
(文本替换 - 替换“若 ”为“如果”)
第1行: 第1行:
{{flag|Yugoslavia}} 作为 {{flag|German Reich}}与 {{flag|Soviet Union}}之间的小国之一, 在 {{icon|dod}} [[ 玉碎瓦全]] 扩展包中获得了独特的[[国策|国策树]]。 在没有该 扩展包的情况下,南斯拉夫 只有权 使用[[通用国策树]]。
{{ 国旗|Yugoslavia}}在 {{icon|dod| 玉碎瓦全}} 扩展包中获得了独特的[[国策|国策树]]。 在1.10.x版本的免费更新中,部分国策进行了内容扩展和调整。未启用上述 扩展包的情况下,南斯拉夫 使用[[通用国策树]]。
[[File:NF_tree_Yugoslavia.jpg|1200px|center|Yugoslavia's unique NF tree (part of the [[Death or Dishonor]] expansion).]]
<div style="text-align:center; clear:both;" id="main">
Image:NF tree Yugoslavia.jpg|1200px
poly 50 80 810 80 810 580 1000 580 1000 970 1190 970 1190 1630 50 1630 [[#专注西方关系线| 专注西方关系线]]
poly 920 80 1480 80 1480 590 1765 590 1765 720 1865 720 1865 850 1770 990 1770 1125 1590 1240 1400 1240 1210 1120 1210 720 1110 720 1110 460 920 460 [[#承认苏联线|承认苏联线]]
poly 2040 80 2345 80 2345 700 2455 820 2380 970 2380 1240 1785 1240 1785 990 1975 720 1975 590 1785 590 1785 320 [[#工业发展计划线|工业发展计划线]]
poly 2700 80 3205 80 3205 590 2825 720 2460 720 2360 480 2360 320 [[#空军现代化线| 空军现代化线]]
rect 3225 80 4355 720 [[#军队现代化线|军队现代化线]]
rect 4380 80 4935 590 [[#扩建造船厂线|扩建造船厂线]]
rect 0 0 5001 1649 [[:File:NF tree Yugoslavia.jpg|Yugoslavian national focus tree]]
desc none
<span style="font-size: small;">南斯拉夫国策树全图。点击分支以跳转到对应区域。</span>
<section begin=branches desc/>
<section begin=branches desc/>
 南斯拉夫国策树有 五个 要分支
 南斯拉夫国策树有 六条 线
*''' 专注西方关系 承认苏联 分支:'''
; 专注西方关系 线
** 南斯拉夫 国策树的政治线 允许 玩家选择 自己的立场并 加入 轴心国、同盟国或 共产国际 三大 阵营 之一
*''' 工业 化项目分支:'''
; 承认苏联 线
** 专注于工厂建造与资源开发,并且可以在专注于塞尔维亚地区发展和全国平衡发展之间选择。
:允许 南斯拉夫 走向共产主义 之后 玩家 可以 选择加入共产国际 ,或拉拢其他巴尔干国家加入由自己创建的独立 阵营。
*''' 空军现代化 分支:'''
; 工业 发展计划线
** 专注于发展空军与军用工厂建设,同时可以在自主生产飞机与 许可 外国公司生产之间选择。
: 专注于工厂建造与资源开发,并且可以在专注于塞尔维亚地区发展和全国 各地 平衡发展之间选择。
*'''陆 军现代化 分支:'''
; 空军现代化 线
**扩充 陆军并获得陆军科技科研加成。
: 专注于发展空军与军用工厂建设,同时可以在自主生产飞机与 购买 外国公司生产 许可 之间选择。
*''' 扩建船厂 分支:'''
; 现代化 线
**扩建 海军以更好地保护本土并获得海军科技科研加成。
:发展 陆军 并获得陆军科技科研加成。
; 扩建 船厂 线
:发展 海军以更好地保护本土 并获得海军科技科研加成。
<section end=branches desc/>
<section end=branches desc/>

== Western Focus / Recognize the Soviet Union branch ==
== 专注西方关系线 ==
<div style="text-align:center">
Image:YUG NF Western Focus .jpg|800px|center
rect 313 18 475 128  [[#Western Focus|Western Focus]]
rect 217 148 379 258 [[#Friendship Treaty with Italy|Friendship Treaty with Italy]]
rect 505 148 667 258 [[#Reinforce Old Alliances|Reinforce Old Alliances]]
rect 121 278 283 388 [[#Attract Axis Capital|Attract Axis Capital]]
rect 601 278 763 388 [[#Attract Allied Capital|Attract Allied Capital]]
rect 121 408 283 518 [[#Evolution|Evolution]]
rect 25 538 187 648 [[#Crush the Ustasa|Crush the Ustasa]]
rect 217 538 379 648 [[#Establish the Banovina of Croatia|Establish the Banovina of Croatia]]
rect 25 668 187 778 [[#Slovenia for Support|Slovenia for Support]]
rect 217 668 379 778 [[#Ban Slovene Nationalist Parties|Ban Slovene Nationalist Parties]]
rect 25 798 187 908 [[#Surrender Macedonia|Surrender Macedonia]]
rect 217 798 379 908 [[#Concessions for Macedonians|Concessions for Macedonians]]
rect 601 408 763 518 [[#Limited Self-Government|Limited Self-Government]]
rect 409 538 571 648 [[#A United Autonomous Croatia|A United Autonomous Croatia]]
rect 601 538 763 648 [[#A Devolved Croatia|A Devolved Croatia]]
rect 409 668 571 778 [[#Divide Bosnia|Divide Bosnia]]
rect 601 668 763 778 [[#Protect Bosnia|Protect Bosnia]]
rect 793 668 955 778 [[#Dissolve the Banate of Serbia|Dissolve the Banate of Serbia]]
rect 409 798 571 908 [[#Fortify Banat|Fortify Banat]]
rect 601 798 763 908 [[#Banat for Support|Banat for Support]]
rect 793 798 955 908 [[#Autonomy for Slavic Transylvania|Autonomy for Slavic Transylvania]]
rect 25 928 187 1038 [[#Invite German Military Mission|Invite German Military Mission]]
rect 217 928 379 1038 [[#Sign the Tripartite Pact|Sign the Tripartite Pact]]
rect 25 1058 187 1168 [[#Surrender Italian Claims|Surrender Italian Claims]]
rect 217 1058 379 1168 [[#Zara for Axis Membership|Zara for Axis Membership]]
rect 25 1188 187 1298 [[#Claim Macedonia|Claim Macedonia]]
rect 25 1318 187 1428 [[#Greater Yugoslavia|Greater Yugoslavia]]
rect 25 1448 187 1558 [[#All-Yugoslavian Regiments|All-Yugoslavian Regiments]]
rect 217 1188 379 1298 [[#Invite Italian Naval Experts|Invite Italian Naval Experts]]
rect 601 928 763 1038 [[#End the Regency|End the Regency]]
rect 409 1058 571 1168 [[#The Coronation|The Coronation]]
rect 601 1058 763 1168 [[#A Royal Wedding|A Royal Wedding]]
rect 409 1188 571 1298 [[#Enforce Yugoslav Neutrality|Enforce Yugoslav Neutrality]]
rect 409 1318 571 1428 [[#Fortress Yugoslavia|Fortress Yugoslavia]]
rect 601 1188 763 1298 [[#A Royal Alliance|A Royal Alliance]]
rect 601 1318 763 1428 [[#Allied Air Combat School|Allied Air Combat School]]
rect 793 928 955 1038 [[#Towards Independence|Towards Independence]]
rect 793 1058 955 1168 [[#The Defence Army of Yugoslavia|The Defence Army of Yugoslavia]]
rect 793 1188 955 1298 [[#Yugoslav Defence League|Yugoslav Defence League]]
rect 985 928 1147 1038 [[#A United Kingdom|A United Kingdom]]
rect 985 1058 1147 1168 [[#Guarantee Religious Liberties|Guarantee Religious Liberties]]
rect 985 1188 1147 1298 [[#Reunite the Kingdoms|Reunite the Kingdoms]]
rect 0 0 1170 1580 [[:File:YUG NF Western Focus .jpg|Western Focus branch]]
desc none
<span style="font-size: small;">[[#main| 南斯拉夫国策树]] 中的非共产主义线。<br>点击国策图标跳转到详细注释。</span>

{| class="mildtable" {{buffer}}
{| class="mildtable" {{buffer}} width="100%"
! width=" 2%" class="unsortable" | !! width=" 10%" | Focus
! width="20%" | 国策
! width="22%" class="unsortable" | Prerequisite(s)
! width="30%" | 前提条件
! width="23%" class="unsortable" | Effect(s)
! width="30%" | 效果
! width="22%" class="unsortable" | Description
! width="20%" class="nomobile" | 描述

|- id="Western Focus"
|- id="Western Focus"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_position_armies.png |70px]] || Western Focus
| [[File:Goal_generic_position_armies.png|50px]] {{ruby| 专注西方关系|Western Focus}}
*No National Prerequisites
* [[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] 与下列国策互斥:
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] does ''not'' have the focus [[ File:Focus_generic_soviet_politics.png|36px]] Recognize the Soviet Union
** [[File:Focus_generic_soviet_politics.png|36px]] 承认苏联
*Political Power: {{green|+120}}
* {{green|+120}} {{icon|Political Power|政治点数}}
* 获得[[民族精神]]:
{{Effectbox|彼得国王|file=Idea yug peter ii
| class="nomobile" |''The key to Yugoslavia's future lies with the Powers in the West, who are closer both geographically and economically to our nation.''
| class="nomobile" |''The key to Yugoslavia's future lies with the Powers in the West, who are closer both geographically and economically to our nation.''

|- id=" Friendship Treaty With Italy "
|- id=" Friendship Treaty With Italy "
| [[ file:Goal generic improve relations.png |70px]] || Friendship Treaty With Italy ||
| [[File:Goal generic improve relations.png|50px]] {{ruby| 与意大利签署友好条约|Friendship Treaty with Italy}}
*Requires [[ File:Goal_generic_position_armies.png |36px]] Western Focus
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] does ''not'' have the focus [[ File:Goal_generic_major_alliance.png |36px]] Reinforce Old Alliances
* 需要:
**[[File:Goal_generic_position_armies.png|36px]] 专注西方关系
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub>Additional prerequisites:
* [[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] 与下列国策互斥:
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
** [[File:Goal_generic_major_alliance.png|36px]] 巩固旧联盟关系
{{ 国旗|Italy}}
*At peace with {{flag|Yugoslavia}}
* {{ 国旗|Yugoslavia}} 处于和平
* 存在
*Has not capitulated
* 没有停止抵抗
{{red|<sub>This focus will cancel if the requirements are not met.</sub>}}</div>
|{{ 国旗|Italy}}
*获得'''改善关系''':({{国旗|Yugoslavia}}的 {{icon|opinion| 评价}}{{green|+25}}
*Gains Increase in opinion (Opinion of Yugoslavia {{green|+50}}).
| class="nomobile" |''As our most powerful immediate neighbor, it is imperative that Italy should see us as friends. We shall begin negotiations for a declaration of friendship between our two nations.''
| class="nomobile" |''As our most powerful immediate neighbor, it is imperative that Italy should see us as friends. We shall begin negotiations for a declaration of friendship between our two nations.''

|- id=" Reinforce Old Alliances "
|- id=" Reinforce Old Alliances "
|[[ File:Goal_generic_major_alliance.png |70px]] || Reinforce Old Alliance
|[[File:Goal_generic_major_alliance.png|50px]] {{ruby| 巩固旧联盟关系|Reinforce Old Alliance}}
*Requires [[ File:Goal_generic_position_armies.png |36px]] Western Focus
* 需要:
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] does ''not'' have the focus [[ file:Goal generic improve relations.png |36px]] Friendship Treaty With Italy
**[[File:Goal_generic_position_armies.png|36px]] 专注西方关系
* [[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] 与下列国策互斥:
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub>Additional prerequisites:
** [[File:Goal generic improve relations.png|36px]] 与意大利签署友好条约
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{{flag|United Kingdom}}:
{{ 国旗|United Kingdom}}
*At peace with {{flag|Yugoslavia}}
* {{ 国旗|Yugoslavia}} 处于和平
* 存在
*Has not capitulated
* 没有停止抵抗
{{ 国旗|France}}
*At peace with {{flag|Yugoslavia}}
* {{ 国旗|Yugoslavia}} 处于和平
* 存在
*Has not capitulated
* 没有停止抵抗
{{red|<sub>This focus will cancel if the requirements are not met.</sub>}}</div>
{{flag|United Kingdom}}:
{{ 国旗|United Kingdom}}
*Gains Increase in opinion (Opinion of Yugoslavia {{green|+50}}).
* 获得'''改善关系''':({{国旗|Yugoslavia}}的 {{icon|opinion|评价}}{{green|+25}}
*Gains '''Yugoslavia Purchasing Commission''' when dealing with '''United Kingdom''' - (Acceptance when requesting to buy license: '''+20''')
* 以 {{国旗|United Kingdom}}为目标时获得''' 南斯拉夫采购委员会''' - (允许购买生产许可倾向:'''+20'''

{{ 国旗|France}}
*Gains Increase in opinion (Opinion of Yugoslavia {{green|+50}}).
* 获得'''改善关系''':({{国旗|Yugoslavia}}的 {{icon|opinion|评价}}{{green|+25}}
*Gains '''Yugoslavia Purchasing Commission''' when dealing with '''France''' - (Acceptance when requesting to buy license: '''+20''')
* 以 {{国旗|France}}为目标时获得''' 南斯拉夫采购委员会''' - (允许购买生产许可倾向:'''+20'''
| class="nomobile" |''Since the inception of our nation we have enjoyed the support of the great European democracies of France and Great Britain. It is time to solidify these relationships in preparation of future alliances.''
| class="nomobile" |''Since the inception of our nation we have enjoyed the support of the great European democracies of France and Great Britain. It is time to solidify these relationships in preparation of future alliances.''
|- id=" Attract Axis Capital "
| [[File:goal_generic_intelligence_exchange.png|50px]] {{ruby|吸引轴心国投资|Attract Axis Capital}}
**[[File:Goal generic improve relations.png|36px|link=#Friendship Treaty with Italy|Friendship Treaty with Italy]] 与意大利签署友好条约
**[[File:Goal_generic_major_alliance.png|36px|link=#Reinforce Old Alliances|Reinforce Old Alliances]] 巩固旧联盟关系
**{{国旗|German Reich}}:与 {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}处于和平
**{{国旗|Italy}}:与 {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}处于和平
{{Effectbox|轴心国投资|file=Generic foreign capital
| class="nomobile" |''Our economy is in a sorry state and although we know it is no secret that the Italians hold ambitions in our home, we must encourage trade with our neighbours if we are to be economically prepared to resist them.''

|- id=" Attract Foreign Capital "
|- id=" Attract Foreign Capital "
| [[ File:goal_generic_intelligence_exchange.png |70px]] || Attract Foreign Capital
| [[File:goal_generic_intelligence_exchange.png|50px]] {{ruby| 吸引同盟国投资|Attract Allied Capital}}
|has either one of the following focuses:
* [[ file:Goal generic improve relations.png |36px]] Friendship Treaty With Italy
* [[ File:Goal_generic_major_alliance.png |36px]] Reinforce Old Alliances
** [[File:Goal generic improve relations.png|36px]] 与意大利签署友好条约
** [[File:Goal_generic_major_alliance.png|36px]] 巩固旧联盟关系
*gains the [[national spirit]]:
* 获得[[ 民族精神]]
{{Effectbox|Foreign Capital|file=Generic foreign capital
{{Effectbox| 外国资本|file=Generic foreign capital
|modifiers=*Consumer Goods Factories: '''–5 %'''
|modifiers=* 生活消费品工厂:{{orange|-5%}}
| class="nomobile" |''We can capitalize on our close diplomatic ties by facilitating the influx of foreign capital and investment.''
| class="nomobile" |''The British have reason to support our nation; we have long been allies since before the first Great War, and by attracting investors from Allied nations, we will reassure them that the relations between our nations are unseverable.''
|- id=" Evolution "
| [[File:Goal_anschluss.png|50px]] {{ruby|进步|Evolution}}
**[[File:goal_generic_intelligence_exchange.png|36px|link=#Attract Axis Capital|Attract Axis Capital]] 吸引轴心国投资
**[[File:goal_generic_intelligence_exchange.png|36px|link=#Attract Allied Capital|Attract Allied Capital]] 吸引同盟国投资
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] 与下列国策互斥:
**[[File:Goal_anschluss.png|36px|link=#Limited Self-Government|Limited Self-Government]] 地方有限自治
*获得基础 {{icon|stability|稳定度}}:{{red|-10.00%}}
*{{s|Vojvodina}}、{{s|Serbia}}、{{s|Morava}}、{{s|West Banat}}、{{s|Kosovo}}、{{s|Southern Serbia}}:
**添加{{green|1}} {{icon|building slot|建筑位}}
| class="nomobile" |''Though some would argue our nation is an unstable union of various cultures living in animosity, we know for sure that it is only by standing together as one unit that we shall be able to repel foreign invaders. We must take efforts to unite our people and crush those who would seek to divide us.''
|- id=" Crush the Ustasa "
| [[File:Goal_generic_political_pressure.png|50px]] {{ruby|根除乌斯塔沙|Crush the Ustasa}}
**[[File:Goal_anschluss.png|36px|link=#Evolution|Evolution]] 进步
**与 {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}处于和平
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] 与下列国策互斥:
**[[File:Focus_yug_banovina_of_croatia.png|36px|link=#Establish the Banovina of Croatia|Establish the Banovina of Croatia]] 建立克罗地亚省
| class="nomobile" |''The Croatian ultra-nationalist movement Ustasa has become an increasing thorn in our sides. It can no longer be deemed anything other than a terrorist organization, and must be rooted out for the good of the nation.''
|- id=" Establish the Banovina of Croatia "
| [[File:Focus_yug_banovina_of_croatia.png|50px]] {{ruby|建立克罗地亚省|Establish the Banovina of Croatia}}
**[[File:Goal_anschluss.png|36px|link=#Evolution|Evolution]] 进步
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] 与下列国策互斥:
**[[File:Goal_generic_political_pressure.png|36px|link=#Crush the Ustasa|Crush the Ustasa]] 根除乌斯塔沙
*移除[[民族精神]] [[File:FRA_scw_intervention_republicans_focus.png|22px|link=Yugoslavia#Croatian Opposition|Croatian Opposition]] [[Yugoslavia#Croatian Opposition|克罗地亚反对派]]
| class="nomobile" |''By establishing a semi-autonomous Banate of Croatia we can hopefully quell calls for true independence.''
|- id=" Slovenia for Support "
| [[File:focus_chi_mission_to_germany.png|50px]] {{ruby|用斯洛文尼亚换取支持|Slovenia for Support}}
**[[File:Goal_generic_political_pressure.png|36px|link=#Crush the Ustasa|Crush the Ustasa]] 根除乌斯塔沙
**[[File:Focus_yug_banovina_of_croatia.png|36px|link=#Establish the Banovina of Croatia|Establish the Banovina of Croatia]] 建立克罗地亚省
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] 与下列国策互斥:
**[[File:Focus_generic_support_the_left_right.png|36px|link=#Ban Slovene Nationalist Parties|Ban Slovene Nationalist Parties]] 查禁斯洛文尼亚民族主义党派
*移除[[民族精神]] [[File:generic_morale_bonus.png|22px|link=Yugoslavia#Slovene Nationalism|Slovene Nationalism]] [[Yugoslavia#Slovene Nationalism|斯洛文尼亚民族主义]]
**获得'''放弃斯洛文尼亚'''( {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}的 {{icon|opinion|评价}}{{green|+50}})
| class="nomobile" |''The Axis powers have designed to divide our country between themselves. Perhaps by ceding Slovenia to Italy, we may both dispose of the disruptive elements in Slovenia and show our amiability to the Axis cause.''

|- id=" Ban Slovene Nationalist Parties "
|- id=" Ban Slovene Nationalist Parties "
| [[ File:Focus_generic_support_the_left_right.png |70px]] || Ban Slovene Nationalist Parties
| [[File:Focus_generic_support_the_left_right.png|50px]] {{ruby| 查禁斯洛文尼亚民族主义党派|Ban Slovene Nationalist Parties}}
*Requires [[  File:goal_generic_intelligence_exchange.png |36px]] Attract Foreign Capital
* 需要至少一个:
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] does ''not'' have the focus [[ File:Goal_generic_propaganda.png |36px]] Traditional Values
**[[File:Goal_generic_political_pressure.png|36px|link=#Crush the Ustasa|Crush the Ustasa]] 根除乌斯塔沙
**[[File:Focus_yug_banovina_of_croatia.png|36px|link=#Establish the Banovina of Croatia|Establish the Banovina of Croatia]] 建立克罗地亚省
* [[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] 与下列国策互斥:
** [[File:focus_chi_mission_to_germany.png|36px|link=#Slovenia for Support|Slovenia for Support]] 用斯洛文尼亚换取支持
*removes the national spirit [[ File:generic_morale_bonus.png |22px]] Slovene Nationalism
* 移除[[民族精神]]:[[File:generic_morale_bonus.png|22px]] 斯洛文尼亚民族主义
*Gains Huge Increase in opinion (Opinion of Yugoslavia {{green|+100}}).
* 获得'''改善关系'''({{国旗|Yugoslavia}}的 {{icon|opinion|评价}}{{green|+5}}
| class="nomobile" |''Any clamor for independence must be stamped down on for the good of our nation. Nationalist political elements will be outlawed and their supporters persecuted lest they weaken us internally.''
| class="nomobile" |''Any clamor for independence must be stamped down on for the good of our nation. Nationalist political elements will be outlawed and their supporters persecuted lest they weaken us internally.''

|- id=" Limited Self-Government "
|- id=" Surrender Macedonia "
| [[ File:Goal_anschluss.png |70px]] || Limited Self-Government
| [[File:focus_cze_german_puppet.png|50px]] {{ruby| 割让马其顿|Surrender Macedonia}}
*Requires [[  File:goal_generic_intelligence_exchange.png |36px]] Attract Foreign Capital
* 需要至少一个:
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] does ''not'' have the focus [[ File:Focus_generic_support_the_left_right.png |36px]] Ban Slovene Nationalist Parties
**[[File:focus_chi_mission_to_germany.png|36px|link=#Slovenia for Support|Slovenia for Support]] 用斯洛文尼亚换取支持
**[[File:Focus_generic_support_the_left_right.png|36px|link=#Ban Slovene Nationalist Parties|Ban Slovene Nationalist Parties]] 查禁斯洛文尼亚民族主义党派
**与 {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}处于和平
*拥有{{s|Southern Serbia}}
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] 与下列国策互斥:
**[[File:Focus_generic_concessions.png|36px|link=#Concessions for Macedonians|Concessions for Macedonians]] 对马其顿人让步
*Replace [[ File:generic_morale_bonus.png |22px]] Slovene Nationalism with [[ File:generic_morale_bonus.png |22px]] Slovene Self-Goverment
* 移除民族精神 [[File:generic_volunteer_expedition_bonus.png|22px|link=Yugoslavia#Macedonian Opposition|Macedonian Opposition]] [[Yugoslavia#Macedonian Opposition| 马其顿反对派]]
  Effective Change: [[File:Production_efficiency.png|22px|link=]] Production efficiency growth: {{red|-5%}}
| class="nomobile" |''By placating the Slovenes with limited autonomy we can pull out the rug from under their nationalist movements and gain the support of the local population.''
**获得'''极大提升关系'''({{国旗|Yugoslavia}}的 {{icon|opinion|评价}} {{green|+50}})
**成为{{s|Southern Serbia}}的拥有者以及控制者
*{{s|Macedonia}}:{{ 国旗|Yugoslavia}} 失去该地区的核心
| class="nomobile" |''Bulgaria too has reason to rival us; claiming regions of southern Serbia and Macedonia for themselves. By ceding their claims to them, we will both silence the threat on our southern border and make Macedonian nationalism Bulgaria’s problem.''

|- id=" Traditional Values "
|- id=" Concessions for Macedonians "
| [[ File:Goal_generic_propaganda.png |70px]] || Traditional Values
| [[File:Focus_generic_concessions.png|50px]] {{ruby| 对马其顿人让步|Concessions for Macedonians}}
|has either one of the following focuses:
* [[  File:Focus_generic_support_the_left_right.png |36px]] Ban Slovene Nationalist Parties
* [[  File:Goal_anschluss.png |36px]] Limited Self-Government
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] does ''not'' have the focus  [[  File:Goal_generic_neutrality_focus.png |36px]] Guarantee Religious Liberties
*gains the [[national spirit]]:
* 需要至少一个:
{{Effectbox|Orthodox Church Support|file=orthodox church support
**[[File:focus_chi_mission_to_germany.png|36px|link=#Slovenia for Support|Slovenia for Support]] 用斯洛文尼亚换取支持
|modifiers=*Daily Political Power Gain: {{green|+0.25}}
**[[File:Focus_generic_support_the_left_right.png|36px|link=#Ban Slovene Nationalist Parties|Ban Slovene Nationalist Parties]] 查禁斯洛文尼亚民族主义党派
**与 {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}处于和平
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] 与下列国策互斥:
**[[File:focus_cze_german_puppet.png|36px|link=#Surrender Macedonia|Surrender Macedonia]] 割让马其顿
*移除[[ 民族精神]] [[File:generic_volunteer_expedition_bonus.png|22px|link=Yugoslavia#Macedonian Opposition|Macedonian Opposition]] [[Yugoslavia#Macedonian Opposition|马其顿反对派]]
{{Effectbox| 温和的马其顿反对派|file=generic_volunteer_expedition_bonus|通过给予马其顿人一定温和的政治让步,并且停止对其强行施加塞尔维亚人身份,马其顿地区此前的紧张局势暂时有所缓和。
* 经济法案花费:{{red|+10%}}
| class="nomobile" |''The traditional values, as taught by the Orthodox religion, are the very cornerstone of our society. Promoting these will not only gain us the support of the Orthodox Church, but also bring our people together.''
| class="nomobile" |''By reaching out to leading groups of Macedonians, we will address their grievances and earn their loyalty to the state.''

|- id=" Guarantee Religious Liberties "
|- id=" Limited Self-Government "
| [[ File:Goal_generic_neutrality_focus.png |70px]] || Guarantee Religious Liberties
| [[File:Goal_anschluss.png|50px]] {{ruby| 地方有限自治|Limited Self-Government}}
*Requires [[  File:Goal_anschluss.png |36px]] Limited Self-Government
* 需要至少一个:
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] does ''not'' have the focus  [[ File:Goal_generic_propaganda.png |36px]] Traditional Values
**[[File:goal_generic_intelligence_exchange.png|36px|link=#Attract Axis Capital|Attract Axis Capital]] 吸引轴心国投资
**[[File:goal_generic_intelligence_exchange.png|36px|link=#Attract Allied Capital|Attract Allied Capital]] 吸引同盟国投资
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] 与下列国策互斥:
**[[File:Goal_anschluss.png|36px|link=#Evolution|Evolution]] 进步
*gains the [[national spirit]]:
* 移除[[ 民族精神]] [[File:generic_morale_bonus.png|22px|link=Yugoslavia#Slovene Nationalism|Slovene Nationalism]] [[Yugoslavia#Slovene Nationalism|斯洛文尼亚民族主义]]
{{Effectbox|Freedom of Religion Guaranteed|file=generic constitutional guarantee
*将 [[File:Slovenia.png|22px]] [[德拉瓦省]]释放为傀儡国
|modifiers=*Stability: {{green|+10%}}
*[[File:Slovenia.png|22px]] [[德拉瓦省]]:创建'''2 {{hover| 八步一工兵连师| 民兵}}'''单位
| class="nomobile" |''The divides within our nation are clearly too deep and too many to handle with simple reform. Only by granting autonomy to the various peoples constituting our nation can we keep our union together without the use of force.''
| class="nomobile" |''All must be allowed to follow their religion of choice. We will introduce legal guarantees to this effect.''

|- id=" Greater Yugoslavia "
|- id=" A United Autonomous Croatia "
| [[ File:Goal_generic_occupy_states_ongoing_war.png|70px]] || Greater Yugoslavia
| [[File:Focus_yug_banovina_of_croatia.png|50px]] {{ruby| 统一的克罗地亚自治领|A United Autonomous Croatia}}
|has either one of the following focuses:
* [[  File:Goal_generic_propaganda.png |36px]] Orthodox Church Support
* [[ File:Goal_generic_neutrality_focus.png |36px]] Guarantee Religious Liberties
**[[File:Goal_anschluss.png|36px|link=#Limited Self-Government|Limited Self-Government]] 地方有限自治
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] 与下列国策互斥:
**[[File:Focus YUG devolved croatia.png|36px|link=#A Devolved Croatia|A Devolved Croatia]] 分割的克罗地亚自治领
*移除[[民族精神]] [[File:FRA_scw_intervention_republicans_focus.png|22px|link=Yugoslavia#Croatian Opposition|Croatian Opposition]] [[Yugoslavia#Croatian Opposition|克罗地亚反对派]]
*将 [[File:Croatia.png|22px]] [[克罗地亚省]]释放为傀儡国
*[[File:Croatia.png|22px]] [[克罗地亚省]] :创建'''4 {{hover|八步一工兵连师|民兵}}'''单位
| class="nomobile" |''Uniting the Banovina of Croatia into an autonomous state has long been a proposed solution to the issue of rising Croat separatism. By giving Croatia a degree of autonomy, we may make a strong ally out of our potential enemy.''

*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] does ''not'' have the focus  [[  File:Focus_generic_concessions.png|36px]] Concessions for Macedonians
|- id=" A Devolved Croatia "
| [[File:Focus YUG devolved croatia.png|50px]] {{ruby|分割的克罗地亚自治领|A Devolved Croatia}}
* Gains claim on '''Sofia'''.
* 需要:
* Gains claim on '''Burgas'''.
**[[File:Goal_anschluss.png|36px|link=#Limited Self-Government|Limited Self-Government]] 地方有限自治
* Gains claim on '''Plovdiv'''.
* Get Event ' '''Yugoslavia Claims Bulgaria''' '.
| class="nomobile" |''We can not rest until all southern Slavs are united under our banner. The Bulgarians might not consider themselves to be a part of our nation, but we certainly do.''
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] 与下列国策互斥:
**[[File:Focus_yug_banovina_of_croatia.png|36px|link=#A United Autonomous Croatia|A United Autonomous Croatia]] 统一的克罗地亚自治领
*移除[[民族精神]] [[File:FRA_scw_intervention_republicans_focus.png|22px|link=Yugoslavia#Croatian Opposition|Croatian Opposition]] [[Yugoslavia#Croatian Opposition|克罗地亚反对派]]
* 将 [[File:Croatia.png|22px]] [[克罗地亚省]]释放为傀儡国
*[[File:Croatia.png|22px]] [[克罗地亚省]]:创建'''2 {{hover|八步一工兵连师|民兵}}''' 单位
*将 [[File:Dalmatia.png|22px]] [[达尔马提亚省]]释放为傀儡国
*[[File:Dalmatia.png|22px]] [[达尔马提亚省]]:创建'''1 {{hover|八步一工兵连师|民兵}}''' 单位
| class="nomobile" |''In the opposition of the union, none are more vocal than the Croats. Currently, Croatia is divided between the Banate of Sava in the north, and the Banate of Littoral in the south. If we grant these Banates individual autonomy, we can both soothe the Croatian opposition and prevent the Croatians from growing too influential in the union.''

|- id=" All-Yugoslavian Regiments "
|- id=" Divide Bosnia "
| [[ File:Goal_rhineland.png|70px]] || All-Yugoslavian Regiments
| [[File:Focus YUG divide bosnia.png|50px]] {{ruby| 拆分波斯尼亚|Divide Bosnia}}
*Requires [[  File:Goal_generic_occupy_states_ongoing_war.png|36px]] Greater Yugoslavia
* 需要至少一个:
**[[File:Focus_yug_banovina_of_croatia.png|36px|link=#A United Autonomous Croatia|A United Autonomous Croatia]] 统一的克罗地亚自治领
**[[File:Focus YUG devolved croatia.png|36px|link=#A Devolved Croatia|A Devolved Croatia]] 分割的克罗地亚自治领
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] 与下列国策互斥:
**[[File:Focus YUG safeguard bosnia.png|36px|link=#Protect Bosnia|Protect Bosnia]] 保护波斯尼亚
*gains the [[national spirit]]:
* 将 [[File:Herzegovina.png|22px]] [[ 黑塞哥维那省]] 释放为半吞并傀儡国
{{Effectbox|All-Yugoslavian Regiments|file=all yugoslavian regiments
*[[File:Herzegovina.png|22px]] [[黑塞哥维那省]]:创建'''1 {{hover| 八步一工兵连师| 民兵}}'''单位
|modifiers=*Recruitable Population: '''1.00%'''
*将 [[File:Bosnia.png|22px]] [[波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那]]释放为傀儡国
*[[File:Bosnia.png|22px]] [[波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那]]:
**''' 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那'''将被称作'''波斯尼亚省'''
| class="nomobile" |''Though our peoples may be diverse, all must serve to defend our nation. We shall make no distinction of ethnicity when organizing our regiments.''
**创建'''1 {{hover|八步一工兵连师| 民兵}}'''单位
| class="nomobile" |''There are cultural and religious divides across the landscape of the Bosnian region; Serbs, Croats, Muslims, Christians, and countless other peoples. The only way the region can be properly defended is if it is partitioned appropriately between separate Bosnian and Herzegovinian states working in harmony with our union.''

|- id=" Concessions for Macedonians "
|- id=" Protect Bosnia "
| [[ File:Focus_generic_concessions.png|70px]] || Concessions for Macedonians
| [[File:Focus YUG safeguard bosnia.png|50px]] {{ruby| 保护波斯尼亚|Protect Bosnia}}
|has either one of the following focuses:
* [[ File:Goal_generic_propaganda.png |36px]] Orthodox Church Support
* [[  File:Goal_generic_neutrality_focus.png |36px]] Guarantee Religious Liberties
**[[File:Focus_yug_banovina_of_croatia.png|36px|link=#A United Autonomous Croatia|A United Autonomous Croatia]] 统一的克罗地亚自治领
**[[File:Focus YUG devolved croatia.png|36px|link=#A Devolved Croatia|A Devolved Croatia]] 分割的克罗地亚自治领
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] 与下列国策互斥:
**[[File:Focus YUG divide bosnia.png|36px|link=#Divide Bosnia|Divide Bosnia]] 拆分波斯尼亚
*将 [[File:Bosnia.png|22px]] [[波斯尼亚省]]释放为傀儡国
* [[File:Bosnia.png|22px]] [[波斯尼亚省]]:创建'''3 {{hover|八步一工兵连师|民兵}}'''单位
| class="nomobile" |''There are many nations on our border who would seek to see the Bosnians occupied and oppressed. We must not allow this to happen and the Bosnians and Herzegovinians should be supported in any efforts to arm and industrialize themselves.''

*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] does ''not'' have the focus  [[ File:Goal_generic_occupy_states_ongoing_war.png|36px]]  Greater Yugoslavia
|- id=" Dissolve the Banate of Serbia "
| [[File:Focus YUG dissolve serbia.png|50px]] {{ruby|肢解塞尔维亚|Dissolve the Banate of Serbia}}
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub>Additional prerequisites:
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
**[[File:Goal_anschluss.png|36px|link=#Limited Self-Government|Limited Self-Government]]  地方有限自治
*At peace with {{flag|Yugoslavia}}
*Has not capitulated
{{red|<sub>This focus will cancel if the requirements are not met.</sub>}}</div>
* 未控制{{s|Macedonia}}
*removes the national spirit [[ file:generic_volunteer_expedition_bonus.png |22px]] Macedonian Opposition
| class="nomobile" |''By reaching out to leading groups of Macedonians, we will address their grievances and earn their loyalty to the state.''
*移除[[民族精神]] [[File:generic_volunteer_expedition_bonus.png|22px|link=Yugoslavia#Macedonian Opposition|Macedonian Opposition]] [[Yugoslavia#Macedonian Opposition|马其顿反对派]]
* 移除[[民族精神]] [[File:yug_serbian_general_staff.png|22px|link=Yugoslavia#Serbian General Staff|Serbian General Staff]] [[Yugoslavia#Serbian General Staff|塞尔维亚总参谋部]]
* 将 [[File:Vardar.png|22px]] [[瓦尔达尔省]]释放为半吞并傀儡国
*[[File:Vardar.png|22px]] [[瓦尔达尔省]]:创建'''2 {{hover| 八步一工兵连师|民兵}}'''单位
*将 [[File:Kosovo.png|22px]] [[科索沃自治区]]释放为半吞并傀儡国
*[[File:Kosovo.png|22px]] [[科索沃自治区]]:创建'''1 {{hover|八步一工兵连师|民兵}}'''单位
*将 [[File:Montenegro.png|22px]] [[泽塔省]]释放为半吞并傀儡国
*[[File:Montenegro.png|22px]] [[泽塔省]]:创建'''1 {{hover|八步一工兵连师|民兵}}'''单位
| class="nomobile" |''The region we consider “Serbia” is actually home to many people who do not consider themselves Serbs. Macedonians, Albanians, and Montenegrins all inhabit areas we claim to be Serbian. We must not allow ourselves to be perceived as invaders of their culture and we must rethink what we consider to be rightfully Serbian.''

|- id=" Crush the Ustasa "
|- id=" Fortify Banat "
| [[ File:Goal_generic_political_pressure.png|70px]] || Crush the Ustasa
| [[File:goal_generic_fortify_city.png|50px]] {{ruby| 巩固巴纳特防御|Fortify Banat}}
|has either one of the following focuses:
* [[  File:Goal_generic_occupy_states_ongoing_war.png|36px]] Greater Yugoslavia
* [[  File:Focus_generic_concessions.png |36px]] Concessions for Macedonians
***[[File:Focus YUG divide bosnia.png|36px|link=#Divide Bosnia|Divide Bosnia]] 拆分波斯尼亚
***[[File:Focus YUG safeguard bosnia.png|36px|link=#Protect Bosnia|Protect Bosnia]] 保护波斯尼亚
**[[File:Focus YUG dissolve serbia.png|36px|link=#Dissolve the Banate of Serbia|Dissolve the Banate of Serbia]] 肢解塞尔维亚
**控制{{s|West Banat}}
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] 与下列国策互斥:
**[[File:Focus_generic_concessions.png|36px|link=#Banat for Support|Banat for Support]] 用巴纳特换取支持
**[[File:Focus YUG autonomous transylvania.png|36px|link=#Autonomy for Slavic Transylvania|Autonomy for Slavic Transylvania]] 斯拉夫特兰西瓦尼亚自治
*未控制{{s|West Banat}}
* {{s|West Banat}}、{{s|Vojvodina}}:
** 每个边境省份:
*** 添加'''3''' {{icon|land fort|陆上要塞}}
*{{国旗|Yugoslavia}}将被称作 {{国旗|Serbia}}
| class="nomobile" |''The Hungarians and Romanians have been drawing worryingly close to our enemies. Rapid fortifications in the north are necessary if we are to protect Serbia and her autonomous protectorates.''

*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] does ''not'' have the focus  [[ File:Focus_yug_banovina_of_croatia.png|36px]] Establish the Banovina of Croatia
|- id=" Banat for Support "
| [[File:Focus_generic_concessions.png|50px]] {{ruby|用巴纳特换取支持|Banat for Support}}
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub>Additional prerequisites:
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
*At peace with {{flag|Yugoslavia}}
***[[File:Focus YUG divide bosnia.png|36px|link=#Divide Bosnia|Divide Bosnia]] 拆分波斯尼亚
***[[File:Focus YUG safeguard bosnia.png|36px|link=#Protect Bosnia|Protect Bosnia]] 保护波斯尼亚
*Has not capitulated
**[[File:Focus YUG dissolve serbia.png|36px|link=#Dissolve the Banate of Serbia|Dissolve the Banate of Serbia]] 肢解塞尔维亚
{{red|<sub>This focus will cancel if the requirements are not met.</sub>}}</div>
**控制{{s|West Banat}}
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] 与下列国策互斥:
**[[File:goal_generic_fortify_city.png|36px|link=#Fortify Banat|Fortify Banat]] 巩固巴纳特防御
**[[File:Focus YUG autonomous transylvania.png|36px|link=#Autonomy for Slavic Transylvania|Autonomy for Slavic Transylvania]] 斯拉夫特兰西瓦尼亚自治
*未控制{{s|West Banat}}
*Replace [[  File:FRA_scw_intervention_republicans_focus.png |22px]] Croatian Opposition with [[  File:Generic_secret_police.png |22px]] Croat Nationalism Suppressed
  Effective Change: Political Power Gain: {{red|-25%}}
**获得'''极大提升关系'''( {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}的 {{icon|opinion|评价}}{{green|+50}})
              National Unity: {{green|+30}}
**成为{{s|West Banat}}的拥有者以及控制者
| class="nomobile" |''The Croatian ultra-nationalist movement Ustasa has become an increasing thorn in our sides. It can no longer be deemed anything other than a terrorist organization, and must be rooted out for the good of the nation.''
**通过与 {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}的'''互不侵犯条约'''
*{{s|West Banat}}:
*{{ 国旗|Kingdom of Hungary}}
**获得'''极大提升关系'''( {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}的 {{icon|opinion|评价}}{{green|+50}})
**通过与 {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}的'''互不侵犯条约'''
*{{国旗|Yugoslavia}}将被称作 {{国旗|Serbia}}
| class="nomobile" |''It is no secret that the Hungarians and Romanians seek to annex northern Serbia and with lack of foreign support for our state, we could cede these territories in exchange for some degree of recognition and support.''

|- id=" Establish the Banovina of Croatia "
|- id=" Autonomy for Slavic Transylvania "
| [[ File:Focus_yug_banovina_of_croatia.png|70px]] || Establish the Banovina of Croatia
| [[File:Focus YUG autonomous transylvania.png|50px]] {{ruby| 斯拉夫特兰西瓦尼亚自治|Autonomy for Slavic Transylvania}}
*[[  File:Focus_generic_concessions.png |36px]] Macedonian Opposition
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] does ''not'' have the focus  [[  File:Goal_generic_political_pressure.png|36px]] Crush the Ustasa
***[[File:Focus YUG divide bosnia.png|36px|link=#Divide Bosnia|Divide Bosnia]] 拆分波斯尼亚
***[[File:Focus YUG safeguard bosnia.png|36px|link=#Protect Bosnia|Protect Bosnia]] 保护波斯尼亚
**[[File:Focus YUG dissolve serbia.png|36px|link=#Dissolve the Banate of Serbia|Dissolve the Banate of Serbia]] 肢解塞尔维亚
**控制{{s|West Banat}}
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] 与下列国策互斥:
**[[File:goal_generic_fortify_city.png|36px|link=#Fortify Banat|Fortify Banat]] 巩固巴纳特防御
**[[File:Focus_generic_concessions.png|36px|link=#Banat for Support|Banat for Support]] 用巴纳特换取支持
*未控制{{s|West Banat}}
*removes the national spirit [[  File:FRA_scw_intervention_republicans_focus.png |22px]] Croatian Opposition
* 将 {{国旗|Transylvania|Autonomous Region of Transylvania}}释放为傀儡国
*Release {{flag|Independent State of Croatia}} as puppet.  {{flag|Independent State of Croatia}} becomes puppet of {{flag|Yugoslavia}}
*{{ 国旗|Transylvania|Autonomous Region of Transylvania}} :创建'''1 {{hover|八步一工兵连师|民兵}}'''单位
| class="nomobile" |''By establishing a semi-autonomous Banate of Croatia we can hopefully quell calls for true independence.''
*将 {{ 国旗|Vojvodina|Autonomous Region of Vojvodina}} 释放为傀儡国
*{{国旗|Vojvodina|Autonomous Region of Vojvodina}}:创建'''1 {{hover|八步一工兵连师|民兵}}'''单位
*{{ 国旗|Yugoslavia}}将被称作 {{国旗|Serbia}}
| class="nomobile" |''The Banat and Vojvodina region are home to not only Serbs, but Romanians and Hungarians. By offering these regions autonomy and self-government, we may bring an end to Romanian and Hungarian claims on these regions.''

|- id=" Invite German Military Mission "
|- id=" Invite German Military Mission "
| [[ File:Focus_generic_military_mission.png|70px]] || Invite German Military Mission
| [[File:Focus_generic_military_mission.png|50px]] {{ruby| 邀请德国军事顾问团|Invite German Military Mission}}
|has either one of the following focuses:
* [[ File:Goal_generic_political_pressure.png|36px]] Crush the Ustasa
* 需要至少一个:
* [[ File:Focus_yug_banovina_of_croatia.png|36px]]  Establish the Banovina of Croatia
**[[File:focus_cze_german_puppet.png|36px|link=#Surrender Macedonia|Surrender Macedonia]] 割让马其顿
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] does ''not'' have the focus  [[ File:Goal_generic_special_forces.png|36px]] Non-discriminating Officer Promotions
**[[File:Focus_generic_concessions.png|36px|link=#Concessions for Macedonians|Concessions for Macedonians]]  对马其顿人让步
**[[File:goal_generic_fortify_city.png|36px|link=#Fortify Banat|Fortify Banat]] 巩固巴纳特防御
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub>Additional prerequisites:
**[[File:Focus_generic_concessions.png|36px|link=#Banat for Support|Banat for Support]] 用巴纳特换取支持
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
**[[File:Focus YUG autonomous transylvania.png|36px|link=#Autonomy for Slavic Transylvania|Autonomy for Slavic Transylvania]] 斯拉夫特兰西瓦尼亚自治
{{flag|German Reich}}:
*{{ 国旗|German Reich}}
*At peace with {{flag|Yugoslavia}}
**与 {{ 国旗|Yugoslavia}} 处于和平
*Has not capitulated
{{red|<sub>This focus will cancel if the requirements are not met.</sub>}}</div>
*removes the national spirit [[ File:generic_fascism_banned.png |22px]] Anti-German Military
* 移除[[民族精神]] [[File:generic_fascism_banned.png|22px|link=Yugoslavia#Anti-German Military|Anti-German Military]] [[Yugoslavia#Anti-German Military|反德武装]]
| class="nomobile" |''Our military's dislike of the Germans must be overcome. Inviting a military mission would go a long way to showing our brass that there is ample benefit in working together.''
| class="nomobile" |''Our military's dislike of the Germans must be overcome. Inviting a military mission would go a long way to showing our brass that there is ample benefit in working together.''

|- id=" Join Axis "
|- id=" Sign the Tripartite Pact "
| [[ File:Goal_support_fascism.png|70px]] || Join Axis
| [[File:Goal_support_fascism.png|50px]] {{ruby| 签署三国同盟条约|Sign the Tripartite Pact}}
*Requires [[  File:Focus_generic_military_mission.png|36px]] Invite German Military Mission
* 需要至少一个:
**[[File:focus_cze_german_puppet.png|36px|link=#Surrender Macedonia|Surrender Macedonia]] 割让马其顿
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub>Additional prerequisites:
**[[File:Focus_generic_concessions.png|36px|link=#Concessions for Macedonians|Concessions for Macedonians]] 对马其顿人让步
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
**[[File:goal_generic_fortify_city.png|36px|link=#Fortify Banat|Fortify Banat]] 巩固巴纳特防御
{{flag|German Reich}}:
**[[File:Focus_generic_concessions.png|36px|link=#Banat for Support|Banat for Support]] 用巴纳特换取支持
*At peace with {{flag|Yugoslavia}}
**[[File:Focus YUG autonomous transylvania.png|36px|link=#Autonomy for Slavic Transylvania|Autonomy for Slavic Transylvania]] 斯拉夫特兰西瓦尼亚自治
*Has not capitulated
**{{国旗|German Reich}}:
Any other country:
***与 {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}处于和平
*Is not Faction with {{flag|German Reich}}
***当前执政党是 {{icon|fascism|法西斯主义}}
*At peace with {{flag|Yugoslavia}}
{{red|<sub>This focus will cancel if the requirements are not met.</sub>}}</div>
***当前执政党是 {{icon|fascism|法西斯主义}}
**与 {{国旗|German Reich}}不在同一阵营
**与 {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}处于和平
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] 与下列国策互斥:
**[[File:focus_rom_royal_dictatorship.png|36px|link=#End the Regency|End the Regency]] 结束摄政
*与 {{国旗|German Reich}}处于同一阵营
*{{国旗|German Reich}}:
**触发事件[[Yugoslav events 2#DOD_yugoslavia.70|南斯拉夫寻求签署三国同盟条约]]
**获得'''反苏条约签约国'''( {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}的 {{icon|opinion|评价}}{{green|+35}})
**{{国旗|Yugoslavia}}获得'''反苏条约签约国'''(他们的 {{icon|opinion|评价}}改变了{{green|+35}})
*'''保罗亲王'''成为 {{icon|fascism|法西斯主义}}领导人
| class="nomobile" |''Though many would wish for Yugoslavia to join with the Allied powers and resist fascism, we know this is a hopeless ambition bound only to end in war and chaos. We have been given the opportunity to join the Germans, Italians, and Japanese in a pact of mutual military and economic cooperation and we must capitalise on this at once.''
|- id=" Surrender Italian Claims "
| [[File:Goal_support_fascism.png|50px]] {{ruby|放弃对意大利的宣称|Surrender Italian Claims}}
**[[File:Goal_support_fascism.png|36px|link=#Sign the Tripartite Pact|Sign the Tripartite Pact]] 签署三国同盟条约
**{{国旗|German Reich}}:
***与 {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}处于和平
***当前执政党是 {{icon|fascism|法西斯主义}}
***当前执政党是 {{icon|fascism|法西斯主义}}
**与 {{ 国旗|German Reich}} 不在同一阵营
**与 {{ 国旗|Yugoslavia}} 处于和平
* 尚未完成国策 [[File:focus_rom_royal_dictatorship.png|36px|link=#End the Regency|End the Regency]] 结束摄政
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] 与下列国策互斥:
**[[File:goal_generic_attack_allies.png|36px|link=#Zara for Axis Membership|Zara for Axis Membership]] 用扎拉交换轴心国成员资格
*与 {{国旗|German Reich}}处于同一阵营
* 如果{{国旗|Germany}}是阵营领导者,没有停止抵抗,且是法西斯主义:
**{{ 国旗|German Reich}} 触发事件[[Generic events#generic.2|'''[From.GetName]寻求加入[Root.GetFactionName]''']]
**'''最佳的法西斯阵营领导者'''触发事件[[Generic events#generic.2|'''[From.GetName]寻求加入[Root.GetFactionName]''']]
| class="nomobile" |''Zara and Istria remain in Italian hands, but we cannot risk aggravating Benito Mussolini by continuing to insist that they are rightfully ours. Perhaps we may gain entrance to the Axis in exchange for surrendering the claims outside of our border.''
|- id=" Zara for Axis Membership "
| [[File:goal_generic_attack_allies.png|50px]] {{ruby|用扎拉交换轴心国成员资格|Zara for Axis Membership}}
**[[File:Goal_support_fascism.png|36px|link=#Sign the Tripartite Pact|Sign the Tripartite Pact]] 签署三国同盟条约
**与 {{ 国旗|Yugoslavia}} 处于和平
**当前执政党是 {{icon|fascism|法西斯主义}}
*尚未完成国策[[File:focus_rom_royal_dictatorship.png|36px|link=#End the Regency|End the Regency]] 结束摄政
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] 与下列国策互斥:
**[[File:Goal_support_fascism.png|36px|link=#Surrender Italian Claims|Surrender Italian Claims]] 放弃对意大利的宣称
*与 {{国旗|Italy}}处于同一阵营
*Gets event ' '''Military launches Coup''' '.
*{{ 国旗|Italy}} 触发事件[[Yugoslavian events 2#DOD_yugoslavia.80|''' 用扎拉换取联盟''']]
*{{flag|German Reich}} Gets event ' '''Yugoslavia seeks to join the Axis''' '.
| class="nomobile" |''The Italians claim that the government in Zara is the rightful controller of Dalmatia, but perhaps by assuring the Italians that we fight for the same cause, they may be willing to cede Zara back to us and abandon their Balkan ambitions, at least for the time being.''
| class="nomobile" |''The path to Yugoslavian greatness lies with the fascist powers of the Axis. If the military's anti-German sentiments have not been dealt with this may have severe repercussions, but that is a necessary sacrifice.''

|- id=" Claim Macedonia "
|- id=" Claim Macedonia "
| [[ File:Goal_generic_territory_or_war.png|70px]] || Claim Macedonia
| [[File:Goal_generic_territory_or_war.png|50px]] {{ruby| 声索马其顿|Claim Macedonia}}
*[[ File:Goal_support_fascism.png|36px]] Join Axis
**[[File:Goal_support_fascism.png|36px|link=#Surrender Italian Claims|Surrender Italian Claims]] 放弃对意大利的宣称
**[[File:goal_generic_attack_allies.png|36px|link=#Zara for Axis Membership|Zara for Axis Membership]] 用扎拉交换轴心国成员资格
**拥有 {{s|Macedonia}}
***是 {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}的附属国
***拥有 {{s|Macedonia}}
**{{国旗|Macedonia}}:与 {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}在同一阵营中
*尚未完成国策 [[File:focus_rom_royal_dictatorship.png|36px|link=#End the Regency|End the Regency]] 结束摄政
*未拥有 {{s|Macedonia}}
**不是 {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}的附属国
**未拥有 {{s|Macedonia}}
*{{国旗|Macedonia}}:与 {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}不在同一阵营
* Gains core '''Central Macedonia'''.
*{{s|Macedonia}}的拥有者获得 {{s|Central Macedonia}}的核心
* Gets event ' '''Yugoslavia Claims Macedonia''' '.
* 触发事件[[News events 4#news.327|''' 南斯拉夫宣称马其顿''']]
| class="nomobile" |''Some parts of Macedonia are still outside our borders. As all Macedonians are slavs, they belong into our nation.''
| class="nomobile" |''Some parts of Macedonia are still outside our borders. As all Macedonians are slavs, they belong into our nation.''
|- id=" Greater Yugoslavia "
| [[File:Goal_generic_occupy_states_ongoing_war.png|50px]] {{ruby|大南斯拉夫|Greater Yugoslavia}}
*[[File:Goal_generic_territory_or_war.png|36px|link=#Claim Macedonia|Claim Macedonia]] 声索马其顿
* {{s|索非亚}}
* {{s|布尔加斯}}
* {{s|普罗夫迪夫}}
* {{s|默西亚}}
| class="nomobile" |''We can not rest until all southern Slavs are united under our banner. The Bulgarians might not consider themselves to be a part of our nation, but we certainly do.''
|- id=" All-Yugoslavian Regiments "
| [[File:Goal_rhineland.png|50px]] {{ruby|全南斯拉夫人民军团|All-Yugoslavian Regiments}}
**[[File:Goal_generic_occupy_states_ongoing_war.png|36px]] 大南斯拉夫
{{Effectbox|南斯拉夫军团|file=all yugoslavian regiments
| class="nomobile" |''Though our peoples may be diverse, all must serve to defend our nation. We shall make no distinction of ethnicity when organizing our regiments.''

|- id=" Invite Italian Naval Experts "
|- id=" Invite Italian Naval Experts "
| [[ File:Goal_generic_occupy_states_coastal.png|70px]] || Invite Italian Naval Experts
| [[File:Goal_generic_occupy_states_coastal.png|50px]] {{ruby| 邀请意大利海军专家|Invite Italian Naval Experts}}
*Requires [[ File:Goal_support_fascism.png|36px]] Join Axis
* 需要至少一个:
**[[File:Goal_support_fascism.png|36px|link=#Surrender Italian Claims|Surrender Italian Claims]] 放弃对意大利的宣称
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub>Additional prerequisites:
**[[File:goal_generic_attack_allies.png|36px|link=#Zara for Axis Membership|Zara for Axis Membership]] 用扎拉交换轴心国成员资格
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{{ 国旗|Italy}}
* {{ 国旗|Yugoslavia}} 处于同一阵营
*Is in Faction with {{flag|Yugoslavia}}
* {{ 国旗|Yugoslavia}} 处于和平
*At peace with {{flag|Yugoslavia}}
* 存在
* 没有停止抵抗
*Has not capitulated
{{red|<sub>This focus will cancel if the requirements are not met.</sub>}}</div>
* {{flag|Yugoslavia}} joins '''Yugoslavian Naval Group'''.
* {{ 国旗|Yugoslavia}} 加入''' 南斯拉夫海军研究团队'''
* {{flag|Italy}} joins '''Yugoslavian Naval Group'''.
* {{ 国旗|Italy}} 加入''' 南斯拉夫海军研究团队'''
* {{icon|navy exp|海军经验}}:{{green|+50}}
| class="nomobile" |''Our Mediterranean allies have superior knowledge of ship design and construction. We will invite Italian experts to bequeath their knowledge on us.''
| class="nomobile" |''Our Mediterranean allies have superior knowledge of ship design and construction. We will invite Italian experts to bequeath their knowledge on us.''

|- id=" Non-discriminating Officer Promotions "
|- id=" End the Regency "
| [[ File:Goal_generic_special_forces.png|70px]] || Non-discriminating Officer Promotions
| [[File:focus_rom_royal_dictatorship.png|50px]] {{ruby| 结束摄政|End the Regency}}
|has either one of the following focuses:
* [[  File:Goal_generic_political_pressure.png|36px]] Crush the Ustasa
* [[  File:Focus_yug_banovina_of_croatia.png|36px]]  Establish the Banovina of Croatia
**[[File:focus_cze_german_puppet.png|36px|link=#Surrender Macedonia|Surrender Macedonia]] 割让马其顿
**[[File:Focus_generic_concessions.png|36px|link=#Concessions for Macedonians|Concessions for Macedonians]] 对马其顿人让步
**[[File:goal_generic_fortify_city.png|36px|link=#Fortify Banat|Fortify Banat]] 巩固巴纳特防御
**[[File:Focus_generic_concessions.png|36px|link=#Banat for Support|Banat for Support]] 用巴纳特换取支持
**[[File:Focus YUG autonomous transylvania.png|36px|link=#Autonomy for Slavic Transylvania|Autonomy for Slavic Transylvania]] 斯拉夫特兰西瓦尼亚自治
*在'''1.00,6 9月,1938'''之后
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]]  与下列国策互斥:
**[[File:Goal_support_fascism.png|36px|link=#Sign the Tripartite Pact|Sign the Tripartite Pact]] 签署三国同盟条约
*'''彼得二世'''成为 {{icon|neutrality|中立主义}}和 {{icon|democracy|民主主义}}的领导人
**若时间早于'''6 9月,1941''',获得以下特质:
| class="nomobile" |''Prince Paul has served his duty to the crown long enough. With war on the horizon, our people need to see their King stand strong against the fascists and communists who would break our nation.''

*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] does ''not'' have the focus  [[ File:Focus_generic_military_mission.png|36px]] Invite German Military Mission
|- id=" The Coronation "
| [[File:goal_support_democracy.png|50px]] {{ruby|加冕典礼|The Coronation}}
**[[File:Goal_support_fascism.png|36px|link=#Sign the Tripartite Pact|Sign the Tripartite Pact]] 签署三国同盟条约
**[[File:focus_rom_royal_dictatorship.png|36px|link=#End the Regency|End the Regency]] 结束摄政
***'''彼得二世''' 没有'''未成年幼主'''特质
***没有民族精神[[File:Idea yug peter ii.png|22px|link=#King Peter|King Peter]] [[#King Peter|彼得国王]]
*Replace [[ File:yug_serbian_general_staff.png |22px]] Serbian General Staff with [[ File:Yugoslavian_general_staff.png |22px]] Yugoslavian General Staff
*{{icon|neutrality|中立主义}}党派现在被称作'''{{ruby|卡拉乔杰维奇王朝|House Karađorđević}}'''
  Effective Change: Military Leader Cost: {{green|-50%}}
| class="nomobile" |''Our discriminatory policies must be reverted, and from now on all ethnicities must be allowed to advance up the ranks of our officer corps. This will allow for the most capable military leadership we can obtain.''
**没有民族精神[[File:Idea yug peter ii.png|22px|link=#King Peter|King Peter]] [[#King Peter|彼得国王]]
**已完成国策[[File:Goal_generic_position_armies.png|36px|link=#Western Focus|Western Focus]] 专注西方关系
***'''保罗一世'''成为 {{icon|fascism|法西斯主义}}领导人
****'''Collaborator King'''
::::- 法西斯主义理念每日新增支持率:{{green|+0.10}}
::*{{icon|fascism|法西斯主义}}政党现在被称作'''{{ruby|卡拉乔杰维奇王朝|House Karađorđević}}'''
::*南斯拉夫所有的欧洲附属国变为 {{icon|fascism|法西斯主义}}政体
::*{{icon|neutrality|中立主义}}支持率全部转变为 {{icon|fascism|法西斯主义}}支持率
*获得基础 {{icon|stability|稳定度}}:{{green|+15.00%}}
*获得基础 {{icon|war support|战争支持度}}:{{green|+20.00%}}
| class="nomobile" |''Our people have long been without a King, and it is time we made a show of the perpetuity of the crown. By crowning our King in the cathedral of the White City, we shall grant our people the assurance that the crown is eternal and we shall not fall to foreign invaders.''

|- id=" Join Allies "
|- id=" A Royal Wedding "
| [[ File:Goal_generic_support_democracy.png|70px]] || Join Allies
| [[File:goal_tfv_strengthen_commonwealth_ties.png|50px]] {{ruby| 王室婚礼|A Royal Wedding}}
*Requires [[  File:Goal_generic_special_forces.png|36px]] Non-discriminating Officer Promotions
* 需要:
**[[File:focus_rom_royal_dictatorship.png|36px|link=#End the Regency|End the Regency]] 结束摄政
*触发事件[[Yugoslavian events 2#DOD_yugoslavia.50|'''格罗夫纳聚会''']]
| class="nomobile" |''Royal marriages have long been a way to secure alliances, and with many prestigious princesses lacking a King, our young eligible King Peter could secure us an alliance with a world power.''
|- id=" Enforce Yugoslav Neutrality "
| [[File:goal_generic_defence.png|50px]] {{ruby|确保南斯拉夫中立|Enforce Yugoslav Neutrality}}
**[[File:goal_support_democracy.png|36px|link=#The Coronation|The Coronation]] 加冕典礼
**[[File:goal_tfv_strengthen_commonwealth_ties.png|36px|link=#A Royal Wedding|A Royal Wedding]] 王室婚礼
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] 与下列国策互斥:
**[[File:goal_generic_major_alliance.png|36px|link=#A Royal Alliance|A Royal Alliance]] 王室联盟
{{Effectbox|外交中立|file=Neutral Foreign Policy|中立主义有时被视为懦弱的表现,但这个国家相信两头不得罪是最好的。
| class="nomobile" |''We cannot allow the Balkans to become part of this stirring global conflict. We must declare our neutrality and avoid any actions which would align us with the feuding world powers.''
|- id=" Fortress Yugoslavia "
| [[File:goal_generic_fortify_city.png|50px]] {{ruby|要塞化南斯拉夫|Fortress Yugoslavia}}
**[[File:goal_generic_defence.png|36px|link=#Enforce Yugoslav Neutrality|Enforce Yugoslav Neutrality]] 确保南斯拉夫中立
* {{s|Slovenia}}、{{s|Dalmatia}}、{{s|Croatia}}:
** 每个边境省份:
*** 添加'''3''' {{icon|land fort|陆上要塞}}
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub>Additional prerequisites:
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub> 若{{s|Slovenia}}未受控制:
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content"> 
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content"> 
{{flag|United Kingdom}}:
*{{s|Dalmatia}} {{s|Croatia}}
*At peace with {{flag|Yugoslavia}}
** 每个边境省份:
*** 添加'''3''' {{icon|land fort| 陆上要塞}}
*Has not capitulated
Any other country:
| class="nomobile" |''We cannot allow the Nazi menace on our border to go unchecked! With Italians in Zara and Germans in Austria, we must ensure that our borders are protected and the soldiers therein have all they need to fight the fascists.''
*Is not Faction with {{flag|United Kingdom}}
*At peace with {{flag|Yugoslavia}}
|- id=" A Royal Alliance "
{{red|<sub>This focus will cancel if the requirements are not met.</sub>}}</div>
| [[File:goal_generic_major_alliance.png|50px]] {{ruby| 王室联盟|A Royal Alliance}}
**[[File:goal_support_democracy.png|36px|link=#The Coronation|The Coronation]] 加冕典礼
**[[File:goal_tfv_strengthen_commonwealth_ties.png|36px|link=#A Royal Wedding|A Royal Wedding]] 王室婚礼
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] 与下列国策互斥:
**[[File:goal_generic_defence.png|36px|link=#Enforce Yugoslav Neutrality|Enforce Yugoslav Neutrality]] 确保南斯拉夫中立
*{{flag|United Kingdom}} Gets event ' '''Yugoslavia seeks to join the Allies'''
* 我们将计划加入我们皇室姻亲所在的阵营。
*Gets event ' '''The Fifth Column''' '
* 在本事件中我们的配偶是亚历山德拉公主,我们将会加入同盟国。
| class="nomobile" |''In our fledgling nation's brief history the Western Democracies have always supported us. We must make our allegiance known in public, so that we may rely on their military strength should we become the target of our neighbors.''
| class="nomobile" |''Now that our King is happily married, we must make our allegiance known in public, so that we may rely on their military strength should we become the target of our neighbors.''

|- id=" Allied Air Combat School "
|- id=" Allied Air Combat School "
| [[ File:Goal_generic_air_doctrine.png|70px]] || Allied Air Combat School
| [[File:Goal_generic_air_doctrine.png|50px]] {{ruby| 同盟国空战院校|Allied Air Combat School}}
*Requires [[ File:Goal_generic_support_democracy.png|36px]] Join Allies
* 需要:
**[[File:goal_generic_major_alliance.png|36px|link=#A Royal Alliance|A Royal Alliance]] 王室联盟
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub>Additional prerequisites:
*与 {{ 国旗|United Kingdom}} 处于同一阵营
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{{flag|United Kingdom}}:
*Is in Faction with {{flag|Yugoslavia}}
{{red|<sub>This focus will cancel if the requirements are not met.</sub>}}</div>
* {{flag|Yugoslavia}} joins '''Yugoslavian Air Group'''.
*{{ 国旗|Yugoslavia}} {{ 国旗|United Kingdom}} 一道加入''' 南斯拉夫空军研究团队''' 科技共享组
* {{flag|United Kingdom}} joins '''Yugoslavian Air Group'''.
| class="nomobile" |''Our new allies have extensive experience with air combat. By pushing for a shared Allied Air Combat School we can ensure our pilot recruits are freely taught the valuable lessons our allies bled to learn.''
| class="nomobile" |''Our new allies have extensive experience with air combat. By pushing for a shared Allied Air Combat School we can ensure our pilot recruits are freely taught the valuable lessons our allies bled to learn.''

|- id=" Reclaim Istria and Zadar "
|- id=" Towards Independence "
| [[  File:Goal_generic_territory_or_war.png|70px]] || Reclaim Istria and Zadar
| [[File:goal_tfv_sever_ties_with_uk.png|50px]] {{ruby|迈向独立|Towards Independence}}
**[[File:goal_generic_fortify_city.png|36px|link=#Fortify Banat|Fortify Banat]] 巩固巴纳特防御
**[[File:Focus_generic_concessions.png|36px|link=#Banat for Support|Banat for Support]] 用巴纳特换取支持
**[[File:Focus YUG autonomous transylvania.png|36px|link=#Autonomy for Slavic Transylvania|Autonomy for Slavic Transylvania]] 斯拉夫特兰西瓦尼亚自治
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] 与下列国策互斥:
**[[File:goal_tfv_strengthen_commonwealth_ties.png|36px|link=#A United Kingdom|A United Kingdom]] 实现联合的王国
**增加 {{icon|autonomy}}'''25.00'''[[自治度]]
**获得'''极大提升关系'''( {{国旗|Serbia}}的 {{icon|opinion|评价}}{{green|+50}})
| class="nomobile" |''Now that we have dissolved the union into a series of autonomous states, we must take the next step; independence. No more can we rule as dictators over our fellow men, we must trust them to govern themselves, free from Serbian intervention.''
|- id=" The Defence Army of Yugoslavia "
| [[File:goal_generic_national_unity.png|50px]] {{ruby|南斯拉夫国防军|The Defence Army of Yugoslavia}}
**[[File:goal_tfv_sever_ties_with_uk.png|36px|link=#Towards Independence|Towards Independence]] 迈向独立
*获得'''{{hover|6步2炮+工兵连|Yugoslavian Defence Army}}'''编制
**禁止修改'''Yugoslavian Defence Army'''编制,训练或解散以此为编制的单位
*x1 随机地区:
**创建1 '''Yugoslavian Defence Army'''单位
**获得'''Yugoslavian Defence Army'''模板
**x1 随机地区:
***创建1 '''Yugoslavian Defence Army'''单位
| class="nomobile" |''To fight for our union is a difficult thing to ask of the average citizen, but to fight for one’s own home is every man’s duty. With the promise of independence on the horizon, our union is overflowing with men willing to fight our enemy; all they need is government support.''
|- id=" Yugoslav Defence League "
| [[File:goal_generic_alliance.png|50px]] {{ruby| 南斯拉夫防卫联盟|Yugoslav Defence League}}
*[[  File:Goal_generic_support_democracy.png|36px]] Join Allies
**[[File:goal_generic_national_unity.png|36px|link=#The Defence Army of Yugoslavia|The Defence Army of Yugoslavia]] 南斯拉夫国防军
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub>Additional prerequisites:
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
*设定规则:[[File:Yes.png|22px]] 可以创建阵营
*Is at war with {{flag|Italy}}
{{red|<sub>This focus will cancel if the requirements are not met.</sub>}}</div>
*允许修改'''Yugoslavian Defence Army'''编制,训练或解散以此为编制的单位
*x1 随机地区:
**创建1 '''Yugoslavian Defence Army'''单位
**允许修改'''Yugoslavian Defence Army'''编制,训练或解散以此为编制的单位
**x1 随机地区:
***创建1 '''Yugoslavian Defence Army'''单位
| class="nomobile" |''The members of our state have been granted great levels of autonomy; all that remains is the final step. By officially recognizing the independence of all Balkan nations, we shall turn Yugoslavia from a nation into an economic and military cooperative of many nations.''
|- id=" A United Kingdom "
| [[File:goal_tfv_strengthen_commonwealth_ties.png|50px]] {{ruby|实现联合的王国|A United Kingdom}}
**[[File:goal_generic_fortify_city.png|36px|link=#Fortify Banat|Fortify Banat]] 巩固巴纳特防御
**[[File:Focus_generic_concessions.png|36px|link=#Banat for Support|Banat for Support]] 用巴纳特换取支持
**[[File:Focus YUG autonomous transylvania.png|36px|link=#Autonomy for Slavic Transylvania|Autonomy for Slavic Transylvania]] 斯拉夫特兰西瓦尼亚自治
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] 与下列国策互斥:
**[[File:goal_tfv_sever_ties_with_uk.png|36px|link=#Towards Independence|Towards Independence]] 迈向独立
**增加 {{icon|autonomy}}'''-25.00'''[[自治度]]
**获得'''损害关系'''( {{国旗|Serbia}}的{{icon|opinion|评价}}{{red|-25}})
| class="nomobile" |''Now that our people have had the opportunity to taste independence and feel properly represented in our union, it is time we took steps to create that sense of pan-nationalism and unity that was sorely lacking in our former state.''
|- id=" Guarantee Religious Liberties "
| [[File:Goal_generic_neutrality_focus.png|50px]] {{ruby|保证宗教自由|Guarantee Religious Liberties}}
**[[File:goal_tfv_strengthen_commonwealth_ties.png|36px|link=#A United Kingdom|A United Kingdom]] 实现联合的王国
{{Effectbox|保障宗教自由|file=generic constitutional guarantee
| class="nomobile" |''All must be allowed to follow their religion of choice. We will introduce legal guarantees to this effect.''
|- id=" Reunite the Kingdoms "
| [[File:focus_generic_home_defense.png|50px]] {{ruby|重建王国|Reunite the Kingdoms}}
**[[File:Goal_generic_neutrality_focus.png|36px|link=#Guarantee Religious Liberties|Guarantee Religious Liberties]] 保证宗教自由
*获得所有原本是 {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}一部分的诸附属国的核心(包括 {{国旗|Hungary}}和 {{国旗|Bulgaria}},若它们也是附属国)
* 吞并所有原本是 {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}一部分的诸附属国(包括 {{国旗|Hungary}}和 {{ 国旗|Bulgaria}} ,若它们也是附属国)
*{{ 国旗|Serbia}}将被称作 {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}
| class="nomobile" |''Though many worry this action risks slipping back into the disunity and cultural conflicts that characterised Yugoslavia, we must unite our nation back into a singular entity to face the greater threats on our border.''
== 承认苏联线 ==
<div style="text-align:center">
Image:YUG NF Recognize the Soviet Union.png|800px
rect 302 8 464 118 [[#Recognize the Soviet Union|Recognize the Soviet Union]]
rect 206 138 368 248 [[#Form Peasant Councils|Form Peasant Councils]]
rect 398 138 560 248 [[#Mutual Economic Aid|Mutual Economic Aid]]
rect 14 268 176 378 [[#Local Militias|Local Militias]]
rect 302 268 464 378 [[#Abolish the Monarchy|Abolish the Monarchy]]
rect 206 398 368 508 [[#Join Comintern|Join Comintern]]
rect 206 528 368 638 [[#Research Collaboration|Research Collaboration]]
rect 398 398 560 508 [[#Yugoslavian Path to Communism|Yugoslavian Path to Communism]]
rect 398 528 560 638 [[#Form the Federal Republic|Form the Federal Republic]]
rect 398 658 560 768 [[#Federal Defense Council|Federal Defense Council]]
rect 686 528 848 638 [[#Pan-Slavic Worker's Congress|Pan-Slavic Worker's Congress]]
rect 590 658 752 768 [[#Invite Bulgaria|Invite Bulgaria]]
rect 782 658 944 768 [[#Invite Albania|Invite Albania]]
rect 494 788 656 898 [[#Pan-Balkan Initiative|Pan-Balkan Initiative]]
rect 302 918 464 1028 [[#Invite Romania|Invite Romania]]
rect 494 918 656 1028 [[#Invite Greece|Invite Greece]]
rect 686 918 848 1028 [[#Invite Hungary|Invite Hungary]]
rect 494 1048 656 1158 [[#Invite Turkey|Invite Turkey]]
rect 0 0 960 1180 [[:File:YUG NF Recognize the Soviet Union.png|Recognize the Soviet Union branch]]
desc none
<span style="font-size: small;">[[#main|南斯拉夫国策树]]中的共产主义线。<br> 点击国策图标跳转到详细注释。</span>
* Gains core '''Istria'''.
{| class="mildtable" {{buffer}} width="100%"
* Gains core '''Zadar'''.
! width="20%" | 国策
* Gets event ' '''Yugoslavia Claims Italian Border''' '.
! width="30%" | 前提条件
| class="nomobile" |''Italy still holds the territories of Istria and Zandar. It is time to bring them home.''
! width="30%" | 效果
! width="20%" class="nomobile" | 描述

|- id=" Recognize the Soviet Union "
|- id=" Recognize the Soviet Union "
| [[ File:Focus_generic_soviet_politics.png|70px]] || Recognize the Soviet Union
| [[File:Focus_generic_soviet_politics.png|50px]] {{ruby| 承认苏联|Recognize the Soviet Union}}
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] does ''not'' have the focus [[ File:Goal_generic_position_armies.png |36px]] Western Focus
* 无前置国策
{{ 国旗|Soviet Union}}
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub>Additional prerequisites:
* {{ 国旗|Yugoslavia}}处于和平
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
* 存在
{{flag|Soviet Union}}:
* 没有停止抵抗
*At peace with {{flag|Yugoslavia}
*当前执政党是 {{icon|communist|共产主义}}
* [[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]]与下列国策互斥:
*Has not capitulated
** [[File:Goal_generic_position_armies.png|36px]] 专注西方关系
{{red|<sub>This focus will cancel if the requirements are not met.</sub>}}</div>
{{flag|Soviet Union}}:
{{ 国旗|Soviet Union}}
*Gains Increase in opinion (Opinion of Yugoslavia {{green|+25}}).<br />
* 获得'''改善关系'''({{国旗|Yugoslavia}}的 {{icon|opinion|评价}}{{green|+15}}
* Gets event ' '''Yugoslavia Recognizes the Soviet Union''' '.
* 触发事件 '''南斯拉夫承认苏联'''
*失去''' 巴尔干条约''' ({{国旗|Yugoslavia}}的 {{icon|opinion|评价}}{{red|-25}})
| class="nomobile" |''While we have historically refused to recognize the Bolshevik state in the East, the time has perhaps come for us to reconsider our stance on the matter. While the Western Democracies seem too weak to defend the minor powers, the Soviet Union may well prove a more reliable friend.''
| class="nomobile" |''While we have historically refused to recognize the Bolshevik state in the East, the time has perhaps come for us to reconsider our stance on the matter. While the Western Democracies seem too weak to defend the minor powers, the Soviet Union may well prove a more reliable friend.''

|- id=" Form Peasant Councils "
|- id=" Form Peasant Councils "
| [[ File:Goal_generic_demand_territory.png|70px]] || Form Peasant Councils
| [[File:Goal_generic_demand_territory.png|50px]] {{ruby| 组建农民议会|Form Peasant Councils}}
*[[ File:Focus_generic_soviet_politics.png|36px]] Recognize the Soviet Union
**[[File:Focus_generic_soviet_politics.png|36px]] 承认苏联
*gains the [[national spirit]]:
{{Effectbox|Peasant Councils|file=Generic communism drift bonus
* 获得为期'''730'''日的[[ 民族精神]]
|modifiers=*Daily communism support: {{green|+0.20}}
{{Effectbox| 农民议会|file=Generic communism drift bonus
|modifiers=* 共产主义理念每日新增支持率:{{green|+0.20}}
| class="nomobile" |''The working man must gain a larger presence in local politics. Establishing peasant councils will go a long way to having their voices heard.''
| class="nomobile" |''The working man must gain a larger presence in local politics. Establishing peasant councils will go a long way to having their voices heard.''

|- id=" Local Militias "
|- id=" Mutual Economic Aid "
| [[ File:Goal_generic_allies_build_infantry.png|70px]] || Local Militias
| [[File:Goal_generic_soviet_construction.png|50px]] {{ruby| 经济互助|Mutual Economic Aid}}
|has either one of the following focuses:
* [[  File:Goal_anschluss.png |36px]] Limited Self-Government
* [[  File:Goal_generic_demand_territory.png|36px]] Form Peasant Councils
*gains the [[national spirit]]:
* 需要:
{{Effectbox|Local Militias|file=YUG local militias
**[[File:Focus_generic_soviet_politics.png|36px]] 承认苏联
|modifiers=*Recruitable Population: '''2.00%'''
*{{国旗|Soviet Union}}:
**与 {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}处于和平
*获得为期 '''720''' 日的[[ 民族精神]]
{{Effectbox| 苏联经济援助|file=Generic goods red bonus
|modifiers=* 生活消费品工厂:'''-5%'''
| class="nomobile" |''The people will be encouraged to form up militias in defense of their homeland. This will enable larger parts of the population to be eligible for recruitment to military service, later.''
{{ 国旗|Soviet Union}}
* 获得为期 '''365''' 日的[[ 民族精神]]
|- id=" Mutual Economic Aid "
{{Effectbox| 南斯拉夫经济援助|file=Generic goods red bonus
| [[  File:Goal_generic_soviet_construction.png|70px]] || Mutual Economic Aid
|modifiers=* 生活消费品工厂:'''-5%'''
| [[  File:Focus_generic_soviet_politics.png|36px]] Recognize the Soviet Union
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub>Additional prerequisites:
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{{flag|Soviet Union}}:
*At peace with {{flag|Yugoslavia}}
*Has not capitulated
{{red|<sub>This focus will cancel if the requirements are not met.</sub>}}</div>
*gains the [[national spirit]]:
{{Effectbox|Yugoslavian Economic Aid|file=Generic goods red bonus
|modifiers=*Consumer Goods Factories: ''' –5 %'''
for 720 days.

{{flag|Soviet Union}}:
| class="nomobile" |''The Soviet Union and Yugoslavia have much to offer each other economically. By establishing profitable trade agreements and arrangements of economic aid, we can greatly benefit each other.''
*gains the [[national spirit]]:
|- id=" Local Militias "
{{Effectbox|Yugoslavian Economic Aid|file=Generic goods red bonus
| [[File:Goal_generic_allies_build_infantry.png|50px]] {{ruby|地方民兵|Local Militias}}
|modifiers=*Consumer Goods Factories: ''' –5 %'''
** [[File:Goal generic improve relations.png|36px]] 与意大利签署友好条约
** [[File:Goal_generic_major_alliance.png|36px]] 巩固旧联盟关系
** [[File:Goal_generic_demand_territory.png|36px]] 组建农民议会
{{Effectbox| 地方武装|file=YUG local militias
|modifiers=* 适役人口:'''2.00%'''
for 365 days.
| class="nomobile" |''The people will be encouraged to form up militias in defense of their homeland. This will enable larger parts of the population to be eligible for recruitment to military service, later.''
| class="nomobile" |''The Soviet Union and Yugoslavia have much to offer each other economically. By establishing profitable trade agreements and arrangements of economic aid, we can greatly benefit each other.''

|- id=" Abolish the Monarchy "
|- id=" Abolish the Monarchy "
| [[ File:Goal_tfv_burn_the_royal_portraits.png|70px]] || Abolish the Monarchy
| [[File:Goal_tfv_burn_the_royal_portraits.png|50px]] {{ruby| 废除旧君主制|Abolish the Monarchy}}
|has either all of the following focuses:
* [[ File:Goal_generic_demand_territory.png|36px]] Form Peasant Councils
* 需要以下全部:
* [[ File:Goal_generic_soviet_construction.png|36px]] Mutual Economic Aid
** [[File:Goal_generic_demand_territory.png|36px]] 组建农民议会
|Replace [[ File:Generic_communism_drift_bonus.png |22px]] Peasant Councils with [[ File:Generic_communism_drift_bonus.png |22px]] Empowered Peasant Councils
** [[File:Goal_generic_soviet_construction.png|36px]] 经济互助
Effective Change: Daily communism support: {{green|+0.20}}
* {{icon|communist|南斯拉夫共产党}}支持率高于'''40%'''
* 政局将会发生变化:
** {{icon|communist|南斯拉夫共产党}}成为执政党
** 将不会举行公开选举
* {{icon|neutrality|中立主义}}支持率变化:{{red|-20.00%}}
*将[[ 民族精神]] [[File:Generic_communism_drift_bonus.png|22px|link=#Peasant Councils|Peasant Councils]][[#Peasant Councils|农民议会]]替换为:
{{Effectbox|高阶农民议会|file=Generic communism drift bonus
| class="nomobile" |''The monarchy is hardly a fitting government form for modern times, not to mention entirely incompatible with our societal views. It must be abolished, and royal rule replaced with the voice of the common man.''
| class="nomobile" |''The monarchy is hardly a fitting government form for modern times, not to mention entirely incompatible with our societal views. It must be abolished, and royal rule replaced with the voice of the common man.''

|- id=" Join Comintern "
|- id=" Join Comintern "
| [[ File:Focus_generic_join_comintern.png|70px]] || Join Comintern
| [[File:Focus_generic_join_comintern.png|50px]] {{ruby| 加入共产国际|Join Comintern}}
*[[ File:Goal_generic_allies_build_infantry.png|36px]] Abolish the Monarchy
**[[File:Goal_generic_allies_build_infantry.png|36px]] 废除旧君主制
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] does ''not'' have the focus [[ File:Goal_generic_war_with_comintern.png|36px]] Yugoslavian Path to Communism
* [[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] 与下列国策互斥:
** [[File:Goal_generic_war_with_comintern.png|36px]] 南斯拉夫特色共产主义道路
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub>Additional prerequisites:
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Is not in Faction
**当前执政党属于{{icon|communist| 共产主义}}
{{flag|Soviet Union}}:
*At peace with {{flag|Yugoslavia}}
**与 {{ 国旗|Yugoslavia}} 处于和平
* 任意其他国家:
*Has not capitulated
* {{ 国旗|Soviet Union}} 不在同一阵营
Any other country:
* {{ 国旗|Yugoslavia}} 处于和平
*Is not in Faction with {{flag|Soviet Union}}
*At peace with {{flag|Yugoslavia}}
*与 {{ 国旗|Soviet Union}} 在同一阵营中
{{red|<sub>This focus will cancel if the requirements are not met.</sub>}}</div>
|{{flag|Soviet Union}} Gets event ' '''Yugoslavia seeks to join the Comintern'''
{{ 国旗|Soviet Union}} 触发事件 ''' 南斯拉夫寻求加入共产国际'''
| class="nomobile" |''The best path to the advancement of the Revolution is by standing together with our fellow communist states in the Comintern.''
| class="nomobile" |''The best path to the advancement of the Revolution is by standing together with our fellow communist states in the Comintern.''

|- id=" Research Collaboration "
|- id=" Research Collaboration "
| [[ File:Focus_generic_socialist_science.png|70px]] || Research Collaboration
| [[File:Focus_generic_socialist_science.png|50px]] {{ruby| 合作研究|Research Collaboration}}
*[[ File:Goal_generic_allies_build_infantry.png|36px]] Join Comintern
**[[File:Goal_generic_allies_build_infantry.png|36px]] 加入共产国际
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub>Additional prerequisites:
*与 {{国旗|Soviet Union}}在同一阵营中
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
* {{ 国旗|Soviet Union}} :当前执政党属于 {{icon|communist| 共产主义}}
Is in Faction with {{flag|Soviet Union}}
{{red|<sub>This focus will cancel if the requirements are not met.</sub>}}</div>
{{flag|Yugoslavia}} joins ' '''Yugo-Soviet Research group''' '.
*{{ 国旗|Yugoslavia}} 加入''' 苏南联合研究团队''' 
*{{ 国旗|Soviet Union}} 加入''' 苏南联合研究团队''' 
{{flag|Soviet Union}} joins ' '''Yugo-Soviet Research group''' '.
| class="nomobile" |''Our allies have far greater resources at their disposal than we have, so we should push for a research collaboration that will allow us to share in their technological breakthroughs.''
| class="nomobile" |''Our allies have far greater resources at their disposal than we have, so we should push for a research collaboration that will allow us to share in their technological breakthroughs.''

|- id=" Yugoslavian Path to Communism "
|- id=" Yugoslavian Path to Communism "
| [[ File:Goal_generic_war_with_comintern.png|70px]] || Yugoslavian Path to Communism
| [[File:Goal_generic_war_with_comintern.png|50px]] {{ruby| 南斯拉夫特色共产主义道路|Yugoslavian Path to Communism}}
**[[File:Goal_generic_allies_build_infantry.png|36px]] 废除旧君主制
* [[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]]与下列国策互斥:
** [[File:Focus_generic_join_comintern.png|36px]] 加入共产国际
[[ File:Goal_generic_allies_build_infantry.png|36px]] Abolish the Monarchy
*将[[ 民族精神]] [[File:Generic_communism_drift_bonus.png|22px|link=#Empowered Peasant Councils|Empowered Peasant Councils]] [[#Empowered Peasant Councils| 高阶农民议会]] 替换为:
{{Effectbox|最高农民议会|file=Generic communism drift bonus
[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] does ''not'' have the focus [[ File:Focus_generic_join_comintern.png|36px]] Join Comintern
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub>Additional prerequisites:
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Is not in Faction
{{red|<sub>This focus will cancel if the requirements are not met.</sub>}}</div>
|Replace [[  File:Generic_communism_drift_bonus.png |22px]] Empowered Peasant Councils with [[  File:Generic_communism_drift_bonus.png |22px]] Supreme Peasant Councils
Effective Change: Daily communism support: {{green|+0.20}}
| class="nomobile" |''We require no guidance in our fight for the workers' cause. We will gather those who accept our leadership, and together spread out version of the Revolution.''
| class="nomobile" |''We require no guidance in our fight for the workers' cause. We will gather those who accept our leadership, and together spread out version of the Revolution.''

|- id=" Form the Federal Republic "
|- id=" Form the Federal Republic "
| [[ File:Goal_generic_forceful_treaty.png|70px]] || Form the Federal Republic
| [[File:Goal_generic_forceful_treaty.png|50px]] {{ruby| 建立联邦共和国|Form the Federal Republic}}
|has either one of the following focuses:
*  [[  File:Goal_generic_political_pressure.png|36px]] Crush the Ustasa
*  [[  File:Focus_yug_banovina_of_croatia.png|36px]]  Establish the Banovina of Croatia
*removes the national spirit [[   File:FRA_scw_intervention_republicans_focus.png |22px]] Croatian Opposition
* 需要至少一个:
*removes the national spirit [[ file:generic_volunteer_expedition_bonus.png |22px]] Macedonian Opposition
**[[File:Goal_generic_allies_build_infantry.png|36px|link=#Join Comintern|Join Comintern]] 加入共产国际
*removes the national spirit [[ File:generic_morale_bonus.png |22px]] Slovene Nationalism
**[[File:Goal_generic_war_with_comintern.png|36px|link=#Yugoslavian Path to Communism|Yugoslavian Path to Communism]] 南斯拉夫特色共产主义道路
*移除民族精神 [[File:FRA_scw_intervention_republicans_focus.png|22px|link=Yugoslavia#Croatian Opposition|Croatian Opposition]] [[Yugoslavia#Croatian Opposition|克罗地亚反对派]]
* 移除民族精神 [[File:generic_volunteer_expedition_bonus.png|22px|link=Yugoslavia#Macedonian Opposition|Macedonian Opposition]] [[Yugoslavia#Macedonian Opposition|马其顿反对派]]
* 移除民族精神 [[File:generic_morale_bonus.png|22px|link=Yugoslavia#Slovene Nationalism|Slovene Nationalism]] [[Yugoslavia#Slovene Nationalism|斯洛文尼亚民族主义]]
| class="nomobile" |''The time has come to form a true federalist state where all member peoples are welcomed. The internally fragmented nation that we have been these past decades will be no more.''
| class="nomobile" |''The time has come to form a true federalist state where all member peoples are welcomed. The internally fragmented nation that we have been these past decades will be no more.''

|- id=" Federal Defense Council "
|- id=" Federal Defense Council "
| [[ File:Goal_demand_sudetenland.png|70px]] ||Federal Defense Council
| [[File:Goal_demand_sudetenland.png|50px]] {{ruby| 联邦国防议会|Federal Defense Council}}
*[[ File:Goal_generic_forceful_treaty.png|36px]] Form the Federal Republic
**[[File:Goal_generic_forceful_treaty.png|36px]] 建立联邦共和国
*Replace [[ File:yug_serbian_general_staff.png |22px]] Serbian General Staff with [[ File:Yug_federal_defense_council.png |22px]] Federal defense council
* 若拥有民族精神 [[File:yug_serbian_general_staff.png|22px|link=Yugoslavia#Serbian General Staff|Serbian General Staff]][[Yugoslavia#Serbian General Staff|塞尔维亚总参谋部]]:
  Effective Change: Defense: {{green|+10%}} (not working)
**将 [[File:yug_serbian_general_staff.png|22px|link=Yugoslavia#Serbian General Staff|Serbian General Staff]] [[Yugoslavia#Serbian General Staff|塞尔维亚总参谋部]]替换为:
  Max Planning: {{green|+10%}}
  Military Leader Cost: {{green|-50%}}
*若拥有民族精神 [[File:yugoslavian_general_staff.png|22px]]南斯拉夫总参谋部:
**将 [[File:yugoslavian_general_staff.png|22px]]南斯拉夫总参谋部替换为:
| class="nomobile" |''All regions must have a voice in the defense of our great nation. This will go a long way to ensuring that the most voices practically possible are heard, and that discrimination will not stem merit in its infancy.''
| class="nomobile" |''All regions must have a voice in the defense of our great nation. This will go a long way to ensuring that the most voices practically possible are heard, and that discrimination will not stem merit in its infancy.''

|- id=" Pan-Slavic Worker's Congress "
|- id=" Pan-Slavic Worker's Congress "
| [[ File:Focus_yug_pan_slavic_congress.png|70px]] ||Pan-Slavic Worker's Congress
| [[File:Focus_yug_pan_slavic_congress.png|50px]] {{ruby| 泛斯拉夫工人代表大会|Pan-Slavic Worker's Congress}}
*[[ File:Goal_generic_war_with_comintern.png|36px]] Yugoslavian Path to Communism
**[[File:Goal_generic_war_with_comintern.png|36px]] 南斯拉夫特色共产主义道路
*Set the rule [[ File:Yes.png|22px]] Create Factions.
* 设定规则:[[File:Yes.png|22px]] 可以创建阵营
*Create Factions:'''Pan-Slavic Worker's Congress'''.
* 创建阵营:'''泛斯拉夫工人代表大会'''
*Get Event '''The Pan-Slavic Worker's Congress'''
*解锁决议:''' 煽动保加利亚农民起义'''
* 解锁决议:''' 煽动阿尔巴尼亚农民起义'''
| class="nomobile" |''The Slavic workers must unite to fight for their cause, and as the Soviet Union does not understand the Balkan workers' plight, we shall take up the mantle of leadership ourselves.''
| class="nomobile" |''The Slavic workers must unite to fight for their cause, and as the Soviet Union does not understand the Balkan workers' plight, we shall take up the mantle of leadership ourselves.''

|- id=" Invite Bulgaria "
|- id=" Invite Bulgaria "
| [[ File:Goal_generic_alliance.png|70px]] ||Invite Bulgaria
| [[File:Goal_generic_alliance.png|50px]] {{ruby| 邀请保加利亚|Invite Bulgaria}}
*[[ File:Focus_yug_pan_slavic_congress.png|36px]] Pan-Slavic Worker's Congress
**[[File:Focus_yug_pan_slavic_congress.png|36px]] 泛斯拉夫工人代表大会
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub>Additional prerequisites:
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
**与 {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}处于和平
*At peace with {{flag|Yugoslavia}}
*Is full Independent.
**当前执政党是 {{icon|communist|共产主义}}
*Is not in Faction.
{{red|<sub>This focus will cancel if the requirements are not met.</sub>}}</div>
*{{ 国旗|Bulgaria}} :需要其中之一:
**是 {{ 国旗|Yugoslavia}} 的傀儡国
***当前执政党不属于 {{icon|communism| 共产主义}}
{{flag|Bulgaria}} Gets event ' '''Yugoslavia invite Bulgaria to the ''' '.
{{ 国旗|Bulgaria}} 触发事件 [[Generic events#generic.5|[From.GetName]邀请[Root.GetName]加入[From.GetFactionName]]]
| class="nomobile" |''Our slavic brethren in Bulgaria require our leadership to find their way to Communism. Furthermore, as they occupy our eastern flank, bringing them into the fold will allow us to stop worrying about a large section of our borders, and their military strength will be very useful in spreading the Revolution.''
| class="nomobile" |''Our slavic brethren in Bulgaria require our leadership to find their way to Communism. Furthermore, as they occupy our eastern flank, bringing them into the fold will allow us to stop worrying about a large section of our borders, and their military strength will be very useful in spreading the Revolution.''

|- id=" Invite Albania "
|- id=" Invite Albania "
| [[ File:Goal_generic_alliance.png|70px]] ||Invite Albania
| [[File:Goal_generic_alliance.png|50px]] {{ruby| 邀请阿尔巴尼亚|Invite Albania}}
*[[ File:Focus_yug_pan_slavic_congress.png|36px]] Pan-Slavic Worker's Congress
**[[File:Focus_yug_pan_slavic_congress.png|36px]] 泛斯拉夫工人代表大会
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub>Additional prerequisites:
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
**与 {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}处于和平
*At peace with {{flag|Yugoslavia}}
*Is full Independent.
**当前执政党是 {{icon|communist|共产主义}}
*Is not in Faction.
{{red|<sub>This focus will cancel if the requirements are not met.</sub>}}</div>
*{{ 国旗|Albania}} :需要其中之一:
**是 {{ 国旗|Yugoslavia}} 的傀儡国
***当前执政党不属于 {{icon|communism| 共产主义}}
{{flag|Albania}} Gets event ' '''Yugoslavia invite Albania to the ''' '.
{{ 国旗|Albania}} 触发事件 [[Generic events#generic.5|[From.GetName]邀请[Root.GetName]加入[From.GetFactionName]]]
| class="nomobile" |''Albania commands an area that, though small, is of strategic importance to us. By bringing them into our Congress, we can secure most of our southern border, while adding their strength to ours.''
| class="nomobile" |''Albania commands an area that, though small, is of strategic importance to us. By bringing them into our Congress, we can secure most of our southern border, while adding their strength to ours.''
|- id=" Pan-Balkan Initiative "
| [[File:Focus_yug_pan_slavic_congress.png|50px]] 泛巴尔干倡议
**[[File:Goal_demand_sudetenland.png|36px|link=#Federal Defense Council|Federal Defense Council]] 联邦国防议会
**[[File:Goal_generic_alliance.png|36px|link=#Invite Bulgaria|Invite Bulgaria]] 邀请保加利亚
**[[File:Goal_generic_alliance.png|36px|link=#Invite Albania|Invite Albania]] 邀请阿尔巴尼亚
| class="nomobile" |''While we have secured the ideals of socialism in our immediate Southern neighbors, there are countless people suffering under monarchist and bourgeoise dictatorships throughout the Balkans. Only by liberating the workers of Romania, Hungary, and Greece can we say we have freed the workers of the Balkans.''
|- id=" Invite Romania "
| [[File:Goal_generic_alliance.png|50px]] {{ruby|邀请罗马尼亚|Invite Romania}}
** [[File:Focus_yug_pan_slavic_congress.png|36px|link=#Pan-Balkan Initiative|Pan-Balkan Initiative]] 泛巴尔干倡议
**与 {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}处于和平
**当前执政党是 {{icon|communist|共产主义}}
**是 {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}的傀儡国
***当前执政党不属于 {{icon|communism|共产主义}}
{{国旗|Romania}}触发事件 [[Generic events#generic.5|[From.GetName]邀请[Root.GetName]加入[From.GetFactionName]]]
| class="nomobile" |''The Romanians live in an aristocratic society that has seen the damage that aristocracy and capitalism can do to a country. No more will they suffer under the fickle hands of their corrupt monarchs; they shall be masters of their own destiny!''
|- id=" Invite Greece "
| [[File:Goal_generic_alliance.png|50px]] {{ruby|邀请希腊|Invite Greece}}
**[[File:Focus_yug_pan_slavic_congress.png|36px|link=#Pan-Balkan Initiative|Pan-Balkan Initiative]] 泛巴尔干倡议
**与 {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}处于和平
**当前执政党是 {{icon|communist|共产主义}}
**是 {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}的傀儡国
***当前执政党不属于 {{icon|communism|共产主义}}
{{国旗|Greece}}触发事件 [[Generic events#generic.5|[From.GetName]邀请[Root.GetName]加入[From.GetFactionName]]]
| class="nomobile" |''Young men and women of Greece are suffering under the iron boot of their masters and it is only by arming their poor and downtrodden that we may break the chains that bind them.''
|- id=" Invite Hungary "
| [[File:Goal_generic_alliance.png|50px]] {{ruby|邀请匈牙利|Invite Hungary}}
**[[File:Focus_yug_pan_slavic_congress.png|36px|link=#Pan-Balkan Initiative|Pan-Balkan Initiative]] 泛巴尔干倡议
*{{国旗|Kingdom of Hungary}}:
**与 {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}处于和平
**当前执政党是 {{icon|communist|共产主义}}
*{{国旗|Kingdom of Hungary}}:需要其中之一:
**是 {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}的傀儡国
***当前执政党不属于 {{icon|communism|共产主义}}
{{国旗|Kingdom of Hungary}}触发事件 [[Generic events#generic.5|[From.GetName]邀请[Root.GetName]加入[From.GetFactionName]]]
| class="nomobile" |''The Hungarian state has been uncertain and shifting since the collapse of the Habsburg monarchy. With our assistance, the Hungarian people will find the true form of their state in a united communist dictatorship!''
|- id=" Invite Turkey "
| [[File:Goal_generic_alliance.png|50px]] {{ruby|邀请土耳其|Invite Turkey}}
**[[File:Goal_generic_alliance.png|36px|link=#Invite Romania|Invite Romania]] 邀请罗马尼亚
**[[File:Goal_generic_alliance.png|36px|link=#Invite Greece|Invite Greece]] 邀请希腊
**[[File:Goal_generic_alliance.png|36px|link=#Invite Hungary|Invite Hungary]] 邀请匈牙利
**与 {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}处于和平
**当前执政党是 {{icon|communist|共产主义}}
*{{国旗|Kingdom of Hungary}}:需要其中之一:
**是 {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}的傀儡国
***当前执政党不属于 {{icon|communism|共产主义}}
{{国旗|Turkey}}触发事件 [[Generic events#generic.5|[From.GetName]邀请[Root.GetName]加入[From.GetFactionName]]]
| class="nomobile" |''The Turkish people were freed from their Caliph over a decade ago, they have still yet to be freed from their bourgeoise masters. Though the Republican People’s Party of Turkey claims to be a “social-democracy”, in truth, they have failed utterly to break the chains of their people and it is only with a direct Yugoslavian intervention that we may truly liberate all of the workers of the Balkans.''

== Industrialization Program branch ==
== 工业发展计划线 ==
<div style="text-align:center">
Image:YUG NF Industrialization Program.png|500px
rect 300 4 462 114 [[#Industrialization Program|Industrialization Program]]
rect 300 134 462 244 [[#Expand the Mining Industry|Expand the Mining Industry]]
rect 12 264 174 374 [[#Rare Minerals Exploitation|Rare Minerals Exploitation]]
rect 12 394 174 504 [[#Exploit the Pannonian Deposits|Exploit the Pannonian Deposits]]
rect 204 264 366 374 [[#Develop Civilian Industry|Develop Civilian Industry]]
rect 396 264 558 374 [[#Develop Military Industry|Develop Military Industry]]
rect 300 394 462 504 [[#Expand the University of Zagreb|Expand the University of Zagreb]]
rect 204 524 366 634 [[#Integrated Rail Network|Integrated Rail Network]]
rect 300 654 462 764 [[#Improve Light Industry|Improve Light Industry]]
rect 204 784 366 894 [[#Develop Slovenian Industry|Develop Slovenian Industry]]
rect 12 914 174 1024 [[#Expand the University of Ljubljana|Expand the University of Ljubljana]]
rect 204 914 366 1024 [[#Local Self-management|Local Self-management]]
rect 396 524 558 634 [[#Improve Serbian Rail Network|Improve Serbian Rail Network]]
rect 492 654 654 764 [[#Serbian Steel|Serbian Steel]]
rect 396 784 558 894 [[#Expand the University of Belgrade|Expand the University of Belgrade]]
rect 396 914 558 1024 [[#Central Management|Central Management]]
rect 300 1044 462 1154 [[#Expand the Sarajevo Arsenals|Expand the Sarajevo Arsenals]]
rect 0 0 670 1180 [[:File:YUG NF Industrialization Program.png|Industrialization Program branch]]
desc none
<span style="font-size: small;">[[#main| 南斯拉夫国策树]] 中的工业线<br>点击国策图标跳转到详细注释</span>

{| class="mildtable" {{buffer}}
{| class="mildtable" {{buffer}} width="100%"
! width=" 2%" class="unsortable" | !! width=" 10%" | Focus
! width="20%" | 国策
! width="22%" class="unsortable" | Prerequisite(s)
! width="30%" | 前提条件
! width="23%" class="unsortable" | Effect(s)
! width="30%" | 效果
! width="22%" class="unsortable" | Description
! width="20%" class="nomobile" | 描述

|- id="Industrialization Program"
|- id="Industrialization Program"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_construction.png |70px]] || Industrialization Program
| [[File:Goal_generic_construction.png|50px]] {{ruby| 工业发展计划|Industrialization Program}}
*No National Prerequisites
*'''2x''' {{green| 50%}} Research Bonus for:'''Industry'''.
* 获得 '''2x''' {{green|100%}} 研究加成:''' 工业'''
| class="nomobile" |''A program of rapid industrialization is required if we are to keep up with our neighbors' rearmament programs.''
| class="nomobile" |''A program of rapid industrialization is required if we are to keep up with our neighbors' rearmament programs.''

|- id="Expand the Mining Industry"
|- id="Expand the Mining Industry"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_construct_civilian.png |70px]] || Expand the Mining Industry
| [[File:Goal_generic_construct_civilian.png|50px]] {{ruby| 发展矿业|Expand the Mining Industry}}
*Requires [[ File:Goal_generic_construction.png |36px]] Industrialization Program
* 需要:
**[[File:Goal_generic_construction.png|36px]] 工业发展计划
*gets the [[national spirit]]:
* 获得民族精神:
{{Effectbox|Expanded Mining Industry|file=generic exploit mines
{{Effectbox| 拓展矿业|file=generic exploit mines
|modifiers=*Resource Gain Efficiency: {{green| +10%}}
|modifiers=* 战略资源获取效率:{{green|+10%}}
第590行: 第1,375行:

|- id="Rare Minerals Exploitation"
|- id="Rare Minerals Exploitation"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_construction2.png |70px]] || Rare Minerals Exploitation
| [[File:Goal_generic_construction2.png|50px]] {{ruby| 开采稀有矿物|Rare Minerals Exploitation}}
**[[File:Goal_generic_construct_civilian.png|36px]] 发展矿业
*Requires [[ File:Goal_generic_construct_civilian.png |36px]] Expand the Mining Industry
* 在{{s| 黑山}}增加'''8'''单位 {{icon|Tungsten|钨}}产出
*在{{s|克罗地亚}}增加'''8'''单位 {{icon|chromium|铬}}产出
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub>Additional prerequisites:
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub> 若{{s|黑山}}和{{s|克罗地亚}}不被南斯拉夫或它的任意附属国拥有,或其拥有者不与南斯拉夫在同一阵营:
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content"> 
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content"> 
One of the following must be true:
*x1 {{hover|黑山(105)优先|''' 任意地区'''}}:
*Has full control of '''Montenegro'''
**增加'''8''' 单位{{icon|Tungsten|钨}} 产出
*Has full control of '''Croatia'''
*x1 {{hover|克罗地亚(108)优先|''' 任意地区'''}}:
{{red|<sub>This focus will cancel if the requirements are not met.</sub>}}</div>
**增加'''8''' 单位 {{icon|chromium| 铬}}产出
*'''Montenegro''' Add production of 8 [[ File:Tungsten.png |22px]] in Montenegro.
*'''Croatia''' Add production of 8 [[ File:Chromium.png |22px]] in Croatia.
| class="nomobile" |''Previously unexploited deposits of rare metals have suddenly become of major importance. We must construct the required mines and infrastructure immediately to take advantage of them.''
| class="nomobile" |''Previously unexploited deposits of rare metals have suddenly become of major importance. We must construct the required mines and infrastructure immediately to take advantage of them.''

|- id="Exploit the Pannonian Deposits"
|- id="Exploit the Pannonian Deposits"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_oil_refinery.png |70px]] || Exploit the Pannonian Deposits
| [[File:Goal_generic_oil_refinery.png|50px]] {{ruby| 开采潘诺尼亚贮藏资源|Exploit the Pannonian Deposits}}
*Requires [[ File:Goal_generic_construction2.png |36px]] Rare Minerals Exploitation
* 需要:
**[[File:Goal_generic_construction2.png|36px]] 开采稀有矿物
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub>Additional prerequisites:
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
*Has full control of '''Vojvodina'''
{{red|<sub>This focus will cancel if the requirements are not met.</sub>}}</div>
*'''Vojvodina''' Add production of 8 [[ File:Oil.png |22px]] in Vojvodina.
*x1 {{hover|伏伊伏丁那(45)优先|''' 任意地区'''}}:
**增加'''8'''单位 {{icon|Oil| 石油}}产出
| class="nomobile" |''We should exploit the oil deposits that lie within our territory. Though the quantity is meagre, we need all we can get for our war machine.''
| class="nomobile" |''We should exploit the oil deposits that lie within our territory. Though the quantity is meagre, we need all we can get for our war machine.''

|- id="Develop Civilian Industry"
|- id="Develop Civilian Industry"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_construct_civ_factory.png |70px]] || Develop Civilian Industry
| [[File:Goal_generic_construct_civ_factory.png|50px]] {{ruby| 发展民用工业|Develop Civilian Industry}}
*Requires [[ File:Goal_generic_construct_civilian.png |36px]] Expand the Mining Industry
* 需要:
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] does ''not'' have the focus [[ File:Goal_generic_construct_mil_factory.png |36px]] Develop Military Industry
**[[File:Goal_generic_construct_civilian.png|36px]] 发展矿业
* [[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] 与下列国策互斥:
** [[File:Goal_generic_construct_mil_factory.png|36px]] 发展军用工业
*x3 Random provinces:
    Add {{green| 1}} Building Slots.
**添加{{green|1}} {{icon|Building Slot|建筑位}}
    Add  '''1''' [[ File:Civilian_factories.png |22px]] Civilian Factory.
**添加{{green|1}} {{icon|cic|民用工厂}}
*'''x1'''{{hover|塞尔维亚(107)优先|''' 任意地区'''}}:
**添加{{green|1}} {{icon|Building Slot|建筑位}}
**添加{{green|1}} {{icon|cic|民用工厂}}
**添加{{green|1}} {{icon|Building Slot| 建筑位}}
**添加{{green|1}} {{icon|cic|民用工厂}}
| class="nomobile" |''Our civilian industry must keep up with its military counterpart, to supply it with machinery and other essentials.''
| class="nomobile" |''Our civilian industry must keep up with its military counterpart, to supply it with machinery and other essentials.''

|- id="Develop Military Industry"
|- id="Develop Military Industry"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_construct_mil_factory.png |70px]] || Develop Military Industry
| [[File:Goal_generic_construct_mil_factory.png|50px]] {{ruby| 发展军用工业|Develop Military Industry}}
*Requires [[ File:Goal_generic_construct_civilian.png |36px]] Expand the Mining Industry
* 需要:
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] does ''not'' have the focus [[ File:Goal_generic_construct_civ_factory.png |36px]] Develop Civilian Industry
**[[File:Goal_generic_construct_civilian.png|36px]] 发展矿业
* [[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] 与下列国策互斥:
** [[File:Goal_generic_construct_civ_factory.png|36px]] 发展民用工业
*x1 Random provinces:
    Add {{green| 3}} Building Slots.
**添加{{green|3}} {{icon|Building Slot|建筑位}}
    Add  '''3''' [[ File:Military_factories.png |22px]] Military Factory.
**添加{{green|3}} {{icon|mic| 军用工厂}}
| class="nomobile" |''A modern military requires a heavy industrial base to support the necessary production of new aircraft.''
| class="nomobile" |''A modern military requires a heavy industrial base to support the necessary production of new aircraft.''

|- id="Expand the University of Zagreb"
|- id="Expand the University of Zagreb"
| [[ File:Focus_research.png |70px]] || Expand the University of Zagreb
| [[File:Focus_research.png|50px]] {{ruby| 扩张萨格勒布大学|Expand the University of Zagreb}}
|has either one of the following focuses:
* [[ File:Goal_generic_construct_civ_factory.png |36px]] Develop Civilian Industry
* [[ File:Goal_generic_construct_mil_factory.png |36px]] Develop Military Industry
** [[File:Goal_generic_construct_civ_factory.png|36px]] 发展民用工业
** [[File:Goal_generic_construct_mil_factory.png|36px]] 发展军用工业
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub>Additional prerequisites:
* 没有民族精神 [[File:FRA_scw_intervention_republicans_focus.png|22px]] 克罗地亚反对派
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
* Do not have national spirit [[   File:FRA_scw_intervention_republicans_focus.png |22px]] Croatian Opposition
{{red|<sub>This focus will cancel if the requirements are not met.</sub>}}</div>
*Gain {{green| 1}} Research Slot.
* 获得 {{green|1}} 个科研槽
| class="nomobile" |''The old University of Zagreb has long been one of the premier institutions of higher learning. Additional funding will allow it to also provide valuable research.''
| class="nomobile" |''The old University of Zagreb has long been one of the premier institutions of higher learning. Additional funding will allow it to also provide valuable research.''

|- id="Integrated Rail Network"
|- id="Integrated Rail Network"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_construct_infrastructure.png |70px]] || Integrated Rail Network
| [[File:Goal_generic_construct_infrastructure.png|50px]] {{ruby| 整合铁路网|Integrated Rail Network}}
* [[ File:Focus_research.png |36px]] Expand the University of Zagreb
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] does ''not'' have the focus [[ File:Goal_generic_construct_infrastructure.png |36px]] Improve Serbian Rail Network
**[[File:Focus_research.png|36px]] 扩张萨格勒布大学
* [[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] 与下列国策互斥:
** [[File:Goal_generic_construct_infrastructure.png|36px]] 发展塞尔维亚铁路网
*('''Vojvodina'''),('''Slovenia'''),('''Dalmatia'''),('''Croatia'''),('''Montenegro'''),('''Moravia'''),('''Macedonia'''), ('''Bosnia''') and ('''Serbia'''):
* 每个核心地区:
Add '''1''' [[ File:Infrastructure.png |22px]] Infrastructure.
**添加'''1''' {{icon|Infrastructure|基础设施}}
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub>附属国或同阵营国家中曾属于南斯拉夫(包括 {{国旗|Hungary}}和 {{国旗|Bulgaria}},若它们也是傀儡国或阵营成员)的国家:
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
**添加'''1''' {{icon|Infrastructure| 基础设施}}
| class="nomobile" |''We should expand the national railway networks in all parts of the country equally. There is no part of our nation that is more important than the others.''
| class="nomobile" |''We should expand the national railway networks in all parts of the country equally. There is no part of our nation that is more important than the others.''

|- id="Improve Light Industry"
|- id="Improve Light Industry"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_construct_civ_factory.png |70px]] || Improve Light Industry
| [[File:Goal_generic_construct_civ_factory.png|50px]] {{ruby| 改进轻工业|Improve Light Industry}}
|has either one of the following focuses:
* [[ File:Goal_generic_construct_infrastructure.png |36px]] Integrated Rail Network
* [[ File:Goal_generic_construct_infrastructure.png |36px]] Improve Serbian Rail Network
** [[File:Goal_generic_construct_infrastructure.png|36px]] 整合铁路网
** [[File:Goal_generic_construct_infrastructure.png|36px]] 发展塞尔维亚铁路网
*x2 Random provinces:
    Add {{green| 1}} Building Slots.
**添加{{green|1}} {{icon|Building Slot|建筑位}}
    Add  '''1''' [[ File:Civilian_factories.png |22px]] Civilian Factory.
**添加{{green|1}} {{icon|cic|民用工厂}}
**添加{{green|1}} {{icon|Building Slot|建筑位}}
**添加{{green|1}} {{icon|cic|民用工厂}}
| class="nomobile" |''We already have internal unrest, and so it would not do to let light industry lag behind, depriving the people of the essentials they require in daily life.''
| class="nomobile" |''We already have internal unrest, and so it would not do to let light industry lag behind, depriving the people of the essentials they require in daily life.''

|- id="Develop Slovenian Industry"
|- id="Develop Slovenian Industry"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_construct_mil_factory.png |70px]] || Develop Slovenian Industry
| [[File:Goal_generic_construct_mil_factory.png|50px]] {{ruby| 发展斯洛文尼亚地区工业|Develop Slovenian Industry}}
* [[ File:Goal_generic_construct_infrastructure.png |36px]] Integrated Rail Network
**[[File:Goal_generic_construct_infrastructure.png|36px]] 整合铁路网
Add {{green| 3}} Building Slots.
**添加{{green|3}} {{icon|Building Slot|建筑位}} 
Add  '''1''' [[ File:Civilian_factories.png |22px]] Civilian Factory.
**添加{{green|1}} {{icon|cic|民用工厂}}
Add  '''2''' [[ File:Military_factories.png |22px]] Military Factory.
**添加{{green|2}} {{icon|mic|军用工厂}}
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub>若{{s|斯洛文尼亚}}不被南斯拉夫或它的任意附属国拥有,或其拥有者不与南斯拉夫在同一阵营:
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
*'''x1'''{{hover|斯洛文尼亚(102)优先|''' 任意地区'''}}:
**添加{{green|3}} {{icon|Building Slot| 建筑位}} 
**添加{{green|1}} {{icon|cic|民用工厂}}
**添加{{green|2}} {{icon|mic|军用工厂}}
| class="nomobile" |''Though long neglected, Slovenia has ample space to create a new industrial center. This will furthermore please the Slovenes greatly.''
| class="nomobile" |''Though long neglected, Slovenia has ample space to create a new industrial center. This will furthermore please the Slovenes greatly.''

|- id="Expand the University of Ljubljana"
|- id="Expand the University of Ljubljana"
| [[ File:Focus_research.png |70px]] || Expand the University of Ljubljana
| [[File:Focus_research.png|50px]] {{ruby| 扩张卢布尔雅那大学|Expand the University of Ljubljana}}
* [[ File:Goal_generic_construct_mil_factory.png |36px]] Develop Slovenian Industry
**[[File:Goal_generic_construct_mil_factory.png|36px]] 发展斯洛文尼亚地区工业
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub>Additional prerequisites:
* 没有民族精神 [[File:generic_morale_bonus.png|22px]] 斯洛文尼亚民族主义
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
* Do not have national spirit [[ File:generic_morale_bonus.png |22px]] Slovene Nationalism
{{red|<sub>This focus will cancel if the requirements are not met.</sub>}}</div>
*Gain {{green| 1}} Research Slot.
* 获得{{green|1}} 科研槽
| class="nomobile" |''By expanding our university in Slovenia we will have one more institution through which to educate our population.''
| class="nomobile" |''By expanding our university in Slovenia we will have one more institution through which to educate our population.''

|- id="Local Self-management"
|- id="Local Self-management"
| [[ File:Focus_generic_self_management.png |70px]] || Local Self-management
| [[File:Focus_generic_self_management.png|50px]] {{ruby| 地方自主管理|Local Self-management}}
* [[ File:Goal_generic_construct_mil_factory.png |36px]] Develop Slovenian Industry
**[[File:Goal_generic_construct_mil_factory.png|36px]] 发展斯洛文尼亚地区工业
*gets the [[national spirit]]:
* 获得民族精神:
{{Effectbox|Local Self-management|file=generic local self management
{{Effectbox| 地方自主管理|file=generic local self management
|modifiers=*Construction speed: {{green| +5%}}
|modifiers=* 建造速度:{{green|+5%}}
第716行: 第1,523行:

|- id="Improve Serbian Rail Network"
|- id="Improve Serbian Rail Network"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_construct_infrastructure.png |70px]] || Improve Serbian Rail Network
| [[File:Goal_generic_construct_infrastructure.png|50px]] {{ruby| 改进塞尔维亚铁路网|Improve Serbian Rail Network}}
* [[ File:Focus_research.png |36px]] Expand the University of Zagreb
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] does ''not'' have the focus [[ File:Goal_generic_construct_infrastructure.png |36px]] Integrated Rail Network
**[[File:Focus_research.png|36px]] 扩张萨格勒布大学
**完全控制{{s|West Banat}}
* [[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] 与下列国策互斥:
** [[File:Goal_generic_construct_infrastructure.png|36px]] 整合铁路网
*('''Vojvodina'''),('''Montenegro'''), ('''Serbia''') and ('''Moravia''') :
Add {{green| 1}} Building Slots.
**添加{{green|1}} {{icon|Building Slot|建筑位}}
Add '''1''' [[ File:Infrastructure.png |22px]] Infrastructure.
**添加'''1''' {{icon|infrastructure| 基础设施}}
| class="nomobile" |''We can omit building up the railway networks in the outlying provinces. The most important areas are the center and east.''
| class="nomobile" |''We can omit building up the railway networks in the outlying provinces. The most important areas are the center and east.''

|- id="Serbian Steel"
|- id="Serbian Steel"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_construct_civilian.png |70px]] || Serbian Steel
| [[File:Goal_generic_construct_civilian.png|50px]] {{ruby| 塞尔维亚产钢铁|Serbian Steel}}
*Requires [[ File:Goal_generic_construction2.png |36px]] Rare Minerals Exploitation
* 需要:
**[[File:Goal_generic_construct_infrastructure.png|36px]] 发展塞尔维亚铁路网
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub>Additional prerequisites:
* 完全控制{{s| 摩拉瓦}}
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
*Has full control of '''Morava'''
{{red|<sub>This focus will cancel if the requirements are not met.</sub>}}</div>
*'''Morava''' Add production of 16 {{icon|steel|1}} in Morava.
* 在{{s|摩拉瓦}}添加'''16''' 单位 {{icon|steel| 钢铁}}
| class="nomobile" |''We must start the production of steel in Serbia. We always require more of it for the war effort.''
| class="nomobile" |''We must start the production of steel in Serbia. We always require more of it for the war effort.''

|- id="Expand the University of Belgrade"
|- id="Expand the University of Belgrade"
| [[ File:Focus_research.png |70px]] || Expand the University of Belgrade
| [[File:Focus_research.png|50px]] {{ruby| 扩张贝尔格莱德大学|Expand the University of Belgrade}}
* [[ File:Goal_generic_construct_infrastructure.png |36px]] Improve Serbian Rail Network
**[[File:Goal_generic_construct_infrastructure.png|36px]] 发展塞尔维亚铁路网
*Gain {{green| 1}} Research Slot.
* 获得{{green|1}} 科研槽
| class="nomobile" |''By enlarging our most prestigious university we can increase the influx of bright minds to our research and development teams.''
| class="nomobile" |''By enlarging our most prestigious university we can increase the influx of bright minds to our research and development teams.''

|- id="Central Management"
|- id="Central Management"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_demand_territory.png |70px]] || Central Management
| [[File:Goal_generic_demand_territory.png|50px]] {{ruby| 集中管理|Central Management}}
* [[ File:Focus_research.png |36px]]  Expand the University of Belgrade
**[[File:Focus_research.png|36px]]  扩张贝尔格莱德大学
*gets the [[national spirit]]:
* 获得民族精神:
{{Effectbox|Central Management|file=generic central management
{{Effectbox| 中央集权管理|file=generic central management
|modifiers=*Factory Output: {{green| +5%}}
|modifiers=* 工厂产出:{{green|+5%}}
第761行: 第1,574行:

|- id="Expand the Sarajevo Arsenals"
|- id="Expand the Sarajevo Arsenals"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_build_tank.png |70px]] || Expand the Sarajevo Arsenals
| [[File:Goal_generic_build_tank.png|50px]] {{ruby| 拓展萨拉热窝军火库|Expand the Sarajevo Arsenals}}
|has either one of the following focuses:
* [[ File:Focus_generic_self_management.png |36px]] Local Self-management
* [[ File:Goal_generic_demand_territory.png |36px]] Central Management
* [[File:Focus_generic_self_management.png|36px]] 地方自主管理
* [[File:Goal_generic_demand_territory.png|36px]] 集中管理
**添加{{green|3}} {{icon|Building Slot|建筑位}} 
**添加{{green|1}} {{icon|cic|民用工厂}}
**添加{{green|2}} {{icon|mic|军用工厂}}
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub>Additional prerequisites:
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub> 若{{s|波斯尼亚}}不被南斯拉夫或它的任意附属国拥有,或其拥有者不与南斯拉夫在同一阵营:
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content"> 
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content"> 
*Has full control of '''Bosnia'''
*'''x1'''{{hover| 波斯尼亚(104)优先|''' 任意地区'''}}:
{{red|<sub>This focus will cancel if the requirements are not met.</sub>}}</div>
**添加{{green|3}} {{icon|Building Slot|建筑位}} 
**添加{{green|1}} {{icon|cic|民用工厂}}
**添加{{green|2}} {{icon|mic| 军用工厂}}
    Add {{green| 2}} Building Slots.
    Add  '''2''' [[ File:Military_factories.png |22px]] Military Factory.
| class="nomobile" |''We require more production capacity to keep up with the growing needs of our military. The Sarajevo arsenals are a prime candidate for expansion, so we will allocate resources immediately.''
| class="nomobile" |''We require more production capacity to keep up with the growing needs of our military. The Sarajevo arsenals are a prime candidate for expansion, so we will allocate resources immediately.''

== Modernize the Air Force branch ==
== 空军现代化线 ==
<div style="text-align:center">
Image:YUG NF Modernize the Air Force.png|700px
rect 388 12 550 122 [[#Modernize the Air Force|Modernize the Air Force]]
rect 196 142 358 252 [[#Local Developers|Local Developers]]
rect 4 272 166 382 [[#Ikarus|Ikarus]]
rect 196 272 358 382 [[#Rogozarski|Rogozarski]]
rect 388 272 550 382 [[#Zmaj|Zmaj]]
rect 196 402 358 512 [[#The IK-3|The IK-3]]
rect 100 532 262 642 [[#Heavy Fighter Project|Heavy Fighter Project]]
rect 292 532 454 642 [[#Bomber Project|Bomber Project]]
rect 580 142 742 252 [[#Purchase Foreign|Purchase Foreign]]
rect 580 272 742 382 [[#License Production|License Production]]
rect 484 402 646 512 [[#Fighter License|Fighter License]]
rect 676 402 838 512 [[#Bomber License|Bomber License]]
rect 0 0 850 650 [[:File:YUG NF Modernize the Air Force.png|Modernize the Air Force branch]]
desc none
<span style="font-size: small;">[[#main| 南斯拉夫国策树]] 中的空军线<br>点击国策图标跳转到详细注释</span>

{| class="mildtable" {{buffer}}
{| class="mildtable" {{buffer}} width="100%"
! width=" 2%" class="unsortable" | !! width=" 10%" | Focus
! width="20%" | 国策
! width="22%" class="unsortable" | Prerequisite(s)
! width="34%" | 前提条件
! width="23%" class="unsortable" | Effect(s)
! width="26%" | 效果
! width="22%" class="unsortable" | Description
! width="20%" class="nomobile" | 描述

|- id="Modernize the Air Force"
|- id="Modernize the Air Force"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_air_doctrine.png |70px]] || Modernize the Air Force
| [[File:Goal_generic_air_doctrine.png|50px]] {{ruby| 空军现代化|Modernize the Air Force}}
*No National Prerequisites
* 无前置条件
*'''1x''' {{green| 50%}} Research Bonus for: '''Air Doctrine'''.
*'''1x'''{{green|50%}} 花费减少:''' 空军学说'''.
| class="nomobile" |''Our air force is horribly outdated. If we are to have any reasonable chance of defending the airspace over our own territory, much less bring the fight to the enemy, we require a drastic program of modernization.''
| class="nomobile" |''Our air force is horribly outdated. If we are to have any reasonable chance of defending the airspace over our own territory, much less bring the fight to the enemy, we require a drastic program of modernization.''

|- id="Local Developers"
|- id="Local Developers"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_production.png |70px]] || Local Developers
| [[File:Goal_generic_production.png|50px]] {{ruby| 地方制造商|Local Developers}}
*Requires [[ File:Goal_generic_air_doctrine.png |36px]] Modernize the Air Force
* 需要:
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] does ''not'' have the focus [[ File:Goal_generic_intelligence_exchange.png |36px]] Purchase Foreign
**[[File:Goal_generic_air_doctrine.png|36px]] 空军现代化
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] 与下列国策互斥:
**[[File:Goal_generic_intelligence_exchange.png|36px]] 从海外购入
*gains the [[national spirit]]:
* 获得[[ 民族精神]]
{{Effectbox|Indigenous Designs|file=generic air research
{{Effectbox| 自主设计|file=generic air research|我们自己的技术团队便完全能够满足本国的需求。而在引导本国研发机构的过程中,我们还可以为其调拨更多的资源,进而加快设计的研究速度。
|modifiers=*Air Research Speed: {{green| +15%}}
| class="nomobile" |''Our own technical expertise is sufficient for our need. Control over our own design bureau enables to allocate more resource to it,thereby Increasing the speed of development of new designs.''
* 空军研究速度:{{green|+15%}}
第810行: 第1,649行:

|- id="Ikarus"
|- id="Ikarus"
| [[ File:Focus_yug_ikarus.png |70px]] || Ikarus
| [[File:Focus_yug_ikarus.png|50px]] {{ruby| 伊卡路斯|Ikarus}}
*Requires [[ File:Goal_generic_production.png |36px]] Local Developers
* 需要:
**[[File:Goal_generic_production.png|36px]] 地方制造商
*Unlocks this company as an  aircraft designer.
* 将该公司作为飞机设计商解锁。
*x1 Random provinces:
    Add {{green| 1}} Building Slots.
**添加{{green|1}} {{icon|Building Slot|建筑位}}
    Add  '''1''' [[ File:Military_factories.png |22px]] Military Factory.
**添加'''1''' {{icon|mic| 军用工厂}}
| class="nomobile" |''Our oldest aircraft industry, the Ikarus plants in Novi Sad must be expanded to prepare it for the increased production required for our new air force.''
| class="nomobile" |''Our oldest aircraft industry, the Ikarus plants in Novi Sad must be expanded to prepare it for the increased production required for our new air force.''

|- id="Rogozarski"
|- id="Rogozarski"
| [[ File:Focus_yug_rogozarski.png |70px]] || Rogozarski
| [[File:Focus_yug_rogozarski.png|50px]] {{ruby| 罗戈扎尔斯基|Rogozarski}}
*Requires [[ File:Goal_generic_production.png |36px]] Local Developers
* 需要:
**[[File:Goal_generic_production.png|36px]] 地方制造商
*Unlocks this company as an  aircraft designer.
* 将该公司作为飞机设计商解锁。
*x1 Random provinces:
    Add {{green| 1}} Building Slots.
**添加{{green|1}} {{icon|Building Slot|建筑位}}
    Add  '''1''' [[ File:Military_factories.png |22px]] Military Factory.
**添加'''1''' {{icon|mic| 军用工厂}}
| class="nomobile" |''Established shortly after Ikarus, the 'First Serbian Aircraft Factory of Zivojin Rogozarski' requires enlargement if it is to keep up with current demands in production.''
| class="nomobile" |''Established shortly after Ikarus, the 'First Serbian Aircraft Factory of Zivojin Rogozarski' requires enlargement if it is to keep up with current demands in production.''

|- id="Zmaj"
|- id="Zmaj"
| [[ File:Focus_yug_zmaj.png |70px]] || Zmaj
| [[File:Focus_yug_zmaj.png|50px]] {{ruby| 兹马伊|Zmaj}}
*Requires [[ File:Goal_generic_production.png |36px]] Local Developers
* 需要:
**[[File:Goal_generic_production.png|36px]] 地方制造商
*Unlocks this company as an  aircraft designer.
* 将该公司作为飞机设计商解锁。
*x1 Random provinces:
    Add {{green| 1}} Building Slots.
**添加{{green|1}} {{icon|Building Slot|建筑位}}
    Add  '''1''' [[ File:Military_factories.png |22px]] Military Factory.
**添加'''1''' {{icon|mic| 军用工厂}}
| class="nomobile" |''The Zmaj aircraft workshops of Belgrade must be allocated new areas to expand into. Though younger than our other companies, Zmaj has ample potential to meet our production needs if it is enlarged.''
| class="nomobile" |''The Zmaj aircraft workshops of Belgrade must be allocated new areas to expand into. Though younger than our other companies, Zmaj has ample potential to meet our production needs if it is enlarged.''

|- id=" The IK-3 "
|- id=" The IK-3 "
| [[ File:Goal_generic_air_fighter2.png |70px]] || The IK-3
| [[File:Goal_generic_air_fighter2.png|50px]] {{ruby| 伊卡-3|The IK-3}}
|has either one of the following focuses:
*[[ File:Focus_yug_ikarus.png |36px]] Ikarus
*[[ File:Focus_yug_rogozarski.png |36px]] Rogozarski
*[[ File:Focus_yug_zmaj.png |36px]] Zmaj
*Reduce ahead of time penalty by {{green| -75%}} or gives a {{green| 75%}} research bonus if not ahead of time. Valid for the next '''1''' researches of these technologies: ''' Fighter models''' 
* 需要至少一个:
**[[File:Focus_yug_ikarus.png|36px]] 伊卡路斯
**[[File:Focus_yug_rogozarski.png|36px]] 罗戈扎尔斯基
**[[File:Focus_yug_zmaj.png|36px]] 兹马伊
*减少{{green|2.0}} 的超前惩罚,如果没有惩罚则获得{{green|300%}} 的研究加成。对下'''1''' 次研究''' 轻型战斗机型号''' 时有效
| class="nomobile" |''Working in secret in their spare time, a trio of engineers has come up with a remarkable proposal for a replacement to our current foreign-built fighter aircraft. With the appropriate support, production would likely soon be possible.''
| class="nomobile" |''Working in secret in their spare time, a trio of engineers has come up with a remarkable proposal for a replacement to our current foreign-built fighter aircraft. With the appropriate support, production would likely soon be possible.''

|- id="Heavy Fighter Project"
|- id="Heavy Fighter Project"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_air_fighter.png |70px]] || Heavy Fighter Project
| [[File:Goal_generic_air_fighter.png|50px]] {{ruby| 重型战斗机项目|Heavy Fighter Project}}
*Requires [[ File:Goal_generic_air_fighter2.png |36px]] The IK-3
* 需要:
**[[File:Goal_generic_air_fighter2.png|36px]] 伊卡-3
*'''1x''' {{green| 50%}} Research Bonus for: '''Heavy Fighter models'''.
*'''1x'''{{green|100%}} 研究加成:''' 重型战斗机型号'''
| class="nomobile" |''Our fighters must be able to support the more vulnerable bomber airplanes. This requires heavier armament and longer range at the cost of some speed and maneuverability.''
| class="nomobile" |''Our fighters must be able to support the more vulnerable bomber airplanes. This requires heavier armament and longer range at the cost of some speed and maneuverability.''

|- id="Bomber Project"
|- id="Bomber Project"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_air_bomber.png |70px]] || Bomber Project
| [[File:Goal_generic_air_bomber.png|50px]] {{ruby| 轰炸机项目|Bomber Project}}
*Requires [[ File:Goal_generic_air_fighter2.png |36px]] The IK-3
* 需要:
**[[File:Goal_generic_air_fighter2.png|36px]] 伊卡-3
*'''1x''' {{green| 50%}} Research Bonus for: '''Tactical Bomber models'''.
*'''1x'''{{green|100%}} 研究加成:''' 战术轰炸机型号'''
| class="nomobile" |''To bring the fight to the enemy we require bombers. Our engineers must be tasked with developing new domestic designs of this type.''
| class="nomobile" |''To bring the fight to the enemy we require bombers. Our engineers must be tasked with developing new domestic designs of this type.''

|- id="Purchase Foreign"
|- id="Purchase Foreign"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_intelligence_exchange.png |70px]] || Purchase Foreign
| [[File:Goal_generic_intelligence_exchange.png|50px]] {{ruby| 从海外购入|Purchase Foreign}}
*Requires [[ File:Goal_generic_air_doctrine.png |36px]] Modernize the Air Force
* 需要:
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] does ''not'' have the focus [[ File:Goal_generic_production.png |36px]] Local Developers
**[[File:Goal_generic_air_doctrine.png|36px]] 空军现代化
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] 与下列国策互斥:
**[[File:Goal_generic_production.png|36px]] 地方制造商
*{{flag|German Reich}} Gets event ' '''Yugoslavian requests sale of airplanes''' '.
*{{ 国旗|German Reich}} 触发事件[[Yugoslavian events 2#DOD_yugoslavia.20|'''[YUG.GetName]购入飞机申请''']]
*{{flag|Italy}} Gets event ' '''Yugoslavian requests sale of airplanes''' '.
*{{ 国旗|Italy}} 触发事件[[Yugoslavian events 2#DOD_yugoslavia.20|'''[YUG.GetName]购入飞机申请''']]
*{{flag|United Kingdom}} Gets event ' '''Yugoslavian requests sale of airplanes''' '.
*{{ 国旗|United Kingdom}} 触发事件[[Yugoslavian events 2#DOD_yugoslavia.20|'''[YUG.GetName]购入飞机申请''']]
*{{flag|France}} Gets event ' '''Yugoslavian requests sale of airplanes''' '.
*{{ 国旗|France}} 触发事件[[Yugoslavian events 2#DOD_yugoslavia.20|'''[YUG.GetName]购入飞机申请''']]
| class="nomobile" |''There are other nations that have spent far more resources in developing good fighter aircraft than we ever could. We should purchase their aircraft rather than go through the painstaking process of trial and error to develop our own."
| class="nomobile" |''There are other nations that have spent far more resources in developing good fighter aircraft than we ever could. We should purchase their aircraft rather than go through the painstaking process of trial and error to develop our own."

|- id="License Production"
|- id="License Production"
| [[ File:Focus_generic_license_production.png |70px]] || License Production
| [[File:Focus_generic_license_production.png|50px]] {{ruby| 生产许可|License Production}}
*Requires [[ File:Goal_generic_intelligence_exchange.png |36px]] Purchase Foreign
* 需要:
**[[File:Goal_generic_intelligence_exchange.png|36px]] 从海外购入
*gains the [[national spirit]]:
* 获得[[ 民族精神]]
{{Effectbox|License Production|file=generic license production
{{Effectbox| 生产许可|file=generic license production|新飞机可以在有许可的情况下由我们自己生产。我们会尽快开始协商谈判。
|modifiers=*Air license purchase cost: {{green| -50%}}
| class="nomobile" |''The process of acquiring new airplanes could be facilitated by producing them ourselves, under license. We will set up such an arrangement as soon as possible.''
* 空军装备购买许可生产花费:{{green|-50%}}
第894行: 第1,742行:

|- id="Fighter License"
|- id="Fighter License"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_air_fighter.png |70px]] || Fighter License
| [[File:Goal_generic_air_fighter.png|50px]] {{ruby| 战斗机生产许可|Fighter License}}
*Requires [[ File:Focus_generic_license_production.png |36px]] License Production
* 需要:
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] does ''not'' have the focus [[ File:Goal_generic_air_bomber.png |36px]] Bomber License
**[[File:Focus_generic_license_production.png|36px]] 生产许可
* 尚未研究''' 伊卡路斯 S-49''' 科技
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub>Additional prerequisites:
* 尚未研究''' 内纳多维奇- 米特罗维奇''' 科技
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
*Has not technology '''Ikarus S-49'''
**{{ 国旗|German Reich}}
*Has not technology '''Nenadovic-Mitrovic'''
***必须能提供现代化战斗机并与 {{ 国旗|Yugoslavia}} 处于和平
*{{flag|German Reich}} Must have modern fighter to offer and be at peace at {{flag|Yugoslavia}}
**{{ 国旗|Italy}}
*{{flag|Italy}} Must have modern fighter to offer and be at peace at {{flag|Yugoslavia}}
***必须能提供现代化战斗机并与 {{ 国旗|Yugoslavia}} 处于和平
*{{flag|United Kingdom}} Must have modern fighter to offer and be at peace at {{flag|Yugoslavia}}
**{{ 国旗|United Kingdom}}
*{{flag|France}} Must have modern fighter to offer and be at peace at {{flag|Yugoslavia}}
***必须能提供现代化战斗机并与 {{ 国旗|Yugoslavia}} 处于和平
*{{flag|United States}} Must have modern fighter to offer and be at peace at {{flag|Yugoslavia}}
**{{ 国旗|France}}
{{red|<sub>This focus will cancel if the requirements are not met.</sub>}}</div>
***必须能提供现代化战斗机并与 {{ 国旗|Yugoslavia}} 处于和平
**{{ 国旗|United States}}
***必须能提供现代化战斗机并与 {{ 国旗|Yugoslavia}} 处于和平
**[[File:Goal_generic_air_bomber.png|36px]] 轰炸机生产许可
*Gets event ' '''Fighter Competition''' '.
* 触发事件[[Yugoslavian events 2#DOD_yugoslavia.150|''' 战斗机竞标''']]
| class="nomobile" |''We must focus on the licensed production of fighter airplanes for our air force, as bombers are useless without fighter cover anyway.''
| class="nomobile" |''We must focus on the licensed production of fighter airplanes for our air force, as bombers are useless without fighter cover anyway.''

|- id="Bomber License"
|- id="Bomber License"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_air_bomber.png |70px]] || Bomber License
| [[File:Goal_generic_air_bomber.png|50px]] {{ruby| 轰炸机生产许可|Bomber License}}
*Requires [[ File:Focus_generic_license_production.png |36px]] License Production
* 需要:
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] does ''not'' have the focus [[ File:Goal_generic_air_fighter.png |36px]] Fighter License
**[[File:Focus_generic_license_production.png|36px]] 生产许可
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub>Additional prerequisites:
* 尚未研究科技''' 伊卡路斯 台风'''
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
* 尚未研究科技''' 兹马伊 R-1'''
*Has not technology '''Ikarus Tajfun'''
*Has not technology '''Zmaj R-1'''
**{{ 国旗|German Reich}}
*{{flag|German Reich}} Must have modern bomber to offer and be at peace at {{flag|Yugoslavia}}
***必须能提供现代化轰炸机并与 {{ 国旗|Yugoslavia}} 处于和平
*{{flag|Italy}} Must have modern bomber to offer and be at peace at {{flag|Yugoslavia}}
**{{ 国旗|Italy}}
*{{flag|United Kingdom}} Must have modern bomber to offer and be at peace at {{flag|Yugoslavia}}
***必须能提供现代化轰炸机并与 {{ 国旗|Yugoslavia}} 处于和平
*{{flag|France}} Must have modern bomber to offer and be at peace at {{flag|Yugoslavia}}
**{{ 国旗|United Kingdom}}
*{{flag|United States}} Must have modern bomber to offer and be at peace at {{flag|Yugoslavia}}
***必须能提供现代化轰炸机并与 {{ 国旗|Yugoslavia}} 处于和平
{{red|<sub>This focus will cancel if the requirements are not met.</sub>}}</div>
**{{ 国旗|France}}
***必须能提供现代化轰炸机并与 {{ 国旗|Yugoslavia}} 处于和平
**{{ 国旗|United States}}
***必须能提供现代化轰炸机并与 {{ 国旗|Yugoslavia}} 处于和平
**[[File:Goal_generic_air_fighter.png|36px]] 战斗机生产许可
*Gets event ' '''Bomber Competition''' '.
* 触发事件[[Yugoslavian events 2#DOD_yugoslavia.160|''' 轰炸机竞标''']]
| class="nomobile" |''The air opens up new possibilities of taking the fight to the enemy, and bombers, therefore, are what we must focus all our licensed production on.''
| class="nomobile" |''The air opens up new possibilities of taking the fight to the enemy, and bombers, therefore, are what we must focus all our licensed production on.''

== Army Modernization branch ==
== 军队现代化线 ==
<div style="text-align:center">
Image:YUG NF Army Modernization .png|900px
rect 492 8 654 118 [[#Army Modernization|Army Modernization]]
rect 204 138 366 248 [[#Motorize the Cavalry|Motorize the Cavalry]]
rect 12 268 174 378 [[#Motorized Logistics|Motorized Logistics]]
rect 204 268 366 378 [[#Armored Cavalry|Armored Cavalry]]
rect 12 398 174 508 [[#Tank Conversions|Tank Conversions]]
rect 204 398 366 508 [[#Modern Tanks|Modern Tanks]]
rect 204 528 366 638 [[#Tank Licenses|Tank Licenses]]
rect 396 138 558 248 [[#Small Arms|Small Arms]]
rect 396 268 558 378 [[#Domestic Artillery Production|Domestic Artillery Production]]
rect 396 398 558 508 [[#Anti-tank Defenses|Anti-tank Defenses]]
rect 588 138 750 248 [[#Mountain Brigades|Mountain Brigades]]
rect 588 268 750 378 [[#Independent Engineer Regiments|Independent Engineer Regiments]]
rect 588 398 750 508 [[#Motorized Recon Companies|Motorized Recon Companies]]
rect 588 528 750 638 [[#Form Parachute Battalions|Form Parachute Battalions]]
rect 876 138 1038 248 [[#Army Maneuvers|Army Maneuvers]]
rect 780 268 942 378 [[#Supremacy of Offense|Supremacy of Offense]]
rect 972 268 1134 378 [[#Supremacy of Defense|Supremacy of Defense]]
rect 876 398 1038 508 [[#Artillery Regiments|Artillery Regiments]]
rect 0 0 1150 650 [[:File:YUG NF Army Modernization .png|Army Modernization branch]]
desc none
<span style="font-size: small;">[[#main| 南斯拉夫国策树]] 中的陆军线<br>点击国策图标跳转到详细注释</span>

{| class="mildtable" {{buffer}}
{| class="mildtable" {{buffer}} width="100%"
! width=" 2%" class="unsortable" | !! width=" 10%" | Focus
! width="20%" | 国策
! width="22%" class="unsortable" | Prerequisite(s)
! width="30%" | 前提条件
! width="23%" class="unsortable" | Effect(s)
! width="30%" | 效果
! width="22%" class="unsortable" | Description
! width="20%" class="nomobile" | 描述

|- id="Army Modernization"
|- id="Army Modernization"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_army_doctrines.png |70px]] || Army Modernization
| [[File:Goal_generic_army_doctrines.png|50px]] {{ruby| 军队现代化|Army Modernization}}
*No National Prerequisites
* 无前置国策
*{{iconify|Army experience}}: {{green|+25}}.
*{{icon|Army exp|陆军经验}} {{green|+25}}
| class="nomobile" |''The ways of war have changed since the last conflict, and we must ensure that our army keeps up with the times by modernizing its equipment and tactics.''
| class="nomobile" |''The ways of war have changed since the last conflict, and we must ensure that our army keeps up with the times by modernizing its equipment and tactics.''

|- id="Motorize the Cavalry"
|- id="Motorize the Cavalry"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_cavalry.png |70px]] || Motorize the Cavalry
| [[File:Goal_generic_cavalry.png|50px]] {{ruby| 骑兵摩托化|Motorize the Cavalry}}
*Requires [[ File:Goal_generic_army_doctrines.png |36px]] Army Modernization
* 需要:
**[[File:Goal_generic_army_doctrines.png|36px]] 军队现代化
*'''1x''' {{green| 50%}} Research Bonus for: '''VTZ YS-4403'''.
*'''1x'''{{green|300%}} 研究加成:'''VTZ YS-4403'''
| class="nomobile" |''New developments in automotive engineering have revolutionized potential the speed and mobility of army units. Our cavalry units must forego the horse and be equipped with trucks instead.''
| class="nomobile" |''New developments in automotive engineering have revolutionized potential the speed and mobility of army units. Our cavalry units must forego the horse and be equipped with trucks instead.''

|- id="Motorized Logistics"
|- id="Motorized Logistics"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_army_motorized.png |70px]] || Motorized Logistics
| [[File:Goal_generic_army_motorized.png|50px]] {{ruby| 摩托化后勤|Motorized Logistics}}
*Requires [[ File:Goal_generic_cavalry.png |36px]] Motorize the Cavalry
* 需要:
**[[File:Goal_generic_cavalry.png|36px]] 骑兵摩托化
*'''2x''' {{green| 50%}} Research Bonus for: '''Field Hospitals and Logistics Company'''.
*'''2x'''{{green|100%}} 研究加成:''' 野战医院'''和'''后勤连'''
| class="nomobile" |''Motorization opens up promising new ways of ensuring bare essentials and specialized equipment keeps up with the frontline troops. This enables us to ensure our forces are always in the best fighting condition.''
| class="nomobile" |''Motorization opens up promising new ways of ensuring bare essentials and specialized equipment keeps up with the frontline troops. This enables us to ensure our forces are always in the best fighting condition.''

|- id="Armored Cavalry"
|- id="Armored Cavalry"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_build_tank.png |70px]] || Armored Cavalry
| [[File:Goal_generic_build_tank.png|50px]] {{ruby| 装甲骑兵|Armored Cavalry}}
*Requires [[ File:Goal_generic_cavalry.png |36px]] Motorize the Cavalry
* 需要:
**[[File:Goal_generic_cavalry.png|36px]] 骑兵摩托化
*'''1x''' {{green| 50%}} Research Bonus for: '''Mechanized models'''.
*'''1x'''{{green|100%}} 花费减少:''' 机械化装备型号'''
| class="nomobile" |''Slapping armor on our troop transports greatly improves their survivability, fighting strength, and morale. This, however, requires a new type of at least partly-tracked vehicle that can carry the added weight without becoming stuck in the terrain, while also sporting weaponry of its own.''
| class="nomobile" |''Slapping armor on our troop transports greatly improves their survivability, fighting strength, and morale. This, however, requires a new type of at least partly-tracked vehicle that can carry the added weight without becoming stuck in the terrain, while also sporting weaponry of its own.''

|- id="Tank Conversions"
|- id="Tank Conversions"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_production2.png |70px]] || Tank Conversions
| [[File:Goal_generic_production2.png|50px]] {{ruby| 转换战车用途|Tank Conversions}}
*Requires [[ File:Goal_generic_build_tank.png |36px]] Armored Cavalry
* 需要:
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] does ''not'' have the focus [[ File:Goal_generic_army_tanks.png |36px]] Modern Tanks
**[[File:Goal_generic_build_tank.png|36px]] 装甲骑兵
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] 与下列国策互斥:
**[[File:Goal_generic_army_tanks.png|36px]] 现代战车
*gets the [[national spirit]]:
*gets the [[ 民族精神]]
{{Effectbox|Tank Conversion|file=Idea generic artillery manufacturer 2
{{Effectbox| 转换战车用途|file=Idea generic artillery manufacturer 2
|modifiers=*Conversion speed bonus: {{green| +5%}}
|modifiers=* 改装速度:{{green|+5%}}
第991行: 第1,876行:

|- id="Modern Tanks"
|- id="Modern Tanks"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_army_tanks.png |70px]] || Modern Tanks
| [[File:Goal_generic_army_tanks.png|50px]] {{ruby| 现代战车|Modern Tanks}}
*Requires [[ File:Goal_generic_build_tank.png |36px]] Armored Cavalry
* 需要:
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] does ''not'' have the focus [[ File:Goal_generic_production2.png |36px]] Tank Conversions
**[[File:Goal_generic_build_tank.png|36px]] 装甲骑兵
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] 与下列国策互斥:
**[[File:Goal_generic_production2.png|36px]] 转换战车用途
*'''1x''' {{green| 50%}} Research Bonus for: '''Armor Technology'''.
*'''1x'''{{green|100%}} 花费减少:''' 装甲科技'''
| class="nomobile" |''Through the addition of large-caliber main weaponry, armored technology has developed well beyond the simple intention of safely transporting forces from point A to point B. We must develop our own version of modern tanks to be able to compete with our neighbors."
| class="nomobile" |''Through the addition of large-caliber main weaponry, armored technology has developed well beyond the simple intention of safely transporting forces from point A to point B. We must develop our own version of modern tanks to be able to compete with our neighbors."

|- id="Tank Licenses"
|- id="Tank Licenses"
| [[ File:Focus_generic_license_production.png |70px]] || Tank Licenses
| [[File:Focus_generic_license_production.png|50px]] {{ruby| 坦克生产许可|Tank Licenses}}
*Requires [[ File:Goal_generic_army_tanks.png |36px]] Modern Tanks
* 需要:
**[[File:Goal_generic_army_tanks.png|36px]] 现代战车
*gains the [[national spirit]]:
* 获得[[ 民族精神]]
{{Effectbox|Tank Licenses|file=generic acquire tanks
{{Effectbox| 坦克生产许可|file=generic acquire tanks|比起将我们为数不多的资源用于发展自研坦克原型上,我们可以在有授权的情况下更高效地生产外国研发型号。
|modifiers=*Armor license purchase cost: {{green| -50%}}
| class="nomobile" |''Rather than spend our limited resources on developing our own tank models, we could much more efficiently simply produce foreign models under license.''
* 装甲车辆生产许可购买花费:{{green|-50%}}
第1,013行: 第1,901行:

|- id="Small Arms"
|- id="Small Arms"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_small_arms.png |70px]] || Small Arms
| [[File:Goal_generic_small_arms.png|50px]] {{ruby| 轻武器|Small Arms}}
*Requires [[ File:Goal_generic_army_doctrines.png |36px]] Army Modernization
* 需要:
**[[File:Goal_generic_army_doctrines.png|36px]] 军队现代化
*'''1x''' {{green| 50%}} Research Bonus for: '''Infantry Weapons'''.
*'''1x'''{{green|100%}} 研究加成:''' 步兵武器'''
| class="nomobile" |''Infantry is the backbone of any army, and we must ensure they are equipped to the best of our ability. We must drive the development of new and modern weapon models.''
| class="nomobile" |''Infantry is the backbone of any army, and we must ensure they are equipped to the best of our ability. We must drive the development of new and modern weapon models.''

|- id="Domestic Artillery Production"
|- id="Domestic Artillery Production"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_construct_military.png |70px]] || Domestic Artillery Production
| [[File:Goal_generic_construct_military.png|50px]] {{ruby| 生产国研火炮|Domestic Artillery Production}}
*Requires [[ File:Goal_generic_small_arms.png |36px]] Small Arms
* 需要:
**[[File:Goal_generic_small_arms.png|36px]] 轻武器
*'''1x''' {{green| 50%}} Research Bonus for: '''Support Artillery'''.
*'''1x'''{{green|100%}} 研究加成:''' 火炮支援连'''
| class="nomobile" |''By stimulating the development of modern, domestic artillery models, we can ensure that our forces have the best fire support we can provide.''
| class="nomobile" |''By stimulating the development of modern, domestic artillery models, we can ensure that our forces have the best fire support we can provide.''

|- id="Anti-tank Defenses"
|- id="Anti-tank Defenses"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_army_artillery2.png |70px]] || Anti-tank Defenses
| [[File:Goal_generic_army_artillery2.png|50px]] {{ruby| 反坦克防御|Anti-tank Defenses}}
*Requires [[ File:Goal_generic_construct_military.png |36px]] Domestic Artillery Production
* 需要:
**[[File:Goal_generic_construct_military.png|36px]] 生产国研火炮
*'''1x''' {{green| 75%}} Research Bonus for: '''Anti-tank'''.
*'''1x'''{{green|300%}} 研究加成:''' 反坦克炮型号'''
| class="nomobile" |''As the tank has taken center field in modern warfare new developments are required in the field of anti-tank field guns, allowing our infantry to take out these armored behemoths.''
| class="nomobile" |''As the tank has taken center field in modern warfare new developments are required in the field of anti-tank field guns, allowing our infantry to take out these armored behemoths.''

|- id="Mountain Brigades"
|- id="Mountain Brigades"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_special_forces.png |70px]] || Mountain Brigades
| [[File:Goal_generic_special_forces.png|50px]] {{ruby| 山地旅|Mountain Brigades}}
*Requires [[ File:Goal_generic_army_doctrines.png |36px]] Army Modernization
* 需要:
**[[File:Goal_generic_army_doctrines.png|36px]] 军队现代化
*'''1x''' {{green| 75%}} Research Bonus for: '''Mountaineers Technology'''.
*'''1x'''{{green|300%}} 研究加成:''' 山地步兵科技'''
| class="nomobile" |''Large parts of our nation consists of mountains, requiring the formation of special brigades that are specialized in combat in this type of terrain.''
| class="nomobile" |''Large parts of our nation consists of mountains, requiring the formation of special brigades that are specialized in combat in this type of terrain.''

|- id="Independent Engineer Regiments"
|- id="Independent Engineer Regiments"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_production.png |70px]] || Independent Engineer Regiments
| [[File:Goal_generic_production.png|50px]] {{ruby| 独立工程兵团|Independent Engineer Regiments}}
*Requires [[ File:Goal_generic_special_forces.png |36px]] Mountain Brigades
* 需要:
**[[File:Goal_generic_special_forces.png|36px]] 山地旅
*'''1x''' {{green| 75%}} Research Bonus for: '''Engineers Technology'''.
*'''1x'''{{green|300%}} 研究加成:''' 工兵科技'''
| class="nomobile" |''Mobility is key in modern military doctrine, though the terrain might not always allow this. Dedicated engineer regiments, embedded in our divisions, will work to facilitate the division's movement through any form of terrain.''
| class="nomobile" |''Mobility is key in modern military doctrine, though the terrain might not always allow this. Dedicated engineer regiments, embedded in our divisions, will work to facilitate the division's movement through any form of terrain.''

|- id="Motorized Recon Companies"
|- id="Motorized Recon Companies"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_military_sphere.png |70px]] || Motorized Recon Companies
| [[File:Goal_generic_military_sphere.png|50px]] {{ruby| 摩托化侦察连|Motorized Recon Companies}}
*Requires [[ File:Goal_generic_production.png |36px]] Independent Engineer Regiments
* 需要:
**[[File:Goal_generic_production.png|36px]] 独立工程兵团
*'''1x''' {{green| 75%}} Research Bonus for: '''Reconnaissance Company'''.
*'''1x'''{{green|300%}} 研究加成:''' 侦察连'''
| class="nomobile" |''To obtain adequate information on the enemy formations and their positions, we require dedicated, motorized recon companies that can cover large distances ahead of the advance of our main body.''
| class="nomobile" |''To obtain adequate information on the enemy formations and their positions, we require dedicated, motorized recon companies that can cover large distances ahead of the advance of our main body.''

|- id="Form Parachute Battalions"
|- id="Form Parachute Battalions"
| [[ File:Focus_generic_paratrooper.png |70px]] || Form Parachute Battalions
| [[File:Focus_generic_paratrooper.png|50px]] {{ruby| 组建伞兵营|Form Parachute Battalions}}
*Requires [[ File:Goal_generic_military_sphere.png |36px]] Motorized Recon Companies
* 需要:
**[[File:Goal_generic_military_sphere.png|36px]] 摩托化侦察连
*'''1x''' {{green| 75%}} Research Bonus for: '''Airborne Technology'''.
*'''1x'''{{green|300%}} 研究加成:''' 空降科技'''
| class="nomobile" |''By utilizing the third dimension we are able to strike locations from unexpected directions, far behind enemy lines. Establishing specialized airborne battalions will ensure we get the most use out of our air power.''
| class="nomobile" |''By utilizing the third dimension we are able to strike locations from unexpected directions, far behind enemy lines. Establishing specialized airborne battalions will ensure we get the most use out of our air power.''

|- id="Army Maneuvers"
|- id="Army Maneuvers"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_army_doctrines.png |70px]] || Army Maneuvers
| [[File:Goal_generic_army_doctrines.png|50px]] {{ruby| 军队演习|Army Maneuvers}}
*Requires [[ File:Goal_generic_army_doctrines.png |36px]] Army Modernization
* 需要:
**[[File:Goal_generic_army_doctrines.png|36px]] 军队现代化
*'''1x''' {{green| 50%}} Research Bonus for: '''Land Doctrine'''.
*'''1x'''{{green|50%}} 花费减少:''' 陆军学说'''
| class="nomobile" |''To whip our army in shape new maneuvers must be held. The experience will also undoubtedly lead to new insights in modern warfare.''
| class="nomobile" |''To whip our army in shape new maneuvers must be held. The experience will also undoubtedly lead to new insights in modern warfare.''

|- id="Supremacy of Offense"
|- id="Supremacy of Offense"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_military_deal.png |70px]] || Supremacy of Offense
| [[File:Goal_generic_military_deal.png|50px]] {{ruby| 优越攻势|Supremacy of Offense}}
*Requires [[ File:Goal_generic_army_doctrines.png |36px]] Army Maneuvers
* 需要:
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] does ''not'' have the focus [[ File:Goal_generic_position_armies.png |36px]] Supremacy of Defense
**[[File:Goal_generic_army_doctrines.png|36px]] 军队演习
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] 与下列国策互斥:
**[[File:Goal_generic_position_armies.png|36px]] 优越防御
*'''1x''' {{green| 50%}} Research Bonus for: '''Mobile Warfare Doctrine and Superior Firepower Doctrine'''.
*'''2x'''{{green|50%}} 花费减少:''' 机动作战学说'''和'''优势火力学说'''.
| class="nomobile" |''Offensive action is the key to victory, and must therefore dictate our overall strategy and the development of new doctrines.''
| class="nomobile" |''Offensive action is the key to victory, and must therefore dictate our overall strategy and the development of new doctrines.''

|- id="Supremacy of Defense"
|- id="Supremacy of Defense"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_position_armies.png |70px]] || Supremacy of Defense
| [[File:Goal_generic_position_armies.png|50px]] {{ruby| 优越防御|Supremacy of Defense}}
*Requires [[ File:Goal_generic_army_doctrines.png |36px]] Army Maneuvers
* 需要:
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] does ''not'' have the focus [[ File:Goal_generic_military_deal.png |36px]] Supremacy of Offense
**[[File:Goal_generic_army_doctrines.png|36px]] 军队演习
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] 与下列国策互斥:
**[[File:Goal_generic_military_deal.png|36px]] 优越攻势
*'''1x''' {{green| 50%}} Research Bonus for: '''Grand Battleplan Doctrine and Mass Assault Doctrine'''.
*'''2x'''{{green|50%}} 花费减少:''' 决战计划学说'''和'''人海突击学说'''
| class="nomobile" |''Hemmed in by enemies on all sides, we must hold out long enough for our allies to take the heat off us. The development of new military doctrines must focus on the defense of our homeland.''
| class="nomobile" |''Hemmed in by enemies on all sides, we must hold out long enough for our allies to take the heat off us. The development of new military doctrines must focus on the defense of our homeland.''

|- id="Artillery Regiments"
|- id="Artillery Regiments"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_army_artillery.png |70px]] || Artillery Regiments
| [[File:Goal_generic_army_artillery.png|50px]] {{ruby| 炮兵团|Artillery Regiments}}
|has either one of the following focuses:
* [[ File:Goal_generic_military_deal.png |36px]] Supremacy of Offense
* [[ File:Goal_generic_position_armies.png |36px]] Supremacy of Defense
** [[File:Goal_generic_military_deal.png|36px]] 优越攻势
** [[File:Goal_generic_position_armies.png|36px]] 优越防御
*gets the [[national spirit]]:
* 获得[[ 民族精神]]
{{Effectbox|Artillery Regiments|file=generic artillery regiments
{{Effectbox| 炮兵团|file=generic artillery regiments|通过将强力的炮兵团纳入我军师编制中,其综合战斗力将得到显著提升。
|modifiers=*'''Towed Artillery''':[[ File:Production_Cost.png |22px]] Production Cost{{green| -5%}}
*''' 牵引式火炮''' :{{icon|Production Cost|生产花费}}:{{green|-5.00%}}
第1,108行: 第2,010行:

== 扩建造船厂线 ==
<div style="text-align:center">
Image:YUG NF Expand the Shipyards.png|500px
rect 102 16 264 126 [[#Expand the Split Shipyards|Expand the Split Shipyards]]
rect 102 146 264 256 [[#Contest the Adriatic|Contest the Adriatic]]
rect 6 276 168 386 [[#Replace the Dalmacija|Replace the Dalmacija]]
rect 6 406 168 516 [[#Heavy Cruiser Project|Heavy Cruiser Project]]
rect 390 16 552 126 [[#Expand the Serbian Shipyards|Expand the Serbian Shipyards]]
rect 294 146 456 256 [[#Coastal Defense|Coastal Defense]]
rect 198 276 360 386 [[#Naval Bombers|Naval Bombers]]
rect 198 406 360 516 [[#Modern Destroyers|Modern Destroyers]]
rect 390 276 552 386 [[#Expand the Submarine Fleet|Expand the Submarine Fleet]]
rect 0 0 566 526 [[:File:YUG NF Expand the Shipyards.png|Expand the Shipyards branch]]
desc none
<span style="font-size: small;">[[#main|南斯拉夫国策树]]中的海军线。<br>点击国策图标跳转到详细注释。</span>

{| class="mildtable" {{buffer}} width="100%"
== Expand the Shipyard branch ==
! width="20%" | 国策
! width="30%" | 前提条件
! width="30%" | 效果
{| class="mildtable" {{buffer}}
! width="20%" class="nomobile" | 描述
! width=" 2%" class="unsortable" | !! width=" 10%" | Focus
! width="22%" class="unsortable" | Prerequisite(s)
! width="23%" class="unsortable" | Effect(s)
! width="22%" class="unsortable" | Description

|- id="Expand the Split Shipyards"
|- id="Expand the Split Shipyards"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_construct_naval_dockyard.png |70px]] || Expand the Split Shipyards
| [[File:Goal_generic_construct_naval_dockyard.png|50px]] {{ruby| 扩建斯普利特造船厂|Expand the Split Shipyards}}
*No National Prerequisites
* 无前置国策
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] does ''not'' have the focus [[ File:Goal_generic_construct_naval_dockyard.png|36px]] Expand the Serbian Shipyards
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub>Additional prerequisites:
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
*Has full control of '''Dalmatia'''
{{red|<sub>This focus will cancel if the requirements are not met.</sub>}}</div>
****与 {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}处于同一阵营中
****是 {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}的附属国
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] 与下列国策互斥:
[[File:Goal_generic_construct_naval_dockyard.png|36px]] 扩建塞尔维亚造船厂</div>
    Add {{green| 2}} Building Slots.
*添加{{green|2}} {{icon|Building Slot|建筑位}}
    Add  '''2''' [[ File:Naval_dockyards.png |22px]] Naval Dockyard.
*添加'''2''' {{icon|nic| 海军船坞}}
| class="nomobile" |''Our pre-existing shipbuilding industry in Dalmatia is a prime candidate for expansion, and has ample facilities allowing for larger warships. However, Croatian clamor for increased autonomy might well lead us to lose direct control over the facilities eventually.''
| class="nomobile" |''Our pre-existing shipbuilding industry in Dalmatia is a prime candidate for expansion, and has ample facilities allowing for larger warships. However, Croatian clamor for increased autonomy might well lead us to lose direct control over the facilities eventually.''

|- id="Contest the Adriatic"
|- id="Contest the Adriatic"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_navy_doctrines_tactics.png |70px]] || Contest the Adriatic
| [[File:Goal_generic_navy_doctrines_tactics.png|50px]] {{ruby| 争夺亚得里亚海制海权|Contest the Adriatic}}
*Requires [[ File:Goal_generic_construct_naval_dockyard.png|36px]] Expand the Split Shipyards
* 需要:
**[[File:Goal_generic_construct_naval_dockyard.png|36px]] 扩建斯普利特造船厂
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub>Additional prerequisites:
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
*Any owned state:
  Is Coastal.
{{red|<sub>This focus will cancel if the requirements are not met.</sub>}}</div>
*'''2x''' {{green| 50%}} Research Bonus for: '''Naval Doctrine'''.
*'''2x'''{{green|50%}} 花费减少:''' 海军学说'''
| class="nomobile" |''The defense of our shores begins in the sea that lies beyond them. We must develop new naval tactics and strategies to wrest control or at least contest the Adriatic Sea.''
| class="nomobile" |''The defense of our shores begins in the sea that lies beyond them. We must develop new naval tactics and strategies to wrest control or at least contest the Adriatic Sea.''

|- id="Replace the Dalmacija"
|- id="Replace the Dalmacija"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_navy_cruiser.png |70px]] || Replace the Dalmacija
| [[File:Goal_generic_navy_cruiser.png|50px]] {{ruby| 替换达尔马提亚号|Replace the Dalmacija}}
*Requires [[ File:Goal_generic_navy_doctrines_tactics.png|36px]] Contest the Adriatic
* 需要:
**[[File:Goal_generic_navy_doctrines_tactics.png|36px]] 争夺亚得里亚海制海权
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub>Additional prerequisites:
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
*Any owned state:
  Is Coastal.
{{red|<sub>This focus will cancel if the requirements are not met.</sub>}}</div>
*'''1x''' {{green| 50%}} Research Bonus for: '''Light Cruiser models'''.
*'''1x'''{{green|100%}} 研究加成:''' 轻巡洋舰型号'''
| class="nomobile" |''The old German cruiser Dalmacija is of an aging design. We require a new, modern ship of a cruiser type to replace it and serve as the backbone of our Adriatic fleet.''
| class="nomobile" |''The old German cruiser Dalmacija is of an aging design. We require a new, modern ship of a cruiser type to replace it and serve as the backbone of our Adriatic fleet.''

|- id="Heavy Cruiser Project"
|- id="Heavy Cruiser Project"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_navy_battleship.png |70px]] || Heavy Cruiser Project
| [[File:Goal_generic_navy_battleship.png|50px]] {{ruby| 重巡洋舰发展项目|Heavy Cruiser Project}}
*Requires [[ File:Goal_generic_navy_cruiser.png|36px]] Replace the Dalmacija
* 需要:
**[[File:Goal_generic_navy_cruiser.png|36px]] 替换达尔马提亚号
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub>Additional prerequisites:
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
*Any owned state:
  Is Coastal.
{{red|<sub>This focus will cancel if the requirements are not met.</sub>}}</div>
*'''1x''' {{green| 50%}} Research Bonus for: '''Heavy Cruiser models'''.
*'''1x'''{{green|100%}} 研究加成:''' 重巡洋舰型号'''
| class="nomobile" |''To adequately challenge hostile navies we require larger tonnage and heavier armaments. Heavy cruisers would be a good step up from the light cruisers we have thus far used as the mainstays for our fleet.''
| class="nomobile" |''To adequately challenge hostile navies we require larger tonnage and heavier armaments. Heavy cruisers would be a good step up from the light cruisers we have thus far used as the mainstays for our fleet.''

|- id="Expand the Serbian Shipyards"
|- id="Expand the Serbian Shipyards"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_construct_naval_dockyard.png |70px]] || Expand the Serbian Shipyards
| [[File:Goal_generic_construct_naval_dockyard.png|50px]] {{ruby| 扩建塞尔维亚造船厂|Expand the Serbian Shipyards}}
*No National Prerequisites
* 无前置国策
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] does ''not'' have the focus [[ File:Goal_generic_construct_naval_dockyard.png|36px]] Expand the Split Shipyards
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub>Additional prerequisites:
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
*Has full control of '''Montenegro'''
{{red|<sub>This focus will cancel if the requirements are not met.</sub>}}</div>
****与 {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}处于同一阵营中
****是 {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}的附属国
*[[File:ExclusiveM.png|22px]] 与下列国策互斥:
**[[File:Goal_generic_construct_naval_dockyard.png|36px]] 扩建斯普利特造船厂
* ({{s|Montenegro}}):
    Add {{green| 2}} Building Slots.
*添加{{green|2}} {{icon|Building Slot|建筑位}}
    Add  '''2''' [[ File:Naval_dockyards.png |22px]] Naval Dockyard.
*添加'''2''' {{icon|nic|海军船坞}}
| class="nomobile" |''Though the region lacks facilities allowing for easy production of larger warships, locating expansive shipyards in the Montenegro region would ensure that we maintain control over them regardless of our future policies on Croatian autonomy.''
| class="nomobile" |''Though the region lacks facilities allowing for easy production of larger warships, locating expansive shipyards in the Montenegro region would ensure that we maintain control over them regardless of our future policies on Croatian autonomy.''

|- id="Coastal Defense"
|- id="Coastal Defense"
| [[ File:Focus_generic_coastal_fort.png |70px]] || Coastal Defense
| [[File:Focus_generic_coastal_fort.png|50px]] {{ruby| 海岸防御|Coastal Defense}}
*Requires [[ File:Goal_generic_construct_naval_dockyard.png|36px]] Expand the Serbian Shipyards
* 需要:
**[[File:Goal_generic_construct_naval_dockyard.png|36px]] 扩建塞尔维亚造船厂
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub>Additional prerequisites:
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
One of the following must be true:
*Has full control of '''Dalmatia'''
*Has full control of '''Montenegro'''
****与 {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}处于同一阵营中
{{red|<sub>This focus will cancel if the requirements are not met.</sub>}}</div>
****是 {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}的附属国
****与 {{国旗|Yugoslavia}}处于同一阵营中
****是 {{ 国旗|Yugoslavia}} 的附属国
  Add 2 [[ File:Coastal_fort.png |22px]] Coastal Forts on the coastline
**在海岸线增加'''2''' {{icon|coastal fort|海岸要塞}}
  Add 1 [[ File:Coastal_fort.png |22px]] Coastal Fort to [[ File:Naval_base.png |22px]] Naval Base locations
**在 {{icon|naval base| 海军基地}}所处位置增加'''1''' {{icon|coastal fort| 海岸要塞}}
  Add 2 [[ File:Coastal_fort.png |22px]] Coastal Forts on the coastline
**在海岸线增加'''2''' {{icon|coastal fort|海岸要塞}}
  Add 1 [[ File:Coastal_fort.png |22px]] Coastal Fort to [[ File:Naval_base.png |22px]] Naval Base locations
**在 {{icon|naval base| 海军基地}}所处位置增加'''1''' {{icon|coastal fort| 海岸要塞}}
| class="nomobile" |''We cannot hope to contest our adversaries' fleets in the Adriatic. Instead, we must prepare our shores to repel any naval invasions they might attempt.''
| class="nomobile" |''We cannot hope to contest our adversaries' fleets in the Adriatic. Instead, we must prepare our shores to repel any naval invasions they might attempt.''

|- id="Naval Bombers"
|- id="Naval Bombers"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_air_naval_bomber.png |70px]] || Naval Bombers
| [[File:Goal_generic_air_naval_bomber.png|50px]] {{ruby| 海军轰炸机|Naval Bombers}}
|has either one of the following focuses:
* [[ File:Goal_generic_navy_doctrines_tactics.png |36px]] Contest the Adriatic
* [[ File:Focus_generic_coastal_fort.png |36px]] Coastal Defense
**[[File:Goal_generic_navy_doctrines_tactics.png|36px]] 争夺亚得里亚海制海权
**[[File:Focus_generic_coastal_fort.png|36px]] 海岸防御
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub>Additional prerequisites:
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
*Any owned state:
  Is Coastal.
{{red|<sub>This focus will cancel if the requirements are not met.</sub>}}</div>
*'''1x''' {{green| 50%}} Research Bonus for: '''Naval Bomber models'''.
*'''1x'''{{green|100%}} 研究加成:''' 海军轰炸机型号'''
| class="nomobile" |''The Adriatic is long, but narrow, making it easily accessible to airplanes based off our airfields. By developing dedicated naval bomber models this could significantly improve the chances of our navy against more powerful adversaries.''
| class="nomobile" |''The Adriatic is long, but narrow, making it easily accessible to airplanes based off our airfields. By developing dedicated naval bomber models this could significantly improve the chances of our navy against more powerful adversaries.''

|- id="Modern Destroyers"
|- id="Modern Destroyers"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_navy_anti_submarine.png |70px]] || Modern Destroyers
| [[File:Goal_generic_navy_anti_submarine.png|50px]] {{ruby| 现代驱逐舰|Modern Destroyers}}
*Requires [[ File:Goal_generic_air_naval_bomber.png |36px]] Naval Bombers
* 需要:
**[[File:Goal_generic_air_naval_bomber.png|36px]] 海军轰炸机
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub>Additional prerequisites:
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
*Any owned state:
  Is Coastal.
{{red|<sub>This focus will cancel if the requirements are not met.</sub>}}</div>
*'''1x''' {{green| 50%}} Research Bonus for: '''Destroyer models'''.
*'''1x'''{{green|100%}} 研究加成:''' 驱逐舰型号'''
| class="nomobile" |''Destroyers are the backbone of any navy, and we must ensure our own are not inferior to those of our adversaries.''
| class="nomobile" |''Destroyers are the backbone of any navy, and we must ensure our own are not inferior to those of our adversaries.''

|- id="Expand the Submarine Fleet"
|- id="Expand the Submarine Fleet"
| [[ File:Goal_generic_navy_cruiser.png |70px]] || Expand the Submarine Fleet
| [[File:Goal_generic_navy_cruiser.png|50px]] {{ruby| 扩大潜艇舰队|Expand the Submarine Fleet}}
*Requires [[ File:Focus_generic_coastal_fort.png |36px]] Coastal Defense
* 需要:
**[[File:Focus_generic_coastal_fort.png|36px]] 海岸防御
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><sub>Additional prerequisites:
</sub><div class="mw-collapsible-content">
*Any owned state:
  Is Coastal.
{{red|<sub>This focus will cancel if the requirements are not met.</sub>}}</div>
*'''1x''' {{green| 50%}} Research Bonus for: '''Submarine models'''.
*'''1x'''{{green|50%}} 研究加成:''' 潜艇型号'''
| class="nomobile" |''Rather than challenge the enemy head-on with our inferior navy, we should focus on submarines to harass the enemy and target their merchant shipping.''
| class="nomobile" |''Rather than challenge the enemy head-on with our inferior navy, we should focus on submarines to harass the enemy and target their merchant shipping.''
第1,269行: 第2,174行:
{{National focus navbox}}
{{National focus navbox}}

[[Category:National focus trees]]
[[ 分类: 国策树]]

2024年5月14日 (二) 13:51的最新版本

南斯拉夫的国旗 南斯拉夫玉碎瓦全玉碎瓦全扩展包中获得了独特的国策树。在1.10.x版本的免费更新中,部分国策进行了内容扩展和调整。未启用上述扩展包的情况下,南斯拉夫将使用通用国策树

专注西方关系线承认苏联线工业发展计划线空军现代化线军队现代化线扩建造船厂线Yugoslavian national focus treeNF tree Yugoslavia.jpg





Western FocusFriendship Treaty with ItalyReinforce Old AlliancesAttract Axis CapitalAttract Allied CapitalEvolutionCrush the UstasaEstablish the Banovina of CroatiaSlovenia for SupportBan Slovene Nationalist PartiesSurrender MacedoniaConcessions for MacedoniansLimited Self-GovernmentA United Autonomous CroatiaA Devolved CroatiaDivide BosniaProtect BosniaDissolve the Banate of SerbiaFortify BanatBanat for SupportAutonomy for Slavic TransylvaniaInvite German Military MissionSign the Tripartite PactSurrender Italian ClaimsZara for Axis MembershipClaim MacedoniaGreater YugoslaviaAll-Yugoslavian RegimentsInvite Italian Naval ExpertsEnd the RegencyThe CoronationA Royal WeddingEnforce Yugoslav NeutralityFortress YugoslaviaA Royal AllianceAllied Air Combat SchoolTowards IndependenceThe Defence Army of YugoslaviaYugoslav Defence LeagueA United KingdomGuarantee Religious LibertiesReunite the KingdomsWestern Focus branchYUG NF Western Focus .jpg


国策 前提条件 效果 描述
Goal generic position armies.png 专注西方关系Western Focus
  • ExclusiveM.png 与下列国策互斥:
    • Focus generic soviet politics.png 承认苏联
彼得国王 icon
The key to Yugoslavia's future lies with the Powers in the West, who are closer both geographically and economically to our nation.
Goal generic improve relations.png 与意大利签署友好条约Friendship Treaty with Italy
  • 需要:
    • Goal generic position armies.png 专注西方关系
  • ExclusiveM.png 与下列国策互斥:
    • Goal generic major alliance.png 巩固旧联盟关系

意大利的国旗 意大利

意大利的国旗 意大利 As our most powerful immediate neighbor, it is imperative that Italy should see us as friends. We shall begin negotiations for a declaration of friendship between our two nations.
Goal generic major alliance.png 巩固旧联盟关系Reinforce Old Alliance
  • 需要:
    • Goal generic position armies.png 专注西方关系
  • ExclusiveM.png 与下列国策互斥:
    • Goal generic improve relations.png 与意大利签署友好条约

联合王国的国旗 联合王国

法国的国旗 法国

联合王国的国旗 联合王国

  • 获得改善关系:(南斯拉夫的国旗 南斯拉夫关系评价+25
  • 联合王国的国旗 联合王国为目标时获得南斯拉夫采购委员会 -(允许购买生产许可倾向:+20

法国的国旗 法国

  • 获得改善关系:(南斯拉夫的国旗 南斯拉夫关系评价+25
  • 法国的国旗 法国为目标时获得南斯拉夫采购委员会 -(允许购买生产许可倾向:+20
Since the inception of our nation we have enjoyed the support of the great European democracies of France and Great Britain. It is time to solidify these relationships in preparation of future alliances.
Goal generic intelligence exchange.png 吸引轴心国投资Attract Axis Capital


轴心国投资 icon
  • 生产效率上限:+10.00%
  • 生产效率增长:+5.00%
Our economy is in a sorry state and although we know it is no secret that the Italians hold ambitions in our home, we must encourage trade with our neighbours if we are to be economically prepared to resist them.
Goal generic intelligence exchange.png 吸引同盟国投资Attract Allied Capital
  • 需要至少一个:
    • Goal generic improve relations.png 与意大利签署友好条约
    • Goal generic major alliance.png 巩固旧联盟关系
外国资本 icon
  • 生活消费品工厂:-5%
The British have reason to support our nation; we have long been allies since before the first Great War, and by attracting investors from Allied nations, we will reassure them that the relations between our nations are unseverable.
Goal anschluss.png 进步Evolution
  • 需要至少一个:
    • Attract Axis Capital 吸引轴心国投资
    • Attract Allied Capital 吸引同盟国投资
  • ExclusiveM.png 与下列国策互斥:
    • Limited Self-Government 地方有限自治
Though some would argue our nation is an unstable union of various cultures living in animosity, we know for sure that it is only by standing together as one unit that we shall be able to repel foreign invaders. We must take efforts to unite our people and crush those who would seek to divide us.
Goal generic political pressure.png 根除乌斯塔沙Crush the Ustasa
  • 需要:
    • Evolution 进步
  • 意大利的国旗 意大利
  • ExclusiveM.png 与下列国策互斥:
    • Establish the Banovina of Croatia 建立克罗地亚省
  • 激活任务:乌斯塔沙暴动
  • 激活任务:平息乌斯塔沙暴动
The Croatian ultra-nationalist movement Ustasa has become an increasing thorn in our sides. It can no longer be deemed anything other than a terrorist organization, and must be rooted out for the good of the nation.
Focus yug banovina of croatia.png 建立克罗地亚省Establish the Banovina of Croatia
镇压克罗地亚民族主义 icon
  • 政治点数:-15%
By establishing a semi-autonomous Banate of Croatia we can hopefully quell calls for true independence.
Focus chi mission to germany.png 用斯洛文尼亚换取支持Slovenia for Support
  • 需要至少一个:
    • Crush the Ustasa 根除乌斯塔沙
    • Establish the Banovina of Croatia 建立克罗地亚省
  • ExclusiveM.png 与下列国策互斥:
    • Ban Slovene Nationalist Parties 查禁斯洛文尼亚民族主义党派
The Axis powers have designed to divide our country between themselves. Perhaps by ceding Slovenia to Italy, we may both dispose of the disruptive elements in Slovenia and show our amiability to the Axis cause.
Focus generic support the left right.png 查禁斯洛文尼亚民族主义党派Ban Slovene Nationalist Parties
  • 需要至少一个:
    • Crush the Ustasa 根除乌斯塔沙
    • Establish the Banovina of Croatia 建立克罗地亚省
  • ExclusiveM.png 与下列国策互斥:
    • Slovenia for Support 用斯洛文尼亚换取支持
斯洛文尼亚自治政府 icon
  • 生产效率增长:-5.00%

意大利的国旗 意大利

Any clamor for independence must be stamped down on for the good of our nation. Nationalist political elements will be outlawed and their supporters persecuted lest they weaken us internally.
Focus cze german puppet.png 割让马其顿Surrender Macedonia Bulgaria too has reason to rival us; claiming regions of southern Serbia and Macedonia for themselves. By ceding their claims to them, we will both silence the threat on our southern border and make Macedonian nationalism Bulgaria’s problem.
Focus generic concessions.png 对马其顿人让步Concessions for Macedonians
  • 需要至少一个:
    • Slovenia for Support 用斯洛文尼亚换取支持
    • Ban Slovene Nationalist Parties 查禁斯洛文尼亚民族主义党派
  • 保加利亚的国旗 保加利亚
  • ExclusiveM.png 与下列国策互斥:
    • Surrender Macedonia 割让马其顿
温和的马其顿反对派 icon
  • 政治顾问花费:+10%
  • 经济法案花费:+10%
  • 贸易法案花费:+10%
  • 征兵法案花费:+10%
By reaching out to leading groups of Macedonians, we will address their grievances and earn their loyalty to the state.
Goal anschluss.png 地方有限自治Limited Self-Government
  • 需要至少一个:
    • Attract Axis Capital 吸引轴心国投资
    • Attract Allied Capital 吸引同盟国投资
  • ExclusiveM.png 与下列国策互斥:
    • Evolution 进步
The divides within our nation are clearly too deep and too many to handle with simple reform. Only by granting autonomy to the various peoples constituting our nation can we keep our union together without the use of force.
Focus yug banovina of croatia.png 统一的克罗地亚自治领A United Autonomous Croatia Uniting the Banovina of Croatia into an autonomous state has long been a proposed solution to the issue of rising Croat separatism. By giving Croatia a degree of autonomy, we may make a strong ally out of our potential enemy.
Focus YUG devolved croatia.png 分割的克罗地亚自治领A Devolved Croatia In the opposition of the union, none are more vocal than the Croats. Currently, Croatia is divided between the Banate of Sava in the north, and the Banate of Littoral in the south. If we grant these Banates individual autonomy, we can both soothe the Croatian opposition and prevent the Croatians from growing too influential in the union.
Focus YUG divide bosnia.png 拆分波斯尼亚Divide Bosnia There are cultural and religious divides across the landscape of the Bosnian region; Serbs, Croats, Muslims, Christians, and countless other peoples. The only way the region can be properly defended is if it is partitioned appropriately between separate Bosnian and Herzegovinian states working in harmony with our union.
Focus YUG safeguard bosnia.png 保护波斯尼亚Protect Bosnia
  • 需要至少一个:
    • A United Autonomous Croatia 统一的克罗地亚自治领
    • A Devolved Croatia 分割的克罗地亚自治领
  • 控制Module:State/List does not have state:Module:State/List does not have state: [Bosnia]
  • ExclusiveM.png 与下列国策互斥:
    • Divide Bosnia 拆分波斯尼亚
There are many nations on our border who would seek to see the Bosnians occupied and oppressed. We must not allow this to happen and the Bosnians and Herzegovinians should be supported in any efforts to arm and industrialize themselves.
Focus YUG dissolve serbia.png 肢解塞尔维亚Dissolve the Banate of Serbia
The region we consider “Serbia” is actually home to many people who do not consider themselves Serbs. Macedonians, Albanians, and Montenegrins all inhabit areas we claim to be Serbian. We must not allow ourselves to be perceived as invaders of their culture and we must rethink what we consider to be rightfully Serbian.
Goal generic fortify city.png 巩固巴纳特防御Fortify Banat
  • 需要以下全部:
    • 以下中的一个:
      • Divide Bosnia 拆分波斯尼亚
      • Protect Bosnia 保护波斯尼亚
    • Dissolve the Banate of Serbia 肢解塞尔维亚
  • 需要其中之一:
  • ExclusiveM.png 与下列国策互斥:
    • Banat for Support 用巴纳特换取支持
    • Autonomy for Slavic Transylvania 斯拉夫特兰西瓦尼亚自治

The Hungarians and Romanians have been drawing worryingly close to our enemies. Rapid fortifications in the north are necessary if we are to protect Serbia and her autonomous protectorates.
Focus generic concessions.png 用巴纳特换取支持Banat for Support
  • 需要以下全部:
    • 以下中的一个:
      • Divide Bosnia 拆分波斯尼亚
      • Protect Bosnia 保护波斯尼亚
    • Dissolve the Banate of Serbia 肢解塞尔维亚
  • 需要其中之一:
  • ExclusiveM.png 与下列国策互斥:
    • Fortify Banat 巩固巴纳特防御
    • Autonomy for Slavic Transylvania 斯拉夫特兰西瓦尼亚自治

It is no secret that the Hungarians and Romanians seek to annex northern Serbia and with lack of foreign support for our state, we could cede these territories in exchange for some degree of recognition and support.
Focus YUG autonomous transylvania.png 斯拉夫特兰西瓦尼亚自治Autonomy for Slavic Transylvania
  • 需要以下全部:
    • 以下中的一个:
      • Divide Bosnia 拆分波斯尼亚
      • Protect Bosnia 保护波斯尼亚
    • Dissolve the Banate of Serbia 肢解塞尔维亚
  • 需要其中之一:
  • ExclusiveM.png 与下列国策互斥:
    • Fortify Banat 巩固巴纳特防御
    • Banat for Support 用巴纳特换取支持

The Banat and Vojvodina region are home to not only Serbs, but Romanians and Hungarians. By offering these regions autonomy and self-government, we may bring an end to Romanian and Hungarian claims on these regions.
Focus generic military mission.png 邀请德国军事顾问团Invite German Military Mission
  • 需要至少一个:
    • Surrender Macedonia 割让马其顿
    • Concessions for Macedonians 对马其顿人让步
    • Fortify Banat 巩固巴纳特防御
    • Banat for Support 用巴纳特换取支持
    • Autonomy for Slavic Transylvania 斯拉夫特兰西瓦尼亚自治
  • 德意志国的国旗 德意志国
Our military's dislike of the Germans must be overcome. Inviting a military mission would go a long way to showing our brass that there is ample benefit in working together.
Goal support fascism.png 签署三国同盟条约Sign the Tripartite Pact
  • 需要至少一个:
    • Surrender Macedonia 割让马其顿
    • Concessions for Macedonians 对马其顿人让步
    • Fortify Banat 巩固巴纳特防御
    • Banat for Support 用巴纳特换取支持
    • Autonomy for Slavic Transylvania 斯拉夫特兰西瓦尼亚自治
  • 需要其中之一:
  • 任意其他国家:
  • ExclusiveM.png 与下列国策互斥:
    • End the Regency 结束摄政

Though many would wish for Yugoslavia to join with the Allied powers and resist fascism, we know this is a hopeless ambition bound only to end in war and chaos. We have been given the opportunity to join the Germans, Italians, and Japanese in a pact of mutual military and economic cooperation and we must capitalise on this at once.
Goal support fascism.png 放弃对意大利的宣称Surrender Italian Claims
  • 需要:
    • Sign the Tripartite Pact 签署三国同盟条约
  • 需要其中之一:
  • 任意其他国家:
  • 尚未完成国策 End the Regency 结束摄政
  • ExclusiveM.png 与下列国策互斥:
    • Zara for Axis Membership 用扎拉交换轴心国成员资格

Zara and Istria remain in Italian hands, but we cannot risk aggravating Benito Mussolini by continuing to insist that they are rightfully ours. Perhaps we may gain entrance to the Axis in exchange for surrendering the claims outside of our border.
Goal generic attack allies.png 用扎拉交换轴心国成员资格Zara for Axis Membership
The Italians claim that the government in Zara is the rightful controller of Dalmatia, but perhaps by assuring the Italians that we fight for the same cause, they may be willing to cede Zara back to us and abandon their Balkan ambitions, at least for the time being.
Goal generic territory or war.png 声索马其顿Claim Macedonia
Some parts of Macedonia are still outside our borders. As all Macedonians are slavs, they belong into our nation.

Goal generic occupy states ongoing war.png 大南斯拉夫Greater Yugoslavia 需要:
  • Claim Macedonia 声索马其顿



We can not rest until all southern Slavs are united under our banner. The Bulgarians might not consider themselves to be a part of our nation, but we certainly do.
Goal rhineland.png 全南斯拉夫人民军团All-Yugoslavian Regiments
  • 需要:
    • Goal generic occupy states ongoing war.png 大南斯拉夫
南斯拉夫军团 icon
  • 适役人口:1.00%
Though our peoples may be diverse, all must serve to defend our nation. We shall make no distinction of ethnicity when organizing our regiments.
Goal generic occupy states coastal.png 邀请意大利海军专家Invite Italian Naval Experts
  • 需要至少一个:
    • Surrender Italian Claims 放弃对意大利的宣称
    • Zara for Axis Membership 用扎拉交换轴心国成员资格

意大利的国旗 意大利

Our Mediterranean allies have superior knowledge of ship design and construction. We will invite Italian experts to bequeath their knowledge on us.
Focus rom royal dictatorship.png 结束摄政End the Regency
  • 需要至少一个:
    • Surrender Macedonia 割让马其顿
    • Concessions for Macedonians 对马其顿人让步
    • Fortify Banat 巩固巴纳特防御
    • Banat for Support 用巴纳特换取支持
    • Autonomy for Slavic Transylvania 斯拉夫特兰西瓦尼亚自治
  • 1.00,6 9月,1938之后
  • ExclusiveM.png 与下列国策互斥:
    • Sign the Tripartite Pact 签署三国同盟条约

  • 彼得二世是现任国家领袖
  • 保罗亲王退休
  • 彼得二世成为 中立主义中立主义民主主义民主主义的领导人
    • 若时间早于6 9月,1941,获得以下特质:
      • 未成年幼主
  • 否则获得以下特质:
  • 正统继承人
Prince Paul has served his duty to the crown long enough. With war on the horizon, our people need to see their King stand strong against the fascists and communists who would break our nation.
Goal support democracy.png 加冕典礼The Coronation
  • 需要至少一个:
    • Sign the Tripartite Pact 签署三国同盟条约
    • End the Regency 结束摄政
  • 需要其中之一:
    • 需要以下全部:
      • 彼得二世是现任国家领袖
      • 彼得二世没有未成年幼主特质
    • 需要以下全部:
      • 没有民族精神King Peter 彼得国王
      • 保罗亲王是现任国家领袖
  • 中立主义中立主义党派现在被称作卡拉乔杰维奇王朝House Karađorđević
  • 若以下条件全部满足:
    • 保罗亲王是现任国家领袖
    • 没有民族精神King Peter 彼得国王
    • 已完成国策Western Focus 专注西方关系
Our people have long been without a King, and it is time we made a show of the perpetuity of the crown. By crowning our King in the cathedral of the White City, we shall grant our people the assurance that the crown is eternal and we shall not fall to foreign invaders.
Goal tfv strengthen commonwealth ties.png 王室婚礼A Royal Wedding
  • 需要:
    • End the Regency 结束摄政
  • 彼得二世是现任国家领袖
  • 彼得二世没有未成年幼主特质
Royal marriages have long been a way to secure alliances, and with many prestigious princesses lacking a King, our young eligible King Peter could secure us an alliance with a world power.
Goal generic defence.png 确保南斯拉夫中立Enforce Yugoslav Neutrality
  • 需要以下全部:
    • The Coronation 加冕典礼
    • A Royal Wedding 王室婚礼
  • ExclusiveM.png 与下列国策互斥:
    • A Royal Alliance 王室联盟
武装中立 icon
  • 核心地区单位攻击:+10.0%
  • 核心地区单位防御:+10.0%
  • 敌国对我国正当化战争目标所需时间:+10.0%
外交中立 icon
  • 加入阵营的紧张度限制:+100.0%
  • 派遣志愿军的紧张度限制:+20.0%
  • 保障独立的紧张度限制:+100.0%
  • AI修正:加入或扩大一个阵营的意愿:-100
  • AI修正:威胁度敏感度:1.0%
We cannot allow the Balkans to become part of this stirring global conflict. We must declare our neutrality and avoid any actions which would align us with the feuding world powers.
Goal generic fortify city.png 要塞化南斯拉夫Fortress Yugoslavia
  • 需要:
    • Enforce Yugoslav Neutrality 确保南斯拉夫中立

Module:State/List does not have state:Module:State/List does not have state: [Slovenia]未受控制:
We cannot allow the Nazi menace on our border to go unchecked! With Italians in Zara and Germans in Austria, we must ensure that our borders are protected and the soldiers therein have all they need to fight the fascists.
Goal generic major alliance.png 王室联盟A Royal Alliance
  • 需要以下全部:
    • The Coronation 加冕典礼
    • A Royal Wedding 王室婚礼
  • ExclusiveM.png 与下列国策互斥:
    • Enforce Yugoslav Neutrality 确保南斯拉夫中立

  • 在阵营中
  • 我们将计划加入我们皇室姻亲所在的阵营。
  • 在本事件中我们的配偶是亚历山德拉公主,我们将会加入同盟国。
Now that our King is happily married, we must make our allegiance known in public, so that we may rely on their military strength should we become the target of our neighbors.
Goal generic air doctrine.png 同盟国空战院校Allied Air Combat School Our new allies have extensive experience with air combat. By pushing for a shared Allied Air Combat School we can ensure our pilot recruits are freely taught the valuable lessons our allies bled to learn.
Goal tfv sever ties with uk.png 迈向独立Towards Independence
  • 需要至少一个:
    • Fortify Banat 巩固巴纳特防御
    • Banat for Support 用巴纳特换取支持
    • Autonomy for Slavic Transylvania 斯拉夫特兰西瓦尼亚自治
  • ExclusiveM.png 与下列国策互斥:
    • A United Kingdom 实现联合的王国
Now that we have dissolved the union into a series of autonomous states, we must take the next step; independence. No more can we rule as dictators over our fellow men, we must trust them to govern themselves, free from Serbian intervention.
Goal generic national unity.png 南斯拉夫国防军The Defence Army of Yugoslavia
  • 需要:
    • Towards Independence 迈向独立
  • 获得Yugoslavian Defence Army编制
    • 禁止修改Yugoslavian Defence Army编制,训练或解散以此为编制的单位
  • x1 随机地区:
    • 创建1 Yugoslavian Defence Army单位
  • 所有欧洲附属国:
    • 获得Yugoslavian Defence Army模板
    • x1 随机地区:
      • 创建1 Yugoslavian Defence Army单位
To fight for our union is a difficult thing to ask of the average citizen, but to fight for one’s own home is every man’s duty. With the promise of independence on the horizon, our union is overflowing with men willing to fight our enemy; all they need is government support.
Goal generic alliance.png 南斯拉夫防卫联盟Yugoslav Defence League
  • 需要:
    • The Defence Army of Yugoslavia 南斯拉夫国防军
  • 设定规则:Yes.png 可以创建阵营
  • 创建阵营巴尔干防御联盟
  • 允许修改Yugoslavian Defence Army编制,训练或解散以此为编制的单位
  • x1 随机地区:
    • 创建1 Yugoslavian Defence Army单位
  • 所有欧洲附属国:
    • 独立
    • 加入巴尔干防御联盟
    • 允许修改Yugoslavian Defence Army编制,训练或解散以此为编制的单位
    • x1 随机地区:
      • 创建1 Yugoslavian Defence Army单位
The members of our state have been granted great levels of autonomy; all that remains is the final step. By officially recognizing the independence of all Balkan nations, we shall turn Yugoslavia from a nation into an economic and military cooperative of many nations.
Goal tfv strengthen commonwealth ties.png 实现联合的王国A United Kingdom
  • 需要至少一个:
    • Fortify Banat 巩固巴纳特防御
    • Banat for Support 用巴纳特换取支持
    • Autonomy for Slavic Transylvania 斯拉夫特兰西瓦尼亚自治
  • ExclusiveM.png 与下列国策互斥:
    • Towards Independence 迈向独立
Now that our people have had the opportunity to taste independence and feel properly represented in our union, it is time we took steps to create that sense of pan-nationalism and unity that was sorely lacking in our former state.
Goal generic neutrality focus.png 保证宗教自由Guarantee Religious Liberties
  • 需要:
    • A United Kingdom 实现联合的王国
保障宗教自由 icon
All must be allowed to follow their religion of choice. We will introduce legal guarantees to this effect.
Focus generic home defense.png 重建王国Reunite the Kingdoms
  • 需要:
    • Guarantee Religious Liberties 保证宗教自由
Though many worry this action risks slipping back into the disunity and cultural conflicts that characterised Yugoslavia, we must unite our nation back into a singular entity to face the greater threats on our border.


Recognize the Soviet UnionForm Peasant CouncilsMutual Economic AidLocal MilitiasAbolish the MonarchyJoin CominternResearch CollaborationYugoslavian Path to CommunismForm the Federal RepublicFederal Defense CouncilPan-Slavic Worker's CongressInvite BulgariaInvite AlbaniaPan-Balkan InitiativeInvite RomaniaInvite GreeceInvite HungaryInvite TurkeyRecognize the Soviet Union branchYUG NF Recognize the Soviet Union.png


国策 前提条件 效果 描述
Focus generic soviet politics.png 承认苏联Recognize the Soviet Union
  • 无前置国策

苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟

  • 南斯拉夫的国旗 南斯拉夫处于和平
  • 存在
  • 没有停止抵抗
  • 当前执政党是 共产主义共产主义
  • ExclusiveM.png与下列国策互斥:
    • Goal generic position armies.png 专注西方关系

苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟

罗马尼亚王国的国旗 罗马尼亚王国土耳其的国旗 土耳其希腊王国的国旗 希腊王国

While we have historically refused to recognize the Bolshevik state in the East, the time has perhaps come for us to reconsider our stance on the matter. While the Western Democracies seem too weak to defend the minor powers, the Soviet Union may well prove a more reliable friend.
Goal generic demand territory.png 组建农民议会Form Peasant Councils
  • 需要:
    • Focus generic soviet politics.png 承认苏联
农民议会 icon
  • 共产主义理念每日新增支持率:+0.20
The working man must gain a larger presence in local politics. Establishing peasant councils will go a long way to having their voices heard.
Goal generic soviet construction.png 经济互助Mutual Economic Aid
苏联经济援助 icon
  • 生活消费品工厂:-5%

苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟

南斯拉夫经济援助 icon
  • 生活消费品工厂:-5%
The Soviet Union and Yugoslavia have much to offer each other economically. By establishing profitable trade agreements and arrangements of economic aid, we can greatly benefit each other.
Goal generic allies build infantry.png 地方民兵Local Militias
  • 需要至少一个:
    • Goal generic improve relations.png 与意大利签署友好条约
    • Goal generic major alliance.png 巩固旧联盟关系
    • Goal generic demand territory.png 组建农民议会
地方武装 icon
  • 适役人口:2.00%
The people will be encouraged to form up militias in defense of their homeland. This will enable larger parts of the population to be eligible for recruitment to military service, later.
Goal tfv burn the royal portraits.png 废除旧君主制Abolish the Monarchy
高阶农民议会 icon
  • 意识形态变化抵制力度:+25.0%
  • 建造速度:+10.00%
The monarchy is hardly a fitting government form for modern times, not to mention entirely incompatible with our societal views. It must be abolished, and royal rule replaced with the voice of the common man.
Focus generic join comintern.png 加入共产国际Join Comintern
  • 需要:
    • Goal generic allies build infantry.png 废除旧君主制
  • ExclusiveM.png与下列国策互斥:
    • Goal generic war with comintern.png 南斯拉夫特色共产主义道路
  • 无阵营
  • 任意其他国家:
  • 任意其他国家:
  • 苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟不在同一阵营
  • 南斯拉夫的国旗 南斯拉夫处于和平


苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟 触发事件 南斯拉夫寻求加入共产国际

The best path to the advancement of the Revolution is by standing together with our fellow communist states in the Comintern.
Focus generic socialist science.png 合作研究Research Collaboration Our allies have far greater resources at their disposal than we have, so we should push for a research collaboration that will allow us to share in their technological breakthroughs.
Goal generic war with comintern.png 南斯拉夫特色共产主义道路Yugoslavian Path to Communism
  • 需要:
    • Goal generic allies build infantry.png 废除旧君主制
  • ExclusiveM.png与下列国策互斥:
    • Focus generic join comintern.png 加入共产国际
  • 无阵营

  • 在阵营中
最高农民议会 icon
  • 意识形态变化抵制力度:+50.0%
  • 建造速度:+10.00%
  • 核心地区单位攻击:+10.0%
  • 核心地区单位防御:+10.0%
We require no guidance in our fight for the workers' cause. We will gather those who accept our leadership, and together spread out version of the Revolution.
Goal generic forceful treaty.png 建立联邦共和国Form the Federal Republic
  • 需要至少一个:
    • Join Comintern 加入共产国际
    • Yugoslavian Path to Communism 南斯拉夫特色共产主义道路
The time has come to form a true federalist state where all member peoples are welcomed. The internally fragmented nation that we have been these past decades will be no more.
Goal demand sudetenland.png 联邦国防议会Federal Defense Council
  • 需要:
    • Goal generic forceful treaty.png 建立联邦共和国
联邦国防委员会 icon
  • 计划加成上限:+10%
  • 防御:+10.00%
  • 若拥有民族精神 Yugoslavian general staff.png南斯拉夫总参谋部:
    • Yugoslavian general staff.png南斯拉夫总参谋部替换为:
  • 联邦国防委员会 icon
    • 计划加成上限:+10%
    • 防御:+10.00%
    All regions must have a voice in the defense of our great nation. This will go a long way to ensuring that the most voices practically possible are heard, and that discrimination will not stem merit in its infancy.
    Focus yug pan slavic congress.png 泛斯拉夫工人代表大会Pan-Slavic Worker's Congress
    • 需要:
      • Goal generic war with comintern.png 南斯拉夫特色共产主义道路
    • 南斯拉夫的国旗 南斯拉夫完全独立
    • 设定规则:Yes.png可以创建阵营
    • 创建阵营:泛斯拉夫工人代表大会
    • 解锁决议:煽动保加利亚农民起义
    • 解锁决议:煽动阿尔巴尼亚农民起义
    The Slavic workers must unite to fight for their cause, and as the Soviet Union does not understand the Balkan workers' plight, we shall take up the mantle of leadership ourselves.
    Goal generic alliance.png 邀请保加利亚Invite Bulgaria
    • 保加利亚的国旗 保加利亚:需要其中之一:
      • 不存在
      • 南斯拉夫的国旗 南斯拉夫的傀儡国
      • 在阵营中
      • 已封禁共产主义政党
      • 需要以下全部:

    保加利亚的国旗 保加利亚触发事件 [From.GetName]邀请[Root.GetName]加入[From.GetFactionName]

    Our slavic brethren in Bulgaria require our leadership to find their way to Communism. Furthermore, as they occupy our eastern flank, bringing them into the fold will allow us to stop worrying about a large section of our borders, and their military strength will be very useful in spreading the Revolution.
    Goal generic alliance.png 邀请阿尔巴尼亚Invite Albania

    阿尔巴尼亚的国旗 阿尔巴尼亚触发事件 [From.GetName]邀请[Root.GetName]加入[From.GetFactionName]

    Albania commands an area that, though small, is of strategic importance to us. By bringing them into our Congress, we can secure most of our southern border, while adding their strength to ours.
    Focus yug pan slavic congress.png 泛巴尔干倡议
    • 需要以下全部:
      • Federal Defense Council 联邦国防议会
      • Invite Bulgaria 邀请保加利亚
      • Invite Albania 邀请阿尔巴尼亚
    • 是阵营领导者
    • 国家完全独立
    • 泛斯拉夫工人代表大会将被称作:大巴尔干工人大会
    • 解锁决议:煽动希腊农民起义
    • 解锁决议:煽动罗马尼亚农民起义
    • 解锁决议:煽动匈牙利农民起义
    While we have secured the ideals of socialism in our immediate Southern neighbors, there are countless people suffering under monarchist and bourgeoise dictatorships throughout the Balkans. Only by liberating the workers of Romania, Hungary, and Greece can we say we have freed the workers of the Balkans.
    Goal generic alliance.png 邀请罗马尼亚Invite Romania

    罗马尼亚王国的国旗 罗马尼亚王国触发事件 [From.GetName]邀请[Root.GetName]加入[From.GetFactionName]

    The Romanians live in an aristocratic society that has seen the damage that aristocracy and capitalism can do to a country. No more will they suffer under the fickle hands of their corrupt monarchs; they shall be masters of their own destiny!
    Goal generic alliance.png 邀请希腊Invite Greece
    • 希腊王国的国旗 希腊王国:需要其中之一:
      • 不存在
      • 南斯拉夫的国旗 南斯拉夫的傀儡国
      • 在阵营中
      • 已封禁共产主义政党
      • 需要以下全部:

    希腊王国的国旗 希腊王国触发事件 [From.GetName]邀请[Root.GetName]加入[From.GetFactionName]

    Young men and women of Greece are suffering under the iron boot of their masters and it is only by arming their poor and downtrodden that we may break the chains that bind them.
    Goal generic alliance.png 邀请匈牙利Invite Hungary

    匈牙利王国的国旗 匈牙利王国触发事件 [From.GetName]邀请[Root.GetName]加入[From.GetFactionName]

    The Hungarian state has been uncertain and shifting since the collapse of the Habsburg monarchy. With our assistance, the Hungarian people will find the true form of their state in a united communist dictatorship!
    Goal generic alliance.png 邀请土耳其Invite Turkey
    • 需要以下全部:
      • Invite Romania 邀请罗马尼亚
      • Invite Greece 邀请希腊
      • Invite Hungary 邀请匈牙利
    • 土耳其的国旗 土耳其
    • 是阵营领导者


    土耳其的国旗 土耳其触发事件 [From.GetName]邀请[Root.GetName]加入[From.GetFactionName]

    The Turkish people were freed from their Caliph over a decade ago, they have still yet to be freed from their bourgeoise masters. Though the Republican People’s Party of Turkey claims to be a “social-democracy”, in truth, they have failed utterly to break the chains of their people and it is only with a direct Yugoslavian intervention that we may truly liberate all of the workers of the Balkans.


    Industrialization ProgramExpand the Mining IndustryRare Minerals ExploitationExploit the Pannonian DepositsDevelop Civilian IndustryDevelop Military IndustryExpand the University of ZagrebIntegrated Rail NetworkImprove Light IndustryDevelop Slovenian IndustryExpand the University of LjubljanaLocal Self-managementImprove Serbian Rail NetworkSerbian SteelExpand the University of BelgradeCentral ManagementExpand the Sarajevo ArsenalsIndustrialization Program branchYUG NF Industrialization Program.png


    国策 前提条件 效果 描述
    Goal generic construction.png 工业发展计划Industrialization Program
    • 获得 2x 100%研究加成:工业
    A program of rapid industrialization is required if we are to keep up with our neighbors' rearmament programs.
    Goal generic construct civilian.png 发展矿业Expand the Mining Industry
    • 需要:
      • Goal generic construction.png 工业发展计划
    • 获得民族精神:
    拓展矿业 icon
    • 战略资源获取效率:+10%
    We need ample resources to fuel our budding war machine. We should look towards expanding our domestic mining industry.
    Goal generic construction2.png 开采稀有矿物Rare Minerals Exploitation
    • 需要:
      • Goal generic construct civilian.png 发展矿业

    Module:State/List does not have state:Module:State/List does not have state: [黑山]Module:State/List does not have state:Module:State/List does not have state: [克罗地亚]不被南斯拉夫或它的任意附属国拥有,或其拥有者不与南斯拉夫在同一阵营:
    • x1 任意地区
      • 增加8单位Tungsten产出
    • x1 任意地区
      • 增加8单位 Chromium产出
    Previously unexploited deposits of rare metals have suddenly become of major importance. We must construct the required mines and infrastructure immediately to take advantage of them.
    Goal generic oil refinery.png 开采潘诺尼亚贮藏资源Exploit the Pannonian Deposits
    • 需要:
      • Goal generic construction2.png 开采稀有矿物
    • x1 任意地区
    We should exploit the oil deposits that lie within our territory. Though the quantity is meagre, we need all we can get for our war machine.
    Goal generic construct civ factory.png 发展民用工业Develop Civilian Industry
    • 需要:
      • Goal generic construct civilian.png 发展矿业
    • ExclusiveM.png与下列国策互斥:
      • Goal generic construct mil factory.png 发展军用工业
    Our civilian industry must keep up with its military counterpart, to supply it with machinery and other essentials.
    Goal generic construct mil factory.png 发展军用工业Develop Military Industry
    • 需要:
      • Goal generic construct civilian.png 发展矿业
    • ExclusiveM.png与下列国策互斥:
      • Goal generic construct civ factory.png 发展民用工业
    A modern military requires a heavy industrial base to support the necessary production of new aircraft.
    Focus research.png 扩张萨格勒布大学Expand the University of Zagreb
    • 需要至少一个:
      • Goal generic construct civ factory.png 发展民用工业
      • Goal generic construct mil factory.png 发展军用工业
    • 没有民族精神 FRA scw intervention republicans focus.png克罗地亚反对派
    • 获得 1个科研槽
    The old University of Zagreb has long been one of the premier institutions of higher learning. Additional funding will allow it to also provide valuable research.
    Goal generic construct infrastructure.png 整合铁路网Integrated Rail Network
    • 需要:
      • Focus research.png 扩张萨格勒布大学
    • ExclusiveM.png与下列国策互斥:
      • Goal generic construct infrastructure.png 发展塞尔维亚铁路网

    附属国或同阵营国家中曾属于南斯拉夫(包括 匈牙利王国的国旗 匈牙利王国保加利亚的国旗 保加利亚,若它们也是傀儡国或阵营成员)的国家:
    We should expand the national railway networks in all parts of the country equally. There is no part of our nation that is more important than the others.
    Goal generic construct civ factory.png 改进轻工业Improve Light Industry
    • 需要至少一个:
      • Goal generic construct infrastructure.png 整合铁路网
      • Goal generic construct infrastructure.png 发展塞尔维亚铁路网
    We already have internal unrest, and so it would not do to let light industry lag behind, depriving the people of the essentials they require in daily life.
    Goal generic construct mil factory.png 发展斯洛文尼亚地区工业Develop Slovenian Industry
    • 需要:
      • Goal generic construct infrastructure.png 整合铁路网

    Module:State/List does not have state:Module:State/List does not have state: [斯洛文尼亚]不被南斯拉夫或它的任意附属国拥有,或其拥有者不与南斯拉夫在同一阵营:
    Though long neglected, Slovenia has ample space to create a new industrial center. This will furthermore please the Slovenes greatly.
    Focus research.png 扩张卢布尔雅那大学Expand the University of Ljubljana
    • 需要:
      • Goal generic construct mil factory.png 发展斯洛文尼亚地区工业
    • 没有民族精神 Generic morale bonus.png 斯洛文尼亚民族主义
    • 获得1科研槽
    By expanding our university in Slovenia we will have one more institution through which to educate our population.
    Focus generic self management.png 地方自主管理Local Self-management
    • 需要:
      • Goal generic construct mil factory.png 发展斯洛文尼亚地区工业
    • 获得民族精神:
    地方自主管理 icon
    • 建造速度:+5%
    Allowing increased local self-management will improve the use of local resources and the efficiency of new construction projects.
    Goal generic construct infrastructure.png 改进塞尔维亚铁路网Improve Serbian Rail Network We can omit building up the railway networks in the outlying provinces. The most important areas are the center and east.
    Goal generic construct civilian.png 塞尔维亚产钢铁Serbian Steel We must start the production of steel in Serbia. We always require more of it for the war effort.
    Focus research.png 扩张贝尔格莱德大学Expand the University of Belgrade
    • 需要:
      • Goal generic construct infrastructure.png 发展塞尔维亚铁路网
    • 获得1科研槽
    By enlarging our most prestigious university we can increase the influx of bright minds to our research and development teams.
    Goal generic demand territory.png 集中管理Central Management
    • 需要:
      • Focus research.png 扩张贝尔格莱德大学
    • 获得民族精神:
    中央集权管理 icon
    • 工厂产出:+5%
    Strong central control over all aspects of management will improve our ability to maintain production quotas.
    Goal generic build tank.png 拓展萨拉热窝军火库Expand the Sarajevo Arsenals
    Module:State/List does not have state:Module:State/List does not have state: [波斯尼亚]不被南斯拉夫或它的任意附属国拥有,或其拥有者不与南斯拉夫在同一阵营:
    We require more production capacity to keep up with the growing needs of our military. The Sarajevo arsenals are a prime candidate for expansion, so we will allocate resources immediately.


    Modernize the Air ForceLocal DevelopersIkarusRogozarskiZmajThe IK-3Heavy Fighter ProjectBomber ProjectPurchase ForeignLicense ProductionFighter LicenseBomber LicenseModernize the Air Force branchYUG NF Modernize the Air Force.png


    国策 前提条件 效果 描述
    Goal generic air doctrine.png 空军现代化Modernize the Air Force
    • 无前置条件
    • 1x50%花费减少:空军学说.
    Our air force is horribly outdated. If we are to have any reasonable chance of defending the airspace over our own territory, much less bring the fight to the enemy, we require a drastic program of modernization.
    Goal generic production.png 地方制造商Local Developers
    • 需要:
      • Goal generic air doctrine.png 空军现代化
    • ExclusiveM.png与下列国策互斥:
      • Goal generic intelligence exchange.png 从海外购入
    自主设计 icon
    • 空军研究速度:+15%
    We must increase support for local aircraft development, allowing us greater control over the resulting airplane models and providing a stimulus for our industry.
    Focus yug ikarus.png 伊卡路斯Ikarus
    • 需要:
      • Goal generic production.png 地方制造商
    Our oldest aircraft industry, the Ikarus plants in Novi Sad must be expanded to prepare it for the increased production required for our new air force.
    Focus yug rogozarski.png 罗戈扎尔斯基Rogozarski
    • 需要:
      • Goal generic production.png 地方制造商
    Established shortly after Ikarus, the 'First Serbian Aircraft Factory of Zivojin Rogozarski' requires enlargement if it is to keep up with current demands in production.
    Focus yug zmaj.png 兹马伊Zmaj
    • 需要:
      • Goal generic production.png 地方制造商
    The Zmaj aircraft workshops of Belgrade must be allocated new areas to expand into. Though younger than our other companies, Zmaj has ample potential to meet our production needs if it is enlarged.
    Goal generic air fighter2.png 伊卡-3The IK-3
    • 需要至少一个:
      • Focus yug ikarus.png 伊卡路斯
      • Focus yug rogozarski.png 罗戈扎尔斯基
      • Focus yug zmaj.png 兹马伊
    • 减少2.0的超前惩罚,如果没有惩罚则获得300%的研究加成。对下1次研究轻型战斗机型号时有效
    Working in secret in their spare time, a trio of engineers has come up with a remarkable proposal for a replacement to our current foreign-built fighter aircraft. With the appropriate support, production would likely soon be possible.
    Goal generic air fighter.png 重型战斗机项目Heavy Fighter Project
    • 需要:
      • Goal generic air fighter2.png 伊卡-3
    • 1x100%研究加成:重型战斗机型号
    Our fighters must be able to support the more vulnerable bomber airplanes. This requires heavier armament and longer range at the cost of some speed and maneuverability.
    Goal generic air bomber.png 轰炸机项目Bomber Project
    • 需要:
      • Goal generic air fighter2.png 伊卡-3
    • 1x100%研究加成:战术轰炸机型号
    To bring the fight to the enemy we require bombers. Our engineers must be tasked with developing new domestic designs of this type.
    Goal generic intelligence exchange.png 从海外购入Purchase Foreign
    • 需要:
      • Goal generic air doctrine.png 空军现代化
    • ExclusiveM.png与下列国策互斥:
      • Goal generic production.png 地方制造商
    There are other nations that have spent far more resources in developing good fighter aircraft than we ever could. We should purchase their aircraft rather than go through the painstaking process of trial and error to develop our own."
    Focus generic license production.png 生产许可License Production
    • 需要:
      • Goal generic intelligence exchange.png 从海外购入
    生产许可 icon
    • 空军装备购买许可生产花费:-50%
    The process of acquiring new airplanes could be facilitated by producing them ourselves, under license. We will set up such an arrangement as soon as possible.
    Goal generic air fighter.png 战斗机生产许可Fighter License We must focus on the licensed production of fighter airplanes for our air force, as bombers are useless without fighter cover anyway.
    Goal generic air bomber.png 轰炸机生产许可Bomber License
    • 需要:
      • Focus generic license production.png 生产许可
    The air opens up new possibilities of taking the fight to the enemy, and bombers, therefore, are what we must focus all our licensed production on.


    Army ModernizationMotorize the CavalryMotorized LogisticsArmored CavalryTank ConversionsModern TanksTank LicensesSmall ArmsDomestic Artillery ProductionAnti-tank DefensesMountain BrigadesIndependent Engineer RegimentsMotorized Recon CompaniesForm Parachute BattalionsArmy ManeuversSupremacy of OffenseSupremacy of DefenseArtillery RegimentsArmy Modernization branchYUG NF Army Modernization .png


    国策 前提条件 效果 描述
    Goal generic army doctrines.png 军队现代化Army Modernization
    • 无前置国策
    The ways of war have changed since the last conflict, and we must ensure that our army keeps up with the times by modernizing its equipment and tactics.
    Goal generic cavalry.png 骑兵摩托化Motorize the Cavalry
    • 需要:
      • Goal generic army doctrines.png 军队现代化
    • 1x300%研究加成:VTZ YS-4403
    New developments in automotive engineering have revolutionized potential the speed and mobility of army units. Our cavalry units must forego the horse and be equipped with trucks instead.
    Goal generic army motorized.png 摩托化后勤Motorized Logistics
    • 需要:
      • Goal generic cavalry.png 骑兵摩托化
    • 2x100%研究加成:野战医院后勤连
    Motorization opens up promising new ways of ensuring bare essentials and specialized equipment keeps up with the frontline troops. This enables us to ensure our forces are always in the best fighting condition.
    Goal generic build tank.png 装甲骑兵Armored Cavalry
    • 需要:
      • Goal generic cavalry.png 骑兵摩托化
    • 1x100%花费减少:机械化装备型号
    Slapping armor on our troop transports greatly improves their survivability, fighting strength, and morale. This, however, requires a new type of at least partly-tracked vehicle that can carry the added weight without becoming stuck in the terrain, while also sporting weaponry of its own.
    Goal generic production2.png 转换战车用途Tank Conversions
    • 需要:
      • Goal generic build tank.png 装甲骑兵
    • ExclusiveM.png与下列国策互斥:
      • Goal generic army tanks.png 现代战车
    转换战车用途 icon
    • 改装速度:+5%
    While we may require tanks now, we may require self-propelled artillery or tank destroyers based on the same chassis next month. Our armored equipment must remain flexible and adaptable to our current needs.
    Goal generic army tanks.png 现代战车Modern Tanks
    • 需要:
      • Goal generic build tank.png 装甲骑兵
    • ExclusiveM.png与下列国策互斥:
      • Goal generic production2.png 转换战车用途
    • 1x100%花费减少:装甲科技
    Through the addition of large-caliber main weaponry, armored technology has developed well beyond the simple intention of safely transporting forces from point A to point B. We must develop our own version of modern tanks to be able to compete with our neighbors."
    Focus generic license production.png 坦克生产许可Tank Licenses
    • 需要:
      • Goal generic army tanks.png 现代战车
    坦克生产许可 icon
    • 装甲车辆生产许可购买花费:-50%
    Rather than spend our limited resources on developing our own tank models, we could much more efficiently simply produce foreign models under license.
    Goal generic small arms.png 轻武器Small Arms
    • 需要:
      • Goal generic army doctrines.png 军队现代化
    • 1x100%研究加成:步兵武器
    Infantry is the backbone of any army, and we must ensure they are equipped to the best of our ability. We must drive the development of new and modern weapon models.
    Goal generic construct military.png 生产国研火炮Domestic Artillery Production
    • 需要:
      • Goal generic small arms.png 轻武器
    • 1x100%研究加成:火炮支援连
    By stimulating the development of modern, domestic artillery models, we can ensure that our forces have the best fire support we can provide.
    Goal generic army artillery2.png 反坦克防御Anti-tank Defenses
    • 需要:
      • Goal generic construct military.png 生产国研火炮
    • 1x300%研究加成:反坦克炮型号
    As the tank has taken center field in modern warfare new developments are required in the field of anti-tank field guns, allowing our infantry to take out these armored behemoths.
    Goal generic special forces.png 山地旅Mountain Brigades
    • 需要:
      • Goal generic army doctrines.png 军队现代化
    • 1x300%研究加成:山地步兵科技
    Large parts of our nation consists of mountains, requiring the formation of special brigades that are specialized in combat in this type of terrain.
    Goal generic production.png 独立工程兵团Independent Engineer Regiments
    • 需要:
      • Goal generic special forces.png 山地旅
    • 1x300%研究加成:工兵科技
    Mobility is key in modern military doctrine, though the terrain might not always allow this. Dedicated engineer regiments, embedded in our divisions, will work to facilitate the division's movement through any form of terrain.
    Goal generic military sphere.png 摩托化侦察连Motorized Recon Companies
    • 需要:
      • Goal generic production.png 独立工程兵团
    • 1x300%研究加成:侦察连
    To obtain adequate information on the enemy formations and their positions, we require dedicated, motorized recon companies that can cover large distances ahead of the advance of our main body.
    Focus generic paratrooper.png 组建伞兵营Form Parachute Battalions
    • 需要:
      • Goal generic military sphere.png 摩托化侦察连
    • 1x300%研究加成:空降科技
    By utilizing the third dimension we are able to strike locations from unexpected directions, far behind enemy lines. Establishing specialized airborne battalions will ensure we get the most use out of our air power.
    Goal generic army doctrines.png 军队演习Army Maneuvers
    • 需要:
      • Goal generic army doctrines.png 军队现代化
    • 1x50%花费减少:陆军学说
    To whip our army in shape new maneuvers must be held. The experience will also undoubtedly lead to new insights in modern warfare.
    Goal generic military deal.png 优越攻势Supremacy of Offense
    • 需要:
      • Goal generic army doctrines.png 军队演习
    • ExclusiveM.png与下列国策互斥:
      • Goal generic position armies.png 优越防御
    • 2x50%花费减少:机动作战学说优势火力学说.
    Offensive action is the key to victory, and must therefore dictate our overall strategy and the development of new doctrines.
    Goal generic position armies.png 优越防御Supremacy of Defense
    • 需要:
      • Goal generic army doctrines.png 军队演习
    • ExclusiveM.png与下列国策互斥:
      • Goal generic military deal.png 优越攻势
    • 2x50%花费减少:决战计划学说人海突击学说
    Hemmed in by enemies on all sides, we must hold out long enough for our allies to take the heat off us. The development of new military doctrines must focus on the defense of our homeland.
    Goal generic army artillery.png 炮兵团Artillery Regiments
    • 需要至少一个:
      • Goal generic military deal.png 优越攻势
      • Goal generic position armies.png 优越防御
    炮兵团 icon
    By introducing powerful artillery regiments to our divisions their overall fighting strength will be greatly increased.


    Expand the Split ShipyardsContest the AdriaticReplace the DalmacijaHeavy Cruiser ProjectExpand the Serbian ShipyardsCoastal DefenseNaval BombersModern DestroyersExpand the Submarine FleetExpand the Shipyards branchYUG NF Expand the Shipyards.png


    国策 前提条件 效果 描述
    Goal generic construct naval dockyard.png 扩建斯普利特造船厂Expand the Split Shipyards
    • 无前置国策
    Goal generic construct naval dockyard.png 扩建塞尔维亚造船厂

    Module:State/List does not have state:Module:State/List does not have state: [Dalmatia]

    Our pre-existing shipbuilding industry in Dalmatia is a prime candidate for expansion, and has ample facilities allowing for larger warships. However, Croatian clamor for increased autonomy might well lead us to lose direct control over the facilities eventually.
    Goal generic navy doctrines tactics.png 争夺亚得里亚海制海权Contest the Adriatic
    • 需要:
      • Goal generic construct naval dockyard.png 扩建斯普利特造船厂
    • 任意一个拥有地区:
      • 是沿海地区
    • 2x50%花费减少:海军学说
    The defense of our shores begins in the sea that lies beyond them. We must develop new naval tactics and strategies to wrest control or at least contest the Adriatic Sea.
    Goal generic navy cruiser.png 替换达尔马提亚号Replace the Dalmacija
    • 需要:
      • Goal generic navy doctrines tactics.png 争夺亚得里亚海制海权
    • 任意一个拥有地区:
      • 是沿海地区
    • 1x100%研究加成:轻巡洋舰型号
    The old German cruiser Dalmacija is of an aging design. We require a new, modern ship of a cruiser type to replace it and serve as the backbone of our Adriatic fleet.
    Goal generic navy battleship.png 重巡洋舰发展项目Heavy Cruiser Project
    • 需要:
      • Goal generic navy cruiser.png 替换达尔马提亚号
    • 任意一个拥有地区:
      • 是沿海地区
    • 1x100%研究加成:重巡洋舰型号
    To adequately challenge hostile navies we require larger tonnage and heavier armaments. Heavy cruisers would be a good step up from the light cruisers we have thus far used as the mainstays for our fleet.
    Goal generic construct naval dockyard.png 扩建塞尔维亚造船厂Expand the Serbian Shipyards
    • 无前置国策
    Though the region lacks facilities allowing for easy production of larger warships, locating expansive shipyards in the Montenegro region would ensure that we maintain control over them regardless of our future policies on Croatian autonomy.
    Focus generic coastal fort.png 海岸防御Coastal Defense We cannot hope to contest our adversaries' fleets in the Adriatic. Instead, we must prepare our shores to repel any naval invasions they might attempt.
    Goal generic navy anti submarine.png 现代驱逐舰Modern Destroyers
    • 需要:
      • Goal generic air naval bomber.png 海军轰炸机
    • 任意一个拥有地区:
      • 是沿海地区
    • 1x100%研究加成:驱逐舰型号
    Destroyers are the backbone of any navy, and we must ensure our own are not inferior to those of our adversaries.
    Goal generic navy cruiser.png 扩大潜艇舰队Expand the Submarine Fleet
    • 需要:
      • Focus generic coastal fort.png 海岸防御
    • 任意一个拥有地区:
      • 是沿海地区
    • 1x50%研究加成:潜艇型号
    Rather than challenge the enemy head-on with our inferior navy, we should focus on submarines to harass the enemy and target their merchant shipping.