style="text-align: center;" | No, but can came to power by coup. || ''No traits''
|style="text-align: center;" | <span style="color: red;"> '''12.00%''' || 范妮·哈科夫斯基 || style="text-align: center;" | 不是,但可以通过政变上台 || '' 无特质'' || 人民阿根廷
|  style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Fascism.png|link=Ideology#Fascism|Fascism/Fascism|28px]] 
|  style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Fascism.png|link=Ideology#Fascism|Fascism/Fascism|28px]] 
! <span style="color: orange; float:left;"> '''Union Nacional Fascista''' 
! <span style="color: orange; float:left;"> ''' 国家法西斯联盟''' 
| style="text-align: center;" | <span style="color: orange;"> '''5.00%''' || Nimo de Anquín || style="text-align: center;" | No, but can came to power by coup. || ''No traits''
| style="text-align: center;" | <span style="color: orange;"> '''5.00%''' || Nimo de Anquín || style="text-align: center;" | 不是,但可以通过政变上台 || '' 无特质'' || 阿根廷联盟
|  style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Fascism.png|link=Ideology#Fascism|Fascism/Nazism|28px]] 
|  style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Fascism.png|link=Ideology#Fascism|Fascism/Nazism|28px]] 
! <span style="color: orange; float:left;"> '''Union Nacional Fascista''' 
! <span style="color: orange; float:left;"> ''' 国家法西斯联盟''' 
| style="text-align: center;" | <span style="color: orange;"> '''----''' || Señor Hilter || style="text-align: center;" | No, but can came to power by the German Civil War. || '''Dictator:'''<br /> Political Power Gain: <span style="color: green;">'''+25'''</span><br />'''Incognito:'''<br /> Daily [[File:Fascism.png|link=Ideology#Fascism|Fascism|28px]] [[Ideology#Fascism|Fascism]] Support: <span style="color: green;">'''+0.1'''</span><br /> Ideology drift defense: <span style="color: green;">'''+15'''</span> || Argentine League
| style="text-align: center;" | <span style="color: orange;"> '''----''' || Señor Hilter || style="text-align: center;" | 不是,但可以通过德国内战上台 || ''' 大独裁者:'''<br /> 政治点数:<span style="color: green;">'''+25%'''</span><br />''' 伪装者:'''<br /> [[File:Fascism.png|link=Ideology#Fascism|Fascism|28px]] [[ 意识形态# 法西斯主义| 法西斯主义]] 理念每日新增支持率:<span style="color: green;">'''+0.1'''</span><br /> 意识形态变化抵制力度:<span style="color: green;">'''+15'''</span> || 阿根廷联盟
|  style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Neutrality.png|link=Ideology#Non-Aligned|Non-Aligned/Despotism|31px]]  
|  style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Neutrality.png|link=Ideology#Non-Aligned|Non-Aligned/Despotism|31px]]  
! <span style="color: grey; float:left;"> '''Concordancia'''
! <span style="color: grey; float:left;"> ''' 国家团结党'''
|style="text-align: center;" | <span style="color: grey;"> '''78.00%'''  || Agustín Pedro Justo || style="text-align: center;" | Yes || ''No traits''
|style="text-align: center;" | <span style="color: grey;"> '''78.00%'''  || 阿古斯丁·佩德罗·胡斯托 || style="text-align: center;" | || '' 无特质'' || 阿根廷
{| class="wikitable" style="float:left; width:49em; margin:10px;"
{| class="wikitable" style="float:left; width:65em; margin:10px;"
! {{hover|Ideology|Id.}} !! style="width:22.3em;" | Party name !!  style="width:1em;" | Popularity !!  style="width:11.9em;" | Leader !! style="width:1em;" | Ruling !! Traits
! {{hover| 意识形态|Id.}} !! style="width:9em;" | 政党名称 !!  style="width:1em;" |  支持率 !!  style="width:11.9em;" | 领导人 !! 统治 !! 特质 !! 国家名称
|+<big>Political parties, 1939</big>
|+<big> 政党,1939</big>
| style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Democracy.png|link=Ideology#Democracy|Democracy/Social Democracy|28px]]
| style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Democracy.png|link=Ideology#Democracy|Democracy/Social Democracy|28px]]
! <span style="color: blue; float:left;"> '''Unión Cívica Radical''' 
! <span style="color: blue; float:left;"> ''' 激进公民联盟''' 
| style="text-align: center;" | <span style="color: blue;"> '''5.00%''' || Marcelo T. de Alvear || style="text-align: center;" | No, but can came to power by coup. || ''No traits'' 
| style="text-align: center;" | <span style="color: blue;"> '''5.00%''' || 马塞洛·T·德阿尔维亚尔 || style="text-align: center;" | 不是,但可以通过德国内战上台 || '' 无特质'' || 阿根廷共和国
| style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Communism.png|link=Ideology#Communism|Communism/Marxism|28px]] 
| style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Communism.png|link=Ideology#Communism|Communism/Marxism|28px]] 
! <span style="color: red; float:left;"> '''Partido Comunista de la Argentina''' 
! <span style="color: red; float:left;"> ''' 阿根廷共产党''' 
|style="text-align: center;" | <span style="color: red;"> '''12.00%''' || Fanny Jabcovsky || style="text-align: center;" | No, but can came to power by coup. || ''No traits'' 
|style="text-align: center;" | <span style="color: red;"> '''12.00%''' || 范妮·哈科夫斯基 || style="text-align: center;" | 不是,但可以通过德国内战上台 || '' 无特质'' || 人民阿根廷
| style="text-align: center;" |  [[File:Fascism.png|link=Ideology#Fascism|Fascism/Fascism|28px]]  
| style="text-align: center;" |  [[File:Fascism.png|link=Ideology#Fascism|Fascism/Fascism|28px]]  
! <span style="color: orange; float:left;"> '''Union Nacional Fascista''' 
! <span style="color: orange; float:left;"> ''' 国家法西斯联盟''' 
| style="text-align: center;" | <span style="color: orange;"> '''5.00%''' || Nimo de Anquín || style="text-align: center;" | No, but can came to power by coup. || ''No traits''
| style="text-align: center;" | <span style="color: orange;"> '''5.00%''' || Nimo de Anquín || style="text-align: center;" | 不是,但可以通过德国内战上台 || '' 无特质'' || 阿根廷联盟
| style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Neutrality.png|link=Ideology#Non-Aligned|Non-Aligned/Despotism|31px]]   
| style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Neutrality.png|link=Ideology#Non-Aligned|Non-Aligned/Despotism|31px]]   
! <span style="color: grey; float:left;"> '''Concordancia'''
! <span style="color: grey; float:left;"> ''' 国家团结党'''
| style="text-align: center;" | <span style="color: grey;"> '''78.00%'''  || Roberto María Ortiz || style="text-align: center;" | Yes || ''No traits''
| style="text-align: center;" | <span style="color: grey;"> '''78.00%'''  || 罗贝托·玛利亚·奥尔蒂斯 || style="text-align: center;" | || '' 无特质'' || 阿根廷

=== 法律===

第250行: 第317行:
These are choices of ministers and design companies for Argentina.
These are choices of ministers and design companies for Argentina.
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ style="width: 30em; text-align: left;" |Political Advisors
|+ style="width: 30em; text-align: left;" | 政治顾问
! 顾问
! 类型
! 效果
!Cost ({{icon|political power}})
! 花费({{icon|political power}}
|Ramon Castillo
| 拉蒙·卡斯蒂略
|Quartermaster General
| 军需将军
* Air base Construction Speed: {{green|+15 %}}
* 空军基地建造速度:{{green|+15 %}}
* Naval base Construction Speed: {{green|+15 %}}
* 海军基地建造速度:{{green|+15 %}}
* Rocket Site Construction Speed: {{green|+15 %}}
* 火箭基地建造速度:{{green|+15 %}}
* Radar Station Construction Speed: {{green|+15 %}}
* 雷达站建造速度:{{green|+15 %}}
* Nuclear Reactor Construction Speed: {{green|+15 %}}
* 核反应堆建造速度:{{green|+15 %}}
| align="center" |150
| align="center" |150
|Luis Podesta Costa
| 路易斯·波德斯塔·科斯塔
|Backroom Backstabber
| 密谋的暗害者
* Political Power Gain: {{green|+5.00%}}
* 政治点数:{{green|+5.00%}}
* Ideological Drift Defense: {{green|+15.00%}}
* 意识形态变化抵制力度:{{green|+15.00%}}
| align="center" |150 
| align="center" |150 
|Manuel Maria de Iriondo
| 曼努埃尔·玛丽亚·德伊里翁多
|Prince of Terror
| 恐怖的巨头
* Effect of partisans on us: {{green|-25 %}}
* 对驻军伤害:{{green|-25 %}}
* Foreign subversive activities efficiency: {{green|-30 %}}
* 外国颠覆活动效率:{{green|-30 %}}
* Non-core manpower: {{green|+2 %}}
* 非核心人力:{{green|+2 %}}
| align="center" |150
| align="center" |150
|Juan Domingo Peron
| 胡安·多明戈·庇隆
|Communist Revolutionary
| 共产主义革命家
* Daily Communist Support: {{green|+.10}}
* 共产主义理念每日新增支持率:{{green|+0.10}}
| align="center" |150
| align="center" |150
|Alberto Gilbert
| 阿尔韦托·希尔韦特
|Democratic Reformer
| 民主改革家
* Daily Democracy Support: {{green|+.10}}
* 民主理念每日新增支持率:{{green|+0.10}}
| align="center" |150
| align="center" |150
|Carlos Alberto Pueyrredon
| 卡洛斯·阿尔贝托·普埃伦东
|Fascist Demagogue
| 法西斯煽动家
* Daily Fascism Support: {{green|+.10}}
* 法西斯主义理念每日新增支持率:{{green|+0.10}}
| align="center" |150
| align="center" |150
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ style="width: 30em; text-align: left;" |Tank Designers
|+ style="width: 30em; text-align: left;" | 坦克制造商
! 制造商
! 类型
! 效果
!Cost ({{icon|political power}})
! 花费({{icon|political power}}
|Armor Company
| 装甲制造商
|Generic Tank Designer
| 坦克制造商
|{{#lst: 法律与顾问|TankManufacturer}}
* Armor Research Time: {{green|-10 %}}
* Armor Reliability: {{green|+5 %}}
<small>By selecting this '''''Design Company''''' they will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.</small>
| align="center" |150
| align="center" |150
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ style="width: 30em; text-align: left;" |Ship Designers
|+ style="width: 30em; text-align: left;" | 舰艇制造商
! 制造商
! 类型
! 效果
!Cost ({{icon|political power}})
! 花费({{icon|political power}}
|Naval Company
| 海军制造商
|Generic Fleet Designer
| 舰艇制造商
* Naval Research Time: {{green|-10 %}}
| align="center" |150
| align="center" |150
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ style="width: 30em; text-align: left;" |Aircraft Designers
|+ style="width: 30em; text-align: left;" | 飞行器设计
! 制造商
! 类型
! 效果
!Cost ({{icon|political power}})
! 花费({{icon|political power}}
|Light Aircraft Company
| 轻型飞机制造商
|Light Aircraft Designer
| 轻型飞机制造商
|{{#lst: 法律与顾问|LightAircraftManufacturer}}
* Air Research Time: {{green|-10 %}}
* '''''Fighter:'''''
** Agility: {{green|+10 %}}
** Max Speed: {{green|+10 %}}
* '''''Carrier Fighter:'''''
** Agility: {{green|+10 %}}
** Max Speed: {{green|+10 %}}
<small>By selecting this '''''Design Company''''' they will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.</small>
| align="center" |150
| align="center" |150
|Medium Air Company
| 中型飞机制造商
|Medium Aircraft Designer
| 中型飞机制造商
|{{#lst: 法律与顾问|MediumAircraftManufacturer}}
* Air Research Time: {{green|-10 %}}
* '''''Heavy Fighter:''''' Reliability: {{green|+20 %}}
* '''''Tactical Bomber:''''' Reliability: {{green|+20 %}}
<small>By selecting this '''''Design Company''''' they will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.</small>
| align="center" |150
| align="center" |150
|Heavy Air Company
| 重型飞机制造商
|Heavy Aircraft Designer
| 重型飞机制造商
|{{#lst: 法律与顾问|HeavyAircraftManufacturer}}
* Air Research Time: {{green|-10 %}}
* '''''Strategic Bomber:''''' Strategic Bombing: {{green|+10 %}}
<small>By selecting this '''''Design Company''''' they will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.</small>
| align="center" |150
| align="center" |150
|Naval Air Company
| 海军飞机制造商
|Naval Aircraft Designer
| 舰载飞机制造商
|{{#lst: 法律与顾问|NavalAircraftManufacturer}}
* Air Research Time: {{green|-10 %}}
* '''''Naval Bomber:'''''
** Range: {{green|+10 %}}
** Naval Attack: {{green|+10 %}}
* '''''CV Naval Bomber:'''''
** Range: {{green|+10 %}}
** Naval Attack: {{green|+10 %}}
<small>By selecting this '''''Design Company''''' they will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired.</small>
| align="center" |150
| align="center" |150
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ style="width: 30em; text-align: left;" |Materiel Designers
|+ style="width: 30em; text-align: left;" | 军需品设计
! 制造商
! 类型
! 效果
!Cost ({{icon|political power}})
! 花费({{icon|political power}}
|Artillery Company
| 火炮制造商
|Artillery  Designer
| 火炮制造商
* Artillery Research Time: {{green|-10 %}}
| align="center" |150
| align="center" |150
|Small Arms Company
| 轻型武器制造商
|Infantry Equipment Designer
| 步兵装备制造商
* Weapons and Equipment Research Time: {{green|-10 %}}
| align="center" |150
| align="center" |150
|Motorization Company
| 摩托化制造商
|Motorization Equipment Designer
| 摩托化装备制造商
* Motorization Research Time: {{green|-10 %}}
| align="center" |150
| align="center" |150
第407行: 第444行:
!Cost ({{icon|political power}})
! 花费({{icon|political power}}
|Industrial Company
|Industrial Company
第420行: 第457行:
!Cost ({{icon|political power}})
! 花费({{icon|political power}}
|Agustín Pedro Justo
|Agustín Pedro Justo
第444行: 第481行:

== 经济 ==
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
第486行: 第523行:
{|  class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
{|  class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ style="width: 55em; text-align: left;" | {{nowrap|Tank units list}}
|+ style="width: 55em; text-align: left;" | {{nowrap|Tank units list}}
! Name !! Type !! Techyear
! Name !! 类型 !! Techyear
| Great War Tank || Great War Tank || 1918 
| Great War Tank || Great War Tank || 1918 
第583行: 第620行:

However if Argentina joins the Allies, your main focus should be taking down the remaining enemies. Although betraying the Allies later can also be an option, it's mostly up to the player to decide.
However if Argentina joins the Allies, your main focus should be taking down the remaining enemies. Although betraying the Allies later can also be an option, it's mostly up to the player to decide.
== 成就 ==
{| width=100%
| {{Iconbox|Cispaltine War 2, Electric Boogaloo|As Either Brazil or Argentina, be in a faction with Uruguay while at war with Brazil/Argentina|extension=png}}
{| width=100%
| {{Iconbox|Islas Malvinas|As Argentina, hold the Falkland Islands and South Georgia for 73 days consecutively|extension=png}}
{| width=100%
| {{Iconbox|Lamento Boliviano|As Argentina, own all of Latin America except Bolivia|extension=png}}
{| width=100%
| {{Iconbox|Proactive Defense|As any communist South or central American country, occupy Washington D.C.|extension=png}}
{| width=100%
| {{Iconbox|Reconquistadors|As Argentina or Chile, have a Conquistadors national spirit active while holding all Spanish Cores|extension=png}}
{| width=100%
| {{Iconbox|Rumble in the Jungle|Own all Amazon states as any South American nation.|extension=png}}
{| width=100%
| {{Iconbox|Somehow He Has Returned|As Argentina, have Señor Hilter become country leader|extension=png}}
{| width=100%
| {{Iconbox|URSAL|Be Communist and own all of South America|extension=png}}
== 注释 ==
{{Country navbox}}
[[Category:Countries with unique National Focus trees]]

2024年5月14日 (二) 17:21的最新版本







直到1936年,阿根廷一直处于政治动荡的境地。政府腐败,革命和政变失败,以及大萧条导致1930年的另一次政变建立了右翼政府。而政变领导人何塞·费利克斯·乌里比鲁(José Félix Uriburu)后来在1932年被诊断出患有胃癌,导致阿古斯丁·佩德罗·贾斯托(Agustín Pedro Justo)上台。贾斯托着手开始采取干预主义政策,以建立阿根廷的经济,工业和基础设施。随着这些事态发展,政府对持不同政见者的政治动荡采取了严厉的态度。


忠诚试炼忠诚试炼忠诚试炼扩展包启用时,阿根廷的国旗 阿根廷开局拥有下列民族精神:

Legacy of the Naval Arms Race icon
Legacy of the Naval Arms Race
  • 海军船坞产出海军船坞产出: -15.00%
  • Carrier Max Cost: 9500
  • Cruiser Max Cost: 5300
  • Heavy Ship Max Cost: 10000
  • 海军船坞Dockyard construction speed: -40.00%
While there are no formal treaties preventing the expansion of the Brazilian, Chilean or Argentinean navies, there has been an informal arrangement since the Great War that has prevented it. If any of the nations in the regions were to begin arming their fleets with new capital ships, a new arms race would be inevitable
Infamous Decade icon
Infamous Decade
The Infamous Decade was a period in Argentine history that began with the 1930 d'état against President Hipólito Yrigoyen. It was a time marked by two things. On one hand, significant rural exodus following the Great Depression and on the other hand, blatant electoral fraud to perpetuate conservative governments in power.
The Roca-Runciman Treaty icon
The Roca-Runciman Treaty
  • Consumer Goods Factories factor: 10.0%
  • Resources to Market: +20%
  • 贸易法案花费:+10%
  • 经济法案花费:+10%
  • 民用工厂民用工厂 construction speed: +5.00%
The Roca-Runciman Agreement is a significant trade pact between Argentina and the United Kingdom signed in May 1033 that guaranteed Argentina with a fixed share in the British meat market. In exchange, Argentina agreed to restrictions with regard to trade and currency exchange, preserving the United Kingdom's commercial insterests in the country.
Monroe Doctrine icon
Monroe Doctrine
The United States has long promised to protect the western hemisphere from outside interference by colonial powers, meaning any incursion into our territory would likely mean the USA would come to our aid. However, if our politics no longer align with that of the United States, we may find ourselves unprotected.
Political Corruption icon
Political Corruption
For many years, Argentina has been plagued by fervent corruption within its government. Whilst it was though that by allowing the Concordancia to form, this might have lessened, fraudulant votes and voter intimidation have continued to be present.


Generic national focus tree.

阿根廷的国旗 阿根廷没有独特的国策树,而是使用通用国策树。


  • 重视陆军 提供陆军经验和陆军相关研究项目的加成。
  • 重视空军 提供空军经验,建立空军基地,并提供空军相关研究项目的加成。
  • 重视海军 提供海军经验,建造海军船坞,并提供海军相关研究项目的加成。
  • 重视工业 建造民用工厂和军用工厂(即使建筑槽位已满)并提供额外的科研槽。
  • 重视政治 提供国家政治走向的选择。


陆军 海军 空军
  • 毛瑟 M91(初级步兵装备)
  • 山地步兵 I
  • 牵引式火炮
  • 牵引式防空炮


  • 早期驱逐舰船体
  • 1936驱逐舰船体
  • 基础深水炸弹


  • 早期巡洋舰船体
  • 基础巡洋舰装甲设计方案


  • 早期重型战舰船体


  • 早期潜艇船体
  • 1936潜艇船体
  • 基础鱼雷


  • 海军舰炮
  • 炮廓式副炮
  • 运输船
  • 触发式鱼雷
  • FMA D.21(战间期型战斗机)
  • 近距支援机 I型

陆军 海军 空军 工业
  • 毛瑟 M91(初级步兵装备)
  • 毛瑟 M09(步兵装备 I型)
  • 改进步兵装备 I
  • 山地步兵 I


  • 无线电
  • 牵引式火炮
  • 战间期型火炮
  • 牵引式防空炮


  • 早期驱逐舰船体
  • 1936驱逐舰船体
  • 基础深水炸弹


  • 早期巡洋舰船体
  • 基础巡洋舰装甲设计方案


  • 早期重型战舰船体


  • 早期潜艇船体
  • 1936潜艇船体
  • 基础鱼雷


  • 海军舰炮
  • 基础轻型跑组
  • 基础中型炮组
  • 炮廓式副炮
  • 运输船
  • 触发式鱼雷
  • FMA D.21(战间期型战斗机)
  • 近距支援机 I型
  • 海军轰炸机 I型
  • FMA AeMB.1(战间期型轰炸机)
  • 电子机械工程
  • 无线电
  • 无线电侦测
  • 机械式计算机
  • 基础计算机
陆军学说 - 决战计划学说
  • 堑壕战
  • 决战计划
海军学说 - 存在舰队学说
  • 存在舰队
  • 作战舰队集中运用
  • 运输船队航行
空军学说 - 战略破坏学说
  • 空中优势
  • 基础机床
  • 改良机床
  • 先进机床
  • 离散型工业 I
  • 离散型工业 II
  • 建筑技术 I
  • 建筑技术 II
  • 燃料储存
  • 合成石油实验
  • 石油加工
  • 改进石油加工
  • 卡塔马卡级(驱逐舰 I型)
  • 自由级(轻巡洋舰 I型)
  • 加里波第级(重巡洋舰 I型)
  • 里瓦达维亚级(战列舰 I型)
  • 圣菲级(潜艇 I型)
  • 运输船


  • 布宜诺斯艾利斯级(驱逐舰 II型)
  • 阿根廷级(轻巡洋舰 II型)


正如南美洲的其他改进,美利坚合众国的国旗 美利坚合众国保障阿根廷的独立。

阿根廷开局还会宣称福兰克群岛和南乔治亚岛,这些地区都由 联合王国的国旗 联合王国持有。



  • 图库曼、门多萨和巴塔哥尼亚是乡村地区,主要由山地、丘陵和沙漠省份组成。
  • 南查科是一个发达乡村地区,所有省份都是森林。
  • 美索不达米亚是稀疏城镇地区,北部省份是森林,大部分省份是平原,除了一个省份是沼泽。
  • 潘帕斯是密集城镇地区,有平原和丘陵,北部有沼泽,此外还有布宜诺斯艾利斯所在的城市省份。


阿根廷的两个主要城市有 11 胜利点

城市 地区 Victory point texticon.png
马德普拉塔 潘帕斯 1
布宜诺斯艾利斯 潘帕斯 10



中立主义 国家团结党(中立主义)

  • No 可以强迫别的国家政府接受己方意识形态。


Id. 政党名称 支持率 领导人 统治 特质 国家名称
Democracy/Social Democracy 激进公民联盟 5.00% 马塞洛·T·德阿尔维亚尔 不是,但可以通过政变上台 无特质 阿根廷共和国
Communism/Marxism 阿根廷共产党 12.00% 范妮·哈科夫斯基 不是,但可以通过政变上台 无特质 人民阿根廷
Fascism/Fascism 国家法西斯联盟 5.00% Nimo de Anquín 不是,但可以通过政变上台 无特质 阿根廷联盟
Fascism/Nazism 国家法西斯联盟 ---- Señor Hilter 不是,但可以通过德国内战上台 大独裁者:
Fascism 法西斯主义理念每日新增支持率:+0.1
Non-Aligned/Despotism 国家团结党 78.00% 阿古斯丁·佩德罗·胡斯托 无特质 阿根廷
Id. 政党名称 支持率 领导人 统治 特质 国家名称
Democracy/Social Democracy 激进公民联盟 5.00% 马塞洛·T·德阿尔维亚尔 不是,但可以通过德国内战上台 无特质 阿根廷共和国
Communism/Marxism 阿根廷共产党 12.00% 范妮·哈科夫斯基 不是,但可以通过德国内战上台 无特质 人民阿根廷
Fascism/Fascism 国家法西斯联盟 5.00% Nimo de Anquín 不是,但可以通过德国内战上台 无特质 阿根廷联盟
Non-Aligned/Despotism 国家团结党 78.00% 罗贝托·玛利亚·奥尔蒂斯 无特质 阿根廷


征兵法案 经济法案 贸易法案
Volunteer only.png 志愿兵役制
  • 1.5% 适役人口
Civilian economy.png 民用经济
  • 35% 生活消费品工厂
  • –30% 军用工厂建造速度
  • –30% 民用工厂建造速度
  • +30% 军转民消耗
  • +30% 民转军消耗
  • -40% 石油转换燃油效率
  • -25% 燃油容量
Export focus.png 重视出口
  • 50% 可出口资源
  • +5% 科研速度
  • +10% 工厂/海军船坞产出
  • +10% 建造速度
  • +20% 泄露给他国的民政情报
  • +10% 泄露给他国的海军情报

Staff and Designers

These are choices of ministers and design companies for Argentina.

顾问 类型 效果 花费(政治点数
拉蒙·卡斯蒂略 军需将军
  • 空军基地建造速度:+15 %
  • 海军基地建造速度:+15 %
  • 火箭基地建造速度:+15 %
  • 雷达站建造速度:+15 %
  • 核反应堆建造速度:+15 %
路易斯·波德斯塔·科斯塔 密谋的暗害者
  • 政治点数:+5.00%
  • 意识形态变化抵制力度:+15.00%
曼努埃尔·玛丽亚·德伊里翁多 恐怖的巨头
  • 对驻军伤害:-25 %
  • 外国颠覆活动效率:-30 %
  • 非核心人力:+2 %
胡安·多明戈·庇隆 共产主义革命家
  • 共产主义理念每日新增支持率:+0.10
阿尔韦托·希尔韦特 民主改革家
  • 民主理念每日新增支持率:+0.10
卡洛斯·阿尔贝托·普埃伦东 法西斯煽动家
  • 法西斯主义理念每日新增支持率:+0.10
制造商 类型 效果 花费(政治点数
装甲制造商 坦克制造商
  • 装甲研究速度:+15.0%
  • 装甲:可靠性:+5.0%


制造商 类型 效果 花费(政治点数
海军制造商 舰艇制造商
  • 海军研究速度:+15.0%
制造商 类型 效果 花费(政治点数
轻型飞机制造商 轻型飞机制造商
  • 空军研究速度:+15.0%
  • 战斗机
    • 机动:+10.0%
    • 最大速度:+10.0%
  • 舰载战斗机
    • 机动:+10.0%
    • 最大速度:+10.0%


中型飞机制造商 中型飞机制造商
  • 空军研究速度:+15.0%
  • 重型战斗机:可靠性:+20.0%
  • 战术轰炸机:可靠性:+20.0%
  • 侦察机:可靠性:+20.0%


重型飞机制造商 重型飞机制造商
  • 空军研究速度:+15.0%
  • 战略轰炸机:战略轰炸:+10.0%


海军飞机制造商 舰载飞机制造商
  • 空军研究速度:+15.0%
  • 海军轰炸机
    • 作战半径:+10.0%
    • 对海攻击;+10.0%
  • 舰载海军轰炸机
    • 作战半径:+10.0%
    • 对海攻击:+10.0%
  • 舰载战斗机
    • 作战半径:+10.0%
    • 机动:+10.0%
  • 舰载近距支援机
    • 作战半径:+10.0%
    • 对海攻击:+10.0%


制造商 类型 效果 花费(政治点数
火炮制造商 火炮制造商
  • 火炮研究速度:+15.0%
轻型武器制造商 步兵装备制造商
  • 武器和装备研究速度:+15.0%
摩托化制造商 摩托化装备制造商
  • 摩托化研究速度:+15.0%
Industrial Concern
Designer Type Effect 花费(政治点数
Industrial Company Industrial Concern
  • Industrial Research Time: -10 %
Theorist Type Effect 花费(政治点数
Agustín Pedro Justo Military Theorist
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.05 daily
  • Land Interdiction Doctrine Research Time: -7 %
Edelmiro Farrell Naval Theorist
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.05 daily
  • Naval Doctrine Research Time: -7 %
Hortensio Quijano Air Warfare Expert
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.05 daily
  • Air Doctrine Research Time: -7 %



3 军用工厂Military Factories 1 海军船坞Naval Dockyard 12 民用工厂Civilian Factories

Argentina also starts with 7 empty slots available for factories

Oil.png Oil Rubber.png Rubber Steel.png Steel Aluminum.png Aluminium Tungsten.png Tungsten Chromium.png Chromium
8(19) 0(0) 2(8) 0(0) 23(46) 0(0)

*These numbers represent the available resources for production at start of the game. The difference between the Surplus number and the Produced number are goods already used in factories. In the bracket are the complete numbers including those lost for trading.



5Leg infantry.pngInfantry Divisions 2Mountaineers.pngMountaineer Division 1Cavalry.pngCavalry Division

Total: 8 Division

One General and one Field Marshal are available in both the 1936 and 1939 game scenarios:

Name Skill Bonuses Medals Effects
Juan Pistarini
Attack: +5%
Defense: +10%
Urban Assault Specialist
Urban Movement: +5%
Urban Attack:  +10%
Urban Defense: +10%
Field Marshal
Arturo Rawson
Attack: +20%
Defense: +15%
Defensive Doctrine
Max Entrenchment: +30%

Manpower.png Manpower Used: 60K

Tank units list
Name 类型 Techyear
Great War Tank Great War Tank 1918
L. Tank I Light Tank I 1934
L. Tank II Light Tank II 1936
L. Tank III Light Tank III 1941
M. Tank I Medium Tank I 1939
Nahuel Medium Tank II 1941
M. Tank III Medium Tank III 1943
H. Tank I Heavy Tank I 1934
H. Tank II Heavy Tank II 1941
H. Tank III Heavy Tank III 1943
SH. Tank Super Heavy Tank 1943
Mod. Tank MBT 1945


Capital ships 1936
2 Battleships
Heavy Cruiser.png
3 Heavy Cruisers
Screens and Submarines 1936
Light Cruiser.png
2 Light Cruisers
9 Destroyers
3 Submarine

Total: 19 Ships || Manpower.png Manpower Used: 20.55K

Capital ships 1939
2 Battleships
Heavy Cruiser.png
3 Heavy Cruisers
Screens and Submarines 1939
Light Cruiser.png
3 Light Cruisers
16 Destroyers
3 Submarine

Total: 28 Ships || Manpower.png Manpower Used: 23.62K

One Admiral is available in both scenarios:

Name Skill Bonuses Medals Effects
Alberto Teïsaïre
Blockade Runner
Retreat Decision Chance: +20%
Fleet Speed when retreating: +25%

Air Force

12 Close air support.png Close Air Support 18 Air Skirmish.png Fighters

Total: 30 Planes

Manpower.png Manpower Used: 600

Strategies and guides

Argentina's Position as a South American country is much more stable than most others, having a small varied supply of resources, such as steel, oil and tungsten (which is enough for most of the game). It can build up its military faster in the early game than other South American countries with less need of imports.

At the start of the game, the player should focus on building up the industry as in any other country. Military Factories should be a priority, as Argentina starts with plenty more civilian factories than military. While the building is on course, the player should also expand the military. However it is worth mentioning that most of the terrain of South America is hostile, having a lot of ground covered by hills, forest and mountains will make the use of vehicles a challenge. As such, an 7/2 Infantry artillery are a good choice to do. Companies that help with terrain such as Engineer and Recon companies will be useful. On the same note, an option that will prove useful with the use of artillery would be the Superior Firepower doctrine branch due to the great amount of soft attack it gives. (Consider that because of the terrain as well as all of South America are incapable of producing effective tank divisions, you'll seldom see armor). Although Mass Assault and Grand Battleplan doctrines also give useful bonuses such as extra manpower and lower infantry width, or extra planning bonus for breaking through the terrain. (Again, most times when attacking you'll have many maluses).

It is recommended that the player starts by going down the Industry Focus tree, as it will provide Civilian, Military factories, infrastructure and near the end of it, an additional research slot. Which is needed as Argentina only has 2 research slots.

If the player decides to go fascist, They can join the Axis and invade the United States by taking over Mexico or through a naval invasion. The same goes for communism just that instead of joining the Axis, you join the Comintern.

Once the player takes over South America they are free to decide how to continue their conquest. It is recommended that by the time they invade the United states (if they go fascist/Communist), it is recommended that they possess a great amount of divisions and have finished the Land doctrines. A strong navy is also recommended as the opposing faction will be a great obstacle in the way of naval invasions.

However if Argentina joins the Allies, your main focus should be taking down the remaining enemies. Although betraying the Allies later can also be an option, it's mostly up to the player to decide.


File:Cispaltine War 2, Electric Boogaloo.png
Cispaltine War 2, Electric Boogaloo
As Either Brazil or Argentina, be in a faction with Uruguay while at war with Brazil/Argentina
File:Islas Malvinas.png
Islas Malvinas
As Argentina, hold the Falkland Islands and South Georgia for 73 days consecutively
File:Lamento Boliviano.png
Lamento Boliviano
As Argentina, own all of Latin America except Bolivia
File:Proactive Defense.png
Proactive Defense
As any communist South or central American country, occupy Washington D.C.
As Argentina or Chile, have a Conquistadors national spirit active while holding all Spanish Cores
File:Rumble in the Jungle.png
Rumble in the Jungle
Own all Amazon states as any South American nation.
File:Somehow He Has Returned.png
Somehow He Has Returned
As Argentina, have Señor Hilter become country leader
Be Communist and own all of South America
