- - 每日获得的政治点数:+0.50
With the battle for France lost, it is clear that radical measures must be taken to secure the state. The president can not be restricted in doing what is necessary.
- 需要 授予贝当紧急权力
- 增加基础 稳定度:+10.00%
Our defeat was without a doubt caused by a fundamental flaw in our nation. It will take a long time to remedy this flaw, but perhaps the shock of our defeat will allow us to return stronger.
- 需要 国家革命
While it is tempting to see the current situation as so important that it supersedes all other concerns, we must not forget that there are things that take a long time to implement. By creating a series of economic plans, we can grow our economy in an efficient manner.
- 需要 长期经济计划
The many small companies that make up our economy have been hit hard by rationing and other war measures. We should try to remedy this in order to help them survive.
- 需要 扶持小型企业
For too long has the discussion of labour focused on the industrial worker, who works in a large factory for a big company. It is time to show the accomplishments of the skilled craftsman, working in his own workshop, providing for his family.
- 需要 国家革命
The pseudo-religious worship of Marianne, the symbol of French republicanism, has twisted the minds of our people. Much like the worthless Republic she represents, all traces of her must be eradicated.
- 需要 贬低玛丽安娜
- 法西斯主义每日新增支持率:+0.075
- 中立派每日新增支持率:+0.025
Jeanne d'Arc fought bravely against a seemingly overwhelming enemy, sacrificed all she had for the good of the fatherland, and rallied the nation under her banner to throw out the invaders. Surely she is a much better symbol for our youth to aspire to than Marianne?
- 需要 推崇圣女贞德
- 增加基础 稳定度:+5.00%
It is inherently obvious that a woman's place is in the household, just as it is the man's place to be at the workbench or in the field. Our people must be reminded that a woman's work is every bit as vital for the survival of the nation as the man's.
- 需要 国家革命
France held out for years against the Kaiser's armies, yet folded in the present war. There must be a reason for this, and we must not stop until it is brought to light and the people responsible are brought to justice.
- 需要 告发败者
- 法兰西岛 (16):受 德意志国控制
- 解锁向德国让步 决议
- Reduces the impact of national spirit Occupation Costs by enacting the following decisions at the cost of 25 政治点数 each:
- Giving the 德意志国 military access
- Subsidising 德意志国's aircraft production at the cost of 维希法国's own aircraft production
- Sending guest workers to help boost 德意志国's production efficiency growth rate.
The realities of the situation demand that we come to an arrangement with our former enemies. There must be a way to reduce the crippling burdens placed upon us.
- 需要 向德国让步
We have managed to secure a promise from the Germans that we will have our occupation costs reduced if we supply them with labourers. However, it appears few amongst the people are willing to do the necessary work to help their fatherland in its hour of need. Where incentives have failed, we must now regretfully use compulsion.
- 增加基础 稳定度:+10.00%
At the end of the long and painful process of rebuilding our humiliated and defeated nation stands a new, reborn France, rid of the cancer of republicanism and its internal divisions.
- 需要 祖国重生
- 未控制法兰西岛 (16)
- 设定规则:可以创建阵营
- 移除民族精神: 占领花费
- 移除 维希法国的所有 penalties and 德意志国's bonuses to aircraft production costs if 维希法国 has previously subsidised 德意志国's aircraft production
- 德意志国触发事件: '占领时期的结束'
At the end of our national revolution, we are ready to take our place along our former enemies and fight for a new Europe, a Europe safe from the threat of Bolshevism and free from the divisive temptations of republicanism.
- 需要 授予贝当紧急权力
If we are to lead our people into a better future, we need hard data to base our decisions on. We should form a new agency tasked with generating this data.
- 需要 授予贝当紧急权力
With our military largely disarmed and in any event stretched too thin to protect all of France, we need a new organization of patriots to support the regime.
- 需要 军团服役令
取代 军团服役令
With the resistance growing ever stronger across France, we need to create a force that can take the fight to them. We will recruit only the most patriotic of members and give them far-ranging freedom to act as they see fit to bring these terrorists to heel.
- 需要 军团服役令
- 法兰西岛(16) 的控制国:
- 志愿军的师数上限:+3
- 苏维埃联盟:我国对其进攻修正:+10.0%
- 苏维埃联盟:我国对其防御修正:+10.0%
The greatest struggle in human history is taking place right now between the forces of western civilization and the forces of Communism. We can not sit idly by while this titanic battle is being fought.
- 需要 授予贝当紧急权力
The army of France has been utterly defeated and humiliated, it will take a long effort to bring it back to full fighting strength.
- 需要 重建军事工业
- 海军经验:+50
- ×1 任意沿海的核心地区:
The late republic laid down a number of ships to modernize the fleet. Begun too late and pursued too slowly, it could not be finished in time. But it may yet serve as the nucleus of a new French Navy.
- 需要 重建军事工业
The Germans could not have rebuilt their armies as fast as they did if they hadn't cheated on the terms of their treaties. It is therefore only fair and proper that we should do the same.
- 需要 藏匿原材料
Our defeat was not inevitable. Many different people failed in their duties, in a long string of despicable complacency. We will find out the exact causes, and ensure that we are better prepared in the future.
- 需要 重建军事工业
- 2×200%研究加成:轻型战斗机型号,近距支援机型号和战术轰炸机型号
Perhaps the most humiliating part of our defeat was our inability to compete in the air. We had too few modern planes. As the war continues around us, new planes are rapidly put into production. We must not let a similar thing happen again.
- 需要 空军现代化
The fastest way to understand how and why we failed is to understand what our opponents did right.
玉碎瓦全DLC启用时可用 市物于敌
- 需要 师敌长技
Our military industry was not up to the task of providing us with enough modern weapons, and it still isn't. We must look towards acquiring modern weapons from every available source.