只適用於DLC抵抗運動激活時。 |
西班牙共和國 在 抵抗運動擴展包中獲得了獨特的國策樹,未啟用該擴展包時,西班牙將使用通用國策樹 。該國策樹與西班牙國國策樹互斥。
西班牙共和國國策樹 可以點擊特定的分支以進入對應的章節
- 戰前準備線:人民陣線
- 該分支在戰前幫助西班牙共和建立對 西班牙國的軍事優勢。相較於 西班牙國的戰前準備,這些國策耗時相對較長,所以玩家需儘可能延緩內戰爆發直至所有國策完成(最後一個國策的完成將直接導致內戰)。
- File:阿拉貢地區防禦委員會國旗.png
阿拉貢地區防禦委員會 線 - 國策樹的 無政府主義線。該線可以激活增益性的 無政府主義社會民族精神和獨特的 集體化社會經濟法案和「委員會」政治顧問。這個分支也會在 葡萄牙觸發事件,或許會導致它被西班牙吞併,爆發使西班牙核心化葡萄牙所有核心領土的安那其起義。
- 明日火炬手分支
- 當西班牙內戰結束時,File:阿拉貢地區防禦委員會國旗.png 阿拉貢地區防禦委員會將著力於重振經濟,並為即將到來的戰爭做好充足準備。這個分支會給予減少正當化戰爭目標時間的修正和在外國發動安那其主義革命的決策,並允許核心化高順從度地區。
- File:阿拉貢地區防禦委員會國旗.png國際縱隊/奪取黃金儲備分支
- 協力重建分支
- 當西班牙內戰結束時,西班牙可以使用 協力重建 國策以進入戰後分支。該分支的另外兩個國策可以給予海軍增益。
- 反法西斯工人革命線
- 共產主義國策樹的分為兩個部分。獨立的革命路線允許建立一個反對 蘇維埃聯盟 的共產主義聯盟,並建立 沒有結果。這使我們能夠採取與 沒有結果和人盡其才分支共同的國策。史達林主義的道路允許與 蘇維埃聯盟結盟(指變成蘇聯的傀儡),並建立 西班牙共和國。這將啟用 西班牙共和國和西方的紅色堡壘分支共享的國策。兩條國策線共享一個增益工業小支。如果 西班牙共和國採取 Increase Arms Production可能會被 西班牙共和國占據
- 人盡其才分支
- 西方的紅色堡壘分支
- This post civil war sub-branch allows 沒有結果 to try to increase its autonomy if it is a puppet of the 蘇維埃聯盟, gain war goals on 葡萄牙, 法國 and all other nations who sent volunteers to the 西班牙國 side. This sub-branch is also shared with 西班牙共和國 if they take the Communists in the Government focus and may be done before the civil war is over this way.
- Strengthen the Euzko Gudarostea Branch
- 這條線由 共產主義者與 共和主義者共享。這條線將尋求 蘇維埃聯盟在內戰中給予幫助,作為回報,戰後西班牙將成為蘇聯傀儡。這條線也會將激發 File:阿拉貢地區防禦委員會國旗.png阿拉貢地區防禦委員會成為內戰第三方。
- 蘇聯重建援助分支
- This post civil war sub-branch further increases military development if the Spain is still in a faction with the 蘇維埃聯盟.
- 保衛第二共和國線
- 這個民主主義分支允許 西班牙共和國提高自身穩定度和軍事實力,同時也可以 法國求援。 西班牙共和國同時可以通過進行國策 反對共產主義者以從 蘇維埃聯盟的壓迫下謀求自身獨立並維護自身的民主主義制度。當然,西班牙也可以通過進行國策 政府中的共產黨人以過渡至共產主義並進行 增加武器生產和西方的紅色堡壘分支國策線中的 共產主義分支。
- 擺脫蘇聯控制/穩定國家/恢復高等教育分支
- This post civil war branch allows 西班牙共和國 to declare war for independence against the 蘇維埃聯盟 with the aid of either the 民主主義 nations or 德意志國 and 義大利. It also increases military capability and allows Spain to join in the war against the 法西斯主義 majors.
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國策 | 先決條件 | 觸發效果 | 描述 |
人民陣線 | 西班牙共和國:
西班牙內戰 已經開始 |
西班牙共和國: | The danger posed by Fascism and religious superstitions to our personal liberties is paramount, and we must establish a broad front of political parties that are united in their opposition to the Right. Only if we band together will we be able to halt their advance and save our republic. |
確保突擊衛隊忠誠 | 西班牙共和國:
西班牙內戰 已經開始 |
The polarization of society is increasing, and violence along with it. We must ensure the loyalty of the Assault Guards, our well-trained heavy police reserve. They will be invaluable if the violence continues to escalate. |
確保國民警衛隊忠誠 | 西班牙共和國:
西班牙內戰 已經開始 |
Extremist elements continue to disrupt public order, and the frontline in the fight against civil unrest is the Guardia Civil. Ensuring the loyalty of our national police force must be our priority if we aim to stem the violence and maintain control. |
訓練青年軍 | 西班牙共和國:
西班牙內已經開始 |
Rumblings of disloyalty emanate from the military, and we must be prepared for the worst. We will provide crash-courses in the use of weapons and basic military tactics to the dedicated and committed portions of our younger supporters, so that they may be armed at a moment's notice should the worst happen. |
擴充武器庫存 | 西班牙共和國:
西班牙內戰 已經開始 |
西班牙共和國: | Ever since even before the 1934 Asturias Miners' Strike, weapon caches have been covertly established throughout the country, in preparation for the inevitable need to defend our liberties with military arms. In these times of crisis, we would do well to enlarge them further. |
向人民分發武器 | 西班牙共和國:
西班牙內戰 已經開始 |
西班牙共和國: | Disloyalty in the military is now all but certain, and it is clear we cannot rely on them to defend the values of the Republic. We should begin disseminating arms to those who carry the best interests of the Republic at heart, so that they may form the first defense against a possible rebellion. |
解散軍隊 | 西班牙共和國:
西班牙內戰 已經開始 |
We can no longer ignore the signs of disloyalty in the military. Even if it may spark the plotters into action, we have no choice but to attempt to disband the army with immediate effect, and seize the initiative. |
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Anarchist branch of the Republican Spanish national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
國策 | 前置條件 | 效果 | 描述 |
阿拉貢地區防禦委員會 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
For the purposes of warfare, and by necessity only, the autonomous anarchist communes that have arisen as a result of the Civil War must be united under a singular Defense Council that can coordinate our efforts. We will begin by establishing one in Aragon. |
奪取生產資料 | 西班牙共和國:
西班牙內戰已經結束 |
Gone are the days when we worked for the wealthy. Gone are the days when our labor went unrewarded. We shall seize the factories and the workshops, the farms and the stores, eliminating class and putting the worker in charge of their own destiny. |
武裝群眾 | xiban | 西班牙共和國:
A national army can easily be used as a way for the government to maintain control over its populace, and so is no recourse for communal defense. It is the people themselves who must be given the arms with which to defend their communities. |
工人自治 | 西班牙共和國: | xi'ban
We will maximize output by allowing the workers to engage in workplace self-management according to the principles of autogestión. This will grant many benefits in terms of worker autonomy, morale, and, as a result, overall productivity. |
最大程度妥協 | 西班牙共和國:
The Maximum Concession
In the spirit of fighting fascism we have made the greatest concession possible: cooperation with the capitalists and authoritarian communists. This concession is as far as we are willing to go, and it cannot last forever. We shall make the most of it while it does.
In the spirit of fighting fascism we have made the greatest concession possible: cooperation with the capitalists and authoritarian communists. This concession is as far as we are willing to go, and it cannot last forever. We shall make the most of it while it does. |
同甘共苦 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
The fight for our freedoms from authoritarianism, capitalism, and religious superstitions will be long and hard. We must all do our part in carrying the hardships that no doubt await us, before we can all reap the rewards of our labor. |
占有公共運輸 | 西班牙共和國:
The Spanish Civil War has ended |
conclusion! |
All wish to do their part in the fight for freedom. Our allies number many who work in the public transport sector, and these are eager to put their vehicles at the service of our brave soldiers. This may give us an unorthodox tactical advantage against our enemies. |
集體化農業生產 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
Collectivized organization of our agriculture will ensure all who live in the communes have the food they require, rather than sell the harvests where they make the most profit. |
集體化&工人掌權 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
For the necessary aspects of local government we will turn to workers' councils, giving every worker a say while also enabling larger-scale cooperation. |
自由婦女 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
Anarchist Society
Effective Change:
The social revolution has only partly succeeded. The next step is the liberation, empowerment, and education of the working class woman. Equality will benefit the community as a whole. |
掃盲工程 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
Illiteracy is wide-spread among the worker population, but with the proper programs this can be improved rapidly, no doubt allowing hidden talent to emerge. |
普遍群眾革命(萬眾攀火炬) | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
Anarchist Society
Effective Change:
Every person is a revolution unto itself; if not for the bravery and ferocity of the individual the collective would fall in the face of its enemies. This message must be brought home with all our supporters; every single one of us must aid in holding high the torch of anarchism. |
危機四伏 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國獲得民族精神:
It is clear the world disagrees with our very existence. Everywhere we turn we are met with a cold shoulder, or even outright hostility. It is apparent to us now: we have no allies to rely upon. We must prepare for war with each and any one of these defunct nation-states.
It is clear the world disagrees with our very existence. Everywhere we turn we are met with a cold shoulder, or even outright hostility. It is apparent to us now: we have no allies to rely upon. We must prepare for war with each and any one of these defunct nation-states. |
葡萄牙無政府主義 | 西班牙共和國:
葡萄牙 觸發事件葡萄牙無政府主義 如果 葡萄牙處於內戰中: |
Our war for freedom has spilled over the Portuguese border, and the government is being destabilized. With the proper support, it is not unthinkable a full-scale anarchist uprising might occur within their borders. We must light this flame! |
伊比利亞地區防禦委員會 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
With the liberation of what was once Portugal, we may establish a new defense council that represents the wishes of all communes existing in the Iberian peninsula. |
新式戰爭 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
The bravery of our infantry is beyond doubt, but the realities of war have moved far beyond what infantry can surmount. We must begin development of new machines of warfare, both on land and in the skies, to defend our communes. |
共同軍略 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
Organizing large-scale warfare while remaining true to the tenets of anarchism is a great challenge. It is also one that we must rise to meet, as without it all that we fight for is lost. |
保留火種 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
Weariness of war is the herald of downfall. We must remain strong and reinvigorate in the people the fire that drives them to do the utmost. |
思想解放 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國
Closed-mindedness has no place in our communities. All are welcome, no matter their ideas, as long as they accept the basic underpinnings of our society. |
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Anarchist post civil war sub-branch of the Republican Spanish national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
國策 | 前置條件 | 效果 | 描述 |
明日火炬手 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
Those who do their part in the support of our cause, be it through intellectual or military pursuits, are the very future incarnate. This realization may well be a powerful driving force, and so we must make sure they are aware of the importance of their work.
It is clear the world disagrees with our very existence. Everywhere we turn we are met with a cold shoulder, or even outright hostility. It is apparent to us now: we have no allies to rely upon. We must prepare for war with each and any one of these defunct nation-states.
Those who do their part in the support of our cause, be it through intellectual or military pursuits, are the very future incarnate. This realization may well be a powerful driving force, and so we must make sure they are aware of the importance of their work. |
不可避免的反攻 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
International hostility towards our communal way of life is increasing. It is only a matter of time before the blow falls, and we must be ready to receive it.
International hostility towards our communal way of life is increasing. It is only a matter of time before the blow falls, and we must be ready to receive it. |
思想信念 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
There is no room in defeatist thinking when the whole world is against you. We either maintain our unshakable belief in achieving a peaceful future, or we fall. |
改進軍事基礎設施 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
To reach besieged communes in time we must greatly improve our intercommunal infrastructure. This should allow the Defense Council as a whole to rapidly respond to any outside threats that any individual commune might not be equipped to deal with. |
Fortify the Pyrenees | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
The most obvious avenue of attack would be from the north. It is imperative that the Pyrenees are fortified against any blow that falls through it or along its coastlines. |
Fortify La Línea de la Concepción | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
La Línea de la Concepción is the first bastion against the enemy that lies beyond. With adequate defenses we should be able to meet any attack that comes from Gibraltar head-on. |
Fortify the Coastlines | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
We cannot discount the possibility of naval invasion. Expanded defenses should make this a much less palatable prospect for the enemy than if we remain defenseless on this frontier. |
Militarize the Industry | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國: | Communes must be encouraged to increase their production of military supplies, or we risk starving our brave soldiers of the tools they need to defend our homes. |
Communal Autarky | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
The world has shunned us, and so we must make do with the natural resources that we find in our own territory. This is an exercise in optimization that we will learn to excel at. |
Militarize the People | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
The Threats Abound
Effective Change:
It is clear the world disagrees with our very existence. Everywhere we turn we are met with a cold shoulder, or even outright hostility. It is apparent to us now: we have no allies to rely upon. We must prepare for war with each and any one of these defunct nation-states.
We do not have the luxury of keeping our hands clean from blood. All must be taught to wield a weapon in self-defense, so that when the time comes they may fight for their future. |
Anarchism Knows No Borders | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國獲得民族精神: | If the nations of the world do not wish to tolerate us among them, then our only recourse for a future in which we may collectivize in peace is the very abolition of all nation-states, itself. |
Plant the Seeds of Revolution | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
Those with sentiments akin to ours have long been silenced by their oppressive governments. We will give these groupings the weapons they need, so they may topple their nations from within, and join our case when we rout our enemies and link up with them. |
Global Defense Council | 西班牙共和國: | Nationalist Spain:
Our borders have expanded beyond the geography of the Iberian peninsula, and the title we have given to our temporary defense council is no longer representative for all who are a part of it. We will rename our organization to something appropriately inclusive of all peoples on this planet. |
國際縱隊/奪取黃金儲備 分支國策樹
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Anarchist and Communist shared branch of the Republican Spanish national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
國策 | 前置條件 | 效果 | 描述 |
國際縱隊 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
Our cause has attracted much international attention, and people have come from all over the world to fight the fascist threat with us. No one will be turned away, as long as they do their part for the health of the community. We will organize them in international brigades.
Our cause has attracted much international attention, and people have come from all over the world to fight the fascist threat with us. No one will be turned away, as long as they do their part for the health of the community. We will organize them in international brigades. |
奪取黃金儲備 | 西班牙共和國:
The Republic's gold reserves are at risk of falling into Fascist, or possibly even worse, Stalinist hands. By seizing them we no doubt risk drawing the ire of the government, but it might allow us to finance our war effort by funding foreign arms purchases from the black market. |
購買外國武器 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
The gold reserves we 'liberated' could be used to obtain foreign arms, which we are in desperate need of. International opinion is not necessarily supportive of us, so we will likely have to go through unorthodox channels to receive these, however... |
做命運的主宰 | 西班牙共和國:
The Stalinists and their Republican puppets increasingly infringe upon our freedoms, systematically undermining our efforts and eliminating prominent supporters of our cause. Enough is enough. We are the masters of our own fate, even if it means fighting them, too.
The Stalinists and their Republican puppets increasingly infringe upon our freedoms, systematically undermining our efforts and eliminating prominent supporters of our cause. Enough is enough. We are the masters of our own fate, even if it means fighting them, too. |
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Anarchist and Communist shared post civil war sub-branch of the Republican Spanish national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
國策 | 前置條件 | 效果 | 描述 |
全力共建 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
The Spanish community as a whole must be rallied in a single great drive to repair the damage resulting from our violent civil war. Our factories must be rebuilt so the people can return to work, and new infrastructure must be constructed to facilitate interaction between local communities.
The Spanish community as a whole must be rallied in a single great drive to repair the damage resulting from our violent civil war. Our factories must be rebuilt so the people can return to work, and new infrastructure must be constructed to facilitate interaction between local communities. |
重建船塢 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
Major dockyards were not immune to the destruction of the civil war. While repairing these, we should look into expanding them as well, so that we are prepared for future naval expansion programs. |
人民艦隊 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
The people's will is manifest both on land and on the seas. This will must be backed by a new fleet that we shall begin constructing immediately. |
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Communist branch of the Republican Spanish national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
國策 | 前置條件 | 效果 | 描述 |
反法西斯工人革命 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
Now is the time for the Spanish worker to rise up against the fascist enemy! We stand hand-in-hand with the bourgeoisie, but only for as long as we need to in order to ensure this threat is dealt with. The revolution begins now! |
武裝工人軍隊 | 西班牙共和國:
Disbanded Army
Effective Change:
The army has proven its disloyalty and has been disbanded by the government. Until we make the loyalty of our officers certain we must rely on people's militias rather than a professional army.
We have organized militias from the workforce, and must now ensure they are adequately equipped so they may form the vanguard against the fascist enemy and the disloyal army. |
索取部長權力 | 西班牙共和國:
If the Republic wishes our continued support they must give our politicians positions in the government. Only then will they make it clear that they see us as valuable allies in our shared struggle. |
杜絕蘇聯內務人民委員部干預 | 西班牙共和國:
Will be abandoned if:
The Spanish Civil War has ended |
蘇維埃聯盟 Gains Hinder NKVD Interference (關係 of Republican Spain: -50) |
The Soviet NKVD has been interfering in internal Spanish affairs for too long. Vocal criticizers of Stalin have disappeared, our politicians are isolated, and our efforts to combat the fascists are sometimes opposed more by our supposed allies than by our enemies. Enough is enough. We will fight back against the Stalinists. |
顛覆史達林派 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國: | We did not begin this quarrel, but if the Stalinists insist we will play their game. We will weaken their powerbase from the inside by swaying their supporters and siphoning their supplies. Wherever they go they will find us opposing them. |
階級鬥爭 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國獲得民族精神:
Class War
The concept of the Popular Front is flawed; the worker can never truly be free as long as they are forced to work together with the bourgeoisie. Only all-out uncompromising class war can bring us the freedom we desire, even if this means fighting the capitalists and the fascists at the same time.
The concept of the Popular Front is flawed; the worker can never truly be free as long as they are forced to work together with the bourgeoisie. Only all-out uncompromising class war can bring us the freedom we desire, even if this means fighting the capitalists and the fascists at the same time. |
團結在社會主義的照耀下 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
Though we hail from varied regions and backgrounds, we must put these differences behind us and focus on our united pursuit of socialism. |
財富再分配運動 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國獲得民族精神: | Now that the property of the wealthy has been seized, we shall ensure all share in this victory by redistributing this wealth so all among the population equally reap its rewards. |
土地再分配運動 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國: | All those who wish to work land must be allowed to do so. Land held before the war by those who were not able to use it properly will now be allocated for use by those who are. |
拓展生產資料 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
The health of the collective relies upon the strength of its industry. By expanding ours we can ensure stability within and strengthen our defenses against enemies without. |
國家反教會運動 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國: | The new society we are building has no room for religion. These only serve to reinforce class structures or pacify the workers into obedience. Only by freeing our mind from these superstitions can we be truly free. |
沒收教會財產 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國gets the 民族精神 730 days: | The wealth hoarded by the Catholic Church could be much better spent funding our cause. We will use it to improve existing factories and establish new ones, which will all do their part in the attainment of our end goal. |
誠邀社會主義人才 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
Our society will be a haven for all intellectuals who share our dedication to the socialist cause. These individuals must be invited from far and wide, so that their genius may provide advancements for the rest of us to benefit from. |
捍衛史達林主義 | 西班牙共和國:
The Spanish Civil War has ended |
蘇維埃聯盟 Gains The Stalinist Doctrine (關係 of Republican Spain: +25) |
There are those among our loose alliance of anti-fascist groupings who interpret the word of Marx independently from Stalin. This is a thorn in the side of all of Socialism, and cannot be allowed to continue. So that the Worker's fight is not endangered we must eliminate these dissenting voices and unite under one leader. |
全階層軍隊 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國獲得民族精神:
An Army of All Classes
Recruitable Population: 3.00% In the face of the fascist threat, class is irrelevant. We will form an army in which all are welcome to serve, and at the same time expose them to the healthy socialist values held dear by their compatriots.
In the face of the fascist threat, class is irrelevant. We will form an army in which all are welcome to serve, and at the same time expose them to the healthy socialist values held dear by their compatriots. |
強化政府統治 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國: | The autonomous states throughout the country must have their liberties curtailed for the good of the whole. We cannot let them weaken our unity in the face of fascist threats abroad. |
資產階級社會主義改造運動 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國: | The Popular Front has run its course, and the time has come for the bourgeoisie to be re-educated and liberated from their economic and societal misconceptions. We will yet turn them into proper citizens of the state. |
西班牙紅軍 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
A new and loyal army shall be created to defend the interests of the Spanish worker against foreign threats. We will model this after that of the Soviet Union. |
工業國有化 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
Rather than let our industry waste away in the hands of investors and companies, we will place it under control of the state itself, to better direct and organize their production. |
高舉社會主義 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
Our nation is a shining beacon of socialism, certain to attract like-minded scientists with a desire to serve the worker's cause. |
重視軍隊武裝生產 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國: | To defend the ideals of Communism our army requires weapons. Our great nation's industrical capacity must be improved so that we may provide these weapons. |
發揮西班牙財富 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
Recovering From Civil War
Effective Change:
Spain is currently focused on rebuilding the country and less willing to join a faction.
Recovering From Civil War
Effective Change:
Spain is currently focused on rebuilding the country and less willing to join a faction.
The Iberian peninsula is rich in natural resources. Exploitation of these will greatly strengthen our war industry, while also generating wealth that may be used for the rebuilding of our nation. |
All Must Do Their Part Sub-branch
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Communist post civil war sub-branch of the Republican Spanish national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
國策 | 前置條件 | 效果 | 描述 |
All Must Do Their Part | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
Recovering From Civil War
Effective Change:
Spain is currently focused on rebuilding the country and less willing to join a faction.
Recovering From Civil War
Effective Change:
Spain is currently focused on rebuilding the country and less willing to join a faction.
The concept of the Popular Front is flawed; the worker can never truly be free as long as they are forced to work together with the bourgeoisie. Only all-out uncompromising class war can bring us the freedom we desire, even if this means fighting the capitalists and the fascists at the same time.
For the socialist cause to succeed every person must contribute to the cause. We have no room for internal divisions between our various communes. |
赤潮 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
Class War
Effective Change:
The concept of the Popular Front is flawed; the worker can never truly be free as long as they are forced to work together with the bourgeoisie. Only all-out uncompromising class war can bring us the freedom we desire, even if this means fighting the capitalists and the fascists at the same time.
Our people knows our cause is just and right, and all we have to do is leverage this sentiment to ensure a steady stream of determined recruits for our military. Like a red tide, our forces will wash over any who oppose us. |
Arm the Tide | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
Without adequate equipment the individual zeal of the socialist worker cannot succeed in battle. We will give them the tools of warfare they require. |
反對法西斯 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國: | The fascist enemy may have been defeated on the Iberia peninsula, but it still exists beyond our borders. We must join the international fight to extinguish it once and for all. |
內戰的教訓 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
The struggles of the civil war have taught us many lessons on the art of warfare. We would be fools not to apply these to our new model army. |
理論進步 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
The lessons we learned from the civil war can be further developed into new military doctrines that are better suited for the present realities of warfare. |
Unify the London Bureau | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
In reaction to the formation of the Third International and the power struggles between Trotsky and Stalin, an International Bureau of Revolutionary Socialist Unity was formed, rejecting both interpretations of Marxism. We will reach out to our contacts there to form a united front of Socialism against Trotskyism and Stalinism. |
Against Trotskyism and Stalinism | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國: | For too long has the quibbling between Trotsky and Stalin and their supporters undermined the unity and integrity of the socialist cause. If they cannot put their differences aside, then we must simply rid our cause of their influence. |
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Communist post civil war sub-branch of the Republican Spanish national focus tree
(Shared with the Democratic branch if a certain focus is selected).
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
國策 | 前置條件 | 效果 | 描述 |
西方的紅色堡壘 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
In the face of the fascist threat, class is irrelevant. We will form an army in which all are welcome to serve, and at the same time expose them to the healthy socialist values held dear by their compatriots.
Our geographical position is one of isolation from our allies. Should we be attacked, especially by strong naval powers, we will not be able to rely upon aid from the Soviet Union. We therefore must make sure that our defenses are such that we may act as a bastion of socialism; its western anchor in Europe. |
Appeal for Increased Autonomy | 西班牙共和國:
Is not a subject of the 蘇維埃聯盟 |
The price of the Soviet aid that made our victory possible has been subservience. We have shown to be loyal and capable defenders of socialism, and certainly this is recognized in Moscow. Perhaps we can convince them to relax the reins. |
Modernize the Armed Forces | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
Our tenuous position in Europe's west would be greatly strengthened by the development of new weapons and equipment for our armed forces. |
赤色伊比利亞 | 西班牙共和國:
Is at war with 葡萄牙 |
西班牙共和國: | The time has come to unify the entirety of the Iberian peninsula under socialism's banner. |
支持法國共產黨 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國: | France has had a recent history of communist sentiment. Should they see the wisdom in our cooperation in the furthering of the worker's goals then we will join forces, but should they not be so enlightened we must bring socialism to them by force. |
Avenge Foreign Interference | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國: | Foreign powers intervened in the civil war against us, supporting our fascist enemies. We have not forgotten this, and our reply is finally at hand. |
Strengthen the Euzko Gudarostea Branch
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Communist and Democratic shared branch of the Republican Spanish national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
國策 | 前置條件 | 效果 | 描述
Strengthen the Euzko Gudarostea | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
The basque region possesses vital industry, and must be better defended. Expanding the army raised by its local government should go a long way to fortifying the frontlines there. |
Fortify the Iron Ring | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
The largest city in the Basque Country, Bilbao, will receive its own 'Iron Ring' of fortifications, allowing the Basques a formidable obstacle from which to defend it against the fascist enemy.
The largest city in the Basque Country, Bilbao, will receive its own 'Iron Ring' of fortifications, allowing the Basques a formidable obstacle from which to defend it against the fascist enemy. |
Relocate the Gold Reserves | 西班牙共和國:
Our gold reserves are key in the purchase of war materials from abroad. We must ensure it is stored in a safe location, which unfortunately necessitates moving it abroad.
Our gold reserves are key in the purchase of war materials from abroad. We must ensure it is stored in a safe location, which unfortunately necessitates moving it abroad. |
Reaffirm the Popular Front Strategy | 西班牙共和國:
西班牙共和國: | It is imperative that the differences between us and our allies are, for the moment, forgotten, so that we may all focus on the more important fight: against the fascists. |
Crush the Revolution | 西班牙共和國:
Crush the Revolution
The independent manner in which the anarchist communes have conducted themselves has been a thorn in our side, and, quite frankly, their feeble defenses constitute a critical weakness in our frontlines. We are better off without them, and so it is time that this revolution is crushed once and for all.
The independent manner in which the anarchist communes have conducted themselves has been a thorn in our side, and, quite frankly, their feeble defenses constitute a critical weakness in our frontlines. We are better off without them, and so it is time that this revolution is crushed once and for all. |
Anti-Fascist Unity | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
Disagreements between our anarchist and anti-Stalinist allies and ourselves are growing worse. We cannot afford this escalating out of control. We must re-focus our attentions on the true enemy, even if the price for internal peace is government-level concessions to our wayward allies. |
Expand Soviet Aid | 西班牙共和國:
paid after the civil war is concluded! |
We cannot manage this war by ourselves; we must get international aid. The Soviet Union must be made to understand that the critical fight against fascism is here in Iberia, and that it is here that their advance must be stopped. |
Soviet Equipment Shipments | 西班牙共和國:
The Spanish Civil War has ended |
Republican Spain:
What our domestic industry cannot provide must be made up in arms shipments from the Soviet Union. |
邀請蘇聯軍事顧問 | 西班牙共和國:
The Spanish Civil War has ended |
Soviet Military Advisors
Soviet military advisors may just give our troops and leaders the edge they need against our enemies.
Soviet military advisors may just give our troops and leaders the edge they need against our enemies. |
Soviet Industrial Aid | 西班牙共和國:
The Spanish Civil War has ended |
Arms shipments alone will not fill the quotas our frontline troops need. Soviet aid in expanding our domestic industry may well allow us make up this difference for now, and perhaps even reach full self-sufficiency eventually.
Arms shipments alone will not fill the quotas our frontline troops need. Soviet aid in expanding our domestic industry may well allow us make up this difference for now, and perhaps even reach full self-sufficiency eventually. |
Soviet Technological Advancements | 西班牙共和國:
The Spanish Civil War has ended |
The Soviet Union possesses technology we do not. With the object of defeating fascism, surely they would be willing to share these advancements with us? |
Soviet Recovery Aid Sub-branch
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Communist and Democratic shared post civil war sub-branch of the Republican Spanish national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
國策 | 前置條件 | 效果 | 描述 |
Soviet Recovery Aid | 西班牙共和國: | Nationalist Spain:
With the war won, the Soviet Union stands ready to assist us in our rebuilding efforts.
Recovering From Civil War
Effective Change:
Spain is currently focused on rebuilding the country and less willing to join a faction.
Recovering From Civil War
Effective Change:
Spain is currently focused on rebuilding the country and less willing to join a faction.
With the war won, the Soviet Union stands ready to assist us in our rebuilding efforts. |
Provide for the People | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
Provide for the People
The first order of business is ensuring the supply of food to our people. Our victory must not be overshadowed by the calamity of famine.
The first order of business is ensuring the supply of food to our people. Our victory must not be overshadowed by the calamity of famine. |
Collectivize Industry | 西班牙共和國: | Republcian Spain:
Collectivization of industry will serve to further improve productivity and worker morale. |
Connect the Country | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國: | A great project of infrastructure works spanning the country will ensure rapid movement of goods between the most remote areas of the peninsula. This will only serve to benefit us in the long run. |
Slipway Enlargement | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
In order to construct larger military vessels we must look into enlargement of our dockyard facilities. |
人民艦隊 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
A powerful navy is required to do our part in spreading socialism across the globe. The construction of our Red Fleet begins today. |
移植蘇聯工業 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
The Soviets have shown themselves particularly adept at the relocation of whole factories, even on a distance of thousands of kilometers. To kickstart our own domestic military industry we will request the transplantation of some of their less important factories to the Iberian peninsula. |
五年計劃 | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
A bold new plan will see to the transformation of the Spanish state into a local industrial powerhouse within the timespan of no more than five years.
Recovering From Civil War
Effective Change:
Spain is currently focused on rebuilding the country and less willing to join a faction.
A bold new plan will see to the transformation of the Spanish state into a local industrial powerhouse within the timespan of no more than five years. |
Maintain the Second Republic Branch
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Democratic branch of the Republican Spanish national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
國策 | 前置條件 | 效果 | 描述 |
Maintain the Second Republic | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國: | The rebellious military has not succeeded in its coup attempt, and our government maintains its ability to rule in freedom. The Second Republic shall prevail against the threat of the Right, just as it prevailed over the miners' strike in 1934. |
New Leadership | 西班牙共和國:
The Spanish Civil War has ended |
New leadership is required for the Republic to survive these trying times. We will bring in advisors and ministers with new perspectives on how to best combat the fascist threat, allowing us to better safeguard our principles and beliefs. |
The Future of the Republic | 西班牙共和國:
The Spanish Civil War has ended |
The present struggle will no doubt come to be seen as defining in its impact on the future of the Republic. We must spare no effort nor expense in ensuring we shape this future appropriately. |
Petition for French Aid | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
Our neighbors to the north hesitate in their desire to lend us aid, cowed by the prospect of internal unrest should they take any action at all. We cannot allow them to remain so indecisive; our very survival depends on their willingness to act. |
Ensure Loyalty | 西班牙共和國:
The Spanish Civil War has ended |
The government has been betrayed most brutally by its military. The first step to mending this wound is ensuring loyalty of all officers we henceforth appoint. |
Enlist the Carabineros | 西班牙共和國:
The Spanish Civil War has ended |
As a stop-gap measure to man the frontlines we must turn to unorthodox solutions. Without a military, the Carabineros, a paramilitary frontier guard and customs force, will serve as as good a force as any to man the trenches. |
The Popular Army | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
Our new army will be made up of those untainted by the treachery of the military; those among the population who are zealous in their defense of the principles upon which the Republic is built, but who perhaps did not serve previously. Coupled with this reorganization we will also develop new arms and doctrines to aid this new army in their fight. |
Take the Initiative | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
We cannot remain idle while our enemies choose when and where to attack us. Wars are won by showing initiative, and so that is what we must do. |
¡No Pasarán! | 西班牙共和國:
The Spanish Civil War has ended |
Let the creed of the anti-fascist echo from every home in every city; from every rooftop to every street; from every barricade to every ditch: "¡No Pasarán!" - they shall not pass! |
A Frontline Suited for Intellectuals | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
It is a waste for our brightest minds to combat the fascist at the frontlines - much better use can be made of them far behind the lines; creating new tools of warfare that will benefit our fight much more than a few extra soldiers possibly could. |
Strengthen the Anti-Fascist Coalition | 西班牙共和國:
The Spanish Civil War has ended |
西班牙共和國: | We have eliminated the dissenting parts of our coalition - hopefully this means we now may finally focus on strengthening our united resolve in rooting out fascism. |
Oppose the Communists | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
The communists are nothing but a necessary ally in the fight against fascism. Once that is over, we must deal with them in our own way. |
Fortify the Central Government | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國: | We must fortify the government against communist influence, lest they surreptitiously manage to take take control of the Republic from within. |
Secure Democratic Principles | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國: | We cannot let communist influence alter or even destroy the principles upon which the Second Republic was founded - no matter our relationship to the communists or the Soviet Union, these principles must be carried in our hearts, if not openly. |
End Fascism At All Costs | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
Nothing matters beyond the total destruction of the fascists - if we must sell our souls to communism to achieve this, then so be it. |
Communists in the Government | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
Popular Front
Effective Change:
Communist influence in the government has grown to such a degree that they now demand a complete change in leadership to reflect the new realities of the Republic. |
Re-professionalize the Military | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國獲得民族精神:
Professional Military
By necessity our army has been rebuilt from those who were not educated in the strict discipline of military life. To transform our army from a temporary emergency force to a true national military, we must re-professionalize it and instill it with the proper discipline and command structures. |
Experiences from the Civil War | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
Our military's experiences during the civil war have resulted in dramatic new advancements in military thinking and development of equipment. |
Revive the Republican Navy | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國: | Our navy was as torn by the start of the civil war as our army was, and its rebuilding should be a priority for the national security of our state. This will require the establishment of new infrastructure, which we will begin immediately. |
Navy Modernization | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
One benefit of the losses we have incurred is that we have no reason to refrain from constructing new and modern ship models. We should inquire about suitable designs and see to their construction immediately. |
Subvert Soviet Control/Stabilize the Nation/Restore Higher Education Sub-branch
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Democratic post civil war sub-branch of the Republican Spanish national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
國策 | 前置條件 | 效果 | 描述 |
Subvert Soviet Control | 西班牙共和國: | 蘇維埃聯盟:
Republican Spain:
Subvert Soviet Control
The price of the Soviet aid that made our victory possible has been subservience, and so it would appear our plight is not yet over. We will begin undermining Soviet efforts to spread communist influence over our country, in preparation for a final struggle for our freedom and independence.
The price of the Soviet aid that made our victory possible has been subservience, and so it would appear our plight is not yet over. We will begin undermining Soviet efforts to spread communist influence over our country, in preparation for a final struggle for our freedom and independence. |
War of Independence | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
The time has come for us to turn on our erstwhile allies, lest we are turned into yet another member state of the Union. A final great effort is required of our people to attain the final prize of freedom from both left and right authoritarianism. |
Those Who Would Not Help Us | 西班牙共和國: | If 聯合王國, 美利堅合眾國 or 法國 exists and has not capitulated:
We were abandoned by the West in our struggles against the fascists, but things have changed since then, and they have found themselves in their own war. We now again need their aid, and perhaps this time they have learned to pay us heed when we form the vanguard against a new enemy. |
Ideological Allies | 西班牙共和國:
If 聯合王國:
Otherwise, if 美利堅合眾國: Then:
Otherwise, if 法國: Then:
Otherwise, if Any other country: Then:
Otherwise, if any other country: Then:
Spain has been reforged in the crucible of civil war - we will stand with our ideological allies against both the extremism of the Right as well as that of the Left. |
Foreign Industrial Aid | 西班牙共和國:
Recovering From Civil War
Effective Change:
Spain is currently focused on rebuilding the country and less willing to join a faction.
Recovering From Civil War
Effective Change:
Spain is currently focused on rebuilding the country and less willing to join a faction.
With our new pacts in place, we will entice foreign businesses to invest in our nation and aid in our reconstruction. |
Enemies of Our Enemy | 西班牙共和國: | If 德意志國 or 義大利 exists and has not capitulated:
Though they have aided our enemies during the civil war, we now share a common enemy. Perhaps it is time to put aside our differences until such a time as the greater fight has been won. |
Deal With the Devil | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
The Germans have ample experience fighting the Soviets, and though we could never agree to a formal alliance, perhaps the exchange of their military knowledge might give us a clear advantage in our own war efforts against our common enemy. |
Stabilize the Nation | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
We have emerged from the civil war victoriously, but now we must ensure that stability returns and that this cannot happen again. |
Restore Higher Education | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
The institutions of higher education that were damaged during the war should be rebuilt and expanded, ensuring a steady supply of bright minds for our industry. |
Engineering Advances | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
Recovering From Civil War
Effective Change:
Spain is currently focused on rebuilding the country and less willing to join a faction.
Recovering From Civil War
Effective Change:
Spain is currently focused on rebuilding the country and less willing to join a faction.
New advances in engineering allow for the construction of improved industry, as well as new types of aircraft and armor. |
Rebuild the Nation | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
After the horrors of the Civil War, stability has returned and slowly we are regaining our industrial footing. A period of extensive investments in industrial expansion programs will no doubt give our economy the kick it needs to once again gain traction. |
A New Military Academy | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
To achieve our goal of a truly professional national military we must establish a new academy, ensuring our officers are the best that they can be. |
Expand the Naval Academy | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
The civil war has shown deficiencies in the leadership of our navy. Improvements to the quality of our naval academy, as well as increasing its size, should ensure these costly tactical and strategic errors become far less likely in the future. |
Prepare for the Next War | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
Our military industry must be expanded if we are to stand strong against the various foreign threats to our war-torn nation. We must be prepared for whatever may come. |
Join the Global Fight Against Fascism | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國: | We have defeated fascism in Spain, but it yet exists in other nations across the globe. It is our duty to see this fight through to the end. |
The Anti-Fascist Crusade | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國獲得民族精神: | The Spanish fought the fascists long before anyone else realized the danger. This fight is our fight, and we will not cease until it is won. |
Wartime Industry | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國: | We once again find ourselves at war, and so we must ensure our industrial expansion focuses on catering to military rather than civilian needs. |
Fuel for the War Machine | 西班牙共和國: | 西班牙共和國:
Resources are of paramount importance to our war industry, and the more self-sufficient we can be in these needs, the better. By building new mines, steel mills, and aluminum smelters across our country we would be able to go a long way towards achieving such self-sufficiency. |
通用 | 通用 • 持續性國策 |
基礎版本 | 法國 • 德意志國 • 義大利 • 日本 • 蘇維埃聯盟 • 聯合王國 • 美利堅合眾國 |
United and Ready | 波蘭 |
共赴勝利 | 澳大利亞 • 英屬印度 • 加拿大自治領 • 紐西蘭 • 南非 |
玉碎瓦全 | 捷克斯洛伐克 • 匈牙利王國 • 羅馬尼亞王國 • 南斯拉夫 |
喚醒猛虎 | 中華民國 • 中共 • 滿洲國 • 軍閥 |
炮手就位 | 墨西哥 • 荷蘭 |
抵抗運動 | 自由法國 • 維希法國 • 葡萄牙 • 西班牙國 • 西班牙共和國 |
博灣紛爭 | 保加利亞 • 希臘 • 土耳其 |
寸步不退 | 蘇維埃聯盟(重製)• 波蘭(重製)• 愛沙尼亞 • 拉脫維亞 • 立陶宛 |
唯有浴血 | 義大利(重製)• 衣索比亞 • 瑞士 • 非洲之角諸國 |
以力御暴 | 丹麥 • 芬蘭 • 冰島 • 挪威 • 瑞典 |