只適用於DLC玉碎瓦全激活時。 |
在玉碎瓦全擴展包中, 匈牙利王國擁有了獨特的國策樹。未啟用該擴展包時, 匈牙利王國將使用通用國策樹。
- 平衡預算/經濟干預主線
- 這條線允許匈牙利改變其政治立場。
- 支持君主派分支
- 這一分支允許匈牙利選舉民主派、法西斯派國王或迎回哈布斯堡國王,並可以重建奧匈帝國。
- 支持法西斯派分支
- 這一分支允許匈牙利成為法西斯國家,建立大匈牙利,並加入軸心國或與義大利一同建立自己的陣營。
- 人民部長會議分支
- 這一分支允許匈牙利成為共產主義國家並加入共產國際。
- 產業振興分支
- 這條線允許匈牙利發展自己的工業並解鎖科研槽。其下的一個分支與空軍分支有聯繫。
- 秘密重整軍備主線
- 這條線允許匈牙利擺脫特里亞農條約的限制,開始研究軍事技術。
- 組建空軍分支
- 這一分支允許匈牙利研究空軍和許可。
- 陸軍演習分支
- 這一分支為各種類型的陸軍裝備提供研究紅利。
- 海軍作戰部分支
- 這一分支與海軍有關,但因為匈牙利在1936年沒有沿海地區,因此需要匈牙利控制一個沿海地區才可用。
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國策 | 前置條件 | 效果 | Description |
平衡預算 | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國:
我們必須充分利用我們所掌握的資源,精心謀劃和平衡預算是我們的政府取得成功的關鍵。 |
經濟干預 | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利獲得民族精神:
我們必須投入充足的政治資源來指導我們的經濟。雖然目前它姑且還過得去,但我們可以使其變得更加繁榮高效。 |
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國策 | 前置條件 | 效果 | Description |
強化君主派 | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國:
恢復匈牙利昔日威望的第一步是強化那些要求主張君主制復辟的政黨。 |
推舉新君主 | 匈牙利王國:
人民已經足夠支持國家恢復君主制了,現在我們可以開始考慮啟動推舉新國王的進程。 |
邀請哈布斯堡王子 | 匈牙利王國:
德意志國已重組奧匈帝國 |
取代 匈牙利君主制 |
長久以來哈布斯堡家族便一直統治著匈牙利,而在他們的統治下,這個國家曾是歐洲最偉大的帝國之一。復辟哈布斯堡王朝,必將使匈牙利再次成為偉大的國家。 |
要求全民公投 | 匈牙利王國:
奧地利觸發事件「匈牙利要求進行全民公投」 | 奧匈帝國的解體是一個歷史錯誤,奧地利與匈牙利聯合起來將會更加強大,而兩者的合併將是重鑄偉大的必要條件。奧地利必須就和平實現兩國聯合的提議舉行公投。 |
武力占領奧地利 | 匈牙利王國:
恢復匈牙利榮耀的第一步是重新整合奧地利的土地。我們不能冒著外交失敗的風險,因此我們必須通過武力來實現這一點。 |
奧匈帝國復辟 | 匈牙利王國:
德意志國已重組奧匈帝國 |
下列地區現在是 奧匈帝國的核心:
隨著我們兩國的統一以及王位重歸哈布斯堡,我們現在可以鄭重宣告奧匈帝國的回歸,並踏上收復我國歷史法理領土的征程! |
保護捷克斯洛伐克 | 奧匈帝國:
捷克斯洛伐克存在 |
捷克斯洛伐克觸發事件「奧匈帝國提供擔保」 | 捷克斯洛伐克自獨立以來已變得強大而繁榮,但他們的鄰國卻對其領土虎視眈眈。無論是重新接納他們成為帝國的一部分,還是給予他們應有的協作地位,我們都將向他們提供保護以應對這些威脅。 |
聲索特蘭西瓦尼亞 | 奧匈帝國:
羅馬尼亞王國觸發事件「匈牙利索要特蘭西瓦尼亞」 |
上一場戰爭後,特蘭西瓦尼亞地區被不公正地從我們手中奪走。而現在是收回它的時候了。 |
向海岸進軍 | 奧匈帝國:
真正的大國需要進入海洋,而亞得里亞海的海岸線是我們與生俱來的法理領土。 |
收復威尼斯 | 奧匈帝國:
一戰中義大利人的背叛並沒有被遺忘。現在是時候擺正他們的位置,並恢復帝國的天然邊界了。 |
聲索加利西亞 | 奧匈帝國:
所謂波蘭的國家只不過是一個人造物,我們可以根據需要進行肆意擺弄。 |
聲索布科維納 | 奧匈帝國:
奧匈帝國控制著 |
奧匈帝國獲得對 |
此地區可能不是我們眾多宣稱當中最重要的一環,但它仍然是我們帝國的一部分,因此我們也會收回它。 |
攫取皇冠 | 奧匈帝國:
為了實現我們最終的領土要求,我們必須在德國、義大利和巴勒斯坦的諸多領土宣稱上附上我們哈布斯堡王朝君主的名字。 |
推舉立憲君主 | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國:
我們必須推選一位維護國家民主原則和人民權利的國王。 |
確立責任政府制 | 匈牙利王國:
取代 匈牙利君主制 |
一直以來我們的政府都只對國王負責,這使得它常常無視人民的意願。我們將修訂憲法來確保政府從對統治者負責轉而對人民負責。 |
與小協約國和解 | 匈牙利王國:
則: 若 則: |
鑑於我們周遭皆是意識形態上與我們敵對的國家,因此我們必須重新定位我們與這些毗鄰的小協約國成員的關係。我們會就重新武裝的問題徵求他們的意見。 |
加入同盟國 | 匈牙利王國:
任意其他國家: |
如果 聯合王國執政黨是 民主主義且是陣營領導者
匈牙利的未來及其民主價值取決於西方主要民主國家及其聯盟。成為這個聯盟的成員,我們既可以增強他們的實力,還可以得到他們的支持。 |
聯合石油開發公司 | 匈牙利王國:
聯合王國加入聯合石油開發公司 |
隨著我國境內可能勘探出油田的消息不脛而走,我們已經引起了國外勢力的注意。與我們交好的國家希望利用他們的技術來支援我們的石油工業,這將是一個學習他們先進技術、有利可圖的機會。 |
巴爾幹條約 | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國:
西方民主國家離我們太遠,無法幫助我們,因此我們必須尋求更親近的盟友。作為「巴爾幹條約」的領導者,我們將為他們提供保護,並帶領他們取得勝利! |
不可思議的聯盟 | 匈牙利王國:
羅馬尼亞王國觸發事件「匈牙利王國邀請羅馬尼亞王國加入巴爾幹條約」 | 我們從根本上改變了我們國家。我們不再是舊時代的戰爭販子。是時候向我們舊日敵手伸出橄欖枝,並共同建立新秩序了。 |
推舉法西斯君主 | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國:
我國需要一位鐵腕領袖來領導它挺過即將到來的動盪歲月。因此,我們的統治者必須是一位受人民敬仰,同時使敵人畏懼的偉人。 |
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國策 | 前置條件 | 效果 | Description |
強化法西斯派 | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國:
我們必須加強對法西斯主義的宣傳,並為其意識形態的傳播提供公共渠道。他們對匈牙利未來的構想最有可能使這個國家再次走向偉大。 |
撕毀特里亞農條約 | 匈牙利王國:
全球緊張度增加1 若: |
一戰結束後,我們國家遭受了不公正的待遇,特里亞農條約剝奪了我們曾經偉大的國家三分之二的領土和人口,幾乎能與凡爾賽條約中德國遭受的恥辱相提並論,它必須被廢除。 |
與德國的貿易協議 | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國: | 強化我們與德國之間貿易關係的好處是顯而易見的,而且我們對德國經濟過度依賴的說法也被誇大了。我們將深入拓展,與其簽署一份廣泛的貿易協議。 |
聯合鋁業公司 | 匈牙利王國: | 北匈牙利 (43): Add production of 16 | 由於鋁是現代戰爭工業不可或缺的一部分,我們可以很容易地得到德國的支持,以擴大我國北部鋁礦的開採。 |
加入軸心國 | 匈牙利王國:
Any other country: 德意志國:
德意志國 gets event Hungary seeks to join the Axis | '鑑於我們經濟已與德國密不可分,因此在戰爭中追隨他們是唯一合乎邏輯的選擇。我們將向他們遞交正式加入軸心國的請求。 |
重申羅馬議定書 | 匈牙利王國:
義大利: |
'鑑於德國的持續修正主義,我們必須重申在1934年起草和簽署的羅馬議定書。這些協議不僅將進一步隔絕來自德國和南斯拉夫的威脅,甚至還可能成為一個真正聯盟體系的前身。 |
保護奧地利 | 匈牙利王國:
保障 奧地利獨立 | 為了進一步對抗德國,我們必須阻止他們合併奧地利的野心。我們可以向奧地利作出承諾,給予現任政府他們所需要的政治力量,以支持他們對抗親德分子。 |
與義大利結盟 | 匈牙利王國:
If 義大利 is in a faction with 法國:
現在可以對羅馬議定書最初提議的聯盟進行擴展了。為此,我們將派一個代表團訪問義大利,討論一項具有約束力、在攻防兩方面進行廣泛軍事合作的協議。 |
重申領土主張 | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國:gains core on:
在掙脫了特里亞農條約的束縛後,我們現在必須重申我們對那些被竊取領土的主張。 |
索取特蘭西瓦尼亞 | 羅馬尼亞王國
When demanding territory, the other side is more likely to hand it over without bloodshed if you have a strong army. However, they may still believe they can stand up to us if they are in a faction.
羅馬尼亞王國 gets event Hungary demands Transylvania |
如果我們能兵不血刃地收復我們的領土,那就再好不過了。我們將向羅馬尼亞遞交最後通牒,要求他們歸還我們的法理領土。 |
索取南斯洛伐克 | 匈牙利王國:
When demanding territory, the other side is more likely to hand it over without bloodshed if you have a strong army. However, they may still believe they can stand up to us if they are in a faction.
捷克斯洛伐克 gets event Hungary demands southern Slovakia |
如果我們能兵不血刃地收復我們的領土,那就再好不過了。我們將向捷克斯洛伐克遞交最後通牒,要求他們歸還我們的法理領土。 |
索取伏伊伏丁那 | 匈牙利王國:
When demanding territory, the other side is more likely to hand it over without bloodshed if you have a strong army. However, they may still believe they can stand up to us if they are in a faction.
南斯拉夫 gets event Hungary demands Vojvodina Hungary adds core on 伏伊伏丁那 (45) |
如果我們能兵不血刃地收復我們的領土,那就再好不過了。我們將向南斯拉夫遞交最後通牒,要求他們歸還我們的法理領土。 |
宣告大匈牙利成立 | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國:
在收復了我們法理領土後,我們國家的領土規模已經擴大到了我們歷史上的疆界。我們現在可以自信地向世人宣告大匈牙利的成立,並將目光投向新的目標。 |
索取對斯洛伐克的宗主權 | 匈牙利王國:
Hungary has at least 175.00K 人力 in divisions in the field |
When demanding territory, the other side is more likely to hand it over without bloodshed if you have a strong army. However, they may still believe they can stand up to us if they are in a faction.
捷克斯洛伐克 gets event Hungary demands Slovakia |
斯洛伐克的其餘部分也必須通過直接合併亦或是成為附屬國的方式重新融入匈牙利。為此我們將再次遞交最後通牒。 |
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The Communist political sub-branch of the Hungarian national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
國策 | 前置條件 | 效果 | Description |
Council of People's Commissars | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國:
一個管理機構必須被建立起來監督匈牙利向共產主義國家的轉變。而事成之後,這個委員會將會轉變為仿西方體系的、由部長組成的內閣。 |
Assassinate Horthy | 匈牙利王國:
Current ruling party is 共產主義 |
這位一戰時的老海軍上將利用他作為匈牙利王國攝政的身份,已經掌握了太多的權勢,而他的反共立場現已被證明對我們同志們的工作造成了嚴重的問題。如果我們的國家要走上革命的道路,他就必須被從權力中心剷除。 |
The Hungarian Red Army | Hungary:
The Hungarian Red Army
Recruitable Population: 5.00% All motherland-loving patriots must do their duty in defense of their homeland. We will form a Hungarian Red Army, following the example of the Soviets in the East, which will protect our fledgling Revolution.
凡是熱愛祖國的愛國者,都必須為保衛祖國盡到自己的職責。我們將仿效蘇聯的模式,建立一支匈牙利紅軍以保衛我們剛剛起步的革命。 |
Soviet-Hungarian Military Academy | Hungary: | Hungary Joins Soviet-Hungarian Military Academy
蘇維埃聯盟 Joins Soviet-Hungarian Military Academy |
若是沒有領導,我們的軍隊便是一群烏合之眾。蘇聯人在軍事上積累了很多經驗,所以與他們合作以培養我們自己的軍事將才或許將事半功倍。為此,我們將設立一個由兩國最有經驗的教官構成的軍事學院。 |
Join Comintern | 匈牙利王國:
蘇維埃聯盟 is faction leader Any other country:
Any other country: |
If 蘇維埃聯盟 is Communist and a faction leader: Gets event Hungary seeks to join the Comintern
All else: any other country that is a faction leader and is Communist:Hungary seeks to join faction |
革命的前進方向在於共產國際。我們將與我們的同志攜手並肩,聯手擺脫不公的資本主義和西方法西斯分子的威脅。 |
Pressure Romania | 匈牙利王國:
蘇維埃聯盟 Gets event Hungary wants to put pressure on Romania | 當我們聚焦於西方的法西斯威脅時,我們不能讓潛在的威脅繼續存在於我們的後方,毋寧說這種存在於我們與東方盟友之間的威脅。羅馬尼亞必須被確保改造為一個共產主義國家,否則我們就必須切換與盟友的重要陸上交通線以確保我們能夠得到他們的援助。 |
Intervene In Czechoslovakia | 匈牙利王國:
蘇維埃聯盟 is faction leader |
蘇維埃聯盟 Gets event Hungary suggests support for Czechoslovakia | 捷克斯洛伐克此前根據特里亞農條約獲得了我們的一些領土,與此同時,我們知道德國正在圖謀奪取他們的土地。也許我們能夠達成一次交易,在蘇聯軍事支援的擔保下,我們將在德國發動入侵時收回那些法理領土。 |
The Revolutionary Council | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國:
共產國際已經放棄了反帝鬥爭,甘願選擇與其和平共處。如果世界上的工人們要獲得解放,我們就必須高舉馬克思與列寧的火炬前進,如有必要,甚至可以對抗蘇聯。 |
Industrial Revitalization Branch
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Industrial Branch of the Hungarian national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
國策 | 前置條件 | 效果 | Description |
Industrial Revitalization | None | 匈牙利王國:
Our industrial base has dangerously decayed in recent years. We must make an effort to adopt new technologies to make up for lost ground. |
Reintegrate the Railroads | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國:
奧地利: gains Reintegrate the Railroads (關係 of them changed by +35 捷克斯洛伐克: gains Reintegrate the Railroads (關係 of them changed by +35 |
The railway networks spanning the old Austria-Hungarian empire have become fragmented since its dissolution into independent nations. We should approach the other former constituent states and propose a reintegration of our railway networks, to improve the infrastructure overall. |
Support Domestic Industry | 匈牙利王國: | Alföld (154):
The military requires more equipment, and our industry must keep up. We will direct new resources to an expansion of our arms industry. |
Support Urbanization | 匈牙利王國: | Northern Hungary (43):
More and more people are leaving the villages and smaller towns to move to the big urban centers, looking for work in new factories. Even if we can not offer them employment straight away, we can build new city quarters to prepare the way for a later expansion. |
Institute for Industrial Techniques | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國:
The ad-hoc nature of industrial research has led to slower growth and lower productivity. We should create a new institute that bundles all research into new industrial methods. |
Announce the Györ Program | Hungary: | Hungary:
Our military is dangerously weak, and it is imperative that we boost its size and fighting capability. To do this we must significantly bolster our industry, to keep up with the growing demands in equipment. The five-year Györ Program will increase government spending not only on the military itself, but also on ancillary sectors such as industry, agriculture, infrastructure, and education. |
Civilian Industry | 匈牙利王國: | Transdanubia (155):
Despite the need for more military industry, we must not neglect our civilian needs. An expansion of civilian industry is therefore in order. |
Domestic Arms Industry | Hungary: | Alföld (154):
Northern Hungary (43):
Our arms industry must be supported by a strong civilian industrial base, not only for production of industrial equipment but also for the establishment of new factories. |
Invite Foreign Investors | 匈牙利王國: | Invite Foreign Investors gets the 民族精神:
Invite Foreign Investors
Hungary lies at the heart of Eastern Europe, and we could well use our central location to attract foreign investors with an interest in improving our infrastructure and industry.
Hungary lies at the heart of Eastern Europe, and we could well use our central location to attract foreign investors with an interest in improving our infrastructure and industry. |
Expand the Manfred Weiss Steel Works | 匈牙利王國: | Northern Hungary (43):
The massive Manfred Weiss Steel Works have been an integral defense contractor since the Great War saw a huge expansion of the facilities. If we are to increase our military in preparation of the next war, the pride of our national industry will once more have to be enlarged. |
Expand the Aluminum Industry | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國: | We require all available resources, both for export and for domestic use. Our aluminum industry, though already expansive, has further room for improvement, and we should direct resources to this end immediately. |
Expand the Technical University of Budapest | Hungary: | Hungary:
We require more bright minds to come up with breakthrough discoveries that will aid us in the conflicts ahead. By expanding our capital's university, we can increase the pool of skilled engineers and scientists for our military industry. |
Autarky | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國:
We are far too dependent on foreign sources of oil. We should emulate the German efforts at developing synthetic oil. |
Synthetic Industry | Hungary: | 匈牙利王國:
Adds a synthetic refinery to a random state. The location will be displayed once research has proven synthetic oil production is feasible. |
Now that we have mastered the technology to liquify coal, we can build a pilot plant to begin production. |
Aeronautic Technology Institute | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國:
The air has become a new aspect of warfare and is proving to be underestimated in importance by many. We must learn to master this new dimension, and allocate resources to the development of new doctrines and equipment that allow us to do so. |
Boost Hungarian Aviation Industry | 匈牙利王國: | Alföld (154):
Our industrial base must be strengthened to allow for the production of new airplane models in sufficient quantities to gain mastery of the air. |
Secret Rearmament Branch
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The Military Tech branch of the Hungarian national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
國策 | 前置條件 | 效果 | Description |
Secret Rearmament | None
Does not have the 民族精神 Treaty of Trianon |
Secret Rearmament
The restrictions imposed on us by the Treaty of Trianon prohibit us from increasing the size of our army. Even so, the world's political climate is becoming ever more turbulent, and conflict looms over the horizon. We cannot remain defenseless, and we must begin to rearm even if it means secretly breaking the stipulations of the peace treaty imposed on us after the Great War. |
War Games | 匈牙利王國: | 陸軍經驗 :+25 | By engaging in small-scale war games, we can discover flaws in our current military structure, and use the experience gained to adjust deficiencies. |
Theoretical Air Efforts | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國:
We must spend ample resources on working out new theories regarding air warfare. If we go to war, the theories that may be developed will be invaluable. |
Bled Agreement | 匈牙利王國
Can lead to the replacement of the Treaty of Trianon |
Small-scale secret re-armament will not suffice. We must reach out to our neighbors and request redress of the treaty imposed on us after the Great War. Hungary has an equal right to armament. |
Establish the Air-Force Sub-branch
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Airforce sub-branch of the Hungarian national focus tree under the Secret Rearmament branch.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
國策 | 前置條件 | 效果 | Description |
Establish the Air Force | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國:
With legal restrictions now out of the way, it is time to officially establish the Hungarian air force. |
Indigenous Designs | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利獲得民族精神: | Our own technical expertise is sufficient for our needs. Control over our own design bureau enables us to allocate more resources to it, thereby increasing the speed of development of new designs. |
Heavy Fighter Effort | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國: Reduce ahead of time penalty by 2 years and gives a 100% research bonus. Valid for the next 1 researches of these technologies: RMI-3 X/V, DRR 210C AND RMI-8 X/V. | Our fighters must be able to support the more vulnerable bomber airplanes. This requires heavier armament and longer range at the cost of some speed and maneuverability. |
Light Fighter Effort | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國: Reduce ahead of time penalty by 2 years and gives a 100% research bonus.. Valid for the next 1 researches of these technologies: AVIS III, Weiss WM-23 Ezustnyl, MÁVAG Héja and MÁVAG Héja II. | We need fighter aircraft to acquire local air superiority in the skies above our forces, and to intercept any enemy planes that threaten our nation. |
CAS Focus | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國: Reduce ahead of time penalty by 2 years and gives a 100% research bonus.. Valid for the next 1 researches of these technologies: Weiss WM-16 Budapest, Weiss WM-21 Sólyom and RMI-3 Z/G. | A modern army needs support from vehicles not only on the ground, but also in the air. |
Tactical Bomber | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國: Reduce ahead of time penalty by 2 years and gives a 100% research bonus.. Valid for the next 1 researches of these technologies: Tactical Bomber Models. | Victory will be achieved by annihilating the enemy's ground forces. We must focus on supporting our own armies with tactical strikes against close and deep targets. |
Joint Air Development | 匈牙利王國: | Hungary joins Joint Aircraft Development | The best means of developing new aircraft models is through cooperation with our allies. By bringing together the brightest minds of all our nations, we will attain the best results. |
License Foreign Designs | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利獲得民族精神: | Foreign air forces have already shown that they possess tried-and-proven designs of very high quality. Rather than tempt fate and rely on our nascent aeronautical expertise, we should request to be allowed to produce these foreign models under license. |
Fighter Competition | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國: gets event Fighter Competition | In order for us to be able to select the best model of fighter airplane to produce under license, we must pit the contenders against each other. We will organize a fighter competition and invite all major powers to send their most modern fighter models to participate. |
Bomber Competition | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國:觸發事件Bomber Competition | In order for us to be able to select the best model of bomber airplane to produce under license, we must pit the contenders against each other. We will organize a bomber competition and invite all major powers to send their most modern bomber models to participate. |
Army Maneuvers Sub-branch
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The Army sub-branch of the Hungarian national focus tree under the Secret Rearmament branch.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
國策 | 前置條件 | 效果 | Description |
Army Maneuvers | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國:
Our army must be brought back in shape for potential future armed conflicts. We will send them on maneuvers to develop new tactics and strategies. |
Mobile Focus | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國:
A mobile army, with the capacity to strike when and where it will do the most damage, is the key to military success. |
The Botond | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國:
To adequately meet our supply and transportation demands we require a new form of truck. Initial renditions of the Rába 38M Botond design have proven to be successful in trials, and with appropriate resources, we can finalize the design and begin production. |
Armored Warfare | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國:
Our motorized divisions will require armored support to be truly effective. We must pour more resources into the development of new armor designs. |
Mobile Corps Doctrine | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國:
With both motorized and armor elements now in production, we must look at new theoretical approaches to how these can work together on the battlefield. |
Motorized Logistics | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國:
The key to mobile warfare is the ability to move men and material across large distances quickly. Even the best tank will quickly become useless if it is not resupplied. |
Develop Tanks | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國:
The nations surrounding us have identified the importance of the tank, and are producing them in great numbers. We must develop our own tank designs and attempt to keep up with our allies and adversaries. |
Assault Gun Focus | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利獲得民族精神:
Assault Gun Focus
Rather than focus on full-fledged tanks, we will instead rely on assault guns to aid our infantry in affecting break-throughs, as a more cost-effective alternative.
Rather than focus on full-fledged tanks, we will instead rely on assault guns to aid our infantry in affecting break-throughs, as a more cost-effective alternative. |
Joint Tank Procurement | 匈牙利王國: | Hungary joins Joint Tank Development | Together with our allies, we can develop new tank models much more effectively. We will set up a joint procurement bureau where our engineers can work together to identify the best designs to move forward with. |
Home Defense | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國:
Small mobile forces will not be able to defend our nation in the case of attack. We must form an impenetrable front-line, and develop new doctrines to increase the effectiveness of such an approach. |
Danuvia Submachine Guns | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國:
Our infantry requires good weaponry to improve their effectiveness. The initial Danuvia 43M prototypes have performed well in tests, and by increasing funding for its development we may soon be able to begin producing the weapon en masse. |
Artillery Effort | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國:
Artillery is key for improved effectiveness of our forces. We will develop modern artillery models so that they will have the best artillery support we can provide. |
Light Infantry Divisions Doctrine | 匈牙利王國: | Enables Light Infantry Divisions Doctrine:
Gain a Infantry unit with 6 battalions. |
We must make do with the limited manpower at our disposal. If we want more divisions, they necessarily have to be smaller. Light infantry divisions provide an optimal mix of striking power and size, and we will make it the backbone of our military. |
Form Parachute Battalions | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國:
Infantry landed by air assault will give us the capability to react quickly to any unexpected threat or tactical opportunity. |
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The Navy sub-branch of the Hungarian national focus tree under the Secret Rearmament branch.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.
國策 | 前置條件 | 效果 | Description |
海軍戰爭 | 匈牙利王國:
海軍戰爭 icon 海軍戰爭
海軍船塢產出:+10.00% 在重新獲得海岸線之後,我們必須集中力量重建一支適合大國使用的艦隊。
After regaining a coastline, we must focus our efforts on rebuilding a fleet fit for a major power. |
修復海軍 | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國:
We can not waste time on experimenting with new and unproven technologies. We will stick with tried and tested designs from the days of the old Empire. |
海軍改革 | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國:
It makes little sense to create a navy built around outdated ideas. We have been given the opportunity to create a new navy from scratch, without the baggage of the old. We should use it to build the most modern and capable navy we can. |
Capital Ships | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國:
The core of a navy is the battleship. We must make up for time and begin construction of new vessels as soon as possible. |
重視驅逐艦 | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國:
Destroyers are a vital, but often overlooked, part of the fleet. Together with the low cost, they are a good start for any naval expansion program. |
重視巡洋艦 | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國:
Even the most potent force is useless if it can not find the enemy or protect itself against aircraft. Designing new light and heavy cruisers helps us turn a collection of ships into an actual fleet. |
重視潛艇 | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國:
Submarines came close to beating the most powerful navy on the planet in the war. We can not be taken seriously as a modern navy if we do not posess submarines of our own. |
重視航母 | 匈牙利王國: | 匈牙利王國:
The battleship is a relic of a time long gone. The future of naval warfare is the carrier and the airplane. We will be at the forefront of this development. |
通用 | 通用 • 持續性國策 |
基礎版本 | 法國 • 德意志國 • 義大利 • 日本 • 蘇維埃聯盟 • 聯合王國 • 美利堅合眾國 |
United and Ready | 波蘭 |
共赴勝利 | 澳大利亞 • 英屬印度 • 加拿大自治領 • 紐西蘭 • 南非 |
玉碎瓦全 | 捷克斯洛伐克 • 匈牙利王國 • 羅馬尼亞王國 • 南斯拉夫 |
喚醒猛虎 | 中華民國 • 中共 • 滿洲國 • 軍閥 |
炮手就位 | 墨西哥 • 荷蘭 |
抵抗運動 | 自由法國 • 維希法國 • 葡萄牙 • 西班牙國 • 西班牙共和國 |
博灣紛爭 | 保加利亞 • 希臘 • 土耳其 |
寸步不退 | 蘇維埃聯盟(重製)• 波蘭(重製)• 愛沙尼亞 • 拉脫維亞 • 立陶宛 |
唯有浴血 | 義大利(重製)• 衣索比亞 • 瑞士 • 非洲之角諸國 |
以力御暴 | 丹麥 • 芬蘭 • 冰島 • 挪威 • 瑞典 |